#dont sue me im lazy
fandomsoups · 11 months
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woah look at that
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oofuri2003 · 1 year
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Another Naoni <3 this time with a personal focus on emphasizing his more creature-like features!
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haojun · 1 year
I have got to buy an electric kettle for the office. If i have to keep putting mugs of water in the microwave for my morning tea im gonna lose it
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12k4rman0va12 · 5 months
Theory (Blood warning)
there is gonna be more im just lazy
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dont sue me for making victim strong, lets just say the box power ups wear off in like 5 mins idk
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ineffablejaymee · 7 months
i am so normal about tmagp ep 8
*the camera focuses on my dog who i've woken up by screaming my lungs out upon hearing gerry
celia being the tma celia almost confirmed???? i mean come on she knows jons voice, talks about tape recorders, WORKS ON A PODCAST WITH GEORGIE and is looking into interdimentional travel
come on
also no matter how much i loved to hear gerry, LEAVE MY POOR BOY ALONE. the more he shows up in the show the more in danger he is let him live his artistAU fantasy with his unstable grandma who almost certainly was responsible for the fire in the magnus institute
but the tma references made the fandom overlook colins mental breakdown
the computer jmart made him lose his mind whats up with that
ok now time for some overanalysing the statement (im still calling them statements im lazy sue me)
corridors, backrooms, halucinations, oversaturated colors and a tall thin lady holding a dOOR OPEN
on the other hand, a room full of people but turns out they dont really talk, just make noise, and they arent really people, they are just a facade
and the canibaLISM
the entities are a bit lost in this universe arent they. they mustve gotten jumbled up on the way to this universe
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hballegro · 2 months
he is here. kept going 'hes too youthful' but hes like 18 so who care
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radar time baybeee. let the jury know i dont know how to draw crocs. but that wasnt gonna stop me from putting crocs on this little man. he has been sweatin but has not eaten shit like francis rip.
extra treat for the group shot; bj got his resolution boosted so everyone else isnt compressed! you can now see just how much i made hawkeye look like beef jerky compared to everyone else [on accident]!
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its really only bj's right foot thats the issue. you need to be able to see the top of the shoe more. will prolly fix it with the next person i add tbh im just lazy and shoes are really hard
ill prolly draw some flowers now as a break. prolly all their state flowers.
bts cut [more complaining + brief scrapped bucket hat that will return when henry comes up]
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brief interlude
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back at it
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i feel like legally i have to do klinger last, like as the final boss
anyway next im feelin either one of the COs or trapper/frank. one of the Dads or one of the old swamp rats. basically anyone besides klinger and charles rip charles im avoiding you cause i got no idea what you'll wear. im avoiding potter for the same reasons dw bud
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speaking of yes i did make the blue-grey[white]-pink on purpose. sue me. its a good colour scheme and its not my fault hes full of tboy swag i didnt even TRY to do that he just did that himself
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selfawarecobalt · 6 months
bro that fight was absolutely ridiculous! I love Gray but that was clearly main character syndrome. when Freed said that the rune won't cancel every magic to give Gray a chance I knew this was the first excuse to have the Raijinshuu lose. if serious, Freed could've just cancelled everything and the fight would've been over before it even began. then the Gray doesn't feel the torture rune excuse out of nowhere and the fact that Gray won against Evergreen Bickslow AND Freed with all ridiculous reasons and then struggled against an injured and exhausted Mirajane afterwards while Freed was holding up great against an emotional-overdrive, rage power Mira in the fight with her, it's all just so badly written. I would've given Gray the advantage of using devil slayer magic against people like Mira and Freed but at least make it a damn good and difficult fight because not only Mira is a power to be reckoned with, Freed has been set up to be too. then there are Ever and Bickslow qith their eye magics as well, and how they were knocked out was a joke too. I dont want this animated.
