#don't you leave him thomas cooper!
thollandneedy · 2 months
Only you, my girl. Only you, babe-Tom Holland
A/n: Dark Red by Steve Lace is on my top 5 songs ever, so i decided to use it as an inspo
Warnings: Mention of sex; Insecure reader but pure fluff
Summary: Y/n bing insecure because Tom it's trending
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Bellah’s Masterlist 🪻
The news couldn't stop talking about him. Thomas Stanley Holland, the newest Spider-Man, was now known as a sexy, public figure
Their eyes glazed over at his reflection on television, as he once again gave interviews to magazines and television programs that seemed to suck up his glamorous success. Y/n didn't like award shows, let alone being a public figure, but he couldn't help noticing how much female attention he received. The brown-haired man with the body to envy used his charisma for the cameras. Y/n was not a woman of extraordinary beauty, and she knew it. Hollywood actresses commented in interviews on how lucky the girlfriend of the man who became a millionaire overnight for his acting was, while some expressed their envy with joking comments
“Tom Holland? That short brunette? I think he would know very well how to take a woman to the stars,” says an international actress in a YouTube interview.
It was almost two in the morning and Y/n couldn't sleep. His mind kept drawing women with white smiles and frizz-free hair, running their hands over their boyfriend's shoulders and feeling his minty breath as they talked too close to their faces. 
They should be prettier
More shapely
More mature
More... everything
“Love?” The apartment door closes and her boyfriend's voice echoes through the room next to the bedroom.
Y/n stood up, putting aside the pink blanket that was keeping her warm, put her bare feet on the floor and walked towards the door of her huge bedroom. Her eyes seemed to threaten to water, but she took a deep breath and put a fake smile on her face.
“Here she is,” Tom smiled as he saw his girlfriend wrapped in a white robe and a red lace camisole. 
The man walks towards the woman, while slowly removing the knot from his tie. A soft kiss is left on his lips, and his eyes easily find hers. Her curly hair fell perfectly on her forehead, and now the jacket she had rented earlier seemed to be wrinkled from all the celebratory hugs that had been given for the premiere of the latest movie.
“Were you asleep? I didn't want to wake you, but I know you always expect me to be awake when I go to an event.” The brunette put both hands on the girl's cheeks, caressing them with his thumb.
“I was awake, just thinking.” Y/n externalized her feelings, looking down to find the words to say what she was feeling. “Ever since you became famous and rich, women have been very...quick to notice you.”
Holland frowns
“Well, they can be too friendly sometimes. Or some pull me away without my permission, or maybe give me lingering kisses on the cheek or...”
“Thomas!” Y/n exclaims, catching her boyfriend's eye as he finishes removing his tie.
“I know I'm your girlfriend, and that I met you before you got rich, but I can't compete with them. I mean, models and actresses who would like to have sex with you? How should I cooperate to ease this insecurity?” The woman crossed her arms, turned her back to the man, and walked over to the cream sofa in the living room. 
“ Sweetheart...” Tom smiles to himself as a show of compassion. “You'll never really be able to compete, because this never was and never will be a competition.” The brunette sits down next to the woman, touching her exposed knees. “ Only you, my girl. My bae. My life.” His index finger touches the base of her chin, making it impossible not to look at him.
“I'm sorry, I shouldn't be insecure, since you've never given me reason to doubt.” Y/n laments.
“Hey, it's okay. It's good that you spoke up. I'll try to be more defensive if it bothers you. I don't want anything to come between our happiness.” The man smiles sideways, and his girlfriend returns the gesture.
“I promise I'll come to the next event. I pinky swear.” The woman raises her little finger as an indication of her promise, eliciting a snort of laughter from her boyfriend.
“I don't think that's a good idea. You'd overshadow me with all your hotness. I'm the star of the evening!” Thomas says in a tantrum, but loses his posture as he lets out a laugh.
“I love you,” Y/n says with a quick laugh.
“I love you too” Holland kisses her subtly, placing one of his hands on the back of her neck. 
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betweenbreaths · 4 months
So, can I request number 14 or number 17 with Rafayel? Whichever sparks your interest. I'm not asking for both, btw! 😭 Just can't choose between them. Thank you :)
A/N: Hi Anon! I went with number 17 ("Suck on my fingers") for this one. Gotta love 'em fish sticks~ Hope you enjoy!
Rating: M
Prompt list
You'd be lying if you said you weren't curious.
Rafayel's hands have always been attractive to you. Not that the rest of him isn't already drop-dead gorgeous (you can already hear his dramatic complaints in your head), but his hands are particularly beautiful somehow. It could be that you've spent an unhealthy amount of time staring at him while he paints (while on duty as his bodyguard, of course), eyes zooming in onto his long, slender fingers wrapped around his paintbrushes. You'll trace the contours of his knuckles, the veins in protruding from his skin, wondering how it would feel like to the touch.
Despite disliking physical contact, every now and then you'll have the chance to hold his hand, whether it's to forcibly drag him out of his studio to attend an event or to pull him aside to safety when you sense that he's in danger. Then there are instances when Rafayel just asks to hold your hand because "it's cold" when it's really not, and you get to feel the warmth of his palm seeping into yours and spreading to your cheeks.
Soooo yes. You might have a little crush on your employer.
It wasn't at all part of the plan originally. You had gotten closer to him only because you needed him to cooperate and give you the name of the suppliers that sold him that peculiar red coral stone; it was purely for work; for the safety of Linkon City.
Which meant that accompanying him on day trips to various scenic locations in search of inspiration for his next masterpiece, fetching him late-night snacks for his sudden cravings and accompanying him as his bodyguard to the many events he'd attend, was all for the greater good.
But now, you're not so sure that even this can be justified as part of your job.
"Suck on my fingers."
Yeah, there's no way you're including this in your work report.
Rafayel has you cornered on the edge of the couch in his studio, one hand on your lower back while you lean as far back as you can against the soft cushions, and his other hand raised so that his index and middle fingers are pressed to your lips.
You're not sure what to make of this. Just five minutes ago you had been celebrating your win at arm wrestling and Rafayel had complained about his fingers hurting. As always, he rejected your offer to take him to the hospital, and insisted that you administer emergency first-aid before his hand became unusable and he was forced to retire from his job.
And apparently, Rafayel's idea of first-aid measures is sucking on his fingers.
You push his hand away, freeing your lips to speak.
"That's not how first-aid works," you tell him with a pointed glare to mask how flustered you're getting, but he's quick to grab your chin between his thumb and index finger, trapping you in place before you can run.
"But when children get hurt, don't you humans always 'kiss it better'?" There's a mischievous glint in his eyes as he smirks at you.
"That's not the same as sucking, is it?"
"And the injury to my fingers is far graver than a typical knee-scrape for a human child."
"The grip you have on my chin suggests your hand is perfectly fine, Rafayel."
The veteran actor's grip on you loosens right on cue, and he feigns a pained expression.
"What a barbaric city we live in. I guess deepspace hunters are in the habit of wounding innocent civilians and leaving them to die."
Rafayel continues to ramble on, and his words fade into the background as you consider your next move here. There's really no winning this man-child, and your only way out of this is to beat him at his own game.
"—Thomas will never let you hear the end of— Wait, what?"
"I said, 'fine'," you repeat, before removing Rafayel's hand on your chin and uncurling his fingers, much to his visible bewilderment. He starts to panic when you open your mouth, bringing his hand closer and closer. He watches without uttering a word as your tongue darts out, licking up the length of his index finger before enveloping it with your lips, teeth grazing his skin.
Your eyes don't leave his face, and you watch with some satisfaction as his eyes seem to darken and his ears begin to turn bright red.
Without warning, Rafayel withdraws his hand.
"H-Hey, I was just kidding. Since when did you take me so seriously?"
"Since you claimed you were gravely injured, I figured I should take you seriously."
Rafayel is momentarily at a loss for words, and he pauses to search your eyes, perhaps to see if you're actually mad at him for taking his joke too far.
"Besides," you add, "you seemed to like it."
You're not sure where the courage to utter such provocative words are coming from, but the expression on the usually chatty artist's face is priceless.
Rafayel's lips are parted, but no sound is coming out. His dumbfounded state continues for a few more seconds that feel longer than they should, until he finally asks a question in a voice barely louder than a whisper.
"And you... Did you like that too?"
He already knows the answer; it's not like you're making much of an effort to hide how turned on you are at this point, not with his body pressed against yours and your breaths growing shallower by the second.
Your hand finds his, and raise his fingers to your lips once more. His fingers are long, slender, beautiful...
And they taste so good.
"I don't know. I guess I'll have to try again to be sure."
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Posteriori (Yandere Idol!Shikanoin Heizou/Reader)
Alice's note, mother of Klee: Hello, dandelion anon! Mister Shikanoin is quite a smart one– can't say he's always cooperative buuuut he's interesting. I'm sure he wouldn't bother you too much! I don't think he's the type to play around with his subordinates, haha! Anyways, welcome, first recruit!!!
1k event masterlist
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You’ll never trust Alice, mother of Klee, founder of TEYVAT Productions, ever again.
Shikanoin Heizou thinks his mind functions only according to Descartes' System, which is divided into two parts: deduction and intuition. For his entire life, those two factors have never let him down. He correctly inferred that someone with his extensive criminology knowledge would function effectively as a private investigator or detective. The majority of the time, his estimates were accurate, and his fellow college students would sacrifice everything to borrow his brain for a day.
But his intuition states that this was not his destined path.
When he decided to audition to join the newly renamed "5WIRL" as its fifth member, several of his coworkers were startled. Everyone concerned went above and beyond to persuade him to go back to his studies, but he was undeterred. Heizou understands their dismay and is aware that seeing him change careers was like watching a kid forgetting their homework to play their brand-new game.
But if he is simply going to ignore intuition, what use is it to adhere to Descartes' System?
"My name is Shikanoin Heizou. I think, therefore I am" that was how he introduced himself to you.
Admittedly, your first words were not as grand.
"Come again?"
