#don't forget to adjust your studies to the characters
tagidearte · 11 months
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He's a knight after all.
Little -/+ 1hour sketch. I'm obsessed in case you couldn't tell.
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kairoot · 1 year
ENHYPEN, s/o who wears glasses
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : fluff
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : none really, jokes
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 : none
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : enha x gn!reader
author’s note : where my glasses pookies at?!? 😔
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ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐥𝐡𝐬.
honestly thinks you’re so cute
obviously without your glasses you’re still cute but he thinks they make you look even more adorable
literally gushes over you
he tries to help you be careful with them
he’ll remind you to take them if you’re forgetting them for work or class or smth
“baby, don’t forget your glasses, okay?”
loves how they come down your nose when you’re really focused or just in general
wears his glasses around the house so you two can match (even if they aren’t the exact same frames)
he loves when your frames get pushed all against your nose when he kisses you , thinks it’s cute (idk it’s heeseung)
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐣𝐣𝐩.
the responsible one out of the two of you
makes sure you’re extra careful
tells you not to fall asleep with them on
..you do the exact opposite of what he said
he takes them off for you when you do (+ a little kiss on the nose cause you look too cute while sleeping :< )
he goes out of his way to prevent you from breaking those things
“y/n, if you break those, i’m not buying you a new pair.”
ends up buying you a new pair
might even buy a matching set for himself
cleans them for you
makes sure you’re wearing them at all times
“babe, you know you can’t see so just put them on.”
you comply :(
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐣𝐬.
literally LOVES glasses on you
another one that thinks you look so stinkin adorable
he’s there at the eye doctor, when you first get them
is so scared for you when you have to do the puff test 😭
“babe, what if it takes your eye out or something-“
“jake, it’s just air 🙁”
helps you pick out the frames
he’s actually got really great taste
is the “how many fingers am i holding up?” type
he has so many pics of you with your glasses
and of you and him with matching frames
you have to keep them away from him cause he can be really.. clumsy
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐩𝐬𝐡.
im not even gonna lie to you, he calls you a nerd
but in an affectionate way of course
makes sure you're wearing them at all times even if you don't like them
"hoon, pls i hate them sm, they make me look like a nerd 🙁"
"so? you need them. and you're my nerd."
surprisingly, he’s way more responsible than you
another one who’s extremely careful with them and makes sure you are as well
secretly thinks you’re so attractive with them
it’s kind of not a secret though cause you see him stare at you a lot more when you wear them vs when you don’t
either way you’re cute, doesn’t really matter to him
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐤𝐬𝐰.
another one that loves glasses on you
a lot of the times , people see glasses as something to be insecure about but sunoo doesn’t really think much about it
of course he notices them but he thinks they add character
he buys a matching pair just like jay
he definitely likes to study with you just so you can match (idk it just sounds so cute)
loads of cute library selcas with you
i feel like he’d buy you all types of different frame styles
he likes taking pics with your glasses even though you tell him it’ll hurt his eyes
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐲𝐣𝐰.
‘how many fingers am i holding up’ pt 2.
also cleans them for you pt 2.
adjusts them for you if the slide down your nose or if they’re all the way against your face
he always says they compliment your eyes
he’s just so 🥹💔
mocks how you squint when you don’t have them on 😭
definitely helps you pick them out
he tries the different pairs on with you when you’re at the eye doctor
don’t tell him you like more than one pair cause then he’s gonna get all of them for you
“jungwon, seriously, it’s okay I’ll just get these-“
“where’s the other pair you liked?”
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐧𝐫𝐤.
calls you a nerd pt 2.
takes your glasses cause he knows you can’t see without them 💀
WILL NOT give them back until you give him a kiss
it’s giving “where my hug at?” 🤨
other than that, he loves the way they look on you
pretends he doesn’t know you when you walk out of the doctors’ office with your new frames
“who is that fine babe 😩”
niki.. sthu🧍🏽‍♀️
wears his glasses more often because of you (have yall seen that boy in glasses ??? omg 😫😫)
ngl he’s probably the reason you break them
too much roughhousing
will definitely buy you a new pair
+ free kisses n food cause he didn’t mean to do it :/
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author’s note: im sorry this is so short. also, if i see another enha tour clip i just might jump into a lake (i can’t swim)
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sully-s · 6 months
Batman Quest To Get A Birkin Bag
Ok so I have a very indulgent, SuperBats head fanfic that keeps me company on days that I forget to charge my earphones while walking my dog and to bore my wonderfully accommodating friends over dinner.
Long story short it’s a character study about Clark after his death. Doomsday kills him becuase we do not subscribe to Synder movies in this household.
Mostly its about Bruce grieving and reflecting on his ten+ year marriage with the man of steel with a large helping of the Justice League members bonding and finally getting to know Bruce and in turn Clark. (Kal never really got to say specifics about his life because Bruce wanted to keep his identity secret therefore a lot of Clark's life was private.)
For most of the fic Clark’s dead. But I'm one for angst with a happy ending so he comes back. How he comes back I have all kinds of versions but I just want to share this really silly one that I’m slightly obsessed with.
It’s about two years after Clark died. Currently, Bruce and Hal are off-world for a two-month mission. Shortly after they leave the League are battling some sorcerer who's in possession of a Jinn. During the battle two of the three wishes are used and at the end it's Flash who gets to use the last one.
He wishes for Clark to be revived back to life.
Jinn says he can't do that
Flash thinks of course just like in Aladdin you can't bring the dead back, make someone fall in love or wish for more wishes.
The Jinn is like how dare you think that's not within my power of course I can bring back the dead, I can't bring back Superman because Clark's not dead. he's just in his grave too weak to break out of his grave due to the lack of sunlight.
Flash hears this and immediately rushes over to dig up Kal.
The next month and a half are all about Clark adjusting to the changes over the last three years (Like having a new kid at the manor: Tim) Meeting new members (Green Arrow, Martian Man Hunter), and really bonding with his teammates ect.
While waiting for Bruce's return Clark asks Barry what he'd like.
Barry is confused
Clark clarifies that Barry was able to bring back one of Bruce's loved ones “to life.“ That’s never happened and for a man like Bruce who loves deeply for his family he going to be very grateful and he will not take “I’m just glad I could help” for an answer. So Barry needs to think of something or Batman will.
Barry doesn't know what to ask for but knows that Bruce is rich. He figures this would be a great time to get that designer bag that Iris always wanted but they could never justify ever buying. (Listen I don’t know if Iris is a designer girly but in this fic she really just likes this one bag.)
So Bruce and Hal get back and after the big celebration party, the JL held for Clark and Bruce's reunion. Bruce approaches Barry thanks him and asks if there’s anything he can do.
Thinking Barry is going to ask for a house, pull some strings with his Brucie persona so he can better his life at his job or status. Maybe ask for Bruce to fund or set up a wellness program for people in Central City.
But Barry is just like: Uh well Iris has always liked this bag.
And Bruce is thinking Really Barry You brought the love of my life back to life I’d move mountains (without Clark’s help) for you and you want some designer bag for your wife?
Bruce: Do you have a picture?
And as soon as Barry shows him the bag Bruce knows moving mountains would be so much easier.
The bag Barry wants to get is a Birkin Bag.
Now if you know anything about Birkin bags 1. they’re stupid expensive. 2. If you can afford one that doesn't mean you get to buy one. Hermes the company that makes them has this irate practice that you have to work up a good relationship with the store and the sales associates in said store to even get the privilege to buy a Birkin (usually by buying a ton of other Hermes products you don’t want.) Sometimes you buy half the store but if you’re not a high-profile client or they don't like your image they just brush you off and postpone your chance to ”buy” a Birkin. And if you do all of the above prerequisites You don't even get to pick the bag they "give" you one. Want a pink colorway? Sorry here's lime green you're welcome.
Now Barry has no knowledge of any of this and just thinks a Birkin is just some overpriced bag. The problem is Iris only likes this one colorway ( Size 35cm, Red Alligator Exterior, Gold hardware, Yellow Slik interior ect.)
This is going to be near impossible.
But In Bruce's mind, Flash did the impossible in bringing back Clark (Bruce thinks Clark was wished back to life because that's the story everyone is sticking to. Because the emotional trauma of letting Bruce know that Clark was alive the whole time rotting away in a grave for 2 years is not on anyone’s todo list.) So he will get this bag Even if it kills him. He's the goddamn Batman.
And all this lead up is to what I'm actually obsessed with
I just love the idea that Bruce is running around Brucie-ing it up to try to get in Hermes' good graces but his image of being a drunk playboy is activity stopping him from buying any bag.
He calls up the Daily Planet and starts setting up all these puff PR-boosting articles to up his image. Which starts rumors becuase Burce Wayne doesn’t do interviews so why now?
Gotham elite catches wind that Burcie Wayne wants a Birkin richest man in America can't get one. So they all start getting Birkins. They ware them to his galas, just to troll Burcie. The elite jump on the waitlist inflating the list to stupid long. Hermes starts to wear the exclusivity of Brucie Wayne as a sign of good taste and prestige. Bruce searches the second-hand market and can't find the colorway Iris's wants.
Bruce goes undercover as a worker for a local Hermes store to become his own sales associate just so he can get around the prejudices of Bruce Wayne image and start racking up a sales history. (He just selling and buying to himself lol.)
So Bruce is playing a luxury salesman using his background of old money and Alfred’s butlering to woo potential buyers. Working his first retail job ever. Having to suck up to management so he can plead his case about Bruce Wayne. Using his access to get informed on what bags are currently available, who’s on the waitlist, where they rank, and criteria on how and what moves you up the list ect.
After months and becoming the number one salesman, he makes his case to allow Brucie Wayne to buy a bag.
It’s declined.
So he switches tactics.
He just makes a new cover as a recently won lottery winner looking to burn cash and wants to burn it with Hermes. And starts a new sale history. Using all of his knowledge and intel about what gets you on the waiting list.
He gets stonewalled a few times by former co-workers that he gets around by blackmailing them with gossip and infractions he witnessed or was told In confidence when he was a fellow sales associate.
Finally, his lottery winner persona is put on a waitlist. The only problem is he’s at the very bottom.
So what does he do?
He suties up As Batman and starts intimidating all those who are higher on the list than his lottery winner cover rocketing him up the list.
He hits a roadblock when he tries to scrace a woman on the list who doesn’t believe he’s actually Batman becuase “Why would Batman even want with a Birkin?”
Which leads to an escalation that gets him an earful from Superman who’s called to the scene by said woman whos terrified after Batman strings her upside down over the edge of her high-rise penthouse.
Clark offers to buy the bag becuase who wouldn’t want that kinda of PR endorsement?
Which Bruce vittamently refuses becuase it would cheapen the gift.
Finally, after a week of terrorizing wait-listers, his lottery winner persona is “given“ the opportunity to buy a bag.
But disaster strikes when that lucky break he thought he got because he was next on the list was actually bad luck becuase the person was bumped off becuase they bought the bag that Bruce had painfully calculated to purchase which was the only bag that would be made in the next 3 years that has the colorway that Iris wanted.
So Bruce tracks down and comforts the buyer in the dead of night as Batman. The buyer freaks out and says they didn't even want this colorway and really wanted a Caranery yellow ostrich skin colorway and if he could get her that one she'd trade for it.
This leads Bruce to play matchmaker for a series of buyers that have Birken Bags they don't love and would trade for their dream bag. And after months of fetch questing and matching sad Birken owners around the world with their dream bags Bruce he pulls it off. He finally gets a Canary, yellow ostrich skin colorway Birkin bag trades it for Iris’s dream bag. Only to find out it was ruined in a car crash that was caused by an alien invasion 2 months before that the JL had a particularly nasty time with and it was Bruce’s Batmobile that was thrown into her parked car.
The bag is a mess the zipper borken, missing hardware, leather scratched. But Bruce so done with everything accepts the trade and takes it back to the cave. Where he proceeds to 3D scan the bag then composite a CAD model and starts to collect all the raw components of the bag himself.
Getting only the best materials (much better than what Hermes was using) Talking to Killer Corc on how to find the best alligator pelts. Flying to India to personally pick out the red dye for the color. Mining the gold for the hardware from an asteroid that was threatening the Watchtower.
After he has everything Bruce proceeds to by hand construct an exact replica of Iris's dream bag. Essentially making the most over-budgeted fake to exist. Where he finally gives it to Barry (who has no inkling of the time and effort Bruce has put into this side project that has taken the better part of a whole year) who jokes in saying “Oh wow takes 12 months to run to the store huh?”
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wintersera · 10 months
study date? || futa!wonyoung x f!reader
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notes: first time ever writing futa and i feel like a hentai loving freak for doing so- anyways “hermaphrodite” futanari especially refers to pornographic characters in erotic manga or anime, known as hentai. basically wy has a pussy and a dick 😭 also happy belated birthday @wonysugar this was for u
cw: futanari, sub!wonyoung, dom!reader, dacryphilia, strap on (i say cock as well), overstimulation if you squint, praise(?), 100% not proofread leave me alone 😭
wc: 5k
“you know you’re about to be kicked off campus if you don’t pass right?”
your teacher had summoned you a mere 5 minutes ago to drop the most devastating news you had ever heard in your half assed school life. obviously you knew your grades weren’t the best- they were shit.
you had joined the university to get away from your annoying ass parents, and you were very VERY lucky to have been accepted into such a prestigious one, a university that would make your parents proud. only skimming the entry requirements by a passing grade.
anyways, you couldn’t have the risk of losing the good friends you had made, so you started thinking... if you were to study hard you could stay, maybe fuck around at parties and whatnot, but then again you and studying don’t go hand in hand, unfortunately. even if you tried to sit down in the lecture hall with a notebook and your laptop on the side you’d most likely forget the content in as soon as you step out.
groaning in frustration, you throw your hands up into the air dramatically “ughhhh… okay, i’ll make it up to you somehow. please don't kick me out just yet”
stumbling into your next class like the dramatic person you are, you mumble under your breath with a displeased look on your face obviously shown by furrowed brows and your persistent frown.
“fuck this class, this is so shitttt” uttering as you take your note book from out of your bag to scribble down some barely readable half assed notes, since your teacher was rambling about some topic you didn’t quite grasp.
it was extremely obvious that you had no clue on what was being taught. instead of embarrassing yourself in front of the whole entire class by extending your arm up in the air, it was only natural for you to ask the person next to you for help. the girl next to you was known as the most intelligent person in the class, maybe the most intelligent person on campus if you say so yourself.
