#dr tanner
unfortunatish · 1 year
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Hi guys✌ *drops this and runs away*
In Plain Sight fanart :DD
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darlingsnow0 · 4 months
nobody can escape the bows
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mintaikk · 8 months
Moments in the Hunger Games that Dr. Gaul would hate
Dr. Gaul says that humans are naturally violent, and to prove her wrong, here are moments in the Hunger Games that show that they aren't.
-Lucy Gray comforting Jessup when he wasn't feeling well
-Lucy Gray crying and mourning when Dill died (Wovey in the book)
-Lucy Gray making sure Jessup ate despite her having the advantage if he didn't eat
-The first thing Lucy Gray doing in the arena was look for Jessup and run away with him so they could both have a chance at surviving, despite all the murder and chaos happening around them
-Lucy Gray comforting Jessup as he was dying
-Lucy Gray in general
-Jessup protecting Lucy Gray from the bats (rabid raccoons in the book)
-Reaper giving Lamina cloth and Lamina giving him food. Then Coral, Mizzen, and Tanner came and she warned him (in the book)
-Reaper collecting the bodies of the fallen tributes and covering them with the flag to give them proper respects
-Reaper warning Wovey when she was walking to the snakes
-Lamina killing Marcus. Ik it was still murder, but it was a mercy kill. She even comforted him before and stared at his body and curled up into the fetal position after
-Lamima has a lot of empathy in general and I love her so much and she's litterally just walking proof of Dr. Gaul's theory being wrong. Her name is litterally animal spelled backwards, which is what Dr. Gaul belived the tributes were. Violent animals
-Bobbin letting Wovey sleep on his shoulder
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-In the walk to the cart, Bobbin was holding Wovey's hand
-Lucy Gray letting Wovey hold her hand before the games
-Treech protecting Lamina when Brandy was killed from the bullet
-Reaper going out of his way to protect Dill. I could make an entire post on this alone. But like, in every scene with them together, he's always looking out for Dill. Even when he jumped at his Mentor, he was looking at Dill before to see how she was doing. Dill's death is what made him want to honor the other tributes deaths. I can only imagine how that made their friends and families feel at home, to see the person they loved getting the respect they could in such violent games
-During the bombing, Marcus ran back to go get Lucy Gray despite thst fact that his chances of dying there were very high
-Ik he wasn't part of the games, but Sejanus going to spread bread around Marcus's dead body (I love Sejanus sm and I better not see y'all thirst over Snow anymore)
-In the book, there was no bloodbath scene. Most tributes ran straight for the tunnels, while Coral, Tanner, and Reaper went to get weapons, but even Coral, who was known for being violent, ran. Only Reaper stayed
-Reaper apologizing for having to kill the tributes the night before, and promising to honor them
-In the book, Teslee was running from the snakes and Lucy Gray came out of the tunnels singing so the snakes would be distracted so Teslee would have time to escape
-Screaming and crying and throwing up because Reaper killed Teslee but brought her body over to the other bodies because it's really all he could give her
-In the book, Lucy Gray and Reaper were the last ones left, and they procrastinated on killing each other. Lucy Gray killed him by getting him to drink poisoned water, not by any violence. She even closed his eyes when she realized he had died.
This was just the 10th Hunger Games. Damn. Imma go on to the other ones now
-Instead of of breaking their alliance by killing each other, Maysilee just left Haymitch saying that she didn't want it to come down to the two of them
-Haymitch staying with Maysilee as she died
-When Annie's district partner died, she gained serious PTSD, which should be proof enough that naturally, HUMANS DONT LIKE VIOLENCE
-Katniss volunteering to protect Prim
-Thresh smiling at Rue when she managed to steal the knife from Cato (this is so sweet to me, I love the District 11 kids sm)
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-Foxface not killing anyone (that Katniss knows of) and running away, proving thst people are just trying to survive and not be violent
-Foxface and Katniss bumping into each other but then running away. Especially Katniss, because she definitely had the advantage
-Peeta joining the careers to protect Katniss
-Peeta telling Katniss to run when the careers were hunting her
-This wasn't shown to the audience, but Katniss said that if her and Rue were the last 2 left, she'd let Rue win
-Katniss letting Rue cuddle under the sleeping bag so that she could stay warm
-Katniss mourning the death of Rue by leaving flowers over her body and then giving respects to District 11. She even cried and threw her spear when Rue died
-Clove and Cato's entire friendship (also, Clove smiling at Cato while they were on the plane)
-Thresh killing Clove purely because of what he thought she did to Rue, implying that he wanted to protect Rue. (I like to believe that he didn't make an alliance with Rue the dame reason Katniss didn't make an alliance with Peeta in the beginning; he didn't want it to come down to the two of them). Despite that, he was still heartbroken when she died
-Thresh sparing Katniss's life because she was friends with and protected Rue
-Clove calling for Cato when Thresh was threatening her, and Cato coming to help (in the book)
-Cato crying and begging Clove to get up when she was dying
-Katniss mercy killing Cato despite everything (in the movie)
-Katniss and Peeta not wanting to kill each other and deciding to eat the berries together instead
75th Hunger Games
Yes, ik the rebellion. But I'm still counting it.
