irmimimi · 7 months
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You abhorred playing its sick games. They always ended up with you injured, lost in a forest full of loops and false dimensions. You'd always end up begging for it to get you out of there before those creatures ate you alive. You'd scream as loud as possible for her to hear and when she'd finally appear, you'd crawl back to her.
It's not any different tonight. You struggle to walk -knees bruised from tripping over the roots of trees that are camouflaged under greenery. The night is weirdly silent with your sharp breaths being the only source of noise. You mumble curses to yourself for ever letting this happen to you in the first place.
You breath out her name one last time, waiting for the woods to respond to you with one simple sound but there was none.
Your mind soon gets filled up with pessimistic thoughts. Fearing for your life, you let out a quiet sob. Hoping that if Irmi doesn't actually hear you, the other creatures won't as well.
Just before your fear took over, you turned around and -God bless you- she was there, standing proudly among the dark trees with a smile.
"Come here, sweetheart"
You couldn't accept the fact that you were so excited to see her after destroying your life over and over again. But here you were, running into Irmi's open arms, pulling her into a tight hug and clinging into her cold body like a child to it's parents.
She crouched down on the grass to reach your level and let it happen.
Just as you expected, the woods around you had vanished and were replaced with the familiar beige walls of her sweet home.
You didn't bother letting go or starting again with your annoying whining.
You buried your face between her chest and cried. You knew she would be grinning in satisfaction by your ironic behavior.
But you loved the way she softly traced her claws along your back, caressing you. Irmi easily picked you up and brought you to your room.
She laid you down on the mattress and sat beside you, leaning in to give you a peck on the lips, telling you how you're the most beautiful thing in the world and that everything will be alright.
Hypnotized by her lullaby, you fell asleep peacefully on the deity's arms.
You liked the psychical and psychological pain this thing brought to you for it's pleasure. You liked how it replaced that pain with a nostalgic kind of joy in the end, it makes you feel nice.
However, you are fully aware that you will never find out why and how..
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
just came to my mind, so, I wrote. thanks!
leon s. kennedy [re: 4 remake]
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you were staring without any shame.
you stared at him all day but when he removed his jacket, allowing you to see him with a t-shirt that stays good on his well built body enough to make you stare more.
however, he knew it. how could he not when you were standing right there as he kept looking at same loot, probably bullets, on the cabinets of an abandoned house in the village, far away from those odd things seemed like humans.
your weapon and bullets stayed on your belt, so, there was no need to rush when he needed more than you do but that didn't mean you could not sit there and watch him while he was breaking something to get ammo.
however, it was the third house in which you acted like this and Leon for sure decided to remark what you were doing aloud.
"liked what you see?" he finally asked, smirking a little with some sparkles on his eyes as he kept doing what he was doing.
"truth?" you asked, confident.
"yes, truth."
getting up from where you were sitting, you slowly reached him, putting right hand on his shoulder only to feel his tensed muscles under it and blushed face.
"I wouldn't look this long if I didn't like it." you said with a kiss on Leon's cheek, giving him more pink color on the face.
winking, you went for the door, ready to leave after turning to frozen Leon who stood still with shocked face with your sudden but open gesture, kissing him like it was a daily routine of yours - oh how you wanted it to be a daily routine.
"c'mon! did I affect you that much?" you teased, already knowing the answer but still curious about his reaction.
Leon shrugged, looking so cute while pretending it meant nothing to him. "no. not at all. it was just a kiss, I get it every day."
chuckling to his response, you opened door and when Leon took a step forward, you pointed to a place behind him, "you forgot to take the gun back pretty boy."
touching his body, he realized he left his gun on the table while he was putting additional mechanism on it and he was going to leave it behind only because of you.
smiling widely with pure happiness, you added before getting out, "didn't affect, my ass."
and you left him there, looking like a tomato with his cute face. he really was making you happy, wasn't he.
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nadiajustbe · 2 months
Oh, yeah, my favourite Brawl Stars character, Howell Jenkins Howl Pendragon
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otomes-world · 2 years
If he could describe all his feelings in one word, just one, it would be irritation. If we delve into the descriptions, then exasperation, in some a sense, resentment and a little bit, just a bit, despair. Feelings that make you want to climb the wall from helplessness.
Is it sound too proud? After all, that's exactly what it is. After all, Vil was one of the personalities with whom such behavior was not allowed. As well as his own frustration and loss of peace. A growing feeling of worthlessness every day, simply because some student decided that they had better things to do than pay attention to him.
Everyone's tastes are different. You can't please absolutely everyone, but Schoenheit has not yet met on his path those whom he could not charm. You who with very eyes, or rather their absence, could cause so many ugly feelings inside him.
Silly. Stupid.
He was a fool to let such a small thing unsettle him. The last idiot who stopped seeing beyond his nose. You, who made him experience all this, were no less guilty.
You had to be blamed for existence. For making him feel less than perfect. Farther than he usually was. For sleepless nights, for nerves stretched like strings, for all emotions. Emotions from which the young man almost tore his hair on his head.
Everything was your fault.
That's why he was going to make you taking responsibility. For your naivety. For your look full of hatred, as soon as he gave up about dark feelings. For the miserable state of both of you.
Even if you thought otherwise.
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yyawnjun · 11 months
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seungkwan's insta post 💞💓💕💞
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williamverse · 3 months
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finished this painting i wanted to write an acompaniing drubble, but i want to post this as soon as possible so yeah, you can probably come back for the drussle because i still want to write it
i'll apreciate any interaction with this post!!
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delakoks · 1 month
"Easy, Tiger..."
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Based on my old drubble "The first Witch"
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dross-the-fish · 10 months
Can we have a little drubble about Selma’s reincarnation afterwards someday? How were her first days go?
You certainly can, I plan to write a second part to this but I covered the resurrection itself here from Selma's perspective and will cut forward to her first days after part 2.
Harsh. White. Searing.
A painful light invading her eyes. Too bright.
It hurt.
She tried to speak but the sounds coming from her tight throat and thick tongue were garbled. Her skin was on fire, everything was cold and hot, shocks traveling through her body.
“She’s alive!��� a voice, familiar and distant.
The sound of scrambling and booming, thunderous laughter.
Eyes squeezed shut. Pain, noise. Everything too much.
She lifted a heavy wrist.
A hand. Large. Shapely. Different. Familiar, grasped hers. So hot it burned. She clutched tighter as the world around her began to sharpen.
Voices speaking, too loud and fast to make sense, blurry, fuzzy. Her head was full of sparks.
Slowly sight and sound came back into focus. A large figure was shouting at the open skylight.
“She lives! Do you see me, Victor?! Do you see?! Your fallen angel is a worthy son! You denied me to your last breath but I am yet your legacy!"  
“Stop that!” the figure holding her hand snarled. She tried to place it; it sounded like a voice she knew but also one she didn’t “We need to make sure she’s alright! There’s no time for you to gloat! I need you now. Please, Mr. Frankenstein!”
He was polite. Why did that seem strange?
As her vision cleared, she struggled to put a name to the face before her. The broad, smooth, face of a man in his fifties. Did she know him? Her head swam when she tried to sit up. The man shushed her and gently guided her back down, “Easy now, there’s a good girl. Don’t try to sit up just yet, we’ve performed a miracle worthy of Jesus Christ himself,” he smiled weakly, the shadow of something-someone familiar in the gleam of his teeth.
He took her wrist in his hand and laid two fingers on it, “Pulse is slow, her skin is like ice,” he muttered, his brow furrowing with concern. As the large figure came into view. The patchwork face of the giant was immediately recognizable to her though how exactly was uncertain. The answer seemed to come to her then drift away, lost in a sea of barely coherent emotions and sensations. Pinpricks speckled across her eyes and she shut them for a moment until the throbbing in her head died down.
“Is she supposed to be this cold? Her heartbeat is so sluggish, is this normal?”
“If I am any indication then yes. Perhaps it is an affect of the chemicals used during incubation. The question now remains did we bring back Miss Morris or is this a new life?”
“Of course, it’s her! It has to be her! There was no point otherwise!”
“Dr. Jekyll, please, restrain yourself. We must remain impartial. It will be a tragedy if Selma is lost for good but we must remember that what we have created we bear a responsibility to. No matter our grief, it is not her fault for being born.”
She didn’t understand any of this and the bickering was beginning to grate on her. She tried to speak but could only manage a weak groan. Somewhere in the back of her mind a memory stirred and she knew one of these men was a doctor and she recalled the concept of a hospital. Was she sick? She felt sick. It would make sense to be sick right now.
The doctor, Jekyll, as he had been called, clasped her hand in his and gave her a reassuring smile. It helped. She tried to smile back but the muscles of her face felt stiff.     
“I’m going to check your cognitive functions, you don’t have to try to talk if you aren’t ready but if you can understand me, I want you to squeeze my hand to indicate ‘yes’, aright?”
She decided she liked Doctor Jekyll. He seemed kind.
Was that right?
She squeezed.
He looked relieved, “Good, very good. It looks like you remember language. Do you know who this is?” he indicated the giant man.
She hesitated. She knew him but it was so muddled she couldn’t be certain how. When the giant smiled the seam through his upper lip parted and exposed the teeth and gums beneath. The ghoulish sight didn’t frighten her as it would have if he were a stranger.
Was that his name? Or was it his father’s?
She squeezed.
“Good, I’m not going to ask if you know me. I’m sure my face is new to you. All you need to know about me is that my name is Henry Jekyll and right now I’m taking care of you. Think of me as your doctor and, Adam,” he gestured to Adam, who nodded reassuringly, “Is your friend. Do you remember your name?”
She froze. She tried to conjure up a name. There were flashes of memory, fragmented, disconnected. She tried harder, ignoring the pain in her head as she strained to pull her name to the surface. She knew she had one! What was it? She struggled to find some recollection of identity for herself in the mire that was her brain. She made an agitated gesture, shaking her head. Tears welled in her eyes.
Seeing her growing distress, Jekyll attempted to sooth her, “It’s alright! It’s alright if you don’t remember, it will come back to you in time,” despite its lack of recent use the comforting tones he had once used on his patients came back to him easily. Once Selma had settled, he glanced at Adam expectantly, “It will come back to her. Won’t it?”
Adam shrugged, “I have no idea, I recall nothing from before my own awakening, although I had not the ability to speak or any understanding of language. It seems she has retained at least some things,” he mused. He gestured to a small office off to the side of the lab “I need to go document all of this. Can you take care of her? Would Hyde take care of her if he comes back?”
Jekyll hesitated, he looked at Selma, still clinging to his hand for dear life, “He would. She’s safe with me-with both of me,” he said.
Adam gave a single, curt, nod and lumbered off.
What had happened? Why did her body feel so strange? As her awareness of herself sharpened and strength returned to her limbs she lifted a hand to her chest, where a loud, slow, pulse was beating.
Something was wrong. Where was the wound? Hadn’t there been a bullet? Blood everywhere, running over her fingers, she had felt the wet pulsing through the hole in her skin then…
…then blackness.
Here she was now, no blood, no wound, her fingers were resting against neat stitches. Sewn. Alive! Then why did her body feel so much colder? Heavier? Overwhelmed with pain and confusion, she began to cry in earnest. This was not right!
Jekyll watched her anxiously. Maybe it should be Edward…she knows Edward. Edward, at least, wouldn’t be too much of a coward to give her his shoulder. No sooner had he thought the words when he felt the itch of black fur sprouting from his cheek. No! No, wait! Not yet! I’m not ready! I’m not-
-not who Selma needs right now.
To caught in her weeping Selma didn’t notice Edward’s return. Not until a thick, hairy hand touched her shoulder. She looked up, doing her best to wipe at her eyes.
“Hullo, lass, it’s good to see you again. Do you remember me?” he smiled, his jutting, jagged, teeth seemed nearly too large for his mouth.
She nearly fell from the table flinging her arms around him. He caught her, pressing his cheek to hers and when she felt the dampness on his whiskers, she neither knew nor cared which of them was weeping. She squeezed.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, Slema Morris.”  
She remembered Edward.
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content: FLUFF
word count: almost 2k words, a smol cute drubble
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“What is it?”
I look up and my eyes meet calm and somewhat stern gaze of Nanami Kento. He looks exactly as people described him: reserved, calm, collected. 
“Also, short-tempered”, I remember Utahime’s words and chuckle lightly.
Nanami’s brows fly up, him being clearly displeased with my chuckle.
“Oh, right”, I become a bit flustered. “Aiko Tanaka. Semi-grade 1 Sorcerer and your assistant”.
“My who?”
I can see Nanami about to lose his cool. He just entered his office and here I am, waiting for him in the Kyoto Jujutsu High uniform, looking like I got there by mistake. “Wish it was true though”, I think grimly, “if it was a mistake, my life would be so much easier”.
“Care to elaborate?” He just keeps standing in the doorway, arms crossed, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up - a sight that, without a doubt, certainly kept a few people awake at night. But to me, he looks quite intimidating.
“I was sent here from Kyoto for a field practice. And during that, I was also assigned as…erm… your assistant”.
Nanami’s expression changes in a blink of an eye. I see irritation and exhaustion creeping in on his face and before I manage to say anything, he shakes his head and replies, “I don’t need one. You can go for the field practice without any worries. I’ll talk to the higher-ups or whoever came up with this crazy idea”. 
I knew he’d say that so I sigh and shake my head.
“Sorry, but I was assigned as your assistant. Unless told otherwise by my and your faculty, you are stuck with me. Oh, and I’ve answered a few calls while I was in here and wrote down their summary. Here you go”.
Nanami looks at me in complete disbelief, as if I suddenly turned into a frog or something. He rubs his nose bridge violently, desperately trying not to snap at me but I see it happening in 3…2…1….
“Tanaka. Out. Now”.
His phone on the table rings again and before he says anything, I grab it, put on a sweet smile and say: “Nanami Kento’s office, his assistant listening. Oh? Is that so? Got you. Thank you so much, Yaga-senpai”.
As I put the phone down, I smile cheerfully, knowing it will irritate the hell of Nanami: “Seems like your boss approved of me. Utahime already had a word with him. Not that I am happy about the whole situation, but I just want to do my task properly and get back to Kyoto as soon as possible”.
