#eBook writing techniques
marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
A Writer's Journey - Discover The Steps To Writing An eBook That Stands Out
Creating an outstanding eBook requires a strategic approach and dedication to quality content. Follow a structured writing process to ensure your eBook captures and retains reader attention.
Embarking on the journey of writing an eBook can be both exciting and daunting. The key to success lies in the ability to distinguish your work amidst a sea of digital content. This requires not only a compelling topic that resonates with your target audience but also a clear, concise writing style underpinned by thorough research and planning.
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Embarking On The Ebook Odyssey
Writing an ebook is an adventure, a creative journey transforming ideas into digital pages. It’s a quest that demands courage, commitment, and clarity. With each chapter, writers navigate the vast sea of digital publishing to deliver a work that connects, informs, and entertains.
Personal Motivations And Goals
Every writer embarks on their ebook journey for unique reasons. Some seek to share expertise or stories, while others chase the dream of becoming a published author. Understanding personal motivations clarifies purpose and fuels perseverance.
Sharing knowledge — Educate readers on a specific topic.
Telling stories — Captivate audiences with compelling narratives.
Building authority — Establish expertise in a chosen field.
Generating income — Create a passive revenue stream.
Fulfilling aspirations — Realize the goal of publishing a book.
Identifying goals is crucial. Clear goals navigate the writing process and shape the ebook’s path to success.
The Rising Popularity Of Ebooks
The digital revolution has made ebooks incredibly popular. Their convenience and accessibility have revolutionized reading habits globally.
Ebook AdvantagesImpact on ReadersPortabilityCarry a library on a deviceCost-effectiveOften cheaper than print booksInteractiveLinks, audio, and video enhance experienceEco-friendlyNo paper used, reducing environmental impact
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Credit: www.amazon.com
Crafting The Ebook Concept
Crafting the Ebook Concept is a foundational step on a writer’s journey to producing an ebook that truly stands out. This crucial phase involves deep thinking and strategic planning to ensure your ebook resonates with readers and achieves its purpose. From selecting a topic that sparks interest to understanding your target audience and analyzing the market, this stage sets the trajectory for your ebook’s success.
Selecting A Captivating Topic
Selecting the right topic is pivotal. It ignites curiosity and encourages downloads. Follow these tips to pinpoint a subject that captivates:
Identify your passions: Write about what excites you.
Know your strengths: Choose a topic that showcases your expertise.
Uncover gaps: Seek out areas with limited resources.
Check trends: Use Google Trends to discover popular themes.
Market Analysis And Audience Targeting
Understanding your market and audience ensures your ebook meets readers’ needs. Here’s a brief guide:
Audience InsightsCompetitive ResearchCollect data on reader demographics, interests, and challenges.Analyze top-performing ebooks in your niche.Create reader personas to target content accurately.Identify content gaps left by competitors.Engage with potential readers through surveys and social media.Review reader feedback on similar ebooks for improvement ideas.
Implement the insights gathered to tailor your ebook to your audience’s preferences. Doing so increases your ebook’s appeal and potential impact.
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Initial Drafting: Laying The Foundation
An author’s first steps in the journey of writing an eBook are crucial. The initial drafting phase is akin to building the base of a house. It must be strong and well-structured. For robust eBook creation, focusing on an outline and cultivating productive writing habits are essential. Let’s explore how to craft this essential groundwork. With a clear outline and consistent writing routines, your eBook will start to take shape, firmly standing on the foundation you lay.
Outlining Your Ebook
Outlining your eBook acts as a blueprint for your writing adventure. Start with brainstorming key ideas and categorize them into chapters. Organize thoughts and research into a logical flow. Below are steps to create an effective outline:
Identify the main theme of your eBook.
Break down the theme into subtopics or chapters.
Arrange chapters in a coherent, engaging order.
Detail each chapter with bullet points of key concepts.
Refine the outline by reviewing and rearranging as needed.
Writing Rituals And Routines
Consistency transforms ordinary tasks into extraordinary achievements. Establishing writing rituals and routines is the engine that will power you through the drafting process. Consider these tips:
Select a specific time of day for writing.
Set achievable daily word count targets.
Create a comfortable, distraction-free writing space.
Commit to regular short breaks to maintain focus.
Track your progress and adjust goals accordingly.
Remember, structured routines lead to sustainable writing habits. Every word you write builds the foundation of your eBook, paving the way to success. Embrace these initial drafting steps and watch as your eBook begins to take life!
Refining Your Draft
Imagine your ebook as a diamond in the rough. Refining your draft shapes this gem into its final, sparkling glory. This key phase in your writing journey involves honing your manuscript with precision. It requires self-editing techniques and beta reader feedback to elevate the quality of your work. Grab your polishing tools; let’s make your ebook dazzle on the digital shelves!
Self-editing Techniques
Transform your first draft into a polished masterpiece by mastering self-editing. Aim for clarity, coherence, and conciseness throughout your ebook.
Read Aloud: Spot clumsy phrasing and awkward dialogue easily.
Check Consistency: Ensure character details and plot points remain constant.
Look for Overused Words: Replace repetitions with synonyms for variety.
Simplify Complex Sentences: Short, direct sentences bring clarity.
Focus on Flow: Transition smoothly between topics and chapters.
Grammar and Spell Check: Use tools like Grammarly to correct basic errors.
After self-revisions, your draft should feel tighter and more engaging.
Incorporating Beta Reader Feedback
External perspectives shed light on areas you might have overlooked. Beta readers provide invaluable feedback before your final edit action.
Choose the Right Readers: Select individuals from your target audience.
Provide Clear Instructions: Ask specific questions about your book.
Analyze Feedback: Identify common trends in the comments received.
Prioritize Changes: Tackle major issues before minor adjustments.
Update Your Draft: Apply changes that align with your book’s vision.
Beta reader insights can dramatically improve your ebook’s effectiveness and reader appeal.
By harnessing both self-editing techniques and beta reader insights, your ebook will shine brilliantly among its peers. Your writing journey edges closer to a successful publication with every careful revision. Put in the effort during this phase, and readers will notice the professionalism and care infused into your work.
Professional Touch: Editing And Cover Design
To stand out in the vast sea of ebooks, your masterpiece needs a professional touch. Transforming a good ebook into a great one demands meticulous editing and a cover that captures attention. Let’s delve into how these essential elements elevate your ebook’s appeal.
Hiring An Editor
Polished content reflects your professionalism. A skilled editor fine-tunes your ebook, ensuring clarity and coherence. An editor also brings fresh perspectives, catching subtle grammatical nuances that may bypass your keen eyes. Let’s break down the editing process:
Developmental Editing: This phase refines your ebook’s structure and flow.
Copy Editing: Here, your grammar, spelling, and punctuation get scrutinized.
Proofreading: The final look before publishing, this step irons out lingering errors.
Selecting the right editor can be a game-changer for your ebook’s success. Opt for professionals who align with your vision and writing style.
Designing An Eye-catching Cover
First impressions count, and your ebook’s cover is crucial. A striking cover beckons potential readers, hinting at the adventure within. Key elements to consider:
Use bold colors and legible typography that align with your content.
Ensure your imagery is high-quality and relevant to your ebook’s theme.
Keep it simple: Avoid clutter. A clean, professional look is key.
For those not well-versed in design, commissioning a graphic designer is a smart move. They can craft a cover that embodies your ebook’s essence while also being visually compelling.
Remember, your cover is your storefront — make it count!
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Preparing For Ebook Launch
The journey of writing an ebook culminates in its launch, a pivotal moment that requires precise preparation and strategy. This critical phase determines the reach and impact of your work. Embrace these steps for a launch that not only grabs attention but also sustains interest in the literary market.