Heizou, in Thoma's words, "is not the easiest to get along with." He was Rene Descartes and you were his John Locke– the ex-detective couldn't phantom having you as his Pierre de Fermat. You have to experience something first before you gain expert knowledge of it. When you asked for more training, Heizou labeled you an a posteriori. Unlike Mister One-Take-Shikanoin here, not everyone can perfect routines on the first day. And most unfortunately not everyone has innate knowledge; some people start from scratch. And on their first day of work, some very unfortunate individuals were given Heizou's character sheet that had scarcely been answered.
Did you say "individuals"? sorry. The noun should be singular. By "an unfortunate individual", you were referring to yourself.
You're under contract for the next 5 years.
In a draw, this would be the misfortune slip. Not good enough to be good fortune, but not too terrible to be great misfortune– IF and only IF Heizou decides not to be a free-spirited prick. If he woke up one day and became an absolute menace, you would beg Itto's producer to switch idols instead. Sadly, your coworkers find solace in the fact that you are their "senior" and that you want them to feel secure because you are the first hire. They'll feel discouraged too if you let them know that you can't handle this assignment.
Some things are borne from chance or "coincidences", and if you were Pierre de Fermat or Blaise Pascal, you would've identified a clear answer as to how fate played you like a fiddle.
Based on the Law of Opinion, Heizou should at least be disliked by almost everyone. He shows up at business meetings late and on a whim before leaving when he wants to. This "detective" glues sticky notes wherever he wants and refuses to elaborate when confronted about his paperwork (which is, mind you, his progress is as barren as his attention span.) You pride yourself on the ability to read the room and empathize with others– Shikanoin is an outlier. An unplanned outlier. 
Thankfully, you like to clean up every once in a while.
"Hey dandelion, it's time to hit the hay!" Heizou crept behind you with a small smile on his face. He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Want to join me for dinner, alone? I found a place that sells deep-fried pork and I want YOU to be the first person I take there."
You sheepishly eyed the mess his group forgot the cleanup. The rest of the staff looked weary but did not utter a complaint. It wouldn't be good to leave them here.
You're so hungry. But you cannot in good conscience let your friends work overtime just because Heizou tinkered with some props.
"... I'll take a raincheck on that."
You'd think that all of those things would be enough to warrant some animosity, but no, Mister Shikanoin is a welcomed new member of 4nemo (now 5wirl). There are even times when you find yourself doting on him. Heizou appeared to be the final component of the puzzle, waiting for the most opportune moment to fit in.  He assumed Aether's previous role and put into practice absurd concepts that nobody anticipated can be presented in an idol format. Court-themed performances? Murder mystery ARGs? You were amazed that he had won their hearts so readily and you didn't know he was capable of writing such a heartbreaking narrative about a fraud friend. As his producer, you were thrilled by how his "personal jury" praised him for his wit and charisma, but more importantly–
Who knew Heizou was so good at dancing?
After seeing the bigger picture, it made sense as to why the original members were inclined to add him in. He had a similar aura to the rest of the group while bringing more to the table. Heizou managed to mix his knowledge of martial arts and criminology with an idol's art form, and it's applaudable. 
... Come to think of it, his debut felt like yours as well. 
Not because you were moved by his joy and victorious performance– hard no. It's because, after the final song on the track list, he pulled you in front of the crowd and publicly (humiliated–) thanked you for being his assistant. 
In front of 100k people. 
And this cheeky jerk was grinning like he didn't know those normal people couldn't handle being seen by a massive audience.
"This is my beloved personal assistant, (Y/n)!!! Clap for them as well!!!" Heizou winked at the crowd. "My debut wouldn't be possible without them!!!"
"Aren't they dreamy?!"
And, as Arataki Itto would say, "and the crowd went WIIIIIILLLDDD!!!"
Oh, dear... You think you might faint.
You were positively sweaty.
Nothing else mattered as your body slumped like a sack of potatoes onto the plush double bed of the 5wirl employee tour bus. Kazuha's producer humbly informed you that the more you travel, the more tolerable this nearly unbearable exhaustion gets. You believed them since Kazuha is renowned for being a quote-unquote "wandering samurai" and they had to go through multiple states to help him find some inspiration.  It feels odd that you're now taking their counsel when you're normally the one giving it to them.  If only you can take your own advice about taking things one step at a time. You can't, though. You were immediately strapped on an emotional rollercoaster of a life.
You barely lifted your arms from the bed and crawled for your phone. There was still a schedule you needed an alarm for, but you mostly took it to look at some cat pictures. Once you took it, however, it made you wish you just slept with abandon.
Everything you've done in your life has led you to this moment. And thankfully those experiences helped you develop thick skin cause goodness gracious–
"What is this?"
There were already multiple edits of Heizou– no surprise there– but it rarely had him as a solo performer.
It seems as though you two are the most iconic matching pair.
You closed your eyes. There are about a million expletives you wanted to scream– but your eyelids are barely keeping up. You yawned as you gently threw your phone away. 
Maybe you didn't realize it– maybe you did but you were too fatigued– but you're already entrapped in Mister Shikanoin's web. This was just the start– a little snowball to whatever he had in mind.
Because from then on, the world perceived you as Shikanoin Heizou's partner-in-crime and his alone.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
little breakfast talks
by chaotic_emby "Ok, now what?" Duke asked. "Now, I believe, is when you all explain exactly what you are doing." They all froze, turning to the door. Alfred stood with his arms crossed, looking between the group and Jason's body slumped onto the cot. "It's all Tim's idea!" "Steph said we should bring him here!" "We couldn't just leave him!" "I was threatened to cooperate." . . . . Or Jason gets a small injury and the rest of his siblings take matters into their own hands, but they don't tell Dick Words: 1856, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas Relationships: Batfamily Members & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Jason Todd-centric, Fluff and Crack, Minor Injuries, Batfamily Shenanigans (DCU), Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Domestic Batfamily (DCU) via https://ift.tt/nkci4Ux
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
The Rare Bookseller Part 5: Oliver's Shower
September 1925
TW: Restraints, slavery, non-sexual nudity, mind control
Apparently satisfied with the results of their medical exam, Cecily unhooked Oliver's leash from the pole. "All right, let's get you cleaned up," she said.
Oliver's breath hitched, not keen to be hosed down by vampires. "My hygiene is impeccable."
"It actually is, compared to many humans I've processed," she agreed. "But it's standard procedure."
Thomas unlocked the door, and Oliver had a brief impulse to try and bolt for it, but with Cecily holding his leash there wasn't any point. He had already vowed to himself to save his strength, but it was hard to squash down the increasingly frantic voice in his mind that wanted freedom, wanted to return to his life as though this had all been a nightmare.
Cecily led him down the sterile hallway to another door, which opened to a tiled shower room. It was neatly kept, with squeaky clean tiles, fat bars of peppermint pink soap, and towels piled up on a shelf. She attached Oliver's handcuffs to a kind of locking contraption on the wall, and removed his leash, giving him some respite from the uncomfortable collar.
Oliver closed his eyes as she turned on the spray. It was freezing cold, causing him to yelp, but turned pleasantly warm in a few moments. He took a deep breath, trying to derive some small enjoyment from the warm shower. Who could say when he'd have another?
Taking one of the bars of soap and a cloth in hand, Cecily began to scrub him from head to toe, all business, a bit rough but nothing that uncomfortable. She rubbed soap into his hair and rinsed it out again. Oliver said nothing, trying to block this humiliation from his mind as much as possible, trying not to think about how he was being washed like a piece of fruit for a vampire's snack.
One final rinse, and the shower was turned off, and he was being dried off with a big, fluffy towel. He stood there, shivering, for a few minutes, wondering what was going to happen next. The sudden, terrifying thought occurred to him that they might simply leave him naked for captivity and auction. That was when Cecily returned with a tape measure. 
"Stand up straight and be still," she said, taking his height. "It's so we can get you properly fitting clothing, so it's in your best interest to cooperate."
"I already had properly fitting clothing. You burned it," he said, nevertheless acquiescing to her command, relieved to be getting clothes.
She measured him tip to toe, from waist to foot, the length of his arms, and around his chest and waist. Then she walked away and hit a button on the wall. 
"This is Cecily in Shower Room One with Lot Seven. Need medium size uniform and one for backup."
"Uniform. Like a prison," he said.
"Obviously. You are a captive here," she said. "But we do want you to be in good condition for the auction, so you won't be treated poorly."
"Kidnapping me, handcuffing me and stripping me down is a strange definition of not treating me poorly."
"It could be much worse."
"Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night? If you were actually once a hunter, then you know..."
"I don't expect you to understand," she interrupted. "I didn't, either, until I was turned. The hunger for blood. The power we hold over humans. It's either feed or die."
Oliver, naked and handcuffed, mustered up as much defiance as he could. "Then I would choose to die."
She laughed. "Many say that. Few actually mean it. I doubt you'd be any different," she said. "This auction is actually frequented by the more ethical vampires. Better to purchase a processed human fairly than violently ambush humans in the streets. Good humans are expensive, so it's in a vampire's best interest to keep their thralls in decent shape. There are exceptions, of course, vampires who buy humans to abuse them, but they're the minority."
"That's what you call ethical? Buying a human slave? Doing the bare minimum to keep them alive?"
"That's right."
"Then you're right. I don't understand. And I'm glad everyone here is going to hell. I only wish it were sooner."
"The auction house has been here since before you were born and it'll be here long after you die, so I wouldn't hold your breath on that," she said.
He didn't really doubt that she was right. "So how about you? Do you have a human slave, then?"
"I have two thralls."
"What do you imagine the difference between a thrall and a slave is?"
"A thrall has been properly processed and conditioned to serve a vampire."
"And that makes it better?"
"It's better for us."
"And what does this conditioning entail?" 
"You'll see soon enough."
Oliver groaned in frustration. There wasn't a shred of empathy left in her, former vampire hunter or no. It was disturbing how much she could talk and act like an ordinary human while casually discussing processing and conditioning him to serve a vampire. It was all so simple and easy to them, and the reality that he was next was sinking in deeper. There might be no miraculous rescue or opportunistic escape. They might simply process, condition, and sell him, his life turned into a commodity.
"So your thralls, do you imagine you treat them well?"
"Of course. They're my precious pets. They get plenty of food and sunlight and entertainment. They do housework, provide me with blood, and accompany me on trips. I dress them in fine clothes and they have their own beds."