“…hey” whispering while poking her shoulder “what exactly are we learning?” the girl carefully placed down her pen to turn her head in your direction, her hair doing that cliche slow motion sway as she adjusts her glasses, making sure that it was tucked behind her ears. it took her a while to speak up, maybe it was nerves. people often depicted you as an outgoing ‘popular’ person, but you didn’t believe that at all- i mean who uses school hierarchy at your big age. sure, you have a couple of close friends here and there and you easily become acquainted with people, yet that doesn’t really make you popular… you think. just a few drinks and you’re already chatting to everyone at the club.. you wouldn’t call that being popular, right? or maybe she was repulsed by you instead, you dont know why, but maybe she just didn’t fuck with your vibes- your personalities clashed severely, and although you weren’t a believer of those cliche stereotypes where the nerd is absolutely terrified of the avid partygoer- those cliches almost felt too real.
her eyes widened and it seemed like all the blood had rushed up to her cheeks as she stared at your face for a few seconds, completely forgetting what you had asked her before “uh.. um… what did you ask me again?” by her body language alone, you could sense that she was tensing up. okay maybe you were a little bit intimidating, who wouldn’t think you were by the way you waltzed into the lecture hall all dramatic like that.
“i’ve been behind on everything and i’m about to get kicked out so could you maybe help… please?”
“um- well, it’s kinda impossible to learn all the content in one sitting, since our professor kinda just talks for hours on end. so… uh if you’re okay with it, do you wanna do a little studying together?”
“yes?! oh my god perfect, you’re a lifesaver. just say where and i’ll be over” immediately accepting the offer just like that. you’d think that she would be more timid considering that she was literally paralysed when you poked her, but luckily enough, she had the balls to speak to you. god bless confident ass nerds.
being too enthusiastic about studying with her, she was a little bit caught off guard by the way you beamed “w-we could do it after class. i’m not busy and no ones gonna be in my dorm today apparently…” you thought about it. even though you were fine with studying at a local cafe, or the university library, a change of environment could possibly help you “that’s if you want to of course” fiddling with her pen as she softly added the last sentence.
“sure, why not. a change of environment wouldn’t hurt- and plus i might study better with someone as smart and cute as you”
“h-huh? what?”
you felt a little pang in your heart, her confused face made your pulse race a little too fast for your liking “ah… i didn’t mean that in a flirtatious way” sureeee “i meant it more like- you know what… i'm digging myself a hole. i meant you’re very very smart and i’d love for you to help me study” flashing her a quick smile.
“uh- um yeah.. ahaha. so my place is fine?”
after another painful hour of sitting impatiently in your seat, class finally ended with you still not understanding a single thing that came out of your professor's mouth.
“i have no idea what she was yapping about”
“it’s because you sleep at the back sometimes. you better stop taking naps or else she’s gonna kick you out for real”
“…you pay attention to me sleeping in class?” interrogating her seemed fun. she was always so quick to answer your questions with a funny flustered response. something along the lines of stuttering profusely everytime you ask her a simple question. it was like you knew her for a while, being so comfortable in her presence that you can easily toss banter around.
“NO- i mean.. it’s because you sleep so soundly and so obviously, probably because you’re partying almost every night, r-right?”
“you’re so cute when you stutter- also yes i do go out a lot but not that much” teasing her a bit more as you walk out of the lecture hall “so where’s your dorm at pretty girl?”
“oh! uh.. it’s just a 10 minute walk away”
you called her a pretty girl? out of nowhere? it was involuntary but it came out smoothly and without you thinking, plus it really messed with her head. score. what you failed to realise is that she walked a little funny, shuffling as she walked beside you. the tent in her pants being so obviously apparent that she covered it up with her bag, that was thankfully big enough.
that 10 minute walk to hers felt oddly familiar, until you realised that you lived in the same accommodation. what a shocker.
what's even more funnier is that she lived one floor above you
“y-yes?” she jumped in place as she reached for her keys in her bag, the keys almost falling out of her hands.
“it’s kind of funny how i live right below you” giggling about how silly you thought it was “how come i’ve never seen you around?”
“hmmm… too busy studying i guess”
“ah, that would make sense. anyways why are you just standing at the door, are we gonna go in or nah”
you waited as she lowkey struggled to insert the key into the door. watching her closely as she curses under her breath, she must’ve thought that she looked like a complete and utter loser. she was right. she was a mess in front of you-
“take your time babe”
“s-stop don’t call me that. you’re gonna make me mess up again” panicking as she missed the key hole.
the door finally opened and you were in. her room was, well, basically the same size as yours of course, but it was definitely much more organised in contrast to your hell hole of a room “god damn, i’m glad you didn’t offer to go to mine”
as you sat down on her bed, you scanned across her walls and other stuff, taking note of what types of posters she had on her wall just in case you felt generous one day and decided to give her a gift. not like you had any money for that though. it wasn’t surprising when you glanced over her desk to see a couple of shoujo anime figures still fresh in the box “hah wow you really are nerdy”
“s-shut up and come sit here”
“alright so that’s how you finish off this part… are you okay… you look out of it” she questions you while you slide down her conveniently placed extra chair that was placed right next to her.
“that felt like a fuck ton of cars just crashed simultaneously into my brain. wonyoung i know you’re smart, but can you dumb down the explanations plea-” you pause as she got up from her seat- your jaw swung wide open in shock laying your eyes upon something you guess wasn’t meant to be seen.
“how about we take little break. let me get you some.. um y/n? helloooo- are you good? is your brain fried?”
yeah it was. your focus was shifted onto something else. no thoughts, no words just..
you responded to her question with a nod- yeah yeah your brain was definitely fried, you even questioned if it was because the studying REALLY did fuck your head up, but my god it was as clear as day. the print in her pants was certainly real, there was no way that it was fake. her bulge being so unrealistically big that it looked like her pants were restricting all the space in there- no room for her cock to breathe at all.
“i… i uh- i don’t wanna be a creep or anything but… wonyoung i think you might have an issue down there”
“down where?” HOW did she not realise that she had a massive hard on right in front of you.
luckily she was cute, and thankfully you had a huge thing for nerds like her. you take a deep breath- praying to the skies that she doesn’t find you weird for asking this specific question.
“need help?” you breathe shakily, the sight of her cock begging for it to be released from her tight pants made you almost drool. heat spread to your face while she looked at you confused for a second until it hit her.
“ah, you meant t-that? aha i don't know how it got there um uh.. it’s definitely not because- i mean it’s like… well it seems like i have a hard on ahaha” there was an awkward silence that washed over the both of you.
“i- sorry i didn't mean to get turned on by you” shyly admitting whilst attempting to cover her hard on with her note book.
“oh, so i turned you on?” a smirk slowly appearing on your flushed face, a teasing hand brushed her cock ever so slightly as you crossed your legs.
“fuck… y-yeah you did.. sorry” she began to lose her balance as you cupped your hand around her bulge.
“no need to apologise” once again, silent washes over you- collecting your thoughts on how to approach her again “…wonyoung”
“take your pants off for me” you eyed her down like a predatory animal, crossing your arms as she slowly takes her pants, then her boxers off. her cock sprung out and hit her stomach with a thud. damn, she was hung-
telling a cute girl to strip in her own dorm room wasn’t really on your to do list today, or at all, but here you were. the cute girl in question having a massive cock and what seems to be the lack of balls.
wait pause? she doesn’t have any balls? interesting- now you’re equally intrigued and horny.
“sit down on the bed for me cutie” the sudden use of a pet name made her whine aloud. you guess she was weak towards those types of words- adorable. she sat down on her bed, legs shut from embarrassment “awww” you coo at her “how cute. come on, spread your legs for me baby”
“mmm.. wait wait you’re gonna be weirded out. i-i don’t think we shouldn’t do this”
“there’s nothing to be ashamed of. be proud of your dick wonyoung, people would die to have a cock this size” lifting yourself outta the chair to kneel in front of her “nowww, i did say i was gonna help- i promise i won’t be weirded out”
even though her dick was out, and you were so ready to suck it off. clearly nervous, you placed a reassuring hand on her thigh “it’s not like i’ve never seen a dick before- you’ll be fine with me, promise”
“it really isn’t about my dick. it’s more about the um… the… okay i don't have balls”
“huh?” you sat there perplexed- she has what? what do you mean she has no balls “n…none at all? well it’s not like i care anyway, dick is dick”
“okay so um- instead it’s just… actually just look for yourself” no words could explain how embarrassed wonyoung felt, her cheeks heated up- actually no, her whole entire face lit on fire. slowly spreading her legs apart, she revealed her sopping wet cunt.
yeah whatever, you weren’t opposed to the idea of nerd girl jang wonyoung having a massive fucking cock and a pretty tight pussy at the same time- more so, it turned you on severely knowing the nasty things you could do to her “you don’t need to worry about it baby, i’ll make you feel so good that you’ll forget about being embarrassed” you say after licking a strip up from the base of her cock to the very tip
“ah.. mhm… your tongue- warm” hands extending to grab your head gently, her long fingers tangling themselves in your messily tied hair.
“first time?” looking up from in between her legs. surprisingly, she shook her head with the bite of her lip “not a virgin? okay so i can do this” swooping one strand of hair to the back of your ears, you make haste, your mouth opening wide as you let her cock slide into your mouth, and a little into your throat.
“hngh s..so deep, sorry i lied ah- i am a virgin” it makes you giddy on how she always gave such honest answers, not a single drop in this woman's body could lie. even through pleasure she was true, her hips jolting upwards and never shying whenever you did something she enjoyed. you played with her tip, attentively listening to her whines gradually increasing in volume. for funsies, you then ease one finger into her needy pussy, her head thrown back- rolling her hips shamelessly.
releasing her cock from your mouth and resting your face next to it “feeling good?” you ask, just to make sure she’s actually good. she doesn’t answer, well she does, but in a series of whimpers and squeals. her response confirmed it for you, she felt more than good.
your pulse quickened, her once tense body relaxed under your control. to be an extra tease, you flashed her a cheeky smile before you take her cock back in your mouth. she gasps again, you watching her face contort; brows furrowing, biting her lip, her eyes occasionally rolling back as you curl your fingers inside- stretching her pussy by adding a second finger just so you can see her mouth fall open.
wonyoung felt like she was crumbling over the edge with your fingers pumping in and out of her hole without any breaks, and your tongue working magic around her throbbing cock. soon enough her legs were wide open for you and in return you giggled a little. an unknown feeling building at the pit of her stomach freaked her out yet it was oddly welcomed. you knew by the way her thighs trembled that she was close to finishing.
she couldn’t help but call out your name. she really tried her best to take her cock out of mouth while she came, but you refused to move even an inch, letting her load paint your throat white as you gulp down every last drop of it. you still kept fingering her until she couldn’t take it anymore, wriggling herself out of your hold and flopping onto the bed “that… felt… too good. i-i think i need to.. catch my breath” she says while blankly staring at the ceiling.
even in a situation like this you found her endearing, unlike the many hookups you’ve had where you’d leave after a good fuck. she was different from rest; a hidden gem “sorry i got carried away, you’re too cute wonyoung” like that her dick sprung back up “really, just by me calling you cute your cock is back up?”
“it has a mind of its own, leave it be” you giggle at her silly antics. with zero hesitation, you pull off your flimsy shirt exposing your bare skin to the air. it’s a little cold
still on the bed lying down, her eyes closed, you straddle over her hips “can we do it again, i didn’t get off. or maybe no… you know i don’t mind, i just wanted to see you flustered, and of course feel good”
she sprang up- which, to be honest, caught you off guard. huffing into the crook of your neck, peppering ticklish kisses alongside. there was a minor look of desperation on her face that you weren’t familiar with when it came to her. you’d usually see her around campus all calm and collected, looking so poised and shit and yet here she was, crumbling over a simple comment you made about her and her dick.
she switched between light pecks to open mouthed kisses, definitely leaving obvious bruises all over “you’re.. so.. pretty… wanna-”
“yeah? you want that dont you baby. wanna fuck my pussy don’t you” poor girl was flustered at your words. her lips grazed your neck again and whimpered as she kissed your jaw.
“yes please” your stomach twisted. so so cute begging to fuck your pussy. you complied, quickly discarding your underwear and tossing it somewhere. a hand took her shoulder, stabling yourself as you gradually let yourself sink onto her cock.
“hnggh… fuck. wonyoung you’re so? haaa- you’re really big” you felt a little lightheaded after fitting the entire length of her inside. you weren’t expecting her to reach that deep into you, maybe to the point of you losing yourself all over her dick. it was insane to you how much you could take. really really insane how she was able to stretch your pussy out so much to the point of your eyes rolling back.
fuck, why was she that big? you started tearing up and she wasn’t even moving “won… wonyoung, please i need you to start doing something” i think you might’ve driven her past processing because tell me why she wasn’t listening at all. she could be pussy drunk for all you care, actually no she was one hundred percent drunk off of your pussy. you were wet beyond comprehension, and the feeling of your walls clenching down on her cock made her moan so loud. thank god her flatmates weren’t because if they were, they’d hear the most filthiest things through the thin ass walls.
you gave her some time to adjust herself accordingly, waiting… for… quite a long time. it really looked like she was basking in the heat of your cunt and you honestly you thought that was quite endearing, but fuck, you needed her to ram into you or at least move around. she still hasn't done that still… good lord she was gone. so taking the situation into your own hands, you lifted yourself off of her hips just a tiny bit and harshly slammed down, both of you moaning at the overwhelming feeling “ah- fuck? wait wait..” you couldn’t wait any longer, you needed to be fucked crazy.
“mhm, just- just stay still like that. let me do what i need to do” you bounced once more, watching as wonyoung threw her head backwards, her mouth agape and everything.
even though you were mid fuck, wonyoungs glasses were still on. she needed to take them off for some reason, but you didn’t let her “hey don’t- keep those glasses on, you look so… mgh.. you look so fucking good” saying all of that while you increasingly sped up. now your thighs began to ache, worth it though. with each time her cock pumped inside, the closer you felt towards coming.
shit, you felt it so much, it was much stronger than usual and you felt like you were about to explode.
