#don't get me wrong it's still cool and getting even more interesting to start to learn about how it works
cleverthylacine · 1 day
Just watched Ep 1 of Earthspark S2. And I'm furious.
Don't read this if you don't want spoilers. Or if you think the showrunners can still do no wrong, and are unprepared for the level of Incandescent Fury of which I am capable. But if you DO have spoilers for the whole season and understand my particular vibe, PLEASE read this and reblog with answers (but use the cut for the sake of my followers)...
Reasons why I'm mad:
A year goes by in which all of the stuff I was actually interested in presumably happened: dealing with GHOST, the Decepticons and Autobots cooperating, and also, Mo and Robby getting cool mech suits.
Then for no reason other than "Decepticons huh" the Decepticons apparently forgot their alliance, turned on Our Designated Good Guys (tm) and just randomly started trying to conquer and/or kill everything again. Or were they screwed over, yet again? I really hope so, not because I want them to suffer but because there needs to be a freaking reason why they turn on other Cybertronians when they are stuck on Earth. But I don't have a good feeling about it given the contemptuous attitudes displayed by Bee (as usual, because ES Bee is a fucking asshole) and Robby (disappointing, he wasn't like that before).
And we never did get to find out what the fuck was up with GHOST or why the Decepticons were all in jail (and no, "Decepticons huh" is not an acceptable reason--they have every reason to hate us.)
Breakdown is a terrible parent for no reason? BREAKDOWN?
The Chaos Terrans thing gives me the same willies that the Orcs in Tolkien (I am not a Tolkien fan) used to do. I am not comfortable with the eugenicist/ableist notion that people can be born corrupt and innately evil, especially not if it has something to do with HOW they were born.
Soooo... if you've finished the season (I know you've been posting a bit about it) is there any reason for me to continue?
Reasons I would continue:
Ravage continues to be basically the same Ravage I write, only much smaller.
RavWave (as a ship, not just platonic interaction, mostly because I would watch anything for that no matter how messed up)
Explanation that there actually is a reason why the Cons turned on everyone, and what that reason is. Did they want to put them back in jail? Did they want them to do forced labour? Did Megatron start whaling on Starscream again? I note Tara isn't around Con HQ, what does Tara know?
Quints are interesting and not just scary (the Quints in Cyberverse scared me more than many adult horror movie villains did, BUT they are also just kinda evil and mean and we have no idea why, which would not have been particularly interesting at all except for the fun of watching Hot Rod and Soundwave become the faction leaders while OP and Megatron were unable to be)
Chaos Terrans are not innately bad or do not need some mystical power of nuclear heteronormative family to make them good
The Decepticons get something out of the ending other than screwed
We find out more about Dot and Megs
Some Cons are good parents
More Tarantulas and Nightshade content
Hashtag continues to have a relationship with Starscream that affects the plot as it develops
We are actually told what happened during the year they missed
Reasons I would not continue:
Cons are just bad because cons are bad.
Ravage is Soundwave's daughter or pet or in some other way not actually a grown-ass adult Decepticon officer, making Soundwave a father who raises child soldiers or a guy who runs dogfights, which is not cute even if he is snatched af
(they don't have to be lovers though my shipping heart was pleased when their PDA in the deleted scenes embarrassed Starscream, but she has to be a Real Independent Person who could be someone's partner if not his)
Chaos Terrans are innately bad until "saved" by the Power of Love And the Nuclear Family (or just innately bad)
Emberstone continues to be Allspark Mark II so why even change the name?
Bee's incredible assholery is never called out (it's not funny when a starving person accidentally kills their starving teammate due to a mistake they made because they were starving)
Only Autobots and people who form nuclear families can be good parents
Everyone being friends with the cows goes to the PETA place
Cons get nothing but screwed
Please tell me this series hasn't gone where I was afraid it would. Or let me know that it has so I can decide if it's going to be so bad I'll be mad the whole time like I was in Ep 1.
Warning: anyone who clowns on this post to be a RavWave anti or say "The Decepticons are supposed to be pure evil, duh!" will get blocked.
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creative-hanyou-girl · 7 months
2000's Trio 2020's Trio
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Imagine how great it would be if the PJO show is successful and gets the Harry Potter treatment where we get to see these kids grow up throughout the show!
If the Golden Trio was our big 2000's trio, I hope the Original Trio will be our big 2020's trio💙💙💙
#these are my 2 favorite middle grade book series and I'd love if I can have well done adaptations for both of them to squeal over#I actually didn't get into the HP movies until they were all well done and over with#so i didn't really get to 'grow up' with the characters in real time as the movies were coming out#so I'm really hoping I'll get that chance with the actors in the PJO series#how cool would it be to watch the Original Trio and the rest of CHB grow up alongside the show in real time?#also my mom and I love marathoning HP together and I'm really hoping the PJO show can be the next big thing we obsess over together#I convinced her to watch PJO with me be telling her PJO is like HP and showing her the trailer and musical songs#she was interested and said she's into mythology too so its a start!#tbh I'm looking forward to the PJO show way more than the HP reboot#mostly because I'm so attacted to the films and think they're pretty good adaptations even if they're not perfect#but with PJO we don't have any GOOD and FAITHFUL adaptations at all#what movies? there are no PJO movies#I still might give the HP reboot a watch esp. if its good but still. the movies mean so much to me#i love both series and there's nothing wrong with that#please be nice#percy jackson#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackson tv show#disney+#the original trio#annabeth chase#grover underwood#harry potter#harry potter movies#harmione granger#ron weasley#the golden trio#harry potter reboot#hbo max#2000s trio and 2020s trio
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tenrose · 1 year
Me at the beginning of the book: oh necromancy and a magic system that seems complex, nice!
The book: starts to use terms that suspiciously resemble mathematical terms
Me a literature major with a deep fear of mathematics: oh no 🥲
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
Baker Steve/Rock Star Eddie wrong number AU
Part One
Part Two
"It's like a TV show, but on YouTube."
"Right," Steve answers, half listening to Dustin's explanation, "so it, like what, has an air time, or whatever?"
"Yeah, like a series."
"And it's just, what, famous people playing dipshits and dickheads?"
"Steeeeeeeeeeeevvvvveeeeeeeeeeee why are you like this?"
"Dunno," Steve shrugs, trying to read a recipe online. Unfortunately that's resulted in his having to scroll past someones entire fucking life story and he's ready to give up and try and work out the dumb Oreo cake recipe himself, "just lucky, I guess."
Dustin drops his head on the kitchen counter like Steve is the greatest difficulty he's ever going to face.
"So why do you need to be here to watch this?"
"Because we all want to watch it together, the guests are Corroded Coffin, they all like, play, the whole band, it's so cool-"
"Corroded Coffin? Playing your nerd game?" Steve's interest leaks through before he can stop it, "I mean, like, I think I've heard of them?" The last thing he needs is the kids finding out he's been kind of friends kind of flirting kind of maybe wants to date the actual Eddie Munson.
Dustin looks at him skeptically, "yeah...so you-"
"You can all watch it here, it's fine...I'll make cookies."
Dustin's completely distracted by his own success, instantly whipping out his phone to inform the other kids. Steve's pretty sure their group chat is called 'No Steve's allowed' but he hasn't actually found out for sure yet.
Steve does bake cookies. All the kids are gathered around his smart TV, absolutely demolishing them while they wait for this thing to start. It's like, an actual channel, with intros and graphics and stuff, a logo that reads 'Final Roll.'
And there's Eddie and the band, sitting around a table with two dudes who must run the channel. They all have the bits of paper and dice and little figures that Steve's used to seeing when the kids commandeer his dining room table.
There's preemptive ramble, and Steve leans forward a little every time Eddie's in shot. He's relieved all the kids are all sitting in front of him and all glued to the TV, so he can ogle in peace. They do introductions, and then everyone introduces their characters.
"May I introduce Sir Steven, the half elf paladin," behind Eddie Gareth rolls his eyes so hard his whole fucking body moves. Steve can see him and Geoff mouthing something to each other. Steve can only assume it's because Eddie has named his character, presumably, after him, "he has a sworn oath to always protect those weaker than himself."
Steve's heart fucking melts.
Steve's phone is buzzing. He's prepared. He knows Eddie's back in the country, they've been talking for months. Steve's kind of done waiting, and he's ready to press his advantage. He's had this set up for a little while, just waiting for the right moment. He presses play, and then answers the phone.
"Hey Stevie how-...are you listening to Corroded Coffin?"
"Yeah, yeah," Steve turns it down, bomb dropped, trap sprung, advantage played, "the kids absolutely love them, they're trying to get me into them even though they're not exactly my thing."
"Right, ah, right, what do you, uhm, think?"
"Yeah. Still not my thing-"
"But I really like it when the lead guy sings."
"Yeah, not the like, shouty growly singing, I can't understand a fucking thing he's saying-" Eddie chuckles, "but like, the parts where he properly sings. I think he has a beautiful voice."
"I ah, well, I mean, I bet the, uhm, shouty bits are hard work, you know. I expect that takes a lot of, you know, practice. Hell on the throat. I imagine, I would guess anyway, I don't actually, like know-"
"No no, yeah, well, maybe he should just sing more then, save those vocal chords, or whatever. I'd like that a lot."
