#dutch police brutality
huariqueje · 4 months
Amsterdam University walkout: Staff protest after police crackdown
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the-lady-maddy · 5 months
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autismvampyre · 5 months
the fucking arrogance and blatant nationalism in the way europeans declare polce brutality a "US problem" as if americans are the only people with a corrupt system
my leftist swedish mother actually agrees with ACAB with the addendum that it's only the Americans, we're not like that here
let the brutal forced used on greta thunberg, a swedish teenager protesting climate change, by dutch police be a testament to the lie of european "democracy" and how it is democracy in name and nothing else.
let the immigrant kids who are brutalized, humiliated and oppressed every day in sweden by cops who "protect and serve" serve as a reminder of how incredibly flawed we are.
let the 700% increase in death by cops in sweden in the last ten years show us how we are no better than the americans we condemn.
we are not better. you are buying into propaganda if you think this doesn't apply to your country too
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newsfrom-theworld · 4 months
Today's breaking news:
Dutch police brutally suppress students protesting at the University of Amsterdam, in support of Palestine.
The Isr@eli occupation targeted a building in the al-Nuseirat camp in central Gaza with air strikes. At least 43 Palestinians were killed
Heavy clashes with the Isr@eli occupation forces in Jabalia refugee camp
Occupation soldiers attack and assault a young man in the Damascus Gate area in Jerusalem
Under the protection of Isr@eli occupation forces, Isr@eli settlers raided Palestinian lands in the village of Masafer Bani Na'im, in the district of Hebron, and stole sheep belonging to Palestinian farmers.
An Isr@eli helicopter opens fire at the homes of Palestinians in Rafah.
A number of Palestinians were killed after the bombing of a home in Beit Lahya north of Gaza.
Settlers' children destroy and throw humanitarian aid destined for Gaza in a garbage container.
Heavy Isr@eli air strikes targeting Jabalia refugee camp, north of Gaza.
Settlers attack on Palestinian homes in the town of Qasra, southeast of Nablus in the West Bank
American-British warplanes bomb Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen with 4 airstrikes.
Occupation warplanes targeted a car with 3 missiles near the city of Sour, southern Lebanon
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cowboysanddragons23 · 4 months
Arthur Morgan has been training to fight Dutch during his whole arc and doesn't even realize it, as all of the antagonists he fought against, all represent an aspect of Dutch:
-Colm O'Driscoll: Colm O'Driscoll is an outlaw who cares only about causing chaos and destruction, with no sense of idealism or loyalty towards his men, seeing them only as expendable numbers, focusing only on the quantity aspect instead of quality. He rules his gang with a cultistic mix of fear and adoration ("He's..uh..uh.. wh-when he talks to you nicely is like the sun is shining, and when he is mad at you, it's like the devil's gonna be upon you"). This parallels how Dutch would behave during Chapter 6, leaving Arthur and John to die and regarding the rest of the gang as expendable numbers and leads them with a cultistic mix of adoration and fear.
-Leviticus Cornwall: Leviticus Cornwall is an industrialist who, despite his delusions of gentlemanliness and eloquence, he robs, kills and destroys everything on his path, showing utter lack of concern about the destruction he leaves on his wake ("Business doesn't give a damn about feelings."). He is also obsessed with getting more power and will betray the law he claims to uphold so he can get what he desires. This reflects how Dutch threw away the ideals he cherished so much the moment pressure started mounting him at the drop of a hat, but also that despite dressing elegantly and speaking eloquently, he is a criminal hiding under a mask of sophistication.
-Andrew Milton: Andrew Milton is a Pinkerton agent determined to make his vision of the world a reality, starting out with a noble intention (which is up to interpretation), which is to clean up the West, yet ends up descending more into savagery and uncivilization, yet retains a sliver of honor. This mirrors how Dutch started out wanting to build an utopia using brutal and relentless methods, yet ends up descending more and more into insanity, dying a violent death.
-Tavish Gray and Catherine Braithwaite: Tavish Gray and Catherine Braithwaite are the heads of the Gray and Braithwaite families, who despite the times advancing, they still remain stuck in the past, wallowing about the "good ol' days" where they could hurt and kill with impunity. This is a parallel how Dutch refused to stop being an outlaw and had no intention of retiring at all.
-Angelo Bronte: As already explained in my earlier post, Angelo Bronte is a mobster who rules Saint Denis as a king, who has both the police and mafia serving as his knights. Similar to Cornwall and Colm, Bronte is not only supported by society, but is also a criminal who has no delusions about the nature of his business, treating others as dirt and manipulating them into doing what he wants. He also takes orphans into his thrall in order for them to serve him as criminals. This parallels how Dutch treats the gang at heart, with a compassionate way, but in the most condescending and arrogant way possible, but also how he adopted Arthur and John, grooming them into becoming his personal weapons.
