#earth 4 lily stein
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Self-love is hard but I'll give it a shot. (I'd rather recommend fics by others but okay)
The World We Once Knew, Gone It Is (Star Wars: The Bad Batch): Essentially 'What if Hunter's inhibitor chip activated instead of Crosshair's". Features some cameos of friends' OCs with their permission, Barriss Offee, and some others as additional cameos not seen in the show.
2. Becoming a Legend (DC's Legends of Tomorrow): Drafted and written before Season 3 where Lily Stein takes up the mantle as one-half of Firestorm after Martin's death (Earth-X has no place in this fic)
3. Us Against the Universe (DC's Legends of Tomorrow GoTG AU): Set in the Marvellous Ladies of DC verse, Zari and Lily are abducted as children from Earth and grow up in space.
4. The Goatman's Bridge (DC's Legends of Tomorrow): Buzzfeed Unsolved (and by extension Watcher) are made canon in the Arrowverse. Ava and Gary go to talk to the Goatman himself and try not to kill a Youtuber.
5. The Great SpeedyKidStorm Road Trip (Arrow, The Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow): Thea, Jax, and Wally band together for a trauma-free trip across the country.
(Special Mention to Chicken Man)
Tagging @incendiaglacies, @somebodyhelpthenotdeadfreds, @firesoulstuff, @lovevalley45, and @stillthewordgirl if you all have interest in this.
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nightwingshero · 4 years
relationships + blair!
Thank you, love!
1. Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
Oh, absolutely. Blair has a ton of friends, it’s hard to not be friends with her...for the most part. Some people you just can’t get along with, no matter how hard you try. As for a best friend, that’s hard because there are a few she’s super close with. I would say it would either be Sara, Tori, Felicity, Caitlin, or Cisco. Barry and Iris are more close friends of hers too, but those are the big ones. Blair loves her fellow nerds, you know? And she’s known Tori since high school, they go pretty far back. She has a special bond with each of them, even Ray and Mick. Girl has a decent-sized circle around her. 
2. What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
It’s honestly a mixture, but most of them are nerds. Her and Sara are close, mostly because they’ve fought together in Star City and developed a bond when Laurel and Felicity introduced them. It’s mostly something familiar and they’ve built a mutual respect, and the loss of Laurel hit them hard and brought them even closer with understanding. Cisco, Caitlin, and her worked together before the Particle Accelerator exploded. It’s a lasting friendship, though, which is why she feels so comfortable going to them to help her with her powers. As her canon progresses, more and more people get added to that circle: Ray, Oliver, Felicity, Lisa Snart...honestly, she’s just a friendly person. She plays a very supportive role within the group, someone who has a balance of logical reasoning and emotional understanding/empathy. Blair is a problem solver, too, whether it’s something she needs to help when it comes to the field (fighting bad guys and such) or just offering advice.
3. What’s their love life like? Do they have any kids?
Blair’s love life is...complicated, to say the least (listen, I tried to make it simple, and she wasn’t having it. This is her fault. I wanted her shipped with Oliver Queen or Ray Palmer...these things didn’t happen). Her first serious relationship was with Carmen, who she met in college, and they ended up becoming engaged. When Blair went into a coma, Carmen eventually left and moved on because she didn’t really know if Blair was going to wake up or not. After that, Blair had a fling or two, dating here and there, but nothing serious and it didn’t happen often because she’s definitely someone who throws herself into her research, and she was helping Ray build his A.T.O.M. suit. Her main love interest is Leonard Snart, though. It’s a slow build up...because you know...he’s a criminal. But they grow close after she helps save his sister, he helps Barry at Christmas with the Trickster and Weather Wizard, and even more when she joins the Legends. They talk about a future for them after taking down Vandal Savage, but that kind of goes out of the window when Leonard sacrifices himself (he really gets time scattered...like I said...complicated), and it’s the first time they kiss and she tells him she loves him. After being brainwashed by bad guys and used against the team, Leonard is brought back and they get together once his memories return. They eventually have a daughter together, Leonard giving up the crime life (for the most part at least. Barry and Team Flash are lenient) as they settle down. 
4. Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
Blair trusts her friends and team. The one person I don’t think she ever fully trusts is Rip Hunter, especially with the shit he pulls when she joins and sees how he leads. It gets worse, and she has a hard time dealing with it, it’s a terrible first impression that absolutely lasts. She looks up to Wells (Earth-2, even if they disagree from time to time), her father, and Martin Stein. Most of them are mentors to her, people that have always guided her. Martin is someone she looked up to and someone she eventually works alongside often when joining the Legends. He’s like a second father to her, and she often helps him with his relationship with his daughter, Lily. 
5. Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
Blair doesn’t hate easily or lightly. Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Dahrk, Eobard Thawn, and Zoom are the main ones she can’t stand. Lewis Snart lowkey makes that list once she learns what he did to his children, and how he put a bomb in his own daughter to control Leonard. Rip Hunter is someone that makes her bad list, even if he was their captain at one point and is someone that the Legends work with. She doesn’t forget what he did when they were going after Vandal Savage, and she can’t bring herself to fully trust him, even if Sara and the rest of the Legends do.
6. Do they have any pets?
She does! Blair has an orange cat named Sol and a moonstone cornsnake named Luna. She loves her cat and just...loves reptiles. Felicity takes care of them when she’s away, especially when she goes on the Waverider. 
7. Are they good with kids? Animals?
Absolutely! Blair loves animals, she gets excited when she sees dogs and cats, or any other pet she’s introduced to. As for kids, she is for sure. She’ll babysit for Lyla and Diggle when they need it, and she’ll do tours at Palmer Technologies on career day and S.T.A.R Labs when H.R. Wells opens the lab as a museum. She’s even done things at the planetarium when needed. Her mother is a teacher, so being around kids is something she’s used to. She’s a lot of fun, honestly. But it surprises no one that Blair is so good with kids, she’s just that kind of person. 
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Legends of Tomorrow s3 ep8 Earth-X and STEIN, oh god Stein
It’s nice to get some Westallen even on Legends of Tomorrow. Since Netflix only has season 4, I’m behind on what is happening with them in future seasons, but they are getting married, once the nazis leave them alone.
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Things happen, and apparently Earth X version of Captain Cold, Citizen Cold, is now with them. He is the touchy feely version of Leonard Snart, Leo.
He wants Mick to stop drinking.
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Mick, thinking he’s seeing things again, hits himself in the head, trying to dispel the ghost. (But didn’t we find out that was the real Leonard Snart all along, so why is Mick still thinking he’s seeing things? I’ll have to think about it.)
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Mick figures he died in a fire. He did, but turns out he died saving a bunch of police officers.
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I meet for the first this guy on the left, Mr. Terrific who is apparently supposed to be a superhero in his own right, but is nerfed on CW to pander to the main character on Arrow. (this is literally all I know about him, based on tumblr). I also meet for the first time the guy on the right, the Ray, Leo Snart’s boyfriend, and who apparently can fly and do something light or fire related. Not sure. They are both awesome, and pretty hot.
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Meanwhile Stein is dying, and taking Jax with him because of their psychic connection. Stein wants to sever their link so just he dies and Jax lives. And I’m crying like a dumbass here.
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I’m ugly crying here and everything is terrible.
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 Since their connection began, they haven’t truly been alone. Ever. Why do the writers hate me.
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Stein’s life ends.
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The news of Stein’s death goes around the ship. Westallen hugs, and Cisco and Caitlyn do this.
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Ray stares at a picture of himself with Stein in the wild west.
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 I will have to wonder later why he had a picture framed of himself and Stein.
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 It first looked like Ray was alone, but Amaya is comforting him, and he’s sitting with her, Zari and Nate. Ray is probably the most empathetic person on board, so it makes sense why they began with his reaction. He wonders where Jax is, and then we see Jax outside Stein’ family home. He breaks the news to Clarissa and Lily without saying a word.
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 Meanwhile, Amaya continues flirting with Zari.
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There’s a rousing speech by the main char from Arrow and our Ray. They decide to attack the nazis. Here’s Leo and Ray, our resident mlm couple.
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 Ray and Mick are in the front lines, standing side by side.
They win, and Barry thanks Leo and the Ray.
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 I can’t even imagine their honeymoon.
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 Leo decides to stick around for a bit, and tells the Ray that. 
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 The Ray takes it pretty well. They kiss and the Ray leaves.
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 At Stein’s funeral, Jax can’t hold it together but breaks down during his speech. I just wanna give everybody a hug.
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 Mick cries. After Leo points it out, Mick claims allergies.
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 Oh right, Alex and Sara slept together. They hug it out and Alex realizes that she needs to find somebody other than Maggie. Which I think is a good thing. It was a terrible idea for Alex to try and get married under 1 year after coming out, and without knowing anything about Maggie. Children are a deal-breaker, so I hope Alex finds someone and is happy.
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 I love that post about Sara and Mick having the same taste in women. Mick asks Sara if she hit [Alex] and Sara affectionately taps him on the back of his head.
Diggle marries Westallen, and Felicia and the main guy from Arrow being the worst, they decide to hog the spot light and marry right then and there too. Get your own wedding.
Iris is so beautiful.
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 Well, at least Westallen is married now. So that’s wonderful.
This episode was very starved for Atomwave, but then again, it makes sense given it’s an episode about Stein dying, and Westallen marrying.
So, mazel tov and “tahn khoo meem” which at least based on Google is “Sorry for your loss” in Hebrew.
