#dorm advice
onedowndesigns · 2 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my Etsy shop: Flower Market Print Set of 3, Floral Decor Posters, Boho Flower Art, Botanical Wall Art, Gallery Set, Printable Wall Art, Digital Download
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21kworldschool · 2 years
College Dorm Room Essentials
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College days are definitely among the most fun phases of everyone's life. However, a certain level of discipline also needs to be maintained to succeed academically and graduate with flying colors. Since students spend most of their time in college dorm rooms apart from classes, they must inculcate the value of discipline in their dorm rooms themselves.
When students are packing for college, there's much to think about. They also have to ensure they have a comfortable place to sleep and enough furniture to fit their needs.
Worry not for those confused regarding the essentials that need to be part of their college dorm rooms. Listed here are some items necessary for any college dorm room.
What items should be included in a college dorm room?
Every college student is different, so what items are necessities for one person might not be for another. 
A bed: A bed is one of the essentials students need in their dorm room. Investing in a comfortable mattress is also equally important. This is because you want your back to be well-supported after long hours of sitting and studying. 
A computer/laptop: Students cannot get through college without a laptop in today's time, where everything is digital. The laptop is needed to complete all these tasks, from assignments and notes to presentations and internships.
Some furniture: Having a comfortable chair and a study desk is sacrosanct. A college dorm room will remain incomplete without some furniture. Students should consider buying a chair with lumbar support and an adjustable table. 
Depending on the college and the individual student's needs, other things that may be necessary include:
A fridge and microwave: A refrigerator and a microwave can significantly reduce your monthly food bills. They also help avoid junk food that can make students fall ill and even fail exams.
A closet and dresser: Students are bound to bring a lot of clothes with them to college that are suitable for different seasons. Cabinets and dressers will ensure that clothes are stored neatly.
How to get organized in a college dorm room
The stereotype of a messy college dorm room is not necessarily true. Students can make their space functional and comfortable with a little organization and effort. This guide will show how to organize the dorm room, from stocking the fridge with healthy snacks to creating a stylish dresser backdrop.
Start by stocking the fridge with healthy snacks. College students are notoriously busy, so having easy access to nutritious snacks is key. Try packing protein bars, pre-made salad packs, or simple fruit and yogurt combos. If you're ambitious, try whipping up homemade granola or veggie bars! Remember, eating healthy and staying fit is crucial for succeeding in classes and graduating with a high GPA.
Keep your dorm room clean and organized using storage options like cabinets and drawers. Also, have a separate section to store towels and used clothes so that they do not mess with the organization of the room.
Create a stylish dresser backdrop with some creative wall decor. You can buy inexpensive stick-on hooks or brackets to hold up posters or photos or use old bed sheets as makeshift wallpaper (be sure to avoid any stains!) if you have more artistic inclinations.
Tips for creating a comfortable and functional college dorm room
Creating a comfortable and functional college dorm room can be challenging, but a few key tips can help. Here are a few essentials to keep in mind:
●   Frame your space with pops of color and prints to liven up the room.
●   Create a dedicated space for your bed and furniture to reduce clutter.
●   Choose soft, comfortable furnishings that will fit the room's overall style.
●   Install blackout curtains to help create a comfortable sleeping environment.
When you first move into a new dorm room, there are a few essentials that you must have on hand. This checklist includes a pillow, an alarm clock, and some snacks. However, don't forget the other essentials that all students need to feel at home in their dorm: bedding and furniture. Make sure to find what works best for your needs and purchase it before your move-in date so that everything is ready when you arrive.
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atthebell · 3 months
practical advice about college you say?
[the weird spaces between some paragraphs are because i hit the character limit on content blocks which i didnt really know existed until now, fascinating!]
Don't buy too much shit. There will be a lot of things that people tell you are useful— buy things that seem like necessities, then figure out what you need from there. My grandma tried to buy me all kinds of crap and some of it was utterly useless, whereas other random stuff was super helpful (like towels, you should own at LEAST two towels, more if you reallyyyyy don’t want to do laundry).
Decor and things to make your dorm room (if applicable, also relevant for apartments etc.) feel more lived in are excluded from the above; if you want to have a million pieces of art on your walls, absolutely go for it. In fact, other people will think you're cool and want to hang out with you, I'm not even joking. Maybe invest in a bean bag, those are also a good seating thing for small rooms. I had a regular bean bag and then a giant one and it was a great way to have fun seating in my room (I hosted a lot of hangouts/let people just chill in my room a lot, so your personal mileage may vary).