-Alberto Fussar: Alberto Fussar is the dictator of Guarma, who he rules as its ruthless autocrat, claiming to work for the glory of Guarma, yet being utterly uncaring and apathetic towards the people inside it, working them to death and outright importing slaves for him to use as workforce in order to satisfy his own endless greed. When his right hand man, Levi Simon, was shot, he left him to die and only cared about saving himself and his pride. Fussar is also ruthlessly intolerant of any viewpoint other than his own. This parallels with how Dutch rules the gang, as the title of the mission "A Kind and Benevolent Despot" can be also applied to Dutch as well, as he gaslights on numerous times the members of the gang the moment they start questioning him and is willing to kill them himself.
-Henry Favours: Henry Favours is a colonel in the US Army who after an undistinguished career, hatches a plot to "reclaim" his "lost glory" by manipulating the Wapiti into war, eventually becoming one of its casualties, while being regarded as an incompetent moron. This is a reflection of how Dutch manipulated the indians in order to both make his escape and to cause chaos and his delusional belief about being a mastermind, yet having in reality an abysmal track record.
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edwordsmyth · 6 months
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Greta Thunberg being brutalized by Dutch police yesterday outside the Hague. The state's relationship to movements for climate justice perfectly encapsulated in one image.
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reality-liver-n0 · 9 months
Big Boy post, this time on Revy
I guess this will cover the basics of Revy as a character and the fundamentals of understanding her.
First off, her nickname is not “Two Hands.” It’s “Two Hand.” Which I barely learned myself, I think the anime uses Two Hands which is the source for the added s. But at least in the manga and by Hiroe himself she’s “Two Hand.” This name originated from a character in a novel he read, “Run” by Douglas E. Winter. (I recently bought it like a fool so I’ll try and connect the character to Revy when it arrives). But I think the English dub makes the mistake of Two Hands which caused the confusion. I guess in the sub version it’s correct.
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Revy is a Chinese American. But she is ethnically full Chinese. The American is just her nationality. Hiroe confirms this in an interview where he states Revy is a minority, her physical appearance is based on Mangoloid features rather than Caucasian. He also states that she faces a lot of discrimination in life.
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Which is why I think I figured out why Revy in the anime as a kid has black hair when she shoots her father. She dyed her hair burgundy to look less Chinese. Think about it. If she is facing a lot of police brutality in Chinatown, NYC, and her own father beats her she would want to remove herself as far from that demographic as possible. This is why she doesn’t know any Mandarin and chose to not directly align with Chang’s triad. Also she wore hoop earrings as a kid too, at least in the anime.
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There is no way she’d want to be seen first by her race. As she said, all the cops saw was a “little chink bitch.” She absolutely loathes to be viewed by her appearance rather than skill or personality.
This may link to her exposed clothing style. Not only is it practical for movement, which is all she does in combat, but it prevents her from overheating. But the most important factor is that she shows a lot of skin; exposing her arms, legs and stomach. Therefore, her athletic build is on display. And the implication of it is clear. She is proud of her body, she will kill you, and it does not matter what she’s wearing. On a level it may be a subconscious decision of the aftermath of her rape. The number one thing the victim is blamed for is what they’re wearing, or rather the lack of clothes, which must obviously signify they wanted it. This is below the lowest bar you can go in blaming victims. Unfortunately, it’s likely that Revy in hopes of getting a reaction or letting it slip, told her dad about what happened.
And what would he say? Something about dressing like a slut or whore if I had to bet.
So, by her current attire, Revy is saying the exact opposite, she’s rebelling against that idea. Or at least mocking the idea that less clothing makes a woman weaker/vulnerable.
Also, she wears the same boots as Dutch. They don’t share the same belt but Revy’s matches the boots: both U.S. military. I find it cute that she could’ve had any other boots but chose to match him. She really does look up to him, and he’s basically her only father figure. It’s heavily implied that he came up with her nickname; Two Hand. Since Benny says that Dutch is good at creating nicknames and right when Rock joined, he made one up for him.
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Now I will cover the basic ground for Revy’s personality.
Anger: Yeah, obviously this is at the top of the list. It’s the most obvious to new black lagoon fans; how many times does she yell and curse? But I would argue that this is the emotion she’s most familiar with, not what defines her character. This is a defense mechanism for when she feels threatened. Calm down two men showcases this the best. When she can’t talk down to Rock she gets pissed and tries to kill him. When he pulls the gun away, she punches him, and she sounds like a kid when she yells at him. She is scared and confused on how anger is not making him stop. After all, it’s what stopped her dad and everyone else who got on her bad side.
I will say that the anime focuses on this and makes it a larger trait of her character than the manga. But she does use humor as her last defense mechanism. Again, in calm down two men when she obviously can’t shoot away Rock or scare him with anger in the manga she says, “Screw you. You’re way more out there. Gump. Dork. Fool-in-a-suuuuit.”
This is something I’ve only recently discovered. Due to only watching the anime I missed a lot of differences that the manga makes. Revy in the latest chapters actually does expertly use humor to deescalate things. Specifically, between Le Majeur and Eda where she insists they settle their tempers through drinks instead of a gunfight.
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Another one is with Roberta’s Blood Trail when they meet the addict. Revy plays along with his conspiracy theories, which gets them inside and talking to him. She does threaten him but in a tactful way of offering him much pure product if he complies.
