#doing this plus quickly killing off a lot of s1 characters
themthistles · 9 months
was s2 of sweet home sponsored by the korean army whats going on
#and like that close up shot of some rifle one of them was using#with the logo clearly visible#??okay#the season on the whole is weird disjointed and messy#i see they went with the principle of keep adding characters until the plot explodes#i find it so hard to care about any of them because we just don't spend enough time with these people#doing this plus quickly killing off a lot of s1 characters#did not work out great for them#speaking of killing off#hyunsu died for three episodes then came back like the most anticlimactic one winged jesus#how did he survive? fuck you that's how#it all feels like a first draft which had some possibly good ideas thrown in and then they just didn't bother editing it down#at all#we don't know half these characters they don't do shit#also hate what they've done with the monsters#in the webtoon and in the first seasons they weren't good or bad just unrestrained manifestation of the hosts innermost desires#now they're generic mindless baddies who chase after cars as a mob and get drawn to places with loud sounds zombie style#have not had one compelling or interesting monster introduced in the whole season of a show about monsters#(monster baby is fun but not particularly interesting)#ahh anyway i can keep talking about how they change the rules when it's convenient for the plot to develop#(now monsters can be stabbed to death apparently)#but i didn't really expect much from this season to begin with it's my sick and dying with the flu watch and it doesn't have to be good#one episode to go yaaay#i hope the goo man comes back just to be annoying to hyunsu again
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autistic-crypt1d · 2 months
Season 4 SGA live blogging:
Aight so Atlantis is stranded and lost in a void between systems leaking power, here we go!
S1, S2, S3
- man oh man is there a lot going on off the bat, Weir is down, Rodney is scrambling to figure out how to save everyone in the city, and John is now burdened with leading Atlantis
- god the guilt Rodney is having to shove aside to try and save everyone else is so bad ahhhhhhhhh
- ahhhh seeing John about to cry makes me wanna cryyyy
- the jumper coordination is so cool!!!
- and ofc, Teyla has Atlantis under control while Sheppard does what he does best
- I forgot to add this earlier, SAM
- Ronon is so sweet y'all, poor baby 😭
- seeing Rodney and Sheppard fight like that is so weird and I hate it
- not Rodney scolding Ronon like a damn dog
- how exactly could she do the hand in the head thing while having a mostly human body? Like, how's that work with human fingies
- ya know, the ancients really screwed any future people who discovered atlantis by not leaving the instructions on how to make a ZPM. If it does exist in the database they sure didn't make it at all easy to find considering they never do
- always knew you could do it John
- of course it's Teyla taking care of Weir's things and of course it's Ronon who comes to be with her during it 😭 I love them so much
- Reunion, oh boy
- Ronon I love you but they just tried to kill Teyla, you could acknowledge that before jumping for joy
- Sam in charge let's gooooooo
- PFFFFT the painted pineapple
- Rodney, I love you but please stop speaking
- Ronon, buddy, take it down a notch please
- aw man I just realized Ronon calls the expedition members his people 😭
- Ronon did decorate 😭
- these wraith are going down awfully easy, I can't tell if they're faking it cuz the 3 are in on it or they just haven't fed in a while
- yessss backup your team Ronon
- how tf did Rodney get in that thing
- poor Ronon man, he just cannot catch a break
- "Ronon, where are your friends?" "They're right here. Let's go home." MY HEART
- Doppelganger, ah crap
- please don't touch that John
- god damn it John
- I've never seen the shirt Teyla's wearing before! Very pretty as always
- poor Teyla
- ahhhhhh I hate Keller's nightmare dude!!!
- Ronon's nightmare being completely alone again and being hunted 😭
- Lorne, poor baby
- I have to say, they've introduced Keller as a main character really really well in my opinion
- oh Kate no 😭 (this is what inspired the heightmeyer joke btw)
- ah man John's expression, you know that he has to be feeling so damn guilty right now. He didn't kill her but touching that crystal did even if it's not his fault. Plus the fact that he knows that she died afraid of him. That has to hurt.
- Teyla hugging him after all that must have meant the world to him, he was so scared she would hate him
- of course Sheppard volunteers to be the one to go with Rodney
- god the devastation on John's face about Rodney...
- and of course Rondey runs back into danger for Sheppard!
- I wish we knew why the entity did this, like why it tormented and killed and tried to kill them. Surely by being in their mind they could tell they didn't mean to take it, also the fact that it drew him in, why?
- the team gathering together at the end is so cute
- ah Travelers, this episode is ok
- the closet scene is pretty funny tho
- Sheppard had that gun for all of 2 seconds before it ran out of ammo, but we've never once seen Ronon reload
- oh boy, Tabula Rasa. This episode is so good but also so trippy. It scared tf outta me as a kid
- the way they did the colorgrading, lighting, angles, sound track, so good and so eerie
- I can only imagine how terrifying it is forgetting like that so quickly. People like the doctors and soldiers hanging on to their duties over anything else, not even knowing why they're doing it
- I love the flashing back and forth too
- Ronon has the coolest jackets
- Ronon getting annoyed and impatient and just shooting Sheppard and typing him up will never not be funny
- poor Rodney, knowing that with Teyla gone he's going to completely forget any minute
- also hello Zane from Eureka
- it's so hard seeing Lorne like that, he's trying so hard
- come on John, stop pointing a gun at your bestie
- I love seeing Ronon take charge for once, he really is so smart and capable and awesome and I wish he got to shine more
- of course Rodney is the first person Sheppard asks about
- I'm not a fan of Rodney and Katie, but that was a cute moment
- OH BOY Missing, shit is about to get realllll
- I'm glad we get to see more of Teyla's absolute badassness in this episode even though it stresses me tf out
- poor Keller, her first introduction to off world shit and it's this
- Teyla's face when Keller is talking about summer camp 😂
- Teyla's ability to hold it together even after being told she is the last of her people, so intense
- not the Bola Kai with a damn lolipop XD
- again with Rodney and Sheppard hanging out in their free time playing games
- Teyla is so sweet to Keller, asking her about her home while they're captured
- I also very much love that Teyla and Keller got to bond
- The Seer is pretty interesting. There's 2 rather big plotlines going on here, the replicators annihilating human worlds, and the thing with Teyla's people.
- "well, this is awkward." "Yes."
- Miller's Crossing, this episode is a good one, very stressful. I love when they visit Earth tho, especially with Ronon.
- "I looked dumb!"
- I love that they call Todd "Sheppard's wraith"
- ok I get Rodney going in like a dummy with no backup, but Baret, come on you should know better dude
- also, where tf did Jeannie's change of clothes come from, did they grab them while they were kidnapping her or something??
- it's pretty hilarious they just put Ronon in the same outfit as Sheppard
- Jeannie, that was incredibly fucked up to say
- Walter, why the hell would you stop Ronon from eating while you are talking
- watching Sheppard talk that guy into getting fed on is... rough
- This Mortal Coil is a pretty good episode. The initial issue with the gate and then all the lead up, very cool
- this show has always done a great job of subtly hinting that something is wrong until it becomes undeniable
- I kinda love when Ronon and Rodney get paired up, they're so funny together
- I really love seeing more of the good replicators, they still do bad stuff, but they have dimension ya know?
- I believe that city being destroyed was Sam's vision tho
- the 2 groups meeting remind me of that one SG-1 episode, the "comtria!" dude who duplicates them
- gotta say, Jack takes it a lot worse than John's team does
- aw man, Rodney and Zelenka talking about losing Elizabeth and Carson... this is the first time we really see Rodney be honest about his feelings to anyone but Sheppard
- AHHHH and then Rodney and Sheppard talking about her
- Be All My Sins Remember'd, oof, seeing them trying to evacuate all the planets in the replicator's path before they get hit, that's rough
- PFFFFT the fucking "Colonel"s bit is hilarious
- poor Rodney never being allowed to fully explain :/
- Todd and Rodney are pretty funny together
- Todd looks different here for some reason
- Ridney and Zelenka always make me laugh when they work together istg. Their dynamic has changed so much since the start of the show too. They're much more comfortable around eachother now and interact on a friend level now
- PFFFFT, Ronon immediately moved away from Todd when Larin was gonna kill him
- Zelenka this is what happens when you leave Rodney alone for too long
- OOP, noooot a great moment to tell everyone you're pregnant
- awww Ronon 😭
- god Sheppard is so gay, I've never seen that man react normally to being flirted with by a woman
- pfffft Zelenka shuffling away at the awkward convo XD
- the way F.R.A.N. said "Hello" was so satisfying wtf
- the replicator blob is horrifying I love it
- I always forget how this Elizabeth survived
- Spoils of War, Todd you sneaky bastard
- Ronon is the sweetest y'all, "who says you have to keep up?", him and the rest of the team are gonna love her no matter what, but he's the first one to tell her that
- PFFFT Ronon pulling Rodney out of the room
- Lorne!!
- if this is the episode I think it is, OH BOY
- oh? Maybe not?
- "you touched something didn't you" "no... maybe a little"
- again with Sheppard knowing random ass very specific things about Rodney
- ah gross, the birthing facility
- why do they have the same access play like, all the queens
- Lorne is so sweet 😭
- oh boy, Quarantine
- of course the boys are hanging out again
- pfffft of course everyone's first thing is to try and call Rodney
- Teyla is so over John being skittish about her pregnancy
- oh my god Ronon and Keller are so damn awkward together
- damn it Radek, just let Sam workkkkk
- you're yelling me that Chuck climbed down the tower???
- Harmony, this episode is pretty funny honestly, and I'm always a fan of John and Rodney on their own doin stupid shit
- the kid annoys tf out of me
- why are the Genii always doing this shit
- their faces when she's talking about John like they're married is hilarious
- Outcast, I like this episode a lot, but poor John man
- Rodney requested to go with him AHHHHHH
- pffffft Ronon just showing up like, I'm coming with you, obviously
- ahhhh see this is a much better outfit for Ronon than the last one where they just duplicated what Sheppard was wearing
- not to mention the second outfit with the vest???
- the girl is a badass, gotta say
- Trio... OH WAIT
- this episode stresses me tf out
- it's kinda hilarious that it's 3 nerds stuck though. I mean like, is Sam military and a badass? Yes, but she is also first and foremost a huge nerd.
- man Sam gets like one off world mission in this show and she gets beat tf up during it, we're already at 2 of 3 big ass falls and the 3rd one is OUCHY
- Sam is such a badass, ugh I love seeing her in action again
- Rodney, Rodney please shut up, PLEASE SHUT UP
- 1. Should've tied the rope off a lot shorter. 2. Should've shoveled out dirt as you went
- Rodney really comes in clutch during the escape
- look, Rodney and Keller are cute, I will admit that, but him and Sheppard are still my favorite
- midway is such a good episode oh my god
- yay Teyla is back!!! I missed her
- "I must admit, I am partial to the tator tots" PFFFFFT
- god I've missed Teal'c
- them fighting is so damn good
- *drops sticks, immediately starts first fighting*
- I forgot how small the room is, especially once you put two big ass dudes like Ronon and Teal'c in it
- now see, why tf would they not install and iris on the midway station gates just in case
- man SGA is a lil lazy with their wraith casting, we've seen this same dude play like 3 different wraith that all look identical but can't possibly be the same because we see them die. And the same woman plays pretty much every single female wraith.
- like we just saw this wraith dude die in the cloning facility episode. Technically I guess it could be that he's a clone but to my knowledge, they only cloned soldiers not the other ones
- also, couldn't have locked down the control room a lil quicker? Like idk, THE DOORS
- PFFFT the little smack Sheppard gives Rodney
- the alien boys and their funky alien energy weapons
- I hate him but his hair is nice rn, finally got rid of the weird ponytail
- god it breaks my heart seeing McKay's expression when he thinks Sheppard is dead
- Rodney's face when he finds Sheppard 😭
- poor Teal'c man, he's been through the ringer again and again and now getting fed on by a wraith???
- oop, there goes midway
- the IOA meeting lighting is so weird and creepy I hate it
- how'd they open the jumped from the outside?
- PFFFT Ronon waking Sheppard is so cute, I love them so much
- also, where did they pee during the time stuck in the jumper cuz... they were in there for at least 2 days
- The Kindred pt 1, yesssss a Teyla focused episode!!! I missed her
- Hoffan virus comes back once again
- poor Lorne like, uhhhh Teyla, whatchya doin with that knife
- Lorne has such a sweetie pie vibe, like, look at that face!!
- ah crap, Michael is back again
- Lorne came back looking like a dog that got caught getting into the trash, pure shame face
- woah I forgot Michael figured out how to stop needing to feed. See now why can't they just be friends now, if they don't need to feed on humans they can be buddiessss
- ouch ouch ouch, Rodney's face seeing Carson again 😭
- part 2, boy howdy there's a lot going on this episode
- Ronon and Sheppard's tactical roll over the counter plus Rodney literally pushing Carson out if the way is hilarious
- Poor Keller man, it's gotta be hard having to save the life of the guy who not only tried to kill you and your friend, but also alerted Michael to the location of the Athosians
- ahhhhhh I hate her being in the table dude it's so creepy!!! Michael stop being creepy to Teyla!!!
- the mix of joy and fear Teyla showed when Michael showed her the ultrasound is so sad
- why tf is that extra just standing in the background staring like that wtf
- did he have brown hair when we last saw him? I could've sworn it was white. Like I get that he's been messing with the mix of wraith and human dna but still
- Rodney is so protective of Carson it's so wholesome 😭 his first instinct when gun fire starts is to protect him
- aw man, Teyla now on top of all that having to come to grips with Carson being alive again, OOF
- last episode of the season and boy is it a dosey! The Last Man.
- the idea of being alone in Atlantis is HORRIFYING
- this episode is so sad y'all
- Todd!!
- Ronon 😭
Season 5
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dragonrider9905 · 2 years
In Defense of Hunter and Echo’s Disagreement
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So I was doing some thinking…I really like how just like last season, this season has some complications and no simple answer to some things. I know lots of us like taking a side and we defend it passionately, such as the Hunter vs. Crosshair conflict from last season (I have lots of thoughts about that too but I’ll refrain from that for now) but I noticed a pattern happening again this season with Hunter Vs. Echo.
Before we get further, let’s take a Tech step and try to see why the characters are taking their positions. Personally I like that they’re making us think rather than always being like “oh so and so is so right”. Both are right and both are wrong in a way.
Hunter wants to give Omega a peaceful future. He wants her to have a good childhood. One that isn’t constantly in danger. Crosshair LIED and said they were dead….they were off the Empire’s radar. If they could lay low out of harms way, because he’s tired of living day by day not knowing if he or his family will get hurt or killed. He’s a leader so everything weighs on him. Also….as much as I would love to see in the show that the Batch knew 99….it’s not canon. At least not yet. Here’s hoping. Anyway….if they didn’t know 99… then that would mean the Batch has never known loss. Think about this for a moment. No bad missions. 100% success rate. No brother lost in the field. Losing Crosshair in Season 1 would have been their first tragedy. I imagine that would have scared Hunter. He’d realize they are breakable, they aren’t invincible, they can shatter and just think, he would do anything to keep them all safe.
Echo on the other hand….he wants a future for Omega too but he’s looking past the present moment. He’s an Arc and he and Tech are probably paying more attention to what is going on in the galaxy so he knows there is no way they can’t fight. He doesn’t want a temporary peace. He wants one that lasts. And he’s alway been one to do the right thing. The Empire is bad? Then by heaven he’ll bring it down. Echo’s been through hell and back. He lost his batch mates one by one…..not to mention his twin. Fives. His other half. He’s worked through grief. He’s familiar with it. He knows there is a cost to anything good but its worth it. He’s come out stronger because he didn’t let it conquer him. He’s ok questioning Hunter because again he’s an Arc. He was taught to question. Plus his comfortability with Rex (ie helping plan strategies etc.) shows he’s comfortable challenging people. He isn’t picking on Hunter. He’s just speaking his mind.
