#dumbass anon is sick oh no
I See the Light ||
|| Poly!plastics x nonbinary!reader
(i myself am poly!)
|| Warnings: heavily Regina focused, only mentions poly!plastics, some swearing, hinted at smut, absolute fluff, brief mentions of stage fright & anxiety
|| Summary: Regina's auditioned for the school play; Tangled as the role of Rapunzel. She gets it, of course. Only problem is the boys auditioning for Flynn Rider don't have a spark with her. It's so bad to the point where the play director considers dropping the play, reader steps in and saves the day.
(anon request)
Requests open!
Started: April 27th
Finished: April 28th
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Regina had been working hard to audition for the role of Rapunzel in the upcoming school musical play; Tangled. The girls helped her rehearse, each taking various roles. You played the role of Flynn Rider during Regina's practice sessions.
When it came to audition time, Regina got the role. Of course. Why wouldn't she? She's Regina George. Rehearsals were going well, everything was going their way. Until the night right before the big showcase.
The guy who had been casted as Flynn Rider got sick; because of course if anything could go wrong it would be the love interest not being available. None of the guys had the right chemistry with Regina. You watched from the seats as guy after guy tried playing the perfect Flynn Rider to match Regina's Rapunzel. Nobody seemed to have the right spark. Everyone was getting stressed out.
Including the casting director, who was fidgeting with his clipboard next to you. Why was it so hard? Surely there was at least one guy that could both sing and match Regina's energy.
Three more attempts pass before the casting director decides to call it quits for today and they would try again tomorrow. How they'd pull it off in time for the play, they weren't sure. At this point the director and casting director were beginning to think they should just postpone it.
From where you sat, you could see the disappointment in Regina's face. You knew how hard she had been working towards this.
You get up and join Regina on stage, she glances at you and sighs.
"The boys in this school are bunch of talentless dumbasses." Regina complained, folding her arms across her chest. You stifled a laugh.
"That's certainly one way to put it. I can't believe none of them passed." You replied, draping your arm around Regina and pulling her into your side. You would have kissed her forehead, but the problem was nobody at school knew you part of the plastic's polycule.
Yeah, they knew you were associated with them. But they didn't know anything else beyond that. You weren't ready for them to know.
Regina suddenly gets an idea and looks directly at you, finger quickly pressed your chest. You tense at the sudden movement and raise an eyebrow at her in confusion.
"What..?" You ask, not sure what got her excited all of a sudden.
"You!" Regina says, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You?
"Me..? Me what?" You weren't catching what she was putting down.
Regina noticed how slow you were to catch on and groaned," you could be my Flynn Rider!"
"Uh, Regina- hold on-" You stuttered out, completely taken aback. You? As Flynn Rider? In front of the whole school? Yeah, you weren't sure your stage fright would agree with that.
Sure, you were good when you were helping Regina rehearse. But that's because it was just you and your girlfriends. That was easy. This? This was a whole different level of preforming you weren't ready for.
"Oh come on, baby! Please?" Regina gave you a soft look which made your heart melt. Sighing deeply, you thought about it. Regina George really did have you wrapped around her finger; a moment ago you wouldn't have even had to think twice about the thought of being on stage. Now? You were at least considering it. Regina continued with trying to persuade you, after all she knew all the right buttons to push with you." Maybe... there'll be something in it for you as a little thank you~" It was the way her voice suddenly switched into that lower, suggestive register that made your head spin.
You stuttered out a response, but it was too fast and jumbled for either of you to understand what you had said. Your cheeks turned red and Regina laughed.
"That's a yes." She smirked at you and snapped her head towards the casting director, who was in a deep conversation with the director.
"I got a Flynn Rider!" She shouts, getting their attention and shoving you out in front of her. You nearly stumbled but she kept a grip on your wrist.
Their eyes went to you and your whole body tensed, they shared a look.
"Might as well give them a chance. We don't have much time to find a replacement." The casting director said, the director nodded and sighed.
"Do you know the lines for 'I See the Light'?" The director asked you, you nodded. You had it memorized from how much you had helped Regina with audition preparation," Preform that scene for us."
You and Regina got into your respective positions and Regina started off the song. Her voice was beautiful, every time you heard her sing you couldn't help but be absolutely enthralled by her. A smile spread on your lips, anyone who looked at you could see that starry, dreamy eyed look on your face.
When her eyes met yours, sparks flew. The directors could tell.
You started your part of the song and they were pleasantly surprised by you, any anxiety you had had about this before just faded away as you and Regina hit the duet portion. Hands held, staring into each others eyes as if you were the only people on the whole planet.
The rest of the cast had stopped their various tasks, just watching the two of you in awe. Most people were recording the whole thing, which meant it got spread around to tiktok and other various platforms.
Examples of some of the things being said about you and Regina;
@ randomstudent69: get you a man that looks at you the way Y/N L/N looks at Regina George
@ idkmanijustexist: i dont know which i would rather be
@ somebodyshere11: i know they've fucked i just cant prove it
By the end of it all, you were really fighting the urge to just kiss Regina then and there. You weren't ready to be publicly out, so you held yourself back but God you were going to kiss her when you guys got home.
Your grin was uncontrollable as you just continued to stare into her eyes, her mirroring your expression with an uncontrollable smile of her own. Something that you usually only got to see behind closed doors.
The casting director and director shared a look with each other and nodded.
"Well, that's settled. L/N is our Flynn Rider." The casting director made a note on his clipboard.
There were so many whispers going around from the cast but you just didn't care, not when Regina was looking at you the way she was.
By the time you got home, you made damn sure to make out with your amazingly beautiful girlfriend.
When it was finally showtime the next day, everything went perfectly. You and Regina were the best possible match.
Karen and Gretchen were watching from the crowd, front row seats with Cady next to them. Gretchen made sure to record everything so you guys could see just how amazing you were. She also made snippets for your guys shared tiktok account.
After it was all over, you didn't even have to come out. People knew you were in the polycule without you even having to say it. The chemistry you and Regina had on stage completely gave it away.
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cultofdixon · 7 months
Ray of Fucking Sunshine
Negan Smith • She/Her Pronouns • Mess with the little pregnant lady, you mess with so much more • SFW/ANGST/NSFW - Implied Sex / Hickeys • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Nausea & Vomiting / Over-Protectiveness / Injuries / Mentions of Canon Violence • Pre-Savior Arc
Requested by: Anon
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“Wait. Run that back to me, darling?” Negan was confused with what his partner Y/N had just told him.
“It ain’t rocket science understanding that I’m pregnant, baby” Y/N frowns leaning against the counter to the room the two claimed when they found their new home. “This is gonna be one hell of a journey unless you want me to get rid of it. Though I can’t think of a healthy way of doing it. Think they’ve got any coat hangers still lying around?”
“Well aren’t you funny” Negan scoffs followed by a semi annoyed laugh toward her words. He lifted himself up from the bed bringing himself close to Y/N as she started to avoid his gaze. “Hey, don’t hide those gorgeous eyes from me” he gently lifts her chin so her eyes locked with his. “This is a good thing alright? I want to have this baby and if yea don’t…well, I think they’ve got them metal coat hangers around” he jokes making her laugh and bring back that smile of hers followed by his.
“We’re gonna be parents”
“Yeah we are” Negan smiles kissing her lovingly resting his hands on her hips bringing her close as she brought her arms around his neck even if he was much taller than her and had to be on her tippy toes.
When they parted, Negan couldn’t help but picture their future and that brought a sense of warmth to the man.
Their baby is the future of their new community; The Sanctuary
First Trimester
“So you’re replacing me”
“Hey, don’t put words in my mouth” Negan kept his cool when talking to his partner. “You’re pregnant. Can’t handle the heavy shit and it’ll be good to have another right hand. Plus Simon shows promise”
“Simon is a pain in the ass!”
“Alright yea only say that because the man got in your way for just a second”
“I HAD TO PEE DUMBASS. I WOULDVE FUCKING THROWN HIM IF I HAD THE STRENGTH TO” Y/N snapped noticing Negan taking it which led to tears forming in her eyes. “He better not replace me”
“Darling…no one can replace you” Negan reassures gently wiping away her tears taking note that he’ll have to get used to the mood changes.
A knock was heard before the door opened revealing the man they were talking about and Y/N immediately shifted her attention to him.
“I knocked first” Simon laughs which only enraged Y/N more as she approaches him about to say something when her face went pale. Causing his expression to fall. “Uh, you alri—-“ then the vomit instantly spilled from her mouth and onto his shoes. “Oh wow what the actual fuck”
Negan was about to check on her when she slowly stood straight wiping the puke off her mouth with the back of her hand. She suddenly flipped him off to back off before mumbling and walking out of the room leaving the two.
“The fuck just happen?”
“Morning sickness. That might happen more than yea think” Negan sat on the edge of the conference table crossing his arms. “So, about the community yea found while scouting? The Hilltop?”
The next couple days Negan stuck close in the Sanctuary when it came to Y/N and her morning sickness. She still tried to do a few things around the joint when her stomach didn’t want to hold everything. Simon has met the short end of the stick a few times when it came to her not reaching a bucket or the bathroom but he can’t say anything if he wants to get on Negan’s good side.
