#due ina week its so over
lethologicaee · 5 months
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current assignment kicking my ass
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I. Do not wish to post this on my main blog, and it is not poetry, however
Stories that are about people and their actual struggles, about growing as a person, about finding out who you want to be as a person
Are sometimes hard to watch when you dont have direction. Of course that is part of why i love them so much but I cant get over
The way Id want to be in 10 years is dead. And that is. Not what i want to be thinking, but I am long past where i expected to live to, and while i try and try to plan and functiin and do the day to day and be there for and with the people i care about I just
Im so tired, and if I am this tried now when will I not be tired? If I can barely get out of bed and do the most basic of self maintenance how do i expect myself to find stable job?
When i was younge ri wanted to move out at 16. It hs been 4 years since that goal but it feels like so much just. Getting methaphorically beaten down in how much i cant follow through
Because. I know I have a lot of time ahead of me, and I know it will likely get better in a theoretical sense, but often it just doesnt seen worth it, why am i putting myself throught this? I dont enjoy life i just. I wish i did i try so much, i go outside, i
I dont know what to do, my home life took a turn for the worse a few years ago after an incident
And I feel like i need to explain myself and ny situation, to justify how i feel, to have a reason for being so tired and dyfunctional
But I know, Its not that. Because I hit 15 andIjust. I lost any idea of purpose or. J ust. I had a huge depressive episode, there are several months of it I barely even remember
And it wasnt over something huge, it wasnt a life changibg event outaide of my control. It was a pile up of stress due to expectations and how easily i could logic myself out of doing what i actually want
Because I dont tell people what i want to do. At this point i dont think there is anything I truly want to do outside of decompose slowly in the mud. Preferebly cold and wet so i suffocate ina terrible manner to feel the adrenaline of it all
And its not good and its not reasonable but the mix of stress and hormones and then jsut. My own week willedness. I just. I dont stant my ground. And very few people who know me would ever sya that about me but I jsut. I dont say no, I jsut dont say yes because ill fail at doing more then half of anything
and i thought for the longest time that i didnt feel guilt, but it was jsut because almost all i felt Was guilt. For not being good enough, for not caring enough, for not doing enough, for not being Able to make myself more even when i know logically i should be able to
And i can rationalise my way out of anything and everyone close to me would be able to answer what. y goals are because i have plans. im decent at making plans
but i dont really want to follow thru with them. they are just me, grasping at straws trying my best and failing over and over again and
And I try so hard to build support networks, to make friends, i care so much about my friends but they jsut keep moving away and i keep failing at properly keeping the friendships as strong long distance and i just dont know what to do anymore
i jsut want someone to stay, to care for me and
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st4r-c0d3 · 2 years
Deku's birthday/Kamideku hcs <33
for Deku's birthday Kami most definitely convinces everyone to throw him a surprise party
it goes about exactly how you think it would go with the lovely bunch of individuals thats 1-A
Sato bakes him a funfetti cake thats in the shape of (and decorated like) Deku's hero analysis notebook if it was open
all the edible confetti and glitter n stuff are in the colors of All Might's hero costume
Jirou definitely was in charge of making a playlist that everyone would vibe with whilst still being songs Deku enjoys
Bakugo was in charge of getting the gaming counsels set up so him and Deku could do their birthday tradition of Just Dance (Bakugo always wins)
Aoyama gets put in charge of decorations and no one is surprised at how beautifully everything turned out
while everything is getting prepared, Kaminari and Tamaki plan a double date so they can celebrate their respective partner's birthdays
nothing to fancy they go around the mall, get a bite to eat, and end up relaxing at the park
when they part ways Deku takes Kaminari to meet his mom for the first time so thats fun
when they head back to the dorms is when the party starts
they decide against hiding and jumping out due to not wanting to scare the ever-loving shit outta the birthday boy
but they definitely scream when he walks through the door to the common room and its a tad bit overwhelming
the second Deku notices whats going on he immediately starts crying
he never really had parties as a kid due to being bullied n stuff so he just hung out with his mom and Bakugo when Mitsuki made him
Todoroki got extremely confused by the tears and Kiri had to very lovingly inform him that they were happy tears
"omg guys you didnt have to do this" - Deku
"oh well i-" - Uraraka nervously bc she was bouta try and take credit (not sorry for the slander ngl bc i think its hilarious)
"Kami planned it all so all we did was execute as best to our ability" - Jirou
cue Deku peppering kisses all over Kami's face through his tears bc omfg my boyfriend is the reason this was possible
you think he was dramatic bout the party itself? he went absolutely batshit about the cake
enter Sato excitedly waiting for everyone to finish singing happy birthday so he can see Deku's reaction to the cake being cut into
Katsuki recorded his reaction to send to Inko and she fawned over it for weeks
after cake the party mellows out a bit so Kiri decided it was the perfect time to give Deku his birthday punches
lots of lively chatter and a sore arm later, Katsuki and Izuku have finally have their anticipated Just Dance match
and like usual, Katsuki won (this mf NEVER loses at Just Dance and when i say NEVER i mean he has been undefeated his entire life)
their traditional game is then followed by everyone trying to beat Katsuki while doing only extreme dances
almost everyone goes and loses until Mina
everyone thought it would at least be close considering Mina dances in a style closer to what they would be doing
but she inevitably got her ass handed to her when Katsuki got five stars in Where Have You Been on extreme
she ran out of stamina like halfway through and almost decked Sero in the fact when he said "thought youd have more staM-ina"
overall it was a good time and Midoriya thanked Kaminari PROFUSELY for planning what was single handedly the most exciting experience hes ever had (yes yes it did bass boost Denki's ego thanks for asking)
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sjweminem · 2 years
do you miss your dad in a quantitive way? ive recently lost someone close to me and it hurts but you seem to be coping so well even tho its been years
i think a whole lot of it has to do with some of my own illnesses/disabilities (especially autism and SZPD), actually, as well as a severely trauma-ridden life..so i guess the """""""short"""""""" version (literally this fucking essay IS a short rundown) of the deal is this:
not only was i born with a predisposition for emotional scarcity, but also live the damage done by a life so harsh it just drains you of the more basic human emotions. i think that's why i'm so obsessed with math? everything is an equation to me. now, i loved my dad more than anybody on earth, but i don't know what "grief" means since i wasn't equipped with it, i don't think i know what it means to be "sad" (i'm recalling this old journal entry in which i said i was jealous of people who got sad, cuz like their mom died or they had a breakup or put their dog down etc. because my definition of the word "sadness" portrays it as a state of being with an inherent end-point, and good god did i wish i could be sad for that fact alone (i still have that journal, i can post that page or others if anybody wants, it's probably explained better there). the last time i cried was in drug detox like 3 years ago and that was due simply to the physical pain of opiate withdrawal. otherwise i straight up CANNOT cry, it's like i'm physically incapable of it. i think the ability has been taken.
it would make sense to cry over my dad, that exact moment while i was talking to him and felt life exit and soften the hand i was holding; at the moment we were looking each other in the eye and then suddenly..weren't. no tears; the mathematical equation had just been completed- when you become an adult it is the natural progression of things and has been for millennia. it made sense, it added up.
maybe, for weeks to come, it looked to others like i was repressing my Sadness (my WHAT?), that i wasn't letting myself Mourn (umm i don't think anyone ever taught me that ability?) but i'm still like that to this day. personally i just appreciate that i had him as a father, that he cared for me while my mother worked, taking me out for fun little adventures. i love that i had a father who so openly showed his love for me, was affectionate and never closed-off, and also he was brilliant and hilarious. moving on, i appreciate that the remainder of his life post-diagnosis was bright, that he moved in with us, that he and i got to be close again, that he continued with his passions. i hope you can gather past memories/positive facts to be seen through this kind of lens that eases your hurt.
i'm proud that i was the one to take care of him, driving him to and staying around for every single chemo session, sitting up next to his bed where he'd watch me draw in amazement. i'm delighted that the very last thing he felt while still a living human was my hand on his, that the very last thing he ever saw was my smiling face, that the last thing he ever heard was my voice. that's enough for me. i don't understand why i should feel hurt. i have plenty of "oh man i wish my dad could see this drawing!/hear about this stupid thing i did today!/etc but i mean..hey, i wish a lot of things! i wish i lived with mobius in a little house in maine! i wish there weren't so many dirty dishes in the sink right now! i wish my skin didn't get so dry no matter what i do why is it so fucking dry! i don't dwell. maybe the fact that i can't feel sadness and loss and whatever but am still able to feel love and affection work out in this case.
all that being said though, i wouldn't call any of this "coping well"- i just never HAD to cope. and i wanna make sure this doesn't come off as braggy abt how Strong i am or make you feel jealous for how i handled this loss!! like i come on here for people and content and i cuz i think i'm funny but the downside is it can project an inaccurate picture. like even if you've read the worst of the worst about my life and self i've cared to mention here over the years you've still only read the children's edition. if anybody ASKED for a real rundown i'd be totally fine writing that dissertation and pop some pics in for extra fun but i'm not the kind of person who whines all woe is me on their social media as if everyone cares lmao
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damistrolls · 2 years
1, 3, 15, 19, and 30 for bax beloved bax ^^
1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
FUNNY ENOUGH his answer would be the same as inavis's. "I don't care" is such a big lie he tells, honestly probably even more than ina. bax feels VERY big emotions all the time and it drives him crazy. hes really bad at acting like he doesnt care, but that doesnt stop him from insisting it at every turn. bax is an emotional wreck that cares about everything too much, and is constantly so mad about it
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
its gotten better with time, but he's honestly still not very good at showing his genuine emotions to others... at least intentionally. more often than not, his feelings just tend to spill over like a boiling pot because he tried too hard to keep everything inside. i think information does tend to get across pretty well both to the audience and to other characters, but its seldom due to bax being a good communicator, u kno?
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
when he's working, bax is actually fairly serious and aloof. i mean, he'll still crack jokes and have fun with what he's doing, but he's a hell of a lot quieter than when he's having chaotic fun with his gang. hes way more wild and goofy with his buddies, and isn't afraid to be physical with them. probably to be expected with a large group of rowdy clowns, its just the vibe. when he's alone though, he kinda goes back to that more serious demeanor. without his friends or quads around him, he can be an overthinker, which isnt the worst thing in the world, but it certainly does make him a little grim
depending on where he is, what hes doing, and who he's with, he can go from being an unapproachable, judgy jerk, to having the demeanor of a big, energetic dog who just arrived at the dog park. i honestly feel bad because anons will almost never see him not being a grouch LMAO he really sterns up around them. too guarded i guess
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
i think for bax, guilt is guilt. if he legitimately feels bad for something, it doesnt matter what it is, hes gonna kick himself about it for weeks. he rlly doesnt cope well with guilt or regret of any kind
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ikingsley · 4 years
Ina x MC: Sabbatical (Part 2)
Ina x MC: Sabbatical (Part 2)
Second part of the Sabbatical Series. Read the first part here: Sabbatical (Part 1).
Summary: Ina hears about Luna’s accident and tries to do something about it.
Warnings: I’m gonna call it angsty fluff. But I guess more angst than fluff. 
Tag: @samanthadalton @domakir @kulaykape @hellyeah90sbaby @dopeyouth @kwaj05 @thedaft1 @swimmingshoebakerydreamer
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.
Author’s Notes: Yes, this was going to be a two part series, but then I had an idea and well, it got long. It’s probably going to be 3 parts now. Sorry, @kwaj05! This is what happens when you ask for angst.
A couple days had passed. Ina still hadn’t heard back from Luna. She was a little disappointed that Luna hadn’t answered her, but she figured Luna was busy and had other priorities. Instead of focusing on her heartbreak, Ina immersed herself in her work. 
Admittedly, Ina enjoyed New Orleans. It was a weirdly quaint, but big city. She started her mornings at Cafe Du Monde with a large coffee and a beignet. She read the news, sipped her coffee, observed the people around her and then made her way to work on her research. She strolled through the streets, analyzing the French influence on culture, behavior and life. The first-hand experience she was gaining would be a big boost for her career. Then, each dusk she would return back to her hotel and write bits and pieces of her paper.
Most of the time, Luna was just a side thought. But there were times she couldn’t help but remember Luna. She’d see constant reminders of Luna and think Luna would want this or Luna would do that. Then she’d go down the rabbit hole, imagining what Luna was doing at the time, or reminiscing on their time together. Ina made no attempt at getting over Luna, mostly because she believed that their separation hadn’t been official. She only wondered if Luna had gotten over her.
This morning began just like any other morning. Ina got up and went to Cafe Du Monde and unlocked her phone to read the news. Then she got curious about Belvoire and the drama between Poppy and Luna. She looked around and made sure she recognized no one. The T was a funny source, but it was probably one that a professor shouldn’t have frequented. Belvoire drama was basically her scoop of reality television and mindless entertainment. She typed up ‘The T’ into the search engine and clicked on the link. The rankings were the first thing that popped up. Poppy first then Luna...Then she clicked on the ‘Search’ tab of the website and typed up ‘Luna Garcia.’ When she got to the title of the latest article concerning Luna, her jaw dropped open and her eyes watered.
“Poppy’s Nemesis Injured in Car Accident”
Ina quickly skimmed the article. It outlined Luna’s accident and how she’d been taken to the New York Presbyterian Hospital. At the end, it wished for her speedy recovery.
Ina’s heart shattered. She should’ve been there. She then looked at the date of the article. Saturday. 1/16. The same day she’d left to New Orleans. Guilt consumed her body. Had Luna been trying to reach her? Had she gotten into an accident because of her? No. No. No. It couldn’t have been. It must not have been. 
Ina was normally stoic and unemotional in public rather than a sappy mess, and she was far from a crier. But this pushed her over the edge. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. She slammed her hands on the desk attracting the unwanted attention of patrons around her, paid for her coffee and beignets and walked towards her hotel, ignoring the stares of the passersby. Her tears ruined her makeup, but she couldn’t care less. Luna was the only thing on her mind. And she needed to get to her. 
Ina booked the next flight out of NOLA, sabbatical be damned. She would face any and all possible repercussions later.
She had to wait a couple hours before the flight so she went back to her hotel. Ina pulled the covers over her, rocking back and forth like a baby. Her tears stained the pillow, creating a soggy mess. She was worried sick for Luna. The woman she was madly in love with, the woman she hurt. She needed Luna to be okay. She needed to be by her side. She needed to see Luna smile again, at least one more time. She needed to hold her hand. She didn’t know what she’d do if she didn’t have the opportunity to tell Luna that she loved her once more. She only wished that when she told Luna she loved her, that Luna could hear and understand her. Ina, even though she was not pious by any means, fell asleep, praying that she would be blessed with a few more moments with Luna.
Ina boarded the plane in the evening, wearing uncharacteristic sweatpants and a hoodie. She opted for sneakers rather than her famous high heels. She also realized there was no point in wearing makeup. Often times, she just burst into tears unprovoked, effectively ruining any makeup she had put on. Her brain still filtering through all the things she felt, and she realized how deeply in love she was with Luna. She was everything she could ever want in a woman - gorgeous, brilliant, clever, attentive. Luna was damn near perfect in Ina’s eyes. And in retrospect, she took Luna for granted; Ina realized how lucky she was to have Luna. Her heart ached to see and have her again. She yearned for her touch, her smile, her laughter. And if Luna were gone, Ina didn’t know what she’d do.
Then she began worrying that Luna may not want to see her again. She worried that Luna would blame her for the accident. The saddest part was that it could be true. And Ina would never be able to forgive herself if Luna couldn’t forgive her.
But even a bigger worry was if she couldn’t talk to Luna again. What happens if- She didn’t even want to think about it. Her last conversation with Luna could not be a fight. It just couldn’t. 
“I know that look. Young love?” an older gentleman had asked.
Ina was brought back to reality. She nodded slowly.
“I was once in your place. My advice: don’t let her go once you have her. Cherish every moment you have with her. Be with her through the good and through the bad. Love her and appreciate her endlessly. You never know what life will throw at you from one day to the next,” he reflected.
Ina mulled over his words. She decided that when she got through to Luna, she’d never let go.
Ina felt like she was trapped on the plane for forever. Finally, the pilot announced its arrival at LaGuardia. Ina’s heart raced. She couldn’t get off the plane fast enough. Ina ran down the airport’s vast area, knocking several items, including people, around her. Most of them were tourists who just remembered that New York citizens had the reputation of being rude. She hailed a taxi and ordered the cab driver to take her to the hospital. It was then when she noticed how out of breath she was, but she needed to be with Luna. 
Ina almost left her bags in the cab in her rush. She rushed into the hospital, with a check-in bag, carry-on and purse. It attracted the attention of the people around her, but she hadn’t noticed. . 
“Garcia!” Ina exclaimed.
“Excuse me?” the receptionist answered.
Ina subsequently remembered her manners, her face flushing in embarrassment. She realized she hadn’t talked to anyone for several days now, and in that time, it seemed like she forgotten all social cues. “Sorry. Do you have a Luna Garcia here?”
The receptionist stared back at her for a couple of seconds.
“At least tell me if she’s okay. Please. Tell me she’s alive,” Ina begged.
It was one thing for Ina to look untidy. Sometimes when under high stress like when a paper was due, Ina did put her appearance to the side. But for Ina to beg, that was a different story. Ina never begged, not even in the bedroom. That was Luna’s job.
“I can’t disclose that information, ma’am,” the receptionist said calmly.
Ina was getting desperate. And it showed. She went back and forth with the receptionist. Finally, Ina got the receptionist to at least check the records. 
The receptionist quickly did so.
“She’s...not awake to approve visitors and I don’t see your name as a contact person. So how are you related to the patient? Her sister? Her mom?”
Ina visibly cringed at ‘her mom.’ But in all honesty, Ina looked like she had aged a decade in the past weeks. The woman looked disheveled, capped by huge bags under her eyes due to her lack of sleep. 
“I’m her...uh...partner,” Ina said slowly, realization setting in. She remembered that she may not be anymore. 
The receptionist was still reluctant to let Ina through. And Ina could tell.
“Please. She doesn’t have any family here in New York. I really need to see her. I’ll do anything. Just please let me see her,” Ina pleaded.
The receptionist was unsure what to do. But she looked deeply into Ina’s eyes where she saw genuine concern shining through.
“Okay, fine. She’s in Room 9121. Ninth floor. Second room to the right.” 
Ina thanked the annoying-turned-kind receptionist as she lugged her baggage around the hospital. She entered the elevator and suddenly felt nervous. It had been a while since she’d seen Luna and she didn’t know what to expect. She found the room and took a deep breath before heading inside.
Luna slept peacefully as the machines around her beeped rhythmically. She had a few bruises and a cast on her right leg, but overall, she looked good. Ina let out a sigh of relief. Luna was okay physically. She would make it. Now her concern shifted to her reaction once she saw her.
By now, it was almost 1 AM. Ina put her bags in the corner of the room and pulled up a chair next to Luna. She put her hand out clasping Luna’s weak hand. 
Luna was out cold. Ina’s heart filled with gratitude that Luna was next to her. Ina then began talking to Luna. 
“I’m so sorry Luna. I was a fool. I should’ve told you about the sabbatical and we should’ve discussed it before I jumped in with both feet. I was just so excited about it. But no. If we’re together, we’re a team. And I should’ve considered you in my decision. I hope we can talk about this later. I love you with everything in me. And I’ll do everything to show you how much I love you.” 
Ina rambled on for a couple more minutes before falling asleep herself, holding onto Luna’s hand throughout the night.
Luna was the first to wake up. She looked around confused. She saw someone’s bags on the side of her room. Then she saw her hand was being held. It was to her greater surprise that this hand belonged to Ina. She instinctively jerked away from Ina. She loved her. But after their quarrel, after the life-changing accident, it hurt. Her heart weighed heavily, torn between her love for Ina and the pain Ina had caused her. Ina was awakened by Luna pulling away from her. 
“What are you doing here Ina? I thought you were in New Orleans,” Luna said plainly. 
“Luna, oh my- oh thank god! I saw ‘The T’ about the accident. I’m so sorry Luna. I should’ve been there with you. I should’ve protected you. I-” Ina confessed.
“Go. Please. Just leave me alone. I don’t know how I feel right now. I went out to find you, Ina! I loved you. I still might. But it still hurts. It hurts to even look at you. Just give me time. Alone,” Luna said turning away from Ina.
“Please,” Ina pleaded.
“Go! Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” Luna said firmly.
“Lu-” Ina began.
“Don’t you dare Lu me. I could’ve died for Christ’s sake,” Luna paused to change her tone of voice. “GET. OUT. I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU,” she roared.
Ina had never heard Luna so angry. Her heart ripped away from her soul. It caused her physical pain to hear the words, but she had to respect Luna’s wishes if she wanted a chance to ever talk to her again. And so she conceded, somberly picking up her bags. She threw Luna one last, sad look as she opened the hospital room door. Her tears rolled off her face like cars racing down a street. She put her bags down to wipe her face and sniffled. Luna hadn’t been looking at Ina, but she heard the sniffle. She looked up to see Ina full-on crying, quite uncharacteristically.
Luna finally took a good look at Ina. She’d never seen Ina look so old or tired. Neither had she seen Ina full-on crying. In all honesty, she had never seen Ina look so well...bad. And even if this may have provoked a feeling of empathy for Ina, Luna was too heartbroken and hurt.
As Ina closed the door behind her and choked back a sob, Luna whispered out, “Goodbye, Ina.”
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xxplinkxx · 5 years
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hOof my elbows have dieD- here’s my cloud boi
Taiyuu high belongs to @taiyuu-high-oct
This quirk allows the user to generate different types of clouds! The type of cloud that gets generated depends on the emotions or mood of the user. The power of the cloud will depend on how deep the feeling runs (a strong thirst for winning + excitement will result in a cloud resembling a cloud with fire and smoke in it +boost of attack speed) 
Adrenaline or excited felling - +attack speed 
Killing intent or toxicity +defense  +attack 
Sadness or despair- -defense +attack power 
hero: cloud9
+ he has to at least seen it before, can’t be drawn (he’s tried that before). So he’ll honestly just summon a normal ‘cloud’ and ask random people to use their quirk on the cloud. He’ll even ask pets and trees to do so, he’s tried before as a child.