The Batch also have a brother centric ideology. I will have to talk about Crosshair in a different post because this theory is very consistent with him as well in a different way. They fought for the Republic …. They never were like the refs in their enthusiasm for the Republic. Brothers was their cause. Not the Republic. Sure they struggled with helping the Separatist Senator from S1, but Hunter and Tech put that away rather quickly. Echo was the one who was so strongly adamant against him. Crosshair makes a comment about what difference does it make if it is the Republic or Empire. They even were going to give the Empire a shot by going on the Onderon mission. When it became clear that it was wrong, they left. Their mottos were all brother centric. They were loyal to each other not anyone or anything else really.
Then you have Echo. He was a Reg. He fought for the Republic. A cause. (I’m not saying he’s not brother centric at all. What I’m saying is he shares the Batches sentiments but there’s more). He knows what it’s like to fight for a cause bigger than himself. To be willing to die or weep for his brothers who fall because they believe in a cause. He’s willing do devote himself to an ideal.
I guess all I’m asking is please before bashing one side or the other to be considerate of where they both come from. They have their own struggles, differences. But at the end of the day they love each other and would die for each other. At the end of the day the Empire is the main evil for setting two people with good intentions against each other because they are trying to find the best path in a confusing time. We have the gift of retrospect. This is new to them. Please be generous to both the characters as they go. They both will be right at times and both be wrong. It got heated between Hunter and Crosshair fans because people forgot that the Empire is forcing them into difficult situations and decisions. There isn’t always a clear answer in the time.
The Bad Batch is giving us some grey space and I love it because I love the complexity of it. But it can be frustrating especially when we want it to be simple so we can just take a side. But the conflict is good and healthy. It is good to have a challenge. Sometimes things come out stronger after being tested and I hope that’s the case for these two. The conflict is healthy to see because Echo and Hunter aren’t disrespectful to each other. They get frustrated, sure, but they don’t want to hurt each other. They want to be heard and valued. Watching them work through these difficulties should be good. But this really shows how our experiences shape us. The best of people may make wrong choices. The hero isn’t always right. And when heroes don’t agree? Makes things sticky. But intriguing. Even they have room to grow because they are only human.
Anyway, thank you to those who took the time to read my rambling thoughts. Happy Bad Batch Eve!
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scribbly-dee · 3 years
Inspired by this post
I adore corruption arcs, so I graded how well the non-archivist characters would have damned humanity if they had been the archivist.
Sasha James 11/10, would be an ideal archivist, this plus her height is probably why the stranger monster targeted her before she could peak
I have a soft spot for any au that knows Sasha has never seen a brain cell in her life and that any unhinged!Sasha au is really just a regular Sasha au. Picture it with me. Sasha and Jon have parallel archivist tracks, until Sasha (my beloved show off) decides: you know what would make me more efficient at snooping? Becoming a Human Google. And things accelerate. The Web doesn't even need to bother with subtly magic lighters, it slaps all 14 marks on her at once by pulling up next to Sasha in a windowless van with "free secrets 👍" written on the side.
After the Unknowing, Sasha takes over the institute from Elias instead of Martin and Peter. With Tim dead, Jon in a coma, Martin lonely-snatched, Melanie compulsively homicidal, Daisy in the coffin, and Basira on autopilot, she quickly bonds with Rosie, the ultimate nosiness enabler. Sasha is a fully marked archivist for a good long while, but doesn't start the apocalypse right away because she's eager to read ALL the ominous notes Elias left, so the watcher's crown statement is in her to-be-read pile. When the apocalypse starts (Rosie: "Hey, Sasha, I just read something extra fucked up that Elias wrote, wanna see?" Sasha: "God yes."), she books it to become the pupil with Rosie as her anchor. Mayhapse an anchor-archivist polycule with Archivist Jon and Martin? Mayhapse Jon is just a normal eye avatar here and deeply invested in all of Sasha's eyepocalypse statements, so it's Sasha and her plus-three? Mayhapse it's a race across the eyepocalypse wasteland between Archivist Sasha and Archivist Jon to usurp Jonah and become the pupil?
Tim Stoker 2/10 dude's here for a good time, not a long time
The only way I see this working is if Elias disguises not-stranger clues as circus related so Tim is motivated to investigate. Otherwise, his archival assistants are way more curious than him and disobey his direct orders to 🍹chill🏝. Jon, Sasha, and Martin inadvertently bring marks home to him like cats bring home dead birds. He asserts his agency when he decides the best course of action? Actually? Just blow up the archives. This unfortunately puts him in a false sense of security, and Elias makes him read the watcher's crown statement by cat fishing him on grindr and sending the ritual as a dm mid conversation.
Daisy Tonner - 9/10 archivist, would have started doomsday before she was at the archivist job long enough to use her PTO
Daisy already had a lot of experience hunting down fear-entity-related people in sectioned cases, which means she possibly canonically already has all the marks from just hunting avatars who use their powers in self defense. The reason she lost one point is because she's too much of a jock to read, only nerds are culpable to watcher crown statements, so this would be the only delay but oh what a delay it will be.
Melanie King - 7/10 archivist, points awarded for achieving her breakthroughs by smashing her head against a wall until she literally breaks through, points deducted for doing so in full clown makeup.
If Jon got a handful of marks by just asking anoying questions in the same room as an avatar, imagine how much faster Melanie would get marks by bringing her trademark Chaotic Brat personality on fear entity investigations. The apocalypse would have started in like two seasons: one season to hire her off the streets and establish shakey, complex relationships with her new assistants (Jon and Sasha put in the time with the institute but were passed over on this promotion for some random YouTuber (plus they're tighter with Tim and Martin, so proletarian solidarity against the boss)).
Then a second season to stab every mark and get stabbed in return. Melanie would blitz through all 14 marks because what precious little impulse control she starts with is slowly replaced with slaughter juice. One fun moral ambiguity to explore could be if Melanie tries to use her new, dangerous Eye/Slaughter powers to revive her reputation and platform in the supernatural community now that she can, ya know, identify supernatural things for the first time ever. Does she acknowledge her entire career up to her hospital episode apparently only investigated fake sightings? A better question to ask is whether Basira, Tim, and Jon ever let her live down how Ghost Hunt UK's professional dignity was contingent on the legitimacy of her sCiEnTiFiC gHoSt eQuIpMeNt in those episodes, so the temperature spikes set to dramatic music were well and truly just temperature spikes and dramatic music. Sasha found a clip of that music playing as Melanie narrates "it's a message... from the other side..." and made it as her text tone.
Also, it would be hilarious if Melanie tried to kill Jonah on sight in the panopticon, once again botched assassination attempt number 1,963,538, and then Jon quietly snuck in to finish the job on his first try just like in canon.
Jon: "What, like it's hard?"
Basira Hussain 3/10 archivist, her eye alignment manifests as office gossip, like a normal person
Basira has the most formidable super power of all: the power to nope tf out of any conversation or plan she wants. She therefore would probably take 10x longer to start the apocalypse than any other archivist because her fatal flaw is refusal to directly engage with a lot of personally difficult things (like the slaughter bullet surgery she organized, Daisy In General, etc). The marks will be slow going if she resists putting her safety on the line or invests time in making good plans (which is smart, but unhelpful for dooming humanity). She would for sure still get marked and end the world because once she's convinced of a plan (aka Elias convinces her of a plan), she's ruthlessly efficient. So I'd stay out of her way that last year or two, she marks the entities right back at them.
Martin Blackwood 2/10 archivist, considering a prerequisite for creepy eye avatar staring is the ability to make eye contact.
S1 Archivist Martin would probably dote too much on the employees under him to be hugely susceptible to Elias' isolation-dependant manipulation. Any progress Martin inadvertently achieves toward the watcher's crown goal would have to be contingent on it helping his loved ones, which is perfect fuel for a "corrupted by good intentions" arc. This would be key because Martin has superb bullshit and manipulation detection, making the marks are tricky but not impossible to orchistrate considering Jon can't stay put in a safe corner for 10 minutes and Martin's mother would refuse to stay with him where she's safe from avatar threats.
Imagine the petty drama when Jon and Sasha learn he got the promotion they wanted because he lied on his CV.
Other than that, Martin would be even worse about pit stops on the apocalypse road trip than Jon because his Kill Bill mode would have no off switch. Does Archivist!Martin and his anchor Jon ever reach the panopticon? Eventually, but not until after they lose points for significantly reducing the apocalypse fear quantity. Would Annabelle survive to deliver her cryptic MaCHiNAtIoNs and achieve the Web's goal? Hard No, additional point reduction for neutralizing the multiverse invasion. Points potentially earned back if Martin's Web connection is strong enough to come up with the multiverse invasion plan on his own, though.
Georgie Barker 4/10, as a fearless coward, all the fear she feeds to the entities would be khaki flavored. They'd get their apocalypse, but they probably wouldn't enjoy the meal.
Similar to Basira, Georgie has the super power to Fuck This Shit I'm Out. She would overall be a subpar humanity damning archivist; a major archivist success factor of Jon's is that he has enough affective empathy to be afraid with every statement giver he reads, so when Jon archives a statement, he unintentionally contributes to the fear soup seasoning. Combined with how Georgie doesn't want anything to do with entity drama, so any corruption specific to the watcher's crown would stagnate. Even her casual exposition conversations would go like
Georgie: "I've connected no dots."
Melanie: "you've connected a lot of dots??"
Georgie: "I've connected shit all dots."
The reason she gets one more point than Basira is because Georgie's fatal flaw is the passive observer quality the Eye tried to stoke in Jon. Her level of engagement oscillates between two extremes, impulsive over commitment and judging from a distance. This would probably lead her to geting involved just long enough for her involvement to become irreversible, at which point she would try to cut that shit out of her life after it's trapped her. She'd linger, barricading herself on the margins of this problem as the marks that are targeted at her slowly tally up until boom. Apocalypse is on and she only half understands what's happening.
Georgie would wander around an apocalypse hellscape confused, but vibes and physical health fully intact. Anchor!Melanie would have quite the emotional journey starting with Georgie on that pedestal Melanie placed her, and ending with a slaughter avatar stabbing the person who convinced her to work on her slaughter inclination.
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dlamp-dictator · 4 years
Good, Unused Operators Allen X Recommends Leveling
Welp, 7-16 is kicking my tail at the moment because of the goddamn Herald spam... Jeez, five Heralds than increase mortar attack speed. This game can be a real pain sometimes, I swear.
Anyway, while I’m agonizing over how I now have to power level Cliffheart for this latest map, I’ve been thinking a lot about certain operators. With this limited banner going on and the regrettable amounts of whaling I did for W I’ve had some time to ask myself about all the operators I have and some of their utility. A lot of gacha games tend to be pretty cruel with their pull rates and meta, and Arknights is probably one of the few games that's decent with both. Due to the way maps work, most meta picks are only for about 60% of maps and supply maps, there’s still some strategy involved. The Blaze-Weedy-Saria trifecta can’t conquer everything, thankfully.
So I wanted to take some time to discuss the lesser used and off-meta Operators of this game and explain some of their utilities.
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I only feels fitting to start this out with a Vanguard, and Zima has pulled in clutch for a lot of these chapter 7 maps. Kit-wise Zima has Scavenger’s attack boost plus DP on kill with her S2, making her a machine of DP on certain chokepoints. Not only that, she actually pretty tanky for a vanguard, matching up to some low level defenders in terms of defense. Where Texas would crumble like the glass cannon she is, Zima stands tall and can give a beating as well as she takes one. Not only that, but her personal talent at E2 lets her lower the DP cost of all Vanguard operators, meaning you can jet out Myrtle very quickly and maybe have some DP to spare to quickly drop Zima afterwards. However... it takes quite a while for her S2 to get ready, so it’s best to keep her on maps that don’t need the attack boost immediately. 
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I admittedly don’t use Perfumer since I have Angelina and Ptilopsis, but her passive healing talent means characters like Vulcan, Hellagur, and Utage can have reliable, passive healing for free, which is always nice if you don’t have Sora or Angelina. Something I think a lot of people look over with 4-stars is that they’re cheap to promote. You don’t need insane 5th tier resources or a lot of chips and LMD to promote them. And while AoE healers aren’t meta, they’re helpful at times.
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Shirayuki is another cheap 4-star to upgrade, but her kit is actually really good. An AoE sniper who’s S2 gives her arts damage. And anything in this game that gives a character arts damage tends to be a tier higher than they would be otherwise, as very few enemies have heavy arts resistance with the exception of certain bosses. And again, she’s a cheap unit to promote, so if you don’t have Meteorite or Sesa, Shirayuki is a good pick. This woman carried a lot of my Annihilation runs before I got Sesa, so don’t under estimate her.
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Waai Fu
Waai Fu is a fast-redeploy operator that can silence enemies and keep those exploding spiders at bay. She can outdo Red and even Lappland in some regards depending on the map. She does good damage if you level her up enough and her base skills are great in the workshops. She’s one of the many unexpected MVPs of my Contingency Contracts runs, saving my tail more than I care to admit.
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She’s a cheap Saria who’s S1 is extremely reliable. I’d honestly recommend her over Saria in some cases thanks to her lower DP cost. I don’t get much use out of her S2, so I can’t say much there. She’s worth promoting though, especially if you don’t have Saria.
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This is a blind recommendation since I haven’t used her much, but she’s essentially a cheaper Ch’en with more spammable skills. And while I already have Ch’en, she’s next on the list of Four Stars I want to level.
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As much as I clown on Infall for simping him, and as much as I will continue to clown on Infall for simping him, any guard that can do arts damage is instantly more valuable than most, especially how clustered these Chapter 7 maps are getting. And Broca is an AoE Guard with access to arts damage. And while his S2 makes him stunned and block 0, Specter’s S2 has a similar drawback, and she’s in the meta. This is also another blind recommendation, but one I feel very comfortable making, as his S2 increases his attack range and you can just place him in front of a Defender to solve this problem.
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I talked about GreyThroat on this blog before, but just to reiterate, GreyThroat is a weaker Exusiai, but she also has high DPS, and has an easier time getting potential and a shorter DP cost. She can melt bosses with weaker physical defenses like Frostnova and Mephisto, and you don’t have to worry about her auto-activating her skill when it isn’t needed like Exusiai. She’s a good character to promote and raise if you want a cheaper option instead of Exusiai.
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On that end, I also said on this blog that Pramanix is kind of niche, but great at debuffing enemies. Her range is insane and her DP cost is generously small considering her utility as both debuffer and emergency caster. She’s pretty good for Contingency Contracts, but... not really viable anywhere else, not safely viable anyway. 
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Anyone with Sesa that hasn’t E2′d him yet is honestly sleeping on him. Sesa is fantastic and is probably one of the better AOE snipers. I haven’t done much with Meteorite since I got here way after promoting Sesa, but Sesa’s damage on his S2 melts chokepoints. In the right hands this man is unstoppable. He’s destroyed entire clusters of enemies in just two bombs with his S2. His only downside is that his S2 turns his bombs into timed explosives, so some enemies can just walk away from the explosion without getting hit. His targeting’s also a little weird, but in the right chokepoint everything dies.
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I think ever since Aak came onto the scene people kind of forgot Sora existed. She can stun or buff enemies depending on your needs. This is great for chokepoints and she can give passive healing like Perfumer, though for units in her range only. This is a great support unit overall. Nothing I’d recommend you should bring all the time, but... she’s good regardless.
And... that’s it for now. Time to go back to 7-16 kicking my ass... 