“Get the new group situated and for the new prisoner? Have Eric break him like he broke the last one. Need more Negans if yea get me”Negan tells Laura one of his trusted soldiers as she nods soon exiting the room letting both Simon and Y/N in. Simon came in with a mockup map made of the Hilltop community while Y/N came in for other reasons but she kept quiet so Negan can talk business first. “We are aiming at Oceanside in the next few days. Laura and David are joining me while I’m trusting you to scout out the Hilltop more to get an insight on. Take that Jared guy or at least another body. Take note on any weak points”
“You got it boss. This is the most recent mock up. Apparently, Y/N over here…snuck into the car I took and took pictures with the camera we’ve got”
“This bitch just had to be a snitch!” Y/N hissed as again, Negan stayed in their community to keep an eye on her but she of course snuck past him. “He was going to give you fucking blobs on a piece of paper! At least I—-“
“I ain’t mad darling. Next time just tell me or who knows who would have to die because of your disappearance” Negan trails his eyes onto Simon indicating he will meet his end if anything happened to his partner. “Anyway, you both did good work. Simon, if yea find their weaknesses…you’ll help with the lineup”
The man light up when he heard that while as for Y/N she only knew that brought blood shed and that didn’t sit well with her…in the physical sense. She quickly shoved Simon with an unexpected strength expelling from her causing him to fall over as they both knew why.
“I’m gonna go check on her. You better have a plan for your further scouting when I get back” Negan states heading out of the conference room to go through the entire sanctuary to reach the private rooms including his and Y/N’s.
It was all coming together if you asked the big man. Their prisoner system with psychological breaking was working, their walker yard was being perfected, their living quarters for more of the “civilian” saviors took up most of the first floor, and they’ve gotten a few things to help this place in a medical sense.
The more graphic horrors didn’t become more noticeable until later.
“Y/N?” Negan calls out pushing the door open to their living quarters finding his partner seated on the floor looking through a box. “You feelin’ better? One of the guys found a case of ginger ale that went untouched. Could get one of’em to….” He stopped rambling bringing himself to sit with her seeing the pictures she was going through that she found.
“Do you miss her?” The sadness in her tone spoke through catching Negan off guard. He doesn’t like the mood swings, or what triggers them.
“Why?” Nice.
“She was your wife…who died of cancer” Negan didn’t keep his past a secret from Y/N and Y/N only. “Now you have me and we’re about to have a baby. I just…makes me wonder if you wish you had this with her”
“Y/N. Look at me” Negan waited for her to do so before getting into it. “I’ll always love my wife and what we had. But that’s the past, and you’re my future”
Y/N wanted to say more but she couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped her lips as she brought her hand to rest on his cheek.
“That was cheesy…but I loved it” She continues to smile warmly bringing her hand to rest on his cheek feeling the smallest scratch of his beard on her palm.
Negan remained beside her for the rest of the day and only sneaking off when nightfall came. He was quiet about it and surprised himself a tad when it came to not waking his partner. But that didn’t matter when he reached the loading docks to find the trucks ready along with Simon holding Lucille for him.
“Doesn’t she know what you do in the dark, Negan?”
“For the most part. But this? No she doesn’t” Negan brushed past Simon to get to his car. “And if you tell her anything, it’ll be your brain matter on the ground this time”
Second Trimester
“I’ll cut your fucking hand off” Y/N threatens the doctor that Simon brought from one of the communities when he tried to get a blood pressure cuff on her. “I don’t believe you when you say Negan called for you”
“When he said you were feisty. I didn’t believe him. Now I wish I was killed on that wretched day instead of who he did kill” The doc’s words didn’t get a reaction out of the woman which only surprised him slightly but given this was Negan’s partner, the surprise didn’t last. “I’m not an OBGYN. I am trained in a few things but for the most part I am not. But I do know that high blood pressure can cause complications or something even worse”
Of course scarring her was going to get her to cooperate. Even if everyone witnessed Y/N trip the doctor in the common area a couple hours later.
“Yea done with the big man’s wife or what?”
“Yes” The doc informed Simon while the confusion grew on his features. “Why do you want to know? Negan is usually the one to come and meet up with her”
“Yeah well he’s busy and I gotta ask her somethin’. Move” Simon stated pushing the doctor aside not letting him have a moment to process.
Y/N quickly brought her attention onto the man that barged in. Her immediate glare made Simon take a step back.
“You’re not here to escort me anywhere are you? Negan said it was fine for me to take a walk outside after my “appointment” like I fucking needed one”
“Boss man said you haven’t been sleepin’ and that’s mainly why you had to get checked. Plus the new ultrasound machine we got from one of our communities”
“Okay…you sound much calmer than usual when talking to me. Fucking spit it out” Y/N leaned against the exam table with her arms crossed becoming more impatient by the second even if he just got in there. It’s Simon, he annoys her just by breathing and by taking her duties as right hand.
“I need yea to distract him for the night so I can pay a visit to Gregory. Get him to put out more than we’ve been asking from the Hilltop”
“Thought Negan only wanted certain items on a monthly basis”
“Things are changing. I wanna prove to him I am much more useful as a right hand than just a messenger”
“What’s in it for me?” Y/N tilted her head curious as to what Simon is willing to do for her.
Then a few hours passed, Y/N tripped the doc in the common area on her way to her and Negan’s shared room. To her surprise he was already there waiting for her.
“Darling, how was the—-“
“Believe me when I say I’m fine next time. Don’t need that old man checking on me”
“It eases my anxiety, beautiful” Negan laughs rising from the chair to strut over to his woman bringing her into his embrace and kissing her lovingly.
But it only took a second for Y/N to bring more heat to the kiss that Negan instantly matched. He felt her tug at his shirt making him pull away to take his shirt off and before he could kiss her again, Y/N pressed her hand firmly on his chest.
“Lock the door pretty boy” Y/N smirks watching the excitement write itself on his face as he quickly went to the door while she got ready at her speed.
“Fucking love the hormones” Negan whispers to himself while locking the door.
After their fun, the two laid naked under the covers enjoying the quiet as Negan gently rubs his finger tips up and down her bicep while Y/N listens to his heartbeat lying on his chest.
“Simon and I were talking…”
“Damn. A full ass conversation with the man that annoys yea? Should I be worried?” Negan teases only for Y/N to side eye him.
“Don’t be funny. I’m trying to be serious here”
“Okay okay, you and Simon talked. About what?”
“What we could do to improve the Sanctuary a bit more than what we’ve already been doing and as much as I fucking hate it, Simon can take initiative” Y/N shifted a bit to get more comfortable on Negan as she brought her hand to rest on her belly. “I’ve been told I gotta take it easy. Even if I really want to check out our outposts”
“Mmm…I’ll hear Simon out, but if he don’t pitch it right—-“
“Thats on his bitchass. But it can work. Amongst other things. Like a goddamn garden would be nice” Y/N started to trail as her mind tended to do that more during the pregnancy, trail before inevitably blank. Which happened then before she remembered as she carefully sat up letting her man enjoy the naked view for a moment while she left the bed.
Negan sat up watching her go to her pile of clothes on the ground carefully crouching to grab her jeans. “Yea sure I can fully trust Simon with this?”
“Yeah. I’m sure. Trust me, baby…I would rather be your right hand and taking care of business. But things be changing. Especially with this” Y/N returned to the bed handing Negan a series of photos. The printing option in the ultrasound machine was old but it still got a few good pictures of their bean. “All that matters is that we’re safe for him”
“Him? Huh?!” Negan smiles wide before instantly wrapping his arms around his girl listening to her laugh as she tried to get comfortable. “We’re having a boy?! How can yea even tell on this damn thing?!”
His excitement eased her worries about her pregnancy as it all hit her realizing she’s about to have a baby in the apocalypse. Anything could happen.
Simon was called into the conference room the next day to discuss his plan with Negan and a few others to help his proceed with such. All while Y/N stood in an empty room close to the room she shared with Negan as she was given it to make into the nursery. It’s not Simon’s fault that Negan is busy…he’s been doing a lot for the Sanctuary. He has three communities to look after, he’s taken out the others. There’s the few outposts needing monitoring every now and then. Then of course the meet ups, the collection, and the prisoner system.
Leaving her alone to take care of getting it prepared. Amongst dealing with the mentality as the time gets closer…
Third Trimester
Simon quickly dodged the glass thrown at his head when he went to check on Y/N as a request from Negan who was currently busy.
“You’re a crazy bitch”
“And you’re a bald one. What do you want?”
“Negan asked—-“
“Nope. Get the fuck out” Y/N frowns looking away from the door knowing he’s most likely still there which led her to grabbing her canteen and tossing it in his direction. “If he asked why doesn’t—-
“I’m here! I’m here. Clearly sending Simon to yea wasn’t gonna work” Negan laughs patting Simon on the shoulder before giving him a glare for the man to leave immediately as his features relaxed turning back to his wife. “So, how are yea feeling?”
“How am I feeling? I’m stuck on bedrest and everything still hurts”
“You fell not that long ago. Makes sense that shit still hurts” Negan brought himself to her side of the bed sitting on the edge. “And you shouldn’t throw shit at Simon for checking on yea for me——“
“No! I’ll do what I want. Even if that means almost hurting the fucking moron helping the other moron for not checking on his damn wife himself.“ Y/N scoffs turning away from Negan as the later she was in the pregnancy the more prone to tears she was compared to the other way around.
“Yknow what, give me five” Negan got up leaving the room as Y/N grabbed another thing to throw at Simon if he comes in his place.
But right before Y/N could launch the book she grabbed, Negan was the one to come back with his hands up.
“Jesus Christ woman”
“Why’d you leave?!”
“To hand off my duties to fucking Simon. Just until everything is situated. Alright?” Situated meaning…til the baby is out and a few months.
It was a lot to give to Simon. Not that he minded, not that it was gonna matter.
“This room is small”
“What do you mean? It’s the biggest room in the facility?”
“Okay well I’m a huge ugly monster that takes up most the room. So if you don’t move, I will push you over”
“For the record, I think you’re beautiful” Negan smiles kissing Y/N’s cheek as she was trying to leave the room after being given the ok to walk. She smacked him in the chest in a more playful manner even with the intense force behind it. “You shouldn’t do anythin’ crazy. I’m not helicoptering around you for you to end up falling again”
“I fell without you around so whose fault is that?” Y/N suddenly stops in her tracks, blankly staring as Negan quickly moved over the bed bringing himself in front of her.