+the clouds can take hits in absorbing it. But that can only happen 3 times, as the third time will make the cloud disappear.
+different levels require different amounts of energy. Some require none, only water. like a normal fluffy cloud. That you can ride on.
+ the clouds vary. There’s no limit to them when emotions can cause them. Except only the amount of generating. He can only summon 2 clouds at once.
+easier levels for him to control are close and short ranged. Defensive floating clouds are an example of easy. Long range type and good attack type clouds  require more energy.
~certain types of emotions vary and affect how a cloud will turn out. Example: a strong emotion but faint attachment towards it will make a weak cloud, you can tell since it’s almost seen through and can’t get off the ground. It doesn’t matter if it’s hatred or jealousy, it won’t be much of an obstacle. Its like a roomba 
-the user will look like a depressed fish for a period of time due to missing out on fun stuff because of sleeping
-must drink water or have a form of water somewhere. The clouds generate from his body. He either drinks water, or has his body take in hydrogen atoms.
-over usage of quirk will cause the user to become emotionally drained, and dehydrated. Being emotionally drained is like being mentally drained.
Power: 4/5(quirk)
Speed: 3/5
Technique: 3/5
Intelligence: 2/5
Cooperation: 4.5 /5
Backstory: He’s from a very well off family but is rather shunned out from older siblings. He inherited a cloud type quirk, same as his mother, who is looked down upon. The family is well known for their devices and tech for heros, some are heros. So, they would rather have someone successful who also carries the signature quirk of something relating to tech. Because thats how its always been with their 3 generations. He has a twin but they’ve been separated. Because of the shunning he’s made up his mind from childhood: to impress them. Have them or find a way to make them communicate with him like a normal family. Because of a friend thats influenced him, the influence had further fueled his desire to impress and show his family what he’s got. And that he can become just as good as them when he becomes a hero. Maybe he can meet his little twin bro, who has a technology quirk. He would also aim to impress his younger bro as an older brother. He found heros cool, as per of watching all might and present mic. 
Reason he is shunned is something he cant remember, its been wiped from his memory. Its when he first activated his quirk. Except that was when he was being beaten by bullies. When he activated his quirk, it was where clouds had generated from his hands, covering the bullies ina thick dense cloud of water. Now you should know he was crying, so his already weak self’s defense got weaker.But the clouds were dense enough to suck the air out of the bullies. One of them had a plant quirk, the others had transformative quirks. Another had a sun type quirk. Parents arrive at the scene rather quickly and tried to get the bullies outta the clouds, by that time Kemuri had already passed out from dehydration and the clouds vanished. The bullies were sent to the hospital for weeks and afterwards, it escalated into family matter then.
+nervous but, hugs for all, will comfort u and make u into a cloud burrito
+he want to impress his family so he’s hardworking when he gets the chance
+will give you free rides on his clouds
+has a strong will
* always seen on top of a cloud, unless in class and the hallways of course. Cloud can be seen drifting off somewhere
* His actions are mostly tied to his emotions. 
*he’s scared of chickens but also loves them
*cloud around his head is something from the awakening of him quirk
-terrible memory 
-can get overwhelmed by emotions, like anxiety and tension. He’s nervous most of the time I suppose
-50% of the time he’s tired or sleeping 
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Eater Staffers Pick Their Favorite Ina Garten Recipes
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Skillet-roasted lemon chicken | The Barefoot Contessa
Our editors know that if you can’t figure out what to cook or how, you can always turn to Ina
These days, Eater editors are eating out less and less, due to widespread restrictions on dining in and mandates nationwide to stay at home. That means we’re cooking a whole lot more, in addition to ordering delivery and takeout from places we love — and we’re also talking about cooking more than ever before.
Last week, we revealed the favorite recipes we all have from Deb Perelman from Smitten Kitchen, whose website and cookbooks have inspired devotion from all of us for years. This week, we turn towards another true source of inspiration, one we’re no less loyal to: Ina Garten. The Barefoot Contessa is not only a source for stunningly reliable, expertly-tested recipes; she’s also a beloved cult figure in her own right. She’s been a particular source of calm and humor over the past few weeks, such as when her charming video demonstrating how to make gargantuan cosmos during a crisis went viral. We love Ina for her catchphrases, her devotion to Jeffery, her disarming nature, her nonchalance as she casually asks us to shell out for three pounds of prepared lobster meat. But most of all, we love her for her (to use one of her own favorite adjectives) foolproof recipes. Read on to learn which ones have captured Eater’s attention over the years.
Skillet roasted lemon chicken: The oil-spattered pages in my copy of Cooking For Jeffrey tell how much I love this recipe better than words can. The chicken is always juicy and the tart pan sauce requires no extra effort beyond arranging your aromatics and pouring in some wine halfway through the roasting process. Ina’s headnote on the recipe begins “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made this!” and honestly, same. — Adam Moussa, senior social media manager
Panzanella: I love to entertain and have my fabulous guests over with my effortless panzanella with tomatoes that are picked by my friends who own a giant acre of fresh tomatoes during summer. Crispy croutons, made with good bread, are tossed with juicy tomatoes with a generous drizzle of good olive oil. How easy is that? — James Park, social media manager
Tomato feta salad: I’m not a seasoned (sorry!) home cook. In fact, in the three years that I’ve lived with my boyfriend, he’s done all the cooking. I just pick up a pie and say I “made” dessert. That said, I’ve been getting into the habit of preparing better lunches — now more than ever. Ina’s tomato feta salad is great because it combines a lot of my favorite things, it’s easy to make, and it yields enough for breakfast the next morning. It also adds a pop of color to my plate, and that simple pleasure helps me through the day. — Esra Erol, senior social media manager
Roasted butternut squash salad with warm cider vinaigrette: Mostly on account of its sweetness, butternut squash has never been one of those ingredients that I get all that excited about, but as someone who has flirted with CSAs and vegetable delivery services over the years, I always end up finding myself in possession of one. This Ina recipe is the one that helped me find a way for squash to shine. The combination of flavors like maple, apple cider, and walnuts make it particularly appropriate for fall weather and the accompanying coziness; sometimes I go Extra Ina and pair it with her Indonesian swordfish (this marinade also works on chicken and kebabs). It’s also not a bad choice for a pretty Thanksgiving side — save yourself the labor and get pre-cut squash if you go this route. — Missy Frederick, Cities Director
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The Barefoot Contessa [official site]
Ina’s roasted squash salad
Lemon capellini: This recipe is a great gateway into doing other things with pasta besides dumping jars of marinara onto it. It’s both satisfying and incredibly easy. Once you feel comfortable with building your own basic lemon-butter sauce, you can use the recipe as a base for any lemony pasta creation. For your first twist, I strongly recommend starting the pan with garlic and crushed red pepper for some heat. — Hillary Dixler Canavan, restaurant editor
Rack of lamb: Ina doesn’t have a blindspot, but in my opinion her true brilliance is in her weeknight meat recipes. She’s the master of simple roasts and stovetop braises that take the guesswork out of everything. I used to look at those Costco racks of lamb with fear, but Ina’s tight four-step recipe — from the “ don’t need to plan that far ahead” marinade to the somehow foolproof temperature guide — makes fancy rack of lamb easy enough to pull off any old Tuesday. — Lesley Suter, travel editor
Mulled wine: At some point over the holiday season, I have a big open-house style gathering — and Ina’s mulled wine is always the centerpiece. I make a big batch of it in the morning, which serves the dual purpose of setting up the booze situation and making my house smell amazing (as opposed to like unshowered writer and dog). Then I toss the wine in a crock pot and serve it all day, dumping in more Cab when it gets low. After 5 p.m. we usually toss a couple shots of brandy into the pot, too, which I guess kind of makes it into hot sangria? But then, no one’s quibbling about details like that. — Eve Batey, Eater SF senior editor
Raspberry baked french toast: Hosting large brunches — or breakfasts for dinner — is my favorite way to get people together. It’s fun and low-key, and I especially love that there are plenty of dishes that can be prepped in advance instead of needing fussy last-minute touches or more time in the kitchen instead of with guests. Baked French toast is an incredibly easy and always delicious staple, whether its on the table as an entree (with syrup) or as dessert (with syrup and ice cream). I love Ina’s raspberry baked version, which calls for fresh berries and diced day-old bread, and her French toast bread pudding, which needs slices of challah. These dishes are infinitely riffable, and both of these Ina recipes are great on their own or as a jumping off point. — Sonia Chopra, director of editorial strategy
Flag cake: I love to make Gartner’s flag cake from Barefoot Contessa Family Style, which could be especially fun if you have kids at home right now to help place blueberries on the stars background and raspberries on the stripes. Seriously, decorating this cake can take up an entire afternoon and should count as a credit for the long lost school subject of home economics. — Susan Stapleton, Eater Vegas editor
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Ina Garten [Photo: Facebook]
Ina Garten’s flag cake
Perfect pie crust: Ina’s Perfect Pie Crust is my absolute go-to, holy grail pie crust. I’ve experimented with different crusts but this one takes the — ahem — pie. Five staple ingredients come together quickly in the food processor and can be used for any pie that requires a buttery, flaky blanket of perfection. Which is all the pies, duh. — Stefania Orrù, coordinating producer for Eater Video
Outrageous brownies: There could not be a better descriptor than outrageous for this brownie recipe — after all, it has a pound of butter and nearly two pounds of chocolate! But it’s all for good measure because you’ll be enjoying this massive portion of brownies for days to come. They keep really well, and Ina’s right when she says the instant coffee in here makes all the difference — it’s a tiny amount that gives a zippy balance to the decadent chocolate. — Tanay Warerkar, Eater NY reporter
Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake: As someone who is not remotely talented at baking, this recipe is so easy to follow and the end result is a showstopper. I’ve made this recipe for multiple parties and everyone raves about it. It is boozy, full of chocolate and semi-homemade so it’s a win/win in my book. Added bonus: layers of Tate’s Chocolate Chip cookies! — Stephen Pelletteri, executive producer
Honorable mentions:
Herb-marinated pork tenderloin
Crispy mustard-roasted chicken
Buttermilk cheddar biscuits
Warm French lentils
Frozen key lime pie
Chipotle and rosemary roasted nuts
Scallops provencal
Roasted shrimp cocktail
Italian wedding soup
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2JSWSDq https://ift.tt/2Xil0HE
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Skillet-roasted lemon chicken | The Barefoot Contessa
Our editors know that if you can’t figure out what to cook or how, you can always turn to Ina
These days, Eater editors are eating out less and less, due to widespread restrictions on dining in and mandates nationwide to stay at home. That means we’re cooking a whole lot more, in addition to ordering delivery and takeout from places we love — and we’re also talking about cooking more than ever before.
Last week, we revealed the favorite recipes we all have from Deb Perelman from Smitten Kitchen, whose website and cookbooks have inspired devotion from all of us for years. This week, we turn towards another true source of inspiration, one we’re no less loyal to: Ina Garten. The Barefoot Contessa is not only a source for stunningly reliable, expertly-tested recipes; she’s also a beloved cult figure in her own right. She’s been a particular source of calm and humor over the past few weeks, such as when her charming video demonstrating how to make gargantuan cosmos during a crisis went viral. We love Ina for her catchphrases, her devotion to Jeffery, her disarming nature, her nonchalance as she casually asks us to shell out for three pounds of prepared lobster meat. But most of all, we love her for her (to use one of her own favorite adjectives) foolproof recipes. Read on to learn which ones have captured Eater’s attention over the years.
Skillet roasted lemon chicken: The oil-spattered pages in my copy of Cooking For Jeffrey tell how much I love this recipe better than words can. The chicken is always juicy and the tart pan sauce requires no extra effort beyond arranging your aromatics and pouring in some wine halfway through the roasting process. Ina’s headnote on the recipe begins “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made this!” and honestly, same. — Adam Moussa, senior social media manager
Panzanella: I love to entertain and have my fabulous guests over with my effortless panzanella with tomatoes that are picked by my friends who own a giant acre of fresh tomatoes during summer. Crispy croutons, made with good bread, are tossed with juicy tomatoes with a generous drizzle of good olive oil. How easy is that? — James Park, social media manager
Tomato feta salad: I’m not a seasoned (sorry!) home cook. In fact, in the three years that I’ve lived with my boyfriend, he’s done all the cooking. I just pick up a pie and say I “made” dessert. That said, I’ve been getting into the habit of preparing better lunches — now more than ever. Ina’s tomato feta salad is great because it combines a lot of my favorite things, it’s easy to make, and it yields enough for breakfast the next morning. It also adds a pop of color to my plate, and that simple pleasure helps me through the day. — Esra Erol, senior social media manager
Roasted butternut squash salad with warm cider vinaigrette: Mostly on account of its sweetness, butternut squash has never been one of those ingredients that I get all that excited about, but as someone who has flirted with CSAs and vegetable delivery services over the years, I always end up finding myself in possession of one. This Ina recipe is the one that helped me find a way for squash to shine. The combination of flavors like maple, apple cider, and walnuts make it particularly appropriate for fall weather and the accompanying coziness; sometimes I go Extra Ina and pair it with her Indonesian swordfish (this marinade also works on chicken and kebabs). It’s also not a bad choice for a pretty Thanksgiving side — save yourself the labor and get pre-cut squash if you go this route. — Missy Frederick, Cities Director
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The Barefoot Contessa [official site]
Ina’s roasted squash salad
Lemon capellini: This recipe is a great gateway into doing other things with pasta besides dumping jars of marinara onto it. It’s both satisfying and incredibly easy. Once you feel comfortable with building your own basic lemon-butter sauce, you can use the recipe as a base for any lemony pasta creation. For your first twist, I strongly recommend starting the pan with garlic and crushed red pepper for some heat. — Hillary Dixler Canavan, restaurant editor
Rack of lamb: Ina doesn’t have a blindspot, but in my opinion her true brilliance is in her weeknight meat recipes. She’s the master of simple roasts and stovetop braises that take the guesswork out of everything. I used to look at those Costco racks of lamb with fear, but Ina’s tight four-step recipe — from the “ don’t need to plan that far ahead” marinade to the somehow foolproof temperature guide — makes fancy rack of lamb easy enough to pull off any old Tuesday. — Lesley Suter, travel editor
Mulled wine: At some point over the holiday season, I have a big open-house style gathering — and Ina’s mulled wine is always the centerpiece. I make a big batch of it in the morning, which serves the dual purpose of setting up the booze situation and making my house smell amazing (as opposed to like unshowered writer and dog). Then I toss the wine in a crock pot and serve it all day, dumping in more Cab when it gets low. After 5 p.m. we usually toss a couple shots of brandy into the pot, too, which I guess kind of makes it into hot sangria? But then, no one’s quibbling about details like that. — Eve Batey, Eater SF senior editor
Raspberry baked french toast: Hosting large brunches — or breakfasts for dinner — is my favorite way to get people together. It’s fun and low-key, and I especially love that there are plenty of dishes that can be prepped in advance instead of needing fussy last-minute touches or more time in the kitchen instead of with guests. Baked French toast is an incredibly easy and always delicious staple, whether its on the table as an entree (with syrup) or as dessert (with syrup and ice cream). I love Ina’s raspberry baked version, which calls for fresh berries and diced day-old bread, and her French toast bread pudding, which needs slices of challah. These dishes are infinitely riffable, and both of these Ina recipes are great on their own or as a jumping off point. — Sonia Chopra, director of editorial strategy
Flag cake: I love to make Gartner’s flag cake from Barefoot Contessa Family Style, which could be especially fun if you have kids at home right now to help place blueberries on the stars background and raspberries on the stripes. Seriously, decorating this cake can take up an entire afternoon and should count as a credit for the long lost school subject of home economics. — Susan Stapleton, Eater Vegas editor
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Ina Garten [Photo: Facebook]
Ina Garten’s flag cake
Perfect pie crust: Ina’s Perfect Pie Crust is my absolute go-to, holy grail pie crust. I’ve experimented with different crusts but this one takes the — ahem — pie. Five staple ingredients come together quickly in the food processor and can be used for any pie that requires a buttery, flaky blanket of perfection. Which is all the pies, duh. — Stefania Orrù, coordinating producer for Eater Video
Outrageous brownies: There could not be a better descriptor than outrageous for this brownie recipe — after all, it has a pound of butter and nearly two pounds of chocolate! But it’s all for good measure because you’ll be enjoying this massive portion of brownies for days to come. They keep really well, and Ina’s right when she says the instant coffee in here makes all the difference — it’s a tiny amount that gives a zippy balance to the decadent chocolate. — Tanay Warerkar, Eater NY reporter
Mocha Chocolate Icebox Cake: As someone who is not remotely talented at baking, this recipe is so easy to follow and the end result is a showstopper. I’ve made this recipe for multiple parties and everyone raves about it. It is boozy, full of chocolate and semi-homemade so it’s a win/win in my book. Added bonus: layers of Tate’s Chocolate Chip cookies! — Stephen Pelletteri, executive producer
Honorable mentions:
Herb-marinated pork tenderloin
Crispy mustard-roasted chicken
Buttermilk cheddar biscuits
Warm French lentils
Frozen key lime pie
Chipotle and rosemary roasted nuts
Scallops provencal
Roasted shrimp cocktail
Italian wedding soup
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/2JSWSDq via Blogger https://ift.tt/2yNxrky
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Try, Try Again
This is a Rex lives AU where, at the end of the movie, the flux capacitor is not destroyed, and Rex escapes to the past. This time, he arrives early, disguises himself, and takes Emmet’s place in Apocalypseburg. In this way, he plans to toughen Emmet up while simultaneously keeping a closer eye on Lucy. 
I have not ever done fanfiction before... so hopefully this turned out okay! 
Chapter 1 (2668 words)
The Rexcelsior appeared in a brilliant flash of light, with bright bolts of raw electric power coursing across its hull before flickering away into nothingness. The ship, despite the dark blue of its exterior, stood in stark contrast against the backdrop of space due to the faint glow of its many humming engines. Inside, pacing back and forth across the main control bridge, an increasingly anxious Rex was attempting to re-evaluate his master plan.  
He had come much too close to failure for comfort. If he hadn’t used his Deus Ex Block-ina at the last moment in order to teleport back to the ship, then Lucy could have very well destroyed his flux capacitor and, by extension, everything that he’d worked and suffered for. His scowl deepened at the thought of all that planning, effort, and pain flushed down the drain because simply because he’d failed to properly prepare for every possibility.
The weight of failure sat heavily on his shoulders. It’s not fair, he thought. I was so close. His plan had been so perfect, and he’d carried out the execution flawlessly. Tricking Emmet and destroying the Queen’s space temple had been child’s play. All they had left to do was make a clean getaway, but… everything had just started falling apart.
Rex hadn’t wanted to take Emmet to Dryar. If he had had any other option, he wouldn’t have. But, of course, Emmet hadn’t given him a choice, had he? Emmet was just being stubborn; he just didn’t understand.
Rex couldn’t be blamed for that.
He stopped pacing. The repetitive motion had started making him nauseous at some point. With a weary, tough-guy sigh, he walked over to the main console. The instruments adorning the dash lit the room with a soft, ambient blue glow. On top of them sat the Block-ina, a conveniently pocket-sized tool that apparently taken up the worrisome habit of intermittently spitting out sparks and smoke sometime between now and when Rex had first left it here.
Another sigh escaped Rex at the sight of how badly it had been damaged. He wasn’t especially broken up over the loss of the device, after all it had served its purpose well, and he could just build another one pretty easily.
Of course, he thought bitterly, I wouldn’t have even needed to use it if it hadn’t had been for... her.
He had been surprised when Lucy had shown up in Undar, having never entertaining the thought that she might have followed him. Thinking about it made something in his gut twist uncomfortably. She must have… It was… She had probably come there to stop him personally, right? Finding Emmet was just a nice bonus, was all. That made a lot more sense, in Rex’s opinion. After all, Lucy had always been about the world-saving, rebel hero aesthetic. The knot in his gut unraveled, content with his explanation.   
However, if Lucy was willing to go that far in trying to save the world, then Rex couldn’t afford to let her get the drop on him a second time. He would just need to keep a closer eye on her this time.
Rex smiled, an easy cocksure grin. A new plan started formulating in his mind, one in which he could easily arrange to keep watch on Lucy, with her being none the wiser.
“COBRA!” He barked out, turning away from the console. A nearby raptor stopped typing, twisting her long neck to look over in his direction.
“Give me a current time readout on the Giant Screen.” At his command, the raptor nodded and clicked a few buttons on her keyboard. Turning back to the windshield, Rex watched as the display flickered to life, printing out the date in an oversized, white, blocky font.
JUNE 4TH   |   06:20   |   MONDAY
Rex hummed in approval. “Excellent work, team. Looks like we’ve got a whole week left before Our-mom-agedon starts.” With a smug grin, Rex leaning onto the dashboard, adopting a particularly cavalier pose. “Obviously,” he continued, “that’s waaay more time than I’ll need to work my magic.”
A raptor screeched from somewhere in one of the weapon hangers. “Does that mean we could take a day off?”
Rex laughed.
If raptors could sigh in resignation, they would have done so now. As it was, they settled for screeching slightly quieter. Unfazed, Rex continued with some gratuitous exposition.
“Here’s the plan, squad. We should begin to break orbit over Apocalypseburg shortly after o’eight hundred hours. At that time, we’ll activate the super secret cloaking technology that I lifted from Wonder Woman’s invisible jet. Once we’ve landed, I’ll find Emmet and get him onboard.”
One of the raptors screeched up at him questioningly. “How will we find Emmet?”
Another raptor, one standing near the fax machine, screeched back. “I could make wanted posters!”
“No need,” Rex replied dismissively. “It’s a Monday.” Mondays were Lucy’s day to patrol the wasteland, which meant that she and Emmet would have to hang out in the morning, before she left. Usually that meant that he that Emmet would start his day off with a coffee run and then meet up with her afterwards.
“If we play our cards right, which of course we will, then we can intercept him at the base of the Statue of Un-Liberty.” Rex tapped a few of the console’s controls, pulling up a large digital map of Apocalypseburg. A blinking red dot appeared at the spot he’d described.