-Peeta volunteering to avoid having Haymitch go to the games
-Mags volunteering for Annie
-The female morphling (who I headcanoned as her name being Chassis) sacrificing herself to save Peeta
-Peeta staying to comfort Chassis and talking about how pretty the sky was
-Chassis and Autus (male morphling) teaching Katniss how to camouflage, despite her not knowing about the rebellion, and for all they know, she could try and kill them. But they still wanted to save everyone, so they kept Katniss alive
-MAGS. Mags is the best
-Finnick staying with and protecting Mags despite her chances of surviving being very low
-Katniss keeping Finnick alive, despite not knowing about the rebellion
-Peeta staying to comfort Katniss and Finnick during the jabberjay attacks
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rosy-fox-art · 5 months
Many, many miscellaneous Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes drawings, mostly emojis lol.
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sarnie-for-varney · 1 year
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julietasgf · 7 months
what your favorite tbosas character says about you:
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chronicbeans · 1 year
You know what? At this point I feel like Tumblr needs a shady/mad doctor appreciation club. Why? Because the majority of the shady/mad doctors I simp over, I found through Tumblr. I feel like this website is trying to enable my addiction to that VERY specific character trope.
Anyways... if no one else is gonna make it a thing, I will.
Current members:
•Dr. Daniel Dickens from Angels of Death
•Literally every doctor from The Heilwald Loophole
•Tanner from Scrutinized
•(honorary member, due to having not finished medical school) Victor Frankenstein from Frankenstein
•(another honorary member, same reason as V.F.) Herbert West from Reanimator
•Dr. Takuto Maruki (shady due to literally trying to change reality, even if for good intentions) from Persona 5 Royal
•Dr. Alfred Drevis from Mad Father
•Medic from Team Fortress 2 (so crazy his medical license was revoked)
•Johannes Mimir Faustus from Servamp
•Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Zombies
•Dr. Steinman from Bioshock
•Victor Veloci from Dinosquad (Possible honorary. He's a scientist, but I am unable to find if he is necessarily a doctor. Either way, crazy enough to join the club in some capacity.)
• Dr. Zed (Doesn't have a REAL medical degree, but we'll count it. Crazy enough to make it) from Borderlands
• Dr. Yi Suchong from Bioshock
Anyways give me more ideas for more shady/mad doctors to join this club.
Editing to say that it has now happened. I did it. Lol
I made a whole new blog just to do it.
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Welcome to the Mad Doctor Appreciation Club!
I am the receptionist, Mr. [REDACTED]. I hope you enjoy your stay at our highly renowned club! ... What do you mean you haven't heard of it before? That's besides the point. I'll give you the rundown.
This club, located in this old hospital, is home to the most genius of individuals whose work has been underappreciated! From the old workers from the Heilwald Klinikum, to that mercenary medic over by the operating table, every one of our beloved members has been underappreciated for far too long! We allow outsiders to visit and marvel at their ideas from time to time, but there have been certain... Incidents. Pay them no mind. It will be fine. Not EVERY member is hostile, so you should be safe.
Here is our list of current members. We are very relaxed with what can make an honorary member, too. An honorary member just means that you have never had a medical license or doctorate's degree before, but still hold the spirit of a mad doctor. If there is anybody who you believe deserves to join, either as a member or honorary member, please write their name at the bottom of this paper, in the section called "comments".
•Dr. Daniel Dickens from Angels of Death
•Every Doctor from The Heilwald Loophole (Dr. Randolph, Dr. Wolfram, Dr. Hauser).
