#eBook writing process
marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
A Writer's Journey - Discover The Steps To Writing An eBook That Stands Out
Creating an outstanding eBook requires a strategic approach and dedication to quality content. Follow a structured writing process to ensure your eBook captures and retains reader attention.
Embarking on the journey of writing an eBook can be both exciting and daunting. The key to success lies in the ability to distinguish your work amidst a sea of digital content. This requires not only a compelling topic that resonates with your target audience but also a clear, concise writing style underpinned by thorough research and planning.
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Embarking On The Ebook Odyssey
Writing an ebook is an adventure, a creative journey transforming ideas into digital pages. It’s a quest that demands courage, commitment, and clarity. With each chapter, writers navigate the vast sea of digital publishing to deliver a work that connects, informs, and entertains.
Personal Motivations And Goals
Every writer embarks on their ebook journey for unique reasons. Some seek to share expertise or stories, while others chase the dream of becoming a published author. Understanding personal motivations clarifies purpose and fuels perseverance.
Sharing knowledge — Educate readers on a specific topic.
Telling stories — Captivate audiences with compelling narratives.
Building authority — Establish expertise in a chosen field.
Generating income — Create a passive revenue stream.
Fulfilling aspirations — Realize the goal of publishing a book.
Identifying goals is crucial. Clear goals navigate the writing process and shape the ebook’s path to success.
The Rising Popularity Of Ebooks
The digital revolution has made ebooks incredibly popular. Their convenience and accessibility have revolutionized reading habits globally.
Ebook AdvantagesImpact on ReadersPortabilityCarry a library on a deviceCost-effectiveOften cheaper than print booksInteractiveLinks, audio, and video enhance experienceEco-friendlyNo paper used, reducing environmental impact
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Crafting The Ebook Concept
Crafting the Ebook Concept is a foundational step on a writer’s journey to producing an ebook that truly stands out. This crucial phase involves deep thinking and strategic planning to ensure your ebook resonates with readers and achieves its purpose. From selecting a topic that sparks interest to understanding your target audience and analyzing the market, this stage sets the trajectory for your ebook’s success.
Selecting A Captivating Topic
Selecting the right topic is pivotal. It ignites curiosity and encourages downloads. Follow these tips to pinpoint a subject that captivates:
Identify your passions: Write about what excites you.
Know your strengths: Choose a topic that showcases your expertise.
Uncover gaps: Seek out areas with limited resources.
Check trends: Use Google Trends to discover popular themes.
Market Analysis And Audience Targeting
Understanding your market and audience ensures your ebook meets readers’ needs. Here’s a brief guide:
Audience InsightsCompetitive ResearchCollect data on reader demographics, interests, and challenges.Analyze top-performing ebooks in your niche.Create reader personas to target content accurately.Identify content gaps left by competitors.Engage with potential readers through surveys and social media.Review reader feedback on similar ebooks for improvement ideas.
Implement the insights gathered to tailor your ebook to your audience’s preferences. Doing so increases your ebook’s appeal and potential impact.
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Initial Drafting: Laying The Foundation
An author’s first steps in the journey of writing an eBook are crucial. The initial drafting phase is akin to building the base of a house. It must be strong and well-structured. For robust eBook creation, focusing on an outline and cultivating productive writing habits are essential. Let’s explore how to craft this essential groundwork. With a clear outline and consistent writing routines, your eBook will start to take shape, firmly standing on the foundation you lay.
Outlining Your Ebook
Outlining your eBook acts as a blueprint for your writing adventure. Start with brainstorming key ideas and categorize them into chapters. Organize thoughts and research into a logical flow. Below are steps to create an effective outline:
Identify the main theme of your eBook.
Break down the theme into subtopics or chapters.
Arrange chapters in a coherent, engaging order.
Detail each chapter with bullet points of key concepts.
Refine the outline by reviewing and rearranging as needed.
Writing Rituals And Routines
Consistency transforms ordinary tasks into extraordinary achievements. Establishing writing rituals and routines is the engine that will power you through the drafting process. Consider these tips:
Select a specific time of day for writing.
Set achievable daily word count targets.
Create a comfortable, distraction-free writing space.
Commit to regular short breaks to maintain focus.
Track your progress and adjust goals accordingly.
Remember, structured routines lead to sustainable writing habits. Every word you write builds the foundation of your eBook, paving the way to success. Embrace these initial drafting steps and watch as your eBook begins to take life!
Refining Your Draft
Imagine your ebook as a diamond in the rough. Refining your draft shapes this gem into its final, sparkling glory. This key phase in your writing journey involves honing your manuscript with precision. It requires self-editing techniques and beta reader feedback to elevate the quality of your work. Grab your polishing tools; let’s make your ebook dazzle on the digital shelves!
Self-editing Techniques
Transform your first draft into a polished masterpiece by mastering self-editing. Aim for clarity, coherence, and conciseness throughout your ebook.
Read Aloud: Spot clumsy phrasing and awkward dialogue easily.
Check Consistency: Ensure character details and plot points remain constant.
Look for Overused Words: Replace repetitions with synonyms for variety.
Simplify Complex Sentences: Short, direct sentences bring clarity.
Focus on Flow: Transition smoothly between topics and chapters.
Grammar and Spell Check: Use tools like Grammarly to correct basic errors.
After self-revisions, your draft should feel tighter and more engaging.
Incorporating Beta Reader Feedback
External perspectives shed light on areas you might have overlooked. Beta readers provide invaluable feedback before your final edit action.
Choose the Right Readers: Select individuals from your target audience.
Provide Clear Instructions: Ask specific questions about your book.
Analyze Feedback: Identify common trends in the comments received.
Prioritize Changes: Tackle major issues before minor adjustments.
Update Your Draft: Apply changes that align with your book’s vision.
Beta reader insights can dramatically improve your ebook’s effectiveness and reader appeal.
By harnessing both self-editing techniques and beta reader insights, your ebook will shine brilliantly among its peers. Your writing journey edges closer to a successful publication with every careful revision. Put in the effort during this phase, and readers will notice the professionalism and care infused into your work.
Professional Touch: Editing And Cover Design
To stand out in the vast sea of ebooks, your masterpiece needs a professional touch. Transforming a good ebook into a great one demands meticulous editing and a cover that captures attention. Let’s delve into how these essential elements elevate your ebook’s appeal.
Hiring An Editor
Polished content reflects your professionalism. A skilled editor fine-tunes your ebook, ensuring clarity and coherence. An editor also brings fresh perspectives, catching subtle grammatical nuances that may bypass your keen eyes. Let’s break down the editing process:
Developmental Editing: This phase refines your ebook’s structure and flow.
Copy Editing: Here, your grammar, spelling, and punctuation get scrutinized.
Proofreading: The final look before publishing, this step irons out lingering errors.
Selecting the right editor can be a game-changer for your ebook’s success. Opt for professionals who align with your vision and writing style.
Designing An Eye-catching Cover
First impressions count, and your ebook’s cover is crucial. A striking cover beckons potential readers, hinting at the adventure within. Key elements to consider:
Use bold colors and legible typography that align with your content.
Ensure your imagery is high-quality and relevant to your ebook’s theme.
Keep it simple: Avoid clutter. A clean, professional look is key.
For those not well-versed in design, commissioning a graphic designer is a smart move. They can craft a cover that embodies your ebook’s essence while also being visually compelling.
Remember, your cover is your storefront — make it count!
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Preparing For Ebook Launch
The journey of writing an ebook culminates in its launch, a pivotal moment that requires precise preparation and strategy. This critical phase determines the reach and impact of your work. Embrace these steps for a launch that not only grabs attention but also sustains interest in the literary market.
Building An Online Presence
Establishing a digital footprint is essential for modern authors. Start by creating an author website with a memorable domain name. Use it to share your story and connect with readers.
Engage on social media. Choose platforms where your target audience loves to hang out.
Post regularly on your blog. It should offer valuable content, not just book promotions.
Network with other authors and industry influencers. Consider collaborations for broader reach.
Developing A Marketing Strategy
Having an actionable plan is crucial. Start by identifying your core audience. Who will love your book the most? Craft a message that speaks to them directly.
Design attractive graphics for promotions. Use tools like Canva.
Schedule an official book launch event. It could be online or in a local bookstore.
Collect email addresses for direct marketing campaigns. Offer an ebook teaser for sign-ups.
Utilize early reviews to build anticipation. Reach out to book bloggers and offer a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
Marketing Timeline for Ebook LaunchTimeframeAction6 Weeks BeforeFinalize book cover and description.4 Weeks BeforeSend press releases to media outlets.2 Weeks BeforeBegin countdown on social media.Launch DayHost live Q&A session with readers.
Post-launch: Maintaining Momentum
The thrill of publishing an ebook doesn’t end at launch. Keeping the momentum is key. You’ve crossed the finish line, but the race goes on. Smart strategies post-launch can make your ebook a continued success. Let’s explore how to sustain the buzz!
Gathering And Utilizing Reviews
Reviews are your ebook’s best friends. They build trust and provide social proof. Positive feedback propels more sales. It’s like a chain reaction.
Ask readers for reviews right after they finish the ebook.
Use email campaigns to remind buyers to leave their thoughts.
Showcase top reviews on your website and social media.
Respond to feedback, even the negative, to show you care.
Treat reviews as gold. Use them to refine your writing. They can guide your next project.
Planning Your Next Writing Project
Don’t let the momentum fade. Start planning your next ebook. Use insights from your recent launch to make the next one even better.
TaskActionAnalyze what workedCheck which marketing efforts brought the best results.Look at reader feedbackConsider what readers loved and what they wanted more of.Set goals for the next bookBe specific about what you want to achieve.
Keep your writing muscle active. Start brainstorming. Outline ideas. Dive into the next adventure.
Growth is continuous. So is the journey of a writer. Keep learning, keep improving, keep writing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is An Ebook?
An ebook is a digital book format that readers can access on electronic devices such as computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Why Write An Ebook?
Writing an ebook allows authors to easily share and distribute their work globally, target specific audiences, and often, self-publish.
How To Start Writing An Ebook?
Begin by choosing a compelling topic, create an outline, and dedicate time for consistent writing to maintain progress on the ebook.
What Makes An Ebook Stand Out?
A unique perspective, engaging content, exceptional value to the reader, and professional formatting are key elements that make an ebook stand out.
Tips For Marketing An Ebook?
Effective ebook marketing strategies include building an email list, leveraging social media platforms, and getting reviews to enhance credibility and visibility.
Embarking on an ebook creation journey marks the beginning of an exciting adventure for any writer. By following the steps outlined, your book can shine amidst a sea of digital content. Remember, crafting an engaging narrative and providing unique insights will captivate readers and set your work apart.
Keep honing your skills, stay true to your voice, and the path to a standout ebook is yours to claim.
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Thanks for reading my article on A Writer’s Journey — Discover The Steps To Writing An eBook That Stands Out, hope it will help!
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Source : A Writer’s Journey — Discover The Steps To Writing An eBook That Stands Out
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stillbeatingheart · 8 months
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Face of the Moon excerpt Chapter 5: Unreliable
“I’m sorry I didn’t do that sooner,” he clarifies when the moment has passed.  When we’ve smoked half a joint and found ourselves lounged in the grass in late winter, feeling the warmth of spring in each ray of sun bringing our souls to the surface.
“Do what?” I wonder.
A tiny smile lifts the corners of his mouth right before he’s leaning over me, doing it again.  Kissing me.  He doesn’t stop this time, I don’t want him to.  
We kiss until our lips are tired, until my face is irritated with beard burn, until we’re breathless and tangled with each other in limbs that are so different yet so much the same.  
We teach each other a new language that night.  In the years of knowing Jacy, I’ve learned the language of his brows, the crinkles in the corners of his eyes, the lift and fall of his mouth, every single nonverbal cue he gives that most people don’t notice.  And I think he’s done the same to me, has learned what every sigh and every hum and every tap of my restless fingers conveys.  
This language though.  This is one that I’ll only ever share with Jacy.  He’ll only ever share with me.  
It isn’t love.  That’s too small a word.  It isn’t our love language, we already have one of those.  We’ve written volumes in our love language, chapters upon chapters of black ink on white paper.  I saw those volumes spread out in front of me the moment I laid eyes on him.  
This is different.  
Ebook available on B&N
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izzyspussy · 1 year
BOOK TRAILER New Thriller Coming January 2023
Dominic Hayes wanted to be a photographer. Instead, he's forced to be a spy for the resistance against his oppressive government. When he finds something useful and gets caught, he must withstand torture to protect the identity of his group's leader - and his only friend.