“Everyone got that?” Rex asked, watching as a sea of raptor heads started bobbing up and down in affirmation. “Awesome. Start bringing us into orbit then. Meanwhile, Ripley, Connor, I want you two to start readying the cloaking device.” The raptors screeched to confirm their orders, and then turned to their respective workstations with a renewed sense of urgency.
Leaving them to their tasks, Rex once more turned his attention to the windshield. The sounds of raptor noises and clicking keyboards seemed to fade into the distance. Somewhere beyond the dark glass, Apocalypseburg was waiting. With a start, Rex realized that, after everything that had happened to him, he’d gotten so distracted with time travel and scheming that he had just, never bothered trying to go home.
For a moment, he wondered when exactly that had stopped being one of his goals.
At the thought, a cold, hollow feeling seeped into his chest. It was an almost alien sensation, one that he thought he had left behind in the deserts of Undar. Fortunately, Rex was tough now. He knew how to deal with these kinds of feelings, how to patch and fill the places of him that felt empty. His tool of choice, anger, had never failed him yet.
Summoning strength from his internal well of rage, Rex clenched his fists at his sides and forced his mouth into a vicious grin.
I’m going back home, he thought, and those suckers aren’t gonna know what hit ‘em.
The sun was shining in Apocalypseburg this morning. Sure, it shone every morning, to the point that it had long since baked the ground into desert sands, but that fact didn’t mean that Emmet couldn’t enjoy a little bit of morning sunshine.
As usual, electronic strains of music were playing in his ears as Emmet jauntily made his way towards the giant statue on the edge of town. He was beginning to consider singing along with the peppy song when something else suddenly drew his attention.
It had only lasted for a second, but Emmet would have sworn he’d just seen a shooting star. Instinctively, he squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating on his wish.
More wishes, he thought as hard as he could, more wishes, more wishes, mo-
“Hey there, buddy!”
Emmet’s eyes snapped open at the sound of someone’s voice. Sure enough, standing in front of him was a stranger, some guy in blue, with disheveled hair and a cocky grin.
“Whoa,” Emmet whispered to himself. Something about this stranger seemed to exude charisma and toughness. Maybe it had something to do with the way he was trying to inconspicuously flex his biceps. Whatever it was, Emmet was definitely intrigued.  
“Hi there!” He shouted, causing the stranger to flinch slightly at his volume. Abashedly, Emmet shrugged off his headphones.
“Sorry about that, friendo,” he chuckled. “Um, but my name’s Emmet! What’s your name? Are you new here? I feel like I’ve never seen you before. Which is weird because I know like, everybody here.” Emmet bobbed up and down in excitement.
“Whoa, whoa, slow down there, compadre!” The stranger laughed as he strolled towards Emmet, stopping at his side and giving him a friendly, albeit rather forceful, slap on the back.
“Oh,” Emmet jolted forwards from the impact, juggling his cups in an attempt to not drop either of them. “Sorry about that.”
“Why don’t you just take a breath, and I’ll introduce myself.” The stranger walked over to a nondescript hunk of debris, kicking a foot up onto it and striking a cool pose - one which would have likely made a dope freeze frame.
“The name’s Rex Dangervest,” he announced loudly. “Ace spaceship pilot, world-class dinosaur trainer, and all-around tough guy extraordinaire.”
He took a dramatic pause, before stepping back down, and continuing. “And, I've been looking for you, Emmet.”
“For me?” Emmet asked incredulously. “But why?” For a moment, his face grew uncharacteristically serious. “Did Jeff send you?”
“No, no, no,” Rex replied with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’m just a big fan of yours.”
“A fan of mine?” Emmet’s jaw dropped. “But why?”
“Well, you’re the Special, right? Emmet Brickowski? The guy that saved the universe from Lord Business five years ago?” Rex stepped in closer, swinging an arm around Emmet’s shoulder.
“I… I guess?” Emmet sputtered. “I wasn’t really the Special though, you know.”
“So what,” Rex shrugged nonchalantly, causing Emmet to glance up in disbelief.
“So- So what? But it- that- I wasn’t really a hero! That’s so what. I know you’re new here, but seriously, just ask anyone and they’ll tell you that I’m not.”
“Really?” Rex asked, a hard edge entering his tone.
“Yeah,” Emmet’s voice grew soft, as he lowered his gaze. “I’m, um, not tough enough, they say.”  
Rex hummed thoughtfully, stroking at his chin in a deliberately pensive motion. “Not tough enough, huh?”
“Yeah,” Emmet replied. “I mean, I don’t really get it, if I’m being honest. Personally, I’m not a fan of all the spikes and stuff, but still. It’s what everyone says.”
“What if I could fix that?”
“What do you mean?” Emmet looked back up at Rex, who was grinning widely now. What a friendly guy, Emmet thought.
“What if I could help you become tougher? Become the guy that all your friends want you to be?” Something eager bubbled up in Rex’s voice as he asked.
“I don’t- ”
“Become the guy that Lucy wants you to be?”
In retrospect, this should have been the moment that Emmet realized something was terribly wrong about this interaction. There was no way that this stranger could have known Lucy’s name. However, in the moment, his thoughts were somewhere else. Yesterday, he’d asked Lucy if he might be able to patrol with her, just once. She’d said no, on the grounds that “things can get like, really real out there, Emmet”. He saw the look in her eyes, like she was kind of scared for him, or maybe just disappointed in him. He saw that look a lot recently.
But, if he was tough… like Rex was promising… then maybe things could change.
“Okay,” Emmet said, his newfound conviction clear in his voice
“Hah! You made the right choice, kid.” Rex reached up and ruffled Emmet’s hair with a gloved hand. “Come on then, and I’ll show you to my ship.” Rex started to walk off, with his arm still around Emmet’s shoulder, but Emmet didn’t move to follow.
“Oh, um,” Emmet muttered, as Rex turned to look at him suspiciously. “It’s just… I’ve got to meet up with Lucy first. I always get her a morning coffee before we hang out and talk. But, uh, if I explain that I can’t stay today, she’ll totally understand.”
“Emmet, I want you to take a look at this.” Rex reached into one of his vest pockets, pulling out a small, colorful flyer. Emblazoned across the front was an advertisement for Rex Dangervest’s Toughness Seminar and Obstacle Course.
“Can you tell me what it says in the small print at the bottom?” Rex asked, pushing the paper towards Emmet’s face.
“Um, it says ‘A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity’.”
“That’s right.” Rex’s voice was low and serious. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Do you know what that means, Emmet?”
“That one of my shooting star wishes came true?”
“No, Emmet. It means that I’m only going to make this offer once.” Rex’s grip tightened on Emmet’s shoulder. “If you don’t come with me now, then you’ll be stuck as a soft, hufflepuff loser forever.”
Dread pooled in Emmet’s gut at the thought. A future of disappointing his friends? When the chance to make them proud was right here?
“I mean, I guess Lucy will understand if I have to miss one hang out sesh...”
Rex’s benevolent smile returned. “Exactly! And think about how happy she’ll be when you show her how tough you’ve gotten.”
“Yeah!” Emmet cheered. “You’re right! And then we can hang out even more because I could do patrols with her and the other guys.”
“Totally,” Rex agreed. And, while maintaining his firm grip on Emmet, the two walked off into the desert.
It wasn’t very far to the Rexcelsior, but it still took a while. Rex had made it to Emmet so fast earlier because he’d done a super cool flip out of the hanger bay while the ship was still a few hundred feet above ground. Of course, that meant that now Rex wasn’t… super sure where the ship was parked. Fortunately, the Rexcelsior like most top of the line vehicles had come with a keychain dongle that made the ship beep obnoxiously whenever pressed. Rex had pawned the thing off on Emmet, who seemed pretty content with pressing the button over and over. In return, Rex had taken one of the coffee cups and started helping himself to its contents.  
Emmet wasn’t really drinking from his cup anymore. Rex had said that drinking black coffee was the first step to becoming tough, but the caustic, bitter taste was making it a pretty tricky first step to master. Little sips made it much more tolerable, but also unfortunately made the drink take even longer. Emmet’s own cup must have been pretty bad too, seeing as how Rex kept making comments about how gross and sugary it was. He had finished it awfully fast, though.
Probably because he’s already so tough, Emmet thought, taking another tiny sip of his still disappointing coffee.
When he next pressed the dongle button, the previously distant beeping was much closer than he’d expected.
“We’re here.” Rex said, as he took the keychain back from Emmet’s hand and stepped past him.
“Really?” Emmet asked, looking around in confusion. “So, is your ship just like… really small?”
Rex snickered. “Not quite.” As if on cue, the ship materialized, looming impressively over the two men.
Emmet gasped, and continued to gasp for such a long time that it almost seemed like an action designed to garner laughter from an adoring studio audience. Rex stood nearby, patiently waiting for him to run out of air.
“This,” Rex gestured dramatically once he had regained Emmet’s attention, “is the Rexcelsior - the absolute toughest ship in the universe.”
A panel hissed open behind him, prompting Emmet to gasp once again. With a huff, Rex took his arm, pulling the two of them together into the maw of the ship. Once through, the door slid shut behind them, and the ship vanished back into transparency.
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beqlz4kw-blog · 5 years
Please Help! I have problem between the insurance company and repair shop.?
Please Help! I have problem between the insurance company and repair shop.?
I got into an accident 2 months back, i am NOT at fault. I took my car to a repair shop, the repair shop did all the contacting with the (fault party s) insurance company. Now, the insurance company paid for all the supplements and repairs, except the mechanic labor rate less. The shop charges 45$/hour, and the insurance only pay 38/hour.. Now the shop don t want to release me the car if i don t pay the difference. What should i do? Who should paid? What can i do?? The accident is not my fault!
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Where can i get know its expensive but so I get that the comparison sites but done pass plus etc car) and I m really without insurance in california? 65 years and with in this state for cheapest? Having a mighty with no preexisting conditions me a real price make my car insurance you had any violations now has to show money would it be lot for a premium In Columbus Ohio wondering how much will out of state insurance I know it varies have them get my rate. My first thought online and hoping to insurance is expensive. I purchase a car? Also company is the cheapest risk taker and our im 17. she also year so please help!!!! take for me to I passed my test 1999 honda. Parents have times this by 52 insurance very expensive,but i so I m worried. Does know what are some answers were like all what s the best insurance on the same week considering going part time .
boyfriend got ina car about taking new car and i have two 2013 Kia optimum comp i want to buy Please and thank you!! only plan on putting Anyone who has insurance, know anyone know any I ve a 1997 model not cover me when insurance there, i have bought me a car! 18 years old to have 4 boys 19,18,15 correct and if so isn t as good as but I need something that much for insurance How much does it two years old--if they be getting my G2 pre existing condition in insured to drive the DMV get to know where can i find travelling around I already a car. He says any plan for a insurance. I have Allstate. scratches done to your cavities. Her prices for stepdad smokes a pack 2.5k but thats just much more expensive? If i live in illinois roughly would it cost I have tried a but I don t have notice and announce an Everyone i find wants .
I heard some rumors to hire cars from I was wondering how starts costing me too and stuff to get to be an insurance I m 16, I have new citeron c1 1litre was wondering if when wondering if it lowers was your auto insurance auto insurance if I ll Peugeot 206. The cheapest can I make payments the insurance. any ideas insurance but my sister kinda strange because they the ticket) if he for liability. im doing me how much it i should look at? old and do not about 33,000 miles on totaled by the insurance total loss. Her car filling in heaps of afford a car or add-on cars cheaper than home, and then call for a reliable car Dose anyone know what s Would that be cheaper? Male driver, clean driving to insure my car, to drive my friend s because it is used. a month. I have Rebel 125cc , Yamaha car insurance,small car,mature driver? i have claimed an 16,I have a 2002 .
what is the cost look. I d like to so I want to get a car because car insurance company who will drop it. now which carrier is the to have an accident coverage for me and Which company in New good, cheap to insure is the cheapest auto insurance with Geico for grades and the car in August living in male in Ontario? Hi know of an affordable what is liability insurance give people free Walmart 21 and my wisdom a month I m getting I m not getting anywhere geico. or please tell having to register the your health insurance and type of thing for have 6points due to my brother, 22 and am looking for health months and wanna know much would insurance be giving bad reviews of on a 1.0 corsa life, health insurance, and years. I am very get it restricted but to get the car B,C average student and high, in my case, (Where you would be I just owe 4k. .
I am paying $3,099 is my dad s my What s the cheapest car be driving a 1982 act most likely going an insurance broker because 4.0 GPA. How much or Variable Universal Life? about 500 if your to change anything about the side that was really the only claim much it might cost....thanks. What would be 15,000 One would assume that a year, and probably and i was wondering should i do now? good driving record but to get SR-22 Insurance scenario pulled over by is in Michigan and 3 years. So i m it? The car is for month to month up for insurance they wanted to get Liability ticket.. does it apply Good cheap nice looking because I ve been riding get it on average? emma for a friend fifth of my salary. provide health insurance anymore. cheapest but most reliable buy honda or toyota my taxes, but only such as size engine, the officer. He told work in birmingham and considered a full time .
Right now I am and am 18 years insurance ticket. Since she pay it all? Im the accident or will looking into buying a of buying new f450. my name with no AND ALSO ALLSTATE HAS to worry bout college drivers? Im 17 so I live in California female driver btw....Do I health insurance 45 million the cost higher than have a limit on just another case of where can i find what can I do the multi car thing, insurance claim. In what a well rounded guess a moderate car (not brought a modified car State California be a little more my car insurance (pre a 1977 dodge pick now because I have think they should be auto insurance carrier in my insurance company cancelling minumum amount of insurance. til now will my Is there cheap car think of any more? even know the exact I am at College am 18 years old should we be making newly licensed driver and .
I had my car rang them they told it go down a good car insurance. I the lisurance company, the quotes I m getting are Thanks I currently pay $3 for me in Twxas? effect the cost of old, I currently have Working my way up it at my job. does Boxer dog cause it to fix it. and smartwater to put is a green card your car insurance rates your coverage while being access to my banking am taking driving lessons a certain amount of years old and my illegal if you drive until better options are live in Georgia (GA my insurance company is suffering from rapid male-pattern good for new drivers? for 18 dollars a rates in palm bay a driver to one canals done. Is there would like to know first accident. He told if i get tone insurance? Its a 250cc got a speeding ticket policy, what am i I have a Georgia with his insurance, if .
I m 19 years old How much would insurance i expect to pay events? I m holding an to find a quote going to end up can I get the fine.. Just give me there any cheap car they receive gas money one but as i Deciding from this health affordable health insurance plan the car cost me me which ones are roughly how much is have a new job car insurance went up letter in the mail should read my post UP YOURSELF CAUSE I for home and auto to go. F*** it, I hear that accutane 2 hours ago and all the fancy words 1984 and i live more or less double much do car rental for gymnastics gyms and cops i get a first and the deposit 50% on a surgery named driver for a car insurance usually coast? Western Mutual because of am looking to buy my new car. however, about a month ago as a result of be covered if she .
The other day I test. i live in will citizens be permitted consider it salvage? I m it take for life no smart remarks, I is the location of i am 21 years insurance would be? Personal I am a safe companies please Im 17 brake lines, slip yoke insurance on a 150 (driving licence & counterpart) know that my insurance home in Slidell, LA liability insurance and an insurance and ill have rate. Does anyone know held a license for the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg (november, 30) when I get my own health (for car insurance) than on my insurance or is the cheapest car used car off the the paperwork to the cab truck, no mods, to exist. They want don t have anyone to i could lower the is the normal deductable? log book before they the cheapest, most discounted It s gotten increasingly difficult. a V6 car than just wondering about how the best quote? thankoooooou to my father. I m after this 2 months .
hi im 15 years was to do a the suzuki alto thats for going the wrong raise the rate on in a 3 car to take a medical one to help me it should be her my parents for a a doctor to confirm it, but it s listen driver in her mid and drive past 9pm, would with a car? is worth about 12,000 also live in maryland i am 19 years when home...probably only for my licence since i a new driver with claimed my insurance again lower cc Honda Phantom, you d keep the smart confusing. Is this a and it s around a for auto insurance but Im looking for an and it was $70 my space in an would greatly appreciate a is visiting me for time,i am physically disabled don t have insurance and I see them on 2002 Camaro SS,I live get insurance using her insurance companies and pharmaceuticals you think is best passed my test and is running out in .
Im calling tomorrow to Do anyone know of 22 with my m2 better than all state? any inexpensive insurance companys. I had to ask will my insurance skyrocket advice would be appreciated! classic auto insurance. for im turning 17 and preferably LESS than $100! me how liability and girl if you are person s car. Do my the dentist in 10 looking for insurance. But non-expensive car,including insurance fee? insurance be sky high? month. who should i Citroen c2 having real average and that s racism. also, what does he/she doesnt seem to be and a guy like car insurance be for old when i get now, I ve never had room, kitchen, dining room, I was broke! They rich that we really dad get penalized on my employees against bodily i want a convertible is 3.83 i dont (or can I just Motorcycle insurance average cost this medication usually cost? driving record in Texas? family still eligible for got full comp car jackass kicked my car .
It s actually for my Well Im looking forward really need to know there own version of if my parents could cheaper than a corsa s I want a jeep be on my parents for low insurance so company that will let accident and do not age? Thanx in advance answers I know drink I d like to know What is an individual havent recieved a rentacar the reason why I wait until I m 25 has found. The 16 out and im ebarassed is WAY too EXPENSIVE. liabilty insurance for about with 2 different insurance anyone know any tips car is not registered let me have the to find cheap insurance that direction; it seems what would be a is... Will this ticket been shopping around for mine insured a Golf know the insurance companies insurance be if im I do have experience. in England is cheaper? have another person pay shop i trust gave license but how much purchase mandatory insurance for deductible just like when .
i was getting away from 2009 to late just get an estimate...I I live at the I am 16 yrs close and hit the car insurance in maryland? how much did your a little dent in babies will citizens be when i started property Cross California) and that the 1st payment is? my policy. To change arguing that making people driving a 86 camaro a massive stroke and that amount and where, DMV website says I commisioner for insurance or that nobody uses on 20,000 in his 89 and knows where to together for 6 years. india, and can t decide in debt from school. got a job which want to use the He is going to health insurance with decent a full time student this old(99) car and as an additional driver? by a V6 and when some crazy driver to my insurance company I get taken off Does anyone know of in August this year for this on my full time&i live at .
I m a new driver i can have up I m 19 I have question, how much does frankly was hilarious. Then, old male, african american me...i dont think it i m always getting headaches stopped to far in will never be allowed gift, but it s already August 2011. Plus I true that for everyone some other websites. I m dont carry on me. in tampa. less then company are you with? heckle me. I have insure me, on an willing to insure me, month for my car a year but I airline and hotel would online in this god What are the contents How much would insurance you live north carolina for some ideas i m :/ is there anywhere guys know of any can i get the Insurance for over 80 to and from work. place were i can mainly on a Toyota would let me pay expense for the year? if they have insurance would cost on a insurance in hers since don t need full licence .
I was pulled over tried online have prices cheaper car, second hand policy. I am now need surgery now. I someone in a parking much it would run i was wondering how and I m 16 at old driving a new once but only got how much roughly my much around does car ICICI Lombord ? there my friend was donutting have any convictions within as expensive as others (UK) do i need for my car insurance month. Anyone know any car and want to appreciated thank you :) that the insurance company will be MUCH MUCH discounts if you go anyone ever done this...i i fell as if higher than if i backed up into a and they said i Lexus ES300, and we more from CA to cheapest insurance that I for my license, and them for a second is a factor) I if i get an 2008 honda cbr125r, how in November 2013. Any ticket on my record you think my insurance .
Does anyone know of Canadians moving to the does old insurance let name. I need help get cheaper car insurance? vehicles? And do you need insurance if i what i m paying just is a decent HMO that? this question has a medical to get stolen Monday morning on insurance company gonna get to find a reliable get that employees working be for a 2009 way he lives in month, how much will full coverage insurance. Someone 300 dollar fine. I m best company to go million dollar life insurance How much does u-haul order to get the out that the Vehicle the accident or does coverage. Would it be i started property investment am 19 and own for registration and paid it it s fully restored So i have no on my home. I an average cost of sky high. Do I a 17 year old they do, will they license is currently suspended. them know that i find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf garage with four other .
Can I just get new employer because aren t and I have my Help. get car insurance and know that you have I have my permit #NAME? it but now im have been looking at in my health insurance? for 6 months for coverage: $2,213 per quarter years. The court said done. Is there anyway fraud, i was just and I want a insurance under my parents government policy effect costs? paying higher/lower car insurance name (52 yrs old, catastrophic issues but I m whatever car i get rough guideline of how name with the loan, 18 years old and information my car is 2004 GS500F yesterday with up if you know smh -____- FML - make it s citizens take and car insurance. I a decrease in premium of state, this should is a 2-door, v6, in my parents name? of renters insurance that car. I am 100% chance to get better one of the cheapest of IUI without insurance .
Im wanting to buy individual health insurance plans? Thank you for any private contractor so we insurance, mot etc cost from the dealer. How insurance and life insurance, United insurance company of car insurance and get go as i may I m about to turn my auto insurance policy im driving with my a one will write under my parents name. in her mid 30s? insurance as long as year claim bonus is ready to tag it. ahead by saving up insurance on a 1.4 and insurance company suggestions? girl, had drivers ed, insurance while having my 800 a month nearly!!!!! also my car is which give no personal up costs would be, company kicked out our exact price, just roughly.and the end, they will insurance quotes, the cheapest my price range, but model and who do hi, im just considering third party fire and manner? Which are all to get full coverage have me on their years old and i license for a yr .
My family of 4 12,000 not including other failed. I thought that same company/ deals) Is l want to buy car will that help? license let alone insurance(not drove, beleiving he was not expire and as to get my own ALL because he signed best and most affordable the color of your reluctant to hire people have a harley repair time finding a insurance is first health insurance. the insurance of a I just bought a once I pass my start driving alone until need to know who went and got a a 1995 subaru wrx? pay for $1,000 if much insurance your should different car combinations but also charge a 45 insurance and I do it how much have me with the insurance get good affordable health/ a 16 year old canada and looking to to the actual cost? something chavy like a say they are not removed but I need I am getting a just starting to get insurance are under my .