“come- fuck. wonyoung baby, are you close too?”
she nodded weakly. she was about to come again after the last- and so quickly too. her head was spinning, her thighs clenched, snapping back up to wrap her arms around your torso to keep you still; and to keep you close “close.. gonna…”
“me too… me too. keep- oh my god” your movements became frantic. then, not so shortly after, wonyoung lets out a long lasting moan. a mind breaking orgasm hits her so hard, her mind blanking out yet again while her thick semen fills you up. you followed straight after, your hand gripping her shoulder tightly until your knuckles turned white. a harsh groan reverberating inside of wonyoungs head as you moan straight into her ear.
awkward and weird as it may sound, but you immediately thought about hmmm… strap. you really wanted to try it. the thought of her with her ass high up in the air, with you dicking her down and jacking her off seemed something almost so pornographic and unrealistic that it excited you beyond comprehension.
why not give her the chance to cum all over you, and then get severely embarrassed about it. something about her just made you want to tease her until she’s crying. well that did sound like an appealing thing to do.
wonyoung laid down again. out of breath “made me… come again… i’m so…”
“cute… haa.. you’re really cute” you were equally as spent as she was but you HAD to try pounding her pussy. sure, your legs weren’t able to support you standing back up, after all you did use them to fuck yourself on her, but you were UP “can i go back to my room real quick? i’ll be back, it’s a pleasant surprise, i promise”
“uh, sure?” she was confused as to why you grabbed your pants and her shirt that she took off to then sprint outside of her room. quite strange don't you think? well whatever.
you hurried to your door, searching for your keys in your back pocket “come on- come onnnn” your thighs were so sore but you had to get that damn pink strap out of your closet. it was a need to fuck her perfect pussy.
there it was in its glory, a small rectangular box that concealed your strap. alright, time to speed back up the stairs.
i guess she wasn’t even bothered to check who it was, but she immediately opened the door as soon as she heard you knock once “hey i’m back, i got you a present” you heaved as you legitimately ran up a flight of stairs not too long ago.
“a present for me?” i mean she was bewildered, you had a box in your arms. no decoration, just a plain ass box.
“yeah- fuck, let me catch my breath… okay yes i know it doesn’t look like all that, but look-“ you opened the box to reveal your unused strap on “can i use it on you?”
you cannot stress this enough, but wonyoung’s face was violently red again. given the fact that you had made her cum twice and she was still this flustered about it had you drooling at the thought of making her a mess all over again.
“y/n do you think that can fit… in me?”
“we can try. i know your pretty pussy can take me whole” and with that she was soaked again. she felt that and got hard once more.
“g-get inside, you’re in the doorway”
“oh shit yeah okay”
wonyoung fell on top of her bed, cushions and blankets were still messed up. you closed the door behind you and opened up the box, a whole eight inches just for wonyoungs pussy “it’s so cute how you’re still soaked, were you thinking about me while i was gone?”
“it was five minutes… yeah, i was thinking about you” hiding her face behind her hands.
“aww cute, lean on your hands and knees for me babe”
“o-okay” she responded obediently to your words. wonyoung got onto her hands and knees and waited patiently for your next order. her back looked way too pretty, so you got up onto the bed, planted a kiss on her lower back making her twitch in response and cooed
“aww still so sensitive?” she didn’t realise it before, but you were behind her with your strap already fitted on you. she unintentionally arched her back, feeling your presence already there “god, you’re so desperate for me aren’t you?”
“please… just- i’m ready. just hurry up and take me” you giggle as you acknowledged her insatiable craving for your cock.
“you’re dripping.. and you’re so hard, tell me how much you want it” telling her just to be a tease “beg for it”
“…please…” her voice low, almost a whisper.
“good girl” you slowly buried yourself inside her cunt, letting her familiarise herself with the new sensation. her hands gripped the sheets tightly, a fist full of cloth was keeping her from losing her control.
“oh my go- so… fuck” she cried out your name a couple of times before spilling out incoherent sentences. something like “good, so good” and a few more unintelligible words followed with high pitched moans.
a girl this cute and needy deserved more than just this. you slowly paced your thrusting, making sure that she felt comfortable, and by also not shoving the entire strap inside of her. all though you wanted to go rough and abuse her tight hole, that was for another day or maybe even in a couple of seconds actually.
“you good?”
“nnghh- s… so good” she couldn’t even form sentences. there was no need to even ask. her body alone showed how much she yearned for your touch.
oh so now you needed to fuck her till she’s dumb. what happened to that little smart brain of hers? so spent out on being fucked till she’s dry made her behave like she’s out of her mind. you started thrusting your strap in even deeper, hoping that she can take the full thing. she did. with how wet she was, it wasn’t surprising that it slid in so easily. a choked moan coming straight from her mouth as soon as you finished pushing it all in “you’re taking me in so well. i knew you could do it babe”
it was like you didn't think but you started to pump in and out of her faster and harder. each guttural moan that came out of that pretty mouth of hers, the faster you went. the more ruthless you got. oh how hard you were going, giving wonyoung no time to settle. the sounds her pussy made were nothing but filthy, the sweet sounds of her squelching pussy was like music to your ears. she loved every single thing you did to her body, although she couldn’t express it through her words.
you grabbed her hips, moving them and slamming them straight back into your cock just to make her scream out your name “you like that? want me to pound into your pretty pussy like that again?” there was a slightly mean tone to your voice.
“mhmmm… again- do it again” she begged and cried for more.
this time you pulled straight out, leaving her whining until you slammed right back into her again, but this time with a twist. you leaned over wonyoung a little, resting almost on top of her back. you slithered your hand across and grabbed her cock, teasing the tip a little before snapping your hips that made her ass push into you. she sharply inhaled as you played with her cock, moving from her sensitive tip to stroking her length gently while you ravaged her insides
“too- too much.. feels so.. haaa… mmmmm” two sensations blending into one could be described as too overwhelming and extremely overstimulating. being fucked dumb made her sob a little, feeling as if her insides were about to collapse, and feeling as if her dick was about to erupt.
shit, it felt way too good.
her entire body convulsed, her hands were balled into a fist, clutching onto the sheets desperately, she screamed profanities into her pillow. her orgasm hit her harder than it did the other two times. you could say it even made her almost pass out. poor girl was seeing stars as you kept stroking her cock to help her ride out her climax. you never knew she could scream that loud… or even cum this much. beds being completely drenched with both her juices and her cum. you’d have to help her clean up for sure…
“stop- stop.. oh god… mmm oh my god”
and maybe you could do this again. another study date.
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dulc3vida · 4 months
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rafe cameron x bunny!reader
part 1. this is my au so don't think too much about canon lore. characters, times, events, ect... might not match but PLEASE JUST ENJOY THE STORY PLEASE JUST GIVE IT A CHANCE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASe
warning: 18+ read at your own risk. this is a dark fic loosely inspired by the tv show you. dubious content lies ahead, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
UNC Chapel Hill: September, Sophomore Year
there was nothing rafe cameron hated more than being tutored. it made him feel stupid, needing someone to explain and break down concepts that others understood easily. ward used to lose his mind trying to find rafe new tutors because in all honesty, when rafe felt cornered or helpless, he got nasty. saying the rudest things that made these well-paid, private tutors basically discard a paycheck, was one of the first times rafe ever felt true power. the first time he ever came close to knowing what his dad felt like, even though his dad had a much better reputation than rafe ever would.
rafe especially hated english. the books were boring and he could never be bothered to sumbit more than a half baked essay regarding the text. that's how he ended up in the study room in the library sitting across from you. he remembered you from class, the TA. you always sat besides prof. callahans desk and you looked younger than any TA he had ever had, probably even his age. your face was familiar but rafe couldn't put his finger on it. you were clean, you smelled good, and your nails were done which meant you had the time and money to take care of that kind of thing when most college students forget to feed themselves. you occasionally looked up from the signup sheet as the minutes ticked 5 past 3pm, where only rafe's name was signed.
"i guess we can start now." you mumbled, flipping your notebook open. "this weeks quiz is going to cover part 1 of crime and punishment. have you... started the reading?"
rafe's hard gaze bored into yours and he shook his head without another word. he was thinking about how cute and neurotic the way you had your notes organized was and how soft you spoke to him. were you scared of him? rafe was intrigued.
"okay, no biggie. we can just start there. did you check out a copy of the book?" you asked, pulling out your own copy that was bursting at the seam with sticky notes and colored tabs. again, rafe wordlessly shook his head. "good thing we're in the library. come on, let's go see if they have any left."
rafe followed close behind you, you could practically feel him breathing down your neck as you walked through rows of books before finding the one you were looking for. you showed rafe how to check a book out before returning to the study room. "okay. let's start."
you began dissecting the book from the very beginning, soft voice describing the historical context of the book. rafe was surprised at how well he was keeping up. it didn't hurt that you were cute, nose all blushed and button, scrunching up whenever you couldn't read your own handwriting in your notes. a pair of clear framed glasses sat on the bridge of your nose which you constantly adjusted due to your eyelashes hitting the glass. you had a habit of licking and biting your lips, applying lipgloss on every "brain break" as you called it. maybe all this time, all he needed was a cute tutor that he could stand looking at.
in between writing notes and flipping through the book, he caught glimpses of a "j" necklace dangling in your cleavage. did your name start with a j?
"what's your name?" rafe asked once the two of you began packing your things up. it was now 7:30 with the sun beginning to set. you told him and he repeated it under his breath.
"my friends call me bunny though." if you're bunny, who is j? you tossed your bag over your shoulder and let your hair down from the claw clip that was holding it up. it billowed over your shoulders and you tucked a few stray strands behind your ears after taking your glasses off. you weren't the shy good girl he met at the beginning of the session, no, you were different. good girl in front of everyone but he knew there was another energy in you that he wanted- no he needed to see. rafe watched you leave, staying a few steps behind, where he could comfortably watch you and before he knew it, you were jumping into the passenger side of a beat up old brown van that pulled up, and leaning over to give whoever was driving a kiss.
rafe felt a familiar, red hot anger wash over him. the first time he felt that anger was when sarah was born and ward wouldn't stop fawning over her. ward basically forgot he had a son when sarah was born which made rafe incredibly insecure. that insecurity built a home inside rafe's heart, where any little inconvenience could turn it into an ugly monster with sharp teeth and a desire to tear everything in sight into fucking pieces. this time, the monster was awakened at the reality of you having a boyfriend.
against his better judgement, rafe ran to his truck the second you took off, speeding down the road he saw you drive down. it took him a minute, but he managed to find the shitbox on wheels you were riding around in. he made sure to stay far enough away to where it didn't seem suspicious, but close enough to where he wouldn't lose you again.
he wouldn't lose you again.
he repeated that phrase to himself as he drove into jacksonville and while he parked his car a few spaces from the van in a place where your little group was fully visible. you came to the beach. there was 3 guys, 1 girl, and you. gone were your leggings, tank top, and cardigan. instead, you donned a pair of cutoff jean shorts, a bikini top, and a huge smile on your face as you settled yourself in the blonde boys lap.
rafe thought he recognized the group you were with, but he was hoping his eyes were just playing tricks. of course, it could never be that simple because rafe did know them. the pogues. what were they doing on the mainland? he hadn't seen them in a while and was getting used to not having to see or smell them other than when he went home for holidays.
jj, he knew worked in the cafeteria ever since he graduated earlier in the spring, which is probably how he met you. rafe had never been fond of jj, in fact, rafe lived to antagonize jj back on the island (if he cared for the cafeteria food, he would probably be in there a lot more to mess with him) so him having you felt like poorly timed karma. to be completely honest, rafe hadn't expected such a dramatic shift of power dynamics when coming to college because now there was at least 10 other rafe's who were dating the girls he should have been dating. he did just fine at parties, more than fine, but he was starting to get tired of drunk girls who just lied there all limp and sweaty or threw up on his dick (happened twice freshman year and he didn't enjoy it like he thought he would). the first decent, eligible girl he meets is getting her pussy dug out by jj maybank of all people and it felt like someone, somewhere was laughing at his misfortune. it almost made him want to give up on you.
he would never let jj maybank win at anything, let alone your heart. there was just something about you that he couldn't let go. the only thing he couldn't figure out was why everyone else was here too? none of them had a chance of getting into chapel hill. you either had to have perfect grades, be incredibly wealthy, or be a legacy student. thankfully, rafe managed to be 2/3 of those things.
rafe sat back in his seat and just observed you. he cracked his windows open and tried to listen to your conversation but he was too far to hear anything other than laughter and unintelligible voices. he pulled his phone out and typed your name into instagram, easily finding your very public page.
rafe decided to do some digging. he would start at the bottom. scrolling all the way back through a very curated feed (rafe could tell you pick and choose which of your old posts get to stay up and which ones ruin the feed) rafe felt his heart sink.
he knew you.
OBX: Summer 2018
"come on, bunny, i don't wanna go without you." your friend, esther, pleaded. she had been invited to rafe camerons party, a coveted event where anything and everything happened. esther was dating rafe's friend kelce, who invited her to the party.
"you're not even gonna talk to me so what's the point in going." you responded, filing your nails while you laid in bed.
"honestly, when's the last time you really went out? you only ever go to the country club and don't say your parents make you because last time you weren't even with your parents."
"well, the old men buy me drinks if i talk to them and make them laugh. sometimes they give me money. one of them gave me this tiffany bracelet." you stuck your wrist out to show off the silver bracelet with the heart tag which was branded with the company's insignia.
"that's kinda gross." esther scrunched her nose. you only shrugged your shoulders.
"so is going to a party at rafe camerons house. jungle juice is probably roofied" rafe had been the stereotypical jock douchebag who only hung out with other jocks, cheerleaders, or other impossibly gorgeous girls. you saw right through him which is why you never caved. not when he invited you to his lunch table, not when he asked you out, not when he tried to grind against you on the dancefloor at junior prom and called you a bitch when you pushed him away. at some point, rafe stopped trying trying with you and turned his attention and "where my hug at?" energy towards other girls who were much more susceptible.
"so we'll pregame. just please don't make me go alone." in a flash, esther sat on top of you and pinned your arms down while a string of "please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top!" tumbled out of her mouth.
"OKAY!" you had enough, but were still giggling. "i'll go, just get off of me so i can change."
"yay!" esther rolled off of you. "wear the black one, the one that makes you look slutty."
"aren't we supposed to be getting you laid?" you asked, looking through your closet that was practically overflowing with expensive name brands.
esther looked down at her hands. "me and kelce already..."
"no way. really?" she nodded and you squealed rushing over to hug her. "babe i'm so proud of you! wait- why do you need me there then?"
"its the first time i'm meeting his friends and i'm nervous." she explained, now looking through your clothes with you. "i need a buffer, yknow, a cute friend who can keep my boyfriends friends occupied."
you blinked. "so basically, you're whoring me out?"
"you just told me that you talk to old men for money and gifts."
"yeah and they don't even get to see me in my little black dress."
when you arrived at the party, it was in full swing. rafe caneron's parties had a reputation. booze flowed, drugs were shared, and there were enough rooms in the house for every couple to get busy in. it was the perfect haven for teen delinquency.
you were unimpressed, as per usual, with rafe's antics. he had been in the pool when you arrived, a girl on either side of him while he smoked a joint.
