#down with crispy creme!
crookedwesper · 2 years
The way Daemon didn’t get involved in any of the drama until Ser Crispy tried to stick his stupid nose where it doesn’t belong was great. Like I have never seen that man move faster. 10 out of 10 interception!
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jo-harrington · 9 months
You don't have time for Christmas.
Work and home and this friend in a crisis.
Work and home and, let's be honest, probably work again.
And before you know it, it's December 20th and you don't even have any decorations up. Barely anyone does. The neighborhoods that are usually lit up with lights and figurines enough to rival the Griswolds are noticably dark this year.
What holiday? What festivity? It's wake up and hustle and lay in bed in a dreamless sleep. Then wake up to do it all again.
You are a cog in a machine.
You don't know how to voice these things, your displeasure, the secret yearning for the pomp and circumstance and childhood whimsy for the holiday season that's tucked somewhere deep inside your weary body. You can't bring yourself to indulge in it.
You're tired.
You glance down the card aisle at the grocery store but don't stop to grab any for friends. You pick up a bag of peanut butter bells for your candy jar at work but then second guess it at the checkout. Gifts are bought with as much care as you could, but you can't even bother to wrap them as prettily as you usually would.
You can try again for Valentine's. Chocolate hearts with the crispy rice inside and roses for your coworkers. Something.
But this year, you don't have time for Christmas.
And he notices.
It starts with cookies.
He likes to bake--started with boxed cake mix and then you bought him a handheld torch one year so he could try his hand at creme brûlée after he watched a little too much Jacques Pepin on PBS--so it's not anything suspicious. No ulterior motives detected.
Only he's dug up the little handwritten notebook full of your grandma's favorite recipes. Grandpa's handwriting because he wrote it while she dictated. Cookies he's never tasted before himself but seemed to have nailed exactly the way she made them. The love he poured into the treats matched hers exactly.
He brings you a plate and a cup of cocoa when you come home and collapse on the couch.
You cry when you eat them. And he lets you.
Then he digs out the tree from the garage.
The one-car garage that you pay extra for doesn't fit either of your vehicles but fits all your crap. You both vow to clean up at some point and never do. He slogs through the boxes of old band tees that don't fit him and kitchen crap that you don't miss or really need, to get to the plastic 6 ft tree that used to have stickers to note which bough went in what slot but those are long gone.
He spends hours figuring it out and decorating it, and imagine your surprise when you come home to an otherwise-dark apartment illuminated by the fat, colorful incandescent bulbs that you're sure he spent a significant amount of time untangling. You'd both given up last year and went without lights. But there they are.
"What?" you drop your bag by the door. "What is this?"
"I dunno," he grins proudly. "Thought it would be nice. Get in the Christmas spirit. Saved the star for you to put on top if you want."
And you did. You wanted it so bad. Ever since you were a kid, you were the one to put the star on top of the tree.
After it's up, you marvel at the special care he's taken with the important ornaments. Fragile little wooden ones from your grandma, popsicle stick frames with baby pictures of both of you, a macaroni snowman that he gave his mom once-upon-a-time that his uncle had stashed away, and then a fancy hallmark one you got the year you moved in together.
They all have special places on the tree and tell a story of your lives, separate and then together.
You both lay under the tree that night, staring up at the glittering lights as you hold hands.
Finally it's Christmas Eve. Which to him really meant nothing, but to you meant the world. Christmas Days were spent with individual families but Christmas Eves of old meant a big dinner and time spent with your cousins and It's a Wonderful Life on the TV.
It's a tradition that got put to the wayside as everyone got too old and too tired. As you started getting scheduled to work, like this year. And it's almost worse this year, as you've done a stretch of you-can't-remember-how-many days, that you even turned down an invitation for the two of you from your mom for a small dinner with her.
You're exhausted by the time you get home and, more than anything, you're looking forward to the day off tomorrow.
Not the holiday. The day off.
Still, you remember to bring in the handful of gifts from their hiding place in your trunk. You don't really do gifts between the two of you anymore. Nothing big at least. Just a cheesy little thing. Something fun, not something serious. But you did a little more this year than you usually would--all of the OT you'd clocked for one, and too many things you saw that you knew would make him smile for another.
You try to tip toe into the house as quietly as possible so you can throw the boxes under the tree and shower but he's vigilant. He's been at the stove cooking for a while, and he greets you at the door as you shut it behind you.
"I thought we said no big gifts," he admonishes you and snatches the boxes from your hands. The wrapping paper isn't festive--just brown craft paper you stole borrowed from work since you wrapped on your lunch--but you managed to slap on some red and green bows from the drugstore that you grabbed the other day.
"They're not big," you explained. "I promise."
"Well neither are mine," he winked.
You slap a hand against his chest and then give him a kiss in greeting and thanks.
"One better be the RC racer I wanted when I was nine," he mutters against your lips.
"Hmmm, you're just gonna have to wait," you tell him. "And no shaking the boxes.
You're almost a little ticked off'; one of them is the RC racer.
You kick off your shoes as the smell finally hits you.
Thick and savory and fragrant.
Some kind of fish and roasted potatoes and the starchiness of a pasta and the tang of its sauce.
Recipes, again, taken from your grandma's little notebook. They stir something deep inside of you. That yearning you never voiced.
The weariness that's been slowly building within you finally comes to a head when you make it to the kitchen and see the pots and pans and two plates already portioned out.
An ice cold beer for him, and a Shirley temple, extra cherries, for you.
"Remember when you told me," he comes up behind you and his arms snake around your midsection, "that you and your cousins would sneak extra maraschino cherries from the fridge when your gram wasn't looking. And then she went to go get them for the pistachio salad and they were gone."
Your knees shake and you practically collapse against him.
"Speaking of which, there is a pistachio salad in the fridge for dessert."
"Why?" you sniff.
"Because that's actually my favorite, so sorry to your grandma's tiramisu." He pecks a kiss to the side of your head and rocks you back and forth. "But if you want to make that for New Year's Eve, I won't say no."