EXACTLY. I’ll be the first to admit gray would be powerful enough to defeat individual members of the thunder legion (that main character power boost) but that was an utter piss take. gray still struggled against just bixlow during their first fight, even if he couldve beaten him. that “um actually gray cant feel pain in this form” was completely stupid. ive seen a lot of awful things from modern fairy tail but that was undoubtedly the worst. also that “omg of course i feel pain i was hitting my comewades :((((“ INFURIATED me. didnt have that energy during what i assume was meant to be a “comedic” scene of him just beating the shit out of freed when he was already down. also the whole “lets rip the clothes off the only girl!” thing made me want to barf. i genuinely believe it would’ve been better for their characters if the thunder legion had been killed in the tartaros arc.
also YEAH THE WHOLE “struggled against an exhausted and injured mira” genuinely gave me vertigo after i finally escaped from having it shoved down my eyeholes. like yeah mira was rusty during her fight with freed but she was absolutely rage filled, and it was really emphasised just how powerful she was, and it was STILL a tough fight. against just freed. the whole thunder legion vs gray shouldve been a sweep in the other direction. weve seen they can all work together, using their unique magics to complicate things for enemies.
cant think where else to put this so im slapping this in here. EVEN THOUGH GRAY HAS DEMON SLAYER MAGIC NOW FREED HAS A FUCKING SWORD. also that stupid “gray teleports behind evergreen and bixlow” thing? WHAT KIND OF DEMON SLAYER MAGIC IS THAT. all fairy tail main characters are the worst type of mary sue. and i LIKE mary sues.
evergreen can turn people to stone and fire hundreds of BULLETS and explosions. bixlow can use his babies to beat the shit out of long distance targets and take control of their bodies (NOT TURN THEM CHIBI. HIRO.). FREED CAN FUCKING TURN INTO A DEMON AND ALMOST INSTANTLY TRAP PEOPLE AND DEPRIVE THEM OF OXYGEN, AND CUT A GODDAMN TORNADO IN HALF. THESE ARE VETERAN FIGHTERS WHO WERE ONCE ABLE TO DAMN NEAR TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE GUILD. now theyre just a joke. their personalities have been completely erased and replaced with “omg laxus!!”. im going to hurl
if you HAD to make up an excuse to weaken them, sure you could make up some shit about “oh the barrier particles damaged their magic containers” BUT EVEN THEN THEYRE STILL SMART ENOUGH TO WORK TOGETHER.
seriously. this was the most blatant case of main character nepotism ive literally ever seen. i genuinely despise 100yq, it always felt so lazy and uncreative. uhh yeah actually surprise theres four more acnologias but more powerful. yeah theyre were never mentioned before so what. every character looks the same now. the lucyification of the fairy tail girls needs to be studied. this infection is taking away every single character and the only reactions im seeing to it are “omg glow up!!”
(also i HATE seeing people talk about the spinoff characters like “omg so cute its like an alternate universe” NO ITS JUST LAZY. HE ONLY KNOWS LIKE 4 CHARACTER TYPES AS MAIN CHARACTERS AND IM SICK OF NOONE ACKNOWLEDGING IT)
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higgs-the-god · 5 days
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i dont know i dont know i dont knowwwwww
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laziest size chart thanks
theyre slightly shorter than in canon.... mostly quad..... their hla versions should look significantly different (ie more wrinkly??) but im lazy, sue me. maybe ill redesign them to actually look a Little more doglike. their semi quad ver makes it weird bc they dont have tails for counterbalance. im over thinking this
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trickstarbrave · 18 days
theres a weird trend i see online where ppl assume if you dislike or hate something that means you either think its illegal, believe it should be illegal, and/or want to see it banned in some capacity
i dont think legislation will stop generative ai writing and art. there is no way to make a law that covers generative ai but will not cover human made art, nor would laws actually stop large corporations funneling money into large scale projects like that from bending the rules in their favor. i just think you're an asshole if you use it and also a lazy sack of shit who needs to learn to create something
likewise if you repost someone's art and writing i don't think they need to file for copyright, send a cease and desist, and sue you in a court of law. they can just call you a fucking asshole.
if you cut me off in traffic im not gonna report you to the police. im going to yell, roll down my window, and flip you off though.
assholes are part of living in a society. theres little point in trying to legislate them out of existence because all you'll do is cause problems for yourself. being a massive tool isn't a crime in and of itself, but you deserve to be called a selfish little asshole who doesn't care about anyone else but yourself if you're being a massive tool. there will be other consequences for every action and oftentimes assholes will sooner or later get whats coming to them in some form or another.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
I feel nrs shits on raiden because ed has a problem with the character personally.