“What is it? What’s wrong? Is it the baby? Are you—-“
“Jesus” Y/N patted his cheek before continuing onto what she was doing. “Just forgot what else I was gonna say”
“Holy shit woman. You’re gonna be the death of me”
“Good!” She shouted already have left the bedroom that it just now registered to Negan that she did. He quickly—-not by much—caught up to Y/N as she continues down the hall to the next room.
“Where are yea taking me, darling?”
“To something we should’ve done together but I gave up that thought halfway through doing it. You found everything I just had to organize it” Y/N stated as she pushes open the door to the nursery moving out of her partner’s way to check the place out himself.
Negan stood there for a while, stuck in his own thought as Y/N gave him a concerned look when he hasn’t said anything.
“I uh. Missed out on too much didn’t I?” Negan questions, not being given an immediate answer as he brought himself to hold her face carefully in his hands. “I promise yea darling. I won’t miss anymore of this life we’re making”
“You better, Smith.” Y/N instantly jabbed his side making him laugh along with her as she grabs at his leather jacket pulling him down to her level kissing him. “Goddamnit” she gasped when parting from her partner as he gently lifted her chin to look at him but she instantly smacked his hand away. “Fuck me”
“Well not in here but—-“ Negan’s smirk instantly fell when Y/N pushed him back. “Okay. What’s happening??”
“I’m fucking popping” Y/N frowns as the discomfort grew on her face resulting in the panic to finally set in for her man.
“Holy SHIT. FUCK! IM GONNA BE A DAD” Negan screams pulling away to get into the hallway to yell at a Savior to get the doctor while Y/N smacks him on the back on her way past him, wobbling her way back to their room. “We should go to—-“
“I won’t make it to the fucking infirmary”
“Alright well let me carry yea—-“
“YOU TOUCH ME NOW AND I BITE YOUR FUCKING DICK OFF” Y/N snapped, obviously not wanting to be touched at the moment as she continued on her way with Negan following quickly.
This was going to be a long couple hours
Or so she thought
“You’re doing so great hun” Negan reassures brushing the hair sticking to her face from the sweat as her whole body fought against her with the contractions. Making everything hotter was one thing.
“Fuck off” Y/N groans throwing her head back against his chest as he rubs smoothly strokes up and down her arm even if she couldn’t focus on the feeling.
A fucking human was ripping her in half and that was all she focused on. Until—-
“I see the head” the doctor informed also meaning it was getting close but Y/N wasn’t having it.
“I can’t…Please I just can’t” Y/N sobbed in pain as her body shook from all the agony her body was enduring. “I can’t anymore”
“Darling…the pain will pass once our son is here. Just breathe and hold onto me” Negan reassures feeling her hands grip onto his hands on either side of her as she took a few deep breaths.
“I would be careful with the next push so you don’t tea—-“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND HELP GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME” Y/N hissed at the doc one last time as she felt a contraction come on leading her to finally push.
The pain will pass once our son is here
And it did.
Y/N never seen the man cry as much as he did right then and there while his son was gently placed in her arms. Oh he’s so perfect she thought as the sobs filled the room which was left to them once everything was okay again.
She didn’t want to let go of their baby boy even when Negan argued that she carried him for nine months. She held him close and protectively until the exhaustion finally got to her, leading her to finally let her son be held by his father.
“He’s so perfect” Y/N smiles tiredly resting her eyes as Negan gently kisses her forehead letting her sleep.
Negan was still feeling every overwhelmed feeling in his chest as the tears kept falling when he looked at his son.
“I won’t let anything happen to you…ever, Max”
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antiendovents · 4 months
// vent, medical ableism
tldr; my fucking DOCTOR is pro-endo and her source is a dumbass paper that proves nothing and now my healthcare is at risk!!
just had my appointment with my gender wellness doctor. she asked how i've been and i mentioned finding a 2nd therapist for specific stuff. she asked what and i said dissociative disorders. i wanted to be vague but she pressed me to talk about it and reluctantly i talked about having alters and answered her questions bc i struggle with saying no.
i told her i was ok with doing an adverse childhood experiences scale but that i had stuff i wanted to talk about (like my hrt not being at the pharmacy for months) she said "we'll get to it".
after the assessment she asked abt it causing distress and she was talking about how in the office they use the term "plural identities" i said that was fine but that its still a disorder. she was like "disorder is negative" and compared it to how it used to be called gender identity disorder (comparing the two as if she has any place to talk on it, being cis and a singlet) but its better to use "plural identities"
i was like "thats fine as long as its still seen as a disorder and caused by trauma" and she was like "no its not always caused by trauma" and i straight up said "do you have a source for that?" and she was like "google my husbands name" and i did and THEN she moved on to my actual issues with struggling to get hrt for months.
the whole time after i had to mask how i was feeling so i could get basic healthcare. after she hung up i burst into tears. its been like 10 min and im still crying and feel sick. ive had doctors say they dont know what DID/OSDD-1 is before. ive had them say DID is a personality disorder. ive never had anything like this before and i feel unsafe. the fucking endo community IS affecting healthcare. i dont feel like i can ever talk to a doctor about this stuff again. she completely talked over me and then moved on like it was nothing
btw this is the stupid study her husband worked on. read it and its not even PROVING ANY OF WHAT SHE SAID. its just "oh well some people THINK theyre plural and of course disordered people have to be miserable so if you like ur alters they must be magically there!" and was from the plural association. its fucking disgusting this is being used as fact when theres nothing but subjective opinion.
i genuinely think im going to go to planned parenthood from now on. i cant work with her anymore. its been 2? maybe more years of working with her but im done. im sorry to ramble so much. im still having a breakdown over this.
-arachnid anon
im really sorry about that arachnid anon. That sucks and if you can we hope you manage to get a new doctor because she is clearly causing you distress. This really sucks, I feel like endos don't always realise how dangerous this stuff can be for actual systems. If doctors don't see it as a disorder then they won't treat it as such, meaning you won't get the help you need and you won't feel safe with her (as you said), which like,, isn't good. She's not a specialist meaning if anything she shouldn't really be saying stuff about DID/OSDD at all, because that's not her job or her place ((I understand you brought it up, but still. She should keep her opinions out of her damn job))
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
I saw your fics and you make Levi a love sick puppy pining after Erwin so you're just as dumb as the shippers. Or do you have bipolar. Also I think you're a coward. All Levi fans are. You guys can call out shippers on your blogs but can't make a joint effort to get rid of them and that's because you're all the same as them. All equally dumbasses.
I'm the coward, says the bitch on anon, lol.
It's called fanfiction, you tool. It's not canon, and it's exceedingly easy to separate it out from canon, unless you have some sort of mental incapacity, which clearly you do. The way I portray Levi in some piece of fanfiction isn't in any way, shape or form indicative of what I actually think his character is like or what he would do. Fanfiction, in case you're really wondering and need a moment of education, is made for exploring alternate possibilities or scenarios with certain characters and stories. It isn't meant to be taken as a perfect rendition or accurate portrayal of anything. It's supposed to be fun. A way to engage with the media outside of the media itself. What makes it fun, baby doll, is the fact that you can do whatever the fuck you want with it, and it doesn't have to align with canon or accurately represent the characters at all. It's why you see fanfics where Levi is a cat. Nobody actually thinks Levi is a cat. But you can explore the possibility of it in fanfiction. The same applies to putting Levi into a romantic relationship, even though, canonically, he isn't in one. Thusly, why I can write a story where Levi is in love with Erwin, while, oh my goodness gracious, at the same time discuss Levi's canonical character and objectively state that there's no evidence to support that Levi was in love with Erwin. I know, though, actually having more than one thought in your brain at once is an impossibility for you, so I can see why it would seem so astonishing and confusing to you, that I can objectively analyze Levi's character within the limits of canon, and also come up with fictional scenarios involving him outside of actual canon.
Also, it's pretty pathetic that you would have read over 30 chapters, over 100,000 words into a story you claim to hate, just to send me anon hate about it that does nothing but make you look like a total fucking moron and a loser, lol.
Now go swallow Eren's ball sack.
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n4talia-chaparro · 7 months
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1/2) <- I'll be revealing the groomer without the anon thing so you can see why but for now I'll reveal that sick bastard after the post cuz hhhh I'm so pissed off.
Lady and gentlemen (or nonbinary, nonhuman people, or sum) this is a good example of why pedophiles/groomers shouldn't be alive. And I'm sick of people saying that KOSA will solve it. If you think KOSA will automatically "solve" it, you're a dumbass- censoring the internet won't do shit.
"But they are censoring the internet and censoring those people it's not a big deal!" Dumbass, they said they were gonna censor trans and queer people and shit but they NEVER said anything about protecting kids from doxxed and harassed or preventing them from getting groomed.
As you see in the image this is a good example of me receiving those disgusting ass asks from people, including from a GROOMER who has been stalking me for a while now and you think it's easy for me to ignore them? No. It's not.
Because if the groomer keeps stalking me plus KOSA slowing passing or soon being accepted is the worse part because you don't know if the bill will help anyone who is being stalked by a pedophile on the internet.
Do you think ignoring a groomer who is stalking you for a year will solve anything and saying stuff like "Oh but I do hope Kosa will censor them too!"
No! Kosa doesn't even care. How can you be this stupid to know that?
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speedystarshine · 2 years
Hii! Are requests open? Poly Noco x reader please! (Just the normal headcanons! Orrr yandere if you want Pt.2!!) :) please delete this if requests are closed!
