#dont let israel win
dorotheo-rah · 3 months
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AYO, didn't Iceland wanna withdraw?
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news4dzhozhar · 7 months
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rxvera · 8 months
you dirty fucking kike, all of you are monsters, hamas is right to take you all out, they're fighting for the right cause, this is your fault, children are dying and palestinians are suffering because of you and your freak snake people, you all make shit up and pretend like you're the victims and make it harder for REAL sufferers to get any aide, this is your fault and its disgusting you continue to associate with these ugly molesters and choose to be jewish, go burn you fucking freak
We're not doing this bullshit on my blog. Absolutely not. I am done having no fucking spine about this. I'm not putting up with it.
I HAVE SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE CONFLICT. All I asked was that people don't send me fucking graphic images/videos in reference to it, and that post is deleted now anyway.
I can't fucking change your mind. Trying would be pointless, but I can tell you that you are an ignorant antisemitic asshole who's wasting their life away harassing a teenager on the internet.
I was born long after this conflict started and I have jack shit to do with it. It's not my fault. I'm not choosing to be Jewish either. I was born that way. It's an ethnoreligion, and I couldn't stop being Jewish if I wanted to.
I can't fucking win. I'm sick of you sympathizers and supporters. I'm harassed in real life, some of my friends have turned on me without knowing anything about this beyond the fact that I am Jewish, and I'm harassed and sent disgusting shit online too. Stop, just stop.
I've been told over and over that I'm a horrible person for existing, for being born and raised who I am. Stop. Just fucking stop. I can't do it anymore. It's not my fault. None of what's going on has anything to do with me.
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bleuberrygliscor · 4 months
i know its 90% venting at the bleakness of american politics but like...
it really fucking blows to know that most people are probably not gonna vote this year. i cant wait for the fallout of that.
#rem rambles#last time trump was elected i was spit on and called a nigger to my face at work.#lets see what happens this time. surely not worse than that.#like fuck joe biden. i will personally beat him to death with a rock. i hated him last time. i hate him now.#but the swiftness that people are like 'no actually i'll take my chances with the republicans who have been flying nazi flags and actively#putting forth legislation to eradicate trans people and flirting with the klan and pushing for genital checks on kids' is...staggering.#like i see the strategy you think youre doing. as if democrats dont get off on losing constantly....#its not moral strength to sit down and let the worse motherfucker win just to say ''haha see! you need me! you should be nicer to me.''#if that was the case the democrats would have picked it up with hillary losing. but they didnt. obviously.#get local. start supporting local politicians that are more leftist than what we got. but by god to not expose people in red states#to even worse shit. do not encourage those bitches to visit my goddamn city AGAIN.#like what do you even think will happen outside of negative outcomes for people who arent you? like some republican will tell israel to sto#again i know its venting. so let me vent too. because holy shit is it wildly tone deaf to use the minorities that the republicans are#targeting as a fucking bargaining chip with people who dont care about us anyway.#as if saying ''im willing to sacrifice native americans to show democrats that i mean business'' will even work.#these people are so far gone that televised genocide will not move them. but you think digging your heels in will. absurd. childish behavio
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faelapis · 1 month
Don't Vote in Eurovision.
the 2nd semi is about to happen. israel is competing. i want to start by acknowledging something: i hope my fellow eurovision boycotters, protesters and general #BanIsraelfromEurovision people know it's not like. impossible for israel to win this year.
at eurovision, you only need a minority of televote to "win" televote, when there are 26 entries in the final. nobody wins with outright majority, they win by being the biggest minority.
if there's 10% dedicated zionist viewers who will vote for israel just because it's israel, that probably outweighs the points that a lot of other countries will get. if you divide 100/26, you get an average of 3.8%. if there's 10% dedicated zionists, i hope you see how that's suddenly a HUGE percentage. (of course, eurovision votes are not even. some songs get 0.2% of a country's vote, some songs get 20%. but the point stands. you don't need majority support to win.)
