#easier! And he looks great!! :DDD
whereismyhat5678 · 1 month
*Climbs out of my cave*
Guys HEAR ME OUT for a second okay?….
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It’s giving Hexxus- 👀🪭
So in general, I did do a second version of it cuz I had used two pallets for him, and I REALLY liked both. So I did the second one as well 👀 I decided to show the top one since it looks more cleaner I think(?), but I couldn’t help myself 😅
Here’s the second version!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
Reaction to mc saying she's pregnant? Like they had NO idea. It's their child, maybe she hide it with magic or something and they generally couldn't tell, if that is okay! It's okay if not,
I just think it's a cute conecpt, like just pretend barbs doesn't look into the future,
Again it's okay is not! No pressure,
Wolf !
Hi, wolf! Of course it's okay! I hope you like it
they find out mc is pregnant after hiding it
-> brothers and side characters x mc (no luke)
mc's gender is not mentioned, but is pregnant, not proof read (somebody lmk if the tag is wrong)
content warnings: pregnancy, mild angst
he's a little offended (??) hurt (??) that you hid it from him, were you afraid of his reaction or was he scary?
regardless, lucifer loves both you and the child to death from the moment he finds out they exist
he's going to take great care of you (though he might come off as a little overprotective)
if you are standing up for a minute too long he will let you sit down
oh no, you were play fighting just yesterday, did he accidentally hurt you or the baby?
when those worries ebb away, mammon is so happy he's telling everyone at rad about it
yes he's sad you hid it for a long time but the happiness is way stronger than the hurt
'mc I'm gonna go to the mall to get baby's first gold bar' 'mammon the baby isn't even born yet-'
of course you hid it for a long time, imagine you're the child and you find out your dad is a gross otaku
you're gonna have to calm him down
it takes levi a while to warm up to the idea, but when he does he's really excited for his baby
he's going to want to read tsl to your stomach as a bedtime story (if the baby is a boy he wants to name him henry too)
satan is kind of in denial, if you were pregnant he would have known right? why didn't you say something?
he's never thought about being a father, he needs a moment to let it sink and do research on babies
but he warms up to the idea eventually, and he'll be the softest you've ever seen
satan got little children's books and those cute music boxes for when the baby comes
out of everyone, asmo would me the most upset you tried to hide it
but he loves you and the baby so he forgives you soon
asmo might not know how to be a father at first, but he's willing to learn and raise the baby with you
plus he's going to want one of those maternity photoshoots, but if you don't it's okay
yes he's not happy you kept it from him but baby :))
beel would do anything to make you and them happy
he's really worried you're going to get hurt though, if you're cooking together beel does not let you pick up a spatula or get close to the stove
also beel loves to hug your stomach, it's basically what he does every night now
he's not happy about it at first because he honestly did not want a child
but seeing you pregnant, realising you'd make a great parent, it changed his mind
belphie gets the best pillows and blankets so you can be comfortable while sleeping
if the baby is keeping you awake belphie will try to calm them down
he understands why you hid it from him, imagine getting pregnant with the demon prince's child- oh no are you scared?
it doesn't matter whether you are actually scared or not, diavolo will take his time to show you all is well, he's really happy to welcome his child
he took a picture of you and your cute baby bump, made it his ddd wallpaper and stares at it when he doesn't want to work
it took him by surprise, but barbatos can adapt quickly
he's really happy to be having a baby with you, he's ready to give you anything you need to make the pregnancy easier
do you want tea, a massage or something else? barbatos has got you
he can't wait to meet his baby, he doesn't want to use his powers and spoil it for himself
...so that's why you could eat solomon's soup last week without getting sick
he forgives you for hiding it, surely you had a good reason
simeon loves the baby so much he sings lullabies he used to sing to luke for them already, this man's face physically softens every time he sees the baby bump
but really, maybe you should stay away from food that randomly appears in the fridge that simeon didn't make
he's a little upset but that's okay, in all his years he's never felt this happy
he can't wait to hold his little baby for the first time
being a human too, solomon knows plenty of stuff about human pregnancy so that's great
'simeon why are you stopping me I'm just going to offer mc a sandwich I made'
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
26 ASKS!! :DD THANK YALL!! 🎉🎂🎉
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@ardent-38 @lime-ether @piperjistic @elegysonnet @storylover2 @forestrests
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(Sorry I'm a bit late!)
:DD Thank you!! My favorite might be plain vanilla 😋💖
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I have definitely heard of it and seen it around. :0 And I got a good taste of it from SMG4s video on it XDD I've thought about watching it in the past. Though hearing about that widely accepted ship.. Ehhh,, I'm not so sure now.. <XD
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:DD THANK YOU!! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
XDD It really has. The poor guy is so conflicted. This really seems like a romantic moment. But surly she's just excited about her new form and doesn't understand the typical boundaries friends have.
Surly someone as beautiful and desirable as Blue.. wouldn't be interested in a old cookie like him.
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They're still on my blog, I never deleted them or anything. You just gotta go to my #undertale tag and scroll down a bit-
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@minnesotamedic186 (Post in question)
AWW!! Its might be a bit out of character for Blue, but its still a cute scene!! :DD
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@keakruiser (Sorry for replying a bit late!)
:DDD THANK YOU!! I had some giant cookies and cream cupcakes! 😋😋
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Huh, suprising!
....now what does Urchin taste like.. 🍴🍪
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Ooooo interesting!! :DD Though I wonder if this would change Barnaby and Howdy at all <XDD
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GASP!! Nooo not my boy! He would never do a crime. XD
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XD I think I have a couple of OCs that belong there--
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(Post in question)
Oh! Thank you for the info! :DD
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@candyglumboy (Post in question)
That could be an interpretation of it yeah :00 but to be totally honest, I haven't thought it all through yet..
The intention behind that comic is its showing that Eddie used to be a human. And now he's.. well. He's Eddie.
The comic was trying to show that there was someone he used to know when he was human. His sister? His mother? Someone.. He knew someone. And now that he's in the neighborhood.. she's gone. What happened to her? Who was she? Why do I miss her so much?.. Why.. am I crying? Why am I shaking?
"..What was I talking about.?"
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I think the 3 of them are no strangers to bloody scenes, but that wouldn't make seeing their Octokids so hurt any easier.. <:(( Now I'm not much of a writer, and idk if this is the kind of response you were expecting.. but none the less you have inspired me! :}}
I can see them offering their services if needed, but mostly just staying out of Peso's way and letting him do his thing. when everything winds down and they're able to see each other.. it would be tough. :((
Kwazii would be in high spirits as always despite the injuries. He would proudly tell Calico Jack about how he was bravely able to fend off multiple sharks! He expected a lot of enthusiasm from his Grandad.. "..Y-Ye did great Kwazii, ye protected yer crew well. I'm real proud of ya for that.." Instead he got a more.. somber response.
With the time Kwazii has spent with the Octonauts, he's gotten a lot better at reading people. Its not hard to tell when someone is shaken. His ears are pinned back, his tail is puffed up and flicking back and fourth.. its clear that Jack isn't taking this sight well.
Kwazii would probably sit up straighter. "Hey,, Grandad I'm.. I'm alright, ye don't need to worry." He'd gently grab Jacks arm, getting his attention. "I'll be alright, this isn't a big deal! Really, I'm ok! It looks a lot worse than it actually is."
Jack might take a deep breath and nod "..I know. I know you'll be alright, lad.." His ears were still pinned back. Kwazii frowns. "..I'm alright now Grandad. This is small, trust me.." Jack would pause.. but then nod. Seeing Kwazii so beaten is hard for Jack to stomach. But Kwazii is one tough cookie.. Just like him. He knows that things will be ok. Kwazii will be ok.. They're both ok..
When Marsh came in to see Tweak, he almost lost his composure. He knows Tweak is tough. And she's gotten hurt a lot growin up, this ain't nothin she cant handle. But gosh, this hurts. That's his little girl. It hurts so much to see her like this. She's collapsed in medbay, and has her leg all bound up in a cast.
"Pa! Heh, uh- sorry about all this. You an I were supposed to go out swimmin after that mission. I guess uh.. it'll have to wait.. heh.."
A deep breath, "Now don't chu worry bout none of that," He sat down beside her bed and pat her on the shoulder. "You just put all yer energy into gettin better. Ok? We can always go see the reef another time." His droopy ears and shaky voice wasn't helping his tough façade..
Tweaks pauses for a moment. But then offers her hand to Marsh. He takes it, confused at first.
"..I'm sorry I scared you pa.. I'll be ok.."