Go find free food. There is more free food than you could even imagine on college campuses, go find it and don't be afraid to bundle some up in a napkin or some Tupperware and take it home. This is genuinely grad student 101 (grad students often don't have meal plans like undergrads) but is very relevant to all elements of college. I was notorious amongst friends and acquaintances for going to all kinds of events and bringing food home, and it was awesome. I could swipe some bagels from a student org social and the next morning I wouldn't have to worry about waking up early enough to grab breakfast from the dining hall or, heaven forbid, cooking.
Along similar lines, keep a decent amount of snacks/food in your room. Do you love trader Joe's chocolate covered almonds? Goldfish? Wasabi peas? Keep a stash in your room at all times. Future you will thank past you, especially when you're feeling down or studying or both. If you have a mini fridge or anything like that, keep a few cold things in there, like Gatorade or energy drinks for late nights or even cream cheese for the previously mentioned free bagels.
Join some student orgs! I assure you that while I have always been an over involved maniac of a human being, I am not anything even close to a social butterfly. You don't have to be, but having a few connections, especially with people in similar circumstances to you (first in your family to go to college, low income, women in stem, queer, latine, whatever your background and/or situation may be). You might not meet people you click perfectly with, but you'll at least be able to connect with people who get your experiences on some level. I truly do not know what I would've done without my college’s first gen/low income program or the Jewish community I found going to various events.
Professors are way more chill than you think. I say this as someone who asked for extensions every single semester/quarter of university i was in and again went to several incredibly prestigious colleges. Many professors are way less hardass than you may think, and some are the kind of people who will invite you over for shabbes dinner and become incredibly important mentor figures for you. The latter are harder to find, but there are plenty of extremely cool professors and TFs and lecturers who are always down to talk about course content or any number of topics. Everyone always says this but go to office hours! It really helps and it's just a great way to connect better with people passionate about the same things you are.
Grades are stupid and bad. This is not specific to college; the focus on grades in all levels of education is ridiculous and counterproductive to learning. This is important for you to know and remember, even when grades DO matter; for transcripts, for grad school, for getting jobs and scholarships and other opportunities. Trust me, I understand that grades matter, but I want you to know that they shouldn't, and you aren't stupid or worthless if you struggle with academics, or if you feel like your grades don't reflect your effort. Grades are a way to standardize (retch) measurement of learning, but they don't show the full or accurate picture. You are so much more than your grades or where or what you're studying.
Take fun classes! I know a lot of STEM majors make it incredibly difficult to dip out of course tracks, but if you can, try to take some fun and diverse classes. Take a gender studies class, take a theater class, learn photography, take a wacky science class, take a language course (this one I want to specifically highlight!!!! learn a new language while you're in a setting that's way easier (for many people) to learn one in!), find a beloved professor from another field and dip your toes in. I took all kinds of wild classes (religious studies is not a major where they fill up your schedule with required classes, at least not at my university) and had a blast, and it's good to have some familiarity with different fields and possibly how they connect with your own. Also it's just fun! You can meet new people and learn a lot from studying something you haven't before.
Be very nice to your custodial staff but know that they are probably deeply underpaid and understaffed. And get to know your housing staff too so you know more about who to call in certain situations. Also get a tool set so you can fix minor stuff yourself.
Don't be afraid to party, but also don't feel pressured. I spent most of my college years in a group of friends who played board games every week instead of drinking, and I personally did not drink until I was 21 for various personal reasons. If people make fun of you, don't hang out with those people. If they pressure you, stay the fuck away. If people are judgy about your drinking/partying/hookup choices? They can go fuck themselves. Find people who respect your decisions, either way, no matter what they are, and anyone else can fuck off.
I didn't really date or hook up in college but I did get hit on by a lot of beautiful bisexual women. If a very hot girl that you want to hang out with in a sexual or romantic context asks you to teach her to play pool, just say yes. Do not shoot yourself in the foot. If someone sets you up on a date with a friend of theirs and you guys vibe better as friends, never let this person go. I'm joking but that's how I met my best friend who I adore perhaps more than anyone else in this world so you never know what the universe will hand you.