•Nurse Anne, Nurse Heideltraut, Nurse Sabine from The Heilwald Loophole (honorary members: work in the medical field)
• Dr. Steinman and Dr. Suchong from Bioshock
•Tanner from Scrutinized
•Victor Frankenstein (honorary member: never finished medical school)
•Herbert West from Reanimator (honorary member: never finished medical school)
•Medic from Team Fortress 2 (Note from Receptionist: keep an eye on him. He's so crazy, his medical license was revoked... You don't want to know why. We just call him Medic to avoid confusion with another member.)
•Dr. Takuto Maruki from Persona 5 Royal (Note from Receptionist: he's convinced he doesn't belong here. We assure you, he does.)
•Dr. Alfred Drevis from Mad Father
•Johannes Mimir Faustus from Servamp
•Dr. Zed from Borderlands (he doesn't have a REAL medical license, but he still has one. So, he is counted as a normal member.)
•Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Zombies
•Victor Veloci from Dinosquad (research still being conducted. He seems to disappear from time to time. Recent sightings of dinosaurs reported from members of club.)
•Dr. Colress from Pokemon Black and White 2
•Dr. Yung from The Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon
•Blue Medic from Team Fortress 2 Emesis Blue (note from Receptionist: we call him Dr. Ludwig, Dr. Fritz, or Dr. L to avoid confusion with another member.)
•The Doctor from Dead by Daylight
•SCP 049 from the SCP Foundation
•Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs
•Dr. Gilbert Alexander from Bioshock 2
•Dr. Alto Clef from the SCP Foundation
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Guess who started plagiarizing their own AU’s?
I got another fix-it with ✨angst✨ because I was thinking about how much Nero Price hates the districts for forcing him and his family into cannibalism and it made me think: “if starvation made him hate them, could it make them start to fight for them?” And then I thought about my starvation fix-it AU (featuring @spiralling-thoughts) and this was born.
Instead of the starvation happening before the games, it happens during the games, which takes place about a week or two later than it was supposed to due to rebel activity (read: Sejanus and a few good mentors fucking shit up for Gaul). The premise here is simple: these extra weeks gave the tributes the time to bond (and also none of them died because Sejanus Does Not Agree With That) and now none of them can stomach killing one another. So what’s the other option? Uhm… waiting until fate decides the victor? So once they’re finally thrown into the arena and the buzzer sounds they run into the tunnels like they did in canon (but with more kids), but the big difference is that nobody gets out. Some get a weapon just to be safe but the few kids that run into one another don’t really do anything. Think the Foxface-Katniss interaction at the start of the 74th Hunger Games. Lucky tries to get everyone hyped up every single time only to be sorely disappointed when they stare each other down only to sprint in the opposite direction mere seconds later.
At first, Gaul isn’t particularly bothered by how hilariously she’s being proven wrong because they can just starve out the tributes and surely they’ll start swinging at each other soon enough right? This might even be better than how things usually go! Except then the kids start to notice some are getting more food than others and they’re not about that. Coral sharing with Mizzen and Tanner is written off by their alliance, but then things start escalating. It starts with Lamina calling a clearly starved Wovey over and giving her all except two of her food packets. Then Lucy Gray and Jessup (who does not have rabies and neither does Reaper because Brandy (who is in the pack with Coral and Not Dead) threw the rabbid raccoon away a little further) trade their water for Sol and Hy’s food. Treech considers stealing Dill’s food and water but decides to help her consume it instead and somehow this keeps Dill from dying (Felix. The answer is Felix. He used his presidential family card to sneak antibiotics into her water bottles). Then before anyone knows it the tributes are all keeping tabs on who’s eaten what and they start rationing out so everyone gets the food they need. The older kids tells the younger ones that they’re deliberately feeding them more because growing you know? But the Capitol sure notices. When we get to day five, Gaul decides that enough is enough and orders a full stop to all sponsor gifts to try and force the tributes to start killing each other.
They do no such thing.
Instead, they start doubling down on their decision to stick this thing out together and start catching any rodents they can to feed to the youngest kids while ignoring the slowly growing hunger within them. Do those Capitol bastards really think they can get to them with starvation? Please, this is their daily jam. They’ve gotten this far, a little hunger won’t break them now. So they wait. They wait and they survive. It gets harder and harder for the older tributes, who are allowing themselves to starve for the sake of their younger companions and are slowly running out of fuel to keep going, but not once do they comply with what they know the Capitol wants from them. At some point it becomes pure shared spite more than anything.
