#dont worry i still have all my bits and bobs
artsyunderstudy · 2 months
bad news gang im hella cursed
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lichtecht · 10 months
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first attempt at colouring digitally featuring how i imagine fem peter
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feelo-fick · 7 months
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"Oh, FINALLY, another visitor! It's so quiet in here, it's unnerving..."
This AU was meant to be posted on halloween but eh.... Happy Thanksgiving? HAHAHHA
still dont have a name for it, but basically, back in october i was suddenly hit with the need to have a halloween au, so now we have ghost-ified prismo and vampire/witch-ified scarab :D ( although didnt finish the scarab reference spread in time because uh, school and i lost motivation unfortunately )
au synopsis and rambling below the cut!!
the premise of this au is simple : scarab is a real estate agent whos known for his manners ( never barges in, always waits to be invited! though it is a little weird how he keeps asking to be let inside even if they already agreed that he was going to come over... ) and efficiency at his job - that is, convincing people to buy high-end housing for a good price. although his social skills need some... work, his ability to persuade people isnt something to be laughed at.
unfortunately for him, persuading the higher-ups is a completely different story - which he learned the hard way after flunking something big for the company. they dont choose to fire him, no. instead, they put him through a trial, assigning him to sell their most unprofitable property : the mansion in a small town locally known for being haunted by an "evil spirit". if scarab manages to sell it (for good profit) within six months, he is excused and is able to go on with his job. if not... well, best not to think about it, yes? after all, he'll succeed with ease - all he has to do is dispel any worries about some fake "ghost" that only exists as a result of filthy rumors. maybe clean up the place. not too hard, right?
meanwhile, stuck inside said mansion is an extremely bored prismo. hes been hangin around this place for like... how many years now? forty? a hundred? meh, all the same, lately the place has been quieter than usual. i mean- of course people dont just walk into a creepy mansion every day, but there would usually be at least a few bold kids or vloggers coming in now and then for him to entertain but even then they wouldn't stay long ( for obvious reasons ). and now, just some unbound spirits or dumb animals would pass by and thats about it. a guy can only entertain himself for so long, yknow?
that is, until today. when some posh-looking business man entered the premises and started snooping around ( whats the deal with that, by the way?? ). must be prismo's lucky day!! this is the perfect chance to pull out all the stops and play the FUNNIEST prank ever! hah!
... oh. looks like things've gotten a little out of hand.
WOOT WOOT WOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!! im so so happy to finish this because ohhhhh my god this has taken ages for no reason other than the fact that ive been really dragging myself to make presentable art JSNDJSJXNSJX.... i realize that i have never worked in real estate ( or at all ) which means i have probably fucked something up but uhh um ill deal with the backlash later :"D im also realizing how many odd unanswered bits and bobs this au is going to have in the future, which... i am ignoring for the most part for now, but there are SOME things that i DO have figured out like ghost lore... but thats for another time, for now i leave you with this >:)
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mshroom1e · 1 year
Hello! It's my first time requesting but I loved ur azul fic omg. Can I please have azul x gn! Reader where azul maybe comforts the reader because they can see they're really tired and always sleeping in and just not feeling all that great mentally. (Depression episode I suppose) if you dont want to write something depressing that's alr! Then maybe just like headcanons of napping with azul u can make it crack if u want I dont mind. Whatever ur comfortable with! If u like neither feel free to not do this request that's alr. Thank you :) have a good day and week ♡
Hello, thank you so much for the request!! I'm sorry it took so long for me to answer but I hope you enjoy it. I really liked writing the hcs stuff and can't wait to do more of them in the future. Finally, I hope I did well portraying how Yuu feels throughout this.
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type: fanfic/hcs
Summary: Yuu hasn't been feeling the best and Azul tries his best to help with feeling better. Comfort, followed by some headcanons.
1.3k words
tags: reader receiving comfort, fluff
Warning(s): Depressive Episode
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Life at NRC was rough. Everything went as swimmingly as a house on fire and you were completely drained. Exhausted.
Getting out of bed was much more of a hassle than it should've been. You were constantly exhausted, already having had enough of the day despite it just being started. No matter how much you tried, your body wouldn't cooperate and just flop back onto the bed. You were late to class on most mornings, and on the days you did manage to make it on time, you were in a vicious battle with sleep and always seemed to lose. The persistent tiredness and overall low mood made you feel, to put it plainly, like absolute shit.
On one particular morning, you couldn't find it in yourself to get out of bed. Virtually, you had given up. All that was left of your little remaining willpower diminished. Dissipated.
Azul noticed the lack of your presence instantly. He usually passed by you in hallways before class, always smiling at you or greeting you as you crossed paths. It was unusual to never see you at all during the day. He realised your worsening mental and physical conditions a few days before you didn't show up at school, but thought it was just him seeing it as no one else he asked seemed to notice at all. He was extremely worried, but for the life of him, he couldn't think of what to do to help you in any good way.
Concern for you became full-fledged worry as you were nowhere to be seen at the Mostro Lounge. About a week prior, you promised Azul that you would meet up with him at the lounge to spend some time together once it closed as you were both too busy to see each other during the day. At first, he thought it was just a simple case of being stood up on a date, but something inside him told him it was something more than that. Something he needed to help with.
So that's why Azul found himself in front of the rickety Ramshacke dorm, a bag of bits and bobs in tow, all gathered to make you feel better. The outside door was unlocked, which made sense as it was still during the day. He let himself into the dorm's entrance, greeting the air as he entered.
"Pardon the intrusion..." Azul gently pushed your bedroom door with his foot, arms full of all the items he brought in the hopes of making you feel better.
He carried mostly snacks, medicine, in case you were sick, blankets, a few oversized clothes since he knew how much you loved wearing them, and other things he thought you might need.
The human-sized lump under the covers of your bed was enough to tell Azul where you had been the whole day. His shoulders slumped as he set down the bags and carefully approached you.
You lay on your side, face almost completely covered by your blanket. You weren't even able to muster the strength to greet Azul when he walked into the room as you stared straight ahead, eyes glazed over and staring at nothing.
"Yuu?" He called out your name and placed himself on a spot next to you on the medium sized bed, the mattress slowly dipping under the new mass on top of it.
If Azul was being completely honest with himself, he had no idea what to do. He was so used to only relating with the majority of his peers due to his deals and other shady business that he gained such little emotional intelligence.
When you didn't reply, he settled for placing a hand on where he assumed your shoulder was, as if to let his prescence be known by you and for you to know that you weren't alone anymore.
Azul sat with you for a few minutes before you reached out of the blanket bundle and softly wrapped your hands around his torso, pulling him towards you in some sort of awkward hug. His eyes widened a fraction before he relaxed and allowed you to hold him.
There was a little more awkward shuffling before you ended up with your head on his shoulder and hands clutching onto the back of his uniform tightly. He leaned back onto the headboard and let your body weight rest on himself. He figured he would just wait until you were happy enough to start talking, so he slowly rubbed circles on your back as he felt his shoulder become damp.
Your silent tears became sniffles and sobs as you could finally release all the emotional constipation you felt. As you cried, you practically latched onto Azul like a koala, hugging him as you imagined Floyd would "squeeze" people.
His body was more cool than warm. Frequent hugs and touches with Azul taught you that his body didn't regulate its own heat at all, meaning he was always cold to the touch and today was no exception. Despite the chilling cold, he was still comfortable to lean against. His lack of warmth was made up by your own.
After your sobs and sniffles reduced, you pulled away from Azul, your face a few inches away from his and your eyes looking to the side.
"I'm sorry..." you started, "about all this."
Azul's eyes softened. He felt something inside him sting at the state you were in. To him, you were a beacon of light. Your presence was enough to give him a reason to keep going. Always managing to shine brightly despite whatever life threw at you. But no pillar lasts forever. Even the most formidable were due to crumble sooner or later. However, it can remain standing and in good condition when taken care of and supported in the correct way. And that was exactly what Azul was going to do.
He may not have the best way with words outside his deals and shady transactions, but he knew he could support you by listening and doing his best to take care of you until you were able to pick yourself back up and continue being as brilliant as you always were.
Azul would be so awkward but try his best when comforting someone.
Awkward back pats all the way
I imagine that he wouldn't say much, but his comforting actions are enough to make his s/o feel a lot better.
Definitely cancells whatever he's doing to make time to spend with you.
He'd have a list somewhere of all the things you like. From your favourite snacks to what takes your mind off things the most.
He wouldn't blatantly ask about your likes though, he'd probably watch the way you interact with things for a while and then ask you if you like those certain things.
Speaking of his list, he has a cute notebook dedicated to you since studying is what he does best.
He would use his cooking skills to make your favourite comfort dish.
Would smile genuinely when you compliment his cooking but would try to hide it behind smirking while adjusting his glasses, like he usually does.
Once you're done eating, you would play board games together and watch your eyes light up with a huge dopey smile on his face.
He'd maybe lose on purpose just to see you cheer up after gaining a victory. He might do that once in a while but don't expect him to always go easy on you, especially when you notice him letting you win or if you love competition.
Sucks at acting so you can definitely tell when he's pretending to lose
Is pretty good at hugs
His body feels cold to the touch, because octopus, but its a comforting kind of cold he radiates.
If you're shorter, he places his head on top of yours when you lean against him and if you're taller, you rest your head on his shoulder or he rests his head on yours.
"You have absolutely nothing to apogise for. You deserve so much for all that you've done and I wish that whatever appreciation that others don't show you, you should be the one to show yourself."
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wackoffwinter · 3 months
i wanna know about the entire cast for the swap au. how would ramona's dynamic with the exes act as?
Ok word vomit incoming. tldr at the end for basics just scroll till you see tldr in blue, the essay is for the real bitches who like lore
Obviously in my au knives takes gideons spot rather than a different ex of scotts like how other ppl do but i decided to make her the daughter of a rich business man (mr.chau) who is gonna pass the business down to her when shes 20 (in my au knives and scott “date” when she like 16/17 like in the books but a good chunk of the exes bullshit + everything before happens right when she turns 19 and she does like. a few chapters into the book and then at the end of the series around the canon gideon scott fight is when shes 20) ofc this also changes scotts age a bit but. lowk idgaf abt him rn hes like 26 at the start or so now instead of 24. roxie and wallace swap place unfortunately, i dont like wallace but i have to put him somewhere. roxie is a semi popular artist and ramona is a mooch who showed up to her apartment after a bad breakup and just never left but they actually have a nice apartment but theyre still in Canada(she drunkenly got on multiple buses and trains from nyc to Toronto at roxies place and survived dont ask how its that white girl swag).
todd takes kims place shocker i know. the twins,todd and ramona all have a band together they replace sex bob omb because they all attend the same college in this au
lucas lee and lisa switch. (yes todd,ramona and lucas beef still happens dont worry)
envy is the 3rd ex and is dating gideon. she has pyromancy psychic powers rather than vegan ones. kim is the first ex still hung up on how scott ditched her in highschool only to find out he was two timing her with lisa. the twins end up. Somewhere. Julie takes one of the twins spots (holly might take the other one. I dont know)
I hate it when ppl age down matthew patel to fit knives’ spot but its also kinda weird because of the whole age difference thing its Odd no shade to anyone who does but it icks me out so im not doing it. Matthew is this guy ramona dates but shes lowk using him for money and cheats on him multiple times (manipulating him to forgive her) before scott is even in the picture.
also in my edit we see she still dyes her hair but she only does highlights and streaks because shes too afraid of commitment in more ways than one.
tbh i need to develop this more but heres the skeleton of my idea also all the exes are friends and often hang out at roxies place but matthew is the last to join them but theyre all friends who dislike ramona lowkey but tolerate her.
if im missing anyone you wanna hear about send me another ask!