"Yeah?" Steve can practically hear Eddie blushing down the phone. Eddie's so cute when he goes shy.
"Yeah." There's a long beat of silence before Steve goes in for the kill, "the kids are trying to get me to go see them. They're in the states now, apparently. Will be playing a gig in Indie."
"Yeah they are- I mean, I assume they are, most bands, uhm, yeah-" And Steve is hardly holding it together, Eddie is such a bad liar, and he's trying so hard not to lie at all. Steve doesn't know how he;s keeping his tone normal and not letting the whole ass cat out of the bag.
"And the kids are absolutely itching to go, you know? But tickets man, they're all doing every chore they can find to get some extra cash, but tickets are pricey, and for eight of us? Because I'll need someone else to help me chaperone and, you know..."
"I. I might...know a guy. Maybe. Like, because of the band I might...know someone who can get you tickets."
"Seriously? Eddie that would be incredible, the kids will absolutely loose their shit."
"Yeah, ah, is your work email cool?"
"Yeah, yeah, of course of course, man, the kids are going to love you for like, forever."
And maybe I will too, Steve just about manages to keep the words inside.
@steves-yellow-cardigin @melodymeddler @pitrsattabhaadmeinjao
@superduckmilkshake @she-collects-smut @paintsplatteredandimperfect @resident-gay-bitch
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torasplanet · 2 months
being bruce wayne's controversially young gf is probably such a handful. with all the paparazzi, and new reporters and don't even get me started on that whole batman thing...you'll never forget the time you discovered the batcave in the middle of the night and neither will bruce. you were just sitting at the computers next to Barbara in your silky rope with a frown on your face just ready to yell at him for not telling you.
but that's not what we're here to talk about. we're here to talk about that little munchkin damian.
see at first, he didn't really like you. you were there before him but he still didn't like you very much in all honesty. the other batkids took a liking to you, some quicker than others (dickie) but they still liked you and told damian that you were cool and everything but damian found it disgusting how his father would date someone as young as you.
you were only in your twenties but considering bruce's age being early forties... he thought it was weird. damian was one of many who thought it was horrible until he didn't. you don't exactly know what made him switch but you weren't complaining well...sometimes you were because of his clinginess but you loved him too! damian was attached at your side the moment he started to like you and it was hard to get him away.
you always defended damian especially when he would go back and forth with bruce, which by the way he hated, but it didn't matter the topic because you'd still back him up. "father, school is a waste of time. training is far more important." "yeah! dami is too smart for that."
but don't get him wrong, he still found the age gap horrifying but it was more toward bruce than you now. as time went on, he stopped caring about it but he acted as though he did. damian is just a hater tbh.
anyways, back to him being the clingiest son ever! during galas, you are never seen without the middle schooler at your side either silent or talking to you about something he is passionate about. bruce thinks its cute and plus it makes the public not hate this relationship more but when damian actually needs to do things at the galas, it's pretty annoying for him...
"todd insisted that i play uno with him and the rest of the former robins and it was quite interesting. especially when todd jumped at grayson for cheating." damian ranted in your ear while standing at your side as you sipped at your wine glass carefully listening to him unaware of your boyfriend approaching.
damian noticed before you did and his silence made you confused "damian, you cannot stand next to her all night." bruce said with a sigh and his son only narrowed his eyes at him "why not? i don't find talking to these other wealthy families any sort of intriguing." damian argued while you only smiled brightly at the fact that he found you interesting!
"that doesn't matter, you still have duties."
"well ummi–[y/n]..." damian stuttered clearing his throat in embarrassment as the conversation seemed to go silent. bruce looked at you and you were close to dropping the wine glass because of how happy you seemed so he swiped it from your palm quickly. "...she doesn't seem to mind at all." the boy continued before looking up at you.
you barely registered him looking at you. you were just too happy about him referring to you as his mom!! even if it was just a slip-up. "oh yeah! i don't mind at all and you can call me whatever you want dami! i don't mind that either." you shrugged while rocking back and forth on your heels and damian seemed to be relieved with that but he quickly cleared his throat again and looked at his father with a careless expression.
"well, we'll be going now. grayson is better company than you anyway." damian said grabbing the glass from bruce's hand and grabbing yours with his other before beginning to walk away. you looked back at bruce and silently screamed to show your excitement. i guess he can let it slide this one time...because he was just as happy.
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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Five in a time line where reader doesn't know him? Kind of like Klaus and what's his faces relationship???????
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He doesn't take it well at all
He's never loved someone the way he loves you, so when he does go into a time line where you've never even met him, he freaks out internally
Though, then he starts to think that maybe this is a good thing
He knows everything about you. Your likes, dislikes, embarrassing memories, insecurities, hobbies, etc [I think you get my point]
^ He can use this knowledge and use it to make himself seem like the perfect guy/boyfriend
While you did like him in his timeline, there were moments where he wasn't the best boyfriend, but now he has a second chance
He'll 'accidentally' run into you and see you holding a book/sketchbook/notebook/journal [Whatever your interest is] and he'll pick it up before being like "Oh, you like ____? I like it, too. I can never find anyone else who likes _____"
He knows you're shy and easily scared/introverted, so he knows this is a hit or miss, but thankfully you take it really well. You were excited someone shared the same interest as you. You start babbling about it, while asking if he wanted to get a drink or food
He's quick to take up the offer. He didn't want to waste a second with you
You do think he moves incredibly fast. You never had a guy like him show such an interest in you, so you're taken aback by his enthusiasm
He doesn't want to scare you, but he can't help himself
He does begin to scare you when you realize he knows everything about you
He doesn't tell you about his powers, until you start to avoid him in fear
You're surprised when he appears in your room, going through your drawers, before tossing you your journal/diary
"You should put a lock on that"
"How- What are you- How did you get into my room?"
He sits on your bed, ignoring you
"Hello? Five?"
He looks at you, holding one of your stuff animals in his hands. If you had known he would sneak in your room, you probably would have hidden that.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"
He gets off the bed, stepping closer to you, until your back hits the wall. He throws the stuff animal over his shoulder, before making direct eye contact with you. "Why. Are. You. Avoiding. Me?"
"I-I-I ha-haven't be-been doing that- Avoiding you I mean-" You stutter over your words, causing him to deeply frown
"Don't patronize me. I'm not fucking stupid."
"I've been busy," You quickly lie, mentally applauding yourself for coming up with that so quickly
"Doing what?" Five humored you, deciding he'd try and let you defend yourself. Maybe you weren't avoiding him. Maybe he was being paranoid
He groans, looking away from you, annoyed. Why were you really avoiding him? He thought things were going great? But apparently he was wrong...
What he didn't realize is that he was coming on to strong
There was silence in the room and you were scared, because he still hasn't said anything and he's not looking at you
Finally, after what feels like eternity, he speaks
"Can I tell you something-Well, let me showing something."
You were a little confused, but he pulls you towards the bed and pushes you down. He takes a deep breath, before making direct eye contact with you.
"You can't freak out. Promise me?"
"It can't possibly be that bad-"
"I'm serious. Promise me"
''Fine. I promise."
You think he's over exaggerating and blowing this out of proportion, until he fucking disappears
You look around the room confused and then he suddenly appears behind you, holding a soda. It was the one you had downstairs that you had been waiting all day to drink
"How did you do that???"
"It's complicated," He tells you, rubbing the back of his neck
"That's so cool!"
You ask him to do his talent over and over. At first he was annoyed, but then he realizes that you were probably going to break up with him, but now you were more interested in him than you've ever been
You practically become obsessed with him
He doesn't mind, in fact he finds it hot. His timeline version of you was never obsessed with him. You were just a lovely couple, but this version of you was practically as bad as him and god he loves it so much
He wants to keep you forever
And he will. You're never getting away from him
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junipers-archive · 1 year
Paper Rings
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Word count: 1.1k
Includes: tiny itty bit of angst to fluff, fluff, fluff, Spencer has been acting distant so you try to start up a conversation, ultimately leading to his confession about wanting to marry you but never finding the right moment
You were worried. More than usual worried, worried. Spencer had been acting odd lately, and for the past few weeks you had been trying your best to ignore it.
It was hard though, he had been distant, almost neglectful, his once cheerful and atentative attitude when listening to your day or the new book you'd been reading gone and replaced by a cool indifrence.
You were near to him now, sitting on the sunflower yellow sofa in your apartment, reading different books. But instead of being next to you he was on the other side of the couch.
In an attempt to start up a conversation you mentioned one of your fresher pieces of news,
"Hey Spence", He didn't even look up, just hummed.
You scooted closer, "Uh- I- Well you know my cousin? Marion, the one who got engaged a few months back?"
"yea" his eyes shifted up quickly and then right back down to his book.
"Well they finally set a date! I got my invite in the mail yesterday morning, it's in Hawaii!!"
"Oh, really?" he wasn't even glancing up now to seem interested.
Nevertheless, you tried one last time with enthusiasm, hoping he'd be kind enough to take pity and reciprocate even a fraction of it.
"So whadaya say handsome, be my plus one?"
"mhm." mhm. That's what your relationship had dwindled down to?