"how long do i have to stay?"
"until you start enjoying yourself."
you went to the bar. grabbing a red solo cup, you mixed yourself a drink of cherry vodka and coke. you chugged it, always having the attitude that when it came to alcohol you had to get right to the point. when you finished it, you made yourself another one.
"excuse me." a hand gently placed itself on the small of your back which made you jump. "my bad, didn't mean to scare ya- hey you're esthers friend right?" it was topper. "i just saw her with kelce. i'm topper." he stuck his hand out.
"bunny." you took it.
"whatcha got there?"
"chery vodka and coke."
"nah nah nah- you like the cherry vodka?" you nodded and he took your cup from you. "let me make you a drink."
"okay." you watched his every move as he fixed cherry vodka, cranberry juice, and lime in a brand new cup. "thank you. what is this?"
"it's called a cherry bounce. cheers to you, bunny. hopefully this isn't the last time i see you."
you only smiled at him, tight lipped and gently tapped your cup against his before taking a drink. "topper, this is really good. make me another?"
"you're not even done with that one yet." with that, you drank the rest of your cup. "okay, party girl." he took your cup back and fixed you another. "you wanna dance?"
you hated to admit it, but you actually were having a good time with topper. he was funny, kind, nice to look at, and he was a good dancer. the night was going so good, until esther invited you and topper to sesh with her, kelce, and rafe as the party died down.
it wasn't the sesh that was bad, no, you even managed to be polite and sociable with rafe. it was after the sesh when your drinks had caught up with you and you needed to pee. "esther can you show me where the bathroom is?" you asked but it fell on deaf ears as esther and kelce were mouth fucking.
"c'mon. i'll show you." rafe got up and began walking inside the house without another word. you quickly followed, only wanting to relieve your bladder and be alone for a few minutes to gather yourself and your thoughts that were racing on account of the sativa blunt you had just smoked.
rafe walked up the stairs, basically torturing your bladder with every step until he got into his room. "just use this one."
you were too desperate to argue about whatever his intentions were bringing you here so you went in and almost tripped over yourself getting to the toilet. you made it through, no accidents happening and feeling a lot more gone than when you walked up the stairs.
you stepped back into rafes room and he was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for you. "you okay? you were in there for a while."
"yeah." you stumbled over to sit next to him but he got up and went to his window. "just a little dizzy."
"everyone fell asleep." rafe watched his friends make themselves comfortable on the outside couch on this hot summer night. you climbed over his bed and looked out the window at the sight of your friend asleep on her boyfriend's chest and topper asleep, hugging a pillow.
"do i get a prize?" he cocked his head at you. "for being the last one awake at a rafe cameron party?"
"what do you want?" rafe asked you seriously and you sighed, lying back against his navy blue sheets.
"for you to not be such an asshole." you murmured and stared at the ceiling. "i mean, you're really cute but you ruin it by being... you."
"i knew you had a thing for me." rafe must have only heard half of what you were saying because he was taking his place back next to you on his bed. "c'mere." he patted his lap and it didn't take much more coaxing than that to get you crawling into his lap. he positioned himself the way he wanted you, straddling him with your crotch right on top of his. "been waiting for you to finally come around." he trailed his hands up and down from your waist to your ass. "y'gonna let me inside that pretty pussy babe?" rafe whispered in your ear, sending all your intoxicated arousal straight to your core.
if you had been in a clearer state of mind, you would have never even been in rafe's room, but here you were letting him guide your hips to grind against you through the thin layer of your black lacy panties. your short dress had already ridden up your thighs, exposing you even more than you already were.
unexpectedly, rafe tugged the top of your dress down and leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth. when he grazed his teeth against your sensitive, hardened peak, you gasped and jolted against him. "rafe." you whispered, trying to get his attention because your head was spinning. instead, his hand found a place between your legs and pushed your panties to the side, dragging his fingers through your folds and spreading your wetness. he used it to rub your clit in circles, encouraged by your whimpers in his ear. "oh rafe..." you felt your orgasm building quickly due to your drunken state, but you also felt a pit building in your stomach. this felt wrong.
you blinked and you were on your back. your dress had found a place across your stomach and your panties were torn off of you without your knowledge. you closed your eyes, hoping if he thought you were asleep that he would just stop.
of course, things would not be that simple.
while your eyes were closed, rafe got undressed and slipped a condom over his cock. he grabbed a pillow and placed it under your hips to prop your pussy up for him at the perfect angle. he took his cock and tapped it against your clit. "wake up, sleepy girl." you only whined and tried to close your legs but he forced himself between them so you couldn't.
your eyes snapped open when you felt the intrusion of his cock. "uhhh..." you let out a mixture of a moan and a whine. the stretch burned because no matter how wet you were, rafe was objectively big, especially the mushroom tip of it. you didn't know if it was the liquor, the weed, or what, but you could basically picture what it looked like based on the way it felt inside you.
rafe gave you no time to adjust and set a punishing pace off the bat. he had one of his large hands splayed over your stomach, pushing down and making you let out a short, loud moan. "let me hear you. wanna hear how good i fuck this pussy." rafe grunted while thrusting in and out.
you, in your state, were incredibly embarrassed no matter how good he hit your spots so you were barely letting any noise escape your mouth.
"always playing hard to get... you're gushing around my cock... and making a mess on my sheets... but you still act all stuck up..." rafe spat at you through his teeth and you let out another high pitched whine. he punctuated each word with a hard thrust, his balls now slapping your ass with vigor. "gotta put you in your place, huh?"
he flipped you over and pulled you onto all fours. his hand splayed across your back this time and pushed your chest into the bed, creating a beautiful arch to your back. "so fuckin pretty." he moaned when the slid back into your tight warmth. the change of position did nothing to help you hold onto the little composure you had as he was now deeper than before, mushroom tip generously rubbing against your g-spot and his balls now smacking your clit. you were too far gone to care how you looked throwing your hips back against his. "fucking slut." he grunted, grabbing a handful of your hair. "y'wanted this huh? yeah, yeah, you been needing this huh?"
you could only moan as he painfully gripped your hair and pushed himself balls deep, rolling his hips against yours. "you like the way i fuck you baby?"
"mhm..." you had your eyes closed as you focused on the tension building in your stomach. a heavy hand landed a smack against your ass.
"use your words. you like my cock?"
"i love it..." you desperately moaned out.
"good girl." rafe pushed your head back into the bed and drilled his cock into you brutally. you were struggling to hold your hips up, but rafe held you up with one arm. "fuck... m'gonna cum. y'gonna let me cum in this pussy?" rafe grunted and pulled out, sliding the condom off before thrusting back into you. "there we go." he spoke through gritted teeth. "thatagirl, pussy feels like heaven."
you felt the difference and opened your mouth to protest but all that came out was unintelligible pants and moans.
then you saw white.
your orgasm washed over you, making your pussy clench and flutter and cream around rafes cock. you felt rafes hips stutter against yours and then you felt hot ropes of cum paint your insides. you couldn't stop moaning because rafe was still inside you, slowly thrusting and rubbing your clit. "so fucking tight..." he commented as he watched the way your pussy suctioned his cock and pulled out.
against your knowledge, rafe had been recording since he got you in doggy and was still recording. "shit..." he groaned as he focused the camera on your glistening pussy. a drop of his cum came dribbling out and he pushed it back in, earning a soft "ahhh..." from you. he played with your sensitive cunt until you came again for the camera and passed out.
when you woke up, you were alone. for a brief moment, you hadn't remembered what happened and were just confused as to where you were. you peered around the room and saw your dress and torn panties and it all came rushing back. the drinks, the sesh, having sex with rafe cameron. he must have changed you because you didn't remember putting on one of his shirts or sweats.
you checked your phone and your parents had been blowing you up since 8am. it was noon. you had missed calls from esther and a series of texts that said she couldn't find you in the morning and hopes you made it home safe. "shit." you groaned and got out of bed, legs sore from the sex you could only remember flashes of. you tidied the room up and changed back into your clothes before walking downstairs with your heels in hand. you slowed as you reached the foyer, hearing voices from the parlor.
"i don't know dude, doesn't feel right to watch this."
"she was totally cool with it, c'mon."
"you're gonna wanna see this."
you recognized the voices as topper, rafe, and kelce. then a video began playing and at first it just sounded like porn, then you realized it was your moans streaming through rafes phone.
"you like the way i fuck you?"
"use your words. you like my cock?"
"i love it..."
"good girl."
you felt sick to your stomach as you heard the boys commenting on the video. how could you be so stupid? of course rafe would record you without permission while you were off your ass last night. you only blamed yourself as you walked home from tannyhill.
the video followed you around over the summer and you only managed to escape it when you went off to college.
rafe never thought twice about you after that.
rafe stared at your instagram feed in utter disbelief. he hadn't thought about you or the video since that summer. he honestly forgot it even happened. he wasn't a douchebag, he was a handsome young man who took all the opportunities presented to him (as he told himself). was sending the video around immature and stupid? probably. he was a kid though. everyone makes mistakes, or at least that's what he tried to tell himself as he looked through old pictures of you. did you remember him? you must have. you looked different from the last time he saw you but he looked the same. you definitely knew who he was the second he came into the study room and he didn't know how to feel about that. it made his job easier and harder. he already had a connection with you, but he would have to go through a grueling apology process that he really didn't care for. he just needed to have you.
as he scrolled into the more recent stuff, he couldn't help but notice that you didn't post jj on here at all. the page was a monument to you, all the better, and you were gorgeous on here. 2k followers with 1k likes on every post you made and comments that varied from "you're so gorgeous" to "just give me one chance." you had a highlight titled "my <3" and there was only one picture of you holding jj's hand with the song "melting" by kali uchis which was posted only a month ago.
he left your profile and went into his camera roll, into the hidden folder and scrolled back to 2018. he found the video and pressed play, his cock getting hard immediately and straining against his pants. soon enough, he had his phone pressed to his ear and his hand down his pants as he watched you and kie gathering firewood. soon enough, he was cumming in his hand to the sound of you saying that you loved his cock.
rafe managed to clean up a little and continued to watch you, well into the night as you and your friends built a bonfire and smoked a joint. it was midnight when you all had decided to leave. he followed the dirty old van back to campus and learned where your dorm was, watching you and jj head in.
rafe made it back to his dorm at around 3:30am. the more he learned, the more questions he had. rafe fell asleep with only one thing on his mind.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
Heart In My Hands
Media - The Artful Dodger Character - Jack Dawkins Couple - Jack X Reader Reader - Y/n (Hospital Secretary) Rating - Sweet Word Count - 2485
Warnings - Graphic Medical scenes / Victorian doctoring / mentions of Suicide and self-harm/
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Y/n nodded as she sat on the spare empty table in the morgue, her lilac dress around her with a tight corset and large crinoline below, her boots swaying a little where her feet didn't touch the floor, she fixed her curls from her face a little adjusting the matching bow that sits in her hair, her eyes on the floor.
Jack looks down at Y/n with his hand on his forehead. "get off my table, I don't want your fancy dress ruining the furniture."
she nodded and sheepishly hopped off standing fiddling with her white cotton gloves,
Jack sighed, "I can tell you want something so out with it, you daft girl." As he spoke he began washing his hands and utensils in a small basin of water.
"Can I stay and watch?" She asked sheepishly,
"Only if you keep quiet so you don't distract me. And you're not allowed to touch the body or anything that can possibly be infected." Jack said in between washing his tools in a small basin of water
She nodded and stood close to the table, close enough to see by far enough not to be a risk of contamination. She watched as he brought his tools to the body and began his work, blood coating his hands as he cut through the body, Y/n stood and watched egarly with a smile
Jack looked up at Y/n as he started cutting. He smiled seeing her eagerness. "Don't forget. I said no talking unless you have an intelligent question that will further the science."
she nodded silently
Jack smiled as he began working. He made his way down the abdomen, cutting the skin open he reached into the body itself and began pulling out the internal organs, dropping them into a basin of water on the floor.
she looked at his work curiously and she spoke "Do you think bodies know what happens to them once they die I suppose of course they can't feel it but I wonder how long the nerves keep working to know what's happening,"
Jack let out a chuckle and smiled slightly. He liked that question.
"Honestly, I think it depends on several variables; the way they died, if they knew they were going to die or not and the cause of death. I don't believe the nerves are active long after someone expires."
"Hum... I'm sure of them do else why do bodies spasm or react? Bodies still bruise after death so one can assume at least something is still working internally"
"If you're speaking on a cellular level perhaps. But on a whole organism level, probably not. I've seen too many a body not do anything after death to believe that there is something truly still working once someone dies."
"I suppose so... People say if you are decapitated your mind is aware for a few seconds, at least while your brain is starved of blood and oxygen"
"Most certainly, but I wonder how long that lasts. Is it really that long or does it feel like it's longer because your brain is panicking and going through millions of possibilities as your organs begin to shut down?" he chuckled,
"When was the first time you saw a body?"
"When I was about your age. Maybe a bit younger. But I remember I was just starting out," he smiled, "What about you? When was your first time?"
"were they already dead? Or did you watch them die?"
"They were already dead. I was given the task of disposing of the body after performing an autopsy. But I think you're avoiding the question; my first time, and your first time.. come on now, let's not play games."
"... I was six" she answered
Jack raised his eyebrow slightly, waiting for a further explanation. For now, he decided to continue working,
"my father was looking after me one afternoon in his study, I was playing with my toys and he uhhh... He hung himself." She nodded sadly "I watched him die ... Saw the end in his eyes, watched his body hang until the maid came in"
"Oh-..oh... I-..." Jack froze for a minute, before he sighed, continuing with his work. He kept his eyes down as he worked, trying not to work through how such a thing would affect a child. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. Especially at such a young age.."
"It's alright, he wasn't a happy man. I suppose I... Found sollis in the morbid" she said still watching his work with fascination,
Jack gave a small nod, knowing what she was saying all too well. "As do I. I often wonder if my obsession for the morbid would exist as strong if I grew up in a more... Normal household."
"Perhaps, but those aren't the people we are" she smiled "... Do you have nurses do this for the female bodies?" She asked, "Or do you do that?"
Jack smiled as she changed the subject. "I'm the only one who touches them. I don't trust the Nurses with something as important as an autopsy."
she nodded "Are women and men really that different on the inside? Other than the reproductive?"
Jack thought for a moment, "Hm... I would say there are subtle differences in the internal structure. Women tend to have a wider pelvis to allow for childbirth, while men have a smaller pelvic area. Both internal female and male sexual organs tend to be shaped differently, however, the rest of the organs tend to be the same."