...Unable to reply, Marsh just nods. He sighs and wipes his tears away. Gripping Tweaks hand tighter. He sniffles, and just nods..
Natquik's meeting with Barnacles went a little smoother than the others. He is no stranger to the sight of blood. And knowing that Barnacles is tough as nails, he wasn't too worried about him.. but still. Seeing Barnacles in such a state.. it wasn't easy.
When Natquik came in, he placed a gentle paw on the bears shoulder. "Barnacles, how do you feel? Are your wounds bad..?" Barnacles' voice was gravelly and slow. He had a nasty headache after that facial injury.. "..Oh.. I'll be alright.. its nothing I.. cant recover from.."
Natquik pulls up a stool and sits beside him. "You gave me a big scare, you know. You must not do that to me! No more dangerous missions for you!" He said wagging his finger.
Barnacles chuckled. "That wasn't meant to.. be a dangerous mission. Things just.. got out of hand." Natquik nods. "Yes yes, I can see.." His tone seemed off at the end there..
"..Are you alright, Professor?" It takes Natquik a second to respond.. Seeming to think over his words. "Don't worry for me, Barnacles. I am better now that I have seen you. And you will heal fine, yes? So all is ok." His hesitation wasn't reassuring.. But he knows how Natquik is. So doesn't push it further. "Yes, despite the scene we caused.. most of these injuries are minor. We'll be.. alright." Natquik puts on a smile that cant truly be read. "That is all that matters, my friend."
ALSO WAAHAGA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD I'm so glad to hear you like my stuff!! And you're interested even when you don't know thE CANON? BESTIE I AM HONORED!! 😭😭💖💖😭💖💖
And of course I would respond! :DD I LOVE receiving comments/interaction with my work. Its the #1 thing I hope my posts receive! Now I cant respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them all and respond to as many as I possibly can!! :D I'll take this moment to give a big thank you to all that leave me messages/comments/asks! They're my favorite thing!! 💖💖🥰💖
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Thank you! :D Also OOOO CREATRURES! :DDD
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I don't have a master post for those, no.. it would take a ton of effort for me to comb through my entire blog to compile it all so I haven't done it..
You can find all/most of that stuff under my #octonauts tag and my #deltarune tag. I hope this helps!
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I did have a blue blanket for a time.. though that blanket doesn't actually exist irl-
Also man, that would take me forever to make. Bibi and the other's quilts were really small and easy to work with. I cant imagine all the time it would take for me in this state to make a full human sized quilt-
Plus I would have to draw the quilt with me whenever I draw my sona. Which would suck because then it would take longer for me to draw myself <XDD
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XD Thank you!! :D I'm so glad you like them! :}}
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Sisyphean (2/6)
(Eldritch!Ace Trappola vs SomeGuy!Deuce Spade. Horror AU heavily based on FROM(2022) and That's Not My Neighbor.)
Sisyphean Masterlist
Cater leaned against the door, his hand placed delicately on the side of his neck, his head tipping from side to side as if he had a cramp. Deuce would suggest not staring down at a screen at all hours of the day – or, at least, learning stretches to make up for it.
“Let me in, will you?”
Deuce gave him a flat look. “Your papers, please.”
Cater huffed and finally looked up from his phone, his usual smile dropping into a playful little pout. “The last one didn’t make me show my papers…”
“The last one didn’t let anyone inside regardless of whether they had papers or not.”
“... well, you’ve got me there,” he said, reluctantly going through the pockets of his suit jacket to look for all of his forms.
Deuce paused, his eyes narrowing in on where Cater’s hand had been.
“... did you always have that… growth?” he asked.
Cater jolted, his hand flying up to hide it once again. His face flushed an embarrassed kind of pink. “Ah, yeah, keep this between you and me, Deuce, but… I noticed it this morning and had to rush out to see the doctor. It’s why I’m not on the list of people that are supposed to be coming in today.”
Deuce’s eyes flicked to the list of people who had appointments that day and had called ahead to let them know they’d be coming in. It was, in theory, supposed to make it easier to pick out who wasn’t a Doppleganger. He barely paid it any mind anymore, because a lot of people forgot to call in even if they had known ahead of time that they were going to be stepping out.
But Cater Diamond’s name was proudly displayed near the top.
“You… are on the list, though…” Deuce said, the words tasting like bile.
“Wait, really?” he said, frowning. And then, “Well, damn, guess I’ll have to take that into consideration next time.”
The facsimile in front of him – if it was a facsimile, please don’t be a facsimile –  was damn near perfect. Save for the strange lump on its neck, it was a perfect copy of Cater. The expressions it made, the jokes it told. It even had Cater’s speech style down. The right number of filler words, the way it addressed Deuce. The hints to its true nature were few and far between, so miniscule that it couldn’t have been a fake, because there was no way Doppelgangers were this good at mimicking people.
He almost didn’t believe it.
He didn’t want to believe it.
“What?” he breathed. “What does that mean?”
The Doppleganger (or was he just being paranoid?) gave him an odd look.
“Nothing, Deuce, forget about it. Let me get out those papers for you.”
He, slowly, picked up the card, comparing it to what he had on file.
Cater Diamond Room No #104 Occupation as a Landlord Card verified by the DDD ID#3120518 Card expires 02/04/2024 Signed: 𝒞𝒶𝓎𝒞𝒶𝓎
It was all correct.
Was he wrong? Was this actually Cater?
And, if it wasn’t, how did it get this information?
“It’s all in order,” Deuce said.
“Great, so… open the door, please.”
Cater’s (the Doppelganger’s?) voice was strangely… flat. No stress on any of the words, no emphasis in its speech, as if the emotions that it was portraying with its face and tone weren’t actually there.
“You’re… not him,” he said.
It looked at him for a moment, a tiny frown on its face. “What are you talking about, Deuce? Of course I’m me.”
“No,” he said, shaking his head rapidly. Now that he had heard it, he couldn’t unhear it. “No, you’re not.”
It blinked dumbly at him for a few more seconds.
And then it clicked its tongue.
The emotion bled out of ‘Cater’s’ face. It stood up straighter, tossing its phone somewhere off to the side.
“And here I was thinking that I had gotten away with that little mistake, too…” it said. Its mouth didn’t move when it spoke. It no longer bothered pretending to blink. Instead, Deuce was stuck staring into the eyes of a mask. “Would you mind telling me what I did wrong, Deuce?”
Deuce opened his mouth, but he couldn’t explain it even if he wanted to. Which, as he wrenched his mouth back shut so harshly that his teeth clicked, he realized that he shouldn’t. He wasn’t sure whether the being was capable of mimicking human inflection, but he didn’t want to give it any hints.
It glanced him up and down for a moment, as if trying to pick him apart with its eyes alone, before shrugging its shoulders when it seemingly – hopefully – found nothing of note.
“Well, I guess there’s always next time.”
It winked at him (or, perhaps, that was simply its disguise beginning to slip at the edges, now that there wasn’t any point in maintaining it) and then headed out.
The ID, still in Deuce’s hand, dug into his skin.
‘Cater’ was leaning against his windowsill, its head resting on its palm, a smile playing across its lips as it watched Deuce.
It might have looked casual, if not for the fact that Deuce’s room was on the sixth floor.
“Just let me in now, it’ll save us both some time.”
Deuce turned over in bed so he wouldn’t have to meet its eyes.
“The fun thing about all of this is… you can’t do this forever. One day, you’re going to – be tired, or you’re going to forget something, or my disguise is going to be good enough to trick you – and you’ll slip up, and that’s all it’ll take.”
He shoved his pillow over his head.
And tried to ignore the monster’s mocking laughter outside of his window.
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darkscaleswriter · 28 days
For the director's cut ask game: I've bothered you to the end of time and back about this, but it's been a few years and I maintain that (while your ongoing TMNT one is GREAT, I'm loving the detail and the nuance!) Start It All Again is one of the best and funniest AUs you've ever written. Got anything left to talk about on that front?
(ask for a director’s cut on any of my fics!)