There are other moments too where she uses it, the documents for Chang, some interactions with Fabiola, Japan, etc. So, it is a natural progression of her learning how to use her strengths and her own use of wordplay alike Rock.
And I would argue that Revy is as smart as Rock. Not academically of course but she matches his wit by her street smarts and gut feeling. A prime example in Roberta’s blood trail where she purposely knocks a bottle over to start the gunfight. They save Fabiola and she remarks that she knows Fabiola has never shot before. Just by shaking her hand and her unsteadiness getting out of the car, she knows that Fabiola got frazzled up. She actually offers a lot of advice with Fabiola and Garcia.
Also, with the Feng arc she uses a soda to cause an enemy’s gun to jam. Knowing that it will soak up in the metal and prevent it from firing. She also manipulates him by playing cat and mouse. She openly mocks him by saying his brother’s last words were for the “devil to ream him out on ass fucking street in hell.” So yeah, she just leads him straight to a firing squad then ducks as he gets shot to death. She’s very aware of how to lead a team as well.
In Roberta’s blood trail she does it with Shenhua, Sawyer and Lotton. She openly yells at Shenhua for trying to kill Roberta, since it’s a death sentence. They would’ve gotten the Americans if Hotel Moscow didn’t step in.
Also, Revy is very well connected to the criminals of Roanapur. She has a snitch on hand, a drug addict that she supposedly supplies, knows one of Hotel Moscow’s men, speaks openly to one of Abrego’s men, etc. She is aware that having a lot of connections is a good thing, so no doubt that she checks up on her contacts or knows a lot of the regulars at the Yellow Flag.
Surprisingly there are moments where she predicts how a party will move/think. A few times she does it with Hotel Moscow, the vampire twins, escape routes in the city that someone can or will take, and the deserted meetup with Chang’s clients, Shenhua and the Irish driver.
I’ll try to update this later as much as possible. It’s just hard due to the manga being digital for the later volumes so it takes longer to go through each page to find references.
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Pre-2000s movie protagonists if they were made today (in my opinion):
Patrick Bateman would be a cryptobro
Ferris Bueller would be a YouTuber/podcaster
Sarah Connor (as of Terminator 1) would be a Swiftie (I can’t really justify this one, I just got the vibe lol) / The Terminator would be played by Dwayne Johnson
Marty McFly would either be played by Tom Holland or Timothee Chalamet
Claire Standish would be a beauty guru on YouTube / Allison Reynolds would be the cool girl who either everyone has a crush on or wants to be
Kevin McCallister would be a Fortnite player
Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar would be YouTubers (specifically either Smosh or Rhett & Link)
Annie Wilkes would be terminally online and have a Twitter, Reddit, DeviantArt, and Tumblr account
John McClane would be played by David Harbour
Alan “Dutch” Schaefer would be an Iraq War and Afghanistan veteran. Also, Predator takes place somewhere in the Middle East.
John Rambo would also be an Iraq War veteran and there’d be some sort of police brutality protest subplot in the movie (at least some form of commentary that references BLM)
Either Johnny Castle gets cancelled or Frances "Baby" Houseman is aged up to be in her mid-20s
Bill and Ted would be prank YouTubers or the guys from Dude Perfect
(Feel free to add to the list)
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ariel-seagull-wings · 5 months
@thealmightyemprex @stormandforge
01° While she speaks brazilian portuguese, is only the Southeast Region standard variant, and she judges people who use popular slang and other regional variants as "speaking wrong";
02° Most of her life she travelled internationally to Canada, United States, Europe, Japan and some latin countries like México or Argentina to vacation in Cancun and Buenos Aires. She doesn't know most of Brasil itself, at best went for a holiday in Campos do Jordão, Petropolis, Angra dos Reis, Niterói, Santos or Fernando de Noronha. If you mention place like Chapada Diamantina to her, she will look at you like you're crazy;
03° Takes the world folklore away from its original neutral meaning academic context and uses it in a derogatory term to refer to brazilian popular culture;
04° She may be black skinned, but any time the Census asks her, she will say she is either white or parda (brown). Probably likes to talk about european (probably italian, german or dutch) ancestors, but the black grandmother stays in the closet;
05° At the mention of Spiritualism or afro-diasporic religions like Candomble or Umbanda, she will be frightened, saying "Is stuff of the Devil!";
06° Despises music like forró, axé, pagode, funk, charme, hip hop, reggae and technobrega because "they're loud, vulgar and the stuff of bandits." The only music she listens to is old Bossa Nova, american and european Classical Music;
07° Complains that marches and protests make impossible for her to pass with her car;
08° Sees the news of a woman victim of domestic violence or racial profiling and police brutality, and says about the: "They must have done something.";
09° Asks "Why the Quilombolas and Indians are asking for so much land?"
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myhauntedsalem · 5 months
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9 Terrifying American Murder Houses
From Amityville Horror to Jeffrey Dahmer’s one-bedroom, these murder houses are home to some truly brutal murders.