"How lovely," Oliver spat. "A cross between a servant and a dog."
Before Cecily could respond, a burly man opened the door and shut it behind him. His eyes were glassy and unfocused, and he was carrying a pile of clothes. He bowed. "The uniform you requested, Mistress Cecily," he said.
Oliver's eyes went wide. "Are you a human? A thrall?"
The man didn't acknowledge Oliver's question at all. "Yes, he's a thrall of the auction house," Cecily explained. "Now I'm going to remove your cuffs so that we can dress you. This thrall is instructed to stop you if you get out of line."
"You'd stop a fellow human from escaping?" Oliver asked the man, who didn't even glance his way.
"Well, thrall, would you stop a fellow human from escaping?" Cecily repeated. 
"Of course, Mistress Cecily. Preventing the merchandise from leaving is one of my primary duties. Any human would be blessed to be made into a high quality thrall by the auction house."
Oliver felt sick. This man had no free will at all, any mind he had left devoted to sending other humans to meet a terrible fate. Would this be him in a scant few days? A polite and mindless servant to the auction house? He couldn't let that happen -- but then, he had no doubt that this man had resisted as well, and here he was.
"Now then, please do behave," said Cecily, unlocking his cuffs. "Remember that I only gave you one chance."
Oliver fought down the urge to run, spurred on by his terror at seeing an actual human thrall. Any chance of escape was blocked by a vampire, a mindlessly subservient man twice his size, a locked door, and whatever other security the auction house had. And Cecily had threatened to drug him if he tried. He had to keep his mind as long as he could.
Cecily handed him soft cotton shorts and undershirt, a loose white blouse and blue slacks, and a pair of surprisingly comfortable thick woolen socks. No belt or shoes. He put it all on without a fuss, happy at least to be clothed again.
"Very good!" she said, clapping her hands. "If you continue to behave this well, I won't need to leash or cuff you."
"I'll behave," he said immediately. Better to stay unrestrained for now then pick a pointless fight.
"Then let's get you to a cell," she said. "Dinner will be served soon, and I'm sure you're tired after all of this."
Oliver let out a bitter laugh. "Sure." He was exhausted, but could hardly imagine sleeping in a place like this, and he had no appetite at all. It must be past midnight by now -- but that made sense as the time when vampires would serve dinner.
"Follow me," she said, and he fell into step behind her as she left the room, the man trailing behind him. They walked to the end of the hall, turned left, and arrived at a set of metal double doors, which opened onto a wide hallway lined with what could only be described as prison cells.
His new home for now, he supposed.
Part Four >> Masterlist >> Part Six
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shebeafancyflapjack · 2 months
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(Me venting some feels through my OC. Tw: self harm. Mention of @idiotwithanipad 's oc Amy.)
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
When she was alive, she'd sometimes swell the flesh of her forearm into a speckled red mess by doing this over and over until it became too much or she got bored.
Sat close to her bed, she looks at the stone faces of her gods Artemis and Pan, statues purchased by Alison years ago. When she visits, she gives them a quick clean to remove the wear and dirt from being outside. But they're already beginning to weather, a chip on one of Pan's horns, the ivory of Artemis' beautiful form turning yellow.
Never before has she felt like all she was looking at were molded clumps of clay.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
She'd missed another Christmas. Nothing unusual, she missed most Christmas'. This one had sounded like something special though, at least from how they all wouldn't shut up about it.
Alison's second kid, a boy named Milo, is at what Robin called a Trans Phase. No, not that, and she and Amy had both tried to explain to him that wasn't the right word. But he stuck with it, because it's the time when young eyes are transitioning from toddler to child, and his ability to see them with the Sight varies day to day. This is the age when most kids have imaginary friends, most of whom they don't realise are ghosts.
Of course Milo and Mia were lucky kids who had a parent to confirm who they could see wasn't just in their heads.
Mia can no longer see them but tries to make the effort to talk to them and sometimes act as if she knows where they all are, similar to her dad. Silver thinks she's jealous of Milo and wishes she could comfort her niece to let her know it won't last for her brother either.
All things end. She knows that.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
A picture. That's what caused this. An innocent drawing made by a sweet little boy who just wanted to draw his 'family' at Christmas. All of them gathered in that hotel room. His little fingers had scrawled every one of them from Mrs. B to Robin to Cap to Amy with loving detail. Sure he'd given Cap a rifle for some reason but the soldier didn't mind that. Robin wasn't too happy with his stink lines but Kitty liked how he'd exaggerated the size of her feather so it was bigger than her head.
And Silver...wasn't there. Because Silver slept through the fucking thing. Again.
She can't be mad about it. Can't be upset. It's not fair to expect everyone to change the calender to revolve around her. 'Anyway, you don't even celebrate it! You're always going on about how Christians stole it!'
True. She doesn't care. Stupid capitalism holiday.
Pinch. Dig.
And it's not like she was totally forgotten. Mike filmed the day and she got to watch it on the laptop. It was basically like being there, wasn't it.
She got to watch them cheer as Milo and Mia opened their presents. She got to watch them play their games and people like Thomas and Cap lose their temper when everyone forgot the rules. She got to watch Amy and Robin sniffing around the Cooper's dinner as they ate, Milo laughing and Alison hissing at them to stay back like they were a couple of pets begging for scraps. She got to watch them sing a carol as Mia played the tune on her little keyboard, she's even better than her mum. She got to watch Amy and Kitty open presents from Humphrey and Cap specifically (paid for by Alison but ideas from the older men). Posters, one of Pennywise for Amy and Spice Girls for Kitty.
The footage was Silver's present. A tiny USB stick wrapped in a few inches of paper.
She's sure the gesture was meant to be sweet but how come it leaves her...hollow?
Fucking ungrateful cow. Be thankful that you got to enjoy it in some small way. Remember how much you used to miss before Alison came along or even during? Never did Silver get something to let her see and hear what time had stolen from her.
There had been no camera to capture...that.
"Little'en, stops that, your hair be so pretty." She remembers Mary saying one time when she'd caught her during one of these meltdowns.
Only then it had been Silver's short black locks that were the victim, not her arms.
What did it matter? It always grew back.
Nothing mattered.
Pinch. Dig. Twist. Pinch. Dig. Twist.
That wasn't the point, Mary had said, stilling her hands with far greater strength from her life of toiling the land.
Tears roll down Silver's cheeks as she stares at the Artemis statue, vision blurring, until she can pretend it's Mary's face. Smiling. Still. Eyes empty.
No. No she doesn't want that.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
Kitty has Cap and Pat. Amy has Humphrey. Even Robin has Julian. She used to think she had him but whenever he's not there to wake her, her paranoid and distrusting mind sneers that he's bored of her. That his devotion to her was only out of obligation to his Moonah. Not her. It's never her.
All she has is clay. Silent. Dead eyed.
So she pinches. She digs. She twists.
If Mary were here, a voice in the back of her head reminds her, then it would break her heart to see Silver hurting herself again.
"Then you shouldn't have fucking left me." Silver whispers through gritted teeth, spite coiling in her gut.
That's what they do. They get annoyed. They get bored. They leave. They forget.
The pain is all she has to remind herself that she exists. That she's not just some phantom outside of reality. She's dead. But she's here. Even if she wishes that any gods could be fucking merciful and just take her away now. Whether it to be to wherever Mary is or just dissolve her to nothing. Let it end.
The spite simmers as she hopes the Stuart era woman is watching and feels bad for abandoning her. Then Silver hates herself more for wishing pain upon the closest thing she had to a loving mother, even if she no longer exists in this realm. How fucking desperate is she to be cared about?
Just for attention. That's what they always said.
Except she always hid her scars. She always cried alone, as she was doing now. It was only when people invaded her space or got closer than she would allow that they would see. Pathetic emo loser.
As her come down reaches its peak, excruciating pain burns in her skull from her permanently scarred brain. Now she tugs at her hair too. She buries her face in the stars and sun pillow on her bed.
She screams. She screams. She screams.
It won't take long until the fire inside has burned out. Not long until the shrooms remaining with her in death begin to stimulate her and turn the world insufferably bright again. Her mask will be repaired and she can return to the group, smiling and singing and typical Silver, their flaky Pagan teen they thankfully only have to endure three nights a month because God could you imagine her all the time?!
That's what Julian had joked once. Joke. He'd emphasised that. And they'd all laughed so yeah, it must have been only that. She'd laughed too. That came with the mask.
Smile. Laugh. Put on a show.
Let no one see the fucked up mess that lies beneath.
Her fingers return to her arm as she waits for her emotions to take control. Not her. There's only one thing she's allowed control of.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
Pinch. Dig. Twist.
Pinch. Dig.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
29 - I Choose Georgie Cooper
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Part 30
Texas Romance
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
Georgie suddenly broke it horror and shock written on his face where he dropped the bucket on the ground placing his other hand on my thigh stuttering out. "Y/n you - are you serious?"
Georgie and I just stared at each other for a few seconds. Blinking my eyes a couple times I didn't expect him to just blurt out a question like that. Ducking my head down I avoided his gaze feeling embarrassed that I just admitted something like that. Honestly what was I thinking that having another child so soon was a good idea. "You know what nevermind. I - it was stupid. I'm all emotional - I'm gonna go." Getting to my feet I attempted to leave the room but he doesn't.
"Y/n wait. Just wait." He manages to snag my wrist gently in his right hand. Flipping my hair over my shoulder I parted my lips as he spoke. "You don't have to go. It's just - I didn't think you were ready to have another baby or not. I mean I don't mind sleepin' with you but I don't want to pressure you."
Slumping my shoulders I sighed tilting my head back trying to process what my emotions were trying to tell me. I wasn't sure that I wanted to have another baby so soon. Since it has been crazy with just having Aurora at such a young age. "Georgie I'm so sorry. Right now I just feel like - well the most normal life I can have is right here with you and your family. I don't know why this crap is making me so emotional. Maybe - maybe it's because I am not ready to be away from my parents. God, I'm mess!" Bending my head down in between my legs I flopped down on Sheldon's bed starting to cry.