"No," you let out a watery laugh. "Why are you so good to me, why did you do all of this?"
"Because I know it's been a hard few weeks. Few months." You can feel him shrug. "Fuck, it's been hard for me too but...I know this is one of your favorite parts of the year and you just...haven't been in the spirit for it. So whatever I could do to make it happen for you..."
You turn in his arms and bury your face in his shoulder, in his neck, so he doesn't see your tears. Again. Worse this time as you begin to shake from your sobs. He shushes you, runs a hand over your back, and leaves kiss after kiss against your head.
"Baby, I'll do anything for you," he tells you, voice thick with emotion. "I just want you to be happy."
"I am happy," you whine against his skin. "I'm so...so happy."
"Thank you," you repeat it over and over again until it feels like you're empty of all the void and indifference that have filled you for the past few months are gone. In their place just...love and gratitude for him.
"Merry Christmas baby. I love you."
"I love you too, Merry Christmas."
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myloveisinthefood · 4 months
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crispy as hell oven potatoes
sometimes you just want cronch
Mid-sized roasting potatoes are best! I use creme gold 💛 but there may be a different variety in your area which is best for roasting
Par-boil your peeled potatoes! The length of time depends on the size; you don’t want them to be completely falling apart, but you don’t want them to be firm (I did around 25mins, until I could insert a knife and teach the centre with little resistance)
Drain the potatoes, and return them to the pot with the lid off. Let them steam!
When the potatoes are room temp, preheat your oven 🤓 200C fan force! Put a roasting tray with about 1/2cm of oil in the bottom into the oven while it’s preheating. I use a combo of rice bran oil (high smoke point!) and extra virgin olive oil (for flavour!)
When the oven is preheated, take out the roasting tray (be careful! Hot oil!) and lay the potatoes in it. With a potato masher, very gently crush/press each potato. You don’t want them falling apart! Just make them a bit gnarly
Put them in the oven for 10mins. After 10mins, flip them
Flip them again, then do a final 10mins
Take the tray out, and transfer the potatoes (and any super crispy, scraggly bits that came off while turning) to a bowl. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar, and sprinkle generously with salt. Shake the bowl a little to disperse the flavour
remember to dispose of leftover oil responsibly; don’t pour oil down the drain 👍
(or even pour it into a jar through a mesh strainer and use it one more time before getting rid of it!)
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buffetlicious · 1 year
The McSpicy burger I have tried it quite a few times over the years. Frankly speaking, I found it a little too spicy for me though in recent time the heat seems to have been toned down or maybe I have grown more tolerant of the spices. When McDonald's Singapore released the new Sweet BBQ McSpicy and a new dessert, it is time to go try them out.
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At the self-serve kiosk, I chose the Sweet BBQ McSpicy Feast (S$10.40) which came with the mentioned burger, a medium-sized fries and a Cocoa-nut Pie. Paid S$0.85 to upgrade the cola to a small ice milo. It is still the same old McSpicy that I know but with a sweet and smoky twist and slices of crispy chicken bacon! The BBQ creme sauce adds flavours and toned down the spiciness so I don’t have to keep reaching for the cup of ice milo. Overall, a notch better than the OG McSpicy but for a limited time only.
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Now for the cocoa and coconut dessert, the warm Cocoa-nut Pie. The crispy cocoa shell hides the creamy coconut milk and nata de coco filling. It is not too sweet and the chewy pieces of coconut water jellies complements the crispy crust.
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Topmost image and video courtesy of McDonald's Singapore.
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mosscaller · 1 month
My entire childhood is a fucking lie..
So, I know life really fucks us over, and our parents mistakes don't help - but I beg your crispy creme fucking pardon did I do in another life to deserve this shit?
For my entire 32 years on this planet, I haven't been able to piece together the broken memories I have ( due to trauma, brain damage, abuse and neglect I can't remember most of my childhood ) and it's messed me up quite a bit.
Nothing made sense and I struggled with trying to understand who I was and who I am now.
Until I met my Fiancé. Through some weird circumstance, our paths were laid out years ago and we finally met.
She's the type of person that can light up a room. I'm grateful to have finally met someone that genuinely cares about me - enough to ensure I get the medical care I need. To sit with me while I'm having a bad day and just help to distract my mind.
Since meeting her, I'm on a path to making myself a better person. Not for just myself, but for her.
Getting to the point, she's helped me to piece together some of my childhood. She likes to go on rabbit holes - I won't go into too much detail, but that woman is amazing at finding information.
I found out through her amazing detective skills, that my Mother lied ( which if you've followed this blog from day one, you know that my Mother is a malignant narcissist ) about everything.
Learning that my Mother lived down in Florida multiple times, not just once as she told us, but repeatedly. There are records dating back to me being an infant of her moving down to Florida, my medical records.
She had aliases, even had one for me. My Mother was dating a heroine addict at the time, and decided it was smart to help him run from child support payments from his ex-wife.
They moved from state to state, completely forgetting that when you put in a change of address it makes it very easy to track you down.
Now I understand why we moved so much. Why my childhood was never stable.
I'm apparently the poster child for extremely fucked up. I understand a fraction of why I react the way I do to affection. That emotional numbness, the empty feeling in my chest...
It's fucked up to do that to a kid.
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 11 months
the concept cookie's translated description(With edits from me in attempt to make sense of them because google sucks)(part 2)
Nymphaea Cookie
Cookie Quote:What history can we discover today?
Archaeologist Excavation + Egyptian Training
This cookie, which had lost its vibrant green flowers, was miraculously created by mixing water lily petals from an oasis with soft cheese dough from the desert. seen from above. It is said that thanks to the mysterious power of the blue water lily, a tiny oasis is created where Nymphia Cookie dug the ground….
they might somehow be related to the god of healing, which is popular among cheese ball birds.
A bag that has become dry and crispy after a long trip to the desert.