TLDR; all of ramonas exes r technically her friends but they do not actually fw like that until the end.
ramona(loser leech)<-->scott(manic pixie dream boy whos life i being tampered with by knives)
roxy->wallace (lesbian semi known artist roommate)
matthew->knives (not aged down,chump being used)
knives -> gideon (daughter of a business man whos passing it down)
todd->kim (whore drummer)
lucas lee->lisa (new actor. Whore)
twins-> stephen stills (in ramonas band)
kim->matthew (first ex)
lisa->lucas (second ex)
envy ->todd(third ex)
wallace->roxy (fourth ex)
julie + hollie-> twins (fifth and sixth ex)
knives doesn't want scott anymore but shes set on making sure he pays for what he did (cheated,lied, used her for money etc)
ty for being interested in my au! idk if im gonna keep doing stuff for it or yk have it as a little side project to keep me busy sometimes! also i did take inspo from other ppl to kinda Frankenstein this together
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Okay okay hear me out on this….you’ve been with hangman for a while and being the dick (affectionate) that he is one night he teases and edges you until you finally admit who else on the dagger squad you want to fuck and the name you spit out is the only one he didn’t expect to hear….Bob.
So one night at the hard deck while you’re away for a moment getting another drink at the bar he offers you up to Bob, thinks it’ll be a good experience for him, maybe he’ll loosen up and learn a thing or two.
We all know good and well tho that it’s always the quiet ones and Bob does in fact fuck so it’s no suprise to you when he takes the reins. He’s still Bob so he’s still gentle in a way so it only makes sense that he kisses you softly as his hand grips your throat and that he tells you how good you are after he demands you cum again despite the overstimulation
Look at you, such a good girl all fucked out for me, gonna make you nice and cock drunk so you don’t have to worry about thinking anymore okay darlin’?
After Bob fucks you past the point of screaming, your eyes glazing over and your mind fogging as you went cock drunk, he finally finishes, cumming deep inside you with a groan. He’s gentle as he pulls out of you, presses a kiss to your forehead and shushes you when you whine i know baby I know you dont like being empty but it’s okay, now it’s Jake’s turn to fuck you and keep you nice and full
Anyway happy Wednesday 😊
i’m on my knees crawling for more of this because holy shit. soft!dom bob!! soft!dom bob!! soft!dom bob!!!!!!!
the bit where he grips your throat but still kisses you softly!!!!! and the soft and gentle words “i know, i know baby i know you don’t like being empty” “look at you, such a good girl all fucked out for me” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i actually had to take five after reading this. this has completely flawed me my brain is so mushy right now. even though it’s his first time fucking you, he’s not holding back and giving it to you good just so you remember what it feels like. he almost wants to fuck you better than jake, just to prove to him that he’s not this quiet and shy guy. he fucks and he fucks good.
when jake takes over and keeps you nice and full, you whine out at the sensation again. jake has to admit it, he loves sloppy seconds and he loves seeing you completely cock drunk for someone else. his ego can’t help himself though and he’s slapping your cheek lightly to bring you back to him. “focus on me now, sugar. you can have bob all over again, promise.”
jesus christ thank you so so so much for this incredible thot my dear!!!!! 💌💖
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coco-loco-nut · 2 years
The Captain’s Daughter (4)
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Reader/OC
Warnings: Angst maybe, sibling fluff, sadness, betrayal, fluff, implied sex
Summary: Maverick adopted Goose and Carole’s daughter, she’s one hell of a pilot, and Bob is smitten
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | alternate ending | part 4
      "I thought you lived in an apartment?" Bradley says as she turns into the driveway. Nicole doesn't answer, just getting out of the car.
      "Martin, you just saw me," She laughs, scratching his back.
     "You got a dog?" Bradley is just confused. He looks around and sees a wedding picture hanging from the wall and he pales a little. "You didn't?" He says and Nicole stands up a little straighter.
     "Bradley. You never would have approved. I was happy and I still am. You are the first one we are telling," Nicole says as Martin starts to gently paw at Bradley's leg. She leaves out Bob's parents, it not being a crucial detail in the moment.
    "I guess I did make it seem that way. I'm sorry. I am happy for you, and I'm glad it's Bob. God, could you imagine Seresin? Phoenix is the only one who can really keep up with him," Bradley shakes his head after a few minutes of silence. "How long?" He looks at the photos closely.
   "A little more than two years," Nicole can see that Bradley is a bit upset, but choses to ignore it.
   "God, I just can't believe you got married first," Bradley laughs. He has a girlfriend, but he isn't rushing to tie the knot.
    "Dinner's done," Bob's voice rings through the hallway. Nicole leads Bradley through the house and to the back porch.
    "Bob," Bradley hugs his now brother-in-law.
    "Thanks for not killing me," He says a bit shyly.
     "The only one you need to worry about is Mav. I know that you wouldn't hurt her and you two keeping it a secret was for a reason. I don't even blame you, I'm just a little upset you didn't involve me in your conspiracies. You must have so much fun gaslighting everyone," Bradley laughs, sitting down and noticing the wedding rings.
   "Thanks. We have been debating telling you for so long. We just weren't ready for everyone to know," Nicole smiles softly. They all dig into their food while Bradley asks them questions about their marriage.
    "Amelia is going to be so excited," Bradley smiles.
    "Yeah, she's always wanted a brother," Nicole nods, purposefully annoying Bradley.
    "I'm excited to have siblings in general. In-laws or not, being an only child kinda sucks," Bob slightly changes the subject.
    "I dont know. I was doing pretty well until Butthead over here came along," Bradley shoots back. Bob gives his wife a small 'I tried' shrug.
    "Uh huh. Just for that I'm not naming my child after you," Nicole sticks her tongue out at her brother.
    "She isn't pregnant," Bob hastily adds before Bradley reacted.
    "Good," Bradley laughs it off, enjoying seeing his baby sister happy.
    The happy couple landed and were pulling up to Penny and Pete's new home. It was closer to Sarah since she and the Mitchell's frequently got together.
    "Please don't let your Dad kill me," Bob says, looking at all of them standing outside to greet them.
    "I'm more worried about him killing me," Nicole replies, grabbing Bob's hand and squeezing it after she parks the car.
    "Nicky," Maverick embraces her, holding her tight for a minute.
    "I missed you, Dad," Nicole hugs him back, inhaling the familiar scent of his cologne.
   "Bob," Maverick extends his hand to the WSO, not asking any questions.
    "It's good to see you again Sir," Bob shakes his hand. Penny and Pete help unload the suitcases and bring them inside.
    "How is Hawaii and when can I visit?" Amelia walks between Bob and Nicole.
    "It's great, especially the local seafood and cuisine. I might never leave," Nicole smiles. Both she and Bob had golden tan skin from endless days in the sun.
    "Bob, right? You are Nicky's WSO," Amelia confirms."I love the best friend vibe with you two, especially since you fly together," She smiles, clearly shipping her sister with Bob.
    "Bob, we are always glad to see you, but we didn't expect you to tag along," Penny does her best to not sound irritated or mad. Bob was one of her favorite customers when he was still in San Diego. Everyone sits down in the living room. Bob and Nicole on one couch, Penny and Pete on the other, and Amelia vibing on a chair.
    "About that, Bob and I-"
    "You are dating. I knew it as soon as you two turned in," Pete cuts her off, but Penny and Amelia notice the guilty and ashamed look on Nicole and Bobs faces.
    "Actually, Dad, we are married. For two years now," a pin dropping could be heard as Pete processes the information.
     "How?" Penny breaks the silence. She is taking it a little worse than Amelia -who is over the moon- but so far better than Pete.
    "We eloped. No one knows, except Bradley who we told just before coming back here. It wasn't an easy decision to keep this a secret for so long. It hurt to not tell any of our family and friends, but at the same time it was easier this way," Nicole tries to explain, trying not to explicitly blame her fathers rule as a reason they kept it a secret.
    "That's so cool. It's like you two were undercover spies," Amelia tries to lighten the mood.
    "We were actually going to, uh, plan a vow renewal to serve as a real wedding for our families and friends since we decided to come clean," Bob adds, glancing at his lock screen. It was one of their wedding portraits. When they eloped, they hired a photographer, thrifted a wedding dress since Bob wore his whites, and got an officiant along with two strangers to witness. The really struck their luck with the photographer as the photos are beautiful.
    "That sounds like a wonderful idea," Penny smiles, already planning the second wedding.
    "You two are happy?" Pete finally asks.
    "The happiest," Nicole smiles, leaning into Bob a little.
    "Well, I guess there is no need to get upset over it. Especially if I will get to walk my daughter down the aisle," Pete decides, even if he is still a little upset. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, especially Bob. They hadn't booked a hotel room just in case things went south.
    "I knew it! You two looked too close," Amelia comments. Nicole had forgotten that she tends to post on Snapchat.
    "I would actually kinda hope so," Nicole laughs, playing with the ends of Bob's hair.
    The week passed quickly, with them leaving on the sixth day to start their journey to Texas. Bob had grown close and fond of the Mitchell family, they returned the sentiment. Penny sent them on their way with snacks and a hug. Pete promised them and Amelia would visit soon. However, Bob and Nicole were more than ready to leave. The sexual tension was simmering between them. After not doing anything for a week, they were needy, which explains why Bob's hand is on Nicole's thigh as she thinks of everything she wants to do to him in the hotel while driving. The situation isn't helped by Nicole telling him that she wants to have his child. It's a good thing they booked a hotel near Bob's childhood home for the second week. They stop halfway for the night.
    "Robert, I need you," Nicole groans as they quickly find the bed. Bob, being more than happy to please, starts attacking her with kisses, grinding himself against her.
    "You like that, baby girl?" He growls. It's always the shy, quiet ones, and he is now a master at his job. Even after two years, things are just as thrilling as the first time.
   "Please, Bobby," Nicole whines, tugging at his hair. When they got to sleep, they only had a couple hours before they had to hit the road again. They were delayed leaving anyway since Bob suggested they save water and share a shower.
    The way there is much more relaxed since the mutual desire isn't costing the air. They sang through multiple playlists as Bob drove and he shared stories of being an only child. He told her more of his embarrassing stories, only so his mom didn't beat him to it.
    "Robby!" His mom greets him with a hug. They made it in time for a late dinner.