"Hey, hey, now you aren't a mess baby. Alright we'll figure this out. Just like being teen parents. We will get through this I promise..." He intertwined my hands with his dropping down on one knee. Those soft eyes of his locked onto mine as I sniffed some more tears out. "What can I do to make you feel better about this?"
Biting my lip I leaned down pressing my lips onto his. He leans into my kiss getting to his feet cupping my face in his hands and I fall back onto Sheldon's bed. My fingers knotted into his hair deepening the kiss until I heard foosteps coming down the hall figuring it was his brother. "He will kill us if we slept together on his bed and in his room."
"Garage now then, darlin'." He quickly replied taking my hand in his dragging me through the house grinning ear to ear. Once the door is opened I giggled quickly closing it and removing my shirt pressing my lips to his. His hands moved to my waist deepening the kiss when he moved one hand to the side of my cheek twirling us around so I fell back onto the bed where he finally broke the kiss to catch our breaths. "Are you sure you want to do this again. I mean I enjoyed the first time but it's your choice?"
Wrapping my arms around his neck I smiling knowing that being with him here is what feels right. Living in this town feels right. "I'm sure, Georgie. I love you..." He smiles ditching his shirt across the room capturing my lips with his. Tugging one his locks of hair he moaned into the kiss. Kicking off our boots at the foot of the bed alongside our pants we climbed under the covers.
Blinking my eyes open an hour later I smirked at Georgie feeling him just staring at me as he pulled his shirt and pants back on. Rolling onto my side I tucked my hair behind my ear knowing it looked like a mess from the night we had. "Get dressed. I wanna take you out to a fancy restaurant tonight." I knew he was using the money from the secret gambling rooms that's how he could afford to take me out to somewhere better than Dairy Queen. Even though we love their food. I decided to change into a light orange dress that starts light at the top then gets darker towards the bottom. Leggings underneath with light brown boots and my hair just left down.
"So what brought this on, Georgie?" I asked as we drove to the restaurant. Glancing over the counsel of his van he was wearing his red button up shirt and some jeans with boots.
He intertwined our freehands together shrugging his shoulders taking his eyes off the road for a second. "I just thought you deserve a nice night out. Given the stress you're under I am tryin' to help out as much as I can. Heck if you choose to move with your parents. I'll move with you. I want to be with you and Aurora wherever you go. I love you, Y/n." Squeezing his hand in mine I already knew my answer to my family. When we got back to his parents house I'd call them.
"I know you would do anything, Georgie. You've done more than I except most teen fathers to do. Some help out and others just bolt and never come back. I love you and I have loved you since we were in middle school it just took me time to realize it." I declared where he took his eyes off the road again leaning forward pressing his lips onto mine. "I'll love you always, Georgie Cooper."
"I'll love you always too, Y/n." He breaks the kiss resting his forehead on mine as we pulled through the stop sign until I caught sight of a truck just driving all the across the road that has to be a drunk. The truck got on our side of the road racing towards us.
"Georgie!" I screamed as he spun the steering wheel frantically trying to not get hit by the truck. Our van barley clips the truck as the front tires got on the edge of the road throwing us a little. He hits the steering wheel while my head smacked the window making me get dizzy and black out.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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sketchy-sketches · 21 days
Chapter 6:
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this.” Alan growled.
“Come on, a few days of camping on a remote island, and we pitch in to look for a kid lost in the place. How bad could that be?” Billy looked at Alan with raised eyebrows. Alan rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Come one Mr. Grumpy hat, our flight is in an hour, are you all packed?”
“Yeah, I got it Billy.” Alan put on his hat and opened the door. He walked halfway out before stopping and looking back at Billy. “By the way, your fly's down.” Alan walked out as Billy adjusted his fly. Alan opened the trunk and put all of his luggage inside, closed it, and got in the driver seat. Why did he agree to this? He just wanted to go back to his dig in Montana, he was needed there. It’s not that he didn’t want to help find the kid, he’s not a monster. But why the hell did it have to be him? At least the dig would be funded for a few more years. Billy walked out of the hotel door, Alan pressed the button to open the trunk, and Billy put his stuff in and sat in the passenger seat. Alan started the car and left the hotel.
They pulled into the parking lot, and saw a group of a few people standing near a small building. They pulled into the spot next to a red sedan. “Ready?” Billy chuckled looking at alan.
“As i’ll ever be” he sighed, not taking his eyes off the steering wheel. They both stepped out of the car.
“Dr. Grant! Good to see you.” Mr. Kirby called from the group. “Let me introduce you to the team helping us.” He stepped over to Alan and turned around to gesture at each person. “This is Mr. Danial Nash, Thomas Cooper, Robert McKinley.” Alan reached out his hand and shook all of theirs, except for Mr. McKinley, who kept his arms folded and his hat low.
“It's good to meet you all.” billy smiled
“There are a few more inside, they are preparing breakfast for us.” Paul waved his arm for them all to follow. They all stepped inside the lounge area and sat at the large round table in the center of the room. Alan checked his watch, ten twenty-four am, they were leaving in about an hour. He looked around at the mercenaries. McKinley was leaned back in his chair, with his hat over his eyes. Nash was making conversation with a hispanic woman and petting a german shepard. Cooper was cleaning parts of his rifle, thankfully on a seperate table being that they were going to be eating soon. And udesky was talking to Mr.Kirby about the mission.
A woman walked out of a back room carrying four plates of food, followed by a tall lanky man and Ms. Kirby all carrying more plates. Each plate was laid out in front of each person. Ms. Kirby set the last plate in front of herself and told everyone to dig in. Alan looked down at his plate of two pancakes, four bacon strips and scrambled eggs. He had to admit he was hungry, he hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. He scarfed down the first pancake, and two pieces of bacon, before Mr. Kirby had begun to speak.
“Alright everyone, enjoy your meal, we have a long flight ahead of us. And from the bottom of my wife’s and my heart, thank you all for helping us.” An applause broke the small moment of silence.
“So you're the expert huh?” The man sitting next to alan said.
“I don't know about expert but yes, I'm familiar with the area I believe.” Alan said quietly. The man reached out his hand.
“beck, beck peterson.” Alan shook his hand.
“Dr. Alan Grant.”
“So what were you doing here all those years ago?. Beck asked before taking a bite of his eggs.
“Oh, uh…” Alan tapped his foot, quietly. “Some old nut thought he had a paleontological breakthrough, but it was just a deadzone, nothing of value.” He cleared his throat.
“Well? What did he think was so special?” he said with his mouth still full. “I mean it had to be something right?”
Alan paused. What could he say? False remains? New discovery? Alan didn't want to lie, he hated lying. He hated the book the Costa Rican government forced him to release to the public. “He had found some bugs in the rocks, and said it was a “key to learning about dinosaur behavior” Alan sighed. At least he didn't lie.
Beck squinted, before shrugging at alan. “How the hell would bugs tell you about behavior?” Alan heard him say under his breath.
He smirked, and picked up another piece of bacon.
Listening in on other conversations, he had figured out everyone's names. Rosa, and her dog Charlie, Sarah wrights, and Laianna simons. He made a mental not to sit near them on the plane. Alan may not be a social butterfly, but he didn’t wanna be around people he is unfamiliar with.
Mr. Kirby stood from his seat. “It is ten fifty-five everyone, time to get going.”
Alan felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked and saw Billy, giving an empathetic look. He waved his hands, signing the words *it's gonna be fine, it will be over soon.*
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project1939 · 11 months
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Day 46- Film: High Noon 
Release date: July 24th, 1952. 
Studio: United Artists 
Genre: Western 
Director: Fred Zinnemann 
Producer: Stanley Kramer 
Actors: Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell, Llyod Bridges, Katy Jurado, Grace Kelly 
Plot Summary: Will Kane, the Marshal of Hadleyville, is retiring to marry his Quaker sweetheart. She wants nothing to do with guns, and they plan to leave town and live a quiet life. Just as they are leaving, a message arrives that a psychopathic criminal Will tried to have sentenced to death is on the noon train, and three of his goons will be there to meet him. Will goes all over town trying to deputize people to help him stand them off. Everywhere he goes, people are scared or selfish or have some reason why they won’t help. As the clock ticks closer and closer to noon, Kane becomes desperate to find anyone who will stand up and fight with him. 
My Rating (out of five stars): *****
(Spoilers!) Like Singin’ in the Rain, I have an especially vivid history with this film as a film student. I took a class in Westerns in college, because the class I wanted to take was full. I thought I hated Westerns, but the professor I had was so good, it ended up being one of my favorite classes. The first time I saw High Noon, I remember the goosebumps I had watching it, knowing that the guy who wrote the film was a blacklisted writer during the McCarthy witch hunts. Clearly the story is not just about a small-town Marshal. Kane finds that everyone, his friends, his hero and mentor, the church, the government, his co-workers and insubordinates... not one will stand up. Everyone can find a reason to argue or run. And look at what happened during the Blacklist years in Hollywood! Almost no one actually stood up to McCarthy’s committees. Everyone was terrified of losing their reputations and careers. 
The Good: 
I love films that take place in a short period of time, and this film takes place in the span of its running time- about 85 minutes. Most of it is the hour or so Will has to find deputies before the train gets in at noon. Having the constant reminders of time ticking by, as it is happening, adds so much to the suspense and immersion you feel watching it. 
It’s a short, sparse, slickly edited masterpiece! It doesn't have an ounce of “fat” on it. Nothing is filler. 
It’s almost an anti-Western. It doesn’t have any action until the end really. A lot of conservatives hated it, John Wayne included, because they thought Kane was weak for desperately running around to find help. They didn’t like that Kane looked and acted scared sometimes. They didn’t like that his wife helped save him. That’s why I love it! Kane is not some cardboard Western stud. Most people aren’t! And Kane is definitely not a weak character. It’s the ridiculous John Wayne types that think he is. Don’t listen to them. 
My favorite Westerns are psychological allegorical ones, and you cannot get any better than this. 
I like that this is not sentimentalized or idealized. It’s cynical and gritty and about the pain of reality. It’s an adult Western. 
I love the character of Helen Ramirez. She was smart and strong and beautiful, and when she told Lloyd Bridges to get his hands off of her, I wanted to shout with joy. 