LMAO not a bother!! so happy you like Start It All Again enough to still be thinking about it, have a random assortment of thoughts under the cut :DDD
I don't really have any concrete plans for this au, but it's interesting to go back and re-read stuff that I wrote when I was in a very different place in life. I think if I were to rewrite this fic, the main change I'd make would be shifting the knights' professions from cops to… idk, firefighters or a search and rescue team or something. maybe a security or private investigation company, depending on the vibes haha.
for future fics, it could be interesting to explore the mechanics of reincarnation in this au since it's universe where the links are aware of their reincarnations and this ficlet is far from their first go-around. how many other characters are aware of their past lives? is vaati? I think it would be immensely funny for vaati's modern scheme to take over hyrule to be attempting to orchestrate a corporate takeover of hyrule inc., and the links thwart him by breaking into his server room and destroying everything with swords lmfao. ironically, vaati's company did not back up their data to the cloud. whoops!
vaati: well if i'd known you'd still be using SWORDS in THIS DAY AND AGE--
the links: dude literally when have we ever NOT used swords
ganon is of the opinion that this one's on vaati for failing to have pattern recognition, lol. ganon is also quietly making his own data backups, which isn't going to help him in the end, but it's cute that he tries.
re-reading the comments we spitballed back and forth when i first posted this fic, the adoption roadtrip could also be another fun direction to explore! i wonder if the reincarnated characters would've developed some way to reach out to each other upon getting their memories back, since they've gone through this at least a few times by now. depending on the pace of reincarnations (are the lives back to back? are they separated by a consistent timeframe? are they separated by a random timeframe?), they may or may not be familiar with current technology. use some kind of handwave-y triforce connection or something??
similarly, do people tend to reincarnate in the same family lines and/or physically near each other? are the links and zelda usually neighbors? is it completely random? i think it would be funny if it was random, and there was a life where by sheer dumb luck, everyone ended up on the same city block EXCEPT ganon, who somehow found himself on an antarctic research station or something. he got his memories back very late in that life, and by that point he was already an established uhhh let's say field biologist, so he decided to keep spending the rest of that life tracking leopard seals bc why not. he eventually runs into zelda and the links at a conference and there is very nearly a brawl. their labs proceed to start a bitter academic rivalry that is renowned in their field for years afterward.
speaking of academia, have any historians picked up on this group of people recurring throughout hyrule's history? do the characters look the same in their reincarnations, allowing for a possible record of the same faces showing up over and over again in records? how well-known is the reincarnation phenomenon? is it publicly known at all? on one hand, it would be immensely funny for academics to immediately start knockout tournaments over who gets to approach the reincarnated characters for interviews first. on the other hand, that sounds exhausting and annoying for the reincarnated characters.
it's easier to handle if the reincarnation thing isn't publicly known, which doesn't exclude conspiracy theorists and particularly dogged historians from figuring it out and tracking them down anyway, but this probably happens very infrequently if at all. any conspiracy theorists would be so vindicated though lmao. it's not a conspiracy theory if it's real!!
anyway, there's a lot on this universe that could be explored. thank you for reminding me about this au, it was fun to think about it again!! maybe i'll go back to it someday, who knows haha ^.^
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selcouth-vast-poet · 9 months
HEYHEYHEY YOU. POINTS AT YOU. fellow vittoriel enjoyer. I’ve heard since you like those two, so I thought I might ask if u ever had any sillys hcs about them? /gen :3 ((Also, hope you’re having a nice day! :} 🧡)
HELLO FELLOW VITTORIEL FAN ANON!!!!! imm so happy to see you in my inbox khtgkhtfnhg
hm. let me Think. i dont have a looot of hcs but i know in my heart gabriel never lets vittorino cook
like he knows it will end BADLY because vittorino does not know how to cook to even save his life. he once did let him and he burnt the entire kitchen and the food was charred. to ASHES. so vittorino then was never allowed in the kitchen ever again
i have. beach hcs for them. i think gabriel likes the beach (or is indiffrent to it) he just loves going to swim, make sand castles and find seashells and vittorino despises the beach because hes been in the basilica God Knows How Long and mostly stays in the shade under an umbrella OR. tries to find sea creachers in rocks or inside seashells. gabriel helps him too though. i also hc vittorino HATESSSS the feel of wet sand so when these two go to the beach they go to beach that has rocks down instead of sand so now theyre both happy!!!!!:DDD
i also think vittorino loveeees walking in foggy completely abandoned forests that look like theyre straight out of a horror game jsut because its easier for him to find the little creachers that reside inside the logs or fallen leaves and he drags gabriel with him too. gabriel enjoys a lot the little random biology facts vittorino tells him about each little creature he finds
i also also hc that vittorino is very cold in temperature and gabriel is somewhat warm. (like how any human being would be if they didnt live in an abandoned church for a Lot Of Time) so whenever they eepy together he scoots over to gabriel and Freezes him but at least now hes warm and happy<3 (gabriel may get jumpscared by the sudden cold but he loves when vittorino cuddles up to him)
methinks. gabriel has a hard time telling vittorino he wants hugs or physical affection so once he turned on the air conditioner without vittorino knowing so he would cuddle up to him for warmth. win for him but vittorinos little wings in the back of his hair almost froze off cause of how cold he felt before hugging gabriel💔
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aclosetfan · 2 years
OK so i have this hc where BC finds out Butch is a very talented graffiti artist and decides to ask the mayor for permission to let Butch graffiti (?) around Townsville (as long as he doesn't make anything too offensive or something). my prompt is: BC watching Butch working and just being like "im so gay for him hElP" :DDD IT WOULD BE AWESOME if bubbles were there too and BC thinking how she's really happy that two of her fav people get along so well and gsjshsjs honestly anything just involving Greens + Bubbles + art + BC 'secretly' being full of LOVE would be PERFECT. Thank you! (sorry for the long ask lmao)
:) please forgive the delay, anon! I love this prompt and tried capturing the spirit of it to the best of my ability! Also, I added Boomer to this, and made Buttercup a trans guy named Bud. It’s sort of a spiritual successor to this post, hope you don’t mind!
There’s more exposition in here then I wanted, but I find with one-shots, I always tend to lay a more detailed foundation so people understand the world we’re visiting. I don’t know if that’s the correct way you’re suppose to do things, but i love lore, so I write it lolol.
for this prompt game!
“I didn’t know he was,” Bud paused, ripping his eyes away from Butch to look over at Boomer, “uh, like, actually good at this?”
"Whose good at what?" Boomer grunted, wiggling and stretching his tongue around his straw as he tried to wrestle it back into his mouth.
Bud rolled his eyes, taking pity on the other far more...broken boy, and held the straw circling around Boomer's liquefied lunch in one place. "Butch," he clarified, "who else?"
Boomer let out a delighted noise and took large, greedy sips of his lunch, smacking his lips obnoxiously when he was done. He opened his mouth like he was going to answer when at the last second, it seemed he decided against it and pulled another gulp of mush through the straw. Bud couldn't stop the disgusted face he pulled, watching the chunky yellow gunk slowly travel up the see-through plastic straw. He supposed his discomfort couldn't be helped since he had, in fact, volunteered to watch over Boomer while Butch helped Bubbles with the Mayor's urban beautification initiative, and that included holding his cup of food while he ate. It wasn't like Bud was required to help him go to the bathroom or anything, but still, it was freaking nasty, and Boomer was constantly asking him to itch places Bud had no desire to itch.
Maybe babysitting someone with the attention span of a goldfish would have been easier if Boomer hadn't insisted on attending the project with Butch and Bubbles and had just stayed in his fully air-conditioned home, but no, Bud had never been that lucky. Instead, he and Boomer sat across the street from where Bubbles and Butch worked, sitting on a concrete barrier that had taken a great deal of maneuvering to hoist Boomer onto, so he could "supervise."  The heat of the sun was uncomfortable but not unbearable, and that was only because of the intense breeze coming off the busy roadway. However, the concrete was steaming to the touch, and he kept adjusting to save his poor thighs.
Sweat began to drip uncomfortably down his back, and he felt it pooling in his binder. If he had known he would have been stuck sitting under the sweltering sun with absolutely no shade, he would have worn something different and, maybe, put on more sunblock. Or, better yet, he would have just said no to the whole endeavor. 
Again, rolling his eyes, Bud's gaze fell back to the two across the street. Bubbles and a handful of other artists were volunteering with the Mayor's public infrastructure committee to promote public arts around the City. Unfortunately, here was a lot (a lot) of inappropriate graffiti downtown in the city’s poorer districts, and Bubbles had specifically requested permission to paint over some of the more offensive, bigoted stuff. She had initially wanted to do traditional painted murals but had quickly become enamored with all the graffiti styles that, you know, didn't promote white supremacy and other shitty stuff like that.
Bubbles had done a great deal of research into the Townsville tagging community. She could go on about the differences between tagging, Mular work, wildstyle, and all kinds of graffiti techniques forever, and had actually gone so far as to track down some of the people whose works had really inspired her. She'd call them and ask if they were interested in doing more in a specific "beautification" zone. More often than not, no one seemed to want to refuse their bubbliest Powerpuff, despite some insisting that their identities needed to remain anonymous. 