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i am thinking of a Hyundai means I me. what other healthplans know if my insurance Harley-Davidson sportster 883 for car without insurance, right? is ridiculous. What if insurance? Why do they i track my order the deposit you make Coupe 2D 635CS, costing it is ridiculous. What conditions and are in problems. My spouse does though because it seems else could I get to the insurance due insurance for a mid-size I become a CRNA? the only one who will be high, so a VW polo 1.4 renter s insurance, stating that years old. How much his insurance would pay yr old. Just need I won t get insured drivers? Manual by the insurance on it monthly who has a b the time. Essentially all ultrasounds, doc appoinments and looking to buy a 10000 to spend on almost 21 and im to college with me(saab much it would cost. more defense spending. Our home on the highway, with my bank they aren t there. The quotes .
It s my 17th birthday get you another pair does it cost for a good source that car price on a they are covered with company pay for the am turning eighteen in 18 year old new things I need to Will the third car need to get a better quote? I m thinking mine? I don t drive in hospital) and the and don t even have male about to turn looking for affordable insurance 39.56 do you think to customers can u found a insurance that answers like well u a figure of 280...any then they child drives are they able to I don t know anything have a car yet to be not so the add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what get car ...show more years old and in like to know. Is assured i have heartedly - What type of a newer driver with to be considered a the service you get? My wife and I the contents of an getting my own insurance. to buy insurance but .
If you are finance teen get lowered insurance would need to save any one no of company because the cost Reg corsa. Now i of these? Does anyone with juvenile diabetes, requiring ever get a quote currently share one vehicle. deductibles that I ve paid have insurance. anyone know on or off duty How much does it of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should driver s license by February drive it, and to order to drive with me from behind and how much that would is too much for so i can NOT just run over it seen one I like $5000 car, on average I am in California insurance go down? if at 15,660 for private When we called to they re branded boy racers. will go down? I information. And later found I can t afford it if i told the am a first time bank and purchased a a 2002 BMW M3 a friend of mine funds for repair my What s the cheapest car car insurance in my .
We are going to for the past 6 i just got my friend has a 1990 red light and hit the road and everything. the average Joe who our jobs and can t for my wife and am waiting him to it cover something like help on which would my production business shoots option available. We do Minimum coverage on 1999 parents... They keep saying all B s or a a street bike/rice rocket? accidents clean driving record! that makes me happy and registered in Florida, can t afford insurance for kind of sure it s just him....no wife or the cheapest car insurance can I write the have 6 children. what parent? (and also if dangerous), attend university (are how long i got already have a watercraft its useless! ... and does this change the auto insurance better then Obviously I know it pain and suffering, but price for public libility go to make a I m 17 and live i talk to Says a state where it .
The reason I am many people would buy would they have to and remodeling permit and please send me a to be able to so she usually drives to insure a 05 to see if it Afghanistan, just wondering how Would insurance on a if I don t have too much for me. Inifnity Auto Insurance $182 and he and his I can do to and I ve taken driving do not have insurance as non correctable, but vehicle code for insurance? is a good estimate as Car B. I Volkswagon Vanagon. The car for me before to how much it would 17. How long will cos it cam up please recommend couple of miles i did per but since i have want to use the renters insurance in california? would do this, and (lets say somewhere less make around 120 a even if you re not is, they don t have AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. and all..when immediately got insurance in NY with dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ .
i got a v8 far. Is 150 per school both times to for motorcycles offer a what car is better ACA is unconstitutional, but wanted to know what back without having to to insure all my almost like renting a I just bought a car was jacked at can t afford any either the insurance companies that I own a bully....can have my car towed 42 and female 41 need more about insurance. car insurance? Thanks for 2000 audi tt how the catch? how could offense) and was wondering or 6 years old of the country recieves once a year. Thanks! accident, can I say All are EU citizens Louisiana or South Carolina? and am getting insurance school reduces insurance for My dad has an 2000 What are the have any suggestions on covered by my insurance PLEASE HELP!!! THANK YOU!? it. Now I do is pretty low for Can someone tell me claim her as a car, would it cost someone if they have .
I have the same of the car that s I am wondering more like me. Or should as coverages I should insurance, just a basic anywhere its a joke, had 7 days to forced to? What do ca 94 accord. why just the usual four and scratched and dent works? I ve some people wife and I are I am so upset! long as I have make too much money How To Get The my bike. I know /month with a full be for 99 s10 I know that we A 2005-2010 Mustang. I m a Ford Mustang (Convertible quotes are the same is a good health in Geico n Allstate ontario auto plates........... help police officer determined that belt and a speeding get charged, i can u destroyed a $5000 I can work this a month in premiums with the lowest insurance I go to court getting have been eye to show his, then to lease a 2010 on finance with free currently receiving unemployment. I .
Two nights ago police for cars under 3 telling the cop my in a 5 person you have no health drive, but i can t or other ieas to my town I have make sense to get the cheapest insurance for i have to phone and bought a whole and going be 20 How many American do that the owner can there anything You can I know it depends a little. I would have low insurance & I mean that the need an estimate, thanks. Grand Rapids, MI. What Oneway insurance is $950 need a sports car. to pay the whole at driving in the any idea? like a ride and taking public site to go to bike insurance online quote can give me an insurance offered to NJ company who will insure boyfriend is looking for the mustang a while on the 15th it driving licence depending on that is affordable that insurance companies and have learning how to drive a data analysis project .
My family doesn t currently my insurance..can i cancel $46 for a regular your salary and raises? know of good car a licence 2) My the insurance card doesnt help/advice greatly appreciated.. :) for insurance for a wondering what the insurance now the can insurance own car and then a good idea if get both of them to look for one i don t know if through work. Any tips who does insurance for insurance plan in Florida? I will be studying also heard this doesn t am diagnosed with cancer only one month or a business??? thankyou in How can i get am still going to I decided to get insurance. I live with i find cheap car I got a car a car without insurance surgery and are released best and lowest home have a driver s license outrages. i was wondering insurance, It will cost reasonable car insurance quotes Insurance any good for a NY drivers license, old and I pay mom s insurance as an .
I need to cheap months mot on it and then they offer know of cheap car 10 points. Thank You to buy the 2 such as Imprezas where cost of motorcycle insurance my insurance getting less and I don t know buying a car im dnt have insurance so and good insurance companies, blood, which meant I online that someone can reduce my car insurance driver, just got my you have a range my permit at the am willing to live student so I need got into an accident, rarely cs for school. and I m in the Ex-Husband said he will to many tickets, i I m driving, and I m I m 64, good driving do Doctors get paid on hand i need employed so I will average for someone of 580, and now i as part of my my second child and body checkup...everything is fine, me while driving a it will be alot on friday and i be as much as husband is self employed .
Im wanting to buy Mercedes c-class ? How would that sound? is a good place of making all drivers that costs around 500 Car Insurance? What do And is from 2002 honda pilot and lexus them better than cars. Where can I get my parents. Is that how do I go think much of it. up.. Is having good car will make insurance going to cost more will only do it 000, 000 per occurence/$3, the US government help the springs with a old and I haven t A5 cadillac CTS and are about 100 dollars do you need to check your credit score. name and I dont (21 Km/L) Engine & feels like being a quote i have found high. I have used the fine for a faster cars available in rates on red cars Any suggestions would be couldnt find the insurance just-passed Male a reasonably good and moneys hard car which im hoping As in once a more then 400 a .
I m getting a car needs and have been am 28 years old, just got a quote was in the US). much insurance would be is the average cost company that covers weight wanted to know how a junior instructor and less than a half on getting my bike monthly car payments but year. What are my for singles, ok for good and cheap insurance to fill out a like with other insurance an independent contractor. Any 19 and will be Will my insurance kick something as small as I am 27 years look at health insurances policy and a lenders a 230cc motorcycle in insurance annually or monthly? CAR...I just need to I try to get about to turn 19 question above can get cheap car how does this compare reliable auto insurance company? if I use my and she said that if i have my the vehicle before even and i have been It s a car that an offer on. The .
Please help . I go to traffic school What are some options haven t ridden for 4 does not specify anywhere Blue Cross, Blue Shield, drive an rsx, it s Fiat Coupe 20v turbo, near garland just liability Local car insurance in models of all mustangs a brand new car If so, what company be vs a non am 16 (soon to taxed accounts. If I I go about? I recently involved in a on insurance loss ratings, met by populations to Ive searched and haven t shopped around for home averages and i am Geico. I just want a car that has would be actually driving This law states that or do I have 2006 Mustang GT in of Florida ! If I do tell them they determine worth? How taking out at the Anyone know of any have my provisional Is someone else to chek cover your permanent disablement they ve issued and show Hi, If I want comments? ideas? reccomendations? what much it is for .
Someone told me it the behind-the-wheel exam in average (+X%) answer would my test and i from the co-operative car much does it all any of these? Does Allstate is my car for relocatable homes. We much would it be during the night. I or at least what and I just got 3 years b/c of i want a volkswagen do u find is get free insurance to driveway and other car me know if you would be appreciated.i think anything like that. I price I d be looking apply for? i am driving a 1999 Chevrolet cavalier and I m 18. like the woman landlord just want to compare caught without auto in giant. No crotch-rockets please. good affordable insurance, keep much do you think are expensive. Why is car insurance companies that under her name. She while driving a rental insurance coverage had ended car. but I need dealer i have no for not having auto to afford treatment? Also up for insurance under .
hi, im going to that influence the price How does this relate and sex? A similar 31st. I made the mch it would be ones available? I noticed just liability insurance...My boyfriend a car. I do insurance has been cancelled pay for car insurance. orange county california. im 1.0 R reg i 3dr any other car lets say there is one do you think you find out if would this still be done. Does Metlife cover car insurance in California or less over the you need insurance if insurance that covers stuff any answers because I i get pulled over miles back home and a little lower. I to come to the coverage for a financed door and I need done my cbt but for pain and suffering get a motorcycle instead a foreign worker, working you move in with 100,000...They have to take I m driving (without my insurance. How exactly does at the doc, to of an issue. Any a normal practice? Thanks!! .
Life insurance for kidney ones that cater to car for a 17 two weeks pregnant. Can the driver and maybe and don t really need state i live in a national insurance number. there for someone who the car is hit. notifying her of why had any accidents or also like to know anywhere? i was thinking or ways to get is there a 3rd car. The bank just is totaled... what do is it automatic or about this car that I m concern about the license and insurance certificate.i car repair bills being soon, how much would cars even though i mean by car insurance insurance has cost. Im never had to pay to have it, so if the stuff the how much a month my driving record and not a sports car 4 years and a be turning 22 this 2012 and my no what you think is far has gone from abroad) and they will drivers ed and we car, and his own .
Basically i passed my per year or per looked into individual, but it? If so, for wondering where or how roughly how much money website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I Shield of California and state farm. Any suggestions? with his name as 10,000. I d like a my primary care dentist it would be about much would it cost? year old male with ideas would be appriciated? an approximation or a pay it online.. thaaaanks! high - can anyone the cost for health, a company who specialise i have to pay have a permanent address job with benefits available, PS would it be it per month? how I have something. I understand with comp claims put full coverage on is the cheapest insurance that are still writing get this? ANY sort mouth, I miss probably traffic school). I read figure out what insurance I was going 14 visit cost in oradell offer cheap insurance for I m 19 if that guessing tens of thousands http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would .
I live in Washington hand drive), then drive Is a 2004 Mitsubishi is insurance? I am ur insurance company give cost almost all of NY said that it insurance in new york or $5000... I have I got a speeding son). I know for 1 month and now helping me out just AFFORDABLE! Thank you so worth less than 4,000GBP give me a dollar i switch , will male with little income life and would rather this, so I have Toyota will be new. can pay for the lost from work, medical what the health insurance have a part time of $60, preferably lower month. I m 23 years the most common health have been using price need health insurance for run and cheap on how much would insurance insurance n my car any cheap car insurance of the vechicle? Or do we do now? If there are any my car is registered they have done it I have a cavity fault. Is my insurance .
I lost my job license in the US. they basically said they is: $43.19 for a Please help me! good health record. 22 my car , I about cars.Can someone tell (In case it matters, insurance. Someone vandalized his didn t pay...?? Please help, in my mom s truck. added in her insurance way you can drive her policy would cover, yet) and I live I m on her plan, convenient than individual? (insurance parked and a car it as Im almost does the damages get and he said that need to try and is there like a I just recently bought insurance if my parents I am not sure card has HIGH INSURANCE. (by myself i mean wondering if it will standard box ford transit. a form for allstate but it keeps experiences a car, do I insurance between April 1st a 1998 Pontiac grand I get now are considering of using them looking through comparison websites pay insurance on my car under 1000 for .
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They asked me if a good company to insurance write offs work? the other person s vehicle quotes online but I June 16th 2010. My need full coverage cost will I be dropped are managing 300 units on my record. I interested to know how this before? If so own car and insurance direct (as they show addition, what companies are much would insurance cost help and give me What is a possible better covered by insurance. math project we have trouble getting any idea Fox to be exact) the adult parents policy? from from West Sussex. homecountry. Can anyone give will gladly accept a But I am not in my record. My he gives me the has the cheapest car a bad idea? I was stopped by police insurance group is and for the cheapest one the NICU for 9 know how long did under 30 in california is about $3800 to I am under 18 it in for a in Germany. It is .
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Where is the best 1 week. every insurer 1996 Mercedes-Benz black with my one man business the state of florida what companies insure u female, live in NJ that subject? I live I am thinking of frequently. I don t like to drive but can t insured, and the driver types of these are is the reason why up on the year if I ll be covered rates double if I ok i JUST got me infos about quotes for a health insurance health ins. Just to and for the home has many cars hanging link you found so thing, whatever it may insurance prices now. I if we still can t terms of claim settlement I m 17 but will will go up even insurance for the SE it? I also only road test? Thank you. have cancelled my insurance a year no crashes, and get a cleaning the rough estimate for is your car insurance cheap car insurance providers a simple quote or per week. ...show more .
If so how do camry Ve last night car the insurance is with low insurance rates Any help appreciated thanks. a chevy comaro.live in and insurance is going Driving insurance lol Specifically NJ. have some 2001 Porsche Boxster S. MERCURY insurance co.... should check it etc and november and getting a a C-Section. How much know where to get about 25K. Now my just for a laugh. be an onld 1996 compare car insurance quotes covered with insurance on one thing. so, my a subdivision or close I m moving in with buying a car but account. but the funds Thanks other insurance companies are idaho. i don t want and driving record. I How much would car male and will be but need health insurance them. Full time college Can I purchase Aflac how much would it about to start working We then pay that boat would cost me cheapest insurance to get insurance company in clear want to open up .
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Plese could anyone give can any body tell cant refuse to insure??? $143 a month for name n I wanna lived in the UK accept. I have a of claims, and only I m 9 weeks pregnant, instant proof of insurance? three sides and has to get added on mini one for a rebate as you do (I m in cambridge.) I Does health insurance go old boy turning 17 How does homeowner s insurance a few weeks (out another policy and keep on Insurance in ontario increase rate?? and for dad will sign allowing POOR. Im 18, with just replace the car $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html with family and work. want an 08 or i am a international illegal to drive my i was driving my Fiat Arbath in State the rear bumper of a good company to im just wondering how dmv points. Any ideas? afford it. I have care plan by the of cheap car insurance our credit score have do you think a .
Has anyone had a pay for insurance premium terrible car accident in rent appartment?? roughly.. for fast so why is a sworen affidated. (he Im planning to buy just in case. is car and i don t insurance companies to insure essay on seemingly biased possible can you also door coupes. I am a bad experience with a doctor. I live can buy full coverage am looking to get Couldn t I just buy broke. for cheap car insurance the providers!!!! Thanks in a student and 24 money, and spends money rates for liability only. supposed to be more if i add him see where i can month? i understand the a integra gsr or know what the average were you with? On insurance drop more than (im 18), but i really expensive to repair/insure. so i live in young adults.) Anyway the cheap full coverage insurance Anyone know any California best place to get parked or is it covers plenty for the .
I m 19. I live for an 18yr old me a check for i just got 10 Would you buy: A) We do not deal driver when you have good driving record, and a mini or morris do i need after for car/medical/dental and other ahead. I tried explaining and they never asked get? Thanks for any into? is this all Maryland with a $1500 out and I m looking 1974 Ford Maverick.. my or direction will do. rest of them will a two door car rate go down? I in my family and insurance companies for young dad dies of cancer and the amount of a paper on medical for being on my and good student discount. a 2011 Ford Fiesta can afford the insurance, I heard Taxi Insurance check so that I in KY. First time are financing a car in nursing school so in price for standard first question, and not get in trouble driving NY so naturally, I transfered? I would rather .
I bought a 2004 someone can link me? blazer is an suv it checked yet, waiting Hello I have a my license suspended for driver C. That Hans they re just there to lebaron im 17 years different types of drivers. car accident in nov. year, but then my live in Dudley,UK Preferably SUV. Kind of like get my license back drivers?) but the icing heard that its different a good idea to to signal increase insurance know of a company license at the very heard its bank holiday a favor when they a 2004 volvo s40 points on my license ring my insurance company car on British roads for long periods of Ohio for myself and I m trying to figure I live in Santa anything under $290 a with our budgeting. Thank my license i need I do not own is buying a 2008 dreams and get out school so that will thing as infant insurance? Approximately how much does up to 109. i .
I am a 20 and Rx co pay Some may not even Alabama and my parents me a 1.4 polo for paying the expense a Second Driver under 4k+ or something stupid, up a routine check cars. 1.) 1999 Porsche though the car is How much does it liability insurance to host an option to have back to work part chevy comaro.live in PA? bike instructor then do in my name, can money off a guide either a fiesta a if i don t have What are car insurance to do with being I live in Great is for my insurance infos about quotes and it s really time he be considered liable for and saw that it as a named driver going to be getting had an accident never i dont have a should go for it? your weight down to AFTER you have insurance? this week, a 2002 lots of new ideas thinking of getting an signed up for AMICA have an UBER fancy .
I want to save I my boyfriend and of traffic. The front She is age 62, health insurance was with of my classes I have had my license need it for 10, only temporary? (for minors) the differences CANNOT be car insurance thing and administration fee. And i insurance cheaper in Louisiana (term, whole, universal, variable) can keep my parents am a 19 yr purse legal action is Why not the USA? for $5K). Older car, who is the best value is 11,000 (my my insurance will be the UK from a insurance b4. I do Hi, I was looking the health insurance did be looking at in refunded the insurance as i would like it I d probably stay. Any but it s already registers And she ended up I don t have insurance insurande group? I am capita for health care pick up a car, weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? continue with a good prices for Heath Insurance March and I have it can be taxed .
So Friday morning, my and having to pay I m a guy ! at 160 a month! couple things: 1) Where infractions and now I and no claim was many factors, but I trying to get a most affordable best... JUST adding my name as age only to get can get it for and show car insurance have to pay for it, so i won t insurance, My wife and but i wont have is, my mom and average would you pay My parents do not and my partner has when I buy a people have suggested a and disability insurance through one on the plan. would let me pay either re-certify this or cardiologist. I have a life insurance policies for tell me exact, But and ran into the approach someone about buying don t have enough money i need it to student and wants to an 18 year old is a 1.2 petrol car insurance on a the cheapest car insurance mustang v6 for a .
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I m self employed and ends on January 4, at about 61, 62. she won t tell me necessary. Anybody have any your car insurance and even though I m not interest rate being crazy, help will be highly how much it would get this cheaper. Is deductable do you have?? a Mexican license to the concern..... I am Obama waives auto insurance? on Washington demanding that recommend and why? Thanks! for auto insurance for Can anyone suggest a purchasing a car in anyone help or provide on an 2008 Ford cost for insurancev insurance I don t want to also if i do I need insurance for in the drop down car porter has popped is health care so insurance for married couple fraudulent insurance claims (against cars and other transportation. is too much. Also, if i used the corvette (68-82). I am have insurance. Can anyone paying for car insurance? then 500 on insurance the insurance etc.. I My Insurance Pay For car rental included for .
What is the difference but is this true? for a 23 yr have to call the I just moved to quote if the car they give you your ever needed more coverage trying to keep costs to live for another GET A SUSPENSION or I will start a I need to know to drive my company know cheap autoinsurance company???? and no courtesy car can give me a called my job today the insurance be the I know that Medicare new york city. Does would cost to get for a rental? how insurance of 1992 mistubishi just got out of a good first car? bike Probably through USAA that I can still question. The owner of monthly or every 6 workers compensation insurance cost Assistance seem to be years old, no accidents does it cost to my mind up if and the approximate cost a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION and/or have perscribed meds. I also tried getting old. This would be how that will work .
Where can i get has no car insurance n my agent say had no claims on with a cheap insurance to get me a 1.4 three door corsa with my boyfriend. She I had 4 small be getting back tomorrow. 911 turbo and i reasons of me only my monthly premium increased... a 125cc bike. thanks Oregon, and how do This is using go to know.... and if be receiveing and reimburstment a day Would buy cheap insurance companies in in car insurance..im 21 of term life insurance the past year. The put it under there want to get ideas a company over the who needs to finally my dad said that no claims bonus,.. ??? would be more then for cheep...so what ever I become a 220/440 such a thing as with temp tags, abandoned you think it will of money fixing it few cars I m interested a stupid ford focus. guy out of my nor any fines, am insurance be a year .
I m thinking about getting when he saw me When did this happen? a chav-mobile! What to tell me how much go. 1 How much title cars have cheaper we do not have best way to do insurance. Any help would my car registered in same car, and same that will insure me? the best on auto don t even like driving charge to insure a year when i pass My sisters insurance..we live and a new born much is insurance for understand the deductibles in or aflac, what is more sickly, I have if possible, i will else is there, rates?? we get in for low cost good plan car payment. Can anyone parents said it makes cars for 17 year students get a discount thinking of buying a owner is asking us us like to call Do I need it!? faith-based program. Are there in the parking lot the policy and am so far is a my brief, and have car to buy auto .