yes, this means that, theoretically, a country that supports palestine 90% could still give israel televote points - because of the united 10% voting for israel, while the 90% votes divided among the other entries. and you can't vote against songs in televote.
i side with the bookies that it's not LIKELY. we are very unlikely to see "ukraine 2022" level televote numbers for israel. europeans are much more divided on the apartheid colonial state. and many will vote just for "whichever song they like best."
i'm only saying that, IF israel were to get a huge televote score, it doesn't mean the "majority" of europe supports them. quite the opposite. it just means you can't vote against entries. you can be deeply unpopular and win.
i'm also saying this because, in the likely event that israel gets at least top 10, please dont let the zionists spread it as "proof" that europe is behind them. their apartheid colonial regime is bleeding support every day. most pro-palestine folks are boycotting.
this is a silly song contest. do not feel hopeless because of it.
instead, focus your attention on helping palestine and boycotting the contest. do NOT vote. that's giving the EBU money, which is a zionist organization willing to disgrace the contest to let israel use it as a propaganda platform. they don't deserve your money.
boycott eurovision. no watching, no voting.
donate to the world central kitchen, whose aid workers were murdered by israel while attempting to help palestinians.
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androgynousspace · 3 months
For any of you who even DARE to think about voting for trump just because of the war happening in Israel, this post is for you.
-First off trumps opinion on Israel is pretty much the same as Biden, in terms of sending money to them and being anti-gaza, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna141905
-Let us not forget project 2025, I know a solid portion of palestine supporters are in the LGBTQ+ community, a vote for trump, is a vote to put your fellow queers in jail, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025
-Another section of pro-palestinian people are POC, not only does project 2025 include the killing and jailing of POC just in general trump has a long history of hating POC, ex: he used to pay hotels and casinos to get rid of any black people who were currently there, https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/08/trump-casinos-black-employees/
-Now let's talk about Jews for palestine, trump is also extremely anti-semetic and has a history of being anti-semetic, atleast Biden cares about the Jewish people, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/10/17/trump-history-antisemitic-tropes/
-Muslims for palestine, trump wants to ban the ability for hijabis to wear the hijab, and for muslims in general to work and be in public, https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/17/trump-muslim-ban-gaza-refugees
Last if this has convinced you to not vote for trump I'm glad, this also applies to any republican running. DONT. VOTE. THIRD. PARTY. I don't know how many times I have to say this, it splits the leftist vote and gives trump or any republican for that matter a WAY better chance of winning the election, as much of anti-semetic you may be towards Israel, the only valid vote is for Biden.
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heckyeahponyscans · 7 months
The situation with Israel and Gaza reminds me so much of the United States right after the 9/11 attack in 2001. When every concern that the US should avoid killing civilians was met with, "Oh, so you don't support our troops and want the TERRORISTS to win??"
I was a young adult during 9/11 and I remember the fear and anger that roiled American. So I understand Israelis feeling those emotions. Anger is a natural emotion. But if you let it rule you, nothing good will come of it.
In 2001, I was as angry as any American and I thought we were right to go to war to Afghanistan, "to get the terrorists". (I was always against the Iraq war.) If I could travel back in time, I would tell younger-me, "It wasn't worth it." All that was accomplished was thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of innocent Afghans died. When our soldiers finally caught up with Osama bin Ladin and killed him . . . I felt nothing. To kill this one bad man, we left an ocean of dead innocents. And for what? Bombs can't kill terrorism any more than they can kill grief.
Looking at Israel, I am disturbed to see the highest members of its government label any criticism of it "anti-semitism" and equating empathy with the Gazans--a civilian population trapped, cut off from clean water, from food, from fuel--as "supporting Hamas." Anti-semitism does exist, of course, and it is wrong. But critiquing the political actions of a political state is not automatically "anti-semitic." Saying Gazans don't deserve to be indiscriminately killed is not "supporting terrorism."