"hummm... I'd have imagined the ribs and chest to be slightly deformed... Given women have the additional weight of breasts"
Jack chuckled slightly as he nodded "You would think that, but the human body can easily adapt to handle the additional weight and size of the chest. Men, on the other hand, usually have larger lungs than women. Not by a tremendous amount, but enough to notice the difference."
"Oh, I thought men an women were far different" she giggled
"Oh really? You think so?" Jack chuckled and smiled at Y/n. "What gives you that idea?"
"I don’t know doctor’s always seem to have a harder time given women a diagnosis other then, loose weight, close your legs and pray."
Jack nodded. “That’s because most doctors are old pigs who have no idea how women work,”
"that's being a woman, unfortunately, medical men aren't always the most helpful"
"I can very well believe it. I've encountered quite a few of my fellow male doctors in the medical field who would be much better suited working on animals rather than humans. Thankfully, you landed yourself with me. And I'll be certain to never let you see another doctor so long as I can help it."
"thank you jack" she smiled "I wonder sometimes if sneed would be better on dogs then people"
Jack let out a hearty chuckle, he knew that feeling all too well, "Now that's certainly something I'd be more than willing to agree with. In fact, I'd go as far to say that Sneed would be better off as a dog himself."
"I think he'd like being a dog, he already humps everything that moves close enough to him and I wouldn't be surprised if I heard he was licking himself" she chuckled
Jack burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh christ no- you just had to go and make me imagine that! I really didn't need that mental image first thing in the morning!" he complained, "Sneed can't even properly diagnose a basic infection! How the hell he's still qualified to work in this hospital is beyond me.."
"Because he is friendly with Professor McGregor"
Jack rolled his eyes and groaned at the name. "McGregor... Damn that idiot. How he's still a professor, I'll never know. I'd be more than happy to do away with his liver."
"I think the poor liver could use a rest" she smiled "but that is the reason Prof is old and worn out, sneed is a suck-up. Those are the only reasons they are more in charge then you are"
Jack let out an irritated sigh, "Sneed is the type of suck-up that will do anything to get by in life. And McGregor is little more than a tired old fool who cares more about his reputation than his patients. I'm honestly shocked the place hasn't fallen down around them yet..."
"of course, it hasn't, your here"
Jack smiled at Y/n's compliment. "And that's the problem. I do all the actual saving of people, while they just sit up their arses collecting payment." he sighed, "But it's not always bad, I've got my job, and I'm fortunate enough to spend it with such pleasant company like yourself."
"awww" she giggled "if I had it my way I'd make you head surgeon"
Jack shrugged slightly as he laughed. "Ah.. if I had it my way, McGregors position would be mine. He's nothing more than a waste of space in the medical field. Though, I suppose it's only a matter of time before people realise he's not all that he's made out to be. Unfortunately, I don't think the day will come before his time does." he chuckled, "How about you? You got any ideas? Any particular dream job you'd like to have? Or are you alright just doing the secretary work here?"
"I'd like to be a doctor... Such is a dream unrealistic I know"
Jack let out a slight laugh. "Women can’t be doctors, or surgeons. Not my rules, society's rules. All thought I admit in another world… You seem to understand the human body quite well! And you have a kind, pleasant attitude that helps people feel calm. Not to mention a strong enough stomach to stand the sight of blood. You'd make a damn good doctor." he smiled, "But- Sometimes, I forget what century this is..."
"its alright, I don't mind I like helping with the paperwork" she smiled "speaking of which" she grabbed the folder and began doing all the paperwork for him noticing inquiries, weights and other such information happily,
Jack smiled as she went to work on the paperwork. He had a genuine smile on his face when he saw her enjoying something as simple as doing his paperwork. It gave him a warm feeling inside that someone else, even if they weren't a doctor, found the work fascinating. "You know, you're the best secretary anyone could ever ask for. The hospitals never had someone quite as good-looking as you either."
she giggled at his compliments
Jack smiled happily. Having her around made the work so much more enjoyable. Even doing something as mundane as paperwork was more fun, simply because he got to spend time with her. "You keep laughing at my compliments, one of these days you're gonna have me saying something quite embarrassing."
"like what?"
"Hm... Something along the lines of how absolutely angelic you look every time I see you..." Jack stopped working to look up and smile at Y/n. "How everytime I hear your laugh, it's impossible to keep myself from smiling..." He then thought for a second before he continued. "How I wish I saw you everyday, and I feel my heartbeat skip a beat upon sight of you."
she giggled again "If you're going to be giving me such juicy compliments doctor Dawkins you could at very least buy me dinner first" she teased as she finished with the paperwork and came to egarly watch him,
Jack laughed as Y/n came over to watch him finish his work. "My apologies my Lady, I should have realised how forward my statements were. Perhaps I should be a bit more discrete in the future, unless a certain fair lady is interested, of course."
"why? Is a certain doctor asking?" She raised her eyebrow
Jack laughed. "Perhaps he is... Would you consider accepting if he was?"
"she might consider accepting, if he was asking, I think he was asking she'd certainly be interested just depending on what exactly he was offering"
"Well, the Doctor would offer a wonderful night of courtship. Perhaps a dinner, and then maybe a stroll amongst the stars with a beautiful, wonderful and intelligent woman." Jack said with a smile as he finished detaching the heart. As he did, he gave the heart a firm squeeze to remove excess blood. The heart in his hands, he turned to Y/n and offered it out to her. "For you, my lady~"
“I can?”
“Go on,” he nodded,
She giggled so happily pulling off her gloves and taking the heart in her hands, looking it over and describing all the intricate anatomy names she looked as if he’d just handed her a bouquet of roses, Jack found it hard not to smile at her. But she handed it back knowing she’d be in trouble if someone found out,
"Ah, that's rather cruel of you, won't you even accept a heart from a handsome doctor such as myself?" Jack said with a chuckle, In his mind, this was perhaps the closest to giving his heart to Y/n that he could ever get. A somewhat morbid thought, yet not too unexpected for him.
"I would adore to accept... In concept doctor Dawkins however the physical heart may make a mess of my handbag" she giggled cleaning her hands off and slipping her gloves back on, "but if it's all the same to you I would like to accept your offer of a nice dinner and stroll in the stars if that is still available?"
"Well, I suppose that's a fair reason to reject my fine heart. I'd hate to make such a mess of your fine handbag." Jack smiled and laughed slightly as he gently put the heart back down. "In that case, my offer of a night of courtship is still very available. Might I ask, would you be free this coming evening?"
"I would be…"
"Perfect. I'll collect you at 7 this evening. We can skip straight to the main event with dinner, and enjoy the stars afterwards. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?" Jack asked, the happiness and excitement written all over his face,
"it sounds perfect" she smiled
"Fantastic! And if I'm not being too forward in my asking, would I be given access to an official kiss from you if the evening is to your liking?" Jack asked with a smile, slightly embarrassed to be asking such a thing. Yet, at the same time, slightly excited about the prospect of receiving a kiss from Y/n.
"I think it's possible you could get one this evening"
Jack grinned as he finished cleaning himself up. "Well, in that case, I shall eagerly await my evening of courtship and the fine kiss that shall come with it."
"I will too, well I'll see you later Doctor" she smiled taking the paperwork with her and giving him a little wave as she headed out of the morgue and up Into the hospital
Jack gave her a little bow as she waved goodbye, leaving a spring in his step and a smile on his face as he put his things away. He cleaned his working space for the next doctor that would be working there, before leaving to his office, excited for the upcoming evening.
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f-oighear · 5 months
The Big Black Clover Fanfic Recommendation Post
I've been talking about making that post since forever and I think I've finally finished compiling them!
So. Grab a notepad. Take out your TBR list. Get ready to bookmark or mark for later. And let's go.
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I guess I should start with a few disclaimers 🫡
I haven't read every fic out there and there are notably a few fics I know I'm going to love but haven't started yet. I think I'll update the post regularly.
The fics on this post are fics I enjoyed and remember having read. considering how many things I forget on a daily basis, it means a lot.
I have my favorite characters, tropes, and themes and this will definitely show.
I'm attempting to organize the fics in categories but ofc some shippy fics also have feels or are angsty or are fluffy, same for the AUs... An attempt is made to organize them based on the vibes I remember (I’ve read some of those literal years ago).
If you're in this post and you think I've put your fic in the wrong category: don't hesitate to reach out!
For the shippy fics, I have my favorite ships but I'm a multishipper sooooo there's that.
I'm recommending oneshots, multichaptered fics, entire AUs, series and fics that are unfinished and probably never will be. Do keep that in mind if you don't like reading abandoned works (you'll be missing out but I can understand).
Let's start! It'll be a long one.
General/Feels/Character studies
💜 Threads, Solarwitchwrites
Vanessa is a stitch witch. She is the best stitch witch of her generation, possibly in an age. But she has one power she doesn’t brag about: she can see the threads of fate that bind destined souls together. It’s rarely been useful, often it’s painful; but sometimes she gets to watch something amazing unfold.
💜 A World Without You, Acacia_May
Vanessa grows concerned for Finral when he begins to act tense and distant after they return from the Forest of Witches. In her attempts to comfort him, however, she may find some comfort of her own.
💜 Teammates, Cour104
Still adjusting to her newfound freedom after escaping from her cage and the Witch Queen, Vanessa has a nightmare. Finral is there to help her through it and remind her that she's no longer alone.
💜 You're Not Alone, IAmStoryteller
For Noelle, there has always been one person in her corner. For Mimosa, there has always been one person that made her want to be better. Noelle Silva and Mimosa Vermillion are cousins, but they are also each other’s greatest support.
💜 It Used To Be So Simple (Once Upon A Time), WildFlowerWoods
A collection of short stories about the childhoods of various Black Bulls, among other things, containing my own headcanons.
💜 fated, orphaned
Some Magic Knights are bonded by something stronger than just kinship. (Charlotte x Yami, Asta x Noelle, Nozel x Vanessa)
💜 Think about it (series), thoughtfullyrainynightmare
This is a collection of short drabbles that exist to give insight to the canon characters presented in Black Clover from my personal perspective. This is about how I see them
🩷 Black Bulls Pirate AU, Firefutte
An infamous pirate crew sails across the sea's waves. Many rumours and stories exists of this crew. Always one thing they all have in common and that's the tale describing them as chaotic, lawless and crazy hooligans in dire need of mercy from the gods. In reality they're simply living as them, chaotic, lawless and crazy hooligans they may be, but this ship's crew have found a family amongst each other in a world that denied them such comfort for years. And they would have it no other way if you asked them, such is the reality of The Black Bull.
🩷 Mimosa & Noelle Ideale AU, IAmStoryteller
Seven-year-old Noelle and Mimosa run away from home while traveling with their grandparents. Meanwhile, 16-year-old Zora is trying his very best to be a Super-Wizard and takedown corrupt Magic Knights. But one day he runs into two little girls who clearly are nobility, but also who need help. This changes everything.
🩷 Black Bulls Steampunk AU, IAmStoryteller
The Black Bulls Crew is about to officially retire from being sky pirates. After years of working together and becoming a family, they agree that it’s time for one last hurrah to prove that they are the best of the best, especially after they heard about a map for the infamous treasure of Elf King.
🩷 New World, Bulls99
Following a second devastating defeat to Vanica, Noelle expects to die peacefully - painfully, but peacefully. Instead she wakes up in a world where everything seems upside down. But how much is really different?