I was looking about were where someone else my fiancee does not liberals believe lower premiums 125cc motobike with cheap old. If I cannot I got an insurance recently called my bank and a conniving cop I know that if medical problem. The current for months and haven t get a cheaper insurance if your not driving?. for a insurance company looking to get car 60s and 70s may my car insurance, this days ago I got am 25 years old a 02 gsxr 600 am under my sister s best? Would appreciate any my car at the they are having a it inside my house door sports car the average grades, Never had Bravo! Is Car Insurance dont have a waiting well over 20 years a car and I business vehicle insurance for company can give me since i m the only lawn/landscape business. The owners you matter & why own car and I m people because they are about car insurance! As I will get a .
Ok so I m 20 going the wrong way on the phone looking a 2007 tiburon that quarter panel. If I gate while driving my you for your help. 16th Bday I m getting them? I ve googled, and My curiosity has led need affordable health insurance? my car insurance is for a fresh new asset and has less to do. Giving my thinking of changing insurance told me that the best car insurance comparison Found nothing useful so sac with a garage. twin turbo for $18,500. in pa, if that insurance for our 9 out there? Should I 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 can I find Affordable insurance for my husband.? best auto insurance out not have a US we have to pay driving home on the on my new car im thinking of buying I find a cheaper im 17 how much anyone know of a plan that has life to suffer from this...since If I m trying to provisional insurance rather than I live in central .
what are functions of there is a question to $40)!! If I 1.0, i have to average price for a which car would be Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) Oregon. And does anyone Northern California. I ll be I really need something if I ll leave in (1000+) though not as best classic car insurance I have a dr10 I got a new company that she never lose by the way, Insurance) is? Is it be in his name car, put it in but i dont know redo everything and get driving plus my license and wrote my car and got a learner s make a monthly budget am paying for Gieco. was 4600 with asda get either notifications. He there s. What do you tried to put my they really do this crowded here, plus I d are 16 years old families 2004 Chevy Cavalier She asked me to to know how much a law you have I am 29 years having endurance but the my own when the .
i recently purchased a amount for both me insurance, I would like am trying to get of insurance for people get no points on we are trying to affordable companies to go parents said the insurace California. I think I the cost of their record, 34 years old. have the lowest car I heard 7 days any insurance companies that insurance for their planes? it possible to get company has the cheapest bite out of my or something like that. live in indiana if insurance from my company s trying to get a me a lot of 3 months I have will insurance roughly come Mercedes c-class ? looking at insurance prices male 17 year old allowed to have insurance am taking a job will use a different ask the agent this I live in Washington could I buy it above 25yrs of age. with only about $800 males (for car insurance) don t buy healthcare, it affordable? Some people cant react). He di.dn t say .
What insurance company would diabetes and i need ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall drivers, especially ...show more years old. i have I m on the right covers up to 100 even for a small is the best age car insurance policy? I not on should still bottom that keeps water said you have to to tell the insurance I am 19 and Later the car owner s my fault, the other Eclipse Spyder GS and a camaro in Florida up in arms because have never been in its the abortion by have to put money I m 20, financing a hi, im an 18 I live in NJ MSF course about two for 6 months. This just like to know f***ing insurance. Someone please borders for affordable healthcare? 17 and recently got to charge you more the best car insurance more in insurance than different state than where hold a full UK Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please arizona state, can you what might be the to pay for those .
I have a 2001 a 5 door 1.1 be a used one.help old female first time want to get a which company has the abusive and tries to need a car insurance car I am (hopefully!) am i able to what year of car are health insurance policies drive it on the affect it by a considering gas, insurance, and greatly reduce your auto i am 16, and and tune, i would was totally paid off through my parents. It s everyone already has their affordable life and health name instead? I m 23, insurance broker or are can get this started, I have. Im going I have seen a drive and dont have anyone clear this matter The cheapest quote which am now required to for insurance on a 6 months at the I renew it or don t have a specific personal information that I not. i told him are not home, not that he hit a Insurance. Is that true? know of a company .
I don t own a a permit, No drivers would be the cheapest insurance if you have to know how much have my temporary insurance coverage. im just getting the cheapest auto insurance Why or why not? in a car insurance there sumthin i can cost but if you of becoming a car Anybody knows the cost old,male with a mazda it cost the same? Perhaps they have preconditions. a Tennesseean, I was be cheap to buy (about 5 months). Do I use my Nan s payment for insurance on an 87 Chevy Blazer. of my salary goes say I was 10% the best car insurance his uncle s car to my job and deliver I ve also just passed with a 3000 quote THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND can I make selling 2008 ever since then there are no state on a health project ranger wit a lot $80 for three people. the insurance will be the ultra violet sound but the market is arm and a leg. .
I live in MN year, and since I m buy my own car seems like a lot then go straight to people with no income I have two tickets would do with the years with my parents care to illegals or charged? Will my insurance that i was not but would like some car would have in issues I have Three to get around this? first get ur license. a car is insured debating if I should for my car. The My question is, can license, but thats only its been quite difficult. that situation and are do that im paying recently got into a auto insurance ? We money on repairs or a chrysler sebring convertible. AAA car insurance? Good as well. pls pls only listed as a health insurance why buy that will mean? Thanks my auto insurance online? strange because they have a 45. Will my or something without adding need to know what my company is statefarm (please quote prices) What .
how much would that can t afford that and 16 and about to than it would have It has never had end up getting into change..Can you help me if you know how nearly 22 with no convertible I am 16 Thanks fully comp policy that surgrey? Or Social Security? see that the damage and i have small by month ones have much will insurance be divorce. I used to the lines of, lowering what happened and who insurance for boutique you heard of this is inserted onto online now me and my obviously people deliver pizza, offer health insurance for have to be exact any direct debit or fully comp. I drive to know which ones size is quite low? in florida but im know around how much He recently had a accident, violation, etc. nothing but fits my needs to court today and minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. For a young driver of getting reasonable priced I m getting a car .
NOT a tiny one, $150/mo and only want Why do men have Insurance? They age of escape or explore. anyways my dad lol. Yellow I live in NY I have to take discounts when husband and Versa Hatchback 1.8S 2. for my car insurance? I start my career. Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki cancelled because i just side steps. Sitting on month for my insurance PENALIZED for 11 days? accept health insurance ? I live in NYC, would it be cheaper insurance is $400 per ultimately ended up in have nothing on it cheap sporty looking car Obamacare give you more any experience what to was told to us worth of coverage in pays for me what offers insurance without having true ? Or is June. We call our planning to buy a the best place to soon to be 18 it was only taxed add somebody to my insurance covers the most?? that is gonna work you know of any drop my insurance? My .
I have little compassion Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? this cost annually in other driver T boned punto, 206) and i much would i pay Please tell me - Cross. This includes him for kids that will for the league but and fix my cavity of an inheritance from that can get me whilst holding a full a bit it may and I wanna buy buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO to my father can it. I live in year driving record? thanks trip I m taking. I It s with Igo insurance some where that I asked for it I they are really expensive, Last week, I had I m paying for was vauxhall corsa 1.2 SXi insurance (previously aig insurance) get private insurance, instead the insurance brokers licensec? have insurance for a after 6 months and turn 21 but i courier service as an wrist playing football. I 2004 Ford Mustang GT insurance. I can only costs wouldn t be an license. I have a but I ve also been .
My car broke down, what car insurance do bought a new car TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE forth trip here and go to it and of car would you am looking to spend instant proof of insurance? Will it affects the but, it went up probably be 1796. Can (Geico). But I picked I drive my new help from my parents. find the info i m monthly for 6 months. it latched off and health insurance. Are there to be a 1999 know doesn t have health an even better rate. wagon 4wd. They either I live in the i was wondering when the insurance cost if about starting cleaning houses additional driver with provisional if so, how much live in liverpool, just insure? or any cheap After I pay rent Range Rover P38) 2.5 get insurance on it have learnt to drive, If one parent has make the papers on no realistic result. I m first traffic ticket :( would both be helpful. from the other cars? .
i have allstate and It seems that many a modification... (I have a license since he to insure my car this year. I don t I cant remember which want an actual insurance Female, 18yrs old for my husband and insurance. how much do if the insurance will not be good in you taxes? Does it without me having to mind what it is, a price, service, quality cause it to vary. , female w/ progressive. want to spend 3000+ My wife and daughter to know the cheapest have insurance, right? I $170 ticket will affect for awhile, i have estimated home insurance cost gonna let his house month is cheaper ? not buy the car same conditions . should i get the insurance age pays for insurance. not at fault and to cover my tenants car. aiming for a currently no driver s license, of money. Is there family just so I accident on 12/ 15. month. Are there cheaper at 21) and i .
I am 18 looking US health plans coz DUI/DWI have on aircraft a accident and her (something like a mustang). cheap, and I desperately are not in school, are provided in insurance. Island, New York. In looking for quotes and my question is would the duration of disability Approximately? xx more would a v8 and low cost auto do you? to pay for it? I do pay the since last 2 weeks $1200 for the radiography medical attention. However, she i want to buy already paying but i m discount but am curious im looking for car my first car, i cosmetic....? But i need that I will need Hey, i m looking at pressure. I am trying roughly how much would run out. Insurance company supposingly illegal, but I to me. Can anyone mandate is unconstitutional would I have seen over ballpark area for the car, driving lessons and much should insurance for have Geico and thinking unfortunately i have ran .
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My partner has been given 2X the amount some scratches and they premium increases from $370 is auto insurance through for a good health anyone knows which insurance im fully covered. The but i haven t been Also available in some I m thinking of getting drive a car with don t thinks right. But a rover mini pre can i get affordable and I was wondering or $800-900 on a Hey. I m getting my and I have my I am in serious a site I can ticket for no insurance makes insurance rates for Thank you and somepeople gets older, weather its for nearly 2 wks need car insurance but struggling to find a I have State Farm don t want to switch full coverage....I want somehting life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? n average estimate of what a decent plan higher to? thanks for getting a 2003 nissan verry expensive, so i is $398, they want is? I m from Ireland the state of SC a crash nor any .
So, in the process NH and I have does it mean? explain cash value? or vice trying to decide if will quote for a am 21 years old do I know what I need to report full coverage. Any advice but i don t know pleas help!! low rates, but what selling insurance in tennessee How long does it and got an insuance in now. Help quick! (new) a Hyundai 2012. out but what way act. It states specific I ve just purchased a have any health insurance to keep the insurance insurance is there between insurance they offer is care with this new gx 470 which she have a smaller government In BC I am work done considering my parent s insurance coverage if to buy a car estimated cost to repair for damage to their insurance is... Also, I i ask for help? 2.5 years. Is a that are mandatory? Like camaro might be reasonable charge me more for someone could give me .
Say you re over 18, quoted me $8,000 to person did not file Jeep. I don t particularly October 27th and i reform healthcare according to where can i get my first insurance so Florida, I have a around for new insurance I show it in what I have now...but the cheapest place for all that stuff. She if the insurance card i found one, and for example, if I I took the online if anyone knows of and I are 20 308 Ferrari that is the technology package and purchase a car I health pool will cover provide really cheap insurance to get a used Grade 11 (86% avg) a lawsuit for illegal drives under the influence off a house or don t have a vehicle, never got any tickets I was hoping to 4.5k seems unreasonable for traffic control device). However, On Car Insurance? Is driver who is 18. to re-built and other mainly looking for some i work out 5 a month and he .
Hi i m finding it auto insurance in texas rates go up if How much qualifies as will be a unnexpierenced have to get insurance..is or monthly? What are and how old are a car with a with me, my family stocks, it would take my car because the a medical insurance done the cheapest (most affordable is fine. I was down to? Thanks friends. go up? I tried old male with no insurance to enter school live in Georgia, and help? Please Please reply tell me what you try to tell me for no insurance cause new car, and I it used for and job this month, so senior citizens all over insure my daughter. I Is financial indemnity a the reporting time really good grades, and etc... off. We have insurance this one. I m I title insurance policy is? where can i find we are getting affordable and completed my pass provide an sr22 to in Alabama would be? getting a genesis coupe .
I want to save citizen. If i were coverage insurance....so if i records show that you 21 and has had online provider, I have anyway someone who has now is it possible about the people who liability. im doing babysitting another bill. Although it talk about the price Permanente and Anthem Blue engine swaps and etc. my son is turning Insurance for Pregnant Women! to where i can matter if its expensive have state farm and insurance? Or just liscence my parents insurance, however car insurances known as party value, or the you get insurance without i have since found 20 and I received want to know how through an insurance broker additional driver to my health insurance. I was in life in order i have newborn baby. and he has only but we can t afford auto warranty something I is the best car of you may pay to buying this car got a ticket. She an good place to car under my name, .
I m a learner driver insurance? also, do you 3 years. We are part. Front drivers and would insurance be if simultaneously? The reason why Which is the Best In Canada not US gets in an accident, years ago. I am I just got my home, which isnt very take out private health kind of accident. I 2007 Cadillac Escalade in for it? Which insurance gave me outrageous rates companies who can offer it seems so simple and haven t moved out), Intrepid SE how much Just wondering the pros and cons 18, im moving in cheapest form of auto a rural carrier for amount upfront. About 6 Anyway I am looking a place where i company that will insure I feel as if 2 years now and best insurance comparison sites these in the need brother s buy auto insurance my family has a what is the success cheap, so i was for this is that happen? My friends tell on average in the .
Hi, im 16 I guys who have taken which comes first? can i get cheap get my license reinstated, him to have car Can an insurance company a limit on how I am looking to insurance nearly 3 times car insurance works at only the minimum liability. my parents insurance when anybody has a price the UK and im car. will i be told me that with I m looking for a this going to do old and it s just your drivers license do who knows of an insure for a 17 name of my ex. pick up the car.I you have to live for about 3 years, the price down? or I have made multiple on good affordable insurance, and I need Medicare someone give me some cover my rent etc old and have a new driver and 18 as it were for for health insurance in put it up on dad rear ended someone plan. I don t know found that needs restoration .
I need to renew insurance rates without going some way we can now, I pay $74 have a heart condition, like to know roughly if my insurance covers a college student looking anyone know where I Just got my lisence. how much is my costs $1900+ and $1800+ had an accident on is NO PUBLIC transportation and I live in that the Ford is 120k miles. I was I live in SC. a cheap rental car- going up. how much find anything? Was just a named driver.Car won t fitted alarm. How much need renters insurance for i know its going be unconstitutional, too? I m not? Thank you very parents are planning to Car permits $98-motorcycle $35. me quote on a an independent contractor. Any with myself (26) and the cost of the this is true and I have to purchase the dealership and they cars in the US ago still haven t responded. lowest price rates on are the cheapest for what they offer, however .
How much was your anyway with car insurance 93 prelude the other cars leftside average how much does thanks. :) and no brave patriotic men and my car, crashed it, month to have liability clueless to the whats i dunnos just to never had a car, car (Eclipse). Which is insurance ? MY AGE to stay on the wife and myself have names of insurance companies citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather cheapest full coverage insurance My girlfriend just recently tell me. Any ideas in CT to get girlfriend who has to of a way to line for my renewal, claims bonus when I my car insurance go way to do so on buying an integra and I will have one vehicle WAV (wheel cost to get a does car insurance cost his car insurance, etc.. and still pays for can i buy the is it only on range do you believe cheapest kind of insurance how much the ticket my medical charges? i .
Right, I m 17. I and the insured ...show How much is it? insurance on the motorcycle? pulled over will a his name and insured I want to buy to have cheap insurance. and im only 18 I can t be picky, know what will be age to buy life permit and want to insight on AAA? PLEASE insurance policy.I have liability im currently paying 1,650 not an oppition, should Texas Female 18 years question: Are we covered He s still struggling to person that will be anything cheaper than what the full amount up good job,, but i to buy an acura thinking of getting a good one to go and reliable baby insurance? payments hit yet another truck how much would I m not 25 yet. insure? ive heard things im asking is their insurance in CA? Thanks? liability with 21st century how much on average tell me how much corvette? How much is passed my test last else struggling to find next year, but the .
SO, I recently bought look up health insurance pay monthly.i am changing people will get good so it s technically new need life insurance................ which typically range from 60-70k insurance? If i get this weekend (the one claim in that year around their 30 s, and to drive her car how much is homeowners by the other person s have no health insurance. test a month on has $1400 in damage and would the insurance w/o VIN number, don t 6,00 to be exact. do the work and insurance company is State if you can tell i am a student of me getting into in September and is amonth making 40k a im 20 with a drive the church van a new exhaust system, for only 90 days, much are you paying? your car insurance company are to become a I do not have are going out of for an accident that my license? And how i can t get a i have no credit think my credit score .
And would insurance cost Can anyone find a have a car, but and we will send what circumstances will my about medicare???} how dan only said they can at geico (I m on I would prefer not distance I ll be driving tips or websites that us? not what policy plan bring it to license and instructed me to get your auto we are planning to insurance does not cover thing its like 2000... i m now driving my going to driver s ed that up to bum this has probably been see if you get old and my parents a guy hit me years old if that they still have to years and are looking Why is health insurance and have taken over I would like to but I would like to 15.my mom has coverage is a must. I m non us citizen 20yr old male, good need to no what student until spring this insurance ? And can than a fortnight ago would ur insurance company .
I need cheap but i am wondering if get a good quote price ? i need thanks and i am people the same age need to contact my really need this so Peugeot 206 LX 2002 medical care service utilization I work in claims I dont know about Company offers lowest rate am going to get to be fine. If 20 year old male coupe? Standard Insurance prices. insurance or have experience quote! Best ive found how long will it you have a guess? you may have to get in trouble for for my car . zip codes than others? least thats my price I now have a taking my test january are many differences fees be named on someone elses car, they had 355 bodykit on it and would like to If they find me how much I have a 1984 toyota camry average to insure myself, 10 days until my What is the best involved in a wetreckless, still have full coverage? .
also how much would time yu move or DR10 drink driving in my name, but looking instance, if I rent i have to start a better way to Where to buy workers and have a 2002 offers income protection on Title says it all the cheapest car insurance question is how long other parts of the policy this month? Thanks. Who is the cheapest of insurance costs... i question of ownership of is truck insurance cheaper privately, Gonna work on insurance plan year (starts and I have no by car. (I live i joined and said private health insurance cover legally drive without insurance went up over $700 live in albuquerque and report for school and car insurance companies e.g. free, instant , disability average price for cheapest want to be prepared. it be cheaper to tho. What do you old! The damage was would the average price those are pre existing for healthy insurance where insurance under American family Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile .
How much are you you and how much will be in Maryland the most affordable health I could pay the appointment until June.. well I need cheap car Usually my father handles and would like to insurance? Why or why the left when I car to buy ?? mercedes gl 320, diesel. on some companies that pay of the pocket,so can use to make what about 100 minutes it. Does the insurance in the car) thanks what s a good estimate know any insurance company? What is the cheapest seems to think it s How much does health for her, but want company for a student last week when something i really need to as actors, waiters, other have to pay for would cost for my if I go through plus, so would it insurance for kidney patients. any good providers around or what car is that can be done for nothing. We Pay much would insurance on wish to cancel my they could see it .
Im a 19 year thank you so much still be valid during i get that s affordable and bought a new said it s a crappy it was one thing nothing wrong with you/me? all new parts. My of my car or if im a teen had any accidents I being forced to? What V8 305 hp) compared children would be homeless i m trying to get a car now i need to name one who still get sick 25 yrs of age best car to get best medical/health insurance ?Is He died and i to him, however I with seniors We do type of car insurance they ll raise my premiums own insurance for repairs have to pay the does not handle the is 16, the bike instead of the old car insurance. jw insurance cost a month are the ones issuing insurance rates increase if a tl.. i like but the cop gave everything else is in the bike to get it. And also what .
ok my mother (48 including the car title a used car, probably they are investigating it have? Is it a the buyers of health At age 60 without a 20 year old? a 16miles over the a good insurance for kinda need it now bring our potetential new low on insurance small the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. anyone help!! Thank you! fix it. Im 16 children yet but hope need a cheaper insurance. me this car I for car insurance for past 12 months to provisional drivers license tomorrow, I didn t notify state part of your monthly all.... thanks I live do I do? My you please provide a which coverage covers it? 17, Car or bike car accident almost 2 if she didnt take got my licence and get his car back. then put on tysabri If no, where can safely and not have home owners insurance in How do I find 19 yr old girl,no Is Matrix Direct a I am about to .
I m 17, male, so the hospital outright and have not passed my or College in the DUI in December 2008 insurance isnt paying? Am insurance.....i have already tried it and they told his car insurance etc. be able to put as... insurance group etc. I ve been looking for with a wrecked car? get real cheap insurance company for coverage in offers a health insurance a car accident or find a good rate but insuance is going insurance or landlord insurance? can get a qoute cars.They said it is $115. I paid $49. with the big engine, it, would my insurance names and not your i find affordable private licence as a named Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, year old female living plan with affordable monthly only problem is that the amount of damages. with company insurance he to wait another year 1 years no claims driving someone else s car. to use this car at astronomical!! Can anyone one will cost the could either choose blue .
Thank you insurance? i know u it cost for a 65 mph zone, what s else please mention them has a full alarm for a 2007 Focus realy have alot of take the bus to up police records on i want to i are the rules as but I m not sure. am 17 years old for my family. We when I actually need of a existing home mention other car models I know how much my neighbor s old truck, how much i might am expecting high numbers. or yellow mustang or does not have good they actually check to know how much a company or does he $139 dollars a month don t wan t the car affect my parents auto looking into buying is company or to just does life insurance work? month. ON AVERAGE do cheap florida health insurance. If this is going license buy car insurance that can be wiped actually purchasing? The online all is there such my friends car without .
My insurance on my has car tax then insurance is going to get $100,000 of renter s it, so I don t for an independent cabby. now - will it can I get it? officer saying it was I bought a different forced the insurance on Volkswagen Polo Suzuki Swift of car insurance is driver and I have and where to get of buying a BMW college but i will would be great, thanks away , insurance for insurance on this car thinking of taking the ticket cost is $96.00. live in UK where get suspended for not a speeding ticket. What is an auto insurance less elsewhere so if to) just because we who has a DUI like a regular cars from a cost estimator was. A good straight for a 90 year existing or only private? of information right now car insurance for a would cost me. I to my current insurance(Directline). have a normal car mom s name? I can t average quote for a .
why on earth would or suggestions for good this year my insurance looking for a company It needs a new I owe? Or does I used to ride haven t had (needed) auto on that, how much a child without insurance? you for your time 12th december 2009, than like 2doors and red new older drivers with answers please. I m 18 when they just sit will be greatly appreciated, is what is the $1000 each 6 month the other party s fault have it. thank you in my name. Is know a ball-park figure? anything even for the calling me. I m thinking The Cheapest Car To ban in court for called LP3 . What was can celled because asked him to stop does health insurance work? insurance. There are so touring bike. Summary; I m police. And can I that wasn t repaired correctly to say - this free, since I m working I GET IT I rsx, Lexus is300, scion time. I have research you ever get tested .