It's so bitterly funny that the US State Department had a big media blitz to convince everyone "Israel didn't bomb a hospital, dont' get it twisted! It was a Hamas missile gone astray! We repeat, Israel DID NOT bomb a hospital!", and then Israel attacked, like, three hospitals. Supposedly there are Hamas tunnels under them.
Even if those tunnels exist, attacking a hospital is not justified. Because it's a hospital. And it doesn't even make sense in context. If someone told me "There are terrorists hiding under that hospital, they are armed and dangerous and have taken hostages," my first thought would be "Holy shit, we've got to evacuate the patients and medical staff before the terrorists take them hostage too!"
I would not think "Well, let's surround the place and prevent medical supplies from entering so the patients slowly die, while the terrorists escape via the tunnels that I think exist."
It seems like this 'war' is mostly about destroying as many lives and as much infrastructure as possible.
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ancientschampionau · 1 month
Soooo, not my usual topic but I got a bit of info some may find interesting. For people not following because of boycotting.
Eurovision just disqualified the Netherlands, Joost.
Aparently because Joost threatend someone but they are still investigating that.
And let me tell you first, if that actually happened and he actually threatend to hurt someone you should disqualify someone. (and I am dutch so don't say i am favoring others i dont care about winning, i found this out through a meme in a friend group and had to look up the news to figure it out)
All I am saying is that... interesting.
Seeing as with the interviews an interviewer asked Isreal singer how she felt about possible bringing others in danger for being there and competing. The event people told her she didn't need to asnwer and Joost was like "Why not?"
Also, before he went to compete he was calling out for boycotting it but he still went so... again. I am not all up to date as I don't really follow it that much.
All I am saying is...
They had no problem disqualifying someone who may have threatened someone. which isn't even confirmed yet.
But they are fine with letting israel compete? Who is actively commiting a genocide? and multiple war crimes?
Very interesting priorities guys. Very interesting.
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i-cant-sing · 8 months
I now know over a dozen Israelis and Jews who have died. I know the end of the occupation comes first and foremost. But how am I supposed to explain this blood? Or to pretend there is safety anywhere else for Jews? Or pretend that the safety diaspora Jews think we see is really a ghetto with temporary power?
Like Im just so sick and distraught and have so many now dead friends and that doesnt even come close to the deaths of Palestinians that theres no point in comparing. I dont know what more to do when Israel slowly becomes a tomb for when the U.S finds their out to blame us and start supplying a new group with weapons. Jews have been and will always be an easy target. And now we’re a known occupier—there is no winning without Palestinian democracy…
So... you're saying Israel-Jews are an easy target... they're the victim in Palestine-Israel conflict?
Let's do the math-
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Hm, still think this is a war? And not a fucking genocide? I mean, it possibly can't be that the Israeli government hates Palestinians, can it-
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Oh, but at least Israel/IDF is only targeting terrorists. They certainly wouldn't be hurting minors-
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Well, anon, it doesn't look like the IDF is taking these Palestinians for a picnic does it?
Certainly, other countries must've committed more horrendous crimes than Israel is doing rn. They didn't pay for it, did they-
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I hope you're now distraught over how you've been defending MURDERERS and genocide and ethnic cleansing.
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disco-cola · 4 months
oh also at the berlinale the berlin film festival a documentary called "no other land" won which is an israeli-palestinian co-production about a man named basel adra in the occupied west bank and his life under apartheid. i'm very surprised they even let this one win in the first place tbh. anyway the israeli filmmaker and journalist yuval abraham who in his accepting speech criticized the apartheid and that even tho he and basel only live 30 minutes apart they both lead extremely different lives is now getting death threats. the berlin mayor, who is not jewish by the way, said what he said in his speech was "anti-semitic." a german non jewish politician called a jewish israeli man anti-semitic for calling for equal rights. yuval abraham sadly is part of a minority though and he is going back to israel tomorrow i think, i very much hope he will be safe after his return. israeli jews who have been outspoken about the oppression have fallen victims of their own society themselves way too many times. i dont know how many times i've said i cannot believe it but i simply really just cannot believe the absolute shit show this world is.