Not even two weeks into the boys' return to the city, they had unsurprisingly gotten the run-down about Bubbles' project as it was the only thing she seemed interested in talking about the last few weeks. Mostly speaking to Brick since they were the one who boasted the boys' collective attention span, Bubbles had explained the committee project, showing off pictures and lamenting about how she hadn't been able to track one of her favorite artist's down.
It shouldn't have been such a shock, but it was when Brick had laughed and snapped at Boomer to get his attention. Bubbles had been enthused, and Boomer's ego had been sufficiently rubbed enough that he agreed to help her out. Unlike some of the other taggers she had worked with, Boomer didn't care about his anonymity as he was already too infamous anyway but was adamant that he maintain complete creative control. In Bud's opinion, Bubbles had been a really good sport about that, considering it was her project, so one busted lip and two black eyes later, Boomer and Bubbles compromised on a perfect, shared "artistic vision."
Then, of course, as everyone already likely knew, Boomer broke both his arms, cracked his clavicle, and suffered through a 24-hour coma due to a rocket-launcher-related incident that he and his brothers kept insisting had been "worth it."
"It's not like he was ever using his head much anyway," Butch had shrugged, waving off Blossom's lecture, and Brick had added, "and it's not like he died this time, so what's the big deal?"
"Yeah, bitch, I lived!" Boomer had cackled, putting any of Blossom's arguments sufficiently to rest.
Whatever Boomer had done to himself, it had knocked his Chemical-X off-kilter, impeding his regenerative healing abilities. As a result, he was stuck with two arm casts and a neck and back brace that didn't allow him to rotate his head. His brothers took turns babying him while he healed, and today had been Butch's turn, who Boomer had already volunteered to help Bubbles in his place. Apparently, Brick hadn't been willing to switch shifts, needing what they called "a fucking minute alone," which was fine since Boomer had wanted to come supervise the art project, but someone still needed to actually watch him while Butch was busy working.
And since Bubbles’ beautification zone involved derogatory language about Bud and his transition, he felt obligated for whatever stupid reason to help out, like it was his fault or something that they were stuck at this shitty, hot intersection. He hoped, at least, no one thought it was his fault, but he pushed his unease and anxiety far away for the time being.  
Still sucking away at his lunch, Boomer spoke up through a mouthful, pulling Bud's attention back to the present.
"Yeah," He spoke, chewing on a chunk of yellow (?), "we've all tagged when we were kids. Butch is pretty good, I mean, I'm better, but he has potential. Is he my first choice? No. His lines, eh—" Boomer shrugged, then winced in pain before continuing, "—needs work, but a few more days under my wings, and maybe we'll really have something with him."
"I can hear you," Butch yelled as the light turned green, and the few cars stopped went barrelling ahead.
"Finally!" Boomer called back, "Your dripping paint! And stop muddling the colors! And Bubbles, please, this isn't some heartless studio work! My vision requires actual passion!"
"Sorry, Boomer!" Bubbles waved him off, her voice echoing up and down the currently empty street, "I can't hear you! Traffic!"
"Oh, har har! Very funny!" Boomer mocked, "Pretend I'm slow clapping right now! Bud! Slow clap for me!"
He gave Boomer a long look, but despite himself, he felt an amused smile tugging at the corner of his lips and complied, slow clapping on Boomer's behalf.
"Har! Har!" Boomer said again, in time with his clapping.
"Bud!" Bubbles gasped as the traffic began to pick up again, "Betrayal!"
"Forget him, Bubbles," Butch flipped the two of them off, "I'll be your brother now. He can stay with Boomer. I like you more anyways!"
"Oh! You think you can replace the niche I fill that easily, huh!?" Boomer cried, and shifted on his ass until he faced Bud, "Bud! Throw my drink at them!"
Bud snorted, taking the drink away from Boomer entirely, like he still somehow had the ability to reach for it, "Not gonna happen. I'm not making you another one of these. Never again. It's against nature to blend burgers and fries together, okay?" 
"Is it really too much to ask for unbridled support in a goon nowadays?" Boomer pouted, "One day, I'll have a million minions ready at my beck and call, and then you'll all see."
"I look forward to it." He laughed, pushing the drink back in front of his face, "And I'm not your goon. Now, drink up, I don't want Brick on my ass about your calorie intake."
"They're the only one who actually loves me." Boomer nodded solemnly before taking another sip.
"Excuse me? Are they here right now feeding you?"
"Fine. He's the only one who loves me after you," Boomer amended with a smile as the telltale signs of his impending temper tantrum dissipated.  
As he ate, Bud watched Butch and Bubbles. They were once again obscured by traffic, but he could see them still joking around through the gaps. It made him weirdly happy. Bud would have never guessed how much he'd end up actually enjoying the Rowdyruff Boy's company, but puberty had made them strangely likable. Of course, they were still pains in the ass, but now, they were at least funny about it, and it was nice seeing Bubbles and Butch getting along. He briefly wondered if Butch thought the same thing about him and Boomer. His heart flip-flopped at the thought.
Pulling rapidly at the front of his shirt to generate some air flow, Bud watched Butch shake a spray can and carefully, watching his lines, sprayed a neat line onto the wall. Bubbles had refused to show Bud what the finished piece would look like, but so far, it seemed like they were spraying something that needed bright neon effects. Depending on how complicated a project was, Bubbles could sometimes spend whole days down here painting, but with two people on the job, Bud was hoping it wouldn't take too long. The heat was starting to go to his head, and Boomer could hardly be comfortable with all the extra bracing. He highly doubted the two across the street were fairing any better.
And as if Butch was reading his mind, the other boy stopped painting and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He said something to Bubbles as he tossed the spray cans down and without warning, pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it onto the pile of his and Bubbles' stuff. Bud's heart came to a screeching halt, in perfect tune with the blue Ford Buick, which literally came to a screeching halt as the light turned red.
With the cars at a now stand-still, Bud had an undisturbed view of Butch, shirtless, sweaty, and intensely focused on the work in front of him. The intensity written on Butch's face wasn't unknown to Bud, he had seen it plenty of times when they had fought, but it was different encountering it in a non-violent setting. Butch's eyebrows furrowed together in concentration, completely absorbed in his work to notice Bud staring. It was a lot to take in, and Bud unconsciously pulled Boomer's drink protectively into himself.
"Uh, Bud?" Boomer scooted closer, his open mouth following the straw, but he ignored him.
The heat was definitely going to Bud's head, but he didn't think he cared anymore. He couldn't figure out if he were experiencing an intense bout of gender envy or if it was a side-effect of the very insignificant crush he had developed on the taller boy over their short acquaintanceship. Whatever it was, it wasn't pairing well with the heat. The way Butch's back muscles flexed as he stretched this way and that to spray paint, and the way he'd shake those stupid cans, made Bud next to dizzy. He tried focusing on Butch's work, ripping his eyes away from his body, to admire his talent (because Butch was better than just "good" like Boomer claimed), but that only seemed to make Butch more attractive.
He watched Bubbles glance over in Butch's direction, then not so discretely, she turned around to make eye contact with him, waggling her eyebrows. Bubs had been there the day Butch had hand-delivered some hand-me-downs to try on, and apparently, the look on his face had given away too much. Right after Butch had left, Bud had been cornered and interrogated, and now, he heard nothing else from her besides Butch (and, duh, graffiti).
Bud looked away, unwilling to entertain whatever delusion his sister was thinking. He didn't need hers on top of his own. Bud searched for anything else to look at to pass the time. Staring at the cars was fine, until they stopped and he was awkwardly making eye contact with the drivers, and watching Boomer eat his blended burger and fries was making his stomach turn, so whether he liked it or not, his eyes fell back on Butch and Bubbles across the street.
What Bud saw was horrible. It was outrageous. It was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Butch stood there with Bubbles, laughing, as he rubbed a splotch of paint off her cheek. Bubbles was laughing too, loudly animating with her hands a story Bud couldn't hear over the sound of traffic unless he wanted to eavesdrop on them with his super-hearing. He didn't need to, though. He was fine just watching because that gross, mushy feeling from before was back, where he found himself happy that they got along.
If Bubbles liked him, then maybe, Blossom would too, and if both of his sisters liked him, then maybe, just maybe, Bud would try his luck and ask him out. Maybe. Only if Butch maybe liked him back, but Bud didn't count himself that lucky. Butch had a lot more going for him than Bud did.
Or...well, maybe not in the eyes of the law, but who really cared about that besides Blossom?
"Excuse me!" Boomer huffed, wiggling around to get his attention, "hello!"