Well, next time I’ll probably talk more about Arknights’ gacha and gacha elements... when I conquer this goddamn, cursed level.
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Top 5 GOOD Things About Season Two
Oh, season two... how you hurt me so. 
Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about this game-- S2 of TWDG is my least favorite of all five games. I could probably give you a top TEN things that I hate about season two, but... while I don’t love it, I do believe that there is good to be found in it. That’s what I want to discuss today. 
I did have some help brainstorming ideas for this list, so big thanks to @pi-creates, @kaylee-wolf, @taurusicorn2400, and @daisystarss for bouncing ideas around with me! :D
5. The Lee dream sequence.
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This scene is super well done. The only reason that it’s so low on the list is because I tend to forget about it due to all the bullshit surrounding it. It usually isn’t until Arvo shoots Clementine that I remember Lee’s gonna show up and make me cry. Then he leaves all too quickly, and it’s back to the Kenny/Jane bullshit train. 
But pushing aside the shitshow, I love this scene. Of course, emotions are all over the place seeing Lee again given the state he was in at the end of s1. Plus there’s something about seeing baby Clementine again after being an older version of her that gets me. 
Their talk is interesting, too, calling back to your choices about Lilly and Carley/Doug, plus discussing Duck being bit. The part that’s always stood out to me, and I’m sure everyone else, is when Clementine asks Lee why people do the things they do.
And Lee’s response is one that doesn’t just apply to s2, it applies to several characters over the course of the series: “Clem, people don't always make sense... 'Cause bad things happen to everyone. And it's hard to keep bein' yourself after they do.”
As the conversation goes on, he also says, “Well, it's not like math, Clem. Sometimes there just isn't a right answer... but part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about...even if sometimes...that means hurting someone else.”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“...It’s not that easy.” 
Ugh, it’s so good. It ends with Lee asking what he can say to make Clementine feel better, and it really just hurts because y’know it’s not real, y’know that Clementine’s dreaming all of this and Lee’s going to go away.
Overall a powerful scene that gets me every time. 
4. Clementine walking through the snowstorm
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Okay look.... I adore this scene. Everything about it. 
Like okay, we have the stupid bullshit that is Kenny and Jane being literal children in the truck, then we nearly crash. Kenny leaves to look for gas, Jane gets Clementine to drive which dumb idea Jane and she crashes. 
That part sucks, but then the actual greatness begins. Jane runs off with AJ, and Clementine’s left alone with nothing but her gun as she begins her walk through the terrible blizzard. 
It has such a sense of loneliness to it-- hearing Clementine shiver and walk around calling out for help before going silent, the song ‘It’s Out There’ that plays while the wind whips and whistles, and then seeing all the frozen walkers standing around like statues really gives you a sense that something terrible is going to happen. It’s this weird calm before the storm kind of thing that also happens to take place during a harsh snow fall? if that makes sense? 
It’s a beautiful scene but it’s also sad, y’know? Sad because once again, Clementine is all alone. She’s been through so much bullshit, and this bullshit train isn’t even at it’s final stop. She’s alone, she’s still injured from when Arvo shot her, she’s gonna freeze to death if she doesn’t keep moving, she has no idea where the fuck Kenny, Jane, and AJ are, and just... it’s a lot. 
But damn it, it’s so good. 
3. AJ is born
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AJ being born is one of the best things to happen in S2, and not just because AJ is a super interesting character himself in S2 or even what his being born does for the story. 
If AJ wasn’t born here, then we wouldn’t have had him in TFS where he finally got to become this compelling character and player in the overall story. Don’t get me wrong, his birth does bring an cool aspect to S2 when you willfully ignore how the hell he’s managed to stay alive and healthy the entire time.
Not only that, but we get to see the start of Clementine’s relationship with him. It doesn’t matter what choices you pick, Clementine shows time and time again that she cares about AJ. She nearly breaks down when she believes he died in the snow before the Kenny and Jane fight, then cries again when she discovers he’s alive. 
I enjoy the big sister aspect they went with for Clementine [it definitely beats ANF’s mom nonsense] and I like the growth it shows with her relationship to Rebecca as well... even though that could’ve been written a lot smoother. Rebecca just kind of does a 180 and they blame it on pregnant hormones which.... eh, okay sure. 
For all it’s flaws, this season gave us the start of AJ and I can’t hate it for that, y’know? 
2. Carver is a pretty great antagonist
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I like Carver. I think he’s a great antagonist and I really wish they hadn’t killed him off as early as they did.
I find him to be a fascinating character study, y’know? 
From the very beginning, even before we get to physically meet him, we’re told that Carver is a threat. The cabin group are running from someone, and we can easily put the pieces together that Rebecca might be pregnant with his baby rather than Alvin’s.
Then we actually get to meet him when he comes to the cabin and it’s well executed. From Sarah having a panic attack at seeing a glimpse of him through the window, to his friendly and charismatic nature, to the way he talks to Clementine and just... it’s unsettling.
He’s clever, and he knows that Clementine’s covering for the cabin group, but he’s trying to trick her into giving him info. I also hate how smug he gets when he finds the photo of Sarah, but then he just looks at her, and asks, “You have no idea who these people are, do you?” or whatever and just... something about that, y’know? 
Then his “You have a nice day,” as he leaves and you know he’s coming right back with more people, so the group has gotta go. 
Then of course comes his later scenes where he shows up with his people to the lodge, murders Walter while saying he didn’t want to do it but Kenny left him no choice, and he can possibly murder Alvin if Kenny keeps shooting which is a huge holy shit moment because of how Rebecca reacts. 
Ugh, y’know just the way Carver talks to Rebecca and is so matter-of-fact about the baby being his and how he justifies his actions. Like, we can’t forget Reggie and how Carver threw him off the roof only to turn around like “I liked Reggie, he was chill, but he was weak.”
I dunno man, it’s super well done!
I truly believe Carver could’ve gone down as the best antagonist in the series if the writers hadn’t killed him off so damn early to make more room for Kenny to become the new antagonist of the season. Ugh.
I don’t even have an issue with how he died, either. Having Kenny kill him the way he did makes sense and it’s brutal, it was just premature.
Anyway, Carver’s pretty great. One of the best parts of S2. 
1. Clementine 
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I mean, are we really surprised? Clementine is what makes this game playable. She’s the best written, most consistent character [which I know is a bit iffy because we do make choices for her but ya get me] and her growth over the season is the most compelling compared to the other characters. 
Hell, of the four Clementine’s we get across the series, this Clementine is my second favorite! She’s fantastic! 
I also love how self-aware she is that her group is just a bunch of morons and she’s gotta do everything around here, but then the same group underestimates her time and time again even though she’s proven herself to be the most competent. 
And on top of that, she goes through so much bullshit. Right from the start, Christa’s still cold to her after what happened to Omid and the baby, then she gets separated from Christa and nearly drowns in a river, then she comes across a dog that attacks and nearly killing her, forcing her to fight back which kills the dog, and then when she finds some decent people, she passes out and this group thinks it’s a walker bite because their “doctor” is incompetent. They lock her up in a shed because ??? so she has to break in and steal supplies to sew up her own arm, which she does and you feel the pain of it the whole way through, BUT THEN she gets attacked by a walker and has to fight it off before the dumb dumb crew come in to help her. 
And that’s just the first part of episode one. 
It’s like the writers were like “Hey, let’s torture Clem so that we can get easy sympathy points from the audience” and then dialed it back a bit because if you look at some of the initial concepts for this season... oof.
But really, S2 in a nutshell is basically “Clementine does anything and gets punished for it.” 
However, it’s not all bad and a lot of it does make her story all the more interesting as it progresses. She goes from a young girl who needs a group to survive, to a survivor herself who is capable of taking care of herself and those she loves. 
This part pertains to my personal ending for this game-- So, by the time we reach the shit show that is the Kenny and Jane fight, I want Clementine to get as far away from both of them as fucking possible. For me, the best endings Clementine can have is to either go alone, or to go to Wellington. 
Wellington’s my personal favorite because I like the idea of Clementine being in a community with strong walls and people to help with AJ. I mean, we gotta throw out the logic when it comes to AJ surviving because in every single endings, he should be dead. 
Honestly, that’s the only thing that keeps me from shooting Kenny. Hell, in my opinion, walking off into the woods with him instead of staying at Wellington is the worst ending in the entire game-- I’d rather go with ding dong dingus Jane than stick around with Kenny, but for me, neither of those are a good conclusion to Clementine’s story and character in S2
Anyway, endings aside, Clementine is the only part of the story that doesn’t make me side eye the writers the way I do for everything else... well, I side eye them sometimes but S2 as a whole is such a mess that it takes a lot to not straight up glare at them and the amount of fuck ups they had here. 
Clementine is hands down the best part of S2.
--- Honorable Mentions
-Big brother Luke in the first couple episodes -This game does have a bunch of different endings that you can get, which is pretty neat until you realize that they mean practically nothing come ANF and they’re totally unbalanced sooo... nice try? -Uncle Pete is pretty cool -The setting of the ski resort is super nice and cozy until murder happens. -In fact, the snowy nature is visually pretty and the skyboxes are some of the best in the series. 
So what do you think? Do you agree with this list? What are some of your favorite parts of Season 2? Are you looking at this and asking where the Kenny entry is? Well, I’m sure if you scroll up just a wee bit, you’ll find your answer. 
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F Top 5 Character Deaths That Made Me Side-Eye the Writers 
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uservillanelle · 4 years
Killing Eve ― 3x01 (Review)
I didn’t rush to write this review right after the episode, as I sometimes need to rewatch the episode several times to actually appreciate it and spot a thing or two. I know, everybody’s writing these, their thoughts, so I’m sorry if some of them will be repetitive, but I do want to get my thoughts out! Soo shall we get to it?
What is interesting to me is that they chose this flashback of Dasha being a gymnast in her early age as the very first scene of the episode. And let’s not forget, it is the first scene of the entire season, meaning it has to be very important one. I don’t think they brought her in just to play Villanelle’s next handler. She was her mentor before, which makes it a lot more personal to both of them. There’s more to her, I’m sure. So far I’m loving the dynamic between her and Villanelle. There’s this... old-friends reunited kind of vibe, but then again, they can be laughing one moment and trying to choke each other to death the next. In this aspect they are very similar. 
That brings me to Dasha’s killing style. It is unique, something we haven’t seen in the show before. It can only mean competition to Villanelle. And she’s so confident that her work is better than Dasha’s. Not only does she say it to Dasha, but later on copy her style during the spice kill ― which, by the way, I think is very underrated. 
Villanelle had to ask Dasha about her part of the deal, twice. Then she brought up the possibility of going back home ― back to Russia. It might be true, but I don’t think that’s everything she was promised. And it’s one more reason for us to keep watching to find out, hm?
The Wedding
All I can say about the wedding is ― WOW. I was looking forward to it and it didn’t disappoint. Actually, it’s the best part of the episode for me. Many people have said that it was ‘waste of potential’; ‘they only did it to set up a meeting with Dasha’; but really. I don’t think we would’ve gotten the Villanelle wedding in any other circumstance. Like, think about it. A wedding is not something Villanelle would normally do, right? She doesn’t care about such things, yet in this case she does it. Yes, she LOVES a good show and attention as well as being rich and have everything she ever wanted including having the power and control of it all. And since she’s getting over Eve, why not find another woman and marry her to prove to everyone and to herself, that she is totally over the Asian woman with amazing hair? She’s extra like that and I love it. And don’t get me started on the tuxedo blazer AND black tulle ruffle top. She wore THAT for her own wedding. Just thinking about it makes me want to go feral. 
Mooving on, the irony of Villanelle not only bringing up Eve during her wedding speech, but saying she is ‘so much happier now she’s dead’ while immedially afterwards glancing around the place almost as if she’s expecting to see Eve. She hopes she’s there... and it makes me wonder, what if Eve actually was there? What if she somehow made it to Villanelle’s wedding and just... can you imagine? What their interaction would look like? Plus having MARIA there the entire time and the guests? Damn. 
Then there’s casual Villanelle simply enjoying her wedding cake, because why the hell not? And on top of that ignoring her new wife during the dance. I mean... this is SUCH Villanelle thing to do. She couldn’t care any less. Then again we are reminded of how awkward/uncomfortable she could get around people when she’s being.. more or less herself. I haven’t seen her like that for a hot minute. She has always been brilliant in slipping into other groups of people, pretending to be a part of a conversation, it never really was an issue for her. Yet this time she’s not really pretending to be someone else. She is Villanelle and yes, she is awkward. I love that we got to see that bit. 
And of course... it wouldn’t be Villanelle’s wedding if there wasn’t a fight involved. Why not start a fight herself? It’s exactly what she did and having Dasha show up only highlighted the wedding scene even more. It wasn’t all about Dasha being there, it was about Villanelle trying to prove to herself that she’s finally moving on and I, personaly, needed that. It’s a shame the wedding scene ended so quickly, I mean we could’ve gotten a kiss or two, since it’s a damn wedding! Though I’m still really glad we got to see it. We actually got to steal a glance at Villanelle’s wedding. That sounds so surreal on itself. Are we sure they didn’t take this from any of the fanfics? 
(warning: possible spoilers/predictions ahead)
She’s still a very shady lady. Carolyn must be the most mysterious character on the show, based on how little we know about her, her work and her family. I’m glad that someone is finally confronting her about the previous operation in Rome. What’s even better ― Hugo sued MI6 and he has EVERY right to do so. The entire mission was a blood bath and someone has to answer for it. Yet, despite given circumstances, Carolyn remains completely still during all the accusations she has received and even refuses to apologize during her conversation with Kenny. None of the previous events that took place seem to be valuable and important enough for her. And that makes me wonder.. that maybe the Twelve ordered Kenny’s death to stop any further unofficial investigations AND to punish Carolyn, because Kenny’s all she has, right?
Well, now they will be bringing up Carolyns daughter ― Geraldine. Up to this point we knew that Kenny was Carolyn’s only child, but since he’s gone now, there has to be someone else related to Carolyn and we got Geraldine. From what we know now, they do not have a great relationship which makes me even more excited to see them interacting. 
Since the Twelve put a hit on Kenny... I’m starting to think that maybe Carolyn is next on their list, and possibly Konstantin. In S3 trailer we got a quick shot of Carolyn in a car with a driver. And there’s Villanelle, pretending to be a police officer, chasing someone down. If I’m correct, Villanelle will come after Carolyn and will try to assassinate her. Now why would Villanelle try to kill Carolyn? Either she will find out something related to Eve and Carolyn being involved, maybe wanting to take revenge? It’s not very likely is it? But the Twelve deiciding to take out Carolyn, and Villanelle doing the job sounds more like it. At least to me.
First off... the scene in the store is not only the first scene of Eve we see in this episode, but it shows exactly where she is right now. Where her mind is, how she’s dealing with everything around her. Cearly, she’s done with everything, running on auto-pilot for the most part of it. She’s one huge mood. Eve really must be the most relatable character for us as viewers. If something like this happened to us... we would basically be Eve. 
It’s been 6 months and that’s the Eve we see. She’s struggling. And she should be. She almost died and now everything seems to be reminding her of Villanelle. The song in the store, the cashier’s talking about spaghtetti and Rome?! Then the other cooks at the restaurant talking about one of their’s crush and how it started with infatuation and now it’s love. Everything about it screams Villanelle. We know it. Eve knows it. And most importantly... the SCAR itself. No matter where she goes, what she does... she won’t be able to erase Villanelle. She has been scarred for life and so was Villanelle and guys... that is just so brilliant. They are meant for one another and that’s a fact. Either they will end up together (hopefully) and somehow manage to create some kind of future together or they will die together. Either way.. they can’t hide from one another and that makes their next meeting so... so special and important and intense and all of the other things. I simply cannot wait.