   "Hi, Ma. I want to finally introduce you to someone. This is Nicole," Bob smiles at his wife. It was nice having them know, even if it's taken so long for them to meet.
   "You are beautiful. Just call me Ma," Rebecca hugs her daughter, who happily hugs back. The two have conversed via letter for a while, they love each other already.
    "I'm so glad to finally meet you. We would've been here earlier but we never got enough leave," Nicole says, following her inside to find Bob's dad as Bob unloads the car.
    "Nicole? It that you?" George asks with a smile, pulling his daughter-in-law into a hug.
    "It is," she smiles, hugging him back. Rebecca noticed the little details, like how Nicole was wearing one of Bob's t-shirts from high school, and how Bob immediately relaxed more when she touches him. Or how they give each other the same look of adoration and Bob plays with her engagement ring, the one that was given to Rebecca from George.
    "So Ma, we were thinking of doing another wedding so all our friends and family could be there this time," Bob tells her and Nicole gets them in contact with Pete and Penny. Like the last week, their time off goes by too quickly and Nicole is piloting their plane back to Hawaii from San Diego.
    "Bobby. I really want to be a mom. These two weeks have made me realize it. I know we talked about it a bit in San Diego, but I'm committed to this," Nicole says out of the blue as Bob watches the radar. The blue ocean below them as they fly west.
   "Really?" he nearly chokes on air. They had been going condom-less for a while, but Bob always pulled out even if that's not an effective birth control method.
   "Yes, I think when we get back, it's time to make you a father," She flirts and Bob internally groans, feeling himself get hard.
    "Baby, there's nothing I want more than to put my child in you," Bob replies, his voice a little darker, having the same effect on his wife that she had on him.
    Neither of them really say anything on that topic, just letting the tension build until they are kicking Rooster out from house-sitting.
     A couple months later, they are scheduled to do their annual physical before a mission. Bob went first but had work to do on base.
    "Commander Floyd, is their any chance you may be pregnant?" the doctor asks, her voice a little confused as she goes over the results of a blood sample.
    "It could be possible, yes," Nicole replies, cheeks flushing.
    "Well, then I suppose a congratulations are in order. I have no issue with you flying as you are so early on. I will refer you to an OB/GYN on base, he is great. Other than that, you have a clean bill of health," the doctor clears her to fly. Seeing as she has nothing else to do today, Nicole pops by the drugstore and grabs a pregnancy test to surprise Bob with. Bob is on base all day so it's just her and Martin, when the test shows positive, Nicole starts planning.
     "Hey Nicole, what's up?" Penny asks over the phone, she is doing a conference call between Penny and Rebecca.
    "I'm pregnant! I haven't told Bob yet since he's on base, but I wanted to tell both of my mothers. I only had time for a quick call, but can you both keep it a secret?" Nicole asks, fiddling with the test. She had to tell someone, and Phoenix is out of the question. After both women agree, they hang up and Nicole finishes her reveal plan. She's almost done with dinner as Bob walks in, tired from the day. He approaches his wife and hugs her, resting his head on her shoulder.
    "I'm so tired," Bob murmurs. Nicole reaches up and plays with his hair.
    "I know. Dinner is done," she turns around and captures his lips in a soft kiss. Bob groans as she pulls away, just wanting cuddles. They sit at the table and eat, talking about their day. Nicole starts the dishes as Bob cleans the table and countertops.
   "Hey Bobby, do you mind grabbing something for me in my bag," Nicole nods to the one sitting on the table by the front door. As Bob walks towards it, she grabs her phone and starts filming.
    "Babe, there's only one thing in here- oh. Are you really? I'M A DAD!" Bob cheers and runs over to his wife. She quickly turns off the camera and sets the phone down before he can hug and kiss her.
   "I just found out," she laughs, giving him another kiss.
    "Nicole, baby, I'm so happy," Bob beams.
   "I can tell," Nicole brushes some of his hair off his face, both of them smiling at each other.
   "Oh my god, we gotta tell everyone," Bob is basically jumping up and down at this point. Nicole grabs her phone and pulls him to the couch with her.
    Their friends were just coming to terms with their marriage and deception, especially Nicole officially taking Bob's last name. When someone is told to report to Commander Floyd, there is usually a 'which one' question. So when they all got a simultaneous ping on their phone from a group chat with a video, there was plenty of shock to go around. The only one who wasn't that surprised was Rooster, he was told ten minutes prior with the rest of the immediate family. Not to mention, Nicole had told him they were starting to try.
    "Maybe we should join them, huh Nat?" Jake whispers in his girlfriends ear.
    "In your dreams, Jake," She whispers back, leaning a little more into him.
   "Uncle Rooster. How about that? Mav must be thrilled," Coyote claps Rooster's back.
   "He's more than happy about it. He's bugging me to start moving along," Rooster laughs, looking at his girlfriend from across the commons area. She's laughing with some friends.
    "It's a good thing the wedding do-over is next month. It will give him time to ramp up the pressure in person," Hangman smirks as Rooster scowls at him.
   "Alright, settle down boys. Congratulate Gatsby and Bob like normal people," Phoenix shakes her head.
    The wedding came and went, Gatsby flew less and less until she was grounded until coming off of maternity leave. That didn't stop her from climbing the ranks. She was promoted to Captain and put on her leave. She spent nights cuddling with Bob as he waited on her every whim, even with having an easy pregnancy he knew the toll it took on her body.
    Soon enough, Caroline Rebecca Floyd was born. She was spoiled by her family, blood and not. She made her appearances at Jake and Natasha's wedding, as well as Bradley and Ellie's. She was well behaved, but that may be from the constant attention from Bob. It had been hard for both of them to return to work and leave their daughter in the hands of a nanny, but the Navy needed their top fliers.
   Coming home to each other with Caroline made it worth it, of course that only happened because Bob was assigned back to Phoenix when Nicole wasn't able to fly anymore. Her favorite is when she walks into the nursery and Caroline is sleeping on Bob's chest, skin-to-skin. He loves coming home and seeing her singing and dancing around as Caroline looks on, smiling and giggling. They especially cherished their off days. As much as they love their home in Hawaii, the thought of moving back to North Island keeps coming up more and more.
    They did just that a couple weeks before Caroline had her first birthday. Nicole pulled some strings with Admiral Simpson and got them transferred back to Naval Base San Diego. Bob was going to return as an instructor for the time being, but Nicole was likely going to be sent on a mission soon.
     "This is our new home, Martin," Bob scratches the dogs head as they move the last box in. They had been shipping things to Pete and he's been putting them in the house with the help of Penny.
    Amelia, being a senior in high school, uses the clout of having four top naval aviators in the family to increase her popularity and grades. English assignment about someone you look up to? She can choose anyone, but usually uses her mother. For a physics class on aerodynamics, she used Bob for homework help. Rooster helped her ace her piano elective. Pete taught her how to operate a motorcycle and how to fly small aircraft. Nicole, although exhausted from work and raising a baby, made time for countless calls asking for advice on crushes, friends, and life in general. When Amelia revealed she didn't want to join the Navy (to the secret relief of everyone), her whole family was supportive. And when she realized she wanted to take a gap year then offered to babysit Caroline most days of the week, Nicole didn't waste a second in accepting the help.
    "Hi, I just wanted to see if you needed any help?" Amelia asks from the doorway.
    "Hey Amelia, I'm pretty good so far, but Nicky might want some help. What are you doing here so early on a Saturday?" Bob smiles, inviting her in.
    "I was bored and Mom and Pete are out sailing," Amelia sits on the new couch she picked out. She and Penny handled most of the interior with the budget that Nicole sent. They got pictures from their home in Hawaii and Bob's 'secret' Pinterest to help select pieces.
    "That's one of my favorite photos," Bob leans over Amelia's shoulder as she holds a framed picture of Bob and Nicole walking on base in their flight suits. Phoenix took it and gave it as a gift.
    "I want something like you two have," Amelia sighs. Bob instantly switches to big brother mode, something he learned from Rooster. He listens as she complains about a guy who was a horrible date and girls who tease her for not partying when she has to study.
    "Amelia, you are so much of your mother, and Mav, and Rooster, and Nicole, and even a little bit of me. But most of all, you are yourself. One day, someone will encourage that and love you for it. It takes time, but you have lots of it. For now, just be yourself, anyone who doesn't like that is crazy and doesn't deserve to hang around you," Bob embraces his little sister in a hug. He is secretly her favorite, for obvious reasons. Rooster tends to have a stick up his butt, Gatsby tries to outperform and can be a bit of a show off, but Bob is Bob. He follows the rules but knows when to let loose, he knows how smart and talented he is, but doesn't brag or show off often. It's why he's more suited to instruct while Gatsby flies solo and grows her reputation. While Bob is happy to do that as well, he's also happy to watch and help others do just that.
    "Amelia!" Nicole cheers and comes over to hug her sister. Caroline just went down for a nap and Martin was enjoying the new back yard.
    "I've missed you, Nicky," Amelia hugs her older sister back.
         Bob and Nicole ended up having two more kids, Bradley Robert Floyd and Thomas Nick Floyd. It was easier to spend more time as a family as Nicole climbed the ranks and Bob fell in love with instructing at Top Gun. The tight-knit family were popular faces around the San Diego Naval Base. Both Bob and Nicole stayed with the Navy as long as they were allowed to. Caroline became a nurse within the Navy, Bradley was a college history professor, and Thomas became the next one in the Mitchell line to terrorize the Navy with his flying.
    Bob found it quite funny when Thomas was called to Top Gun. Nicole was the Admiral of the Pacific Fleet and acheived the rank of Admiral, the four-star kind. Bob remained a Commodore, so he would continue to have his teaching opportunities. Thomas was just as much of a troublemaker as his grandfather, so after meetings with a superior officer, he was sent to the Admiral’s office. 
    “Thomas, seeing your father wasn’t enough? Now I have to threaten to ground you,” Nicole says with a smile.
     “Sorry, Ma’am. It won’t happen again,” Thomas smiles back.
     “Lieutenant. This is your final warning. Get in trouble again, and it will be your wings and a dishonorable discharge. Unfortunately, I have a job to do and so do you. You were selected for TOP GUN so act like it. As your mother, I want to bail you out, but I can’t keep doing that. However, as your Admiral, I have to inform you that you are on your last chance. Take a page out of your Uncle Rooster’s book. Please,” Nicole hardens her gaze, letting it sink in. 
      “I really am sorry. I don’t want to get you in trouble. I really will do better,” Thomas sighs, hearing the information coming from his mom instead of his dad made it sink in more. 
      “I know. Just run things by me first, okay? You’re dismissed. I’ll see you at dinner,” Nicole softens. Thomas gives her a quick hug before returning to the hanger.
      True to his word, he didn’t get in trouble until after Nicole and Bob retired. Somehow, he got out of it.
        They lived long and healthy lives, and at the age of 96, Nicole finally got to join her parents in the afterlife.