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vanillasakura · 3 years
Doing (some) these even though nobody asked because I’m procrastinating on homework 
📱 Show your phone lock screen and/or home screen
On my computer and am too lazy to switch to my phone, but my home screen is all pastel Evangelion themed and it’s really cute, although I kinda wanna change it, not sure 
Lock screen is Walter White as I don’t know what else to set it as
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
Uhhhh probably Abigail Roberts and Ritsuko Akagi, but I can’t pick just two, I also love Sean MacGuire, Marie Antoinette (Fate), Ophelia Phamrsalone, Atticus Finch, Maddie Brodatt, Romani Archiman, and more I’m forgetting at the moment
🕹 Video game you are currently playing
Red Dead Redemption II, I was playing Persona 4 Golden but that game is so hard for no reason in the beginning I kinda just abandoned it, which sucks because I love the cast. I’m also playing Persona 5 Strikers but don’t have my playstation with me at the moment, so that’s on hiatus
🌡 Fave season
No clue, I just moved to a place with snow and as I didn’t grow up with snow I’m tempted to say winter just because I’m excited for it, but I feel like I will live to regret those words
🏫 Are you in school, what grade
Graduated top of my class from funny school 
🎒 Are you in college, major area of study
Okay for real yeah I’m in university, without giving specifics at the moment I’m studying an interdisciplinary field that draws mainly from sociology, history, and languages 
🏢 Your job (You don’t have to be specific) or dream job if you don’t work
I still want to be an actress, dreams haven’t changed since I was like eleven </3
📷 Post the 12th photo from your phone’s gallery
Once again on PC but it’s a screenshot of a conversation with some friends
📅 Your birthday
In the winter
🎂 How old are you
An adult, 18-22
📏 How tall are you
Short, 5′3 
🔑 Key to your heart
Be a woman something like Abigail Roberts, Ritsuko Akagi, Franziska von Karma, basically a woman who’s smart and isn’t afraid to show it but also has like a soft spot for one or two people because that is adorable
📖 Fave book
Code Name Verity
📝 Fave quote
“As long as the moon, the sun, and the Earth still exist, everything will be alright.”
🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in
English and French! I’m not fluent in the latter yet but I can write, read, and speak with pretty much no problem. I know some Japanese that I’ve picked up from a friend and from years of watching anime but I don’t speak it, although I’d love to learn
💻 Desktop/Laptop/iPad/other
Laptop and phone
📔 Do you keep a traditional diary
Sort of, I don’t write in it a lot anymore though
☠ Something that angers you
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of
🌼 Fave flower
Whatever doesn’t fuck up my allergies, so anything but Lilies and Lavender and any form of Ragweed 
📺 Fave anime
Evangelion, although Stein’s;Gate is also really good
🎥 Fave film
Aimee and Jaguar 
📻 Fave song currently
Suburbia Overture maybe??
🎙 Can you sing
Yeah, I was in choir/theatre for years
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
Probably my AirPods because I use them daily and they’re a lot more convenient for me than wired earbuds 
👾 Do you believe in aliens
👻 Do you believe in ghosts
⛪ What is your religion
Not sure, I’d classify myself as an Omnist (There’s some merit to every religious belief)
🌎 What country do you live in
America, although I want to move to France or Belgium one day. Ireland would be cool too
📸 Post a selfie
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0 notes
lotrewrite · 7 years
Recaps from Chat
Recap from the last chat - we went episode by episode, so all the writers should read this. I'll still start with some general comments that people had and discussions of some useful aspects from the last chat as well.
As a quick note, some of the episodes are discussed more or less than others, depending on if the writer was there or if people had thoughts or substantive comments rather than just compliments. I also removed all of the comments that were simply complimentary, but the chat was overwhelmingly positive as to each and every episode, which makes sense because they're all AWESOME. Just wanted you all to know that. Writers who weren't at the chat but want to see people complimenting them, just let me know, I can send you portions of the raw transcript.
There was a suggestion  that we post one episode posted per day rather than all at once – thoughts?
Schedule reminder: Episode Drafts due July 31; Posting to start August 15
General comments:
If people haven’t seen the last chat’s recap, the most relevant parts were: 1) the increased Queen B-Amaya rivalry and development
confrontation in 10,
more revelations in second confrontation in 13,
Amaya angsting about researching the future and whether to change what she discovers in 14
Amaya deciding not to in 15,
final confrontations in 18 and Doomworld, Amaya is stronger/less distracted because Queen B’s taunts no longer work
2) the spear
used to power the Oculus and the pieces were scattered when it exploded; as a Time Master, Rip can track the pieces down (backstory of spear revealed in episode 8 from Constantine)
the spear does not whisper or lure people in, but rather glow and change history – the more pieces, the stronger Len is as well
3) Len appearance guide (reposted below)
Episode 3 is our first appearance of blink-and-miss-Len
More blink-and-miss appearance in the next two episodes
Episode 5 (funeral) is turning point between “blink and gone” and “talking”
Episode 6 we have our first appear-and-talk Len, the big moment where Mick is taken aback and is surprise (like in canon, where Mick has to give a gruff “You’re not real”). Still only showing up briefly.
Increasingly more appearances in episode 6 through 10; Len says things TO Mick and Mick trying (and failing) to ignore him, responding to an increasing degree
Episode 10 - Len’s talking enough with Mick that the others notice
Episode 11 - Legends test Mick for hallucinations, but Len’s still there
Episode 12 - Len can’t go on the ship, but the audience finds out he’s real
Episode 13 to 16, Len should really be written as a full member of the cast just one that no one else can hear but Mick.
Episode 14 L!Len steals the piece while O!Len is around, which is when O!Len realizes for the first time that Legion!Len is around; we could have a scene with O!Len asking Gideon “WTF was that”
Episode 16, he argues with Mick and leaves to go with the Legion!Len, who he discovers can also see him
Episode 17 is the episode where he helps Legion!Len fight the Legion
Episode 18 O!Len comes back and re-joins Mick’s side, but isn’t able to convince him not to go with Legion!Len in episode 19
Episode 20, Mick discovers Len is real
Episode 22, everyone else does and Len gets resurrected
[NOTE: everyone, don’t forget that some of Len’s appearances should be with comments of bitterness about having been “tricked” into sacrificing himself anti-heroism, rather than just comments from the peanut gallery]
Black Flash should appear more - suggestions:
Episode 1 – first appearance, chasing Eobard and discussed
Episode 4 – time wraiths appear, mentioned as a threat
One episode needs to have the Legion working together to temporarily trap the BF – options include episode 6 (what the Legion is doing during the heist), episode 9 (what the Legion is doing during the American Rev section while Rip is fighting the Legends), possibly episode 11 or 14?
Episode 10 – Eobard is running from BF
Episode 16 – Eobard mentions the BF as a concern since he is stuck in the show
Episode 19 – Morgan taunts Eobard with mention of BF
Episode 20 – BF in a cage since Eobard cannot destroy it
Episode 22 – BF sees Eobard put back into the timeline and fades away looking satisfied
Episode by Episode
Episode 1
Eobard's speech be split up a bit more naturally, rather than a massive info dump
more changes regarding the spear being tied to the Oculus Stein argues to change the Holocaust but Rip loudly vetoes changing the timeline
Episode 2
No spear whispering, since it doesn’t fit with the spear as the Oculus tool
Episode 3
Awaiting updated draft to give further comments
Episode 4
More info on Chernobyl and Berlin Wall
More obvious that the “note” is a red herring and actually the Legion is going with bombs
Stein is on team “don’t change the past” because he doesn’t know about Lily (to set up his change of heart in episode 7); Nate leads the “don’t change history” camp
Inclusion of reference to someone telling Captain Lance that his daughter is alive (possible reference to Laurel promising to skype him from Earth-2)
Reference to Amaya having been introduce to the universal translator off-screen
Episode 5
Stein gets visions of Lily before he meets her – possibly subject of discussion with seeress
Gideon warns them not to use their powers too openly since this is mid-conversion (reference to angel incident), possibly as a result of Ray talking about how he can use his suit to solve the problem
End of episode Gideon will analyze the magic axe and pinpoint what year it was brought from
Episode 6
More visions of Lily, possibly a throwaway reference to a descendant of Stein’s in the future which confuses him because he and Clarissa never had kids
First big reveal moment with Len to Mick, with Mick reacting by assuming Len isn’t real
Intro should include a mention of how Eobard is already analyzing the spear pieces with science, since the Legion would have had to be located in this time period during the previous episode
Might be a good place to include a mention of how Ray has trauma from the cretaceous period: he felt helpless/useless without his tech and now that he has it back, he feels he can be useful again as a result and  thus wants to use it, or something like that
Episode 7
Stein meets and bonds with Lily; he should have an on-screen (or at least, noted by others) change of heart on the “change the past” argument as a result;
Stein could ask Gideon about Lily after he meets her, with Gideon confirming that his visions were memory flashes and also giving him information about Lily’s life (sets up how the Legends sometimes overlook how useful Gideon is, since he didn’t ask about the visions beforehand) Ray suit malfunctioning storyline to line up with the overall arc
No Flashpoint-warning-note-from-future
Reason to use nanotech: because the aliens have telepathy, if they manage to get enough of them affected, it'll affect all of the aliens thus explaining why the heroes could stop a world-wide invasion without having Barry and Supergirl implausibly run around the whole world
A few more sentences regarding Oa/Green Lanterns; possible reference to “urban legend” Batman, possibly from Oliver
Possibly a quick montage/discussion of what other places are doing to fight the aliens during the initial attack (good place to sneak in some cameos of Bruce Wayne, Constantine, others)
Episode 8
Sara should mention that she got Constantine’s name/address from Oliver, since it won’t be mentioned in Episode 7; quick montage of them being turned away from Madam Xanadu and Zatanna and having no choice but to come back to Constantine
Less emphasis on Booster, just a quick reference/back-and-forth between Eobard and Rip
Zed’s vision could be both that Rip is being hunted by the Legion and that he’s not a friend (two temporally distinct things), thereby predicting both the Japan chase sequence and the later brainwashing
Possible referencing back to the seeress’ vision – now that they know that Zed has accurate visions, they consider that the seeress’ vision was accurate as well
Longer Japan sequence – more ninjas
Episode 9
Eobard, Darkh and Queen B aren't really there without much explanation – possible place for the Black Flash scene, or make this Rip’s “audition”
otherwise all positive
Episode 10
Possibly during montage Ray tries a Bat costume but someone says “nah, that’s an urban legend”
Ray will coin the name “Legion of Doom” by attempting to insulting them and failing (i.e. "at least we’re better than your - your - your stupid LEGION OF DOOM")
More scenes with the Legion bickering
Episode where Queen B hints at Amaya’s future (no specific facts), first stand-off between the two of them; Amaya starts to become worried but doesn’t know if it’s worth looking at her own future – temptation
More lead-up for Ray trying the Cold personality – possibly Mick makes some comments that in turn lead Ray to using the cold gun, and later Mick can just take the gun off him later and give him a similar pep talk – DEFINITELY need Len to be commenting on Ray’s attempt to become him
Stein is trapped on the ship with the villains and pretends to be an undercover Brit; Stein could start singing as a distraction – some sea shanty or British song, possibly "Heart of Oak"?