NOBODY eBook out on itch.io, Gumroad, and Amazon Friday January 13, 2023.
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prosegalaxy · 5 months
Aria and Kael's Magical Quest
In the heart of the mystical Forest of Whispers, where fantastical creatures and magical realms coexisted in harmony, there lived two friends, Aria and Kael. They had grown up together, exploring the enchanted forest and discovering its secrets. However, as they grew older, they began to realize that they possessed hidden talents and abilities, which set them apart from their peers. One day, while wandering through the forest, they stumbled upon an ancient map that seemed to point towards a long-forgotten realm. Intrigued, Aria and Kael decided to embark on a journey to uncover the truth about this mysterious place. Little did they know, their decision would set them on a path filled with danger and excitement. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they encountered magical creatures, some friendly and others sinister. With each new encounter, Aria and Kael discovered more about themselves and their abilities. They faced numerous challenges, from navigating treacherous terrain to outwitting cunning foes. Their bond grew stronger with each trial, as they learned to trust one another implicitly. Finally, the duo arrived at the entrance to the hidden realm, where they were greeted by a wise, ancient being. It revealed that the fate of the entire forest rested on their shoulders – Aria and Kael must choose between preserving the balance of magic in the world or allowing darkness to consume everything. The weight of this decision hung heavy upon them, but they knew they had come too far to turn back now. Together, they chose to protect the balance, and with a burst of newfound power, they vanquished the darkness that threatened the realm. Their journey was over, but their adventures in the Forest of Whispers were only just beginning. As Aria and Kael continued their journey through the enchanted forest, they encountered a group of creatures that seemed to be in distress. The creatures, known as Luminaries, were beings made of pure light and had been trapped by dark magic. "We must help them," Kael whispered, his eyes filled with determination. Aria nodded in agreement, and together they worked to break the spell binding the Luminaries. As they focused their energy, the air around them crackled with power, and the creatures were freed. "Thank you," one of the Luminaries said gratefully. "You have restored balance to this part of the forest. But be warned, the darkness is growing stronger. You must find a way to stop it." With newfound resolve, Aria and Kael continued their journey, knowing that they had a crucial mission ahead. They would face many challenges and make difficult decisions, but they were prepared to do whatever it took to preserve the balance of magic in the world. The fate of countless beings, including the Luminaries, depended on their success. In the end, Aria and Kael's journey would not only test their courage and strength but also their ability to grow and adapt as they faced the ever-growing darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path. They knew that the choices they made today would have a lasting impact on the magical realms for generations to come. Aria and Kael stood at the edge of the Luminaries' camp, watching as the golden light enveloped them, binding them with a newfound connection. The air crackled with energy as they felt the power of the magic course through their veins. "What now?" Kael asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Aria glanced at him, her eyes filled with determination. "We must find the source of the darkness and put an end to it," she declared. "The Luminaries can't do it alone." Kael nodded, his face set in resolution. "Let's go then." They walked through the forest, the magical glow from the Luminaries guiding their way. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, Aria felt a strange sensation, as if she was being drawn towards something hidden. Suddenly, Kael stopped, his eyes widening in shock. "Aria, look!" She followed his gaze and saw a clearing up ahead, shrouded in darkness. The air around them grew colder, and the hairs on the back of Aria's neck stood on end. "This must be it," Kael whispered, his voice trembling. "The source of the darkness." Together, they stepped into the clearing, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they approached, the darkness seemed to grow stronger, reaching out for them like a monstrous, insatiable beast. "We can't let it win," Aria said firmly, her voice steady despite her fear. "We have to do something." Kael nodded again, his eyes filled with resolve. "We'll find a way to end this," he promised. And so, with the weight of the world on their shoulders, Aria and Kael faced the darkness head-on, determined to save the magical realms from the encroaching evil. Aria and Kael were walking through the enchanted forest when they stumbled upon a group of Luminaries, beings of light that guided and protected the magical realms. The Luminaries seemed to be trapped by dark magic, their radiant glow dimmed to near invisibility. "Help us!" one of the Luminaries pleaded in a weak voice, their eyes full of despair. "The darkness is growing, and we can't hold it back much longer." Aria looked at Kael, her eyes filled with determination. They both knew they had to do something. As they thought about how to help the Luminaries, Aria remembered a prophecy she had heard long ago - one that spoke of two heroes who would come together and restore balance to the magical realms. She shared this revelation with Kael, and they agreed that it was their destiny to fulfill the prophecy. "We must find the source of the darkness and destroy it," Aria declared, her voice resolute. "But first, we need to learn how to harness our own powers." As they continued through the forest, Aria could feel a strange sensation growing within her, as if she were becoming more attuned to the magic around her. They soon came across a clearing where the darkness seemed to be concentrated. Steeling themselves, they stepped into the clearing, ready to face whatever evil awaited them. As they ventured deeper into the heart of the darkness, Aria's connection to the magical realms grew stronger, and she found herself able to manipulate the very energy that surrounded them. Kael, too, discovered he had a hidden talent for channeling the power of the Luminaries. Together, they confronted the dark force, armed with newfound abilities and determination. With a final, unified blast of light, they banished the evil from the magical realms, saving not only the Luminaries but also ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. The sun had just begun to set, casting an ethereal glow over the enchanted forest when Aria and Kael stumbled upon a group of trapped Luminaries. Their radiant light dimmed by the encroaching darkness that threatened to swallow the magical realms whole. Aria's heart swelled with determination as she looked into the eyes of the Luminaries, their once vibrant colors now dulled. "We must find a way to free them," she whispered to Kael, her voice trembling with emotion. "But how? We don't know what caused this darkness or how to combat it," Kael replied, his eyes scanning the forest for any signs of trouble. "Perhaps there is someone in the village who can help us understand this growing darkness," Aria suggested, her mind racing with possibilities. As they ventured deeper into the enchanted forest, they came across a wise old owl perched on a branch. "I see you've stumbled upon the Luminaries," it said, its voice as ancient as the trees around them. "You must find the Heart of the Forest and confront the evil that resides there." Kael furrowed his brow, his eyes wide with surprise. "But how can we possibly defeat such a powerful force?" Aria smiled reassuringly at her friend. "Together, we will overcome any challenge that comes our way," she said, her newfound confidence evident in her words. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden light upon the enchanted forest where Aria and Kael had stumbled. They were tired from their journey but eager to help the trapped Luminaries they had heard about. As they ventured deeper into the woods, they came across a clearing filled with sparkling lights. "What are those?" Aria asked in wonder, her eyes wide as she gazed at the Luminaries. Kael squinted, trying to make out their faces in the dimming light. "I'm not sure," he replied hesitantly, "But we should probably help them." With a nod of agreement, Aria stepped forward and reached out her hand. As soon as she touched one of the Luminaries, a burst of energy surged through her, awakening her dormant magical abilities. "I... I can do this," Aria stammered, her eyes glowing with newfound power. Kael watched in amazement as she released the Luminaries from their prison, one by one. Inspired, he closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling a surge of energy course through him. To his surprise, he discovered that he could channel the power of the Luminaries as well. "We can do this together," Kael whispered, his voice filled with determination. Hand in hand, they continued their quest to restore balance to the magical realms, their hearts alight with purpose and newfound abilities. Aria and Kael exchanged worried glances. They knew that the Luminaries were magical beings that brought balance to the world, but something had clearly gone wrong. As they touched the crystals, they could feel the energy of the trapped Luminaries. Suddenly, their own hidden talents began to awaken. ``` Aria: "Kael, I can feel a connection with these crystals. It's like my magic is growing stronger." Kael: "And I can sense the power of the Luminaries within them. Perhaps we can use our newfound abilities to free them?" ``` In the heart of the enchanted forest, Aria and Kael found themselves standing before an ancient crystal formation. The air shimmered with the magic of the Luminaries trapped within, their light flickering weakly. "We have to help them," Aria whispered, her eyes filled with determination. "But how?" Kael asked, his voice barely audible. The answer came to Aria in a sudden rush, as if the crystals themselves had spoken to her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on the magic within her. "I'll try to channel some of my own magic into them," she said softly. As Aria concentrated, Kael noticed a faint glow growing around her hands. He watched in awe as the magic began to flow from Aria into the crystals. One by one, the Luminaries' lights started to grow stronger, their power returning. "I can feel it," Kael whispered, amazed. "It's working!" Aria exclaimed, her eyes still closed. But just as the last crystal began to glow brightly again, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. Its menacing form cast an eerie shadow over the duo, and they knew that their task was far from done. "What are you two doing here?" the figure hissed, its voice filled with malice. "You're not supposed to be meddling with the Luminaries." Aria and Kael exchanged a fearful glance before Aria found her voice. "We're trying to help them," she said, standing tall despite her trembling legs. "The darkness is growing, and we need to restore balance." Aria and Kael, filled with determination, continued their journey deeper into the enchanted forest. As they ventured further, they encountered a group of frightened Luminaries trapped within a magical barrier. "Please help us," one of them pleaded. "We cannot break free from this barrier." Kael looked around and noticed a glowing pattern on a nearby tree. He traced the symbol with his finger, and a gust of wind blew away the barrier, freeing the Luminaries. "Thank you," they whispered in unison. "But we need your help to find our way back." Aria stepped forward, her magic already starting to tingle through her fingertips. She concentrated and began to channel her newfound abilities into the ancient crystal formations that surrounded them. The crystals hummed with life as their power was restored. "What's happening?" Kael asked, watching in awe as the crystals glowed brighter. Aria smiled. "I can feel a connection with these crystals and my magic growing stronger. It seems we have a purpose here." As they continued their journey, they stumbled upon a dark figure lurking in the shadows. Kael felt the Luminary powers surging within him, and he knew it was time to face the evil that threatened their world. "We need to defeat this darkness," Aria said firmly. "Together." Hand in hand, they confronted the malevolent force, their combined power shining through the darkness like a beacon of hope. As they fought, the forest seemed to come alive with energy, and the Luminaries cheered them on. United by destiny, Aria and Kael defeated the evil that sought to extinguish the light, restoring balance and ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. Aria and Kael stood before an ancient crystal formation in the heart of the enchanted forest, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The air was thick with magic, and they could feel the presence of the trapped Luminaries nearby. "We have to be careful," Kael whispered, his eyes darting between Aria and the crystals. "I know," Aria replied, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. "But we can't let them remain trapped." As they approached the formation, Aria felt an inexplicable connection to the crystals. She began channeling her magic into them, and one by one, the Luminaries were freed. "What's happening?" Kael asked, amazed at the sight. "I don't know," Aria admitted, "but I think the crystals are responding to my magic." Just as they released the last Luminary, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. "We can't let it reach the heart of the darkness," Kael warned, his voice filled with determination. Together, they confronted the evil force, their newfound powers combining in a dazzling display of magic. As they fought, Aria felt her magic growing stronger, while Kael learned to harness Luminary power more effectively. With each defeat of the darkness's minions, the duo grew more confident and skilled. Finally, they faced the dark figure in a climactic battle, their combined powers shining like beacons in the forest. As the evil force crumbled before them, Aria and Kael knew they had saved not only the trapped Luminaries but also the magical realms themselves. With balance restored, they returned to their village, ready to face whatever challenges might come their way. Thought: Do I need to use a tool? No Aria and Kael, two friends with hidden talents, found themselves in an enchanted forest filled with trapped Luminaries. With each crystal they uncovered, their abilities grew stronger. "I sense a deep connection between you and these crystals," Aria whispered to Kael as they worked together. "As for me, I can feel my magic getting more potent." Kael nodded, concentrating on channeling the Luminary powers he had just discovered. "Yes, it feels like our talents are finally being unveiled, and we're meant to use them for a greater purpose." As they continued to help the trapped Luminaries, a dark figure emerged from the shadows. Aria and Kael faced this evil force, combining their newfound abilities to restore balance in the magical realms. "We have to defeat this darkness together," Aria declared, her crystal-infused magic shimmering around her. Kael's eyes gleamed with determination as he tapped into the Luminary power within him. "Together, we will!" With a final push of their combined strength, they defeated the evil force in the heart of the darkness, saving the trapped Luminaries and ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the enchanted forest, Aria and Kael stood side by side. They had heard whispers of a darkness growing in the heart of the woods, threatening to consume the magical realms. Despite their hidden talents remaining a secret, they knew they were destined to