Blue water lilies represent regenerative healing.
coin choco cookie
Archaeologist's Sponsor Coin Choco
If Chi is the flashy, pure rich(?) type, this is the old miserable type. He is a friend of a cookie made for an assignment a long time ago. Maybe he can become the archaeologist's sponsor for the troublesome season?
(Artist note?)I remembered what you said and brought it as an NPC.
The coin bug disguises itself as a coin sticks to the ground and bites when a hand approaches
(beetles)Golden Chocolate Scarab Mulberry…
Creme brulee cookie
Cookie Quote:"I'll dig into it all!"
Creme Brûlée/Spoon/Archaeologist
Overly motivated
Creme: What do you think you'll find if you dig further?
Cookie from the top: Come back!!!
Creme:Ever since I was young, I have been interested in relics of the past (like the Ivory Dragon's palace).
Creme,nerding out:Oh~ The story of the other world’s Noble Phantasm that has been passed down from the Kingdom of Gold Cheese. The poetry is a phrase. (description)Me (later rapid-fire explanation)
(third image) Creme:I am farsighted, so I only wear glasses when reading books.
Lemon Kadayif Cookie
(sketch with them & camembert)" I found a suspicious fox cookie that was persistently chasing me."
(Reference image)It is made by baking Taipei(?) dough wrapped in cloves and cinnamon until crisp and topped with sweet lemon syrup. Sprinkle chopped walnuts or pistachios on the hot kataipi, pour in lemon syrup, and roll it up.
(sketch with a bird on their head)Sometimes cheeseball birds mistook it for a back and sat on their heads. I tend to dislike people who aren't my best friends.
(their hair down sketch)The ends of the hair become long and stranded. They say you can cut it down and make a nest for your honey skein friends…
(lemon hair clip sketch(Maybe the secret to the hair is Lemon herself? I don't know what's sealed
(sketch of smaller mummies)It is possible to communicate with honey skein mummies and hawks.
I guess he's a colleague because he follows along well.
(underneath the large image of them) The ends of the uncut hair gradually ripen in the desert heat and turn brown.
Ghost cheese cookie
"I'm not dead, I'm reborn!"
Mac and Cheese/Ghost/Melting Cheese cookie
A macaroni-flavored cookie that was researching the Gold Cheese Kingdom a long time ago falls down a deep, deep vein of cheese. While wandering aimlessly under the mineral vein, she was discovered by Cheese the Mole, who lived there and was transformed into her current form, Ghost Cheese (Mac and Cheese).
Are they being reborn as cheese, turning into a dead body, and existing only in the underworld (metaverse)? Even though she is dead, she seems to have no regrets. Rather, she might be happy to know the secret of the Gold Cheese Kingdom (I'm sure you won't)While researching about eternal life, macaroni-flavored cookie before becoming ghost cheese, discovered the Gold Cheese Kingdom, and discovered the secret to eternal wealth.
They're archaeologist with a passionate personality who doesn't give up.
(Side description on a small version of her)No legs visible
(Underneath the larger version)What if it was a ghost but its entire body was light golden?
(Reference image?)“Wow! / Oh my god, you’re a ghost.”
Coffee Cheese cookie
(Reference image of cheese)Espresso coffee bean powder
The outside, covered with coffee bean powder, has a bitter and rough taste. The cheese inside is creamy and rich in flavor. Once a cookie gets caught up in it, they won't be able to get out. A petty thief who uses their gift of words to lure away cookies and rip them off.
(talking about their paw)palm tattoo
(First image with coffee cheese and Kopi Luwak)The troublesome shoplifting duo of the Kingdom of Golden Cheese
(Second image of Coffee glaring at Burnt cheese)They want to rob the treasure trove, but they fail every time because Basque cheese(Burnt cheese) is on guard. It would be nice to have a cat<->dog gimmick.
Finger food cookie
Cookie who loves beauty and dance in the luxurious city of the Metaverse. She was one of the guardians who guided the souls, but she got caught up in the world of music and now only spends her time playing, eating, and dancing. Cookies that interfere with this guardian's pastimes may see her fearsome side.
(Reference image) Finger Food Concept(party food)
(Hathor reference) goddess of love and beauty reference Hathor (loves dance and music)
(Finger food on stage sketch)Finger food: Until we all die~
(Same sketch)Have a lot of fans
Support type
When she starts playing, cookies are forced to dance for a certain period of time and no other actions are possible.
Kopi Luwak Cookie
Here and there wander around town
When using an attack skill, they raise their hair and tail
How do you find picking out the pockets of Gold Cheese's Village's petty thief cat, Chili Flavored Cookie(Chili pepper Cookie)? Cats leave footprints wherever they pass by.
A lump of grass rolling around in the desert? Like 20 burns(I am not sure what this means…)
Sphinx cookie
Cookie quote:" Can just a cookie solve the riddle of the Sphinx?" Sphinx Cookie, which existed in Cheese Valley for a long time, fell asleep as a stone statue for thousands of years but woke up after the creation of the Gold Cheese Kingdom.
(Concept idea) What if Gold Cheese was the first to solve your riddle?
Somewhere in the deserted Cheddar Cheese Mountain, he is sleeping in a state of parmesan at the top of Gold Cheese Kingdom (it looks like a statue)
(concept image)Parmesan cheese lion tail ver.
(reference images) Parmigiano Reggiano & Sphinx
Sphinx in their stone stage, thinking: Walking on four legs in the morning, two during the day, and three at night…I'm thinking about a riddle
Sphinx Cookie exchanges riddles with Gouda(probably talking about a high priest bird), who is said to be the smartest of the birds.
When it becomes a stone statue, sometimes cheese ball birds come up to rest or peck at it even though it is hard. (Remember it and scold them later)
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fortheloveoffoodporn · 11 months
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Creme Brulee Pumpkin Cheesecake
This smooth, silky pumpkin cheesecake is made with the ginger snap cookie crust, extra cookies on the bottom, heavenly pumpkin cheesecake, and crunchy, caramelized sugar on top.