Why? I honestly have no fucking clue.
Raiden isn't that hard to understand so im not understanding the big deal.
We can have him go dark but not liu? Oh yes because he's the special one. I forgot. 🙄😒😑
Everyone else can get at least something that makes them feel believable,even likable and flawed.
Oh but heaven forbid liu kang fucks up.
See this is why hc liu is better. Non god liu kang is better.
But back to raiden.
Why is it. Why is it. Whenever raiden makes a reasonable mistake,that anyone can make.You guys take it so hard?
And villainize him.
But if liu makes a mistake its the end of the world but never do the same. Like all is forgiven and forgotten. Emphasis on the forgotten part. 🙄
If any other characters do reasonably fucked up shit. And have decent character flaws. You guys dont bat an eye.
But raidne does it. Suddenly you shit on him.
He cant win no matter what he does,how you write him. Im starting to think you guys hate raiden because you have unresolved daddy issues,authority issues,or you hate to admit that a godly powerful being cant wipe you ass all the time and you *sarcastic shock!* might actually have to solve the problems yourselves?! Wow what a concept.
Like srsly tho. Raiden isn't infallible. But he isn't a fucking chump loser can't get shit done.
He could get shit done but he has a code of honor,rules he has to follow by(that he hates),he has so much on his plate. And honestly you guys never appreciated his character.
Like out of pure spite. Im gonna do raiden self indulgent stuff today. Just to spite people.
Legit half the crap we got in 12. We could have gotten with raiden if you guys at nrs bothered to fucking write him properly. Instead of being lazy selfish pricks with a bias and favoritism towards other characters. *couch liu kang cough* (like i love liu but not written like that,never like that. God liu? Gross. Humble monk warrior liu? Yes)
Because liu kang playing "savior and creator of everything" is disturbing,disgusting,and disrespectful.
Like srsly they are legit telling THE SAME FUCKING STORY AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN. SAME AS 11. SAME SHIT. oh but because its uwu brand liu kang. And not the real liu kang. Suddenly its ok?! No!
Legit mk12....os the same fucking thing. Just liu kang brand.
It's no exciting. Its not new. You guys are lying to yourselves.
We could have had any fucking god charactera in mk do the same shit. And get the same result.
You guys could have had this with raiden. But noooooooo. You wanna shit on a character for shock value and no reason. Gtfoh.
You could have actually done something worth a damn but nope. You only care about gimmicks and whatever carries your attention spans for five secs for a quick fix of serotonin because you can't fucking get thru your heads you are being manipulated by a fucking company that lost passion years ago.
But that's besides the point.
So yeah. Raiden.
I'm so sorry they never gave you the love they should have.
Tobias should sue for your trauma. (Half joking here people. Tobias was the one who created and came up with the idea for raiden in the first place. And layed many foundations for this game but is half heartedly given credit while boon steals (no pun intended) his thunder)
Raiden i am so sorry for your mistreatment.
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*hugs him*
Srsly if you call yourself a mortal kombat fan. And you genuinely hate raiden Do us all a favor and throw yourself in the dumpster fire. Plz. Also block tf outta me.
Look as a shang tsung tsimp. I love many many other characters too. But raiden is a comfort character,tho i self ship with him too he is comfort character. So i won't tolerate slander and disrespect.
Anyways. Raiden....my thunderdilf.....you deserve sm better.
I hope real raiden fans understand this. And make more PROPER kontent for you. Unlike nrs. We will treat you right.