Bud jumped, almost surprised to find himself back on a hot, steamy concrete barrier on the side of the road of an incredibly busy intersection.
"W-what!" His voice cracked, turning to face Boomer with wide eyes.
Boomer tsked, "Are you done checking out my brother?"
Bud relaxed his hold on Boomer's shake, noticing his white knuckle grip on it, and with an anxious laugh, argued, "I-I wasn't—"
An evil smile spread across Boomer's face, and Bud immediately switched to the offense.
"I swear," He jabbed a finger at Boomer, "tell a soul, and I'll break the rest of you."
Without even blinking, Boomer shot back, "How about you stop manhandling my food, and I'll think about it."
"How about me starting with your left leg?" He threatened.
"Oh, Butchie!" Boomer sang, "Guess wh—hmph!"
"You wanted your food, right?" Bud shoved the straw back into his mouth, "Now, eat up!"
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ash-the-porcupine · 1 year
You got any Meena and Buster interaction-type headcanons? [I'm in love with the father-daughter relationship they have]
And/or really just any Meena headcanons at all would be cool too :D
-Buster and Meena are very close. Meena's father was a military man, and died when Meena was little. Buster basically become her father figure.
-Meena loves to bake Buster treats, and the word "dad" has slipped her mouth once or twice when giving them. It always makes Buster feel great the rest of the day. He gets this goofy smile and never loses it.
-Buster is ALWAYS looking for an excuse to bestow random spontaneous gifts. Meena secretly loves it.
-Just as Meena will lift Buster up so he can reach things, Buster is happy to wiggle into small or down-low places to get things for Meena. This was the case (as an example) when Meena's necklace fell into an air vent. Buster was on a mission XD
-Buster will sing goofy songs to make Meena smile when she seems a little upset or down about something. It's quite the sight!
-Buster has his down days too, but Meena knows that hot chocolate and cookies always lifts his mood. Clever elephant.
-Buster likes to organize Moon Theater movie nights. He will often sit on Meena's shoulder, jokingly insisting he gets the best view there. Besides, easier to look over people's heads at the screen. Rosita finds it endlessly amusing, as does Porsha. Ash just rolls her eyes when Buster does this.
-Meena likes to invite Buster over to have dinner with her and her family, insisting he needs to get out of the theater more. Fredrick (her grandpa) scares the holy heck out of him at least once every visit. Meena and Buster are unsure if it is intentional or not.
-Buster knows Meena's family well, and is good friends with them. Him and Meena's mother, Betty, talk with one another often when they see one another.
-Meena has played pie face with Buster. But he always loses! But really? The loser is the real winner in that game.
-Moon Theater game nights are the BOMB. Try playing truth or dare with that many people and tell me it isn't ridiculous!
-Meena yeeted Buster into the pool like seven times when they had a pool party. Buster now refuses to do any pool-related activities with the group. He would probably cave if Meena called him "dad" while trying to convince him, though.
-Meena often stays at the theater after the rest of the group has gone home. Buster will play hide-and-seek with her. He hides, she seeks. Buster is so good at hiding (and in the craziest places) that this game never gets old with those two. More than once, Buster has been found chilling on the lighting equipment with a cookie, just watching her look for him.
-Buster is so ruthless when it comes to Never Have I Ever. Meena and him have like this never-ending rivalry going with the game.
-Buster will buy literally anything for Meena for her birthday or Christmas. And she will spoil him rotten in return XD
-They are adorable.
If you haven't noticed, I also love these two :DDD
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O P E WHAT??!!?!??!
OH N O 😳😳😳😳😳😬😬😭
Yk like crashing and getting hunted down by a madman XDD
Wait who is that girl??
:OO Is that like a young Marjan??
That would be crazy :DD
OOPE nice they know :DDD 😬😬
Ohhhh nooOOOO thiiissss does not look good 😬😬😬😬😳😳😭
Okay well she's leaning on that girl so I do think she's real xD
I saw a couple cars I think, maybe her family died?? Idk
U H O H O.O 😬😬😬😬😳😳😳
Ohhhhh nooooooooo 😳😳😳😳
I am s t r e s s e d :')))
That's it for the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode :DD!! I thought it was amazing :)). I'm really glad we got a call, too! We don't always get calls, at least not ones the 126 responds to, in episodes like this. I mean, they're all about to characters, but these ones are like. Especially character episodes lol. Anyway XD, the call was really cool :D!! And! Marjan's storyline!!! We got to see her and she was AWESOME 🥰🥰🥰!!! And don't even get me started on the Tarlos wedding planning storyline :D. But, you will have to lol, because:
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Quick note, everything is after "loved this episode :DD!!" is from Monday, the day before the next episode. I didn't mean to put it off so much but I had a fundraiser and a concert and then planning a play rehearsal for spring break because we perform in 9 days :). Anyway! I didn't liveblog quite as much as I sometimes do, because I was REALLY invested in the episode lol 🥰. And then I'd get behind trying to do it and couldn't always remember specifics. But rest assured I did love the whole thing, and I'll try to put as much here as I can (but it has been a week and also my motivation is still not great lol)
Sorry that's a bit long xD. Anyway!
Nancy, Mateo, Paul, and Judd! I'm including them all together to make this easier lol. I love them 🥰🥰🥰. Their conversation with TK and Carlos XD amazing lol. Oh, and they were all great at their jobs :))). I'm gonna especially point out Paul, not that he was better than the rest of them, but just bc he was the one we saw more of. He slayed :D. Anyway, them all eating together was just 🥰🥰. And Nancy (all of them really) being like "you better have gotten enough to share >://" XDD. Amazing lol. Also Mateo with the fruit xD. Like my man not the time lol. And of course I have to mention Judd talking about his father in law xD, and then ". . . we didn't speak for two years" XDDD. They're all crazy lol, but/and I love them so much <333.
Tommy! We didn't see her much this episode but she slayed :)). I'm just putting her separate from the others because they were grouped up a bit lol. But! Yeah, she was amazing at her job, as always :)). And ayy, she said the thing xD. "Control freak", I mean, lol. I think she was the only one who did, even though it was the whole theme xD. Anyway, I love her 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Grace! Another person we didn't see much - I don't even think we physically saw her xD. Just the call lol. But, nonetheless, she slayed :)). She was great at her job 🥰. Even if we only saw it for that second xDD. It's unfortunate, but alas, it happens. I miss her, even if she was technically here, though lol. Hopefully we see her more soon <33! I love her :)) ❤️❤️🥰.
Owen! And Andrea xD. He was GREAT this episode lol. As was Andrea. I mean, definitely flawed, but they were hilarious XD. And they learned :'))). Eventually XDD. But seeing the way they (especially Owen since he was doing it for longer) were acting before they talked was just OUUGHH. It was rough my man xD. And some things he said were more bearable than others lol. But the conversation he had with Andrea was beautiful :'). And SO so angsty xdd. Mostly from Andrea/Carlos. So good though <33. And of course, the ending scene :')). Y'all stoppp 😭😭😭❤️. It was so sweet and beautiful :'D. I'm really glad they got it sorted out, because I do think Owen and Andrea are capable of helping without taking over lol. And also just bc I wanted them to sort it out xD. But it was really great :'). With Owen's personality still in there, like with the magazine and the tea xD. Honestly though I didn't really think of it being the last thing he would give TK/TK would need from him as being the reason, but it makes sense and it worked well! All in all I just think it all worked out really well :). Also the Andrea Godfather scene was SO AMAZING AND ICONIC LOL. I was losing my m i n d during that scene xD. And many others but I was straight up dying lol. Oh, also, Owen was great at his job :)). As was Andrea if we're assuming it's mother lol. But also Owen in that same way too :). Eventually, like I said xD, for both of them though lol. Anyway, yeah, I love them ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Marjan! AAAHHHHH MY GIRLLLL!! SHE SLAYED S O HARD :DDDDD!!! I'm so glad we got to see her again, and she was awesome too :D. I'm so glad she listened to her instincts (and Patty, who's an icon by the way) to help Kylie, and even after the failed plan she still did :'). Also somehow I missed her ditch it so I didn't think about this till someone mentioned it, and obviously it makes sense she did, BUT SHE BETTER GET THAT BIKE BACK xdd. She's driving a car in the promo but still like long term she better get it back lol. Anyway, I'm so glad both Marjan and Kylie are okay :D. That fight at the end was INTENSE, but it was a slay :D. And Marjan did find what she was looking for :')). Turns out she was right the whole time lol xD. But really, I think rescuing and saving people is her calling. And based on the promo and episode description, I think she realized that too :') 🥰. Speaking of, AAAAHHHHHHHH!!?!???! NOT OKAY xdd!!!! I'm sure it'll all work out, but it looks CRAZY. I'm still wondering who that little girl is, but I'm sure we'll find out! And I'm sure that, and the entire episode, will be interesting. Anyway you can just post bail for abuse xd? What the heck. I don't know if I want Marjan to have to go through the emotional stuff of killing him, but he better be done for good by the end of this xD. Even if thats just back in prison lol. Anyway, Marjan was amazing at her job - calling - today :')). I love her <3333 ❤️❤️.