(THIS is the person who requested yandere noco x reader btw!!)
ofc anon! I did non Yan since it would kinda just be reiterating the Yan hcs. You didn't really specify, so I did crushing hc's! Hope this was okay! Did a lil fic bit at the end as I'm trying to get more comfy with it.
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(In these HC's, Noco is already canon and they're both crushing on Reader)
-Ah yes, ever the gentleman (Cody) and gentle man (Noah)
-These two. These absolute dumbasses hnkajsjsh
-Would be a mix of "We have to serenade them until they are dead on the floor" and "WAIT WAIT NO NO WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE THA-" and also "Hey babe are you a person because you sure do look like a person" -Cody, probably
-I head canon that Noah's secretly a hopeless romantic, he reads so many books and I bet they're literally only just non fiction or romance. No in-between.
-You'd definitely notice something's up. They can't lie for shit-
-E.g every time you see them they're whispering to each other and instantly clam up when they see you, suddenly can't look you in the eye anymore when talking to you, and they hang out with you less and less :(
-you'd think they hate you, but it is 1000% the opposite. These two are WHIPPED
-I can honestly imagine the others getting tired of y'all being so dumb and doing something like Lumity/Hooty's tunnel of love but shhhh
-The others are so. So tired of you guys being so OBVIOUS and so OBLIVIOUS THEY JUST *strangles you*
-Either one of the other campers tells them to grow up and encourage them to confess, or you walk your ass over there and confront them yourself. (Probably the second option, although I could see it being a mix of both.)
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You sighed, slipping out of your bunk. You had been more downcast lately, and it was because of your best friends. Or, ex- best friends now. Maybe. You really hoped not.
You just didn't understand! It was like they were constantly avoiding you, and any time they wanted to tell you something it was through another camper.
You were sick of it, and that's why you finally decided that today you would confront them about it, once and for all. And if they- if they didn't like you anymore, that was fine. No matter how much the thought stung.
However, as you swung open the door, you were greeted by the sight of just the two people you were about to visit, with Noah's hand mid knock.
"oh- OH! Y/N! There you are! I mean, of course you are! This is where you sleep, and you uh. Sleep. Here."
A voice piped up from behind him, and you were greeted by the sight of a very nervous looking Cody. Which was... Rare.
"We uh...- Haha! Funny thing actually,- We were uh... Just on our way to see you! To tell you. s-something."
You raised an eyebrow at that. Noah was usually always calm and collected, and Cody never dropped his 'flirty bad boy' persona act. In public, that is. So this was super out of character for them both.
"That's weird, I also had something to tell you two."
"Well, maybe we could go all say? O-On three?"
He desperately looked to Noah for confirmation (despite the other boy looking just as lost as he was) and turned to you once he had a thumbs up.
You were getting suspicious, this was usually something they did if they were like, really worried about something.
..But you nodded anyways, knowing what they would most likely say. Although it was odd how they seemed so excited about it??
"Okay!! 1.... 2.... 3!"
There was a pause when no body said anything for a few seconds and then-
...Wait wait wait wait. Wait. Hold the phone- You were taken wayyyy aback. This... Was not what you had expected. At all.
"You thought we hated you?"
"You guys love me?"
You heard what sounded suspiciously like a mix between an exasperated groan and a snicker from behind you, but ignored it.
You... Were all going to have a good talk about this.
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Reader: Waiitttt. Are you guys... flirting? with me?
Noco: Have been for three years, thanks for noticing.
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bi-bats · 1 year
chapter nine was amazing! the spar scene was just- so much better than i could’ve imagined!! since the wip titles basically became an ask game, can i ask what petty is about?
djfalkjsfnasd THANK YOU!!! Yeah I put my whole redacted into that scene and I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!!!
And yeah it basically did turn into an ask game but that's partially because Tumblrs DUMBASS SIDEBLOG LAWS I CAN'T REPLY TO PEOPLE 😭 Anyways, yes of COURSE you can ask what petty is about!! When I asked for writing prompts a few weeks months ago, I had an anon ask "If you're still accepting prompts for Jay Tim maybe something with them being petty rivals, like nothing serious just lots of bickering and competitiveness maybe?" and I started writing it and just haven't finished yet!
so Petty happened, which is currently at 4k words and is the closest to finished of my WIPs. The premise is that Tim and Jason have a friendly (read: petty) competition about who gets more rogues back to Arkham or Blackgate whenever there's a breakout. Everyone around them is sick of it and is like just FUCK ALREADY OH MY GOD but they're used to brushing them off. Anyways, they get through the night and then wrap up, and then they go back to the Nest to tally it out (with the help of their referee, Steph), and it turns out to be a tie. They decide to settle it with a spar, and that's about when Steph decides they don't need her there for that, and then. Another fic with incredibly homoerotic sparring. Except this fic actually has instant payoff with that, because then it's just smut!
Thanks for asking!! Some more people asked me about that one so I'm going to post two snippets in a few!!
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groupiewhoreee · 2 years
Can you write a Steven Adler one where he meets a female reader at a night club. Then it’s time to go home Steve offers her a ride
hii! yes i can. i didn't know if this should be smut or fluff or a mix so i did a mix! thank you for requesting this, i couldn't wait to have someone request something for steven! i love him sososo much 😭💕
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Sweet Amber
Warnings: Smut, filth you know? Most of its fluff though! (Minors you can interact just skip the smut part but! usually i'd say dni, but you can skip the smut part this time!)
Summary/Plot: Requested by an lovely anon. <3
the colorful, flashing lights of the night club shined across you and others. drinks spilled, lost thing's scattered the club. the disco ball danced within. you and others danced around, catching up with others and talking to people you didn't know. the place was crowded. you didn't even know regardless where you were going. the crowd swerved and pushed you around, your drink spilling onto the floor. people jumped and tossed.
people didn't care. they bumped into each other, not even caring if their drink was spilled, or they lost their wedding ring, or expensive bracelet. it was a night club, people were reckless or just lost. you somewhat felt anxious, and a swarm of overwhelmed feelings coursed over you. but the music that played thru the night club soothed ur anxiousness. it distracted you. usually a band playing a gig would be there but they weren't this time. it was just music and nobody was playing. the dj was playing requested, and top hits.
soon, you bumped into somebody, face first. he had long, blond— somewhat a mix of wavy and curly hair. he had a keen smile across his lips. he was wearing a leather jacket, dark jeans with rips, and a band tee shirt you were fond of. his drink spilled onto you. "jesus— i'm so sorry!" the man said fondly quickly. "nono, its all okay! don't worry- um, sorry for bumping into you!" you said, an smile peered and smeared across ur face apologetically. "its fine! whats your name?" he asked, dancing with the music casually. shouting to you since the music was loud. "y/n! you?" you called back. "steven! steven adler." he explained. "nice to meet you, steven adler." you would say. "you too, y/n." he softly said.
"so, i noticed your band tee! you like Pink Floyd?" you asked curiously. "yeah! do you?" he questioned back to you. "of course! if i didn't i wouldn't be pointing out ur shirt, dumbass." you joked, you had a sarcastic tone. "yeah, whatever." he laughed. "your dress is awfully pretty. well- even though its ruined." he smiled awkwardly. "thanks! i think your outfit is pretty sick." you told him, "thanks, y/n." - "hey, um- it's getting kind of late. i was thinking of leaving. maybe i'll see you again?" you explained. "hey! i'll offer you an ride home?" he offered. "that'd be lovely! thank you." you accepted. "okay, lets go!" he said, taking your hand. you felt a sudden wave of nervousness. you took his hand.
he led you to his car. he opened the door for you. you gladly hopped in, buckling your seatbelt. steven got in after closing your door for you. he started the car. "whats your address?" he asked. "its, **************" you explained. "alrighty!" steven gladly said happily. he started driving. "so why did you even go to the night club?" he questioned you. "ah, well. i thought a band was gonna be playing but there wasn't, but i still stayed for a bit." you told him. "ah, okay. thats cool. sometimes bands don't play there anymore from what i've witnessed." steven told you. "why did you come?" you asked. "well, i came because i was supposed to meet up with someone, but they never came." he said. "oh, thats kinda— sad. sorry about that." you apologized to steven. you had something about steven. he was.. sweet. he was kind of— hilarious. he had some luscious locks. he was kind. there was something about him.
"its alright. well, were here!" he sweetly said. "wait— before I leave," you murmured. you leaned in. Steven's eyes widened. you kissed him passionately on the lips. his lips tasted like candy. you fell deeply in the kiss, both of you and steven's eyes closed. you moaned softly into the kiss. steven pulled away from you, sharing saliva with you. he moved into the backseat with you, laying you down onto the cars seats. he kissed ur neck, sucking spots onto your neck. you moaned breathily. "so sweet," steven muttered. he licked the sides of your neck. pushing ur dress strap down and your bra strap at the same time. he pushed everything off. your breasts exposed to him. he placed purple hickeys on your breasts. he sucked one nipple, rubbing the other with his finger. he switched, now licking down ur stomach to your panties.
he rubbed circles around your clothed heat. he would tear your panties off. whimpers escaped ur mouth. "please— please steven, i want you so bad.." you whispered. steven nodded, taking his pants-off. his boxers went with him. he positioned himself at your entrance, before pushing into you. "fuck, so tight." he said to you. he moved in and out of you, gripping ur thighs as he did so. you moaned loudly, moving ur hands to his back. you scratched his back in pleasure, rolling ur eyes back while ur head threw backwards.
you came, pleasure rushing over you. steven pulled out of you, cum leaked onto your tits. he breathed heavily. "i'll catch you sometime?" steven laughed, helping you get ur clothes on and everything. "of course." you muttered. "alright. see ya!" he said to you, waving as you got out of the car. you got home, getting changed and passing out onto your bed.
