#done somebody wrong
rastronomicals · 2 years
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3:43 AM EDT July 19, 2022:
The Allman Brothers Band - "Done Somebody Wrong" From the album At Fillmore East (July 1971)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Bands Whose Best Albums are Live
  1. Humble Pie - Performance: Rockin' the Fillmore   2. Rainbow - On Stage   3. Cheap Trick - At Budokan   4. Deep Purple - Made In Japan   5. Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush - Live   6. The Allman Brothers - At Fillmore East   7. The Who - Live At Leeds
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Proud to say I’m at a place where I’m very ambitious w my goals, but still very content w where I currently am. No matter my financial or academic or just any personal aspirations at all, I’m so in love w my life as it is and realize that it will be no objectively better when I do attain all the tangible things I want to attain. Legitimately so happy to just be here, surrounded by love and books and privileged to be studying and gaining knowledge. At the end of the day this really is all that matters to me. And this is a feeling no amount of money can buy
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ravenlocksentwisted · 17 days
Steve has changed, Bucky thinks.
When the Winter Soldier was unthawed (over and over again), there were always expectations. By the time they put the man who had been Bucky Barnes into cryo for the first time, he did his best to meet them. Deviations were punished. The instructions weren't always clear, but they were convincing.
Now, that man is clapping his long lost friend on the back. He sends a backhanded complement at Sam, who gamely shows teeth and returns fire. It's a dance, falling into the expectations of the things they should be, and Natasha sends Bucky a look as the rogue Avengers depart on another jetsetting adventure.
Steve's demeanor is grim now. He's always quick with a retort, and he's contrary as ever, but something niggles at the back of Bucky's mind. Shuri showed him the high school PSAs, laughing at the hypocritical bullshit American schools were willing to feed their teenagers. Bucky agreed it was ridiculous, but mostly because he knew Steve.
Bucky Barnes had always been willing to play the role society assigned him. The Winter Soldier had been more of the same. But Bucky would never have thought his best friend would ever twist himself into something that other people wanted him to be.
Bucky wonders what the expectations were when Steve Rogers was unthawed.
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thickenmyblood · 5 months
hi maca :) do u already know when you can post chapter 20? im so sad about hiuh ending but also so excited for some happiness :( also, will it really only be 20 chapters or will you add one or two more? in any case, thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into this! I loved every second I spent reading this fic <3
hello!!! well, i was supposed to post ch20 on feb 1st . . . but that obviously did not happen. this month is the month though!!!! I'll try to make it happen before march.
about the chapter: yes, it's the last chapter ever. there will be no more. ever. honestly, I don't think you'll want another chapter after this considering the rough draft I'm working with is 250 PAGES
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
There truly isn't a universal answer to what a man and woman "is" and that's where the whole "well, tell me what a man is if you say you are one" spiel falls apart for me. In trying to answer it, you fail to see that gender is not something to be understood empirically - it isnt something you can analyze like you might a hard scientific phenomenon, but gender something that is a tool. Gender is (one) of the languages we use to communicate to others, so like language, there is nuance.
My version of manhood* is one which differs from another man's. We use similar language to describe our malehood, perhaps, but much like language, we will have different dialects which we use. If I were to try to answer what a man "is," I will be informed by my own manhood* and the manhood my culture deems desirable. This is inherently exclusionary because it relies on myself and my culture to be the only "right" ones. I refuse to play this social game because it relies on this exclusionary mindset. Gender is what we humans make of it, and there simply cannot be an "answer" to the question as to what men and women "are." It varies culture to culture, by religion, by race, by a history of colonialism, even, and all of this is ignored, downplayed, and erased, essentially, when one acts like there is a universally-applicable answer to what a gender "is".