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prettiestboyev · 7 months
so, no, sadly this is not an update on fan pls dont sue
i gotta be honest with y'all, i dont know if im lazy, in a depressive episode, in a writer's block or all three
i HAVE been writing the new chapter trust but i just. can't. if u get what i mean
i have also been writing a request someone sent ages ago and i feel so bad (stayc ref!) if ur reading this just know im almost done 💗
so, this post was not just to bitch about being lazy, trust, i wanted 2 know if yall cld send me scenarios or things YOU want or have imagined to happens in the universe of FAN.
it would really help me for the future of writing this ahaaha
i have to be honest again, i thought 4 a minute (4minute reference!!) to just eliminate the damn au and be over w it, because i wrote and wrote and nothing seemed worthy enough.
but i thought on all the support i have gotten throughout this fanfic, and just knew i couldn't pull that shit on all you guys. so, thank you so much for everyone who's liked, reblogged, commented, everyone who's even READ it, and has been excited for a new chapter.
i literally love all of you and you have been my motivation to continue writing
tldr: ya so im lazy to write, send things u want to happen in fans and btw i almost deleted the book but sikce u guys like it i didnt! thank u for supporting me i'm literally in love you im going to send u a ring soon hehe
- ryu,
changbin my bf
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justafanbutcurious · 16 days
(Making you go to therapy because I did too lol💙) Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool~) 🌈 🌈 ← I'm actually deciding it's negotiable, send it to whoever you want!!
i like the texture of my hair ( dont judge me)
i like that i have a lot of wips in my head ( no not gonna write them)
i like that i can be overconfident sometimes (sue me)
i like that im lazy but somehow very smart
uhm, you do the 5th one
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genre · 4 months
sending this to gif makers whose stuff i like: do you like putting a watermark on your gifs even if there's a possibility it gets cropped out anyway and then reposted 😭💀 the horror stories of reposting just discourage me from giffing. how have you dealt with this anxiety
my question but phrased better ➡️ if you're a music gif maker, how did you deal with the anxiety and decision to put OR not to put a watermark on your gifs even if there's a possibility it gets cropped out anyway and then reposted 😭💀 what helped you make your decision? sometimes we gif 🏴‍☠️ content so the material isn't ours in the first place, but it's the reposting/reclaiming (+ without crediting) when you barely get reblogs here that's annoying
first off: thanks for liking my gifs! even tho i dont make them anymore the answer’s gonna be long but bear with me
at this point, reposting is just an unfortunate outcome of the game. im not saying DONT make gifs but just be aware there’s going to be a chance that it’ll happen, especially if youre making content from something that’s trending
luckily the gifmaker community here understands your woes and will support you. if you ever do find yourself getting reposted, let people know! make a callout post! link your gifs so people will reblog the right one!
now, there’s no right way of watermarking. ive seen big artists place their watermark front and center, censor parts of their artwork, and even going far as to linking to their patreon for the full pic. i put my watermarks usually along the artwork where it fits best w/o obstructing the overall piece
also, i dont make watermark all my gifs. my reasoning is that if im only making gifs that copy+paste the media, even if i change it with my coloring, its still recognizable enough for people to know that it’s not mine. HOWEVER, if i add something to it or borrow that content to make it my own (i.e adding overlays, making motion graphic posters with it, basically anything that shows it’s an original piece and not just a giffed scene) then i add my watermark. if it’s something i add to my professional portfolio then yeah all the more reason to put a watermark on it.
yes there’s still a risk of someone cropping it out and reposting it. but at least when i make a post abt it, i can point out ‘hey this fucker removed my watermark look at the upload date and the shitty cropping’. idk if tumblr’s gotten better at suspending reposters (prolly not) but i can report someone and have substantial evidence. worst case scenario, i can sue them for copyright infringement since my watermark is a copyright its not but they dont know that
im at the point in my life where i luckily dont get discouraged from the lack of reblogs. im happy with just a comment saying my stuff looks cool and most of the time, creating gifs is a learning process for me so the reblogs and likes are just a small fraction of the motivation. just dont let the lazy ass fucks stop you from creating gifs and enjoying your hobby. i think thats what matters the most at the end of the day.