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daisychainsandbowties · 10 months
You’re such a dumbass, please take care of yourself on your run, you may get a kiss after. Love you 😘
PS - ain’t no way your AO3 account and I share the same birthday
- kiss anon
it looks like it’s going to be windy during the run 🫠🫠 which is imo the worst possible running conditions (except maybe ice and snow - and even then, light snow is at least crunchy to run on) also it’s so on-brand of me to stay up all night before i have to so something like this 😔
oh wow i never looked at when i made that Ao3 account 🫠 how have i had it since… the 28 of January in 2014??
carmilla days i guess? i think i made the account to comment on fics 🤔 i am still complicatedly fond of a few carmilla-era stories.
then lmao i dropped off the face of the earth (got sick) and stopped reading fic for almost 9 years 😔🫠 but Ava brought me back 🥰🥰 (and my girlfailure of all time (aside from myself!), Lilith 😘)
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bluiex · 2 years
im about to pass out BUT IMAGINE SCARIAN PIRATE AU where Grian is a Captain actually following the law and feared among pirates for hunting them down. Scar is also a Captain but of a pirate ship this time. Grian is taken hostage and turns out he actually has some watcher powers that can help Scar get his cursed brother back to normal (after visit to The Empire he was acting strange, surely there is some witchcraft involved). Blah blah blah tension then Scar and Grian fall in love, you can add sprinkles of angst for when Grian thinks he was used all along for his powerpuff girls powers, Scar very much upset bc he wants his lover to be happy and cherished but he also wants his dumbass brother to be back.
p.s. CAN I BE A STAR ANON? PLEASE? i cant see text at this point. I’m also a bit in love with pirate aus
oh! I love this! esp the part where its like they fall in love but Grian starts to overthink and think Scar was just using him and doesnt mean any of it- WAAAH but Scar somehow proves him wrong with sick pirate adventures along the way
Yes yes ofc you can be Star Anon!
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Nice how I'm a man-stan for just pointing something out. When that other anon also wrote in to give her version, you were happy to agree with her completely without reading anything, and help spread lies about a rape victim and encourage his harassment. My point isn't that I agree with either that first man or the rando coffee person, I don't and hadn't even seen those posts. But if you're going to participate in a smear and harassment campaign by posting lies then you can't claim you're out of it completely. I thought you'd want to know the whole picture is all, but I guess you're perfectly comfortable agreeing with people that imply rape victims are liars and manipulators.
I said I wasn't going to, but you know what? I've been sick for over a week and truly have nothing better to do at 10:09PM on a Friday.
...smearing a user I didn't name. On an ask that also didn't name him. Hm.
Yes, a man-stanner because this is unhinged, what you're doing here. Do you understand that? You're taking time to demand another woman give specific attention and concern for a male user she has not engaged with on a post she hasn't seen. That is definitely man-stanning.
"Whole picture" What whole picture? What do you think you added? You didn't link the post. You're on anon. All you did was say, no, the random person who first brought it up is right. Source: trust me. Do you understand that someone else could just as easily come to my inbox saying, no! The other anon was right? All I have are:
A) Two people (allegedly, if you aren't the first rando who decided to go on anon) say a post I didn't see said x horrible things and a man was harassed over it.
B) One person saying that's a wild misinterpretation and the man in question was using his experience to spew misogyny.
The misinterpretation and excuse for misogyny in the latter are both behaviours I have witnessed directly in multiple other contexts, so yeah, given that experience I am going to assume. Don't bother me about a post I haven't seen if you don't want me doing that. I am absolutely not hunting down a months-old post I didn't see and don't know who all engaged with it on this website that is notoriously difficult to search for anything on, just to see who's right.
Go and bother that random person who brought it up to begin with.
You have added zero information. Except, oh! that's right, unlike the first rando or the other anon, your dumbass dropped his fucking username. All the other anon did was argue the intention of the original post and say the guy got pushback for being misogynistic. So if you actually think there's a danger of me joining on harassing this guy, uh...good job.
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a-republican-mind · 2 years
I've been being accused of some things lately and would like to clear my name...
IDK what to do with myself here. I can’t really explain myself well after all of that scandal, and if I try to explain to someone here, they block me. I feel like it’s best to leave but at same time, to stay. Leave because all of what I build for five years, is destroyed, I’m hated, I’m sent anon hate. Stay because this is only place that I can talk to people, and I don’t have anyone to reach out. And look at me now, I’m more lonely than ever due to that mentally ill, man hating radfem Christian chick obsessed with me for some reason, I didn’t piss her off nor have I mocked her in any way before all of this. I don’t know what else she has posted about me and yes, I did contact the first person who knew about this via another account but at that time, I was scared the world was about to end and wasn’t really thinking but just to clear my name. And for those that say I baited my attempt to take my life, I had a knife with me until I cried to sleep. I know I fucked up big time.
But the other thing that I got blocked for sure was that “like” to that post, which again, I’ll say again, IT WASN’T FUCKING ME!!!!! Sure, likely story, dumbass. I am not creating this story, this legit happened. It wasn’t me but a friend of mine who (by stupidity of me not closing my laptop and leaving it on the settings page with the list of blocked people) was taking care of my stuff while I going to the restroom and decided it was good idea to run my blog. He has a tumblr: weepingcloddreamland, look him up and good luck trying to contact him as his last post was back in March of 2020. All of this happened on summer of 2018/2019, before the virus. I was out while he rebloged and give likes to those blogs I blocked for the right reasons. When I came back, he said, “Hey Michael, I spiced up your blog a bit” “Oh, really” *checked what he did* Shocked I said “Dude, WTF did you do, I blocked them for a reason!” his answer was... “I did a favor, you know women love that” After that, I decided to kick him his ass and cut ties, he left angry. Shortly thereafter, he created a blog to do what I did, blocked him back and said this.
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As proof that I did talk to him, because no one believes me at this point. All of this happened before I had my porn addiction. My porn addiction started in 2020, and it went downhill from there. I know I have a problem. It will take a lot of time as I know that this isn’t solved overnight or in a week time. I deleted the blogs already (for those anons who keep on asking).
For those that blocked me for this, I just want to say sorry for all. I’m a horrible person who was caught in all of this. And is shameful of everything, I’m even disgusted at myself. All of this stuff that my addiction caught me in was fantasy and I’ve never once disrespected a woman in my life. I don’t support violence against women. Nor have I ever abused any woman in my life. You people act like if I actually did and I dare anyone to find anything in my record (nothing in there) I hope to regain your trust as I did when you first followed me, but I still highly doubt any of you want to hear from me again or forgive. But I am praying for all of your wellbeing every night before I go to bed. If you’re having personal problems, I’ll be praying for you. That’s how much I love you guys even if you hate me now. I hope that whatever hopes, dreams, goals, you (my former mutuals) have is completed or happens the way you want it. If you want to believe what I said, that’s up to you and I know that I’ll get even more hate and death threats may even lose more of you. But I want to tell the truth and my side of the story. I will change for the better, but I can’t do it alone. I still have those sick feeling of relapsing again but I’m holding tight not to.
Oh, and one final thing, please unfollow and block nette and her nasty man hating friends. I’ve heard many things from a couple of people about her that isn’t really good. One of her friends is racist, a couple of them are creeps (actual online stalkers) and saved pics of me when I posted them on my blog. Even one of them is proudly an ableist. And all for what? To save the day? To feel better with themselves?  To get money out of me? Keep in mind that I’m dirt poor (have no money in the bank for months and struggle to get some money to buy at something worth five dollars at Wendy’s or Burger King for example), didn’t have a vacation since January of 2019, don’t have a central A/C system in my house and had a very hard life (economically speaking all the way since the beginning of 2016). Most of you consider yourself lucky that you can travel on a plane to Disneyland, Europe or whatever part of this fucking planet that I’ve never been on yet. Plus, after all of that, the bad luck still continued, I lost two cute cats, and my phone (which was going to be replaced anyways but I didn’t expect it so soon, it almost made my family go broke). This is all harassment and self-gratification just for a few likes. I have unblocked a couple of people that have blocked me in case you have the goodliness of your hearts to forgive me (still highly doubt it). But I won’t trust them again until otherwise. I’ll be removing anon tho. I don’t know what else what said about me other than the two posts about me, but I don’t think that stopped. Plus I believe in the “eye for an eye” punishment, so nette and co watch out and stop having those only idea of God. Get off the internet and read the bible. I just want this drama down and over with and to have my good friends back, but I still doubt they will want me back. For sure, some of them will see this tho. I’ve said enough.
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hella1975 · 2 years
List anon <3
Finally got around to reading Tams chapter 3 so heres that.
I didnt send in a thing for chapter 2 (i cant remember why) but I think I like Lihua. Unless you want to kill her or something in that case i hate her and am determined to not grow attached.
You also might just have the perspective abandon her. But I think Id be able to cope with that.
Not necessarily something that just now occured to me but just something that my mind prompted, I like how in this Zuko is immediately taught that he was like very sheltered. And how theres this big population of people who dont have a choice but to make bad decisions just so themselves and their families to survive.
Yeah I like her. Please dont kill her Im begging you
If you dont kill her ill ko fi you like 4 dollars (pounds??? i dont feel like adjusting my terminology right now)
idk if you remember but a few months ago you were complaining that you were really sick or something and you got an ask saying that they tried to send you i think 2 dollars if you would go to the e.r but their ko fi wasnt working. That was me and i got my ko fi to work and i am NOT above bribing you. Just saying.
Lihua reminds me of a delinquet Jin.
Azulas being imprisoned. That is DEFINETLY probably not going to lead to anything interestgin
Well theres Zhao
Well she was recognized
God shes so smart I love her so much shes figurively playing dumbass Zhao like a fiddle.