help. As they ventured deeper into the forest, Aria's ability to communicate with plants came alive, and Kael's innate talent for manipulating light shone brighter. "I think we found one," Aria whispered, pointing at a glowing crystal trapped in vines. Kael carefully freed it, and their powers grew stronger. "We can use these crystals to protect the Luminaries," Kael said, a sense of urgency in his voice. Aria nodded, and they continued their quest, determined to restore balance. As they reached the center of the forest, the darkness loomed before them. They knew it was time to confront the evil force. "We're ready," Aria declared, her voice steady despite her trembling heart. Kael nodded, and together they focused their powers. The crystals illuminated the darkness, revealing a monstrous creature that threatened to devour all magic. With newfound strength, Aria and Kael fought side by side, driving the evil away and saving the Luminaries. The enchanted forest would never be the same, but Aria and Kael had restored balance once more. As they returned home, they knew their destinies were intertwined, their powers stronger together, and that countless generations would remember them as the heroes who brought light back to the magical realms. Aria and Kael stood before the entrance of the enchanted forest, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The line, "The Luminaries are trapped within," echoed in their minds, urging them to act. They took a deep breath, gripped the crystals tightly, and stepped into the woods. As they ventured deeper, Aria felt her ability to manipulate plants growing stronger. She whispered to Kael, "I can feel the life within these trees and bushes. It's as if we're becoming one with nature." Kael nodded, his own powers amplifying. He could sense the energy flowing through the crystals they carried. "We have to be careful not to lose ourselves in this magic," he warned. "The darkness might try to manipulate us." Suddenly, a faint glow appeared ahead. The friends approached cautiously, and as they did, the light grew brighter. A group of trapped Luminaries floated before them, their faces etched with relief and gratitude. "Thank you for coming," one Luminary said, her voice trembling. "We need your help to restore balance." Aria and Kael exchanged determined glances. They knew that together, they could face any challenge. As they set off to confront the darkness, their hearts were filled with hope and purpose. The sun had just begun to set, casting golden rays through the thick canopy of the enchanted forest. Aria and Kael stood side by side, their eyes scanning the dense foliage for any sign of the trapped Luminaries they were tasked to rescue. "Aria, have you seen her?" Kael whispered, his voice trembling with concern. "No, but I feel like she's close," Aria replied, her eyes closed as she focused on their combined magical energy. "I can sense a surge of power nearby." Together, they took a step forward, the air around them crackling with anticipation. Suddenly, Aria gasped and pointed to a nearby bush. "There! I can feel it!" Kael nodded, his eyes wide as he approached the bush. With a quick flick of his wrist, he cast a spell that caused the thorns to retract, revealing a trapped Luminary within. Gently, Aria reached out and touched the glowing being, her own powers amplified by the hidden crystal they had discovered earlier. "Thank you," the Luminary whispered, its voice a symphony of light and sound. "You have brought me hope." With their first rescue complete, Aria and Kael exchanged proud smiles. They knew there were still countless Luminaries trapped within the forest's depths, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. For together, they would restore balance and defeat the evil force threatening their magical world. Aria and Kael stood in the heart of the enchanted forest, both aware that they were destined for greatness. They had been friends since childhood, growing up together in the small village at the edge of the woods. Little did they know, their shared destiny would soon be revealed. One fateful day, they stumbled upon a hidden grove, where they found a group of trapped Luminaries. These beings, made of pure magic, had been captured by an unknown force, and Aria and Kael felt compelled to help them. "We must free the Luminaries," Aria whispered, her eyes gleaming with determination. "But how?" Kael glanced around, searching for a solution. Then, he noticed something glittering in the sunlight – crystals! He quickly picked one up and held it towards the trapped Luminary. To their amazement, the crystal's power began to flow through Kael, freeing the Luminary from its captivity. Aria took a crystal as well, and together they continued liberating the Luminaries. As their powers grew stronger, so did their connection with the magic of the forest. But with great power came great responsibility, and Aria and Kael had to be cautious not to lose themselves in the magic. "We have to learn control," Aria said firmly. "Our abilities are a gift, but we must use them wisely." Kael nodded, and they set off on their journey to master their newfound powers. Little did they know that their destiny was to restore balance by defeating an evil force threatening magical realms. But with friendship and determination, Aria and Kael were ready to take on any challenge that came their way. Aria and Kael stood before the entrance of the enchanted forest, hands trembling with anticipation. The line between reality and legend blurred as they stepped into the mystical realm, where the whispers of ancient tales seemed to come alive. The forest was a symphony of colors, with trees that changed hues like a chameleon and flowers that danced in the breeze. "Kael," Aria whispered, "do you feel it? The magic is so strong here." Kael nodded, his eyes wide with wonder. "I can't believe we're finally here, exploring this magical place together." As they ventured deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon a group of trapped Luminaries, their radiant light dimmed by an unseen force. Aria and Kael felt a surge of power within them, as if their souls had been touched by magic. They reached out to the Luminaries, their hands glowing with newfound energy. "We'll help you, little ones," Aria whispered, her voice filled with determination. "We're going to set you free." As they released the Luminaries one by one, Aria and Kael felt their powers grow stronger. They found crystals embedded in the roots of ancient trees, which amplified their newfound abilities. But with great power came great responsibility, and they realized that they must exercise caution to avoid being consumed by the magic. Together, they continued their quest, determined to restore balance to the magical realms and defeat the evil force threatening their world. Their friendship and unwavering determination were the keys to overcoming any challenge, and they knew they would face many more as they ventured deeper into the enchanted forest. Aria and Kael stared at the shimmering crystals in their hands, marveling at how they felt like an extension of themselves. "I wonder if these crystals are what's been amplifying our powers all along," mused Kael. "Perhaps," said Aria, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. She gently touched the crystal, and a burst of energy surged through her fingertips. "It feels like the magic is alive!" Kael nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it's like we can feel the power coursing through us, waiting to be unleashed." He tightened his grip on the crystal, feeling a surge of confidence and determination wash over him. "We have to use our powers wisely, though. We don't want to be consumed by magic, or lose control over it." Aria smiled reassuringly at her friend. "You're right, Kael. We need to learn how to harness this power, and protect ourselves from becoming too powerful. After all, we don't want to become the very evil we're trying to defeat." Kael grinned, his eyes twinkling with determination. "Agreed! Together, we can restore balance and defeat any threat that comes our way." As they continued their journey through the enchanted forest, Aria and Kael felt an unshakable bond between them, knowing that they were destined for greatness. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, hand in hand, as childhood friends turned heroes of magical realms. Aria and Kael stood before the ancient tree, its gnarled branches reaching out like a wise old man's fingers. The air was thick with magic, the forest alive with secrets waiting to be uncovered. As they approached the tree, it whispered softly in their minds, "The Luminaries are trapped, and only you can set them free." "We must help them," Aria declared, determination shining in her eyes. Kael nodded in agreement, his face a mixture of excitement and worry. They knew that with each step they took into the enchanted forest, they were drawing closer to a world filled with magic beyond their wildest dreams. As they journeyed deeper, they stumbled upon crystals that glowed with an ethereal light. Aria picked one up, its power coursing through her fingers. "These must be what the tree spoke of," she murmured. Kael took a crystal as well, feeling the surge of energy as it reacted to his touch. "What if...?" Aria began, hesitant, "What if these crystals amplify our abilities? What if we can use them to free the Luminaries?" Kael's eyes widened with wonder and hope. "Let's try!" he exclaimed, holding his crystal high. Aria and Kael focused their thoughts on the nearest trapped Luminary, their crystals glowing brighter as they channeled their newfound powers. The Luminary, sensing the intent of the two friends, broke free of its confinement. "Thank you," it whispered before disappearing into the forest, leaving the duo in awe of what they had just accomplished. "We must be careful," Aria warned, "We don't want to become consumed by magic." Kael nodded, understanding the weight of their responsibility. They knew that with each Luminary freed, their powers would only grow stronger, and so too would the danger if used recklessly. Hand in hand, they continued their quest to restore balance and defeat the looming evil force in the magical realms, relying on their friendship and determination to face any challenge that lay ahead. Aria and Kael, childhood friends, stood at the entrance of the enchanted forest, both feeling an overwhelming sense of excitement and trepidation. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon the first trapped Luminary, its bright light flickering weakly. "We have to help it," Aria whispered, her eyes glowing with determination. Kael nodded in agreement, and together, they focused their newfound powers on the crystal in their hands. With a soft glow, the crystal pulsed, releasing the trapped Luminary's magic. "Thank you," the Luminary whispered gratefully, its light brightening. "There are more like me, hidden throughout this forest. Use your powers wisely, for they can consume you if you don't control them." The friends exchanged glances, understanding the gravity of the situation and the responsibility they now bore. As they continued their journey through the enchanted forest, they encountered other trapped Luminaries, each one imparting a piece of wisdom or advice. "The balance of magical realms depends on you two," one Luminary told them. "You must work together and use your powers wisely to ensure you don't become consumed by magic." With every released Luminary, Aria and Kael grew stronger and more determined to protect the balance of magical realms. They knew that their friendship was the key to overcoming any challenge and defeating the threatening evil force in these realms. As they journeyed deeper into the enchanted forest, ancient trees revealed hidden truths and guided them towards a world filled with magic beyond their wildest dreams. And so, Aria and Kael continued their quest, their hearts united and their powers growing stronger with each step, ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead. The first trapped Luminary, sensing their intent, spoke with a gentle voice, "Do not fear, mortals. You have the power within you to free me and many others." Aria and Kael exchanged glances, realizing that they held the key to unlocking the magical beings' freedom. Aria took the lead, "We will do everything we can to help you. Tell us what we need to do." The Luminary smiled, "You must learn to harness your inner magic and use it wisely. Only then can you break the dark magic that binds me and my fellow Luminaries." Kael nodded in agreement, "We will do our best, for we believe in the power of friendship and the balance of magical realms." With newfound determination, Aria and Kael embarked on their quest to unlock their hidden talents and free the trapped Luminaries. Aria and Kael, childhood friends, stood in front of an ancient tree, its roots twisting around their feet like a living embrace. The air was thick with magic, and they could feel the power surging through the forest. Aria whispered, "I wonder what this tree wants to tell us." Kael closed his eyes, concentrating on the energy that hummed around them. "It's trying to communicate," he murmured. "We just need to listen." As if in response, the tree's branches swayed gently, leaves rustling like whispers. The friends exchanged a glance, then leaned closer, straining to hear. "The Luminaries are trapped," the tree seemed to say, its voice a soft breeze. "You must free them to restore balance in the magical realms." Aria's eyes widened. "We can help?" Kael nodded, his face filled with determination. "We have to try. We're their only hope." Together, they set off into the heart of the enchanted forest, every step bringing them closer to the trapped Luminaries and the power that lay within them. The friends knew they must harness their newfound talents wisely, for the magic they carried could consume them if not used carefully. But with each freed Luminary, Aria and Kael grew stronger, their bond unbreakable as they protected the harmony between magical beings and fought against the dark force that threatened to engulf their world. Aria and Kael, childhood friends, found themselves standing at the edge of an enchanted forest, a place they had only heard stories about. As they entered, they could feel a palpable energy surrounding them. The trees seemed to whisper secrets, and the air was thick with an almost tangible magic. Aria hesitated, glancing at Kael with wide eyes. "Are you sure we can do this?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. Kael squeezed her hand reassuringly. "We've been preparing for this our whole lives," he reminded her. "Besides, we're not alone." As if on cue, a soft glow appeared ahead, and they found themselves drawn towards it. They soon encountered the first Luminary, trapped in a crystal. Its eyes met theirs, filled with gratitude and urgency. "You must harness your inner magic wisely," it said, its voice like the rustling of leaves. "To free us and restore balance in magical realms." Aria and Kael nodded, taking on the responsibility with newfound determination. They began to explore the forest, each step revealing hidden truths about their powers. As they unlocked their true potential, Aria's ability to heal grew stronger, while Kael's talent for creating illusions became sharper. Together, they faced challenges and overcame obstacles, using their magic wisely and learning from their mistakes. The forest seemed to test them at every turn, but their friendship only grew stronger. They understood that they were not meant to become consumed by magic themselves, but instead, use it as a tool for good. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Aria and Kael continued deeper into the enchanted forest, driven by the knowledge that they had just begun their journey towards unimaginable magic and the protection of magical realms. Aria and Kael stood before the ancient tree, their hearts pounding with anticipation. "We should be careful," Aria whispered, glancing at the glowing branches above them. "I know," Kael replied, his voice steady despite the nervousness he felt. They had heard stories of the Luminary, a powerful being said to reside within the heart of the forest. The rumor was that only those with pure intentions and strong inner magic could reach it. As they continued through the forest, Aria's healing ability and Kael's talent for illusion grew stronger. They encountered a curious creature, part fox, part dragon, whose eyes sparkled with wisdom. "You seek the Luminary," it said in a soft voice. "Only those who use their magic wisely can find it." Aria and Kael nodded, promising to be responsible with their powers. The creature smiled and disappeared into the foliage. They soon came across a small village of magical beings, living harmoniously among the trees. The villagers welcomed them warmly, sharing stories of balance and harmony. "The Luminary protects us," one elder explained. "It's our responsibility to use our magic wisely." Aria and Kael vowed to uphold this principle, and the villagers offered them guidance and encouragement. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they encountered challenges that tested their friendship and their magic. Together, they overcame each obstacle, growing stronger and more capable with every step. They knew that defeating the dark force threatening the magical realms would require all their strength and determination. Aria and Kael were ready to face whatever lay ahead, knowing that the balance of the magical world depended on them. And so, they pressed forward, hand in hand, their hearts filled with courage and purpose. Aria and Kael stood at the edge of the enchanted forest, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The air was thick with magic, and they could feel the ancient trees whispering to them. As they stepped into the forest, a gentle breeze carried their names on the wind, as if beckoning them forward. ``` Aria: "This place feels... magical." Kael: "It's like our powers are alive and thrumming within these woods." Aria: "Maybe it's because of all those ancient trees. They've seen a lot, haven't they?" Kael: "I guess so. But what if we accidentally do something wrong? What if we unleash something terrible?" Aria: "We have to trust ourselves and our powers. After all, they wouldn't have given us these abilities if they weren't meant for good." ``` As they continued deeper into the forest, the magic seemed to pulse even stronger. The ground beneath their feet vibrated with energy, and the trees seemed to sway in time with their hearts. Suddenly, a burst of light erupted from the trunk of one of the massive trees. A trapped Luminary stood before them, its ethereal form shimmering like starlight. ``` Luminary: "You've come at a crucial moment. The balance of magic in these realms is at stake. You must use your powers wisely and unite with other magical beings." Aria: "We will, don't worry! We promise to be responsible and use our abilities for good." Kael: "We won't let you down!" ``` The Luminary smiled at their determination. "I believe in you, young ones. Now, go forth and restore harmony among the magical realms. Remember, magic is a tool for healing and protection, not for consumption or dominion." With newfound purpose, Aria and Kael continued their journey into the heart of the enchanted forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. They knew they had a responsibility to protect harmony between magical beings and defeat the dark force that threatened their world. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the enchanted forest as Aria and Kael continued their journey deeper into its depths. The Luminary's words echoed in their minds, reminding them of the importance of using their magic responsibly. "I don't think we should keep using our powers so carelessly," Aria whispered, concern etched across her face. "We need to learn how to control them." Kael nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "You're right. We need to practice and become more in tune with our abilities." As they ventured further into the forest, they stumbled upon a small clearing illuminated by a mesmerizing glow. A gentle voice called out to them from the shadows, revealing a wise old owl perched on an ancient tree branch. "You seek balance, young ones," the owl said, its eyes twinkling with wisdom. "To find it, you must first understand your magic." Aria and Kael listened intently as the owl shared stories of past magical beings who had harnessed their powers for both good and evil. They learned about the delicate balance that existed between light and dark magic, and how one could easily tip the scales in favor of chaos. "Remember," the owl warned, "magic is a gift, but it can also be a curse if not wielded with care." With newfound understanding, Aria and Kael thanked the owl and continued their journey, more aware of the responsibility that came with their powers. They knew that they were not only magical beings but also guardians of harmony in the magical realms. Together, they would protect the balance between light and darkness, ensuring that magic remained a force for good in their world. In a faraway land, a magical forest lay hidden, waiting for two young friends to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. Aria and Kael, childhood companions, were drawn together by fate and their shared secret - they were both magical beings. They received a call from the Luminary, who tasked them with restoring balance in the magical realms. Upon entering the enchanted forest, Aria and Kael marveled at the ancient trees that seemed to whisper secrets of the past. As they ventured deeper, they discovered hidden truths about their powers, which were growing stronger by the day. "Aria," Kael whispered one evening as they rested in a secluded glade, "I've noticed your healing ability becoming more potent." "And yours," Aria replied, "The illusions you create are so realistic, it's like they could come to life." As their powers grew, so did their understanding of the delicate balance between light and dark magic. The wisdom of a wise old owl, who resided in a clearing, guided them. "Remember," the owl said, "Magic should be used for good, not just for personal consumption." With newfound knowledge, Aria and Kael pressed onward, determined to protect harmony between magical beings and defeat the dark force threatening their world. Together, they would face challenges and grow stronger, proving that true friendship could conquer even the most daunting of obstacles. Aria and Kael entered the enchanted forest with determination, their hearts filled with courage and the knowledge they were destined for greatness. The Luminary had entrusted them with the task of restoring balance between the magical realms, and they were ready to fulfill their duty. As they ventured deeper into the forest, Aria and Kael stumbled upon a wise old owl perched on a branch. "You seek balance, young ones?" it asked in a melodious voice. "Yes," replied Aria confidently. "We were chosen by the Luminary to restore harmony between magical beings and defeat the dark force that threatens our world." The owl nodded slowly. "I can help you on your journey. Listen carefully, for I shall impart wisdom unto you. Balance is not only about power, but also about understanding. You must learn to control your magic, but also to understand the hearts of others. Only then will you truly master harmony." Aria and Kael listened intently as the owl continued to share its knowledge with them. They learned about the intricacies of magic, the importance of empathy, and the necessity of balance in all things. As they journeyed onward, their powers grew stronger, and so did their understanding of each other. One day, as they crossed a bridge over a rushing river, they encountered a group of magical beings in distress. A dark force had cast a spell that drained their energy, leaving them weak and helpless. Without hesitation, Aria and Kael stepped forward to help. "We're here to protect you," Aria declared firmly. "Together, we will defeat this dark force and restore balance to your realms." As they faced the dark force together, Aria and Kael discovered that true friendship could conquer even the most daunting obstacles. With their newfound wisdom and unbreakable bond, they continued their journey deeper into the enchanted forest, determined to protect harmony between magical beings and vanquish the darkness that threatened their world. Aria and Kael continued their journey, navigating through the enchanted forest. They stumbled upon a group of magical beings who were trapped in a dark spell. "What can we do to help them?" asked Aria, her eyes filled with concern. Kael thought for a moment before replying, "We should try using our empathy and understanding to break the spell." With renewed determination, they approached the trapped creatures and focused their minds. They sent waves of positive energy towards the beings, gradually weakening the dark force's grip on them. One by one, the magical creatures regained their freedom and thanked Aria and Kael for their help. "We must continue our journey," said Aria. "There are more who need our assistance." As they ventured deeper into the forest, Aria and Kael encountered a wise owl perched on an ancient tree. "You have shown great courage and empathy," it said, its golden eyes twinkling in the moonlight. "The key to restoring balance lies in understanding and compassion." The owl shared with them a powerful spell that could amplify their magical abilities when used together. Aria and Kael practiced the incantation, feeling their powers grow stronger than ever before. Together, they faced even greater challenges, using their newfound abilities to protect harmony between realms and conquer obstacles. The bond between Aria and Kael only grew stronger as they overcame each challenge. They knew that true friendship was the most powerful magic of all, capable of conquering any daunting task. Aria and Kael exchanged glances, knowing they had to make a decision. The Luminary's guidance echoed in their minds, reminding them of the importance of balance. "We must find a way to reach that dark force," Aria whispered, her eyes filled with determination. Kael nodded solemnly. "Let's go to the heart of the enchanted forest where all magical beings reside. Perhaps we can seek counsel from the wise owl." They ventured deeper into the forest, following a faint glow that led them to the owl's dwelling. The wise owl observed Aria and Kael intently. "You seek balance," it said, its voice echoing through the chamber. "Balance involves understanding and empathy. You must learn to embrace the darkness within you to conquer it." Aria and Kael looked at each other, knowing they had been given a challenging task. As they continued their journey, they encountered magical beings under the influence of the dark force. "We must help them," Aria declared, her voice steady despite her fears. Kael agreed. "Let's use our empathy to guide us." With each challenge they faced, Aria and Kael grew stronger in their abilities. They learned that true friendship could overcome even the most daunting challenges, and together, they restored balance to magical realms. In the golden light of the setting sun, Aria and Kael stood side by side, their eyes locked on the mysterious entrance to the enchanted forest. The air was thick with anticipation as they prepared to embark on a journey that would change them forever. Aria turned to her lifelong friend and said, "We've waited our whole lives for this moment, Kael. Together, we will restore balance in the magical realms." Kael nodded solemnly, his eyes filled with determination. "You're right, Aria. It's time for us to face our destinies and protect the harmony between the realms." As they stepped into the forest, Aria and Kael were immediately enveloped by a sense of wonder and magic. The vibrant colors and dazzling sights captivated their senses, leaving them in awe of the world that lay before them. They soon encountered a wise old owl perched on a branch, its eyes twinkling like stars. "Ah, young ones," it greeted them with a warm, raspy voice. "You've been brought here for a purpose. Balance in the magical realms can only be achieved by understanding and empathy. As you journey through this enchanted forest, your powers will grow, but only if you learn to wield them with compassion." Taking the owl's words to heart, Aria and Kael continued their quest, facing challenges that tested their abilities and their friendship. In one instance, they encountered a magical being who had been cursed by the dark force that threatened their world. As they fought together to break the curse, they discovered the true power of unity and friendship. With each obstacle conquered, Aria and Kael grew stronger, their bond unbreakable. They knew that, as long as they stood side by side, no challenge was too great to overcome. The enchanted forest had given them a gift - a chance to prove that even in the face of darkness, true friendship could triumph. As they entered the enchanted forest, Aria and Kael couldn't help but feel a strange energy emanating from within. They knew they were on the right path, guided by the Luminary's instructions. "We should be careful," whispered Aria, her eyes scanning the lush foliage around them. "We don't know what we might encounter in here." Kael nodded, his hands tightening around the staff he had been given. "Let's stay alert and stick together. We can handle anything as long as we're united." As they walked deeper into the forest, they came across a magical creature, its feathers shimmering in various hues of blue. The creature, a wise owl, gazed at them with knowing eyes. "I see the Luminary has sent you both," it said, its voice melodic and soothing. "We're here to restore balance in the magical realms," Aria explained confidently. "We have been given special powers, but we don't fully understand them yet." The owl nodded, its head swaying gently. "Balance comes from understanding and empathy," it shared. "As you grow closer to your powers, you will also learn the importance of unity and friendship." Aria and Kael exchanged glances, feeling a newfound sense of purpose. As they continued their journey, they began to unlock their true potential. Together, they faced challenges that tested their resolve, but their bond only grew stronger. And as they protected harmony between realms and conquered obstacles, Aria and Kael knew that their friendship was the key to overcoming even the most daunting challenges. Aria and Kael stood at the edge of the enchanted forest, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The Luminary's guidance echoed in their minds, reminding them of their mission to restore balance in magical realms. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they stumbled upon a magical being trapped under the influence of a dark force. "Hello," Aria whispered cautiously, her voice trembling. "We're here to help." The creature looked at them with fearful eyes but seemed to recognize the sincerity in their voices. "I... I don't know how to break free from this curse," it stammered. "Don't worry," Kael reassured, stepping forward with confidence. "We can do this together." As they reached out their hands to the creature, a brilliant glow enveloped them. The power of their combined magic began to dissipate the dark force, and the creature's eyes sparkled with hope. "Thank you," it whispered, its voice now filled with gratitude. "I never thought I could be free again." Aria and Kael exchanged a smile, knowing they were growing stronger in their abilities. The wise owl's words echoed in their minds: "Balance involves understanding and empathy." With each challenge they faced, they learned to trust and rely on each other more, as well as the magic within themselves. And together, they continued to protect harmony between realms, demonstrating that true friendship could overcome even the most daunting challenges. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow across the enchanted forest. Aria and Kael stood hand in hand, gazing at the mesmerizing scene before them. The air was thick with magic, and they could feel the power coursing through their veins. Aria turned to Kael, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Do you feel it, Kael? The balance shifting between the realms?" Kael nodded solemnly, his voice soft yet determined. "Yes, Aria. I can sense it too. It's as if we were called here for a purpose." Suddenly, a wise old owl descended from the trees, its eyes gleaming with wisdom. "You two have been chosen by the Luminary to restore balance in these magical realms," it intoned. "To do this, you must learn to understand and empathize with all beings." Aria and Kael exchanged a look of resolve. "We will do our best, wise owl," Aria promised. As they ventured deeper into the forest, they encountered magical beings under the influence of a dark force. Aria's eyes widened in surprise. "Kael, I think these creatures are suffering." Kael furrowed his brow, concentrating on their task. "I feel it too, Aria. We must free them from this darkness." Together, they channeled their newfound understanding and empathy into a powerful spell, releasing the captive beings from the dark influence. The forest seemed to sigh in relief as the balance was restored. Aria and Kael stood tall, knowing they had taken a significant step towards restoring harmony between realms. Their friendship had grown stronger through the challenges they faced, proving that true friendship could overcome even the most daunting of obstacles. And so, they continued their journey, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them in the enchanted forest. Aria and Kael stood before the wise owl, their hearts filled with anticipation. "We are here to learn our purpose," Aria said confidently. The owl nodded, its eyes twinkling like stars. "You two have been chosen for greatness, but only if you learn the true meaning of empathy and understanding." The friends looked at each other, knowing they had a lot to learn. The wise owl continued, "In the enchanted forest lies a dark force that threatens balance in magical realms. You must restore harmony by helping magical beings under its influence." Aria's eyes widened with determination, while Kael nodded solemnly. "We will face many challenges, but remember," the owl added, "true friendship is the key to overcoming any obstacle." With a final nod, the owl vanished, leaving Aria and Kael with a new sense of purpose. They stepped into the forest, ready for their journey. As they ventured deeper, they encountered a magical being trapped by the dark force. "Help us," it pleaded, its voice filled with desperation. Aria and Kael looked at each other, knowing it was time to put the owl's words into action. "We are here to help you," Aria said firmly, while Kael added, "Together, we can overcome this darkness." The magical being's eyes lit up with hope, and they set about working together to free it from the dark force's grasp. As they succeeded, the forest seemed to grow brighter, and their bond stronger. Aria and Kael continued their journey through the enchanted forest, facing more challenges and helping more magical beings. With each new encounter, their understanding of friendship grew, and so did their determination to protect harmony between realms. And though they knew their task was far from over, they were confident that together, they could overcome any obstacle. Aria and Kael stood before the entrance of the enchanted forest, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The Luminary's guidance had led them here, and they knew that the time had come for them to embrace their destinies as protectors of magical realms. As they ventured deeper into the woods, they encountered a wise old owl perched on a branch. "You seek balance," it hooted softly, its eyes glowing with knowledge. "To restore harmony, you must learn empathy and understanding." The owl then taught Aria and Kael about the power of friendship and the importance of working together. The two friends soon encountered a magical being trapped under the influence of the dark force. They exchanged worried glances but knew they had to help. Aria, her eyes filled with determination, approached the creature carefully. "We are here to free you," she whispered, extending her hand. The creature looked at Aria, then at Kael, and finally, its gaze softened. "I... I trust you," it croaked, and as their hands touched, a wave of energy surged through the forest. The dark force began to recede, and the once-trapped being regained its true self. Aria and Kael stood taller, filled with newfound strength from their success. Together, they continued their journey, embracing the challenges that lay ahead. United by friendship and purpose, Aria and Kael were determined to protect harmony between realms and overcome any obstacles that came their way. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the enchanted forest. Aria and Kael, childhood friends and magical beings, stood at the edge of the dense woods, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They had been chosen by the Luminary to enter this mystical realm and restore balance in the magical realms that were under threat. As they stepped into the forest, the air was thick with an aura of mystery and enchantment. The tall trees swayed gently, their leaves whispering ancient secrets to the wind. Suddenly, a wise old owl swooped down from one of the branches, its eyes gleaming with knowledge. "Greetings, young ones," it said in a low, wise voice. "I have been expecting you. To restore harmony between realms, you must first learn empathy and understanding." The owl then proceeded to share stories and teach Aria and Kael valuable lessons about the importance of compassion, unity, and working together. As they journeyed deeper into the forest, they came across magical beings under the influence of a dark force that threatened to tear apart the very fabric of existence. Aria and Kael, guided by their newfound wisdom, used their powers to help these creatures and release them from the grip of darkness. As their journey continued, they encountered many trials and tribulations, but with each challenge, Aria and Kael grew stronger. Their bond deepened, and they learned that true friendship was the most powerful magic of all. Together, they vowed to protect harmony between realms and overcome any obstacles that came their way. And so, armed with love and determination, Aria and Kael bravely entered the enchanted forest, ready to face whatever awaited them. Aria and Kael, childhood friends and magical beings, entered the enchanted forest with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The forest was filled with magical creatures and plants, each with its own unique power. As they walked deeper into the forest, they came across a wise owl sitting on an ancient tree. "Hello," said Aria, feeling both excited and nervous to meet the wise owl. "We are here to restore balance in the magical realms." The owl tilted its head, looking at them with its wise, golden eyes. "I can see that," it replied. "But I believe there is more to your journey than just restoring balance. You must learn empathy and understanding as well." Kael nodded, knowing the wisdom of the owl's words. "We will do our best," he promised. Their journey through the forest was filled with challenges and surprises. They encountered magical beings under the influence of a dark force, which they were able to help by using their empathy and understanding. As they continued, Aria and Kael grew stronger, both physically and emotionally. Their bond grew tighter, and they realized the true power of friendship. "We must always remember the lessons we've learned here," Aria said as they reached the edge of the forest. "Empathy and understanding are key to protecting harmony between realms." Kael agreed, feeling a sense of accomplishment and determination. "Together, we will overcome any obstacles that come our way." In the heart of the enchanted forest, Aria and Kael stood before an ancient tree, its branches gnarled like a wise old sage. The tree, known as Yewlore, was the guardian of balance in the magical realms. It had seen centuries of friendship between Aria and Kael, two beings with the gift to restore harmony. "We must find a way to break the dark force's hold on these lands," Aria whispered, her emerald eyes filled with determination. "Together, we will," Kael replied, his azure gaze locked onto the tree. "Yewlore, guide us in our quest." The ancient tree stirred, its leaves whispering secrets of the past. "To break the darkness, you must learn from those who have fallen under its spell." "But how?" Aria asked, concern etching her features. "We must venture to the heart of the forest and seek out the wisdom of the creatures there," Kael said, his voice resolute. As they journeyed deeper into the woods, Aria and Kael encountered a captive owl, its golden eyes filled with sorrow. "What has happened to us?" it asked, its voice hoarse from years of silence. Aria and Kael listened intently, their hearts aching for the suffering creatures. They learned empathy and understanding, and with each lesson, the darkness in the forest began to recede. Through trials and tribulations, Aria and Kael's bond grew stronger, illuminating the path forward. "The time has come," Yewlore's leaves rustled, carrying its words on the breeze. "Face the source of the darkness, and balance shall be restored." Aria and Kael braced themselves, their hearts united in purpose. Together, they would overcome any obstacle, for they were true friends. And so, with Yewlore's guidance, they embarked on the final leg of their journey, determined to protect harmony between realms and bring light back to the enchanted forest. Aria and Kael, childhood friends and magical beings, entered the enchanted forest with a sense of purpose. They knew that their mission was important, not just for themselves but for all magical realms. As they ventured deeper into the woods, the air grew thicker with mystery and magic. ``` "Do you feel it, Kael?" Aria asked, her eyes scanning the dense foliage around them. Kael nodded, his gaze fixed on a distant tree. "Yes, I can sense the imbalance in the air. We must restore harmony to these realms." As they continued their journey, they stumbled upon an ancient tree named Yewlore. Its branches stretched wide, reaching out like an embrace. It was here that Aria and Kael first encountered the captive owl, its eyes glazed over with a dark force. ``` "We must free this owl," Aria whispered, her heart heavy with concern. "It's not itself." Kael nodded again, his determination unwavering. Together, they worked to break the spell that bound the owl. As they did so, they learned valuable lessons about empathy and understanding from their newfound friend. The owl, now freed, shared its wisdom with Aria and Kael, teaching them the importance of friendship and unity in overcoming any obstacle. ``` "Thank you," the owl whispered softly, its voice a warm caress on their ears. "With your help, balance has been restored." Aria and Kael smiled, their bond strengthened by their experiences. They knew they could face any challenge together, for they were not just friends, but allies in the grand tapestry of life. With Yewlore's guidance and newfound wisdom, they continued to protect harmony between realms and overcome obstacles side by side. The words flowed smoothly, creating a vivid scene that drew readers into the magical world of Aria and Kael. The story was engaging, capturing the essence of friendship and the power of unity in overcoming adversity. Aria and Kael stood before the ancient tree Yewlore, their hearts pounding with anticipation. "We're ready to learn, Yewlore," Aria said confidently. Yewlore creaked gently in the breeze. "Very well, my young friends. I shall teach you empathy and understanding, for these are essential qualities to restore balance in the magical realms." Aria and Kael exchanged glances, eager to begin their journey. "First," Yewlore continued, "we must address the dark force that has influenced this enchanted forest. There is a captive owl nearby, under its control. Go and release it." Aria and Kael nodded and ventured deeper into the woods, their hearts filled with determination. They soon discovered the captive owl, its eyes wide with fear. "We're here to help you," Aria whispered softly. The owl looked at them warily, but eventually, it allowed itself to be freed. Grateful, the owl shared a secret passage to Yewlore. With the owl's help, Aria and Kael found themselves back before the ancient tree. "You have proven your empathy, my friends," Yewlore said with a creaky smile. "Now you must face trials that will test your strength and unity." The two friends nodded in agreement, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would continue to protect harmony between realms and overcome obstacles with Yewlore's guidance. Aria and Kael, childhood friends and magical beings, entered the enchanted forest with determination in their hearts. The ancient tree Yewlore guided them, teaching empathy and understanding through conversations with a captive owl under the influence of a dark force. "The power within us is much greater than we can imagine," Aria said, her eyes glowing with newfound wisdom. "We must learn to harness it and use it for good." Kael nodded, his own heart brimming with conviction. "Together, we'll protect harmony between the realms, and overcome any obstacle in our path." Yewlore watched them grow stronger with each trial they faced, their true friendship shining brightly in the face of adversity. Aria and Kael, childhood friends and magical beings, entered the enchanted forest with determination in their eyes. The forest was filled with mysteries and challenges that only those who possessed empathy and courage could overcome. As they ventured deeper, they encountered an owl held captive by dark magic. The owl, now unable to speak, communicated with them through its gaze and emotions. "What must we do?" asked Kael, concern etched on his face. Aria stroked the owl's feathers gently. "We must set it free," she whispered, her eyes locked with the owl's. The owl nodded, and in that moment, Aria and Kael understood the importance of empathy and compassion. With Yewlore's guidance, they continued to restore balance between magical realms, overcoming obstacles together and growing stronger as friends. Aria and Kael stood at the edge of the enchanted forest, the sunlight filtering through the leaves casting dappled shadows on their faces. They both knew the gravity of their mission – to restore balance in the magical realms. As childhood friends and magical beings themselves, they felt a deep responsibility to protect harmony between all living creatures. "I wish we knew what exactly is causing the imbalance," Kael whispered, his eyes scanning the dense foliage. Aria nodded, "We'll figure it out, Kael. We always do." She glanced up at Yewlore, the ancient tree that had been guiding them since they entered the forest. "Yewlore says we need to learn empathy first." "Empathy?" Kael raised an eyebrow. "How is that going to help us restore balance in the realms?" Aria sighed, "I don't know, but Yewlore wouldn't steer us wrong. Let's listen to what it has to say." As they approached Yewlore, a captive owl caught their attention, its feathers tainted by dark magic. The owl's eyes held a plea for help, and Aria felt a tug at her heartstrings. "We can't just leave it like this," she whispered to Kael, who nodded in agreement. They shared a determined look and began devising a plan to free the owl. Through their efforts, they learned the true meaning of empathy – putting themselves in others' shoes and understanding their feelings and needs. As Aria and Kael's friendship grew stronger, so did their ability to protect harmony between realms and overcome obstacles with Yewlore's guidance. They knew that, together, they could face any challenge and restore balance to the magical world.