“You prefer Kyoto over Tokyo?”, Nanami asks suddenly. Seems like he composed himself and now just sits at his desk, staring at me with unreadable expression.
His question catches me off guard. He didn’t really strike me as a small-talk guy so to say I am surprised is to underestimate.
“I do”, I nod and get down to my paperwork but he seems to be waiting for a more specific answer. “I just like that Kyoto is quieter. I like nature. I like that after missions, you can just walk home and…breathe out. Sorry if it sounds confusing. I don’t know how else to explain it”.
Nanami listens to my words intently, as if absorbing my description of Kyoto and of that one small street that I often walk. As he listens, I get carried away a bit, telling him about my favorite small shrine and that one particular tea shop that I love so much…
“Oh my god, sorry, I just got…carried away”, I snap out of my Kyoto-filled dreams and look at Nanami with guilty expression. He shrugs and suddenly smiles, an expression that suits him extremely well.
“It’s a strange mix: a Jujutsu High sorcerer who craves tranquility”, he says slowly, as if weighing his words. “Guess not all you Kyoto folks are insane”.
“Just in my own way”, I smile back and stand up, stretching and looking at the clock. “Seems like it’s time for me to go. I’ll see you tomorrow then”.
Nanami nods, “If I can’t get rid of you, I will just have to tolerate you, I guess. Though you are not as annoying as I feared”.
“I’ll take it as a compliment”, I grin. “See you, Nanami-senpai”.
He sighs in irritation but leaves my words without commenting on them. As I walk out of his office, I breathe out and lean against the wall. “I survived day one with Nanami and he didn’t file an official report to Utahime about firing me. I call it a success”.
I walk the hallways of Tokyo Jujutsu High, greeting familiar students and thinking about the future missions that I’ll attend here. What I don’t think of is Nanami and his suspiciously attentive look that he gave me when I was talking about Kyoto. 
His gaze seems to follow me all my way back home and in the evening, while already in bed, I can’t help but wonder if he has a favorite tea shop in Tokyo and where he searches for his tranquilty in a loud city like this.
“Morning, Tanaka”.
He doesn’t raise his head from the paperwork, leaving me dumbfounded at the sight of a small box on my table. I open the box and let out an excited whoop, “Mitarashi Dango!”
A small smile curves his lips but he quickly shakes it off, meeting my eyes with his usual reserved expression. “It’s a speciality from Kyoto, am I right? Thought it would lift your spirits, though I must say, they are already at a quite elevated level”.
“Nanami, I…” I am at loss of words, really. I understand that to get that small box, he had to wake up earlier and hunt a few tea shops for this desert. 
“It’s nothing”, he waves at me. “Just eat them and keep doing your work. I reviewed what you did yesterday and the results are… well, not bad”.
I take out one small sticky rice dumpling and put it in my mouth, roling eyes with delight.
“Is it that good?” he asks with a smile. “Should have offered them to you yesterday to bribe you into leaving this position”.
“Oh, now I’m not going anywhere”, I reply, handling him a small ball of dango. “Here you go”.
He accepts the desert and tries it, his eyebrows raising slightly. “Hey, not bad at all. Maybe I should visit Kyoto someday soon to see what else you guys have”.
I chuckle at his comment, “Oh, we have plenty”.
Nanami starts asking me about my favorite places in Kyoto again and in return, I ask him about Tokyo. I don’t even notice how the day passes and when I stand up from the desk, I’m surprised to see it’s already dark outside.
“Want me to walk you home?” I hear his question and freeze.
Walk me home? Like… willingly spend more time with me? 
I just nod and my gesture might have amused him. Nanami chuckles lightly.
“What, I can’t offer you that? It’s dark outside already. Wouldn’t want you to stumble upon something unpleasant. After all, you are my assistant”.
I nod again, grab my bag and, still stunned, head outside on the street. He starts walking beside me, his tall figure towering over me, as if he instinctively protects me from potential threats. I shoot a glance at his direction, noticing how damn good he looks. Not like it’s my business, of course.
‘What?”, he catches me staring. 
“Nothing”, I stare ahead intensely. “What’s that small shrine in front of us?”
He raises a brow in suspicion, as if sensing something off but decides to brush off the topic.
“Wanna come up and see? I think I can offr you a small tour around Tokyo, if you want”.
As he mentions sightseeing, my eyes light up. For a while, I stop thinking about how ridiculously good my current boss looks and immerse myself in the surroundings of the city, hypnotized by thousands of flickering lights that dance around us in a chaotic and beautiful waltz.
*** “You look exhausted”.
Nanami looks up at me with way too obvious eye bags and a crooked smile.
“I’m not. And you are helping me way too much, Tanaka. So don’t overthink and just keep up the good work”.
For the past couple weeks, he’s been driving himself to exhaustion and even with my assistance, it’s too much for him. Nanami hates to delegate work, is way too responsible, and never admits when he feels tired. And I somehow managed to learn him all too well and now I am genuinely worried.
When I approach him and put my hand on his shoulder, he flinches.
“Aiko, I’m kind of worn out…”
I widen my eyes in surprise. It’s the first time ever he called me by my given name and I never expected he would. He seems to be taken aback too, immediately putting back his usual cold expression.
“You can go no, Tanaka. Free for the rest of the day. Consider it an order or I’ll call Gojo and ask him to pick you up. And trust me, you would not want that’.
An idea starts forming in my head, but I simply nod, take my bag and smile at him.
“See you tomorrow then”.
When I leave his office, I take out my phone, take a deep breath in and dial Yaga.
“What the hell”, Nanami mutters in the car. “This mission just came out of nowhere. Sorry you got dragged in it”.
“It’s okay”, I offer him a reassuring smile. “Would be good practice for me”.
Nanami shoots a glance at my direction. “Hope you know how to take care of yourself. I wouldn’t want you to risk your life.”
As I am about to reply, the car stops softly, and we walk out.
“Airport? A Grade 1 Curse in the airport?” he looks even more annoyed than ever. “I’ll just dial him up…”
“Wait, wait”, I reach out for his hand and pull it softly, forcing him to hide the phone. Nanami blinks at me, not sure how to react to my sudden touch.
I reach in my pocket and take out a ticket.
“Kuantan? Malaysia?”, he takes the ticket from me and his eyebrows rise in disbelief. “Tanaka, if this is a joke…”
“It’s an officially approved vacation!” I beam. “I talked to Yaga. It’s all set!”
Nanami looks both stunned, surprised, happy, and slightly confused. “I…I don’t know what to say. Honestly…But…” He stops for a moment, as if not knowing how exactly to say out loud what’s on his mind.
I reach out for the second ticket. “Can’t neglect our duties during the vacation”.
At the sight of my ticket, his frown vanishes, replaced by the most warm and genuine smile.
“You are one hell of an assistant, Aiko”, he says softly. “And one hell of a woman. Remind me to take you to that tea house I’ve talked about once we get back”.
“Is that a date?”, I ask suddenly and blush at my own question, kicking myself about it.
“I don’t do dates”, he says, taking our bags. “But I suppose, an exceptional woman deserves an exception. Call it what you want it. But I’m not letting you out of Tokyo anytime soon”.
He starts walking towards the airport gates, loosening his tie on the way and smirking absentmindedly. As I watch his sun-lit figure, I smile and take a step forward.
“Tokyo it is, then”.
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strrvnge · 2 years
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Defender Strange x Reader
Warning: MDI, 18+, porn without plot, facesitting
Okay but I KNOW this Stephen is the daddiest of all like The Daddy and probably really kinky too so how come and I haven't written anything about him yet?
There were many times Stephen had you ride his face, You were alway so submissive during sex, being too much of a pillow princess to do anything more than suck cock, or lay down and cum till you couldn’t think a single thing. At the end of the day he was coming home and with a pout on your face you welcomed him and were promising you had been such a good girl you’d been that day, secretly begging for cock which you of course always got.
He loved seeing you all cockdrunked, mumbling nonsense, having trouble counting how many times you came as you bounced like a bunny on his cock. But there was something particularly hot in having you sit on his face, your false idea of dominance, feeling like a big girl when he was the one holding you still by the waist and thighs while eating you out in every way and position he wanted.
Now after having to ride his face multiple times without being allowed to cum, you searched for the little power left in your body and forced your hips into faster movements.
Sensing your desperation his firm hands locked around your legs, supporting your hips and leading them into rougher and swifter motions.
"Stephen" you purred breathlessly and your hand gripped his long hair pushing his face closer to your aching core.
Falling for your pathetic pleadings he harshly sucked your puffy folds making you arch your back and your head fall down on your shoulders. Gulping your sweet juices he gripped onto the flesh of your ass, squeezing every so often adoring the loud moans you made for him.
You could feel a small smirk shamelessly forming in his face under your thighs. His cockyness and assurense about his abilities and the proudness of being the only one who could offer you such pleasure radiating from him and if you hadn't been that desperate perhaps you would have tried to defy him. However ignoring the burning sensation of Stephen's goatee on your thighs you felt your needy pussy pulsating by the slightest touch sensing you were close.
His nose rubbed against the hilt of your pussy in the most crazy and unreal way, your eyes scrunching shut hoping to get as much of the pleasure he was giving you.
As if he wanted to torture you he dragged his tongue along your swollen clit before it teased sadistically your poor hole. Your eyebrows knitted together as you moaned and your hips deliberately rocked faster back and forth his face, eagerly trying to get yourself off.
"God, please.." your whines and soft pleas dance in Stephen's ears like the most addicting song. His tongue's pace was now quickened as the tip pushed in and out of your sobbing hole.
Your whole body is on fire, trying to keep your balance and not fall as he hollows his cheeks, his mouth expertly attacking the bundle of nerves, flickering and sucking on your oversensitive petals. As if you were hit by electricity you flinched back and your things locked around his head,your hips jerking up only for him to hungrily pull them back your leaking hole meeting once again his mouth.
Passing by one might have thought you were in terrible pain .One hand's nails digged on the headboard of the bed while the other gripped hard his hair as you moaned his name.
A new wave of wetness polled inside you and as if he could read your mind his hands locked around your things keeping your hips at place preventing them from the slightest movement.
Overtaken by euphoria your head emptied and you closed your eyes soon you were squirming on his face, sloppily and messy encouraged by his happy hums. Tears filled your eyes and you cried out the aching sensation till you hoisted your hips finally filled with satisfactions.
As Stephen looked up to your face the obvious bulge in his pants was becoming more hard. Tear stained cheeks, with sweat running down your beautiful yet dumbfounded face as you tried to even your breath, it was so hard keeping himself from fucking your now that he had your pussy stretched enough.
A small,lazy smile beamed on your face as you caught him staring, his face coated in your slick and his spit.
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petalsofyouth · 2 years
koi no yokan / part 1 | ran haitani x reader
tw: set in early 00s-10s, flawed characters, unreliable narrator, mentions of drug use, mentions of assault (nothing graphic) | i literally hate tagging so much because i feel like i missed something; anyways, if you think i really did tell me and i will include it.
wc: 18.516
author's note: i actually didn't want to post 'kny' on here and wanted my tumblr to be strictly for one-shots and drubbles, but now i haven't posted in so long & i desperately want to, so here we go.
part 1. 
The new place promised a new life with new memories and new friends and new basically everything. It was too much. It was suffocating to the point where your breathing wouldn’t even out and every next breath seemed not enough. You tried to calm yourself with your favourite cup of coffee and your read half through [page one hundred and thirty five] book. 
You brought a lot of books with you from your home. Them, all along with your other stuff still neatly packed in boxes had a faint smell of flowers. So mawkish it made you nauseous and despite heavy rain outside you wide opened every single window in your apartment. You wondered how you never noticed this (almost, not yet) stench back at home. 
At home everything smelled like this, because your father had a flower shop and your mom loved her enormous garden more than anything else. She spent hours outside. He was at work all day. You and your older sister were at home alone. 
You loved your family even though sometimes you wondered what was lacking. What was it that your heart was longing for. In all your years there you never found an answer to such an obvious question. Now, standing before a window wall, overlooking one of the many side streets of Roppongi in your late grandma’s apartment, you thought how amusing it was that when you escaped your native Obihiro you missed it so dearly. Do psychologists have a name for this feeling? As if knowing a name for something would provide you with shelter.  
A small rather inaudible sigh left your lips. You opened a balcony door smelling wet air. It will rain soon. Hopefully for hours and well into the night. But for now you will drink your homemade iced coffee and read your almost finished book. 
Because you are eighteen and it’s the end of March of 2006 and you will start lawyer school in less than two weeks and everything is so new and bright and sad at the same time. 
Being young is really truly overwhelming.
part 2. 
In the next two months you try to make new friends so you don’t feel that lonely. 
You go out with them a lot. To the cinema, to karaoke, to bowling, to their small apartments and huge mansions. Name it and you’ll be there. Just to feel a bit less lonely. Surrounded by people, with drink in your neatly manicured hands, you are almost a part of that raving crowd. 
It’s never enough and returning back to your own place that finally started indeed looking like your own place in the early morning when sky is pink and cold blue and your legs are so heavy you can barely stand is relieving. To the point you promise yourself it’s your last time going out. You would believe yourself, but then again you said the same thing last week and two weeks before that too. 
When friends don't magically appear after all these months you stop. You start attending all your classes, you read manga and books on your balcony, do homework and extra work to earn more credits. You cook and the smell of homemade food circulates the three storey building. Your neighbors must be mad at you because you usually play chef late at night. They either hate you or love you, you think. No complaints come though so you continue steering pots at three in the night. 
Your mom calls you twice every week. Your dad almost every day. Your sister never. She sends you messages instead. They are stupid and small. 
i am fine  (x_x)                                   (emojis she’s using never correlating with the text) 
it’s empty without you at home  
(/▿\ ) 
found your stupid manga today & read it & why is this shit so sad. u r so depressing.  
i am fine  
[ ± _ ± ] 
don’t worry i won’t threw it out  
mom’s roses are withering she’s mad  
i am fine 
It’s never anything important so you reply the same nonsense back or sometimes nothing at all. You have a funny feeling you are missing out on something. You don’t catch what it is. 