"The only reason she had for leaving it was because she knew that Zuko knew she wouldn’t leave it unless something awful had happened. This was a message. People were behind this, and that could only mean one thing." Taob parrelel thing?? Like when Zuko left one of his swords for Hakoda. Not sure if this was intentional or not but its a nice touch.
"Azula had figured out a plan before Zhao had even left her cell" Of course she had. Shes amazing i love her.
Is her Fire bending still orange????? Nice
I like how Azula still resents Ursa
I think its funny that Zuko thinks Sokkas judging him because of his scar (which theres a small possiblity he doesnt know the symbolism for, I dont know i havent read that far yet) and not judging him because hes a firebender like he just exclaimed like dude OBVIOUSLY they are a tad bit distraught by firebending and bros just like "nah its because of my scar.
okay now hes catching on
Zukos so confused right now
Hes got a lot to take in take your time pal
"“Actually,” Zuko frowned, “I wasn’t talking to you.” He turned to Azula. “Well?”" Zukos attitude towards Sokka is so funny. "Its not like zukos going to be intimidated by a whelp like him", Stfu Zuko you were just unsettled by his stare like three paragraphs ago. You have a specific post I keep seeing on pinterest, (and i saw it on facebook one time, that was surreal,) (im pretty sure its you) its the one where its like enemy to lover fics are so funny because the tags are right there or something along those lines. This is giving those vibes. Like he might be unsettled by Sokka now but just wait like 15 chapters when hes REALLY going to be unsettled by him but this time the unsettledness is gay panic so.
I completely forgot about Iroh. Whats he up to nowadays?
"“Besides, Zuko just took out like ten soldiers by himself. I'm sticking with him until we get out of here.”" Im taking this as flirting you cant change my mind.
Wait is this fic even Zukka? *checks* yes it is, okay.
So Sokka is flirting, what next?
Now Azulas pov is acknowedging the difference between the real world and the palace, nice.
I cant remember if this was acknowledged in one of the other chapters or not. If so, oh well.
sOKKA Quit staring at him you dumb gay
Look at Sokka flirting. "Your not what I was expecting" Might as well tell him hes not like the other girls also you werent expecting a hot and mysterious twink in a fire nation strong hold? Be a lot weirder if he was expecting that tbh.
I like how hes asking Aangs consent to put him in a fake hostage situation.
"I'd be honored hotman" See Sokka, even aang will acknowledge that hes hot.
Aw shit Lihua might die
Okay Im done reading it.
This was such a good chapter. I loved it so much, your doing amazing.
I cant put into words how excited I am for the rest of this series.
I mentioned in one of the taob asks that Im really picky about how people write Azula, and Ive already talked about how much i love how you write Zuko, so its Azulas turn now.
First of all (of the stuff I read anyways) Azulas pov arent written enough.
And the ones there are its even more rare that she actually has like,,, a personality???
like Shes always so robotic and uncomplex in some fics and I cant put into words how refreshing it is to get a change in that. Like this is the first fic ive ever read that I dont absolutely dread Azula povs.
(I feel the need to say whenever I compare taob to other fics in these I'm never intending to put the other authors down, im just stating the differences in my specific preferences. Like im all for writers doing what they want in their fics, but the way you write align so well with what i like to read its uncanny sometimes)
Azula is such a difficult character, and you write her so well. Youre phenomenal, I love it.
Like shes by far my favorite thing about this so far.
I love her and Zukos dedication and codependancy. And also how well they ended up being able to read each other and how well they flow with each other. Its so different from their cannon relationship.
I think they should have let you write the comics.
Isnt there a new Azula comic coming out soon??????????/ They should let you write it. Your amazing with her.
You capture the complexity of their relationship so well, and like acknowledging how strained and toxic they were at the palace vs now, its so good, I love it so much.
My second favorite thing about tams, like i mentioned, is all of Sokka and Zukos interactions. They were so funny and honestly had me cackling.
I liked the whole 'Azula and Sokka are similar and so are Katara and Zuko' thing, because its true. I've always seen them as sort of parallels of each other. Its nice to see this acknowledged.
I saw that you answered some of my other ask things recently and the one where I was responding to what I think was the last chapter of Taob had me laughing because I had no idea it was that long when I sent it in. Sorry for making you read all that.
I have a process for writing these and a part of it is that I usually write it in a doc first and then copy and paste it into the ask thing and then read through it to make sure it makes sense. And sometimes when im rereading it Ill add a lot of stuff and I didnt realize how much I added with that particular ask.
I saw it and I just kept scrolling and scrolling and it was really funny to me.
I usually take screenshots when you answer them so i can remember what i have or havent talked about and that specific ask is like 14 screenshots of just the stuff I sent.
And im doing that again with this one.
Anywho im responding to some of your comments on my asks because i can.
"No you didnt send me an ask off anon but I wish you would"
never. I would rather die.
the whole your economics degree makes you feel stupid thing. theres a really popular saying thats like 'if you try to teach a fish to climb a tree it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid' or something like that. that part of your response reminded me of that.
"I want to know what your talking about with the kind thing"
Again, never. Absolutely not.
Theres another part i wanted to respond to but i cant remember now so oh well.
I know i always say that im not sure if these make sense but i actually mean it this time because im really tired. so have fun interpreting this.
i also love lihua it's kinda funny how many people were suspicious of her initially bc i genuinely dont know WHY idk if it's bc people just dont trust me or we're all overly cynical but i was getting comments and asks like 'i dont trust lihua' and im here like WHY THAT'S MY BABYGIRL
bribe me. do it. (no really dont i cant believe u tried to send me money just to take care of myself 😭)
as for the taob parallel thing, that wasn't on purpose! i really cant see myself putting ANY taob references in tams just bc i want them to be separate like i dont want all of my atla works from now on to be compared to taob bc that's. not gonna end well for me LMAO
"You have a specific post I keep seeing on pinterest, (and i saw it on facebook one time, that was surreal,) (im pretty sure its you) its the one where its like enemy to lover" NOOOOOOOOOO
i love how season 1 sokka's justification for very baltantly flirting with the firebender is literally to he's not like other girlsify him. sound logic there king
"like Shes always so robotic and uncomplex in some fics and I cant put into words how refreshing it is to get a change in that. Like this is the first fic ive ever read that I dont absolutely dread Azula povs." GOD TIER COMPLIMENT IM KISSING YOU RN i love love LOVE tams azula like i love her as a character i love writing her i love how it tests me a bit just love love love her and seeing how well she's been received in general has been such a pleasant surprise <3 do not even MENTION comic azula to me im so sad for her
"Sorry for making you read all that." please never apologise for these asks they make me very happy :)
"if you try to teach a fish to climb a tree it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid' or something like that." that's actually very fitting, thank you <3
get some sleep!!!!
thank you for this ask as always my love my light my cutie patootie xx
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thesoundofmadness · 2 years
I'm the anon who asked abt the Randyverse. I actually meant all of the Randy aus you have interacting with each other. Reading the ones you already have are so fun, and I feel like there should be more heh
Tumblr is being stupid and isn't letting me seperate the bullet points. OH SORRY I WAS CONFUSED WHKSJFBKJFB I HAVE A BUNCH OF HCS FOR THIS I don't really know of a genuine plot tho like the only thing I have for an actual plot is just. viceory builds an alternate universe thing and randy/howard fall through it and go through a bunch of aus while back in their og universe the sorcerer escapes. the 3 main aus i got is the og universe, the teacher randy au and band au tbh. Oh shit in the last ask i forgot about the immortal randy au jkghfdjkg. Anyway here's some bs
The nomicon (doesn't matter the au) has NO fuckin clue what's going on. It can't grasp the whole alternate universe thing at ALL. Guide Randy steps in it's place tho
OG Randy like, immediately assumes Guide Randy is evil. OG Randy: Oh don't tell me you're another McFist scheme like Lucious O'Thunderpunch. Guide Randy: *shocked gasp* Excuse me. How dare you compare me to him!
OG Randy also says Guide Randy might go crazy "like Mac Antfee", and Guide Randy just laughs and says "Mac Antfee WISHES he was me."
The og/swap randy and howard use their slang and guide Randy/Howard are just like "please. please just say fuck you can say fuck". That day OG Howard learned his parents were lying about cursing being illegal till you're 18.
I imagine since like, the alternate universes are colliding so they can get SOME access to other alternate universes before they actually visit it. They can also somewhat share thoughts and feelings between their alternate counterparts. (Like if OG Randy gets sick, Guide/Band Randy will feel it too and vice versa)
So like, before they can meet their band au counterparts, RESENTMENTS fully releases. OG/Swap Randy and Howard can't really understand it, but Guide Randy and Howard IMMEDIATELY clues into it being about the ninja. They have a lil debate about the possiblity of band randy not mind wiping, then "i hate books lol" (a song howard wrote about the nomicon and the stress of his trauma) comes on and Guide Howard is just ".....oh fuck."
they get to the band au, and band randy is kinda. forced into like getting the mind wipe undone and he. does not take it well. He end's up like, spending a few days in a hotel to process it bc he doesn't want to have a huge argument with Howard about it.
OG Randy probably assumes band Howard is evil but band howard is just like "why the hell would i want to reveal the ninja secrets? i may be a dumbass but i'm not a fucking idiot."
Band Levander is just there tbh. They can't really avoid not getting him involved in the alternate universe shenanigans bc the band bros all live together. but he's chill about it and just there for emotional support.
Levander is very surprised by Randy being the ninja and the whole 4 year cycle thing, but then he's like "holy shit that makes so much sense actually."
the band bros probably have the og/swap bros help set up for a music video recording. they have like at least $50K worth of camera and audio equipment. Band randy is like "....In the nicest way possible, if you break ANY of this, i'm disowning you :)"
I hc that the art of the disguise can also change your voice by like, altering your vocal cords for a bit. When Guide Randy says this Band Randy (who does A LOT of voice training) is fucking APPALLED.
