#dont flip the canvas tho ;;
rui-drawsbox · 1 year
maybe maid mammon but in a white dress instead? just feel like he'd look nice w a white one instead of the usual black ones <3
i tried to balance the white with the blue of his eyes, or it would be too much of the same color/sobs
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If you think i put more effort in this, its because i did. Only the best for my first man 😊💕
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oifaaa · 1 year
A lot of people seem to genuinely not know what's the point of flipping the canvas in digital art is so I'm gonna explain but first please note I'm not telling you you have to flip your canvas to make art (or else traditional artists would be screwed) it's an art tip that you may or may not find helpful depends
Basically when you flip the canvas it gives you a new perspective on your drawing and helps you identify flaws that you might not have noticed, when you draw a picture for hours your eyes can get used to seeing it a certain way so you don't notice the nose might be a little too low or an arm that's a bit awkward, flip that canvas and suddenly your seeing your art with new eyes
This is also why it's kinda a running joke with artist that flipping the canvas is the worst since you think your pictures all good you flip it and now you see all the flaws and have to start correcting, but not all bad since the flaws would still be there even if you didn't flip the canvas, you can just see them now, and also flipping the canvas can help if your struggling to draw the other eye or a hand from a certain direction
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devilishdelights · 1 year
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official ref for my MC yeah boiiiii
They/them, 23 or smth, queer, insane, pathetic loser that tries 2 be cool, would kill for little D No.2
ohh and the crow is karasu. Ik he’s not a real bird in game but to me he’s REAL!!! He’s just the mascot for their DDD’s….! And is best friends with my MC. Also like the hc that mammon sends his crows to watch over MC when he’s not there, and consequently my MC now has multiple crow buddies. They would also die for them.
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moncuries · 5 months
Hi! Not sure if you’re still doing this but I wanted to know if you have art tips on drawing faces and bodies for poses? Like step by step way of doing things if you do that.
P.s. love your art!
i will try to help!
I almost always use a reference photo to start. if i cant find the pose i want then i frankenstein several images together. for simplicity's sake im using a random portrait that kind of looks like my oc jamie (from an editorial called MONO #ChuckII STORY by Fucking Young!) im crediting it bc im going to show it unedited but typically i dont bc beyond using it for planes of faces, its not recognizably linked. so...transformative work. from there i block in the edges of the face and broad shapes w a light colour. i usually "dim" or sometimes blur my refs bc it helps me see the broader shapes? idk if that makes sense at all.
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and then i usually go right into the nose bc to me its like... the foundation of a face. IF I AM DRAWING A REAL ACTOR/person. i pull up a ref of their face at the same angle. i sometimes have to scour for these. and from here i draw in black bc it means i cant pussyfoot and my lines have to be decisive.
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tbh tho, it is very unnatural for me to stop or to do stuff in too specific of an order so this all looks very odd to me..anyway then ill putter around to other features and hair. by the time ive got eyes/mouth/nose and hair if its the same as whoever im drawing, the ref is put to the side until i have to shade, (if i use it at all again)
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and then i just clean up my sketch till im happy, flipping the canvas with a hotkey OFTEN. i simplify shapes in hair a lot for flow. then he gets filled in with grey (these are usually when i post wips) and then i jump into colouring!
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and since you haven't asked for that, ill leave you with that!
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toytle · 1 year
hi! if you dont mind sharing, whats your process for artwork ? youve become a big inspiration and was just curious about how you compose your art and sketch everything =]
it’s a pretty standard guidelines > sketch > cleaned up sketch or lineart > flatcolors > render > overpaint!
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hopefully this provides a bit more of my perspective tho!:
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okay i’m abt to bare my soul here bc this is smth that embarrasses me even tho it’s not uncommon and i’m obviously still able to create quality works. i think you can even get a glimpse of it from that one time i posted my struggled attempts at young bruce.
basically i have poor facial recognition + visual memory, so this is what the process for that looks like:
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(if you think this is a lot, know that i only included the faces i thought i could glean notes from)
my process is basically what i consider “editing”; i can recognize what’s wrong more than i can recognize what i’m going for, so the execution requires me to treat each step of the process like someone else’s work for me to rework on top of. almost all of the steps in the example above were drawn over the previous one.
these are some tips that have helped me adapt to this, but i think they can benefit everyone:
- flip the canvas frequently to refreshen your eyes
- use references, even if it’s just to remind you what a face looks like. proportions are tricky!