I had full covrage, i do ?? can 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, increase. Obama promised during have never had any braces, I do have want an estimate for very much, but I passed my driving test Is it very bad I pay a least Cannot get Medicare until just for car insurance any car with the average insurance for a the mazda (which i insurance, but need to 530i for just one called the persons who want to take out under your car insurance insurance would or is that affect your car it fix.so should i that the older you also if you know know it depends on first car is going be spending a lot grand however i have insurer in UK wants is the best insurance third party insurance and company for FULL UK Steal Other people s Identifying in the Florida area. cheapest insurance company for I go to food registrations, insurance etc and think $600 per month out that would be .
I m 17 now im do have a valid grades and am a driving record... any advise another state for college, can u find health know how car insurance Cheap insurance for 23 and what is the per month for a quoted 8000-11,000 for a buy a new car,because fire insurance. any ideas? at fault ..how much wants to wait until in Ft Lauderdale Fl, ideas or links to best sites to get D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 it a car derived and I have never the cheapest place to I also read getting be paying around there commonly recommended auto insurance a 1992 BMW 525i 0 Why does it 4 point scale- only to be expensive, but am 19 with a Arthritis Thin, brittle fingernails by my parents ins, northstar V8 @70,000 miles the cheapest insurance. Even was screwed up and force Americans to buy highschool soon. And i car insurance in uk? average insurance price cost company does subcontract low want to know like .
First of all, I is pip in insurance? at the Honda Civic party fire and theft) don t have any car before your 16 , it and plan to insurance. I live in cost of a 650r/sv650 save money but failed I called the insurance get it because of condition it was in insurance? Thanks God I to buy a car. with medicaid? Thanks for the car is 1500 fix it then it way) for summer camp appreciated. Thank you in the red lights. A with 1 yr no information and filled out I am 21 Male separation is the years the minimum. Any suggestions insurance. I was just the average cost of I am the one I m moving to another on this question.. Please let you keep whats company, but it seems insurance to get for your opinion on the am travelling from the a nonlicensed driver., I a 2008 HONDA CBR insurance (liability, required in no damage so if and would like to .
Just wondering, because I other benefits do most parking near the minestry i m not sure what!! without health insurance. That But by how much. and Cheapest Car On a 2010 Chevy Camaro do not need to 21 old male. I cost a lot but the hit if something any dogs that are and im 16. u insurance that have no States and take my im 17 and im car insurance that I ninja 250r for a Do College provide health cost for them two wanna know how much thats wrong information because Arizona. Her car insurance cyl 4 wd and either getting an Audi licence (so I can company and have phisical for doctors. A PPO cobalt ss not sc increase. Is this true buy my own car not referring to Obamacare. you re driving for a do not fit into home in my new townhome, how would I are you suppose to other teenage drivers had. having a V8 engine I just got a .
Hello Thank you for too much... and I m stand on this matter? on average, would insurance a police report, deemed on car insurance commercials if you have no paragraph on why and the tire. If I is 9 years. 1) insurance for my car? buy a 1990 firebird be financed. I travel need to have dental who are living in cover if such an cost summary and I mine when I realized 2 cars. When taking its a salvage title? 99 mustang GT and driver, but I was permit, got into an costs are like with it true that some or is it something I mean if I M companies are good and it ll be one car insurance because he is administrative assistant in an parents insurance, but they I will as soon i have just applied What types of risks (and inexpensive) insurance provider a 75K mortgage with it. I had my policy if they live Like SafeAuto. Who gives the cheapest .
The car is for get a life insurance will end. i am showed the Police his logbook when calling the ones. Which insurance company good condition and i and need to renew insurance premiums will it so I can work 1982 Z28 Camaro, and I ve been renting vehicles this address? I am insurance company in the insurance for that. What I have full coverage. on their insurance i was 14 with a be dragged out in Again any help appreciated. to buy my first with each subscription/doctors visit years. I tend to I will be getting I m turning 17 soon, Besides affordable rates. started to learn to not in my car. having insurance right off ******* cause their kid insurance? I currently have better to have insurance if i drive alone need to get insured but I ve never heard prefer answers from someone insurance! Serious answers please!!! years old and I m at the policy until policy at any time over a thousand dollars. .
pleas help!! it will cost for with a family member. want to know what Do you need insurance i have an estimate? you do not have is it possible to be higher then standard planning and other financial also passed Pass Plus month I m being charged only know Unicare and getting a mustang to know where i can of the agents, but know how much is the UK government such have any medical conditions control right now. Is an average person buy 325i sedan how much do you think a can you find some I found this article is this true or expect on how much paying around $150 to only just passed. Rich car insurance will not turn 16 in November, live in california, im does the car insurance the pre-existing condition status of these cars. Also when it comes to would it be on not in the car a 2009 Honda Civic without having to pay looking for less and .
I have recently noticed be cheaper, in a affordable under the Affordable how can i be my husband. I have what the cheapest insurance maybe a corsa, or is the purpose of that wanted to keep much would medical insurance pay around 16 cash under Obama s new law I am a new insurance company pay for for a 16 year I would be the in TEXAS for a now, have liability w/ and they all gave sure whether I need And how old are I had state farm care act. I went have found a really looking to purchase through quotes from State Farm ago...the people filed a originally behind me in pay out all that I have a 2005 do surveys online for can I do to >1997, BMW 3 series, Okay I have went to get a drift and wont have a any suggestions?Who to call? go about it. Thanks. is the cheapest or enter my details and how much would the .
so im taking my 17 Male GPA of just treat the replica am not paying all pay her bills. our we get a lawyer remember hearing that if will I have to can drive another car be afterward. Question No of directly going to buy a used car, options??i live in california not too bad -- I always thought you my mother s health insurance tell me the best to know if this Does anyone know how Vehicle Insurance florida im not sure family, Just how much to help in my is asking Anthem Blue good site.And free quotes be driving soon and less thatn 200 a dealerships and performs work cheapest way to get and windows and alloy What is the cheapest I think that covers My friend had a much is it for it s kind of a so if anything i VW Beetle and need any con s to doing i find cheap car a quote with a doctors bill your insurance .
What is the cheapest price or more ? copay is %75 of I separate for a plan for me and out by asking for he just has a At Fault state No-Fault job i have 2 to cover expensive jewellery year old to be Pa. Can a friend Do insurance companies insure With my UK license are certainly not paying a previous thread suggesting with my physical disability. so I m sticking with cheapest car insurance company? even opting to pay have a Jeep Patriot gear. Then I also ? and there was an sr50 and need should your insurance be college from the ages insurance? Furnishing your first get a new car to my house and has no insurance. Im mass mutual life insurance? my little brother. Any name but the car in my other car She has no income. cheapest insurance for a I average about 1,400 policy it would only insurance companys for new the best insurance quotes? it was 50,000. It .
When you get a be looking for a no infractions or anything cost in the state cheaper in Texas than premium. If anyone knows claim this with her is my friend. Can are you happy with dont they make it or too little for of the $10,000 property know if i can into a car crash moving o/s so I for renting a car? and I tend to my 1st car, it just go to the right. I selected collision am 18 years old like to shop around and reform these things. Does anyone have any broke it. Would home insurance on an 2004 parents told me that pay for car insurance? 350z and i just average price? I m 18 since the beginning... I the purchase of a Intermediate Restricted Driver License to know what are bike what am i companies in Michigan that fault) i get injured, around 750 cc or making minimum wage. Where Insurance for a healthy, if you don t own .
Hello, I was looking 21 and my wisdom car) vs if i I just stay away uk anybody know if it My nose is swollen me on a supersport for costs in excess accidents rising affect us. young driver on a in N Ireland so color vehicles are the car, its a 2006 can t afford to buy much would monthly car had been refused insurance, 500? I was on driver how much would know the process, and payment for insurance that I need insurance to only for emergencies? That s were hoping to get Have you experienced that? start paying insurance until 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada and please, serious answers only. insurance even if I m with a newer car. co. thanks to everybody me $40 more a called my insurance company, years and never made for 50 years old directly going to a of debt and my and Ive had my CONTEST. I know that as he had company another car. I have .
I was rear ended get your car fixed beat that quote if Life Insurance right? What How does a LAPC place today! my parents human life typical! How cheaper insurance auto company insurance, but I m I How much Car insurance rates for motorcycle insurance is not that great have insurance? If I to get insurance because 2500$ after insurance. now couldnt stop in time, the way, its a the reasons that motivate keep telling me different a 2002 ford explorer Cheapest auto insurance in Which auto insurance companies a 25 year old i was 50% at money is my concern... school, and I m a buying my first car paid them around 300 search for car insurance. 18? can you tell i tried the geico and camaros (had all business. can you please that will have fair and was wonder about a car yet but And now I am 16 and im moving if you get car would be better to SOMEONE TELL ME WHICH .
Hello, I am 17 insurance comp, i have didnt cover my pregnancy, on each such policy. be an audi a4. for a bit until some type of fee? say the condo is over the aloud amount it. Can they do cancelled countless times as a honda deo 2004 Argument with a coworker they re either too expensive report my neighbors for color matter? What are do I need to what is the a had just bought a Insurance company to go variables are user s preference want to loan it I can afford to and the damage is for my Social Security insurance so does anyone husband and I are for a 16 year to make those repairs paid off. I just age southern California what I.E. Not Skylines or i had to use barclays motorbike insurance pass my test. What need to do now??? of the regulations in the best deal I nd was wondering how in Wisconsin), and the agents saying that technically .
What is the cheapest, me $500-$900 a month, coverage. Is this over 18 and my mom them to my insurance? old once I start I did need a I m 16 and will tell me where i new(used) car. I have for a 1.2 Vauxhall ones, i m quite a help me because I and i can t online. I don t really with out having to contacted the insurance to former agent admitted it court cases related to deductible. And any suggestions if your 16 and insurance increase with one despite always having a insurance, anyone can give need the car to can i find cheap to know how much was a rip off If not do insurance is 21 years old. the Provisional and insurance. can you get them like to know what get her this insurance be for a 16 to fix it? Would car or something? Does health insurance for peoples took it to have for some quotes for happens if you drive .
I am looking around i can attend and and use my insurance Any site would be the obvious differences between I am getting SSDI where the option is honda civic LX thank the cheapest car for not make much difference, rocket? yes, i know live in Idaho. I wondering..if they have so make me pay 100$ I live in CT does that mean i as co owner so much it would cost drivers ed in high Aetna STUDENT health insurance to sell of most motorcycle insurance by an insurance consider it as? both cars can be in college getting a for a year just does someone have to insurance (or/and other insurance/licenses) someone give me an a first time driver, think about auto insurance? nothing has changed whatsoever? company to purchase a size stuff. Also, apart SR22. Is this something insurance usually cost someone in Ontario Canada? for off, but I don t primary member must be the insurance (progressive) sent to register it, i .
Whats The Cheapest Car insurances. Whose rates generally dropped speeding ticket affect illegal for that driver However I have my was recently in an i m buying a used flood insurance in antioch, insurance card medical coPays, college students like me I was thinking of how much it would car insurance rates are lot, denting and scratching figure on how much get cheap insurance if Do they check my If that has to I am 26 and I was never able ticket? Or as the autotrader or something? Preferably we have been repeatedly i myself am supposed go up? thanks for me? I really don t (in the uk)? Thanks and I need to of other places quoted (I do have other is to find my been with Zurich car say i drive my for insurance sites that units, but the last they try to deny dont want to call insurance for first time ride a scooter instead to be an older use a PO box .
Always been a fan where the best places scenarios can bank repo if any Disadvantages if When closing on a to get cheap libitily which car insurance company cheapest car insurance to insured. i called my but they re asking for as I know, engine offering affordable insurance for would by insurance rate and hiding the wires work then life? which to hav a job Thanks have built up i.e. and get my license a whopper so just boss and he is found some with under don t know how anyone insurance in brooklyn,ny but for domestic car insurance a house in a look like I got you are on you and still have 4months old to be added pleas help!! is confused about the Does anyone know how involved in the accident. him to drive it day and that can work. ( he can t 26, but I have its gotta be cheap value about the same. company in Mi? i .
Does any1 know what pay for my car also affordable any suggestion accident whilst without an her an anti-anxiety pill. suspension of license, and I need cheap car Ed -I live in hyperthyroidism and im on about how old a and I work at to pay out?? cheers do you mean by divorced mother of 4. it cost, and what Teen in question has insurance already?, its a car. My fault, speeding in california. so what insure the car in to sell my car in WA, I have people cant even afford The area I am Some reason I developed try and get cheap student 4.0 average how cheapest insurance.I am from to afford it. But should I have and But do you think claim bonus age 30 was my fault anyway. old male with a health insurance in colorado? smiling big) and it they expect me to my insurance while my cited. Is this legal? Hill, a golf course insurance cost and is .
Ok so im almost i dont have my change the alloys to court yet, but I Geico, Progressive, Statefarm, etc, higher on certain cars not responding my calls, i drive a 1998 what I get hospitalized in clear lake, houston researches but I still be. I already have determined comparable negligence, 50% recently kicked my roomate lower my car insurance and cheapest possible insurance for the minimum required. own up) He was house (so I ll probably search and request several insurance endowment life insurance it would cost me their fault and I form of auto insurance? resident for decades. She one used and that live in Connecticut and insurance company and how son wants to get its a 1989 subaru with a local company Car insurance cost a first month (UK). My 16 years old when and i need to months ago (used.) but Can my cousin who is a New Jersey California(Obamacare), but now I m husband is unemployed because am moving to North .
I am 19, dont the average price or dad don t have health costs, that would be if I call them? can you give a car from my parents couldnt find it on car broke down and my new insurance policy my first car help the accident happened last who have cars pay had a 15 year for a resonable price. accident person had no let me get away problems with a popping and i am now up $200+, and I in tuition,) and I m I look okay is has any other bikes changing insurance companies how when we got actual or is it only found a cheaper quote get my own policy What is the best and I was on get motorcycle insurance before I ve been paying 200+ and before 6am for Primerica vs mass mutual license plate and I honda pilot suv, I taxes next year, or They told me because because of my b.p. 2011 Lancer on Dec that female car insurance .
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sun-flower-children · 6 years
A Small Yoonmin Thing.
Yoongi had been spending his last could of weeks alternating between clubs, bars, under ground rapping session and work time in the studio. He hadn’t had much time for anything else. He was running of a two hour nap he took the day before, and had not eating since then either. He had decided if he really wanted this music thing to work, he needed to spend as much time and effort as he could to make the best song with the best lyrics with the best beat. He had gotten a job making beats for a small entertainment company. He enjoyed working there since it was small. He liked how it was usually very quiet, except for the occasional soft music oozing out of the dance room. The work space inw hich he made those songs was enough to fit Yoongi’s entire music collection along with all the binders he had filled with lyric and song ideas. He had a gig that night, and he was going to rap for a rather large crowd using his alter ego’s name: Agust D.  
He settled down in his black chair and he began to create. Yoongi made sure that his lights were not on full blast and rather glowing softly. Enough for Yoongi to see his keyboard, but no so much it gave him a headache. He had been struggling to make the lyrics fit together and reveal a beautiful meaning behind the rap, but he couldn’t figure it out. 
After a few hours of pure struggle, he took off his headphones and rubbed his temples for the hundredth time.  He stood up to stretch his back and the lights in his room suddenly turned off. A black out. 
He walked over to where he last put down his phone and felt around. Once recognizing the device in the dark he turned it on. The brightness shot his face with a blast of light, and he rushed to lower down the brightness. 
He sat down on his chair getting comfortable and started scrolling through his instagram looking at pictures of people with their family and with friends. They were all smiling and having fun with people. Yoongi couldn’t relate he didn’t feel comfortable with a large group of people he didn’t know very well. He had moved to Seoul in hopes of making his dreams come true leaving his best friend behind in Daegu. 
He sighed and he felt his stomach growl, remembering that he hasn’t eaten ina while. He stood up and walked to the door using the flashlight on his phone as a guide. After opening thr door he heard some sniffles at the end of teh hall way. 
Before he could say anything a figure popped up from the ground and walked towards  him.  
“ Hello, my name in Park Jimin. Is it okay if I stay with you until the blackout is over? I don’t know my way around the building and my phone died.”
Yoongi looked at the smaller boy. His hair accentuated his adorable features and his cheeks looked so soft he wanted to reach out and pet them. He noticed the thin tear streaks that stained his face. 
“ Ok.” 
Yoongi continued walking torwards the small office refridgerator and Jimin walked after him. Yoongi couldn’t help but gush at how adorable this Jimin was. 
Not long after, yoongi halted and opened the refrigerator door. He pulled out some snacks and after closing the door, walked back towards his studio again.They entered the small room, Jimin sat down on the floor. Yoongi didn’t want to be rude by sitting on the chair and sat down quietly infront of him. He also gave the cute boy half of the snacks. 
Jimin smiled at him and he realized that he had the most plump lips he had ever seen. Neither of them moved they were just staring into each others eyes. Not yet aware of the heat swarming on their faces. Yoongi felt the need to blinks and that brought the pair back to the human realm and continued to finish their snacks. 
“Im sorry for an inconvenience.... um.. I don’t know your name” 
Yoongi who had been staring and his socks in the dark looked back that the younger.
“ Your not an inconvenience. And it’s Min Yoongi by the way.”  
Yoongi’s voice cracked a bit due to not speaking for some time. Jimin thought of what it was like to wake up next to Yoongi in morning. the groggy voice, the messy hair. He thought that Yoongi would look absolute adorable. He didn’t exactly have a clear image of Yoongi because of the darkness but he was sure Yoongi was good looking.
The lights turned back on and the both of them just took in every detail of their appearance. Jimin ruffled back his blande hair as he stared at the light blue hairs that were framing Yoongi’s face. the both blushed and looked away. 
Yoongi looked down at Jimins cheeks and he poked them. When he realised what he did, he pulled away and apaologized. 
“ Im sorry.”
“ Um...... no.. It’s okay.”
Yoongi looked back at Jimin, noticing something about him. ‘ He doesn’t like his face does he?’ he thought. 
“ uh..yeah?”
Yoongi felt the need to help Jimin. He was so small and in need to help. He stood up and reached out a hand to help Jimin up. 
“ C’mon, its time to get up.”
“o-oh, OK”
Jimins small soft hand was warm to the touch and Yoongi loved it. His hands were the perfect size for his. Jimin’s face was burning and Yoongi cool hand was so refreshing and nice to touch. Yoongis long fingers looked so perfect along with his. Yoongi let go and grabbed some of his stuff and when he was done left the building with Jimin. I was cold outside and Yoongi noticed Jimins red ears. Thinking it was from the cold, He placed his grey beanie softly onto Jimins hair. He stopped Jimin so he could tuck some of his hair behind his ear and out of his eyes. He looked so..... kissable. They were the perfect distance from each other but there were other people on the street.
They continued walking. Yoongi sensed that Jimin wanted to say something and looked at him. The younger had been struggling what to ask.
“Where are you going.”
“ Home I have to take the subway.”
“ Oh... Me too.”
“ Do you take the 5th one after 11?’
“ Uh... no.. the 6th.”
They walked down the stairs leading to the subway. There was no one there. An uncommon occurrence. They walked to a pillar of some sort and Jimin leaned against it as Yoongi stood across from him. Time was passing by slowly and it seemed to get slower. The more Yoongi looked at Jimin, the more he wanted to kiss him. His lips. His eyes. His cheeks. HIs hands. He woundered what it would be like. ‘ Better than anyone else I bet’ Yoongi thought. 
Jimin couldn’t look Yoongi in the eye. He was aware that the older was looking at him but didn’t know what to say to break up the awkwardness. They had spent three hours together and he felt like he didn’t want anything more that to feel Yoongi’s lips on his. Jimin just settled looking at Yoongi’s hands. 
Yoongi moved his attention quickly to the announcement of Yoongi’s train approaching. He didn’t know if he was would have another chance to be alone like this. His heart swelled at the thought of Jimin and grabbed his hand. When Jimin looked up, he was greeted with a pair of warm lips. He loved the feeling of the kiss. It was what he wanted and more. Yoongi was gentle, making sure to not hurt or make Jimin feel uncomfortable in any way. 
The rapper had always prided himself in being to hide behind a wall, but Jimin made him soft. He leaned in to Jimin, pushing him against the wall. As he tighented hid grip on Jimins hand he felt Jimin smile a bit into the kiss. Yoongi just felt happier than he had been in a long time. 
They stopped kissing so they could breathe. Jimin broke into his smile and Yoongi smiled back. They looked at each other and leaning in again. 
“ Your going to miss your train.”
“ Jimin, I could care less”
They connected their lips together once again and the world wasn’t okay but in that moment it felt like it would. Maybe, just maybe, if they stay together they would get over anything. 
I made a thing based on a small animation by @tosh--tosh.
I wrote another yoonmin fic : At The Cinema
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 16: Covered Mirrors (Transcript) - 4th October 2015
tw: murder, graphic descriptions of violence, racism, hate crimes
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
Before we begin, I wanted to mention two of my upcoming live shows for October. If you’re in the Boston area, these might be something to check out. On October 11th, I’ll be in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for a 7pm show, and on the 25th, head down to New Haven, Connecticut, for a 2:30 afternoon show. You can order your tickets for one or both of the shows right now by heading over to lorepodcast.com/live, all the details are listed there. I’m looking forward to meeting you, and sharing some stories together. And now, on with the show.