Band Howard: one time you shot me into space. on my 15th birthday. that was fun Band Lavender: Randy did what Guide: oh yeah i remember that. I... was not the smartest person in 9th grade. Band Randy: I did WHAT? I thought that was just some weird dream! OG Randy:.... in my defense, it was an accident Band Lavender: what the FUCK do you mean you shot Howard into space by ACCIDENT.
OG Howard asks Band Randy (who does all the art/video/design work for 30STM) about how his work is going and Band Randy starts ranting about color theory for like 15 minutes
yeah that's all i got lmao uts 2 am
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hollenka99 · 2 years
BTS for the regicide AU? -River
Ask Game
Regicide is a bit too big for me to comment on as a whole because as of the 16th, the total for the transcripts of au related dms I’ve been maintaining stands at 738,123 words over 1796 pages. However, I thought I'd focus on the behind the scenes of I Beg of Thee Have Mercy On Me (I Was Just a Boy, You See) since that's a good way to look at the world of Regicide through a single fic.
For any followers who might not know, Regicide is a royalty au that Anon and I created back in January and have brainrotted about on daily basis ever since. There are 15 paths, grouped into the three categories of Fratricide, Patricide and L’Manburg (aka war). So when I say stuff like F1 or P3, I mean the first fratricide and third patricide paths etc. 
It goes without saying but this will contain spoilers for the fic. And because this is F1, there is a section about suicidal ideation and self harm but I’ve put a warning right before I talk about it and it’s only one paragraph.
It's mentioned at the start that Wilbur is the 7th son and 13th child. There will be 26 kids in total, 15 of them being boys. The reason for this is because, when I tried to create half brothers, I was a dumbass who asked Anon to pick a number between 1 and 20. If I was smart, I would have said 10 or at least made 'up to 20' for siblings, not just brothers. Either way, she said 15 thanks to having no context regarding her decision and then when I was filling up the list with sisters, 11 girls popped up unintentionally. Oh and also, Wilbur was originally Sextus (6th son) with Septimus born a week after him. However we decided we didn't want Wilbur to have the awkward name so the other brother's birthday became September 6th, making him Sextus instead. This did open the door for me to decide I wanted Wilbur to get close to Sextus since he knows he could have been teased instead if their birthdays were switched. Which then developed into them becoming close just because of proximity in age in general. He is my favourite of the half brothers and I am holding him gently. He and Wilbur are so close that Fundy’s middle name is Christopher after Sextus in most paths (it’s Wilbur in those where he’s dead before he can meet his son).
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Anon and I tend to discuss non-canon versions of paths nearly as often as we do canon events. Kidbur's near death experience is no exception. A lot of talk is about a sweet 4 year old ghost who gets really upset because most of his family is ignoring him (aka literally can't see him). Also wholesome stuff like his grandfather looking after him once Wilbur moves on, then him meeting 17yo Tommy after Techno makes all their brothers join Wilbur. But in canon, we have it that he got sick while attending celebrations for the 1500th anniversary of the capital’s founding. As much as Phil is indifferent about his younger sons, he does rush back from attending celebrations elsewhere to provide moral support and keep an eye on their kids so Kristin can focus on tending to Wilbur. Once they’re in the clear, Phil takes Techno to see a play about Wilbur I, as a way of teaching him about the fratricide tradition.
I’m not sure why we decided to make 10 the age princes learn about fratricide. I honestly think it was just a nice round number, old enough for them to begin understanding the reality of their situation but young enough to not leave them oblivious for too long. Technoblade was told by Phil when he was 9 thanks to favouritism and of course, Techno himself revealed the truth to Wilbur when he was 7, right after Tommy’s birth. But Wilbur learning about the tradition then watching two brothers with whom he was close to die right in front of him marks the sort of era where his bitterness grows about being a Antarctic prince, a son of Phillip V at that. We never actually said in dms that the twins’ deaths happened the same day as Wilbur going into the crypts. Until June (when I finished the fic) those were just two events that happened when Wilbur was 10. But while writing, I felt they’d work really well side by side and in close succession. So when I showed Anon the finished draft, they wanted my head for making it worse by having it be the same day.
Also, speaking of Billy and Ben, I have to admit their names came from us memeing. We were discussing the idea of fathers naming eldest sons and mothers naming the younger boys, with the reverse being true for daughters. Given that Phil distances himself from his sons, I made a joke that he’d pick a dumb name for his 3rd and 4th sons, like naming them after Bill and Ben the Flowerpot Men (British children’s characters for toddlers). Except it stuck and they’ve been Billy and Ben since February. Most side characters aren’t named but Sextus was named Christopher after Phil’s father, Tommy’s namesake is an uncle and Technoblade shares his name with a legendary warrior figure.
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I can't remember when we created Death and War but neopolitan trio come from blessed bloodlines on both sides. Thomas I (founder of the dynasty and the empire) attracted War's favour, causing him and his descendants to have premonitions while, as mentioned above, Death blessed an ancestor of Kristin's and as a result, her family can interact with ghosts. The reason Wilbur's gift from Death is unusually strong is because he's been in her favour since birth. The same for Techno with War (far more in tune with his premonitions) as well as Tommy with both gods (stronger premonitions and ability to see the dead but not as strong as the other two’s specialty). None of the brothers are aware of this though, they just assume it's a side effect of the dual divine heritage, so I haven't been able to mention it in fics so far.
We knew we wanted to include Sally and Fundy in the au and having her be L’Manburgian helped bring L’Manburg itself into the picture. We both love their wedding because they’re both a pair of pissed off teenagers whose parents have gone about this the completely wrong way. It’s typical for couples to spend at least a year getting to know each other before thinking about marriage since Antarctic people value unions that have good interpersonal foundations. This trial year is especially important for arranged couples since they’re not meeting out of chance. However, Kristin wants to maximise the length of time Wilbur’s happily married to a girl she feels he’d get along well with and as much as the Salmons want Sally to be happy too, they’re also aiming to put her in a powerful position. By definition, their marriage is actually forced instead of arranged because Salbur don’t meet until they’re at the altar and neither really consented to this, more just went along with it because they felt they had no real say in it. So those several months where they don’t want to interact with their spouse could have been avoided if their trial year was in the lead up to the wedding, not the first year of marriage.
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No official comment on this excerpt except for the fact it's sweet. But I do want to say Anon is the one who comes up with the majority of worldbuilding ideas that we then build upon, including linguistic quirks. They’re even in the middle of creating a conlang for Antarctic which is really cool. A lot of this linguistic stuff tends to go over my head a bit when they explain it so sometimes I worry my interest doesn't show properly when I struggle to convey how much I'm nodding my head as I listen to them talk about the ongoing process. But yeah, I am that Will Smith meme with his arms out like look at my friend create a language from scratch. She also knows a bunch of Ottoman and Roman history thanks to being a history major so that contributes a lot of inspiration towards the au. I mean the whole thing started after she told me about how the Ottomans practiced fratricide for a while and I went here's a fucked up Wilbur after coming back from walking my dog.
I used Technoblade's death and the build up to it to show that as much as Wilbur is acting on his paranoia, as much as he has painted Techno as a heartless villain, he still loves his brother. This is his turning point, in fact this is the turning point of the entire path. This murder isn't what sets F1 apart from all the other paths, him going on to kill Tommy too is what makes F1 unique, but this is where things truly begin breaking apart for him. It was important to us to portray Wilbur as someone who had lost his way, someone who did things he never wanted to believe he was capable of but still remained himself at his core. At the very beginning, Wilbur was meant to kill both his brothers because he was prideful and felt he was the only one truly suitable for the role. But then everyone got fleshed out before too long. Now he is as he's presented here: somebody who grew up in an impossible situation which has left him protective of those stuck in it with him, scared of the future and desperate for any semblance of control over it all.
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Phil is an interesting character in Regicide. We don’t want anyone to be black and white, all of them have layers and complexities. Even in F4 when we were planning to make Dream the main antagonist before the recent controversy, his corruption arc began with him trying to avenge Techno to feel like there was some justice to be had which then descended into him doing anything to remain in power, no matter how wrong. With Phil though, at least in the fratricide paths, he’s not that bad. He isn’t the best dad when it comes to his sons but that’s because he’s got it in his head that dying will be easier for him if he doesn’t spend his final hours dreading what his children are about to go through, the way he saw his own father dread his sons’ fates. With his daughters and Techno, he does his best to be there for them. When Wilbur or Tommy are set to be the next emperor because they’re the eldest/only living son left, Phil tries to reach out and get to know them. Patricide is a mixed bag since P1-3 are essentially ‘Fratricide but Phil is killed earlier′ so he’s more or less the same. Then in P4-5, those are war-centric paths so he’s the same version as the Ls.
With the L’Manburgian war paths, Phil isn’t so redeemable. He’s still the same guy but at his worst. I mean in P4 he orders his best archer to shoot Wilbur with arrows tainted with wither poison and in a few paths like L2, he literally has his sons imprisoned, executed then denied the ability to move on. And yet, for Phil, he just sees a wayward son deciding to undo the 150 years’ worth of effort it took their ancestors to finally conquer L’Manburg in the first place, all because Wilbur grew attached to the place. As for ordering the death of a 14 year old? Well, sending a message obviously. Same with making them die to an axe like a commoner instead of being hanged like a noble. Nobody is above the law as far as he has something to say about it. If Wilbur wants to act like he’s any other L’Manburgian then fine, he can die like them.
