#dracula crossover
dross-the-fish · 1 year
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We found him in the arctic. After weeks of search with supplies running low and tempers rising we finally found the giant. He was wary of us and he watched from a distance as the good Doctor approached him, hands outstretched to show he meant no harm. The Creature allowed it and spoke civilly enough, though his eyes wandered and lingered over each member of our party. I got the uncomfortable feeling that he was counting out our number and weighing how difficult a time he would have, should he feel the need to kill us- Quincey Harker, 1918
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yallemagne · 2 years
I'm sobbing why does my dash have to be filled with reminders about Phantom Blood.
So, the thing about... actually crossing over Dracula and Phantom Blood is. It's complicated. So, Araki looked at vampire lore and said "this ain't gonna do it for me. not sexy enough. not enough gore. where are the man-dogs?"
Religious iconography doesn't kill vampires (it makes an honest effort. Dio gets impaled by a statue of Venus but he lives unfortunately). They use breathing martial arts to harness the power of the sun (which Bram doesn't even explicitly say harms vampires. what the fuck Bram, toss me a bone). AND EVEN THEN! I swear to god, ninety percent of the time Hamon doesn't even work against vampires because all of the highly trained Hamon masters get fuckin' decimated by a guy who turned into a vampire last week.
I feel like maybe crossovering the plots would be weird... but to have the characters interact would be interesting. And I'm not just saying this because I've spent too much of my life working on Phantom Blood rewrites. I love these characters, I hate what happened to them. Jonathan Joestar dies at twenty-one. Unfair, illegal.
But so, since I keep thinking about this and I've already posted nonsense about crossovers, I might as well dip my toes.
Warning that I don't go deep enough into Jojo lore to make this comprehensible to non-Jojo fans.
Okay so, Phantom Blood takes place from 1880-1889. So, not really a viable time to crossover with Dracula. I know some are more fast and loose about crossovers, but I'm the guy who gets mad at people who think Frankenstein was set in Victorian times. I'm insufferable is what I'm saying. The earliest you might place Dracula is 1890 since that's 7 years before the publication, but some people go with a later date (for context reasons? shit about New Women and stuff) or even 1897.
But whatever. I guess... you can lie about things to make a crossover work... but you can't change the timeline of Jojo's bc Araki is an author that actually tells you what fucking year it is in his manga which makes him a god in my eyes.
So, probably the best way to connect the Joestars to the Crew of Light initially is that Jonathan Joestar is nobility. Perhaps the Joestars have met the Holmwoods? Jojo and Arthur could bond over having no mom? And later, their dads dying at a very inopportune time? And their wedding plans being ruined?
Dio Brando was a lawyer (or still in university to become one?) but I don't think he would have gone into property law?? I think canonically, he planned to be corrupt and take bribes from criminals, but I've seen fanfics that hint at crossover potential just being Harker and Dio knowing each other because of their lawyering. I think that's neat. Dio thinks this man (with the same damn name as his stepbrother) is so insufferable. And Harker doesn't even have the excuse of being rich or having a stable family, he's literally also a poor orphan, it vexes Dio so much, "stop being so happy you're not allowed, you're supposed to be bitter like me".
Erina Pendleton is the daughter of a doctor and later gets into medicine herself to nurse Jojo back to health after his first... well his first BIG LETHAL fight with Dio. Her father could know Van Helsing? Or Seward's parents? I assume Seward's father would also be a doctor but I dunno. You know he got that asylum through nepotism. Anyway, bullies call Erina's father a quack, so maybe he could indulge in theories about vampirism like Van Helsing? We see nothing of him, but he gets sponsored to do some medical research in India. It seems like big deal research to me, but I wouldn't know. It wasn't plot relevant, it's just the explanation for why Erina is gone for the seven-year time skip.
Also. isn't it funny that Phantom Blood and Dracula both have a seven-year time skip?
But here's the big issue I keep slamming into like a fly knocking against a glass window. Phantom Blood takes place in Liverpool where the Joestar estate is. I mean, there's also some cavorting in London, and Dio is from London, but the characters all spend the majority of their time in Liverpool. Maybe I'm just... I'm thinking too deeply. After all, most of the locations in Phantom Blood are made up. And England is just so small.