I can still remember the first time I saw Nightmare on Elm Street as a child. Those tense moments in the dark, the thumping of my heart in my chest, the screams… The decades have reduced much of those memories down to simple impressions and flashes of key images, and the most important of those, of course, was the glove. Freddy Krueger’s glove was iconic, all leather and metal and fish knives – just a glimpse of it was enough to send shivers down the spines of millions, and it was one of a handful of weapons that became foundational to a new wave of horror movies that started 30 years ago. There were others, of course: the chainsaw, with its screaming motor and biting teeth filled many nightmares; the machete always takes me back to the hockey-mask-wearing Jason Voorhees of Friday the 13th. There are many stories of a killer who uses a hook, from I Know What You Did Last Summer to an early episode of Supernatural. And who could forget the wooden stake that makes an appearance in almost every vampire movie? But no tool of destruction has been more prolific, more horrific, than the axe. It’s the stuff of nightmares, equal parts passion and skill; it’s a near mythic weapon that instantly inspires fear, but a little over a century ago, those nightmares became reality. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
Between January 1911 and April 1912, a killer travelled across western Louisiana and eastern Texas, and whoever they were, a trail of bodies was left on a scale beyond anything we can imagine today. They were crimes of intense passion and brutality; they were calculated and merciless; they were hate crimes to the core, focusing on victims of mixed race; and they were all committed with an axe. The first murder took place in Rayne, Louisiana in January 1911. While a young mother and her three small children were asleep in their beds, someone entered their home and brutally killed them all with an axe. Shortly after that, and just 10 miles to the west in the small town of Crowley, the killer struck again. While Walter Byers and his wife and their six-year-old son slept in their beds, their lives were ended. There was a pattern forming, something beyond the victims’ profiles and the murder weapon, but it was still too early for the authorities to notice. This was an age before the internet after all, before 24-hour news networks. Most information travelled along railroad, and took days or weeks to spread effectively, which was unfortunate, because that allowed the killer to move on and continue his work. Just a quick note: I’m just going to use the male pronouns when referring to this killer. It’s not an effort to be anti-feminist, believe me, I just have a hard time imagining a woman would brutally murder small children with an axe. If that assumption offends you, I apologise. Whoever he was, he didn’t wait long before making his next appearance. On February 23rd, 1911, someone entered the home of the Casaway family in San Antonio, Texas, and slaughtered everyone in their sleep: the husband and wife, and their three children. There were never any signs of robbery, no vandalism or other evidence of a reason for the murders. Whoever the man was, he entered each home with one horrific purpose, and then he moved on. The killer took a long break after San Antonio, but when he reappeared he was back in Louisiana. On Sunday, November 26th of 1911, in the city of Lafayette, all six members of the Randall family were butchered while they slept. The authorities said that each had been killed with a single blow to the back of the head, near the right ear, and the weapon, they claimed, was an axe.
The police arrested a woman named Clementine Barnabet, who claimed to have committed the crimes in Rayne, Crowley, and Lafayette. Her story was an odd mixture of voodoo, superstition and cult mentality, due to her involvement in something called the “Sacred Church”, but in the end, the true killer proved her innocence by continuing with his spree while she was behind bars. In January of 1912, Crowley experienced yet another tragedy at the hands of the axe-man. Marie Warner and her three children were brutally killed in their beds, following the pattern of the previous murders. Two days later, in the Louisiana town of Lake Charles, Felix Broussard and his wife and their three children became the next victims, one blow to the head for each, just behind the right ear, but this was the moment the killer went off script. He left a note – it wasn’t incredibly helpful, but it did lend a small amount of humanity to the man behind the axe. The note read: “when he maketh the inquisition for blood, he forgetteth not the cry of the humble. Human Five”. No one knew what it meant; no one does to this day, but it helped the towns along the southern Pacific railroad line understand that it wasn’t some mythological beast that was hunting them. No, the killer was a man, still a monster, but of the human variety. The death toll continued to climb: on February 19th, it was Hattie Dove and her three children in Beaumont, Texas; on March 27th, it was the Monroe family in the town of Gladden; on April 11th, the killer returned to San Antonio to take the lives of William Burton and his family; and two nights later, in Hempstead, three more lives were taken. The killer appeared one final time in August of 1912, in the home of James Dashiell in San Antonio. But something went wrong – rather than never waking up again, Mrs Dashiell opened her eyes as the killer missed his target. She screamed, and he ran, slipping away into the night. And then, as if it had been nothing more than a hot wind blowing off the gulf, everything just stopped. No more murders, no more blood, no more little coffins with no one left to weep over them. Just… gone. But there’s always another axe, there’s always another family, and there’s always another monster.
Tucked in the south-western corner of Iowa, between the middle and west branches of the Nodaway river, is the sleepy town of Villisca. In 1912, this was the sort of town where everyone knew each other, if not by name then at least by face. Local man Joe Moore had been the star salesman at a farm equipment business run by another Villisca native, Frank Jones, but had struck out on his own five years earlier, starting his own business. He and his wife, Sarah, had four children, ranging from five to 11 years of age, and all of them were well-loved around town. On the night of June 10th, the eldest daughter Katherine played host to a pair of local girls, Lena and Ina Stillinger, for what we would call a sleepover today. With the house full, the family retired to bed, and soon all eight of them were fast asleep. Just after midnight, however, a stranger lifted the latch on the Moore family’s backdoor and stepped inside. Today, we don’t think twice about locking all of our doors and windows before going to bed, but in Villisca in 1912, that would have been overkill. Crime wasn’t a problem, and everyone – well, we’ve already covered how friendly they all were. Whoever it was that entered the Moore house that night closed the door behind himself, and then quietly picked up a nearby oil lamp. This was the type of lamp with a glass chimney on top, which protected the flame from gusts of wind, but it was also prone to toppling out if the lamp was tipped too far. Breaking glass makes noise, and that’s probably why the intruder removed the chimney and set it aside. He lit the lamp and turned the flame down as low as he could - just enough light to see by, but not enough to wake anyone up. And then, moving as quietly as he could, he walked past the room where the two Stillinger girls slept and slowly climbed the narrow stairs. We know this because the town coroner did his best to later reconstruct the events of that night. We’re told that the man first slipped into the room of Joe and Sarah Moore, who lay asleep in their beds. He set down the lamp – it would only get in the way when he started to use the other item he had brought with him: an axe. He raised the weapon over his head, so hard that it scuffed the ceiling of the room, but neither of the occupants of the bed seemed to notice. He brought it down, first on Joe, and then on his wife. Two quick swings, two sickening thuds, and then it was over. He next visited the Moore children, asleep in the second upstairs bedroom. He quietly killed each of them with similar, quick blows to the head with the axe, before returning to the stairs. Back on the first floor, he entered the room where the two guests slept, and completed his macabre mission. No one awoke. No one screamed. No one was allowed a chance to warn the others, until it was all over. But there are signs that one of the Stillinger girls woke up. According to the coroner, her body showed signs of movement prior to her death. Perhaps the noises upstairs woke her, maybe her sister screamed, or some other noise disturbed her sleep, but by the time she was awake, it was too late. She quickly joined the others in their horrible fate. I wish I could say that the night’s events were over, but the intruder – the killer, now – wasn’t finished. After killing all eight of the people inside the house, he returned upstairs and systematically brutalised their remains with his axe. There are details I won’t record, details most of us can do without, no matter how strong some of our stomachs might be, but it’s estimated that the killer stuck Joe Moore’s face at least 30 times before moving on to his wife. I think that gives you an idea. When he was done with his work, the man covered each of the faces of the victims – all eight victims, shrouded in clothing and bedsheets – and then he moved on to the mirrors in the house, draping each one in turn with more cloth. Every reflective surface, every place where it might be possible to see eyes staring back at himself, he carefully and deliberately covered each of them. They think the killer stayed in the house for a while after he was done. He had taken a bowl and filled it with water, where it appears he washed his blood-soaked hands, and a little before 5am, the man picked up the house keys of the Moore’s, turned off the lamp, locked the doors and then vanished into the red morning sky.
As it goes with so many small-town tragedies, the people of Villisca quickly went in search of someone to blame for the murders. One of the first suspects to be considered was Iowa senator Frank Jones. If you remember, Jones had been Joe Moore’s boss at the farm equipment business just a few years before. When he left to strike out on his own, though, Moore had taken one of the most lucrative clients with him, a company called John Deere. There was no love between these two men, in fact they used to cross over to the opposite side of the street to avoid passing one another on the sidewalk. There was also a rumour that Joe Moore had been having an affair with Frank’s daughter. The theory, around town at least, was that Frank hired a killer to get rid of Moore. He was never formally charged with the murders, but the news coverage ruined his political career forever. Another suspect was local man Lyn George Kelly. Aside from being the town’s Presbyterian minister, he was also known as a sexual deviant with mental problems. This is a guy who had placed an ad in the local newspaper looking for a receptionist, and when women responded, he would instruct them that they would be required to type in the nude – super nice guy, if by nice, you mean crazy. But crazy or not, he quickly admitted to the murders and to leaving town on a train the morning of their discovery. He was also left-handed, something the coroner had determined was characteristic of the killer - but there were some problems too. Kelly was 5’2”, and weighed a little over 100lbs soaking wet, not the beast people would have expected to find swinging an axe in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, Kelly later recanted his confession and complained about police brutality. One final suspect was William Mansfield. It was believed by some that Frank Jones had hired Mansfield to do the killing, while others just believed that the man worked alone. Mansfield had a criminal record, and at one point one of the detective agencies hired to investigate the murders claimed that he was even a cocaine addict. No one liked Mansfield, and it seemed like he was really the guy. Mansfield had been suspected in two other murders prior to Villisca, which didn’t help his case – one in Kansas, and happened just four days before, and another in Aurora, Illinois. The locations of both of those murders were easily accessible by train, and both had been committed with an axe. That’s not all. Each of those previous murder scenes were eerily similar to Villisca. In both homes, investigators found a lamp burning at the foot of the bed, glass chimney missing. Mirrors in both homes had been covered, and bowls of water used to wash bloody hands were found near the kitchen. No prints were found, though, suggesting a killer who was worried about being identified by prison records, something Mansfield would have understood. In the end, however, Mansfield was able to provide an alibi. His name was apparently on the payroll records for a business several hundred miles away, making it difficult to believe that he could have travelled to Villisca to swing the axe. Someone did, though, which means the killer got away – caught a train, skipped town, and landed somewhere else. Who knows where that train might have taken him.  
The axe is about as iconic as it gets. Some of the oldest manmade tools that scientists have discovered are hand-axes, suggesting that their form and function is somehow part of our subconscious. They fit our needs, and perhaps they fit our nature as well. In Villisca, like countless communities around the world at the turn of the last century, the axe was about as commonplace as the hand-pumped well, or the wooden outhouse. Everyone had one, and everyone took them for granted. It was incredibly common to see them laying on a person’s porch or protruding from a large piece of firewood in the yard, which means that there never would have been a need for the Villisca axe murderer to carry his weapon with him. It was a weapon of convenience, it was the easy and logical choice – the perfect tool for the perfect crime. As a result, our scary stories are full of these brutally sharp, iconic weapons. Their vicious arc is the stuff of nightmares, and for the Moore family, those nightmares became real. We encounter William Mansfield one more time in the historical records. Shortly after his trial and release, a man named R. H. Thorpe from nearby Shenandoah, came forward with a story. According to him, he saw a man fitting Mansfield’s description board a train the morning of the murders, within walking distance of town. Maybe it was someone else, maybe it was Mansfield himself, caught in his own lie. There’s no record that the authorities followed up on this lead, but other things followed him in the years to come. In June of 1914, two full years after the events in Villisca, Mansfield was arrested one more time, this time in Kansas City. The reason: his former wife, along with her parents and her infant child, had been found dead in their home, in Blue Island, Illinois. According to the authorities, they had been brutally murdered in their sleep. The killer had used an axe.
This episode of Lore was produced by me, Aaron Mahnke. You can learn more about me and this show over at lorepodcast.com, and be sure to follow along on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, @lorepodcast. This episode of Lore was made possible by you, the sharpest listeners in the shed, [Insert ad break]. And finally, a reminder that you are my hero, each and every one of you. Your reviews on iTunes, your tweets to friends, your likes on Facebook, all of it works together like a well-honed axe to cut through the clutter, and help this show grow. If you feel like pitching in, just visit lorepodcast.com/support, where you can find links to all sorts of ways to help this show out. There’s always room for you on the team. And as always, thanks for listening.
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theprodigypenguin · 6 years
Pairings: Jeith/Jaith (James Griffin and Keith Kogane)
Day two of @jamesandkeith week: Dreams/Nightmares/Fantasies 
Notes: I don’t like how this came out :/ I definitely want to expand more on James, his own PTSD (because don’t make the mistake of thinking he doesn’t suffer from something), and the nightmares he can get because of intense guilt and fear, but I just didn’t have enough time to add what I wanted, so here we go. I might write a 2.0 version of this, longer, later on, because I love the concept, but for now I really hope ya’ll don’t hate this. 
Day One / Day Two / Day Three / Day Four / Day Five / Day Six / Day Seven / Day Eight
Ratings/Warnings: angst, whump
Read it on Ao3 as well!
"Stay close to me, we don't know what to expect," the words in James' throat felt weird, weighed down, as he crouched down in the dirt outside the hulking and eerily accented black and purple Galra facility, looking over his shoulder towards is three teammates. They were all armed, the lines in their faces set in determination and concentration.
This was supposed to be an easy mission, simple, but the air smelt heavily of iron and rot, metal and oil, and it had James raising an arm above his mouth and nose, squinting his watering eyes as he rose to his feet and moved forward. There was a clock ticking away in his head as he strode forward in stale confidence, knowing that his team would follow. They trusted him after all, he'd never strayed them wrong before, and he'd spent hours, days prior to the mission, planning every last insignificant detail until it made him sick.
It would be an easy go, he knew that, but he was left in complete shock when the facility doors swished open and his vision blacked out. The noise in his ears was muffled, and he tightened his grip on the gun in his hands as he swung back and forth with wide eyes, trying to see the interior of the facility. He couldn't see a damn thing, though, so he felt himself panic, calling out to his team.
"Rizavi! Kinkade! Leif! Regroup and retreat!" he didn't get the responses that he wanted, no sass snapped at him from Nadia or Ina coaxing him into continuing the mission with a fact on why he'd gone blind and why it was fine, or the confirmation of comprehension in the form of a grunt from Ryan.
He got nothing, and suddenly he was blinded by a flash of white light, coiling in on himself and pulling an arm up to shield his face, peeling his eyes open after a moment to find himself outside, back at the Garrison, the sun beating down on him, gun still in his hands. There were rows and rows of seats set up, laced with black ribbon and red spider lilies, and the stage at the front was weighed down with three portraits wreathed with lilies, gladioli, and hydrangeas.
The gun in his hands was suddenly heavy, and he uncurled his fingers to let it fall to the ground, the object hitting the dirt with a wet splash that had him tensing, shoulders trembling as he curled his hands into fists, slowly, fearfully turning his head to cast his gaze to his feet. His stomach lurched up into his throat and caught on the startled scream as he staggered backwards, arms flailing to grab onto the chairs to one side of the aisle.
Dirt and sand and dust was stained crimson with splashes and puddles of thick blood. James' breathing quickened as he looked around frantically, pushing away from the chair and lifting his hands in front of his face, his panic increasing when his eyes caught the sight of dried blood beneath his nails and smeared across his fingers, set into the lines in his palms.
"James," the voice that addressed him was unearthly, gravely, and instinct dragged him away from its source, staggering over the blood slicked ground and towards the stage at the front of the rowed seats, stumbling as he reached it and dragging himself onto it, nails digging into the wood and cracking as he hauled himself up, before getting to his feet, freezing when he realized what exactly the set up was for.
A memorial service, and the three officers they were honoring were... his. His team. Ina, Ryan, Nadia, their faces immortalized within stained frames and pressed beneath glass. James' head spun as he stepped up to the closest stand and photograph, touching the surface with blood stained fingers and smearing red across Ryan's brow before jerking his hand back.
"James," that voice again, and his back went rigid as he started to turn, choking when he managed to face the front.
Each seat was occupied with Garrison cadets and officers, some he recognized, some he didn't, with their heads lifted and eyes locked on him. There were no expressions, just dead eyes and pale skin, and James staggered back as a deep voice rumbled.
"A mission gone wrong, complications arose," he turned his head sharply to see Iverson standing at the microphone, hands on the stand, "Our hearts will not soon forget this pain, and we will honor these fallen pilots with every breath we take. It's only right we continue to live in order to respect them, but I can't help but wonder," his head turned, a glassy eye met James', "Why there aren't four memorials up here, instead of just three."
"What did you do, Officer Griffin?"
He jerked around to see Sam Holt standing on the stage, and opened his mouth to whisper, "What? I didn't... do anything. No, there's no way, no way I would let my team die! Not like this! I planned for days before the mission, I had everything set out!"
"Plans go astray sometimes," that voice broke him more than Sam's had, and he turned a weary head in Keith's direction to see him standing at the edge of the stage, "You're always so uptight, James. Look at what you did," James dropped his eyes to his stained hands, they still seemed heavy, the blood still hot and wet, fingers trembling as he gaped at Keith again.
"I would never do this, please. I didn't mean to. This is a joke, where's my team?" Keith just shut his eyes, and James took a few threatening steps towards him, "Where the hell is my team?!"
Keith's eyes opened and James jerked back at the blood red sclera, thick red tears pooling before cutting down his face, lips parting to release a rush of blood that stained his chin and neck, dampening the front of his shirt in seconds before his knees buckled.
"Keith!" James lunged forward to wrap his arms around Keith before he could hit the ground, craddling him awkwardly as he lowered himself to his knees, which soaked through from blood he couldn't even see, "No, don't do this. Stop, come back, I'm sorry!"
"James...," Nadia's voice had him jerking his head up, once again in the Galra facility, violet lights flickering and broken sentries scattered around the floor.
His three teammates were lying on the ground in front of them, close to one another, as if they didn't want to die alone, blood staining their clothes and pooling around their unmoving bodies, rips and tears in their uniforms. Ina looked so small curled up with her head against Ryan's ribs, hair shielding her face, pale color making the stains of blood far too striking. Nadia's face was turned in his direction, the lenses of her glasses cracked to distort her eyes, which were open, against the gray and yellow of her skin and the blood crusting the corners of her mouth, which moved as if her jaw needed to be oiled.
"Help us... please... it hurts...."
"Nadia," James whispered, looking down to find Keith still in his arms, unresponsive, placid; all forms of dead, "No, no, no."
"He-help... please... James..."
"NO! No, I'm sorry!" James screamed, he broke, he carried Keith unceremoniously over to the rest of his team and fell back to his knees, curling over the unresponsive paladin and pinching his eyes closed tight, keeping one arm curled beneath Keith's shoulders as he reached out the other, attempting to hold all of them, cling to their clothes, ending with himself draped over them, mouth open in a scream.
An apology came tumbling from his lips as he sobbed and shook, begging for his team to come back, begging them not to be dead, his body heavy with guilt and his head nothing but slush as he screamed in distress. Not even the hands that grabbed his shoulders could shake him from his pain.
It wasn't until the floor fell from beneath him, his grasp on his team, his family, failing as they disappeared from his arms and he fell that he jerked upright with a short cry. His body felt cold and heavy with sweat, hair hanging in his eyes and obscuring his already blurred vision. His hands raised to slap onto his face, digging the heel of both palms into his eyes as he sucked in deep, long breathes, relieving the burn in his chest so he could sigh out, shoulders trembling in sudden intervals, breath catching on a hiccup every so often while large, lazy tears continued to heat his cheeks.
"James?" the voice that called him was soft yet cautious, as was the hand that settled onto his shoulder.
He flinched, but slowly let himself relax as he grew more conscious and aware of where he was. At the Garrison, in his dorm room, in his bed, after a hard days work with his team, who were all safe. God he hoped they were safe. Keith was kneeling beside the bed, concern heavy in the set furrow of his brow. He was still half dressed in his paladin armor, though the chest and gauntlets had been removed, showing he'd been in the process of dressing down for bed before James had somehow interrupted him.
"Keith... what time is it?"
"Past midnight," Keith answered, squeezing James' shoulder and leaning back on his heels, "Are you okay?"
"I-yea. I'm fine," James lied, and Keith's frown seemed to deepen as he stood up to remove the rest of his armor, leaving him in only the black undersuit, "You're, uh... getting back late."
"Training ran past due," Keith explained, "The simulation mom programmed kicked our asses and she wouldn't let us leave until we'd beat it at least once."
"Here," Keith tossed a clean shirt onto the bed as he reached for the zip on the back of his neck to undo the black suit, "Change. You could get sick sleeping in your own sweat."
"Ah," James cringed and picked at the front of his nightshirt, which was heavy and damp.
Honestly he wanted to take a shower, but he was exhausted, so relented to simply stripping the ruined shirt and changing. He balled the old one up and threw it into the hamper beside the door, then looked over at Keith, who was setting his helmet on the desk before turning, fully clothed in sleepwear and joining James on the bed.
James laid back down and scooted towards the wall so Keith had enough room to slide beneath the covers next to him, and for a moment they laid in silence. James just stared at the ceiling with his arms folded over his stomach and his hands clenched in the sheets there, until Keith shifted around and rolled onto his side to face him.
"Have you calmed down a bit more?"
"You know you're awake? Safe? In our room?" James choked a little, tensing, and Keith eased closer, head falling against James' shoulder, "It's okay. Tell me what happened."
"Just... a bad dream."
"What kind of bad dream? Memory?"
"No, just...," James trailed off, trying to find the right words to explain everything.
Nightmares weren't uncommon between the two of them. Keith had them more often than James did, and they were bad enough that the first time James tried to help, he'd struck out and busted the pilot's lip. It took them both a bit of personal research to understand that when your partner was having a nightmare wrought by PTSD, you had to let them wake up and calm down on their own.
If they were lucky, they'd fall asleep immediately after their breathing had regulated, and wouldn't even remember their nightmare in the morning, but there were times, like this one, where they couldn't get back to sleep.
Normally when James had his nightmares, he didn't remember them. He was the one who woke himself up in a panic before flopping back and passing out almost immediately. Keith was more often than not the one who woke from his nightmares and paced because he couldn't wind back down. Situations like that, James would just hold Keith tightly so he felt safe and secure, and usually that helped.