There are no stereotypes of Native Americans in this at all. I don’t know if I can even think of another Western from the Classic period in Hollywood where that was true- even the ones that had good intentions! 
This is the kind of role that Gary Cooper was made for- and he did win an Oscar for it. He is so good at playing plain-spoken “men of few words." He’s really effective at letting you know what he’s feeling without saying it. 
The detail in the sweat on everybody’s faces! It’s one of those Westerns where you almost feel the heat and the dust like the characters do. 
The final shot when Kane throws his badge on the ground still feels like the most beautifully painful punch in the gut. I don't think there could be a more perfect way to end the film.
The Bad: 
Is there anything? I guess near the end I get a little sick of hearing “Do Not Forsake Me!” It’s a good song, but we hear it a lot. 
I don’t love Grace Kelly’s character. I don’t dislike her, but I wish she could have been a little stronger. I also wish they could have cast someone a little older. I like that she’s a Quaker, though. It adds another interesting layer to everything.
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snapdragonpovs · 1 year
when you get drunk
You wake up next to him in his bed, head pounding, sweating, and you are dying.
"Oh no!" you whine and he sits up.
"morning, love. How's the hangover?"
"Uhhhhhhhhghh" you moan
before stumbling to the bathroom to throw up and he follows you to hold your hair. Then he cleans you up and washes your face."Come on love, be good for me so i can go to work."
"No, stay with me!" you turn back to look at him
"You're lucky you don't have to work today, missy. The other hungover shanks either have to work or be put in the pit." he turns you back around so he can finish styling your hair and you pout. "you don't love me!"
"i love you just fine. now sit still." he has to practically hold you in place and you cooperate for him. You hold your head. It's pounding. "Can you turn the lights off newt?"
He gets you ready to sleep off your hangover and leaves, bringing you some lunch and then coming back to get you to come to dinner, and you feel a lot better.
Your boyfriend thomas drove you home from the party, and helped you to his bed. You fell over 4 times and couldn't stop asking him questions. "Hey tommy, why are deliveries on a car called a shipment, but on a ship it's called a cargo?"
"I don't know baby," he sighed.
"Tommy why is the room spinning? I feel weird."
"Because you drank way too much, baby." He says taking off your shoes and getting comfy clothes for you to change into.
"Let's get mcflurrys" you giggle.
"No, i think you should go to bed now. It's late."
"Aww Tommyyy," you whine as he gently wipes off your makeup and brushes your hair and puts it into a loose braid for the night.
He slides under the covers next to you and has to pull you down by your shoulders. "Time for bed, baby."
"No, i'm not even tired! I could run a marathon." you say.
"Im sure you could, but right now it's time to sleep."
"Im not even sleepy!" you say as he wraps his arms around you and plays with your hair.
You yawn, and within 5 seconds you are asleep.
You drank way too much, and are now absolutely wasted. Your friends laugh and video you because when you get drunk you are always hilarious. "Alright baby we should get going before you dance naked on a table," Minho takes your waist and leads you to your shoes.
"That's a great idea!" you giggle as he helps you put on your shoes.
"Hey Minho i have a really good idea!"
"and what's that?"
"Let's hook up!" you giggle.
"Baby, we're already dating."
"We are?!" you gasp
"Yes, i'm your boyfriend." he laughs.
"boyfriend," you dreamily sigh as your friends chuckle.
"Alright baby, let's go."
"Come on", he leads you by your waist out the door.
"Bye y/n!"
"Goodluck, Minho!", your friends call as you go out the door.
As Minho turns on the lights to your apartment, you gasp. "Whoa!"
"Aww i'm hungry!" you stagger to the couch
He turns on the tv, knowing you won't be able to fall asleep or calm down without it.
"The SiMpSonS!!!!!", you scream as the theme song comes on.
"Baby! Shh it's 3 AM!" he covers your mouth and slips a sleeping pill inside. "Our neighbors must hate us!"
"What? Oh nooooooooo" you cry.
"Shh it's alright," He cuddles next to you and you lean against him.
"Your so pretty, Min-Minnnnho"
he turns off the lights and cuddles next to you.
"Time to go to sleep," he tells you and mutters "god, how high are you?" under his breath.
"I'm not sleepy at all!"
"Your gonna feel very sick tomorrow, you should sleep."
"I'm gonna be sick?! No!!!"
you whine and he covers your mouth so the last part is muffled.
"Shh!"  "What'll make you sleepy?"
"Your mom" you giggle as he rolls his eyes and starts rubbing circles on your back.
You watch the simpsons as he slowly lulls you to sleep.
0 notes
hiraya-rawr · 2 years
Chess Piece (Ayato)
Drabble in which Reader, a noble of Watatsumi, plays along in Ayato's political game for the sake of your islands. What Ayato didn't expect was to fall for you.
"Let's end this, Commissioner," You say with a graceful smile, hands neatly folded on your lap.
He tilts his head, slight confusion peeking through his polite facade, "Pardon?"
You sigh, "Let's end this before we start saying things we don't mean." You stand up, patting down your clothes, "I allowed it to go this far for Watatsumi Island's sake, but frankly, I'm done."
"I'm. . . not quite sure I understand what you mean." There's a furrow between his brows as he stands up after you. One minute ago, your relationship was going on splendidly; calling his name so sweetly, hands shyly lingering on his underneath the table. The moon was high up in the sky but Komore Teahouse is no stranger to your nightly rendezvouses with the commissioner.
After months of integrating yourself in the city as a delegate of Watatsumi, you've successfully formed connections and learned their culture, doing your civil duty to uphold the peace treaty.
Meeting Kamisato Ayato was only a formality, but developing something a little more than a friendship was. . . unexpected.
The months that followed were a whirlwind of emotions and when you find yourself leaning a little too close than what was considered proper — or when you find him looking at you with such a soft loving smile on his face — you remember why you were there in the first place.
To repair the damage done by a war.
You had your own informants and spies. You knew the kind of games the commissioner played. You knew he has documents of you and your people in the third shelf of his office.
Whenever your eyes meet his lavender ones, your heart skips a beat (and you wonder how many of your people died with his face as the last thing they see).
Loyalty and love, enemy and comrade, these are just on one side of the chess board.
After months, you've gained enough benefits for Watatsumi Island; and Ayato played you well for his own use.
It's time to end the game.
"Was it so amusing?" You ask, "To see your chess pieces fall into place. I know you must've enjoyed how easy I was to play."
He frowns, taking a step forward to approach you, "Y/N-"
"But I won't hold this against you. Your cooperation was tantamount for the peace treaty's success after all," You smile, "I believe Watatsumi and the Tri-commission would progress smoothly together, no? It's quite the win-win situation."
He doesn't respond. Instead, he chooses to scan your face with the same damned beautiful lavender eyes that plague your nights.
Love or not, a few months of knowing you won't make him notice the cracks in your facade.
". . . So it's like this," He hums in thought, "I must say, I didn't expect you to think so lowly of our relationship."
"In terms of politics, I do think we make a great team," You smile, offering your hand for a shake.
"And what about in terms of other things?" He asks, face devoid of emotion. You wonder if he's angry with you, "In terms of romance?"
"There are no other things." You shut the idea down with a little more force that you wanted. Don't let him play you. Not any further. End it now.
". . . I see." He takes your hand and shakes it firmly. Stiffly. You wonder if his tight grip is from a hidden anger or a desperate desire to hold you.
"I'll be leaving for Watatsumi tomorrow," You say after a while of silence, "It was fun while it lasted."
". . . The retainers outside will walk you to the inn. Do take care."
You offer a polite bow before turning to leave, the sound of your footsteps on wood dispersing.
Enemies to lovers be damned. There's no such trope that can cure the trauma of war.
Ayato stares at the sliding door where your figure retreated, a frown evident on his face.
"Thoma?" He calls out for the blond to appear by his side.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Get me milktea. And I don't want anyone disturbing me in my office tonight."
Politics is a lonely game people play.
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scvrllet · 3 years
“Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?” from this prompt list requested by @princekooks
A Gally (tmr) x Reader Oneshot
contains: gender-neutral!reader, mentions of death, swearing (959 words)
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Everything seemed to happen in a blur.
One moment you and Minho were being brought into a room where nurses planned to hook you up to an IV of some sort but merely seconds later, gunshots were being fired in all different directions.
The nurses had evacuated the chance they could, leaving for you and Minho in the crossfire as the sound of gunshots got closer and closer. It didn't make things easier that whatever drug they planned to inject him with, a sedative he assumed, was already in your system.
"(Y/N)! Fuck, this may hurt." He said as he took a deep breath and ripped the IV out of your arm. Your face scrunched up in pain but your body was practically limp. "These bloody shanks.."
Quickly scanning his surroundings for anything or place to keep you safe, he found an almost cupboard-like corner that he hoped would be enough for him to find a way out. He swore he heard Newt and Thomas' voices from down the hall and with any luck, he may just be able to save you both.
"Hey, stay- hey, stay awake. Please, I'll be right back. I swear I'll get us out." He said, lightly tapping your cheek in an attempt to get you to focus on him.
Forcing a smile onto your face, you nodded and watched as he mirrored your expression before heading out to the hallway.
Knowing the chances of both your survival were slim, you hoped that Minho would be able to find a way out. Maybe he'd fight off all the guards and escape on one of the Bergs, or maybe someone was able to save him. A kind soul of some sort, which you hoped still existed in this terrifying world.
"Get back!" A familiar voice boomed through the halls as an explosion followed after.
Newt? You thought to yourself, trying to sit up from your current position only to have your limp body refuse to cooperate. This was harder than you thought.
"Please get to them, don't come back for me." You mumbled to yourself as you felt yourself drift off to sleep. "You deserve to be free."
You didn't feel your head hit the floor as your body gave out nor did you feel a pair of arms scoop you up from the ground, holding you close to their chest before water almost filled your lungs. Instead, all you felt was peace. Content with all you've done but for some reason, you couldn't move forward, almost as if there was something wanting to pull you back to life. You had no desire to resist.
Waves crashing against each other and distant chattering were one of the first things you could recognize. The sound bringing you a sense of peace and calmness as you began to feel an uncomfortable pain on your back. The hard feeling of wood against your back was the next, followed by the smell of burning wood and cool air on your skin before you were finally able to open your eyes.