Building An Online Presence
Establishing a digital footprint is essential for modern authors. Start by creating an author website with a memorable domain name. Use it to share your story and connect with readers.
Engage on social media. Choose platforms where your target audience loves to hang out.
Post regularly on your blog. It should offer valuable content, not just book promotions.
Network with other authors and industry influencers. Consider collaborations for broader reach.
Developing A Marketing Strategy
Having an actionable plan is crucial. Start by identifying your core audience. Who will love your book the most? Craft a message that speaks to them directly.
Design attractive graphics for promotions. Use tools like Canva.
Schedule an official book launch event. It could be online or in a local bookstore.
Collect email addresses for direct marketing campaigns. Offer an ebook teaser for sign-ups.
Utilize early reviews to build anticipation. Reach out to book bloggers and offer a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
Marketing Timeline for Ebook LaunchTimeframeAction6 Weeks BeforeFinalize book cover and description.4 Weeks BeforeSend press releases to media outlets.2 Weeks BeforeBegin countdown on social media.Launch DayHost live Q&A session with readers.
Post-launch: Maintaining Momentum
The thrill of publishing an ebook doesn’t end at launch. Keeping the momentum is key. You’ve crossed the finish line, but the race goes on. Smart strategies post-launch can make your ebook a continued success. Let’s explore how to sustain the buzz!
Gathering And Utilizing Reviews
Reviews are your ebook’s best friends. They build trust and provide social proof. Positive feedback propels more sales. It’s like a chain reaction.
Ask readers for reviews right after they finish the ebook.
Use email campaigns to remind buyers to leave their thoughts.
Showcase top reviews on your website and social media.
Respond to feedback, even the negative, to show you care.
Treat reviews as gold. Use them to refine your writing. They can guide your next project.
Planning Your Next Writing Project
Don’t let the momentum fade. Start planning your next ebook. Use insights from your recent launch to make the next one even better.
TaskActionAnalyze what workedCheck which marketing efforts brought the best results.Look at reader feedbackConsider what readers loved and what they wanted more of.Set goals for the next bookBe specific about what you want to achieve.
Keep your writing muscle active. Start brainstorming. Outline ideas. Dive into the next adventure.
Growth is continuous. So is the journey of a writer. Keep learning, keep improving, keep writing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is An Ebook?
An ebook is a digital book format that readers can access on electronic devices such as computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Why Write An Ebook?
Writing an ebook allows authors to easily share and distribute their work globally, target specific audiences, and often, self-publish.
How To Start Writing An Ebook?
Begin by choosing a compelling topic, create an outline, and dedicate time for consistent writing to maintain progress on the ebook.
What Makes An Ebook Stand Out?
A unique perspective, engaging content, exceptional value to the reader, and professional formatting are key elements that make an ebook stand out.
Tips For Marketing An Ebook?
Effective ebook marketing strategies include building an email list, leveraging social media platforms, and getting reviews to enhance credibility and visibility.
Embarking on an ebook creation journey marks the beginning of an exciting adventure for any writer. By following the steps outlined, your book can shine amidst a sea of digital content. Remember, crafting an engaging narrative and providing unique insights will captivate readers and set your work apart.
Keep honing your skills, stay true to your voice, and the path to a standout ebook is yours to claim.
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Thanks for reading my article on A Writer’s Journey — Discover The Steps To Writing An eBook That Stands Out, hope it will help!
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Source : A Writer’s Journey — Discover The Steps To Writing An eBook That Stands Out
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A Tail-Wagging Guide: Unleashing the Power of Dog Health eBook & Dog Owner's Delight eBook
As a new dog owner, I was overwhelmed with information on caring for my furry friend. Sifting through conflicting advice online left me confused. That's when I discovered the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle, and it's been a game-changer for my relationship with my dog.
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Empowering Knowledge for a Healthy Pup
The Dog Health eBook is a comprehensive guide that dives deep into all aspects of canine health. From understanding basic nutrition to recognizing the signs of illness, this eBook provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-understand format. The clear explanations and helpful illustrations empowered me to make informed decisions about my dog's diet, exercise routine, and overall well-being.
Beyond the Physical: Training and Behavioral Insights
The Dog Owner's Delight eBook complements the health focus perfectly. This guide delves into the fascinating world of dog psychology and training techniques. It explores the importance of positive reinforcement and offers practical tips for tackling common behavioural issues like barking, chewing, and leash pulling. Thanks to this eBook, I've been able to build a stronger bond with my dog based on mutual respect and understanding.
A Tailored Approach to Different Dog Breeds
Both eBooks go a step further by acknowledging the unique needs of different dog breeds. They offer valuable insights on breed-specific health concerns and training approaches. This personalized approach ensured that the information I learned was relevant to my dog's specific needs and characteristics.
A Valuable Resource for All Dog Owners
Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a new puppy parent like myself, this eBook bundle offers something valuable. The combination of health and training knowledge provides a well-rounded understanding of canine care. The clear writing style makes the information accessible to everyone, regardless of prior experience.
An Investment in a Happy and Healthy Dog
While the eBooks themselves are a digital product, the knowledge gained is an investment that pays off in a big way. By understanding my dog's health needs and learning effective training techniques, I'm able to provide a happier and healthier life for my furry companion. The wagging tail and those puppy dog eyes say it all!
Overall, the Dog Health eBook and Dog Owner's Delight eBook bundle is an invaluable resource for any dog owner. It empowers you with the knowledge and tools to create a strong bond with your dog and ensure their overall well-being.
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sueclancy · 2 years
Odditerrarium, art, ants, anteaters and books
Odditerrarium, art, ants, anteaters and books
Ants are making progress… in my new artist book that is! In my last post I was working on “Ant Hology” using a collage of letters, ink and gouache. It’s another miniature 2 inch square book that opens to 20 inches long. Here’s the progress: The letters I used came from Columbia Gorge Book Arts. Now to do the graphic design hocus pocus and send a digital file containing all of these ants to…
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2soulscollide · 3 months
FREE: eBook - The Dialogue Guide for Writers
Hello, hello! It's me, Rach.
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Have you ever found yourself completely immersed in a book, captured not only by the plot but also by the dialogue between the characters? Well, it’s known that dialogue has the power to transform an ordinary story into an extraordinary journey, bringing the characters to life and making the pages come to life before our eyes.
If you’re a lover of good writing, this eBook is the right tool for you. Here, we'll delve into the world of effective dialogue in fiction writing.
Throughout these pages, we will explore not only the vital importance of dialogue in storytelling, but also practical techniques for writing it in a captivating and authentic way. You'll learn how dialogue can reveal character depth, take the plot forward, and create lasting emotional connections with readers.
Download it now for free: Click me :)
Don't forget to reblog to help this freebie reach more people! <3
Happy writing,
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titleknown · 5 months
So, a tiny cool project that didn't have dick to do with generative AI (In that it was a lot simpler, but still useful) got bullied off the internet because the books it used to gather its data were pirated and people got pissy.
And like, while I previously didn't have much to say about this wrt AI except "Maybe we should just chill," I kinda realize that the backlash against this can lead into a valuable object lesson.
Because like, I've heard a lot of people suggest in response to well-informed folks like @chromegnomes saying "Anything we could do against AI would have a negative effect on fair use" that "Oh, well we should just make those laws apply to AI then."
And I can understand the mindset, cutting the gordian knot and all that. But the thing is, we tried that technique of "It doesn't count if it's on a computer" before. With online filesharing. And it fucked over everyone except the megacorps.
The right to "first sale," the right that lets you share movies/music/ect you bought was basically destroyed in the digital realm due to fears of stuff like Napster torpedoing the music industry.