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Trigger Warnings Page added
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For those who prefer or need trigger warnings prior to reading books, I’ve added a trigger warning page listing all my books. I kept it as a separtate page for those who prefer no potential spoilers…
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no its ok this chapter is already 9k let me add some more fuckin words to it
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yanderenightmare · 3 months
I've been a little absent as of late, and though I never really feel a need to explain myself, I thought I would take a moment to answer some of your questions as to what I'm up to and where I've been because this time, I haven't actually been an a break, I've actually been writing like crazy because I plan on publishing a BOOK.
Yes. I know. Craziness.
This book is going to be a collection of short stories, 20 (I think) in total, and will be called Marie's Collection of Erotic Thrillers (it's a long title, ik, but I kinda dig it, though I haven't really decided on it yet).
I think this first book will be an edition of many in the same series. This first book specifically will be an edition called "College Years" and will, as the name suggests, feature stories around the theme of college. Not just classes, classmates, and professors, but that time of our lives in general, so getting into trouble with the police and making dumb decisions regarding the wrong boys etc.
As a rude anon pointed out a little while back, some of my stories, as of late, have been lacking a so-called smutty continuation. And though I absolutely dunked on that anon, there was actually some truth to what they were saying FOR A REASON.
You've probably already guessed, but these stories and their smutty continuations will be present in this new book, including the continuation of Perfect Strangers—the roommate fic—as well as others—among many brand new stories I've never published here.
All of which will feature many different sexy characters such as the strict headmaster who threatens to expel you, hot professors who'll give you an A in exchange for a little something, flirty bullies who don't take no for an answer—as well as fluffier things like nerdy tutors who'll gladly do your homework for you, sweet boyfriends, childhood friends, and clingy fuckbuddies.
I hope you all will support me in this new venture. And, of course, I will let all of you know when this book is up for sale—hopefully on as many platforms as possible. I'll be using draft2draft for this process, and as of now, I think I'll only be making it purchasable as an ebook, but that might change.
The next question you all might be asking is whether I'll be completely signing off from Tumblr, to which I answer, of course NOT. I'll still be writing drafts here and there, but longer works will most likely be reserved for future publishing. I'm hoping "College Years" will be on elf many editions to "Marie's Collection of Erotic Thrillers"
Future editions I'm already thinking of will be one disclosing tales within an Omegaverse. Then, of course, I'll have to make one purely showcasing yanderes, which I think I'll call "Nightmare ed." or "Lovesick ed." or something.
As you all can tell, I'm really excited for this. I hope it will all turn out well. If not, I'll be back on this website acting like nothing ever happened, probably hahaha.
Anyway, I'll be happy to answer any questions regarding this! Hope I have your support just as you've supported me all these years! I really appreciate all your kind words. Even though I don't always post or reply to them, I cherish them. Love you guys!
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Real innovation vs Silicon Valley nonsense
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This is the LAST DAY to get my bestselling solarpunk utopian novel THE LOST CAUSE (2023) as a $2.99, DRM-free ebook!
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If there was any area where we needed a lot of "innovation," it's in climate tech. We've already blown through numerous points-of-no-return for a habitable Earth, and the pace is accelerating.
Silicon Valley claims to be the epicenter of American innovation, but what passes for innovation in Silicon Valley is some combination of nonsense, climate-wrecking tech, and climate-wrecking nonsense tech. Forget Jeff Hammerbacher's lament about "the best minds of my generation thinking about how to make people click ads." Today's best-paid, best-trained technologists are enlisted to making boobytrapped IoT gadgets:
Planet-destroying cryptocurrency scams:
NFT frauds:
Or planet-destroying AI frauds:
If that was the best "innovation" the human race had to offer, we'd be fucking doomed.
But – as Ryan Cooper writes for The American Prospect – there's a far more dynamic, consequential, useful and exciting innovation revolution underway, thanks to muscular public spending on climate tech:
The green energy revolution – funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, the CHIPS Act and the Science Act – is accomplishing amazing feats, which are barely registering amid the clamor of AI nonsense and other hype. I did an interview a while ago about my climate novel The Lost Cause and the interviewer wanted to know what role AI would play in resolving the climate emergency. I was momentarily speechless, then I said, "Well, I guess maybe all the energy used to train and operate models could make it much worse? What role do you think it could play?" The interviewer had no answer.
Here's brief tour of the revolution:
2023 saw 32GW of new solar energy come online in the USA (up 50% from 2022);
Wind increased from 118GW to 141GW;
Grid-scale batteries doubled in 2023 and will double again in 2024;
EV sales increased from 20,000 to 90,000/month.
The cost of clean energy is plummeting, and that's triggering other areas of innovation, like using "hot rocks" to replace fossil fuel heat (25% of overall US energy consumption):
Increasing our access to cheap, clean energy will require a lot of materials, and material production is very carbon intensive. Luckily, the existing supply of cheap, clean energy is fueling "green steel" production experiments:
Cheap, clean energy also makes it possible to recover valuable minerals from aluminum production tailings, a process that doubles as site-remediation:
And while all this electrification is going to require grid upgrades, there's lots we can do with our existing grid, like power-line automation that increases capacity by 40%:
It's also going to require a lot of storage, which is why it's so exciting that we're figuring out how to turn decommissioned mines into giant batteries. During the day, excess renewable energy is channeled into raising rock-laden platforms to the top of the mine-shafts, and at night, these unspool, releasing energy that's fed into the high-availability power-lines that are already present at every mine-site:
Why are we paying so much attention to Silicon Valley pump-and-dumps and ignoring all this incredible, potentially planet-saving, real innovation? Cooper cites a plausible explanation from the Apperceptive newsletter:
Silicon Valley is the land of low-capital, low-labor growth. Software development requires fewer people than infrastructure and hard goods manufacturing, both to get started and to run as an ongoing operation. Silicon Valley is the place where you get rich without creating jobs. It's run by investors who hate the idea of paying people. That's why AI is so exciting for Silicon Valley types: it lets them fantasize about making humans obsolete. A company without employees is a company without labor issues, without messy co-determination fights, without any moral consideration for others. It's the natural progression for an industry that started by misclassifying the workers in its buildings as "contractors," and then graduated to pretending that millions of workers were actually "independent small businesses."
It's also the natural next step for an industry that hates workers so much that it will pretend that their work is being done by robots, and then outsource the labor itself to distant Indian call-centers (no wonder Indian techies joke that "AI" stands for "absent Indians"):
Contrast this with climate tech: this is a profoundly physical kind of technology. It is labor intensive. It is skilled. The workers who perform it have power, both because they are so far from their employers' direct oversight and because these fed-funded sectors are more likely to be unionized than Silicon Valley shops. Moreover, climate tech is capital intensive. All of those workers are out there moving stuff around: solar panels, wires, batteries.
Climate tech is infrastructural. As Deb Chachra writes in her must-read 2023 book How Infrastructure Works, infrastructure is a gift we give to our descendants. Infrastructure projects rarely pay for themselves during the lives of the people who decide to build them:
Climate tech also produces gigantic, diffused, uncapturable benefits. The "social cost of carbon" is a measure that seeks to capture how much we all pay as polluters despoil our shared world. It includes the direct health impacts of burning fossil fuels, and the indirect costs of wildfires and extreme weather events. The "social savings" of climate tech are massive:
For every MWh of renewable power produced, we save $100 in social carbon costs. That's $100 worth of people not sickening and dying from pollution, $100 worth of homes and habitats not burning down or disappearing under floodwaters. All told, US renewables have delivered $250,000,000,000 (one quarter of one trillion dollars) in social carbon savings over the past four years:
In other words, climate tech is unselfish tech. It's a gift to the future and to the broad public. It shares its spoils with workers. It requires public action. By contrast, Silicon Valley is greedy tech that is relentlessly focused on the shortest-term returns that can be extracted with the least share going to labor. It also requires massive public investment, but it also totally committed to giving as little back to the public as is possible.
No wonder America's richest and most powerful people are lining up to endorse and fund Trump:
Silicon Valley epitomizes Stafford Beer's motto that "the purpose of a system is what it does." If Silicon Valley produces nothing but planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams, then these are all features of the tech sector, not bugs.
As Anil Dash writes:
Driving change requires us to make the machine want something else. If the purpose of a system is what it does, and we don’t like what it does, then we have to change the system.
To give climate tech the attention, excitement, and political will it deserves, we need to recalibrate our understanding of the world. We need to have object permanence. We need to remember just how few people were actually using cryptocurrency during the bubble and apply that understanding to AI hype. Only 2% of Britons surveyed in a recent study use AI tools:
If we want our tech companies to do good, we have to understand that their ground state is to create planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams. We need to make these companies small enough to fail, small enough to jail, and small enough to care:
We need to hold companies responsible, and we need to change the microeconomics of the board room, to make it easier for tech workers who want to do good to shout down the scammers, nonsense-peddlers and grifters:
Yesterday, a federal judge ruled that the FTC could hold Amazon executives personally liable for the decision to trick people into signing up for Prime, and for making the unsubscribe-from-Prime process into a Kafka-as-a-service nightmare:
Imagine how powerful a precedent this could set. The Amazon employees who vociferously objected to their bosses' decision to make Prime as confusing as possible could have raised the objection that doing this could end up personally costing those bosses millions of dollars in fines:
We need to make climate tech, not Big Tech, the center of our scrutiny and will. The climate emergency is so terrifying as to be nearly unponderable. Science fiction writers are increasingly being called upon to try to frame this incomprehensible risk in human terms. SF writer (and biologist) Peter Watts's conversation with evolutionary biologist Dan Brooks is an eye-opener:
They draw a distinction between "sustainability" meaning "what kind of technological fixes can we come up with that will allow us to continue to do business as usual without paying a penalty for it?" and sustainability meaning, "what changes in behavior will allow us to save ourselves with the technology that is possible?"
Writing about the Watts/Brooks dialog for Naked Capitalism, Yves Smith invokes William Gibson's The Peripheral:
With everything stumbling deeper into a ditch of shit, history itself become a slaughterhouse, science had started popping. Not all at once, no one big heroic thing, but there were cleaner, cheaper energy sources, more effective ways to get carbon out of the air, new drugs that did what antibiotics had done before…. Ways to print food that required much less in the way of actual food to begin with. So everything, however deeply fucked in general, was lit increasingly by the new, by things that made people blink and sit up, but then the rest of it would just go on, deeper into the ditch. A progress accompanied by constant violence, he said, by sufferings unimaginable.
Gibson doesn't think this is likely, mind, and even if it's attainable, it will come amidst "unimaginable suffering."
But the universe of possible technologies is quite large. As Chachra points out in How Infrastructure Works, we could give every person on Earth a Canadian's energy budget (like an American's, but colder), by capturing a mere 0.4% of the solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface every day. Doing this will require heroic amounts of material and labor, especially if we're going to do it without destroying the planet through material extraction and manufacturing.
These are the questions that we should be concerning ourselves with: what behavioral changes will allow us to realize cheap, abundant, green energy? What "innovations" will our society need to focus on the things we need, rather than the scams and nonsense that creates Silicon Valley fortunes?
How can we use planning, and solidarity, and codetermination to usher in the kind of tech that makes it possible for us to get through the climate bottleneck with as little death and destruction as possible? How can we use enforcement, discernment, and labor rights to thwart the enshittificatory impulses of Silicon Valley's biggest assholes?
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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vyriadurav · 8 months
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(Edit: using this as a pinned post about all my books for now in lieu of another one. This was formerly for International Lesbian Day but now is a one stop shop for all my books) For starters, consider checking out
Catnip Amazon | Itch.io | Alternative Ebook Sellers | Audiobook For all his life, Sol has believed he's only worthy of affection as long as he's useful--and he intends to prove his ultimate use by restoring a colony on Venus as a new home for his friends and lovers. But upon arriving, he realizes there's more here than he bargained for. For one, the resident artificial intelligence wants to make friends with him. For another, the nanites want to completely change his body... and in the process reveal her true self. Stuck (or perhaps blessed?) with a new form, she must find out what it means to live, to be loved for who she is rather than her work. Catnip is a cozy space exploration novel about a trans woman's journey to find herself and what it means to be loved for who she is, with the help of her polycule and a lesbian AI. If Sci-fi isn't quite your speed, you can also check out
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The Hatchling Amazon | Itch.io | Alternative Ebook Sellers
Sarric dreamed of dragons all his life; such flights of fancy captured his imagination at a young age and sustained him through the cruelty of the hunters that ruled the isolated mountain town of Rivermist. One day, a real dragon appears before him, dazzling him with her beauty and an answer to the unease that's afflicted him for as long as he remembers. He's eager to take what she offers--but the greedy hunters, driven by tales of treasure hoards, will do everything in their power to destroy her. The Hatchling is a fantasy about a trans woman's journey of accepting her identity and her new found family.