- since i can recognize what’s wrong more than what i’m going for, i like creating little thumbnails to the side to remind me (especially for expressions)
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thank you sm for the question, it’s such an honor to be considered as art inspo! i hope smth here ends up helping you out 🫶
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panjakes · 1 year
Can i request a haechan enimes to lovers but witha darkskin fem
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Haechan walked into the library looking around for Yn. He finally spotted her at a round table with a few books and papers around her. He rolls his eyes going over to the table. He throws his things and himself down causing Yn to side eye him.
“Let’s get this shit over with. What are your ideas?” He asks
“Well I don’t know yet but I was thinking a huge canvas with paint and-“ Yn starts but Haechan cuts her off
“No. I’m not painting anything” he says
“Okay I’ll paint and you draw” Yn says calmly
“Draw what?” He asks with a scoff
“I was thinking a snake with a bunch of flowers around it” Yn says making haechan sarcastically laugh
“No.” He flatly says
“Well what ideas do you have?” Yn asks making haechan sigh
“Listen Yn. I don’t like you. I damn near hate you. I don’t want to work with you and I don’t want to be your partner. Matter of fact I’m going to Ms.park tomorrow morning and telling her to change my partner.” Haechan says leaning in to Yn
Yn smirks leaning in getting closer to haechan. The smirk on her face made him nervous
“Oh haechan. Your so cocky. Do you think I want to work with you either? I don’t. I’m working with you for a grade. Get your head out of your ass. Your not that special.” She says her smirk turning into sickly sweet smile
“Now…we’re going to do the snake and flowers”Yn says standing up from her seat collecting her things
“I have to get to practice. We can talk more about this later” she says walking to the door
“H-how!? We don’t have each other’s numbers” he says
“I know. You can text me on instagram, I know you stalk my page” Yn says with a smirk. She winks at him before taking her leave
Haechan sits down in his seat. Very hot and very bothered.
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“I don’t see why we’re here” haechan says sitting down at the bleachers
“I just wanna stare at the cheerleaders” Jeno says smirking
“Your such a creep…scoot over” Renjun says
Haechan groans looking over spotting Yn on the field. His sour looked drop once he seen her in her navy blue, white, and gold uniform. Her curls were half up and down with a pretty sparkly white bow.
Her smooth dark skin glistening from the sweat caused by the 80 degree heat. She actually looked really beautiful out there on the field. On HER field.
“Oh shit bro. Yn is hot” Jeno says
“She’s like our best cheerleader” Renjun says
“Yeah and her academics go CRAZY” Jeno says blowing out air
“She’s not that great. She’s only here because her dad owns the school” Haechan mumbles making his two friends side eye him
“Why are you so mad?” Renjun asks
“Yeah like what’s your real problem with Yn anyway?” Jeno asks
“I just think she’s fake” haechan shrugs
"what about her is fake?" Jeno asks
"everything. Everything about her" Haechan scoffs
"You dont have a valid reason to hate her" Renjun says
"exactly, what has she done to you?" Jeno asks
Just then the crowd starts screaming as the cheerleads run onto the field.
“Must be half time. Pay attention to your girl” Jeno says smirking making Haechan scoff
Haechan watched Yn closely. She was really good. Like REALLY good. He watched as her teammates threw her in the air and catch her. She did a lot of flips catching haechan by surprise.
“So channie…are you gonna ask her on a date?” Jeno asks
“Why would I?” He asks
“Because your totally into her” Renjun says
“I’m not. I hate her” haechan says
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” He asks with a raised brow
Just then the crowd cheered again meaning half time was over.
“Go catch her. Now” Jeno says making haechan sigh
"I do need to talk to her. It wont be about a date tho"
He quickly jogs after Yn, finally catching up to her. He grabs her hand catching her by surprise
“Haechan? What do you want?” Yn asks
“I Uh…what’re you doing after this?” He asks making her look him up and down
“Why?” She asks
“Because I want to take you out.” he says flatly
Yn looked him up and down before giggling at him
“Just yesterday you told me you hate me now you want to take me out? Get over yourself haechan.” Yn says rolling her eyes going back over to her team
Haechan sighs grabbing at her arm.
“No yn YOU get over YOURSELF. Do you really think I’ll go out with you. Your so full of yourself Yn. I was taking you out to discuss the project. Remember when I said I damn near hate you? Well it’s official I hate your stuck up ass.” He says shocking his friends and Yn.
"Haechan please. Your so got damn stupid nobody will ever go out with you. I hate you too you stupid prick" Yn says before throwing her water all over Haechan
Angerily haechan wipes the water from his face.