Knowing how the episode ended, I didn’t think I’d appreciate Eve and Kenny’s scene together so much. It’s so deep and sincere and reveals a lot about what happened and where they are separately and together. I’m glad their first and last interaction this season was a light, positive one. They even talked about getting beers at the office during weekends. And knowing that.. Kenny was basically the only person who understood Eve and where she’s coming from, his death is exactly what can and WILL push Eve forward in investigating the Twelve and eventually reuniting with Villanelle. Back to S1, when Bill was killed, Eve was so determined to catch Villanelle and ‘kill her with her bare hands’ that no one seemed to be able to stop her. So this time... will be similar to it, if not even greater. 
Soo... Oksana wants to be a Keeper. Oksana the Keeper! It actually makes sense to some extent, that she will eventually want to get a ‘higher’ position in the industry and why not be the Keeper then. She has always wanted power and control and Keepers have that. They hold valuable information about the organisation that no one else knows. It’s a very important and dangerous position too. I can see why she’d want to be a Keeper, and not only that... she is still curious about who is in charge. How the whole system works. Though, at the same time.. knowing Villanelle, this might get tricky. She’s still very childish and impulsive and all other things.. she still needs to be handled by someone. That’s why I’m a bit concerned that if she ends up becoming a Keeper or having to handle other assassins (which she will, in next episode), things will go terribly wrong. I hope I’m wrong about this, because god, do I want to see Villanelle as a Keeper and continue being the top boss bitch in the industry.
Her confidence continues to fascinate me. Especially her confidence around Dasha. She knows she’s better than her and that’s all there is to it. Not only she says it but she proves that by her first kill this season. I honestly can’t wait to see her future kills, because so far it looks very promising.
Only a couple of scenes of the show’s dad this episode. Apparently he has several phones which he is struggling to deal with. He’s living several lives and that shows. In S2 he was all determined to get back to his family. But what we see in this episode is that he’s not with his family anymore. He’s working again. And based on Irina’s voice mail, he and his wife are separated. His wife has a boyfriend now and Irina is there with them. (I hope they will bring her back, what an iconic, hilarious yet annoying child) 
Konstantin receives several shady messages, one of which reads “time to go fishing”. It can mean literally anything. But for some reason I’m feeling that they want us to think he had something to do with Kenny’s death. It could be him, it could be an assassin Konstantin is handling right now. Or it’s not him at all, but we believe it’s him based of what we saw so far. Too many questions and not enough answers so far. 
He was the Twelve’s target back in S1 and had to stay low during S2 as a “dead man” so now.. I’m not really sure what his status is. Some of us saw the leaked photos of S3 finale and what might possibly happen... and that just brings me back to my previous point of Carolyn and Konstantin being the Twelve’s targets this season. Will they survive? And if they do... how? If they don’t... does that mean Villanelle and Eve will now be completely by their own and possibly on a run from the Twelve?!
There’s not really much to say here. We ALL loved our dear Kenny. He’s probably the most innocent character on the show and he had to go. Now, I don’t believe his death was done for shock value. Not his character. A huge, meaningful character had to die in order for the rest of characters to get moving. For the entire story to move forward. They are setting up a serious plot here and I am excited, despite being really upset about Kenny’s death. 
I think Eve will be the mostly affected character in the show by his death. Carolyn doesn’t seem to be very affectonate towards her son, but hopefully it will make her realize just how big of a trouble she in. Eve, however, will be forced to get back to investigate the Twelve and she will not stop until she does so. She’s all by herself now. The determination, the anger as well as other feelings will drive her this season to get the much needed answers and get to the bottom of the whole thing. Meanwhile... Villanelle seeks information and control as well. She is trying to investigate the Twelve in her own way. So why not pair them up?
Overall thoughts
As many have said it, the episode felt different to me as well. I think that’s mostly because we have set our standards so high, that we immediately become disappointed if the episode doesn’t deliver as much murder, Eve/Villanelle scenes or something else we might be expecting in particular. 
I found myself wanting to compare the episode with other seasons and that is a mistake. We shouldn’t be comparing it because previous season had different plot, the overall feeling was different and the characters weren’t as developed as they are now. Furthermore, the show runner changes each season and that is what we need to look at. Phoebe and Emerald have done incedible job during those first two seasons but now it’s Suzanne’s time to shine. All three of them are different people and have different ideas and views as to how they see the characters and where they want to take them. So I think we might need to “forget” the previous two seasons and be way more open minded when it comes to third season. After all it’s the most personal one and it has a different feel to it. It’s more serious, and it is setting up an actual plot for the series. It’s a good thing. And as much as we hate changes like these... I think we should embrace them this time and let the show go in the direction it is going without the need to criticize it or control it. 
I’m beyond excited to see how everything will unfold and where this season will take us. Based on all the trailers and interviews I’ve seen so far... this will be a one helld of a ride and I am NOT prepared for it!
If any of you reached this point, you seriously deserve an applause! Hopeuflly you enjoyed reading my nonsense lol! Let me know if you’d like me to write a review for the next episode, because I do have plans for writing for the entire season, but it’s always better when I have an audience to write for! 
Now if you have any theories or thoughts don’t be shy to comment or message me so we could chat about it! I’d love nothing more than a good conversation about the show we have a common obsession for! 
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yuiopiklmn · 4 years
Angel Chapter 1
Word Count: 1846 words
Summary: Angel is about a girl with a secret that she doesn't even know about. Bobby Singer found her when she was only a couple months old. She has an awkward reunion with two of her childhood best friends, and then she is stuck on a hell of a ride till the end of the road.
Pairing: Unknown
Characters: Addison Singer, Two childhood besties, and some police officers
Warnings: Language and descriptions of gore
Need to catch up:
*24 years later*
(S1 EP1 of Supernatural)
I was driving decently fast down the road traveling from Sioux Falls, South Dakota all the way to Jericho, California. I was on my way to check out a bridge where a car was found, its owner was missing for quite a few days now. However, the reports aren’t clear. I plan to be the one to figure out if there is a mystery ahead.
After jamming out and driving for about 24 hours I was finally at my location. I arrived at the bridge where a man had disappeared leaving behind a bloody body and a locked car, as the reports would say.
Here we go again, I thought as I started walking to the site. I mean, don’t get me wrong; I love doing what I’m doing because hunting is my life, but sometimes it’s tiring to walk in heels all day and investigate. I just want to gank some bitch and head to my next location, which is home. I am going to take a break from cases for a bit and go back to visit Bobby since he’s worried about my growing obsession which is….. hunting. Plus I miss my dad and would love to help out around the junkyard. I don’t see hunting as a bad thing, and I may only get 3-4 hours of sleep, maybe less, but I am saving people and that's what's important to me.
I got to the road approaching the taped-off bridge and parked next to some police cars. I turned off the ignition, checked if I looked decent, and got out. I fixed my leather jacket and headed over to the man standing next to the caution tape.
“Excuse me ma’am, but this bridge is closed for an investigation. No pedestrians are allowed on site,” he said, suddenly standing up much straighter than he was initially.
“I’m Agent Dawson. I was sent by the FBI,” I said as I pulled out my badge and quickly put it back just as quick, so that he wouldn't notice that it was a fake, then I continued, “I have orders to be here.” I might’ve said that a bit sarcastically, but he didn’t seem concerned. I sighed in relief as he moved to the side to let me through to the scene of the murder.
There were very few cops at the scene and they were mostly talking to each other, heads down writing quickly on clipboards and laptops. They didn’t even look up as I made my way over to the car. I was able to catch some of the conversations: a lead, the victim was dating the police chief's daughter. I got to the car and looked inside, but there appeared to be nothing, absolutely nothing. I don’t understand. There is no blood like the report said, no sign of struggle because there was no body... nothing. I made sure nobody was looking and pulled out my EMF reader. The numbers didn’t rise once… Something weird is definitely going on here. It doesn’t smell like sulfur, but I’m sure something supernatural happened here. Deciding to get some information, I went up to the two officers talking about the police chief’s daughter that I heard about earlier.
“Excuse me?” I asked trying my best not to sound young because sometimes I get nervous and they assume that I am a kid needing help. That can set me back a lot and get me kicked off the scene if I’m not careful.
“Yes, can we help you?” One officer said while looking to the other….with a confused look
“Yes, you can actually. What do you know about the victim that was killed?” I heard one of you say something about him dating someone.”
“Yes, he is dating my daughter, Amy. She has been worried sick about him. She has been out all day putting missing posters up around the town.”
“Thank you for the information. Do you know if there is any relation to the victims other than them being all male?”
“Not that we know of.” I nodded my head and quickly jotted the information down. I need to go downtown and find Amy. We need to chat so that I can get more information about her boyfriend.
“Thank you, officers,” I said hurriedly when I heard that two more men were on the scene, I think they were Federal Marshals. They might figure out that I’m not supposed to be here, and then my cover will be blown. On my way out I tried to keep my head down, but I walked right into someone a lot taller than me. “Shit,” I whispered.
“I’m so sorry,” He paused before saying, “Wait a minute, Addi! Is that you?” I looked up as the man said my name, and I was met with a familiar set of eyes. The exact pair of eyes that belonged to…
Sam Winchester, just as giant-like as I remember. He has been my best friend since childhood, and we just recently went our separate ways since I ended college. Last I heard he was still in college since he was 2 years younger than me.
“Sammy!?!” I yelled a bit too loud causing the cops to look in our direction, “Sorry…” I let out a nervous laugh as I turned back to face Sam trying to act casual, “Heya Sammy! Long time no see.”
“I could say the same about you, you look great, how are you?”
“I’m great now that you’re here, it's been a long day so far. How are you? How’s Jess? Why are you here? I thought you wanted to be a lawyer…” I said in a goofy tone to mess with him before taking a breath, and quietly laughing to myself. It felt good to talk to him again.
“I am doing good, and Jess is as well. I see you took on the family business. Did biochemistry just not cut it? Also, I still want to be a lawyer, and I’m younger than you, dummy.” he teased.
“I mean, I liked it at the start but I realized my heart was in love with the family business more than any job I could get, and I hated being in an office all day instead of going out, and saving people which is what I love doing, ya dummy. Anything new?’
“I have an interview on Monday, but then this one,” Sam gestured to his right. My eyes stayed on Sam as he continued to speak. “dragged me out saying that dad was on a hunting trip and hasn’t been home, so I decided to tag along and help him figure out where he went.” He paused and then mumbled something under his breath, I didn’t realize he had just swore and it took me a second to figure out why. I recognized who Sam had just mentioned not and how this said person usually causes…...pain for me.
At first, I ignored the person next to Sam. I love Sammy and I assumed it was just another hunter, but when he brought up John, I knew exactly who it was. That’s when I turned to the person on the right of Sam and caught the gaze of his beautiful, forest green eyes. Those set of eyes belonged to the one and only Dean Winchester, Sam’s older brother. It felt as though time froze when I stared into his eyes. I used to always get lost in them, and clearly, I still do. Then my gaze moved down to his nose and cheeks, and I started counting all the freckles on his face. I used to do this when we were younger. Oh, how I could-someone coughed and made me lose my train of thought
“H-Hi Addi…..um...it's been a really long time. Haha.” He cleared his throat again and rubbed the back of his neck like he was nervous.
Then Sammy continued trying to move the conversation forward from the tension between the two of us of what happened in the past. “Sooooo I see you are working the same case we are. Want to partner up for old time's sake? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He murmured something to himself again, probably quietly going through the rest of the sentence, but I cut him off before he continued his spiraling.
“I would love to, Sam. I might as well since we’re all here. By the way, I already took some interviews and looked at the car and crime scene, so you guys could go into town and find Amy; the police chief's daughter and former girlfriend of the man who went missing. She is putting up missing posters around town. Anyway, I got to go and take a breather…..you know...since it was a long drive. So, I will text you my motel’s address and my room number, so that we can exchange information.” a couple officers walked up to us when I was about to leave and we all stayed in awkward silence.
“Who are these two, Agent Dawson?” He looked at me and forced a smile.
“They are… Federal Marshals,” they showed their badges as I continued, “I would love to chat, but I have to go. Thank you for your time officers… marshals.” I said nodding my head to the brothers and turned away.
I briskly walked away before anyone could stop me. I don’t think I could handle much more of that. My heart was hammering loud and fast, I could hear it in my ears. When I was talking to Dean and Sammy, I was chatting faster than I could think, unaware of half the words coming out of my mouth. Why! Why him...why did he have to be here. I should have seen it coming…as kids the boys were always inseparable.
I unlocked my car and hopped in quickly. I started the ignition and sped away in silence. I pulled onto the side of the road a few miles away from the scene, so that no one would see me and parker. I opened the glove-box of my car, knowing exactly what I was reaching for before I even realized I wanted it. I pulled out a small box and opened it, looking at the contents inside before my eyes landed on a small black box. Inside was a silver locket that I’ve had since I was in Highschool. It was old and rusty and needed to be polished. The exact locket I got as a teenager. The exact locket I got from the man I thought I loved. The exact locket from the man that left me that night 9 years ago. The exact locket that the man that goes by the name Dean Winchester gave to me. Hearing that name ring through my mind made me go into hyperdrive. I threw the locket back into the black box before throwing it back into the compartment, not caring about the box that was still in my lap and drove off.
A/N: Gosh that took forever it feels like I have been pushing back writing this chapter, but I still added some snippets here and there, as the weeks progressed. Again I promise that this story will have a normal posting schedule, but I still haven’t figured it out. I am only going to put the author’s notes at the end of the chapters, not whole chapters dedicated to them like previous books. Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as I enjoy creating and writing out these ideas. Again this has been in my head since I was on season 4 and now I am on the show has ended and I completed it. So this is like a farewell thing I guess. I think I started to come up with this stuff in March or April of 2020 crazy right. These chapters are going to be somewhat increasingly longer as ideas start to come back to me and pasted together. Anyway, that is all. See you in the next chapter my lovely bumblebees. Buh-bye!
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satinpetticoat · 4 years
It’s 2020 and I have feelings about Cole Turner RIP 2002
18+ year old spoilers?
It’s the year 2020 and I’m not over it.
So during quarantine I rewatched Charmed against my better judgement. I actually hadn’t seen S5-8 as a whole because back then life changed for me so I wasn’t as dedicated as S1-4. 
I completely fell in love with Phoebe and Cole back in the day and honestly during this rewatch I loved them as well until you know S5. However, if we are being woke (which I don’t think a show that had all POC’s be demons should be considered woke lol) S5 they basically did a checklist of all abusive things and had Cole check everything on that list. Sad. SO SAD.
I think a lot of the appeal of P&C rest on Alyssa and Julian’s chemistry. IT WAS INSANE. I really don’t think Alyssa was paired with anyone else (and boy did they go out of their way to bring in new handsome dudes for Phoebe to date) and hit the same amount of chemistry as she had with Julian. Alyssa & Julian’s chemistry on that show was homerun and I would never understand why showrunners wasted it when they could have milked it for all it was worth. WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND.
And don’t fucking tell me Phoebe and Cole weren't’ a game changer for the show, and Cole wasn’t popular. Look at the reboot, it was one of the storylines they copied IMMEDIATELY IN SEASON 1. ofc the reboot couple has the appeal of a wet noodle but that’s another story
I know some people who like P&C dislike Paige and blame her for the breakup (because stupidly the writers themselves have Cole blame her in his last episode which is a dumb argument from everyone. If we need to blame a character it needs to be the fucking Seer). But I think Prue would have never trusted Cole anyway so Paige kind of took on that role within the sisters. Plus Paige is cool. 
