#draco x reader self harm
Beautiful - D.M
It started yesterday afternoon. The unwanted comments about your appearance. You had finally started thinking you were pretty, after all those weeks of despising yourself for how you looked. Draco helped you though it all. He would tell you how beautiful you are and that he was going to help you through it.
If it was someone else saying something, you would have just brushed it off. But it was your mother. She wasn’t the most kind and understanding, but she was there. That’s all that mattered. Until it didn’t.
She started with comments about your acne, pointing out everything on your face that wasn’t meant to be there. You couldn’t do anything about that, you cleaned your face twice a day, took pills to make it go away. It wasn’t your fault. It couldn’t be.
Then came the comments about your weight. That was where she struck a nerve. You don’t know if she knew it was your biggest insecurity, but she knew everything. “When are you going to start getting thin? No boy is ever going to look at you if you don’t lose some weight.”
You held it in for the rest of the day, until you had finished dinner and retired to your room. You started crying, tired of everything you couldn’t change, everything you couldn’t be. Sobs racked your trembling frame as you sat on your bed.
 Thankfully you had enough privacy to be alone for some time. You wished that Draco was with you to comfort you, to tell you that everything was going to be alright. At the same time, you were grateful he wasn’t here. You didn’t want him to see you in this state.
You started undressing and changing into your satin pyjamas, until you looked in the mirror. You stared at the person looking back at you, not recognising who she was. What had happened to that sweet, innocent girl that you were only a few months ago? With the scars on your arms and inner thighs, where did she go to?
You grabbed the blade from your bathroom and pressed it deep into your skin. Silent tears are running down your face as you watch your crimson blood flow down your arm. You stand in front of the mirror, despising yourself once again.
You drag yourself back to your bed and curl up in a tight ball, wishing all the hurtful things happening to you would stop. You were thankful that you were going back to Hogwarts, away from the rude comments and nasty people.
The following day, you made your way to King’s cross Station, with your mother and father. You bid them farewell and immediately started looking for your boyfriend.
And there he was, in his formal black suit, hair neatly styled, as always, and electric grey eyes scanning the train for any sign of you. As his eyes landed on you, his gaze softened when a small smile started forming on his face.
He took a few long strides towards you before engulfing you in a hug. You savoured the scent of his strong cologne and minty breath; the scent you craved when you were hurting. You had almost broke down there and then, but you held it in when your boyfriend pulled away from your comforting embrace.
"Hello love. How was your holiday," he said sweetly.
"It was fine. Can talk about it later though," you pleaded. You weren't ready to tell him about the events of your miserable holiday. You were scared. Scared of what he would think of you. Would he leave you once he sees the marks on your inner thighs and on your wrists?
"Of course, love," he agrees to hesitantly.
Later, when you find all your friends, Blaize, Pansy, and Theodore, you all find a compartment and start catching up with each other.
All was well. You were having fun, laughing at all your friends' jokes.
A few days went by. You weren't coping with anything. You had become more self conscious, more aware of what you were doing, eating, and what you were wearing.
You had completely stopped eating, using excuses to miss lunch to study in the library, or you had unfinished homework to do, or you simply weren't hungry.
You hoped no one would notice. No seemed to at least. But Draco did. He knew about your history with self harm. He said he would always be there for you, whenever you needed him. He will always give you space, but he hadn't seen you eat anything since you both came back from the holidays.
He went to the Great Hall, scanned his eyes over the crowd to find you, only to see that you weren't there. That was it. You weren't taking care of yourself, and he was going to make sure that it wouldn't be happening again.
The thought of having lunch left his mind as he turned quickly on his heels to look for you. Would you be at the library or in your dorm, since you had a free period? Draco knew you well, so he headed up to your dorm room.
He knocks on your door," Hey love. It's me can I come in?"
No answer.
He knocks again, this time louder, with worry in his voice ,"Y/N?"
Still no answer. He opened your door and looked around frantically. Where were you? He stood laid out all the possibilities of where you might be when he heard it. A muffled sob. Your muffled sob.
He opened the bathroom door, and he's glad he did. He saw you, sleaves rolled up, blade in hand and the worst of all, blood.
You stared in the mirror, unable to do anything. He rushed towards you, knocking the blade out of your hand.
"Love, what the fuck are you doing? You know that it's bad for you. You're hurting yourself darling. Don't do this," he says trying to persuade his girlfriend.
"Am I not doing enough? What am I doing wrong love?"
"Nothing, Draco. You're not doing anything wrong. You have been so supportive and helpful, and I am so grateful for it. You're doing the most you can right now and that's enough."
"Don't hurt yourself Princess, you're so beautiful."
"No. No I'm not."
"Yes, you are love."
"I SAID I'M NOT, SO FUCKING BELIEVE ME FOR ONCE," you said, losing all patience and the will to hold it in. You fell to the floor, tears flowing freely down your face. Draco caught you as you fell.
He held you close, knowing how much you needed him to be there. You were in so much pain, going through so much hurt and he had no clue until now.
Your heart wrenching sobs broke his heart. Why can't he fix it? He should be able to, right? He promised that he would take away all that made you upset, but why can't he fix it. Before he knew it, tears of his own were falling onto his cheeks.
He held onto you until your cries turned into quiet sniffles. He moved your hair from your face and truly looked at you. He noticed the bags under your eyes, the fresh scars on your wrists, and your miserable frown.
You tried to scoot yourself closer to him, wanting his warmth and comfort.
"Love, lets get you cleaned up first, yeah?"
You just nodded, not being able to fathom any words from all the crying. You both moved towards your bed, flopping on it, wanting to continue cuddling with you boyfriend.
Once he got you all cleaned and bandaged your wrist, he asked you why you started cutting again. You told him the story of your dreadful holiday, not without a few tears.
"My love. I'm so sorry baby," he apologises, bringing his forehead to touch yours. "I'm so sorry. If I had asked you what was wrong after the holiday, would you have stopped?"
"No. I would still feel like this. Miserable, ugly and so, so unworthy of your love."
Draco's tears fell as he brought your lips to his, pouring out all the love he could into his kiss. "I'm sorry beautiful. It's all my fault. I didn't pay enough attention to you and look where you've ended up. But I promise," he declares as he sniffles, "I promise to help you through this. To help you love yourself again. Is that okay?"
You nod appreciatively. You were so grateful he stayed with you. You don't know what you would do without him.
"Thank you Draco. I love you."
"I love you too, beautiful. Now come here. I'm long due for cuddles," he says, motioning for you to sit beside him.
He held you close for the rest of the evening, savouring the way you felt against his body. He felt like he was protecting you. Like he was keeping you safe.
Before you just drifted off to sleep, you heard him say, " Love?"
"I love you, okay? I'll help you through this beautiful. I promise."
He kissed your forehead tenderly, sealing the promise he made to you.
"I love you too, Draco. Thank you. For everything."
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grassyhorizon45 · 20 days
Part 2 of Drinks. Draco has to conduct a detention session for Professor Umbridge...
Warning: Mention of alcoholism, Masochism, Mention of blood (lots of it), knives and suicide.
Words: 1021
a/n: For that one person who asked <3
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Their relationship was rocky ever since that night at the bar. Sure only a day or two had passed but Y/n never escaped Draco's mind.
He’d been mentally scarred the moment he’d pieced her suicidal thoughts together…
She winced. 
He noticed, “What are you doing-?”
Y/n shut her eyes and made another cut. Draco’s eyes widened, “Give me the knife.”
“Y/n, give. Me. The. Knife.”
She made one last cut before dropping the knife, clutching her wrist in pain.
“Y-Y/n, love– Why???” He rushed to hold her in his arms. “C-Come, let me see that…”
Draco gently propped her arm on his hand and reached for a cloth, gently dabbing the wound with it.
Why does she do these kinds of things…. 
He wondered to himself sadly, helping her bandage her hand up as she leaned onto him. 
“Does it still hurt?”
She nods, the emptiness not leaving her eyes. Draco wrapped Y/n in a hug, “This isn’t the way.”
“It-It was too much…I…”
“Doesn’t mean you c-cut yourself, love.”
She doesn’t respond. He knew, he knew she had a rough day with Umbridge but—
“No, no, no– Don’t cry……” Draco held her tighter, “Shh…. It’s gonna be okay…”
The blood was visibly seeping through the cloth. “Oh dear.”
He took her hand in his. “Let’s get you to Mdm. Pomfrey.”
And the night after was when he’d found her at the bar, taking shots. To make matters worse, Draco was assigned to conduct a “detention sesh” today.
Sitting in the dark room that would soon become someone’s torture chamber was not something he would tell Y/n, she’d been scarred by Umbridge enough…. Would she hate me for this? Would she even care? He found himself wondering.
The door opened, locking immediately after closing. Draco looked up…
And only then did he realise……
She flinched.
“What are you doing here,” she muttered, avoiding his gaze.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Draco’s voice was stern; she would be lying if she said it didn’t scare her.
He got up from behind the desk, walking closer to ger. “Y/n Lestrange, what. Did. You. Do?!”
Y/n looked at the floor as he backed her into the door. Draco grabbed her chin, gently forcing her to face him. 
“I won’t hurt you,” he said. “But I need you to tell me why you’re here for the second time this week! Haven’t you learnt not to piss Umbridge off—”
There was a spark in her eyes.
“N-No……” He mumbled. “You want to be here. Don’t you?”
Draco felt his anger rising.
“I-I didn’t know you’d be here… Why are you here?” Y/n tried to play it off.
His dominant side wasn’t taking this well; he wasn’t taking this well.
“Don’t ask me questions you know the freaking answers to,” he scowled, tightening the grip on her chin.
Draco could be angry all he wanted; it didn’t change the fact that Y/n was itching to draw her own blood.
His wave of anger subsided after a bit more yelling. Their faces were dangerously close and Y/n… Y/n knew she was going to crash……
She fell in his arms, limp and unconscious. His panic levels spiked as he felt her hot forehead. 
Draco couldn’t leave the magically locked room without alerting that mad-woman of a teacher; so he set Y/n down on a chair, wondering how he would pass the time now.
Y/n woke up to a wand in her face. Draco had tried a few healing spells, somehow successfully breaking the fever with it. She buried her head in her hands, glancing up at him. 
“You’re pretty you know?” She mumbled, half awake.
He chuckled at her sleepy form, gaze roaming the desk— Wait a minute……
“Have you seen Umbridge’s quill?”
Truth be told, she had pocketed it when he wasn’t looking… but she wasn’t gonna tell Draco that.
Y/n shook her head innocently.
Now if only I could duplicate this charm……
There was blood…blood everywhere when he came back from class.
“Y-Y/n?” He gulped, taking in the horrifying scene. Broken glass, bloody knife—
Draco sweared, rushing to Y/n’s side. She was sobbing, shaking… bleeding. His gaze flickered from her form to the quill in her hand. 
She felt him snatch the quill out of her grip. She didn’t even get mad, knowing she had really gone too far this time……
Her boyfriend was tending to her wounds when she regained focus. He was saying… something, something she couldn’t make out. Frustration, worry, hurt– all of it was written all over his face. Y/n closed her eyes again, letting the darkness swallow her whole.
“Why?!” He snapped. “You promised you would come talk to me– You promised!!”
Truthfully, she didn’t see this coming, blinded by the thoughts that told her he didn’t care…..
Y/n could see him itching to grab her and force her up a wall, but his loving side wouldn’t let the dominant one do it.
“I’m sorry,” was the only thing she could choke out.
“Please love… You almost d-died.”
She coughed, feeling blood come out of her throat, staining the hand she used to cover her mouth.
Draco winced, calling Madam Pomfrey.
A few elixirs later, Y/n and Draco were alone again.
“I’m not letting you out of sight until you can promise me you won’t do these kinds of things ever again. Okay?”
She nods, her eyes still devoid of emotion, though moved by how much Draco still cared. 
He embraced her tightly, “I would kill anyone who made you feel this way if you ever needed me to. You got that?”
Y/n nodded.
The two slept in the same bed that night. Distant but grateful for each other’s company.
“Look at me,” Draco whispered under the covers. Y/n turned to see him smiling warmly. 
He cupped her cheek, “You have beautiful eyes. Spark them for me more often will you?”
Draco nods, kissing her goodnight before they both drifted off to sleep.
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zriasstuff · 4 months
Final blow- Mattheo Riddle x reader
Mattheo Riddle oneshot; including a classic wizarding duel, tension filled atmosphere, and a cute ending <3 (SFW)
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“For our next duel, I’m asking Mattheo Riddle and Miss Y/n to please step up onto the platform”
The words from professor Snape echoed through the duelling practice room, and as of right now everyone was staring at you two. It didn’t come as a shock to you when you were picked. Both of you were pretty much on the same level, with the exception of course that you had way less of an ego than Mattheo.
Defense against the dark arts was your favorite subject, especially when it came to doing hands on things. Duelling just happened to be one of your favorite things to practice. The tougher the opponent, the sweeter the victory, you believed. With Mattheo, you had to make sure that you would fight till the last moment, and to not go down without a proper fight.
“C’mon, go up!”, your friends encourage you, “You got this!”. They all believed in you, and told you that your chances were good, making you feel more secure in your skills. Through all the encouragement you got, you start moving towards where the showdown would take place.
As you go up, you look at Mattheo, who seemed confident to say the least. He knows he’s good and everyone else knows it too. Moreover, all the quidditch training certainly gave him a strong and muscular body to work with.