TK and Carlos! AAAHHHHHH MY BOYYYYS 🥰🥰🥰. Their storyline was so hilarious this episode XD. And it also gave us SO MANY GOOD MOMENTS FOR THEM :DDDD!! The little communication they kept having, like their looks to each other in the scene when the first brought Andrea over; standing by each other when standing up to their parents (parent technically but yk); THE LUNCH SCENE!!! Iconic all around :'D. Also I think that lunch scene was better than we ever could have hoped for XD. It was so good lol. Not just funny with their conversation, but cute too :'DD, especially the beginning. Like y'all they switched 🥰🥰. It's totally fine to be together and not share food but like :DD. It's also so cute xD. Anyway, they're adorable 🥰🥰❤️. But yeah, I'm so glad they worked everything out with their parents :'D. It was lowkey torture watching them make decisions for their sons xD. As was intending, and it was hilarious, but still lol. Also painful xd. Anyway, yeah, seeing Tarlos just become more and more stressed about the decisions were making was funny, but also kind of 😭. These poor boys are going through it xd. Also CARLOS IS CAPABLE AND DECENT AND WILL TAKE CARE OF TK 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️!!! STOP I CAN'T DO THIS OWEN AAAHHHHHHH :'DDDDDD 😭🥰🥰!! Killed me lol. Like yk will take care of each other in a modern relationship kinda way not like a weird power dynamic lol :)). But, yeah <333. I loved all their little moments :')). And I just have to mention again the fact that Carlos didn't want to say anything but as soon as TK "snapped" he was right by his side - he loves his man <333. I just love them so much :'DDD 🥰🥰❤️.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! The call was cool, we got to see the 126 being amazing and adorable, and the two main storylines were AMAZING!! Also the way the Control Freaks theme translated over the plots was really cool :). Also I just love the parallel of an episode about Tarlos wedding planning being called Control Freaks, with TK calling Carlos a control freak and 3x04 and Carlos saying it in 3x05 :')). It was just sweet <33. And a bit funny xD. Anyway, I'm so glad Marjan managed to get Kylie out and Grant (that's his face right I just re-watched a bit to make sure I got Kylie's right lol) arrested :)). But I am definitely stressed for next episode 😬😬😬😳. I'm sure she'll be okay, but still xd. I mean. Probably. To be honest you never know with 9-1-1 or Lone Star XD. But I'm almost completely sure she will be lol - they wouldn't do that to us xd. I hope. Still, it looks intense o.o. It even looks like at some point he's pointing a gun at her in like a drain/sewer??? Wild o.o. And again, I'm excited and very interesting to see who the little girl is!! All in all it definitely looks great and I'm super excited for it :D. But with this episode, I'm glad everything worked out 🥰🥰🥰. I loved it so much :DDD!!
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was absolutely amazing. I'm nervous for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 8: Control Freaks
It was great! I'm definitely excited for the next episode, but scared too. I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 9: Road Kill
See you then!
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lucidreamsxx · 2 years
Tumblr media
Obey Me! Bros react to FEM!MC getting turned into a child! HCS
(Courtesy of wizard bastard man of course)
Flash Back- Solomon invited MC over to Purgatory hall, to help in in concocting some new spells and potions. MC is, after all, his loyal apprentice. Everything was going so well, until MC was asked to drink a strange potion by Solomon. It was a swirly mixture of pale pink and baby blue, with shimmering glitter all around it.
Of course MC was sceptical to drink it, but he promised her that she'd be fine, and that he just wanted to see the reaction. MC drank it, and two seconds later *poof* The place where she had stood was empty and replaced by a pile of her clothing and her DDD which now lay on the floor, the mound of clothing wiggled as a teeny weeny head with large gem like eyes popped out.
"..... fuck" muttered Solomon, as he picked up the now baby MC, who looked about 2 in his arms.
" so....mon....* MC babbled, as she played with his fingers.
"I didn't think her age would be redacted this far.." he muttered watching as MC proceeded to reach out for her DDD that fell on the floor, he picked it up. "I better send her back to the HoL and start getting to work on the antidote" he sighed, knowing he was going to get hell from Lucifer.
LUCIFER: He rubbed his forehead as Solomon stood infront of his desk. How in the seven rings of hell....
"How long is it gonna take for her to turn back?"
"....about a week" Solomon muttered quietly,
You know what he wasn't even going to ask. He reached his hand out to take MC as she settled comfortably in Lucifer's strong arms. He let Solomon go with a warning. And that he'd finish the antidote as soon as possible.
He looked down at MC who was still in her now humongous uniform as she played with the buttons on his vest.
Not going to lie, she was bloody adorable, with the way her cheeks were so squishable and her eyes which glittered with childlike curiosity as she looked at him.
"Pwetty..wuciferr" she said squishing his cheeks, as a slight blush covered his face,
"Heh, you're pretty too MC" he smilingly said while pinching her mochi cheeks,
She giggled, as he smiled.
But, he can't keep her like this,Mc needs to be taken care of, with a sigh he proceeded to text in the group about a family meeting regarding MC being turned into a child.
MAMMON: The first one to bound into the room as soon as he heard what happened. He thought it was a joke till he saw MC's small form snuggled into Lucifer's chest. He literally stood there gawking at MC till the others bounded in. He was assigned as the first person to take care if MC mainly cause she felt the most comfortable with him. (The others brothers were so on so forth following their rank, it is easier that way plus they wont argue)
Mammon is the type to carry you everywhere on his shoulders, it's canon that he's great with kids. Avatar of Greed who??? Mammon doesn't care about grimm for himself anymore, all his grimm goes to MC. He spoils her rotten, she can barely walk and she already has a mini car to match his.
"Oi MC, no, i just bought ya that stuffed toy, i aint buyin ya another"
*sad MC noises*
".....oh all right" he sighs as he pulls out some more grimm, "but this is the last time ya hear"
*happy MC noises*
LEVIATHAN: Levi combusted on the spot, (you know that "woaaahhhh" sound he makes in the game? Yea that) wjen it was his turn, he was over the moon. He got to teach his Henry about TSL and Ruri-chan all over again, altho MC was too small to understand, he was content with her giggles and gurgles of approval.
"So you see MC, that's why i think Ruri-chan's summer themed event us the best among all the other events cause- hey, what you doing?" He asked as he saw MC crawling into his lap,
"Wevi, look pwetty, like wuwi-chan" she said as she pointed ti a picture of Ruri-chan in her cat girl outfit, the colour theme extremely similar to Levi's clothing.
"Uwa...uwa...UWAAAAAAAAAAA MOEEEEEEEEEEEEE" He yelled as he picked her up and squished her cheeks,
SATAN: Just stood there with an amused look on his face, of course, expect the wizard bastard man to mess up a spell, again. Though he had to admit MC looked very very cute.
When it was finally his turn he decided to read to her, it was a fairly easy job as MC had that curiosity that made her want to know, although this is the first time Satan has heard this many "why's" in his life.
"Tan...what..that?" MC asked pointing to the sky from the window in his room,
" That's a raincloud MC"
"Cause it gives us rain"
Because as the human realm needs its rain, DevilDom needs its own too"
"Because the flora and fauna in DevilDom depend on it"
No, Satan never got tired answering, in fact he enjoyed it alot.
ASMODEUS: This demon literally ran i tell you, he bolted to Lucifer's office missing his mark only by a bit before Mammon beats him right to it,but he didn't bother to argue, oh no, because his eyes were caught.
"Oh my, MCCCCCC~♡♡♡" He literally cooed, he legitamately could NOT wait for his turn.
When it was his turn, oh you bet those two had a photoshoot together, MC was dressed up to match with Asmo, with out fits picked by, of course, Asmo.
"Oh my darling MC~ You look beautiful baby~" Asmo said while squishing her cheeks,
"Asmo...pwetty too" MC said while squishing his cheeks in her baby hand in return,
"Oh aren't you the most adorable thing ever darling~" he exclaimed as he carried her up and spun her around in circles.