_______ Taglist:  @luckyladycreator2 @nessjo 
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Submas sandwich au
emmnow i know what you’re thinking, how the fuck does submas and sandwiches combine to make an au wellll its not really about sandwiches it’s more about emmet (post ingo dissapearance) after an encounter has chandelure and eelectross fallen ill and basically unable to be healed and battle and he hears about the herba mystica and travels to paldea without telling anyone and helps arven with his sandwich quest instead of the player (in this au called damian not because i named the player character that but because it was that name in my daydreams, heads up this guys a bit of a prick) and yes emmet gets miraidon instead we want to heal the dragon after all  im still working on how emmet gets miraidon instead but not to worry i have an idea  both are hiding the fact they have pokemon in the rough until the second titan and then they have a heart to heart and bond more and emmet has a breakdown like before this knowledge hes like youre rude and i dont like you very much and also stop being mean to miraidon he did nothing wrong and then emmet knows about masbochiff and hes like i apologise  emmet and miraidon bond over both liking sandwiches a lot  so i wont spoil how sick eelecross and chandelure look like but i will say that chandelure gets mistaken for a normal chandelier by arven (and is quickly educated by emmet)  iono and emmet meet at one point because i want them to meet soooooo bad and also cuz its an important for the plot to have emmet on the internet somehow  he keeps getting calls from elesa and the depot agents asking him why he left and that they need him, emmet in fustration doesnt answer and hangs up on them mostly because he doesnt want to seem like a madman about the herba mystica idea but after a hang up he vents his fustrations to miraidon who gives him some quick love in only a way a bike lizard can give and emmet calms down and thanks miraidon with pats and a thank you  yes emmet catches an orthworm ITS A TRAIN WORM HOW CAN YOU EXPECT HIM TO NOT  emmet after hearing about team star from some team star members has a soft spot for them, they just wanted to stop thier bullies emmet can relate  emmet likes nemona expecially her enthusiasam for battle and her energetic spirit and how she battles with her all she reminds him of himself  emmet doesnt like damian he would go so far as to say he hates him if damian didnt treat his pokemon like friends that is he just doesnt like the way he treats arven  but yeah! thats all!! i havent written anything for it (yet) but feel free to ask questions about it and once i write something about it ill post it, i dont feel like itll be one flowing story... just bits and bobs in nonsencical order because thats how my brain works 
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lesbianraskolnikov · 1 year
1, 3, 5, 13, 14, 26, 27, 28, 30 :) so many questions because i love you and music and knowing your music thoughts kiss kiss
GOOD HEAVENS kiss kiss :)
There is probably so many I could go to butummm lets see. Red and Gold MF DOOM... and Mint Car The Cure...
3. ERM... this is hard... even listened to a song earlier that made me think of summer but its usually really band adjacent... hmmm. Actually just got mind-bombarded by two. Three. Zamagi is a summer band for me but that might be cheating. Today by Dr Dog and Diablo Wednesday Campanella
5. All of them ever. Actually I can't settle on a song so all of them. Bass Heavy songs at the very least. Metal as a whole is pretty fun to blast though. My mind keeps wanting to say Hacker Death Grip for a singular song though.
13. This one is kind of cruel. I gotta choose from a whole decade? Sob. Ummm dance dance dance earth wind and fire can come in 🔥 i want to rewatch rock and rule that soundtrack was primarily pretty good. I want to cheat again because I do know the Parallelisme album had a hold on me for a bit.
14. 🥺i think we gotta play the 13th the cure but i could list so many. Really.
26.😏why koi ga shitai of course. I don't know if ive ever had a song that makes me feel that Specifically but i will have im falling in love so i attach to these songs. Just My Imagination The Tempations is really cute and encapsulates that feeling pretty well but also Lets Get Married mariya takeuchi makes me kick my feet a bit.
27. Complicated... I don't wanna go for Song that makes me sad because of the content matter. But I can CHEAT!!! Because songs can have crazy emotional impacts on me and no other question encompasses it better. Krazy World King Geedorah, Pirate Ships Robert Smith Demo whatever, Hail Piano Peter Cat Recording Co, Udom Sneha Sinn Sisamouth, Lazybones Soul Coughing, NAI!!! yura yura teikoku... I should move on now thank you.. NO WAIT PERFUMED GARDEN OF GULLIVER SMITH MARC BOLAN!!!
Wait I lied going in a rabbithole of songs that made me feel this way I think Heaven by Dr Dog is the perfect contender. It's fucking instrumental but I genuinely had to bar off that song all last year or else i WOULD cry. Dr Dog can do this to me I know Living a Dream did that for a long time still does.
28. THIS IS SO FUCKED UP. I feel like Singers are just such an important part of every band this is impossible. I genuinely could not give one single song because what just happened above would happen again HOWEVER I have to say there is such a charm to really early and rough recordings from any band ever, or at least any that we have demos and early work of. Their style and voice just haven't quite found where it wants to be yet, but it still sounds wonderful. Marc Bolan's voice in his early works make me smile a bit because you can hear his bob dylan impression and i think thats cute.
30. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i hate to be boring but i dont have any of those i really cant think of any. But by god could i associate Song with Story im writing dont even worry about it. At most some songs have resonated with me but I can't think of a literally me song </3
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white-eyed-girl · 1 year
My personal top 37 for Eurovision 2023 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 I dont' even know what to say anymore, it has been the most exhausting ESC season ever for me and I just want this Saturday to come and go
11) Italy - song is alright (it actually grew on me in these weeks), Marco is a great singer and a cool guy, but half because I didn't want it to win Sanremo and half because I have actual favourites I'm spending the season worrying to death about, I have exactly zero interest about what happens to Due Vite in Liverpool
10) Moldova - how often does it happen to have two returning artists from the same year? Seeing Pasha and Loreen meet again was so cute! (and the fact that Ivi Adamou was there as well made the whole thing even better asdfghjffg) Anyway lol the song is awesome, Moldova incredibly managed to find a middle ground between genuine ethnodance and the amateurish country fair performance from last year, and I'm happy about it Lautar is also one of the few songs I actually love from 2012 btw, just as an add-on :'' He looks hella fine too but shh
9) United Kingdom - purely and simply a bop, it almost makes me forget how much of a tamarrata* it is asdfghjk As for its chances in Liverpool, if the pre-parties are of any indication, there's no way in hell this will get a top10 like many seem to predict, more like it will be lucky to get out of the bottom 5 :'' (*tamarrata = something camp and cringy and excessive, that sometimes you like exactly because of that lol)
8) Czechia - I usually adore songs with a women-supporting-women narrative, this one is no exception, and it also has a double reading which makes it even cooler I was a bit afraid that if they kept the aesthetic of the video on stage it could end up looking messy and uncoordinated, but luckily they decided to make it tidier and in fact their performance on Tuesday was amazing
7) Austria - This, this is how you do clever and funny This could have ended up being an apocalyptic level of trash but, ironically, the nonsense narrative keeps its feet on the ground Thankfully it seems like it's not a Halo 2.0, though the performance could have used being a lil bit more whimsical and energetic
6) France - I love how this starts tango-ish and then catches rhythm! I have no idea how it will go, France was my winner last year and I never would have imagined an almost last place for them, so yeah :'' I don't think they can snatch the win but I'd be on board with them trying purely because that would mean a new Sweden vs France death match which, like, AAAAAAAAAAAAA
5) Norway - this is the first song from this year I listened to and I'm still bobbing my head from that first time ahah This sounds like a song KEiiNO could have sung, which in my book is always a compliment We'll give her a wagon of points as soon as the commentators let it slip that she's Italian lol
4) Finland - This is me having a drunken dream while also never having been drunk in my whole life :'' Look, I love this song, or it wouldn't be in my top 5, it's a banger, it's fun and it's been stuck in my head since the first time I heard it in the studio version (the live rendition sucks, I know you all know but choose not to acknowledge it c:), I actually like the way it has two very different styles and the moment it leaves the rappish part to basically become the Carameldansen makes me fall from the chair every time It does deserve to do well. Does it deserve to win though? Ehhhh personally no, I don't think this is enough
3) Serbia - This year every time I think I have listened to the most feverdream-ish song of the line-up there comes another right after to prove me wrong lmao This is so weirdly composed, it pulls my nerves right out of me but like in a good way?? The part where Luke starts ''unplugging'' the dancers and his voice becomes low and rough gives me such a fine tingle in the stomach AHHHHH Serbia wants a win and it damn well shows, and maybe it won't happen this year but if they keep this up I don't think they will have to wait for much longer
2) Spain - this is genuinely amazing and I think it grew to be the only song that wouldn't make me want to set fire to the universe if it won in Sweden's place lol just because it's so ethnically artsy and well-sung and it has such sad melancholic good lyrics, plus I think Blanca would actually make a good winner ''Ay child, when I die let them bury me on the moon so that I'll see you every night, every night except one'' Best damn lyrics of the year hands down! This >>>>>>>>>>>>>> booty hypnotic
1) Sweden - The way she claims exactly every bit of the stage that she needs to, the way she shapes sound between her teeth, the desperation in her voice in the final part, the actual tattoo element which is important in her Berber culture, the creativity in the desert environment with both sand and sky, the double reference to the Atlas myth and the Atlas mountains, there's so much cool shit around this even if you don't like the song and so much to be happy about her participating again and so many people are choosing to stay mad for some of the most ridiculous reasons I've ever heard Unbelievable Not to mention that ''it's a song contest!!'' only when it fits their narrative I know she probably won't, it would be way too perfect and eurofans this year have decided that making literal history isn't cool, but IF she does…
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thepayloadmoves · 2 years
im drunk, enid is trans, and you absolutely cannot change my mind on this and here is why: (spoilers for Wednesday ahead)
first of all, pink and blue in her hair aside, not only is she hyper feminine (as transwomen often become hyperfeminine, source: my trans gf who knows many other transwomen) but it is, to my knowledge, never explicitly stated why she cannot wolf out at the start of the series. just that she can't and might not. she also identifies herself as a kitty, which i did not think much of UNTIL the parent's day episode, and here's why:
not only is her mom so fucking overbearing and insistent that enid go to a "conversion camp" in order to wolf out, but is wolfing out late so common that there needs to be literal lycanthropy conversion camps in order to make it happen for young werewolves who are a little late on the path? something hit me during that scene while enid refused to go, stating that if she was meant to wolf out then she would do it on her own, and it's this:
if she is trans, which i think she most certainly is, and wolfing out often happens early on in puberty or the early teenage years, it is very much possible that sweet, sharp little enid here went on puberty blockers before wolfing out could potentially happen, thus throwing off her biological timeline for when wolfing out would naturally happen for her body if she had not begun taking puberty blockers and undergoing HRT.
the doctors say they dont know why she can't and that she might never actually do it, but how much of that is actually true? maybe the doctors dont actually have a lot of experience with MtF werewolves, and therefore, would not know the typical species response to puberty blockers combined with taking estrogen. it's entirely possible they have plenty of data on FtM werewolves, but MtF werewolves could still be a bit of a mystery to them so they don't really know. not only is her human body adjusting to becoming a woman's body but her wolf bits and bobs have to adjust as well from male wolf biology to female wolf biology.