Meanwhile, the Capitol citizens watch this go down and have their view of the world shaken up considerably. These kids know just a little too much about dealing with extreme food shortage for this to be their first rodeo. The delusion that the districts haven’t suffered as much as the Capitol did during the siege is completely shattered when the kids start sharing their best starvation cope tactics that make it clear this is a regular occurrence for them. Slowly, more and more information is shown to them as they watch the kids they saw as violent beasts be nothing but caring and kind to one another. It hits especially hard for the Price family, who spent so much time loathing the districts for their decision to resort to cannibalism only to find out that the Capitol has pushed the districts right to that edge for years. How can they call themselves better when they’ve done the exact same thing they resent the districts for? When they’ve arguably done worse because they’re punishing innocents? That last line of thinking becomes particularly unavoidable when the younger kids start taking up more screentime. Why do they do this? Because the older tributes are starting to succumb to starvation. They all look skeletal and half-dead, but the oldest tributes have given up so much food that it’s clear they can barely move. They do a good job of hiding it around the younger kids but once they’re out of sight under the guise of searching for more insects and rodents to eat they collapse and curl up to fight off the hunger pangs. When the young kids are asleep all the older ones clearly sag as their energy depletes. It reminds the Capitol citizens of how they’d hide their fatigue and physical deterioration from their kids and loved ones, desperate to hold it together, only to break down once they were alone.
When the first tribute stops being able to move, the Capitol has had enough. Perhaps Marcus, Coral, and Reaper scream their lungs out at the camera over the hypocrisy and cruelty and then mockingly asking the Capitol what they’re gonna do about this show of rebellion. This refusal to fight. Starve them? Kill them? What more can they do?! That’s the final straw. The more sympathetic citizens refuse to watch for even a second longer. They do the one thing the Capitol feared:
They rebel
Maybe they force the government to get the kids out. Maybe they get some peacekeepers on their side and storm the arena first to make sure not one more innocent life is lost. Either way, they realize that silence isn’t any better than being the monster. Seeing suffering and standing by is just as cruel as causing that suffering in the first place. If they storm the arena they bring easily digestible food and liquid calories to avoid refeeding syndrome or nausea from overeating so they can start helping the kids readjust and heal. Of course there’s a lot of distrust from the kids at first, but they’re in no position to refuse food. So they take it, and for once the oldest kids don’t mind eating first because who knows what these Capitol assholes put in it? Of course it turns out it’s not poisoned so they start to accept it a little more openly while the politics are handed and arrangements are made to get the kids back home. Gaul tries to stop this, but nobody listens to her anymore. Her lab’s destroyed under “mysterious circumstances” and as her career comes to a fiery end, she herself does too. When legal repercussions for her heinous actions is threatened by the parents of several academy students she endangered, she attempts to flee the country. What chance of winning does she have when one of the litigants is President Ravinstill himself??? Felix was a little upset about Dill’s pain and he wasn’t about to let it slide but since persecuting her for the hunger games wouldn’t work due to law changes not working retroactively this was the next best thing. Either way, certain people (the mentors) caught wind of the fact that this vile monster of a woman was trying to escape the consequences of her actions and they decided to remain one step ahead by becoming the mysterious circumstances credited with her disappearance. By which I mean she came to a slow death in her home. Possibly through invisible toxic gas, possibly through burning to death, possibly through her own predator muttations given her scent to hunt down. Who knows? Better question is who cares? The mentors have become closer to their tributes and their friendships last well beyond the fixing of all the problems in this mess of a country and all’s well that ends well.
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texasthrillbilly · 6 months
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The Finns
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jellystock · 4 months
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He doesnt bite, I promise./j
Character(s) Used:
Dr. Tanner (IPS2)
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mercedesmone · 4 months
i love baseball part 3
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Where some of the main iZombie characters stand on stabbing
[Image description: Pictures of iZombie characters placed next to their corresponding stab-related reactions. The first reaction reads “Would never stab anyone” with pictures of Johnny Frost, Tanner, and Dr. Charlie Collier beside it. The second reaction is “Would stab someone in retaliation” followed by pictures of Drake Holloway, Ravi Chakrabarti, Clive Babineux, and Major Lilywhite. The third reaction is “Yells “I won’t hesitate bitch” first” next to pictures of Olivia Moore, Don E., Peyton Charles, and Dale Bozzio. The fourth reaction “Would stab without warning” is followed by photos of Stacey Boss, Blaine DeBeers, and Vaughn Du Clark. The final reaction “Would stab as a warning” is next to pictures of Rita and Chase Graves. /end ID]
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bestdadbracket · 8 months
Tentative List + propaganda
submit a parent to the form
Joel from TLOU
-he murders a whole fucking hospital for his kid.