The catastrophic consequences of this on preservation have been numerous as you are no doubt aware, but the most relevant one is that that destruction of "first sale" is currently being used to destroy the Internet Archive's online library in favor of the publishing industry's predatory ebook pricing/lending model, even with them being very careful to try and avoid it.
Note that a lot of the biggest names in anti-AI-art such as Jon Lam, Karla Oritz and Neil Turkewitz have been directly cheering on the attempts to kill the Archive, but that's neither here nor there.
But, imagine if the anti-AI-art laws, exempting anything using AI from protection by fair use, end up killing projects like this one.
Further, imagine if something like the Wayback Machine ends up using AI as a means of improving its operations in vital and important ways and some assholes like; say; Facebook or Google decide to sue to kill it.
Don't be fooled. There are better ways to defend your livelihood as an artist than putting the copyright noose around another neck.
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amazonbooksauthor · 19 days
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Elevate Your Worth: Conquering Inferiority by Meera Mandakini - Unlock Your True Potential
In a world where self-doubt can often hold us back, Meera Mandakini’s "Elevate Your Worth: Conquering Inferiority" offers a transformative journey towards self-empowerment. Available on Amazon in both ebook and paperback formats, this insightful book is a must-read for anyone looking to overcome feelings of inadequacy and unlock their true potential.
Discovering the Roots of Inferiority Mandakini begins by exploring the deep-seated origins of inferiority. She examines how societal pressures, early life experiences, and internalized negative beliefs shape our self-worth. By understanding these underlying factors, readers can start to unravel the complex emotions that contribute to their feelings of inferiority.
Practical Strategies for Self-Empowerment The book is packed with practical strategies that go beyond theoretical concepts. Mandakini offers mindfulness exercises, cognitive behavioral techniques, and other actionable advice that readers can easily incorporate into their daily lives. These tools are designed to build self-confidence and help individuals face challenges with renewed strength.
Real-Life Stories of Transformation To make her advice relatable and inspiring, Mandakini includes real-life stories of individuals who have successfully overcome feelings of inferiority. These narratives provide powerful examples of personal transformation, demonstrating that it is possible to conquer self-doubt and achieve one’s goals.
A Comprehensive Approach to Personal Growth What sets "Elevate Your Worth" apart is its holistic approach to personal growth. Mandakini emphasizes the importance of balancing mental, emotional, and physical well-being. She advocates for a lifestyle that includes healthy habits, supportive relationships, and continuous self-improvement, ensuring that readers can make lasting changes in all areas of their lives.
Acclaim and Praise "Elevate Your Worth" has received high praise from readers and critics alike. Reviewers commend the book for its insightful content, engaging writing style, and practical relevance. Many readers have reported significant improvements in their self-esteem and overall outlook on life after applying Mandakini’s techniques.
Accessible and Convenient Available in both ebook and paperback formats, "Elevate Your Worth" is easily accessible to a wide audience. The ebook format is perfect for those who prefer digital reading, while the paperback edition offers a tangible resource for regular reference. With the convenience of Amazon, this valuable guide is just a click away.
Conclusion "Elevate Your Worth: Conquering Inferiority" by Meera Mandakini is a powerful resource for anyone struggling with self-doubt. Through a blend of insightful analysis, practical strategies, and inspirational stories, Mandakini provides a roadmap to self-empowerment. Whether you’re aiming to overcome personal challenges or simply want to boost your self-esteem, this book is an essential addition to your library. Begin your journey towards a more confident and empowered self by getting your copy on Amazon today.
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bsaka7 · 9 months
tetrapod's footie(ish) reading list...so far
books i've read this year
Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis - yes, i'm aware this is about baseball...but it's also about efficient and effective sports management (and arsene does get a shoutout!). i'm also fully aware this is one of the most popular sports books of all time. well. that's the case for a reason. for me, very helpful for understanding how "empirical" analysis in sports is used and the basic reasoning of how some chunk of it all "works"
The Mixer: The Story of Premier League Tactics, from Route One to False Nines by Michael Cox - insufferable to read about United's successes but really helped give me a base on tactical development even though there's a tonnnnnn i still don't get at all. i wish this book had DIAGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! however, it did give a decent history of the development of the prem and gave me a lot of stuff to look up....and i can sort of get the diagrams in the athletic a little better...
Arsene Wenger: The Biography by Xavier Rivoire - my biggest (unfair bc i got it for lik3 $4) gripe is that this is a bit out of date. it rlly helped me conceptualize how the arsene i met tuning into arsenal and falling stupidly head-over-heels at age 10...became that manager, without being overly intrusive or personal
[Redacted] by [Redacted] - extremely mid autobiography i'm not saying more. the hate of the team this is related to was only intensified by reading this.
[Redacted] by [Redacted] - still mid but better than the other one, if somehow even whinier. good insight to managers and their techniques. also, i really don't understand writing an autobiography in like, the early-latter-third of your playing career? you couldn't wait?
Addicted by Tony Adams and Ian Ridley - i imagine that the fact that this was co-written helped with the cohesion and helped craft it into the deeply personal and compelling narrative that it is. again, really good insight into managers and what they bring to the team, changing team culture, Tony's view on some of the great players he crossed paths with, as well as his own character. his hall of fame video makes me insanely emotional.
Stillness and Speed by Dennis Bergkamp and David Winner - technically this is also a co-write, but it's more of like, a funky interview. really fun, interesting, bringing in the Dutch perspective but a bit heavy on the 2010s Ajax coup/rebuild stuff. I was smiling while reading this though - remarkably amusing!
Invincible: Inside Arsenal's Unbeaten 2003-2004 Season by Amy Lawrence - okay I just finished this and it was the impetus for writing this post so i didn't like. just start the next footie book. some of these i've read on ebook but this one I waited until I could get a good deal on it because I wanted to hold it in my hands. by god, it was worth it. Lawrence brings such joy and care (and herself!) to her meticulously lived, researched, and organized oral history about such an incredible season, and manages to capture the intangible energy, the relentless drive to win, the co-mingling of personalities that created such iconic connection and success. i think i would have memorized this entire book if it had existed when i was 12.
on the docket
The Numbers Game: Why Everything You Know About Soccer Is Wrong by Chris Anderson and David Sally - I got this from the used book store, so it's probably coming up soon in the rotation...like tomorrow?
The Damned Utd by David Peace - Isa told me to read it, so I will read it!!!!
Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics by Jonathan Wilson - I believe there's a newish/er edition of this, but I've just seen it crop up....around so I figure I should read. Maybe this one has some diagrams? I need help with my tactics understanding! if you rec/recommend this please let me know.
Thierry Henry: Lonely at the Top by Philippe Auclaire - cited in Invincible sooooo. Realistically, this, Vieira, Footballeur (Pires), and A Life in Football (Wright - though i'd rather hear him tell it than read it, i think) are all sort of in the same running for what I read on my next biography fix...
whatever YOU tell me to read!!!!! please help me be competent and literate!!!!!!!
at my mom's place...(when will I be home?)
Soccernomics by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski - I have the like, super old version of this book but I'm almost waiting to get back to my nearly destroyed copy (I'm not kidding, I think the cover is probably still brown with dirt), even though there's a 2022 World Cup edition which includes, well, the near-decade that I missed. Probably the single-most influential book I've read, regardless of how much I remember these days.
Soccer in Sun and Shadow by Eduardo Galeano - this is probably the book I'm most looking forward to re-reading. There's no way I truly understood it when I read it. I've read a bit of Open Veins of Latin America in college, so I'll be even more interested to really delve into this.