BEELZEBUB: Carried Belphie to Lucifer's office, while munching on a burger. Didn't think much of it at first, he just thought that MC looked very adorable, kinda like Satan when he was a kid, only less screaming and puking and more calm and quiet.
But oh boy, when it was his turn, these two visited almost all the cafe's and dessert places in DevilDom. And Beel refused to touch anything, much to everyone's surprise. He prioritized MC's eating since he read somewhere that human children need to eat alot to make sure they grow up healthy and strong. Althought the spell only lasts for a week, Beel wanted to make sure that his MC had eaten to their fill anyway.
"MC try this, it's a DevilBee Honey Pudding, it's really smooth and the taste is not too sweet and overpowering as well" He said as MC looked down from her place high up on Beel's shoulders,
"Ok, but...Beel eat too" Mc replied as she reached out to grab the pudding with her teeny tiny lil hands, and proceeded to feed some to Beel then to herself.
Safe to say Beel has now dedicated his life to protect this human, whether as a child or an adult.
BELPHEGOR: He had to be carried to Lucifer's office by Beel. And no, he did not read the texts in the groupchat, so imagine his surprise when he was brought in and opened his eyes only to see a gremlin version of his human.
Ye, cow boi brain go brrrrrrrrr~
When it was his turn finally, he couldn't help squishing her cheeks like mochi's, they were so squishable and MC is just so cute, he couldn't help it.
Snuggles,cuddles and naps, need i anything more???
Cow boi gives DA BEST cuddles and snuggles in all three realms, no one can tell me otherwise. Occasionally he reads her a story, makes the voices too just cause he like seeing MC's reactions to it.
"Hmm? You want a story MC"
*cue MC nods*
*sigh* "well alright then, but you gotta go sleep straight after ok?"
"Ok! MC pwomise"
"Ok then, Once upon a time in DevilDom..."
Yea, no, boy goes all soft for her and ends up reading MC a gazillion stories before he finally gets her to bed, he has a hard time saying no to MC afterall.
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obey-only-me · 3 years
The Brothers and Diavolo’s First Kiss with MC By: Akuzondelivery
- You had stayed behind to help clean up after the student council. Lucifer stayed as well to walk you home.
- On the way out you dropped some of the folders and documents from today’s meeting.
- “I’ll help, you’ve already done so much. Thank you MC.” Those eyes and that smirk looked up to you.
- You suddenly felt how close you were to him and stiffened.
- It was Lucifer who was so good at reading you, he noticed your tensed demeanor.
- “What’s wrong?” His gloved fingers reached to tuck a strand of hair away from your face. Though you were trying to hide it at the moment.
- “No, nothing’s wrong. Ready to go?”
- You hurriedly placed the stray papers away and turned to a looming gaze.
- “Oh-!” Lucifer gently lifted your chin and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. Something he’d done to tease you in the past.
- He pulled away with a smirk, fully intending to stop there but something just clicked.
- He eased forward again to ensnare your lips in his. You let your impulses get the best of you as you kissed back, bracing yourself against his chest.
- Breaking for a moment his crimson eyes focused solely on you
- “I...lets continue this in my room.”
- You sat together on the floor of your room while watching a drama.
- He had spent some time during the episode play on his DDD.
- “Hey! MC! Check it out, I’m on the new ad for that last shoot I did!”
- A lot of attractive female and male demons wore formal wear mixed with sportswear.
- And there dead center was Mammon looking as gorgeous as ever. For some reason you felt a rush of heat run to your face.
- “H-hey, what’s with that look?” Shit he noticed right away.
- Instinctively you covered your face with your hands to hide. “Don’t look dummy!”
- You hear him come closer, laughing like an asshole.
- “Oh so MC can’t be charmed by Asmo but by the Great Mammon?”
- You feel his hands on your wrists as he gently placed a kiss on your forehead.
- “C’mon, let me see your face. I want to enjoy this moment!”
- You lower your hands with a frustrated pout, face red like a cherry.
- “Aw don’t pout at-“
- You cut him off with a lip crashing kiss, leaning into him with a little more enthusiasm than you expected.
- There was a long pause after as you both stared at each other’s redden expressions of surprise.
- “You...you should...do that again.” He whispered, staring at your lips.
- You knock on Levi’s door with the final season of the newest anime craze from the human world.
- Today the two of you are bingeing the whole thing! Levi almost snatched you into the room already excited to start.
- You sit side by side with your finale survival kit. Tissues, bandaids, chocolate, blanket, Teddy Beel, and of course a Ruri-Chan plushie.
- Fast forward four hours and the chocolate is gone, the blanket is in use, and Levi had a bandaid on his hand that he slammed into the floor after a particularly hard to watch scene.
- “It’s just...so hard to say goodbye to this world.” Levi sobbed.
- “I know, my heart isn’t ready to say goodbye to Akira senpai!”
- “MC! I! Will be your Akira senpai!” Levi had turned to hold your hands together as he spoke.
- He seemed so serious but you knew he was caught up with the story.
- You smiled but couldn’t reply as he gave you a sweet and tender kiss.
- “That’s-that’s my confession...to you MC. I’m! I'm confessing to you MC!”
- You are absolutely stunned, thinking carefully a moment you return his kiss, throwing the blanket over you two to hide your blushing face.
- You met up with Asmo to shop for a new casual outfit.
- After finding a store with lots of things you liked, Asmo asked for a fashion show.
- If a piece looked particularly good he would applaud and ask for a strut.
- After you were done changing into your street clothes Asmo is standing right outside the changing room door.
- Kabe Don, obviously still trying to enchant you even though it’s never worked.
- “You know I'd love to see you model some things for me privately.”
- You laugh, knowing how flirty he gets.
- “Well that’s too bad, I’d rather put on a show”.
- Without warning you leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips.
- You whimsically brush pass a frozen Asmo toward the checkout counter.
- Asmo is taken completely off guard and sputters out an inaudible response.
- Determined to return the favor tenfold.
- You were in the library in Satan’s room, returning a book he leant you.
- He turned from a shelf he was scanning to greet you.
- After placing the book on a nearby table you leaned against the table while resting against it, facing Satan as he walked closer to you.
- “I’m glad you liked the book, there are a few more in that series you should try.”
- He brought over three other volumes and placed them on the table next to you. Very slightly his face grazed yours.
- He realizes how close he is to you after noticing your blush.
- “Your face is so red...what are you thinking?”
- You let out a small noise as he closes the distance between you, fitting himself between your legs as you hop to sit on the edge.
- Kisses you gently, intending to pull away until he feels you push back slightly.
- Thought he would just tease you but ends up holding your hips closer as he continues.
- Tongue gently asks for permission to enter before twirling and kneading yours.
- You’re a red, blushing mess when he’s done with you.
- “Hm hm, you’re so cute MC...”
- Goes for a few more kisses.
- You were meeting Beel at the gym to get a bite at Hell’s Kitchen.
- A game was coming up and he’s been training a lot more than usual.
- He had just finished his last set on the weight bench.
- “Give me a sec to clean up.”
- You wiped the bench down and waited for him to get out of the locker room.
- Beel had a twisted look of discomfort when he came back.
- “Ugh, my arm is sore. I might have done too much.”
- “Here, show me where.” You said while already grabbing the right bicep.
- Your fingers kneaded gently where the muscle felt tense, focusing on how firm his arm and the rest of him felt. All while standing so close together.
- Beel stayed silent until you looked up to gauge his reaction.
- Before you could ask anything he kissed you gently, lingering when you didn’t pull away.
- “That feels better, thank you”
- Maybe he didn’t think anything of it as a demon but you as a human were glued to that spot, savoring the moment.
- “C-can...I have another?”
- You were waiting in the garden at your favorite napping spot.
- Belphie was on his way to join you but you’ve been studying a lot and couldn’t fight it anymore.
- He saw you spread out on your blanket asleep already and pouted slightly.
- “No fair, we were suppose to nap together.” He mumbled as he threw a pillow down next to you and slowly slithered himself around you.
- Loooong cuddles turned into tight hugs. Has your body always been this warm and soft? Suddenly he couldn’t get enough contact with you. He wanted more.
- You shifted slightly before turning around in his arms to face him.
- The way you smiled in your sleep was irresistible to him.
- Softly Belphie pressed his lips against yours. Trying not to wake you, he gave you several more kisses.
- After deciding he’d pushed his luck enough he pulled away, but you were already heading towards his lips with another kiss.
- You wore a sly look as his cheeks grew flush.
- Completely shocked he froze. “I couldn’t help it...I want to kiss you more too.”