You shook your head, tears pricking your eyes as you got up from the sofa, trying really hard not to cry. But there was only so much you could take, was he seeing someone else? What had you done to make him so upset?
But that was the thing he wasn't even yelling at you! You'd become an irrelevant part of his life without even realizing it.
By this time you were grabbing your things in a scramble, trying to get out, get out of the apartmentget, get out of his life if thats what he really wanted. When it occurred to you that he was still obsorbed in that stupid book of his.
And you had to know, You just had to.
"Did I do something?! What-Just tell me what I did Spencer please!"
You were standing before him now, waving your arms around manically.
"Y-Y/n, whats wrong?"
"I don't know Spencer you tell me! I mean first I thought it was a case you were on that had put you off, or maybe that we'd been apart for too long but weeks went by! Its been weeks and you still won't even look me in the eye when we're talking!" You fail in your previous attempts to keep the tears at bay as droplets fall down your flushed cheeks.
He was stunned but eventually he found his words, "I-I- that wasn't my intention, I- just- I-"
You were hysterical at this point, he couldn't even tell you?
"Look Spencer. If you wanna break up, just say it already!"
You were one second away from storming out when he spoke up again, catching you by the wrist and leading you down the hall to the bedroom quickly.
"Look I'm really, really sorry Y/n its just that- well it'd be easier if I just showed you."
You came to sit on the bed, arms crossed over your chest as if armor protecting you from being hurt.
He was searching through the back of the closet you shared, finally pulling out a shoe box. He sat down next to you, opening the box, where rested an old sweater of his that had been worn thin and a black velvet box sitting within.
He handed the small compartment over to you explaining frantically,
"I've wanted to marry you for a long time now, hell Y/n I wanted to marry you since the moment I met you. But I kept chickening out and for the past few weeks I've taken you to our spots to pop the question but I-I- nothing was ever good enough...I couldn't find the perfect moment."
he looked straight in your eyes now, which were watery, overwhelmed by the idea he wanted to marry you just as much as you wanted to marry him. "You deserve the perfect moment. And not being able to provide that to you, it tore me apart, so...I became distant, praying I was good enough but also hoping you's find someone better..."
"I-I understand completely that this isn't the time or place but when I saw that you were crying- I just I needed you to know that the reason I was being so distant wasn't because I wanted to break up, far from it! I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"
You opened the box now, silently falling in love even more as you gazed down at the your dream ring.
Finally lifting your gaze to the boy in front of you and kissing him deeply, finding your voice again as you pulled back grinning,
"You're an idiotic-genius, you know that?"
He only grinned back, "Yea, yea I'm fairly aware."
You slipped on the ring, it was perfect fit.
"Well...Are you gonna ask me?"
He shook his head, "You're gonna have to wait till i find our perfect moment."
You grumbled like a digruntled child, leaping back on the bed and guarding your ring finger as he tried to take it back. Ultimately he ended up on top of you, both of you play wrestling like children.
"Y/n. Give. It. Back."
"NO its my ring now! You can't take it back! You practically already proposed!"
"You said yourself, I technically haven't asked!"
"Well why don't I keep it for now, just until you're ready?" You were wearing a shit-eating grin as you looked up at him, he had pinned you down with his hands on your wrists.
"No way. What Would I propose with then?"
You craned your neck to kiss him then, albeit akwardly. "I'd marry you with paper rings Dr. Reid."
He had gotten admittedly lost in your sweet words, which you used as your opprutunity to slide out from under him, once more flashing you giant grin before running out of the room.
The afternoon was lost to him chasing you around the apartment as you chanted, "Paper rings dr. Reid! Paper rings!"
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lovelybrooke · 6 months
If you're interested in doing some headcanons for Kieran, I'd love to request some!
Yandere Kieran x Reader (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet)
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I caved and wanted to write this, don't judge me. (also if you want to request anything for the games go ahead).
Kieran despises the thought that people think he's weak. He hates knowing that whenever someone looks at him, they view him as small and helpless. So it doesn't help when you, a random student visiting Kitakami, come and prove every one of his insecurities right. You're so much stronger than him, in and out of Pokemon battling. You have this deep connection with each member of your team and he just despises it. 
However, even with all this, Kieran can't seem to hate you. You're kind, to him and his sister. You never judge him for his shy nature, in fact you seem comfortable around him, even going as far to consider him your friend. It makes it hard to hate you, because he knows you're a good person. But whenever he's around you he feels weird, like he's sick. He's too embarrassed to ask his sister, so instead he bottles everything deep down. Because of this, whenever he's around you he's awkward, stumbling over his words and blushing whenever you look at him. To everyone it's obvious he has a crush, but to him, he still feels this sort of resentment towards you, even if it is overshadowed by adoration.
After you tame Ogerpon, Kieran converts his mixed feelings for you into motivation to get stronger. He has to get stronger, he needs to. He needs to prove to himself, and you, that he's strong. He doesn't exactly know why, some days he feels like he's doing all this to protect you, to keep you safe. Other days it's because he wants to prove you wrong, imagining what it would be like to see you cry as he destroys your team. In truth, he doesn't know why he's acting this way, but he knows it's your fault. You made him feel this way, and he hates it. 
While Kieran's away at Blueberry academy, all he's thinking about it you, about getting stronger. It worries Carmine. Unlike Kieran, she's able to recognize his feelings for you, and at first she thought it was cute. She thought he looked up to you, since you were so strong. In a way he does, just, a little too much. It's not long after she hears Kieran murmur about you that he changed his appearance, and when she asked why, he seemed almost embarrassed. He just mumbled about something about you and about something else she can't hear before rushing off. She chalked it up to him wanting to seem more confident. In reality, Kieran, even though he'd never admit it, wants to present himself as this cool person in hopes that you like that version of him better. 
Carmine was so happy when you arrived at Blueberry Academy, she was so relieved. She thought you could talk some sense into her brother, maybe he'd even confess. Instead, when you meet, Kieran looks like he couldn't care less. In reality, he was a mess. His angry and harsh dementor was a facade for the chaos running through his mind. He kept wondering why you had to come now, he wasn't ready. He doesn't know why he expects you to take on the League, because deep down, he knows you're strong enough to defeat them. He starts to feel that old feeling again like back when he was with you in Kitakami, the one that made him feel sick. It's even worse whenever anyone in the league talks about you. He can't help but be so jealous, you must like them because they're strong, right? Well he's stronger, so just, look at him...please. 
Kieran rejects any attempt you make to come close to him again. He's still hurt after what you did in Kitakami, and he's still dealing with his feelings for you. But most of all, he's embarrassed. He's spent the last four months non stop thinking about you, about how strong you were. He's channeled all his confused, messed up emotions into becoming the strongest, and now that you're here, all he can think about is how pretty you are, about how well you work with your Pokemon and others, about how even after how mean he's been to you, you're still kind to him. 
It isn't until you beat him that he fully accepts his feelings for you, he's enamored, obsessed, infatuated, whatever you want to call it he doesn't care. He becomes completely delusional, believing that you two were made for each other, that you came to Kitakami when he did for a reason. He doesn't care if he can't beat you, if he'll never be as strong as you, because either way, you'd still be his friend, right? And that has to mean something. If not, what was all this for. 
After everything in Area Zero, Kieran apologizes, and asks for a reset on your friendship and luckily you agree. He's so happy, and he can't remember a time he was happy. When you bring him into a hug, he feels so warm, and he wants to cry. After all this, Kieran becomes less demanding, at least outwardly. He's possessive, of you and your time, and very clingy. He's just afraid that if you leave, even for a second, you won't come back. He still doesn't like it when you hang out with any of the league members, or really anyone other than him. He still holds the belief that you two are one of the same, and so you shouldn't waste your time with others. 
I don't think you'd really notice anything wrong with Kieran. It's easy to chalk up his behavior to the deep insecurities he has, rather than an obsession with you. It might take interference from Carmine or another League member to finally get you to open your eyes about his behavior, and even then, he's great at manipulation. Just a few tears and you're comforting him and promising him you won't leave.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie finally works up the courage to talk to you again and he's not disappointed.
Part 1
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"I'm sorry, I won't." You repeated for about the hundredth time as you placed some brushes in a jar and then on a shelf.
The lesson had been over for a few minutes and your classmates were getting ready to finally leave.
Aaron rolled his eyes as he washed his hands at the sink located in the corner of the art classroom, watching the water wash the red paint off his hands, coloring the liquid as it descended.
It almost looked like blood.
"Your parents won't be home for two days. Two fucking days, Y/N. And you don't want to have a party?" He turned to you with his usual smile he used when trying to get someone to do what he wanted.
It was not going to work with you.
"Well, I'm sorry. I'm not really one for parties." You shrugged.
Aaron had spent all of class trying to get you to throw a party on Saturday night since your parents were away for the weekend, your house was big, and you had a pool.
Aaron insisted. "But it will be fun. We can invite your friends, Jason and his team and-"
"Aaron, c'mon. Even if I had this stupid party, I wouldn't invite those people."
They were the last people you wanted to see at school, let alone invite them to a party.
"What's wrong with Jason? He's been one of the first people I've talked to since I moved here, besides you, and he's a really cool guy."