further evidence that backs this up could be read as normal werewolf worries, but the fact that enid hemms and haws about if "two species" can "make it together" to her love interest, a male gorgon, speaks a lot to me. not only does it make sense for her to worry about dating someone of a different species, but trans people who are not aro/ace often worry about the same exact thing: what if they, as a transgender person of whatever flavor, cannot find a romantic/sexual connection? Even if Enid was Aro/Ace, there's still that deep set fear: what if they can't find anyone at all and are destined to be alone?
of course it is normal werewolf worries to be scared to not be able to find a mate or a pack of her own, especially if she's late to realizing her true werewolf form, but wouldn't that worry just be amplified by not only being hate to wolfing out, but to being a trans werewolf as well? it's no secret that many transgender people ALSO worry about never finding a partner or a "family", so to speak.
the fact is, sugary sharp-claw enid's entire character arc absolutely screams transgender&self-acceptance to me AND to other trans folk i've spoken about this to, especially when it comes to the conversion camp thing and how her mother is so ... like That, and her father simply says that he is proud of her and hugs her, because he inherently accepts who she is and what her life choices are even if she never "wolfs out" properly like her brothers did. Her father does not care if she is trans or cis or straight or gay or wolfs our or does not, he loves his daughter. Her mother wants to send her to conversion therapy. also its cute that her werewolf form has pink and blue fur goodnight
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moonxbabe · 3 years
vinnie hacker smut - take it out on me -
hi readers - this was another request I had, not my best work and also pretty short so I apologize but hope you like it - also - this story has a bit of that cigarette incident with Vinnie, but I do NOT care that he smokes, sadly I find it attractive (I know, I'm the worst) but anyway Its just a story.
warning: smut 18+
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Vinnie groans exiting his now stalled car on the side of the road. He slams the door closed causing Jett to jump as he gets out as well. 
“Let me make some calls so someone can come out here and get us, dont stress,” Jett assures him as best as he can but he already knows Vinnies had a rough day and there's only so much he can say to make it better. 
Vinnie moves both his hands to the back of his neck holding it tightly pacing by the front of the car ignoring Jetts attempt at comfort. He pulls out his phone and opens your text thread typing. 
Vinnie: I'm having the worst day. 
You read his text and sigh knowing it was coming. A few hours ago Tik Tok room also blew up a post at their weekly attempt to “Cancel Vinnie Hacker” along with his meeting regarding the boxing match that he never got paid for. Things just weren't going his way today and when that happens he falls deep into the dark. 
You: Come over?
Vinnie: I'm stuck on the side of the road. I don't even want to talk about it. I'm turning my phone off. 
You read his text and slightly frowned. You knew he was in a bad mood but you hated when he pushed you away and wouldn't even let you help. You decided to grab your things and go to the Hype House to wait for him to get back. 
Vinnie storms into his bedroom slamming the room shut startling you as you sit on his bed slowly closing your laptop. He turns around and slams his first against the back of the door leaning his head against it for a moment before turning around to press his back to it and slides down taking his head in his hands. 
“Hey hey, let's breathe for a second?” You say softly approaching him, getting down to sit in front of him. You touch his arms gently stroking them softly with your thumbs. 
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” He finally responds after a few moments and sighs, leaning his head back against the door. He takes one of your hands and squeezes it softly, intertwining your fingers. 
“You didn't, I'm just worried about you,” You brought his hand up to kiss it softly. He closes his eyes for a minute before opening them.
“I'm just tired, tired of everything,” He lets go of your hand and slowly gets up “I need a cigarette” He walks over to his dresser pulling out the box. 
“Vinnie,” you say with a warning as he pulls one out of the box and attempts to find a lighter. 
“Don't start with me, y/n. I'm not in the mood,” He doesn't bother to look at you as he continues to search for the lighter. 
“I promised your mom that I’d make sure you didn't smoke anymore,” you walked over to him annoyed and attempted to take the cigarette out of his mouth. 
“You really think I care about the promise you made to my mom right now, y/n? I don't give a fuck,” He grabs your arms, slightly pushing them away. You frown at his reaction.
“Okay but I don't want you to do it,” you hold back tears as he tries to walk past you but you hold him. He doesn't say anything but attempts his best to avoid eye contact. He knew he was hurting you but he was hurting himself and the battle within him was strong. 
“Stop,” you grab his face with both your hands using your thumbs to stroke his cheeks softly before using one hand to tuck some of his curls away “I know you're hurting right now, but-- but-- this isn't going to help,” you search his face for a moment as he still doesn't look at you, you take a moment before saying anything else “Take it out on me, let me make you feel good,” you say quietly waiting for him to say something, anything. His eyes linger for a moment before finally looking into yours causing your body to somewhat relax. 
He still doesn't say a word, but moves his hand up to grab your neck slightly pulling you closer, his lips crashing onto your kissing you hungerly not wasting a second. He groans softly as you suck at his bottom lip sliding your tongue into his mouth. He moves his other hand deep into your hair, gripping it pulling you even closer to him, you can almost taste his pain. He bites at your bottom lip tugging at it before pulling away to take your hand leading you to the bed. 
“Knees, now.” He says sternly as you nod and get down onto your knees looking up at him. He started to undo his jeans, pushing them down along with his tight boxers freeing his hardness. You bite the inside of your cheek in anticipation as he nods looking down at you giving you permission. He sits at the edge of the bed as you get closer in between his legs. 
You take his dick in your hands stroking it, causing him to let out a soft groan before leaning in closer and slowly taking it into your mouth. His hand quickly finds its way deep into your hair once more grabbing it as he lets out another groan at the feeling. You begin to bob your head up and down his length, allowing your tongue to roam all over before pulling up and using it to gently lick his tip a few times.
“Fuck baby, so good” He moans gripping your hair tighter as he watches you work. Your mouth slides over his dick again, taking in as much as you can using your hands to stroke the rest.
“Be a good girl and take it all,” He groans and pushes your head further down on his cock causing you to slightly gag but you continue as tears form in your eyes. Your hand strokes his balls as your tongue proceeds to lick all over. You begin to feel his dick twitch in your mouth as you slightly hum sending vibrations along it. 
“I'm so close baby, don't stop,” He moans softly, stroking your hair as you keep bobbing your head faster taking him all in as his tip hits the back of your throat. His hips buckle up as he grips your hair once more pulling your head back, you continue to stroke him as your mouth remains open, sticking your tongue out ready for his load. He shuts his eyes and lets out a loud grunt cumming into your mouth as you lick your lips and swallow. 
“My good fucking girl,” He says in a husky tone and wipes off remaining cum from your lips with his thumb shoving it into your mouth, his eyes locked on yours as you suck it clean. His hand slides down to grab your neck again pulling you close. 
“Open,” He says and without hesitation you open your mouth as he leans in to spit in it. You swallow as a slight grin appears on his face, he pulls you in kissing you hard. 
“Such a good little slut for daddy huh?” You slightly bit your lower lip and nod. 
“Do we think she deserves a reward?” His hand slides up to grab your jaw as you both don't break eye contact. 
“Yes daddy,” you almost whine and nod once more. He studies you for a moment before nodding.
“Get up, lay down,” He pats at the edge of the bed, you do as he says and wait for him as he pulls off his tshirt leaving himself completely naked aside from his silver chains around his neck. You bit your lip at the view of him wanting him deep inside you. You press your thighs together but he's quick to push them apart, grabbing the edge of your shorts, pulling them down and throwing them off to the side. 
“Those look so good on you,” He licks his lips at your black lace thong “But sadly they have to come off,” He rips them off tossing them as well. 
“Vinnie I just b--!” you attempt to say but get cut off by his warning look shutting you up. He leans over moving his hand to your neck once more pulling you in to kiss you deeply as his other hand cups your pussy causing you to slightly moan into the kiss. 
He slides two fingers in between your folds feeling your wetness and pulls away to groan softly against your lips. 
“Look at you, so wet for me and I’ve barely touched you,” He rubs your clit causing you to moan once more as your back slightly arches off the bed. He slowly enters two fingers into you pumping them in and out at a steady pace. 
“Vinnie,” you bit your lower lip moving your hand down to grip his. 
“I want to taste you,” He said in a husky tone, getting down pushing your legs even more apart and replacing his thumb on your clit with his tongue sucking at it. 
“Oh my-- don't stop” your hand moved to grip his hair pushing him further in, your eyes rolled back at the pleasure as his fingers continued to work in and out of you at a fast pace. 
“Cum for daddy,” He whispered against your heat before letting his tongue trailed up and down causing your legs to shake. You felt your walls begin to clench around his fingers as he suddenly curled them hitting your g-spot,  you tried to push his head away from the overwhelming pleasure but he didn't budge. 
“V-Vin, I'm about to cum” you moaned loudly gripping his curls harder as your climax took over. He slowly pulled his fingers out, licking them all over as he leaned back down to lick you clean. You groaned softly, closing your legs still sensitive from your over stimulation. 
“Delicious,” He said quietly before leaning over kissing your lips softly. Your eyes fluttered tired from your high. Before you knew it you were flipped over on your stomach and he was behind you.
“Ass up baby,” He growled, giving your behind a hard slap, causing you to wince but you followed his orders quickly. You got on all four as he positioned himself behind you. One hand gripped your hip as the other slid up your back to the back of your neck pushing it down into the bed. 
“I said ass,” He ordered once more as you nodded. Your cheek pressed to the bed sheets as you bit your lower lip nervous but also excited. You liked it when he played rough, but he was also in a bad mood today so you didn't know what to expect. Before you could even have another thought he slammed into you hard causing you to scream gripping the sheets next to you. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight” He groaned at the feeling as he thrusted in and out of you at a fast and hard pace as his anger got the best out of him. It hurt but you tried your best to keep it together in hopes it would get better. Your teeth sunk harder into your bottom lip as your eyes shut feeling him deep inside you as he kept going with no remorse. 
“Vin, slow down” You mumbled moving your hand behind you pushing him back a bit. He grabbed your hand and moved it down to press it above your head into the bed. 
“Take it like the good little slut you are,” His voice husky as he leaned in to growl in your ear, holding your hand in place for a few moments before moving it in between the both of you to slowly rub your clit. His thrusts slowed down a bit but remained just as hard causing you to moan. He rubbed your clit harder as his other hand gripped tightly at your hip keeping a good rhythm going. 
“Yes, yes right there,” you moaned loudly at the feeling as your eyes rolled back, your hips meeting his with every thrust. You could feel his dick in your stomach from how deep he was.
“There she is,” you could hear the smirk in his voice as he picked up his pace again. The room filled with skin slapping skin noises as he watched himself slide in and out of you. His hand on your hip slid up your back once more reaching your hair and grabbing it all together tugging at it. It hurt but in the best way. You could feel your climax coming as you turned into a moaning mess. 