End of episode, someone goes "you taught them WHAT?!" at the very last bit of the episode as the Waverider flies off and then you hear the strains of "yo ho, a pirate’s life for me" from down below as the pirate’s Waverider sails away
Episode 11
The greenpeace member will not know exactly what the spear piece is and what it does, but just knows that holding it makes things change for the better
Additional complication in the episode: set of humorous sequences in which the Legends attempt (unsuccessfully) to navigate 80s Auckland with references to a traditional welcome ceremony, someone accidentally mistaking Mick for being an Aussie (as a shout-out to Dom being from Australia), and possibly Mick getting into an argument about rugby with someone
Suggestion for the opening: possibly start by showing Mick and Len talking, then the camera shifts to Jax or someone walking through the ship and observing Mick talking to the air (see from Jax POV how Mick looks when he interacts with Len)
Episode 12
Possibly include references to Green Lantern in timeship (brief visual reference, such as images flashing on repeat)
Len’s inability/refusal to enter the time ship is revealed early, due to the time stream being warped there; possibly make it ambiguous on whether Len doesn't want to come because he disapproves of the mission or just can't come because time stream stuff
Proposed scene: there'll be extremely scratchy voices/noises on the intercom - like, we can't tell if it's male, female, or more than one person, and there's background noise; mick has been separated from the team, and he's walking alone. Bad light, strange noises, steam and the intercom keeps cutting in and out and suddenly Mick hears what almost sounds like his own name, and the intercom is telling him to get out, run, turn back (like very scratchy). Instead of getting scared he gets suspicious and goes further into the ship, walking faster and faster as the noises get more insistent - he can SWEAR he hears his name in the noises, telling him to get out, turn back, she'll kill you, you have to - and he pries open a door and other voices superimpose from within - less scratchy but still tinny, electronic " - turn back. We have to -" And it's a flickering hologram of the former crew, pleading with the captain to turn back. The captain is resolute and refuses. the crew are despondent. The captain accuses them of being traitors, but the crew are clearly in the right. the hologram freezes. Mick has gotten closer. He bangs the display and the pictures flicker out. Then, the voice, clearer, definitely saying his name, but it cuts out, and another hologram starts.....
Len is attempting to use the ship’s broken/evil electronics to warn Mick; use a garbled version of Mick's name like either "Mi-" or "*crackle* -ick!" never the full thing. Possibly later on, Mick comments that "Nick" must have been trying to escape - and then someone points out that there was no Nick
End of the episode reveals that Len is there, double cliffhanger
Suggestions for more space-horror references are welcome (Aliens & 2001 Space Odyssey already included)
Episode 13
Len converses with Gideon regarding why he couldn’t go onto the other time ship and also in a moment of bitterness requests that she not reveal him to the rest of the team (because Mick keeps saying he’s dead and Len’s annoyed by this); possibly he asks Gideon a relevant question that no one thinks to ask and then conveys the information
Second stand-off between Queen B and Amaya
Piece of the spear could be an umbrella among a lot of umbrellas
Brainwashing will be removed off-screen, possibly with Mick staggering out and saying “it’s done” or something like that, then someone asks if using his Kronos skills was hard; conversation with Amaya will involve that that the bad memories it brings up about the time masters just remind him that Len killed them all and now Len’s dead
The team forgives Rip for his actions in the same way they forgave Mick for Kronos
Episode 14
Possibly some underlying tension with Rip from his actions in the Legion left over
Feels a little thin for an episode – possibly fit in some more Black Flash references stuff, maybe a scene between Rip and Sara, or a Jason Blood cameo
Suggestion: Amaya and Jax could have their own subplot, possibly meeting some of the Black British people at court (John Blanke?) and possibly playing tennis
How do they enter into the Court, possibly with fake connections, pretending to be French, or during a masquerade? Is Catherine still at court? Possibly this is set mid-way through Henry’s courtship of Anne?
Episode 15
Lily needs to be picked up and possibly used more, maybe coordinating from the ship; she and Stein need to have the big fight over him not revealing that she's an aberration
Kakopumpkin offers her services to assist with Irish accents
Request that Carter be from Cork and possibly with the last name O’Regan, possible references to the Great Famine in Ireland
References to Mick being of Irish descent helping him bond with people possibly more prominent? Also, possible joke as addition: Gideon later confirming that Mick is descended from Sadie the Goat/Gallus Mag because they have a shared propensity for headbutting their problems?
Regarding the “Republican” joke, since the Republicans at the time were anti-slavery against the pro-slavery Democrats, possibly explain further?
Episode 16
Possibly include references to the Green Lanterns
Excellent that there’s no A and B plots, both are equally important
Episode 17
Mysterious Girl that Jax meets should be Jessica Cruz, current Green Lantern, who can show up later in Doomworld
The Legends section of the episode seems a bit short – possibly add some more shenanigans/bonding?
In the background of the bar, there can be multiple cameos – Ivy and Selina ditching Gotham for an evening, pre-Joker Harley, etc.; just the camera passing over them
Possibly someone gets drunk and tries to explain one of their missions to Derek Waters from Drunk History ("and then george washington gave him a HUG")
Ray is very hyper because his suit is being reconstructed – possibly more attention to the reconstruction process that he’s doing
Episode 18
O!Len makes a joke about the Legion of Doom being back in Rome with its “legions”; Legion!Len creepily fails to pick up on the joke or laugh; Legion!Len can be dressed in a toga or a legionnaire outfit or both
Queen B, Jax and Amaya can all be pretending to be from Bialya/Zambezi
Episode 19
Working in Ystina; someone vaugely recognizing Jason Blood in a “doesn’t he look familiar?” sort of way; more clarity that the binding of Etrigan is meant as a punishment, more lead up mentions of Etrigan (possibly Merlin wondering what to do with the demon)
The “test” portion shouldn’t be too similar to the game show, possibly a simultaneous test of character
References to Monty Python (it’s only a model!)