Soccer Against the Enemy: How the World's Most Popular Sport Starts and Fuels Revolutions and Keeps Dictators in Power by Simon Kuper - this is more than I can say about some of the other books on this list, but I do remember the chapter about Argentina fairly well.
Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby - I think I got this for my 11th birthday. Obviously slotted for a key reread.
The World is a Ball: The Joy, Madness, and the Meaning of Soccer by John Doyle - I don't remember this one at all except I recognize the cover, so I don't think that means much. Can you tell around what year I first got obsessed (and what was available in the American media market lol)?
i will reiterate my plea for footie-related recs! i'm pretty open and a fairly quick reader...if i can find it, i'll read it.
if you've made it this far... here's a pic of all the books currently in my bed
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ebookporn · 10 months
Amazon removes books ‘generated by AI’ for sale under author’s name
Jane Friedman claims she had to fight against Amazon’s refusal to remove the misattributed titles because she had not trademarked her name
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by Ella Creamer
Five books for sale on Amazon were removed after author Jane Friedman complained that the titles were falsely listed as being written by her. The books, which Friedman believes were written by AI, were also listed on the Amazon-owned reviews site Goodreads.
“It feels like a violation, because it’s really low quality material with my name on it,” Friedman told the Guardian. The Ohio-based author has written several books about the publishing industry, and the fraudulent titles mimicked her real work. How to Write and Publish an eBook Quickly and Make Money and A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Compelling eBooks, Building a Thriving Author Platform, and Maximizing Profitability were two of the listed books. Friedman’s real books include The Business of Being a Writer and Publishing 101.
One of the falsely attributed books’ descriptions read: “This book offers practical strategies, tips, and techniques to help writers streamline their writing process, accelerate their eBook publication timeline, and maximize their earning potential.”
One of the falsely attributed books’ descriptions read: “This book offers practical strategies, tips, and techniques to help writers streamline their writing process, accelerate their eBook publication timeline, and maximize their earning potential.”
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ashleyearley · 2 years
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Do you struggle with showing in your writing? Do you lean toward “he screamed in pain” rather than “he cried out, tears bursting from his eyes and streaming down his cheeks”? Well, we’ve got a book for you! ✨SHOW, DON’T TELL✨ is an infamous writing technique—one we’ve all heard before. It’s something that’s ingrained in our very being as writers, the method pushed in writing workshops, from beta readers, critique partners, editors, or other experts. We’ve all heard it, but we’ve all made the mistake. But what does SHOW, DON’T TELL mean? What SHOW, DON’T TELL include? How can it be applied? This SHOW, DON’T TELL GUIDEBOOK FOR WRITERS will break down the technique, outline all the ways it can be applied, everything it entails, and more! Nearly 20 pages of tips, advice, definitions, examples, and interactive pages will help any writer grasp SHOW, DON’T TELL to its fullest. Guidebook is available for ✨ONLY $4.99✨ everywhere ebooks are sold, including Amazon Kindle and Apple Books!
SHOW, DON’T TELL GUIDEBOOK FOR WRITERS (KINDLE): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B2GTNLSG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=124R141B51VK5&keywords=show%2C+don%27t+tell+guidebook&qid=1653598160&sprefix=show%2C+don%27t+tell+guidebook%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-1 Thank you for all of the support! 🤎
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dreamsinombre · 11 months
I use stitch fiddle or chart minder (both are websites). There's also the Wooltasia app.
Also, you can google knitter's graph paper and print it out if you want to design with pencil and paper. There are also books of knitter's graph paper available to buy online. You can just colour your designs right in. Knitter's graph paper will give you a more accurate prediction of what your pattern will look like than regular square graph paper because the proportions are designed to mimic the knit stitch.
Ah, thank you for the tips on the actual writing of it, but I was looking more for resources that cover how to calculate sizes and how many stitches to CO or inc/dec throughout due to the tension for colorwork being different. Like, for a regular sweater for myself in Xweight, I CO Ysts, but would that number change for a colorwork sweater since the tension is different? That’s more what I’m trying to find resources talking about. I recently did those Stardew Valley Summer socks and had to restart them after my initial attempt because they were turning out way too small due to the tension. I’d hate to start a sweater with my usual, “fly by the seat of my pants, figure it out as I go” method of designing and end up with a sweater that doesn’t fit and have to start it all over again after getting, idk, 2/3 of the way through. But I’ll be checking these sites and such out when I get to the point where I’m writing down the pattern. I typically just use Excel for the actual graphing of things because I’m lazy. But having the names of a couple websites that also provide the charts is handy, too!
Stitchfiddle is good for designing, I'm using it right now. Re: tension, yes, it is different bc if you don't pay close attention when you're learning your stitches will be too tight--the floats at the back (the yarn you're carrying) don't stretch as much as knit fabric does. I space out my stitches right before changing colors, so that I know the floats are long enough to lie correctly. Not foolproof but much better than nothing. Idk what everyone else does[.] I'm sure there's better ways out there as well ! What are you searching for ? If "stranded colorwork" isn't turning anything up try "fair isle colorwork", that's the way I've heard it referred to most often.
Good to know Stitchfiddle has two endorsements now! I’ll definitely check it out. But I also have knit colorwork before, off of others’ designs, so I’ve already got that initial learning curve of, “oh, I need to space these stitches out.” Which was interesting, since one of my mundane magic powers is perfect tension (non-colorwork, I now have to specify)! That’s the tip that I came across multiple times when first learning: keep your right needle stitches all spread out as you go.
I also know that Fair Isle is one of a handful of different colorwork techniques that come from a specific region. I haven’t delved too deeply into the nuanced differences between those techniques, mostly because I haven’t knit any patterns specific to those regional designs and am not looking to make something specifically in any of those styles. I didn’t realize it’d be so difficult to find resources on just non-regional-specific colorwork!
Look up books by Alice Starmore and Mary Jane Mucklestone. They both have stitch dictionaries for designing your own fair isle pieces, that also include tips and instructions on colour work.
If you’re wanting colorwork hats or sweaters, tin can knits has an ebook called “strange brew” that has a lot of the math figured out for sizes from newborn up through a very size inclusive adult where you can plug in your own charts for fingering, DK, or worsted weight yarn. It was really helpful for me getting started. Otherwise, know that in colorwork your tension will differ more than usual between flat and in the round, so if you’re swatching try the speed search technique[.] Sorry, speed swatch technique. You knit across the row on a circular needle, but instead of joining in the round or doing a purl row you slide the work down the needle and then carry the yarn along the back. It’s way more accurate.
Ahh I will definitely check those authors out, thank you! That’s kind of what I was looking for after realizing most of the promising-looking online resources I did find were e-courses (at and least one in-person course) that are quite up there in price and/or not running anymore.
I did come across Tin Can Knits’ Strange Brew, but it seemed like it was just for seamless yoke, and the design I want to tackle first will have colorwork motifs down the body. But! I shall give them a look; TCK are solid and always worth checking out.
I also didn’t know about the speed swatch technique! I do prefer to knit my sweaters in the round (I think seaming might be my absolute LEAST favorite thing to do about knitting. So much so that I’ve been trying out ways to pick up sleeves instead of seaming them on because I hate doing it so much and feel like my sleeves always twist no matter what I do to prevent that), so having a swatch technique that replicates that so I can get more accurate tension would be fantastic. Thank you!
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worldhistorys4 · 5 months
Unleash Your Fitness Empire with
Mega Fitness Bundle
Creating a fitness empire requires a strategic and comprehensive approach. Here's a plan for your Mega Fitness Bundle to unleash your fitness empire:
1. Online Training Programs:
Develop a series of structured workout programs catering to different fitness levels and goals (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain, flexibility).
Include video demonstrations, written instructions, and printable workout plans.