“You feel so good baby, I love the way your pussy feels around my dick,” He groaned as his words sent chills down your spine causing your legs to shake. He leaned his head back before lifting his leg up fucking into you hard from a different angle finding your g-spot once again. 
“Holy shit, Vin,” you cried in pleasure as you felt your walls begin to clench around his dick. “I'm about to cum,” 
“Hold it,” He demanded and kept going, wanting to climax at the same time. Your body was shaking uncontrollably as you gripped the sheets tighter. His hand on your clit not moving driving you insane.
“I'm close, don't you dare cum” He groaned as you felt his dick twitch inside of you, feeling like you were ready to explode. 
“Vinnie,” you moaned loudly as he moved his hand shoving you into the bed getting in a few more thrusts.
“Cum baby,” He moaned, stiffening inside you as you immediately came all over his dick. You both rode out your highs as he slowly pulled out of you grabbing a towel to clean you up as you laid there tired and breathless. 
After throwing the towel in his basket he walked back over to the bed as you turned over on your back grabbing a blanket to cover yourself. He laid next to you putting his arm around you pulling you to him as you both stayed silent for a few minutes. 
“Was it too much for you?” He said quietly looking down at you as you hugged into his chest. He felt guilty for taking it out on you.
“No, im fine Vin” you nodded and looked up reassuring him. He gave you a slight smile kissing your forehead. 
“I'm sorry about earlier,” He sighed, “I shouldn't have shoved you like that or said what I said,” He leaned his head back against the headboard. 
“It's okay, I know you're having a rough time right now, I just wish you’d talk to me instead of shut me out,” you looked up at him and placed a hand on his cheek stroking it softly with your thumb, he leaned into it closing his eyes for a moment before nodding. 
“I know, its stupid of me, I just get too deep into myself sometimes,” His eyes fluttered open as he reached for your hand placing his over it before taking it and kissing the inside of your palm. 
“I love you, thank you for caring for me and still sticking around even though I can be a shit boyfriend,” He held your hand tightly.
“You don't need to say that and you are not a shit boyfriend Vin, I care because I love you and want you to be happy” you kissed his bare chest as he held onto you tightly. 
“You make me happy, only you” He leans in to kiss you softly as you kiss him back smiling. 
feedback is always appreciated <3
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goldentsum · 3 years
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━ pretty submissives pt. 2
CHARACTERS: tsukishima kei, kageyama tobio, oikawa tooru, kuroo tetsurou
WARNINGS: smut, 18+ content, sub! males, dom! reader, bdsm, sex toys, whiny subs, bratty subs, bondage, oral sex, handjobs, ass play (male), pet play, age play, mistress kink, mommy kink, guided masturbation, voyeurism
AUTHOR’S NOTE: lol tis filthyyy <3 i am hiding my pain away with smut stfu- dont @ me wanting to cry but wrote porn instead- unedited bleggh
part 1 - miya twins, sakusa, suna
— tsukishima ♡
• this brat likes testing your patience! tsukki may go subby but he won’t go down without a fight. that way it hurts his pride less-- 
• one time, he really tried to take back some dominance from you but you started degrading him and smacking his face.. he came in less than a minute.
• and that’s how you both knew tsukki was a masochist 
• put him back in his place and humiliate him! it may hurt his pride but the hard on between his legs says that he likes it--
• seeing the tall and prideful man on all fours with a tight leash on his neck and a mussel to stop that snarky mouth of his is feeding dangerously on your dom side
• tsukki would try and degrade you but when you snap back, he’ll get teary-- baby would try to serve some sadist type of shit on you but if you do the same to him, he’ll cry
• play and bite his lips until its all raw and red, he likes it. though, he’ll complain about it afterwards as if he wasn’t moaning like a whore just earlier. 
you smirked at the weak glare the man sent you. tsukishima was sitting on his legs, hands neatly on his lap. the strong act he tried to maintain before was going down hill and it was amusing. you snickered and you caressed his aching cock with your feet making him gasp and kneel over but you tugged on the leash, almost sending him on all fours. 
“didn’t i told you to keep your eyes on me, whore” you growled, a teasing smirk on your red lips. oh how tsukishima wants to wipe that arrogant smirk off your lips. he furrowed his brows and went back to his previous spot with small pants escaping him. 
you noticed the way he pursed his lips and tugged on the leash again, choking the man before you, “you have something to say to me, puppy?” 
tsukishima bit his tongue at that and shook his head, though he was beyond pissed at your prideful and arrogant play, he can’t really deny the arousal that was slowly beading on his cock. 
your smirk fell and you gripped his chin, “use your words. do you not want to talk? do i have to get your mussel, pup?” 
tsukishima’s breath hitched at the mention of the damn mussel, his cock twitching against his stomach. “n-no, mistress..” 
you hummed in satisfaction and leaned back a bit, admiring his nude body on display just for you. you licked your lips when his long cock caught your eye, the head was red and leaking with precum already even though you barely touched him. 
“you like this, tsukki?~ look at how hard you are” you teased, pulling the leash once again as the tall man was forced into your arms. tsukishima yelped and tried to steady himself by supporting himself on your arms. 
you sneaked a hand between his legs, caressing his cock. the blond closed his eyes tightly, gasping against your chest as you played with his body. 
stroking his cock with an amused smirk, you tipped his chin towards you. your darkened eyes stared into embarrassed and teary golden orbs. you squeezed his length, coating his dick with the precum that leaked out. tsukishima moaned and tried to close his eyes again but you weren’t having none of that. 
you halted your actions on his cock and slapped him lightly on his cheek, gentle enough to not hurt as much but strong enough to get him to pay attention to you. “none of that, pup. look at me. look at how your slutty body gets off with such dirty acts~” 
— kageyama ♡
• he’s a little :>>
• kageyama has an oral fixation, he likes using his mouth whether that’s on your fingers, nipples, or your clit-
• if you have a nipple piercing, baby boy would be in complete awe! he thinks it looks super good! or even if you wear rings! he likes the feeling of the metal on his tongue. 
• pretty boy looks good when he sucks on your fingers, that slick tongue swirling around your digits, coating them with thick spit. he gets super red and needy while he does it too! he looks at you with half lidded eyes, moaning around your fingers. 
• baby doesn’t even know his cock is getting hard while he plays with your fingers.
• please take care of him </3 he gets super anxious if you don’t say anything, kageyama feels like he did something wrong so reassure this baby!
• buy him toys and stuffies! it makes him really happy and shy~ <3 
• also not @ that one time where you caught him humping one of his teddy bears-- 
“now what do we have here?~” your voice cut through kageyama’s series of needy moans making him yelp and stop his constant humping. his ears turned red at the fact that you caught him doing such impure act. 
“m-mommy--” he sniffled, tears welling up on his pretty blue eyes. kageyama turned to you, a pout on his lips. he didn’t want you to think you weren’t taking good care of him cus you are! he was just feeling so needy today and you had to go to work. 
kageyama really tried to control his urges but the more he tried to ignore it, the more it intensifies as every shift of his hips made him more sensitive. 
you shook your head playfully at that and closed the bedroom behind you, stalking slowly towards the trembling man. he slumped on the stuffie and tried to reason but he was just babbling incoherent words. you hummed at his chattering and run a hand through his hair, wiping the sweat on his forehead. 
“is my baby feeling needy?” you cooed, you bit your lips at the beautiful sight. your boyfriend is so fucking beautiful. cheeks all red, eyes teary with tears of frustration of not getting to cum and sensitivity. your hand lowered down to his cheek, stroking the warm skin. 
your eyes darkened when your fingers trailed down to his lips and instinctively, kageyama opened his mouth, already licking the tip of your fingers. the dark-haired male whined around your digits when you started playing with his tongue, thrusting it in his mouth. 
“words, baby boy” kageyama’s eyes rolled back at your tone, moaning loudly. he opened his eyes and looked straight at you, lips trembling around your fingers. 
“p-pwease helph meh, mwommy” he babbled, slurring his words as he still tried to lick your digits.
“atta boy~ don’t worry, mommy will help you cum~” you cooed, removing your fingers out of his mouth and trailed down his stomach, feeling the flexing muscles, then towards his aching cock. you coated his length with his spit, thumbing the swollen tip. 
kageyama gasped and his hips moved at the sudden contact. you smirked down at him slightly as he held your wrist, though not really stopping you just something to ground him. “let’s hear those pretty moans, baby boy~” 
— oikawa ♡
• a wholeass confident sub. he knows he’s a good sub and he takes pride on that
• you can’t even reprimand him cus he follows your rules to the t. so headpats and cuddles for tooru pls <3
• though he follows your rules, oikawa doesn’t really pay attention to his body and it’s limits. all he knows is that he wants to make you proud and feel good. 
• so please take the time to appreciate his body, praise him. yes, he gets compliments all the time but when it’s coming from you and in that moment? it just feels so intimate that he’ll cry.
• kiss his skin, caress his body. make him feel loved and he’s all yours. <3 
• when he gets too into the play, he really forgets everything else but you. so what better way to stop and slow down than make him show you how he pleasure himself <3
• tooru doesn’t really masturbate all that much so he’s a little clumsy so guide him through it <3 HE GETS REALLY SHY TOO
• when you stare at him like that, admiring his body, praising him, telling him how much of a good boy he is, how beautiful he is? oikawa’s offering you his heart pls take care of it :((
you smiled at oikawa, his breath ragged with every slow stroke he does as he massaged his cock. your eyes trailed up and down his body, admiring the way he arch his back and the way his thighs trembles. 
“slowly, baby~ you don’t wanna ruin your orgasm now do you?” you said, leaning back on your legs on the mattress, getting a good view of his cock and his stroking. 
oikawa whined, eyebrows furrowed. the slow build-up once again was making him impatient and it was getting to him. he wants to cum so bad, you denied him a couple of his orgasms already. he hic-ed, feeling his tears trail down his red cheeks. 
you cooed at the sight and leaned closer to him, hovering above him. oikawa gasped at the slight contact of your clothed body on his heated skin. he removed his hands away from his cock and wrapped his arms around you. 
letting a hand caress his cheek, wiping the tear away. you let out soft praises on his forehead, kissing it several times as you do so. oikawa sniffled, biting his lips as he savor your affection. he was always a sucker for it, always the soft boy with a big heart 
“p-please... i want to cum” oikawa whispered, lips quivering as he wet it with his tongue. he gasped when he felt your hands on his cock. you grinned at him then went back to your previous position between his legs. 
you blew air into his cock making the man whimper on the bed, writhing around trying to make you move. you snickered at the pout he sent your way. 