When the deal is too good, start asking questions. In 1975, George and Kathy Lutz bought this sprawling Dutch Colonial on the south shore of Long Island at a bargain rate. The reason for the discounted price tag? Just 13 months earlier, previous resident Ronald “Butch” DeFeo slaughtered his parents and four younger siblings while they slept in their beds. It didn’t take long for the weirdness to begin. Demonic voices, oozing walls, cloven hoof prints in the snow. The Lutz family lasted just two months before fleeing 112 Ocean Avenue in the night.
In 1928, John Blymire was convinced a reclusive neighbor named Nelson Rehmeyer had put a hex upon him. Believing the only way to break the curse was to track down Rehmeyer’s spell book and set it ablaze, Blymire rallied two buddies for a late-night visit. While the gang never found the book, they did find Rehmeyer whom they murdered and mutilated before setting his body on fire. In 2007, an effort was made to open the Hex House to the public, but the plan was eventually scrapped.
On a cool summer night in 1912 someone broke into this peaceful Iowa homestead and bludgeoned all six family members plus two houseguests with an axe. The horrific scene was discovered the following morning by a concerned neighbor. Numerous suspects were named in the case including a traveling minister and State Senator Frank F. Jones. Nevertheless, the murder remains unsolved.
German entrepreneur Balthasar Kreischer built this sprawling mansion in 1885 as a symbol of his success in the brick making business. The good times were short-lived. By 1894, his company had crumbled and his youngest son had shot himself in the head. The decaying mansion sat empty for years until its groundskeeper used the property for a mob hit in 2005. Joseph Young strangled and stabbed his target before finally drowning the man in a garden pool. Young then hacked up the body and burned it in the mansion’s incinerator.
On August 4, 1892 Andrew Borden was thrashed with a hatchet while he dozed on the couch of his parlor. Andrew’s second wife Abby met an equally grisly end in the upstairs bedroom. While everyone in Fall River suspected daughter Lizzie of the crime, the local judge remained unconvinced. She was tried and acquitted of the murder one year later. Oddly, the home is now a successful bed & breakfast.
In 1969, members of the Manson Family shocked the nation when they broke into this L.A. estate and slaughtered Sharon Tate along with four other victims. The murderers wrote pig in blood across the front door. Numerous residents have since called 10050 Cielo Drive home including musician Trent Reznor, who recorded THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL there. In 1994, the original structure was razed and replaced with a new mansion, currently occupied by the creator of FULL HOUSE.
Cannibal killer Jeffrey Dahmer lured numerous victims to his nondescript one-bedroom, where he drugged and dismembered them in a brutal campaign of murder. Severed limbs were packed in the freezer for future consumption; torsos were dumped in a vat of acid. Police finally arrested Dahmer in 1991 after one of his prisoners managed to escape. The entire apartment building was torn down shortly thereafter.
It’s always good to know your neighbors especially if you suspect them of murder. John Wayne Gacy buried dozens of bodies in the basement and backyard of his suburban home while neighbors casually went about their day. When Gacy’s wife complained of a putrid smell, Gacy blamed it on dead mice. By the time police nabbed the infamous killer clown and excavated his 8213 Summerdale Ave property, they uncovered 29 bodies.
In the late 1830s, plantation owner Jean LePrete leased his French Quarter Greek Revival to a mysterious man from Turkey. The renter, known only as The Sultan had more than a few roommates. He arrived with a massive entourage of eunuchs and concubines. The house quickly became known for its lavish parties, with music and revelry carrying on into the night. One morning, a passerby noticed 1240 Burgundy was eerily quiet. Then he spotted blood seeping out of the door. When authorities entered, they found everyone inside had been murdered and dismembered. As for The Sultan? He was buried alive in the courtyard. To this day, the case remains unsolved.
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i5hiez · 1 year
WARNING: mature themes ahead such as yandere!behavior, mentions of murder, violence as well as supernatural beings. I do not condone any of the actions below nor do I believe that they should be portrayed in real life
Welcome to my account! To get you started, here is a list of my OCs or original characters! I will be writing about them often in the future:>
k lets begin !~
Lukas: Yan!Killer
• probably dutch or german(haven't decided which yet) which you can definitely tell by his towering build. Lukas is a 6'7 foot man who lurks the woods near the countryside, his terrible past has led him to become who he is now, a merciless killing machine!
• unlike other serial killers, he keeps a low profile to avoid raising suspicion and definitely not because the cops are scared of him or anything!
• luckily he's got a friend who's just fit for the job :D who is definitely not...vegan is all I can say
• both made it seem like there's some type of animal that would prey on unknowing campers and that there was nothing authorities could do but to put up warning signs about an aggressive animal roaming the forest at night to prevent more deaths.
• but what could the police do when some people choose to be ignorant and go anyways? that brings us to the present. You were a sweaty mess, every part of your body was itching, all four limbs fatigued and is overall just downright exhausted.
• you were angry, so angry that tears fell down from your cheeks
• your friend who was leading the way suddenly disappeared from your sight and now you're all alone, hungry and a sobbing mess. It started to dawn on you how you walked into such a dangerous situation. but then maybe it was fate?
• suddenly you hear a twig snap and a few leaves crinkling.
• your sob turned into a wail as it got closer, this is it you're done for! you were going to die here!