Legends reuse medieval clothing from Viking era, only to be mistaken for Saxons, who were the bad guys, and were initially attacked/seen with suspicion
more of Oculus!Len arguing one way and Legion!Len arguing another and poor Mick stuck in the middle of it - with Mordred, who can see both as Len is becoming more visible
Episode 20-21
More set up for the Green Lanterns (Ted Kord more obviously mentioning his connection to them) and Batfamily (more references during the earlier Legion discussion of “the situation in Gotham”)
Queen B isn’t actually in Africa, but rather in a luxurious mansion in town for the LOD meeting, just say they’re usually based in Africa (otherwise very hard with the time zones and the travelling – travelling can be national rather than international)
Darhk gets Asia because of the League; Len should get Antarctica because no one else wanted it and it fit with his theme (still weird to Mick that he didn’t aim for North America and Central)
rather than Lisa not being important, she is still important to Len, he’s just not focused on her/where she is to an unusual degree, possibly reference on newspaper to Olympic Gold medalist figure skater Lisa
Nate bursts in at the beginning like the first episode and Darhk just has him dragged away by anonymous henchmen instead of listening to him (more dramatic, less murder)
O!Len comments that Gideon could confirm it, Mick annoyed that Len didn’t mention that Gideon knew the whole time, Len forgot to do so Len and Mick hug
last-bit-of-the-season Ray going "BAMBI?!" when they see the dino
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zaritarazi · 7 years
nyssa vs amaya, fe vs cisco hack off, fe + cisco
i mean nyssa would win she’s 1000 years old and a lesbian but i think she would be impressed by amaya, and by impressed i mean nyssa’s pinned amaya to the mat by sitting on her hips and sara is like my dream threesome- of people to spar withamaya: we know that’s not what you meantsara: haha yeah
okay cisco and felicity + hacking is so interesting to me bc cisco is like, an engineer? like not a software engineer, like the build a cold gun kind- and i think he only has a BS in mechanical engineering? but software is something he’s naturally good at and taught himself- which is ALSO something felicity did, but her entire passion is coding where cisco’s sort of split between a few of the sciences, so of course she’s got the 4 year MIT degree because that is her SHIT. so like i think she technically usually wins, so cisco doesn’t go for the hard win he always goes for the play of the game and like, reroutes all the cable boxes in the area to play nothing but logdate  7 15 2 and felicity is like “well i disabled all of the electronics in oliver’s home so that should take him 3 solid days to figure out but- i like your style” 
felicity and cisco is, listen to me, listen to me, the most pure thing on the planet earth. they get each other, they get the subtleties and the quirks and the turn of phrases and they share that deep, deep laurel love. there are 2 nerd squads: their cosplay group which is fee, cisco, curtis, and nate, and their d&d group which is fee, cisco, curtis, nate, ray, caitlin, lily stein, jax, and stein dms and is not in the groupchat. barry is so desperate to join their d&d group that i think he’s going to go back in time and change the rules of d&d in the 80s to say AND ALSO YOU HAVE TO LET BARRY ALLEN INTO YOUR GUILD
ask me who plays who in their d&d group
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 8 years
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If you guys haven’t read the Earth 4 series by @agentmarymargaretskitz, you’re really missing out. 
It features Leonard Snart as The Flash, Barry Allen as Captain Cold, and a whole slew of other familiar faces in new roles: Lily Stein and Linda Park as Firestorm, Iris as Golden Glider, Lisa Snart as Kid Flash, and Caitlin Snow as an assassin, just to name a few. 
Of course, there are plenty of ships: Captain Canary, Westallen, and Goldenvibe, to start. 
It’s a fun rabbit hole that keeps expanding, and I can’t wait to see what she does with it next!
Check it out.... Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7260577/chapters/16485637 
All edits are mine, based on her lovely universe. 
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what-my-bones-said · 4 years
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? chocolate bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? shy but a good student
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? glass cups
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? I mean probably preppy because of how I dress for teaching?
7. earbuds or headphones? Headphones
8. movies or tv shows? tv shows 
9. favorite smell in the summer? suntan lotion 
10. game you were best at in p.e.? the game where I lost early and got to stand on the side and watch 
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? right now, cereal. Usually, oatmeal or fried eggs. 
12. name of your favorite playlist? My country playlist on spotify
13. lanyard or key ring? lanyard
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? sour patch kids 
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? The Things they Carried by Tim O’Brien
16. most comfortable position to sit in? nothing, I am constantly changing the position I sit in. I can’t sit still
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? My Sperrys or my white crocs
18. ideal weather? Sunny with a nice warm breeze
19. sleeping position? on my side typically but I move a lot at night
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? notebook with a pen-- but usually I write on my phone because it’s convenient 
21. obsession from childhood? umm.. I don’t know? If I had any?
22. role model? My mom
23. strange habits? watching pimple popping videos
24. favorite crystal? Celestine 
25. first song you remember hearing? Zombie by The Cranberries
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Bask in the sun and drink
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Curl up in a ball and watch tv bc I hate the cold
28. five songs to describe you? That describe me?? Okay. We’ll try. Man! I Feel Like a Woman-Shania Twain. I Don’t Wanna Be-Gavin Degraw. Who I Am- Jessica Andrews. She Keeps Me Warm-Mary Lambert. This is Me- The Greatest Showman Soundtrack 
29. best way to bond with you? Deep conversations, lots of snacks, and good beer
30. places that you find sacred? the docks at mount holyoke, the woods leading up to the docks
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? ooo... khakis, pink button down, and blazer OR a kick ass dress, depending on the mood. 
32. top five favorite vines? “LOOK AT ALL THOSE CHICKENS.” , It’s an avocado! Thanks!”, “I SMELL LIKE BEEEEF”, “THAT’S MY OPINION”, “That’s what good pussy sounds like”
33. most used phrase in your phone? “I love you” & Yikes bikes
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? WOW that’s a low price! 
35. average time you fall asleep? 11:00
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? The baby one? idk honestly 
37. suitcase or duffel bag? suitcase is easier to carry 
38. lemonade or tea? tea but i love me some lemonade 
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? lemon meringue pie 
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? my senior year for part of our senior prank my friend brought a keg full of mountain dew to school and people did keg stands in the parking lot
41. last person you texted? wifey 
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets 
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? love a good cardi
44. favorite scent for soap? i have a new mango one that I really like 
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? superhero
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? sweatpants and a big tshirt/longsleeve in the winter, basketball shorts in the summer. 
47. favorite type of cheese? ooo... I’m going to go with goats cheese
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? A pomegranate-- i will explain only if asked.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? “We have to create. It is the only thing louder than destruction” -Andrea Gibson
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? idk my wife says a lot of funny things
51. current stresses? not being able to fly and see my wife, my kids not being in the classroom for the rest of the year... basically the state of the world.
52. favorite font? I’m a boring hoe that loves Times New Roman... also into Playfair though. 
53. what is the current state of your hands? Dry as hell and not holding my wife’s... so... not good. 
54. what did you learn from your first job? That not everybody has the same opportunities as me and I should be thankful that I was able to get a college education....
also that drive thru sucks and you should appreciate fast food workers bc their job is shit. 
55. favorite fairy tale? Hansel and Gretel is fun
56. favorite tradition? Christmas party at my parent’s house
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? My grandmother dying is my biggest one, and the struggle of having anxiety is one I’m constantly trying to overcome
58. four talents you’re proud of having? poetry writing, I guess I can sing?, and act a little bit?, teaching-- because I feel like it is a talent
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? absolutely no idea.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Something like Ouran High School Host Club
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?  “There is no dishonor in losing the race. There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose.”- The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein 
62. seven characters you relate to? Tina from Bob’s Burgers, Piggie from the Elephant and Piggie books, Rory from Gilmore Girls, Part of Monica from Friends, parts of Joey from Friends, Linda from Bob’s Burgers, Oscar the Grouch from Seasame Street
63. five songs that would play in your club? Yeah!-Usher, Dancing Queen- ABBA, Man! I Feel Like a Woman- Shania Twain, Maneater- Nelly Furtado, Work it- Missy Elliot 
64. favorite website from your childhood? Addicting Games
65. any permanent scars? A small scar on my wrist from burning myself on the oven
66. favorite flower(s)? Lilies 
67. good luck charms? My wife
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? GRAPE
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Otters hold hands
70. left or right handed? right handed 
71. least favorite pattern? Paisley 
72. worst subject? Math
73. favorite weird flavor combo? Ketchup and Mac and Cheese... not really flavors but 
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? 7
75. when did you lose your first tooth? no idea
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? how could I ever pick a favorite potato food when I love them all equally? Except tater tots. Tater tots can go away. 
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? Cactus 
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Sush 
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? school ID
80. earth tones or jewel tones? earth tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? fireflies 
82. pc or console? pc 
83. writing or drawing? writing
84. podcasts or talk radio? podcasts
84. barbie or polly pocket? POLLY POCKET 
85. fairy tales or mythology? Fairy tales
86. cookies or cupcakes? cookies
87. your greatest fear? plane crash
88. your greatest wish? world peace? also to be living on the same continent as my wife
89. who would you put before everyone else? my wife and my family 
90. luckiest mistake? no clue
91. boxes or bags? bags 
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? fairy lights
93. nicknames? my dad calls me gert (like gertrude) 
94. favorite season? fall
95. favorite app on your phone? My homescapes app 
96. desktop background? just the blue windows background. I’m boring and should change that 
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? three including mine 
98. favorite historical era? Renaissance? 
0 notes
ao3feed-avalance · 5 years
by DreamingImmortals
A Legends of Tomorrow based shots collection, some might have part twos ;). Covering anything from AvaLance stories to Puppets of Tomorrow to my take on season 5! I am also taking requests so... This fic will also feature other parts of the Arrwoverse with possible MCU crossovers, and later on, Shadowhunters and the 100 (I'm currently working on watching those). Enjoy!
Catch you later!
- Sydney
Words: 2510, Chapters: 2/4, Language: English
Fandoms: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), The Flash (TV 2014), Supergirl (TV 2015), Constantine (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Sara Lance, Rip Hunter, Ava Sharpe, Gideon (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Zari Tomaz, Charlie (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Mick Rory, Leonard Snart, Earth-X Leonard "Leo" Snart, Nora Darhk, Nate Heywood, Kendra Saunders, Carter Hall, Gary Green, Firestorm (DCU), Martin Stein, Mona Wu, Laurel Lance, John Constantine, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson, Barry Allen, Iris West, Oliver Queen, Curtis Holt, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Wally West, Lily Stein, Amaya Jiwe, Cisco Ramon, Felicity Smoak, Behrad Tomaz
Relationships: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe, Charlie/Zari Tomaz, Charlie & Zari Tomaz, Nate Heywood/Ray Palmer, Nora Darhk & Ray Palmer, Gideon/Rip Hunter, Laurel Lance & Sara Lance, Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance, Rip Hunter & Sara Lance
Additional Tags: Gay, The Waverider (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), Invasion! Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Cat Zari Tomaz, Audio 001: The Sirens of Time, puppets of tomorrow, Legends of Tomorrow Team are Family, Action & Romance, Adventure, Laurel Lance is the Black Canary
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Crisis On Earth X Part 4: Legends of Tomorrow
Or part 2 of me realising I really am not over Stein’s death in any way
- “Fall back!” *Goes straight into the breach thing*
This proves conclusively that Nazis are stupid motherfuckers.