“such a pretty baby, you are tooru~” you complimented and before he can say anything, you took him in your mouth in one go. oikawa choked on air at the feeling of your warm and wet mouth around his sensitive cock. 
oikawa moaned when you swiped your tongue on the red tip, swallowing his length as you bob your head. 
he gripped the blankets beneath him, eyes rolling back. you removed your mouth off him, jerking his length. “wanna cum, baby?” 
he sobbed and nodded his head frantically, feeling the band on his lower stomach threatening to snap once again as he pray that you would let him cum this time. “p-please! i want to cum! need it! it hurts!” he cried
you grinned and took him into your mouth again, moving faster. the pretty male gasped and his hips started jerking making you gag on his length. his eyes rolled back to his skull at the feeling of your throat tightening around him, his mouth wide open as he released several loud moans. 
you sneaked a hand to his balls, massaging it. your tongue traced the prominent vein on his cock and oikawa keened at that and came with a loud broken moan. you hummed in satisfaction and continued to bob your head, your hand jerking the rest of his cock. 
you lapped at the thick cum he released, slurping it up as he shivered and sobbed at the sensitivity. “t-thank you.... thank y-you” 
— kuroo ♡
• okay some of you may think he’s all dom and won’t sub but you’re forgetting something... he’s a simp. he would do anything for you! also, kuroo thrives for your attention!
•  he loves hard shit! i know it! bdsm, toys, bondage? perfecttt!! <3 
• kuroo tried pegging once and now he’s addicted! fuck his ass while you degrade him is his go to to de-stress 
• make him cum several times until he can’t feel his cock anymore. he loves the pain it brings. the sting. the sensitivity. 
• also because of the fact he screams and cries.. so his voice goes all raspy and his throat is scratchy
• choke him. collar him. he will propose to you <3 KSKSKS
• but after all that bdsm shit, please take care of his tired body. aftercare is a must for this baby or he’ll be so detached after. kiss his bruises. kiss his swollen and red lips. mutter sweet nothings to him. tell him how much you love him and he’ll sleep with a tired but soft smile on his face
“yes... yes, moreee. m-moree” kuroo chanted against your pussy, eating you out like a starved man. he groaned against your wet cunt, tongue swiping at your slit as he tasted you. his hands were on your thighs, pushing them together so he can feel your thick thighs against his face. 
he gripped your thighs, moaning like a bitch in heat. he slurped at your essence, eyes rolling back at your taste. his hips moving unconsciously. you moaned, caressing his hair, as you looked down at his fucked out expression with a smirk. 
“such a dirty boy~” you snickered when kuroo moaned lewdly at your words, his eyes rolling back to his head as his mouth worked on your cunt faster. he wiggled his tongue inside you, licking your gummy walls. 
“ahh.. fuck, tetsu” you moaned softly which only urged him to work on your pussy harder. you chuckled breathlessly at his eagerness as you turned your head a bit. you looked at his twitching cock. 
you put the cock ring earlier but the man was still leaking precum everywhere. his cock was so beautiful. thick and long, the tip red and swollen. you grinned and moved away from tetsu’s mouth. 
you heard the man whined at the lost of contact. you faced toward his shaking thighs and sat on his stomach as you turned your head back to look at him. god, he looks so pretty~ 
kuroo was panting, chest heaving heavily. his lower face was covered with your wetness as he constantly licked his lips. his eyes blown wide with lust. 
you smirked at him and touched his cock, snickering when the touch made him whimpered as he arched on the bed. paying no mind to his senseless babbling, you lowered yourself to his cock, using his trembling thighs to support yourself.
kuroo’s eyes rolled back to his head at the way your wet and gummy wall clung to his sensitive length and it was enough to make him cum but the cock ring was preventing him from doing so. 
he looked at you with teary eyes, eyebrows furrowed. you smirked and then face forward to reached for the dildo beside you, slowly inserting it into his prepped ass which earned you a husky groan. “make me cum and i’ll think about it if you deserve to cum as well~” you cooed.
kuroo cried when you started moving, your pussy clenching tightly around his dick, while your hands thrust the thick dildo in his ass, prodding his prostate. his hands flew to your hips, his half-lidded eyes watching your ass bounce in front of him, “f-fuck!” 
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
urm hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ can i request the reader playing video games in the lob just chilling, then shiggy acts all needy and won’t stop bothering her until he gets some love~ if u catch my drift*ahem*
I hope I interpreted this right and wasn't just oversexualizing it 😐🔫
Send me another request if you wanted fluff and I'm just horny and dumb.
Warnings: smut I DONT SEE ENOUGH OF DOM SHIGGY, SO HERE U GO SLUTS (endearingly),
Maybe it's because I always look up sub! Shigaraki 😳
I've been struggling with some bad depression so that's why this took so long but I'm back! All requested fucs will be done in a week or less and ill post whenever a good idea pops into my head (I have a few prompts I found on tik tok 😏)
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
Here's a song I like:
Possibly the best thing about dating the leader of the league of villains is the fact that you got your own (shared) room with an actual bed and a couch too. You also had access to all of Shigaraki’s games and consoles, PCs, etc.
You were currently sitting on said couch, playing one of his games. The door slammed open and shut before he practically pounced on you, kissing you sloppily. You heard the music indicating you had died.
You groaned and pushed him off of you.
“Not now, baby, let me finish the game, ” you said.
He didn't listen (does he ever?) and started to grope your tits through your shirt.
“Tomura Shigaraki, ” you warned, “quit it, ”
He scoffed, sitting down next to you. At first, he was quiet, scrolling through his phone until his hand started rubbing your thigh.
“no, not right now,” you uttered, still focusing on the game.
He leaned in so he was right next to your ear
“why don’t you let me beat it for you, and we can play a different game, player two?” he whispered in your ear.
“That defeats the entire purpose of the game, ” you said, dying again.
“Focus less on the game and more on my dick, ” he said, grabbing your hand and pulling it into his lap.
Your eyes widened, and your cheeks got hot as you felt him through his pants.
“Oh, ” you whispered.
“Oh, is right. Get down on your knees for me, will you, babe?” he said.
He leaned back on the couch as you settled between his legs.
“About time,” he scoffed.
“Shut up or I'm going right back to that fucking game, ” you said.
He grabbed your hair, pressing your face into his clothed crotch.
“Dont give me attitude when youre the one who made me like this, ” he laughed as you struggled.
Your protests were silenced as you tried to use Shigaraki’s thighs as leverage to pull away.
“What? Can't breathe? That's the point y/n. When I let you up you'd better behave, ” he said.
He let go of your hair, and your head shot up. You were gasping for air as he stroked your hair.
“Be good for me pet and maybe ill give you a reward after you finish the level, ” he smirked.
You nodded, knowing your position in this situation and undid the button of his jeans. You pulled down the zipper. You'd never admit it, but your mouth started to water as you got rid of his pants.
“Hurry up, princess, don't keep me waiting, ” he whispered.
You nodded pulling down his boxers and letting his dick slap against his stomach.
He groaned, “good girl, earning her experience points. I have a feeling you'll be able to level up after this, ”
You wasted no time, taking the head of his cock into your mouth and swirling your tongue, getting rid of the precum that had oozed from the head. His sharp intake of breathe made you hum in satisfaction causing him to groan again.
“Good girl, ” he praised, petting your head.
That was the only encouragement you needed to start bobbing your head, taking more and more in your mouth. When you began to gag, he pushed your head down, forcing you to take all of it. Your cries were muffled and only sent vibrating sensations up his dick. He moaned as you struggled.
“Breathe through your nose, princess, ” he rasped, “be my good girl, ”
You tried to follow his instructions and managed to start bobbing your head again. He moaned, bucking into your throat.
“Oh god, player two, youre really good at this game, ” he laughed, “probably because you've practiced so much, huh slut?”
You made a sound of agreement, drool starting to escape from your mouth. He pulled you off of him, letting you breathe again.
“You know what to do, ” he said.
You began to suck and lick each of his balls (I hate that word, but I am not using testicles), taking your time to swirl your tongue around each one. You let go of the right one with a pop after giving the same treatment to the one on the left.
“I'm bored of this, ” he sighed, “back to sucking me off slut, ”
You obeyed, taking all of him down your throat without any help. In no time, you felt his cum drip down your throat, some down your chin. He laughed as you pulled away, opening your mouth to show him you'd swallowed.
“C’mere, ” he said, patting his thigh.
You straddled it looking at him.
“You ready to level up player two?” he whispered in your ear.
“Yes please sir, ” you said without thinking.
“Sir? I like that. Keep it up, ” he commanded.
“Yes, sir, ” you smiled, teasing him.
His hands rested on your hips, rubbing up and down. He leaned in and bit your neck, causing you to shiver.
“Wow, y/n, your body is already so reactive. We're gonna have a lot of fun tonight, aren't we doll?” he giggled.
(all my stuff got deleted from this point on and I had to rewrite rip)
He bounced his leg and you gasped and bit your lip.
“Yeah, that feels kinda good, huh, sweetie? I'm gonna get you nice and wet, get you to ruin my jeans. Dumb little doll. Sweet baby, ” he praised.
You started to soak through your panties onto Shigaraki’s jeans as he bounced you up and down.
“Oh good girl, start grinding a little, hm?” he said.
You obliged thankful for the extra friction until he stopped bouncing his leg. You whined softly.
In no time your skirt and panties were a small pile of dust as he pulled you to straddle his cock.
“You're gonna ride me, princess. You get to level up. Aren't you excited, baby?” he cooed.
“Yes sir, ” you said, not bothering to hide your excitement as you sunk down.
You moaned, feeling so fucking full. Stretching you so nicely. You felt him throb inside of you. As much as you wanted to start bouncing at a brutal pace you made yourself wait, letting your juices lube up his cock.
You bounced slowly at first; as soon as you were able to speed up, you did. You moaned, gripping Tomura’s shoulders and letting your head fall against his chest. You whimpered and moaned shamelessly, praying that everyone was either drunk, asleep, or downstairs.
“Fuck that's it! fuck yourself, baby. You deserve it. Youre such a good cock-slut you deserve to feel good dollface, ” he gushed.
You bounced at a ruthless pace until he flipped you under him on the couch.
“I'll carry you through this level, baby. Don't worry. Let me help you, sweetie, ” he groaned.
His pace matched your previous one (if not faster). Your nails clawed at his back, little shrieks leaving your mouth when he hit that spot inside of you.
“Tomura!” you cried out, “right there!”
He started angling himself, hitting that spot almost every time. Your orgasm overtook you. Shigaraki’s mouth swallowed up all the sounds you were making as you clenched around him. Just as you were nearing the end of your orgasm, hot cum filled you up, prolonging it.
The sounds he made were ear candy. His dignity and self-control were ripped away, leaving his throat raw until he collapsed on top of you. He clung to you, whispering sweet things and kissing your neck softly. Your clothes were forgotten and your eyes got heavy as you fell asleep together.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Hii!! First, thank you for letting us enjoy your writing, I absolutely love it!. And for tonight's sleepover (sorry if it seems a bit off, I'll understand if you dont want to write it) but... What about one of Daniel's characters discovering a knife kink, like they love the way reader can defend by themselves, he admires that and can't help but thinking about reader being so dominant, slashing his clothes or their own clothes teasing him. How would they react once reader notices that?
this just SCREAMS sub!zemo at me and hhnng you know I can't say no to that! knife kink obviously but no blood, oral m receiving, premature ejaculation, mention of anal, and lots of teasing c:
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Say what you will about EKO Scorpion, but you were a dedicated unit of soldiers. Maybe it was because most of the squadron came from intelligence first, but there was a discipline a lot of other boots-on-the-ground seemed to lack. While they spent their leave in bars and brothels, you were working; all of you were. Training, specifically. Some of the others were training with weights, a few more with guns; but you and the Colonel were on the other side of the barracks, running drills with a much more ancient weapon.