Before the duel begins, you scan the crowd one more time for looks and chants of support. “MAKE US RAVENCLAWS PROUD!”, you hear someone yelling amidst all the people. That you were extremely thankful for, since you could really use all the positive reassurance you could get. You quickly say thank you back to the crowd.
At the same time, the Slytherins must’ve seen this as another competition and started yelling all sorts of things in support of their representative too. Together, they sure looked like a mean bunch.
“YOU GOT THIS MATTHEO!”, his friend Blaise hollers loudly. Draco, right after, shouts out “YEAHH, DESTROY HER!”.
What a gentleman you mutter to yourself, and Mattheo must’ve heard it because you hear a slight chuckle escaping his mouth.
“Nervous”, he quietly asks you.
“Not at all”, you respond in the most self assured manner that you can muster.
He himself didn’t look nervous at all, but rather excited to have a “play partner”. Frankly you weren’t either, but you also knew that going up against him wouldn’t be easy.
Mattheo keeps looking you in the eye with a slight grin, so to match his energy, you hold eye contact with him too and make sure that your posture is straight. If you don’t look capable from the beginning, you are never going to make it to the end.
To commence this duel at last, Snape retells the rules of combat and announces that “only magical acts can be used as a form of offense or defense. You may disarm or harm your opponent, but must not seriously injure them.” Otherwise Madam Pomfrey would surely throw another fit at you “immature rascals”.
You were counting on disarming Mattheo to be your tactic. His fatal flaw was, noting from your past observations, being too aggressive, and not fully protecting himself. Besides that, he was flawless.
All eyes on you guys now, you start off by bowing to each other to pay your respects. “Good luck”, he whispers to you while you’re on eye level. “Same to you”, you reply, to make him know that you weren’t scared.
As Snape was counting down from three, you calmed yourself down once again, telling yourself that it would be fine. When Snape reaches the final number three, Mattheo immediately goes into the offense and casts several stunning spells, which you block with your shielding spell. You had practiced that one so often, that you could confidently utilize it at any given time. Mattheo keeps trying to push you back further. One after another, his attacking spells are blasted at you. And one after another you block them. It was a back and forth dance between you two, neither one of you budging yet.
He came alarmingly close though. One of his spells had caught your shoulder, sending an electrifying shock through your body. Another one had hit your torso straight like a bullet. That one had caused you the most pain. You grunted and held your hand over the wounded area, but it was still bearable. You just had to fight through the pain.
Both of you kept going, at this point recognizing that victory wouldn’t come easily to either one of you. Mattheo, looking forward to making things a little more playful, cheekily calls out “holding up pretty well for someone like you”. You knew he was trying to get you off of your game by sounding condescending. He was well aware of your capabilities. Therefore you clap back by saying “that shouldn’t come as a surprise, and you’re not as good as you think you are”.
Having said that, you hear a few murmurs amongst the students. Snape takes the time to remind you to keep the personal bashing to yourselfs until the duel is resolved. Mattheo seems to take it quite personally though, now casting out especially aggressive spells.
Even by then you are able to hold up, but there was still no opportunity to really harm him. The back and forth kept going to the point where neither of you saw an end to this.
After a while, having been so concentrated on defending yourself and managing your pain, you hadn’t even looked at Mattheo anymore to see how he was doing. You just saw his spells shooting at you. So, when you finally did look, you noticed that Mattheo was getting a little riled up himself and losing his edge. He always tries to keep his cool, to not show any signs of weakness. Yet, there you were, taking hit after hit, and not backing down. It made him frustrated to see his efforts not meeting his expectations.
After more exchanges of non sufficient spells, you are getting way too tired, and you decide it’s time to put this exhausting duel to an end. You just had to wait for the perfect moment.
In Mattheo’s mind, he was also just waiting for the perfect moment, hoping for you to retreat.
When you glance at the audience again for just a second, you see the gawking mouths of some of the Slytherins. Instantly, it boosts your confidence. If even they were stunned by you, then all was going right, and you knew you got this. If you could really defeat Mattheo, his ego was probably going to be bruised for a good several days at least.
Between further dodging spells, and shielding yourself, it was really difficult to find the perfect moment, though you had a feeling it would come soon enough. Mattheo was getting even more frustrated. His spells weren’t as accurate anymore. His arm was losing strength and going a little limp. And most important of all, his confidence became tainted.
While trying to catch his breath for a second, Mattheo simultaneously lowers his arm. During that one scarce moment, you decide to deliver the final blow.
“EXPELLIARMUS!”, you call out. Everyone’s eyes were wide open, seeing exactly as the spell hit Mattheo, causing his wand to fly across the platform, all the way into your hand. You catch it with precision, and watch his look of disbelief. You couldn’t even fully believe it yourself. He was done for.
“Wanna wave the white flag now?”, you cheekily ask him now, as he’s still trying to catch his breath. It was a little mean, but he could handle it.
Mattheo still can’t believe what just happened based on the look on his face. You see him scrunching his eyebrows, and mouth hanging wide open.
Although he knows he’s got nothing left, he still replies with “never”.
“As you wish”, you say with a wide grin, because in the next second, your final spell sent him flying across the room. Mattheo falls off of the duelling platform at the end, all the way onto the ground.
As his body hit the hard floor, all students from every house, except the Slytherins of course, started cheering for you. You felt as if you were on cloud nine hearing all their chants. Your heart was still beating rapidly, as if it was going to explode any second. A little part of you can’t believe that you just sent Mattheo flying across the platform, but the bigger part was gloating with pride.
You watch Mattheo prop himself up and walk back onto the platform to go up to you. He warmly, to your surprise, meets your gaze and brings out his hand to shake yours.
“Looks like you didn’t need luck after all”, he congratulates you. You’re taken aback for a second because this behavior of him wasn’t what you expected at all. He clearly notices and goes on to say “I rarely lose, but when I do I try not to be a sore loser”.
When he goes to his friends, he turns back and winks at you with a smirk plastered on his face. Winning was already quite the event, but Mattheo being a perfect gentleman weirdly made your insides churn.
You wait for everyone to leave the room after enough duelling was done for the morning. The reason was because you saw, from the corner of your eye, that Mattheo was also taking his time. You didn’t even know exactly why you were waiting for him.
Not that it was your planned intention, but you decide to go up to him and tell him that it was a great, although stressful, duel. Perhaps that would fuel some kind of conversation.
“No need to gloat”, he throws back at you. He didn’t sound all too happy, and maybe he did take the loss stronger than he showed at first. Your mind starts to spin and look for kind words. You definitely didn’t mean to insult him, so you quickly stutter out
“No- that’s not what I-”
Before you could finish that jumbled sentence though, he chuckles out loud, his eyes giving you a look of sympathy. His entire demeanor has changed now, the upset look from before just having been a facade.
“Chill, I was just kidding”, he cheerfully says. Seconds later he adds “You won fair and square, I’m actually really impressed with you”. It sounded like he meant it genuinely.
That compliment wasn’t something you expected. Relieved at his relaxed attitude, you choose to go along with his joking manner and respond with “I’m definitely going to hold that over your head forever”.
That earned you yet another precious chuckle from him. His laugh was truly contagious because shortly after you start laughing too. You had actually never expected that talking with Mattheo could feel so carefree and fun.
“Y’know I actually thought you were a lot more arrogant”, you honestly admitted to him during your talk. As far as the truth went, this was it. You could see that it had certainly been a little presumptuous of you to assume that about him.
“Well that’s because you don’t really know me and make pointless assumptions, but I don’t blame you”, he boldly calls you out on your prejudices too.
Perhaps he wasn’t as bad as you imagined, but definitely still cocky.
Suddenly he puts his hand on your shoulder, which makes you jerk back at first. The sudden contact just came as a surprise. He also takes notice, but when he sees that you don’t mind after the initial shock, he just kept it there. “So, wanna get out of here?”, he suggested. “We could talk and you could get to know me better”, Mattheo proposes, obviously referring to your previous statement.
“Well, how can I say no to that”, you comply while flashing him a gentle smile.
And with that, both of you leave the room, with Mattheo’s hand still wrapped around your shoulders.
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claymoresword · 8 months
I Choose Her | Chp: 16
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 5.2k
Warnings: just a lot of fluff, draco malfoy & y/n, potential self harm references , plot heavy
Note: Hello! Yes it's finally here you're not dreaming... As always, endless thanks for your patience and support, knowing how much you guys love this fic is literally the only reason why I have kept this story going for so long. That being said, we're nearing the end now which is depressing but all we can do is savour the next couple of chapters before it all comes to an inevitable end :(
Anyway, this might be the longest chapter I've written so hopefully you enjoy this one!
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1 @t-wylia @raven-ss
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Hermione stirs awake due to your sudden movements next to her. You continue clutching your arm, grimacing. 
Biting down hard on your tongue to avoid screaming out, and to redirect some of the pain in your arm elsewhere.
Since that day at Malfoy Manor, every new summon from the Dark Lord has been nearly unbearable to combat.
It seems the more you fought it, the more excruciating it got; torturing you into submission. 
"Hey– why are you awake?" Hermione mutters groggily as she sits up as well.
You don't reply, only staring down at the Dark Mark, it pulses visibly, you wince again.
"Fuck–" You hiss, shutting your eyes tightly. You focus all your energy on fighting the affliction.
Hermione's expression rapidly turns to one of realization and then worry.
"It's hurting again?" Hermione asks, but she doesn't expect a response amidst your visible agony.
You observed as she hovered her hand over the mark on your arm. Hermione utters the incantation, and soon enough you are able to catch your breath again, the once torturous pulsing now reduced to a dull ache.
Painful, but bearable.
Your other senses return and finally you catch the other woman's gaze, you flash her a smile in relief and gratitude.
"Thank you." You say above a whisper, the Gryffindor responds by leaning in, planting several kisses on your cheek before nuzzling her face into your neck, holding you close.
She clutches onto you desperately, and you hold onto her same.
"I just hate to see you in pain." Hermione mumbles against your shoulder, you lean back to look at her.
"It wasn't always this bad.. You know who– he's getting desperate. Just like Harry said, he knows we are close to defeating him." You state, assuredly.
Your attempt to steer the conversation fails, your hopeful sentiment does nothing to sway Hermione, if anything she appears more distressed.
Your girlfriend looks away, helpless. Your brows furrow at the sight.
"What is it, my love?" You ask and Hermione hesitates to respond.
After a prolonged moment, her eyes finally meet yours again.
"I don't know– it just seems like you are having to sacrifice a whole lot to be here with me." The Gryffindor admits, she plays with your fingers nervously.
"Don't say that." You sigh.
You catch the tears welling up in Hermione's eyes, it makes you ache.
"I'm not here out of obligation, I'm here because I want to be." You state earnestly, trying your best to squander her doubts.
Stubbornly, Hermione continues to allow her anxieties to get ahold of her.
"What if the other Death Eaters– if they find us again– what if they do something to you?" The other woman continues to spiral, and you shake your head in disapproval.
"Hermione, you're not going to talk me into abandoning you.. not now. Not after everything we've endured." You affirm.
"But–" The Gryffindor starts and you swiftly interject.
"I don't care if they threaten to skin me alive.. I'm not leaving you." You counter dismissively and Hermione lets out a huff of amusement, she rolls her eyes, albeit half-heartedly.
"That's not funny." She scolds, your girlfriend glares at you to the best of her ability.
It only makes your heart swell.
"It wasn't a joke." You quip, gently cupping her cheek with your hand. 
Hermione eyes flutter shut as she leans into your touch, she releases a deep breath, tilting her head to place a chaste kiss on your palm.
"Either way, it's my fault. I should've never gone to the initiation, I should've fought against it." You insist, this time Hermione shakes her head, she grabs your wrist firmly.
"You didn't have a choice." She counters, and after deliberating, you nod.
You were merely buying time, an attempt to throw your parents off your trail. You didn't have a choice.
"No I didn't–" You agree.
"But I do now– and I'm choosing you. That is all." You state and Hermione's tense expression softens at last.
She leans in to capture your lips with her own, kissing you deeply. Amidst your lip lock, your girlfriend moves to straddle you, her hand moves to the nape of your neck. Your own hands instinctively settle on Hermione's waist as she opens her mouth wider, inviting you to deepen the kiss.
As your tongue enters her mouth, you are allowed a fleeting moment of bliss before you feel another sharp pain, it courses through your arm, so sudden and unwelcomed that you are forced to break the kiss.
Hermione chases your lips for a moment before gathering herself, once again she appears concerned, but you school your expression, placing a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth.
"Go back to sleep.. I need to get some air." You say, gently shoving your girlfriend off your lap.
Hermione takes the hint, but still, she sees right through you.
"What's wrong?" She asks as she settles on her side of the bed once more.
"Nothing. I just need to clear my head. I'll be right back, I promise." You reply, as convincingly as you can manage.
Hermione isn't satisfied with your response, but she decides not to push it further. 
She nods, loosening her grip on your sleeve.
You avoid eye contact as you plant a lingering kiss on her forehead, one Hermione can't help but melt into.
The Gryffindor has to fight the urge to force you to stay as you climb out of bed, stepping out of the tent.
You wrap your arms around yourself as the cold breeze pierces through the midnight air, edged and ruthless.
The sharp sting that was once contained to your left arm has since spread throughout your entire body, your coat proving less than adequate to keep you even remotely warm. 