Prep Time: 6 hrs Cook Time: 1 hr 25 min Total Time: 7 hrs 25 mins
Author: Lyuba Brooke
44 ginger snap cookies pulsed to crumbles (cookies I used were about 1 inch in diameter) That equaled to about 2 cups of cookie crumbs
1 tsp pumpkin spice extract
5 Tbsp. melted unsalted butter
20 ginger snap cookies broken up
32 oz cream cheese softened
½ cup sour cream
2 eggs
1 ¼ cup pumpkin puree
¾ cup white granulated sugar
2 Tbsp. cornstarch
2 tsp pumpkin spice extract
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/3 cup super fine sugar
*You will need a culinary blow torch
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and grease a 9 inch springform pan. You will need a large roasting pan that’s bigger and longer than the springform pan. (I use the aluminum foil disposable ones). If you are not sure about your springform holding up in water, you can wrap the outside of the springform pan in heavy duty aluminum foil from bottom up to the sides. (I recommend wrapping the outside of the springform in foil before adding the crust and cheesecake batter.)
Pulse about 44 ginger snaps in a food processor until all cookies are crumbled.
In a small mixing bowl, mix ginger snap crumbles, melted butter, and pumpkin spice extract until evenly incorporated.
Spread the crust mixture all over the bottom of the spring form and press it down.
Break up about 20 cookies into small chunks and spread them even over the crust.
In a bowl of an electric mixer, beat cream cheese on medium-high speed until smooth and fluffy.
Scrape sides and bottom on the bowl, add sugar, and beat for another couple of minutes.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition.
Add pumpkin puree, pumpkin extract, and sour cream, and beat until incorporated. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl.
Lower speed and add cinnamon and corn starch. Make sure that all ingredients are well combined. Scrape the sides and bottom of the bowl and beat for a few more seconds, until all smooth.
Pour the cheesecake batter over the crushed cookies into the pan with the crust.
Place the roasting pan into the oven and place the cheesecake springform pan inside the roasting pan. Carefully add water to the roasting pan, about halfway up the side of the springform.
Bake for 80-85 minutes. Turn off the oven and open the oven door halfway. Let the cheesecake rest for about 10 minutes before taking it out. Take it out of the oven (out of the roasting pan and carefully take off the foil).
Let it rest for 20 minutes on the counter and then gently run a greased butter knife between the sides of the cheesecakes and the springform to carefully separate it. (You don't have to take the cheesecake out of the pan until ready to serve.)
Cool the cheesecake for an hour and then place it in the refrigerator. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or even overnight.
Take the side of the spring form off the cheesecake. Spread superfine sugar evenly over the top of the cheesecake, evenly.
Using a torch, melt the sugar to golden brown as it forms a crispy top. Let it stand for about 5 minutes before cutting and serving.
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grandlovescheme · 2 years
in hitman au, is Crispy Creme gonna be a threat to Rhaenyra?
I feel like she's going through enough with the Hightowers, do we really wanna add another problem with Crispy?...... 👀 I mean, if it means more protective Daemon, I'm down 💀
Maybe he stalks her and just won't leave her alone, only adding more stress to her. And Daemon doesn't mind at all taking care of him 💅
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holatexasus · 6 months
Dallas Dining Delights: Exploring Iconic Restaurants in Dallas
Dallas has an almost glorified reputation as a city not only in Texas known for its food scene but also as its diverse sports teams like the Cowboys, Mavericks, and Stars. From delicious Indian barbecue to connoisseur of Mexican food favorites, Dallas has many irresistible restaurants that will definitely leave your tongue wanting more. The article is about to identify some of the most popular Dallas restaurants in Dallas where you can find not only both tourists as well as residents of this city but also loads of good food.
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Barbecue: A Taste of Texas
Texas is known across America for mouthwatering barbecue, and restaurants in Dallas serving up smoky brisket, fall-off-the-bone ribs, and more. Many of the most popular barbecue joints have been around for decades, gaining fame through word-of-mouth over tender, juicy meats. From old-fashioned, hole-in-the-wall spots to newer, hip restaurants, barbecue has a strong standing across Dallas neighborhoods. Visitors making a barbecue pilgrimage won’t want to miss out on staples like pecan pie to finish a meal dripping in savory sauces.
Tex-Mex Favorites
You can’t talk about Texan cuisine without mentioning Tex-Mex. Dallas offers plenty of casual Tex-Mex restaurants serving up classics like tacos, enchiladas, fajitas and more with a touch of the Southwest. Crispy tacos filled with spiced ground beef, chicken or succulent barbacoa paired with a frosty margarita is one of the treats in Dallas. Many local favorite Tex-Mex spots have been family-owned for generations, passing down recipes and traditions to keep diners happy. Be sure to save room for some warm, just-fried chips and queso or a hearty bowl of chili con carne.
Where Sports Fans Gather
Sports culture is huge in Dallas, so it’s no surprise that many iconic restaurants also double as sports bars and pubs. Televisions lining the walls make these eateries popular places for fans to gather over wings, pizza and beer to cheer on the Cowboys, Mavericks, Stars or Rangers. Some old-school spots maintain an old-world pub vibe while newer hot spots have a modern, lively energy fueled by crowds reacting to big plays and wins.
From traditional Irish pub fare like shepherd’s pie and fish and chips to classic bar food like juicy burgers and loaded nachos, sports bars allow fans to fuel up without missing a moment of the action. Many have expanded outdoor patios and an energetic atmosphere after big victories.
Southern Comfort Food
In a blend of Deep South influence and Texan flair, Dallas comfort food brings diners generous portions of cuisine that feels like home. From chicken fried steak smothered in peppery gravy to fluffy biscuits and giant cinnamon rolls, comfort food eateries in Dallas serve up hearty cuisine, often with a helping of southern hospitality on the side. Chicken and waffles, catfish, collard greens, cornbread and other soul food staples also populate menus at spots across the city.