He was there first, you saw him sparring against a dummy with his sabre and you stopped to admire his form for a moment before he caught you watching.
"What a sad little blade you've got there, Lieutenant," he smirked, "it's nothing compared to my broadsword." He waved the weapon in question just for emphasis, and you had to admit he looked pretty good holding it like that.
"It is little, isn't it?" you admitted as you observed the dagger in your hands. "I'm just using it to compensate for my huge dick."
He scoffed but you knew the comment threw him off a little bit. He did a better job than the other men in the unit at ignoring your female-ness, but apparently thinking about whatever was in your pants-- huge dick or otherwise-- wasn't how he expected this conversation to go.
"Spar me?" you suggested.
"Sure, where's your sabre?" he asked.
"No, I'll use this," you clarified, and he seemed both shocked and amused (again).
"Against this?" He waved the sword again.
"Yes! Now will you just get back into form? And try not to stab me too hard?"
He cleared his throat quickly and squared himself up. "No promises," he mumbled.
You made the first move, and though his sword started to come down over you, you were able to catch it in the divot of your dagger's hilt, blocking him so swiftly that he never had a chance to stop you from twisting around and pointing your weapon at his neck, just under his jaw.
He dropped the sword and raised his hands, taking a step back and pressing himself against the wall as you followed him with a raised brow. "Well, that was a bit anti-climactic, huh?" you smirked.
His wide-eyed expression made your heart swell for no good reason at all: here was your Colonel, your commander, someone you looked up to and obeyed without question, looking uncharacteristically submissive-- and not just in general, but to you. The thought hadn't even crossed your mind before, but you liked the rush it gave you.
His gaze glanced down for a second, at himself, and you instinctively followed it; you weren't sure what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn't an obvious boner pressing up against the inside of his uniform trousers. That's what it had to be, right? What else would have that shape, with the ridge of his head visible through the dark green fabric? It looked thick, too... were you drooling already?
"Okay, maybe not anti-climactic for all of us..." you mumbled.
"Exciting, sure," he awkwardly countered, "but I wouldn't quite call it 'climactic'... yet..."
You grinned and stepped even closer, delicately running the blade over his jaw; he had just enough stubble that you were more likely to give him a sudden shave than to actually cut him. Not that you'd ever want him to shave the stubble, because you secretly loved it. "I can fix that," you whispered. "What was it that got you excited, then, Colonel? The blade, the fight, the way I casually walked in here and kicked your ass?"
"A little bit of everything," he decided after swallowing thickly. "H-how sharp is that, anyway?"
"Really sharp," you promised, moving the blade down lower to run over where his neck met his shoulder. "I could cut you. I should stop then, right? You don't want me to cut you."
"Don't stop," he whispered.
You moved the dagger lower again, this time to the collar of his shirt where you slipped it underneath and started to slowly slice your way down, right through the standard-issue cotton fabric. You mainly just focused on your work but caught a glimpse of his mouth falling slack above you.
You'd seen him shirtless before, you end up seeing your comrades in various states of undress when you're in the field together this long, but it looked different with his chest rising and falling every time he panted, with a thin layer of sweat over the highest point of where his pecs were dusted with blonde-ish-brown-ish hair.
You dropped to your knees in front of him, ghosting the side of the cool metal over his fly and watching him tense up. "Y-you're not gonna cut me there, right?"
"No," you answered, suddenly sliding the shining tip of it right between his legs, where his balls must've been turning blue waiting for you to stop teasing him; he started to creep up onto his tiptoes to avoid getting pricked as you continued, "not if you behave."
You looked up at him expectantly.
"You're going to behave, right?"
"Yes, Lieutenant," he nodded quickly, and it was so odd to hear him say that as if you were his superior. You liked the feeling, though, it made you want this more than ever.
You sliced the button of his fly clean off; you hooked the tip of the blade into the end of his zipper and carefully pulled it down.
"Fuck," you heard him mumble as his cock was freed, looking so lonely and achingly hard. You couldn't even stop yourself from leaning forward and swallowing up the tip of it, hearing him moan and feeling his hands grab at your hair right away.
"Hands to yourself, Colonel," you stopped to correct him quickly, and he slammed his hands back against the wall with all the desperation of a man who would do anything to get you to keep sucking his cock. Thankfully for him you did, running your tongue up under the base of it before suckling at the head once more, going just a bit deeper with each bob of your head.
"Oh god," he groaned, "s-so good, it's so good... please don't stop."
It was the sadist in you that had to stop right then, though you gave him a little mercy by stroking his cock slowly with your free hand while twirling the knife with the other. "How long has it been since somebody got you off, Colonel? Other than yourself."
"Can't even remember," he admitted with a sigh, "even just by myself. You know we can hardly ever get a moment alone in a unit like this. But I know the last time I got off, I was thinking about this."
"This?" you repeated, bewildered.
"Exactly this," he confirmed.
"That's funny, cause the last time I got off, I was thinking about you, too," you grinned.
"Really? You thought about me when you touched yourself?" he smiled.
"I never said I was alone the last time I got off, Colonel," you reminded him. "No, I was with somebody... and while he was fucking me I was imagining how much better you would do it."
"Oh, fuck," he sighed as his head fell back against the wall; you kept stroking him as you started sucking again, bringing the side of the blade up against the crotch of his pants again just to see how he squirmed with his cock still in your mouth. "I'd fuck you so much better, Lieutenant, you know I would... let me show you."
You had to pull off of him before you smiled too hard to keep going. "Oh, Colonel, I don't think that's a good idea. I think I should just keep sucking you off until you come-- shouldn't take you very long, you're already trying not to come all over my face as we speak-- and then leave you be. Keep it simple, you know."
"N-no, I need more, fuck," he hissed.
"No, you definitely don't," you chuckled, "you can come right now, just from this. Is that what you wanna do? You wanna come down my throat right now?"
"No, I wanna see you," he explained, "wanna touch you-- I need to make you come, Lieutenant, it's all I've been thinking about for months."
"Okay, let's make a deal then," you offered. "I'm going to keep sucking your cock and if you can keep from coming for fifteen seconds, you can do whatever you want to me. You can fuck me right here on this floor, you can eat my pussy until I pass out-- you can put it in my ass, if you really want. Whatever you're into, whatever you've been thinking about when you get yourself off."
His eyes were so wide as you said that, you worried they'd just fall out onto the floor.
"But if you come, all you're getting is the memory of this afternoon as material for your pathetic little spank bank of fantasies. Deal?"
He could only nod weakly as he stared down at you.
"Count for me, Colonel," you demanded, hearing him start with 'one' the moment you wrapped your lips around him again.
He almost lost count right away, because clearly he hadn't been expecting you to pull out all the stops-- you sucked hard, you bobbed your head and twisted your hand over his spit-slicked length, you trailed the blade slowly down his thigh through his trousers. "Two, th-three, four, five..." he breathed, whimpering a little when you looked up at him and made a moment of eye contact. "Fuck, uh, six, seven..."
You pressed your tongue against his slit and felt his hand jump up to grab your hair instinctively. You kept sucking and stroking as you circled it with the tip of your tongue, moaning around him even though you hadn't even really meant to.
"Eight, f-fuck... ni-- oh, god!" he groaned, and even you were surprised as you tasted salty, warm come beginning to coat your tongue. He held you down with his grip on the back of your head, cock twitching as streams of come shot to the back of your throat. You almost gagged, but managed to keep it together until he was done, at which point you pulled back and showed him your full mouth before closing and swallowing it in one go.
"Not even ten seconds, Colonel, that's a shame," you grinned, loving how embarrassed and flustered and exhausted he looked, "I was really looking forward to being all yours, however and whenever you wanted me... oh well."
You shrugged and stood up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"You don't last very long in a sparring match, huh?" you chuckled, tossing the blade to him and seeing him fumble but managed still to catch it. "Better luck next time."
You left without another word, though his dumbfounded expression proved he had plenty to say, just no wherewithal to do so. You could only hope that he'd find a chance sometime soon to get his revenge on you, because you were really looking forward to losing your next bet with him.
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shprka · 3 years
Another harringrove idea
In the fall of 1984 people go missing in Hawkings, Indiana. Including Billy Hargrove, a 17 y o new kid from California no one really knew. He was in school for a month before he went missing. A few people went missing in the span of a few weeks/months, starting with Will Byers, Barb, Bob, Billy and a few others.
The town is definitely the most concerned with finding Will, as he's the only child that went missing, and soon the winter Will come and they want to find him before that. And he's the first one to be found, but he doesn't remember anything so no one can really do anything about whatever happened to them.
There are so many people trying to get to the bottom of this mystery, families mourning, people at school sad. Except no one at school really knew Billy so he gets lost in the sea of missing people. No one really looks for him. Not even his family, who said he just ran away back to Cali.
Everyone accepts that except for Max, who sneaks out to look for Billy even though Neil and her mom keep a close eye on her, worried something might happen to her too.
Also except for Steve, who watches it all unravel, guilty because his house was the last call Billy made, from the one booth they found Billy's camaro by. And Steve was drunk and stoned and he thought it was a prank call as someone (Billy, he later remembers) begs him for help. So Steve, wracked with guilt, tries to get to the bottom of this. He somehow ends up helping the kids who are also investigating the whole thing, helped by the bits and pieces Will remembers and never told the adults, and helped by Max hell bent on finding what happened to Billy. Also the kids have more clues and theories, so Steve tags along as the babysitter
And the present time is intercut with flashbacks of Steve's few and brief interactions with Billy and what he heard about him through the high school rumor grapevine. And the pieces, as he discovers them in present time, start to make sense - of who Billy truly was, of his bad childhood and his father
Then Will has a dream, a memory and makes everyone go to the forest and get their walkie talkies on and search for the right frequency. And then he hears the voices from the radio again, a soft humming. Then a girl and an older boy talking in hushed voices,
"The song. I like it."
"It's AC/DC. Highway to hell. Feels like that's where we are already."
"Jesus, kid, how long have you been here? You dont know any songs. You don't know what hell is."
"Long time. Papa doesn't like me asking for things."
"Yeah. My... papa too. He's an asshole, but your papa... he's gonna get us all killed in here."
And Will gets a headache when he hears the word "papa" and the radio bursts into flames and the voices are gone.
Anyway, now they know Billy is alive and somewhere with another kid, they have to tell someone - Joyce and Hopper of course. And Hopper tells them about the "abandonded" lab at the edge of the town that carried experiments on humans few decades ago. Well turns out, that still might be the case
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