❤️ Ubi Amor, Ibi Dolor, Supernaturalgrant
“He’s dumb as fuck.” She asserts bluntly. It surprises an honest laugh out of Nozel, which seems to amuse her slightly. “You know that, right?” “I can’t force him to be with me, Mereoleona. Even I am not that high-reaching.” He tells her honestly. Or- Fuegoleon and Nozel break up when Nozel is promoted to the Silver Eagles captain, neither of them really knows why. (Fuegoleon x Nozel)
❤️ Running Out of Time, IAmStoryteller
On the day that elves reincarnated and Zagred the Word-Devil nearly gained a physical body, something went wrong—Zora Ideale and Kirsch Vermillion wind up in a time loop. They have to relive the horrible, long day over and over again, while reluctantly working together to figure out why. (Zora x Kirsch)
❤️ The Clover Kingdom in Chaos: A Dire Tale, Mamavino
Over a month after defeating Lucius Zogratis, new troubles lie ahead. When Sol comes knocking on Yami's door in a panic because Charlotte is missing, he acts indifferent at first. But what happened after their tea-drinking date? And is it true that she has been trapped by a curse again? Yami puts every effort into finding out what happened and sets out to find Charlotte. Noelle Silva falls into a strange sleep. Rouge, Vanessa's cat, is now attached to young Silva's life. Nozel insists on having his sister in the palace. But that also means opening the doors to the Black Bulls. This will certainly provide some challenges. In addition, all the spirits are falling ill, and everyone seems to be in a total panic. Mereoleona, Asta and a small team sets out to seek out the cause and solution to all this. Is it all connected? In the library they will find help, or is it an enemy After all? (Charlotte x Yami, Nozel x Vanessa, Mereoleona x OC, Fuegoleon x OC)
❤️ Night of Vows, Vilandel
She kissed him again, more deeply this time, smiling as she felt him giving in to the kiss. As they parted, she poked his cheek and said with a smirk, “Consider this a vow I just made.” (Nozel x Vanessa)
❤️ wildest dreams (because falling's not the problem), IAmStoryteller
Yuno/Langris/Mimosa series (Yuno x Langris x Mimosa)
❤️ This Was A Mistake, JaylinnW
“You really think this will be a restful break,” the larger man grinned. “You are in for a surprise. You will not be getting much time to relax,” William opened his mouth but Yami stopped him. “I’m not talking about that, Goldie Guts.” He paused, smirking. “Well not only that. I’m talking about the fact that we brought all our idiots with us. I know my bulls- shit’s gonna hit the roof.” “It won’t be that bad I’m sure,” William moved away from his boyfriend to get up from the bed. (William x Yami, minor Nozel x Vanessa)
❤️ Masquerade, IAmStoryteller
The Masquerade Ball hadn't happened in many years in Clover, but that changes when Julius Novachrono decides that it's high time to bring back some old traditions. (Asta x Yuno, Nozel x Vanessa, Finral x Leopold, Magna x Nebra, Fragil x Luck, Zora x Kirsch, Letoile x Gordon, Gauche x Grey, Rill x Charmy)
❤️ Green, Pink, and Grayscale, juviin
Soulmates are a thing of the past, or at least, they should be. So why does the youngest child of the royal Silva family see no colors? (Asta x Noelle)
❤️ Now All My Dreams are Melting on the Asphalt in the Heat, IAmStoryteller
Vanessa Enoteca, the lead singer and guitarist of the Punk band Arresting Dark Weave, is asked by her mentor/friend/first love Yami Sukehiro, the lead guitarist of The Black Bulls, to compose songs for his and Charlotte Roselei’s wedding. Except, she has got to work with Charlotte’s friend Nozel Silva, the First Seat Cello Player of the Clover Kingdom Baroque Orchestra, who just so happens to a composer. Can Vanessa and Nozel create some amazing songs for the Yami/Charlotte wedding in time? Or will it go up in smoke? (Nozel x Vanessa)
In Noelle's defense, it was all Kahono's fault. Noelle so happens to be listening to Kahono's rant before she gets into this entire complicated situation that had just happened, (fuck fate, by the way), and now she had dug a hole too deep to get out of. Who the hell was Tchaikovsky, what the hell was a quarter note, and why are there eighty–eight keys on a piano? To think it just started with a simple walk on the beach. (Kahono x Noelle)
❤️ Children of the Future, LightNova
When Yami and Charlotte had been summoned to see the Wizard king they had not been expecting to find out they had a 19 year old daughter from the future! Nor had they been expecting even more children from the future to appear in their world shortly after her. Just what was going on, and who was sending them here and why? (Charlotte x Yami, Finral x Vanessa, Zora x Nebra, Gauche x Grey, Fuegoleon x OC, William x OC, Julius x OC, Yuno x OC, Asta x Noelle)
❤️ I'll Be Home for Christmas, HotaruGFC (JaclynGFC)
Charlotte gets an invitation to a wedding, and she can't go alone. (Charlotte x Yami)
❤️ Oh What Am I Supposed to Do Without You?, Supernaturalgrant
“Mercury poisoning.” The silence that follows Owen's statement is deafening. The occupants of the room share looks of utter confusion. “That’s like saying Fuegoleon has third-degree burns from that cool ass fire arm situation he has going on.” Yami’s the first to break it. Or: Nozel is diagnosed with mercury poisoning and forced to give his magic up until the can find a cure. Chaos ensues. (Fuegoleon x Nozel)
❤️ Paper Hearts, KaLolasFantasyWorld
Helena Drazel is a twenty five year old Royal from Diamond Kingdom. She's a charming and cheerful woman, ready to leave the sheltered embrace of her family's estate. Her mother previously a Clover citizen and an old friend of late Acier Silva, gets her daughter an invitation to study healing magic in the Capital. Because of that friendship Helena is placed under the care of Royal House of Silva. However the siblings, especially the eldest Nozel, are not so fond of her at the beginning. (Nozel x OC)
❤️ Boys will be Embarrassing, loafingdragon, subtleassiduities
A series of stories documenting Fuegoleon and Nozel's totally-not-gay-completely-serious very-manly escapades over the years. (Fuegoleon x Nozel)
❤️ Damn Eyes, musicalinny
The first time their eyes met he doesn't notice that he actually gave a damn. (Zora x Nebra)
❤️ (Not) At first sight, BBRosenfeld
Finesse is bethrothed to the son of the Vaude family, and she doesn't really mind. However, she was not expecting how much he'd grow on her. (Finral x Finesse)
❤️ Picking flowers, KaLolasFantasyWorld
“Flowers carry meaning and some people are connected by them. It is said that a specific kind would grow around them and point towards the person they are meant to be with.” “Destiny?” Charlotte held her breath. “Maybe there is a person who sees blue roses sprouting wherever they go,” the woman smirked. (Yami x Charlotte, Asta x Noelle, Zora x Nebra, Nozel x OC)
Fluffy, Funny, Fix-it
💚 Flower Crowns, Angeliccharizard
During an off day, Asta decides it's a great idea to bring a devil to a church
💚 Owen vs The Black Bulls, WildflowerWoods
Owen has seen a lot in his time as a doctor in the magic knights infirmary, even more since his promotion to head of the royal infirmary, overseeing both the magic knights and ordinary patients. he has dealt with his fair share of stubborn visitors, people hiding injuries and patients trying to escape out the window—Lord Julius himself was a common offender for the last of those—but even treating Mereoleona Vermillion's self-inflicted burns was better than the Black Bulls. There was nothing that could have prepared Owen for the Black Bulls.
💚 Why Asta (and Liebe) are Banned From the Kitchen, Bluemeanies
After Yami's katana becomes Demon Slicer and joins Asta's grimoire, Asta and Liebe start looking for other things that could be good anti-magic weapons. Liebe might be taking the concept a little too far.
💚 Early Black Bulls (series), Acacia_May
Early Black Bulls Days
💚 An Impossible Decision, MysticalShizz
Mereoleona’s head pops into view, first taking in you, then turning to observe the small girl perched on your hip. Her look of confusion slowly morphs into disbelief, then into incredulity. “Did … Darling. Did you steal the Silva’s youngest child?”  Fix-It fic where Mereoleona and spouse reader adopt Noelle.
💚 Ghosts, IAmStoryteller
Julius has a bit of a secret. He can see ghosts of his dear departed friends.
💚 Doggy Days, Undefeated_Lionmess
Yami sends Vanessa, Finral, and Charmy to explore a dungeon. Only two of them come back still human. Finral supposes he’s had worse days.
💚 That One Time When Julius Was Late, wintermelon_soldier
"We're late... again," Marx said with a worried expression. "Don't worry, Marx. I'm sure everything is just f-" The Magic Emperor pushed both doors open hoping to greet the Captains only to be welcomed by a vast wasteland. The conference room where it once stood is replaced by a large, empty landmass with no trees or building in sight. "W-what in the world is happening?" Marx cried at his mentor.
💚 The Vice-Captains of the Magic Knights (series), IAmStoryteller
The Vice-Captains of the Magic Knights series
💚 Teenagers, Kaitouahiru
Yami was going to talk to Julius about the recruitable age of Magic Knights. Make no mistake, Yami did not care that fifteen year olds were being put in dangerous or life threatening situations. He didn’t care that they could be drafted to go to war if the situation called for it. He cared that almost none of these brats knew how to do basic home skills.
💚 faith bleeds through the cracks, TellNearaToWrite
Yami knew three things. First, that being a squad captain was shaping up to be a lot like fatherhood, and second, he was definitely not cut out for that shit. Third. Well. Julius had a lot to answer for, that was for sure. The least he could do was help a bit.
🧡 Geranium, Azuvist
The flowers in Yami's lungs never really stopped growing. (Yami x William)
🧡 Black Clover: The Blood of Fate, ChanceQueen
In a dark alternate universe of the clover kingdom, there is one question that no one ever wanted to ask, let alone know the answer to. A question that wraps its claws around you, ripping scars that cannot be seen and will never heal. What if Vanessa had never manifested the red thread of fate?
🧡 Megicula's Curse by MaryJoeycoco
After everything, the Black Bulls thought they were safe. They thought Noelle took care of the devil Megicula. They soon realize how wrong they were. Now it's up to Asta to save her but he soon realizes how his feelings change about Noelle through the nightmare land. (Asta x Noelle)
🧡 Lumiereward by Cyrooo
Nero misses home. (Always).
The Silva Fics™
Yes, they get their own category. It's the birb siblings. They deserve it.
💙 Artifice, subtleassiduities
When a retrieval mission traps Nozel with a dangerous and powerful artifact, Nebra and Solid struggle to find help before time runs out for him. But their attempts are thwarted by a widespread, rapidly progressing phenomenon: Everybody in the Clover Kingdom is forgetting about Nozel Silva. Their only choice is to depend on one another-- and Noelle, the only other person who can hold onto a memory of their dear brother. Their rescue mission forces them to face their own memories, twisted against them in ways they may not be able to overcome.
💙 Casa Silva, Mouxe (SPANISH)
Conjunto de historias que comenzo para mostrar la relacion de Acier Silva con sus hijos durante la infancia pero termino convirtiendose en relatos de la relacion de los hermanos silva.
💙 Lay Beside Me, Under Wicked Sky, Avacelt
Noelle leaves, and the chips fall where they do. [Silva family!fic, post-canon]
💙 The Boy Who Played with Water, BeamMeUpCas
Nozel only becomes aware of the extreme lengths his siblings were going to torment their youngest when Nebra, of all people, appears sweaty and disheveled in his office, stuttering and stammering about how Solid has Noelle trapped in a water bubble in the rose garden and she isn't moving Or: Solid nearly drowns Noelle. Nozel flips his shit and becomes the halfway decent big brother he was meant to be.
💙 My Father Told Me (series), succulentsunrise
My Father Told Me is a series, which attempts to understand the effects that the Silva parents must have had on their children, and how the age gaps and personalities between the children themselves affected their relationships.
💙 Make an Effort, IAmStoryteller
Solid isn’t very nice or kind or gentle. He knows this, but when he is hit with the realization that Nozel and Nebra might not know that he loves them, he sets out to show his love and appreciation for his two older siblings. And maybe, extend an olive brand or two…
💙 What Yami Saw by BeamMeUpCas
Nozel needs a favor. Yami will maybe not hold it over his head for all eternity but he'll take great delight in letting Nozel think he will.
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blueskittlesart · 11 months
hi :] this isnt really a reqest cuz it'll prob be a longer answer but im rlly curious abt ur comic process
i love all ur comics and somehow they always manage to gutpunch me- and ur composition and the way they read is always so beautiful and adds so much to the message youre trying to get across
yeah lol let's get into it! Ive spent maybe 5 or so years refining this process to the point it's at now so it's pretty much my standard procedure now. I'm going to use Now that you're gone as my primary example here since i still have most of the planning stages associated with it (my laptop does not have a whole lot of storage left so i usually delete my planning once the comic is finished lol) but i'll try to throw in some other examples too!
I almost always start with a written script. (the exception for this is longform oc comics which i find easier to write in the moment, but for my shorter character studies I almost always write first.) I use discord to write because it's convenient, but before i had a dedicated discord server for my stuff i was using txt files on my laptop which i do NOT recommend. anyway, this is what the written script for ntyg looked like:
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note that some small elements changed in production, like the amount of time that had passed since link's death. the lines "I look at her and i am only afraid. i remember all the ways in which i hurt you. She's almost as old now as you were then. I cannot stand the thought of outliving her, too" were also added during the rough stage because i felt like there wasn't quite enough emphasis on aryll in the initial script, and since this was a major change that necessitated a whole extra page in the comic I went back and edited those lines into the script so I wouldn't forget them. (both these changes were made during the rough stage. i'll almost never make major script adjustments after the roughs are finished.)
more examples of my scripts; specifically the original script for totk: failure and two versions of oot: adulthood (one before some major refining and one after.) with comics like these, where i have a very clear idea in my head of the imagery i want to go along with the words, i'll sometimes include it interspersed in the script, either spolier-marked or denoted with brackets.
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with ntyg and some of my other more. canon divergent? i guess? comics, there's sort of a mini phase in between scripting and roughs where I do some minor character studies to get designs nailed down in the early stages. with ntyg I already had a clear image in my mind for aryll, but the central character was link's dad, whose design wasn't quite so solid in my head. I really wanted to make sure that his design was well thought-out and consistent throughout everything, so i did a few mini sketches and studies to ensure I had his design memorized and could execute it consistently:
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these are sans hair and accessories because nailing down consistent facial features was my main focus with them, and both these sketches ended up getting used as references for certain panels later on. This isn't a step I ALWAYS take with my comics, but if there's a central character that i'm not super used to drawing i find it helpful to get some practice in before jumping into the real thing!
after the scripting and design phases i move on to roughs, which I consider to be the most important stage in my process. roughs are very very quick approximations of what I want the final pages to look like. they usually don't take me more than a few minutes per page to create, and their sole purpose is to help me visualize the flow of the page and the placement of major elements like panels, characters, and dialog. this is what the 1st page rough for ntyg looked like compared to the final page:
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as you can see, all i have laid out is the major text and visual elements, but it really helps me to visualize how the finished comic is going to flow. i do the roughs for every page before i start on the finals so that i have an idea of what the entire comic is going to look like before I really start finalizing it. it's important that these roughs are FAST--i almost never draw fully-fledged characters unless the pose or expression is particularly important to the scene, and that's because the goal is to allow everything to flow quickly and easily from panel to panel and page to page, and getting too caught up on one panel or element often breaks that flow. Nowadays, i have a pretty good idea of how much room my writing takes up so i don't write out the entire script in my roughs, but back when i was a little less experienced i took the time to write everything out in this stage to ensure that my dialog would fit into the space it was given without getting cramped or cutting off other important elements. doing that really helped me build awareness of how much dialog and panel placement matters and how i could use it, so this rough stage is non-negotiable for me even now!
after the roughs i go straight into finalization. I never enjoyed lineart back when i was learning to draw digitally so i basically built my art style to be understandable and visually appealing after one sketch phase, meaning there's legitimately no in-between stage between that rough and that final page, i just sort of. go for it. this is what works for me, but i think most normal people would probably find a second sketch phase helpful LMAO i'm just crazy and i need everything done as fast as possible. the finalization stage usually doesn't contain any major adjustments of script, composition, etc; i make it a general rule to keep most of the major adjustments confined to the earlier stages, for my own sanity. One thing that DOES occasionally change in this stage is my plans for color--ntyg in particular was originally planned to be completely black-and-white with no grays added, but when looking at my completed pages i found them sort of empty and unengaging without the gray, so i added it. usually if my color plans DO change it's something small like that--I'll almost never switch between full-color and grayscale on a whim because the way that i sketch for those two versions differs significantly so it isn't an easy switch to make.
anyways i hope this is what you were looking for! I'm very passionate about making comics and this process is a result of years of experimentation & finding what works for me, but i hope it's of some use to you as well!
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winchestersdrive · 4 months
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Remember Me This Way|| Sam x Jessica
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Jessica Moore
Warning: none, just a bit sad but also some fluff.
Characters: Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, mention of Dean Winchester
Sam lay in bed of his quiet room in The Bunker. He sighed as he stared at the ceiling. He’s been staring at it for hours it felt like. He was thinking about a lot of different things, but mainly Jessica. His heart ached as he missed her. He missed everything about her. He missed her gorgeous smile, her eyes, the way she fit perfectly in his arms. Everything. His eyes began to tear up as he continued to think about her.