For those with a sweet tooth, banana pudding, pecan pie, peach cobbler and hummingbird cake are just some of the decadent southern desserts that top off a meal.
Fine Dining & Upscale Eats
Dallas also shines when it comes to elegant, fine dining featuring steakhouses, seafood eateries, five-star restaurants and more upscale cuisine. Splurging on Wagyu beef, fresh sushi and seafood towers or enjoying a special occasion meal at a celebrity chef’s hot new outpost pairs nicely with views of the glittering Dallas skyline.
The famous steakhouse scene offers premium cuts of beef and old-fashioned tableside service amid clubby, masculine interiors. Lobster bisque in bread bowls, crabcakes with spicy aioli and creme brûlée provide a taste of luxury that keeps Dallas high on lists of American foodie destinations.
Whether you’re looking for barbecue, Tex-Mex flavors, bar atmosphere for sports in Dallas, southern comfort foods or five-star elegant dining, Dallas delivers iconic restaurants to satisfy any craving. From old soul spots to new hot spots, chow down on local specialties and regional cuisine that makes Dallas a tasty Texas destination for food lovers. With such a strong sports culture and vibrant dining scene, Dallas brings people together through mouthwatering meals to savor for memories long after the plates are clean.
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hockeymusicmore · 6 months
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restaurantify · 8 months
How to Eat Your Way Through Boston: 15 Famous Foods You Must Try
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Uncover the culinary treasures of Boston, a city famed for its picturesque coastline and a gastronomic tapestry that reflects its vibrant history. This blog introduces you to 15 must-try foods that make Boston a haven for food enthusiasts.
1) Boston Creme Pie at Omni Parker House
Indulge in the classic Boston Creme Pie where it originated — at Omni Parker House. This delightful creation, born in the kitchen of Parker's Restaurant in the 1900s, boasts a light sponge cake filled with crème and enrobed in chocolate. A slice of history and a celebration of Boston's culinary excellence.
Location: Parker's Restaurant, 60 School St., Boston, MA 02108.
2. Fried Clam Platter at Woodman's of Essex
Experience the essence of Boston's maritime culinary heritage with Woodman's fried clam platter. Since 1914, this historic restaurant has been delighting locals and tourists alike with golden, crispy fried clams served alongside perfect companions — French fries and onion rings.
Location: Woodman's of Essex, 119 Main St., Route 133, Essex, MA 01929.
3. Boston Baked Beans at Beantown Pub
No visit to Beantown is complete without savoring Boston baked beans. Rooted in colonial times, these beans have become a cozy, traditional Bostonian comfort food. Head to Beantown Pub for a generous serving of sweet baked beans accompanied by rustic brown bread.
Location: Beantown Pub at 100 Tremont.
4. Cannoli at Mike's Pastry
Embark on a delightful debate about the best cannoli in Boston. Mike's Pastry, a family-run bakery since 1946, offers these Italian pastries filled with luscious ricotta cheese and adorned with fruit, almonds, or chocolate. For a cannoli showdown, also explore the offerings at Modern Pastry down the street.
Location: Mike's Pastry, 300 Hanover St., Boston, MA 02113.
5. Lobster Roll at James Hook & Co.
In a city known for outstanding seafood, a lobster roll is a must. James Hook & Co., since 1925, has been serving up this signature dish. Choose between a hot, buttered lobster roll or a cold version with mayonnaise, both promising a generous helping of succulent lobster meat.
Location: James Hook & Co., 440 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210.
6. Clambake at Neptune Oyster
Indulge in a clambake extravaganza at Neptune Oyster, where fresh Maine lobster, clams, sweet corn, and chorizo come together for a flavorful feast. A tradition in New England, Neptune Oyster's clambake is a visual and culinary delight.
Location: Neptune Oyster, 63 Salem Street, Boston, MA 02113.
7. Roast Beef Sandwich at Kelly’s Roast Beef
Boston's North Shore is renowned for roast beef sandwiches, and Kelly's Roast Beef is an undisputed master. Thin slices of roast beef paired with horseradish create a classic Bostonian staple, with each establishment adding its unique touch.
Location: Multiple locations for Kelly's Roast Beef.
8. Frappes in Toscanini's
Indulge your sweet tooth with a frappe, Boston's beloved milkshake topped with ice cream. While many places offer creative variations, Toscanini's stands out for its incredibly thick, creamy frappes.
Location: Toscanini's Ice Cream, 159 First St., Cambridge, MA 02142.
9. Clam Chowder at Union Oyster House
Savor the classic "chowdah" at Union Oyster House, a dish with roots dating back to the 18th century. This thick soup, a New England version, features shellfish, clams, milk or cream, potatoes, and oyster crackers. Union Oyster House consistently ranks among the best for this iconic dish.
Location: Union Oyster House, 41 Union St., Boston, MA 02108.
10. Fenway Frank at Fenway Park
Immerse yourself in the quintessential Boston experience by enjoying a Fenway Frank at Fenway Park. This isn't just any hot dog — it's boiled, grilled, and nestled in a fluffy open-top roll, smothered with yellow mustard.
Location: Fenway Park, 4 Jersey Street, Boston, MA 02215.
11. Fish and Chips at Yankee Lobster
Delight in a classic sea-faring Boston dish with a plate of fish and chips. Yankee Lobster, with its decades of expertise, serves perfectly crisp yet juicy fried fish alongside golden chips.
Location: Yankee Lobster, 300 Northern Ave, Boston, MA 02210.
12. Giambotta Pizza at Regina Pizzeria
While Boston and New York may have baseball rivalries, there's no debate about Regina Pizzeria's excellence. Try the Giambotta pizza at their North End branch, laden with meats and vegetables, a testament to Boston's diverse pizza scene.
Location: Multiple locations for Regina Pizzeria.
13. Stuffed Gnocchi at No. 9 Park
Elevate your gnocchi experience at No. 9 Park with the prune-stuffed gnocchi. This dish, a crown gem of No. 9 Park, features delicate pasta pillows served in a sauce flavored with foie gras, almonds, and vin santo.