2. Nutrition Guides:
Create nutrition guides that complement your workout programs.
Include meal plans, recipes, and information on proper nutrition for various fitness goals.
3. Mobile App:
Develop a user-friendly fitness app that integrates your training programs, nutrition guides, progress tracking, and community features.
Make sure it's available on both iOS and Android platforms.
4. Live Virtual Classes:
Host live virtual fitness classes through the app.
Offer a variety of classes, including HIIT, yoga, strength training, and more.
5. Merchandise:
Design and sell branded fitness apparel, accessories, and equipment.
Use your logo and slogans to create a strong brand identity.
6. Ebooks and Guides:
Write and sell ebooks on fitness, health, and motivation.
Offer guides on specific topics like injury prevention, mindset, and advanced training techniques.
7. Coaching and Consultations:
Provide one-on-one coaching sessions for personalized guidance.
Offer online consultations for fitness assessments and goal setting.
8. Community Engagement:
Create a community forum within your app for members to connect, share progress, and support each other.
Utilize social media to engage with a broader audience.
9. Affiliate Programs:
Establish partnerships with fitness influencers and affiliate marketers to expand your reach.
Offer commissions for promoting your programs and products.
10. Regular Challenges and Events:
Organize fitness challenges and events to keep your community engaged.
Provide incentives such as discounts, exclusive content, or even cash prizes.
11. Podcast and Video Content:
Start a fitness podcast discussing industry trends, success stories, and interviewing experts.
Create engaging video content for platforms like YouTube to reach a broader audience.
12. Continuous Improvement:
Regularly update your programs based on user feedback and industry trends.
Stay informed about the latest fitness research and technology to keep your offerings cutting-edge.
13. Marketing Strategies:
Implement a mix of digital marketing, influencer collaborations, and content marketing to promote your fitness empire.
Use email marketing to keep your audience informed about new offerings and updates.
14. Customer Support:
Offer excellent customer support through multiple channels.
Respond promptly to queries and feedback to build a positive reputation.
15. Analytics and Data Utilization:
Utilize analytics to track user engagement, popular programs, and demographics.
Use this data to refine and tailor your offerings for maximum impact.
Remember, consistency and adaptability are key to building a successful fitness empire. Continuously evolve your offerings based on the needs and preferences of your audience.
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rustbeltjessie · 1 year
Rust Belt Jessie’s NaPoWriMo 2023 Prompts: #23
“No time for poetry but exactly what is.” (after Jack Kerouac)
First, I would like to note that I am not asking you to write a poem in the style of Jack Kerouac*. God, no. I am a Kerouac stan (his writing not his personal life oh my god please don’t make me defend my love for Ti Jean for the one hundred thousandth time), and with a few exceptions, I think his poetry kinda sucks**. His prose is where it’s at, for me.
What I am asking you to do here is consider entry no. 10 from his “Belief & Technique for Modern Prose”:
No time for poetry but exactly what is***
Or, to quote Marie Howe from this On Being interview:
Just tell me what you saw this morning like in two lines. I saw a water glass on a brown tablecloth, and the light came through it in three places. No metaphor. And to resist metaphor is very difficult because you have to actually endure the thing itself, which hurts us for some reason.
I don’t think enduring the thing itself hurts me. I just think metaphor and simile are fun****. So, in that way, they are difficult for me to resist. And that’s exactly what I’m asking you to do for this exercise.
Write down what you are experiencing, sensorily, right now. (You could even use the 5-4-3-2-1 technique for coping with anxiety: list five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, one thing you can taste.) Later, you can rearrange the wording to make your poem, as long as you continue to resist metaphor.
No time for poetry but exactly what is.
*I mean, unless you wanna.
**One notable exception being “Skid Row Wine.” That’s one of my all-time favorite poems by anyone, ever.
***For the purposes of this exercise, I am interpreting this as “There’s no time to add poetic language to yr raw experience of the world, just record it.” But I love that it could also mean “There’s no time for poetry. But what is poetry, anyway?” Aahhhhh. Fuck. God damn Kerouac, am I right?!
****I am realizing, as I edit this book, that I have overused the word ‘fun,’ when what I mean might be more aptly described by words like ‘entertaining,’ ‘interesting,’ or ‘engaging.’ But I am not going to go back and thesaurusize (new word I just made up! steal it if you feel it!) it all now, because we’re halfway through the month and I wanna finish this shit.
(This exercise is from my ebook of NaPoWriMo prompts, which can be found here.)
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Difference Between Inbound And Outbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is a form of marketing strategy wherein a company tries to drive its potential customers to its websites. This is done through a variety of ways including blogging, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), posting quality content on social media, videos, infographics, sending newsletters, podcasts, whitepapers, ebooks, webinars, and more.
The main objective of inbound marketing is to deliver such content which is of use to the customers and attracts them along with pursuing them to be engaged with the website. The modus operandi of inbound marketing is to write quality content that drives a user to the website, engages them, attracts them, makes them aware of the brand, and finally converting the user into customers as well as loyal followers.
There are several techniques of inbound marketing as stated above. One of such very popular techniques is Webinar. A user always does not have enough time to go through a 2000 word article. he/she might just want to get an idea about a brand without wasting time on reading. To cater to such customers webinars can help.
Webinars basically are seminars the only difference is that webinars are conducted through the internet and seminars are conducted in an auditorium or a hall or a classroom. The advantage of a webinar is that a specialized person of the company can deliver details about the brand in a very effective and engaging way, without consuming much time of the consumers and also in a very interesting manner.
What's More Effective, Inbound or Outbound Marketing?
Outbound Marketing on the other hand is a traditional kind of advertising wherein the company promotes itself and the brand to get more sales. Under this kind of marketing strategy, a marketer tries to deliver messages to its potential customers. They do this just to know whether the people out there possess any interest in their brand. To understand this let's look into an example: under outbound marketing, the most common marketing strategy is door-to-door sales and cold calling.
Under this technique, a marketer pays visits to people's places without having any idea whether that person could even be a qualified lead. Other techniques of outbound marketing are spreading awareness through direct mail, radio ads, television ads, trade shows, and telemarketing. Outbound marketing is also referred to as interruption marketing because they usually interrupt a person's time without any consent from that person. For example, a person having dinner watching a movie on the television will be interrupted if there is a sudden telecast of an advertisement of a particular brand.
He might also get disturbed if he gets a call from a telemarketer. Thus, outbound marketing is basically when a company tries to approach people just to get more and more sales and to get a profitable share in the market. Companies usually rely on this type of marketing strategy as they think it has a mass reach and so the companies tend to spend about 90 percent of their marketing budget on this kind of marketing
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Finding the Right Marketing Strategy for You
In a book called "The New Rules of Marketing and PR", David Scott argues that using inbound marketing businesses can "earn their way in" (for example, by publishing useful articles on their website) in contrast to outbound marketing where they "buy, beg, or bug their way in"(through traditional forms of advertising or through cold calling).
Another distinction between both marketing strategies is that adopting strategies that fall under outbound marketing tends to consume a lot of time and effort and usually do not yield lucrative results. It has often been noticed that this strategy sometimes fails to offer even a single lead. On the other hand, an inbound marketing strategy if adopted gives a company the power to engage with people thus eventually converting a potential lead to an actual lead.
Outbound marketing as referred to as interruption marketing sometimes might interrupt a person's personal or work time thus, failing to interest the customer and instead irritating him/her. Whereas, nothing of such applies to inbound marketing as the aim of this strategy is to attract customers through delivering them quality content.
Outbound Marketing strategy tends to seek out customers while inbound marketing strategy attempts to draw in customers. Some marketers are of the view that outbound marketing instead of not yielding the desired results is chosen because of the fact that one can measure its effectiveness. But the same does not apply to inbound marketing, under this strategy a marketer cannot measure the performance and also cannot quantify the results they are getting through using this strategy.