Back to the Seer, things that I just cant let go. If Phoebe had ever admitted to herself and the sisters that she fucked up when she killed the wizard that was going to take away Cole’s Source powers I would be able to move on from the internet. But she doesn’t. So I am forced to moan the dark corners of the internet whispering “Cole deserved better” in 2020 lol.
Do I hate Cup? No I don’t. Tbh the Cup development is nonexistent so there is nothing to like or hate. It’s just meh. But I’m not above misspelling his name because it’s dumb. The problem I do have is the dude was there for *check notes* SEVEN episodes? And the relationship is more about the show TELLING us he is Phoebe’s love rather than SHOWING us. Exhibit A: Chris calling him Uncle Coop this tell us we have to like him because it’s predetermined Exhibit B: and this one makes me salty, the writers retconned the apple skin, fuck off find your own apple skin in the SEVEN episodes you existed, Exhibit C: Cup is approved by the elders. So Piper and Leo have to fight for their love against the elders for nearly a season but because Cup has the Elders seal of approval from the get go we have to accept this is the real deal. Ok. I guess. I mean the Elders have fucked up in the past jsyk. I mean the Elders were such judgemental bitches your mom had to hide your half-sister lol ok ok I’m pushing it. 
Did I wanted P&C to live happily ever after. Yes. Do I know Julian had to leave the show. Yes. But did the character had to exit the show in that way. No. Did I want a hero’s death. Fuck yes. But I would have settled for him becoming a neutral figure, or continued to stay on the wasteland idk becoming the new wasteland guardian and that would still have ended P&C relationship since they can’t be together. In this scenario he’s cursed and Phoebe has to move on, but you know they loved each other as opposed to S5 where she hates him and he goes mad for some reason?? 
Like I know what you (you being the franchise) are doing, you know Cole is a popular character that you keep bringing back to life for *cough* guest spots *cough*, 2010 comics and the novels released in fucking 2015 (War on Wtiches and Let Gorgons be Gorgons) but you continue to fuck it up
In the comics Cole dies to save fucking Cup from an ancient atame so Phoebe can continue to be happy. Cole becomes increasingly self-less in the comics and this is where it ends. He earns nothing for himself, only happiness for Phoebe which is ok I guess after the S5 fuckery there was no hope for them anymore. It is a better death, but feels hollow because Phoebe hates him at this point anyway so welp. 
What I truly HATE how writers try to make Cup cool by having him ride Cole’s coattails. STOP TRYING FETCH HAPPEN ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. First the apple skin in the show, next Cup puts Cole’s father soul in his body because he feels bad he got  a) to live b) Cole’s one true love (HONESTLY WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT BENJAMIN TURNER IF COLE IS NOT EVEN THERE), and in the Let Gorgons be Gorgons novel they pair up Cup/Cole for a cool adventure. Cup is all like oh Cole embraces violence quickly (which ok he does0 but asshat someone has to do battle all these fucking demons now and I don’t see you volunteering. Cole can’t help being a badass. At the end of the novel Cup is glad Cole is there because life with the charmed ones can be dangerous and Cole can act as their bodyguard as if the reader needs to know Cup is okay with this situation. DO YOU EVEN GO HERE CUP?  The worse part is the show never really gave us a Leo/Cole adventure even tho Julian and Brian played off each other SO WELL. 
I can rant more but I’m emotionally drained at the moment. I am obsessed with Phoebe/Cole at the moment so I’ll probably continue 
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
Sometimes... I think he’s here *Billy Hargrove x Reader*
Summary: Reader suffers ptsd after the Mind Flayer battle. Most importantly, everywhere he turns he sees Billy. Reminded of his once friend, and past crush.
Pairing: Implied/platonic Billy X [M]Reader
Warnings: Stranger Things spoilers/ character death/ angst mixed with feels, and a lot of gay fluff- use of the words “fag” -light homophobic tendencies
Note: I know Billy is this ignorant asshole but I get a feeling within me that he’d actually like attention from anyone. So when reader, Will’s older brother (but year younger than Jonathan) helps him pick up chicks, whilst having a gay crush on him- he wouldn’t be as dick-ish to him. He’d still be a complete asshole, but he’d have moments. And those moments are what reader keeps remembering
Idk really know what I wrote. I just really feel like Billy was screwed over. They had a chance to really pull another Steve, give a shitty character a good character development, but they kinda did it- only to kill him (and before people come at me, I hated s1 Steve a bit. But he redeemed himself, ya know)
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First time you interacted with Billy was at Byers house. The night he beat Steve up and you high tailed outta there with his car- Max driving.
~~The second time... you’re alone at the video store. Picking some stupid movie to watch as you did homework. He walked in, an air of calmness about him. His hands deep in his jacket pockets, the white shirt underneath hardly buttoned. His hair hardly styled at all- you assumed anyway.
He languidly walked to the horror section, meaning his standing opposite you, flipping through the VHS covers with a laziness of movement. He doesn’t even look at you or even realise you’re there. Does he even care? Probably, not. Max said he’s pretty much not talked to her, but they seem to be on mutual playing fields.
“Tammy loves horrors,” you find yourself speaking up but your eyes cast at the trashy romance movies in front of you, you can feel his stare. “She’s the one you’re seducing tonight, right?”
He scoffs, “what’s it to you?” His voice is deep with his demand of an answer.
“She’ll completely ignore your advances if you pick a horror, trust me. I grew up with Tammy, the girl is a horror junkey.” You pluck a movie, making show of turning it to read the summary on the back.
There’s a silence and you think he’s wondered off, steering clear of your weirdo self.
“What would you suggest then, Byers?” You look up in time to see him cock an eyebrow, his head nodding for you to go ahead and make his night.
You turn around abruptly and walk towards the action section, Billy hot on your tail.
“Oh, there he goes,” Arms crossed across his broad chest; amused by this. He watched as you pick up a movie, First Blood.
“She hates action, she’ll get bored and likely make the first move,” you watch as he frowns with your choice. “Don’t Like First Blood?”
“Love it,” that surprises you. “Snuck into the theatre to see it when it came out,” he takes the movie from you and flashes a grin. “Thought you were queer, and hated me.”
Statement not entirely false. You look away because that seems to be the news, you’re gay and that means clearly there’s something adherently wrong with you. You disliked Billy, yes. He’s an asshole, especially to your friends.
“Uh-I guess, I’m feeling super gay enough to help you out,” you shrugged and expected him to leave, but he laughed.
“I appreciate the insider knowledge, especially if it gets me laid, Byers,” he pays your shoulder a little too roughly but you smile slightly. “If you’ve screwed me over though, Imma beat you up worse than I did to Harrington.” ~~
You’re staring blankly at the empty action aisle. Your eyes emotionless, body slack and complacent. You didn’t know how long you’d be off in your own little world, long enough to get Steve and Robin concerned, both watching as you blink out of your trance.
“Y/N, bro, you okay?” Robin calls and you look at her, nodding quickly and walking over to the duo. “Been staring at that crappy Rambo movie for a good ten minutes,” she tilts her head.
“First Blood isn’t crappy,” you defend a little harshly, Steve raises his eyebrows, “uh-sorry. I’m feeling a little tired, I’ll see you later,” you softly touch Steve’s shoulder before exiting.
You get into your car and start it up, a deep sigh leaving your body.
It had been two months since that night. The night you battled the Mind Flayer, the night Eleven (and you) got to Billy, finally, only it was all in vain. At least, he was himself when he died but he shouldn’t have died anyway.
You stop at a red light, almost home.
“Byers,” you look up from the drivers window to see Hargrove stepping to you, smirk settled on his pretty face, “I owe you one.”
You frowned, eyebrow raising at his cocky smile. Only it fades when he leans down, resting an arm on top of you car, his face at level with your own. You short circuit cause, woah, his eyes are that blue. His earring dangles as he tilts his head, a smirk pulling up the right side of his mouth.
“Wow,” you’re snapped outta your daze, “you’re such a fag.” He taps the roof and raises his eyebrows in a mocking expression, “just wanted to tell ya it worked, got into Tammy’s pants last night. But clearly you’re getting some gay boner over me,” he chuckles when you scoff, rolling your eyes.
You sighed a little, “You’re welcome, Billy. Glad I got you laid,” he smiled brightly at that. “Betta get going before everyone at schools think you’re gay too, cause that’s how it works- clearly.”
Billy stopped you, “Ohh, no, you’re not getting off that easy. I’ve scored a date with Stacey... Dw-“ he stops himself to think and you raise your eyebrows, “she’s got really big boobs and, I think, blonde hair.”
“You think?” You chuckled as he shrugged, “sounds like Jessica Randell,” he nodded, clicking his fingers because it sounded familiar to him, “I swear, what girls see in you, I don’t know, you’re impossible.” ~~
A car honking draws you from the memory, you quickly start your car back up, signalling an apology before driving home.
You laid down on your bed, room half packed up and memories all boxed away. Except one. The red lifeguard cap, sitting aimlessly on top a pile of clothes. It sparked interactions you had forgotten, willed yourself to not dwell on, only because it’s what sparked... a weird thing between you Hargrove, an unspoken thing. Working that summer job, with Billy, was singularly the best decision you ever had.
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~~He walked with such an air of confidence you forgot to get down from the lifeguard chair. The whistle was carelessly drapped around his neck, swaying with each precise step he took.
Everyone noticed him. Girls watched with seductive eyes - even mums, kind of disturbing but you didn’t dwell on it- guys watched from afar, either willing to be him or loathing him.
Working this job has been kind to Billy. It gave him the ability to rule all, to assert his dominance across the swimming civilians. It allowed him to have attention, something you’ve realised he craves, a lot. He likes people looking at him. He also got a nice tan, plus he was allowed to use the gym within the building for free, so he really toned up.
“You know,” his voice snaps you back, “I was grossed out by your staring for a while but it’s growing on me.”
You quickly step down, cheeks and body warming up at being caught, plus his words. You can’t look at him, even through his aviators you can feel his smug stare.
“Do me a favour?” He leaned against the chair, crossing his arms as does, “go get me a bottled water?” His smile is infectious, too.
You nod silently and walk off towards the vending machine, passing the lounging mothers who are bidding for Billy’s attention. You turn to see who he’s picked today, his up in the chair, glasses on his head but he’s watching you like a hawk.
Almost tripping into the building you run to the machine, grabbing the loose change in your trunk pocket and shakily punching the buttons for his water. Why are you acting this way over him? It’s Billy Hargrove. You have no chance. Doesn’t mean you can’t admire and crush on him. **
In the locker rooms, as the other staff leave. You’re left alone with your thoughts. Only half dressed you can’t find it within yourself to actually get up and Leave.
“Byers,” Billy’s unsurprised voice makes you jump, you look up to see Billy in a towel as he walks passed you to his own.
This past week working alongside had been... weird. The comments, the looks, the weird attention he gave you. It was like he was messing with you, only it felt very serious and... flirty.
“I think,” you begin, “I might quit.” You don’t know why you tell him your plan, you look up to gage his reaction. He stops and looks at you.
“Gonna leave me?” Be fakes being wounded by your confession, but eyes give him away, he’s hurt by this news- maybe it’s because you’re actually friends with him. You go to speak but he stops you, “let me guess, to work at Scoops Ahoy?”
Venom laces his words. For the first time, in a long time, this is the Billy everyone knows making an appearance to you. He dislikes people walking out on him, leaving him first. He prefers to be the one to leave, you don’t know why and you’ve come to terms with the fact you’ll never really know him.
“Work alongside Steve Harrington, right?” He steps to you, you stand up and shake your head, “Don’t lie, Y/N, I know you’ve got some fucked up crush on him. I saw how you acted when he came by yesterday,” so he is watching you.
“...I’ll stay,” you mutter, “if you want me to.”
His breathing his rapid. Making his shoulders move up and down with his intakes and exhales, his nostrils flare and he frowns. He looks away, confusion and worry etching on his face... he’s scared.
“It’s okay,” you mumble, “besides... be a fool to give up this job,” he looks at you, “I mean, get paid to see you shirtless. Kinda a win, right?” You nod once, an affirmation of understanding.
You both dress in silence. Not looking at one another due to what just happened, he may have not outright said it but you got it. He doesn’t want you to quit, or leave him, he may not know why... but you do. And you’re not gonna pressure him because it’s Billy, he still likes girls; you’re just some weird exception.
You glance at Billy, who is pulling on his jacket and not looking at you. Clearly having a mental battle of his own, you feel slightly guilty for putting him in there. Turning to the door, you sling your bag over your shoulder and grab the handle.
Then your slammed against it, pulled to face Billy. The air being slammed out of you, you barley have time to comprehend what’s happening before you feel lips on yours. They’re soft but dominant. The kiss radiates a lot of pent up emotions, it’s full of hatred passion, yet it’s nice.
His hands are pulling you to him, gripping the lapels of your jacket, your own are just softly holding his shoulders. He tilts your head up a bit, deepening the kiss and you taste mint- peppermint bubblegum to be exact. ~~
“Boys!?” Your mother calls loudly, shutting the front door. You don’t answer straight away, you will yourself up and towards the kitchen, “Oh, there he is. I haven’t seen you since yesterday morning-“
Her voice becomes faint to you as you stand staring at something on the table. Eyes unable to not look at it, they tear up because you had been searching for it.
“Where did you find that?” You choked out, Joyce looks at you and then to the table.
Motel 6 key lays casually on top. Door number 106, motel a few miles away from Brimbone Steel Warehouse.
“Oh, it was in that tattered up jacket of yours,” she studies you for a moment. You nod, a faint “Oh” leaving you. “...wanna talk about it?” Voice soft.
~~ “Leaving so soon?” You look up, a smile gracing your face as Billy saunters up to you.
You hadn’t talked about the kiss, well, kisses. Heavy make out sessions would be accurate, they’re always late at night. Secluded areas where no one can see you, often a few days between because Billy will kiss you but leave, won’t talk to you for a while- ends up talking to some girl at the pool- but comes back.
“Uh-Gotta pick up Will, take him to the mall,” you make show of grabbing your keys from your pocket. “See you tomorrow?” You step away but Billy grabs your forearm.
He steers you seat from prying eyes to a closet, you chuckle into the darkness about to make some stupid comment but lips are slotted over yours. Shutting you up.
Another set of keys is placed into your other hand, you pull away and look down in confusion before at Billy.
“I’ll see you tonight. Ten o’clock, don’t be late,” he pushes away from you before leaving the closet- not casting a look back. Your heart is beating rapidly cause you know what this means, and you’re nervous but excited. ~~
Your mother holds you as you cry into her shoulder, holding the key in your hand. The last day Billy was... Billy, he hadn’t shown up at the motel 6, you figured he changed his mind. You didn’t blame because, well, you weren’t anything special to him. Some weird game or phase, you didnt really care or minded. You don’t hear the front door open or feel the few stares at you.
“Sometimes... I think he’s still here,” you whisper. “I keep seeing him everywhere I look, I want to forget because I know- I know I didn’t matter to him, but-“ you break off and pull away.
“It’s okay,” you shake your head at her words, “he was your... friend, you’re gonna miss him.”
You sighed, finally seeing Max and Eleven watching you. A faint understanding of who you’re talking about, heck, apparently you were a significant memory in Billy’s life- so El says. You want to believe her, even if you did help Billy in his last moments, but you know, deep down, it was just a summer fling.
“I just want to leave this town,” you mutter.
Eleven watches you slink off to your room. The door closing softly.
~~ “Billy, look at me,” he blinks up from Eleven to you, tears running down his face as he holds Eleven under him.
Half himself, half the Mind Flayer still. His face tells you he wants to break free, his body and hands are still under its spell.