Get more sleep. Whatever amount of sleep you're getting, try to sleep more. Sometimes homework or frat parties or boyfriends matter a lot less than just getting a few more hours of sleep, and you will retain information better and feel less like shit. Please get more sleep and maybe drink less caffeine.
Befriend some grad students! I'm completely unbiased (<3) but grad students have a lot of insight about college and life as a young adult, and they're often very cool. They might invite you over to smoke weed and talk about Kant— I cannot stress enough that you never have to do something you don't want, but say yes to this if it's at all appealing. Definitely not another personal anecdote.
Connect with your first gen/low income and/or financial aid office(s). They will have incredibly helpful info, including about getting jobs or scholarships or even just the experience of being low income at college. Also, if you're attending a California Community College, apply for the CCPG (previously known as the BOGW)! It waives all enrollment and tuition fees if you meet eligibility and qualification requirements. I would add more resources but I am a Californian so that's what I have at the moment.
Kind of related, if you're leaving university right now with student loans and you're low income, apply for the SAVE plan to make smaller (or no) payments and less (or no) interest. It's been saving my ass for a while now and it could be helpful for you.
Drink more water. If you need it cold, get a brita pitcher thing and put it in your minifridge if you have one. If not, ice from the dining hall + a decently insulated water bottle. You should be drinking on average 8oz every two hours, or every one hour when it's really hot.
Have a craft or a hobby or a video game or a show or a book or a movie or something that you can do like. At least once a week as Chill Time. Personally I would have some Chill Time at least once a day, but if you are busy to the max, Chill Time once a week is mandatory. Doesn’t have to be the same time every time, but if it is, clear your schedule. That is the only thing happening then. No one gets to interrupt Chill Time. Not to be confused with hanging out with friends, which is still a good activity you should do many times a week. This is Chill Alone Time, where you just sit with yourself and do something you like to do alone. Get a coloring book, learn how to cross stitch, read a book on native birds, whatever suits your fancy.
If you are anything like the hot mess express that I was, you will go to class in pajamas/sweats. This is fine. There are probably some people out there who care about this, but you should ignore them. Similarly, if you, for instance, wake up at 1pm for your 1:30pm class, feel only the amount of shame necessary to make you able to be on time to class (if the prof cares) and nothing more. I stayed up til 4:30am every single night my freshman year of college it is a miracle I was ever awake during the day and the fact that I managed to do my coursework and still have a social life continues to be a mystery to me today. Anyway, your fashion choices in college but especially your first year should never be judged to any significant standard. If you’re wearing clothes at all, that’s commendable.
If you’re on a biking campus, wear a helmet. This is not optional, wear a fucking helmet. Also for the love of fuck have a bike light and use it at night you do not want to be smushed by a car at 3am biking back from wherever you’ve been.
If you do not know how to do laundry, ask someone. Please do not just go into the laundry room with full confidence and dump 16 loads worth of detergent into a washing machine and fuck it up for everyone. Also not a single dorm dryer will ever work correctly. Know this, and invest in a drying rack or be content to fry the shit out of your clothes at 90 minutes of high heat.
Communicate with your roommate(s). You do not have to be friends, you don’t even have to like each other, but you should be on the same page about stuff. Especially re: sexiling, taking the trash out, volume levels, friends over, etc. etc. You don’t want to get to the end of the year and then realize your roommate fucking hates you because you never asked if she was cool with whatever thing you’ve been doing that’s been annoying her.
This is just general young adult life advice but: You will fuck up. Like, probably more than you think. But you will be okay, and you should know that everyone does that. You’re learning how to do stuff on your own, you’re possibly leaving a bad situation or even a great situation into something you don’t know enough about to possibly be prepared. It’s hard! It’s going to be hard for a bit! But you are not the only person who’s done this, and there are a lot of people out there you can talk to and find support from. The worst thing you could possibly do is isolate yourself, so please don’t do that. Find some good people, eat some good food, and for the love of fuck get more sleep.