You liked Aaron, you had met him a week ago when he asked if you knew where the art class was and you had accompanied him, saying you were going there too, but sometimes he would say things that would skyrocket your want to slap him.
Over the next few days you'd gotten closer and closer and you'd noticed how most of the girls – and even some of the boys – watched Aaron at school.
He was new and that equaled interesting, he was blond and green-eyed, which for many cheerleaders equaled cute.
You also suspected that many of them were jealous that he was spending so much time with you instead of them.
Anyway, you didn't like him that way, of course you had to admit that he respected the canons of beauty to which people paid attention, but there were things more important than how symmetrical someone's face was.
"Cool? Do you want me to make you a list of all the reasons why I don't like that asshoke? He's selfish, obnoxious, vain, a bully....should I go on?" You crossed your arms over your chest.
"Nah, I'd like to listen to all your reasons but I have to go, honey. I'm going out with Jason and his friends later." He said running his fingers through his blond curls.
You raised your eyebrows, still hoping you misunderstood what he said.
"Seriously. I told you, they're cool guys."
"Like a stick up your ass."
Aaron burst out laughing. "Y/N, c'mon!"
"What? It's true!"
Aaron shook his head before grabbing his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. "See you tomorrow, okay?"
He smiled at you as he usually did, showing his perfect white teeth and rested a hand on your arm for a few seconds.
His smile was sometimes frighteningly reminiscent of Billy Hargrove's.
One thing you couldn't stand was the way he was always touching you. One arm around your shoulders, one hand on yours or your arm.
It always seemed like something too intimate, like the way he called you "honey" all the time, but you thought maybe it was your problem.
"Yeah, bye." You placed the last rags covered in color stains in their appropriate drawer.
"And think about the party!" He yelled before walking out the door, leaving you alone in the classroom.
"I won't!"
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Eddie lingered in front of art class, watching some students leave after the last bell of the day rang and wondering why he suddenly had no idea how to start a conversation.
The last one to leave the class was the boy he had seen you with the day before, the one Dustin said was Aaron and that he wasn't your boyfriend.
As he walked out of the classroom, his gaze briefly met Eddie's, who was leaning back against the wall thinking about what he could do or what he could talk about with you.
And that look, it was definitely not the look of the nice guy next door who brings you cake as soon as he moves next to your house and offers to mow your lawn.
It was Jason's same look, it was the look of everyone who looked at Eddie as if he were trash.
It was the look of everyone who was sure Eddie was the leader of a satanic cult that no one would want anything to do with.
It was the same look as everyone who referred to him as a "freak."
Just the thought of you spending your time with that guy made Eddie think he had no chance with you and that he'd better go home and try to get over you. As if it was possible.
Suddenly, Eddie found himself alone in the hallway and for a moment he thought that you too had left the classroom and that he, too immersed in his thoughts, hadn't even noticed.
But no, it wasn't possible, he always noticed you.
He reached the threshold of the door and finally saw you, intent on moving a canvas in the corner of the room, on your hands there were still some traces of color that not even the water had managed to sweep away.
"Need a hand?" Eddie asked, surprising even himself.
You whirled on him, probably startled by the sudden voice but when you saw him, you smiled and Eddie almost forgot how to breathe.
"No, it's okay. I'm done. What are you doing here?" You asked as you grabbed a book off a table and stuffed it into your bag, before slinging it over your shoulder and walking towards him.
What was he doing there?
He wanted to see you, he wanted to hear the sound of your laugh and talk to you about any topic that crossed your mind because he was undoubtedly in love with you but too cowardly to tell you.
"Henderson told me you were here and I thought I'd come by and say hi."
He hoped it didn't sound stupid.
"Well, hi." You laughed as you walked out of the classroom, closing the door behind you.
Eddie watched you take a few steps ahead of you in the hallway before you turned to him.
"Are you coming or not?"
"Yeah, sure." He hastened to catch up with you.
"Today I'm walking home. This morning I woke up earlier than usual and it was sunny so I didn't use my car. Would you like to... walk me home?"
Eddie glanced at you to meet your sincere, hopeful expression.
"I don't live very far from here, don't worry." You added.
"Yeah, yes. Of course." He answered quickly, already kicking himself for letting you think that he didn’t want to go with you. He would have wanted even if you lived on the other side of the world.
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You felt good spending time with Eddie.
You didn't quite know what it was but you felt the same sensation you felt when you sat in front of a fireplace in winter with a blanket on your legs and a book in your hands.
It was a feeling of calm and tranquility. You felt like you were really being listened to when you talked about the things you liked, that you weren't judged and you simply felt safe when you were with him.
It wasn't the same feeling you had when you were with Aaron. It was not even close.
Before you rounded the corner in the hallway, Eddie heard voices talking to each other.
"Wait, um-" Eddie didn't know how to say it. "There's  someone. It's okay if you don't want to be seen with me."
It was like a reflex, a habit. No one wanted to be seen with him other than the Hellfire kids and his friends in his band.
His words hit you like a knife and your heart started bleeding for that sweet boy you barely knew.
All those years he'd spent being treated like he didn't deserve to, like no one would ever deserve, like a freak, had made him think that no one would want to be seen even to talk to him.
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't fair for all of Hawkings to judge a person they didn't even know for who he really were.
"It's okay, Eddie." You you reassured him as you rounded the corner, finding two cheerleaders talking to each other.
And Eddie, hearing your simple words, for a moment really thought that everything was okay. That there was no social barrier to divide you, that you were really friends and that he had the possibility to become something more for you one day.
He also liked the way his name sounded when you said it.
As you walked down the hallway, Eddie suddenly felt your fingers brush his and when he realized it wasn't by mistake, your hand had already met his and you intertwined your fingers with his.
Strangely, Eddie didn't catch his breath or start sweating like he did whenever you were even near him.
He wasn't even nervous anymore. But he smiled.
He felt as if someone had lifted a weight off his chest and now he could breathe easier, as if with your hand in his everything could really be fine.
When you passed the cheerleaders your hand was still holding his, stready, secure, not letting go.
When you got out of school you kept talking all the way home and every time Eddie heard the sound of your laugh he wished he could record it so he could listen to it whenever he wanted as if it was his favorite song.
You only let go of his hand when you arrived in front of your house.
"And then I told my uncle that I'd found a job, but I actually sat on the sidewalk every day downtown and played my guitar with a hat on the ground hoping someone would leave me a dollar." Eddie finished, noting that he was talking to you about personal facts that few other people knew about.
"If I had known, I would have come and left you a few bucks, you know." You commented.
"I was twelve, Y/N. So you were ten. I don't think you had much money to waste at that time." He laughed.
"When I was a kid I had ice cream almost every day. I could have given you my ice cream money."
Eddie smiled. "Would you have given up your daily ice cream for me?"
"For you, that and more" You chuckled as you opened the gate to your house. "Thanks for walking me home." You added.
"Anytime, I like hanging out with you." Eddie still didn't understand where he had found all that courage.
One corner of your mouth curled up. "I like it too."
"See you at school, then?" He asked.
"See you at school, Eddie." You repead before disappearing behind the door of your house.
He stood there for a few more moments, even getting a glare from your neighbor watering the flowers in her garden.
When he said 1986 was going to be his year, maybe he'd been right.
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Part 3
I thought I'd write a part 2 and stop but... I kinda like this. Maybe a little series will come out of this?
Who asked to be tagged in the second part will also be tagged in all the other parts so if you want to be removed, let me know <3
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
Love you from afar tags: @capitanostella @enam3l @saramelaniemoon @ang3lb44by @einkitty @themorriganisamonster @esme-viridian @daisyridleyyyy @whenshelanded @eggo-segual @comfortcharactercraze @callmeyn @expiredcum21 @unholyyylita @squidscottjeans @twilight-love-nochu-main @idkatee
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Could I ask for courting/relationship headcanons for my pathetic boy Idia in your AU?
Sorry, this took a while.
Man, poor OG Idia already has it hard as a cursed human, he's not the type to make the first move, even with his brother providing him with all the evidence and statistics showing him that you would accept his feelings.
But now we're adding him being a big spider with those courting and mating instincts that conflict with the guy's other anxiety-driven instincts telling him to avoid it all and that everything would go wrong and that you would tell him “Ew no, you're a gross spider that’s blue all over.” and then poke him with a stick.
Most spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together when it's time to find a mate. It doesn't happen all the time but it’s common for the males to get eaten after mating or even before they have the chance to when their advances are rejected. Now that is for regular spiders but there might be a chance of it if you go up to the wrong person and these guys still have those instincts telling them to be warry thanks to their ancestors. People always say “The worst that can happen is they say no.” But really there's the chance they might say “Ew no” which is way worse. Or the extra way way worse when you are a spider cuz your crush might get freaking aggressive with you and take a bite out of you. You being a little human def ease his worry about the latter, but not the former.
It's later after you guys start to hang out that he starts to be a snarky little shit, who knew such an anxious guy could have so much sass. He’s a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having a big ego. It's one of those times where he starts mouthing off that you do actually try to bite him, he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn’t even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he’s even more of a shit when teasing you.