“Remember that day, at the video store?” Mike and Max tilt their head in confusion, “and I helped you pick a movie to bore Tammy into having sex with you? I like to think that was the start of our friendship,” you somehow chuckle despite the situation, Eleven glances from you to Billy, his hands softening enough for her to wiggle free. “Then I spent almost three hours with you, planning a date for Jessica- only she bailed, so we went to the arcade and you stole those kids tickets and I beat the high score on Mind Tricks.”
The noises around you becomes nothing as Billy stands, he’s panting and looking confused, yet terrified. Finally, he looks at you, blinking a few times.
“I bailed on Jessica,” he stutters out and you choke a little, “I bailed on her.” Is all he says before he faces the Mind Flayer. ~~
Your door opens and you see the girls, smiling softly at you. You raise an eyebrow at them, you hadn’t talked about that night with anyone. It was an unspoken request that no one brought up Billy around you, especially Max. You didn’t want them to ask about it because you don’t have answers, you just know that, you and Billy, had this unspoken connection- relationship- friendship- whatever it was.
Sometimes you get the feeling that if you never took that summer job... he’d still be alive.
“Wanna watch Back to The Future?” El asks with a soft smile.
(Check out my Steve Harrington fic HERE, let me know what you think also)
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Masterpost of my writing, I guess
Because I don’t write quickly, or often, and I do a lot of reblogs in between.  Almost all of this is also on AO3 here. Follow me on Twitter - I basically only tweet when I post something new.
About Fanfic and Feedback, according to me. (TL;DR: It’s always l o v e d but never required)
Anything added in the current month will be bold.
Please do not add on to my fics without permission. I love inspiring people to write - if you want to write your own fic based off one of my ideas, please do! Tag me even, I’d love to see it. But don’t add it onto my fic. It really upsets me.
Perfect - weecest, wincest, daddycest, explicit
Unanswered Prayers - weecest, wincest, John knows
Maybe - wincest, 14.02 spoilers, 
Breaking - kind of a character study
Bela - Bela/John, wincest mentioned
Heart’s Desire - wincest, minor spoilers for ep 300 (like super minor)
Killing Things - Dean’s first murder, not wincest
be a good boy - j2, mockumentary style, explicit
please daddy - Sam/John, spanking, borderline explicit
In addition to amazing looks the Gypsy Vanner possesses a temperament that is friendly and engaging.* genfic, total crack, Jared is a horse
Infidelity - wincest, past John/Dean, smutty angst is a valid genre, explicit
Figure it out - weecest (part 1)
Always Yours - slutty Jared and possessive Jensen w/wincest roleplay - collab with @ohnoitsthebat (AO3 version)
Smoked - Season 1 wincest, from John’s POV, with past John/Dean - collab with @ohnoitsthebat
fevered - mild wincest, just kind of musing
“Good Boy.” - a dying dog and Sam.
nine plus infinity - counting kisses
Stitches - Sam and stitches. Genfic.
didn’t know ‘til you were gone - wincest, necrophilia, explicit
A Little Off - serial killer au, weecest, and things are a little off
Kill Me Again - serial killer au (I love them, can’t help it), consensual necrophilia and lucifer keeps resurrecting Sam, explicit
jacket - wincest, mutual pining, explicit
14 - genfic, angst around Sam’s birthday
Head Games - wincest, weecest, explicit, PWP blow jobs
Baby Boy - wincest, weecest, daddycest, explicit - it’s sam/john hatefucking and sam/dean making love
I don’t know how to be without you - wincest, time travel, explicit
grindr - wincest wherein castiel puts grindr on the boys’ phones and waits for them to find each other
blood - wincest, weecest, boyking!sam 
motor oil and leather - sam/jess, when jess smells like dean
sex ed - dean teaches jack about sex, using sam as a demonstration model
drunk dial - wincest, explicit. sam’s at stanford and he gets a call from dean.
Stretch - weecest and fisting from an ask, explicit
Surely Heaven Waits - coda to the finale. Spoilers.
Big All Over - John/Jack, because why not. explicit
Family Heirloom - Sam & Dean Jr genfic.
sammy and shoes - Sam in high heels, weecest & wincest. mature
ring - sam/john, underage, explicit
Like Nothing Else - jensen/OMC, explicit. Collab with @ohnoitsthebat
Haunt - What Emily Walker does as a ghost.
almost chivalrous - weecest, sam is roofies at a party, not explicit
Happy Birthday, Dad - post-finale, genfic
And one to grow on - wincest, spanking, birthday
Birthday Puppy - winkline, puppy play, explicit
On Camera - pre-wincest, Sam tries doing porn at Stanford
Disaster - j2, prequel-gate from Keegan Allen’s POV
Currently Thinking About Henriksen
(ficlets of Henriksen pursuing the Winchesters - serial killer! au style with a holiday theme)
“Currently thinking about”
 (various short things, united in that they are unpolished but otherwise unrelated)
serial killers! weecest
stanford era pining
rulers of hell wincest
weecest in a motel
pining weecest
smutty angst
breaking dean’s heart
sick!sam fluff
after the pilot
sam tempting dean
in honor of the 300th
slutty!sammy, weecest
valentine’s day, murder bros, outsider POV
sam liking dean’s lips
weecest in a sex shop
wincest in early s4, possessive!sam
weecest and a knife
weecest and sam feeling dirty
weecest and mutual pining
weecest and lipstick and head in bed
moc!dean and dubcon
weecest and sam’s a noisy little bitch
boyking!sam with wincest-if-you-squint
weecest and sam is an untouched little slut for dean
pining sam coming out to his girlfriend
boyking!sam and dean decide to rule hell
possessive serial killer wincest
budding serial killer sammy (no ships mentioned, but it’s always wincest)
dark!dean and sam’s eyes
daddycest, sam/john style
late season wincest after a hunt
pilot and pining!wincest (with sam/jess)
almost weecest and bruises
weecest and old movies
sam making dinner
petting hair
weecest and sam in lingerie
weecest and dancing in the rain
sam in makeup
after school special episode related
sam in a bath
weecest and john knows
weecest and dean catching sam
camboy!sam at stanford
crowley listening in late s5
post finale with sam
weecest and sam doing homework while dean talks dirty to him
sam and jess at stanford
sam and calling dean just to hear his voice
sam/jack and jealous!dean in highschool
john and “the talk” with weecest
“something wicked” season 1 pre-wincest
sam and mpreg right before stanford
weecest and drunk dean and first times - explicit
Currently thinking about... j2
j2 in the pilot ficlet
mistaken soulmark au - brief jensen/chad, endgame j2
jared hooks up with dudes when he’s drunk - s1 fic
as azure cuisine (on AO3)
Cursed - wincest, first time, set in later seasons, not explicit
Black and White - a series of character studies, sort of
Broken Things - non-con wincest and addiction. no happy endings.
And The House Burned - young Sam and a burning house, not wincest
#beardguy - early s14, the internet appreciates Sam’s grief beard
not crossposted to AO3
drabble - dean and feeling damned
sam/jack noncon after ouroboros
happily ever after - retirement
sam and dean and shakespeare - headcanon fun with @sorryimnotthatkindofdoctor
serial killer!dean snippet
demonic little sam in 3 sentences
early season wincest dynamics - from conversations with @ohnoitsthebat
at stanford, winchester mystery house
a/b/o for “It’s A Terrible Life”
sam and dean and using the internet pre-stanford
pre-wincest weechesters - headcanon fun with @ohnoitsthebat
unfinished snippet of sam and shaving
Fratboy!Dean when Sammy joins - submission to @wincestismyguiltypleasure
sam and dean end up at a drag show instead of a vamp nest - ficlet for @ohnoitsthebat
j2 as a hawk and a vulture - snippet of a fic i’m not writing
trans!sam having a bad period and dean being awesome
dean taking spankings for sam and giving them back later 
Wild Cards
The casino owner!Jensen and card counter!Jared d/s au that was unplanned but is turning out genius (putting all of it here including amber’s posts because... well, it’s nice to have it in one place)
bb jared at jensen’s casino - original ask from @wincestismyguiltypleasure 
discovering aftercare - by amber  
after security guard!chad tries to ‘rescue’ jared - by amber
introducing high roller!jdm - by amber
jared and bad dragon filling his slutty hole - by amber
jdm pushes too far, jensen has a few doubts, jared clears things up - by me
jared having a darker edge (and loving jensen’s more murderous side) - by amber
Chad (wherein the security guard attempts a rescue after jared takes things a bit too far) - by me
Disobedience (where jensen installs hidden cameras and jared doesn’t know he’s putting on a show) - by me
not fanfic
In the Dark - a Little Red Riding Hood retelling
Take Me To The Ocean - wherein Kelly writes poetry
an essay for an old class
247 notes · View notes
kihocrystal · 6 years
Winter 2018 Final Impressions
I’m a month late, as usual (whoops!), but here’s my final thoughts on the animes I watched this past season! 
The “reviews” will be in alphabetical order!
3-gatsu no Lion S2 - 9.0 / 10 (A)
This second season of 3-gatsu was great! It’s just… a really great drama show about fighting depression (& a bunch of other character storylines)!
extremely complicated, emotionally complex… this arc brings all sorts of emotions & angles into the forefront
multiple perspectives too: Hina’s, Rei’s, the bullied girl’s, the bully’s, the teachers’, and Akari too!
The art style can pull off both thick-outlined / bright colored style and watercolor-esque style incredibly well
it really is beautiful how it can visually portray both light-hearted and emotionally intense scenes
This season continues to show how good it is at character development for characters both main & supporting!
We get to see Rei moving through the ranks as a shogi player
and also moving through the ranks of conquering his depression! He’s improved more than ever before!
We get to learn about the white-haired master player (Souya); I liked how he has his own quicks and challenges he has in his daily life
Along with the other head shogi guy (Yanagihara)! (& how he shoulders his legacy for his friends)
Even the last episode offered some perspective from the foster mom about Rei & her kids
this show is just… really good at making normally-hated characters sympathetic, hot damn
Aside from bullying arc, this season also showed Hina preparing for the transition to high school
The finale episode was nice and sweet, with Hina saying goodbye to Takahashi and even getting a haircut!
This continues to be one of the best drama anime in recent years! Not to mention SHAFT’s best show since Madoka Magica :3
Cardfight!! Vanguard G: Z - 7.5 - 8.0 / 10 (C+)
And so ends the G series of Cardfight Vanguard… this final season I’ll say though is kind of a mixed bag
The plot had interesting ideas and moments at times, but the execution and pacing left a bit to be desired
though I will say it was definitely better than last season (CFV G NEXT)
This season didn’t waste any time getting to the main plot, as Chrono has to face off against a Diffrider right away
the diffrider stuff is continued from last season, but for the most part, it’s a new plot kicking off!
The rollout of all the new Diffrider Apostles (& them showing their strength) definitely made them look like powerful foes
not to mention the Zeroth Dragons, which were also shown to be powerful and very risky to use
Also knowing that anyone in the main cast could end up being The Vessel added some intrigue as well
the reveal that Kazuma would be the vessel definitely was a well executed twist imo~
However the pacing in places felt a bit too fast for me… the Relics subplot felt like it wrapped up too quickly, for example
the final fight against Gyze also kinda felt rushed… Gyze didn’t even have any dying words after his defeat :/
As a final season specifically, I feel like it kinda pales in comparison to Stride Gate, unfortunately
The cast was also kinda hit and miss in terms of how well they were utilized in the plot
some of the apostles definitely had more screen time than others (gredora only got like… two episodes)
plus gastille (the supposed apostle leader) got beaten sooner than like 3 other ones???
some villains carry over from last season too, such as Noa (Chaos Breaker) and the red-head punk kid
I liked all the new villains this season, personality-wise! (Also Yukari Tamura in there is a plus)
also no Am and Luna this season, really…
the previously established OG cast were integrated fine, for the most part
including Aichi and Kai getting the kill against Chaos Breaker Dragon
but the final episodes kinda just shoe-horn in a bunch of cameos that just didn’t feel natural :/
it just felt like “OH SHIT, this is the last season actually! Quick, throw in a bunch of cameos!”
this also applies to G characters, which makes less utilized characters (like Am & Luna, as mentioned before) look out of place :(
Sure, I’m saying a bunch of negative stuff right now, but I REALLY LOVE THIS CAST… I JUST WANT THE BEST FOR THEM
It’s the main reason I love CFV G, after all~
This season was definitely an improvement over NEXT for sure! The plot was interesting, I just wish the conclusion was better
The final episode basically just felt like an OVA, really… aside from the last scene, it didn’t really feel like an epilogue at all
I guess it just bums me out bc the original series got a good epilogue episode, so I know they could do it here, too…
In any case, this was a decent season to end the G series with! Not the strongest, but not the weakest either.
I’m gonna look back on my time with CFV G fondly for sure, if for nothing else than the great ensemble cast :’)
It’s gonna be weird going back to the OG cast for sure… I arguably liked the G cast better than the OG one :’D
Osomatsu-san S2 - 8.0  / 10 (B)
The consensus among fans seems to be that this season wasn’t as good as the first season
As for me, I… probably agree with that (though I still enjoyed this season!)
As with most comedy anime, whether the jokes land is pretty subjective. I feel like I didn’t laugh as hard this season? IDK
There were more “seasonal/holiday”-based episodes this time around (i.e. summer, new year’s, etc.)
What stays the same though is that this show is at its best when featuring the main brothers themselves
Skits involving the side characters (like Iyami, Dayon, etc.) didn’t make me laugh much…
I will say though that I enjoyed the second half of the season more than the first half~
Enough about the negatives, let’s talk about this season’s memorable skits / episodes!
The premiere was really good, as it poked fun at the huge popularity the show unexpectedly got xD
plus a bunch of references that *aren’t* gonna get them removed from streaming sites this time!
Jyushimatsu getting an “apprentice” with a little kid was also pretty funny~
The Karamatsu taxi skit, the spooky inn, & all the characters being stuck on an island were also good skits!
Ep. 18 (Iyami, Alone in the Wind) was also a crowd favorite, since it brought the feels for a change :’)
The finale 2-parter pulled a bait-and-switch yet again!
Part 1 was actually pretty serious, but the actual finale just has them trying to break out of hell xD
OH YEAH, I still really like the live-action stuff they do during the ending sequences
the first half’s ED was my favorite (the stop-motion of the brothers riding in the car)
I don’t have much to say about comedies generally, but Osomatsu-san is still my favorite in recent years ^^
Even though this season didn’t hit as hard as S1, it still provided some fun laughs~
Pop Team Epic - 7.5 / 10 (C+)
What can I really say about this show? It kind of defies description ^^;
Ok, yeah, it’s a sketch comedy, but it’s a really… crazy and random sketch comedy
The jokes are hit and miss (and in my experience was a bit more… miss than hit)
I never really laughed out loud at this show either
but then again, the humor here is more “being confused at what’s going on, but going along with it anyway”
There’s also a lot of modern anime references, so you might not get those jokes if you don’t follow most recent anime
Each episode has a long skit in it, plus a bunch of bite-size skits
I personally preferred the short skits over the long ones
There were a couple song parodies which I enjoyed (including the Earth Wind & Fire parody)
Also, this series definitely benefits from having an English simuldub! Some skits I found funnier in English!
OH YEAH, the voice actors (in both languages) change every episode, with female and male VAs in each episode
that enhanced the enjoyability of the sketches too, since I liked hearing favorite VAs do silly dialogue and performances!
I wouldn’t say this ranks among my favorite anime comedies, but it’s definitely unlike any other I’ve seen! ^^;
Your mileage will *definitely* vary with this one, so give it a try and see if it’s for you!
The Ancient Magus’ Bride (Mahoutsukai no Yome) - 8.5 - 9 / 10 (A-)
This was a very enjoyable fantasy drama show! Some people feel this show was overhyped, but I still thought it was really good!