"Cant stand that fucking girl" Haechan mumbles
"Dude your an asshole!" Renjun says chucking at the soaking wet guy
"We said ask her on a date not piss her off"Jeno says smacking the back of his neck
"Bro fuck her. I'm not going to keep telling you guys I hate her!" Haechan says stepping away from his friends
The two friends shale their heads before going to apologize for their friend's behaviour.
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"Then he says he hates me! Mind you I've never done anything to him!" Yn says pacing her brothers bedroom
"He's a total dick. I'll beat his ass" Jaemin says
"You dont have too. I can just get that asshole kicked out of his clubs" Yn mumbles
"work smarter not harder" Jaemin says making the girl chuckle
"I should also put just my name on the project" Yn says looking over at the half drawn project
"Thats my girl! Get em kicked out of the school why dont you!" Jaemin says clapping
"Anyway, whats for dinner?" Yn asks
"Uh I'm taking Mimi out for dinner and probably staying at her place but dad dropped of some money maybe pizza" He says shrugging
"Yeah that doesnt sound bad, Tell Mimi I said Hi" Yn says
"Will do, Love you!! Dont stay up to late" Jaemin shouts
"Love you too, I will!!!" Yn shouts back making the boy chuckle before taking his leave.
Over the hours, yn ordered her pizza and sides while cleaning up the house she and her brother shared.
Finally done cleaning, yn sat down with her slice of pizza and wings ready to watch her show. Over the next few minutes she could hear thunder rumbling outside.
she picks up her phone checking the battery just in case the power goes out.
turning off some of the lights, yn goes back to her corner in the sectional couch. a few minutes go by before a knock was at the door. Yn looks back confused
"Dont tell me Jaemin forgot his key" She mumbles going to the door
she pulls open the door groaning at the sight of Haechan
"What do you want dick" She says making him roll his eyes
"My power went out and my friends arent home. I have no where else to go,plus i figured we could work on the project" He says making yn chuckle
"Boy bye, after everything you said too me you expect me to open up my home to you? You better go home and light some candles" Yn says going to close the door
But Haechan's hand stops it
"What the fuck do you want Haechan?" Yn asks
"Just let me in. I'll leave in the morning" Haechan says
Yn takes a look outside seeing that it was pouring down hard and Haechan was soaking wet. She groans as she opens the door wider
"Stay right there dont track water inside my house" She says going up the stairs to jaemins room
Haechan nods taking his shoes off looking around the house he only been in once. He noticed the almost fully painted canvas. Yn finished it?
"Here theres a bathroom in there" Yn points
"Your still doing the project?" He asks pointing to it
"Dont worry about it. Go change" Yn says harsly
Haechan rolls his eyes going into the bathroom to change into the black T-shirt and gray sweats yn gave him. Once he was dried and dress he walked back to the living room to see yn working on the canvas.
"Dont sit next to me" She says making Haechan scoff
"As if I want to" He says
"But you want to be in my house, watch it" Yn says dipping the paint brush
"It looks nice"Haechan says after a few moments of silence
"I know" She mumbles making him scoff
"It's almost finished. I'll write your name on it and then we wont ever have to deal with each other ever again" She says standing up
"Great" Haechan says making the girl roll her eyes
It was silent as Haechan watched her go to the kitchen
"Hungry?" She asks
"Uh yeah" He says as she comes from the kitchen with a plate.She takes her seat on the couch biting into her food. Haechan stares at her in confusion causing her to laugh
"Oh you thought I made you a plate? No go make your own" She says turning her attention back to the tv.
"It's gonna be hell here until the morning" Haechan says
"You can always leave" Yn says back
Seeing as Haechan rather be warm than cold, he decided to make his plate in silence. After making his plate he sat back in his seat turninng his attention to whatever was playing on the tv.
Just then a loud rumble of thunder shook the house before the power went off.
"FUCK!!" Yn screams putting her plate on the table.
"See what happens when you talk shit" Haechan says smirking
"Haechan shut the fuck please and make yourself useful and follow me" Yn says
"why would I follow you anywhere? And in the dark at that?" Haechan asks
"Too get the fire wood now lets go before you piss me tf off" Yn says walking to the basement with her flashlight on.
"Wheres the wood?" Haechan asks once they get down the stairs
"In the corner" Yn says messing with the fuse box
"Do you even know what your doing?" Haechan asks grabbing a few pieces
"Do you know how to shut the fuck up?" Yn asks making the male chuckle
After a few attempts and the power not coming on, yn and haechan went back up the stairs to start a fire.
"Does your dumbass need help?" Haechan says just wanting to mess with yn at this point
"Not from your ass, especially when your an all C student" Yn says throwing a match onto the wood
"I am not!!" Haechan says
"You are, Shut up" She says throwing a blanket at him
He catches it still talking under his breathe.