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#this feels like gender 101 but it seems like some people are stuck trying to rationalize what 'is' and 'is not' a gender...#...which is pretty devastating to trans *and* cis people. eventually somebody is barred from simply being a man/woman/person...#...for instance drawing the line of 'womanhood' at 'is feminine' excludes butch and gnc trans and cis people intersex people...#...because the definition of feminine has to be exstablished and people *usually* have a definition in mind for what 'is' feminine...#...trans people are correct in saying what their gender is in *part* because there IS no correct answer to being a man/woman/person/ect...#...if there is to be no correct answer how then can you be wrong in saying what your gender is?#this is why trans inclusion is so threatening because there is recognition that people should be allowed to just *be*...#...and to *be* without constraints without expectations without conforming without conventionality or assimilation#so yes i am a man*. but i will not answer what makes me one. the premise itself is faulty#and you don't have to answer what makes you a man or woman or person or whatever else to anybody too#(and anyway when people ask that question it's always soooo fruedian. it's always been a source of discomfort)#(like in movies with a ~scary transsexual~ where a psychiatrist will come on screen/stage to explain transsexuality. very odd indeed)#(99% of the time in my experience all this is done in worse-than-bad faith and as a 'gatcha')#(as though a cis person would give a 'legit' answer to what makes them a man/woman. a legit answer doesn't exist really)#oh and this is also why xenogender and 'genderweirdos'/'genderfreaks' are completely understandable *and* valid :)#i say genderweirdos and genderfreaks with complete love and sincerity but i have seen people reclaim those narratives for themselves#ig i'm a genderfreak. i'm a gender weirdo. what the genderhell am i doing here? (radiohead if creep was more trans)#if anybody reads all these tags you deserve a medal
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DPxDC or Marvel: Get A Look At This Monster
The team was called to investigate a Government funded group called the G.I.W. and since the team often works hand in hand with the Government (whether they want to or not) the G.I.W. have no problem giving them a tour! After all, if the Justice League/Avengers see how important their work is their funding will get tripled and they will be able to fully destroy the Ghost Realm once and for all.
The tour starts out normal at first.
The facility, the labs, the science all seems sound if those who doubt the existence of 'Ghosts' don't question it too hard. They're beings from another dimension, nothing more. Plus from what they've been told they're just dangerous monsters.
But that one looks weirdly like a bear.
And that one looks like a rabbit?
The G.I.W. talk very excitedly about their 'main subject' whom they call "Phantom" and they're actually taken to a very special room with chairs to sit and be introduced to this very dangerous ghost. They're admittedly a little impressed until they drag in a white haired pasty faced teenager with green eyes and dump him onto the ground on the other side of the tank.
Covered in a mixture of green and red which looks far too much like blood for any of their comfort. None of them feel like they can breathe as the teen is forced onto his knees and the G.I.W. talk about how this is Phantom. A monster who cannot feel pain. Who knows nothing but hatred and destruction! Potentially the biggest threat the world has ever known.
The team is hesitant to believe this.
Any of this.
Especially when the teen looks up and makes eye contact with one of the members and seems to recognize them. The teen moved, tears dripping down his face as he reached for the glass before the collar lights up with electricity and the teen drops to his knees.
Are they looking at a monster?
Or a teenager in trouble?
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codename-adler · 10 months
i don’t know what anything means anymore and i’m barely out of my third re-watch of the s2 finale. however. i know for a fact that the last shot of Aziraphale on Earth–when the Metatron announces to him that their next project is going to be the Second Coming–is not about the angel looking one last time at Crowley to confirm he was right to choose Heaven. the way Michael Sheen played it… his eyes… no. Crowley is there waiting for Aziraphale to choose him, one last hope, and Aziraphale does.