Bright light flooded your vision and for a brief moment you wondered if this was what death was until you looked to the side and saw a woman with short hair hauling bottles of medicine rush into the makeshift room you were in.
"Hi?" You croaked out, not realizing how dry your throat was until now.
"Hi." The woman replied with a smile. "I'll go get you a glass of water, I think your friends are coming-"
"(Y/N)!" Minho's voice cut her off. Looking towards the door, you couldn't even see him properly before he was holding you close to his chest. "I told you I'd get us out." He mumbled into your hair as he held you with your arms wrapped tightly around him.
However, your grip loosened when you caught sight of a familiar figure standing by the door. Minho let go, squeezing your arm lightly before stepping aside.
“Hey.” He said softly, a smile gracing his face as he opened his arms for you to run into.
A mix of happiness and confusion was in the air as you held onto him and thankfully, Gally didn’t seem to be letting go anything soon either. Instead, melted into your embrace as you did in his.
"How? I saw- we saw you die. Am I dead? How is this-"
"Hey." Gally said, pulling his face away from the crook of your neck to look at you. "Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright? I'm here and alive, as are you, love."
Pressing a kiss to your head, he guided you both back towards the cot and pulled you into his lap before explaining everything. From how Right Arm saved him to how he was able to find Newt and Thomas who led him towards you.
"I'm actually glad I listened to one of Thomas’ crazy plans." Gally sighed as he took your hand, aimlessly playing with your fingers like he used to do back in Glade whenever he was bored.
"How come?" You asked as you tilted your head towards him. From the moment he got to know Thomas, it felt like the two's rivalry would never end. Had that much happened since you were last awake back in WICKED's grasp?
"Because I got to see you again." He smiled. A rare sight according to the other Gladers who saw him as someone who would get repulsed by affection.
"Maybe you should listen to him more. He seems to know what he's doing." You teased. Gally chuckled, shaking his head as he readjusted you on his lap.
"If it means I'll get to see you, then without a doubt I will."
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @princekooks @lucy-malfoy07 @tsukilover11 @sweetblueparadisebabyg @gryffindorgirl @annika0-o @rocketxgirl @debesteimanetje @vixxiann @nataliewalker93 @averyisbackinthetrashcan @yoursleepingcrow @killzandchillz
GEN. TMR TAGLIST: @suranne-doesstuff @jellybeanduck99 @bad268 @just-a-fangirl-xd @maramalademadara @smallerdemon @daddytomswhorecrux @lxncelot @peededpants @water-vevo @lilyblackx @ellashelton1 @denkisclown @yellow-aster
GALLY TAGLIST: @misskaysposts @letshaveimagines @magicalxdaydream @hehehehannahthings @heyyitsreign @fxll-moons @c-u-tmrw
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peakyoak · 2 years
This Dark Disposition: Chapter 11 - Mistress
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Chapter 11 - Mistress
TW - Physical Violence
When Danielle first arrived in Small Heath, she feared walking alone through the streets at night, and for good reason, too. Almost always there would be some man, or even a group of men, stumbling drunk through the streets. And if not a drunk man, there were other people with more heinous intentions, wandering about.
But now, a month after her arrival, Danielle noticed that not all, but some of the people of Small Heath started to react abnormally when she passed by. Some stared at her, while maintaining a safe distance, others tipped their hats to her as they cleared a path for her to pass, and mothers crossed the street with their children. Danielle wondered if the people of Small Heath were beginning to associate Miss Virtue with the Peaky Blinders.
Danielle made her bed. She was still reeling from the drama of yesterday. Though she may disagree with Tommy and his ways of making people cooperate, and though she could not be one to speak of Ada's predicament when she herself had entered an arranged relationship with a man who could not decide how he felt about her, Danielle agreed that the best solution would be if Freddie were to marry Ada. 
Getting dressed, Danielle slipped on her gray overskirt. As she paused to look at herself in the mirror, Danielle couldn't believe how bruised her arm was from the Inspector's visit to the church. She decided that something was seriously off about that man. She pulled a black blouse with buttons over her head and tucked it into her skirt. Then she grabbed the gray jacket that matched the skirt and walked through her front door.
That was when 3 bluejacket coppers came around the alleyway corner. Danielle went to reopen the door, when a 4th man put his arm between Danielle and the open angle of the door,
"Miss Virtue, we are long overdue for a discussion," it wasn't just any cop.
Danielle turned to face him, "you know inspector, there are other ways to go about having a conversation that do not involve making someone late for work."
"Being late for work should be the least of your concerns," Campbell said, as the three other coppers approached. Danielle ducked under the inspector's arm trying to run away. One of the bluejackets stepped in front of her and she ran into him. She punched him and he stumbled back. The man quickly recovered and the bluejacket put one arm around her stomach and another over her mouth.
That was a bad move on his part, Danielle thought as she bit down as hard as she could on the man's hand, "fucking bitch!" he yelled and released her. Danielle turned to run and another Bluejacket landed a punch squarely on Danielle cheek bone. She fell to the ground, unable to determine if the blood she was tasting was her own, or if it was the copper's.
Without saying a word, two bluejackets grabbed onto her arms and dragged her into the ally along the side of the flat. Danielle could see the remaining copper, the one she bit, reeling in the street, holding his bloody hand. Danielle smiled to herself, proud of her work.
"Miss Virtue, what do you know about my Holy Grail?" The inspector asked, Danielle stared at the cobbles.
"What makes you think I know anything," Danielle said, the two men holding her arms firmly against the brick wall.
"While you're Tommy's whore aren't you," Danielle knew he didn't know of the agreement. He must've thought they were sleeping together after seeing Tommy leave the flat, "You associate with the Devil himself, now it's time to accept the consequences of your actions," the copper said.
Danielle raised her gaze to look directly at Campbell, "I don't know anything about your Holy Grail," she repeated, and he grabbed onto her jaw extremely tight to ensure she wouldn't look away from him.
"Where are the guns, Miss Virtue? And don't you think the irony of your name is lost on me, sharing a bed with the likes of Thomas Shelby" Danielle rolled her eyes, Campbell slapped the same cheek that the copper punched.
"Like I said," Danielle spit would blood remained in her mouth out onto the cobbles, "I know nothing, and if you're not careful, Inspector Campbell, the people of Small Heath are going to see you beating a woman out on the street," Danielle motioned to the horrified women and her children who were stood across the street who, upon seeing what was happening, quickly walked away, "not a very good look for the man whose job it is to clean up this city, is it?"
The inspector took a step away, he motioned for the bluejackets to let her go, "Don't think this conversation won't be continued, Miss Virtue," and with that, the men got back in their vehicle and left. Danielle looked down at the blood on her new gray jacket.
The Gambling Den
An hour later Danielle sat at the table, Polly passed her a lit cigarette. With shaking hands she brought it to her lips and inhaled. Polly called for Arthur, then closed the door that connected to the den. "I'm sorry Polly, I didn't know where else to go, I can't stitch up my own cheek" Danielle said, tears filling her eyes.
Arthur looked at her, and then took off his cap, "Angel, what happened?"
"The inspector, who else do you think," Polly said, as she wet some cloths with water.
"I didn't tell him anything I swear, I have nothing to tell," Danielle said, as she reached for the glass of whiskey Polly had poured for her.
Arthur saw her bruised knuckles and knew she must've landed a fist on one of them, "I'm really sorry, Danielle," he said, and his focus shifted to Polly, "what kind of animal attacks a woman in broad daylight?" he asked Polly, who didn't reply to Arthur and continued to work on Danielle's cheek.
"Let's get some ice on those bruises quickly," Polly said.
John sauntered through the doors that connected to the den and sat at the table, when he saw Danielle who had clearly been beaten. He immediately stood up and grabbed his cap, "Where to brother," he said, ready to fight whoever had done this to her.
"It was Campbell, Johnboy," Arthur said in a sullen voice.
"What the fuck would he want with our barmaid," John said, angrier now.
Polly glanced up at John to quit asking questions, and then she finished working on Danielle's cheek, "There, it looks like the glue will hold, luckily it shouldn't scar," she stood from her chair, "Isaiah, please walk Miss Virtue home, and stay outside until Tommy gets there,"
John and Arthur looked at Pol, realizing what she said.
"Are you going to be okay, Miss Virtue?" Finn said, coming down the stairs and around on table,
"Ay, Finn," she ruffled his hair, "It's just a scratch."
Polly stood and walked over to Arthur, while Isaiah and Danielle walked out, "Find Tommy immediately."
Arthur approached him in the Garrison, "Tommy, Pol needs to speak to you," he shifted his eyes around nervously, "it's bad, but it could've been so much worse, Tom." Arthur said, clearing his throat.
Tommy walked to the betting den and poured himself a drink, Polly walked in and set her hat on the table, "So Monaghan boy finally lost," She said in a sullen tone.
"Third time unlucky," Tommy replied, "We took money from all over the city."
"Ya, but you'll pay it back to people around here. Buy your popularity back."
"Already done."
"I taught you well," she sat in the chair across from him, "You fixed this race without the permission of Billy Kimber."
"Ya," Tommy replied.
Polly grabbed his whiskey glass and threw it against the wall, "Obviously, didn't teach you well enough," She yelled, "Rule one, don't punch above your weight," Tommy raised his eyebrow at her as if he was ready to start a fight, "Rule two, you cover your bloody tracks when you sleep with a girl, Tommy."
"What are you talking about Pol," Tommy said.
"Danielle had a surprise visit from the inspector outside her home today," Tommy immediately stood from his chair, "while you were busy fixing that bloody race he ambushed her. She'll be alright, Tommy, but she's shaken. When we were in the church, the inspector said you were seen leaving her flat one morning. He knows she's a weakness."
"She's not a weakness, Pol," Tommy said as he lit a cigarette and began walking towards the door.
"If she's not a weakness, Tom, then what the hell is she? Half of Small Heath knows something is going on between you, including the Inspector and now your brothers," Tommy slammed the door on his way out.