I really liked the cast overall, especially Chise
She has really good character development throughout the show! She really becomes more strong and confident!
Seeing the fantastical world through her eyes was interesting as well!
Especially since those mystical elements were also responsible for her terrible childhood…
Elias was also an interesting guy… he and Chise have an interesting relationship together
Their relationship definitely has aspects that are unhealthy, but they do grow closer to each other by the end
If people can’t get past the whole premise of “him buying Chise to be his bride” though, I totally understand ^^;
They help each other learn too, which I liked to see
The supporting cast was also enjoyable! Not much to say about them individually though
The dragon keeper was nice and we got to learn about Elias’ origins through him
The dragons in general were great! Especially the old one that turned into a tree :’)
He gives Chise some good sage advice, even after death :’)
Angelica, Silky, and Stella (among others, like the other anti-hero duo) were good support characters too~
I liked Stella’s role of “normal girl who learns of the supernatural’s existence”
Cartaphilus was an… okay villain, I guess (though his methods were quite creepy indeed, which added some intrigue)
Some character designs are a bit questionable though… like who approved the vampire’s design? ^^;
Another large appeal of this was the world building of the fantastical elements!
I liked seeing all the different types of locales & supernatural creatures, both good and bad
As a low-fantasy show, this show does a Dang Good Job with the fantasy!
Chise learning more about herself and gaining confidence through these experiences were a highlight as well
I enjoyed each story arc as well, even though most of them were more explorative and introspective
This show can be dang beautiful sometimes, through both its art/animation and its stories (Thanks, Studio WIT!)
Some were better than others, but they all deliver either a heartwarming (or a dark) story
Some favorites of mine were the dragon-based ones, and the vampire loving the old man
The finale was good too! It’s unknown whether this conclusion is anime-original or not, but it was definitely a good S1 ending~
If you love low-fantasy shows, this is definitely one to check out!
Violet Evergarden - 8.5 - 9.0 / 10 (A-)
Best *new* anime (that I watched) of this past season, hands down~
Though to be fair, I still need to watch A Place Farther than the Universe… and Yuru Camp… and After the Rain…
Going into this season, this show was hyped and back and somehow… a lot of people were *disappointed* with this show?
I think it had to do with expecting a different show than what we got; as for me, I knew it’d be an episodic drama the whole time :P
But yes, this show has a (mostly) episodic plot with an overarching character arc. If that’s too slow for you, then you probably won’t like this show.
In any case, back to the positives! The first one being how good this show looks visually… as expected from KyoAni~
there’s so much detail in the backgrounds and the character elements (especially the lighting on objects like Violet’s metal hands)
this aspect is one thing *everyone* agrees on regardless, so… yeah, this show’s really pretty!
The main star (and focus) of this show was Violet herself… you can really see how she changes for the better from beginning to end
You get to see how “robot-like” she was at the start of the show, but she slowly learns about dealing with emotions of others… and herself
This character arc is definitely the “main” plot of the show, along with her coming to terms with Gilbert’s death and her war killings
The episodic plots were good in their own right, too!
Ranging from Violet’s start as a Memoir Doll to the different clients she works with, they all teach her something along the way
These sometimes focus on the side characters working at the Doll Agency too, so we get to learn more about them as well
The one that comes to mind first is Iris’ episode, where she (messily) reconnects with a former lover
Not all of them get a full episode in the spotlight, but they do get some focus scenes from time to time
Violet’s clientele episodes were the most memorable out of this lot IMO
ESPECIALLY EPISODE 10… that was the BIGGEST feels trip
I knew exactly how the episode was going to end, but I still teared up at that ending!
The finale was action packed, but also was a beautiful way to show how far Violet has come
I know some people’s issue with this show is that “it doesn’t know what show it wants to be” re: the action stuff, but I was fine with it personally
in any case, it was a pretty good book-end for Violet’s development, since she finally understands (a least a little) what “I love you” means :’)
I understand certain people’s gripes with this show, but this really is a great little drama show that *will* deliver the feels~
P.S. I also watched Fate/Extra: Last Encore this season. It hasn’t technically ended yet, so I can’t give final impressions on it right now. However, my current score for it is a 7.5/10 (C+).
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kylosrehn · 7 years
for the tv series thing, I know it isn't one but star wars?
send me a tv film series and I’ll tell you:
my all-time ultimate fave character: 
Since the sequels came, I’m highkey loving Rey. But before that it was Vader. Still is, I guess. They’re kinda tied. Yeah I like the villains okay fight me.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do:    
Hmm…Kylo I guess. I never disliked him, but I was pretty meh about him. I just didn’t care all that much. But I like how they fleshed him out in TLJ and built-up his backstory, and I’ve warmed to him since. He’s very much a tragic character and I always like that. Between the two of us, he reminds me a little bit of Ward—or FW Fitz, take your pick. It’s the whole lack of affection/evil mentors make monsters out of good boys/men thing all over again. 
      a character I used to like but now don’t:
I actually left this question til last to see if I could think of something, but nah, I’ve got nothing. I don’t think I went from liking to disliking any one character completely, just kind of…liking them less. Padme is one of those. She used to be my girl through my childhood and now I’m more meh about her. I guess that’s the closest example I can think of right now.
a character I’m indifferent about:
There’s a good few. Rose, Finn, Holdo out of the sequels. They’re the first ones that come to mind. Boba Fett, Phasma, Hux (aside from the fact that he makes for good comic relief). I don’t know, probably a few more.
a character who deserved better:
Maybe Padme, because the whole ‘breed and die’ trope, but it was obviously necessary because she never shows up in the originals and they had to explain that somehow. And Obi-Wan. Though it’s less of a ‘deserved better’ and more of a ‘fuck he’s been through a lot of shit in his life.’ The Rogue One crew I suppose, though again that was a plot thing. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Finn/Rey. I’m just not very interested in friends to lovers ships (looking at you FS.) And maybe Han/Leia. I know they’re basically at “iconic” level by now, but they never really wowed me. Tbh most SW ships are like, “eh, okay” for me. I tolerate/moderately like them, but there are very few that make me go into hardcore shipper mode. Mini-me loved Anidala growing up, they were literally one of my biggest childhood OTPs, but over time the allure has started to fade and I’ve picked up on more and more flaws, and honestly, I think I’ve just outgrown them. Now I’m focusing on Reylo because it’s just such a cool dynamic that’s never been explored in the films before (I mean, a telepathic/empathic bond that lets them tap into each other’s skills and memories? That’s so awesome, I’m so here for this) and all that build up and development in TLJ really got me. I was kind curious (but mostly in the worried kind of way) to see how they’d approach it after TFA but now I’m 100% on board. I loved what they did with them. Aaaand that’s not the question. (Totally unrelated: I lowkey shipped Vader with Aphra from the Comics. It’s such a rarepair, but the dynamic was quirky and I’m always here for that. She was kinda like a S1-Skye cracking jokes at this evil, murderous Sith Lord. Plus, the line “you’re what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.” ‘Nuff said.)
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Reylo. Please don’t screw it up in IX, please please please.
a cute, low-key ship:
Jyn/Cassian. Also, I really like platonic Finn/Rey. And Luke and Leia’s relationship. And I wouldn’t be opposed if somehow Finn/Poe happened. And Poe/BB-8. Okay so not all of those are ship-ships, but y’know.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
Tbh I lowkey wanted Poe to be with Paige, Rose’s sister, but lol she got killed off pretty quickly. Unpopular…well, I’m kinda looking forward to seeing how Han/Q’ira plays out in Solo (I’m 99% sure she plays him somehow. But hey, that seems to be my type.) I don’t know.
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Eh, I don’t hate any ships, really, or think something was “wrong.” Not a huge fan of Rose/Finn just because I don’t see any chemistry between them and it sorta feels one-sided, but I mean, you can develop feelings over time, so that might change in IX. I don’t mind them, they’re just kinda…there. Not a fan of Kylux but that’s just a fan thing, so whatever.  
my favourite storyline/moment:
Right now it’s the Reylo Force Bond scenes. Yeah, all of them, lol. And the throne room fight scene because you expect them to start attacking each other, but instead they work together and subvert all expectations and I loved it. That scene at the end of Rogue One where Vader just demolishes the rebels. It was so dark and chilling and just all around ahh. Also, the Obi-Wan/Qui Gon/Maul fight from TPM is one of my all-time favourites. And the music! Ahh, awesome. Oh, also, the arena fight on Geonosis. I’m not sure I have a favourite storyline—though I’m admittedly a sucker for the whole ‘here, go on a totally-not-romantic trip to protect to senator on this beautiful, lush, fragrant world and try not to fall in love lol bye’ storyline because it’s just so wonderfully tropey. It’s like something pulled straight out of fic (and not necessarily in a bad way.) I’m kinda tempted to write a fic based on that, ngl. One day. 
a storyline that never should have been written:
Predictably, lol, I’m gonna say the Jar-Jar Binks/Gungan stuff from TPM. The whole underwater kingdom concept was cool, but it just felt like it took up way too much screentime. I wouldn’t have minded if it was just more of a background thing, or if it was of lesser importance. They’re just a huge part of this film and then they’re virtually never brought up again (in the films) in any significant way, so all of that just feels so moot and unnecessary, like it was just a run time filler. The political plot, although somewhat frustrating, does prove relevant to the story later on so I’m cool with it. I don’t think I hated any storyline really. TFA was a disappointment for me in that it felt a little too familiar and I really wished they would’ve taken more risks and tried to pave their own path as opposed to recycling elements (I mean, ANOTHER Death Star? Sorry, Starkiller Base. Really? And the Empire’s defeated but like, merely a few years later they’re back and crushing the rebellion again? Sorry no, that’s…It’s the First Order now. Got it. Totally different. My bad.) from the originals just to please the hardcore fans, but luckily TLJ assuaged most of that frustration. I can only hope the mood for IX is closer to TLJ than TFA because that would be regression and honestly just a huge insult to the saga.
my first thoughts on the show films:
I think I just loved them straight away, lol. I must’ve been…five at most when I first watched them—well, the originals and I and II, they were the only ones that were out at the time—on the good old VHS with my dad because he was/is a huge fan and he got me into it. Obviously the more nuanced stuff flew over my head as a small kid and certain things only really clicked when I rewatched them years later, but the love was there. 
my thoughts now:
I still love it, though my love tends to come in sporadic bursts now as opposed to being linear all the time. Like, I can just push it to the back of my mind for a year/two/three but then something like Rogue One comes out and reminds me just how much I love that world. I ride the high for a few months, read fic, etc. and then the hype tapers off and plateaus for a while. Nothing for another few months/a year, new movie, and wham, I’m sucked back in. 
I try to stay in my own little corner though and not get too involved in fandom because the drama is just nasty and can really suck the enjoyment out of, well, everything really. For a long time I guess I just wasn’t aware of how nasty the SW fandom was—aside from the group that hates on the prequels for the sake of hating the prequels because it’s what the cool kids do or whatever—probably because I didn’t actively go looking for this type of stuff. But then TFA came out and it kind of erupted like a volcano that’s been…somewhat dormant since III in 2005. Still, I stayed away from it for the most part, only hearing stories of hate in passing, and never really engaged until after TLJ, when it became a little “safer” for the Reylos to emerge. Before that it was two years of hell and name-calling and threats and verbal abuse and general fandom wank, to my knowledge. And that’s fucked up. No one should have to endure that, not in any fandom. Stuff like that just pisses me off so much. But I’m sure you already know that.
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adrianners · 7 years
Creator tag meme 2017
Tagged by my name twin, @iwritebetterthanispeak. Thank you!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or fewer) favourite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I only posted seven works in 2017, so I’m going to limit myself to three plus a bonus unpublished WIP that’s waiting for finishing touches.
I’m pretty sure every applicable mutual has already been tagged in this, so I’m just going to say go for it if you’re interested!
1. And So Viktor Met Him. Viktor & Chris, future Viktuuri, past casual Vichris, married Chrismasu. One-shot. 3651 words.
This was the third story I posted to AO3, and it was my attempt to take the training wheels off after warming up on two short pieces of domestic fluff. I wanted to get into Chris’ head (I am seriously split on whether my favorite character is him or Viktor), I wanted to write a banquet fic without showing the banquet itself, and I wanted to hash out one possible trajectory for Viktor and Chris’ relationship as friends [with benefits] and competitors.
Given my penchant for spite-fic, you’d think this was written after the whole “Viktor and Chris aren’t even friends and it’s #homophobic to suggest that maybe they had a thing in the past let me show you my obvious personal hangups about sex and discomfort with Chris’ overt sexuality ‘tainting’ my ‘pure’ Viktuuri” line of poorly reasoned so-called ‘meta’ appeared, but not so! Nevertheless, I’m glad to have contributed to the collective middle finger Vichris writers have raised by keepin’ on doing our thing.
2. Living in the Maybe. Viktor & Mari, Viktuuri, Mari/skater butts. One-shot. 6019 words.
God, I love Mari. I don’t have a lot to say about this one that I didn’t already say in the comment section, but I loved writing this story and I’m so, so happy with the result. Fun fact: I thought up the Japanese lines in actual Japanese, then rendered them into English in a way that (I hope) preserved some of their structure and tone. That was important to me in a story where language barriers are crucial to the themes.
3. “Time Heals All Wounds,” and other bullshit Yuri Plisetsky doesn’t want to hear. Yuri & Georgi with future Yuri/Georgi, Otayuri breakup, background married Viktuuri. One-shot. 3370 words.
Another exercise in covering new ground! Yuri/Georgi was a ship bingo square I assumed I wouldn’t attempt, but then I needed the line they were in  (I ended up not completing the line anyway, but doing “Measure” well was more important to me than a bingo). It seemed my options were to write the utter crackship they’d be in the S1 timeline or to take a significant jump forward in time to where they could have a real shot at dating without killing each other. The choice was pretty obvious for me, given the themes I’m most interested in exploring in fic (#vulnerability). After that, the story came together quickly and with minimal outlining.
WIP bonus: “In the hope that some of them will hurt.”  Viktor & Chris, Viktuuri, past casual Vichris, married Chrismasu. One-shot. 3500-4000 words when complete and edited.
“And So Viktor Met Him” has a sequel! Hell, it has a whole universe around it (you can see the master plan in my WIP list), but this one is a direct sequel. On my in-depth rewatch of YoI, I noticed that Viktor disappears between talking to Yuri et al in the hall and the medal ceremony. Where the hell does he go? Well, I decided crying in the bathroom is a fine old GPF tradition, and who better/worse to stumble across him than a worn-out and resentful Chris? Where “And So...” was about friends being buddies and dancing around their problems, this is where everything explodes so they can rebuild with a better foundation.
I’m including this in my 2017 output because it’s just waiting on a couple of transition sections and an editing pass, which may happen while I’m glaring at “Measure of My Time.”
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elphabahamilton · 8 years
Something Funky: Trying to Make Sense of Sherlock Series 4
  Did BBC Sherlock jump the shark? Why does it feel that a show that has been in production since 2010 with 2-3 years between seasons (which would provide plenty of time for development) has suddenly taken a nose dive when it comes to the story, writing, character, cinematography, in-universe logic, and overall direction? Why are so many of the community left disappointed in how S4 seems to have ended? Were the fans, theorists, and shippers of TJLC just plain wrong in how they saw the story progression despite the overall tone of S1-S3? Did the writers actually pull the rug from TJLC theorists because, in fact, there was no real rug to begin with? Well, to tell you frankly; I'm not sure about anything. I'm just trying to make sense of S4 within the context of S1-S3, because there was definitely, something funky about S4.