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as soon as Metatron reveals Heaven’s upcoming plans, Aziraphale knows shit’s about to hit the fan just like in s1. you can see the panic in his eyes. and when he looks back at Crowley? he understands everything. and despite knowing Crowley is still there because he’s waiting for Aziraphale to wake the fuck up, he has to deceive him. he resigns himself to look like the bad guy in his demon’s eyes, he resigns himself to hurt him in the worst way possible, just so he can take on the sacrifice alone. just so he can undo whatever Heaven is planning without anyone knowing whose side he really is on. anyone, including Crowley. in a fraction of a second, Aziraphale realizes how misplaced his trust in Metatron and Heaven was, realizes how right Crowley was, and how toxic the relationship he’s just put himself back in is. he realizes all this, and yet.
and yet. he’s the only angel up for the job. because he’s the only true angel left. (except maybe for Muriel. who he lets run his bookshop. on Earth. with Crowley. coincidence? i think not.) Aziraphale is the only angel who has never lost his unconditional love, his goodness, his angelic instinct to protect; Her love, Her goodness. that is his strength. his own brand of courage.
so in that split second when Aziraphale looks back at Crowley, it’s not to hurt him. it’s not to reassure himself. it’s not to drive his point home. it’s for two things.
one, to give himself strength. Aziraphale’s strength, as i’ve said, is his love, and what, who, could possibly contain more of his love than Crowley himself? You were right, I was wrong, I’m sorry, I love you, I’m doing this for you, for us, for them. that’s what the look means.
two, to warn Crowley. does his demon necessarily understand the look, the warning? no. his ‘exactly’ isn’t the same as Crowley’s ‘exactly’, we know that. but Aziraphale is a hopeless hopeful. he trusts that Crowley will get it eventually. you watch Aziraphale, you can feel him trying to pour every alarm bell possible into his gaze as he sends Crowley his last look. You were right, I was wrong, shitstorm’s coming and everyday it’s getting closer, hang on and hang tight my dear Crowley. that’s what the look means.
so i have no hecking clue what s3 has in store for us. i have wishes, many many wishes. fears, too. many many fears. but i am quite certain that Aziraphale has got our backs, and Crowley’s. he’s not going into this blind. he’s got his eyes quite wide open. a demon showed him that. and he’s got a few more tricks up his sleeve. he showed us that.
he has faith in Crowley. he has faith in humanity. in us. let’s have a bit of faith in him in return, shall we?
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LITERALLY the same argument i was making to myself. there are plenty of very famous and well liked men who have literally never been accused of sexual assault or domestic violence. when people were pulling the race card with majors, i was like. okay. damson idris? he's hot right now. his costar michael b. jordan? he's been famous for decades. and he was a child star. DENZEL WASHINGTON? will smith slapped a guy and though everyone was denouncing him, still no one came forward and accused him of being a sociopath or a rapist or a womanbeater. and people have been ragging on him for a while about being out of touch or being a secret scientologist or whatever. and then there's sidney poitier - who had his own moments of being a dog and treating women poorly in his personal life (being a philanderer and a deserter, namely how his relationship with diahann carroll went) or harry belafonte - who caught flack for divorcing his black wife and then marrying a white woman. both even died and still. nothing. but okay lol
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autisticlalna · 2 months
"leo why the fuck did viking just assign vintage as a stand-in for you and murder them" WELL
okay. listen. i was doing the regular dnerds activity of speculating on what was happening bc everyone was hyping up saturday (today) because it was Something Big. and so, i collected several pieces of evidence to a theory:
viking has a skyblock series that avid appeared in
avid was in ruby's chat hinting about stuff, including talking about A Server and asking how tsmp's /live works
avid previewed a song about skyblock
...that was similar to a song viking improv'd about skyblock, suggesting another collab between them
various other people were implying being involved, most of which collab'd with avid previously like acornbandit
avid and doovid appeared in trog's most recent potatoblock episode
avid was generally the one hinting at stuff the most, like posting a skyblock emoji in his sneak peek channel
and then, a Really Big Thing that i literally could not say publicly because i was not supposed to see it. someone in avid's discord SOMEHOW spotted the Skyblock Kingdoms server in a server list and shared a screenshot in avid's discord a month ago, but avid deleted the message for Turbo Spoilers Reasons.
on top of all of that, i have been Away. all of the hype build-up to SBK was while i was with a bunch of dnerds In Real Life and didnt have access to my laptop + was only checking my phone occasionally. so when everybody was doing wink-wink nudge-nudge stuff again, i couldnt properly collect all my evidence and The Biggest Piece I Had was, again, something i could not publicly say.
so the conclusion i drew from all of that was "Avid is making a Skyblock server that Viking is on".