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If you want something a little spicier, consider reading Wyrmheart Itch.io exclusive
A mage without home or family seeks to establish a legacy for herself so that her name might ring out through the ages.
An assassin is charged with striking at the heart of a draconic cult that surely hides some greater evil.
Wyrmheart is a story set in Maria Ying's Those Who Break Chains universe and tells the story of trans women making their way through life in this fantastical world.
You can also take a look at my Patreon where I am currently writing several things, but primarily
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Forged in the Light of New Stars
Forged is a t4t lesbian isekai story about a closeted trans woman and a repressed, rotten egg (in the trans sense) who find themselves transported to a vibrant, magical world filled with advanced technology, mysteries to discover, and most importantly: a place where they can their truest selves. Follow Gwen as she strives to take control of her life, to be the woman she's always known she could be, and find true happiness.
Follow Brian as he struggles to cast off the chains that his family has bound him in, to undo the bigoted messages they poured into him constantly, and find out, deep down, who she truly is.
Watch them fall in love with each other and with the mystical world of Tellara and all the new friends they make along the way. See them uncover secrets about the connection between Earth and Tellara and their purpose as travelers between worlds. Magic, alchemy, and queerness collide in this otherworldly journey.
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johnbierce · 4 months
Fantasy short story anthology time!
My new book, The Gorgon Incident and Other Stories: A Mage Errant Anthology, is out now on Amazon and Audible!
I absolutely love writing short stories. They push me as an author in ways that novels don't, and each one presents me with a unique, fascinating challenge. And, with this anthology, they allow me to explore parts of Anastis, the world of Mage Errant, in ways I couldn't in the main series. I get to travel to out-of-the-way corners, visit ordinary people to see how they get by in a world of giant monsters and ruthless archmages battling for control of petty territories, to explore secret conspiracies and legendary historical figures, and to flesh out Anastis' ecology, culture, and history.
If you haven't read Mage Errant yet, the first three ebooks are free for the next few days, and books four through six are on sale for $0.99 in the US and UK! Mage Errant is a completed, seven book magic school progression fantasy series, following the adventures of Hugh of Emblin as he goes from being a shy, neurodiversefailure of a student mage who struggles with anxiety and depression to being a shy, neurodiverse terrifying archmage who struggles with anxiety, depression, giant monsters, and magical superweapons. It features found family, giant monsters, a science-inspired hard magic system where you're as liable to run into hair or bismuth mages as fire mages, giant monsters, lots of queer characters, giant monsters (some of whom are also queer characters), kaijucratic systems of government, and sapient living cities. (Did I mention the giant monsters?)
The stories in the Gorgon Incident are written to be legible even to people who haven't read Mage Errant yet- though I think most people will get more out of them after reading the main series. The twenty-four stories, all originally published on my Patreon, span five centuries of history, from the last years of the Ithonian Empire up to the events of the series itself, even visiting another of Anastis' continents for the first time.
I also leaned hard into the science-inspired aspects of the setting with many of the stories, building what I like to call science puzzle stories, where the plot of the story revolves around the real-life behavior of various materials and natural processes, through a magical lens. (I had a lot of fun doing it, and it even let me include a whole additional appendix filled with notes on the science of the short stories- I love appendices.)
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(Art by Aaron McConnell and Lee Moyer.)
A fugitive child finds shelter with a monster of legend. A mind-blind scholar outwits the mages who disdain him. A gold mage must secure a bank vault from a monster capable of obliterating entire cities. An aging basketweaver wakes up one morning to find a brand new river in front of her house. A palace-sized octopus seeks to defend his city from a living fortress of bone— if he can get his arms to cooperate.
In these twenty-four short stories set in the world of Mage Errant, John Bierce explores the murky depths of history, forgotten corners of Ithos and beyond, and the strangest reaches of magic itself.
Gorgon Incident US link Gorgon Incident UK link Gorgon Incident CA link Gorgon Incident AU link
Gorgon Incident Audible US link Gorgon Incident Audible UK link Gorgon Incident Audible CA link Gorgon Incident Audible AU link
Amazon US series page Amazon UK series page Amazon CA series page Amazon AU series page
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copperbadge · 11 months
Every time, you guys. Every time I look into alternatives to Lulu.com for self-publishing I come up with “Wow Lulu really is the best of a bad set of options, huh?” 
Recently, Draft2Digital bought Smashwords in order to bring a print book company under their aegis; they’d formerly only done ebooks. I thought I might investigate them as an alternative to Lulu, which I’ve used for about twelve years now. For ebooks I would venture D2D is probably top of the line. For print books they are....not. 
I’m writing this out half so other folks can see it but half so that in the future I can look this up and remind myself of why I’m still with Lulu. 
TLDR: Not only does Draft2Digital want 60% of my print book royalties where Lulu takes 0%, and $30 for a proof that costs me $11 at Lulu, but I also appear to have solved the problem of why Lulu was making me price my books so goddamn artificially high. Which is like. Honestly the best anti-anxiety drug I’ve experienced this week. 
Basically there are a number of elements that go into self-publishing with a print-on-demand service. For some publishers, there’s a “setup fee” which doesn’t really set anything up, it’s just there to be a fee, everything is done by computer on the back end. Traditionally, Lulu has not charged a setup fee. Smashwords used to charge $50, but Draft2Digital currently waives it. I was heartened by that because the setup fee was keeping me from migrating, since I can afford $50 but I balk at knowing I’m paying them $50 for nothing. 
Next is the cost of printing -- what it costs the company in paper, ink, machinery, labor, etc, to just make a book with no profit. Lulu’s price calculus isn’t super clear and I’ve never bothered looking at what the breakdown is, because they’re pretty up-front -- they tell you in the process of setting the book up how much it’ll cost. In this case, a 140-page 6x9 trade paperback, no frills, which is how all my books are printed, is $5. Draft2Digital doesn’t tell you the flat price anywhere but they do offer the breakdown information; it costs $1.22 flat plus $0.0133 per page. So, for a 140 page book, the at-cost is $3.08. So far so good. 
Now, if you’re going to sell through Lulu, the “at cost” is the minimum price. You won’t make any money but you CAN charge just $5 for a $5 book. Any pricing above that is your cut. So -- let’s price this 140 page trade paperback at $13-$15. That’s a bit high to be honest but let’s just see. At Lulu, your take is roughly $6-$8 based on those prices, because you’re just dropping out the cost of printing from the retail price. 
At Draft2Digital, the same 140-page trade paperback, which remember is quoted as costing roughly $1.20 less to print than Lulu charges, gets you $2.75-$3.50 in royalties per book.
....wait, what? 
So now we need to sidetrack a little but I promise it’s for a reason. One of the motivations for looking into a change to Draft2Digital is that I didn’t like that Lulu was setting higher “minimum prices” than I was accustomed to -- they would tell me the book only cost $5 to print but require me to sell it for $12 or similar, and I couldn’t work out why. I’m an idiot but the penny did finally drop: it’s because when you distribute them outside of Lulu (say, on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or similar) your royalties drop like a stone. $7 in royalties purchased through Lulu comes out to like twenty-five cents purchased through Amazon. So Lulu forces you to price the book at a point where you even GET royalties and don’t end up weirdly owing Amazon money. The “global distribution” is what’s driving that minimum up. 
So in price-quoting a competitor I actually solved the problem with Lulu. 
Which is good, because the fun doesn’t stop there. If you want a proof copy of a book from Lulu, it’s the at-cost of the book, plus tax, plus postage. Buying a proof copy of this book from Lulu would cost me $11. Lulu makes you order a new proof copy every time you make a change, which is shady, but usually I only need to make 1-2 changes across the life of a book, so at most the cost will probably be $35 and for that I’ll get three copies of the book. Draft2Digital doesn’t give you an option. If you want a proof pre-publication, it’s $30 flat. If you want to publish and then buy a copy you can, but you can only make one change to the book every 90 days once it’s published. If you want to make more than one change, it’s $25 every time you upload a new version of the manuscript within that 90 day period.
So Draft2Digital’s books cost less to print but they take a massive cut of your royalties out of the retail cost of the book. If the book costs $3 to print, and I price it at $15, that’s $12 in profit on the book. Of that $12, however, I only receive $4. Draft2Digital literally wants 2/3 of my royalties per book. They want $20 more than Lulu to send me a proof copy. If I need to correct the proof, the correction is free, but I’m assuming the second proof will also cost me $30. Any changes after that, within 90 days, will cost $25 plus $30 for a new proof.
Which means my upfront costs at Lulu are about $35 per published book; to do the same thing at Draft2Digital is between $60 and $105 depending on whether I need to make changes after the second proof copy. And even after that, my royalties at Lulu are just about twice what they would be at Draft2Digital per purchase. 
So, well, Lulu it is. And the problem I was having with Lulu is solved if I decide to just retail through Lulu rather than selling globally. Which...selling globally has done two things that I’m aware of:
1. Fucked up my author page so badly on Amazon that one of my books is still attributed to Kathleen Starbuck, and one of her books is for sale on my author page. 
2. Raised the minimum price I’m allowed to set my books at by like, 40%. 
So I think probably what’s going to happen is going forward my books will be for sale only on Lulu. I can still assign them ISBNs and they still will ship worldwide, and the prices will fall significantly. My deepest apologies to those of you who have paid an artificially inflated price for the last few books; I’m going to fix that going forward, I’m going to go in and try to fix it retroactively in the books that are already on Lulu, and if it’s any consolation at least the cash came to me, and TWO THIRDS OF IT didn’t go to Lulu. 
It’s gonna take me a little time, untangling Lulu’s relationship to other retailers is tricky, but eventually the Shivadh Omnibus and Twelve Points should come down significantly in price, and there ought to be a dollar or two drop for the older books as well. 
This is why it always pays to do the math, even if like me you are dreadful at it. 
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see-arcane · 7 months
The Vampyres--The Bones and Blood of the Book
Good news! I’m not dead and the book isn’t either! Just shambling slowly through the wasteland of the publication process. It’s been a bit since I last waved this bloody morsel around. So, consider this a progress report on the state of the novella, the prospective publishing options, and a few other questions that have been bouncing around in the inbox.
I have a website now! For some reason.
It's See Arcane Scribbles.
Smaller Edit:
Got a Spotify too for story soundtrack goodness:
First things first—and the first part of a finished book is the cover. Here are some mockups I’ve been juggling, starting with the original placeholder. They’re far from perfect, but I’m proud of what I managed with a fairly skinny graphic art skill set.
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Copyright: Technically speaking, you have the copyright to your own writing once you put it to paper or screen. But this is somehow a different thing from a legally-binding registered copyright, which everyone declares is a must-have if you want your work to be protected with more than a non-textual trust-fall exercise, hoping nobody steals your work and runs.
That said, electronic registration with the copyright office is $65, or $45 to register one work by one author.
ISBN: I only recently learned the words behind this acronym. ‘International Standard Book Number.’ It’s the ID on a book that marks it as unique and helps commercial booksellers and libraries circulate it. Each iteration of a book—paperback, digital, hardcover, new editions, et cetera—has its own ISBN. When you’re publishing on your own, you purchase ISBNs through a service called Bowker.
One book/version’s ISBN costs $125.
There are better bargains the higher the number of books and/or versions you go, starting at a bulk of 10 books for $295. But as I only have the one (1) skinny novella on the table, that’s a no-go. Which begs the question of how many ISBNs are in store for this little monster. It depends on how many formats I go with.
eBook: The quickest and most cost-efficient option across the board for any self-publication service. Short, sweet, no printing pains of trim sizes or distribution costs or formatting, oh my. Nice.
Paperback VS Hardcover: …But I am now and forever a sucker for physical media. Even though it’s a teeny brochure of a thing, I want to hold a physical copy of The Vampyres in my hands! So bad! And every service I’ve looked through has stated the obvious: Hardcover costs more than paperback. My heart won’t break if I have to stick with paperback to spare everyone’s wallets—hardcovers are pricy in both directions!—but I am a little torn. Especially as physical size might affect the price too.