Greg from SU
-if every porkchop were perfect we wouldn't have hotdogs
Starlo from Undertale Yellow
-awesome cowboy dad !! he (dad) and his posse (family) adopts clover (child) in game and teaches them how to be a cowboy. he even let's them be deputy for like 10 and says he's proud of clover ❤️❤️ spoilers but one notable thing is when starlo suspects that ceroba might hurt clover, starlo chases after, and has one of his posse take clover to a safer location. i don't know if this is good enough too but when having a duel with clover in genocide route he doesn't shoot them with a real bullet because he didn't have the heart to hurt them. anyways i love star dad xoxo
Arthur Lester from Malevolent
-he had a single daughter, faroe, who he inadvertently drowned when she was 4 because she was left in the bath while he was being angsty and playing piano. hes super guilty about it tho so i forgive him <3
Solazar from Friday Night Funkin: Entity
-he's an adoptive father of two sons of another species and took them in as babies, raised them to become strong and is a role model for them. his species is typically a survival focused one that doesn't associate with humanlike habits so he actively opposed his species to care for these two kids. he also has a yummy design
Benjamin Sisko from Star Trek DS9
-Okay so he's like space jesus but he's also a single father right? So he's here space jesus-ing it up while still taking care of his teenage son on this shitsack of a space station and like, his son has seen war and stuff and has travelled between universes and Ben just goes "okay Jake-o be careful and be home for dinner :)" he's so chill but he would literally die for Jake his little boy Jake because he's literally all he has left??? Space jesus and his son Jake-o, I love them dearly, and tbh I think Ben is the best dad in Star Trek, because he actually pays attention to and nurtures his son and his interests
Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls
-he is like kind of a convicted felon but we forgive him becuz the government is stupid. he is awesome great father for dipper and mabel
Danny Tanner from Full House
-he is a pretty cool guy i guess
Joel Maisel from Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
-he is a decent dad but falls into the trap that every cishet white guy falls into of thinking he can go standup
Leto Atreides from Dune
-he is a duke and is a pretty protective guy
Vito Corleone from The Godfather
-literal mob boss guy that kills a bucnh of people to protect his family legacy
Homer Simpson from The Simpsons
-likes pink donuts
Mufasa from The Lion King
-brave lion guy who dies for his kid
Uncle Iroh from ATLA
-he loves tea and is just a great guy <3
Jim Hopper from Stranger Things
-kind of alcoholic but hes a good adoptive father
Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb
-he is a mad scientist and he is trying his best
Bob from Bob’s Burgers
-he is a bisexual king and makes burgers
Bandit from Bluey
Darth Vader from Star Wars
-not really there for his kids but hes a cool guy
Gru from Despicable Me
-evil scientist + trying to be there
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Bayley wears the Tanner Tie Up Cargo Pants in Blue from Garage and 1460 Tattoo Boots in Gunmetal from Dr. Martens - both are no longer sold
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cartooncadet666 · 2 years
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The Daniels·Silvers family, this is the reveal of what Andy looks like if you haven't seen my old posts yet, plus his son Tanner.
Carter Silvers is right next to his older step-brother, that's what the baby boy looks like. He was originally gonna be from the False Reality AU, but I decided to make him apart of Suicidal and Fated due to liking the bean so much, he's so precious!
And yeah, 'Dr. Buttocks' is like a codename for him because Betrayus needed to keep the twins' identities a secret due to valid reasons he's never gonna talk about. In my alternative universes, Dr. B's real name is Brody A. Silvers meanwhile Butler's name is Brandi, cause why not?
And yes, Andy and Dr. B are sort-of husbands, Andy just so happened to fall in love with him, even when Sir C. and Dr. B were dating when they were younger. In conclusion, Tanner and Dr. B don't get along very well but they try at least, they both have one thing in common and that's wanting to beat up Specter, meanwhile Andy and Carter appreciate that they're 'bonding.'
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