...it was Viking's server and Avid is hosting it (because Avid has hosted stuff for him previously, like Hardcore Multiplayer).
anyway so that's why Viking wanted to burn an effigy of me on stream. Vintage is my effigy i guess. SORRY VINTAGE.
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poppies · 5 months
2023 was the worst year of my life. not sure what's to come or where to start but i know things have to change, i have to fix things somehow
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robotpussy · 1 year
last thing abt this but hm love that when a dude on twitter talks abt lace code in spiderverse everybody cheers them on but when i say it I'm being too hopeful ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
sorry idk how to properly explain what i mean right now but i cannot stand it when people say stuff about sonic and amy that implies that sonic is in the wrong for not liking amy that way or that amy is entitled to a romantic relationship with sonic. literally what are you talking about
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pyrriax · 8 days
ANYWHO goodnight tumblr i'll be back on the art grind tomorrow i think 🙏
#haunted ecosystem#i'll take a burst of creativity in a different form than usual than the burnout slump i've been in for a few months#<- part of why my fandom stuff has taken a smidge of a backseat#dont get me wrong i am still very excited about my fandoms im just having fun off in oc hell (affectionate)#its nice to just be able to create and not really worry about perception. and also i feel Less bad about just throwing ocs into the wringer#((blame the fact i've been REALLY interested in whump recently and i have been. fixated. on one of my characters.))#and ALSO i've been! rekindling my flame for wtds. i've been putting off thinking about it since that fic got.#nothing bad happened? but it was still very devastating that somebody who i considered a friend from that fic just. evaporated.#but i'm gonna finish that fic for him :) even if it takes a year. even if it's the one thing i finish ever. it'll be wtds.#for where its gotten me and the fact its what got me out of my shell and is the reason i trust that my writing is good!#i used to really hate rereading my work. i catch flaws that are obvious to me. but that fic. i just think about how *good* the story is#that story means. a lot to me? as a person? like the main character is not a good person. but people care about him anyway.#and there are so many little things. so many sentiments. so much that is a love letter to people who've done bad but learnt to do better#because. god knows i wasnt a good person even just a few years ago. and maybe i see myself in him a bit.#he came from a place of paranoia and fear and pain. and maybe its a good thing that i've found it difficult to write him recently.#because god. i've been HAPPY. even with the rough moments and bad days. i've been happy. i mean fuck.#my birthday's what. ten days away? god damn man. i'm going to be 18. that's an achievement.#i want to look the kid who thought it was over at half my age and tell him we fucking made it. and there are more years to come.#there's a life ahead. even if it's going to be a bitch. even if it's going to be tough. there's love in your heart and people who care and#you're going to fucking live and you're going to feel better one day. you have people to meet properly and thank and cherish.#because for every day it feel like the world's ending there are a dozen more where the sun shines just the right way through the rain#and you can't help but smile because it's just so god damn beautiful.#and fuck it. you're sick. your hands hurt and your legs don't work right. and it's tough sometimes. but you have people who understand.#you have people who honest to god love you for who you are and appreciate your company. and 18 is the first step.#you've spent half your life unlearning things and you've spent half your life relearning how to be what YOU want to be#and if you're a mediocre artist and passionate writer then you'll be fucking great at that. taking the time to learn when it strikes you.#and maybe this is for me. but its also for anybody reading it too. please god if there's one thing you take from this let it be that#somebody out there cares. *I* care. god i care. even if we've never spoken proper i care about you.#i practically have a list of everybody i see in my inbox. i love seeing familiar names show up. i.#i dont know how to neatly wrap up this tag ramble. but. i am so damn full of love it hurts sometimes. its scary to be happy but thats ok!