You quickly regret your decision to leave the comfort of Hermione's embrace. 
Just as you've decided on returning to the tent, a faint light in the distance catches your attention, and soon you make out a male figure in the shadows as it approaches you.
Quickly deducing that it couldn't be neither Harry nor Ron, as they were both asleep in their respective tents.
You instinctively fish out your wand from your pocket, you grip it tightly, prepared to use it if needed.
As you catch a glimpse of platinum hair, your face contorts in shock. The notes of his cologne envelops your senses, familiar and unmistakable, you don't get the opportunity to consider if your eyes were playing tricks on you.
"Draco? what–" You gape.
"Listen, I can't stay long." Your best friend interjects, halting directly in front of you.
Then, your body reacts before your mind can mitigate it. You lunge forward, practically jumping into his arms. 
Draco is stunned for a moment, until he finally embraces you just as tightly in return.
"How are you?" He asks as soon as you separate.
You scoff. It was an impossible question to answer, a bit silly frankly, but you knew Draco was merely asking out of genuine concern.
"I'm alright." You reply, you watch as he nods, chewing on his bottom lip.
"What about you?" You return the gesture and he chuckles, humorless.
Draco shrugs, avoiding an answer entirely.
"Things are getting really tense." He claims, lowering his voice to a whisper.
"Your parents have sent out a band of snatchers to look for you." Your best friend states and you aren't particularly shocked. 
"Of course they did." You comment through a long sigh.
Draco steps closer, even though you were seemingly entirely alone, the platinum haired man remains paranoid.
"Word has spread about you and Hermione, and– what you did to Bellatrix. I can't guarantee that the other Death Eaters won't harm you if they find you." Your best friend remarks. An uneasy feeling settles at the pit of your stomach, you fold your arms over your chest.
"You have to lay low– or just come back home, please, it's far too dangerous." He pleads.
"Draco, you know I can't do that." You respond with a scowl, but the man was insistent.
"If you come home, at the very least, your parents– they'll protect you." His attempts to convince you prove fruitless, Draco only grows increasingly desperate.
"You're going to get yourself killed. Out here– with them." He finally states plainly, gesturing to the tent behind you, and you can't find it in yourself to deny a plain truth.
"Maybe." You say, and you pause as Draco sets his jaw, somehow he is more worried than you are.
"But I can't leave her." You add and finally he scoffs.
"You are so stubborn." The platinum haired man hisses, but you don't take offense, only finding the irony in his words.
"You're one to talk." You retaliate, and Draco finally tears his eyes away.
Your best friend knows now that you've made up your mind, nothing he says in this moment will convince you otherwise.
"Then know this– The Dark Lord is planning an ambush on Hogwarts, any day now." Draco now basically whispering directly into your ear.
"Ambush? Why? Snape's headmaster now, Dumbledore's gone, isn't that what he wanted?" You lean back slightly, perplexed.
Draco shrugs but now he appears noticeably distressed, more than he was just a moment ago, the man checks your surroundings once more.
"I think he wants to take over, and leave people no choice but to join his cause. No doubt he will kill anyone who dares to go against him." Your best friend adds, and your mouth falls open slightly at the realization.
Voldermort was definitely getting desperate.
"Just promise me that you'll stay away." Draco reiterates sternly, but you don't reply, your gaze fixed on the darkness, far in the distance as you allow your mind to speculate.
"Y/n." Draco insists on a response, he snaps you out of your thoughts.
"It's up to Harry, really. Hermione will follow his lead, I have to as well." You finally say, and it's not the answer the man was hoping for, his head falls below his shoulders in defeat.
Just before you can conjure some version of an apology, Draco wraps his arms around you, once again. He hugs you in a way that lets you know how afraid he truly is, a crippling feeling you both shared. 
Things are entirely uncertain now. It is possible you may never see each other again.
"I really hope she's worth it." The man says as he releases you, and just as you open your mouth to respond, you hear a rustling from the tent behind you.
Draco flinches and your head snaps back to investigate the noise.
In just a fraction of a second, a sudden gust of air tickles the side of your face. The same side where Draco was standing just moments ago.
You no longer feel his presence, his cologne now a lingering scent. He's disapparated and frustratingly, you can't contain the tears prickling in your eyes.
However, you force yourself not to let them fall as Hermione soon peaks her head out of the tent, before taking a large step outside. 
You recognize your cardigan wrapped around her frame. 
"Y/n, who were you talking to?"
Harry and Ron narrow their gaze at you in disbelief, while Hermione kept her hand intertwined with yours.
The conversation with Draco had casted a shadow over you, sudden and nearly paralyzing. It seems you were grieving. 
You grieved the chance to go home and be with your family. Mainly you can't help but feel you've failed Draco in some way. 
It weighed on you, knocked you off your feet. Hermione senses this but she can only offer to hold your hand as you try to find your footing.
"What, you still don't trust me?" You scoff as The Chosen One and his best friend continued to stare at you with skepticism.
"No, not really.." Ron quips, and you don't care enough to grace him with a reaction, luckily for him, Harry finally speaks up.
"It's not that– why would Draco help us?" He ponders, no longer skeptical, just doubtful.
"Yeah, how do you know he's not setting us up? The Death Eaters might be on their way already." The ginger haired man is still convinced of your ulterior motives and you finally glower at him.
"Ron, if that were true they would've taken us already, you know that." Hermione chimes in before you, and you are thankful for it.
"In any case– we'll have to go back to Hogwarts anyway." Harry states, the one thing you were afraid he would utter.
You hold your head in your hands for a moment. As righteous and frustrating as he can be, of course Harry will always try to do the right thing.
That is the exact opposite of what you should do right now.
"And what? Offer yourself up as bait?" You taunt, but he is unfazed, certain of his decision.
"I can't just let them die." He asserts and you glance at Hermione, a look on her face that shows she is not exactly on your side, not this time.
"What exactly is your plan, Potter?" You relent.
"The Horcrux is hidden somewhere in the castle, we have to go there and locate it and kill it– and if Draco is right, if you know who marches on Hogwarts that means the snake will be with him, I can find the snake. I will kill it and we'll get a step closer to ending him, once and for all." The dark haired man declares with such conviction, but it does nothing to convince you.
The task will not be an easy one, there are bound to be consequences.
"Fine." Ron mutters in agreement.
Then Harry shifts his gaze to Hermione, "Alright." She nods in approval as well.
The scowl that covers your features only falters as you meet Hermione's expectant look.
You roll your eyes, it was three against one. It is not like you have much of a choice.
"Something tells me this is going to go horribly wrong.." You trail off.
"But alright."
You apparate into Hogsmeade, and the incessant screeching that pierces the evening air was deafening. It disorients the four of you, but you quickly gain your bearings as you spot the group of Death Eaters in the distance.
You, along with the golden trio, continue to use the darkness to your advantage. You disappear into the shadows, eventually crouching down behind a large table.
Soon the Death Eaters disperse into different directions, but a pair of them continue to head your way.
Heavy footsteps approach, the pair of men mutter something intelligible before they begin scanning through the area, looking underneath each table.
The four of you glance at each other, desperate for a way out. It was too late to disapparate, you were at all loss, you were about to get caught, again.
The sense of dread that overpowers you is only subdued as you feel Hermione clutching onto your arm.
You are graced with a fleeting moment of clarity, soon enough, an idea occurs to you.
You roll up your sleeves quickly, leaving your Dark Mark exposed.
Hermione observes your action silently, perplexed.
Then you begin to rise, but before your head can emerge into view, she harshly pulls you back down with a death grip on your collar.
She scowls.
"What are you doing?" She whispers, but her tone is sharp, vexed.
"Just trust me." You respond, providing no further explanation, you extract your wand quickly as you fight out of her hold as you stand up abruptly.
The pair of Death Eaters jumps slightly at the sight of you. You quickly realize that both men were unfamiliar to you; there is a chance they don't recognize you either.
You continue to push your luck, stepping out of the shadows. When the mark on your arm comes into view, their expressions grow less tense, and you release the breath you were holding.
It appears your luck has yet to run out. 
"He's not under here, I've just checked." You lie, and it doesn't take the men much convincing to take your word.
They give you a curt nod.
"You cover the rest of this side, we'll check over there." One of the Death Eaters orders, soon they both turn to walk in opposite directions, splitting up to cover more of the area.
You waited until they were out of view before crouching down again, but to your confusion, Hermione was nowhere to be found.
No trace of Harry and Ron either.
"Lumos." As you searched for them, you began trying to mentally uncover an explanation.
You wonder if they had perhaps apparated elsewhere, but you eventually decide against the possibility. Certain that your girlfriend wouldn't just leave you like that, at least not without some type of forewarning.
Soon, you are inching past a dark alley, rows of abandoned pubs and houses come into view, but no sign of the trio.
"Hermione–" You finally call out, frustrated.
They are hiding, somewhere.
As you near the seemingly abandoned Hog's Head pub, the door suddenly opens, and you are dragged in by the arm, the touch you immediately recognized.
You can't contain it as you beamed in relief as  you step inside,your girlfriend locks the door swiftly before dragging you further down a flight of stairs. 
Once you get to the bottom of the steps the Gryffindor finally turns to you. Your grin now reduced to an easy smirk as you stared at Hermione, merely gratified at the knowledge that she had no true plans to abandon you.
Then the other woman gazes at you knowingly, a tangible sense of devotion and deeply rooted trust, a feeling that tethers you to the other. 
The pair of you now certain that you could survive anything, as you will always have each other to rely on.
It moves your very spirit, the urge to act upon your desires overcomes your being and Hermione in turn, gives into her own. Soon you are both leaning in, as your lips crashed against Hermione's, she kisses you, despairingly and unafraid. She presses her body up against yours and you fall back against the wall behind you. 
"You need to stop taking risks like that, they could've recognized you." Hermione breathes out as your mouths separate, she runs her fingers through your hair.
You don't respond, merely scanning her delicate features with your eyes, you find yourself memorizing every freckle and crease. 
You thumb tracing over her bottom lip causing them to part slightly.
Then, you kiss her again, open mouthed and forceful. Hermione welcomes this, as she lets slip a faint noise of approval, your hand rests on the small of her back, pulling her impossibly closer.
Your plans to continue the kiss is ruined as you hear the harsh noise; the sound of someone clearing their throat.
Hermione pulls away first, then she looks away, sheepish.
Contrastingly you stare down the source of the interruption. Ron's disapproving stare has done nothing but vex you in the past, and this time it is no different.
"Sorry to interrupt, but we've got more important matters to deal with right now." The snide remark irritates you, but not as much as it might have once did as you recognized that he had a fair point.
Before you can retaliate, the swinging door leading into the kitchen opens, a man enters.
A man you quickly realized to have an uncanny resemblance to the previous headmaster of Hogwarts.
You observed as he set down a tray of bread and butterbeer. As Ron approaches the tray, Hermione does as well, dragging you along with her, but you kept your gaze on the man, squinting slightly, perplexed.
"Aberforth. Dumbledore's brother." Hermione finally leans in to whisper into your ear, providing you the answer to your question.
You take a single bite of the bread, nearly too tough to chew and almost impossible to swallow. 
You gently place it back onto the tray, as polite as you can manage, you force the tough piece of bread down your throat and ingest nothing else after that.
Hermione and Ron continue chewing eagerly, merely glad of the decent bit of sustenance.
Harry doesn't move; he continues watching the painting of a girl, mounted up on the wall.
You find yourself staring at it as well, finally you catch the figure blink, as if it just took notice of you. Her shoulders rose and fell ever so slightly as she breathed, but her expression remained stoic.
"Do you hear from the others much– from the Order?" Hermione asks, after swallowing the contents in her mouth.
Aberforth narrows his gaze.
"The Order's finished. 'You know who' has won, anyone who says otherwise is killing themselves." He states definitively, his pessimism isn't lost on any of you. 
"We need to get into Hogwarts tonight. Dumbledore gave us a job to do." Harry asserts, and Aberforth glances at him, almost amused.
"Did he now, Nice job? Easy?" The older man's condescension was beginning to make your head hurt.
Harry's patience stretches further than yours, as he manages a civil response.
"We've been hunting Horcruxes. We think the last one's inside the castle, but we'll need your help getting in." The chosen one states firm and unfazed.
Hermione quietly offers you her mug of butterbeer, you accept it gladly, taking a sip as the older man grants Harry an equally negative response.
"This is no job, my brother's given you. It's a suicide mission. Do yourself a favor, boy, go home. Live a little longer." 
"Dumbledore entrusted me to see this through." Harry's conviction doesn't falter even as he begins to grow agitated himself. 
"What makes you think you can trust him? What makes you think you can believe anything my brother told you? In all the time that you knew him, did he ever mention my name?" Aberforth taunts, the vitriol lacing his statements makes you grimace.
You glance at Hermione, she is sporting a similar look.
"Has he ever mentioned her?" The older man gestures to the painting.
Harry shrugs.
"Why should he–" He starts.
"Keep secrets? You tell me." Aberforth finishes for him.
"I trusted him." Harry insistent on not backing down.
"That's a boy's answer!" Aberforth barks.
"A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes on the word of a man who wouldn't even tell him where to start, you're lying!" The older man slurs, gesturing with a goblet still in hand.
Then, it finally occurred to you that the younger Dumbledore was drunk. At least drunk enough to take out his anger on the wrong person.