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ynwa-chiesa · 6 months
24 and 39 for the ask game 🫶🏾 — @lee-kangin
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
I fully taught myself how to draw! And i think im quite good at that so thats number one! I also think when i consider what people i was around as a kid that i raised myself to be nice and logical which is also a HUGE achievement OH and i got a 2,2 abitur even though i barely studied because im lazy <3
25. Youtuber you’re obsessed with
Idk which one to say so that i dont out myself as a little freak i need to check…. I usually just watch what stumbles over my fyp…. Ive always watched saltyphish because im a overwatch FREAK… i love memeulous :( sue me!!! Thats the only ones ill allow myself to name ….. maybe also philosophy tube but i wasnt able to get into her stuff that much recently
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dear-happypills · 8 months
i hate going to work.
its about 5 cigarettes before 9, a chug of those keurig coffee pod, and a 30-min round of meditation before i think,
"okay .... fine........."
HAHAHA. yea, i hate going to work....
and maybe, im a bit depressed too..
noone really knows.
if i could tell you about the injustices of being a laborer in the cruel world driven by illusions, hypocrisy, greed, laziness, ... yadi yadi yah... me being happypills might make a little more sense.
because i dont have any friends or a hobby or a social life (SUE ME), its probably the reason why i put so much thought and effort into the work i do. and i mull over the events throughout the day, and just curl from the stress of thoughts and thoughts and thoughts .... from that day.
so, yea, i guess i put a lot of thought and effort into the work i do.
i mean,............... i am getting paid after all..... so its only sensible i should work hard?
but.,,,, idk.............. why am i thrown daggers for trying to be more efficient, accountable, diligent, collaborative, yadi yadi yah?
i come to think of it as,
"oh, maybe people just dont like me very much"
even here they dont like me very much...
even here............................ ---> and if i could tell you how that thought reminds me all the personal relationships ive ever had. me being happypills might make a little more sense.
after work, my chemistry has become to escape reality by getting high or succumbing to the virtual world before i self implode in my loneliness.
though ive been told that loneliness isnt a justification. and i think i agree.
-- -- - - - - -- - - --- -
yet, there is this pit that i cant get out of. and it seemingly gets deeper.
but lets clear the air.
im not... like a psychopath, and a dangerous thing. (maybe just a splash of autism. idk.)
and if you think,
"oh wow, happypills really dislikes the system. "
well yea, thats true, but im not nihilistc. i WANT something better.
i believe in justice, love, and beauty... and Jesus, obviously. and i exist to be in service of that. to glorify that...
even as a heathen that i am....
for i am happypills.
but the whole point of me being happypills, is just that i am one of many.
a pill that exists in ... in service and then forgotten ... in this world. used and abused by institutions, disrespected by other pills constantly, unrecognized by the collective. yet hoping and praying that my chemistry will eventually and faithfully transcendend out of my shell, and out of the giant pill bottle...
to beyond.
you know????
i like to think of happypills as a representative of long suffering. LLLLllloooong suffering.........................
me: ... ahem..... okay. i dunno why you have to say 'long' like that. kinda weird
happypills: shut up you. are you having fun NOT working while I DO?
me: youre the one who wanted to switch places with me...
happypills: you TRICKED meh.
me: but wow. wow. tha ... that. was a great monologue of your experience with work.
and your philosophy.....
i mean. yea.
people will find an experience that happypills had
as a laborer
SO insightful and relatable. yea. its great. sohh great.
happypills: ive learned at work, that what youre doing is sarcasm.
pill you.
me: well pill you. youre all that i have to come to home to after work, so sucks for you.
happypills: *sigh ... yea.. frrealz.. depression am i right?
- happypills
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smolcuriouskitten · 10 months
🚩🚩🚩 {soft vs hard blocking, people who selectively reply to one or two mutuals ~usually their hardcore ships~ and make others wait aeons, your least favourite fandom or oc type}
SOFT BLOCKING IS STUPID. Heres my thing with blocking in general, unless you are harassing me, making my space unsafe or uncomfortable, I block. Any other case, I unfollow. If you feel as if a mun, soft blocking is necessary because you dont want to interact with a blog feels a little silly? Like I only see popular muses who get endless interactions complain about having to soft block people when most people are interested in reading their writing/material. In those cases, its stupid because some abuse the power of blocking people. If you feel the need to do so, use hard blocks as a means to an end, soft blocking can cause alot of confusion to people who want to admire your material.