- That small Captain Canary moment <3
I mean I love Sara with Ava more than anything else now, but Captain Canary was my first OTP on this show and will always have a special place in my heart.
- Ray popping up and making Thawne fly backwards with his hands in the air made me make the most inhuman cackle. It’s a quarter to one in the morning and I hope to God I didn’t wake up anyone in the house.
- “How was the wedding?” What do you think, Ray?
- “It embiggens.” I love my dork
- “Did you bring beers?”
- Earth X Oliver being soft with Earth X Kara again ugh
- Dinah please do not explain why Mick is pissy to the Legends. You just met him. You do not know him. The Legends are his family. They know him better than anyone. Please do not be a know it all.
- “We used to date.”
“That’s... awkward.” 
- Felicity standing up to Earth X Oliver with so much confidence makes me so proud.
- Oliver pointing a bow at Felicity, even if it’s Oliver from another earth is soooo unsettling.
- And then Oliver coming back to fight for his Felicity <3
- “Why are you laughing?”
Who’s pissy now, Dinah? Leave Cisco alone.
- “I just love a good pop culture reference in a moment of crisis.”
Yes Cisco. You be yourself. Do not let her squash your spirit my sweet child.
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- The desperation in Oliver’s voice when Earth X Kara says to shoot Felicity </3
“NO! No!!!”
- The way they run into each other’s arms and hold each other. The way he tells her “It’s okay, you’re safe.”
- “Nothing matters, except that I love you.”
- Barry and Iris hugging and talking about their honeymoon <3
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- Alex and Kara’s reunion <3
- “Ghost is back.”
“You’re a gangbanger.”
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- Earth X Oliver telling the Nazi Waverider to be quiet always reminds me of that vine with the guy telling the lamb “don’t you yell at your mother” for some strange reason, primarily because the actress of Moira played the AI of that Waverider.
- Everyone sticking together and Olicity holding hands in the front of everyone
- “We can’t bring Marty back, but we can protect the city he loved, and the family he left behind.”
“For the Professor.”
*All the themes begin to play*
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- Everyone walking out together in a line
- “Excuse me!?!?!?!? You can’t just go around ROASTING people!!!!”
“Why not?”
“You ever heard of due process??? Rule of law????”
*Walks away*
- Cisco is so excited I love this nerd
- All of my dorks being helpful in the Waverider <3
- I just noticed Ray hitching a ride on a T- Sphere lol
- The 2 Olivers fighting, Thawne and Barry fighting and the 2 Waveriders chasing each other
- Caitlin giving Amaya and Zari a ride to the ship is great.
- And now the 2 Karas I love this
- It’s like the first Pokemon movie but the clones are Nazi scum that need to die.
- I saw that relief on your face when Cisco made it out, Harry. You care.
- “Disembodied computer voice lady is right.” Cisco you know exactly who Gideon is???? There’s an entire Gideon room in Star Labs???
- Oliver killing the Nazi him is extremely satisfying, but seeing his body is horrific.
- What did they even do with the body? Nazi Kara exploded, so hers wouldn’t be a problem, but what did they do with Nazi Oliver’s body? Burn it??? Send it back to Earth X?
- “I will come home to you. Promise.” <3
- Oh God the funeral.
- Clarissa comforting Jax </3
“You were his family too.”
- “Goodbye my love” </3
- “Tell Ronnie I miss him.” 
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- “It’s a hug thing.”
- Of course there’s someone out there for Sara <3 Ava’s out there.
- “You hit that?”
*smacks Mick’s head*
“Shut up.”
- “Now she’s pro- wedding.”
- Poor John. Every single time.
- “Honoured is correct.”
- The vowssssss
“But no matter how different things became, or what new challenges I had to face, I always had the other thing my life was marked by. And that’s you. You’ve always been there, as a friend, as a partner, as the love of my life. You’re my home, Iris, and that’s one thing that will never change”
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- That story about Barry doing the entire dance routine with Iris is one of the best things ever, and I would have love to have seen that.
“And then I looked in the audience and I saw you. And you got up, and climbed on the stage, and you did that whole routine with me. And we killed it. I mean, we brought the house down. And from that moment I knew that with you by my side, anything is possible. The Flash may be the City’s hero, but you, Barry Allen, you’re my Hero. And I am happy, excited, and honoured to be your wife.”
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- My lovvveessssssss they’re so adorablllllleeeeeeeee
- I really don’t blame Olicity for getting married right there and then considering they almost died and thought they would never see each other again. People have gotten eloped for much less, and I think this would count as a pretty good reason.
- The Soft Look Oliver gives her.
- He’s so happy about this.
- I’m so happy about this.
- “I believe in you, and I believe that no matter what life throws at us our love can conquer it. Married, unmarried. I love you. My greatest fear... My greatest fear in life is losing you.”
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- “You kidding me, Oliver? I'm the guy for the past six years that's been trying to keep you two together. It’s only fitting that I marry you.” Lolll and he has toiled and struggled with this task so much, and in the end, it was worth it.
- “I remember saying something along the lines of: You're the very best part of me. Felicity, I'm a better human being Just because I've loved you.”
- Felicity’s smile can light up a room
Lolll It’s been over a year and I’m still not over it. I’m still so happy.
(Also John being happy and raising his arms at the end is me af)
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Earth-4 Team Legends
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ao3feed-hartmon · 6 years
Once More Unto
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2EWauN9
by fezwearingjellybananas
Eobard Thawne was defeated. Central City's sky opened up. The day was saved, but not without it's cost.
With enemies from another world, a speedster determined to take Barry's speed, two of their own developing their own meta-human abilities, and familiar faces belonging to not so familiar people, Team Flash are faced with the realisation Reverse Flash was only the beginning (oh man, they're all going to need therapy after this)
Words: 8128, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Milk and Sugar 'verse
Fandoms: The Flash (TV 2014)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Iris West, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Hartley Rathaway, Lily Stein, Eddie Thawne, Wally West, Linda Park, Joe West, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Hunter Zolomon
Relationships: Caitlin Snow/Iris West, Cisco Ramon/Hartley Rathaway, Barry Allen/Eddie Thawne
Additional Tags: and more characters (again), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season/Series 02, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Also some character un-death
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2EWauN9
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Please give me all the Earth-4 Flash headcanons :)
The Flash of Earth-4 is Leonard Snart. He was in Lisa’s forensic lab at the CCPD when the accelerator went off and a lightning bolt hit him. Leonard went into a coma and was sent to the hospital, but Dr. Mick Rory (owner of STAR Labs, city pariah thanks to his particle accelerator failing, and Leonard’s best friend since childhood) gets him transferred to STAR Labs to stabilize him.
After Leonard wakes up and discovers his speed, he starts operating out of STAR Labs as a hero with the help of Mick and Dr. Sara Lance. It all starts when they take down Emma Albert from destroying Central City with a tornado.
A thief and criminal, Barry Allen, comes to town to steal a precious diamond. He ends up acquiring a cold gun stolen from STAR Labs to help him out with the crime. Leonard goes up against him twice, and nearly gets his head iced off before Sara shows up with what she claims is a molecular dissipation device (it’s just a useless prototype for the cold gun) that she will use on Captain Cold unless he backs away from the Flash. Cold leaves, but promises that he will return.
Leonard keeps his powers a secret from his adoptive family until he finds out that his adoptive sister Lily was affected by the particle accelerator and is now living within a woman named Linda Park. With the help of Mick and Linda’s fiance, Leonard gets the two separated. Lily and Linda decide to help Leonard with being a hero by merging together as Firestorm.
Leonard is terrible with puns, especially speed ones. He drops those ones most around people who knows he’s the Flash. Mick and Lily groan, Sara smiles and rolls her eyes, and once Lisa finds out he’s a speedster, she tell him he’s the worst brother ever.
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Where We Started Chapter 5
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Linda Park thought she was going to die the night the Particle Accelerator turned on and went critical. Instead, she spent a year living as the voice in the back of her head.
Image credit to the talented @misscrazyfangirl321
AO3, Fanfiction
               The night they put the particle accelerator online was supposed to be one of the greatest nights of Linda Park’s life, and maybe even her career. As soon as Dr. Rory brought it online, everyone erupted into applause. The elation only lasted for a few minutes before a loud bang shook the room the scientists were assembled in. As soon as Linda heard it, she knew that something had gone wrong with the accelerator.
               Everyone scrambled to a computer or some other station to find out what had gone wrong. Sara was the one to figure out that the problem was the rapidly weakening containment wing. If it broke completely, then the blast would likely kill everyone within STAR Labs and the observers and protestors outside. Linda volunteered to go into the accelerator to find a way to stop it, given she had helped built the thing. Her fiancé had been concerned about her going, but Linda told Eddie she would be fine. Sara was going with her, and she had faith that her friend would have her back.