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arthur-r · 4 months
something’s just not right / there’s hunger in my eyes, but you’re not looking into mine / in the morning light / i wake up next to you, but we’re no longer entwined / i want to love you with a ravenous hunger, tear your flesh into mine / you say you like me, but you’d rather that i listen quiet, keep it all inside / i romanticize a lust for blood and the glint of evil in your eyes / any kind of sign, something to tell me that your heart is burning just like mine / rend me to pieces if that’s what it takes to tell me that i taste divine / there’s something wrong but i just can’t quite place it, leave me on the precipice, i’m fine / something awakening and stirring inside me / i’m gearing up, your pretense in decline / i slice my heart up on a platter and find that you don’t even wanna dine / i gave my soul up, you can eat me raw / diced up and vulnerable, i’m yours to try / you’re glancing to the side, bored, and find that you don’t even wanna dine!!!!
#round 2 of recording my loser boring cannibalism song#(it has more words now. it is still not a complete song but it is getting somewhere….)#basically i really like cannibalism as a literary device and devouring somebody and being like violently enamored#and i convinced myself that my relationship was really good and healthy and i just don’t know how to handle a Good Normal Relationship#but secretly loving somebody should be at least a LITTLE BIT like cannibalism. especially if you’re me#so i got really hungry and he didn’t ever lift a finger for me or smile in my direction#and i wish he would just be hungry for me back. kill me a little bit if it would mean you care#i just thought that Normal People should be Normal about each other and he was just being Normal about me#when he like. did not prioritize me ever. and was only affectionate when he was drunk 🫠#he does NOT deserve to be the one who ended the relationship!!!!#anyway i would rather he eat me alive than not even look at me. and that’s what this song is about#and i’m gonna raise my standards so much fucking higher. he should be fucking hungry for me actually#literally and figuratively shdhdf i was always the one to invite him to dinner too.#and he was SHIT at communion motif. that guy had awful fucking table manners why did i date him#anyway shdhdf. idk here is round two of my hungry song#i’ve already changed the lyrics a little since recording this a couple mornings ago but it’s FINE my roommate is in here so can’t re-record#but: there’s something wrong but i’m not ready to face it. actually. cause it was so fucking obvious i was just willfully ignorant#anyways!! i’m feeling a little weird today and i haven’t done anything and i want to play music but i can’t. so i’m posting a song instead#and later i might be going to a concert?? we’ll see. if i’m feeling better physically by then!!#anyway i hope everybody is doing okay and lmk if you need anything!! sincerely arthur#me. my post. mine.#delete later (probably)#music
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randomraytrash · 1 year
There is something weird in Nate character arc
I love Nate and I like his relationship with Jade. I root for his happiness, I was Nate x Happiness way before season two, because I really relate at many of the mental struggles he faces.
But let me make clear a thing:
Relationships don't fix mental illness.
A new partner will not fix all the problems in your life.
A good relationship can help you, can support you through difficult time, but it won't magically fix you. You need to act, change your behaviour and fix yourself, because nobody will do it for you.
Nate needs to own his fucking mess, he needs to see through Rupert schemes and put his foot down. Because blocking his mistakes (with Ted, especially Ted) like he did during this episode won't help him, avoidance can work only for a short period of time, then it comes back and bite you in the ass.
Because everybody is growing and changing but him (and no, getting a girlfriend is not synonymous of a redemption arc, nor a healing process, especially if all his confidence is still tight with "getting a girl" and without a girl to "show off" he's worthless, which wasn't disproved yet and no, don't spit at your self reflection one time, while never addressing the root cause is not enough). He's risking of getting stuck in the past, in his old mentality, in a fake confidence not internal but tied to an external person (Jade).
Fight forward, isn't it? Get out of that box and live the moment, every moment is worth living, because you are worth it, whatever you succeeded or failed, you deserve happiness in your life.
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That's what I think we should stride for Nate's arc.