"Not just to me, that doesn't matter– to yourself as well. That's what a fool does. You don't strike me as a fool, Harry Potter, so I ask you again, there must be a reason." Aberforth continues, stepping closer the dark haired man. 
Perhaps an effort to intimidate, but miraculously, Harry manages to keep a level head as he holds the man's hard stare.
"I'm not interested in what happened between you and your brother, I don't care that you've given up. I trusted the man I knew. We need to get into the castle, tonight." The Chosen One declares, and Aberforth is visibly taken aback by Harry's response, and so are you.
Then, the long bearded man nods subtly to the painting above Harry. The four of you watched intently as the girl walked further into it, disappearing into the distance.
"Where have you sent her?" Ron asks.
"You'll see, soon enough." Aberforth mutters, he walks with his goblet, toward the exit.
"That's your sister Arianna, isn't it? She died very young, didn't she?" Hermione asks, gesturing to the now vacant painting.
Aberforth pauses to look at her.
"My brother sacrificed many things, Mr Potter, on his journey to find power. Including Arianna." Aberforth's reply, a final attempt to sway Harry, but his devotion to the former headmaster of Hogwarts remains.
"Thank you, Mr Dumbledore." Your girlfriend expresses earnestly, and the man only nods, dejected, soon disappearing through the doorway.
"He did save our lives twice, and kept an eye on us in that mirror." Hermione looks between you, Harry and Ron.
"That doesn't seem like someone who's given up." She says in a hushed tone, now looking directly at Harry.
He averts his gaze, mulling over his best friend's statement.
A prolonged silence hangs around you before the painting starts to shift and move, soon it opens outward like a door, revealing a dark passageway.
You catch movement in the shadows, your hand instinctively moves to wrap around Hermione's waist. Your girlfriend doesn't hesitate to step slightly closer to you, also acting on instinct.
The figure that emerges is not one you'd expect, you quickly recognize it to be Neville Longbottom.
You didn't know him well, beyond a few fleeting interactions at school in the past, but 
based on Harry's reaction, you considered his presence to be a welcomed one.
"Neville? You look–" The dark haired boy beams, and his friend interjects.
"Like hell I reckon." Neville quips.
"This is nothing, Seamus is worse." 
He grins, his gaze shifts between the golden trio, and when his eyes fall on you, he appears stunned, for a moment.
You decide to flash him a clipped smile, one he eventually returns.
"We best get a move on." The man finally gestures.
"I don't remember this on the Marauder's Map." Ron questions as the four of you follow Neville through the dingy passageway. 
You trailed closely next to Hermione, and Ron behind you.
"That's because it never existed until now, the other secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year. This is the only way in or out now." Neville explains, the light from his wand continues to barely illuminate the path ahead.
"The grounds are crawling with Death Eaters and Dementors." He remarks and suddenly you feel inclined once more to hide the Dark Mark beneath your sleeve.
Hermione catches your subtle action, but doesn't comment on it.
"How bad is it with Snape as Headmaster?" She asks instead, returning her attention ahead.
"Hardly ever see him. It's the Carrows you need to watch out for." Neville quips and your face contorts in disbelief.
"Carrows?" Harry asks.
"Yeah, they're in charge of discipline." His friend states.
"What? They put the Carrows in charge?" You gape, appalled.
"What is it? How horrible are they?" Hermione asks as she notices your reaction.
"I mean they're insane, fanatics– obsessed with blood purity. But last I heard, they were locked up in Azkaban." You admit and now Hermione's expression is nothing short of horrified.
You intertwined your fingers, an attempt to wordlessly reassure her.
"Well, they're out now." Neville states.
"Who do you think did this to me?" He adds, turning around for a moment to point at the deep gash on his face. 
Although his tone was lighthearted, you can't help but feel a twinge of remorse.
After a few more steps, the five of you halt behind a flat wall. You eventually make it out to be the back of a painting, similar to one at the pub.
Neville pushes it open, he pauses to address the crowd on the other side, and soon enough, he steps aside to reveal Harry.
The room suddenly erupts with claps and cheers as they welcome The Chosen One.
Hermione continued to hold your hand as you stepped out of the passageway and into the room, Ron following suit.
You receive a few stares as you emerge next to Hermione, but no one addresses you directly, not until Seamus catches sight of you.
"What is she doing here?" He jeers, as the cheering for Harry completely dies down. 
Now all eyes are definitely on you.
To your complete surprise, Ron is first to come to your defense.
"Back off alright, she's on our side." The ginger haired man says but Seamus is less than convinced.
"I'm sure that's what she wants us to believe. We've learnt well enough by now not to trust the word of any Slytherin." He spat as he stepped closer, and Seamus' attempt to intimidate you only works to amuse you.
You can't help the mocking smile that forms on your lips, and his scowl simply deepens at the sight.
"I say get her out of here." He announces, glancing around the room for any supporters of his idea.
"No!" Hermione interjects, she swiftly sets her body in between you and Seamus.
"We wouldn't be here without her help, Seamus you have no idea what you're on about." Ron defends you again, and this time you are truly bewildered.
Noticing he is outnumbered, Seamus relents.
"I've got my eye on you." He hands you the passing threat, and you tilt your head slightly.
"Is that supposed to frighten me?" You taunt, unfolding your arms, now you are prepared to go for your wand.
"Enough! None of this is going to help us defeat 'you know who'. We can't afford to fight amongst ourselves." Harry quickly shuts down the possibility. 
"Harry's right." Neville steps forward.
"So what's the plan?" He asks, and soon all attention is on Harry once more as everyone awaits his call.
"Okay, there's something hidden here in the castle, and it may help us defeat 'you know who'." He starts, his voice bounces off the stone walls as the room goes silent.
"Right. What is it?" Neville asks expectantly.
"We don't know." Harry responds truthfully and his friend glances at Saemus for a moment.
"Where is it?" He tries again and Harry shakes his head.
"We don't know that either." He repeats and the group standing before the four of you continue staring, deadpan.
You allow your head to droop, letting out a prolonged sigh.
"Look, I realize that's not much to go on." Harry starts.
"That's nothing to go on." Seamus interjects.
"I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw. Um, it'll be small, easily concealed." Harry recalls his visions.
"Anyone have any ideas?" He asks, the desperation in his voice was evident.
For a while it seems all hope was lost, until Luna finally speaks.
"Well there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem." She suggests.
"Bloody hell, there we go." Ron releases a breath of relief.
Now the deadpan gaze is shifted towards the platinum haired girl.
"Lost diadem of Ravenclaw, has anyone ever heard of it? It's quite famous." Luna adds.
"Yes, but Luna, it's lost, for centuries now, there isn't a person alive who's seen it." Cho chimes in from next to her.
"Excuse me, can someone please tell me what a bloody diadem is?" Ron pleads, and you let out a huff of amusement, against your better judgment.
Hermione finds the opportunity to glare at you.
"It's a sort of crown, you know, like a Tiara." Cho explains, but it gives none of you any clue of where to locate it.
Before the discussion can go any further, the main door opens, soon Ginny bursts in, she is stunned for a moment as she spots Harry.
"Harry." She gapes.
"Hello." The dark haired man responds, equally jarred.
Ron scoffs as his sister pays no attention to him.
"Five months she hasn't seen me, it's like I'm 'Frankie first year'.. I'm her brother." He remarks above a whisper, and you grin.
"Yes but she's got a lot of brothers doesn't she? There's only one Harry." You quip teasingly, earning a smile from Hermione.
The ginger haired man merely rolls his eyes.
"Shut up, Y/n." He huffs.
"What is it Ginny?" Seamus finally asks.
"Snape knows. He knows Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade." 
252 notes · View notes
hp-hcs · 2 months
phantasm (remember?) — mattheo riddle x gn! hella manipulative! reader
phantasm noun noun: phantasm; plural noun: phantasms
LITERARY a figment of the imagination; an illusion or apparition.
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warnings: minor character death, murder, severe manipulation, gaslighting, blink-and-you-miss-it reference to self harm,❗️stand-alone/no part two❗️
is he schizophrenic, high, or haunted? you decide!
❕it’s supposed to be confusing!!! you should finish reading this and be like “what the fuck did i just read”, alr?❕
Mattheo Riddle had always been odd. Everyone knew that.
Maybe it had something to do with his parents. One Crucio from his father too many, perhaps. 
Maybe he hit his head when he was younger. That wasn’t too much of a stretch. He’d always been quite reckless. 
But either way, no one could pinpoint what event caused Mattheo to see things that weren’t really there. 
It first came to light when Mattheo, staying the night at his cousin’s house for a sleepover at the tender age of five, stomped over to his Aunt Narcissa to tattle.
“They pushed me down th’ stairs, Aunt Cissy!” he whined, sticking out his lower lip in a pout. “See? I even skinned my knee!”
“Who did? Draco?”
“No, Y/n!”
Mattheo couldn’t remember much about the Janus Thickey ward. 
He’d spent a month there when he was six, but didn’t have a single memory of his time there. Just vague flashes that haunted his nightmares, but ones that he could never remember once he woke. 
Narcissa remembered though. And so did Draco. 
The Malfoys both remember visiting Mattheo in the hospital, Draco clutching Mattheo’s stuffed dragon under one arm and holding onto the string of a “Get Well Soon!” mylar balloon in his other hand, only for the pair to find Mattheo hiding under his bed and mumbling to himself, furiously scratching at his arms and crying. 
The Malfoys remember. 
Mattheo couldn’t remember if you had always been there, or if you just showed up one day. 
There were a lot of things Mattheo couldn’t remember. 
“Who can tell me what a boggart is?” Professor Moody asked, pacing the front of the room with his odd, uneven gait. An old antique armoire stood near the front of the room, a large area around it cleared of the usual clutter that filled every inch of the classroom. 
Surprising absolutely nobody, Granger’s hand shot up. 
Mattheo shot a look over to his cousin, rolling his eyes, while Draco smothered a laugh in response.
“A boggart is a creature that takes on the form of one’s greatest fear, sir,” Granger said in that obnoxious know-it-all tone of hers. “No one knows what their true forms are.”
“One’s greatest fear, sir,” Mattheo mocked under his breath to Draco in a purposefully bad imitation of Granger. 
“Ah, Riddle. How nice of you to volunteer. Step on up, boy.” Moody’s hand came down on Mattheo’s shoulder from behind him, gripping it firmly. “Go on. Grab your wand.”
Mattheo’s face drained of color. Surely Moody wouldn’t…?
No, it’s Mad-Eye Moody. Of course he’d do something like this. 
Mattheo stood on shaking legs, gulping as he approached the ominously placed armoire. 
Everyone watched with rapt attention. 
What was Mattheo Riddle afraid of?
The Dark Lord? Dumbledore?
Or something more benign, like spiders or small spaces?
Whatever it was, Mattheo’s fellow students were not expecting a teenager to step out of the armoire. 
Maybe fourteen at the most, unassuming, wearing…Riddle’s quidditch jersey?
They weren’t a student, that was for sure. Nobody in the room recognized them.
(Except for the one poor bastard whose boggart it was.)
Professor Moody narrowed his eyes at the boggart, his gaze quickly shifting between the harmless-looking teen and the literal son of the Dark Lord, the latter of which was frozen stiff with fear, his wand threatening to slip from his quivering fingers at any moment.
The boggart tilted its head and smiled.
Is this how Potter feels, when Father’s inside his head?
Mattheo sat uncomfortably across from Professor Moody, the professor’s desk being the only thing separating them.
The professor said nothing, merely observing Mattheo. A bizarre enchanted cuckoo clock on the wall trumpeted like an elephant, signaling the hour, then returned to its steady tick tick tick.
“Mr. Riddle, do you ever hear…voices? Voices that maybe…encourage you to do bad things?”
Mattheo was sweating. How did he know about you? How?
“He’s just trying to get in your head, Mattheo,” you murmured, sitting next to him in the other armchair. “That’s all.”
Was it? Mattheo wondered. 
“Y’know, I’m starting to think you’re the one that’s in my head,” he said softly. “Nobody else thinks you’re real.”
Your face soured. “You think I’m not real? That I don’t exist? Huh? He’s lying to you! He’s a liar and a manipulator!”
“Just get out of my head!” Mattheo pleaded quietly. “Please!”
You fumed, jumping up to sit on the edge of Moody’s desk. You swung your legs back and forth, an angry expression marring your features. “Matty-”
“Stop calling me that!” he snapped. “Just go away! Leave me alone!”
“But you’re my best friend, Matty,” you insisted innocently. 
“We are not friends!”
You sighed dramatically as you laid down on the desk, putting the back of your hand up to your forehead—as if pretending to faint—as you did so. “Then what are we, Matty? Paramours? Estranged lovers?”
“Enemies,” he hissed, his knuckles white with how tightly he was clenching his fists. 
“Well, I have always loved the enemies to lovers trope,” you said breezily, smirking at him. “Besides, you haven’t got anyone else. Admit it. I’m all you have.”
Moody watched Mattheo have his one-sided conversation with wide eyes, unsure of what was happening. “Mr. Riddle? Are you alright? Wh-who are you talking to?”
“See?” You clicked your tongue, shaking your head slowly. “He thinks you’re crazy.”
“There are many talented healers that I could contact–”
Mattheo’s gaze kept darting between you and Moody as his breathing picked up. 