You'll never do. 
part 3. 
Life in Tokyo is not easy, but it’s not that difficult either. You fall into a perfectly constructed routine quite quick, without any problem . 
You wake up. You make yourself your favourite iced coffee, throwing a little bit too much ice, and with a satisfaction you watch how ice melts, cracking under the warm hug of espresso. You drink your coffee on the balcony and then you go to university where you spend most of your day. 
In the evening you return home. You eat. You read or draw and then you go to bed. 
Somewhere in the middle of all these you find a friend. A true friend. She doesn’t go to parties and prefers to spend her free time in a coffee shop, walking around the park or reading a book. It sounds somewhat boring at first, but she’s a truly good person (and you haven't met a lot of those lately), so you succumb. 
She’s a Tokyo native which is insanely good, because she shows you a part of the city that was hidden from you all this time. Together you go to have the best ramen and yakitori and imagawayaki. You visit art galleries because you both are into the art and you both are lawyers to be, but you’d rather be an artist. You go to libraries and bookshops. You draw in the park together and at your apartment since she lives with parents and it’s more convenient to hang out at your place. 
Your new best friend is the one to warn you about gangs and all the criminal activity that is lurking in Tokyo’s darkest parts. It sounds more like a distant far away world that won’t ever touch you. You don’t feel frightened. After all you left it all at Obihiro with your sister and her stupid ex boyfriend who too was a part of the local gang. 
Didn’t you?
The calm voice of your friend continues naming all the gangs and then she fills you in on what they do and what territories they control and how exactly they do it. It’s crazy to think she knows that much about it. Especially for a future lawyer.  
You tell her just that. 
She smiles and says that her eldest brother is in the gang hence she knows so much. His gang is cool though. They don’t beat women or children. They challenge other gangs and they do try to be fair to everyone and everything. They are good guys. 
The way she talks about them you might think they are Robin hoods of Tokyo. 
You know for a fact it’s (probably, you have your doubts) not true. 
part 4. 
It is early in the morning when you wake up one day in July. It’s scorching hot and gladly you have no school today so you spend half of the morning in bed staring at white ceiling. Thinking about nothing. It’s an easy morning and you appreciate the calm - though very very hot - air that surrounds you. 
Laying around in bed proves nothing. It’s boring and soon your thoughts get too complicated. Too difficult. And if anything you don’t want today to be difficult.
It’s gotta be a nice day.  
That much is decided, when you slowly rise from the bed, fall on it again, lay there for two minutes listening to the clock doing its little, but loud tik-tak-tik-tak dance. Eventually you get up and stretching midway march into the bathroom. 
Bathroom is like a cold oasis in the desert. Your feet touching cool marble tiles, you cross a small room aiming towards a rather spacious but square form bathtub. Why and how your late grandma chose this ridiculous design is now history. You regret you never asked. 
After taking a long bath, you throw a towel around yourself and go to the kitchen. To make yourself a cup of iced coffee, of course. You don’t do breakfasts and now it’s well past the time people eat their gohan, natto and whatever else they have for their first meal of the day. You’ll cook something a little bit later. Or call your friend and go out to that now favourite place to have sushi. 
Summer breeze is gentle on your naked shoulders when you sit down on the balcony. The view is not much. Just another grey living building with luxury cars in the parking lot. Roppongi is surely different from your native Obihiro. Well, it’s even different from Tokyo itself. The contrast is subtle and you can’t tell what it is exactly, but it’s there. Present as ever. 
You love Roppongi.  
The quiet alone time ends suddenly. You hear something tearing and then a caustic smell of vinegar welcomes itself in the air. You groan. Loudly. Trying to guess what it is you stand up from your bamboo chair and look around as if it could reveal the sudden intruder. The unexpected intruder reveals himself. 
“Oi! It’s chips.” The voice comes from your left and you look that way seeing nothing, but a plastic beige partition. You never noticed it being there before. 
“How did…” You start, tilting your head so you could see the owner of the voice - he sounds young and you are quite curious because for all the months you live here you never knew you had someone your age living in your building. To be frank, you only met the old lady upstairs, but that’s because she was your late grandma’s friend and introduced herself first when you just moved in. 
“You make a lot of noise.” He stops, mulling something over and you can almost hear thoughts being born in his head. Instead, he snickers and says nothing. 
The barrier between your balcony’s space and his is nonexistent. The only thing dividing you two is that plastic beige partition which you easily look over from, steadying yourself on steel railings with one hand (the other one is holding the towel wrapped around your body) and furiously peer at your neighbour.  
You totally never saw him before because you have a feeling that you would have noticed and remembered him. He is quite a character.
Blond hair with almost neon blue highlights is what you see first. Then his glasses that cover his peculiar coloured eyes. From the distance you can’t quite tell what colour they are, but it’s not brown, hazel or blue. It’s some other colour or maybe it’s the mix of all of them. They catch your attention the most. Until, your gaze travels south, to his chest full of tattoos. He is not wearing any t-shirt; fair enough it’s too hot and he is home. 
Being too busy observing him you don’t notice him squinting his eyes and giving you almost the same identical look. The difference was though that he has seen you before. A lot of times actually. Now, he was just getting a better look. 
“Salt and vinegar? Really?” 
“Wanna some?” He offers you to which you wrinkle your nose and he snorts at you. 
It’s more of a laugh than anything else so you don’t even register it. You don’t reply and get back to your chair in the safety of your own balcony. The whole situation seems ridiculous but the more you think about it - sitting some metres away from him hearing him eating his chips - the more it feels like it was supposed to be like this. 
It’s your first time feeling something like this. 
It’s deviating. 
part 5. 
After this encounter you see him everywhere. 
On the flight of stairs. At the convenience store next to your house. In the parking lot under your building. You even bump into him on Keyakizaka street and once catch a glimpse of him at Roppongi Station. 
It’s not unusual. You are neighbours. It should feel normal, but it doesn’t. It’s almost like he follows you around prying into your daily life. You know it’s not true because he doesn’t have a reason for it. Well, he doesn’t even know your name. Maybe it’s just fate that wants you two together. 
Most of all, you meet on your joined balcony. He’s quietly eating his salt & vinegar chips while you read or paint. Sometimes he listens to his music. He does it wearing huge white Audio-Technica headphones. He blasts music at full volume and after some time you memorise his playlist. You must admit it. He’s got a nice taste in music. 
You say it to him once and when he replies you can hear an easy smile intertwining with his words. “No shit. I wanna be a DJ. I do have a full DJ setup, it’s just that I rarely use it nowadays.” 
It’s a simple logical question, but he doesn’t answer right away. Silence settles between you two and soon the only sound you can hear is that old lady on the floor above speaking to her husband. She asks him what he wants for dinner. It somehow reminds you of your home in Obihiro and swarms of cicadas rise in front of your eyes. Their сhirping fills your ears. The sound of home and summer. 
The 2B pencil in your hand moves on its own while you wait for him to say something. It’s only after you sketch your yard full of cicadas on the pavement he finally speaks. 
“Just being busy with work and Ran doesn’t like it when it’s too loud and my music is too loud for him”. 
He waits again before responding. This time it’s shorter. You don’t manage to draw anything. “My older brother.” 
“He has a pretty name and I agree with him. Your music's too loud. I can hear it through your headphones all the time.” 
“It suits him. His name.” He ignores you siding with his brother and doesn’t give you the satisfaction of being teased by you. “Mine though doesn’t suit me. Do I look like a Rindou to you?” 
You laugh. He laughs too in a i told you so way. He doesn’t see you drawing gentian and orchid in the left corner of your sketch. 
You also think his name suits him well. 
part 6. 
When Rindou meets you outside he always acknowledges you in one way or another. 
It depends if he is alone or has company. 
If he is alone he’d chat you up, asking you meaningless questions about your day. If he is with someone he’d just nod at you. 
You don’t dwell on the subject. You don’t think he might be embarrassed of knowing you or some stupid shit like this. It doesn’t hurt your pride because you don’t know him that well after all. Besides your occasional balcony conversation you have nothing. You are barely even friends. 
He doesn’t know your name. He never asked. At this point you are almost strangers. 
part 7.
Your life carries on. 
You attend classes, go out with your best friend, read books, draw and chat with Rindou. Over time you two become more accustomed to each other. Conversations turn effortless. Personal information shifts to shared. Neither of you mind it. Oversharing and spilling secrets doesn’t exist in your comfortable bubble in the middle of Roppongi. 
Rindou is cosy. 
No matter how close you two grow to each other, you (not him too, but you don’t know it) tell your friends about your little friendship. A grim feeling of inevitable stops you every time you try to tell your best friend about him, his blue locks and round glasses. If you tell her something bad will happen. What you can’t tell. This ominous prediction follows you around. Never leaving. You keep your mouth shut. If anything, you don’t want to ruin your nook. 
He, on the other hand, doesn’t tell anyone because they won’t understand his desire to feel like a normal person for once in his life. He never mentions to you that he is in a gang. What he is doing with his brother and friends at night. He never shows you just how violent he can get and this side of him is hidden from you. Rindou likes it this way. This way you are friends with him because he likes vinegar & salt chips, wants to be a DJ and goes to gym every once in a while. 
You are not afraid of him and you do not pretend. 
He wants to keep it that way. 
So he, just like you, keeps you away from his world. 
By the end of the summer he learns your name. 
part 8.
Despite all your accidental meetings you’ve never bumped into Rindou when he was with his older brother. Despite that, you feel like you know him already. 
Rindou talks a lot about Ran. As it supposed to be, you assume. 
You don’t talk about your older sister that much though. 
You wonder if Rindou wonders why. 
However it may be, he never asks you about that.  
“Ran is a pain in the ass.” Says Rindou looking at the small screen of his Nokia 6230. He shoves white phone - every piece of technology he owns appears to be white and you want to ask if it is consciously done - in the pocket of his wide black sweatpants. “He is staying out today”. 
The intonation and tone he chooses are suggestive to where his brother might be staying and what he plans on doing. You laugh and don’t press too much. It’s not your business and you are not interested in how Ran spends his leisure time. 
“At least he could’ve told me earlier. Kakucho invited me to go to Atami, but he is already on his way and I don’t wanna go on my own all the way there. It’s what…  like two hours? Three?” 
He says all that in front of the convenience store where you both met some minutes ago. It’s well after six in the afternoon and street lamps are barely emitting any power yet. Soon the streets would be draped in these nostalgic azure lights and the whole Roppongi would come alive while other parts of Tokyo would slowly fall to sleep. 
There are no people outside and no cars pass by you two. Your small nook is silent. Even the ventilators of refrigerators at convenience store stopped producing noise. The next thing you know it’s raining. A little drizzle. You sigh. “Wanna come over? I’ll cook.” 
“Real homemade food?” 
“Yeah. What a stupid question.” 
He smiles a bit, thinking to himself that, well, maybe missing out on hot springs in Atami wouldn’t be so bad. He knows for a fact nor Ran nor Kakucho would eat anything smelling so delicious like your food. For a bunch of delinquents without family a plate of soup made specifically for them is a huge deal. 
Of course, he doesn’t say any of these. He shrugs, his shoulders going up and down, and takes a huge paper bag with groceries out of your arms. 
Together you walk towards your apartment building. 
part 9. 
You didn’t make soup that evening. 
In the role of the guest Rindou took it upon himself to decide what you both should have for dinner. As you guessed before he wasn’t a shy type so feel yourself at home words died on the tip of your tongue the second he took his adidas sneakers off and went ahead of you to the kitchen. Strangely enough he went in the right direction. Maybe the layout of your apartments were the same. You were neighbours after all.  
When you showed up in the kitchen, dressed in your for home shorts and your dad’s old t-shirt, he already stuck up everything you bought earlier in their places and was now patiently waiting for you, playing snake on his phone.
“I think you can make us soba with vegetables. And some chicken too, but I like it without skin”. He said, not raising his head in your direction. He appeared strangely familiar in your kitchen. As if he was there every day. 
You nodded, not sure if he was paying any attention to you at all. “I have chicken breasts. Do you prefer enoki or shiitake?”
“Put both. I like both.” 
Cooking is not a quick business. Rindo grew bored of watching you doing the same thing with different products and took it upon himself to tour your apartment alone. You didn’t mind. You had nothing to hide. Your paintings, mangas and books were all there was. Doubtful it would be of any interest to him you didn’t worry. 
To Rindou it was different. He felt like he was intruding your personal life. Probing himself to become a part of it. If not that accidental meeting and Ran’s spontaneous decision to stay god knows where he wouldn’t be here at all. Looking at your canvases with unfinished paintings woke inside of him a dreadful feeling of unbearable closeness to you. 
In all his life he never befriended anyone. All people came and went out as they pleased. Nobody stayed for long. He didn’t give them a reason either and not a single person asked for it. 
Nobody made an effort to stay.  
Looking at your pencil sketch of the valley full of gentians he already knew he wouldn’t forgive himself if you went away too. 
part 10. 
“I was in a juvie with Ran”. The confession comes out of him suddenly. He looks you in the face trying to decipher your reaction. There’s none that he could pinpoint. “We got out recently.” He adds as an attempt to fill the silence that lingers around the corner. 
You put chopsticks aside and pressing your lips into thin line attempt to guess the motive behind his words. 
Why did he say this now? 
What is the reason? 
Why did he decide to open up now that you having a quiet dinner at your apartment?
You find all the answers in his eyes. They are like amethyst. Blue and pink mixed together in a beautiful peculiar shade that suits Rindou just a little too much. They are intent and pleading. He has decided something for himself while you were busy cooking and what it is he doesn’t let you know yet, but you sure it has something to do with your hasty friendship. 
“We beat up the leader of the gang and his vice to take over Roppongi. The vice didn’t make it out alive. Ran might have gone overboard a bit.” 
“So it was an accident?” Your words are not of justification, but about stating the truth. 
“Pretty much, but I don’t regret him dying.” He waits a moment and then adds. “If I knew the outcome before I would’ve done the same thing”. 
The silence that settles between you two is heavy, but not uncomfortable. It changes the inevitable course of your relationship and you both let it do it. Whatever said is said. There is no turning back. 