Mixing the vampire lore would be the hardest. Vampires are OP in Phantom Blood, and I refuse to give Dracula that much power. Vampires don't even... use their teeth here. I guess the sharp teeth are just for se-- *gets shot* They just stick their fingers into your skin like silly straws and suck it out that way. And they are created either by wearing the Stone Mask or by feeding vampire blood to someone/just spilling vampire blood on a corpse.
There's not really themes to the vampires in Jojo's. Dio and Jonathan themselves represent duality, but like... vampire are not Un-Dead in Phantom Blood. They're just... hyper-evolved humans? How the Stone Mask works is that it pierces specific areas of the brain to crack some evolutionary code and give you cool powers at the cost of not being able to walk about in the sunlight. People who are turned using blood tend to become ravenous monsters or have to serve the vampire whose blood turned them, but those turned with the mask retain free will.
Dio can fucking... make his blood so cold that he can trap people's entire bodies in ice. He gets sliced in half with a cool sword and walks it off. His entire body is destroyed by Hamon but he cuts off his own head and places it on Jonathan's body. It's fucking wild, and I refuse to give Dracula that power. Also, anyone who turns into a vampire turns young immediately, no need to drink blood. I honestly still don't know why Jojo vampires even drink blood. I think it's just to be edgy. Nothing can kill these fucking cockroaches except stands and Hamon... and sometimes the vampires have stands... and sometimes the vampires have Hamon. And that's illegal, but it's happened more than once.
There, I said it.
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sirarthurcrux · 11 months
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whos ur favorite Alucard?
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theshadowrealmitself · 11 months
The thing about crossovers that they don’t tell you about is that you can crossover anything
Phoenix Wright goes in to work and finds himself defending Shawn Spencer
Will Graham full on meets Count Dracula and Hannibal and Chilton rush to insert themselves into the situation to disastrous results
The Mystery Gang meet Saiki K and he’s losing his mind trying to figure out why everyone’s just completely accepting of this talking dog
And so on
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twilight-zoned-out · 11 months
Characters who are around the same age in the late 1920s if you squint:
-Indiana Jones
-The crew from The Mummy (1999)
-Jonathan and Mina Harker's son from Dracula (1897)
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nausikaaa · 6 months
i really wish i had the motivation to write rn, because i have an idea for a post-canon Dracula fic where the characters have to deal with world war one. like, how do you even cope with thinking you saved all those lives, only for the entire western world to go to absolute shit just 20-ish years later? if only Bram Stoker had known what was coming.
anyway, i find it so interesting to consider what certain characters would do in that situation.
depending on when he was born, Quincey Jr could be just old enough to enlist or get drafted. or honestly, he might just want to be a hero like his parents, and lie about his age. and let's be real, that boy has some latent vampire powers that would give him an edge.
Jonathan has good survival instincts, an ear for languages, and the ability and willingness to scale sheer walls with a knife between his teeth if necessary. Mina has a really impressive memory for conversations and schedules, a love of technology, experience resisting what is essentially supernatural interrogation, and probably some vampire side effects of her own. both of them know shorthand and have plenty of experience with life or death situations. they would kick ass as spies and wireless operators.
Jack and Van Helsing would have to cease the medical malpractice to be actual army doctors. maybe learn about shell shock and call up Jonathan about that old "brain fever" diagnosis of his.
and what would Arthur even do? what did lords do during WW1? try to keep his friends out of harm's way? use his seat in government to try and end the war? grapple with the fact that lordships are falling out of favour and the world is moving on into a modern era without him?
i just find it fun to ponder.