Location: No. 9 Park, 9 Park St., Boston, MA 02108.
14. Irish Beef Stew Pie at Sea Biscuit
Experience the warmth of Boston's hearty cuisine with an Irish beef stew pie at Sea Biscuit. A buttery, flaky crust envelops a filling of tender beef, beef broth, carrots, onions, celery, and fragrant herbs, making it a perfect winter indulgence.
Location: Sea Biscuit, 256 Marginal St., Bldg. 16, Boston, MA 02128.
15. Oysters at Union Oyster House
Conclude your culinary journey with plump, briny oysters at Union Oyster House, one of Boston's oldest establishments. Serving freshly shucked oysters for almost two centuries, it's a testament to Bostonians' enduring love for this delectable shellfish.
Indulge in the culinary wonders of Boston, a city celebrated not just for its baked beans but a plethora of delightful dishes. As you explore the vibrant food scene, these 15 iconic meals offer a delicious glimpse into the diverse flavors of Beantown. Stay connected to Restaurantify for more culinary adventures from around the world.
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greedyapron · 9 months
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21/12/2023 - Lunch
🇵🇹 O Velho Eurico, Lisbon
🐮🥪 Chambao e Bolo Levedo (€ 10, $14.60)
Beef shank sando. Rich with those collagen meat feels. A really heavy sando so it would be best to balance it out with other lighter dishes on the menu. Would definitely order this to share again!
🦐🌶 Camarao Piri-Piri (€ 12, $17.52)
Piri Piri shrimps. The best item we tried here. Could not stop eating the sauce. It's savoury, slightly sour and sweet with a good kick of spice. Also has a nice charred, smokey taste. Prawns were cooked just right and most of the shell has already been peeled for you. Really appreciate the thought put into making it easy for the customer.
🐟🥚🥔 Bacalhau a Bras (€ 13, $18.98)
Codfish "Bras". The best rendition we had on this trip. Crispy-thin matchstick potatoes with good chunks of cod with egg. Not sure what's in that green sauce either but it's so gooood.
🥬🌭 Migas de Alheira (€ 7, $10.22)
Poultry sausage and cornbread. This was the dish we liked the least in terms of flavour. There are really nice touches with it like the charred cabbage. Wish that there was a fried egg to accompany this. Perhaps it could have been better with some sauce. That being said, we haven't tried this dish in another shop yet.
🐟🍋🧈 Picapau de Atum (€ 14, $20.44)
Tuna cubes with a yummy lemon butter sauce. Tuna was aburi-ed on the outside and left nicely raw in the middle. The sauce wasn't too heavy either with a strong hit of lemon to balance it.
🍏🍋🍹Sumo do dia (€ 2.50, $3.65)
Juice of the day was AMAZING. Sour, sweet and refreshing. It's apple lemonade with a nice hint of thyme (?). It even has green apple bits at the bottom. It's a drink I won't forget for a long time.
🍨 Leite Creme (€ 3.50, $5.11)
Creme catalan. Very creamy with a nice hit of citrus. Bruleed sugar, while pleasing to the eye, was a tad too charred for me.
🥃 Bagaceira
FREE SHOT OF ALCOHOL. Brandy made from grapes. Burns nicely down the throat and definitely way more pleasant and sweet than vodka.
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quieteating · 1 year
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In popular mythology, the Gurkha is known as tough as nails, sharp as a knife and full of hidden energy like a coiled cobra.  Folklore has it that Gurkhas coming from Nepal, are used to hardship.  That is what makes them what they are.  Although one of the poorest regions of the world, the people there are unusually happy.
This was a great contrast as upon entering, it was a fairly upmarket looking restaurant.  Indeed, their dress code said smart casual.  I turned up in jeans and a shirt on this sweltering day.  Most turned up in T-shirt and shorts.  I felt cheated (and rather damp).
Putting such unpleasantries aside, I looked forward to the food as the way it was described made it sound rather good.  Skipping ahead to the end, I have to say that at least it was accurate.  As to whether I would willing pay for it again is another question.
Spicy lamb kachila, karela, marinated lamb tartare, Nepali herbs & spices, crispy bitter gourd.  This was interesting like a beef tartare with some almost token throw-away flavourings.  Pretty in an abstract kind of way.  Lacking in most flavour profiles.
Kukhura ko jhol momo, chicken dumplings, lapsi & tomato sauce.  This was a strangely tasteless tomato.  The momo skin was good and the minced chicken decent.  Unfortunately the sauce let it down as it was in one word, boring.
Monkfish choila, kaakro ko achar, chiura, grilled spiced monkfish, cucumber salad, beaten rice.  It was weird.  Sweet, salty and rather bland.  The fish was rubbery.  It was pretty to look at though.
Lamb rump, spiced lentils, garden peas, smoked dhau, mint.  A varied mix of vegetable salads with sour cream.  Although the lamb was decently cooked medium rare and juicy if strangely tasteless, the vegetables mis mash although delighting in texture was about all the positive energy I could muster.  The dhau, beans and peas were perhaps better not described at length and the dish as a whole came across rather confused as it couldn’t really seem to decide whether to be meaty, beanie or cheesy.
Dark chocolate cremeux, guava curd and sorbet, cumin.  Chocolate with guava (but what I feel is more accurately described as cucumber) on top.  Cucumbers do NOT go with chocolate.  Although there are unusual combinations that taste good, like bacon and egg ice cream, cucumber and chocolate is not it.
Khuwa creme caramel, sorrel, whey caramel.  Cream with sorrel ice on top.  I haven’t really had the pleasure of eating dejected caramel.  Now I have.  It was rather flat, flaccid and unappealing.  Lacking in much taste.  The weird sorrel ice with more caramel was rather lacking in oomph too.
Perhaps I should thank this restaurant for at least providing an interesting meal.  It has been a while since I’ve had food so weird and boring.  Striving like a Gurkha it is not, which is probably a good thing as I prefer to eat my meals with minimum hardship.