It was silent as the two sat in front of the fire on their phones. Haechan looked over watching as Yn shivered a bit.The fire was helping but not by much
"Hey dumbass" Haechan says causing yn to look up.
Haechan had his arms open as if he was inviting her in for a hug. Yn scrunched her face up rolling her eyes
"Boy bye" She said before hugging her blanket tighter and looking back down at her phone.
"Stop acting stuck up, we're both cold and this fire you made sucks" He says making her smack her lips.
She scoots closer to the blond as he wraps his arms around her
"I hate this so much" She says tossing her now dead phone to the side
"I hate your ass too" Haechan says making her groan
"I never said that! got damn Haechan what the fuck is even your problem with me?" She says pushing the male away from her
“Me? You have a problem with me!” He says annoyed
“Only because you have a problem with me!! I didn’t even know who your ass was until last year!” Yn says rolling her eyes
“We’ll my problem with you is, your spoiled stuck up nepo baby. You think because your dad owns this school your hot shit! Your not!” Haechan says making Yn roll her eyes yet again
She chuckles before looking at haechan
“Spoiled? Stuck up? Nepo baby? Please Haechan’s you know nothing about me” she says waving him off
“I know enough and I know I’m fucking right” he says
“You couldn’t be any more wrong. The man is my step father alright? He didn’t get me in the school I got in on my own. The school reached out to me! Im not spoiled nor am I stuck up. I just don’t fuck with you” she says rolling her eyes with a scoff
Haechan frowns. From the looks on her face she didn’t seem close with the man like everyone said. Had he been wrong about her this whole time?
“So your not close to him?” Haechan asks making the girl scoff
“Never was. You hate me based of a fucking rumor. Don’t even know anything about me” Yn says getting up from her seat on the floor
The next morning the power was back on. Meaning Haechan could get the fuck out.
Haechan woke up to Yn sitting in the corner working on the painting. He gets up going to sit next to her
“Looks nice” he says
“Thanks” Yn says
It was quiet before haechan spoke again
“You know Yn I’m sorry” he says
“I don’t need your apology haechan. You hate me so keep it that way” she says dipping her brush
“That was before I knew you” haechan says
“Exactly. You didn’t even know me before you started hating me so don’t stop now” Yn says
“Come on Yn don’t be like that. I honestly thought about it a lot last night and I don’t want to keep hating you over something so stupid and petty” he says making Yn sigh
“Change of heart? Why?” Yn asks putting the brush down
“Because you’ve never done anything to me. I’m just a childish immature guy. I definitely shouldn’t have judged you before knowing you and I’m sorry” haechan says shocking Yn
“Your saying sorry?” Yn asks surprised
“Yeah. You don’t have accept my apologies right now but I really just want to get past all this.” Haechan says scratching his neck
“I don’t accept your apology” Yn says causing haechan to sigh and put his head down in disappointment
“But, I’m willing to look past this” she says handing him a paint brush
“Thank you” haechan says with a small smile
She gives him one back and they both start working on the project
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Rating Aguma screenshots from my gallery (because theres no other fury character that was drawn more inconsistently than him and also im bored out of my mind)
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Vicious. Ominous. Bro is about to actually fucking kill someone. I mean he always looks like hes about to kill someone but this is something else. Whyd bro switch so quick. You know Id make the “you aint got one battle where you needa be this serious” joke but since hes a legendary blader he does but not this one bro. Its just ginga and yuki calm your ass. Id count the amount of wrinkles on your forehead but i dont have enough fingers for that. Plus points for the face scrunch. Minus points for not having the majoras mask clocktower bell noise when this exact frame shows up. 9/10
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What is this. Atrocious. UNACCEPTABLE. What the fuck happened to his face. You look like a rabid dog. He always does but like here? God damn now i get why my friend calls you mulch. You look like a bear who just woke up from hibernation. Can you like, be dumbfounded and baffled normally. God damn. Are you not like a grown ass man. Dumbass. Be normal 2/10
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My goodness gracious. Absolutely mischievous. Plotting. Looks like hes about to kill someone again. Please back off a little bit. Fw energy tho bro is enjoying the fight for sure 9/10
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Im filing a restraining order get him away from me 0/10
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What is this. Explain yourself. Im sorry is this like, a cycnus impression. Cauze you look like a fucking bug rn. Like straight up. Your pupils are not supposed to be that big and your eyes are not supposed to be that sparkly. You are not the tbh creature. Stop this madness 5/10
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Okay when i first saw this while watching the scene i laughed for a solid ten minutes because he wasnt even the focus at the moment (bao was talking) and my eye slipped and saw this and oh god. He looks like a cardboard cutout😭he looks like hed stiffly fall over and shatter to a billion pieces if you poked him😭😭he looks like hed disintegrate into dust if someone touched him😭😭😭bro is COOKED if i flip the canvas.😭😭😭😭this is horrendous i know hes ugly but this isnt my aguma bring the real one back . Hes so uneven. One point for absolute horrendous image resolution 1/10