• happy memories flooded your mind as you recalled when you were anywhere but here
• so imagine your surprise when you realize that instead of bringing you to your demise, you wake up to what looked like a living room, tied to a chair with a gag on your mouth.
• this "animal" that had been terrorizing the woods turned out to be human!
• "I coudn't help it schatz, you would do the same if you saw that adorable crying face of yours!" Lukas said with a thick accent. He laughs and stops for a while,
• "Again," you furrowed your brows.
• "I want to see it again."
Vlada: Mother Fursona
• standing at 5'5, for a woman in her late 40s, Vlada looked like she hasn't aged at all
• Vlada is a well known and respected woman in your community, someone who always offered help to absolutely anyone who would need it. Her aura was very motherly and she always exuded this loving and warm vibe around her, there really was nothing to hate about Vlada.
• some people say she'd lost her two kids and husband in a fire while others claim that she fled from her abusive husband but nobody really knows where she came from, all they know is that she was a social worker from Austria who decided to retire at your small town which was quite far from civilization.
• the place was pretty remote and everywhere you looked was full of trees, nonetheless it was quiet and peaceful. Everyone got along and you could understand why someone like her would decide to settle down here.
• until one night, an unfortunate event befell your town. A family of six was brutally murdered and it seemed that whoever it was that broke in was not human at all.
• immediately as if Vlada was expecting this, she ushered every single folk to rush down a very huge bunker under her home that surprisingly was big enough to fit all of the town's populace.
• everyone was there except you who had no idea of the events unfolding, you were woken up by a loud growling coming from outside, with shaking hands you carefully moved your curtains to the side to take a peek at the commotion.
• lo and behold there was Vlada facing a huge creature, back turned against you so you really couldn't see well of it's features.
• you panicked and was about to run and save her when suddenly as if a switch was flipped, the warm, loving and caring Vlada vanished and transformed into what looked like an enormous wolf!
Chico: Yan!Soldier
• don't know how tall yet but one thing's for sure, this dude is definitely buff.
• growing up and being surrounded by constant war between the people, government and rebels does something to you
• which was why Chico joined the military, there he had been taught to protect his country and fellow countrymen and also...to spy on people
• Chico is an excellent sniper, he constantly gets deported and did not have any social life because of this.
• of course he was aware of the life he had to live before enlisting but he didn't know that it was going to be this hard.
• Chico isn't one to make small talk, he didn't have anyone he could call his friends.
• sure there were his comrades but since he's got a nice reputation, some grew envious of him. sometimes he feels that his colleagues are ganging up on him.
• Chico, despite having been accustomed to being alone, had always yearned for someone, anyone that could fill the empty void in his heart.
• eventually it did come on that fated day at their base.
• you and your team were imports sent by Chico's government as medical aid for this mission, you were made aware that it was a very dangerous job but how could you say no when you were going to be generously compensated for?
• "What could go wrong?" You thought, there was going to be soldiers, best of the best, that'll be constantly around you, and it has just recently come to your knowledge that the warzone was a few hundred meters from where you were staying.
• unbeknownst to you, a certain soldier has got the hots for you and with the things he was capable of doing, he is yet to prove you wrong.
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tragedykery · 2 years
I have a lot gripes with dutch history education in general but some of this has to be wilful ignorance. you can’t be an adult and seriously look back on the """"golden age"""" as something good. you can’t seriously think the colonisation we committed is anything but horrific. “well we gave them better education and infrastructure” “well at least we weren’t as bad as the british” what if I killed you. I don’t know how to get it through to you that the only amount of colonialism that’s acceptable is none! zero! nothing!
“it was so long ago–” one, it wasn’t. two, it doesn’t matter shit how long ago it was when we as dutch people still benefit from it and the people we colonised are still affected negatively by it.
also, the amount of people who think things like racism and police brutality aren’t problems or don’t even exist here??? no amount of pointing and laughing at the united states and diverting the attention is going to make the netherlands some kind of perfect paradise. pretending problems don’t exist doesn’t magically make them go away.
and blackface being “part of our traditions” doesn’t make it “okay” holy shit! it just makes them racist traditions! and you can say “the children don’t care”—yeah exactly. kids don’t care if the pieten are roetveegpieten or ones with full blackface. but how about black kids? don’t they deserve to enjoy sinterklaas? don’t they deserve to be children too?
and the sheer amount of people who believe this shit too! I fucking hate you all
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strykingback · 1 year
@krowsselfindulgy How bad is Black lagoon? Since you compared it to RWBY I feel concerned for the formers quality.
Okay just before I begin. Black Lagoon is in no way means of bad. I was just saying that it was better than RWBY. Since on twitter someone was making some idiotic comparisons on how RWBY was better than [anime name]. But I'll happily tell you that this IS WHAT A GOOD MEAL IS LIKE IN A SHOWWW!!!