You avert your gaze to the steaming food in front of you and take a deep breath before saying what you want to say. Rindou gets ahead of you interrupting what yet to be said. “Do you think differently of me now that you know it?” 
“No.” Your response is immediate. No delays. No hesitation. “Still the same Rindou as before. Some of us have to do fucked up things to survive.” 
“Did you kill someone?” 
Your laugh fills the room and cracks in his heart that were there because of worry. He is ridiculous, he knows it. 
But it’s easy to be ridiculous with you. 
part 11. 
In the month to come you learn more about Rindou Haitani. 
He and his brother are in the gang, but they are by themselves. They rule over Roppongi alone and every single person there is theirs. [This is said in a proud voice and when you ask if you are theirs too since you too now live in Roppongi Rindou goes red. It’s cute.] Their parents are not with them. If they are dead or alive, if they were forced to leave them or abandoned them out of their free will, Rindou doesn’t elaborate. The wound might be still too fresh or maybe it would never heal at all. 
After every bit of information he asks you if you are still seeing him the same way. You always say yes. 
You open up to him too. You tell him more about Obihiro. Your parents that are married and that there’s no love in that marriage anymore. That you believe your dad has a mistress and that your mother knows and that this is a reason she is so attached to her garden full of roses. She tends to flowers and loves them in a way she can’t care and love her husband. 
One evening when Rindou stops by your apartment and sits on the bar stool watching you cook chicken katsu you tell him about your sister. How she got involved with a guy who was in a local gang and that your parents blame him for her drug addiction. It’s a touchy subject and he is the first person you ever discussed this with. 
“You don’t think he is to blame?” He asks in an uncharacteristically quiet voice. 
“No. I think my sister knew better than this. She was her own person before she met him and after she met him. You can’t blame somebody for a decision you solely made.” 
Rindou senses your anger. He thinks [knows] you’ve never been in love. 
part 12. 
It’s November when you are introduced to Ran. 
By this time he’s heard about you [and you yourself albeit muffled by thick glass of balcony door] numerous times. The occasion to meet you never presented itself. Even though it would be a lie from his side if he says he wasn’t dying to meet you. His interest was as high as Fugaku. Not because of you as of you, - he didn’t know you and he’s hardly a curious person - but because of his brother’s soft demeanour and lack of usual disdain he presents around other people. Never you. 
It nags Ran more than he would care to admit. 
The absence of interest in him from your part was a bit suspicious. It depended on what Rindou had told you about him so it might be just his brother's fault and not your mere disregardless of Ran. Who in their right mind would purposely ignore him? 
Their cupboard where they store instant noodles are empty and Ran groans when his palm touches the dusty wood surface. He is tired. And sleep deprived. Too many responsibilities weighed  heavy on his shoulders. Last night he returned home around five in the morning and went immediately to bed. His only meal of the day was tuna onigiri he bought at 7/11. It tasted sloppy and rice was not cooked the way he liked it to be cooked. He complained about it all to Rindou who just clattered. To him, onigiri seemed fine. Not the best he had and certainly not worthy to whine about the whole night. 
Ran was just being Ran. Now he was starving. His empty stomach churning. 
“What did you eat today?” He turned around and suspiciously eyed Rindou who was sitting back to him on their newly bought white sofa watching TV. The show running there was unfamiliar to Ran. 
“Rice, two eggs and plum pickles.” 
The last time Ran had plum pickles happened a long time ago he couldn’t even remember when exactly, less alone the taste. His mouth watered all the same. The non-bothered expression [he could sense even while looking at Rindou’s nape] on his brother's face only added to his starving agony. “You went out?” 
“No. Well… technically yes, but not really.” 
Whatever the meaning of Rindou’s answer, Ran doesn’t catch it. He thinks of asking for an explanation, but senses Rin furrowing. Too focused on the jumping screen of the TV. His whole attention focused on a documentary about wildlife of South America. Ran’s mouth sprawls into an oh-i-know-what-you-are-thinking-of-now sly smile when he goes around and catches Rin bite his lower lip. It makes Ran forget about his minor problems. For the next couple of minutes if so. 
Teasing his little brother about his new female friend is more important. And fun. 
“Why are you being so defensive when it comes to our new neighbour?” 
The question is simple, but the devious tone it's being asked suggests it’s more than this. Rin wants to punch his brother, but instead he sighs. He can’t understand why he is being so protective over you too.
“I am not fucking being defensive. It’s your way of asking about her that makes me angry.” 
“My way of asking?” 
“Yes. It’s like you wanna ask me if we fuck or not?” 
“Do you?” 
“For fuck’s sake, Ran. No. She’s just a friend.” Rindou rises from the sofa and storms off to his room. He doesn’t forget to slam the door so Ran understands the level of the anger he feels towards him now. 
He does. 
So, Ran sprawls on the white sofa. Pillows here are so fluffy he might fall asleep for an hour or so. After he wakes up he’ll knock at Rindou’s door and together they will go to the convenience store. Rindou won’t be angry anymore. He’ll whine and complain and maybe won’t speak with Ran for fifteen minutes or so, but eventually he’ll put the whole conversation about you aside. 
After all they are brothers and Rindou can’t stay mad at Ran for long. 
It goes the same for Ran too. 
part 13. 
When Rindou warned you about the dark alleys of Roppongi you should’ve listened to him. 
But as all people, you too, you believe you are invincible. You believe it won’t happen today or with you. Anybody, but you. 
When you go out that night to meet your best friend at Kagurazaka, there’s not a slightest worry in your bones. You chat freely, drink two cocktails on an almost empty stomach - your impromptu dinner with Rindou happened around four and now it was approaching midnight - and politely decline your friend’s invitation to stay over. She doesn’t live nearby, but her house is relatively closer than yours. It doesn’t matter to you. 
You want to go home. 
You catch the last train. It’s empty. The night is clear and beautiful. The glimmering lights of Tokyo are more than mesmerising. They are surreal. Nothing around you suddenly is real. You have an urge to draw the scenery. You dig into your bag, but there’s no pencil there nor there’s a piece of paper. It's almost like a lost chance, but instead of giving up, you memorise the view. How houses look, their lights, neon banners and small nooks. 
High on Tokyo you arrive at Roppongi station. With a picture before your eyes you don’t notice three young men following you home. If you would, you probably would’ve thought better than cutting your way home and instead would've chose the main road. But you don’t and they feel incredibly lucky.
A beautiful girl and a purse with money. 
Firstly, they yank your bag and when you don’t give it up easily they push you hard to the ground. You fall on the wet pavement utterly confused. Sharp pain goes through your ribs. You try to stand up, not hearing their mocking laughs and your keys falling to the ground. 
It should be humiliating, but you don’t feel humiliated at all. Not even when the hands of one of them goes under your dress. It’s cold and wet and your body starts shaking with anger. You are silent when your first crashes onto his face. The stench of blood is suffocating and the skin on your knuckles brakes with a loud thud. 
You doubt they hear it or care about it because one of them slaps you across your face. Your nose bleeds and blood plops down. It brings a salty taste to your mouth. It covers your collarbones and stains your dress. At this moment you know that there’s nothing you can do and that it is better to give up so you run to the convenience store. It’s two blocks away and there’s always a cashier inside. They won't dare to do anything in somebody’s presence won’t they? 
It’s a fact that those who attacked you are cowards. Nobody else, but a coward would attack a girl in a dress returning home. 
part 14. 
Rindou sees you first. 
He is without glasses - forgot them somewhere between arguing with Ran and forgetting to grab keys from their apartment - but he can clearly see the blood on your face and clothes. He drops the iced peach tea bottle and storms off past confused Ran. 
It’s too late for Halloween parties and he knows you well enough to know that this is not some trickery. It’s the real blood coating very real you. He puts his palms on your shoulders, you are stiff underneath him, but you don’t cry and he takes this as a good sign. “What happened?” 
“They…” You stutter, confused expression on your face, you don’t look at him, but between your bodies, at his nike shoes. They are white. As expected. You don’t want to stigmatise them red. “Somebody just attacked me. Three of them.” 
“Who and where?” The voice is unfamiliar. He sounds similar to Rindou’s, but is more high and persuasive. Rindou never speaks like that. It might be somebody else. 
This somebody else lingers behind his brother. His gaze never leaves your face and despite the situation he finds you very beautiful. There’s something about you that knocks him off immediately and when you raise your eyes at him he knows he is doomed. 
Ran being Ran he shows none of it. Neither do you. 
“Down the street to the left then again to the left and then to the right.” You explain, ignoring the intensifying grip of Rindou’s fingers clawing at your shoulder blades. “There were three of them.” 
Ran flashes you a smile. It’s genuine and you are confused at what exactly is here to smile. “Rin take her home. I’ll be back soon.” 
“Do you have it with you?”   
Ran smirks. He follows the directions you gave him and disappears under the blue lights of lamps. 
Not without showing his baton to worried Rindou. He makes a whole show of it, taking the weapon out of his sweats’ pocket and raising it up so it is visible. He doesn’t turn to look at you to see if you are watching him. He knows you both do. 
part 15. 
It’s your first time being inside their apartment, but no matter how much you want to tour it, Rindou shows you into the bathroom. It’s tiny and you pass a small dressing room to get inside wondering why there’s a sink in it, but you don’t get to ask because Rindo tells you to wait a second. 
He brings you a change of fresh clothes. It’s black sweats and a grey oversized t-shirt. You want to ask to whom they belong, but somehow you understand they are Rindou’s. He wouldn’t just pass his brother’s clothes like this. 
Before getting into the bathtub you examine your body. There are bruises on the left side that mark your skin from where your breasts are and all the way down to your leg. It’s almost like Rindou’s tattoo. You smirk and try not to move much, because once you see the damage it starts to hurt as if your brain only detects what can be seen. Fucking fascinating. 
The door to the bathroom is not locked. You remember it when the first drops of hot water fall onto your aching body. You doubt Rindou or his brother would barge in though so you aren’t worried. Methodically, you wash your face, clean your scraped knee and watch blood mixed with water disappear through the drain. Once again everything feels out of place. Your blood, your black painted toenails, scratches and bruises it feels like they aren’t you. Like they aren’t yours. But the hurt reminds you very vividly that this is simply not true. It’s all you. 
What happened today happened to you. And there’s nothing you can do about it. 
You look around yourself searching for the soap or something else that will scrap this day off you. On the white plastic shelf you notice two soaps, one shower gel and god knows how many hair products. There’s no way to tell what belongs to whom so you take whatever smells better to you. 
Inside your head it’s silent. No replaying of the events. Nothing. It’s not that you do that deliberately. You are not sure you possess that kind of will. It’s extremely hard to choose what you want to think about. Thoughts are not like trains. You don’t get to miss some and then hop on the next, because you like it better. You’ll board every single one and live it thoroughly. 
Want it or not. 
“Did they smack you in the face?” 
It’s the first thing Rindou asks when you emerge from the bathroom. He observes you carefully from the bar stool. Better than anybody else he knows what it’s like to deal with strong emotions and unpleasant situations. He is surprised though when you roll your eyes at him and laugh. Shouldn’t you be crying? Or is it that bad you numbed yourself? The sudden alert in his eyes sells you to him. 
“They did. And they also pushed me to the ground. I have a huge bruise right here.” You show him where, pointing your hand from breasts to your leg. “Nothing to worry about though.” 
He doesn’t understand why you are trying to comfort him when it should be the other way. He sighs. “Get on the sofa I’ll bring you an ice pack and this cream Ran got at the pharmacy the other day. Works like fucking magic. It’ll stop swelling and the colour won’t be so bad.” 
You don’t ask him why they have this cream or so many other medicines. It’s pointless. It's common knowledge to you now what they are doing. You sit on the sofa where earlier today Ran took a short nap before he and Rindou went to the convenience store. Just at the right time to meet you. Coincidence or not you are really grateful you saw them there. You tell it to Rindou. 
He shrugs. A small smile breaks out on his lips and he sits next to you handing you ice wrapped in two towels. “You would’ve come to me anyway. Even if we weren’t there. Right?” 
“Probably yes. I dropped my keys and the trains stopped by now.” You put ice on your face. Gently. It hurts nonetheless. 
“Probably.” He mocks you. And then silence feigns over you as he spreads cream for bruising between his palms. 
It’s an unusual silence full of words and noise. Neither of you disturbs it. Each listening and hearing what they need to. You take this as a chance to observe the living room and small bits of kitchen. It’s behind you so you don’t turn and look at it afraid Rindou might find it noisey. He obviously wouldn’t. 
“Is this your DJ booth?” You ask pointing at a huge table with what looks like a small laptop, DJ’s setups and so many other things you don’t know the proper name of. “I’ve never heard you using it. I bet you can hear it from my apartment”. 
He turns around looking at and you find his gaze amusing. He looks at it like a man in love. Then an annoyed expression where his blonde eyebrows are furrowed and lips shut tight grace his features. “It’s because Ran is not allowing me to bring my friends home. Says we are too loud. He only likes it when Kakucho or Sanzu are here. He is not even letting me bring girls home. Says there are love hotels across Tokyo for a reason.” You laugh and your laugh is contagious because in a couple of minutes Rindou laughs too. It is rare to hear him laugh so wholeheartedly. He is usually most reserved and tries to keep everything to himself. You always wondered if it has to do something with how he was raised and how his older brother affected him? Keeping emotions stocked up inside yourself isn’t a biggie. The problem starts when they are too much and with them you too are getting too much. 
To Rindou a way to loosen up and let go is a fight. You suspect just as much, but he never says it out loud. It’s an awful thing to say, he believes. 
“Do you mind lifting your shirt up a bit? I warmed the cream for you.” 
You do as he asks. 
The situation would’ve been awkward would it be insinuated under different circumstances, but neither of you twists the meaning of what he is doing. He just tends to your wounds. In a very moderate and tame way. This is how you learn that despite his harshness and violent commitments, Rindou is a very kind - soft-hearted for his people even - person. It’s a shame you think of him like this only now when he was being like this all the time. 