With Idia romantic feelings will develop slowly over time after becoming friends though. It's def a new feeling for him, he gives me demi-ace vibes and I think this would be the first time he had this kind of interest in a real person, it was always fictional characters before.
But also I feel like with him it could turn into him thinking these fillings are just how it feels when you have a best friend since he’s only had his brother for all those years and you're the first person outside of his family that he felt this comfortable around and when he actually does these courting behaviors its subconscious and his instincts are kicking in and his brother is actually the one to point it out.
The male of the orb weaver family (Araneidae) and some others court by rhythmically plucking the threads of a web. After the female approaches, he pats and strokes her before mating. I head canon that not only is he able to create webs but they are cool and glowy and he makes a cool hammock for you to chill in sometimes or even hang out with him on one he made for himself…and then without thinking when you're leaning against him and enjoying the soft blue floof of his legs he gives you a few gentle pats and baps with spider paw and Ortho lets out a gasp and startles him. Oh, he gets so embarrassed once Ortho starts asking him about how long he’s been courting you and how he’s so proud that he made the first move despite his anxiety. Hopefully, he does his questioning after you're out of the room.
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(Oh, to be patted by one of his cute spooder paws.)
Or perhaps…he pulls a male wolf spider and ends up doing that purr after you say or do something that hits him in those feelings and oh boy, he is so embarrassed when he realizes he did it thanks to your excited reaction to hearing it. Though it hurts his ego a bit when you squeal about how cute it is…I mean…even if he didn't mean to do it, it was supposed to be sexy…still with spiders if you're rejected you either get ignored or attacked…even though he knows better, the inhuman part of his brain is telling him your positive reaction is a “yes” to getting with him which lends to him actually considering that this might actually work out and that Ortho is right. 
(Tbh I don't get why the video says it's creepy, it kind of sounds like bird sounds to me.)
Silk-wrapped gifts and offerings, expect snacks and games. Though admittedly he’s going to give you ones that he wants you to play with him. Beating a boss in co-op counts as a date…right? Right. Best believe he’s gonna be getting you hard-to-get items in game, armor, and whatever else. It’s easy to forget his rich until he gets you some decked-out gaming computer or that handheld you wanted, all wrapped in glowing blue silk of course. Actually, driders giving gifts made of their silk is very much a thing they do but Idia mostly does small simple things, expect to get really cool bracelets and hair ties infused with his scent. He gets so happy and so smug if he sees you wearing them.
I found out recently that another thing some males will do is do sort of a silk-involved message, though I think that is another thing he would do after you guys start dating and not before to...get you in the mood.
The massaging motions of the spider are officially called mate binding. Basically, the male massages the female, so that she'll allow him to mate with her, without killing him before he gets the chance. The male spider releases silk over the back of the female as he massages her. The same study also suggested that it was the feeling of the massage that soothed the female, and not the smell of the silk as some scientists suggested.
NSFW: I just found out that Darwin’s bark spiders figured out they're less likely to get eaten by ladies if they do oral. Do with that info what you may.
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I always worry when I see motorcycles out in the rain unprotected, if if anything would actually happen if they got too wet but it Concerns Me, anywho what do you think the boys were at school when it starts raining and when they get the chance to leave/go check on their bike they some girl vibrating with anxiety trying to protect it with an umbrella? I imagine shes trying to cover the engine, not knowing where it is, so just trying to shield as much bike as possible while getting rained on without noticing.
Oh this sounds like a cool idea!!! This is how I think the guys would react!
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Mikey- "huh?" He's just very confused at first, doesn't understand what you're doing. Walks over and actually starts talking about how cool his ride is instead, assumes you were admiring his bike. When you actually explain, he laughs and points out where the engine is. He likes you though, you pique his interest.
Draken- Starts shouting, he immediately assumes you're trying to do something to his ride. Immediately feels bad after seeing your startled look and shaking form though. Thinks it was nice of you to try and thanks you.
Takemichi- He also has no idea if his bike is ok or not, actually asks you for advice but both of you are lost.
Baji- Asks if you're looking for a fight but sighs and backs down after realising you're a girl and what you're trying to do. Thinks of you as a good person and offers to drive you home.
Chifuyu- He's so touched by this gesture, doesn't know what to do for a moment. Ends up grinning brightly at you and thanking you. It doesn't end after that though, he considers you to be his friend now and goes looking for you.
Mitsuya- He's more worried about you then the bike, worries you'll catch a cold and wants to know how long you've been out there. Ends up taking you back to his house and making you hot chocolate as a thanks and to ensure you're okay.
Pah- Rushes over to you about to throw a punch for being too close to his bike but holds back after realising you're a girl. After you frantically explain, he nods at you and thanks you. Promises that you have the protection of the third division of toman for this.
Peh- Starts shouting at you but stops as he gets closer (he's worried about making a girl cry again). He's generally confused as to why you were trying to help him though. Brags about this encounter to Pah later.
Smiley- Sneaks up on you before asking if you wanna die, was expecting you to be a rival gang member messing with him not some girl trying to help him. He ends up introducing himself to you and gives you his number, saying the two of you should hang out later.
Angry- He thinks you're very thoughtful and thanks you a lot, even runs all the way back to his locker to grab a spare towel in case you got wet. Offers to drive you home after so you don't have to walk in the rain.
Sanzu- Immediately becomes concerned, he's very protective over his bike. Will ask if you touched it. He's suspicious of you, thinking you would only do this if you wanted something from him. Vows to keep an eye on you after this.
Kazutora- He's a bit flustered, it's not everyday that someone does something so nice for him. Wants to know more about you and hang out more after this since you seem like a nice person. Also thinks of himself as being indebted to you now.
Hanma- Thinks the whole situation is funny, but is still very interested in you. This is something different. Tells you where the engine is but points at the wrong place to see if you believe him, then laughs when you do.
Inui- Raises an eyebrow at you, mutters something then drives off.
Taiju- Grabs your arm to move you away from his bike but stops as you explain. Laughs a lot at you but deep down he kind of appreciates the effort. Tells you he won't forget this, you're not sure if that's a promise or threat.
Izana- Stares at you blankly before thinking he understands the situation but definitely getting it wrong. Says things that make 0 sense to you. "So you want to work for me huh" "What????" "You chose wisely" You basically end up being adopted/ kidnapped by tenjiku.
Kakucho- Asks what you're doing then shakes your hand after as a thank you (he was going to pat your shoulder but suddenly panicked that a girl may not like that so settles for a hand shake). Mentally makes a note to look out for you in the future.
Shion- Assumes you know who he is and that you admire him greatly. Talks a lot at you and tries to show off, tells you that if you're ever in danger you can just tell your attackers his name and they'll back off knowing you're with him.
Ran- Laughs at how confused you look, he thinks it's cute like a little lost chick. Is actually a bit to surprised to realise you didn't seem to realise it was his bike you were trying to protect.
Rindou- Looks you and and down before sighing, tells you to hop on the back and he'll drive you home but then the two of you are even and never have to speak again (you definitely end up as best friends).
Mochi- He's actually touched by this, thinks you're a pretty cool girl for trying this hard to protect something of his. Drives you to a cafe to grab something warm for you as a thank you, also tells you a bit about bikes on the way.
Shinichiro- He's a bit confused as to why you don't know where the engine is (he just assumes it's common knowledge) but is thankful to you. Drives you home and gives you his number so he can teach you about bikes in the future (he just assumes you're interested) also flirts a little.
Takeomi- Blinks at you and asks what's up, he acts a little rudely after you tell him but tbf he's just a bit surprised and isn't thinking about what he's saying. Still thanks you though.
Wakasa- Gives you a lazy grin and points the engine out to you. Doesn't offer you a lift but just assumes you'll say yes so helps you onto the back.
Benkei- Actually worries that something is wrong at first and that someone sent you here. Once that's cleared up he nods at you and says you have his respect.
South- Grins down at you, assuming this will end in a fight. Is actually a little disappointed when he finds out why you were there. He's a bit unsure of how to respond exactly and just leaves you there without saying another word. He finds you again a day later though to thank you and starts hanging out with you occasionally.
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derangedanomaly · 5 months
Part 1: Their s/o is a skeleton pt.1 (Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror) - For context
Their s/o is a skeleton PT.2
(Error, Dream, Ink, Swap)
Oh, he absolutely knows that you're a skeleton because you're dead.
How? He read your file. (Sneaky mf)
He might've been a little interested in you at that time. (Takes this to his grave)
He's the one that's, next to Dust, the MOST prepared! You want bandaids? He has a whole stock of them. You need snack's? Sure, what do you want?
He's like your little hero most of the time, it's actually really cute ❤️
Always ready to step in if you happen to be in danger.
He became a little sap because of you, no one really knows why, or where it come from.
Error speaking to Ink; "I hate you, and I wish I would've never met you! So tell me, why should I help you?!" ".... We've got Y/n-" "I'm in."
Uses his strings to secure you when on missions, since he has Haphephobia.
Really sweet towards you, but an ass to everybody else 💀
"Y/n! I need you to-" Killer spoke, but got cut off by Error. "I'll do it." There's a silence following after that. "Huh? Wha-Why? It's quite...hmm... dangerous." Error scoffed at Killer's dumbness. "Yeah. Exactly I want to do it for Y/n." You awed a little, grateful for Error's kind words.