“Bet he wants to send you back to Janus Thickey,” you whispered, purposefully turning your voice soft and fearful, blinking back fake tears. “I don’t want to disappear again, Mattheo, please.”
“I–” Mattheo stammered, dread creeping up his spine at the thought of being alone again. 
“Please?” you begged. “You know what to do. It’s not like he doesn’t deserve it.”
“He– what? No!”
“But he wronged you,” you whisper softly, your tone manipulative and gentle. “He deserves to suffer.”
“Stop it!” Mattheo pleaded again, reflexively drawing his wand and pointing it at you. 
“He wronged you,” you repeated, eyes narrowing. 
“He deserves to suffer.”
“Shut up!”
“He wronged you.”
“He deserves–”
“Avada Kedavra!”
You both fell silent, your argument abruptly cut off with the resounding thunk of Moody’s body hitting the floor. 
“Oh my Merlin– y-you killed someone!” Mattheo panicked, dropping his wand and grabbing fistfuls of his hair. 
“Oh, no no no, Matty. I didn’t kill anyone,” you said sweetly, examining your nails apathetically. “You did.”
“I’ll tell everyone,” Mattheo threatened through his quivering lower lip. “I will. I’ll tell them it was you.”
“Who’s going to believe you?” you cooed, your voice dripping in saccharine sweetness as you leaned forward to tousle his hair. 
Mattheo flinched back. 
You laughed, patting his cheek as you hopped off the desk. “Come find me when you’re ready to help me with my next…project.”
“Y-you planned this?”
“Duh.” You rolled your eyes. “Catch up, love. You’re not stupid.”
With that, you stand up on tiptoe, plant a fat kiss on his cheek, and disappear out the door without another word. 
Mattheo swore he could see bloody footprints marking your trail down the hall. 
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celest1all · 10 months
#PAIRING: [] draco malfoy x lupin!reader
#WARNINGS: [] depression, mentions of bad eating habits, 's about it for this one.
#AUTHORS NOTE: [] sorry it's so short guys ! i'm very sad atm and i just wanted to kick start this fic somehow lmao. enjoy :)
#DESIDERIUM MASTERLIST [] read the rest here <-
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The worst part about depression isn't the sadness or the never ending pit of pain you somehow end up falling back into regardless of how happy your life is, it's the not feeling anything. No happiness, no sadness and not even anger itself can find its way into your body.
It's just empty.
And that's what she felt, every quaking moment of her day was filled by a gnawing sense of emptiness that nothing could fix. She tried everything, cigarettes, alcohol and even self harm. None of it seemed to heal the wounds inside her, only leaving more visible ones at that.
She found something else, a way to help herself - or atleast that's what she thought she was doing - and that was helping others, giving the people around her the love and care she believed they deserved.
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You walked into the Great Hall, silently wishing that all the food was gone as you weren't particularly hungry in the first place. You scanned over the huge array of students trying to pinpoint the people you were closest to - and the people you made it your mission to protect and help no matter the personal cost.
Harry was the first to notice you coming over, the slight smile gracing his lips upon seeing you. He waved you over and alerted Hermione and Ron that you were there.
"Hey," he said lightly, moving over on the bench to let you sit down "how are you doing?"
His question caught you off guard a bit, no one really paid that much mind to how you felt. You shrugged the feeling off as believing that he only cared as you were the daughter of his late Godfathers best friend.
"I'm fine." You say with a plastered smile, hoping it wouldn't let you down now. It never did, but there was always a chance it might at some point.
Hermione and Ron didn't seem totally interested in your presence and Harry nodded at your answer, going back to the two other Gryffindors in front of him and animatedly conversating with them.
Deciding not to push the conversation - or any conversation for that matter - any further, you started looking around the Great Hall again. Your eyes ended up looking at the Slytherin table, the green and silver ultimately catching your eye.
You never really spoke with any of the Slytherins, there were a few minute long sentences with a few of them like Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson. You like Blaise the most, he was nice. You had tripped over one of the other Slytherins foot (you were unsure if it was purposeful or not) and Blaise offered you his hand to help you back up. Ever since then, he would give you small smiles now and again, but you still didn't really speak a lot.
Blaise ended up noticing you daydreaming whilst staring at their table and smiled lightly at you, giving you a small wave. Jolting out of the trance you were in, you waved back, once again giving another fake smile that was getting all to easily to hide.
"Why you waving at her for?" Someone from beside Blaise spoke, he knew who it was though.
Blaise simply shrugged and turned to face Draco, "She's nice, I helped her one time."
Draco snorted at that, disgusted by the idea that one of his own was willing to help a Gryffindor - you no less. "You do know who she is, right?" He says snarkily. "She's Lupins daughter."
Blaise just shrugged again, not really sure of where to go from there. He decided to not continue the conversation and started speaking to Theodore Nott about something else, something irrelevant to you.
Draco looked at Blaise briefly and back to where you were in the Great Hall, you were staring deeply into the table in front of you, whilst still trying engage in any conversation that might potentially be thrown your way by the others. He couldn't understand why someone from his house would help you, and then continue to be civil towards you. You're not only a Gryffindor, but also a werewolf's daughter! Why was Blaise so willing to be nice to you?
The platinum haired boy was fascinated - no, he was confused and ultimately annoyed - about that fact, and what was so special about you. There couldn't be anything, right?
Draco wanted to find out why, and if there's one thing he prides himself on being, is that he will always get his way regardless of the consequences.
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whyareyouhere66 · 8 months
Maybe some hurt/comfort platonic Professor Remus Lupin x gn student reader where reader also has lycanthropy (is a werewolf) but with anger issues. Remus can kind of guess, but after reader almost gets outed as a ‘monster’ Remus makes it his duty to teach reader how to control their anger. Father figure Remus 🫶 you can make it as angsty as you want <3
Here it is! This took way too long but it’s finished now, and I hope you like it! Thanks for requesting 🫶
!Father figure! Remus Lupin x GN !werewolf! Reader
CW: implied absence of father, accidental(kinda) self harm, slightly graphic descriptions, reader has anger issues, possible ooc Remus I’m not really sure
I should’ve stayed in.
I should’ve known better, really. But it seems I didn’t. 
Malfoy always has a way of getting under everyone’s skin- and it seems that the older he gets, the less afraid he is of doing so in front of teachers. You should’ve been more cautious getting into arguments with him in the middle of a class.
“Malfoy, L/n, you two separate yourselves right now.” Professor McGonagall scolds, glaring at where Malfoy stood in front of my seat. He had that same devilish grin on his face, even as I’m glaring up at him from my chair.
“Sit down, Malfoy.” I say flatly, but he doesn’t budge.
“And what are you gonna do, hm? I have no reason to be threatened by someone like,” he takes the time to look my up and down, not hiding the grimace to follow, “you.”
“Then why don’t you go sit down?,” I quip, “no one’s asking you to stay, the only reason I see is you’re enjoying it.” I see quickly how his grin drops, and he’s glaring right back at me now. 
“Is that your best comeback? As if I’d ever enjoy being near you,” he seethes, and I stand up with my hands running down my face. 
“You are so exhausting-“ I groan, only to feel a sudden shove against my shoulder. I snap my head towards him again. What is he trying to do?
“You filthy little-“
“Don’t touch me,”
“Draco! L/n! Back to your seats at once!” McGonagall shouts, the click of her boots taking a few quick steps closer before stopping. I don’t look at her, because Draco is already shoving me back again. His face is scrunched into a look of disgust, and anger, and I can only imagine mine looks somewhat similar.
I’m shoving him back before I can think, my mind ticking, yelling at me to not let him walk away proudly. 
Bursts of different voices, small gasps, are around me as Draco is lunging forward pathetically. His brain is racing the same way mine is- but i only get a second to try and block his hands before he’s backing me up towards the wall.
I grab his shoulders, trying to pry him off me, but my back collides with a shelf and my head gets thrown back against something, 
The pain sends a jolt through my body, something all too familiar, but it’s too late. 
My eyes surge, and I feel the bones in my shoulders cracking against each other while I fall. Draco is somewhere in front of me, stumbling to the ground, and Ms. McGonagall shouts again from across the room.
My heart is pounding, my hands are sweaty, but all I can feel from my racing mind is anger.
Before he can come at me again, I stumble to my feet again and run out of the room as quickly as possible. Professor McGonagall yells at me, but I can’t hear her anymore. My ears throb as they grow, stretching and pointing at the ends. 
My back arches into its new form, hairs poking my skin as they grow rapidly. Bones give a sickening crack as they move inside of me, my legs unable to hold me up. And I can’t stop it- because my mind is hollering and it’s too late to pull myself back now.
A snarl echoes from the throat, fangs poking my gums. It hurts, it always does- but this time it got too close.
My classmates could’ve seen me- they nearly did. 
Long claws make an ugly noise as they scratch the floor beneath me, I probably look psychotic stumbling across the floor trying to regain control of myself again. 
I want to hit him- I want to keep that ugly smirk off his face. 
My hands curl into a fist, and I feel the stinging pain of claws scraping the palms of my hands. The painful red that follows feels warm on my skin, I keep my hand still until the pain begins to keep the rest of me still.
My hitched breathing is loud, but slowly I feel my nails dulling, pulling out of my skin. I let out a gasp, face beginning to shift back to its original shape. 
My jaw throbs, and my fingers become sore as I desperately try to pull my self back into place. Bones are snapping, returning to normal while I struggle to hold myself up any longer. 
Heavy breathes fall, but I barely recognize them. My ears dull until they’re no longer long and pointed, my eyes fade from the sharp yellow back to e/c. 
“No, no no no,” I plead. 
I snap my eyes up to the new voice, and freeze when I see Professor Lupin staring at me wide-eyed.
He analyzes my shaking figure, and he looks at me differently… almost understandingly. 
I scramble to my feet again, stumbling away from him. 
“Wait!” He calls out, but I sprint away before he can follow.
It’s all ruined.
The next day, I refuse to leave the dorms. 
I slept in my closet last night, too afraid that one of my dorm mates would walk in and look at me the same way everyone else did before. 
About halfway through the morning hour, there’s a tapping at my window- and I recognize F/n’s owl, Ares, staring at me through the glass. F/n sent a note. 
I don’t want to read it. But I do- all it asks is where I am. 
I slide down the wall slowly, letting the note fall to the floor beside me. I feel so tired. 
Gosh- I was doing such a good job before. Whenever my anger would get the best of me, I’d find solace in an old closet or something, curl my hand into a fist so tightly it would unravel with red staining the palm. It would keep me stable- I had it under control.
But now?
A knock sounds from the door.
I don’t want to answer it.
I stare at it for a while, maybe I should. Maybe it’s F/n.
Eventually, I do open it.
Standing on the other side, is Professor Lupin, and I immediately freeze. What is he doing here? 
The look he gave me yesterday flashes in my mind, the understanding, the empathy. He speaks before I do, much to my relief.
“May I come in?” He asks, and I hesitantly step to the side. He enters carefully, finding a spot towards the center of the room, and I sit down on the foot of my bed awkwardly. 
“Look, professor-“ I try, only to be interrupted.
“It’s ok, I know.”
“…what do you think you know..?”
He sighs, looking round the room, as if searching for the right words. I watch cautiously.
“…I was about 4 years old, when I was turned.” He says- my eyes widen. Turned? Does that mean-?
“Well, that’s what you are, right,” he looks at me pointedly, “a werewolf?”
My heart stops when he says the word. Werewolf. 
He knows- he not only knows, but he is one, and I almost can’t believe my ears.
“You’re…you’re one too?”
Lupin nods, doesn’t even hesitate. Another sigh, before he continues.
“When I was bit, it was in means of revenge. I was used to get back at my father, and it’s affected my life ever since.”
Lupin paces the room when he talks, taking slow steps across the carpet. I feel a bit bad, knowing the burden of this curse. Professor Lupin looks at me again.
“It took me years to learn how to control it-  and if you’ll let me,” I can tell where this is going, “I want to help you learn as well.”
I pause, trying to think. I can learn to control it, to live with it. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. 
“…you’ll help me?” I ask quietly, looking up at him. His face softens slightly, and he nods.
“Of course.”
I don’t know what to say. He asks how old I was when I got bit, I tell him. 8 years old, on a camping trip with my mother and step dad. My mom didn’t know what to do, my step dad (at the time) hadn’t even warmed up to me much yet. I was left to face it alone. 
Professor Lupin’s eyebrows furrow slightly, and he nods. 
“So you had no parents to help you?” He asks, and I nod shyly. I almost don’t want to look at him, avoiding his gaze head on.
“It was kind of hard to, uh, connect with my step dad after that…”
He nods in understanding. I look away. 
“Well, how about this,” he doesn’t step much closer to me, and I look at him curiously, “do you know what triggers it.”
I nod once more, bending my fingers around each other on my lap.
“Yeah, uh, my anger is…” I clear my throat, “yeah.”
“Great, then we’ll start there.” He says, as if it was an obvious fact. “Meet me after classes tomorrow, preferably by my classroom. That’s when we’ll start.” He begins to walk towards the door again, and I watch him. It’s so new, I’ve never even told people about such a burden before, yet here I am. Before he can leave, I stand up from my bed.
“Wait, professor.”
He turns to me curiously.
“…thank you.”
The first “lesson” was a bit of a messy one. 
He asks me how I currently handle my anger, and I hesitantly look at the scars littering my palm and the heel of my hand.