               After arriving at the entrance to the accelerator, Linda made Sara remain outside. She knew the inner workings of the accelerator better than the other woman, and could get things straightened out faster. Still, she ordered Sara to set a timer for two minutes after she first entered the accelerator. If she didn’t get back in time, then Sara was to seal the opening permanently to contain the blast It would mean certain death for Linda, but she would rather Sara have to make that hard call than Eddie.
               Once inside, her assessment was that failure was inevitable. The accelerator, the pride of STAR Labs, was going to blow. However, the blast could be directed upwards instead of outward. Making sure that happened would take longer than two minutes, but Linda knew everyone, herself included, would be dead if she turned and ran out. Staying to redirect the blast would result in fewer casualties, including her friends and Eddie. So Linda steeled her courage and set to work.
By the time she had finished doing all she could, Linda sat down against the sealed entrance and picked up her radio. “Sara?”
A crackle of static. “Yeah, I’m here, Linda.”
“I realigned the magnets” Linda explained as something sparked above her. “It’s still going to explode, but now it’s going to go up instead of out. Sara, you need to set the particle parameters to compensate.”
“On it.”
Tears pooled in Linda’s eyes as she heard her fiancé’s voice. “Eddie.”
“Linda, tell me there’s a way out,” Eddie pleaded, desperation in his voice. “Tell me you can escape.”
The accelerator began to shake more. Linda looked down at the engagement ring on her finger. “The door needs to stay sealed, Eddie. I can’t open it now. I’m sorry, babe.”
“Linda, I love you.”
               A red-orange light surged towards Linda as she whispered ‘I love-’ back to him through the radio. She didn’t get the last word out as the light engulfed her. As much as she wished could have stared death in the face without fear, Linda screamed before the matter tore her entire being into scattered atoms before absorbing it. She never knew that Sara was crying on the other side of the door, or that Eddie had fallen to the floor, holding the radio close to his chest.
When she woke up, there was another presence within her body, but it controlled her movements instead of her. Linda Park had become reduced to a voice in the back of her own head and a helpless observer to the world around her.
               The explosion had done something to Linda and the other presence that controlled her body, a woman who called herself Lily Stein. They were two minds in one body that had a tendency to catch on fire- which neither woman had ever experienced. For a few months, they lived on the streets, looking insane with the way Lily was always talking to Linda aloud. One day, Linda urged Lily to seek out Sara Lance, not wanting to face Eddie the way she was. But when she approached the scientist, she was barely able to get in a few words when half a dozen armored vans showed up and threw Lily and Linda inside while knocking out Sara when she tried to go after her.
               When Lily and Linda awoke, they were inside a prison cell. It didn’t take much longer before they figured out they were at an Army base based on the uniforms they say when they were taken off towards a room. Over the next few months, they became subject to testing by the military led by a General Luthor, who wanted to make them a superweapon to be used at the military’s command. The offer was presented at first for them to accept, which both refused. Their refusal was seen by Luthor as a go-ahead to force them to be tortured until Lily and Linda agreed to work for her.
               After a year of living in the same body, a red blur sped into the cell block and asked where Lily Stein and Linda Park were. Lily signaled their location with a shout, and they were soon freed from their cell. Soldiers came pouring in to stop them, but Lily and Linda were able to use their newfound ability to set themself on fire and hurtle fireballs at them while the red blur knocked out the ones they missed. He then took them out of the base and into STAR Labs. Linda was stunned to see that Eddie was there with Sara and Dr. Rory, along with an older couple who Lily called her parents. The man in red removed his mask, and Lily recognized him as her brother.
               Once they were able to clean up a little, Dr. Rory explained the situation to Linda and Lily. Linda had been vaporized in the accelerator, but her atoms had been scattered in the blast and Lily had absorbed them due to something she was holding called FIRESTORM. It allowed Linda to contain her mind and her body, even though Lily was able to take control somehow. Then there was the ability to light up on fire, which Dr. Rory believed was another effect of the accelerator.
“Can this be reversed?” Lily asked for the both of them. “Can we become two people again?”
Dr. Rory smiled. “It might just be your lucky day.”
               Once Eddie attached the quantum splicer to their chest, he smiled and stepped back. Linda could feel something happening within her body. She had always felt like she and Lily were forced to become one with no way to break apart. Now, with the splicer, Linda felt she could split away from Lily, as if she had control of her own body again. A burst of flame shot up with them, and Linda took a step forward, stumbling a little.
               When the fire dissipated into the air, Linda was in her own body and able to control it. She was wearing the same clothes she had worn the night the particle accelerator went critical, although they were now torn and dirty. To her right was a second woman, a brunette, who wore equally torn and dirty clothing. She looked as relieved as Linda did to be free.
The woman, who must have been Lily, ran towards the older couple and man in the red suit, her family. On Linda’s side of the room, Eddie was approaching her now. “Linda?”
Linda smiled and nodded. She closed the distance between them and kissed him for the first time in over a year.
“I missed you,” she sighed, resting her forehead against his.
Eddie smiled. “I missed you too. I thought you were dead, Linda. I couldn’t move on.”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” Linda said, kissing him again before remembering they still had company in the room. Lily had finished her reunions, and was now meeting Sara. Linda stepped away from Eddie and towards the woman she had spent the past year sharing a form with.
“Lily Stein, I presume?” Linda said, getting a nod from the other woman. “Nice to put a name to voice in my head.”
               The women learned that they could control the merge so they both could remain in control when Luthor came after them. When they were together, they could set themselves on fire without harm, fly, and hurl fireballs at people. The year before the split had been hell, but Lily and Linda actually enjoyed it. They started helping out Lily’ brother, who had been calling himself the Flash. It was Sara that gifted an official name (as well as a suit to wear in the field) to them.
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Welcome to Earth-1
AO3, Fanfiction
After I finished the second part of Welcome to Earth-4, I really wanted to write in Lisa as the Kid Flash to Leonard's Flash on Earth 4. Also, I really wanted to write more of Golden Glider Iris. So thus this was born. (Honestly, that's my only excuse for this.)
Thanks to @locitarose for letting me ramble about Earth-4 to her.
“Are you sure you two can handle it?” Dr. Mick Rory asked again over the comms. “Because I can call your brother in for backup-“
“No, you won’t,” Lisa Snart shot back. “He and Sara deserve the night off. Besides, we’ve got it covered.”
“Definitely,” Linda Park agreed, her white eyes turning towards Lisa. “And Lily agrees too. Now let’s get in there before they get away.”
Her head and hands burst into flames as she shot up in the sky towards Mercury Labs.
“Show off,” Lisa muttered, even though it was pretty cool.
               She sped towards the building as Firestorm streaked across the sky. It was kind of fun to be going out on patrol without her brother for once. Although a second speedster could have really been more helpful as Lisa zipped in and out of all the labs, searching for who had tripped the alarms. Eventually, she got lucky when she found the inventory room with Mercury Labs prototypes and found herself face to face with the intruders. Once she saw their weapons, she knew she should have known who it had been from the second Mick told her that there had been a break in.
“So, Cold and Gold,” Lisa smirked at Barry Allen and Iris West before turning to the third member of their party. “And Hot Stuff.”
Cisco Ramon nodded at her, although he kept his heat gun aimed at her.
“Flash Jr.” Allen replied smugly, raising the cold gun. “If you’re here to stop us, it won’t go well for you. The first time the Flash tried to stop us, well, I’m sure you heard about how they had to close down the whole block for reconstruction.”
Lisa crossed her arms. “One, it’s Kid Flash, and two-”
A burning woman shot into the room before hovering above Lisa.
“-I’m not alone,” she finished before grinning up at Firestorm.
               She was turning back to the Rogues when the cold gun whined and a chilly force blasted her back. Lisa groaned and saw a layer of ice now coating her chest. She vibrated quickly, the ice changing into water that dripped off of her. Leonard hadn’t been wrong about the cold gun. It really did hurt like hell.
“Hate to do this, but you’re in our way out,” Cisco’s voice said as a burst of flame made its way towards her.
Linda shot down and blocked the fire from Lisa. “I’ve got this. Go take on Glider and Cold!”
               Lisa followed the order and raced at Captain Cold, who fired at her again. She dodged the blows that she could before getting a good opening. Once she had it, Lisa was able to get close enough to knock him down. After he was out, the speedster looked around wildly for Golden Glider. The female Rogue was at the end of a row of shelves, fiddling with what resembled an elongated computer mouse.  A swirling portal suddenly materialized in the air in front of her, eliciting a smile from West.
“No!” Lisa shouted.
               West was starting to run forward at it, but Lisa had the Speed Force on her side. She caught up to her and tackled her forward. Only when it was too late did Lisa realize she had tackled them straight into the portal. Images rushed past her before she landed on cold, wet pavement. Rolling off West, Lisa stood up to see that she was now on the waterfront of Central City. She could see Star Labs to her left, but that didn’t make sense. Where she was standing, it should to be to her right.
She knew something had gone wrong when she heard West start laughing.
“What’s so funny?” she demanded as the other woman climbed to her feet. “What the hell just happened?”
“We’ve gone to another Earth,” West laughed. “It actually worked.”
Lisa blinked. Her brother and Sara had told her how some people from another Earth had once visited their Earth a few months ago. She had taken it in stride at the time, but now she had just experiencing dimensional travel for herself. Oh, Mick was going to be so jealous of this.
“Which Earth?” she asked, still processing the surroundings she was in.”