After they ended their own conversations, you went up to Error, smiling at him. "Error..thank you for doing that!" Error smiled and used his strings to sort of...hug you? "It's no problem. I'd do anything for you..." You blinked and looked at him, confused. "Huh? I'm sorry- what did you say," Error blushed deep yellow and stammered. "A- Uh.. it's nothing! Really..." After awhile of you both staring into each others eyes, Error snapped out of it blushing profusely.
"I GOTTA GO! THE ANTIVOID'S ON FIRE!!!" You laughed as he teleported away. What a liar..heh.
Oh my god! You're dead?! Is his immediate reaction. After that follows a quick stammer of these words: "Are you ok?! I mean- you're dead, of course you're not ok! BUT DOES IT STILL HURT?! OH MY GOD!!!!"
He's like a worried mother. 💀
Becomes even more worried when he finds out you're bones are easily breakable.
Someone, please calm him down!
Don't get him wrong, he is usually composed and calm, but he literally went crazy after you told him this mind-blowing fact to him.
I mean, he loves you, very dearly. But he just found out that his crush is actually dead, and is very fragile.
After getting used to this, Dream treats you as if you were made out of porcelain.
He's being so very careful for you. You could be doing anything. Even the simplest of things, and he'd be watching you like a hawk, checking if you'll be ok.
He stopped doing that after you told him it's making you uncomfortable, but decided to instead hold your hand, or lay his hand on your back. (Depending on what you're doing.)
Doesn't bring you on fights on many occasions. (Doesn't like seeing you hurt.)
But if you do end up in a fight, he makes sure to always put you first. No one else matters except you when it comes to fights. Not even himself. He'd rather sacrifice himself then watched you die. 😭
You were watching a movie, when you felt it..the intense gaze....
Like a hawk ready to strike. You silently gulped, turning around. You were met with Dream's gaze. "Uhm...hi Dream..? Something's the matter?" Dream shook his head, his gaze never leaving you. You groaned. You thought he was over this! You turned to him. "Dream! I thought that I told you, that you don't need to watch over me in these situa-" "You're pretty." Everything fell silent, as you let his words sink in. You blinked a few times, red blush starting to appear on your face.
"Huh?" "You're very pretty tonight, Y/n." Is that why he was staring?? You didn't had any words, shock overcoming you. "Um..thank you??" He flashed you a gentle smile, then went up the stairs. What a weird night.
Oh, so you weren't born a skeleton? Cool cool. But can you watch thi-
He doesn't care. And it's not because he's an asshole, it's because he doesn't find it really mind-blowing.
He doesn't change his view about you just cause you're dead! Hah!
He's that kind of a friend that would laugh if you'd done something to yourself. Like broke a bone on accident or something. Trust me, he WILL laugh his ass off.
He might be doing all these things, but he did find himself chasing after you. He didn't know that though. (Remember. He doesn't really have emotions..)
He probably never felt these emotions before, so he doesn't know that he loves you, until one specific moment.
The moment where you confess to him. He should feel happy in this moment! But he just feels- sorry. For you. He thinks he doesn't deserve your love, simply because his emotions are fake.
So he studies these emotions further!
He suddenly becomes an expert at love. 🤠
Keeps telling you cringe things, thinking that'd woe you... "I wanna be your sigma baby!" You just look at him in disgust. "Don't... don't do that..."
Ink loves to capture small moments on camera, so he has a ton of pictures with you two! He has them all printed out, sticked on his wall.
Every time he looks at them, he thinks of you. And that just makes him feel...alive.
You were walking down the stairs when you suddenly tripped. You groaned, about to stand up, until you heard a loud crack. Oh no.... your leg bone just broke! Great.. "OH MY GOD! I can't believe you just plummeted a whole flight of stairs!" You groaned even more when you heard the voice of that rat...Ink.
"Ink...can you help me instead of laughing at me?" "No." Was his immediate response before laughing his ass off furthermore. "You're such an ass..." Ink chuckled, suddenly holding you up bridal style. "Yeah, but I'm your ass." You couldn't help but smile. "Yeah. Yeah.."
Is kinda...chill? It's actually really weird. You would think he'd freak out the most.
It was actually just cause Error told him beforehand. (Swap bribed him 💀
He was surprised, but didn't change the way he treated you.
The only thing he did is just...admire you from afar.
You kinda became his role model. He just admires you so much! He thinks it's incredible how you can still push forward even in your conditions.
Has kitty bandaids in his pockets prepared just for you :)
Just a lil cutie, always making sure you're ok.
Always encouraging you in everything you do! He's your little cheerleader.
Tried to calm Dream down when he found out. "It's ok Dream! They're ok! Stop overreacting!"
He might be the good guy. But if he finds out...that someone hurt you... he'll personally eliminate them. And he's not really hiding it either. He's actually thriving in it. (Which makes you kinda nervous.)
"S-Swap?" You called out his name. You needed his assistance. Nightmare severely hurt you. Broke a few bones... Swap immediately went to your side.
"Y/n! Are you ok?! What happened?" You frowned and explained him the situation. "Nightmare happened. That's what.." you slowly went to sit down, watching Swap curiously. "...Swap?" You suddenly saw a flick of anger across his face. "I'M GONNA TEAR HIM TO SHREDS THAT EVEN DREAM WON'T RECOGNIZE HIM!!" You jumped, being shocked. You never saw Swap act like this.
He was about to rush out the door, until you stopped him, holding his sleeve. "Swap, no! It's ok...just...help me patch up? Please.." Swap looked at you sadly, until nodding his head going over to the medkit. "I'm sorry...Y/n. I don't know what came over me..." You nodded, wincing from your injuries. "... I'm still going to annihilate him.." you looked at him with confusion. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" "Nothing. Just that I love..." He stopped himself from finishing that sentence. "Tacos. I love Tacos." Swap blurted out avoiding your eye contact.
"And also you..."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Not So Hopeless.
Alison is Eddie's new friend and you're certain she's his perfect girl. She's older, in a band, gorgeous. It's hell watching them together...
But have you got it all completely wrong?
Misunderstandings, pining, some angst, fluff
Don't copy, reuse or repost my work
Something about Alison irked you from the start. Maybe it was the fact that she was so cool, had her shit together and was the hottest woman you had ever met.
Mostly however it was the fact that she had the biggest crush on Eddie Munson who you had been in love with since... Well forever.
Even worse was that Eddie seemed to like her back just as much as she liked him which made you seethe with jealousy.
You know that saying this made you sound bitchy or petty and you hated that but at the same time you didn't care, you weren't perfect.
Alison was basically Eddie's dream woman, she was even in a band and played guitar just like Eddie. She was a year older than him and was basically this cool, hot, older chick who Eddie thought was totally metal.
The friendship you had with Eddie was so dear to you, the both of you from totally different social circles but still bonding over your love of all things Metallica had cemented your friendship from the start.
People took one look at you and assumed so much about you without really getting to know you but Eddie was sweet with you from day one.
He made you feel happy and like you could be yourself with him. That you didn't have to be pretty, little miss Sunshine, popular girl all the time.
In time you had fallen for him, the feelings growing deeper and more intense whenever you were around him.
Fuck you wished you had spoken up sooner, because now you had to watch Eddie fall for his dream girl and you were heartbroken.
But as his friend you had to be happy for him... Even if it was killing you inside. It was a hopeless situation and you had to hide your heartache every day.
It's been an tiring week and you wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep. Alas, you had studying to do and the test was very important so sleep would have to wait.
Technically you should be in Hellfire but you had arrived before most of the members and it was only Eddie, Alison and a few others there.
Just seeing the two of them laughing together, a massive grin on Eddie's face and seeing how perfect the two of them looked together was more than enough for you to retreat to the library instead.
Now Hellfire was finished and you had studied enough, you head out of the library and remember with a jolt that you couldn't go home because you were meeting the girls for a late night mall trip.
Maybe it would be good for you to take your mind of things for a while?
"Sweetheart, wait up" Eddie calls to you. Shit this is why you should have just drove to the mall. You'd already skipped Hellfire which you knew Eddie would be pissed about.
Between studying in the library, wanting to avoid Alison and Eddie and this unbearable ache in your chest, you were exhausted.
"Princess, you weren't at Hellfire?"
It's raining hard and Eddie is in front of you gently touching your cheek. His eyes are full of tenderness and worry.
"Talk to me what's wrong?" you try to stop the tears but they just keep coming, you're soaked and emotional, the words just slip out.
"It's just Ali is so perfect and she's in a band, older, she's perfect for you and you should be with her" he gapes at you then recovers quickly.
"Why does thinking about me with Alison make you so upset princess?" Was he trying to embarrass you? Did you really need to say it?
Apparently you did because he was staring expectantly at you, waiting to hear what you were going to say. Something shimmering in his big brown eyes.
"You're really going to make me say it? The thought of you with Ali tears me up inside okay? Like physically hurts" You're shivering now and just want to go home, cry and eat a ton of junk food.
"Ali isn't interested in me, she likes someone else and for the record sweetheart I don't want Ali at all either. I don't care how "perfect" she is" this confuses you which makes you grow incredibly frustrated because she's everything Eddie could want... Right?