  A quiet eating 5/10.
Lunch (3 courses) was GBP60 excluding drinks and service.
110 Great Portland Street London W1W 6PQ
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am-i-sans · 1 year
goof off dnd 2
back at again with the crispy creme-
nana the 300 year old gnome barbarian, shades the fire genasi thief, and spingledorf the dwarven wizard go on an adventure!
we wake up imprisoned underground! (undertale vibes lol) spingledorf for arson, shades for theft, nana for bar fights.
(spingledorf has such a goofy voice i cant take him seriously lol)
i shattered my fuckin chains like a badass and so did nana. dorf just fuckin turned into gas.
i lock picked all the prisoners out of their chains!
nana ripped the cell door off lol!
time to start a prison riot! we got our shit back!
nana ripped the door off the cave exit.
sneaking by the watch tower, i got a 29! .....nana got a 10 and dorf got a 2....oh boy. but the other prisoners beat up the guards lol.
they have to run! and i follow silently behind lol.
we escaped! and henry my mastiff shows up! (good boi!) time for introductions!
hi ho hi ho escape the prison we go- spingledorf is friends with a dragon named grimm. joy. (raz is fuckin fantastic i love spingledorf hes so fuckin wild autism incorporated)
spingledorf and nana fell into a grell nest! i didnt cause im fast lol. its fuckin hideous. TIME TO FIGHT! (sneak damage for the win!)
i pulled them out of the hole with rope cause their so tiny lol. shades thinks their fuckin insane help her.
found a town! nana and dorf want to party! im going stealing in the shops poggers.
nana is dying of alcohol poisoning. i stole 96 gold and i aint stopping soon!
dorf FINALLY notices that nana maybe had too much but she doesnt wanna stop but he convinces her that 'hes' done. shes stumbling and fuckin hammered. the bartender tries to help her leave. she starts a fight. with a frying pan. oh no. she broke his nose. BAR FIGHT!!! they sneak out lol.
stole 103 gold poggers! shorties found me before i could steal more rats lol. gonna let nana rest on the dog so she doesnt get in more trouble. dorf couldnt charm her but i rolled a crit persuasion to put her to sleep but we FUCKIN TIED. then she rolled higher than me. bullshit! so she wandered off with dorf and im back to stealing!
she passed out in an alley and dorf took her to an inn. i stole 134 gold im on a roll!
next day we go shopping! but i steal. i stole boots of winterlands...and a deck of many things at the insistence of kay. but i lied about having it from nana. time to go to the next town!
we get accousted by hobgoblins! shades tries to stop the fight but dorf keeps egging nana on and insulting the goblins. FIGHT START.
nanny killed one of them in 1 hit. and another. i killed the next one. they are SOOOO weak. omg. and bad loot lol.
dorf and nana had a non canon fight lol. nana won! round 2! nana versus undyne! undyne did win but nana did get her down to 22. nana is now fighting some asshole that raz has. somehow nana won! now nana versus suzy! nana the killer.
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foodplates1922 · 1 year
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Cornish Hake, Pearled Couscous, Samphire, Saffron Butter Sauce! . Just the usual guys… a nice simple fish dish for this Tuesday night. It’s easy to prepare and nicely balanced with couscous, samphire and a tasty little sauce (I do love a tasty sauce!). This one is made with shallots, white wine, butter, saffron and a little creme frâiche! I know saffron is to be used sparingly, as it’s not cheap is it (🫣), but just a pinch along with some good quality sea salt gives this sauce a beautiful flavour… which works really well the mild taste (and soft, delicate texture) of the hake! To make (for 2) . 🐟 Start with the saffron butter. Heat up a little oil in a small pan and add in a banana shallot, finely sliced and sauté for a minute or so before adding in the juice from half a lemon and a small glass of dry white wine. Bring to the boil and let it bubble away to reduce by at least a half. Add in a good slab of butter and whisk in, Take off the heat, add in a pinch of saffron, a dollop of creme frâiche and season with a generous sprinkling of sea salt (I used the Really Garlicky sea salt mix from @cornishseasalt … gives the sauce a lovely flavour). Set aside . 🐟 Then get the couscous on, following the instructions on the pack for quantities and cooking times. In the meantime, rub two fillets of hake with olive oil, season and pan fry, flesh side down over a moderate heat for five to seven mins (you don’t need to turn over unless you want a crispy skin). If you’ve got a steamer pan, pop this over the couscous towards the end of cooking and steam a handful of samphire for just a minute or two . 🐟 Finally, warm through the saffron butter sauce, drain the couscous, divide between two bowls and add the fish and the samphire in with the couscous. Then pour the butter sauce around the base of the bowls and finish with a tiny little extra pinch of saffron!
British, Western Europe, Fish, Seafood, Lunch, Dinner, Main
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the-coconut-asado · 2 years
Piedmont: Beyond the Breadstick
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You can always tell when Stanley Tucci’s enthusiasm is struggling to get to the boil. He is, after all, the Crown Prince of the foodgasm, and when he beckons his crew to down tools and dig in during his CNN series Searching for Italy, you know you want to be fighting them for a forkful. Even when he quaked before eating that blood and stomach concoction in Sardinia, his response felt alive - and let’s face it, he’s Stanley Tucci, I’m eating whatever he’s into. 
But when the show hit Piedmont, Stanley’s use of ‘Omigaaaad’ felt a bit sub-optimal. “Steeped in the past but with an eye to the future!” was his conclusion. That’s the sign-off equivalent of being given a fountain pen for your birthday. Is THAT all you think of me? 
The North-South divide in Italy is not just defined by how its wealth is distributed but, of course, its food. I have always been more for the South where the food is endlessly inventive and steeped in lush flavours. Roasted vegetables dressed in lashings of olive oil, melting garlic and lemons zestier than frost. The North, in which Piedmont sits, favours heavier meats - perhaps too much emphasis on veal - potatoes and the elusive, prized white truffle. Pleasant, but not as much to excite the palate (apart from truffles, natch). 