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EHUM. EUGH. EUGHEGHEHEUEGAGSHDGSVGWUWYWHSK. The fuckin😭😭the😭😭the. The😭😭😭thehis eyes are about to pop out of their sockets someone help this manAND HELP ME TOO WHILE YOURE AT IT😭😭😭ohmygdodudgshsjsgaha. Context is even funnier this is when he loses to tithi and hes on the ground defeated tweaking the fuck out LMFAOOO😭😭bro is fuming with rage bcs he lost to a kid i hate him i hope he dies a billion times and then he dies again. Thank god dynamis was there or he might’ve actually killed someone 10/10
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. Actually i take it back this dude is never unbothered . The hair 😭😭 wet fucking dog go to hell 8/10
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Amazing. life changing. phenomenal. incredible. awesome. wonderful. marvelous. Outstanding. THE screenshot. The first and only screenshot ever taken. THE one. I filled my gallery up with this exact image by duplicating it (there was about a thousand of the same image) (my friends called it “dog blockade”) and also set it as my wallpaper as a joke and its still the same because i forgot to change it. At first i was scared of it because he was so close to the screen and i was met with this fucking picture everytime i exited out of an app. But now i have become emotionally attached to it like hes just saying hi to me everytime i quit an app. The emotional support screenshot. I take what i said about the tbh creature back. Why cant he look like this all the time😔the eyes the :3 mouth. Scene context is also so funny “aguma. are you coming:)” “mmhmm :3” ?????182^2^72[£^£]2]€ Everything is perfect no complaints. 10000000000000000000/10
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This image will be the cauze of my untimely death. No comment. -√7⁴/10
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kienansidhe · 5 months
idk as a disabled digital artist whose commissions client stream dried up in the past couple years and is now fully financially dependent on my partners: my 'lost income' is not the fault of ethical ai artists. its actually largely the fault of ppl who hate me specifically and have been stalking and harassing me and getting my accts banned since 2021 and want me dead but thats a whole other story.
i dont find the process of ekeing out the images i want from ai generators to be fun or rewarding but like. i suppose i could learn to do it if i wanted to. that wouldnt magically give me clients, though. i wouldnt get some kind of magical leg up by turning to ai. itd just be a different way to make art, one i just dont find fun, which is the only reason i stick to digital drawing. its what i love, even if its painful and i cant do it all the time. i dont resent ppl who love smth else tho?
its baffling to me how sour grapes ppl are abt other artists finding ways to continue creating just bc they perceive it as easier or smth. even if it was easier (its not, actually try using one of those programs sometime to get a specific image you want and come back and tell me how easy it is), like. i do digital art bc its easier for me than traditional art. with my aphantasia i cant just draw an image, i have to trial and error it out with a lot of ctrl+z and resizing and warping and canvas flipping i cant do with pencil and paper. that doesnt make it less valid than traditional art? its just a different way of creating. for me to create the exact same image with traditional media would take hundreds or thousands of hours with lightboxes, tracing paper, redrawing an image so many times it might as well be animation bc i get so much wrong the first dozen times i draw it, like. the editing process to make it look the way i want would be insane. i could do it, given the time and resources, but why should i, unless i find that fun? bc suffering builds character or smth? what are you catholic?
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yj-98 · 1 year
for the art asks! 2 and 4 <3
hiiiii esha :] thank u for sending some in <33
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
i am the stereotype..... easier to draw facing left honestly 😭 when i was a kid (like. pre 17) i drew people forward-facing CONSTANTLY like it was my thing. forward facing bust no.49023
now i can do whatever but left is the most comfortable <3 when i have to draw the other side i flip my canvas and cheat a little tho if its not coming out right 🥰
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
honestly. my fave characters (in whatever thing) are always the WORST to try to draw. i get WAY too in my head abt how they look In There vs how they look in canon vs my headcanons or whatever and i psyche myself out. they never LOOK right yk. for dc thats mostly like... jason <- i have drawn him i dont like it. and it used to be kon but then i drew him 6 times in a row and it freed me. now its tim......................................
weirdly specific art asks
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seafoam-taide · 2 years
gasp!! have you ever drawn energy drink cookie (from cookie wars, rip)?? i LOVE them, and i think they'd look really good in your art style <3
I have never drawn energy drink cookie, no! I've seen them around a few times but otherwise I have no idea what their deal is whatsoever. That said,
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??? here is an attempt ???