"Why?" he softens and cups your face in his hands.
"I'm in love with someone else" someone else. Your heart sinks and you back away from him feeling sick to your stomach. If not Alison then who?
"Oh... Right" he looks panicked and moves closer to you.
"Shit, Sweetheart. What I mean is I'm in love with..." Eddie is cut off when Chrissy, Taylor and Samantha drive up to the two of you.
"Babe, we're shopping for prom remember? Get your butt moving" Taylor calls to you and you nod quickly getting into the vehicle and fielding of Chrissy's worried questions about why you look so upset.
That isn't the last you see of Eddie because he's shows up at your house that night. Literally climbs up on the roof, to your window and tumbles into your room soaking wet.
"Eddie, you'll catch your death out there" You chide him gently, anxious he will end up really sick or that he could have slipped of your freaking roof.
"Had to see you" He murmurs and gets up shaking himself and getting you wet in the process. It makes you smile and you grab a few clothes that Eddie left over from previous stays at your house.
You leave him for a moment to get dressed but he's still shirtless when you head back into your room.
Heat pools in your belly and you approach him trying to keep your expression neutral and not stare at him.
You can't but gently trace over his tattoo, lightly touching the bats one by one. There's a sharp intake of breath and you peer up at Eddie who's eyes look wild and full of need.
"Sweetheart, you never let me finish what I wanted to say earlier. I'm in love with you. You're my girl, my badass, beautiful, kind, loving and totally clueless about how into you I am girl"
He strokes your cheek and you feel like your on cloud nine, wishing you had stayed earlier and hadn't spent the day wondering who the person was.
What a mess. This could have been fixed so quickly if you just stopped for a second and listened.
"I really messed up. I should have listened Eddie" he holds you close to him and presses a kiss to your forehead.
"Would have saved us a whole lot of pining and shit princess" he teases then he leans forward and captures your lips with his.
Then he breaks away for a second and looks deep into your eyes.
"I love you princess" happiness overwhelms you for a second and you cuddle back into Eddie telling him how much you love him too.
Alison joins you at the table as you watch Eddie perform at The Hideout on Sunday. Since you and Eddie confessed your feelings everything has been just heavenly.
"So Eddie told me that you thought I liked him? I mean I do but totally not like that at all" you freeze and feel mortified as she brings it up.
"Yeah, Eddie said that. I guess I was just a little jealous. I thought you were Eddie's perfect girl. I got it so wrong"
Alison giggles, big blue eyes filling with mirth.
"Yeah you did. Honey, I'm not interested in Eddie. Never have been. Besides anyone can see he's totally in love with you" Oh... Well shit you really were clueless about how he felt.
"I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry" you cringe feeling silly for being so stupid. Alison waves off the apology.
"We all feel crazy emotions being in love, honey everyone knows how Eddie feels. It's so obvious"
Yeah to everyone but you apparently.
"It's actually Eddie's friend Jackson that I like. The cute bartender who works at The Hideout, Eddie's been helping me pluck up the courage to ask him out, which totally worked fyi" Ali beams.
You knew this as well know and couldn't belive that you couldn't see how Eddie felt. Now that you had both confessed your feelings, the way Eddie looked at you... How the hell did you miss that?
Alison hugs you then heads over to Jackson who wraps his arms around her and they kiss.
Corroded Coffin finishes up their song and you cheer for them and meet Eddie as he comes up to you. He's all sweaty and hyped up, beaming as he kisses you.
"There's my girl, come on let's go back to my castle yeah?" you nod, take his hand and leave with him. Excited about what the night and the future will hold for the two of you.
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
♯unexpected visit
mdni please<3
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summary: you and ellie are during an intense moment when someone visits you
warnings: 18+!! smut, drinking
writers note: this ones short soo enjoy💞
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Ellie's palm slowly moved up and down your clit, sometimes being too painfully slow for your liking. She felt you coming close as she circled your clit with her thumb while pumping her fingers in you.
“That's it, let it out.” As she pushed in you one last time, holding down your hips to make sure she'd hit the right spot, you tipped right over the edge again and came.
Your body was more sensitive now, even the feel of her cleaning you up seemed painful and new as she forced you to watch her spread your cum all over her tongue.
Right in this moment you heard the door's opened. Ellie tilted her head with a confused look as if to ask: 'did you invite someone?'
And then you remembered...
"Shit, Els, Jesse and Dina told us they'll visit-"
Before you could end, she cut you off.
"Dress up, I'll tell them you'll join us in a minute."
You nodded.
Oh, how easy it was for her - she was fully clothed with only sleeves rolled up. And you're clothes were lying all over the floor.
You quickly put them on and brushed your hair, which was really messy due all of the sensations.
You ran up to the kitchen after only a minute, proud of how quick you managed to be. Ellie was sitting opposite of the couple, chatting with them like she didn't just make you cry for her.
"Babe..." She whispered when she saw you, holding back a laugh.
"What's wrong?" You looked down at your outfit.
It's not just the fact that you wore Ellie's shirt, which you picked on accident. You also put it on inside out, so the tag was sticking out. You mumbled some fuck me's, took it off and put back in, right this time. It was too big for you but you felt comfortable with the previous owner's scent on it.
You're body was still sensitive, so you leaned on the counter and grabbed a glass of water.
You weren't in mood for talking at all, so you just listened to them.
It wasn't really interesting - mostly Ellie bullying Jesse or him trying to make fun of her but miserably failing every time. At this point, even his girlfriend laughed at him. You were the only one who wasn't so mean, so he wanted you to join them.
"Sit down, y/n!"
You shook your head. You knew you won't be able to sit down without hissing in pain.
"Damn, what's wrong with her? All quiet and introverted all of sudden. What did you do to this poor girl, Ellie?" He asked, more serious than you'd expect him to be.
Dina playfully nudged him on the shoulder. "What do you think she did?"
"I don't know, locked up in a basement and brainwashed, maybe?" He frowned, still seeming serious, like he really believes that.
"Dumbass." Ellie played with the glass she was holding, pushing it on the table from one hand to another.
Jesse raised his eyebrows and put his arms in the air in mock-innocence. "What? That's something you're capable of."
"Okay, stop it. It's really obvious - they fucked." Dina rolled her eyes.
"Wow, thank you for saying that out loud." You managed to speak up.
"Cool." He tried to seem as untouched by this information as possible. "And again, what does that has to do with sitting down?"
She laughed and Ellie joined her quickly after.
"It's not like you know something about that." Your girlfriend smirked.
He downed the liquid in his glass, probably some kind of alcohol. "I'd rather go back to talking about you messing up your girl than bullying me again."
"I'd rather not talk about what Els does to me, if my opinion even matters." You shrugged, clearly annoyed. "You shouldn't care so much, that's weird. If I didn't know you, I'd think talking about this turns you on."
"You all are acting like I started it. I only wanted you to sit down..."
It was normal for Jesse to get carried away, he often couldn't drop the topic by himself so he just continued until someone stopped him.
Dina giggled. "Come on, Jesse, leave the poor girl be." She took a sip from her own drink.
The subject changed to something more family friendly after hers words.
You sat next to Ellie, successfully holding back a groan. She immediately wrapped her arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
"You know we can see your hickeys, right?" She whispered right to your ear, so only you heard.
You instinctively run your fingers through your neck, feeling a few sore spots on it.
"And who's fault is it?" You asked mockingly, trying to hide your embarrassment.
Ellie chuckled and patted your side, not letting go of you.
The feeling of the tag on the shirt brushing against the back of your neck reminded you of everything that happened.
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antariies · 4 months
how to build a chair........... director's cut ∠( ᐛ 」∠)__ this is about to be a very long very self-indulgent post where i just talk about my own writing. i also doodled on all the pages i think it makes the whole thing more fun to go thru. welcome to my ted talk
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SIKE before i begin. credit where credit is due, this post was the start of it all. it changed my brain chemistry my jaw was dropped i was in awe i was obsessed and before i even finished it i knew that i would eventually have to make something similar for the commander or else i would be cursed to think about it for the rest of my life. and i Was cursed for like two years every day i would just be like........ is today the day i sit down and draft the commander chair fic of my dreams....... maybe tomorrow......
and then i got accepted as a writer for the gw2 zine ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ the chair idea was actually my backup option in case my first idea didn't pan out, and thank god it didn't, bc this one worked so much better. (still working on my initial idea, just turning it into a full fic! it was wayyy too long to be a zine submission.)
this is the chair i used. i downloaded the assembly instructions and tried out a bunch of different free pdf editors until i found one i liked, which ended up being sedja. if anyone's interested in doing something like this, i recommend printing out the pdf and writing directly on it! it was a lot easier for me to just figure out everything on paper first and then digitalize it after :P here's a picture of my physical copy
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okay actually getting into it for real this time !!!!!
1. yeah i could've just erased the ikea logo and left a blank space but then i realized i could turn it into an in-universe joke. and then i ran with it.
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2. i ripped this straight from the product description on the website. thanks ikea
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3. i'm not sure if anyone went and looked it up, but it's a real item code!