Hence, both the marketing strategy has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, it clearly lies in the hands of the company to choose one which best suits its marketing objectives. Contact Kudosta Team.
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kiunlo · 1 year
Bird Identification guide for beginners!
Hello there! My name is Ash, and this is my guide to identifying birds as a beginner! Please keep in mind that this is not THE ultimate best ever way of figuring out how to identify birds, these are just the things that have helped me personally as someone who has only been identifying birds for about a year/two years (I didn’t bother to count okay?), and who was very recently also a beginner and having a hard time trying to figure out which birds are what! This goes over pretty much EVERY single little thing that’s helped me, so this might be a long post lmao. I hope it helps somebody out!
Also, as a note, I’ve mostly used Australian birds as examples because I’m Australian and most knowledgeable about Australian birds, however there is no reason that these techniques can’t work for birds all over the world!
Step 1: Getting to know your local birds!
The first step to being able to identify birds that you see in your daily life, is to first understand what birds actually live near you in the first place! This can be a bit tricky at first, because not every single town in the world is going to have a 100% accurate list of birds that live in the area, and some places might not even have a list at all! The best thing for you to do is to start reading books or articles about birds that live in your state, country, city etc. This means going to the library and finding some bird field guides, or perusing through bird lists online (searching up “birds of new york” for example, is a great start). For an example of what I personally did, I borrowed a book from my local library called “Readers Digest: Complete Book of Australian Birds” that had a MASSIVE list of most birds that live in Australia, and I wrote down all of the birds that I definitely recognised as birds that I had seen before in my area, including the super common and easy to spot birds such as magpies, crows and kookaburras!
I would usually recommend a bird field guide as a physical book, ebook, illegally downloaded pdf or whatever if you can, because most of those field guides will have maps attached to every single bird, showing you exactly where their usual range is, which if you went for a country-wide bird book like I did, is very helpful in narrowing down which birds most likely live in your local area, that you can eventually look out for! These books also tell you what they eat, where they nest, when they migrate, etc. which can be helpful if instead of trying to ID a bird, you are actively searching for a specific species of bird to take photos of!
Step 2: Have a camera and/or notepad on you at all times
If you are super duper determined to identify a bird, the best thing you can do is take a photo or video of the bird. Videos are usually better because if the bird decides to make a sound, that will be an extra piece of information that you can use to better identify the bird. The second best thing, if you are too poor to own a camera or you have other reasons for why having a camera on you is unfeasible, is to have a physical small little notepad on you with a pen or pencil, to write down the the things about the bird that you’re seeing, or if you feel like it, to draw a little doodle of the bird you see (no matter how “bad” the drawing is!)
And when I say keep a camera or notepad on you at all times, I really mean it! Because the times when I have seen or heard a strange ass bird that I have struggled to identify, I have never had a camera on me, and it has ALWAYS been to my detriment when it comes to attempting to identify a bird. Again, the second best thing to do is to draw the bird the moment that you see it! It doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as you get the general shape of the body and beak relatively close, it’s better than no picture at all!
Do not beat yourself up about not being able to follow this step, or deciding that TODAY you will not see a cool bird and also you are busy and therefor you won’t need your camera or notepad on you when you go out (the time that you will usually see a cool bird lmao), because we have all been there (me included....so many times). It just means that identifying the bird will be a bit more difficult- BUT, it is not impossible!
Step 3: So you saw a bird...what now?
If you saw a bird in your local area, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Haha just kidding. Those birds aren’t going to pay for the emotional damage you took trying to identify its ass.
But for real. What now? Well, if you took a photo and/or video of it, or you drew a basic drawing of it, congratulations! You just skipped the really fucking hard part. If you didn’t take a photo or video, or was unable to because it was too fast or you didn’t have your camera or notepad on you (again, don’t beat yourself up about it), the second best thing you can do is observe and memorise it’s most basic features and behaviours. This will help you figure out what type of bird you have.
The beak is one of the most important parts of a bird, because it uses that thing to eat and stuff. The shape of a birds beak can tell you what type of bird it is and what it eats, and this piece of information alone can literally tell you SO much about the bird, without even having to properly identify it. The picture below will help you to understand the different types of bird beaks and what they’re used for.
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If the answer is yes, you have just narrowed down your bird by a shit ton. Whether it’s just a wader or a full time water-loving bird, you’ll find that searching through a list of waterfowl that live in your area is a lot easier than searching through every single bird that lives in your area ever.
Now, you don’t have to memorise every single colour that is on the body of the bird, especially with a bird that has 5 or more colours on its feathers, but memorising the most prominent feather colours, the beak colour, and the leg colour will be very helpful! If you can see the eyes of the bird, memorising the eye colour could be very helpful too, as birds can sometimes have very unique eye colours not seen in most other animals, which can significantly aid in bird identification- especially if its eyes are a bright blue or a red colour!
Is your bird big or small? Is it fat or skinny? Does it have a weirdly long neck? Did you see its neck stretch out like crazy and then it went back to its normal size like nothing ever happened? Does it have long legs or short ones? Are its feet fucking weird? These are the questions you have to ask yourself when observing a bird.
Did you see it eat something? Was it doing a weird mating dance in another birds general direction? Was it swooping or hunting another animal (or another bird)? Did it display any odd or unique behaviours? Write that down! That’s seriously important information! Especially the eating part!
If it didn’t, then you can skip this part! If it did, however, and you did not get a recording of it, that’s okay. But you will need to use your ultra super duper brain powers and do everything in your power to remember that shit to the best of your ability (which can be tricky as hell and can lead to you misidentifying a bird if the bird call is all you have to go off of).
Step 4: Research time!
Now that you have taken the photo/video of your bird, done a little doodle, or simply memorised and written down everything you can about your birdy, now it’s time to get down to business and actually do some research.
The first thing you need to do is the most simple thing ever, which can be done for most well recognised birds: Type in the description of your bird into google. Yes, I am serious. Sometimes typing in “black bird with red eyes and red beak waterfowl [STATE OR COUNTRY NAME]” is all you need to do to find the identity of your bird! If this worked for you, congratulations! You were lucky this time....but you might not be lucky next time! If this fails to work, there are still plenty of other options, and while these can be kinda tedious and time consuming, it is worth it in the end!
There are two websites which can be really helpful if you have some type of idea of what bird you’re looking for, but simply looking up the description didn’t work: Wikipedia, and Xeno-Canto. These are especially helpful if you use them together.
Wikipedia is good because it will have a huge list of all birds that are known to live in your country. Xeno-Canto is good because it is a website dedicated to bird calls all over the world, of every single bird to ever exist (and even ones that are extinct!) And it MOST IMPORTANTLY, has a map of where the bird can be found, which is helpful when ruling out birds that are somewhat similar to the bird you’re looking for, but actually live on the other side of the country (therefor, it’s not your bird!)
The first step towards figuring out the specific species that your bird belongs to, is to figure out what type of bird it is, which you can do by observing the shape and size of the bird, alongside it’s beak shape (which we took a small look at in step 3). Here are some silhouettes of different bird types.
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And now, below is an example of how I would find a specific bird through trail, error, and ruling out birds that are NOT the bird I’m looking for.