I think their design is pretty cool but I have no idea if this is a good interpretation of them or not haha
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
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[image description: a digital drawing of Ghost and Hornet from Hollow Knight. Both of them have combat ready poses, but Ghost’s pose is considerably more open and dynamic, with their right foot and right arm drawn back. Hornet has merely stepped back slightly with her left foot, resting her weight on her toes. Both of them are holding their weapons—for Hornet, her needle; for Ghost, their nail, free of cracks and dents—and have their arms crossed over in the center of the drawing.
Ghost’s cloak is dark blue, and has heavily frayed ends. Their head has a strong glow around it, casting light onto their cloak. Their right hand, curled into a fist, is surrounded by glowing soul magic, which is reflected in both Hornet’s needle and their nail. The light from the soul magic is illuminating their waist, hip, and upper part of their left thigh. There is a circular glow in their eyes due to their use of soul magic.
Hornet’s cloak is bright red, and is very smooth. It is held together by a lilac clasp, crafted in the vague likeness of a spider. A tuft of fur sticks out over the top of her cloak, and the rest of her is also fuzzy. Her feet are drawn in the style of spider feet, with two claws poking out between fluffy toes. There is a bundle of silk in her left hand, faintly glowing. Her head is also glowing, but is considerably less bright than Ghost’s head. Faintly, her pupils are visible.
In the space above Ghost’s head and to the left of Hornet’s head, glowing text faintly shaded lavender marks them as “The Protectors.” end image description]
i should not have spent as much time as i did on drawing this, but i did. here you go tumblr
that being said, i am extremely proud of how this turned out. first major digital art piece ive finished!! (my profile picture doesnt really count; the detail in that and the effort i put into it is miles behind what i poured into this) and it looks fucking stunning! im still really happy about how the shading on ghost turned out because ive never done it before and i was just winging it and it looks so good. whehehe
i dont know how to draw fur though. i tried my best for hornet but idk how well it went. its not too obvious unless you zoom in anyway but bleh
i might,, make this a series,,,, we’ll see
also if anyone wants to see the swatch panel let me know because i think its cool, ill dump it in a reblog if so
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bonetrousledbones · 4 years
Also what does Flowey look like in the au?
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(Just interesting! That’s it! He feels nothing else about the matter!!!!!!)
He could maybe use some water and sunlight, but that’s about it, he’s doing great, it’s fine, he’s fine
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bugaboooooooooo · 2 years
are you a fashion student?? or textiles? i love your redesigns so much!! they're so well put together, im jealous 🥺
Thanks for the ask!
No actually, I just rlly like fashion! I tend to spend hours online looking at outfits lol
And thank you! You dont know how much that means! ❤ Some outfits I get online, like the first two outfits from Julekas piece; others i just come up with myself, tho often theyre just outfits that i saw online a while ago that my brain mashed up together
(Im placing a cut here since i put some stuff that helps me make the outfits more put togther, but it ended up kinda long)
What rlly helps to make the outfits look more put together and noice is to have a limited colour palette! Thats also something handy abt this series - i have a colour palette that i need to make work, and it also pushes me to do stuff i normally wouldnt try!
Also spoken of colours, a handy thing to keep in mind is the 70% 20% 10% rule (i think thats what its called) So like have a colour that overall dominates plus some others that are less. Obviously ya can change the rule up a bit to fit to you, like if you have 4 colours
What also helps a lot is to look and study other artists and how they draw outfits! I follow @zoe-oneesama and I just try and see how she does stuff, and then see if that works for me
And if youre drawing a specific character, then it usually helps to keep in mind what they would wear. So like Chloe would have a more chic style, Alya more streetstyle + cute, Alix sporty, Sabrina more preppy + maybe dark academic? Tho I completely disregarded that with Kagami lol so it doesnt rlly matter
OH and obviously this doesnt apply to everything, but dont forget stuff like jewelry and stuff! Like ofc some outfits are just better without and are supossed to be more minimalistic, but otherwise it rlly helps!
Oh and this isnt excactly related to the outfits directly, but it does help a lot to make everything look more put together: if you're drawing digitally. flip. the. canvas. trust me. it helps so much. (oh and do it before the lineart, i forgot a couple of times and i regretted it deeply, had to do the lineart all over cuz it looked horrible flipped)
Anyway sorry for making this so long lol, and thanks again for the ask! ❤
Oh and if you want to, you can send me a request for a redesign of an ml character (with if you want a specific outfit)! More info here!