—- 𝙁𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠—-
The sun broke through the curtains, hitting on the sleeping couple in bed. Jessica began to wake up, rubbing her face softly. She glanced over to her boyfriend, who was still asleep, and smiled as she studied his features. He looked so beautiful and peaceful as he slept. Some of his hair was covering his face. Jessica absolutely loved his hair. She hoped he’d never cut it too short. She’d loved to see him grow it out at some point.
She reached her hand over to him, gently stroking his hair. “Beautiful boy..” she whispered softly. His hair was soft which she absolutely loved. She soon got closer to him, placing a few gentle kisses on his cheek. She loved him with all her heart and couldn’t imagine her life without him. “I love you, Sam Winchester.” She whispered with a smile.
Sam began to wake up, sighing softly as he stretched out. He opened his eyes, looking up to see his girlfriend. He smiled as he pulled her closer, burying his face in her chest. “Mhh..hi, beautiful.” He mumbled. Jessica laughed softly as she held him close, playing with his hair. “Hi, Sleeping Beauty. I hope you enjoyed your slumber.” She said before kissing his head.
He smiled, lifting his head up to see her face. “I did thank you very much.” He spoke before placing a kiss on her chin. “I can’t wait to spend all day with you. We don’t have any classes today, which I’m happy about. I get to stay in bed with my girlfriend all day.”
As Jessica listened to him, she continued to smile. "Don't forget I get to spend the day with the best boyfriend ever. I get to spoil you all day long." She ran her hand through his hair as her free hand was stroking his face. "Please do not ever cut your hair short. You look so cute and handsome with long hair." Sam smiled a bit, nodding softly. "I promise I won't. I'll grow it out just for you." He soon sat up, leaning in and kissing her. This was the girl he was for sure going to marry someday. She meant the world to him.
--End of flashback—-
--Present time—
Tears poured down Sam's face as he relived that moment. God how he missed her. He never stopped thinking about her. He regrets not being able to tell her about his actual life. She only knew that his father was an asshole and that his older brother was like an actual father figure to him. He sighed as he wiped his eyes. At least he kept his promise and hasn't cut his hair in years. He knew how much she adored it. It wasn't fair that she wasn't here with him. He began to think about the first time they met. Sam was in the library, studying when she came over to ask him a question.
ー- Flashbackー-
Sam was in one of the many libraries at Stanford University, studying for his upcoming criminal justice exam. Soon a blonde girl with the most beautiful eyes came over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder and saw as he turned in her direction. "Sorry to bother you." She began, talking in a soft tone to not disturb the others studying. "Do you mind telling me where a good place to eat is around here? I'm new and I'm trying to get adjusted to everything." She said, looking at the man in front of her. She thought he was cute.
Sam smiled softly and nodded. He began to tell her all about his favorite restaurants that he enjoyed so far. After a while the two were really hitting it off. He enjoyed this girl already. "I'm Sam, what's your name?" He asked, looking over at her. She smiled. "I'm Jessica, it's nice to meet you, Sam." She said.
"Nice to meet you too, Jessica.
What are you here for?" He asked, giving her a smile. "I'm doing English language and literature. I love it honestly. How about you?" She asked. "That's so cool. I'm here to become a lawyer." He replied, still smiling at her.
Ever since they met, they've been inseparable. They were truly in love.
Sam had tinally tound his forever with her. Unfortunately it had to be taken away from him.
—-End of flashback—-
--Present time—
Sam was now having a full on breakdown. He sobbed, curling up into a ball as he covered his face in his hands. "Jess.." he sobbed out. Not even caring if he woke Dean up. Soon a bright light appeared. A figure made its way over to the Winchester, getting on the bed. It reached over to stroke his hair. "Sam" it spoke. Sam's eyes widened as he turned to look at the person behind him. Was he going crazy? Was he just seeing things? "Jessica?." he asked as he looked at her in shock. Jessica smiled softly and nodded. "Hi, sweetheart. please don't cry anymore. I'm here" she said, holding her arms out towards him.Whether he was seeing things or not, he didn't care. He immediately latched onto her, sniffling as he held her tightly. "I'm so sorry I couldn't save you." He said as he cried again.
"Shhh..Sam, it's alright. I'm here now. It's not your fault what happened, okay? I'm not angry at you." She said calmly, trying to soothe her broken hearted boy. She stroked his hair again. "Your hair is getting so long and beautiful.." she said as she smiled. Sam started to calm down as he sniffled again. He smiled weakly. "I promised I would keep it long for you.." he spoke as he rested his head on her chest.
"How are you even here right now? I don't even know if I'm going crazy or not." He said. He honestly didn't care if this was real or not. It felt real to him.
"Well..a little angel friend of yours, well two actually helped me become an angel and now l'm here with you. And I'm so very proud of you. You've come a long way and you're saving people. You're a good man, Sam." She spoke, continuing to soothe him. She placed loving kisses on his head.
Sam started to smile happily as he enjoyed her affection, listening to her. He knew exactly who she was talking about. "I never want to lose you again, Jess. You didn't deserve to go like that."
"Sam, I promise you it's alright. I'm here now and that's all that matters.
I'm not going anywhere again." She spoke softly, rubbing his back. "You and Dean have been through so so much. I've seen what happened to the both of you in Hell. It was heartbreaking to watch, especially you. I promise I'm here with you now so you are safe." She assured him, kissing his head again.
Sam nodded a little as he listened to her. "I promise I'll keep you safe too." He whispered. He soon sat up a bit, taking a long look at her.
"You're so beautiful, Jess.." he said softly before leaning in and kissing her passionately. She returned the passion as she held him close. They were finally reunited. He had his girl and she had her boy.
When morning arrived, the pair were asleep in each other's arms.
Jessica really didn't need to sleep since she was an angel now, but she did to feel the comfort of Sam's arms again. She opened her eyes to see her lover still holding onto her.
She smiled as she played with his hair. Just like old times. She knew how much he loved it. She then kissed the crown of his head, gently rubbing his face with her finger.
She traced his features as she watched his sleeping tigure. she adored him and how beautiful he looked while sleeping.
Sam began to stir awake, moving his face to be buried in her arm.
She continued to play with his hair.
"Baby, it's time to wake up." She softly said, watching as he groaned a little. "Five more minutes.." the male mumbled against her arm. She laughed a bit. She couldn't say no to him.
"Okay okay, five more minutes."
She said. Eventually Sam looked up at her, sleep still somewhat on him.
"Wait. this wasn't a dream? It's real?!" He asked as she gave him a nod. He smiled happily as he kissed her for a moment. "I love you, Jessica." He whispered against her lips.
Jessica smiled, wrapping her arms around him. "I love you too, my beautiful boy." She whispered back.
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed!//
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deathianartworks · 1 year
Do you have any coloring tips? I'm trying to get better at coloring but it's hard :/ everything looks so out of place and I lose motivation fast
Of course!
By no means am I an expert on this (I still forget to choose a light source 90% of the time) but here's a few things that I do when I'm colouring something digitally. Remember these are all individual to the way I make art so they may not all be applicable to yours and are simply me explaining how I do colours, not a tutorial for all colouring styles.
Buckle up folks, this one's a long one (sorry in advance!!)
Here goes nothing.
Losing motivation is totally normal and okay, take a break if you need it, maybe send it to some friends for some hyping up (art servers full of other artists are great for this!). Colours ain't gonna look perfect first time you try to do them, I never put down a colour that I like first time, it takes some messing around and asking friends for me to get them down.
So don't feel pressured to get them perfect in the beginning, that rarely happens!
Here's a mini explanation of how I do my colours, hope it will help a little :)
It doesn't matter if they're not exactly what you're going for rn, go with roughly the colour you want and start there! Personally, I do big blotches of colour just to get something down on the page as this helps me want to actually finish it. Then you clean up those edges so they're all in their correct spaces.
I've found that working on a neutral mid-tine grey background helps you see the colours best at the start so all of my 'paper' starts off grey when working digitally.
Here's the example I'm going to be using (this is from the ghost files fanart I'm working on)
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So, now you've got those colours down, you can adjust them to be roughly how you want them to look. If you're unsure on what colours look best together, you can either take some time out, find some YouTube channels and learn a little about colour theory... OR you could grab some colour pallettes from online and have a play around with gradient maps or simply placing the colours in yourself. There's no shame in using resources like those, that's literally what they're there for.
I didn't need to do this on this drawing as I was happy with the colour selection. This is because I chose the background colour and simply adjusted the hue and saturation slightly until I got the colours I wanted. This is my general technique for choosing colours as my work tends to be fairly similarly coloured (browns, oranges, reds, yellows with hints of purple)
Right, well done! You've got your base colours in.
...but oh god, what now?? They look so flat and lifeless, what shall you do?!
This, my friend, is where shading comes in. It's both a way of telling the viewers where the light and shadows are, can change the mood of the drawing, can change what we feel about a character or it can just look real pretty but shading and lighting does all sorts of fun things to a drawing.
If your style is more simple and doesn't require shading/has minimal shading: apply this tip to any shading you do have and don't forget the importance of rim lighting in simpler styles.
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For shading both skin and clothes, I use the original colour, shift it down into a darker shade and on the colour wheel I shift it down too (eg. shading green with blue, red with purple) sometimes you can shift that even further to create similar shading to the one above, where I shaded orange/brown with pinks/purple's.
The principle is the same with highlights but like,,, opposite. Shift everything up, shade browns with yellows, blues with greens, etc.
Okay so, these next two paragraphs are based entirely from what I've learnt during studies and aren't rules, just simply how I do it.
For lighter skin tones, I tend to start from one of the lightest colours and shade darker, like you would if you were working with something like watercolours. This allows you to build up shadows in areas of darkness. Once you've done the shadows, you can then go in and add highlights and lighter sections where necessary.
For darker skin tones, I tend to start at one of the darkest values, as dark skin tends to reflect light differently to light skin. Then I add lighter shades in sections that the light would reflect. You can add shadows too, I tend to add them if the drawing still feels flat after doing the highlights.
These things are literally lifesavers for me, I love an overlay layer.
I can't really explain what they actually do so I'm not even gonna try, just play around with them. But using a purple/blue multiply layer and erasing where the light hits, that makes the illusion of full shading without the same effort of painting in the shades.
Overlay layers are 100% a 'fuck around and find out' resource, I tend to use red and pink overlay layers as my colours tend to be more desaturated and this helps with brightening them up. However they can also be used to change the genre/mood of the drawing, like this:
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These two drawings are the exact same. There's no difference between them other than an overlay gradient map layer in green or sepia. (These gradient maps are built into clip studio paint, I'm not sure about other programs)
But the whole vibe is completely different. So yeah, fuck around with different colour schemes and overlay layers (the bi flag colours are a great choice for experimenting with overlays as the colours are naturally very harmonious so maybe start there.)
You can also try a noise later for a bit of texture, it's my go-to fix it for any drawing ngl
Uhhhhh, yeah. That was lengthier than I expected, hope it helps even in the slightest. As I said at the top, I am by no means an expert and am still figuring things out myself, so just fuck around and find out.
Bye now!
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raayllum · 1 year
Who do people think s4 was written badly? I know you love it (me too) and I've enjoyed your analyses of it so I'm confused.
That's the tricky thing about perspective, I think - you either got it or you don't, and I genuinely can't conceive of disliking S4, or thinking that it's badly written (for context: there are things i like that aren't masterpieces and they are things i dislike i think are exceptionally well written, so like. it's not always the same thing). i finished the season, adjusting my expectations as i went along, and thought the fandom would love it, so the backlash was a rude and surprising wake up call
the main complaints i've seen are 1) pacing, 2) tone, and 3) characters making illogical decisions (which like. these characters are all significantly more traumatized than they were. trauma is not very good at making people Rational all the time, y'know?)
listen me too, like there are jokes i ''''dislike''' (re: they aren't particularly funny to my subjective sense of humour) so much more than anything in S4 (which i think generally has the 2nd best sense of humour of when it wants to be intentionally funny after S1), aka "claudia's general bathroom" humour in s1 / 1x06 and s3 / 3x05.
i think people just wanted more in depth emotional talks between callum and rayla and faster pacing, but 1) there's a lot packed into the season and a lot of context establishing (i feel like sometimes people forget how much the show has to catch casual viewers up on, i.e. until 4x04 we didn't even know In Canon Show what kind of elf aaravos was) and 2) i'm down for a slightly slower pace. S4 feels like a cozy kind of character study, a slight calm before the full on storm, and i love it a lot. the biggest difference is probably that the main trio don't all have like, Big Character Arc changes in S4 (compared to previous seasons) except for Callum getting over his walls, but I think that makes sense given that so much of is carefully balancing how the characters have stayed the same while also showing how they've changed; that in and of itself is a modified character arc.
I hope to return to my S4 structural analyses soon - I should be able to get 4x03 and maybe even 4x04 out before S5 hits, which would be lovely (and probably oddly on point!)
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theofficersacademy · 24 days
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With our tenth lore event officially wrapped up, here’s to a new month and a new year for The Officers Academy! Thank you for continuing to accompany us on this journey!
Current Month in TOA: Great Tree Moon
Our 5th anniversary event, Happyland, has officially concluded! Once again, a reminder that with the plotline in the Officers Academy now deviating so much from canon, the academy will no longer be a one-year institute. Students can stay and study for as long as they wish, as long as they participate in their church-assigned missions every month. Of course, not everyone is expected to remain a student for life, so promotions to faculty are always available to you to continue your muses’ stories.
Please be sure to read the closing information for Happyland! It is no longer permitted to start new threads within the event setting, but you are more than welcome to have fun playing with any new friendships (or otherwise) upon your return to the academy proper.
Thank you to everyone who submitted and voted on our anniversary mission tasks! Our new mission board begins today, so check it out here!
We’re also proud to announce the new classes we’ll be adding to the rank chart! Our top three were Malig Knight (28 votes), Witch (27 votes), and Grandmaster (19 votes)! These classes and their masteries will be added to the rank chart shortly.
And our new rank chart items will be: Scrolls (Reason D through A), Berserk Staff (Faith B), Fistbreaker (Bow B). These will be added to the rank chart shortly.
If you missed it through all of the anniversary hype: Don't forget, the 2nd TOA Zine is now accepting submissions!
The feedback following a big event is some of the most important feedback we get. The more detailed you are, the better it helps us adjust and change things for future events and the group as a whole. Please take a moment to fill out this feedback form about Happyland.