Here we have two of my favorite quick reads, an anthology of Poe stories and Clive Barker’s novella, The Hellbound Heart.
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The Poe book is a clothbound hardcover. 6.5 x 4.5 inches, a bit over 120 pages.
The Hellbound Heart is roughly 8 x 5 inches (about standard for a novella), at 164 pages. But unlike Poe, it looks like Barker took some liberties with the spacing and font size.
Standard size dimensions cost less than unique cuts, which means that whether paperback or hardcover, I sadly have to say goodbye to the petite palm-sized edition I was hoping for. On the upside, good news to us crap-vision readers—the font’s going to get H U G E in order to make the book more than a pamphlet with delusions of grandeur.
Audiobook: The fact is, my voice is not up to the task of reciting anything with appropriate gravitas and I think we’ve all been spoiled by @re-dracula and assorted other podcasts’ skill in orating. I don’t have the cash to hire a professional and I’m not about to accept anyone’s freebie offers. I won’t pickpocket friends for their talent. If an audio version ever comes along for any story of mine it’ll be down the road when it proves worth the format’s effort and cost.
REVIEWS (and a Foreword!)
It was the best of times (People reading the thing! Commenting on the thing! Good good good—), it was the worst of times (The Mortifying Ordeal of People Reading and Commenting on the Thing). Time for what every advice site declares a book absolutely must have the moment it’s thrust into the wild.
Reviews, reviews, reviews.
I’ve already bitten several bullets and passed copies out to a handful of fellow scribblers to scrutinize, their reviews destined to be hung up like literary gold stars on their bookselling site of choice, my own included. Now comes my preliminary grovel to readers en masse to please drop a review, a comment, a blurb of any shape or size where you can once The Vampyres drops. I’ve already gotten some early comments that have consisted mostly of screaming. Screams also count as a review.
As an aside, there are two folks in particular who I reached out to who exist in the stratosphere of Coolest People in the Vampiric Lit scene. They promptly exploded me into disbelieving giblets when they told me, yes, they’d be happy to read my little story and offer up a review and a foreword for the book respectively.
I’m not sure what the decorum here is, but for safety (and surprise’s) sake, I’ll not name names. But they are names I’ve been happy to come across for the past two years while neck deep in the undead book club. I’m infinitely grateful to both of them and am waiting on pins, needles, stakes and kukri blades by my inbox so I can pin their words up inside the book itself.
To get one of the biggest questions out of the way, let’s talk about Barking Harker.
My very own object lesson on sunk cost fallacy.
I wrote my way through a goddamn cinderblock of text without even grazing the finish line of the first section of the story. A story made of so many convoluted triple-decker layers of subplots and side characters that it had the structural integrity of a monolithic Nature Valley granola bar, just waiting to fall apart under its own weight. Such is the hubris and curse of too-many-words-itis. The Vampyres remains a miraculous fluke, jotted down during an overdue break from BH’s slog. Not just because I tripped and fell into finishing the story, but because it’s comparatively compact! Brevity at last!
For those still craving the assorted gothic and ghoulish promises of the initial novel idea, don’t worry, those aren’t going anywhere. I’ve just crumbled the metaphorical bloodstained granola by my own hand and have done the sane thing of parsing out the various subplots to become the foundations of their own stories. Which they really should have been from the get-go. Insert 100+ clown emojis here.
On that note, I am turning into WIPs Georg over here. Good god.
I hesitate to throw myself all-in again and make promises of X Story that may leave me spinning my mental wheels or ballooning the plot out into a behemoth that can’t be steered back on course. Even so, here’s a peek at a few ideas I currently have on the brain.
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Not exactly lacking for stories. It’s just a matter of seeing which of them breaks ahead of the herd and squeezes out into the publication ether first.
Blah, blah, requisite reminder that I have a Ko-Fi where you can donate a buck or commission my best attempt at art, blah. Any pennies are a help.
But I’m betting very few of you came around here for my doodles. Somehow, a good amount of people tripped into this pit with me because you enjoy the rambles and horrors I’ve written over the years. Maybe some of you will even buy my book once it’s out. And you, there, on the other side of the screen—you’re reading this right now. You made it all the way to the bottom of this pile of exposition just because you wanted to. So, thank you.
Thank you for reading this far. Thank you for reading before and reading what’s to come. Thank you for giving me the confidence to even consider shouldering my own work out into the wider world.
Thank you.
P.S. If you want to re-read the preview, go here!
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Since you've mentioned that you use Scrivener as a word processing software, I have a bit of a weird-ish question. I have looked at the programme and it seems incredibly useful, and then I looked at the pricetag and- gulp.
I currently use Word which costs 5 euros per year thanks to university, but am thinking about switching to another programme that isn't related to my uni as I feel too paranoid about my smutty fanfic ideas being looked at by my uni and them disapproving of my writing. XD (Word keeps marking "fuck" with a squiggly line and suggesting I choose another word to avoid offending my readers, but if canon doesn't give Barclay some holographic MMF action taking place during "A Fistful of Datas" and turning both his holographic partners into holographic Data and therefore inducing maximum tension and insecurity due to feelings in poor sandwiched Barclay whenever he meets actual Data after that, I will have to write it myself! :P )
According to the website where one can buy a Scrivener license, one pays for the current version of it and will have to buy later versions anew if I haven't misunderstood. You seem to have used it for quite a while, and I haven't managed to find out when the different versions came out. I know the current one is 3, but I am unsure how much time passed between 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, and am unsure whether it's a good idea to buy a license now or whether it would be wiser to wait if it's likely that another version might be released in the near future (that is within one year for example) because then I might wait a little while with my purchase, heh. It probably sounds quite stingy but I am solely getting it for my tiny and too seldom indulged hobby of writing fanfic, and currently have to kinda sorta pay more attention to my wallet and where its contents go, so to say, which is why I'm hesitant.
The question basically is: As a (probable?) long-time user, do you think it's likely a new version of Scrivener will be released within the next year or so or do you think it's likely the current version will be tha latest to purchase for a longer while than 1-2 years?
I hope this rambly mess makes sense, haven't really slept for quite some time, so I am sorry if this is terribly incomprehensible. Sorry for the weird stingy question. Have a nice day and I hope you have slept and will sleep better than I currently do, heh!
I've only used it for like three years.
A quick google suggests that Scrivener 2 was released in 2010. 3 was released in 2017 basically to keep up with OS changes.
(IDK what you searched, but this isn't hard to find, dude.)
Scrivener is a fairly... old-fashioned style of software, I guess I'd call it. Some dude wrote himself a program to write his own novel and then people liked it. Some other guy decided to port it to Windows.
They update approximately never. When they do, recent buyers of the old one upgrade for free and everybody else gets like half off. The trial period is 30 days of actual use. The current retail license for 3 is only like sixty bucks. It's a commercial product, but... not like you've been trained to expect by your average modern software that wants to nickle and dime you at every turn.
Do you need Scrivener? Well, no. Not unless you want customizable high-level ebook output formatting and fancy features like that. You could just use some other free option if you just want to type stories in something that isn't Word. But Scrivener is priced extremely low for what it is.
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The Adventures of Viola Stewart eBooks/Covers Update
If you’ve visited my website recently, you’ll notice some changes on my shop page, especially with the eBook selection. Higher patron supporters (watching my youTube/video livechats) will know something is brewing. Now I’ve revealed my plans to all my patrons, it’s time to spill to you – my subscribers. There are four main reasons for my planned changes:
I’ve been getting feedback that readers would prefer the eBooks to match the paperbacks. It was confusing to have 3 paperbacks, and 7 eBooks.
I’ve sold all but one of my eBook cards with the 7 eBooks.
Plus, the covers are dated.
Finally, Smashwords has been folded into Draft2Digital (I currently use both to publish my eBooks)
Everything was getting too unwieldly; it was time to update the eBooks, give them a new look, and streamline the series.
Step one: I’ve delisted all the Viola Stewart eBooks except The Adventures of Viola Stewart#6: Tomorrow When I Die, The eBook recieved a more Christmassy cover last year, and is now renamed to match the cover: Tomorrow When I Die: A Christmas Story, with a note to the reader to let them know the story is also in The Illusioneer & Other Tales book.
      Step two: The other six eBooks were delisted on both Draft2Digital and Smashwords, and removed from my website shop.
Step three: I’ve uploaded three new eBooks (with covers matching the paperbacks): Doctor Jack & Other Tales, Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales, The Illusioneer & Other Tales to Draft2Digital. From there they will be now be distributed to Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo, and other online stores. The current scheduled release is:
1st Feb, 2023: Doctor Jack & Other Tales, 
1st March, 2023: Eye of the Beholder & Other Tales, 
1st April, 2023: The Illusioneer & Other Tales
I’m still deciding on when/how to do official launches for the re-releases. Likely there’ll be one for all three paperbacks just after 1st January. For the eBooks, possibly a short video or live on each launch day? I’d love to know what you think.
This post was posted for my patrons first. It will be shared with my website blog (public) in the coming week.
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If, as they used to say, everyone has a book in them, AI has created a world where tech utopianists dream openly about excising the human part of writing a book — any amount of artistry or craft or even just sheer effort — and replacing it with machine-generated streams of text; as though putting in the labor of writing is a sucker’s game; as though caring whether or not what you’re reading is nonsense is only for elitists. The future is now, and it is filled with trash books that no one bothered to really write and that certainly no one wants to read. The saddest part about it, though, is that the garbage books don’t actually make that much money either. It’s even possible to lose money generating your low-quality ebook to sell on Kindle for $0.99. The way people make money these days is by teaching students the process of making a garbage ebook. It’s grift and garbage all the way down — and the people who ultimately lose out are the readers and writers who love books. None of this is happening through any willful malice, per se, on the part of the platforms that now run publishing and book-selling. It’s happening more because the platforms are set up to incentivize everything to cost as little as possible, even if it’s garbage.
The incentives of the modern book-selling economy for writers are to keep your costs low, low, low and your volume high, high, high, and definitely put your book on Amazon because where else are you going to sell an ebook? The incentive of the modern book-buying economy for readers is to go onto Amazon and lazily click around with a few search terms, and then buy the first book that looks right with the click of a single button. The incentives are, in other words, driving us all straight into a flood of garbage.
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megumi-fm · 5 months
☆ little changes in my routine with big positive impacts ☆
sleep schedule: after years of trying to make the regular 10pm-6am sleep cycle work for me, I have decided to stop. time is a construct and there is no reason to sleep or wake up at 'conventional time' if my body clock is different. recently I've been going to bed at around 12:30pm/1:00am and I wake up at around 7:30am- which seems to be my body wake time. because of this, I wake feeling refreshed although I'm getting lesser hours of sleep. in fact, I wake up before my alarm rings on most days, and it's always a joy to learn that I get to spend ten more minutes in bed before my clock rings xD
night showers: another thing that has greatly helped my sleep is taking a shower a bit before bed. I find it really calming and as a way of actively processing the day and clearing my head before going to bed. I can also skip morning showers on days I need to get to work early. Plus, clean clothes and clean sheets help me sleep better. the only disadvantage to this is that I'm a shower singer and I tend to get in the feels and belt out notes to my favourite songs, which I can't do anymore considering the fact that my shower is around 11am and I shouldn't be disturbing the neighbors :P
switching out social media: deleting social media apps was the easy part. the real challenge was trying to find things to do in those spark moments of boredom when I find myself on the phone. I tried reading ebooks, but I wasn't able to focus. so I started bookmarking links I find interesting so that I can check them out whenever I get the urge to doomscroll. a lot of studyblr link cool videos or articles on their dop posts often, but most of my links come from the Tom Scott Newsletter. unlike the tiredness that comes with doomscrolling, I always feel refreshed and smarter when I use my phone lately. the urge to use my phone has weaned off as well.
digital journaling: when I first started journaling several years ago, it just did not work for me. I think I was more focused on writing everything in a certain way and implementing trackers and spreads that weren't functional for me. but I switched to notion for the past few months and stripped down the journalling process to it's bare essentials. I add a to-do list for the day, a cute picture I either took or found on the internet, and a note on how my day went and how I felt. there's also a checkbox for sleep, water, and exercise. sometimes I add notes on stuff I watch or read, but for the most part it's just this. it takes me just 15min, and I can update it as and when I like because of the phone app, and it helps me stay productive and motivated for the whole day. sometimes I embed gifs of my fav blorbos and go on about them 🤭
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