When everything is set and done, Rindou brings you a pillow and a patched velvet blanket. The blanket looks out of his style. All bright with knitted flowers it’s like a white spot was placed on Malevich’s “Black Square”. You realise, there are a lot of details and things you don’t know about him. Today’s events, however damaging they are, bring you closer to each other. Another milestone. And you finally met his brother. 
Speaking of whom. 
“Would your brother be okay?” 
Your sudden question takes him by surprise. He goes to the kitchen and puts the kettle on the stove. He intends to make a green tea for both of you. It will help him calm his nerves down and hopefully ease your headache and stress. The wave of it still hadn’t hit you. It is always the same for most people going through traumatic events. We all postpone the inevitable, bottle up emotions inside us, and on the second day or third week - it doesn't really matter when - do we accept that whatever we went through was real and valid. It happened and we need to live it through one more time before we let it go. 
For some people, like Rindou, it never goes away. It builds him. It becomes one with him. 
He hopes it won't happen to you. 
He hopes you eventually forget all about it. 
“Yeah. He is Ran Haitani.” You are yet to comprehend the meaning of the weight Haitani surname carries around Tokyo. Gangs, criminals, delinquents and their world is still uncrossed territory. Whatever you know you know from Rindou and your best friend. Both don’t say much. “Those who attacked you, did they want something else from you too? Did they try to do anything?” 
Rindou settles a hot water pot and two cups on the table in front of you. Inside the cups there is dried tea. It smells delicious. Calming and reassuring. 
“No. Even if they wanted to, I ran away before they could.” You lie. The print of the hand of the other man on your thigh is one of the few things you could recall. “By the way, these shower gel and shampoo you have, they smell amazing. I’ll buy the same.” 
Squinting his eyes, he leans towards you and putting his hand on your head brings it closer to him so he can smell it. “I swear… Don’t tell Ran about it. He is already more cocky than he should be.” He sits back, relaxing on a plush sofa. “Mine is good too. It’s like a…” 
“Like a mint.” You tease him. 
He scowls. “Drink your tea and try to get some sleep.” 
You bite another smile to yourself and do as he says. 
Before you fall asleep you see those mesmerising lights of Tokyo. 
You remind yourself to draw them. 
part 16. 
You and Rindou fall asleep before Ran comes home. 
It’s almost dawn. The sky is shrugging off the black of the night and dresses in pretty pink, yellow and baby blue. In the city, one needs to go somewhere high to meet the sunrise or sunset. In Tokyo there are numerous locations for city viewing that usually attracts tourists. Because of that Ran hasn’t been to any of them. He thinks, going out for stargazing or to watch sunset or sunrise is stupid, anyway. He prefers to stay in and sleep. 
He doesn’t like to be up all night either, but now, returning home he looks up at the sky and for the first time in his life, he might agree he was wrong. It’s gor-ge-ous. 
The baton in his right hand is stained with blood. At first when he arrived at the alley where you were supposedly assaulted he got disappointed. No one was there. Drops of blood and your keys along with other stuff like lip balm, spiral hair tie and empty wallet with discount cards and coupons proved to him that he has not been mistaken. It was exactly where everything happened. Just no one was there anymore. 
Carefully he picked everything up, checking twice, just so he didn’t miss something. Then, Ran called Sanzu. If you ever need to find someone, Sanzu is your choice. 
He and Sanzu found them in an hour. They begged for forgiveness, but Ran was so tired and Sanzu was already so high. Nothing they could’ve said would be of any help. By the end of it all, they gave all the money they took from you and even more. Ran made sure they apologised enough. Pity, you were too far away to hear.
Now, the solemn apartment greets him with background noise only TV could make and Rindou’s soft snoring. Ran takes his shoes off, neatly puts them in the shoe box, places your bag on top of it and goes straight to the bathroom. It reeks of blood and his shampoo. On the tile floor lays your bloody dress. It’s pretty and stylish. Not too girly in his opinion and he likes it, but thinks you chose just the worst day to wear a beige short dress. 
He lifts your dress and throws it in the basket where they store their dirty clothes. Doing so has a strange feeling to it. It shouldn’t be that natural. He should be weirded out by your presence in his sanctuary where he is at his most vulnerable and he knows you are here because he feels tiny little needles poking at his body. 
Maybe he is just tired. 
Or maybe - and Ran is sure it is the real reason - there was something so gut wrenching sweet about your face covered in blood under the neon sign of a convenience store, it was all he could think of since. 
The immediate attraction he sensed towards you was now giving him hard times. You were Rindou’s friend. No. You were a very good friend of Rindou and while Ran couldn’t know if his brother liked you - like liked liked you - he could clearly tell that he cared about you so much he didn’t want you to meet Ran. 
He fills the bathtub and slides into hot water. His skin is burning but it is a pleasant feeling. From the bathroom he can’t hear if he woken you or Rindou and he hopes he didn’t. He doesn’t have any energy to talk or look presentable or do anything really. What he desires is to fall asleep right here in the bathroom in warm hugs of water. He wishes someone could hug his tired brain the same way. 
On his way to his room he can see the glimpse of you. He stops. It’s funny how you sleep where he slept not so long ago today and just now he was taking a bath where you had been taking it. Too, not so long ago.
He shakes his head.  
Sometimes he thinks about the weirdest shit. 
It’s crazy. 
part 17.  
Rindou wakes up first. He lets you sleep well past afternoon and when you open your eyes and emerge in his room he gives you back your bag and keys to your apartment. 
He says he can’t find your dress anywhere. 
He asks how you feel. 
“I feel like my body was put through a meat grinder.” You shrug. “Other than that it’s fine. I am gonna go home now and prepare something to eat. You and your brother are welcome to crash at my place later.” 
“Ran would appreciate it.” 
You nod at him. With a bag in your hands you go home. 
part 18. 
It’s peculiar how yesterday evening another you was going out of your apartment and now this different version of you crosses threshold again like it’s nothing. You hang your key by the screw near the door, you take your shoes off, sit your bag on the backless stool right by the entrance and go inside. 
You don’t lock your door. You doubt bad luck would strike you twice. And to be honest after what happened you don’t feel afraid at all. [Not that you were before.]
The image of night Tokyo is still in front of your eyes and it jumps in your heart alive demanding to be painted right this second. It’s very difficult to tame your creative urges, but you do your best and go straight to your bathroom. To shower and see how much bruising has progressed. 
In the pale white light, with purple splotches and scratches your body looks different. It’s you and at the same time it’s not. You observe your reflection closely trying not to miss any detail. You want to remember this version of you. Harmed, but not beaten. But all there is is a strong sense of alienation. You lift your right arm up and the person in front of you does the same. You do the same with your left arm, then you stand on your tiptoes and then you jump and then you turn turn turn until your head feels fuzzy and you fall to the ground. 
Afraid, you sneak a glance at the mirror. What would you do if there’s a person in the reflection? The mirror is clean. There is nothing that shouldn’t be there. 
You let out a breath. 
Everything is good. 
Everything is going to be okay. 
part 19. 
The washing machine is half way through its programme when there's a knock at your door. 
“Oi. Why didn’t you lock your door?” It’s Rindou. You can hear him taking his shoes off and making his way to the kitchen. By now he knows your apartment like the back of his hand. “You should be more careful.”
You shake your head, disapproving. “I doubt someone would break into my apartment.” In your hands you form a ball of rice. Large handful. Your already made onigiri lined up on the kitchen table look perfect to Rindou. You however see every bit of essential rice poking out. You sigh and add. “Besides, what would they find here? My canvases? My pastels? My collection of coloured pencils? I don’t even own a TV.” 
“You.” He deadpans, stealing a mouthful of shredded tuna mixed with mayo. “Just lock your door. That’s all. Two fillings? Is this one salmon teriyaki?” The spoon he found in tuna goes all the way to the - indeed - salmon with teriyaki sauce and spring onions. He doesn't bat an eye that he is doing something wrong when he puts the spoon back. Instead he looks around. Almost anxiously. He raises up from the table and goes all the way to the pots sitting on the stove. WIth one swift motion he lifts lids and checks what’s inside. He gasps. “Did you make rice with eggs and spam? It’s Ran’s comfort food. He would eat anything now though. He hasn’t had a proper meal in days.” 
“He doesn’t seem like a person who would skip a meal.” You mumble, contemplating between taking a new spoon or continue using the one Rindou had so nonchalantly put in his mouth, devouring onigiri fillings. 
“I said a proper meal. He was surviving on ready-to-gos.” 
“Still better than salt and vinegar chips, I guess.” You shoot him a teasing smile which he warmly accepts with a mocking scowl. 
You choose not to change the spoon. 
While you continue to prepare dinner Rindou disappears somewhere inside your apartment. Judging by his heavy loud footsteps he is in your bedroom. 
There is only one thing he could do there and it’s checking your sketchbook. Earlier today after the quick shower and getting laundry set up you sat down on your bed wrapped in a large towel that felt like a cloud and drew for an hour. Creativity, that art provided you, eased your mind. Soon enough the ache in your mind and body started to fade. In that urban drawing you were sketching, events of yesterday never happened. There, you were never assaulted. You were still on the train going from Kagurazaka to Roppongi. Thinking about nothing and feeling everything. 
There, you still haven’t met Ran. 
Why you think of him at that moment is confusing. There is no logic behind it. Something somewhere inside of you just brought his being out. Thinking about it, you didn’t even have a chance to properly introduce yourself to each other. You never planned on meeting him so you never thought about how it would go, but still there’s a hint of disappointment that the first time he saw you, you were covered in blood. 
The painting in your lap is unfinished. It’s half way through. Or even less. Urban sketches demand a lot of time because of all the tiny details they consist of. Pursing your lips, you look at the drawing, not sure if you like it or want to rip it apart. Abrupt throw - which is Ran Haitani - halt the whole process to an end. You won’t draw a single line today. That much you understand. 
Now, sitting on your bed, gazing at your sketchbook, Rindou for whatever reason it may be recognizes not the Tokyo or its lights or its small alleys, but his older brother. Yes, it’s buildings. Yes, it’s street lamps. Yes, it’s hundreds of windows and lanterns of the small alley where in the morning merchants will sell fresh fish, vegetables and street-food. And yet, all he sees is Ran. It’s so evident it knocks him off. He almost has trouble breathing and he so wants to ask you if you did it deliberately. Knowing what you are doing and still doing it on purpose. 
He is afraid you might find it stupid because it’s a landscape. And more than anything Rindou doesn’t like to put himself in a situation where someone would think he is stupid. He hates the feeling. 
Silently, he closes your sketchbook and places it on your nightstand where he notices a manga. It’s the second volume of “Kagen no Tsuki” by Ai Yazawa. He grabs it and brings it with him to the kitchen where he sits across from you. You are still making onigiri. 
“Don’t read it. It’s a really sad story. I cried for days. And every time I reread it, I still cry like the first time.” You warned him noticing the manga in his hands. “I am almost done. Will your brother come soon or do you wanna go fetch him? The food will go cold.” 
The reminder of Ran coming from your mouth unsettles him. There is no reason for him to feel this way, but he still does. He clenches the book so much his knuckles go white. If you notice you don’t say anything. “Why do you keep reading it time after time if it’s sad and makes you cry?” 
“I guess I love sad stories.” You say simply, licking your lips after. You finish the last onigiri, put it on the plate and rise from the chair. Your body aches, but you stretch anyway. “And it’s Ai Yazawa, Rindou. You can’t help, but return to her stories.”  All of a sudden, a thought that you would never find him stupid, flashes through his mind and eventually he relaxes. 
The book slips from his grip. 
part 20. 
Ran is wearing a dark grey loose knitted sweater - it has the same colour as pavement outside your building - and a pair of baggy black sweats. His hair is tied into two neatly done braids. If you thought Rindou has long hair it’s just because you haven’t seen his brother’s yet. Yellow tails of his braids reach just below his thorax. 
They are probably hella long undone. 
Ran looks cosy and sleepy. His downturned eyes scan the room almost curiously, but there’s no lively emotions just yet. Until he stumbles at you and Rindou. The corner of his lips tug upward. Just a bit. Then his lips form a shape of “o” as he sees Rindou helping you set the table. Something he hasn’t seen in… forever? Domesticity was a foreign concept to them both. 
“The door was unlocked.” He says, leaning on the countertop with his elbow. 
Ran looks as if he hasn’t spent a single thought on his looks and came right away as he was. Rolled out of bed and emerged in your apartment. This however couldn’t be true. You’ve seen the enormous variety of shampoo, gel showers and other cosmetic necessities [totally unnecessary for Rindou though] in their bathroom. 
Hearing about the door you shoot Rindou a smug glance which immediately sparked an interest in Ran. He has never been with you two together and now seeing you interact so smoothly, in a familiar way, naturally created a lot of assumptions. Were you and Rindou that close? 
Despite yesterday's question he could now admit that there was not an ounce of romance between you and his younger brother. Ran almost felt sorry for asking. 
“I didn’t lock it because I am here and Ran was coming too.” The tone of his voice is flat like he is explaining the most obvious thing in the world to a two year old. You raise your eyebrows at him and grin, handing Rindou a disk with different kobachis on top of it. It has pickles, onions, and sauces. 
“First of all, he could perfectly open it even with it being locked. Secondly, do you always cook so much or is it just because we are here?” 
He wants to say something else, but Rindou is quick to interrupt him. “Nah. She’s always like this. She just likes cooking.” You nod at this because it’s true. You do like cooking. Very much. “She also likes drawing. And reading. And flowers.” 
These all are true too and you are amazed that Rindou is quick to tell all of your interests. It’s either you are blant or he is very observant and caring. 
Unlike his younger brother, Ran doesn’t wander off around your apartment. He stays at your side at all times quietly observing you. The truth is in the small details and that’s why he doesn’t take his eyes off you, noticing every single little one. Those that stood out and those that were well hidden. His act is impulsive and he is not very well aware of it. Rindou is and he thinks that this is why he wanted to keep you off his world.  To Rindou it’s like his brother is tainting you. 
At the table they sit across from you. By this time it’s mostly you and Ran speaking. He properly introduces himself and you do the same. Even if there’s no need for you too because Ran is not hiding that he heard about you before. Still it’s a polite thing to do. So you tell him your name, your age and that you came from Obihiro to Tokyo to study law. He jokes that he is good at breaking the law and you both laugh while Rindou rolls his eyes. 