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hehe :3c
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4. if your commander willingly goes to therapy i'm happy for them but TO ME? you'd have to drag the commander kicking and screaming. it's not that they don't know that something is wrong with them, they know, and they know YOU know. you're just never supposed to talk about it. they don't look at their own psych eval results bc that's none of their business.
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5. i normally avoid specifying the commander's race when i write them bc i enjoy the challenge, but for the zine i was assigned to write about a norn commander! as a human main i was uhhhh very ill-equipped. but that just meant i had to study up on my norn lore (•̀ᴗ•́)و i spent hours on the wiki, then went around interviewing norn mains for their opinions, which was great fun :D it all helped me narrow the focus of my piece: joining the war on commander objectification on the side of commander objectification (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ and no one self-aggrandizes quite like the norn commander!
and to balance that i knew my narrator had to be patronizing as shitttt. they've clearly been following the commander since the beginning and seem to know a lot of intimate details about their life, despite not thinking very highly of them. wonder who that could be :3c
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6. i can't stop making references. so the original part number is actually #122620 in the manual but i've changed it here (and on the previous page!) to #082812, as in 08/28/12, the date gw2 was released! no real reason for it, @dalennaugw suggested it for funsies and i liked it. if you're my pal and i show you a wip and you have a cool idea for it, chances are i Will put that shit in. hi dale if you're reading this
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7. another thing about me. i loveeee repetition. here the word "over" is repeated four times to match the picture. honestly a lot of the creative process for this piece was just staring at the pages and figuring out how to tie the pictures to the commander in ways that weren't extremely corny or trite. idk why i enjoy writing like this when i could be frolicking in the beautiful prosaic meadows of a word doc instead but. it's like i see a tiny little restrictive box and i'm like OH BOY can't wait to think inside of that thing!!! i like when the format matters just as much as the content and in some cases informs the content. am i making any sense here. well all you need to know is that i'm a virgo and my favorite book is house of leaves
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7. aw fuck just realized i wrote 7 twice. whatever i'm not changing it this is 7 part two now. the theme of my piece is glory, what it means to the norn commander, and how far they're willing to go for it.
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8. does norn culture place emphasis on seeking individual glory Yes are norn also very community-oriented Also Yes. i think it's common to see norn kids napping together in a big pile, usually after they've worn themselves out playing games outside. it makes sense practically (apes together warm) and socially (pack bonding good) but that's just my hc. growing up i used to share a bed with my cousins all the time so it's normal to me.
a young, naive not-yet-commander, with no real combat experience, has no point of reference to compare a "blaze of glory" to. but the way everyone talks about it, it must be a good thing. a wonderful thing. a reward fit for a life well-fought and a legend hard-earned. so they imagine it must feel like falling asleep surrounded by the people they love, who love them in turn.
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9. .........i was playing a lot of ace attorney when i wrote this page. i wish i was joking 👍🏼
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10. ohhh shit the truth come OUT this whole chair thing was all a ploy just so i could write about the departing. again.
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will i ever stop thinking about her. reply hazy, try again later.
11. out of all the pages, this one has the most emphasis on text placement, like comparing the enlarged picture of the screw to a sword, the numbers counting the screws, and "up up up" being arranged to mimic a wisp of smoke.
i also wanted to lean into the viking/norse mythology influences with my word choice.
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12. more nods to norn culture. i didn't know they referred to the six human gods as "spirits of action" until i was doing the research for this piece :O
and the domain of the lost is called a hall of ghosts....... cause valhalla.....
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i'm sorry this so funnyyy. SAYS the guy who literally clawed their way back to life for a rematch.
me when i'm in a sore loser competition and my opponent is the COMMANDER!!!
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14. arms as in "limbs" and also arms as in "armaments" :•]
15. haha get it because the picture makes it look like there are two mirrored speech bubbles while the text paints two opposing interpretations of the norn commander. one that's selfless and humble versus one that's selfish and vainglorious.
16. and the best part is IT DOESN'T MATTER which one is true bc at the end of the day no matter what their motivation, balthazar is dead by their hand. ofc i'm of the opinion that the most compelling interpretation of the commander is both, simultaneously. contradictions are good for the soul.
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17. i could've name-dropped kas, the only person present that would do something like that, but i felt it was better to leave it ambiguous.
18. low-hanging fruit. the metaphor was so obvious here but i had to do it. for the culture
19. the alternate title for this piece was "THIS COULD BE GLORY". "how to build a chair" was only supposed to be a placeholder title til i figured out a better one, but the innocuousness of it grew on me. also i came up with the other one too late and had already advertised under the chair title lol
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20. my first instinct was to end it with something more reassuring, like "what you have built so far is enough" but that would've been an ooc switch-up for a narrator who has been nothing but snide and detached this whole time. gotta stick to my guns
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obligatory chair joke as the last line. for realsies though it’s meant to be an earnest appeal to the commander to take a break, to have a seat, but it’s also a challenge. are they willing to lean on their friends? are the bonds they’ve forged strong enough to hold their weight? are they willing to put their faith in someone else’s hands? are they brave enough to try? well. only one way to find out.
also guess what that wasn’t even the real last page of the manual. it's THIS
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but no way i was letting this be the image we ended on. IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK AND BALLS!!!
and on that note, THANK YOU if you made it this far!! a very special shout-out to @hawkepockets, my lovely boyfriend and beta reader, without whom this piece would not be nearly as polished. i would bring him pages to look over and he would say Scrap half of those lines you can do better than that. kill your darlings. i would complain and argue for a few minutes then we would revise. rinse and repeat until we had honed this thing to perfection. i can't stress enough the importance of having a second pair of eyes on your work throughout your creative process, even better if it's someone who challenges you. i don't even pay him 🫶🏼
and if there was anything i didn't cover that you still have questions about, please feel free to shoot me an ask! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ thanks for reading! see u later dudes ;P
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Red Flags in HSR Characters
I have a problem of simping for the most red flagged characters except I can't handle red flags. Like violence makes me nope the fuck out of any relationship, I am so scared of getting hurt in any way, shape, or form. In real life I'm fucking terrified of being manipulated into being dependent on someone because I've experienced that shit and it isn't fun. Hate being insulted, degraded, all of that.
But the red flagged characters are just too cool???
Like Dr. Ratio, sure he's a pompous shit and would probably end up degrading you which I hate but he's so cool?! So I need to find some way to make him into this weird yellow flag without making myself into some super genius because no way is that gonna happen.
So instead put him in like a tutor AU, he's teaching you and when you get something wrong he gives you such a side ways insult. Like it takes a minute to realize it's an insult, it's worded in such a creative peculiar way. The second it registers you begin doing ten times worse on every question. It doesn't take long for him to realize that being told you're shit isn't inspiring to everyone. So he takes a... kinder approach. He's still a hard ass and strict but he's actively trying to do better and you can tell, when he starts a sentence suddenly stops and then brings that sentence in a completely different direction. You both end up learning. You end up learning the material and he ends up learning how to be somewhat better at dealing with people whose ideal day isn't being insulted.
Then there's the aeons. i simp for all of them, like how can you not??? Especially Nanook (using he/him pronouns for Nanook), Yaoshi, IX, and Aha. Now first off IX isn't a red flag IX is a lovely little black hole who I will defend with my life. But the other three??? They're as red as a stop sign.
Like sure, Nanook would probably destroy you the first chance he gets. Maybe Nanook is the destruction because he wants to be destroyed. I, I don't know man. Like he's so beautiful but how the hell do you even write romance with him? That isn't just like destroying the love interest.
Maybe he's had an insatiable urge to destroy everything ever since the dawn of his existence and he can't remember why. He's always been filled with rage, hatred, toward everything that's existed. Then he sees you and it all comes rushing back toward him. Your death, the hole it filled, the only thing that could really be blamed was the universe. It was everyone and everything's fault. So he would destroy it all to protect you.
Still a red flag but man I'm trying my best, no matter what Nanook will always be a red flag. Yaoshi on the other hand... surely there's a way I can make Yaoshi into a yellow flag after all they just want to help.
Yaoshi who would save your entire planet, heal every individual part of the ecosystem and every person, just to see you smile. They would ask nothing in return and instead remain by your side, enjoying the beautiful of the world. Then the mara strikes, people begin to lose their minds and themselves and you're left to beg them for a way to reverse this. But this is the price of life.
Yaoshi assures you that this is natural but they still watch on in horror as you inevitably succumb to the mara as well. Only then do they try to figure out how to fix it.
The further I get the more hopeless I become. Then there's Aha...
They probably found you entertaining at first, a human full of surprises and excitement, someone that could survive any trial. Then you grew on them a bit more and they found himself becoming attached. Aha wasn't supposed to be attached but this of course just makes an opportunity for more entertainment! Now they're actually invested and can experience the nail biting tension of all this drama!
Just another form of entertainment, it'll be a shame when you're gone though.
Then there's all the other beautiful red flags Ruan Mei, Jing Liu, Blade, Luocha, and Aventurine and Sunday seem like red flags as well even though they're not out. Like if bad to date why do I want to date?
Their red flags are a part of them and it's hard to work around it, so sometimes you just gotta embrace it. Life's rough man. In the end it's my fault for liking red flags. I'll just stick to Jing Yuan for now, peak husband material.
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