“Ah, I see…” he trails off. I nod.
By the second lesson, he’s telling me what happens in my brain when I’m angry- and how to keep calm.
“It’ll sound like a cliche, but controlling your breathing.”
“Definitely sounds like a cliche.”
“Yeah, well, it works, sit down”. 
By the 5th lesson I’m already sensing a difference in how I’m feeling- it’s like my body is more relaxed, my brain isn’t as high wired as it used to be.
But I’m weren’t sure- until I got tested.
It wasn’t Draco Malfoy this time, though they were close in obnoxiousness. A Ravenclaw, by the name of Riley, continuously pestering me after getting paired up for a project together. She followed me down the halls after class, ignoring all my attempts to brush her off.
Can’t she take a hint? 
I turn another corner down the corridor, and she tells me once again how lazy I am. I feel myself getting more frustrated, heart beating faster, and I stop walking in the middle of the hallway. When I turn ti look at her she has the face of someone who just got fired from work- and I want to tell her that no one riles her up as much as she does to herself. 
The first throb in my gums, I freeze, and turn away quickly. Her voice stops, thank god, and I feel her curious gaze burning holes into my back. 
“It doesn’t matter,” I tell myself, “it’s all cool.”
I close my eyes, blocking the memory of her voice, and let my breathing slow until it’s balanced enough for me to no longer feel the ache in my jaw. 
My eyes open again, I’m normal.
I’m normal- holy shit. A grin spreads across my face and I check my hands just in case- nothing. My body didn’t change at all. 
I whip around, not looking at Riley even as she throws another comment my way.
“Uh huh, yeah.” Is all i manage before I’m pushing past her and starting to jog down the hall.
“I did it,” I say to myself, “I did it!”
I’m basically running by the time I’ve made it to Professor Lupin’s classroom, knocking on the large wooden door a few times before he answers.
I grin at him. “I did it!” I exclaim, “I did it- I controlled it!”
His face begins to light up, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
I step into his room, but still spin around to face him. My cheeks are beginning to hurt from my smile but I don’t falter.
“I controlled myself, Lupin, i didn’t even change at all!”
His smile grows and he looks at me. “That’s wonderful, I’m so-“
Before he finishes, I step forward and hug him.
I didn’t even expect to, I just feel myself wrapping my arms around his torso and grinning like a mad man against his coat. His arms lay against my back in return in a  fatherly embrace, so simple yet I could never miss it. 
“Thank you” I say, and he smiles above me.
“Of course, Y/n.”
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aesthetixhoe · 1 year
Hoe's request rules!
Hi there! I love getting requests, but since I've gotten a specific one recently, I figured I should set up some rules/things I won't write for. This will likely be expanding, so check in before requests :)
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Who I write (pink means current fav)
Jack Champion
Ethan Landry
Spencer Reid
Draco Malfoy
Peter Parker (All)
Xavier Thorpe
Matthew Gray Gubler
Gwen Stacy
Steve Harrington
Gar Logan
Barry Allen
Dick Grayson
Charles Xavier
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Dave Lizewski
Killer Frost
Note: for real people I will not write smut.
Charlie Slimecicle
Coriolanus Snow
Conrad Fisher
Character traits/experiences/actions I won't write:
Explicit POC reader (I write my x reader's to be race-less, but as a white woman I don't feel comfortable writing for POC specific)
Explicit male reader (I include the pronouns I use, but I am a woman, so I don't feel comfortable writing an AMAB reader)
Self Harm (I will write for ED's)
Parent reader
Relationships I won't write:
Teacher x student
Age gap
Boss x worker
Poly/open relationships
NSFW things I will not write:
The previously mentioned relationships
Piss kinks
Forced pregnancy
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floshav · 1 year
yearning for you pt.2
pairings: regulus black x fem!reader
read pt 1 here
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warnings: bullying, mean draco, Regulus in the lightning era, sorta modern au cuz of phones, crying, fighting, Reader getting belittled, Snape showing a lil more emotion than he ever would, slight Self harm towards reader.
word count: 2k +
Y/n just can't seem to make anything any better.
School was most definitely a bitch again. At least that was the excuse that kept her going for the whole week.
Constant late night calls with regulus finding comfort in his liquid smooth voice. Constant glares shot back and forth at the dining hall where they both sat at different tables so close yet so far. The tension between the two that had been created in less than 10 days was concerning. Even when they've never really hung out together in real life after the incident a week ago.
"Hey drangea.." Regulus said voice raspy on call
It was around 4AM and the two had been chatting away for the last 4 hours when y/n decided she couldn't sleep.
"Hmm, yea?" Y/n said sleepily as she shifted in her sheets
"I think you most definitely can fall asleep now." He chuckled showing his irregular 2 front teeth which y/n loved so much.
"Yea...But question is... do i want to?" y/n yawned clearly tired
"You do. Speaking of which, i have a question.." Regulus hesitantly inquired eyes now wider than before
"Hm T'is the matter?"
"Would you like to sit with me at breakfast tomorrow?"Regulus started off slow knowing she hated the prospect of an activity which could dart eyes all over her.
"L-like together face to face in the great hall?"
"Yea drangea, what else would i be referring to." Regulus barked out a laugh at her stupidness
"Y-yea! totally should i come to you or-?"
"Nah, i'll come to you."
All the sleep had dissipated from her face. Y/n was scared. She knew draco and heather would be near where she usually sat and she couldn't bare the idea of Draco seeing someone else with her for some reason. Not to mention the fact that Daria had moved on so suavely to a new group of friends. So why was she enclosing herself into this chamber of miserable torture. She was allowed to experience nice things, and regulus being her friend was definitely something she wanted people to know about.
"okay! perfect. See you tomorrow?" Regulus cheered with a goofy smile on his face
"Yea. See you reggie." Y/n breathed with a small smile feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness bloom in her chest. Okay maybe not a mixture but impurities of excitement and 99% nervousness.
The covered sun had awoken y/n from her not so deep slumber. It was a gloomy day and y/n felt a pit of joy grow within her. These semi rainy days were definitely her favourite in the uk, though it was everyday usually, as of lately the sun had been a little too bright for her liking so today was going to be perfect. So she thought to herself quietly.
She woke up, her groggy mind fogged with the thought of having to sit with Regulus during breakfast which was in.... of course, 20 minutes. She swore she never woke up this late, why today out of all days universe?
After putting on her best smelling perfume which was of a scent called "lions domain" ( she still has no idea why it's called that ) she felt.... not so confident as ever like the perfume had advertised to make people feel.
What bullshit marketing y/n thought to herself before pacing her way down the spiral staircase.
She got used to the physical loneliness, especially since Daria had been her only friend in hogwarts ever since they were 11. It shattered her already broken heart into more minuscule pieces knowing Daria moved on so easily and yet she couldn't. What was wrong with her?
She tried to not think much of it as time grew shorter with each longing step she strode.
There he was, gorgeous black waves framing his defined cheekbones. His pretty eyes locked on whatever he was currently picking at. The one loose strand of hair effortlessly dangling on the crease of his eyebrow. The sight alone made y/n's heart jump like a mad man. But of course, the feeling she was feeling wasn't only because of regulus' killer looks, but because Draco and Heather were seemingly whispering whatever the hell to each-other whilst staring back at Regulus occasionally.
It's not like Regulus and y/n had been so close to a point where if anyone did anything to piss the other off, they'd probably be sorry. Yet, why was y/n feeling a growth of anger and destruction bloom in her chest? Draco who once looked like a fallen angel in her eyes, suddenly grew to look like satans spawn.
Just as y/n hopes to slither in without anyone noticing, Regulus caught guard of her and shouted a quick greeting.
Ugh. Reggie why. Why!!
"Y/n! Finally. Merlin what took you so long."
Why was he in this god awful cheery mood? She thought to herself
They were definitely complete opposites. As her favourite muggle artist once said, he was sunshine she was midnight rain.
"What? you took hormone pills or something this morning? What's got you so cheery"
"n'thin was just looking forward to seeing you" Regulus said with a twinge of sadness in his tone covered by a honey warm smile
"I was looking forward to seeing you too Reggie." Y/n sensed the signals she was sending him, and tried to tone down her bitch-e-ness
"It's great to finally see your face, not so....."
"...Pixelated?" y/n laughed before eyeing the food regulus had been mindlessly pushing around
"Hey eat your toast, you're gonna need it to fuel your talkative vocal cords." Y/n smiled whilst lightly rolling her eyes
"Yea, yea i will mom" regulus deadpanned with a fake smile
"Oi, what're you doing hanging out with a freak?"
Here it was. Just as everything was going fine, something, just something had to go south.
"What'd you say ferret?" Y/n barked back sick and tired of his bullshit
"The hell you call me?"
"Ferret. Ferret, ferret, ferret" y/n repeated just to spite him
"Y/n he's not worth it, c'mon." Regulus said now standing up.
Merlin. He was definitely a good few inches taller than draco, making the situation look even worst for the blonde boy.
The attention turned towards Regulus hot and boiling.
"You're not worth it, considering even your brother left you. What a shame." Draco yapped whilst chuckling at his own stupidity
"Alright that's about where I draw the line."
Were regulus' final words before shoving Draco clamouring into a table, metal spoons and goblets splashing aimlessly.
"Regulus, he's not worth it!" this time it was her warning him (ironically).
"The fuck?" Regulus panted as Draco attempted to shove him back. pathetically
"You would never live up to be as brave as your brother anyway." shove "He'll always be the better one for moving away from your god awful house"
"Don't you dare talk about Sirius!" The subject was clearly sensitive to Regulus as he punched Draco in the face almost missing by a beat.
By now a scene had formed around the trio, all chanting 'fight fight fight!' As Regulus continued to beat the already bloodied Draco. Let's be honest, Draco was all talk no game. So he definitely didn't have the upper hand here.
"What's the commotion?" The voice of a stern and deep yet unbothered professor slurred
By now professor snape had seen his two dearest slytherin boys getting all bloodied and bruised up like little children fighting over who played with what toy. (Except even children were more civilised than whatever this is.)
"Draco! Regulus!" He sternly yelled. The amount of anger flooding his tone was surprising to say the least.
"Or should i say little boys!" He yelled even fiercer
"This behaviour... is the type of a muggles school!" The crowd gasped
The crowd went silent, eyes darting from one another, waiting for the next ripple to send the stream into action. But there was a familiar face that sent y/n's mind into anything but silence. Daria. Oh how she missed Daria.
"N-no! It was y/n. She provoked them." The silence had to be diminished by a voice dripping in fake innocence. Heather.
"Oh really..."
"Y/n is this-"
Y/n was tired.
"No. No it really wasn't. C'mon professor, you really believe this yellow haired dog?"
"The hell you call me freak?" Heather yelled before stomping over, but was quickly stopped by Regulus' lean strong arm.
"Don't you fucking move a step towards her."
"Language!" Snape yelled even more furious than the last two times.
"Y/n, This is no way to go about school! Yes we are all tired and sick of life sometimes, you're not any different. So stop being the provoker of all these.... these horrible things!" Snape took his last breath before grabbing the arms of the two boys whilst stomping off into an unbeknownst direction.
Stupid bitch. y/n blamed herself whilst clutching her fists until a tiny pop of blood started to work its way out, slowly making its way to the ground as gravity does.
Even though worried to the worst sickness there was on planet earth, she sat there. All alone with the breeze tangled up in her hair. It was the same spot she'd stumbled across Regulus in. The same dim dark rooftop looking off into oblivion. You could imagine it was merlin's hell type of cold, yet she still sat there, wondering why everything she was involved with always had to link back to something bad.
Eveytime something good happened, it was evident something bad was going to eventually follow. Just like rain. One could love it, yet it was evident sunlight was bound to appear again.
She thought back to earlier today, how she remembered seeing Daria's face in the crowd. Her face disgusted and frightened, as if it wasn't her best friend facing the girl who took away her once man. She grimaced at the thought of Daria. It brought back too much pain remembering how the old Daria would stand up for her.
Y/n whipped her head around to be faced with a tired yet worried Regulus. There was 'wizards' brand plaster littered all over his face. His nose, his eyebrows, his lips. Was it wrong for her to think that he looked really good right now?
"Regulus." Y/n sighed before helping herself up
They both stood there in silence, not the comfortable type but the type where there was something, just something lingering in the air.
"Y/n.." He said with a small soft smile played on his lips, before that soft smile turned into a small fit of laughter. Not the mocking kind, but the kind that spoke did that really just happen?
Y/n quickly joined in before running into Regulus' embrace. The thought had grazed her mind a couple times, what it'd feel like to be held by him, to be touched by him.... to be loved by him.
It felt weird at first, i mean they've only known each-other for a week or so, yet the feeling was comfortable way faster than it would be with anyone else.
"Drangea... H-hey look at me." Regulus whispered eyes glossy as if he just cried a river of sorrow.
"Yes? Did we finally get justice? Did draco finally get, anything? Just anything to punish him?" Y/n said with pleading eyes, searching his as if they had an answer
"No. I-i." Regulus sighed
"I got suspended for a month." He finally let out
At this point they weren't in a hug anymore, but they were inches away from eachother... inches, yet it felt like miles.
"Yea. Cruel huh? This school."
"Now this school is actually being a bitch!"
He chuckled
"It always has been. Can you imagine? The first time we properly try to hang out and all this shit happens."