Lets say that the bird I’m looking for was in the water, and was clearly some type of duck or goose, but I couldn’t really tell which one because it was a bit far away. That means that I’m looking for SOME type of waterfowl. I will then go to Wikipedia to look up a list of ALL birds in Australia, and then go down into the “ducks, geese and waterfowl” section, where I will find a list of all waterfowl in Australia. I will then click on each link for each waterfowl, to get a quick look at the image of the waterfowl. If it looks nothing like my bird, I rule that bird out. If I do find a bird that looks very similar to the one I saw or took a photo of, then I will type in the name of the bird into Xeno-Canto, and look at the map area section, to see exactly where this birds natural range is. If it’s shown to be in an area that is nowhere near where I saw the bird, then I rule that bird out too! If I find a bird that matches what I saw, and it’s in the same area that I live in, then, if I heard the bird make a sound, I will usually listen to the bird calls found beneath the map section, and see if it matches. If not, then I will continue to listen to that birds calls, because guess what, birds can and do make a variety of different sounds based on the situation! Once I’m truly sure this bird is not making the correct calls at all, then I will tentatively rule it out.
If, after all of this, I finally find a bird that seems to match the look, area and sound of the bird I initially saw, I will write the name of the bird down and KEEP GOING down the list of waterfowl until I reach the end, because there is always a chance that there is a bird that better matches the appearance, sound and location of the bird I saw. Once I have 1 or more bird names written down, then it’s up to me to chose which bird best matches the bird that I saw.
You might not get a 100% for sure identification, especially if some of the birds in your local area are sorta similar to each other, and that’s okay, but going through this whole process will help you to improve your birdy research skills, and you’ll get faster and faster at it over time, and you’ll start to memorise common birds often found in your local area by during this research.
Sometimes, female birds and male birds look different to each other! Sometimes, young birds look different to adult birds! Sometimes a bird in breeding plumage looks different to a bird that isn’t in breeding plumage! You might even get lucky and see a bird with a rare colour mutation, meaning that the bird does not look like how the rest of the species normally does! You must keep this in mind when trying to identify a bird, because sometimes these birdies will throw you these types of curve-balls at you without you even knowing. Here are some examples below of some birds that look different to each other, despite being the same species!
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Step 5: If all else fails, ask somebody who knows stuff about birds
Sometimes the best way to figure out the identity of a bird is to ask somebody else who knows more shit about birds then you do! For me, I usually ask my mum since she knows a lot of stuff about birds. For you, that could be somebody on the internet, or a friend you know who is a birdwatcher, or some blog on tumblr that specialises in knowing shit about birds. With more people and more perspectives at your disposal, you are a lot more likely to get the true identification of the mysterious bird you are trying to identify! Just don’t be pushy, rude or demanding! Always be polite :)
Step 6: I am going to make you identify a bird now. LOOK AT MY BIRD, BOY (gender neutral).
I bet you didn’t think I was going to quiz you on the knowledge I just imparted onto you, but I absolutely am going to do that. I will be using “obscure” Australian birds that most non-Australians won’t know about, since I know that most people that’ll read this will probably not be Australian, therefore you will likely have never seen these birds before, meaning that you will actually have to use the techniques I have told you about. If you are Australian and are into birds, you will have an advantage over everyone else (lmao). The only hint you will be given is that...these birds are found in Australia :)
DO NOT go looking into the notes for answers unless you truly are having a tough time, I really want you to try and figure this out on your own! But also I can’t tell you what to do lol. I just want you to give it your best shot, alright? Are you ready? Okay, here we go!
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Did you manage to identify the birds? If so, congrats on using your newly acquired bird researching skills! If not, that's okay. After all, it's a skill that must be honed, not one that you automatically gain!
The End!
I hope you enjoyed my beginners guide to identifying birds! These are not the only techniques you can use to identify birds, there are plenty of websites, tools, books etc. that can help you out with identifying birds, but these are the ways that have best helped me out when I’ve been confused about the identity of a bird. If you’re better than me at identifying birds, feel free to add your own additions that have helped you to become better at IDing birds! The more information the merrier <3
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billconrad · 1 year
Believing The Lie
    I follow the tragic war in Ukraine closely and find it interesting that the primary source for raw news is Twitter, and the best analysis occurs on YouTube. These new sources have replaced the old sources, such as newspapers, internet articles, and national television. This new medium allows rapid news spreading and analysis. We can also check out the raw news sources and even directly contact the source—quite a change.
    Recently, a YouTube influencer (I hate that word) discussed a translated Russian state television broadcast. It proclaimed that the restaurants in England were serving rat meat because of the chronic food shortage caused by their Ukraine support. Wow, what a bold lie! But unfortunately, many people truly believed this “trusted” news source.
    What was going on in the viewer’s heads? “Because the news said so, it must be true.” “Makes sense to me.” “Seems logical.” “They have never lied before.” I propose something different is going on. These misguided people allowed themselves to believe the lie. Essentially, the lie is better than the truth. Humans often have ill-advised reactions to unpleasant situations. “I do not need to go on a diet. I look great!” But what does this have to do with writing? I am glad you asked.
    I realized that the newscaster was not lying as I watched this news clip. She was acting. She read a fictional script, and the audience allowed themselves to be taken in. The same activity occurs in a play or a movie. There is no such thing as a Star Wars lightsaber, but we sure liked it when Luke Skywalker started waving one around. So, we (the audience) believed the lie.
    Perhaps when watching a movie, we expect to be entertained; when watching the news, we expect facts. Yet, sometimes we allow ourselves to be taken in. It’s nice to feel good about ourselves; the awful truth is a hard pill. Blissful ignorance. How about our favorite person X? Did you hear X was drunk driving last week? No way, not true. X is a fantastic person!
    Fictional writers use every trick to pull readers into their stories. We twist facts, add intimate relationships where they would never occur, alter physics, spice up the characters, insert an impossible plot twist, entice the reader with a juicy hook, and paint a scene larger than life. “A beautiful, intelligent woman with everything going for her falling in love with an ugly, stupid, fat beast of a man? Of course!”
    Readers and viewers expect a dream world where crazy ideas come true, people commit outrageous acts, and the lowest of the low is commonplace. I suppose that was also the goal of the Russian newscaster. They were achieving the state agenda by any means necessary. However, to the rest of us, the results were absurd. Yet, that technique works every time in a story. Did you see the movie Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure? That silly movie was as believable as that Russian state news broadcaster. Fortunately, I keep my blogs real. Or do I?
 You’re the best! -Bill
 April 05, 2023
 Hey book lovers, I published three! Please check them out.
 Interviewing Immortality is a psychological thriller about a 500-year-old woman who forces a disgraced author to interview her.
 Pushed to the Edge of Survival is a drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
 Cable Ties is a classic spy novel about two hunters discovering that government communications are being recorded and the ensuing FBI investigation.
 These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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atrayo · 1 year
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Indirect Generosity & Gracious Receiving
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Hello All,
I hope life finds each of you better than just ok. As the very first quarter of this year 2023 concludes on each of us. May it be not just another day to have survived together, but an opportunity of self-reflection to cherish what we adore the most in this very fragile world. Whether this is family, friends, mission as one's sacred duty, or some other aspect of the human condition realized upon this earth. 
Now is the moment just "To Be" present, even for a few contemplative seconds. Without falling head over heels for your smartphone device as if down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. Those of you my readers are nuanced spiritual enthusiasts seeking greater self-mastery outside religious institutional norms. My lifes work so far has been channeling the Heavenly Host be they the angels, ancestors, lesser blessed deities, and even the heaven of earth faeries for instance. Via inspirational automatic writing otherwise known as psychography is a psychic technique of taking dictation of another spiritual entity using me as the sacred vessel. 