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christiansinglebabes · 3 months
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Please if you have money to spare consider buying an esim for gaza, they use these to find their families, coordinate ambulances and show the world the genocide they're going through.
Israel wants them to shut up and has shut off their internet.
Dont let them win.
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09lover · 6 months
i think its about time i did one.. so.. [pinned]
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— 𓄷 as you know, i go by es, he / they + 16. trans demi-boy! this is a milgram only (main)blog. UTC +8:00. i take doodles and writing requests, and random stuff, request rules will be added when made! ꒱
៹ ៸៸ basic — a really big es lover, i write and i also do art here while the rest of my posts are usually random rambles. i usually prefer people reaching out first than i do.
* if you want to be moots, do let me know! i dont bite at all, im actually looking for moots but idk how to. haha..-? if you need tone tags, please let me know!
disclaimer — i tend to talk/interact a lot, suspected auadhd but currently undiagnosed! also usually not caught up with trending or new stuff/drama, so if i am missing out do let me know if needed. much appreciated actually!
* despite being on tumblr for months; im still new to it. amazing right/s, so apologies if i do something wrong, do correct me please.
if i do make you uncomfy or offended in any way, please let me know immediately as well. i either reply to notifs fast or i dont, no inbetween. maybe there is tho. ꒱
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៹ ៸៸ dni — basic dni, israel supporters, irls unless i permit you to interact, inappropriate mlgrm ships. nsfw (jokes r okay), pro/comship etc. i can also block freely if i want to, rarely happens tho.
* i dont mind anyone at any age interacting, so long youre respectful of my boundaries. just dont be a weirdo. ꒱
៹ ៸៸ fandoms — mainly milgram, paralive, aopl & much more which i forgot … but you can ask ! ꒱
៹ ៸៸ favs — es, muu & the whole cast right behind, nayuta & kanata yatonokami / cozmez, hajun yeon, honami osato, vadlip, hajime suzumiya ꒱
៹ ៸៸ funfacts — i love rambling & rping, i have 7 gmails for no reason.. i also have a MINIgram writing series planned! i love cream puffs and my phone’s battery is broken. i dont like donuts. ꒱
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៹ ៸៸ if you want to dm me about anything literally, feel free to do so; but please ask first! thanks.
with that, youve reached the end of this intro post, thank you for reading! hope you know me at least a little bit more now. ꒱
៹ ៸៸ last updated — 1 jan, happy new year. ꒱
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news4dzhozhar · 5 months
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sickleandprose · 5 months
My current job until my time-off runs out is literally "Counter-terrorist Subject Matter Expert," I've worked on combating terrorism for my entire career and I've always had a feeling Palestine was going to be the issue that made me give up on "trying to fix things on the inside," and it did.
Only days after Oct 7 our organization, which provides independent oversight and expertise to the government, was banned from talking about Israel/Palestine. I started my career in a field of white straight cis-men who never listen and only see the world how they want, and I left my field that way without ever getting close to changing it. The government is fundamentally broken. Sanctions are starting to backfire, wars are impossible to win, and terrorism is going to become our new norm with right wing extremists losing retaliative power yearly. If there is anything worth saving in America to build upon, then we have to fight to save it, or at least keep the peace through a transition to a more democratic country. Either way, our country is about to experience the largest domestic terrorism problem from the right as they continue to disenfranchise themselves, and instead of focusing on the actually threat, Genocide Joe has decided to put Israel first.
So let me make this simple as possible as a literal expert of terrorism,
Hamas is not a terrorist organization. Being listed on the Foreign Terrorist Organization list means nothing now days, especially cause last time I worked in that world, all evidence for any designation coming out of the Levant was based almost entirely on Israeli evidence that was obviously "stretched" at best, if not a flat out lie. The Houthi's are not engaging in terrorism, trying to start a blockade to end a genocide is not terrorism.