“Did you paint it?” Ran asks, showing the picture behind you. It’s an oil painting of Kyoto Temple. There is a lot of green from the trees in front, but even with that the painting looks solemn. Grey stormy skies and dark facade of the temple carry something ominous in it. 
“No. My late grandma painted it. I don’t use oil paints. I actually never got to work with them so I don’t know how to control them. I am more into dry materials. And I’ve never been to Kyoto.” 
“Like pencils?” Ran is on his second portion of rice with spam. It’s delicious and though he is not a big on eating like Rindou, he can’t stop himself. Everything you cooked melts on his tongue. “I wanna see your drawings.” 
“Yeah. Like pencils, pastels, charcoal. Something like that.” 
“Since when do you know anything about art?” Asks Rindou. He puts his chopsticks aside and steals onigiri. You assume he took the tuna one, but you can’t be sure because when you were arranging them, Rindou volunteered to help, then mixed up the plates and put everything together. A total mess. 
Ran shakes his head as if he is laughing. No sound comes out of his mouth though. He turns to his brother, eyeing him. “I don’t know anything. But! I like fashion and contrary to you Rin I have this natural feeling for…” He stops talking and carefully chooses his next words. “For beautiful things.” 
Rindou groans in frustration and covers his face with his hands. Ran laughs. For real this time. His laugh is elegant and light. You can’t decide if it suits him or not. Ran is like a closed book. You can’t read him and you have no idea what is going on inside of his brain. He doesn’t seem like a dangerous person to you and despite knowing that in fact he is pretty much dangerous you have this feeling - call it a premonition - that he won’t ever hurt you. Nonetheless his closeness bothers you. Not to the extent of keeping you on your toes, of course. But still, it’s not the most pleasant thing. 
While they bicker you slip out of the table and go to your bedroom. There you grab your recent sketchbook and some older ones. You also bring out the last canvas you’ve done. On it is a half-way finished forest with a shrine. The only coloured part of this drawing is a forest. Everything else is still a sketch. You think you might return to it today. If you aren’t that tired, that’s all. 
In the living room Ran polishes off what seems to be another portion of fried rice and spam. Rindou didn’t lie when he said his brother was hungry. They both raise their eyes at you when you enter the room. Munching on the food, Ran is quick to stand up and offer you some help. This is a mere polite gesture from him. Few sketchbooks and a canvas aren’t that heavy. You and him both know that. 
And so does Rindou. 
He also knows his brother well enough to understand that this action was spontaneous. Something Ran wasn’t really expecting of himself either. 
It’s already past ten when Ran finishes looking through your works. He doesn’t compliment them or actually say anything at all. His long fingers skip page after page going through months worth of drawings. When something catches his attention he rests his sleepy eyes on it and studies it for some minutes. Besides furrowing his eyebrows and biting his lower lip, Ran's face remains impassive. Once again you can’t even imagine what goes on inside of him. 
Does he like your art or not? Anxiety crawls inside of you. 
“When I am rich enough, like a multimillionaire kinda rich, I’ll buy every single one of your art.” Ran says it without raising his eyes at you so he doesn’t catch how you nervously swallow, your throat doing a bulb motion, fingers locked. Instantly after his word the tension evaporates from your body. Why were you so jittery? Opinions of other people rarely touch you in an important way. Let alone about your art. “What is this drawing about?” 
Between his thumb and an index finger is your latest sketch. The one you started today. You tilt your head so you can see it better. As if trying to see it through his eyes. [You obviously fail at it.] You take a deep breath before explanation pours from your lips - or your heart. Rindou next to Ran stiffens. He is too interested in this particular sketch. For a different reason than Ran. “When I was returning home yesterday I took the train and I saw this view outside. The train was going slow so I could take a mental picture and I just liked it, I guess. You know, all those lights and side streets, stars. Looked quite memorable.” 
He hums presumably agreeing and positions the sketchbook with the drawing on the table, leaning it against your glass full of grape soda. Then, Ran puts his elbows on his knees and props his chin on his intertwined fingers; they look like a bridge. He observes the drawing delicately before he sighs and turns his head to you. “It reminds me of something, but I can’t tell what it is. Can I have it?” 
It’s out of character for him to ask permission when the whole evening he was doing what he wanted and giving dismissive orders. 
“It’s not done yet, but when I finish I’ll give it to you.” 
“Wait a damn second. Why did you never offer me some of your drawings? I want the one with cats.” Rindou is quick to reach out for the old sketchbook of yours. He gives the impression to have memorised their insides by heart as almost immediately he finds what he was looking for. It’s an A4 vertically turned sketch of various cats in the grass. He angles it and pokes at it. “This one.” 
“I never offered because you didn’t ask.” You laugh. “You can have it, Rindou. Do you want me to give you a frame for it? I think I have one just in the right size.” 
The rest of the evening goes steady and slowly. You cut out the ‘cats sketch’ out of the sketchbook and frame it; indeed you have a frame that fits like a glove. Or does the sketch fit the frame? You have no clue. It doesn’t really matter when for the first time you feel so calm and at peace. 
None of you mention yesterday’s event. 
None of the boys eye your peeking through your spaghetti strap tank top bruise. Neither of them addresses your slightly discoloured face and an evident rip of the skin under your nose. 
They go home at two in the morning. 
You give them remaining onigiri for breakfast. 
part 21. 
You sit on your sofa, legs prompt under you, pencil in hands when you hear the doorbell ring. It’s dark outside, even though it’s barely five in the evening. Winter is almost here. And day by day it gets colder and colder.
Apparently, the chill air eats the daylight away. The allegory appears funny to you. 
Today you missed the classes and declined the invitation of your best friend to go on a double date with her brother to Hamarikyu Gardens. You said you might have caught a cold yesterday on your way home. You haven’t told her about the assault and you don’t think you will. 
Nothing really bad happened and she would worry in vain. Right or wrong, it is what you believe in the moment. So you keep your mouth sealed tight. 
The bell rings the second time. Impatiently. You sense that if you won’t open the door immediately the person on the other side of it would break in regardless. Groaning, you stand up from the sofa and pad to the entrance. Pencil and sketchbook forgotten on the floor. 
It’s Ran. When you open the door without asking who it is on the other side you see him, wearing a light coat over a green sweater and black jeans. His outfit looks expensive and well composed. In his hands he holds two paper bags. Those are from the nearest supermarket. He grins when he sees you. 
“Do you know how to cook tonkatsu?” 
“Did you buy eggs?” 
“Yes. Pork, eggs, flour, cabbage, some sauces…” He lowers his eyes down and peeks inside the bags. “Oh! Sangaria Hajikete for you. Mushrooms too. Green onion. I think I forgot noodles.” 
“I have noodles and rice at home. Come on in.” 
He grins again when you invite him inside your apartment and you can’t help it, but smile back. He hangs his coat near your jacket, takes off his sneakers and follows you to the kitchen where he places bags on the countertop. You help him take out groceries noticing midway how relaxed he is. The confidence might run in Haitani’s genes because Rindou is exactly the same.
As if reading your mind - you can’t be sure he doesn’t possess such power - he informs you on Rindou’s whereabouts. “Rin is with Kaku at the gym. You know those guys that would rather live at the gym than at their house? Those are them.” 
“Rindou told me he likes exercising. I mean at least it’s healthy, right?” You take the meat out of the container and rinse it in the sink. From the corner of your eyes you see Ran reaching out for the plate where you could put the meat later. Somehow it didn’t cross your mind. “Thank you. And what do you like to do in your free time?” 
“Sleeping. Napping. Shopping.” He helps you lay the meat by bringing the plate closer to you. “And barging into apartments and making girls cook for me.” 
“Funny.” You do actually find it funny. Not as a poor joke itself, but rather as a lame excuse for flirting. If he even considers it flirting. “Okay, now while I'm doing the meat would you take over chopping vegetables? It's not hard at all.”
“Do I look like a person who can’t cut vegetables?” 
He raises his eyebrows at you and for the first time you notice their colour. Blonde. You almost ask him about why he decided to dye his hair half-half, but hold yourself back. Even if he welcomed himself into your house, even if he is acting as if you know each other for a long time and even if he is Rindou’s brother, you can’t just ask him whatever you want. 
Ran, of course, thinks otherwise.  
He thinks the silence you keep is because of his eye colour. 
“They are amethyst like. Rindou’s are more on the lavender side.” 
“Why were you staring at me?” 
“Your eyebrows are blonde. I was thinking you would look good with blonde hair.” 
His eyes go wide and then he grins for the third time this day around you. Ran shakes his head in amusement and fishes out of the drawer long silver knife. He checks it with his finger to see if it’s sharp enough. He takes his time to choose the right knife. One might think he has an opinion on them. You give him the cutting board. He probably knew where they were stored too. You are not worried about it. He might have memorised everything from yesterday. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever go fully blonde again.” He confesses after some time. You turn to him waiting for what he has to say. Ran’s full focus is on cutting green onions - you must admit he does it easily, every chop is neat and of the same size - when he resumes. “When I killed that guy my hair was blonde and long. They shaved everything off at juvy. I hated it. Gladly my hair grows out fast.” 
There’s almost nothing to say without probing further on this unsettling topic. Rindou told you about it just once and then you’ve never returned to it. There was no need and it was evident that Rindou didn’t like to talk about it. Nor did he particularly speak a lot about their days at juvy. Everything was brief. But one thing you remember clearly. Rindou said they killed them when Ran said that he did it. 
Despite your attempt to remain neutral you frown. 
“Rindou told you we did it together, didn’t he? He always presents it like we did it together, but in fact it was me. I knocked out the captain with one blow and then I killed the vice. You couldn’t recognize his face. It was Rin who told me to stop. All he did was just hold him down and maybe dislocate one or two joints. Rin is hella strong.” 
“Yeah he likes to prove it all the time. Opening all jars, bottles. You know.”
In fact, Rindou is a caring person and he does all of this not to validate himself, but to help. Nonetheless, the warmth spreads in his chest everytime you tease him that he likes to appear strong. 
But today it’s not about Rindou. It’s about Ran and so he asks the obvious. “Aren’t you scared of me?” 
“No. Why would I?” You bring out three small bowls and fill them with flour, eggs and breadcrumbs. Thoughtful Ran brought them made so you didn’t need to crumb the bread. “And my point still stands. I think you’d look good with blonde hair.” 
She’s unbelievable, he thinks, and the feeling he had the night before only intensifies. This small premonition of love haunts him, but try all he wants, he can’t shake it off. It’s already made a nest inside of him. Like a little lost bird who neglects his lame excuse of a heart.  
“I have old pictures. I’ll show them to you.” 
“Sounds good. Now grate the cabbage. I’ll deal with the meat.” 
He only hums in response. 
In thirty minutes everything is ready. Ran is more helpful in the kitchen than Rindou, who leaves you alone and spreads on the couch going through your manga or book, is. It might be because Ran is older and he needed to take care of his younger brother all this time. It’s unknown since when they started to live on their own and where their parents are and if they had them in their lives at all. Rindou had never breached the topic so naturally you thought that he avoided it. Those memories got to be the most painful ones. 
You set the table alone. It’s a monotonous task. Bring the cutlery, plates, place all the food and glasses. Nothing too difficult. It bores you a bit. From the living room you can hear Ran speaking on the phone with Rindou. He told you he’d give him a call to tell him everything is ready. His voice is muffled and you have no desire to eavesdrop on them. Privacy is privacy even inside your apartment. 
The steam coming off tonkatsu makes it appear all the more delicious. You contemplate stealing a piece to try if it’s as tasty as it looks, but assume it will ruin the whole composition of nicely laid out meat you spent a good ten minutes arranging. Shredded cabbage seems fresh and savoury too. You wonder if you are just too hungry or it’s been ages since you’ve had tonkatsu and that’s why it looks so delicious.
You are glad Ran stopped by. 
“You know how I wanna name this sketch?” He stands at the entrance of the kitchen - a place where the living room and small dinery are connected; a safe-zone - holding the sketchbook you left on the floor when he rang the doorbell. “Koi no yokan.” 
“A premonition of love?” 
All of a sudden it seems fitting. The best name anyone could think of. Honest and raw. Just like your sketch. Just like you. Just like Ran. In front of each other without embellishments. 
“Yeah.” He nods, coming closer with a sketchbook still in his hands. His eyes widened in surprise as if he wasn’t preparing dinner with you. “It smells too good. Let’s eat. Rin said he will be late. They just started on the second set of whatever the name of that machine was.” 
At the dinner table you sit in front of each other and just like yesterday Ran devours everything he lays his eyes upon. You both chat freely and effortlessly. It’s you who does most of the speaking and he who asks all the questions. Ran learns a lot about you. He discovers he loves it even.  
At last, he asks. “Do you wanna know what happened to those guys?” 
“No, but thank you. You didn’t need to do that, but yet you still did.” 
“Sanzu was with me.” 
“Nevermind. Maybe I’ll introduce you one day. Do you like burgers? We could make some tomorrow. What time will you be at home?” 
“I am not planning to go anywhere. So anytime. And yes I love burgers.” 
He winks at you. “Noted. I’ll bring everything you don’t need to buy anything.” 
Smile graces your face and you take a sip of grape soda he bought just for you. 
It tastes more delicious than ever. You can’t help, but wonder why. 
part 22. 
Of course, the very next day Ran is at your door again. As promised.
He carries grocery bags and behind his rather broad shoulders, you can see Rindou’s blond hair pulled up in a messy bun peeking at you. Ran grins, pushing forward as he welcomes himself in your apartment. Rindou rolls his eyes, fascinated at both - how cosy and comfortable Ran is with you just after your second meeting and how cosy and comfortable you are with him. 
But then, there’s nothing too unanticipated. Ran’s charisma and charms are well-known all over Tokyo. He is very handsome too which only ever worked in his favour. And, more importantly in Rindou’s opinion, Ran’s is not gloomy. If anything, his usual expression is a beautiful mixture of melancholy and sadness that seems to make every girl fawn over Ran. 
Not that Rindou ever had any problems with girls. He is Haitani after all. They will always remain popular. 