It's nice that Nate got a girlfriend (I enjoy them because they are such opposite character and energy), but it'll come crushing and burning down if he doesn't understand why he was able to ask her out. It matters that he found the courage to ask her out for a date, but he matters regardless, even without this accomplishment.
Nobody defined Nate if not Nate himself. And I think Jade can help him realize it, but the relationship with her is not a magic cure (and to be absolutely critical I think they will have many communication problem if they don't learn how properly work things out before a real relationship, since Jade is not really an extroverted person and Nate is an anxious mess ready to misinterpret every ambiguous body language, I know it because I'm the same).
Getting a girl is not the redemption arc, is not the finale, it's barely a consequence of the first step in becoming a better person. I believe (eh, Ted Lasso, isn't it?) Nate is fundamentally a good person, he's a brilliant tactician, funny and sensible, but he's also deeply insecure and he broke the trust, and leash out to people who (truly) loved and trust him and we can say all we want to explain his reasoning (his past bullying, his daddy problems, the miscommunication), but it doesn't chance the fact he was wrong, it's not a justification.
Nate matters with Rupert, and without him (a lot more without him). With Ted's or his father's approval or without. (And already had Ted's, like this episode he went to see him play with his son, Ted already, for the most part, forgive him. Ted doesn't have to accept his apology, but Ted Lasso is Ted Lasso and do what Ted Lasso can do best: treating people with compassion, so he will without a second thought the moment he'll see Nate sincerely regrets).
But Nate does need to do it, though, he's redemption arc is tied with this apology. Because they say hurt people hurt people, and it may be true, but it's also bullshit. Even if your struggle with mental health, you have no right to hurt others.
To do this apology thought Nate needs to grow, needs to build his confidence and self esteem for himself, because he's action were mostly a counteract to a perceive rejection, he is not what twitter says about him, or Jade, or Ted, or his father, or Rupert.
The belief that you matter, you know? Regardless of what I do or don't archive.
Ted is going to forgive him, of course he is.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
As someone who suffered from Munchausen-by-proxy I don't think you understand what happens when people fake medical conditions for themselves or their children. Some of us die. You'd rather a thousand people risk dying from medicine or treatments they don't need than someone point out that their self diagnosis doesn't make sense?
I'm not sure if you were taking what I said in that post in bad faith, but what I was saying in that post, essentially, was I would rather people be actually treated rather than assumed to be guilty of faking until proven innocent. I would rather it come out that somebody was faking than risk a truly disabled person suffering or worse because they were assumed to be a faker. In fact, I also outlined my thoughts further in the tags (which I don't blame you if you didn't read them):
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[Image Description: A screenshot of tags I left on my post (plaintext): And there's a difference not many people seem to recognize between faking and realizing you don't have [x] problem, such as realizing you don't have [x] disorder because it is instead [y] disorder, or you haven't completely understood your care needs, your symptoms,what helps you. And some people see ANY change in your understanding of your disability as proof of maliciously faking. When I suppose in my personal experience, people don't *maliciously* fake disability. I'm not saying it could never happen, but that i don't think it's the *only* thing motivating people called "fakers." I just think, like most everything, this is complex and nuanced because it's a *human* experience. (End Description)]
I get where you're coming from, but I think that's a different conversation. What bothers me about this ask is that this isn't treating the topic of faking with nuance, either. Not everybody who will fake a disorder will have Factitious Disorder, and not everybody who would abuse another through medical means would have it, either. People have been abused by people through medical means, yes, but that is absolutely not necessary to fake disorders and why someone would fake one in the first place.
People tend to apply the "faker" label very loosely in order to deny care to people they think "don't need" or "don't deserve" care. I'm sorry, but that is needless suffering, too. I never fucking said people deserve to risk dying or actually die, and I would appreciate it greatly if you wouldn't shove those words into my mouth. I'm trying to be understanding toward your point of view, but it comes across as though my words are being twisted into the worst faith possible in order to condescend to me as to why I don't understand this topic at all.
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