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wifegideonnav · 9 months
tbh when mitski said “you’re my best friend/now i’ve no one to tell/how i lost my best friend”
#my freshman year of college my best friend and I were both a wreck#and on opposite sides of the country#during winter break I made the decision to share certain information with their parents bc I was actively concerned for their safety#they were deeply upset about me betraying their trust like that and asked for a break in our friendship#(a few months later (which happened to be early March 2020. lol) they did shrooms and realized they wanted to talk to me again lmao)#(so we talked and cried and now we’re still best friends almost 4 years later)#and my birthday is in january so it fell right in the middle of the period we weren’t talking#and my friends at school actually put together a really lovely party and it remains to this day the best bday party ive had#(most of my bdays have been sad and shitty lol)#but i just remember being drunk in my friends dorm room with my friends all around me#it was the end of the night people were just kinda chatting in little groups or whatever#and i was lying on my friends bed just miserable bc all I could think about was how my best friend was supposed to be there too#bc my parents were going to fly them out for the weekend as a present#and obviously that just got dropped#and id been talking to my friends about it kind of but all I wanted was my actual best friend#I left them a very embarrassing drunk voicemail that THANK GOD they deleted without listening to#but it’s just. the quiet agony of being angry and sad and hurt because your person doesn’t want to be ur person anymore#and still wanting to talk to them about it. still needing them to comfort you and give you their advice and insights#i don’t want to talk to anyone else about it. they’re not you.#sigh. anyway. ive actually lost several close friends for various reasons ranging from reasonable to bullshit#and it always blindsides me how much I want to talk to THEM about it#so thanks mitski for expressing that so artfully#op
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silvercrane14 · 2 months
YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME????????????????
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fortheloveofxenia · 1 year
My Top 5 Recommendations For A Dorm Altar
(Part 1 of my Back To School Series)
1. Set aside some shelf area. If you want, you can get a small shelf specifically to sit on your desk for your altar.
2. Get some electric candles. They are fairly affordable, will not set off your dorm’s fire alarm, and I highly doubt that they will get you in trouble with your RAs.
3. Get yourself a cute teacup and saucer set. You can find them at pretty much any thrift store, and together they work as a great libation cup and offering dish set that isn’t going to weird out your roommate.
4. My personal favorite way to replace incense is to get one of those reed oil diffusers. They’re pretty cheap online and at discount stores, they will make your room smell good (obviously), and I love to use them to replace incense in the dorm.
5. If you don’t have any deity statues, or don’t feel comfortable displaying them, you can draw your own depiction of whatever gods you currently worship, use a symbol of theirs, or simply print out pictures online.
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addybug1 · 2 months
hey college attendees, should i loft my bed or no? i am still trying to decide!! help a girl out
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kimberly-spirits13 · 9 months
From one amigo to the next. For college dorms would you pick the really small suite style (bathroom shared by four) dorm with yucky carpet and a kinda ugly sink OR the newly renovated traditional style (bathroom at the end of the hallway) bedroom with a way larger space and nicer closet/ sink? I'm pretty sure that this would be obvious to do the traditional but I need insight from college people
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socialbenton · 1 year
starting college in less than a month.
what is a piece of random advice that i probably haven’t heard that i absolutely need to know?
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on an unrelated note to all the good omens girlposting and queenheading i do have my first uni class tomorrow and i'm kind of freaking out, so any encouragement (or advice if you have any) would be appreciated💙
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herawell · 7 months
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daydadahlias · 11 months
you’re getting a psych major and two minors
when do you sleep? O.o
omg great question!! i dont <3
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enigmatic-pers · 1 year
Just found out an irl friend was starting to play twst recently.
They broke right now too.
I Gotta teach em, they’re a fresh newbie and I just got this urge to grind them up. 😭
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womenhood-co · 1 year
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kn11ves · 1 year
idk what it is with me and women but they just flock to me in my time of need. 5 seconds ive been in a room and they want to tie my shoelaces for me they wanna help me do things they want to give me advice and make sure im okay i what
#i wish i was kdiding#I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH IT!#btw im not talking about like. older women although that also happens to me#im talking about girls my age theyll just go to me like im a helpless baby bird if i need something#its not even my cane either because even when i have to do things without it (like my danza folkorica) they still wanna help me#like im so fr first day i showed up a girl tied my shoelaces TWICE and THEN drove me to my dorm afterwards with the rest of her friends i#mean that was so nice#idk what i activate in them but they always wanna help me out its so particular to me#and like. listen ok today we are learning a dance from sinaloa and to be short about it one of the moves is bending your back really far &#i was doing it wrong and bending badly and i ''nearly fell'' multiple times#except see i would never have fallen bc i have been so used to living without a cane until now that i know how to catch myself and im very#yk. good at not falling so i dont embarass myself#but it LOOKS very much like i am about to fall and at least THREE times the president was like ''oh my god ivan are you okay??''#i spooked her so bad i felt bad😭😭#its bc km always in front when shes teaching bc i wanna see her n others r too scared to be up front#and anyways what i was on about literally i was visibly struggling and EVERYONE IM NOT EXAGERARINF ALL THE GIRLS (well there was only one#other guy there but) STARTED GIVING ME ADVICE AND TRTING TO HELP ME one girl moved all the way accross her spot to mine and help guide me#shes so nice i hesrt her her name is charisma bro imagine your name being CHARM and she is charming :> very nice#it feels weird calling her my friend bc well we r all friends in a sense as we r clubmmates but. U Know#long rant TLDR women love me#dont tell them im afraid of them
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middlechildanxiety · 1 year
Advice to college students, and anyone going into or thinking about going to college:
Talk to your advisor. Bigger colleges assign one to you when you declare a major, but even at a small place or in the general track there are advisors for you.