But before I go ahead. WARNING: There will be spoilers for the First Two Seasons of Black Lagoon . (I'll cover the Roberta's Blood Trail Arc another time) Also Further warning! The following triggers will contain blood, gore, violence and I mean lots of violence. N*zi's, R*pe, G*re, and some racism, including Police Brutality (Also this was done during 2006 like this was a time when things were unhinged!) ___________________
Now I think we're gonna go through a few of the characters, some favorite moments of mine from the series. Then we'll just leave everything for a second part? Perhaps? Because seriously theres a lot of memorable characters and moments from this show and its no wonder why everyone is hoping for a Season 3 one day! Okay where do we start? Well why not with the fact that any RWBY stan is gonna complain and say there are no "strong women" in Black Lagoon. Yeah you know what thats kind of true y'know I should agree with them. . . .
Lets start with someone from our main cast of characters shall we?
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Enter Rebecca "Revy" Lee, an Chinese American born woman who lived in an impoverished part of New York City where he would have to suffer both Physical and Sexual abuse from both her father and THE POLICE. Which leads her to have a very nihilistic viewpoint of the world and its religion as she states herself (Mostly from the Manga) that: "God didn't do shit" for her because of all the abuse she had to suffer. Not to mention at one point when she was arrested SHE WAS LITERALLY- Um.. hold up a minute. Ahaha! Redo of Healer'd!
Oh and by the way she was also killing and getting in fights with the police all at A YOUNG AGE. Oh my god she was literally putting on Black Timberlands instead of Black Air Forces..... this was until she met Dutch who she would join him as the brawn to the ELCO PT Boat, the Black Lagoon.
However her greatest flaw is her "Whitman Fever" which can lead to her violently killing anyone who gets in her way (with a few exceptions). However, its also most possible that the reason why she shoots and kills is a way to cope with her trauma...... as anyone who treats her with genuine kindness instead of attempting to betray her and somehow... this person was none other than our Rock that we'll be talking about another time. but for now... lets show some memorable moments.
Such as.. her terrifying Speech towards our Other Main Protagonist Rock (Which we will :
Then there comes our second character and dear God she is.... fucking legendary... THE FORMER SOVIET VETERAN OF WAR HERSELF.
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ENTER SOFIYA PAVLOVNA AKA BALALAIKA My god this woman is the definition of "I am the Shit and I dont sit around and fuck around" unlike Salem and her dumbass sitting on a Grimm throne for the past like what oh wait.. one (Volume 4), two (Volume 5), three (Volume 6), Four (Volume 7), and FIVE (Volume 8) Goddamn times! Like holy fuckin shit Salem is one of them lazy villains. but for Balalaika, she is the true meaning of Fuck around and FIND OUT.
She was a former Soviet War Veteran who participated in the Soviet-Afghan War before being disavowed and thus, she would join Hotel Moscow and regain her soldiers who were all also former soviet paratroopers. When i say she will get shit done I MEAN SHE WILL GET IT DONE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
Such as when someone was blabbing about when they were going to assassinate the entire Lagoon Company (Which who Revy is part of) and she pulls up on him and gives off the MOST HELLA DARKEST GLARES EVER.
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Lets not forget when Roberta the Maid (I may have to talk about that another time....) pulled up, Balalaika did her research and found out who she was and cornered her with her Vysotniki (Basically her personal army of Red Army, VDV, and Spetznaz soldiers) and still...she commands the respect of all of them. ....
Theres also the fact that she went to "war" with many gangs but when Hotel Moscows Japan branch was having trouble. She pulled up and had the Yakuza running for their life. The only thing that would be capable of saving them would be Kazama Ki- Oh yeah thats right he was still in Prison and didn't get out until 2005. Still she blitzkrieged the Yakuza quickly and made them beg for mercy!!! But no joke. Balalaika has the respect of her men has the skills of a leader, even to the point where she would happily do a favor for a dear friend. Because at one point Dutch did rescue her and she returned the favor three times.
It was no joke that Revy said that Balalaika gets off on war.... cause boy howdy she was right...but that doesnt mean shes all but a war maniac. Somewhere deep inside she has a soft spot for her men she served with as she would go as far as to avenge them by any means necessary.
Like during the Vampire Twins Arc... and I kid you not as I say this.....
There was going to be no way that I would be able to get through even be able to get through the first five minutes of just ONE. Like I said before... Balalaika. DOES NOT FUCK AROUND.
Such as when Balalaika gets her vengeance on one of the killers
Or her meeting with the Kosa clan when she makes fun of the guards FLIMSY GUN AND SHOOTS THEM BOTH WITH IT!!
Okay so enough of that cause it is 7:30 PM over here... and I think I may have to save this for a part two um... so have a REALLY Funny moment from Black Lagoon that gets me rolling.
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (West Country)
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Murder of Joanne Yeates Landscape architect Joanna Yeates, 25, disappeared on 17 December 2010, following a night out with colleagues.  The last CCTV footage of Joanna showed her in a Tesco Express at around 8:40pm. 
Following a huge manhunt, Joanna’s frozen body was eventually discovered on a snowy roadside verge that Christmas morning. The murder investigation was one of the larges ever undertaken in the Bristol area, dominating the news. 
On 20 January her Dutch neighbour Vincent Tabak, 32, was arrestedfor murder. He was obsessed with violent sex and pornography.  In October 2011, after being found guilty of strangling Joanna, Vincent Tabak was jailed for live, to serve a minimum of 20 years. 