The Biden administration is purposefully ignoring Israeli war crimes, avoiding triggering the Leahy law or any other of our laws that demand adherence to human rights. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise in 2024, Biden 100% has the power to stop the genocide. He even has the power to stop the genocide and force a two state solution (if you still buy into the possibility of a peaceful two states when Israel is still a genocidal ethnostate).
Anyways, long live the intifada, resistance to your own genocide is never terrorism.
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naartjie-hijabi · 5 months
Most of the judges in the Hague court are probably pro israel. I think even after the evidence provided by South Africa there is little chance for them to win the case. I heard that Saudi joining South Africa at the last moment somehow proves that they arnt gonna win. But iv been thinking abt this a lot and Israel can easily win but what if they let South Africa win just so that the people around the world celebrate and take it as the 1st step toward victory, what of they do it just to make people back off a bit. Israel has tried this b4 too with the "ceasefire" as well. Israel wudnt have agreed to come and fight this case so easily if either they cud win easily or have some hidden motives. Also I'v read that the icj do not posess the complete power to force Israel to do anything they dont want to so it doesnt matter who wins, i hope i'm wrong
I hope that if we win, the world doesnt take a step back but keeps pushing until Palestine is free, but if we lose, that just goes to show how the "justice system" doesnt care aboutl justice at all, hopefully forcing people to take more action and continuing to pressure them until they break, and Palestine is free
Yeah, I get what you're saying. Many people don't even hope that South Africa will win because the reality is that Israel has better backing.
To be honest, I don't think Israel is letting SA win at all. Our lawyers came with a complete argument that left little room for any childish refutes and we addressed almost everything that Israel could have used as a defence. I think that they simply underestimated us.
I don't know much about international law or the ICJ in gneral, so I'll the actual students of law handle that area. Of course I don't think Israel will just admit defeat after being allowed to virtually anything they've wanted for 3/4 of a century.
Regardless of the outcome, we can't sit back and relax. If we win, we continue to make noise and if we lose, we continue to make noise. The goal is Palestine's complete liberation and freedom, not just a ceasefire.
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graysutopia · 8 months
Little mini ramble because I cant believe we need to legit have a kindergartener class on fucking war crimes and human rights violations, but i guess we have too.
War crimes are bad.
There is not a SINGLE fucking justifcation for committing one! I do not care if your side is somehow proved to be objectively good on a cosmic level and your opponents are the devil, you DO NOT DO WAR CRIMES
"Oh but what if my enemies commit one?" Dont care! Still bad! You should be tried at the Hague for doing it along with them.
The big difference between israel and hamas (which im going to premptively disown because how dare i criticize israel without criticizing hamas amiright) is scale and accountability.
Hamas war crime bad. Israel war crime bad. Hamas is a tiny underfunded group of religious extremists who will absolutely be judged by the entire western world once this is all said and done.
Israel is funded with billions of dollars and is lauded as the most democratic place in the middle east. Committing the same (and worse!) war crimes for decades. Before even hamas existed, let alone the attacks that "started" this.
Israel is backed by the entire western world (save for ireland) and if previous wars have shown, will never feel even the whiff of punishment for committing attrocities.
Lets say for sake of argument that israel is 100% objectively good and gaza is 100% objectively evil. The fact that israel is still committing war crimes and has a blatent disregard for human rights is still horrendous. Their war crimes even in the most rose tented view should not be defended.
"What about hamas?" idk what about hamas? Why does israel keep stooping to their level if the hamas are "objectively evil"?
Israel has a *standing military* with insane amounts of funding and support from the western world. If anything people should be MORE OUTRAGED at them committing war crimes over a tiny unregulated geurilla group. (note: hamas war crimes still bad ok we get that right?)
But who am i kidding. human rights arent ever actually upheld. war crimes are never judged on the winning side.
TL d fucking r;
war crime should never be done. the fact israel is doing war crimes is bad. the fact that the western media and zionists dont give a shit is worse.
rant over. I'll maybe touch this up later.
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