If the one you see first or are assigned isn't working or messes something up, you can and should get a new one. They're like therapists, but I haven't had to pay for them
If you have issues with a professor, email your advisor. Multiple people telling them the same thing about a professor gets attention, and they can usually pull a couple strings for you in a tough spot
If you eat at the cafeteria or dining center on campus, make friends with the people who work there and leave a good impression. They control your food, but they also have the coach of your team on speed dial to come chew you out if you cause problems. For some reason, they also get along with everyone in the financial aid office
Don't be afraid to change your major. I know there a lot of reasons to feel locked in, and I know a lot of them are valid. But if what you had picked doesn't feel right, if it keeps not feeling right, if your plans or just you change too much, don't feel embarrassed or guilty. My dad changed his major 5 times before his college told him he'd had to actually graduate. For most of my life, he's been doing things unrelated to the major he graduated in but it looks good on the resume
None of this is universal, but pay attention to the atmosphere for the coaches of all the sports teams. Both places I've been, if you complain to a professor about a classmate and the professor then tells the coach, shit can happen
Don't room with friends you have not already been living with if you can help it. It's easier to set living boundaries with someone that you don't have a relationship with before because you can feel guilty or shy about it. This is especially true in a traditional dorm with little privacy
I might be an ass kisser, but living in dorms is better if your RA likes you and has a reason to trust you. Give them one, and most of the time they don't need another
If you notice problems in a class but it's too late or your schedule can't deal with dropping it or you decide that you can stick it out, whatever, have a document of complaints and problems. Nuke the professor in the end of semester review
Remember that you can wear pretty much anything, and you won't be the first or last person that your professor or classmates see wearing it. Name brand, full makeup, rainbows, flag as a cape, Indiana Jones hat, wolf hat, pajamas; relax. Anyone who cares or is shitty hasn't emotionally left high school yet so you don't have to care what they think. One exception is business majors. Learn the standards before you push them but that's mostly later on in the track
History professors tend to be kinda wacky so if you need an extra couple credits or are doing gen ed classes I will always suggest a history class
Even professors with bad ratings or who are known for being a hard ass have a soft spot. Rate my professor and sites like that are still great but again, I'm an ass kisser and have been for years so my methods may not work for everyone. I have just found that sometimes it's a lot easier to get people to like you than you expect.
Lie when you need to. This is general life advice, but it's cool if you don't want to tell someone something, or if you know a professor won't accept a mental health day even if most of them should. Lying is an art though, never use something too dramatic when a migraine will do
College is a place that a lot of people find their spot. You don't have to and it's nothing bad against you if you don't, but if you want to find a spot or a group, you fucking won't if you don't act like yourself. College is known as a time of self discovery for a reason
College is also a time to drop things. If a person or thing doesn't spark joy, it's okay to admit that and move on, not everything can fit in the dorm room anyway
You can and will make mistakes at any point in your life. College? It's known for having some of the worst, funniest, biggest, and stupidest mistakes in people's lives. Make some, and find people who will tell you about theirs to make you feel better
You will also, inevitably, be an asshole at various points in your life. You might not want to admit it, you might make it your personality, you might realize it and immediately think you're the worst person who's ever lived. You aren't, but remember that it will happen and it will pass so long as you make an effort to be better
My experience is of course limited, but these are things I've either been told that helped, wish I'd been told, or have told my friends at college. This is also really pointed towards being on campus, but I hope it means something to someone
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