I have written for 27 plus years now over 4,100 statements in a discourse with the heavenly host usually angels via short-form eclectic topics, not entire chapters. With 3 volumes of the "Jewels of Truth" series in print as paperback and ebook and Kindle formats, even in Barnes & Nobles Nook. Each volume has 365 unique topics in an A-Z alphabetical format so 1,095 statements in book form and another 1,400 + here in Blog form freely available at Atrayo's Oracle. These aren't compilations of quotations from other authors across history but original devotional texts regardless of religious, spiritual, and secular humanist wisdom-based tradition for the dedicated seeker within.
Today's topics are two-fold on the identical theme of receiving generosity. One is a nuanced metaphysical constant seldom envisioned but very much present and the other is the sacred act of receiving as a humble and grateful experience all the same. May you the reader come away inspired at most if not otherwise expanded as to the possibilities of grace upon this wonderous world the Earth. Amen. 
Indirect Generosity:
3169) For those that have merit but are difficult with exceptions upon themselves. Having become psychologically barred from receiving their highest good that is due them earnestly. In this order of magnitude or of any other precedent kind as fully hearted people which are otherwise spiritually and morally open to receive on their behalf as gracious surrogates instead. 
This order of expression of divinity is infrequently called upon, however, it does occur in a very beautiful gobsmack totality of inner compassionate divine being. A witness that is ready to inspire as a wholesome intercessor a co-joined partner with the Holy Spirit of God upon the world by mutual goodwill on earth. 
Many people and creatures on earth are unfortunately afflicted with low self-esteem and self-worth, if not foolishly have denied their solemn divinity altogether. What humanity often refers to as bad luck on occasion becomes synonymous with a denial of everlasting grace. Here is when events begin to transpire that hurdle backward barriers to be redistributed as on-the-fly channeled expressions of possibility instead. 
Consider it a Heavenly Angelic or Holy Spirit "Can Do Attitude" to move heaven and earth to make a gift a reality come into a fuller realization of alignments of grace and/or miracles. Where the appearances of momentum seem almost nonexistent and even downright inept from occurring. Where there is unconditional love there is a blessed way for God to move mountains logistically. All have blessed merit that achieves the tenacity to overcome by faith that doesn't give up along the way. 
However, not everyone has that superior mindset much less the gravity of heartfelt compassion fully articulated in this world. The potential is there in theory, but the practice is where the rubber hits the road, by faith in actions unseen by the world. The typically downtrodden for all their intents and purposes suffer more than most whether by circumstances within or outside their control. 
Here is the beauty and holy wonder of divine intelligence to realize the burdened cross or troubles people carry upon their lives collectively. To align surrogate receivers as potential stewards and/or trustees of faith to aid in the selfless handover for the philanthropic good of all others. To share mindfully and heartfelt in the glory of God as the share of custody come full circle whether intuitively or by coincidental chances to make a positive difference upon the world. 
These esteemed individuals whether revealed in situ or nameless are a mutual community of caregivers not necessarily volunteers, but all the same, have their divinity sparkling upon the world. Many will be equally shocked by the role they have played from the outset when all come to the final conclusion of the exchange of graces involved. A pleasantry and a cherished marvel by the giver and receiver in question as to the "Wows". 
This is how nominal and uncommon goodness can cascade indirectly by a series of haphazard orchestrations by the novice onlooker. When manifestations of grace become entangled with temporal reality with an outlet of awkwardly distributed wonders does occur. God's Will always finds a way to lovingly bless all those that truly are deserving of Heaven on Earth. 
Even when the original recipients have shut out themselves by denials of beliefs and other negative nonsequiturs. A dysfunctional mind and heart like no other not only psychologically but also a lack of divine inspiration. Becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of undo hardships that can be avoided with self-restraint and discipline of the Inner Being truly. Here is when machinations as a framework of inner critical self-talk work against not only your psyche and biological health but also your temporal divinity on earth. 
Fear Not, all are worthy to receive grace even the scoundrel that is open to contrition and seeks redemption by means of mercy. Many do receive great tidings regardless of merit just by the sheer prosperous nature of an abundant universe overall. 
What is delayed and otherwise denied in this world for oneself temporarily and/or permanently has a genuine reason why karmically speaking. You the willing divine being must surmount your obstacles with genuine goodwill either alone or with trusted fellows. Many do overcome, just that the arch of justice can be slow and a saint's patience is required usually. Multi-generational injustices notwithstanding, many wonders are available for the pertinent heart willing to jump the hoops of faith to find them. 
Not just find them in the human world, but within God(dess) itself in the Holy Divine Heavenly Spirit on Earth as it is in Paradise. Surrendering of the chaotic ego in question is also key in order to cultivating longsuffering aka a spirit of gracious gratitude, even if you must count the crumbs of blessings left behind by clods and fools alike. Not all goodness is meant for everyone equally. Some are meant for more, some other much less, but just enough to be dignified and somewhat happy. Grace always finds its way back to the giver of Life through those that have forgiveness for the failures of others. This is the balance of the ancient's reborn life after divine lives upon the hereafter. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
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Gracious Receiving:
3170) To all that receive with plenty then be gracious indeed in all that you are well disposed to and will be in this world to come. In order to receive wholesome wellness in a very beautiful inner manner of a sacred form of thanksgiving of the treasures of health and bounty of this world in question. Is to live by a demeanor like no other act of excess giving as by the generosity that is joy-filled in the sharing of all that is gracious. 
The devoted heart here lays supreme with a rationale of why's seeking the veracity of self-importance. It affords the giver to abide and appreciate that their offerings are valued overall with merit. Even when the giving is to one or countless recipients which are impersonal whereupon human nature objects. To receive in order to open up with self-respect can clarify a well-meaning person that is full of positive character instead of an insincere or otherwise ungrateful hypocritical person.  
By receiving one's metaphoric daily bread of the humane candidate becomes the bearer of good tidings truly. A sanctity of grace well received into this chaotic world by divine means displays what is possible far beyond mere fairness and ordinary gratitude of pleasantries. A metaphysical opening is well afforded to the faithful to spiritually enjoin with wonders beyond their ordinary sphere of common worldly interactions of this earthen dimensional reality.
What is Holy has no pretensions as to its final and continuing roles regardless if the recipients believe or not in its right to exist in an absolutely ancient universe. A mutual state of permissible allowing ushers forth one's good to flow naturally through a litany of common, uncommon, and other extraordinary means whichever has greater significance upon their karma in the world. 
Welcoming the divine into your sacred divine hearts regardless of personally selected religion, spiritual tradition, or secular philosophical ideology. Affords each of you inherit rights to not only exist but for supremacy of your greater destinies in the world. To live the arch of your lives in unison with forces and social movements that at times are diametrically opposed to you being alive is a wonder of God alone. 
When honesty is stripped away then happiness becomes that much harder to be insured for those recipients worth their pound of salt in the world. The Sacred Heart is a Soul Family of spiritual godly entities strewn across several enlightened and unenlightened burgeoning growing heavens times infinity. 
Please do not discredit a gift of God freely given to you by self-doubt and other hellish recriminations of negativity by critical self-talk. Hold onto your grace even by sheer grit if necessary. Be the rightful steward not as your brethren or sisterly enslaver but as a gracious custodian for a communal good that is shared freely without conditions or pretexts. 
Do not be stressed or worrisome when you are to receive something of greater goodwill. Take it upon yourself with honors with a blessed trust that your personal due diligence is well deserving especially when duties are involved. In order to receive many faithful actions often anonymous to the recipient(s) are offered without expectations in return. This is magnificent generosity in question and an act of God(dess) no matter how it is finally devised and shared with love overall. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
The Universe buries strange jewels deep within us all and then stands back to see if we can find them. ---Elizabeth Gilbert.
Peace is an invitation in daily life to breathe deep, right here, in the uncertainty. ---Morgan Harper Nichols. 
Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. ---Maya Angelou. 
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 27 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 17 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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