What you don’t know and haven't seen yet is that Ran is an absolutely vicious person. He can be cruel without limits. A lot of times, in fights, it’s Rindou who stops him. He believes - and rightfully so - he is the only one who can. Once raged and challenged Ran doesn’t know the limits. 
Not that Rindou is any better. 
They just maintain control over each other like brothers should. 
After burgers, comes mentaiko pasta and after it ramen and then gyoza - which Ran surprisingly can seal very well and Rindou once again for the thousand-ish times in his life feels lesser than his almighty older brother is - then some other western dish and then it’s just an insanely delicious food carousel neither of you can remember. 
Once Ran brought some old photographs he had. Looking at them Rindou had a vague disorienting ache that transmitted that he was looking at strangers. There were their old friends. Them before juvie. Other people and the same places in Roppongi that now were again theirs. All his life everything Rindou was dreaming was to be like Ran and then own Roppongi, a place they called home. But as Ran passes pictures to you, explaining what is forever imprinted on them and who all those people are [some of them are dead despite being so young; and now they’ll forever remain so] Rindou feels sudden abruption of everything he holds dear to him.  
Was it all really worth it? Does he like what he does? Aren’t all his goals and envisions for the future of those small bulky boy in the picture, but not him as of now? Would he always follow Ran? 
Yes. Yes. No. Yes.  
He chants as a mantra.
One day, late at night, after another delicious dinner at your place, Rindou is sprawling on the sofa when Ran wrapped in a towel shows up from the bathroom. They look at each other and the excruciating thoughts going on inside Rindou’s head are so evident they appear to Ran like neon signs. Bleeding. Ran loves his little brother so he asks first knowing that Rindou would never dare to approach the topic first. At least not today. “What?” 
“What do you mean what?” Fends off Rindou sitting up. His glasses slide down over his nose to his lips and Ran bites down a laugh. 
His little brother. His own flesh and blood. “I know what you want to ask so ask away and stop tormenting yourself.” 
“What is the point of me voicing it if you know what I wanna ask anyway?”
Ran sighs and sits opposite of him, spreading his arms on the sofa’s back and crossing his legs. He rests his head on one of his arms, tilting it at an awkward angle that just looking at him makes you feel uncomfortable. “Because I want to hear it from you.” 
“Can you promise me not to do anything with her?” 
Who is her goes without saying. It’s you. 
Before answering Ran shrugs, licking his insanely perfect white teeth and tilting his head backwards, he closes his eyes, sighing. “Why?” 
“Because we don’t have a lot of trust-worthy nice people around us, Ran. I don’t want to end up choosing between you and her, because the choice is fucking obvious. Let’s keep it friendly coded.” Rindou sounds desperate. His words are crude and raw and honest. He calls out to his brother, already knowing, that whatever plea he invokes it’s lost in the vast void of Ran’s feelings. Rindou is confused, but he wouldn't be who he is today, if not for his ability to stand his ground. So he takes a deep breath and continues. “Listen, Ran, do you think it’s safe to date? Like we are not what we were before when it was just fucking around and punching randoms outside. Tenjuku is serious. Izana is fucking serious. Shion is a mad fucking dog and Kanji is crazy. Sanzu is only behaving when he sniffs a line. Out of them only Kaku and Koko are the only…” 
“Rin.” Ran raises a hand to stop his brother. He sits straight and for a very long time looks at Rindou without saying anything. He searches for the right words and then his mind is going blank because all he knows is that there’s something rotten inside of you. And Ran wants to carve it out. He saw it the first time you two met face to face the night you were assaulted. From that day all he wants is to tug at your insides, clean what hides behind your ribs, reach your soul and make it his. Make you pure and perfect again. He has no idea how to communicate all of this to Rindou so he says the most blatant shit neither of them believes, but they both eat it up anyway. “I wasn’t planning on doing anything. And most definitely I wasn’t planning on dating her or anybody else.” 
“Good.” Rindou purses his lips and his face loses all its colour. His tan is not helping him a bit. “Thank you.” 
They sit not moving or speaking for a little bit, settling in a comfortable usual silence. Ran looks at the table in front of him and Rindou stares at the huge floor to ceiling window. He can’t see shit from his place. Just a bit of neon lights and the building across. Better than nothing. Those simple things keep his mind occupied until he hears Ran standing up. He turns his head in his direction and catches a towel slipping down Ran’s hips. Rindou screams. 
“Why. Is. This. Shit. Always happening to you? Are you doing it on purpose?”
“Why are you always reacting like you’ve never seen it? We go to sento every other week.” 
“Doesn’t mean I wanna see your dick! It was a fucking jumpscare!” 
Ran grins. “Big and scary?” 
“Don’t be fucking stupid. Go put some clothes on.” 
The atmosphere shifts and suddenly everything is back to normal. 
They both love each other very much. 
part 23. 
The desire not to let his world incorporate you fails. The fall is sudden, not expected at all and Rindou thinks it was him who jinxed you all, because once you get obsessed with something - in both ways, negative and positive - it will for sure crawl its way into your life. 
That’s why when Ran points at your back asking Rindou if his eyes are not lying to him and it’s really you, he is not surprised. Perhaps he was even expecting something like this to happen. Just not so soon. 
It’s the middle of December. The weather is so cold and windy you feel it in your bones. At least it’s not snowing and roads are walkable. Not that Rindou or Ran walked. They both arrived in Ran’s new Honda NSX-R he bought second-hand not long ago. Though he never cared for cars, his white slick Honda became his obsession. He doted on it more than he ever had on any other thing. Besides Rindo, that’s it. 
The small, but still spacious club in Roppongi is full with people. Loud music hits every wall and then gets back to the middle of the dance floor, shaking everything that gets in the way. The floor is constantly vibrating and the smell of alcohol is so sharp it intoxicates even those who aren’t drinking, boosting the wild environment. People dance and drink, most of them being underaged, but because they are part of one or the other gang, they are in. 
You are not the one to complain though. You got in only because of your best friend’s brother. 
From where they stand - a VIP zone - Rindou can’t really see if it’s you, but his gut feeling tells him yes. He knows for a fact that you were supposed to go out today and now he regrets he didn’t ask for details. Maybe somehow he would've talked you out of it or not show up himself. Half of the Tenjiku are here and what is the worst of all S-62 generation too. Except for Izana, but he was never big on clubs or parties. 
Would it be too impolite to not greet you? Would you even notice that? Have you noticed them at all?  Neither of them can say. Communicating only with their eyes, Ran urges his brother to follow him. He is both intrigued at what are you doing at famously delinquents only club - not that ordinary normal people are never here - and why are you doing chatting up Toman members. So he pushes forward to you through the crowd. Rindou is closely behind him. 
When they approached your group, the smile from everybody’s faces vanished. Haitani brothers are never good news. It seems everybody knows that, but you, because you grin and a bit tipsy you give your hand out to Ran. He laughs, his laugh is velvety as usual, and shakes your hand for longer than needed.  Now everyone's eyes are on you. 
“I didn’t know you would be here!” You say surprised, clearly happy to see him. Much to his delight and your friends' confusion. “Is Rindou here too?” 
“Yeah, of course he is. I saw you from there.” Ran slightly turns his body and shows you where he and Rindou have been up most of the night. You listen to him attentively, focusing really hard on what he says and lean a bit closer when you can’t hear him. “... decided to say hi. For how long are you gonna stay here?” 
The answer is lost on your tongue because Rindou, clearly pissed, shows up right in front of you. His cheeks are slightly pink. It might be from alcohol or from the heat of enclosed space with so many people in it. That you too can feel. 
Rindou waves at you and glares at Ran. You laugh at their interaction. You’ve never been out with them both before rather than at your convenience store near the house and seeing them behave exactly like you are used to when they are at your place or you are at theirs is pretty relaxing. 
“Those are my friends. My best friend is here and this is her brother.” You introduce your company having no idea that they already know each other. “And this is Ran and Rindou. We are neighbours and really good friends.” 
Neither of them shake hands or smile at each other. The tension that fills the air is tangible. It’s slicky and warm. You want it gone. Puzzled you look from Ran to your best friend’s brother and then to your best friend who shrugs her shoulders. Lastly you look at Rindou whose eyes are not angry anymore, but sorrowful. You frown and step closer to him, wanting to ask what’s going on, but Ran speaks first. 
“It was nice to meet you. You all have fun.” 
With that he waves at you and disappears into the crowd. Rindou, not saying a word, goes after him, throwing a haste look at you. 
He thinks what just happened was fucking embarassing. 
part 24. 
This club is a neutral territory - it’s in Roppongi so informally it’s controlled by the Haitani brothers - but misunderstandings still happen. 
Neither of your friends said much to you after Rindou and Ran left. Two questions asked were how did you know them and if you were close. That’s all. The party continued and the gloomy face your best friend’s brother wore for a short time dissolved under the influence of alcohol. 
You tried to search for either of the brothers scanning with your eyes the dance floor, the bar and the DJ booth. Nothing. The VIP zone was closed off and no matter at what angle you looked you couldn’t see past its dark curtains. 
Sudden encounter left you with a bitter taste. You felt like you did something wrong. Said something that you weren’t supposed to say or acted in an unexpected way that everybody hated. The cruel flavour of iron is strong in your throat. Distress doesn’t depart from you the whole evening. 
The fight that happens that night inside of the club is almost fatal. You didn’t see much of it starting, but music comes to a halt and then lights are on and it’s blinding and the shouts and sound of skin being ripped and crushing bones are speaking for themselves. Some people rush out of the doors which causes a massive panic. Somebody is calling the police and then when this fact is made public the panic intensifies. 
You freeze clutching your best friend’s hand. She hurriedly speaks to her brother, nodding her head when he responds. There’re  shouts from everywhere and people are rushing by you to the exit. Everything and everyone falls to silence when a guy jumps off the stairs to where the fight is happening - in the middle of the dance floor. He is around the same height as Ran and might be the same age or close. What catches your eyes is his tattoo. It goes all the way from his temple to his neck. The V-neck sweater he wears is perhaps on purpose so everyone can see it. Just as the shaved left side of his head. 
“It’s Shion Madarame, one of the Heavenly Kings.” Now that it’s so silent you can hear your best friend’s brother whispering it. “We need to get out. It’s gonna get really violent.” 
That is when you notice that the entrance is blocked. Nobody’s moving or speaking or perhaps even breathing. Everyone’s attention is on Shion. 
“Whatcha you guys think you were fucking doing?” He spits at the floor before pulling out metal brass knuckles. He puts it on his right hand almost teasingly. So lazily, his every move seems to be captured in slow motion. He laughs when he raises his head and sees pure animalistic fear spreading on the faces before him. Adrenaline is kicking high. 
Those two guys that started the fight are no longer opponents. They might even forget what they were fighting about. 
When Shion without any warning lands a fist to the first guy's chest, the poor creature flies to the wall behind him hitting people standing there. This guy is taller and more muscular than Shion, but still he doesn’t fight back even when Shion straddles him and punches his face. Nobody really does anything. They all watch and watch and watch. Violent smell of blood evaporates every other.
Somebody cries. 
The fight - which in all honesty is not a fight at all, but a massacre since no one stops it or intervenes and neither of the boys show any resistance - turns into killing. From where you stand you can’t see the details and now you wonder what those two unlucky boys looked like. You can’t tell and probably none will in two months or so; the damage Shion has done to their face is beyond recognition. 
You spot Rindou sitting on the stairs. Ran stands next to him twirling the baton in his hands. He is talking to some guy you see for the first time. They all are unbothered by what’s going on beneath them. Rindou is the only one who intently observes every move of Shion. But it doesn’t seem like he is regretful or anything like that. He scrutinises every move with a purpose of remembering it so he can use it against someone else later. That much is evident. 
The guy next to Ran has a buzz cut and huge peculiar scar that you think he might have earned in some fight. Receiving it for sure hurt like hell. It doesn’t make him appear ugly though. This guy looks almost gentle. Especially when he smiles at something Ran said. You wonder what in this situation might seem funny to them, but then you have no clue what they are talking about. 
Soon, another guy with long white hair shows up on the stairs. He wears a mask and you can’t see his face, but he seems young. Younger than you. He too is obviously in a gang. Masked as he is, he shoves himself in between Ran and the guy with a scar and says something. Rindou hears it as he turns his head into their direction. 
“Shion! That’s enough. Let them be.” Ran gets down the stairs and stands behind Shion’s back who continues punching the guys as if he is not hearing Ran. Probably he is not. The excitement in his body is too much; it clouds every other feeling. “Shion! Stop! Police are on their way. Come on. It’s enough.” 
Still, nobody moves. Nobody tries to escape. The next thing you know is Ran raising his baton and the sharp sound of air sliced in two fills the club. He strikes a couple of times. That much you counted, but it got to be more, because blinded with rage Shion throws himself at Ran. 
Rindou is quick to assist his brother as well as the guy with the scar. The only one who remains on the stairs is the guy with the mask. You hear the baton working again and then Shion is screaming. Ran laughs. 
“Come to your fucking sences, Madarame.” Spits the guy with the scar and then he turns to the crowd. “What are you all still doing there? Get those two to the ER and… Shit!” 
His last words are lost in the noise of the police siren and people shouting. Whatever that paralysis was, it's now gone. Everyone is pushing and kicking again. You hold your friend’s hand for dear life. It’s easy to lose each other. 
Somebody’s hand is on your shoulder when you are halfway to the exit. You think that someone mistook you or was just grabbing you to remain on their feet. However the person tugs you at them and annoyed you look back to see who it is.
It’s Ran.
He says something and you shake your head indicating that you can’t hear him. Not with what’s going on around you. It’s a mess. He visibly sighs, his chest going up and down. He then steps forward and says something to your best friend’s brother. They exchange some words quickly and then you all are led back from where you came by Ran. 
Hand in hand he takes you through the personnel area to the emergency exit. 
Outside it’s colder now than when you came. You shiver and he looks at you. His eyes inspect every bit of you as if he wants to make sure you are okay. You are. He seems satisfied by it. 
“We all should be going. How did you come here?” He again speaks to the brother of your best friend. 
“By car.” 