  There were many in the community who started noticed that there was something funky about S4 that didn't gel with S1-S3. Whether it be from the sometimes odd/ dreamlike camera work and framing, the extreme leaps of in-universe logic the audience was forced to make, and the seemingly out of character motivations and decisions. This "funky" feeling seemed to grow into a full theory in itself when the show made multiple mentions of altered memories; from the client who took heart medication which led to temporary amnesia (T6T), to the T12 drug (TLD), to Sherlock's rewritten memoires of his past (TFP). So, why point so much emphasis on this "funky" feeling? I have a few theories that may explain how I view S4 (especially TFP). Most of these theories are based off other theories (I'm just putting them in my head canon in order to make sense of S4. I think that no matter what you believe the truth is for what may or may not have happened, I think that all of the theories that center around that "funky" feeling can possibly be centered around what I call the "Look at Me" decoder ring.
"Look at Me"
   This is centered around the "Look at me" and "Look at him" lines from TLD and TFP. Both of these lines are of the villain pointing out something that SHOULD be OBVIOUS to the protagonist (either John or Sherlock).
  In TLD, Culverton yells at John to "Look at" Sherlock after John continually proclaims that he is a doctor, because obvious that Sherlock is high off his nards, yet John seems to not doing ANYTHING to help Sherlock and is following Sherlock blindly and listening to Sherlock accuse Culverton of being a serial killer without any real evidence.
  In TFP, Euros continually tells Sherlock to "Look at" her when he asks her how she escaped Sherrinford. This is Euros pointing out to Sherlock the OBVIOUS lack of glass that should have surrounded her cell. 
  So, maybe this is the creators' way of pointing the obvious "funkiness" of S4. Whether it be through fan theories/ head canons or the odd character choices the creators decided on.
Expanded Mind Palace Theory and John's Mind Bungalow Theory
   There have been many posts/ metas about whether or not, S4 may have taken place in a protagonists' head, whether it be the EMP Theory or the JMB Theory (both of which I quiet like). Whether you believe that after Sherlock reads the "Miss Me" note off of Faith's notes and he goes into his Mind Palace (much like what happened in TAB) or after John got shot by Euros and he goes into his Mind Bungalow, both theories can explain quiet a lot...
  Both the EMP Theory and the JMB Theory may explain many things including the fact that "Mary" told Sherlock to "Go to Hell" to "Save John Watson", which leads to the Culverton case and in the very next episode we see Sherlock not only going to "Hell"/ Sherrinford, but through it and ends up saving John. Both the EMP Theory and the JMB Theory may also explain how Euros could be seen as a symbol of Sherlock without emotional context and the answer to "The Final Problem" is for Sherlock to give Euros (and himself) emotional context and therefore letting Sherlock become a stronger person. Heck, both theories (mostly the EMP Theory) could explain John's beating of Sherlock in TLD. Mostly through how much it looks so similar to Moriarty's beating of Sherlock on the Reichenbach Falls in TAB, and through how Culverton is seemingly coded to be a dark mirror to John, especially when the show deliberately points out that Sherlock's perspective is off during the confrontation in the morgue when he is hearing Culverton laugh and take the scalpel when no one else did. So can the audience really be expected to just accept the beating scene like it really happened?
So, maybe like what many have theorized, TFP is actually a "nightmare" much like TAB is a dream. Why else is there so many symbols and similarities to movies (especially horror and thriller movies)? Maybe these theories are the key to the reason why Mycroft seems so out of character during TFP. Why else would he seem to suddenly have an issue with violence and seeing someone kill themselves. Why else would both John and Sherlock realize that Mycroft is not as clever as he has been portraying himself as, especially when knowing how he seems so defenseless against the machinations of the villains (especially Moriarty). Maybe these theories are the key to why TFP is an odd dream-like retelling of ASIP (especially with the ending with John and Sherlock standing together with a blanket and asking each other if they are okay and with Lestrade's line of Sherlock being a "good" man). Maybe the dream-like logic that flows through the series (especially TFP) is an attempt of one of the protagonists' fevered imagination of trying to figure out the emotional side of Sherlock. Why else would there be such a heavy emphasis of emotions and emotional context within the series?  
Attempting to Explain it Away...
  Whatever you believe, maybe these theories can also explain away some of the common complaints (specifically regarding character motivations and character decisions). I know many were beyond annoyed at how the creators seemed to have portrayed both Irene and "Mary", but let's put these portrayals through the EMP/ JMB theory lens and see what we can find.
  I know many within the community thought that Irene's inclusion in S4 seems to only try and dismantle the Johnlock theory by making it seem like Irene "still" had romantic feelings for Sherlock and/ or vice versa. However, we know that Sherlock STILL never responds to ANY of Irene's messages and only occasionally reaches out to her through text (even though he admits that he shouldn't and that it is ONLY texts). Plus when John tells Sherlock to "go after" Irene, he doesn't! He doesn't immediately go "Thanks bro!" and run out the door to Irene, instead he tenderly holds John! As for the mention of Irene in TFP; well, if we assume that TFP is going on in either John's or Sherlock's fevered imagination, we can see this as a similarity to the mention of Irene in TAB.
  First, we have the "I Love You" coffin and when John makes the suggestion that it could be for Irene when Mycroft prompts "who love you, Sherlock?" Sherlock's immediate response is "Ridiculous," because it is ridiculous! Irene nor Sherlock actually have romantic feelings for the other, sure they eventually hold each other in high regard, but they don't love each other.
 Then we have Sherlock playing "Irene's Theme" when Euros asks him to play "himself" and then asks if he has had sex. First, I would like to point out that Sherlock never actually answers Euros' question of whether or not he has had sex. Secondly, as some have pointed out, "Irene's Theme" was only ever heard completed AFTER she was out of Sherlock's life and could actually be kind of seen as Sherlock's realization of John's feelings for him. This can also be read in TEH when John is first going to Baker Street to visit Mrs. Hudson and he imagines hearing "Irene's Theme" and remembers Sherlock and his' conversation during their first case. We can also hear it in TAB while Mary and John argue, only to have Sherlock immediately stop playing it when he imagines/ hears "Mary" disrespecting/ belittling John's role in Sherlock's life and work as his assistant (plus we all know that Sherlock went into his Mind Palace during TAB while reading John's blog about his and John's first meeting). So, what else is the audience to infer other than that "Irene's Theme" is not actually about Irene, but rather about John and Sherlock's relationship.
  Many people within the community didn't like how the creators have seemed to have given "Mary" what many see as an undeserved and unearned redemption arc, but let's put this to the test. I have made mention in my "TFP Experiment Theory" post that I combined the "Mary" = Moran theory and the Moriarty = "Fan" theory to attempt to make sense of "Mary's" death and post-death videos, and I still think it applies here as well. Especially her "fan"-like speak in her "Miss You" video, oddly puts in mind how Moriarty is a symbol for the type of Sherlock Holmes fan that doesn't care about the relationships or the characters, they only like the cases. Especially her talk about how "it doesn't matter" who they are, all that matters is the "legend/ story" and then she possessively calls them HER "Baker Street Boys".
  I would also like to point out how seemingly odd her behavior toward Rosie is. We never actually see "Mary" comforting Rosie nor be "soft" towards her (not like Sherlock or John). For example, did anyone notice how much John hold Rosie instead of "Mary"? Even in the promotional photos, most of them feature John holding Rosie instead of "Mary". Even when Rosie starts crying in T6T, we never actually see "Mary" comfort her (unlike how we see John comforting her), and when "Mary" leaves to comfort Rosie, she fairly quickly just hands her off to John. She also immediately hands Rosie to John when they go on the case when they use Toby for tracking. Also, did anybody else think it odd that during the Skype call in T6T, John immediately starts talking about baby items (thinking the conversation is going to be about that), but "Mary" immediately interrupts with questions about the case. Heck, she even talks about Rosie within the context of her being a demon/ devil child (both through similarities through The Exorcist and The Omen), while John just corrects her movie trivia (especially take this into account when he see Sherlock with a client who believes that his wife is possessed by the devil in TLD). Seriously, compare her interactions with Rosie to Sherlock and John's and really ask yourself, why is this like this?
  Also, was it just me or was it odd that John had 59 missed calls from "Mary" when she was going into labor? Why have that specific number? Maybe it's a drawing attention to the number of unanswered texts from Irene to Sherlock. As we all know by Christmas in ASiB, Irene sent Sherlock 57 text messages, plus we know she sent 2 more within that same episode ("I'm not dead. Let's have dinner." and "Goodbye Mr. Holmes.") which equal 59; all of which went unanswered by Sherlock, much like all 59 calls from "Mary" went unanswered by John.
To the Johnlock Shippers
  I'm not sure where (if anywhere) these connections to that "funky" feeling will go in the future of Sherlock; but one can only hope and pray that whatever may happen, it will hopefully make sense and make Sherlock a better show that we have been eagerly awaiting. Surely, all the hints, symbolism, and story and character progression was there for a Johnlock relationship to occur. We all know that John and Sherlock need a romantic life to complete them, but who else in the world is out there for them but each other? The Johnlock shippers saw and observed, we head and listened; but did the creators?
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yenneferw · 7 years
You thirsty bitch jfc: In the Flesh, Supernatural, Hannibal, Black Sails
In the Flesh: 
my all-time ultimate fave character: Simon Monroe have you ever seen him in a sweater he is beautiful 
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Jem was really shitty in the beginning but she got a lot better really quickly
a character I used to like but now don’t: the show’s not long enough for me to hate anyone lmaooooo
a character I’m indifferent about: idk some of those side characters they focused on for a hot second. I could see what they were going for but I just wanted my boys and Amy
a character who deserved better: Amy :-(
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: I think I liked all of the ships they gave us fortunately 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Obvs Simon and Kieren and Kieren and Rick. Iconic. When will your faves EVER
a cute, low-key ship: Philip and Amy were cute low-key
my favourite storyline/moment: I really liked Kieren’s acceptance of his zombiehood and all and also I relaly like that Simon exists
a storyline that never should have been written: Mmm Amy died and that’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me
my first thoughts on the show: Ooh cool zombies
my thoughts now: I’m so in love with Simon and Kieren and Amy and I would die for them and this is the best show in the world and it’s the worst thing ever that it was canceled and I’m almost certainly dead bc of this show
my all-time ultimate fave character: Dean or Cas for sure it kinda fluctuates 
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: I didn’t used to like Meg bc she was a bitch in the beginning but then she was fucking awesome 
a character I used to like but now don’t: I liked Ruby and then she turned into a bitch so I didn’t liek her in the end
a character I’m indifferent about: Idk I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head
a character who deserved better: Charlie. Charlie Charlie Charlie Charlie. If you don’t think her death was bullshit then I don’t know if you were watching the sae show that I was
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: That Charlie/Dorothy thing? Was that a big thing? I can’t remember. But I do support Charlie being alive with a girlfriend 
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Destiel lmaoooooooo 
a cute, low-key ship: Mm I think I remember thinking Dean/Benny was cute
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: what ships are unpopular? I feel so disconnected from the fandom anymore. Probably megstiel 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Sam and that Amelia girl. Who was she. Why was her only purpose manpain. I’m so tired
my favourite storyline/moment: Demon Dean was tragically short-lived and I wish spn would just keep turning him into a demon like we do lmao but also when Cas comes onscreen? Iconic
a storyline that never should have been written: All the damn dropped plotlines I used to know a bunch but I can’t remember them now. Also does homophobia, misogyny, and racism count. Bc lmao,,,,,,,
my first thoughts on the show: Unfortunately I was a superwholock bitch so idk what my first thoughts were but they were probably embarrassing 
my thoughts now: the horse is dead. does its corpse really need beaten anymore. But also I’m still gonna watch it bc they own my ass. Could’ve been so much cooler if you remove a) homophobia b) racism c) misogyny d) manpain and added instead More Castiel
my all-time ultimate fave character: Will Graham I’m so
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Idk did I dislike anyone? I mean I never liked Freddie but who did. I probably didn’t like Abel Gideon or whatever at first but he was a really cool serial killer and probably my favorite one of them on the show so
a character I used to like but now don’t: I started like Jack less toward the end. Everyone was going bad. It was a wild time. Like if you like falling from grace plots then Hannibal Is For You bc that’s literally every single goddamned character except pure gay Brian and Zeller in the background
a character I’m indifferent about: Idk I was pretty attached to everyone. Maybe Bedelia actually. I didn’t really have any thoughts on her
a character who deserved better: Beverly I kinda wish they hadn’t killed her off actually 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: I think ppl ship Hannibal and Bedelia which nah
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Hannigram how iconic 
a cute, low-key ship: Alana/Margot also super fucking iconic I wish they had more
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Hannibal and Alana but I think that’s obvious considering he was high key manipulating her 
my favourite storyline/moment: The first part of s3 as a whole was really good but I also like the innocence of s1 but also the subtle fall from grace in s2. I just really love this show okay it was a very good show
a storyline that never should have been written: I don’t know if there was one it was a really well-written and good show imo. 
my first thoughts on the show: I found this show when Sherlock was kind of dying off bc of the fucking shitshow that was s4 and someone said it was basically better Sherlock and I was like alright I’ll go for it
my thoughts now: Lord. Heck. I love this show so much I should really rewatch it because I feel like I’m losing some of my love for it 
Black Sails:
my all-time ultimate fave character: James Flint. A gay icon. When will your fave ever. I’m sobbing right now okay I love James Flint more than I love most things he is literally the best thing to ever happen to anything ever and I would die for him. Honorable mention: Max. I cry when she breathes she’s so perfect
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Charles Vane. This show is really good at humanizing characters. I still have a lot of problems with Vane but I like where he was going in the end and I appreciate that he martyred himself. Also Teach for similar reasons, and also because his interactions with Jack did a good job of humanizing him I think. Plus his execution? Best martyrdom ever
a character I used to like but now don’t: Eleanor. I sort of liked her again for a hot second but I just didn’t like her after a while. She was going down a path I couldn’t get behind
a character I’m indifferent about: Go big or go home I’m indifferent about no one
a character who deserved better: Everyone they’re all so perfect I’m crying. Idk maybe Miranda tho like I completely agree with why she had to die for the story but I definitely had a Moment when she died and then I cried a lot about it
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Go big or go home motherfuckers. I guess maybe Eleanor/Rogers tho I don’t know that I ever felt anything for them. Until s4 I wasn’t convinced on silverflint bc I knew the ending tho but then ep1 of s4 and I was sold, on board, and ready to die for them
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: flinthamilton when will your faves EVER also maxanne CHRIST I love them with my entire heart and soul and I cry constantly. Also silverflint at this point I’m in love with all of them I’m sobbing right now
a cute, low-key ship: John and Madi are cute. And I’ve always liked the background relationship between Featherstone and Idelle idk
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: I feel like ppl don’t really ship Gates and James but I def did
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: I don’t think that it shouldn’t ahve happened because it was integral to their storylines and their characters, but Eleanor/Charles Vane. I didn’t like them but just because they weren’t right for each other at all. But their relationship did largely influence how they interacted with the storyline and each other and stuff so it was important.
my favourite storyline/moment: When James or Max or Anne walk on screen? Iconic. But no I liked when James was slipping after Miranda and did all the shit like blowing up the town. It was just very exciting and I was really attached to Miranda so I was backing him completely. But I also really just like s2 in general.  
a storyline that never should have been written: I don’t think anything shouldn’t have been written. It’s such a good show that I can’t think of anything that I really didnt like as a whole. I’m sad James and John are splitting apart I guess but I completely understand why it has to happen and I know Thomas is at the end so it’s okay
my first thoughts on the show: I saw two men kissing with the tag black sails and was desperate for representation so I made us watch it
my thoughts now: Oh my god there is literally no tv show better than this show. NOthing will ever be good enough for me because of this show. I want to explode every time I think of it I have so much love in my heart for it
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