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
Okay, but hear me out. It's a Deep Space Nine episode, first or second season; a scheduled freighter warps into the Bajoran System, but it's moving erratically; Sisko sends out some runabouts to catch it and tow it in, but when they do, they find that everyone is dead, exsanguinated, except for a single feral black dog, who runs out the airlock and disappears on the Promenade. Amongst its cargo are 12 crates of Earth soil, registry unknown. Odo investigates the murders and determines, with some understandable excitement, that they could only possibly have been committed by a fellow shape-shifter. Meanwhile, a dark, sinister stranger turns up at Quark's, looking for discrete passage to Bajor; Earth has become too civilized for him to easily ply his trade and he's hoping that he might more easily find...opportunities...on a war-torn planet...
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pedanther · 8 months
Since @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula made its first foray into Chinese literature, I've been pondering nominating my own favourite Chinese novel.
But, the thing is… it's Journey to the West.
Sun Wukong can survive Castle Dracula. That's not remotely in question. He's the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, he fought the celestial armies to a standstill single-handed, and he's literally three times as immortal as anyone else. After he scent-marked the Buddha, he was encased in stone for five hundred years with no food or water, and that barely slowed him down. Sun Wukong can survive anything.
Which is good news for him, because his ability to be appropriately submissive to Rich Jerks, especially Immortal Rich Jerks, is less than zero, even when he has a reason to try. Dracula is going to want him dead within five minutes of meeting him. It's just not going to go any better for Dracula than for the 108 other sorcerers and man-eating demons Sun Wukong has already pissed off.
But, just for fun, let's go down the checklist:
Sun Wukong knows perfectly well that the supernatural is real, he's not going to waste any time accepting the truth of Dracula's nature.
He probably wouldn't take the old lady's crucifix, assuming she offered it to him, but that's not going to make any difference.
He would definitely go poking his nose in places he was told not to.
Managing the whims of a Rich Jerk: see above.
The cliff face would present no problems; Sun Wukong has jumped greater heights than that.
Sun Wukong, faced with the choice between being eaten by wolves or being eaten by vampires, would choose the wolves, pretend to be ripped to shreds, and then come back as his own ghost and haunt Dracula.
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and now. crossover
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ibrithir-was-here · 1 year
So I’m really really enjoying @mayhemchicken / @lxgentlefolkcomic ‘s comic “The League of Extraordinary Gentlefolk” which is everything I wanted the Moore comic to be (e.g. actually faithful to the characters personalities in the canon books) and so of course I had to design a fancy cover for it xD
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The profiles are of the characters that have been said to make up the main team in the comic (not all have shown up yet) but there’s Irene Adler-Norton on top, the two happily married Harkers side by side beneath her, the Invisible Man in the middle with Dr Seward on the right and Dr Jekyll (with the shadow of Hyde) on the left and Capt. Nemo in the bottom!
Please go check out the comic @lxgentlefolkcomic , it’s on its first chapter and already soooo good!
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nezu3kun · 1 year
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in which renfield comes across a weird looking plant...
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sesamenom · 4 months
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more of Mae's adventures in Castle Dracula
aka: Maedhros used Punch! It's super effective!
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thebibi · 1 year
Jack Seward really said he'd rather be in the hit tv show Hannibal and have an older man be psychosexually obssessed with him than be part of the hit novel Dracula's and deal with his crush coming back from the dead
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soranatus · 1 year
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A Vampire Hunter & Vampire By Mindy Lee
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 4 months
Summary: “Well,” she says, long and drawn out, and from the glint in her eyes he can tell this is some kind of inner joke, kept from him. “I’ve been a diplomat, and a race car driver, and a chef, and an astronaut, and a veterinarian--” “An astronaut,” he repeats dryly. He wants to call her on her lie - but. But. How strange. There’s no indication of a lie: no rise in temperature, no quickening of her pulse, no change to her eyes, nothing. She laughs. “You don’t know the half of it."
Author: @howlingmoonrise
Note from submitter: The crack written seriously fanfic of all time. It is honestly so good and I learned of its existence after stumbling across a comment on YouTube recommending it. I must second that recommendation
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nathsketch · 2 years
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Poor Keanu, always advocating for the most questionable clients 😉
You asked for Mr. D, so here he is! Come freely, go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring 🦇
Happy Friday! Now on to the next requests! 🖤
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