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The Wests Married couple Fred and Rose West tortured, raped, and brutally murdered scores of young women unlucky enough to end up at their Gloucester house. 
The victims were dismembered, and many buried in the family home. The Wests’ decades of depravity were only uncovered in February 1993, following a tip-off. 
Fred West hanged himself in his cell on New Years Day 1995 while awaiting trial for 12 murders. That November, Rose West was convicted of 10 murders and given a whole-life tariff. 
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Carnkie Killings  The killings shocked the Cornish hamlet of Carnkie in 2000. Lee Ford, 33, had told friends his wife Lesley, 36, had left him. Now she and her children - Sarah-Jane, 17, Ann-Marie, 16, Steven, 14, and Craig, 13 - had been found in the shed, two in a field six miles away. 
All had been garotted with a rope.  Ford was arrested and pleaded guilty to murder. He gave no motive but the court heard he’d had a sexual relationship with Sarah-Jane. Ford was jailed for life. 
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Murder of Becky Watts In February 2015, schoolgirl Becky Watts, 16, vanished from the Bristol home where she lived with her dad and step-mum. 
After a huge police search, her stepbrother Nathan Matthews and his girlfriend Shauna Hoare were arrested for murder - to the horror of Becky’s family.  During the trial, Nathan claimed he’d killed Becky by accident, trying to scare her. But the court heard Becky was suffocated and stabbed in an alleged sexually motivated kidnap plot. 
The couple put Becky’s body in their car boot, driving home hours later. They used a power saw to cut up her body, bagged it and arranged to store it in a shed.  Matthews, 28, was convicted of Becky’s murder and sentenced to life, with a minimum term of 33 years. Hoare, 21, got 17 years after being convicted of manslaughter. 
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Christopher Halliwell When Sian O’Callaghan, 22, went missing after a night out in Swindon, in March 2011, police soon suspected taxi driver Christopher Halliwell. 
His car was caught in CCTV close to where she was last seen. After his arrest, Halliwell led police to Sian’s semi-naked body dumped on a country road. She’d been stabbed to death. 
He then confessed to killing Becky Godden-Edwards, 20, who’d disappeared in January 2003, and led them to her shallow grave nearby.  At Bristol Crown Court, Halliwell pleaded guilty to murdering Sian. And, after a separate trial, he was convicted of murdering Becky and handed a whole-life term. 
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Eunice Spry Known as Britain’s most evil mother, for over 19 years Eunice Spry abused three foster children, viciously beating, starving them and making them live in a barn.
As a toddler, Spry’s adopted daughter was made to eat cat food, and even her own vomit, at their Tewkesbury home.  After Spry moved the family to an isolated farmhouse, a 10-year-old was tied by his feet to Spry’s van and dragged at speed across a field. 
She forced sticks down the children’s throats and scrubbed them with sandpaper.  When one found the courage to speak out, Spry was arrested and found guilty of 26 charges, including unlawful wounding and assault occasioning ABH.
Initially jailed for 14 years, reduced to 12, Spry was freed after serving half her sentence. 
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tomorrowedblog · 16 days
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Friday Releases for September 6
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for September 6 include Rebel Ridge, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, Astro Bot, and more.
Rebel Ridge
Rebel Ridge, the new movie from Jeremy Saulnier, is out today.
A former Marine grapples his way through a web of small-town corruption when an attempt to post bail for his cousin escalates into a violent standoff with the local police chief.
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, the new movie from Tim Burton, is out today.
Beetlejuice is back! After an unexpected family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz family return home to Winter River. Still haunted by Beetlejuice, Lydia’s life is turned upside down when her rebellious teenage daughter, Astrid, discovers the mysterious model of the town in the attic and the portal to the Afterlife is accidentally opened. With trouble brewing in both realms, it’s only a matter of time until someone says Beetlejuice’s name three times and the mischievous demon returns to unleash his very own brand of mayhem.
Don’t Turn Out The Lights
Don’t Turn Out The Lights, the new movie from Andy Fickman, is out today.
A group of friends embark on a road trip to a music festival, oblivious to the supernatural horrors that await them along the way.
His Three Daughters
His Three Daughters, the new movie from Azazel Jacobs, is out today.
This tense, touching, and funny portrait of family dynamics follows three estranged sisters as they converge in a New York apartment to care for their ailing father and try to mend their own broken relationship with one another.
Hoard, the new movie from Luna Carmoon, is out today.
The story follows Maria - a teenager whose mother used to be a hoarder. Now (set in the 90s) she lives in a foster home where a previous resident Michael inspires her to revisit her childhood memories and passions that she has repressed.
The Front Room
The Front Room, the new movie from Max Eggers and Sam Eggers, is out today.
Everything goes to hell for newly-pregnant Belinda (Brandy) after her mother-in-law (Kathryn Hunter) moves in. As the diabolical guest tries to get her claws on the child, Belinda must draw the line somewhere…
The Paragon
The Paragon, the new movie from Michael Duignan, is out today.