"Y-yea." She looked down
"I-i'm sorry. i'm- i'm just like this bad luck charm y'know? every time i'm involved with something, it always goes south" Y/n said with tears starting to fog up her vision. She tried to hide it, but she miserably failed.
"Hey! No. Don't you ever fucking say that. Merlin y/n. You are not a bad luck charm." He sighed a long sad sigh, wishing she knew her own worth.
"It's okay. I-i gotta go." Y/n sniffled before running out the door Regulus had just entered in a frenzied rush.
"W-Wha-" Regulus tried to say before dropping it knowing she wouldn't be here to hear it.
Ohohoho.... cliff hanger lol only because if i write anymore, i'm gonna end up with like 5k words 😭 I promise to post pt.3 this week though! Thank u to the two that requested a part 2 love u💓 hahah
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grassyhorizon45 · 2 months
Draco Malfoy catches Y/n alone at a bar......
Warning: Alcoholism, Masochism, Mention of blood, knives and suicide.
Words: 364
a/n: no idea where this came from but its short and sweet hehe
Part Two
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She downed the first shot,
Then the next…
And by the third she could already feel the tip. Not that her alcohol tolerance was ever really high anyways but welp.
She took slow sips of the fourth, trying to ‘enjoy’ it or so she's heard people say about their drinking experiences. It was never for enjoyment in her eyes, only the suffering. 
Such a masochist… Boy, wouldn't her father be proud? Well, that's if Voldemort could even feel pride.
She choked, the burning liquid overwhelming her senses all of a sudden.
“Y/n! Woah hey—” The blonde grabbed the nearest bottle of water and handed it to her, rubbing her back to ease the coughing.
When the fits of gagging subsided she scowled at him. “The heck Malfoy? What do you think you're doing here…”
“You promised me you wouldn't go drinking alone,” his stern expression mirroring the attitude she gave him. She groaned as a burp threatened to surface. “You promised, not me.” 
Y/n felt all the after effects kick in bit by bit and reached for her glass again. 
“No.” He snatched it away and downed it, making a *thunk* noise as he placed the glass down.
“Well now you're gonna get drunk!”
He shook his head. “One shot wouldn't hurt a fly. How many have you had?”
She hung her head low, letting a laugh escape her lips. “That was my fourth.”
He glared at her. “You say it like it's a good thing—”
She cut him off, “You drink too, idiot.”
“Well, at least I get you to tag along when I drink and not leave you back at Hogwarts worried sick!!!”
He had enough of her sneaking out like this when days got bad. 
Sure she's old enough to look out for herself, but the truth is that she just wasn't taking care of herself at all. Just the other day he'd caught her with a knife in hand, cutting her wrists till the blood didn't stop bleeding…
This was getting out of hand and all Y/n did was dismiss it as masochism…
But he knew, 
Draco knew……
It wasn't just masochism…
It was suicide.
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venuslore · 10 months
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please be mindful that this blog contains nsfw content only intended for those over the age of eighteen. any and all minors who view this blog are responsible for their own media consumption. that being said, for your safety, and mine, if you are a minor, you are prohibited from interacting with any content that is not sfw. if you do, you will be blocked.
𖥔 before sending anything in please make sure to check over this post and that your request follows the criteria provided below. if you are unsure about something, feel free to message and ask me.
𖥔 i will accept anything for any of the characters listed below, unless specified otherwise. italic characters are my favourite to write for and are more likely for me to post.
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𖥔 stranger things ; steve harrington, robin buckley, eddie munson, steve x reader x eddie.
𖥔 outer banks ; jj maybank, rafe camero, sarah cameron.
𖥔 the hunger games ; coriolanus snow, finnick odair, peeta mellark.
𖥔 the summer i turned pretty ; conrad fisher, jeremiah fisher.
𖥔 the wizarding world ; ron weasley, draco malfoy, sebastian sallow.
𖥔 miscellaneous ; astarion ancunin, cole walter, joel miller, peter parker, poe dameron, walter mckey.
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𖥔 all requests will be in the form of blurbs.
𖥔 reader inserts only (fem!reader, plus size and poc friendly)
𖥔 fluff (ex : cute dates, finally saying 'i love you' )
𖥔 angst (ex : break-ups, suspected cheating, fighting )
𖥔 smut for certain characters ( ex : consensual, oral, handjobs, p in v, threesomes, breeding, scissoring, dom/sub, voyeurism, exhibitionism, orgasm control, warming )
𖥔 tropes (ex : best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers)
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𖥔 certain reader inserts ( male!reader, sick!reader )
𖥔 sensitive topics ( ex : abortion, self-harm, mental health issues, physical/mental/sexual abuse )
𖥔 smut ( non-consensual, age play, race play, sadism/masochism, bondage, incest, pedophelia, age regression, ddl, anything to do with feet )
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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claymoresword · 11 months
I Choose Her | Chp: 13
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of known death eaters from one of the richest and oldest wizarding family. Are you prepared to abandon everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: character deaths, parental neglect, mentions of mental/physical/emotional abuse, potential self harm references
Note: an update?? who saw this coming? definitely not me! i know i disappeared for a very long time, i have no excuse i just hope you can accept my apology
i also was kind of procrastinating this chap for so long bc of the heavy themes in this, i just knew this wasn't going to be an easy one to write... (i was right) but anyway i added some fluff to hopefully balance it out so we'll see lol
anyway thanks so much for your patience, i hope you enjoy this one!
also one last thing, thanks for all the love shown on the previous chapters, sorry if i hadn't gotten around to replying to your comment yet but i do appreciate all of u !!
Taglist:@gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karsonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic
(pics are not mine)
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As you approach Malfoy Manor you find it increasingly difficult to catch your breath. 
You were foolish to assume you wouldn't eventually get caught. 
You fleetingly consider grabbing Hermione and disapparating, but Greyback's firm grip on your arm prevents you from even attempting to reach for her.
The gates of the manor come into view, and you try to pry your arm away again. A last ditch effort, but it is no use. 
The man forcefully holds you in place and you have no choice but to stand in front of the gate.
 You make eye contact with Bellatrix as she approaches from the other side, her gaze then shifts to a disfigured Harry to your left, before landing her attention back to you.
A maniacal smile flashes across her face, as if she found the display before her truly amusing, and you have to fight the urge to cower.
"Get Draco." 
You stood in the foyer in front of your parents. An involuntary thrill travels down your spine as you study their expressions. You cannot recall the last time you have seen either of them this furious. 
"So this is what you have been doing all this time?" Your mother exclaims, gesturing to Hermione and you have to avert your eyes.
Your silence only further infuriates your parents. 
You cannot help but feel a sense of embarrassment, being apprehended like a child in front of the other Death Eaters, Harry, Ron, and worst of all, Hermione.
"Have you absolutely no regard for your mother or I?" Your father finally speaks, his voice vibrating with anger.
"We have given you everything. Do you have any idea what we had to sacrifice just to raise you? Your mother and I have provided you nothing but the best." Your father raises his voice, it is sudden enough that it causes you to wince.
"This is how you repay us?" He continues.
"Do you have any idea the shame you have brought upon my name? Upon our entire family?" Your father steps closer but you keep your gaze fixed to the ground.
"I'm sorry." All you could afford to utter.
You hate how you feel in this moment, powerless and meek, only wishing for the ground to swallow you whole, so you never have to face any of the people in this room ever again.
You can feel Hermione's worried stare, but you cannot bear to look at her.
"We have warned you time and time again to end your relations with her." Your mother hisses, gesturing to your girlfriend.
You finally lift your head but your mother harshly grabs your forearm to pull you aside.
"Don't you dare look at her, y/n." She scolds, pure vitriol.
"You must think us fools. Is this all just a game to you?" Your mother taunts but you choose to remain silent.
An effort to de-escalate but it results in the opposite effect as you catch your mother fishing her wand out of her pocket.
"We have given you more than enough chances. More than you deserve." She states, pushing past you, storming directly towards Hermione.
A flicker of fear appears on your girlfriend's face. One you mirror, just as you realize what your mother intended to do.
Hermione tries to retreat, only to bump into Scabior, purposely standing behind her to cease her attempt at fleeing.
"It is time you suffer the consequences of your own actions." Your mother takes a fleeting glance at you before lifting her wand to point it at your girlfriend.
Taking large strides, you manage to put yourself in between Hermione and your mother, just before she gets the chance to utter the spell. You feel your girlfriend's firm grip on your arm as you continued to shield her with your body.
"No! Mother, please, don't." You plead, holding up your hand and she hesitates.
"I am sorry I have disappointed you. I am sorry I went against your wishes."
"But I will not– I cannot apologize for loving her." You hesitate as your voice trembles, but you speak the words anyway.
You hear a cackle from Bellatrix, grumbles and groans of disapproval coming from the Death Eaters gathered in the corner, and once again, you feel more exposed and deplorable than ever.
Your mother remains staring at you, this time with nothing but disdain.
"Love?" She scowls, almost like it disgusted her just to utter the word.
"In love with a mudblood?" Your mother's tone shifts, now incredulous and despondent.
She finally lowers her wand, only to strike you across the face with her other hand.
You hear a gasp from Hermione, but otherwise the room is silent, as you clutch your cheek in pain.
When you finally muster the courage to look at your mother her expression betrays no trace of regret.
"You are no child of mine." She utters, exasperated, and your heart shatters into a thousand pieces.
Tearing your eyes away they naturally fall on your father, standing a few paces behind.
You recognise a tenderness somewhere in his eyes, one you hadn't ever been awarded before. It's jarring and unfamiliar, it makes you want to weep.
"Step aside, y/n" Your mother says, lifting her wand again.
Perhaps it was pity, perhaps now your father was just as embarrassed as you are, or maybe, it is love that compels him to step forward, placing a gentle hand on your mother's shoulder.
"Darling, this is hardly the time or place." He attempts, but your mother doesn't move.
However, footsteps soon approach that causes all of you to shift your attention.
Draco can be seen entering the foyer with both of his parents, interrupting your altercation.
Your best friend pauses at the sight of you, evident concern etched across his face.
"Ah, Draco." Bellatrix acknowledges him and he's forced to look away from you.
The witch walks up to Harry, harshly gripping a handful of his hair to pull his head back, giving Draco a clear view of his face.
"Is it him?" Bellatrix asks expectantly, and the platinum haired boy couches in front of Harry.
"I can't be sure." Draco responds, dismissively.
His father then grips the back of his neck, harshly, and you observed as your best friend flinched under his touch.
You instinctively take a glance at your own parents. 
Your mother has since resumed her position next to your father, both of them deliberately avoiding your gaze, once again your chest constricts painfully.
Scabior is standing so close behind you and Hermione, too close, you can both feel his breath against the back of your necks.
"Look closely son." Lucius says.
"If we are the ones to deliver Potter to the Dark Lord, all will be forgiven." He adds, his voice low but it echoes through the large hall anyway.
"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him. I hope." Scabior states, finally stepping away from you.
"Mr Malfoy." He continues to antagonize, and it works to set the other man off.
"You dare talk to me like that in my own house?" Lucius raises his voice and Draco flinches again.
"Lucius." Narcissa finally steps forward, extending her arm to calm her husband.
Hermione remained clutching your arm, her grip only tightened the longer you stood watching the commotion before you.
Finally, none of the Death Eaters are in close proximity, so you decide it an opportunity to try and escape.
"We need to apparate." You manage to whisper to Hermione, reaching down to intertwine your fingers but your girlfriend shakes her head.
"We can't leave Harry." She responds and you sigh, defeated.
An answer you expected but it causes your anxiety to heighten anyway. You begin looking for another solution, another way to flee. 
"Now, if this isn't who we think it is and we call on him, he will kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure." Bellatrix warns.
"What's wrong with his face?" Draco finally asks with a scowl.
"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" The dark haired witch repeats.
Scabior shrugs.
"He came to us like that." He states simply.
"Something he picked up in the forest I reckon." Another snatcher chimes in.
"Ran into a stinging jinx.." Bellatrix quips.
"Was it you, dear?" She asks, pointing directly at Hermione.
You feel your heart stop as your girlfriend tenses next to you.
"Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was." The witch orders, and the evident worry that flashes on both of your faces easily gives you away.
"Ah, I caught you." Bellatrix says pointing at the two of you, amidst a cackle.
"It appears your girlfriend is not as smart as she thinks she is." She taunts, looking directly at you, successfully earning a grimace.
You contemplate lunging at the other woman, but before you can act, she halts. 
She catches sight of the sword of Gryffindor proudly propped up, next to one of the snatcher's.
"Where did you get that from?" Bellatrix gasps.
"It was in her bag when we searched her, I reckon it's mine now." The snatcher responds with a grin.
Before any of you can comprehend it, Bellatrix sends the man flying into the wall with a single throw of a spell. She then points her wand at the other snatcher in the corner, taking him out too.
"Are you mad?" Scabior exclaims, but the wand pointed at his face in an instant, silences him immediately.
"Get out! Get out!" Bellatrix repeatedly shouts, and the band of snatchers scurry out of the hall, all fearing for their lives.
"Put the rest of them in the cellar." She exclaims, lifting Harry by the collar before grabbing Ron as well.
She shoves them hard enough that they fall by Wormtail's feet.
"I want to have a little conversation with this one." Bellatrix states. 
You feel Hermione get ripped from your side, and instinct kicks in.