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darlington-v · 3 years
how do you draw like that on mspaint,,,,,,,teach me your manners,,,,
- v cool anon :D
uhh first off is don't have a shit mouse lmfao
im pretty sure ive tried to draw w/ like a shitty mouse before and it was like The Worst™
i mean you can have a shit mouse obviously jahsdfhjkasdf but you'll have to figure out how to make it work for yourself bc They're Quirky Fellas!
but aside from hardware, the next thing is um. don't be afraid to erase shit. like this is just good art advice in general but bc mspaint doesn't have layers ur gonna have to fuck it up lmfao
honestly that comic was like pretty nice art practice bc it tied my hands behind my back so to speak? and like i didn't have a choice BUT to erase pretty much??? which is good stuff because it puts you out of your comfort zone in that like.... it's like....
It Is... Okay.... To Erase Things. in fact, your art might be better for it.
uhhh as for the rest???? um. idk i guess like figuring out old short cuts?
like you can make the eraser bigger on mspaint by using ctrl and + simultaneously on like... a number pad. idt the shift + works tho D:
and then i realized that uhhh you can flip the image like horizontally for a makeshift like.... yk the thing on most programs where its like a toggle and it flips the canvas but its not like ACTUALLY flipping the canvas??? yeah
on mspaint it ACTUALLY flips the canvas but all you have to do is flip it back around SO.
ummm also dont be afraid to be messy! like its an mspaint piece so its allowed to be a lil messy i think thats the quirks of mspaint art like that haha! its like silly n cute n not like Perfectly Sculpted
yeah! idk i hope that was maybe smth????? honestly i was less focused on making it good necessarily but more so just enjoying myself and having fun drawing bc it was mspaint art haha! i didnt feel like the pressure to perfectly render it and make sure EVERYTHING was perfect, which i think also probably had an affect on it! like, i obviously like really worked over the drawing in like "oh it has to be good! im catching flaws in his headshape and neck!" but eventually i was like... ok well even if i AM seeing wonky shit.... its mspaint art. i dont think many people are going to give a shit.
anyways yeah!!! thats my advice! idk if its very solid bc this was like... the first time i used mspaint in literally forever? im sure someone who's like... program theyve PERFECTED would have better advice but im just,,, im just chilling lmfao
1) have a good mouse, but don't worry if you don't! you'll just have to make it's little quirks work for you. 2) don't be afraid to erase stuff! there's no layers on mspaint so it exercises building confidence in your art, you can't rely on layers here. 3) know your shortcuts! there's some hidden features in mspaint that lie in shortcuts, so it's good to know them! 4) don't be afraid to be messy either. it's mspaint art so don't be too worried about making it good just focus on having fun! you've got limited tools so unless you're intimately familiar with tricks of the trade, it won't be your best work -- so don't stress over it when it's not.
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romancemoving · 2 years
 🎭 👺
✨ @emptyvictory. meme. still accepting!
🎭 he spends an uncomfortable amount of time looking at his own art sometimes and i dont mean... flipping through sketchbooks or whatever... i mean he’ll do that just to see where his head is at, but sometimes he’ll take out something he painted and just gaze at it and then convince himself it doesnt look great lol. which is just... strange... virote never does art for the sake of being good. he creates so that his mind doesnt explode lollll. sometimes he just has to get everything out somehow. but then he’ll pull back and be very, very hypercritical about what hes done. and that might be because he has to find a reason to nitpick at himself. even if its ridiculous. kind of like how he says he hates his nose and wants it fixed. its very irrational but aljlgjljgf.... it just be that way. :(
sometimes i just wanna shake him until his lil brain falls outta his right ear
anyway if u see him just staring at a canvas he’s being weird about himself just tell him to knock it off lol
👺 i used to be a pageant queen........... got hella ribbons for my smile even tho i needed braces lol. not that my teeth r crooked its just my jaw is!!! yayaya ya i did the whole nine yards. put on gowns. some of them poofy, walk across the stage with a big ass light on me... answer some questions.... smile............. go sit my ass down and wait. ive won some, ive lost some. ive been 1st, last, runner up!!! 
like i kno the industry is evil and weird and shouldnt exist but like.
havin trophies 4 bein pretty is kind of amusing lol like... yall looked at me and gave me a crown, a ribbon, and a trophy just for havin good genes! thanks!
demolish the industry tho.
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peonycats · 3 years
your art is so so good! how did you get good at it haha like besides the practice were there any things you watched to help? how should i stop myeelf from getting discouraged at the start when i'm just a beginner and my art looks.. bad lol
hmmm, well this is a complicated topic for something as big and expansive as the topic of art but! 