“Good. Get your girl and friends and get going.” Ran turns to the left where his own car is parked in the distance. Your hand still lays in his. Without second thought you go after him. 
No one thinks of correcting him that the girl is his sister not his girlfriend. No one cares.
Police sirens are getting closer when your best friend speaks up. “Isn't she coming with us?”
Ran stops, confused, he looks at you and then at your friends as if he doesn’t understand why she is even asking that. “No. We are neighbours. I’ll take her home.” 
“Did you even ask her?” It’s your friend’s brother. There’s irritation in his voice. You’ve never heard him speak like that to anyone. 
“Are you trying to pull this Toman noble cavalry shit on me now?” You see the baton for the second time today. It has red stains on it. He stretches his hand with it pointing at your friends. “Cause I am really tired and not in the mood to…” 
“It’s okay.” You intervene by putting a hand on Ran’s wrist. “It’s okay. I don’t mind going with Ran. I trust him. You have nothing to worry about.” 
There’s another smug expression of satisfaction on Ran’s face. His body relaxes and he drops your hand. Without saying anything he lazily goes to his car, unlocking the door for you first. You get inside.   
As you pass by your friends you give them a wave and they nod at you. 
Everything seems to be okay.
part 25.
After fifteen minutes in Ran’s car you notice that he isn’t in fact taking you home. 
You were busy looking at his car, its leather interior, the busy lights of Tokyo and Ran himself. 
“I am taking us to my favourite ramen place. It’s a bit too far, but they serve the best shoyu ramen and are open 24/7. Me and Rin are regulars there.” It’s Ran who breaks the silence first. His voice is soft and he is back to being Ran you are used to hanging out with. Confident and firm, and almost a little bit gentle.��
“How is Rindou going to get home?” You ask what worries you the most. “Will he be safe?” 
“Totally. He’ll stay with Kaku. You probably saw him today. The guy with a scar?” 
“Oh. Yes.” 
“He got it in an accident when he was a kid. Kakucho is the coolest. He might seem scary, but he is very loyal and even kind.” You stop at the red light and Ran looks over at you, you who is staring at him. “Were you afraid today?” 
“Were you afraid when you met those bastards in the alley?” 
“Not really.” 
“Not really?” 
“Yes.” He is clearly waiting for more explanation, because it’s not normal to not being afraid. Everyone would be afraid. You both understand as much. You sigh, crossing your hands around your chest and straighten up in the seat. You look at the road ahead when you start to explain. “My sister’s boyfriend is in the gang. They aren’t just simple motorbike gangs that are fooling around, throwing punches and you know the rest. They are full on criminals. He got my sister on drugs. She overdosed five times. He got her pregnant too. She aborted the kid. And I’ve seen him and his people doing worse than Shion did to those guys today. These all are not new for me. I’ve seen it before.” 
Ran hums. His long fingers caressing the leather of the wheel. He accelerates, rushing forward before traffic lights change. A few cars that are on the streets at this hour irritatedly honk after you. Inside the car the outside world gives the impression of decorations. Nothing seems real. You get this feeling for the second time. 
Once on the train and now again. With Ran in his car. 
“How’d you know Shion’s name?” Ran asks, his attention again on you. Whatever he was thinking shoved aside.  
“Everybody was whispering his name when he jumped on the dance floor. Are you in the same gang?” 
“You can say so.” 
“And the guy with the mask too?” 
“His name is Sanzu and yes he is in Tenjiku too.” 
“He seemed young.”  “He is sixteen. Two years younger than you and Rin so don’t brag.” 
You scoff and Ran smiles. Then he gets serious. You sense it with every pore of your body. His car is a sport type - or so you think - and there isn’t much space. It’s comfortable though. You aren’t feeling confined or trapped. But that must be just Ran. His mood is transmitted well enough. That too, however, must be just Ran.
“I might come off as a hypocrite, but they are toxic to each other. I don’t know how it’s in Obihiro, but here in Tokyo every other guy in a gang I know, treats his woman well if they have one. Those who aren't, they don’t have a girl. Shion for once. He fucks around, but nothing serious. Girls who are with him know they aren’t forever. Are they still together? Your sis and that guy. What position does he hold in the gang?” 
“They are or at least they were when I left. She doesn’t speak about him much, because I hate him and throw my hands at him every time he is in my way.” You stop, suddenly remembering how once you slapped him in the face in front of everyone in your school. He didn’t lay a hand on you, said some stupid shit about how fierce you are, hopped you sister on his Kawasaki and left. You were small and that’s why you believe he didn’t hit you. You weren’t sure he wouldn’t now, but maybe you just never knew him at all. You roll your head on the headrest and look at Ran. “He is some kind of executive or so I heard. I have zero clue about hierarchy and how it goes in the gangs. What position do you and Rindou hold?” 
“I am one of the four Heavenly Kings and Rin is my second-in-command. Kakucho and Shion are the other two and then we have Mochizuku, but you haven’t seen him yet.”  
Ran parks the car outside of the small shop. You have no idea where you both are. You’ve never been to this part of Tokyo. It’s very peaceful here. There are no people outside and the buildings around show no sign of their inhabitants being awake at this late hour. In front of the shop, just a couple of metres away you spot a middle aged man with bright red tenugui tied around his head. The man is smoking sitting on his hunches. When he sees Ran’s car he smiles wide and stands up, waving his cigarette at him. 
The conversation is lost and you are somewhat happy about it. Discussing Tenjiku with Ran, you crossed the line Rindou so carefully built and guarded. It almost feels like a betrayal of some sort. You still were much closer to Rindou than to Ran. Wouldn’t it be more right to discuss all these with him and not Ran? 
Whatever is right or wrong doesn’t matter anymore. You all don’t belong in the world where it does. 
Inside the ramen shop it’s warm and the smell of broth fills your nose helping you realise how hungry you really are. What alcohol you had at the club is out of your system, but the after starvation it always brings is here. You wonder how amazingly our bodies work and how it can sober up and get rid of any influence when a dangerous situation is inflicted upon it. Amusing. 
The man happily chats with Ran and you follow them both to the distant booth in the back of the room. It’s closed off and has a curtain for privacy. Another VIP zone. 
“You sit here. I’ll be back in a minute.” 
With that you are left alone. Not for long. After a couple of minutes Ran returns with a menu, a bottle of sparkling water and a grape soda. He puts soda and a menu with a pencil in front of you and sits on the red and brown leather couch opposite you. The menu is one of those where you need to check what and how you want your food to be done. You take a pencil in your hand and read, your eyes following different variations of ramen they have here. 
“Order tonkotsu ramen. You’ll like it.” Recommends Ran. He opens the bottle of water and takes a very long sip. “Even the water here is god-like.” 
“Isn’t it Suntory?” 
“It is, but it’s more delicious here. Wait until you try their ramen and you'll understand what I am saying.” 
Naturally, when ramen arrives and you make a first sip of the broth, Ran is looking at you expectantly. You try noodles, pork belly, onions and enoki mushrooms - you put those additionally because when you came upon them in the menu you suddenly realised you were craving them - on its own. And then you try everything together. The taste is rich. It is delicious. 
You look at Ran and nod your head, smiling. 
“Told you. The best ramen in Tokyo. It’s sad they do not make Mont Blanc here. The Mont Blanc I like is in another part of Tokyo.” He pouts. 
“We can try to make it at home if you want.” 
“Really? You can make Mont Blanc at home?” 
“Ran, you can make anything at home. Like literally anything.” 
He grins at you thinking he might marry you right here on the spot. 
He doesn’t say it out loud. Instead he closes the curtain and indulges in his shoyu ramen. And your company. 
part 26. 
On the 24th of December you leave for Obihiro. Your parents are excited you are coming and for once they seem like a proper family when you call them beforehand to inform what time you’ll arrive home.
Rindou is the one to take you to the bus station.  “You shouldn’t have made all this food for us.” He tells you when you sit on the bench near your bus. Your small luggage at your feet. “And you went out and made this insane dessert for Ran. He is totally not worth it.” 
You laugh, but your laugh is sad. You don’t wanna leave. “I made twelve of those. Each day I’ll be missing. And I made all this food so it won’t smell like salt and vinegar chips on our balcony. You gotta eat normally, Rindou. And I also left gifts for you two.” 
His eyes widen. He adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “You are way too kind to us. Do you know when was the last time someone gifted us something? Never. You shouldn’t have.” 
“It’s in the small bag. I wrote your names on top of it. Shoot me a message if you like it.” 
The lady on the speaker announces boarding for your bus. You stand up, take your small bag and together with Rindou you stand near the door not ready to say goodbye just yet. He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it and whatever he wants to say stays imprisoned inside of him. [Forever].   You hug him and he hugs you back. 
Without saying another word to each other you get inside the bus. 
He doesn’t leave until your bus is out of sight. 
part 27. 
You celebrate New Year with your parents and your sister in the warm family house in Obihiro. You all exchange gifts, watch fireworks and take a lot of pictures. Your absences united your family the way your presence never could. 
After the dinner, you and your sister go to visit the shrine as you do every year when your phone beeps. 
It’s a message from Ran. 
my favourite place to eat mont blanc is now your place. can't wait for it to be open again. 
haha. i’d say you are cute if i didn’t know you. 
i think i am pretty much cute and handsome
btw i like the drawing you did of me 
rin is so jealous 
tell him he should take me out somewhere and if the atmosphere is right i’ll draw him too
can i message you later? me and my sister are visiting the shrine
i won’t tell him that
ofc. be safe. happy new year. 
happy new year ran 
Rindou calls you later. He says you shouldn’t listen to Ran and he liked his sweater all right. He says he bought you something too, but no matter how much you begged him to say what it is he wouldn’t tell you. You promise to message him the time you arrive so he’ll pick you up and then he hangs up. 
You miss them too. 
[Ran messages you exactly fifteen minutes after Rindou’s call. You are still at the shrine and your sister isn’t happy you are on you phone again, but you still reply to him. Every time he messages you do.] 
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nadiajustbe · 2 years
Day 2
Best Creature
Creatures. Spirits, demons, foliots, djiini, marids... They all swirled in the universe that the great scholars of the past called the Other Place. A universe that made every self-respecting magician feel nauseous and lose his appetite at the thought of it. Something mysterious, scary, and deadly to the average person. That's why Nathaniel had always perceived it only as words encased in spell runes, a tool needed to chain his servants in his magical chains.
That's why, of course, he didn't divide them - they are all bloodthirsty and dangerous, ready to kill and harm you at the first opportunity, at the slightest mistake. That's what his mentor had once said, that's what the echoes of voices in the cramped, closed office had once whispered in his ear. And Nathaniel really thought he had never questioned it in all his years.
One clear algorithm - summon, give a well-worded order, wait for the proper result, let it go. It makes no difference whether it is a weak foliot, a boastful djinni, or a powerful marid. And Nathaniel really thought he was doing everything exactly right every time.
However, all his confidence was shattered by one silly exception: Bartimaeus. Of course, Nathaniel found a reason for this - because as a young boy he had made a mistake when this demon learned his true name. From that moment on, such a great power became even more difficult to control, to keep in check. And that's why he singled him out among all the others, why he kept him two full years on the Earth, why he felt an unpleasant tugging in his whole body at the thought that one day Bartimaeus might be summoned by someone else. Of course, there was an explanation for his behavior. An absolutely understandable explanation, quite natural for a magician.
He wanted to believe it.
But when the window pane shattered in his mind with an unbearable crash, when his eyes seemed to be unfocused, and the words ceased to have their former meaning. When, amidst the confusion of his thoughts, he was able to grasp only one clear thought...
Then Nathaniel realized that all he had ever really known how to do was deceive himself.
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dtupdates-archive · 11 months
♡—DREAM was active on DreamFanartAcc! He liked:
nice costume 🎃 (+rt)
My friends and I baked cookies today!!
late twitchcon art🫨
I’m gonna be honest idk why I drew this but drubbles :0
i just, ,want to see #dreamfanart
Yippee free iron! :D
I've only animated a handful of times but I'm quite happy with how this turned out.
That one pic has my heart
no mountain's too tall!
he looks amazing 😭🫶
BlobRoll 🍃
dnf moments from George's birthday stream.. THEYRE INSANE 😭🎉 (+ rt)
dreamie 🐋
surprise 🎀 (+ rt)
BOO! 🎃
just your average dream stream
☆ POP. ☆
talks a lot. listens (while he rages)
(late) halloween doodles
gnf bday stream >>>>
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best-titan-7274 · 1 year
what do you think about 6-4 team? any ideas for drubbles with them?
Man I feel bad about taking this long to reply just to say I don't have any ideas- maybe one of my followers does? You guys have fic recs?
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how-very-salty · 2 years
It's time to sleep. But first:
1. Kiss on the neck
Tumblr media
Yeap, new chapter royally fucked up on ao3 (chapter 5/35) and fluff-drubble-sequel of turn on the radio. Link under more.
And now I gonna go to sleep, I really need it 😴☠️
Tomorrow I'll do everything that's couldn't do today. I hope it's...
Drubble (pure AU) :
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jamtoasties3316 · 1 year
Remember sweet little lando? Maybe he s given to Max as a gift for his victories ? Totally at his service. Sucking his cock while Max is doing press conferences, on camera, right before quali, then right after the race. ..
Little lando is kept stuffed at all time when Max isnt here ? Plugs in his little hole and pussy, and a paci (dildo) to suck on
Oh yes! Dan is back at red bull and they have some claim over Dan's sweet toy now too, andnDan is more than happy to show them off, and is close enough to msx that he agrees lando can be Max's gift foe a while.
Lando is a good boy for Max, sloppily sucking his cock whenever max wants him too and his tight holes available for the Alpha whenever he wants he looks so sweet drooling on the dildo paci with his ass and pussy working on the plugs in him!
Max also quite enjoys caring for Lando, has a similar big crib that Dan had made, made for his driver room as well so Lando can be there, and definitely makes a show out of changing Lando's diaper after the bad little baby came in there and peed himself, or when he is redressing Lando after knotting him and Lanso is all giggly and knotdrunk, pussy gaping and drubbling cum! And he makes Lando wear cute little dresses too!
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