Anyone have any ideas for a face claim for what Danielle looks like? In my mind she has long light brown hair, sharp facial features, and is more curvy and strong than thin and light.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
little breakfast talks
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nkci4Ux by chaotic_emby "Ok, now what?" Duke asked. "Now, I believe, is when you all explain exactly what you are doing." They all froze, turning to the door. Alfred stood with his arms crossed, looking between the group and Jason's body slumped onto the cot. "It's all Tim's idea!" "Steph said we should bring him here!" "We couldn't just leave him!" "I was threatened to cooperate." . . . . Or Jason gets a small injury and the rest of his siblings take matters into their own hands, but they don't tell Dick Words: 1856, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas Relationships: Batfamily Members & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Jason Todd-centric, Fluff and Crack, Minor Injuries, Batfamily Shenanigans (DCU), Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Domestic Batfamily (DCU) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nkci4Ux
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Fear of the Knight: Chapter 7.
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x Female!Reader
Warning: swearing, spoilers, violence and mention of rape
Summary: After a childhood and youth together, Bruce and [Y/N] live separate lives full of secrets. A new serial killer in Gotham unmasked the truth of the city, but the lies of Bruce and [Y/N] also were unmasked. What is the cost of the lies?
Notes: English is not my first language.
Masterlist: Fear of the Knight
Sorry for the delay, between my elbow surgery and the end of the semester I wasn't able to write, but I'm back (again)! I hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment if you want to be tag ⭐️
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-[Y/N], are you sure? I don't think it's a good idea to look for the vigilante.- Neera was worried.
-Of course, I'm sure. I already convinced Gordon to let me call him. I need to do this. He's the only one who can finish them off. I need to be free, and even if I have to go to jail, at least no one will be able to control me.
-You're one of the few good people I know in Gotham, but you're still a person, and you're going to make mistakes. You helped me! A stripper with no future! How many women from the Iceberg Lounge have you gotten out of that miserable place?
-32… but Annika…
-You're not going to be able to save us all. Just keep trying to change lives. I got your back, little bird.- both smiled at each other.
-How do I look? -[Y/N] asked as she showed her uncoordinated outfit to avoid being recognized.
-Horrible- answered Neera sincerely.
-Now, we're going to get you out of this hospital.
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-[Y/N], we can still go. What if he sees you as a threat?
-I don't think so -[Y/N] chuckled and showed her cast.
-What if I stay with you?
-No, I need you to go to the Wayne Foundation and give Annika's case- she said while tapping the envelope with evidence that they had worked in the hospital.
-I can do it tomorrow…
-No, I need Bella and Harvey to commit. I need to put the killer behind bars.
-How do you know the Wayne Foundation is going to cooperate?
-I'm going to speak directly with Bruce.
-[Y/N] - Neera gave her a worried look. Neera knew part of her history with Bruce. Neera was her best friend. Although [Y/N] wanted to tell her everything, she knew that she would put her in danger if she knew the whole truth of her life.
-I know he'll help.
-His parents. Martha and Thomas would have helped.
-If you insist. Call me when you get home.
[Y/N] got out of the car while trying to catch her breath. What floor had Gordon said?
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Women liked him. He liked them, too, but he never stayed in one place long enough to form a lasting relationship. His relationships after [Y/N] had been just a fling and were just for pleasure. He was not sure he wanted one; he could only fantasize about a future with [Y/N]. Oh! But Selina was a beautiful woman, dangerously beautiful. She also understood his nocturnal world.
-I told you, baby. I can take care of myself-Selina said sensually before leaving, but he realized that she stopped when she saw a person. He turned around, thinking it was Gordon, but his heart skipped a beat when he saw [Y/N] standing there.
She had her hair fluffy, and no makeup and her bruises stand out more. She had an old Gotham University sweatshirt and shorts too big for her. She finally combined it with tall purple rain boots and a yellow raincoat. Bruce wanted to smile seeing her like that. He could almost hear her laugh looking for puddles like when they were children.
-You knew?- Selina asked her as she walked towards her like a cat hunting her prey.
-What are you talking about?
-Don't pretend to be stupid. It doesn't fit you. Since when did you know about Annika? - Selina's anger against [Y/N] was clear.
-I found out the last night we met - [Y/N]'s body language was defensive. She definitely wasn't looking to have that conversation with Selina.
-And you weren't going to tell me?
-It's not that I have your phone, and these days I've tried…-she was interrupted.
-I don't see you moving a finger.- [Y/N] changed her body language to an offensive one. She wasn't going to let Selina make her feel any more guilty.
-I'm not going to go looking for the killer. I'm going to have Harvey look him up as PR. I already told you that I don't have a death wish, and looking for the killer would be looking for the same destiny. Do not take justice into your own hand, Selina. The consequences can be high.
-I don't see anyone looking for justice for Annika
-And what do you think I'm doing here? - Bruce witnessed a battle of women who wanted to be right that was basically a battle of titans in front of him.
-You are not different from them. Taking dirty money and living off it.
-I have no choice. My fate may be the same as Annika's. I'm still a valuable little bird but replaceable. If you want to hunt down the killer, do it. I'm going to do it my way- [Y/N] with her look and tone, she left no option for Selina to say anything else. Selina followed her path as if she had never bumped into [Y/N].
Bruce watched [Y/N] take a deep breath as if she was taking courage.
-Stop judging me with your gaze.- she told him while trying to fix her hair in a ponytail, but she couldn't because of the cast. Bruce's fingers itched to help her. Since the day he'd seen her at Mitchell's house, he'd dreamed about her soft hair.
-Why could I judge you? Because of your friendship with Penguin? Or with Falcone?
-You don't know a thing, Bat.- the two stared at each other. Bruce didn't know what to say. He didn't want to talk much either. She could somehow recognize his voice. [Y/N] didn't know where to start.
-The cat got your tongue? - [Y/N] tried to joke around to break the tension. She didn't know where she had gotten the confidence to joke around with the Bat. Maybe it was the pain meds. Bruce still didn't say anything.- Uhm… I'm here to tell you a theory I have about the rat and answer any questions you may have about the mob.
-I thought you worked with them. - Bruce's tone was harsh.
-The most appropriate thing to say is that I work for them, although that would be to say that I have a choice.
-I saw you very comfortable with Penguin- he replied.
-Oz has saved me on several occasions. He is a friend.
-And Falcone? - The tone of both began to be increasingly hostile.
-He is more like my captor.
-I don't see you locked up.
-If I wasn't locked up, I wouldn't have come to you.
-Why are you locked up?
-Because of a bad deal I made a few years ago.- Both remained silent for a few seconds.- Could I tell you my theory? I'm not here to talk about my personal life.- the Bat nodded.- You remember Reed 'Piggy' Porcello, right? It was your first case with Lieutenant Janice Dure.
-How do you know that?
-I worked with Mitchell. We've heard about you since the first case. You remember it, right? - he just nodded again. The vigilante was a man of few words.
-Porcello was one of the few people who started working for Oz and Falcone, who worked for Marroni and my dad. And not only that, but since they were arrested, Porcello has had positions within the government. Why do you think Falcone paid to get him out of jail?
-Do you think he is the rat?
-Don't know. I just think it's a bit suspicious. Porcello betrayed Falcone, and he's still alive and working for him and the government.
-Like you.-he told her as recrimination. Bruce was trying to stay calm, but he wanted to know why [Y/N] was involved with them.
-I'm not the rat-her tone and gaze were strong. He knew she wasn't the rat, but he needed to confirm that information.
-I saw Penguin giving you money.
-It was for Colson. I'm a perfect disguise to move papers and money around, but I've never done anything else
-And being the key witness in the trial of Marroni and your dad? -[Y/N] felt that question was an offence.
-That is my worst mistake.- she needed to undo the lump in her throat.- I'm not the rat because I would have let your cowl be taken from you at the funeral - she argued.
-One theory is that you're using Porcello for us to investigate him, so you can go free.
-I am not the rat!-she almost cried.
-Why not? Your theory is that Porcello is a suspect because he is working for the government and Falcone. Also, he worked for Marroni and your father. But you are in the same position. Why him and not you?
-Because I lost everything, and he won.- her face had changed to one of rage. [Y/N] had gone through endless emotions during this confrontation.
-What did you lose? You own your father's company, the family house…
-Just on paper!-she interrupted him.- My family's company is dedicated to money laundering and their operations. My family home is destroyed. Until a few days ago, they decided where I lived. They choose my car, and my job and control some of my money. As Colson said, I'm their favourite doll.
-How did you end up like this?
-A bad deal. I want all of them in jail, and even if I have to go with them; I will be free from their control. I'm going to jail on my own terms.
-Why don't you tell me everything?
-No, it's my story. It's personal.- she returned to a more neutral tone but determined to prove her point.
-Do you really believe that Porcello is the rat?
-I don't know.- another silence.- Only when I think about it, who is the one who has won the most? Only Porcello comes to mind. Also, they don't call him Piggy just because he's fat, but because of the carnage, he commits when they ask him for a job. Since he started working with Falcone and Mitchell, he was no longer just a criminal, but a politician. Mitchell paid him well for his jobs outside the office. The rat is someone we can't imagine.
-Can you talk to Porcello?
-Get some proof?
-No. I can't be near Porcello.- her tone did not give rise to discussion, although Bruce preferred to insist.
-It's personal.
-It's hard to work without some proof.
-Kenzie is close to him. You could ask about Porcello; he's always in the Iceberg Lounge.- Bruce kept thinking that it couldn't be Porcello. He had watched him after the GCPD didn't put him in jail, and nothing indicated that he was the rat- You still don't trust me, do you?
-It can't be Porcello
-It's personal - Bruce wanted to play with her too.
-I'm not the rat.
-What was that deal, [Y/N]? - he changed the subject. He hoped he could convince her to tell him the truth about her involvement.
-It's my life! I haven't told anyone. Why would I tell you?
-If we solve this case, it could help you set free.
-I can't… I can't. I don't trust you.
-Do you have any documents from them? or something that can serve as a clue?
-No, they are clever. They use paper so it can be destroyed and not tracked. I told you that Porcello is very close to Kenzie, look for him, he will talk.
-How do you know he would talk?
-Just tell him that you have the audio of [Y/N]. It's not proof, but he will sing if you ask him.-
-What is the audio from?
-It's personal.