“What’s it matter to you?” Golden Glider scoffed, drawing out her gold gun. “You’ll be too dead to care.”
               As the portal closed behind Lisa Snart and Iris West, Firestorm screamed before splitting apart. Linda Park had her hands over her mouth, horrified by what had just happened. Lily Stein walked slowly toward Lisa and West had disappeared, staring at the spot where the portal had been. The other two Rogues were currently unconscious, so she wasn’t worried about them attacking while both were vulnerable. Lily wasn’t thinking about them though. Her only thoughts were on Lisa.
Linda swallowed. “Where do you think they went?”
“It was a breach,” Lily whispered hollowly. “It could go anywhere. They could be on any Earth.”
Linda walked up beside her. “I know we agreed to give them the night off, but we should call Leonard and Sara.”
“I second that,” Mick said through their comms. Both started a little, having forgotten he was still listening in.
“No,” Lily said sharply. “We can’t call Leonard. He’ll freak out.”
“If we shouldn’t call him, then what should we do?” Linda asked.
“Start by coming back to STAR Labs,” Mick instructed. “We’ll work it out from there.”
“Another speedster?” Wally repeated, frowning.
“Well, you, Barry, and Jesse are all accounted for,” Cisco replied over the comm. “So I’m assuming it’s someone else, probably from another Earth. The person they’re fighting might be too.”
“What makes you say that?” Barry asked from his end of the comms.
“Because I’m next to Cisco at STAR Labs,” the voice of Lisa Snart chimed in. She’d started helping out Team Flash shortly after her brother had come back to life, and had become an asset to them since. “And I have my gold gun right next to me. Whoever’s down at the pier has one of their own. They’re really good with it- ooo that was a close one.”
“Glider 2.0 almost hit our new speedster in the face with gold,” Cisco explained.
“I can get down to the pier,” Barry told them. “I’m on the outskirts of Central, I can get there.”
“No, I’m closer,” Wally cut in as he changed the direction he’d been running so he was now heading toward the pier.
               When Wally arrived at the scene, he saw two figures battling it out. One he could make out to be a woman dressed in a yellow suit similar to his own, although her boots and gloves were red and she wore a yellow eye mask. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun to keep from getting into her face as she ran and dodged golden projectiles that came from a gun another woman was firing at her. Neither seemed to notice him watching, which gave him an advantage. As soon as he had an opening, Wally raced forward and snatched the gun from the woman attacking the speedster before knocking her down. Once she was out of the way, Wally turned back to the female speedster, who was working on phasing out of the gold that had hit her body.
“Thanks,” she said as the last piece fell to the ground, looking up at him. “Whoever you are.”
“Kid Flash,” Wally introduced with a grin.
The woman hesitated before nodding. “Right, different Earth, different Kid Flash.”
“So you’re the Kid Flash on another Earth?”
“Yeah,” the other Kid Flash grimaced as she looked down at the second woman. “Ended up here on accident while trying to stop her and the Rogues- the Rogues on my Earth, I mean- from stealing tech from Mercury Labs.”
Wally looked down at the other woman in order to get a better look at who she was. His eyes widened when he saw her face. Lying unconscious before him was his big sister, or at least the woman who looked exactly like her. On another Earth, Iris was a Rogue. Slowly, he looked back at the other Kid Flash.
“Do you mind if I take both of you back somewhere?” Wally asked. “There’s some people who probably want to see her, and meet you, uh…”
“Lisa,” the woman supplied. “Lisa Snart.”
On the other end of the comms, Wally heard the sound of a chair falling backwards and an ‘Oh shit’.
               Lisa’s arrival at the other Earth’s STAR Labs with West was more eventful when she encountered that Earth’s Barry Allen. She still remembered getting kidnapped with Sara by him on her Earth. After she punched him in the face, this Earth’s Kid Flash, a Wally West, and Cisco’s doppelgänger (who worked at STAR Labs on this Earth) hastily explained that Barry was a good guy here.
“You wouldn’t happen to be from that Earth where Snart’s the Flash, would you?” Good Barry groaned while holding a hand to his now bleeding nose.
“If you mean my brother, then yes,” Lisa nodded. “You know about it?”
“I was on Earth-4 once with your brother from this Earth,” he explained. “And I know about my Earth-4 doppelganger. I briefly met him, but I heard he’s a jerk.”
“If he, West, and Ramon hadn’t been robbing Mercury Labs, I’d still be back on my Earth,” Lisa sighed, looking at the bed she’d placed the still unconscious West on. “Then she had to go and open a breach. I tried to stop her, and we both went through.”
“Iris is Golden Glider on your Earth,” Cisco’s double said in awe. “And Barry’s a bad guy on your Earth too?”
“Captain Cold,” Lisa told him as Good Barry’s face reddened and Cisco’s jaw dropped. “What?”
“I’m the Flash on this Earth,” Barry explained, raising his hand. Lisa’s eyes widened as she watched it vibrate at superspeed. “Your brother is Captain Cold here, although he’s more of a good guy these days than he used to be.”
Lisa blinked. She couldn’t picture her brother as Captain Cold, or as a bad guy in general. And Barry Allen as the Flash? Well, he looked and seemed a lot nicer on this Earth, but appearances could be deceiving.
“What the hell happened on your Earth?” she asked.
Good Barry grinned. “Your brother said something like that to me too.”
“We could ask the same about your Earth,” Cisco said. “But I need to ask...how did that Iris get a breach open in the first place?”
“With this,” Lisa passed Cisco the device she’s found on West after shed searched her at this STAR Labs. “I guess it opens up breaches somehow. She was trying to steal it with your doppelgangers. No idea why she’d want to come here though.”
Good Barry groaned. “That might be my fault. When my doppelganger found out that I was from another Earth, he wanted to take my place and go on a crime spree here. The Iris there seemed down for it.”
“Well done, you influenced a break-in,” Lisa muttered. “I already tried to see if it would work, but it’s not creating any breaches. Even if it did, I’d need one to get me and her home.”
Cisco grinned. “Ohhh I’ve got this. And even if I can’t, I’ll still get you and Iris home.”
“Speaking of which,” Lisa heard her own voice say behind her. She turned around to see a woman who looked exactly like her enter the room with two other woman, one of whom was this Earth’s version of Iris West. “What are we going to do with Glider 2.0?”
Lisa stared at her doppelganger, who shared a quick wide-eyed gaze at her before remembering they weren’t alone. But she definitely wanted to talk to her double.  She wanted to know what her life had been like on this Earth.
“Keep her secure somehow,” Lisa advised. “She’s escaped from prison twice on my Earth. I’d like to make sure she gets back to that Earth and stays there. The last thing I’d want would be for your West to get framed for her crimes.”
“Pipeline?” the woman Lisa didn’t recognize proposed. “It’ll only be for a short time anyways.”
“I’ll get her there,” Good Barry said, lifting up West in his arms and speeding out of the room before returning a few moments later. “Done.”
“I’ll get to work on this,” Cisco said as he held up the device and turned to Lisa. “Just…relax for a while. Rest up, shower, sleep, eat, whatever you need.”
“Barry’s the one who’s supposed to go on the pizza run,” Wally turned towards Barry, and then back to her. “What do you like on your pizza?”
“I-I don’t have any money,” Lisa stammered, caught off a little by the suddenness of the question.
“It’s on us,” Good Barry smiled. “Don’t worry about it.”
Lisa nodded. “Then pepperoni, mushrooms, and peppers.”
               Lisa stared into the room where her speedster double was currently playing solitaire. She’d gotten out of her Kid Flash costume and now wore civilian clothes. Lisa wouldn’t have been as intrigued by that detail except for the part where her doppelganger was wearing sweatpants and a tank top that showed off unscarred arms and shoulders. Somehow, on that Earth she was from, her childhood had not involved an abusive asshole of a father. Maybe that was why she and that Earth’s Lenny grew up to become heroes instead of criminals and then heroes.
Eventually, she was able to work up the courage to go and talk with the doppelganger, who Cisco was calling Earth-4 Lisa. As soon as she knocked on the glass beside the opening of the room, the other Lisa looked up.
“I kept wondering which of us would approach the other first,” she admitted, turning over a card.
“Cisco’s nearly finished up with the breach generator,” Lisa told her, walking over slowly. “You’ll be able to get home soon.”
Earth-4 Lisa sighed with relief. “That’s good. My brother and sister are probably freaking out over where I’ve gone. If she’s decided to tell him that is. He didn’t go out tonight since we gave him and Sara the week off of heroing for a getaway that they really need.”
Lisa smiled a little, pleased to hear that her brother and Sara were also together on the other Earth, but there was something about what the other woman had said that stuck out to her. “You have a sister on your Earth?”
“Yeah,” Earth-4 Lisa nodded. “It’s not by blood though. When I was one, my family was in a car accident. Lenny and I got out alive, but our parents didn’t. We didn’t have other relatives to take us in, and it looked like we were going to the foster system. That was when the Steins stepped in. They knew our family, and even though they had a daughter of their own already, they took us in. Lenny and I grew up with them. They’ve been the only parents I’ve ever really had. Lily’s always been by my side with Lenny, and she’s my sister in every way possible.”
               Lisa found herself smiling as she hear her counterpart’s tale. There was a little jealousy deep down that Earth-4 Lisa had escaped Lewis’s abuse. But she seemed like she was happy. Hopefully Lenny was happy too with Sara on that Earth, and that this Lily was happy too over there. Maybe they knew Mick over there, and he was happy too.