I’ve been basically drawing as far back as I can remember, and it’s probably the great love of my life; like... not to get dramatic but art is just something I wholeheartedly adore and love doing, and I would be despondent if I couldn’t draw again asjdjgskjas
Here’s some things that have helped me:
Skool: I have taken formal art lessons when I was ~12 to 18, so that helped a lot with my realism, along with working in other mediums!
Save things that give you inspiration: I save both a lot of art, like pieces that I like/inspire me, and photos, things I want to draw/study from! (I rarely take photos myself tho I don’t travel a lot and I know nothing about photography lmaooo) I also follow a lot of photography accounts on social media! This is why my photo album has over 4,000 images oop-  But this does help me get inspiration or ideas for drawings! that and the 10 million requests in my inbox gdsfjjdsjfhsj
Study anatomy: It’s a pain but it’s so so important!! Manga Materials and miyuli on twitter have lots of great drawing resources pointing out common anatomical drawing mistakes and they’re great!
I would also recommend you to study your own body in the mirror and observe how it looks from certain angles, or the way that your body shifts and changes as you move or pose. Now, this will be limited to only your own body type, but reference photos on the internet are there for you to learn about others!
Catch your mistakes early: Please frequently horizontally flip your art I beg you- and on that matter, stay longer in your rough art stage, and try to fix all your art mistakes there, because it is 1000% harder trying to fix them in the late stages
Lighting: it’s also super mega important, especially without lineart, but I hate it >: ((((((( 
OH AND A VERY IMPORANT TIP, BOTH FROM MY TEACHER AND ME: ZOOM OUT ON YOUR CANVAS FOR GOD’S SAKE- the forest is much more important than the trees!!!! nobody is looking at your art as closely as you do, and most people will glance at it for a seconds at least a feet away on a screen, so you need to make sure your drawing is clear and good looking from that perspective !!
generally, learn the rules before you break the rules is good practice!
Certain exercises/practices I recommend:
hmmmm I dont really watch a lot of youtube art channels tbh? I prefer to listen to videos over watch them sdhjfjsjkkjsd so I can’t really help you there ‘’’
Try drawing a reference photo, looking at it much as you need to. Then, try to draw the reference photo a second time, without looking at any references. This exercise is very useful for observing your default art style- what techniques do you rely on most? what things do you naturally emphasize? What are certain aberrations you don’t wanna keep and will need to look out for
To take an example, through this exercise, I found out that I tend to elongate the neck. Nowadays, I try to keep that in mind as I draw and keep a careful on my characters’ neck length dshgfjdsjfhd
Tracing other ppls artwork is good for practice!! Just don’t post it publicly without their permission!! 
Tbh, I think it’s more important to draw consistently and frequently for a beginner than it is to create like a few high quality, high effort drawings. This doesn’t mean never finish a drawing, what I mean is moreso- the goal for a drawing shouldn’t automatically mean a finished, well-lined/fully colored and shaded drawing. Like... you don’t need every piece of art to be a masterpiece- that’s just impossible. Your goal could be “I want to draw lots of hands here and get comfortable with their basic shape”- therefore, not every hand will be perfect, nor will you need to create something appealing for viewers. You could draw a thumb there, an ugly, unshaded pose here, whatever helps you fulfil your goal!
gesture drawings are massively helpful because they force you to use less details to convey your drawings- you can’t just keep on layering details on a flawed base in hopes that it’ll turn out okay in the end. In a similar vein, try putting limitations on your drawings! like, drawin in only straight lines, or limit your line strokes! 
Social media is a hellscape for artists because of the constant feeling of competing with your fellow artists and frequently pushing out content for attention and “engagement” and instant rewards- for the love of all that is holy, do not make your own self worth dependent on your social media success man. It’s hard, and I don’t think we can fully separate ourselves, but do not let the algorithm decide your worth!!
Time: yeah this shit’s gonna take a while; don’t be impatient!! just focus on how far you’ve come (especially compared to the vast majority of people who’ve and will never draw) and the now!!!
Experiment! Find a way of drawing that is sustainable and works for you!! There’s nothing wrong with spending some time practicing/experimenting with painting or painstakingly inking everything, but if it’s not doing it for you, or you can’t maintain that level of output, there’s nothing wrong with dropping an element from your art style?? you can always add it back or experiment again!
(take this tip with the “learn the rules before you break the rules” tip- there are certain things I think you should have a pretty good handle on, but then if you wanna break them for a reason, go for it!)
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