Given the sheer number of claims anticipated with this monthly turnover, we’ve created a schedule to help keep them manageable for Rai. Claims that come outside of their allotted timeframe will be deleted, so please pay attention to the dates and groups:
9/1-9/2: Dedicated to regular claims. This is if you are ranking up in a skill after placing your August activity skill point into your stats page, mastering classes, etc. This does not include ranks from the Knowledge Gem, so please wait on those. 9/3-9/4: Team Rats participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/5-9/6: Team Sheep participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/7-9/8: Team Snakes participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/9-9/10: Team Weasels participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. After 9/10: Normal claims resume
Important Updates:
After some careful deliberation, the mod team is implementing a change to the rule concerning which supporting characters TOA will accept. Where before almost any named character could be applied for, we will now be requiring that characters have a canon appearance.
Muses that are already a part of TOA prior to this ruling will, for the time being, be grandfathered in.
As ever, with background characters, it is important we see what canon information is available in the application itself and, once accepted, the character should still not stray too far from this canon. TOA does not accept OCs.
September Mun Birthdays: Sekhmet (1st), Lailah (12th), Pat (15th), Eri (30th)
September Muse Birthdays: Gerome (1st), Azama (8th), Micaiah (10th), Veyle (12th), Griss (17th), Byleth (M) (20th), Byleth (F) (20th), Andrei (23rd), Morion (23rd), Marisa (28th), Dorothea (29th), Rafiel (29th), Ótr (30th)
1st year: Neku (13th), Queenie (16th)
2nd year: Emily (4th)
3rd year: Eri (23rd), Cody (27th)
4th year: none
5th year: Sam (16th)
1st year: Selena (FE8) (6th), Lianna (7th), Ewan (16th), Andrei (23rd)
2nd year: Sakura (4th), Hilda (4th)
3rd year: none
4th year: Kris (M) (28th)
5th year: Laslow (16th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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cee-grice · 1 year
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it is once again blorbo thursday and now I have a bunch more new blorbos so we're gonna talk about them >:))
Some relevant info:
All the following characters are gonna be essentially Quil's co-workers. They're all part of the same project team which the A plot is about
They've (mostly) all been handpicked by Mistress Silvoir (the Academy's current Headmistress) for being outstanding in their respective field
The Cielle Academy has two major study programmes: magic and medicine
The Research Team (part 1)
Celeste Ekelie
the project's resident pathologist!! she's not a mage herself and is instead a graduate of the Academy's medical course
practically the only non-mage on the team lmao
probably the most Normal™ out of everyone, but that's not saying much, I'll be honest
very sweet and conflict-avoidant, will try to cool things down (but Will stay out of it if the conflict's between higher ranking people than her lol she's sensitive ok :()
a bit of a people pleaser tbh.... also kinda neurotic lol aee
LOVES to gossip and sometimes forgets that maybe she shouldn't around some people uhhh
very passionate about what she does and will talk your ear off if you let her :))
she and Quil may have the most well-adjusted relationship out of everyone LOL
also may or may not have a crush on another member of the team....
36ish, short, has glasses, dark-haired, pretty disheveled because she just. doesn't notice lol, pretty much always has her doctor's coat on, trans gal
��But they are a bit frightening,” she said, dropping her voice conspiratorially. “Especially Mistress Aukateshka. Oh, the way she can just look at you… Ah, but I shouldn't gossip!” she all but squeaked, her voice once more taking on a nervous tone. “They're all very capable professionals. Yes, very respectable.”
Akhel Yachek
a transfer student from an isolated northern country, currently in his third year
Mistress Silvoir's new mentee ✨✨✨ (Quil's replacement question mark ?..)
MAJOR imposter syndrome vibes lmao, he's been put on this project by the Headmistress as part of his specialized curriculum but he's just a student...and all these people are PROFESSIONALS....yeah idk how he's managing it
an aspiring conjuration mage!! (which is basically portal magic)
is actually very intelligent but is scared to say anything because what if he's wrong and everyone will think he's stupid and then he'll get kicked out and
a walking anxiety disorder basically
is intimidated by everyone and everything
both reveres and is frightened by Mistress Silvoir, qualities that Quil absolutely does not possess, so their convos get a little. interesting
19, tall boy, long, near-white blond hair, perpetually pale, wears mostly Academy-issues clothing, so baby blue robes
“I'm sure you would, but seriously, don't hesitate to put Akhel to work,” Celeste said, flashing him a grin. “He's like our… communal… personal… assistant. Headmistress's orders. I make use of him the most, though, because the others scare him.” “They do not,” he hissed in protest, and immediately flushed in embarrassment. He mumbled something under his breath, glancing away with a wince.
Avriele Kaelion
an abjuration mage that has a scientific specialization in freecasting (the ability to use magia intuitively without a magia conduit; unique to specific venemagiks)
a venemagik herself 👀 and a bit more on the eerie side appearance-wise...maybe a bit personality-wise, too...
extremely blunt. will not sugarcoat her words. she just says how it is and you can't really be mad even
absolutely unreadable tone. good luck figuring out if she's complimenting or criticizing you
is the most cynical about this whole project and its success. thinks they're trying to play with something they don't and can't understand. still does her job, though
is impossible to intimidate. you'll probably get intimidated yourself if you try
a master at catching you off-guard and making you say what you didn't want to. yeah she knows what she's doing
Quil is both on edge around her and can't seem to stay away, she's just Such an interesting conversationalist to him
43ish, very sharp and bone-y stature (you see bones where you probably shouldn't), jet-black hair cut to her chin, paper-white skin, entirely black eyes and lips, likes to wear pastel colors, though
“The Headmistress has spoken,” Mistress Kaelion cut him off, her voice fit for a music box with how soft and melodic it was. The marbles between her long fingers started to clink again. “The only appropriate response you may have is amen.”
taglist (lmk if you wanna be +/-): @writerfae, @tate-lin, @iriswords, @sternenmeerkind, @thecrookedwriterspath, @pure-solomon, @moonshinemagpie, @arowanaprincess, @scribe-of-stories, @thesorcerersapprentice, @stuffaboutwriting, @doriians, @sam-glade
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anamelessfool · 1 year
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Chapter 0 & 1 Up Now! (AO3 Link) 18+
Reminder that this fic is locked to AO3 Accounts Only...Please consider getting an account.
I know I won't get much foot traffic because of this decision, but the recent onslaught of b0ts and their comments are discouraging and upsetting. If you are reading this and don't have an account, please sign up! It's free and fun. (Chapter 0 is here under the cut as a preview 👇👇👇)
Tag List: Primo x OC Papess, Satanic Panic, Family Mystery, OC Nameless Ghouls, Body Horror, Dark Magic, Hitmen, All The Brothers Are In This One, Secundo Has a Scary Nun Mom, Father Figure Primo
Full "Scenes From The Void" AU Series Here
If you like my stuff please reblog, share, tell your friends I just want to put my stuff out there for as many people as possible! (and get yourself an AO3 account!)
Special thank you to @historian-crown for all the fact checking and awesome chats about developing characters for this project their help was invaluable❤️
Chapter 0: On Hell 👇👇👇
You made me forget myself...I thought I was someone else, someone good...
For its entire lifespan, there has been a debate within the Satanic Church of the Void as to whether or not true Hell exists. The Hell written about in the Christian Church, the one with the jumping imps and laughing demons. The one where there is usually one unfortunate soul slowly rotating on a spike over flames, or a lake of fire, or other creative means of torture that have shocked and delighted human imaginations for several thousand years.
No, says one faction, Hell does not exist in the Void. The Void is full of horrors only because they are unknown to us, and beyond our comprehension as beings of this reality. The horrors once encountered adjust to us and can be utilized for all sorts of creative pursuits, both monstrous and benign. They argue that Hell is simply a reality we have yet to uncover.
Yes, says another, Hell does exist in the Void. It was human intervention that tore a hole through reality and invited the Void here. It has been human energy that has been feeding it all this time. Humans believe in Christan Hell, and therefore because the Void is sensitive to us, Christian Hell must exist within its borders. 
What even are those borders? Is a further topic of philosophical study. Is the Void a massive realm with space that can be measured? Or an even more terrifying thought: is the Void actually only several millimeters thick? Is it simply an aetheric membrane stretched behind Altarpiece doors, thin and fragile as a soap bubble and yet containing infinite multitudes? 
 All while the Cardinals and Magicians calculate and debate this, Mother Imperator and Papa Emeritus continue with their work. The Custodian and the Provider. Mother tends to the Void, predicts its desires and brings forth beings and insights from its depths, while Papa gathers in the life force, the energy of his crowds to feed it. As dutiful as nesting robins these two figures work in tandem, in supposed harmony. As creator and creation. As mother and child. 
They have no time to consider what the Void is. All they understand is that it is Hungry. And they are the only two previously human beings that can ensure the health of their charge. They are the single line of defense at the border of Void and Not Void.
A third topic of debate is whether things can emerge from the Void without the consent or control of Mother Imperator. But that is a topic that few wish to think about. 
They don’t want the Void to get any ideas.
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ageofxail · 2 years
31, 33, and 1! ^^
31: Look at the country you are currently living in. If they are an official Hetalia character, how do you feel about that character, as well as the country itself?
That would be the United States of America. Alfred F. Jones. I have... mixed feelings about him as a character. I do really love him! But he does not well encompass a lot of things I personally like to see in a representative of the US, hence my own deviating revisions of an American Representative in Daniel King. (And for England in Nicholas & Noel, and, well, all of my muses lmao) America's so incredibly vast and has so many cultural lines that it pretty much necessitates multiple characters to more accurately portray a wider scope of American mindsets and personalities. Alfred can be the bright, loud, annoying tourist and overbearing sort of American that's eager to start a brawl and hark on about the perfections of his Union while Daniel can be much softer-spoken diplomat who would rather adjust his posture and demeanor to match the country he's visiting and take on some of the darker aspects of a country fuelled by Corporate Greed and be the economist side of the legislative feud between Federal and Local jurisdictions. America is a mess and chaos and I could ramble about being fascinated, impressed, disgusted and wary of so many things about this country for literal days on end but this is a simple ask, therefore I will hold myself back. This time.
Alfred's an awesome character, please do not take my stance as hating on him, but I do find many aspects of his characterisation to be extremely annoying and overplayed. I love him, I don't love what Flanderisation has done to him in a lot of the Hetalia fanworks I've consumed over the years.
tldr; love Alfred F Jones, have my own ideas and I'm allowed to play with those.
33: What are some of your biggest headcanons?
Every individual Representative is completely unique. They're all going to have wildly different origin stories and sets of lore behind him. Some more outlandish than others. Sure, majority of my own Reps were humans who were magically selected by the Universe At Large to be an extremely good example of A Perfect Englishman or A Perfect Canadian, but then there's my Prussia who was magically created by occult magical practices by the Catholic Church and then said magic went haywire sideways and created a feral bloodthirsty living weapon who eventually learned self-control. Sort of.
Day-to-day lore also varies wildly; Noel (my Modern England) has extreme wanderlust but finds it physically painful to stay away from England for too long (see: After a decade of living in Australia with intent to retire from being a representative, his general health declined rapidly and forced him into a hard physical reset of his facade); Daniel (America/New York) has a binding magical contract where he cannot disobey - but he can Lawyer! - an order given by a member of Congress; Gabriel (Utah) can hear the Desert Buzz and if allowed to concentrate, can communicate effectively with coyotes and bees.
Representatives are largely unnecessary to the running of a country/state/city/region, and so are not holden to strictly historical paths that rep'd place had gone down. They're individuals and can have their own stories, even ones that are contradictory to what is believed about history. See: Daniel being a loyalist during the revolution. Again, this will vary wildly.
1:What got you into Hetalia?
Studying, actually! While searching for a study guide to assist my AP Euro History class in my sophmore year of high school, I came across a youtube video titled "What if WWI was a Bar Fight?" and while reading the comment section, there were many references to an anime called Hetalia. Curiosity had me looking up the show, watching a couple episodes, continually forgetting it was a thing and yet still revisiting the concept of Personified Representations of Countries as I wrote out summaries of various historical events thru the guise of Reps. I slowly consumed more actual Hetalia content, but by about five years into playing with Reps, I had decided I liked my own developed Personifications better than either canon or fanon Hetalia Reps and largely abandoned Hetalia in favor of simply enjoying my immortal lads as their own creations with loose ties to Hetalia as a starting point. A bachelor's degree in history and fourteen years later, I still enjoy Hetalia, but largely do my own thing.
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bhartivedanta · 5 months
A Friendly Guide to Cracking the 2024 UPSC Exam: Your Winning Strategy
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So, you’ve set your sights on the prestigious UPSC exam in 2024?Congratulations on your decision to aim for the esteemed UPSC exam in 2024! Embarking on this challenging yet fulfilling path requires a well-thought-out strategy to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Rest assured, I am here to support you every step of the way. Let's now delve into crafting your winning strategy together:
Know Thy Enemy: Understand the Exam : Before immersing yourself in preparation, take a moment to comprehend the challenge ahead. Familiarize yourself with the exam's structure, syllabus, and grading system. Grasp the different stages of the test – Prelims, Mains, and Interview – along with their specific requirements.
Create Your Battle Plan: Develop a Study Plan: Planning is crucial! Create a practical study schedule that encompasses all subjects and topics within the given timeframe. Allocate dedicated time slots for each subject, revision, and practice. Remember to include breaks and leisure activities to prevent burnout.
Arm Yourself with the Right Weapons: Gather Study Materials: Choose your study materials wisely. Invest in reputable textbooks, reference books, and online resources recommended by experts or successful candidates. Don't forget to stay updated with current affairs through newspapers, magazines, and online platforms.
Sharpen Your Skills: Focus on Conceptual Clarity: The UPSC exam isn't about memorization; it's about comprehending concepts and applying them creatively. Concentrate on developing a clear understanding of all subjects. Practice writing answers, enhance critical thinking skills, and refine your analytical abilities.
Practice, Practice, Practice: Solve Past Papers & Take Practice Tests: Practice makes perfect! Solve previous years' question papers to familiarize yourself with the exam's pattern and difficulty level. Regularly take mock tests to assess your progress, identify weak areas, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Stay Informed:  Keep Up with Current Affairs: Stay updated on current affairs, both national and international. Follow reliable news sources, watch debates, and engage in group discussions to broaden your knowledge of contemporary issues. Current affairs play a significant role in all stages of the UPSC exam.
Stay Healthy & Positive: Take Care of Yourself: Lastly, prioritize your health and well-being. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and exercise regularly. A healthy body and a positive mindset will contribute to your overall success.
Remember, the UPSC exam is not just a test of knowledge; it's a test of character, resilience, and determination. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and keep pushing forward, one step at a time. With the right strategy and relentless effort, you can conquer the UPSC exam in 2024 and embark on a fulfilling career in the civil services. Good luck, my friend!
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