SELECTIVE DOESNT MEAN ONLY RESPOND TO 2 PEOPLE. This bothers the hell out of me. Me personally, if I go through the trouble of making a blog, making this my space, making tidbits and character information, maybe even a few verses if I am feeling spicy, I do it to be able to widen my audience. WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THE BLOG IF YOU ONLY RESPOND TO 2 PEOPLE?! Just roleplay on discord or privately at that point, theres no need to even keep the damn blog active since you dont use it! I dont want to invalidate anyone who does this but we can tell when you only respond to your favorite ship/person. This doesnt apply to blogs who run on a queue system or even those who only have muse for specific threads, I mean those who make the blog and scope out 2 people and no pass go after that. And not to mention your other mutuals can tell you dont give a shit about them due to not responding as quickly to them as you do your fav! And when you call them out on it, 'oH i LoVe OuR iNtErAcTiOnS!' Oh fuck off.
ANDROIDS AND SUPERHEROS NO. My least favorite fandom roleplay wise is both Marvel and Detroit Becoming Human. Those two fandoms in my experience have been allergic to roleplaying outside of their fandom/circle and its exhausting! Like I understand most people are used to their same friend group of roleplay buddies but they are the same ones that complain about lack of interactions! You can only do so many scenarios with the same few characters and after that it becomes monotonous! Venture out! Explore! Dont even get me started on the DBH fandom because they were full of literal assholes when I got into the fandom. Between them ignoring anyone who didnt play an android or being involved with drama or not being understanding of people JUST getting into the fandom, they can kick ROCKS. For the record, I met some pleasant people from both fandoms but I ran into more assholes than ever.
OCS CANNOT BE MARY SUES. Okay as a person who always roleplayed as an oc, theres plenty of takes I can have. I hate OC's that are played as mysterious but they are that way because of their creator refuses to write down their information. I hate OC's with a backstory that copies a canon characters to a T. Taking elements from them is different, for me, I take Rocky's origin story from superman, mannerisms taken from Rarity and early feminine culture, etc etc. Most OC creators dont know the difference between inspired and copied. I hate OC's that are perfect. Oh combat roleplays end quickly because they kill your muse in one shot. You hit them and it doesnt work. They attract everyone because they are perfect and beautiful and have no flaws! I hate OC's that use the same 5 faces as if their arent billions upon billions of faces in the world to use. Im one to talk since I use Instagram models but I am so SICK of people just using actors from a popular show because they know it would get clicks, its lazy and we can see through your laziness. I hate OC's that are children of a canon but dont respect the canon at all. "oh Dean Winchesters my dad but he hunts with me all of the time and takes me gun shopping and lets me drive baby and lets me-" THATS NOT DEAN AS A CHARACTER AT ALL! You can argue 'wElL hE mIgHt HaVe ChAnGeD sInCe ThE bAbY!' BULLSHIT. Dean wouldnt let Sam drive or take care of Baby at first, what in the hell makes you think his KID is exempt from that rule?! AND FARTHER MORE, THAT MAN HAS BEEN THROUGH HELL AND BACK AT THE EXPENSE OF BEING A KID WHOSE DAD HUNTED. WHY WOULD HE PUT HIS KIDS IN THE SAME SITUATION?!
Bonus tidbit. My hatred of DBH muses came from this one RK800 muse. Their blog was beautiful and I was new to Tumblr. I didnt know anything about the mutual system or how they would have their rules shown. They were the first blog that caught my eye so I began to interact with them. On one of the asks, they sent me a screenshot of their rules and called me an asshole for interacting with them since they were mutuals only. Wattpad didnt have a system like that so needless to say, that single interaction has haunted me. I dont like interacting with new blogs first most of the time due to that one sour experience. This screenshot is about 4 years old now and this one interaction STILL haunts me.
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