-They'll know you talked to me. If you tell me the whole story, I can pretend I found it somewhere else, but with the half of the story, they'll know it's you. I'm not going to put you at risk.- That was true. There was no universe where Bruce would put [Y/N] at risk.
-Nobody knows the whole story.- she confessed.
-You protected my secret, and I'm going to protect yours.- [Y/N] thought that maybe she would never have a similar opportunity that someone could know her story to help her be free. What could an outlaw do? She looked into his eyes and saw absolute sincerity. Alos, I kind of familiarity like when you listen to someone you love.
With a sigh, she began her story with her.
-After college, I went to Metropolis to work for Lex Luthor on his PR team. At first, my dad didn't care until my work began to stand out, and my dad asked me to return to work in the PR of the family company. I told him no, the company was at Marroni's disposal, and because of that and… for… nothing, I didn't want to return to Gotham.
-The whole story, without gaps. - The Bat said with a certain sweetness.
-Because of Bruce Wayne, everything reminded me of him. During those two years in Metropolis, I was happy. I was starting a new life.- [Y/N] smiled as she remembered her life in the quiet city of Metropolis.- My dad wanted me so much in Gotham that he sent people to destroy my car, my aparment and follow me everywhere I went. I felt so insecure that I had to go back. My dad told me that it was temporary job, and I accepted.- There was a brief pause accompanied by a sigh.-After almost two years of work, I managed to raise the image of the company and my family. When I wanted to move out, my dad told me no. He was desperate because the GCPD had already started the whole investigation. He needed the family image, and I couldn't leave because he controlled my money, my car, my apartment, everything. I was going to sneak out after a night out with some friends at the Iceberg Lounge, but he found out. That's when I met some of Piggy's fury. Oz's men stopped Porcello. Falcone found out about my situation, and some of his men came looking for me to talk to the Boss. Falcone and Mitchell told me that if I was a key witness for the trial, they would take me out of my dad's control and give me their protection. They were going to give me control of life again. I accepted, and that was the worst mistake. My dad found out about that, and he sent Porcello again. He was goint to give me something worse than death.- she couldn't hold his gaze for a second and breathed again to gather courage for the next thing. Bruce felt his body burn with rage. - I knew my dad would do something, although I never imagined that he would send someone to rape his own daughter. From previous experiences, my apartment had cameras and microphones. When Porcello arrived, he destroyed the cameras, but not the microphones. Those are the audios I mentioned you before. Kenzie was with him, and he wanted to participate. Oz's men got there in time. Porcello only managed to break my wrist. Porcello and Kenzie spoke with Falcone, and they came out alive and with new jobs. Porcello stayed longer and left with his political job. -the melancholy in her voice turned to rage.- I was furious, and I went to talk to Colson, he ignored me. That's when I met Harvey. He told me that I should keep those audios for some future blackmail. The two of them were protected by Mitchell. To compensate me for that, Mitchell gave me a job with him and promised that Porcello and Kenzie would never come near me again.- her voice calmed down to a neutral one.- After the trial, I wanted to leave, but Falcone wouldn't let me. He told me that my company would be managed by them, and I would receive my monery as "owner". I told them no, and Porcello took me to the dock. That night Falcone told me I was replaceable, but they wanted to help me for helping them get Marroni out. I could being their little bird, or I could easily end up at the bottom of the pier. Nobody would do anything, I had no family, and if society replaced the Waynes, of course, they could replace me. - she smiled reluctantly at the end of that part of the story. - That's how I came to work for them. In these 3 years, I have been with them, Oz has protected me, and Mitchell gave me a job, but everything was conditional on what Falcone wanted. Porcello's betrayal made me think that he was going to go to jail or they were going to kill him, but they just gave him a little slpa in his hand, and he went on with his life; that's why I believe he is the rat.
-You never saw another escape window?
-Yes.- [Y/N] didn't want to tell the Bat, but she needed to get everything out, and he seemed to be a good listener.- When Bruce Wayne settled in Gotham after his constant travels, I thought he could buy my freedom - [Y/N]'s head was starting to hurt, and she felt dizzy.
Bruce felt a tightness in his chest. He had never hated himself so much in his life. He pushed [Y/N] out of his life to protect her, but he never realized she was already living in hell. Despite that, she was always looking to help people with a smile.
-I'm sorry for everything. I'm going to resolve this and give you your freedom as it seems you have done with the women of the Iceberg Lounge.- he promised her. Bruce would died rather than let her Falcone's hands again.
-I want justice for Annika, for everyone who suffers because of them.
-I will keep your secret it as if it were mine.
-Thanks. Do you think it's Porcello?
-No, when he made his deal with Falcone, the GCPD should already have a rat for the trial. But I need to talk to both of them because Porcello might know the rat to make a deal with Falcone, especially after the bombs incident. You're right. The rat is someone who won too much and was close to the circle of Marroni and your dad. - he told her sincerely.
The phone of [Y/N] interrupted the conversation. It was Neera.
-Hi, what's going on?
-You're good?
-Yeah, what happened?
-It's about the Waynes. I don't know how much support the Wayne Foundation can give. Just watch the news when you can and call me
-Okay. I'll call you- she didn't understand anything Neera was saying, but she sounded anxious. The Waynes?
-All good?- he asked when he saw her confused
-Yeah .. just something about the Waynes.- she wanted to move, but her dizzines made her fell. The Bat was faster and took her into his arms like a side hug. [Y/N] was on his left side. So close, she was able to look at a tiny mole just like Bruce's. She saw his lips, and they were just as delicate. She looked into his eyes as blue as Bruce's. She needed to touch him to know if he felt the same way. Bruce saw how [Y/N] looked at his lips, and he desperantly wanted to kiss her. He had kissed Selina a few minutes ago, and he had liked it, but [Y/N]'s lips were like a drug. Of the things he missed the most on his trips were her kisses. Wherever [Y/N] wanted t kiss him, from the most simple and tender on the cheek to the most seductive on the lips. When he looked into her eyes, he knew she had found out his secret.
-Bruce….- she whispered.- I need to call him… something about the Waynes.
-I'll look for you when I hear from them .- he was still holding her in one of his arms. It was almost inhuman to let her go.
-Take care… I… I should go.- [Y/N] now needed to find out if it was Bruce the vigilante. Bruce released [Y/N] little by little, and she just as slowly walked away from him.
-[Y/N]. Be careful. I'll be watching you
-No, as you can see, I can take care of myself. Solve the riddle and stay alive.- [Y/N] needed the vigilante to live. Was it Bruce? That question would eat her until she discovered the truth.
Bruce watched her go. Now more than before, he needed to discover the rat to free [Y/N], but what about his parents?
Tag list: @she-wintersoldat @angeliken @t-stark35@cc13723things@aniya7 @xingqiusliegee @frozenhuntress67 @y-napotat @uncle-eggy @lwtmonster91 @bookloverfilmoholic
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jamiewintons · 3 years
BBC Ghosts Characters + Their reactions to meeting you under the mistletoe
Characters: Thomas Thorne, Julian Fawcett, Kitty, Humphrey Bone
Tags/Warnings: Christmas, First Kiss, Mistletoe, Gender Neutral Reader.
A/N: Requested by an anon. The Thomas one is related to something that I've been writing, so I hope it doesn't completely ruin the fic when it comes out! As always, I hope you enjoy, and reblogs are appreciated!!
Thomas Thorne
Thomas is ecstatic when he realises you are both beneath the mistletoe. He's been planning for it all day, and he can't believe that it's finally happened. But when it comes time to actually kiss you, he actually finds himself feeling rather anxious. He hasn't kissed anyone in nearly 200 years, what if he doesn't even remember how to do it anymore?
When he's been silent for a while, you start to get worried and ask him what's wrong. He confesses his worries to you, he doesn't want your first kiss with him to be disappointing. You smile at him, and tell him it's okay if he's a bit out of practice, because so are you, and that you don't think that a kiss from him could ever be a disappointment. He smiles as well, takes your hands in his, and kisses you softly.
You're not really focusing on anything but Thomas, but you think you hear someone who sounds like Julian mumbling "Well it's about bloody time."
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Julian Fawcett
"Well, well, would you look at that?" Julian says with a smug smile, pointing upwards to the mistletoe hanging off the doorframe. You look up, then back down at his face, and he waggles his eyebrows at you. You sigh and roll your eyes.
"We don't have to of course, but it is tradition." He's still staring at you, and a lot of conflicting emotions are stirring inside of you. He annoys the hell out of you sometimes, but...
You grab him by the shoulders and kiss him quickly, utterly irritated with yourself when you realise you actually enjoy it. When you pull away, you can't help but notice Julian's shocked expression, though when the surprise wears off he's quick to smirk.
He was never going to shut up about this.
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Kitty can't stop giggling when she sees the mistletoe above your heads. The tradition existed when she was alive but she never got a chance to participate in it. You smile at how giddy she seems at the whole idea, she's so adorable.
"Would you like to try it? I've never actually kissed anyone before, so..." she seems slightly nervous for a moment, but once you tell her you want to kiss her she looks like she might explode with excitement.
Kitty wastes no time pulling you close to her and kissing you, and you can still hear quiet giggling as she does so. She breaks away to look at you, grinning widely. "That was wonderful! Could we do it again?"
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Humphrey Bone
Humphrey's body seems to be cooperating with him for now, so he enjoys getting to go wherever he wants in the house without having to rely on someone carrying his head. He's walking into the library when he bumps into you, and once again, his head falls off. Before it can hit the ground, you catch it and return it to its proper place. He thanks you, for what feels like the millionth time - unlike the other ghosts, you always helped when you found his head just lying there.
Both of you look up and see the mistletoe in the doorway. The tradition of kissing under it wasn't around when Humphrey was alive, but he'd heard about it from the younger ghosts, so he knows the implications. Your hands are still on his face from when you caught him, and neither of you are really quite sure what to do.
"Well, it's, uh..." he says, trying to break the awkward silence, but neither of you makes any move to leave. Eventually, you just shrug and think "what do I have to lose?" before leaning in to kiss him. It's not too long before you pull away, waiting to see his reaction. Humphrey looks flustered but he smiles, and you know that you made the right decision.
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