[Suicidal ideation and self harm warning for this next section]
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This is the start of F1bur's destructive habits. He‘s going to get worse over the years as his mental health drags his physical health down with it. All of it thanks to paranoia and a need to survive long enough to ensure Fundy never has to be hurt like he has. At times, he will quite literally only stay alive because he owes it to his brothers to finish the book or Fundy’s still young enough that he can convince himself that his son needs him. There’s a point in his 40s where the book is ready for publication and he contemplates brewing a spiked tea so he can finally stop being shunned by everyone he loves, as well as not have to deal with Tommy’s anger anymore. Fundy’s a grown man by now, he doesn’t need his dad holding him back. There’s a sentiment that keeps cropping up in this au and makes both of us put our heads in our hands (/pos) which is ‘If you love someone, you’d let them go’. This applies here too. The only good thing about that scene (other than Wilbur obviously never going through with poisoning his drink in the first place) is that Tommy’s ghost finally realises how much hurt he’s actually caused his brother, leading to him being able to move on soon after. Fundy also plans to get engaged around this time so Wilbur tells himself he’ll stick around until the wedding. Then to meet his first grandchild. And the next grandson too. Until it’s a decade later and he’s coming home from visiting Fundy in order to meet his new granddaughter. At which point 30 years’ worth of not looking after his health catches up to him. In terms of mental health, F1 and L5 (where he’s shut in a dark cell with only Tommy’s ghost for company after the war) are the hardest on Wilbur. But whereas F1bur died after a few years of his life finally feeling like it might be worth living, L5bur’s life being saved following a suicide attempt causes him to start gradually healing from what Phil put him through until he’s living because he wants to. 
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Ah yes, Karl. I don’t remember what exactly the process was but I think he started off as nothing more than a great-grandson of Wilbur I who died during the first ever round of royal fratricide so that Wilbur could relate to him. Karl then also served as inspiration for Wilbur since we knew we wanted him to write a collective biography about each of his brothers, causing Karl to leave behind unfinished notes related to a similar project. I don’t know when we came up with the idea for reincarnation to be a thing in this au but it was probably February, in the context of F1 crimeboys being reborn as two boys named Seb (Wilbur) and Isaac (Tommy) so in their new lives they could start their relationship over. Suggesting Karl might be Wilbur’s past life wasn’t too much of a stretch from there. In the afterlife, there’s a mist filled section where if you walk in, you will start to lose your memories so that by the time you eventually make your way to the other side, your mind’s blank and ready to be sent to your next life. Kind of like a gaseous Lethe to be honest. The concept of the mist is definitely all Anon’s so shout out to her for that. In my mind, Karl waited for Sapnap to show up then after they’d been reunited for a while, they went in together, hand in hand. We’ve never really discussed what happened to Sapnap but Karl obviously became Wilbur. Wilbur remembers nothing of Karl’s life, even if certain things trigger a sense of deja vu seemingly randomly. With Seb and Isaac though, they begin to remember being crimeboys after meeting but again, Seb has absolutely no recollection of once being Karl. Either way, I liked dropping subtle hints in this scene that Karl was more to Wilbur than he realised. That last line about the words bouncing back to Wilbur at Karl’s grave is my favourite.
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The coronation proceedings are heavily based on Elizabeth II's coronation since there's footage of the whole ceremony online. This bit especially is essentially just the same things she was asked to swear in an oath but tweaked a little to fit Wilbur and the Antarctic Empire. We knew that we wanted part of the coronation to involve the new emperor swearing to uphold the fratricide tradition. That bit is completely ad-libbed by me while the snippet of legalese that Wilbur read when he was 13 was based on the Succession to the Crown Act 2013 (I tried to access the 1707 version but legislation.gov.uk always makes stuff hard to read if they don’t have the original version which is the only downside to the website that really helped me through the legal modules of my degree). Anon and I were also talking about how difficult it must be for emperors who are fathers at the time of their coronation since those sons will have to watch their dad promise to ensure their deaths after his own. I’m sure Phil’s father had the same reluctance when he swore that oath since he had 7 sons, the youngest of which was Phil himself at 2 years old. It’s a shame the two never got to meet because I think Wilbur and his grandfather could have gotten on quite well since they were quite similar in some ways.
Either way, I hope this look into Regicide was interesting. There’s some stuff I wasn’t able to include since it was too niche or path-specific but this covers a fair amount of ground in terms of Regicide in general.
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kimium · 2 years
For the character ask: Natsu (fairy tail) and/or Junko (danganronpa)
(From this ask HERE)
Thanks, Anon! You picked some great characters! This is long, so the rest is under the cut!
Natsu (Fairy Tail)
Sexuality headcanon
Natsu is bi/pansexual. To me he is the kind of person to not really notice gender, but rather someone's fighting ability/kindness. He has shades of himbo, which probably adds to me thinking he thinks all genders are cool and interesting.
2. OTP
I really like NaLu (Natsu/Lucy). I think the big reason why I like it is because they are friends first and foremost. They bicker, care, and support one another as friends. So, even if I didn't ship them, I would be on board with them as friendship duo. However, since I ship them I think their friendship is an excellent springboard for romance. Many straight ships in media just bank on the characters being together because "they're a man and a woman", but have no chemistry. I think Natsu and Lucy have a ton of chemistry and thus they're my OTP.
Natsu and Sting both have dumbass energy that when combined create an even stronger dumbass. I really love their interactions during the tournament arc and I like how they're sort of foils of one another, with Sting also being a bit of a hot-head.
Natsu/Erza. To me they have sibling energy with Erza as the older sister and Natsu her little brother. They both care for one another and are there to hold one up, but both have some dumbass energy that's just enough for them to both get into stupid situations of their own doing.
5. First headcanon that pops into my head
It's been a long while since I watched Fairy Tail so I cannot remember if this is canon, but I think Natsu loves spicy food. Not only does he like spicy food, but it doesn't affect him. He can eat some of the hottest peppers in the world and barely flinch while others are Dying.
6. Favourite line from this character
Oh boy... there are simply too many episodes and lines for me to remember. So, I think I'll go with a scene, because that's easier. I have two scenes in mind.
The first scene is during the tournament arc when Natsu says something along the lines of "one point matters in the end" as he's competing in his first "battle". What I like about this line is how Natsu believes in always giving things your all, even if you think you're going to "lose". I think that mindset is very important for people to have, especially young kids, who don't know how to deal with loss and try to give up.
The next scene is a softer one: it's when Natsu first sees Zeref during the S-Wizard rank arc. I like this scene because upon first watch, everyone is as confused as Natsu. However, if you re-watch the scene, the tragedy, joy, heartbreak, and sorrow are so plain to see in Zeref's face that for a moment he forgets everything except Natsu.
7. One way in which I relate to this character
I think I relate the most to Natsu's unwavering kindness. He sees the best in people and that's how Lucy entered the guild: he simply believed she's a good person and gave her a chance. And that's what Natsu represents to me: chances. He never believes people cannot have another chance at redemption and that's a quality I think is very admirable.
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Look, if I named everything Natsu does that gives me second hand embarrassment, we'd be here all day. He's just a goofy character and unapologetically living his best life. I suppose if I had to pick one thing it would be the motion sickness? But that's a shared trait all dragon slayers possess, so it's not just Natsu who embarrasses me.
9. Cinnamon roll or Problematic Fave?
This boy is the very definition of a cinnamon roll.
Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
I'm forewarning everyone: Junko is the character in Danganronpa I am the most "head empty" about. This doesn't mean I don't like her, it's just I'm pretty neutral.
Sexuality headcanon
I don't really have a sexuality headcanon for Junko. I just don't think Junko has ever thought about her sexuality and wouldn't care about gender. If she is looking for someone to date then she'd want someone who is interesting and not boring, which whittles the cast down to like two people? I think?
2. OTP
I don't really have a ship for Junko. I know in the light novel, DR0, she has an interesting relationship with Matsuda, but since I haven't really read the light novel (just a summary) I don't have an opinion.
Again, I don't really have a clue. I guess if we went with a "non despair AU" then I think Junko and Naegi being a BROTP would be hilarious. Mostly because I think it would consist of a Very Confused, but Polite Naegi and a Junko who goes around calling Naegi her "bestie".
I don't ship Junko with anyone so therefore I don't have a NOTP with her too.
5. First headcanon that pops into my head
Junko spent WEEKS deciding what Monokuma looks like and what kind of voice and personality she wanted to give Monokuma. Like, she literally did not sleep for almost an entire week planning what she wanted for Monokuma. All the Monokumas we see in Towa City are either beta concepts she scrapped or ideas she wanted to implement but didn't fit the "school" vibe she wanted. Also in this process I think she sewed a lot of stuffies and thus her (and Mukuro's) room were covered in bear plushies.
6. Favourite line from this character
I think my favourite line from her is from Danganronpa: Another Episode (Ultra Despair Girls), "Oh well. I suppose I'll leave the rest to you. Though, the next time I see you you'll be someone else entirely. I hope the future is one you cannot predict."
I think I like this line because it's directed to Kamukura and the call back to SDR2 (since you play SDR2 before AE, even if in the timeline SDR2 is after) makes me so happy.
7. One way in which I relate to this character
Junko is a twin and so am I. The thought of what she did to Mukuro, while utterly horrific and tragic, is strangely something I can understand as an act to "create despair." Not just for Mukuro who was betrayed but for Junko who did the betraying.
8. Thing that give me second hand embarrassment about this character
In the final trial for DR1 when she's flipping through personas and lands on the really crass one with her tongue sticking out... yeah... I know that her personalities are reflecting the final members of the trial (so this one is for Touko), but yeah... never liked that.
9. Cinnamon roll or Problematic Fave?
I want you to take Problematic Fave, put it at the beginning of the spectrum, then put Junko as FAR AWAY to the other side of the spectrum. That's just how much of a problematic fave she is.
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