“So you’ve been happy?” Lisa asked.
Other her nodded. “I am, although I wish I’d been able to know my birth parents before they died.”
“I barely remember Mom,” Lisa told her. “But if your father there was anything like mine over here, then you were better off not knowing him.”
To emphasize her point, she pulled her shirt collar to the side to reveal the large scar on her shoulder. Her doppelganger inhaled sharply.
“Lenny and I don’t have good memories of him,” Lisa continued, allowing her shirt to hide the scar once more. “We ended up turning to a life of crime because it was all we knew from him. One day, our father put a bomb in my neck to force Lenny to help him on a job. Cisco got it out, and then my brother killed Lewis because of what he had done to me.”
Her doppelganger nodded slowly. “I’ve seen a few scars on Lenny. When I asked, he told me that out father wasn’t a good man.”
“Guess Lewis is just an ass on every Earth,” Lisa muttered. “At least you and your brother got away from that.”
“You lived with it, but it seems you turned out to be good.”
She shook her head. “This is recent. I haven’t always been this way. Lately, I’ve been helping Barry and Cisco and the others. Plus Len and Mick have turned over a new leaf and become heroes, although don’t call them that.”
“Now that’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you about,” her doppelganger said. “What does Mick do here? I haven’t seen him at all around here since I arrived.”
“Around here?”
“Yeah, STAR Labs,” other Lisa nodded. “He’s the one who started up STAR Labs on my Earth.”
Lisa grinned. “Tell me more about this.”
               While Lisa was talking with her doppelganger from Earth-4, Iris was standing in front of the door to the pipeline. It had surprised her to learn that that she was evil on another Earth. Then again, with all the other Earths out there, it would be unrealistic if she was good on every single earth in existence. Still, it was strange to learn that she was the Golden Glider on one.
               Iris pressed the switches on the panel to open the pipeline. As the door rose up, she was able to get a good look at the cell in front of her that held her doppelganger. Earth-4 Iris West was lounging on the floor of the cell. She wore a black jacket with a tight gray shirt, black leather pants, and combat boots. Her gold eyeshadow might have been the only speck of color in the ensemble. She tilted her head up before a slow smirk spread across her features.
“If it isn’t perfect world’s perfect Iris,” she remarked, crossing her arms. “The darling girlfriend of Barry Allen and reporter for the CCPN. By the way, it’s nice to see that douche Harrison Wells doesn’t run the newspaper on this Earth.”
Iris narrowed her eyes at her doppelganger. “How do you know all this?”
“No figuring, just typing,” the double smirked, holding up a phone. Iris recognized the case as Barry’s. “It was almost too easy to take this. He didn’t even realize I was actually awake.”
“So I’m a criminal on an Earth,” Iris muttered. “Great.”
Other Iris rose to her feet. “Oh, we’re a lot of things over there. Crook, thief, convict, fugitive, survivor. Not that you’d understand what it’s like to be any of those things, especially the last one.”
Iris shook her head. “God, what made you so bitter?”
Earth-4’s Iris narrowed her eyes. “Of course you wouldn’t get it. You’ve had the perfect life. I had time to look you up down here. Just look at you, the one who got it all! Dad didn’t die in the line of duty. You have a brother. Hell, you and Barry never had to go into the system. You had it so easy on this Earth. You have no idea what it’s like to suffer.”
Iris had been trying to maintain a cool head with evil her. She could tell that she was trying to push her buttons, but she wasn’t going to give into it. However, Earth-4 Iris had gone too far now thinking she’d never suffered.
“You think I’ve never suffered?!” Iris spat coldly, approaching the cell. “Maybe not the same ways that you did, but I have suffered. My Barry was in a coma for nine months, and until he did, people thought he would never wake up. The man I loved before Barry, he killed himself to save him I never knew I had a brother until I found out that Dad had lied to me about Mom dying when I was little. She’d left because he asked her. And I was destined to die in the future at the hands of an evil speed god, and I thought I couldn’t stop it. So guess what, Golden Glider? I know what suffering is. The difference between us is that I never let it turn me into a villain.”
“Because you still had people around you to support you,” her counterpart sneered. “The only I’ve ever had is Barry.”
“Then I hope you never lose him,” Iris told her. “Because if this is what you’re like with only him, I’d hate to see what you become with no one.”
With that, she shut the pipeline again. She’d gotten a conversation with her double from another earth. It had been nothing like she expected, but it had made Iris realize how lucky she had gotten on this earth. Even with the things she had gone through, she had never given into bitterness and anger. Meeting her doppelganger had made Iris more determined to never fall into the darkness.
               Cisco managed to repair the device that had brought the Earth-4 versions of Lisa and Iris to their earth within a few hours. Lisa’s double suited up in her Kid Flash outfit and said her goodbyes to Team Flash. Earth-4 Iris had been handcuffed to be taken back and had glowered around at everyone. Iris had given her a stony glare of her own at one point.
“If you or your brother ever need help on your earth, we’ll be there to help,” Barry told Earth-4 Lisa as she took the device from Cisco.
“Thanks,” the woman said. “I have to say, the Barry Allen of my earth is a real dick, but you’re not so bad.”
She pressed the device and a breach appeared in the cortex. Taking a hold of Earth-4 Iris with one hand and the Earth-4 version of the gold gun in the other, Lisa Snart of Earth-4 sped into the portal. As soon as she disappeared into it, it closed.
               Lisa ran out of the portal to find herself along one of the streets in Central City. Speeding to the side of an alley, she released West’s arm. Turning towards her, Lisa unlocked the handcuffs from Golden Glider’s wrists. Then she passed the gold gun back to her. “Go.”
West frowned. “You’re letting me go?”
“Just this once,” Lisa said. “Next time, I won’t be so nice.”
               West stared at her before walking off down the street. Lisa turned the other day and ran back to STAR Labs. As she skidded to a stop in the cortex she knew so well, Lisa found Linda, Lily, and Mick gathered around on the desks. They all looked up, and Lisa found herself engulfed in a hug from Lily. Lisa hugged her sister back, relieved to see her again.
“You’re okay!” Lily said in relief, stepping back. “What happened to you?”
“Took a trip to another Earth,” Lisa explained. “Get this, Barry Allen is the Flash on an earth.”
“You went to Earth-3?” someone said behind her.
Lisa turned around to see Leonard and Sara in the entrance to the cortex. Her sister-in-law and her brother looked happy to see her, and also relieved. Lisa looked over at Mick, Linda, and Lisa.
“Okay, which one of you called them when we agreed not to disturb them?”
               A few months after her visit to the other earth, Iris opened her eyes slowly to face Barry lying beside her. The last thing she remembered was shouting at Barry to not hit the woman in the long coat who had appeared in the middle of the road when they were trying to shake the police from their tail. Now, she and Barry were on a rooftop, surrounded by other people who were now waking up in a similar fashion. One of them Iris recognized as the assassin who had spent two weeks with her, Barry, and Cisco before up and leaving without warning.
“What the hell happened?” a brunette muttered. She and another man were dressed in a sort of leather armor that looked old.
Another woman, this one wearing a high tech suit, pointed over to where a woman was approaching them. “Why don’t we ask her?”
“I’m sorry about the process I had to go through to bring you all here,” the woman in question said as she stopped in front of them. Iris recognized her as the woman who had stepped in the middle of the road before she woke up here. “But it was the best way to assemble you all here together.”
Barry climbed to his feet. “Who the hell are you?”
“My name is Miranda Coburn,” the woman replied. “And I’ve come because I need your help.”
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Earth 74 legends
Headcannon thing thanks
(Here we go!)
1. Bruce Wayne has been raised to be a protector of Gotham. Thomas and Martha Wayne are philanthropists and vigilantes, but Bruce doesn’t want to live in the large shadow they cast. He heads out to Nickle City to make a name for himself either as his own man or own vigilante, only to be encountered with an insane offer on a rooftop four months later. 
2. Lily Stein is a survivor, not that she asked to be. The explosion at Star Labs was supposed to have killed her, but her mother died making sure the experimental alien technology bonded to her body to keep her alive. Half woman and half machine, Lily is at loss for the next step until someone gives her the chance to be more than a shadow of who she used to be.
3. Brought up by an abusive father, Winn Schott fell into a life of crime at an early age. He hardened his heart to the world and focused on whatever job he found or picked up. On the night of the explosion at Star Labs, Winn was there, and instead of picking pockets in the aftermath, he pitched in to help those around him. When he discovered he could control the weather in later months, things changed. Winn still stole from museums, but used his powers to protect those who needed it. Maybe that was why he was asked to save the world.
4. Kendra Saunders feels like she has reached a dead end. Once upon a time, she was planning to run away from her family with the love of her life, ready to leave the mob life in the past. Then her fiancé was murdered by her father and her love twisted into something else. She thought it would be sated by taking out the ones responsible for Ray’s death. After watching the life fade from her father’s eyes, Kendra felt emptier than ever. On the run from the police and a half a dozen bounty hunters, a man offers her a chance to find a new drive in life.
5. Gary Green is a liar and a coward. It took him too long to realize the monster his father was, and how the Time Counsel stood by and let it happen. After his father’s last battle in conquering the world, Gary steals a timeship and sets out with a mission- stop his father and the Time Masters from destroying the world. In order to do that, he’ll need a little help.
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