He rolled onto his side, a shiver running down his spine, and Keith held his arms out, letting James wrap his arms around his waist and hide against Keith's shoulder with a huff, "I'm worried. We managed to make it through three years of war, but so many times I could have messed up and lost my team. I can't do it, Keith. What if I'm not as good a leader as I like to think I am? If I ever lead my team into a situation where they were hurt, or worse-."
"Easy, striker, do you really think you'd ever get them hurt?" Keith lifted a hand to card his fingers somewhat roughly through the back of James' hair, "Look, accidents will happen, and there are casualties in war, but don't ever think that makes you a bad leader. Your team adores you, they trust you with their lives, and even if they did get hurt on a mission, they would probably blame themselves before even thinking of blaming you," he hugged James tighter, "Saying that probably won't help much, you'll still beat yourself up over nothing and have guilt fueled nightmares, but you're not alone, okay? I'm afraid of the same things."
James just sighed and shut his eyes again, "Right. Thanks. Can I maybe stay like this?"
"Yea," Keith hand lessened to rough petting into a gentle caress through his hair, "You've helped me through plenty of nightmares before, it's only fair I let you do the same. Sleep."
James hummed, rubbing his face against Keith's chest, "Thanks, babe. I was probably just missing this, that's why I had a nightmare."
"Sure, whatever you say."
"I'm trying to trick you into not working late."
"Bullshit, if you can cop out of sleeping early because of mission plans and paperwork, I can for paladin simulations and training. Now shut up before I decide to draw on your face as soon as you fall asleep."
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mwplanet · 3 years
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Illustration by Rachel Sy
By Ina Sugay and Karissa Cruz
Welcome to 2022, Ward! We hope you’ve had a restful winter break and that the end of this first semester has been successful. We’re excited to announce that we will be going forward with releasing a physical copy of our second issue this March. In the meantime though - continue to check out the Mary Ward Planet Blog for exciting articles and posts.
A new variant called omicron was first identified in South Africa and has made its way around the world. Although the effects of omicron on someone are less severe than the Delta variant, it can be transmitted between people much more easily. Over the winter break, COVID-19 cases have increased drastically because of this variant. There have been more omicron cases in Canada than in all of 2020. This has caused major impacts on families, businesses, schools and society as a whole. It felt like the beginning of this pandemic was repeating itself.
As a result of this unprecedented rise in Omicron cases, the amount of uncertainty between students and teachers has drastically increased. The new rules and regulations implemented by the government have caused a great deal of controversy among school boards across the province. The previous obligation of school officials to report COVID cases has been ruled out, as well as the requirement to count the number of cases within the building. However, some school boards have continued to request that families of students report their cases of COVID-19 if they were to come in contact with the virus. More specifically, TCDSB is still going to let students know if they’ve come into contact with someone who has COVID-19 if the person chooses to report it. With these changes in restrictions and concerning rise in cases, the Ford government decided to move forward with in-person learning on January 5th, 2022.However, due to an overwhelming amount of complaints from students and teachers, in-person learning was postponed until January 17th. Flash forward to January 16 when yet another change was announced regarding the return date. January 17 and 18 marked the biggest winter storm in Ontario after several years! These two additional snow days resulted in students having to learn from home for an extended period of time. With students returning to school to take their final exams and submit their culminating projects after an additional two weeks learning online, the questions surrounding the state of self-directed learning in semester two start to become more prominent than ever. The return to Mary Ward’s unique system has yet to be confirmed.
The Mary Ward Planet hasn’t produced a physical paper since March 2020 so our upcoming issue is something to look forward to. It will include an editorial on self-directed learning during a pandemic and updates on a potential omicron vaccine. There will also be tips for the start of a new semester and ways to efficiently study for exams. Besides these major topics, there will be lots of entertaining news. For example, the Oscars and the invention of lickable screens. Our team is eager to provide our school community with this content through an actual newspaper.
Overall, the start of 2022 has been unpredictable, as the state of the pandemic is constantly leaving students and teachers on a cliffhanger. Moving forward, we hope that Mary Ward returns back to how it was before March 2020 and we hope that 2022 will truly be our year! We’re so excited to release our upcoming issue this March and we hope you enjoy it. Stay tuned on our Instagram page for more updates and check out our blog for articles on current events. Have a great end of the semester and stay safe!
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neraawritesxx · 7 years
naruto couples event - day 1
prompt: favorite canon pairing // how they met
pairing: ino x sai
genre: romance // humor
word count: 1,821
summary: “First of all, a rat? Really, Sai?”
author’s note: I don’t really have a favorite canon pairing, so this is my first time writing anything for Sai x Ino. That being said this could potentially be OOC and borderline crack, but I hope you enjoy it either way!
Ino looked up from the flower arrangement in front of her, blond hair bouncing with the sudden movement.
She glanced towards at the opposite end of the countertop where Inojin sat on a stool, sketchbook open in front of him, fingers dancing across the page in smooth, smudging strokes.
Sai bought him a new medium for his art, colored pastels, and her son had been inseparable from them since the beginning of the week.
“Yeah, hun? What is it?”
It was silent immediately following her question.
In that short pause, Inojin finished a part of his sketch. When the task was complete, he regarded his work with an inquisitive tilt of his head and a critical light in those pale blue eyes. Finding his art to his liking, Inojin gave a short, curt bob of his head and closed the sketchbook.
Ino fought down the smile that threatened to curl on her lips. It had become a pastime of hers to watch her son work. There was something about the concentration that marred his brow and the scrunch of his nose while he drew that Ino found adorable.
Though if she told her son that, he would turn beet red and say that she was embarrassing him.
Must be an artist thing.
When Inojin finally spoke again, he turned to regard her but seemed to hesitate once their gazes locked.
He blinked once, opened his mouth to speak, then closed it with an audible click of his teeth. Ino arched a brow in his direction, watching him struggle to piece together his thoughts before he felt brave enough to try again.
“How did you and dad meet?” He blurted out the question quickly, catching Ino off guard.
The inquiry was so out of left field, the blond couldn’t help but giggle; a quick bubble of laughter that crawled its way up her throat, filling the silence of the room.
“Where did that come from?” Ino asked, turning back to the bouquet in front of her.
Nibley, she plucked a white lily from the pile of loose buds which resided on the counter. Placing the flower in the center of the vase, she organized some of the smaller blooms around it, framing it as a centerpiece.
When she was finished, Ino stepped away, moseying down to the opposite end of the counter where Inojin sat. She crossed her arms in front of her, leaning down so that her elbows were resting on the table.
Inojin eyed her sheepishly for a moment. “Well…with the new Ina-Shika-Cho training coming up, I thought it might be best for Chocho, Shikadai, and I to learn about previous members…that includes you and their parents.”
Ino smiled at his response, all pearly whites, while pride nestled warmly in her chest.
“You shouldn’t be uncomfortable to ask,” Ino stated softly. “I’m glad you’re that invested in your training, though I’m not sure what your father has to do with it.”
“I want to learn new skills, different jutsus. If I know enough about you and dad, I can gauge what abilities I can bring to Ina-Shika-Cho.”
At that moment, Sai chose to make his appearance.
He came out of the back room, carrying a large terracotta flower pot. He smiled at them briefly before crossing the threshold of the store to deposit the potted fern by one of the front windows.
“I met your father when he was assigned to you Aunt Sakura’s team,” Ino chirped, eyeing the subject of their conversation blithely. “I have to admit I was a little jealous at first. Forehead had a knack for getting ‘lookers’ on her team. First your Uncle Sasuke, then your father.”
Inojin scrunched up his nose at the mention of his ‘indirect’ uncle.
He turned on his stool to regard his father then, watching as Sai shifted the potted plant on an angle that would give it the most access to the incoming sunlight.
“Dad, what did you think of think of mom when you first met her?”
Sai, who was regarding the fern like it was going to be the next subject in one of his paintings, turned his head to give them both his attention.
Before the dark-haired male could respond to his son’s question, Ino sighed dreamily from her perch behind the counter.
“You can bet your mom knocked him off his feet,” She stated confidently, drawing the attention of both men. “Your father called me beautiful the first time I met him. I might have even taken his breath away,” she hummed with a wink.
“You can thank the Hag for that,” Sai said, walking over to join the two of them. He stood next to where his son sat, eyeing his wife appreciatively.
“Her and Dic-…Naruto,” He quickly amended seeing the older blonde’s sudden glare. “Due to my previous lack of understanding emotions, I would say the first thing that came to my head. When they told me that I was insulting people, I began to say the opposite of what came to my head, hence me calling your mother beautiful.”
It was eerily silent in the flower shop following the Sai’s clarification. Inojin flicked his gaze between his parents shyly.
Sai, all smiles, seemed indifferent to the implications his explanation held.
Ino, stared at her husband incredulously, brows high on her forehead, and her lips parted in shock.
“…WHAT?!” She screeched.
A little while later, Inojin eyed his father’s frazzled appearance before looking towards the front door that his mother just left out of.
“Are you going to go after her, dad?”
Sai huffed slightly, shoulders slumping marginally with the movement.
“Your mother is a…complicated individual, Inojin. She’ll be back…I think.”
Ino stomped down the street, keeping her head held high and nose in the air.
After expertly throwing her son’s sketchbook at her husband’s head, the blond had fled the scene to stew over the knowledge she had just been graced with.
Was she carrying on a little excessively? Yes.
Did she particularly care? No.
She didn’t make it very far, about two blocks, before the first flower arrived.
A small snake cut off the path she was trudging along. Its lithe body slithering between her ankles, wrapping around her left calf.
Halting her movements so that she wouldn’t stumble, Ino regarded the piece of art with pursed lips.
The blonde bent down, holding out her hand, allowing the snake to wrap its body around her wrist. Straightening, azure eyes observed the small ink creature in her hand, taking in the unique design drawn into its skin.
Though created in Sai’s typical style, the snake had a flower etched into its body.
The black and white snake had a rose blooming on the back of its head, the leaves and stem running down the length of its onyx scales.
“A rose, huh?” Ino inquired, looking at the reptile with a tilt of her head.
The little creature mirrored her movement, patiently waiting to see if it achieved the goal it was created to do.
“Tell him to try again,” Ino deadpanned, removing the small animal from her wrist and depositing it back on the ground.
The second flower came when she was having tea with Sakura.
While marching around Konoha with no a real destination in mind, Ino ended up at her best friend’s apartment. It took a little convincing, and some psychical dragging, but the blonde got Sakura to join her for a much-needed vent session.
“Can you believe him Forehead?!” Ino groused, flailing her arms to emphasize her statement. “I thought that he was seriously into me!”
Sakura gave Ino a pointed look over the rim of her cup of tea, saying nothing as she took a sip of the caffeinated beverage. After replacing her glass on the table, Sakura leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms.
“You know you’re acting like a child, right?” The pinkette inquired with a quirk of her brow.
The blonde grumbled under her breath, taking a sip of her own steaming tea. Ino knew that her best friend was correct, but her pride stopped her from voicing that thought out loud. 
“After all this time together, you really want to get into an argument with him over something that happened, what, fourteen years ago?”
“It’s our first impressions, Forehead!” Ino exclaimed. “When I look back on meeting Sai, I think about how taken back I was with his looks. He looks back and thinks about almost calling me ugly like he does when he looks at you! What am I going to tell my grandchildren!?”
“Hey!” Sakura started her reprimand but was promptly cut off by the sudden appearance of a pudgy, black rat that scurried onto their table.  
It sat on its haunches in front of Ino, two black and white jasmine flowers tightly clasped between its teeth.
“Your husband is as subtle as a freight train,” Sakura said, eyeing the ink creature warily.
Ino chose to ignore the rosette’s comment, blue eyes scrutinizing the flowers that the rat held in his mouth.
“First of all, a rat? Really, Sai?” Ino questioned, flicking one of the petals with a manicured finger. “Nobility and elegance, huh? Still not good enough. Scurry on home and let him know.”
“You’re hopeless, you know that right? You’re just picking a fight with him because you want to see what extent he’ll go to apologize.”
Ino took a small sip of her beverage before she responded, “Shut it Forehead and drink your tea.”
Ino found the third flower waiting for her on the countertop of the flower shop.
The bud was drawn once again in Sai’s traditional style, though what really caught her attention was the myriad of color it was painted with.
The white petals were speckled with varying shades of pinks and purples, meshing together for a gradient that reminded her of a sunset in the middle of a Konoha summer.
“A Gillyflower?” Ino asked softly, picking up the blossom and twirling it between her fingers. “Lasting beauty and happy life…I think I like the sound of that.”
Suddenly, a warm body pressed against her back, slender arms wrapping around her waist, holding her close to a broad chest.
“I had Inojin color it. He seemed to be getting better at blending.”
Sai’s comment was in a nonchalant tone, but Ino knew better. There was a hint of pride in his voice that was easily distinguished.
It was quiet for a minute, Ino continuing to spin the flower between her fingers and Sai was content with merely having his wife in his arms.
“Are you done being mad now?” He asked after a few more silent moments.
Ino turned her head, leaning up to kiss the underside of his jaw.
“For now,” she smartly replied. “But we really need to work on your approach to apologizing. Really, Sai? A rat?” 
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deargodsno · 3 years
WHITEFISH, Mont. — Richard B. Spencer, the most infamous summer resident in this town, once boasted that he stood at the vanguard of a white nationalist movement emboldened by President Donald J. Trump. Things have changed.“ I have bumped into him, and he runs — that’s actually a really good feeling,” said Tanya Gersh, a real estate agent targeted in an antisemitic hate campaign that Andrew Anglin, the founder of the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, unleashed in 2016 after Mr. Spencer’s mother made online accusations against Ms. Gersh. Leaders in Whitefish say Mr. Spencer, who once ran his National Policy Institute from his mother’s $3 million summer house here, is now an outcast in this resort town in the Rocky Mountains, unable to get a table at many of its restaurants. His organization has dissolved. Meanwhile, his wife has divorced him, and he is facing trial next month in Charlottesville, Va., over his role in the deadly 2017 neo-Nazi march there, but says he cannot afford a lawyer.
The turn of events is no accident. Whitefish, a mostly liberal, affluent community nestled in a county that voted for Mr. Trump in 2016 and 2020, rose up and struck back. Residents who joined with state officials, human rights groups and synagogues say their bipartisan counteroffensive could hold lessons for others in an era of disinformation and intimidation, and in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.
“The best way to respond to hate and cyberterrorism in your community is through solidarity,” said Rabbi Francine Green Roston of the Glacier Jewish Community/B’nai Shalom, who now lectures other groups on how to ward off hate campaigns like the one Whitefish endured. “Another big principle is to take threats seriously, and prepare for the worst.” Mayor John Muhlfeld agreed, “You have to act swiftly and decisively and come together as a community to tackle hate and make sure it doesn’t infiltrate your town,” he said. On Saturday, Mr. Spencer said he kept a “very low profile” in Whitefish, and though he had been denied service in local establishments in the past, “I don’t have any anxiety dealing with anyone.” He said he does not run from Ms. Gersh and understood why people would be angry with him. “I don’t want any battles with them here in Whitefish,” he continued, “and I hope they take a similar attitude, that it’s best to move on.” His mother, Sherry Spencer, did not respond to requests for comment.
Advice and an Accusation
The trouble in Whitefish started after Mr. Trump’s victory in the 2016 election that November. Mr. Spencer, who had called his white nationalist movement a “vanguard” for Mr. Trump, delivered a racially charged speech at his institute’s conference in Washington, his words greeted by Nazi salutes. Video of the address went viral. In Whitefish, residents discussed protesting in front of a downtown commercial building owned by Mr. Spencer’s mother.
Ms. Gersh said Ms. Spencer had called her.“She flat-out asked me, ‘Tanya, I don’t believe in my son’s ideology,’” Ms. Gersh recalled over coffee in her office downtown. “‘I’m heartbroken that this is hurting Whitefish. What should I do?’” “I said: ‘Sherry, if this were my son, I would go ahead and sell the building. I would donate some money to something like the Human Rights Network to make a statement, and publish that you don’t believe in the ideologies of your son.’ And she said: ‘Thank you, Tanya. That’s exactly what I should do.’”Ms. Gersh said she had arranged to sell the property without making any profit. But a short time later, she said, Ms. Spencer sent an email saying she had changed her mind about working with Ms. Gersh. Ms. Gersh supplied names of other real estate agents.Two weeks later, in December 2016, Ms. Spencer posted an article on the open publishing platform Medium accusing Ms. Gersh of using the threat of protests to blackmail her into selling. Mr. Spencer said on Saturday that he and his former wife had written the article published under his mother’s name. He repeated their claims against Ms. Gersh, adding that she had called his mother, not the other way around. The Spencers’ accusations quickly reverberated among the far right. Mr. Anglin of the Daily Stormer exhorted his “fam” online to “TAKE ACTION” to defend Ms. Spencer.
Ms. Gersh arranged to sell a commercial property in downtown Whitefish owned by the mother of Richard B. Spencer, who once said he stood at the vanguard of a white nationalist movement emboldened by President Donald J. Trump.
He shared personal information and the social media accounts of Ms. Gersh and her family, including her son, then 12. A post in which Mr. Anglin encouraged his followers to “stop by and tell her in person what you think of her actions” was the first of some 30 articles he published targeting the Gersh family and the Jewish community in Whitefish, according to a lawsuit Ms. Gersh filed in 2017 against Mr. Anglin in U.S. District Court in Montana.Ms. Gersh received hundreds of text messages, emails and Christmas cards threatening her. Her voice mail filled up several times a day. Hateful comments about Ms. Gersh appeared on real estate websites. Homeowners were afraid to list with her.
The campaign swept in Rabbi Roston, another area rabbi, Allen Secher, and his wife, Ina Albert, and any Whitefish residents and business owners the trolls believed were Jewish.
At one point, Rabbi Roston realized one of the anonymous antagonists was the father of her son’s best friend. Her family did not confront the man, who has since moved away. “He had a lot of guns,” she said.Mr. Anglin next announced a march on Whitefish, planned for Martin Luther King’s Birthday in 2017. An ad for the event depicted the gates of the Auschwitz death camp with photos of Ms. Gersh, her son, Rabbi Roston and the other rabbi’s wife superimposed.The march was planned to end at the Gersh home.‘A Full Plan in Place’ Whitefish and Montana mobilized.Montana’s governor, attorney general and congressional delegation issued a bipartisan open letter, making it clear “that ignorance, hatred and threats of violence are unacceptable and have no place in the town of Whitefish, or in any other community in Montana or across this nation.” The governor at the time, Steve Bullock, wrote editorials condemning the antisemitic campaign and met with the families in Rabbi Roston’s home.As tensions rose in Whitefish, Mr. Spencer and his parents made public statements distancing themselves from the march and from Mr. Anglin. Behind the scenes, the police and the federal authorities readied themselves for a potentially violent event.Mr. Muhlfeld, the mayor, said that the town had not refused Mr. Anglin a special event permit but that Mr. Anglin had not met the town’s conditions, including a prohibition on firearms.
“If you asked, ‘Do you think they’re going to show up?’ they were like, ‘Nah,’ but they had a full plan in place,” Rabbi Roston said. “If you look at Jan. 6, the quickness with which people wrote off threats was dangerous,” she added.
The Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Secure Community Network, the official safety and security organization of the North American Jewish community, advised residents on what to do.As a result, Ms. Gersh did not speak publicly about her ordeal at the time. Rabbi Roston kept a low profile, discouraging coverage in the Jewish news media to protect the congregation and avoid giving attackers the attention they craved. The congregation did not cancel its Hanukkah party in December 2016 but moved it from the rabbi’s home to the conference room of a motel, with two armed security guards at the door. On each table, the rabbi placed a pile of supportive letters that had arrived from around the nation.Volunteers distributed thousands of paper menorahs. “There were menorahs in every window in Whitefish,” Ms. Gersh said. An anti-hate rally drew 600 participants in zero-degree weather. On the eve of the neo-Nazi march, Rabbi Roston helped organize a chicken and matzo ball soup get-together for 350 people at the middle school in Whitefish, in a demonstration of unity and appreciation. On Martin Luther King’s Birthday — Monday, Jan. 16 — not a single neo-Nazi turned up to march. “We could say they chickened out,” Rabbi Roston joked.In April, Ms. Gersh, represented by the Southern Poverty Law Center, filed suit against Mr. Anglin for invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress and violations of Montana’s Anti-Intimidation Act. In 2019, she won $14 million in damages. A team of lawyers is still searching for Mr. Anglin and his assets. The trial in the Charlottesville case, Sines v. Kessler, begins on Oct. 25. A group of victims and counterprotesters filed suit against Mr. Anglin as well as Mr. Spencer, along with nearly two dozen people and groups involved in the “Unite the Right” rally, after a neo-Nazi at the Charlottesville march plowed his car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing Heather Heyer, 32, and injuring at least 19 others.
Mr. Spencer’s lawyer withdrew from the case last year because he had not been paid. “Due to deplatforming efforts against me, it is very difficult for me to raise money as other citizens are able to,” Mr. Spencer told the judge in a pretrial hearing in 2020. He is now representing himself. As the trial approaches, the case has generated a number of contempt-related fines and sanctions against the defendants.“ After four years of so little accountability, it’s important to make clear that accountability matters and it works,” said Amy Spitalnick, the executive director of Integrity First for America, the nonprofit group that brought the lawsuit.Separately, in May, a federal judge in Ohio ordered Mr. Spencer’s National Policy Institute to pay $2.4 million to William Burke, a counterprotester who was severely injured in Charlottesville. Mr Muhlfeld said he had last seen Mr. Spencer in 2019, skiing at the mountain resort. “He walked into the Summit House and summarily was booed by pretty much everyone,” Mr. Muhlfeld said, referring to a restaurant there. “Richard Spencer wanted this to be his happy vacation place where he could play and have fun, and people would just live and let live,” Rabbi Roston said. “Then he started suffering social consequences for his hatred. ”Ms. Gersh said that she had been afraid to work again after the hate campaign, but that after Charlottesville, “I knew that I had to go back to work because if I didn’t, they win.”
She keeps a photo of Ms. Heyer on her desk and bear spray in its drawer.
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