Do you want to see the unseen? Dutch (Benedict Wall) may look like just another defeated and washed-up loser, but behind his pissed-off exterior lurks a hyperdimensional being of exceptional promise. His wife left him, his career as a tennis coach is floundering, and he would give anything to find the driver of the silver Toyota Corolla who hit him and drove off a year ago–the event that initiated Dutch’s downward spiral. Enter Lyra (Florence Noble), a witchy disciplinarian who offers to help Dutch unleash his latent psychic powers and break free from the illusion of linear time. After a crash course in telelocation and astral projection, the unlikely psionic prodigy is ready for his quest of cosmic revenge, but Lyra has other plans: she needs Dutch’s help to find a mysterious crystal known as the Paragon before it falls into the hands of her evil brother Haxan (Jonny Brugh) and his mind slaves.
The Thicket
The Thicket, the new movie from Elliott Lester, is out today.
When a bounty hunter and a band of unlikely heroes pursue a brutal killer, they find themselves in a deadly no-man’s-land known as The Thicket.
Astro Bot
Astro Bot, the new game from Team Asobi and Sony Interactive Entertainment, is out today.
Gear up for a supersized space adventure with ASTRO BOT!
Hole Erth
Hole Erth, the new album from Toro y Moi, is out today.
THE FORCE, the new album from LL COOL J, is out today.
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ocombatente · 2 months
Menino de 13 anos é morto pela polícia ; vídeo mostra arma falsa
  Menino de treze anos foi morto pela polícia em Nova York durante uma perseguição. Diversos cidadãos foram às ruas protestar a situação, ao que os oficiais liberaram uma filmagem mostrando o que houve. A câmera estava no colete de um policial. A polícia procurava um suspeito de roubo na região, e o menino Nyah Mway supostamente encaixava-se na decisão. A polícia se aproximou dele e de um amigo para questionário. Os meninos estavam em uma calçada. Quando a polícia se aproxima, Nyah, por comando, ergue as duas mãos vazias, mas continua abaixando-as. Um oficial se aproxima para revista, e o menino reage fugindo e correndo; inicia-se uma perseguição. Enquanto isso, o menino coloca a mão no bolso do moletom, e vira-se para os policiais segurando algo. O vídeo não é claro, mas os policiais afirmam tratar-se de um simulacro de revólver. Apresentada como prova posteriormente, há uma arma de chumbinho de pressão. Não há uma ponteira laranja, como é comum, para indicar simulacro. Durante a fuga, um policial derruba Nyah e esforça-se para segurá-lo no chão. Um vídeo de um vizinho mostra ele dando socos no menino. Na sequência, um segundo policial atira no peito dele. Foi apenas um tiro. O menino chegou a receber socorro, mas morreu no hospital. Veja fotos da arma de chumbinho:   CRIME SCENE PHOTOGRAPHS: Nyah Mway’s Glock pellet gun, which is unequivocally, indistinguishable, from a Glock pistol: pic.twitter.com/L7fuf5Akdk — Dapper Detective (@Dapper_Det) June 30, 2024   Família pede ajuda Nyah Mway é de Mianmar, país asiático fronteiriço à Tailândia. A família pediu revisão e uma investigação mais profunda do que houve. “Viemos aos EUA, finalmente, para termos educação e conseguir empregos bons, e esperando por uma vida pacífica depois de uma vida violenta em Myanmar,” comentou o primo de Nyah, Lay Htoo, ao Sunday. Nyah tinha se graduado no ensino fundamental na semana anterior. Iniciaria, em setembro, o High School, equivalente ao Ensino Médio no Brasil. Os policiais envoltos na polêmica foram suspensos. Investigação da morte Todo caso de morte pela mão de policiais é investigado em Nova York. Cabe ao departamento de polícia provar que os policiais eram treinados e seguiram protocolos pré-determinados. Mark Williams, chefe de polícia de Utica, participou de uma coletiva de imprensa e confirmou o tiro e a morte após divulgar os vídeos. Para ele, foi “Um incidente tráfico e traumático para todos os envolvidos.” A família afirma, ainda, que “não devia ter escalado como aconteceu, e nossa polícia precisa de um treinamento muito melhor e diferente. A cidade precisa se responsabilizar, isso não devia acontecer com nenhuma criança.”   Nyah Mway Was Taken From His Parents Due To👮‍♀️Brutality. In Utica, NY A 13 year old was shot and killed after walking home from bible study. The officer who killed this young boy has been suspended with pay. 🙏🏿‼️ #JusticeForNyahMway #PoliceDep @UticaPolice @WORLDSTAR @WKTV pic.twitter.com/7JDEK1B0Xy — Kai 💓 (@Jamaica_Kai) June 29, 2024     NEW: Police in Utica, New York have released video of the fatal shooting of Nyah Mway after he allegedly pointed a gun at them during a foot pursuit. Tragic — but officers don’t have the luxury of waiting to be fired upon first. 😕 Police say they approached the 13-year-old… pic.twitter.com/aajorqotQW — Dutch Burke (@DutchBurke) June 30, 2024   Fonte: Internacional   Read the full article
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