"No, get your hands off her!" You exclaim, reaching out to grab her but Bellatrix swings her arm, you feel a harsh blow to the stomach that knocks the wind out of you, making you land on the ground as a result.
"Bella!" Her sister scolds, rushing to your side.
"Stop fighting, you will get yourself killed." Narcissa warns, you feel her firm hand on your shoulder as she forces you to stand next to her.
Before you can respond you feel another harsh grip on your collar attempting to drag you to the cellar with the boys.
"No, not her– I want her to watch this." Bellatrix states, gesturing for Wormtail to let you go, and he does.
All you can focus on is the way Bellatrix is handling Hermione, the sadistic smile as she does so, rough and thoughtless.
Your girlfriend looks terrified, and you feel utterly powerless.
She soon retrieves a dagger from her side, holding it up in front of Hermione's face.
"I will give you one chance to answer my question, before I start cutting." Bellatrix says.
Your head is now pounding, your abdomen still aches from the blow, your face stinging where your mother struck you.
Hermione attempts to make an escape but with one swift flick of Bellatrix's hand, she bounds your girlfriend's legs, causing her to fall onto the ground.
You watched as the witch got on top of her, pinning her down by her shoulders.
She then forcefully cuts through Hermione's sleeve with her blade, until enough of her arm was exposed.
"That sword was meant to be in my vault in Gringotts, how did you get it?" She asks, her face an inch away from Hermione's.
Your girlfriend is silent, beyond the whimper that falls out of her lips.
This seems to only urge Bellatrix to bring the tip of the dagger to Hermione's arm. The older witch begins dragging the blade down the exposed skin.
Hermione's sobs quickly morph into deafening screams and you don't feel anything beyond panic.
"It was me! I stole the sword, not her!" You raise your voice, hoping that it would be enough to take the attention of your girlfriend.
"Quiet! I am not asking you." Bellatrix retaliates, merely brushing you off like some pest.
Your eyes followed as she hovered the blade over Hermione's arm again. You see her blood trickling from her wound onto the wood underneath, and you feel sick.
"Please, I didn't take anything." Hermione pleads helplessly, and your chest aches so much you can barely breathe.
"I don't believe you." Bellatrix begins cutting again, this time she's laughing.
Deriving true pleasure from torturing Hermione, and you couldn't stand by and witness it any longer, you had to act.
Amidst your girlfriend's screams you manage to slip past Narcissa, stepping next to her son.
"Draco, give me my wand." You state firmly, as his hesitant stare meets your pleading one, he hands you your wand after a beat.
"Stop lying!" Bellatrix exclaims, you see her lower the blade down to Hermione's arm again and you don't allow yourself to think a moment longer.
You point your wand at the dark haired witch.
"Avada Kedavra!" You exclaimed, survival and wrath, your only goal was to save Hermione.
The bright green light shoots out from the tip of your wand, in an instant, the witch drops onto the ground with a large thud, motionless.
"Y/n, what did you just do–" You hear your mother exclaim but you don't acknowledge her, you refuse to.
Her shock, along with everyone else's; hangs in the air, mute but suffocating. 
Hermione is the first to come out of it, she sits up and you rush to her side.
With your arms around her you shut your eyes not half a second passes before you both disapparate, leaving your family behind.
You find yourself at the outskirts of Tinworth by Shell Cottage. The location you all agreed to meet at if anything went wrong. 
It was meant as a precaution, you never actually thought things could ever go this wrong.
Disowned by your parents.
Murdered another in cold blood.
Your girlfriend tortured and maimed.
"Hermione, it's alright, you're safe now." You state, carefully placing your hands on either side of the other girl's face.
Your girlfriend doesn't meet your gaze, scattered, her mind entirely elsewhere.
"Y/n, we have to go back, we have to help the boys–" She says, you stop her with a firm hand on her forearm before she can stand.
"No, Hermione! It's too dangerous. If we go back they will kill you." You say with a raised voice, unintentional, driven by your heightened emotions, but it works to get the other woman's attention.
"I can't– I can't lose you." Your voice shakes and Hermione finally looks at you.
An expression flashes across her face that tightens the knot in your stomach. 
She lets herself breathe and think, she realizes what you had done just moments prior, the significance, its implications.
"You killed her." Hermione states, more awe than contempt but you scramble to defend yourself anyway. 
Truth be told you don't know why you had reacted the way you did, you weren't even aware that you had it in you to begin with.
"I had to– sweetheart, she would have continued to hurt you if I didn't stop her." You stutter, but Hermione quickly silences you.
Her lips crash into yours, fervent, anguished, and eager. Your girlfriend's hand rests on the back of your neck, pulling even closer.
Hermione's clinging onto you; with no desire to let go of her lifeline, her love, the only reason she is still here, safe and alive.
You are forced to pull away as your lungs burn from the lack of air. 
"I will go back for them myself, promise me you'll wait for me here." You breathe out against Hermione's lips, your forehead resting against hers.
Before your girlfriend can even begin protesting you see Harry apparate in the distance. Closely followed by Ron and Luna.
The ginger haired boy is first to run to Hermione's side.
"Hermione, y/n. Are you alright?" Harry shouts, your girlfriend nods but you don't respond. Your eyes remain on the elf behind him.
You catch sight of Dobby, limping as he clutches his stomach.
"Harry Potter." The elf calls out, weak and frail.
Harry finally follows your gaze.
"Dobby." He says, sprinting to Dobby's side, and the elf collapses right into his arms.
You watched as a distressed Harry pulled something that seemed to have impaled the elf, he finally sets it on the sand next to him and your own stomach turns.
You immediately recognize the bloodied dagger. 
How can a single object cause so much damage? 
You feel your anger resurfacing, you regret not discarding the blade when you had the chance.
"Just hold on, okay?" Harry says as he tries to stop the bleeding, placing his hand over the wound.
"We'll fix you. Hermione will have something." He reassures before turning his attention towards her.
"In your bag– Hermione?" Harry pleads and your girlfriend merely clutches you tighter.
"Hermione." He repeats, desperate.
"Help me!" The man shouts, you hear your girlfriend let out a sob.
A barely audible "I'm sorry." before Hermione turns to embrace you, burying her face into the crook of your neck. 
An attempt to protect herself from the inevitable anguish; witnessing someone entirely undeserving of death, go out so painfully, abruptly.
"Such a beautiful place– to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter." The elf mutters, and you are unable to stare any longer.
You make accidental eye contact with Ron, but for once there is a shared regard between the two of you. Grief, sadness, gratitude, acceptance.
The sheer helplessness Harry feels is shared amongst all of you as you watch the elf take his last breath in his arms.
You observed as Luna walked up to him, graciously shutting Dobby's eyes with her fingers.
Hermione remains in your arms, and you hold her close, having no intention of letting go.
"I want to bury him– properly. Without magic." Harry says, fighting back his sobs.
You are jolted awake once again out of a distressing dream. This time your girlfriend is not in bed next to you, you sit up abruptly in a panic.
"Hermione?" You call out, and the voice that responds almost immediately, swiftly eases your nerves.
"I'm here." Your girlfriend says, emerging through the doorway.
"I had to use the loo." She then explains, climbing back into bed. 
With the feeling of Hermione's head against your chest you can breathe again.
You spent most of the night lying awake, and when you did manage to find sleep you were merely tormented by nightmares. 
The encounter in Malfoy Manor could've gone much differently, in fact it could've ended horribly. You were so close to losing everything that mattered to you. You could only vow that you will never allow yourself to get that close again. 
Any relief you felt this morning derived from knowing your girlfriend at least managed to find some sleep herself. Clearly the events of yesterday took a toll on her, but she is resilient, as always, and you adore her for it.
"I'm sorry you had to leave your parents." Hermione says after a long silence.
"Don't be. Nothing good has ever come from me being around them." You state truthfully, threading your fingers through her hair, absentmindedly.
"You saw how they were." You add.
"I know, still, I'm sorry." Hermione repeats it anyway, lifting her head to place several kisses against your cheek, the same spot your mother had struck.
You then reach down, gently grazing her bandaged arm, soon lifting it up to place a tender kiss against it.
The look Hermione gives you in return makes your heart stop and beat faster in your chest all the same.
"You know, I fight so hard because of you." You admit, extending your arm to cup her jaw.
"I never had a reason before you." You add, your thumb stroking her cheek.
You watched as your girlfriend's eyes welled with tears, overwhelmed and consumed by adoration.
Hermione finally leans in, capturing your lips with her own. The kiss snatches the air right out of your lungs, but you don't care. You'd never wish for it to end.
She finally pulls away only slightly before resting her forehead against yours.
"I love you, y/n. So much, more than you'll ever truly know." Hermione says, and the pleasant fluttering that travels throughout your entire body translates to an easy smile on your lips.
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ganseyth · 1 year
hello everyone!!
welcome to my page where i basically write my brain fantasies come to life!
i tend to dabble in a multitude of fandoms!
with that being said - requests are OPEN
^ please feed me your lovely ideas as long as they don’t include: sexual assault, incest, drug use, miscarriages, self harm, underage characters and basically anything you’d have to dig real deep for in the AO3 tags
i have every right to deny a request but don’t take it personally as you can always submit another request that follows those guidelines
i would say the majority of my things fall under a safe age range but please heed the minor/18+ warnings when they are included!!
disclaimer: i tend to write from a female perspective as that is the easiest for me
without further ado here are my babies:
Jason Todd
Mullets and Sweet Caresses
Concerts and Confessions
Dick Grayson
Dance with me?
Catching Feelings
Dick Grayson
Pool Party
Jason Todd x Reader
Bruce Wayne x Reader
Harry Potter
Draco x Hermione
Top Gun
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x Reader
The Last of Us
Joel Miller x Reader
All for the Game
Andrew x Neil
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shortandslytherin · 1 year
Blog Information
First of all, this is a side blog so if you are followed by @probablybleedscoffee that's me. 💕 I would prefer if you follow one of my blogs you follow this one. I don't really use my main blog much and when I do it's just babbling about random things.
So anyway most my posts will include a Slytherin Y/N and maybe even Y/N Malfoy or Y/N Lestrange. I'll write a lot of reader x Neville Longbottom. These all come from things I'm absolutely in love with.
Moving on to more important things...
I will write for MCU, Once Upon A Time, Harry Potter, and Never Have I Ever.
I love a good description of Y/N. Race, hair color, eye color, nicknames, hobbies, Hogwarts house, is Y/N an Avenger?, pronouns, sexuality, family members, etc. Just anything that defines who Y/N is. If you don't have any description that's fine too.
There's very few characters I'm open to writing so feel free to send me requests outside my comfort zone.
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Natasha Romanoff
Shuri Udaku
Yelena Belova (Platonically)
Steve Rogers
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Neal Cassidy/Baelfire
Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
Peter Pan
Ben Gross
Aneesa Qureshi
Things I will not write under any circumstances
R#p3/s3xual assault (this includes the non-con kink)
Pedophilia (This includes dating as soon as they turn 18)
Character death unless canon or Y/N
Unexplained hate towards a character
Age regression/DDLG
Sexual orientation erasure (meaning all characters stay their canon sexuality unless their sexuality is unconfirmed)
it should be noted that suicide/self-harm almost made this list. But I know what it's like to feel lost and need help from your comfort character. So if you ever need that, I will write it. But I won't write it often I'm not really comfortable with writing suicide and self-harm so make sure you really need it.
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lupindawg183 · 2 years
as much as i love writing and want everyone to have a chance at getting their ideas out there - there are things i do not want on my blog or am not entirely comfortable with. some boundaries are for others and some are for me specifically.
what i will write -
some kinks
celebrities x reader (if boundaries permit it)
character x character, character x reader
platonic or romantic (!readers or !characters)
violence (only fights between characters, not too detailed)
mostly male readers or gn readers. (i am horrible at fem readers but i can attempt if requested)
^ this includes
head canons
one shots
multi chaper fics
what i will not write -
suicide/ attempts of suicide/ self harm
non-con/ con-noncon/ sa
drug addiction (weed use is okay)
eating disorders
adult x minor ships
detailed violence (torture, death)
detailed abuse (mentioned or light moments are okay)
homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. (any -ism or phobes against specific groups)
male readers for canonically lesbian characters or female readers for canonically gay characters
hcs/canons/ships for certain characters -
-stranger things
female reader x robin buckley only
male reader x will byers only
male/gn reader x eddie munson only
will write (ships)
robin buckley x nancy wheeler
steve harrington x eddie munson
will byers x mike wheeler
others if requested
won't write (ships)
vickie x robin buckley
steve harrington x nancy wheeler
eddie munson x chrissy cunningham
-harry potter
male reader x sirius black only
will write (ships)
hermione granger x ron weasley
remus lupin x sirius black
james potter x lily evans
james potter x regulus black
lily evans x mary macdonald
others if requested
won't write (ships)
draco malfoy x hermione granger
draco malfoy x harry potter
lily evans x severus snape
mary macdonald x sirius black
male reader x eddie kaspbrak only
male reader x richie tozier only
will write (ships)
richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak
others if requested
-teen wolf
male reader x theo raeken only
male reader x liam dunbar only
stiles stilinski x lydia martin
theo raeken x liam dunbar
others if requested
-criminal minds
spencer reid x jennifer 'jj' jareau
others if requested
sorry for the long list haha. feel free to request if your idea fits these guidelines!
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