That said, flitting late last year between Torino and Alba, nestled under the mountains that divide Italy from France, I found some hidden treasures - and more than the breadsticks for which the region is famous. 
I started each morning in Torino with a  Grudging Americano (a black americano coffee served with a side order of water and a dash of disapproval). The separate serving of water gives you the chance to abandon your plan to use it, and drink your coffee as the shallow puddle that nature apparently intended.  Accompanying this was always the flakiest of Pane al Cioccolato, croissants filled with apricot jam and Bomboloni - a fluffy doughnut filled with either creme pat, chocolate cream or jam.
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Torino, surprisingly for Italy where outside food influences are often frowned upon, offers a fusion of Japanese and Peruvian fish and seafood cuisine at Esca just across the River Po,  and other regions in Italy are also showcased (like the Pugliese offerings at La Drogheria Pugliese - Il Mangiatorio, a 2 minute walk from the main station). 
Alba, a chocolate box of a town in the heart of truffle-hunting country and the middle of truffle-hunting season, was more aloof and its restaurants more limited to a few dishes typical of the region. If you like truffles but are not a fan (my niece Carmen’s response to most things, and I am desperate to find out what she is a fan of) then you may find their pungent aroma occasionally overpowering as you walk within the town’s charming mediaeval walls. And there was little evidence of the much-heralded slow food revolution where we ate - antipasto, primo and secondi  served in 30 minutes flat in one establishment. 
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However, stick to the classics and you will be delighted. Beef in Barolo (the region’s signature wine) has to be cooked long and slow and we tasted a particularly indulgent version in Bove’s. One little cafe hidden behind the church served my all -time favourite version of tomato bruschetta  - crispy, wafer-thin ciabatta with tomatoes, fresh oregano and oil - only the finest of everything. And, saving the best till last, every restaurant had their own version of Bonet, a magical, dense concoction of dark chocolate and crushed amaretti, soaked in a caramel that you need to take as far as you dare. Didn’t tire of ordering this. At. All. 
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I will always head south in the Summer, but in late Autumn Piedmont gives an intriguing alternative - and unlike Southern Italy, most of its restaurants and cafes  don’t close down for the winter. Give both a go and you can give Stanley Tucci some more superlatives to play with. Other than the superlative that is Stanley Tucci, of course. 
Short Ribs in Barbera d’Alba
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I have used Barbera d’Alba in my short rib casserole rather than Barolo with delish results. 
You can follow this recipe to the letter, or add your own flavours. Delicious and complex, best served with some garlicky potato gratin, or the humble mash. Serves 4.
6 beef short ribs
1 bottle Barbera d’alba (or Barolo if you wish)
1 sprig each of rosemary and oregano
6 sage leaves
1 bay leaf
1 tsp. Black peppercorns
1 tsp. Juniper berries
4 tbsp olive oil
250 beef stock
2 large red onions, quartered
2 carrots, sliced  at an angle
1 tbsp black treacle
How to make
Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a deep casserole and brown the beef ribs on both sides. Remove from the casserole onto a plate. 
Heat the oven to 160C/ 150C fan and add the Barbera d”Alba to the pan along with the herbs, peppercorns and juniper berries. Simmer on a medium heat for about 15 minutes until reduced by half, then return the meat to the pan and add the stock and the black treacle. Return to the boil then cover and pop into the oven for 2.5 hours. 
Fry the onion and carrot in a frying pan with  tsp olive oil until golden and caramelised. Remove the stew from the oven and skim the fat off the top, add the vegetables into the casserole, cover and return to the oven for another 1.5 hours, removing the lid for the last 30 minutes to let the sauce reduce. 
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Serve with potatoes dauphinoise or a warm crusty loaf. 
Tomato Bruschetta
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The key to this is cutting the ciabatta horizontally to get a thin, long crispy base - and the use of oregano rather than the more typical but also delicious basil. Serves 2. 
Half a ciabatta loaf, split lengthways. 
4 heritage tomatoes, sliced thinly
Sprinkling of fresh, chopped oregano
Extra Virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove, peeled and cut in half lengthwise. 
How to make
Lightly griddle the ciabatta on both sides. Take off the heat, rub each cut side with the clove of garlic then drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. 
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Arrange slices of tomato on top, sprinkle with the chopped fresh oregano and a sprinkling of sea salt. A final drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and it's good to go. 
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Jacob Kennedy of Bocca di Lupo fame does an evil genius version of this. I’m not going to try and reinvent perfection (just one or two tweaks - I’m fine using instant coffee, and adding a tbsp of water to the sugar to make the caramel -i’m just not brave enough to go without). Serves 8-10. 
280 caster sugar
500 ml milk
80g cocoa powder
50g dark 70% chocolate
50 ml instant coffee 
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
2 large eggs
3 large egg yolks
3 tbsp. Rum
200g amaretti biscuits
How to make
Put sugar and a tbsp sugar into a clean pan and place on a high heat. Stir briefly then swirl the pan as the sugar melts into a deep amber caramel. Take off the heat once this happens and pour the caramel into a bundt pan and, wearing gloves for protection, swirl to coat the sides (and try to spoon up the central column - although in my experience you are fighting against time with the caramel setting). 
Bring the milk to a boil in another deep pan. Beat together all the remaining ingredients except the amaretti to make a thick batter, then add the just-boiled  milk, very gradually at first, beating all the time to avoid lumps. Crumble the amaretti in your hands and add to the mixture, then let it stand for 15-20 minutes and mix again to ensure the amaretti is evenly distributed throughout the mix.Pour into the mould. 
Heat the oven to 160C / 150C fan. 
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Stand the mould on top of a tea towel in a deep roasting pan in a bain-marie of water coming halfway up the side. Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes, or until just set in the middle. . Lif the mould from the bain-marie, cool and then refrigerate overnight until ready to turn out and serve.
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