- Was very excited to have you visit the palace. You had asked him for a gift next time he went to the human world.
- He had just arrived back and summoned you to his palace to show it off.
- You watched as he brought out a 2000 piece puzzle of kittens in a basket.
- “Humans love these right? I found so many of them and so cheap!”
- So precious, you can’t help but start the puzzle with him. He watched as you shared your strategy to make the puzzle easier.
- Diavolo listened to you intently, smiling while watching your nimble fingers dance around for the right piece. Spending time with you was more important to him anything.
- After completing a corner you noticed Diavolo had stopped putting pieces together.
- “Do you need a break?” You asked with a smile, knowing this could be overwhelming.
- Instead he lifted your fingers and gently brushed his lips against them. Your face beamed with a deep red glow.
- But the prince didn’t hesitate to take advantage of your frozen state, placing an equally soft kiss on your lips.
- “I’ll take that as repayment...”
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macaron-n-cheese · 2 years
The reenactment I went to over the weekend (The Grand Encampment) was so fun! :DDD
Unfortunately, since it was the first annual occurrence of this event, it was a bit small for a timeline event! There were other events that weekend for many other groups, so groups were scattered around southern California. Only Union soldiers (so the artillery group acted as the sole Confederates) and very few Rev War groups. Hopefully it will be better next year since the planning will be better and more organized!
I went in my colonial outfit with my regiment, the Royal Marines :). I did get sunburnt though sdoufbisdubfs. It was pretty hot. and everyone was tired XD! Both days I went in my colonial dress!
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On the first day in the morning I mainly just got settled and explored our era’s camp a bit. We had two tented taverns set up and our regimental tents. We talked to one of the tavern keepers and he told us about all his antique furniture in the tavern! The chair to the right (my left) above is from the era! I missed the pass and review, though, which is basically an introduction to every participating group. Our battle was first, but since we had such a small group, it was an extremely small skirmish! I was watching as a camp follower and spoke with some time travelers. General Howe personally commanded our troops and the rebels were dispersed!
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Right after, there were two air demonstrations. First, the Red Baron flew by and landed for us!
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Second, the “D-Day Doll” took off and skydivers landed on the green!
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An American WWII plane also flew!
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Next, there was a WWI demonstration! Trenches were dug for the reenactors! This was a western front demonstration, so we had British (and Canadian) and German soldiers. One French soldier was there, too! However, the French soldier’s regiment didn’t come and he was alone ;-;. The trench battle had the British and Canadians crossed no man’s land to the German trenches that they had gassed. Only one of the Allies and I think 1 or 2 of the Central Powers survived. Great accuracy on their part!
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After the battle, we met a WWI Marines reenactor who had so many original artifacts! There were original helmets, rifles, spades, etc. One of them was an original record player with original WWI records including “Over There” and “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary”! I can post them in a repost!
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Next was a WWII battle based on a battle in the Pacific Islands. So, the battle was between the U.S. and Imperial Japan. The battle was fought in the brush so we could see the Marines, but Imperial Japan hid in the brush. In the end, there were no U.S. survivors. A sandbag actually caught on fire near the brush and some WWI soldiers ran to put it out thankfully odushfcsidhf. Here is a photo before the battle!
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More WWII! There was a tank! An M4 Sherman used by the U.S.! I got to look inside the turret. The tank gunner showed us the cranks to turn the turret and gun.
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Next was a fashion show through different eras and a meeting of reenactors who are historical figures! I went to the Civil War camp and had a lot of fun talking to them. All so nice :3. That evening there was a swing dance with a live band! (The instructors got sick but there were so many great dancers, anyway). It was amazing :D! I did do some dance but not very good XD. There were many WWII reenactors there :).
On day two, I came a bit later. For our battle, we had more British soldiers! I met a few other ladies who are part of the Britannic Society and watched the battle with them. Next, we went to the WWII camp to talk to the reenactors. Many of the ladies were portraying women’s divisions during the war! I went back to the AmRev era with my group. We practiced drilling. It’s so much easier to do it in person than reading! After drills, I went to the tavern and we had snacks that were cooked over the fire! I was with the Britannic society members, the tavern owners, a few soldiers and George Washington. It was so much fun :D!
After, I went back to drilling but assumed a soldier impression! My commander loaned me his gear so it was all very big on me XD! Here we are, the only three Royal Marines over the weekend!
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We practiced marching and other commands. No firing since it was my first time. The musket was pretty heavy and my arms were tired after!
Overall, it was a super fun event! I can’t wait to go to more!
Bonus! There was an anime convention across from our hotel and the cosplays were so cool!
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richt3rs · 2 years
Ask and thee shall recieve! I'll give you some. How about a completely out there request? What would Artem and Vyn be like under the influence of a magic love/aphrodisiac potion?
tenacious behaviour pt.1
NOTES! OH I LIKE THIS ONE :DDD i've never written anything like this before but that only makes this more exciting, no? the chokehold these kind of scenarios have on me is so strong i swear SUMMARY: artem takes you to a social event and maybe he shouldn't have drank too much on your behalf. vyn's part will be uploaded later since i wanted to feed yall asap WARNING! suggestive scenes, let me give you all some candy
what artem loathed the most about being the top of his league was the countless events he'd always be invited to. artem, being extremely compliant for his own good, never turns the invites down. fortunately, you, as his partner and closest friend (if you can call it that), share his worries after the years he attended such events alone. "mr. wing, after all the parties you've attended by yourself you've finally got a girlfriend." the woman teased at the two of you. you both turned away, tinged with a cute shade of pink as the lady chuckled and her smile grew. you and artem have been mistaken for a couple too many times, but not once did either of you try to deny it.
after the both of you get yourselves together, you continue the lovely conversation you're having with artem's university counsellor. it was indeed lovely, she spoke about how his meticulous and reserved nature brought about unforgettable moments for the youngest senior attorney. the night was still young and the atmosphere was well and alive since the both of you arrived a couple of hours ago. the clinks of glasses, indistinct chatter and laughter, high ceilings and well-lit hallways. these were all characteristics of the banquet beautifully unfolding tonight.
artem looked as dashing as he did in the courtroom, clad in an expensive suit, hair slicked back and his cerulean eyes as alluring as ever. you, on the other hand, was drenched in the very cerulean abundant in artem's eyes. your dress flowed down until it ceased your right above your ankles. the back window extended beyond the middle of your back and the whole dress subtly shimmered as you walked. your hair was elegantly fixed in a bun, your makeup was light and easy on the eyes to balance out how beautiful your dress was. now to match was a mere coincidence, however you and artem's old friends from university speak otherwise. you really did look great together, the question if you were dating or not didn't bother anyone.
after the five course meal, the waiters that once had bite sized goods had gradually disappeared and came back with refreshments, alcohol included. naturally, people were now starting to get tipsy as the moonlight continued to glimmer through towering windows of the venue. it's times like these where people's minds are too fuzzy and the world feels fast and slow all at once. artem, fighting for his life to keep things between the both of you as professional as possible supervises your alcohol intake. he would drink whatever it was on your behalf, no questions asked. it didn't matter how many times you insisted you drink it, knowing artem had a low alcohol intolerance. the night continues, the world slowed and one particular drink artem had made him quite... unpredictable.
"y-you are so, so so s-so pretty y/n, heh." artem slurred his words, the alcohol clearly got the best of him. "thanks m-mr. attorney wing, haha wing a-attorney wing..." both you and artem sat on the same boat, drunk and giggly at that. artem complimenting you so openly like that was beyond him, the realisation never occurred thanks to how intoxicated you two were. the both of you were standing near the glass encasing the banquet, the task of holding each other up from falling slowly became arduous. with the little rationality artem currently had available at his disposal, he wanted to make it easier for the both of you to stay on your feet. his solution was simple, although it left you feeling the most complex of emotions.
he brought his body towards you, urging you to lean until your back came into contact with the ice cold glass. the freezing sensation jolted you awake from your haziness and your mind was starting to whir once more. "a-artem? what are y-" instantly you shut yourself up, finally acknowledging just how close he was to you. artem was leaning his body against you, his broad form almost covering you from everyone else. not wanting to crush you with his weight, he supported himself using his forearm on the glass above you. he hissed at how cold it was, his bitter breath tickling your ears. the heat emanating from his body spread to your face. artem trapped you with his body for anyone and everyone to see. you squirmed underneath him, your efforts weren't successful as you leaned even closer to you. his striking blue eyes gazed into yours, he looked so, so hungry.
"y-y/n... i want, i wanna... you and me..." artem spoke, he sounded so restrained. you looked at artem. sweat trickled down from his forehead and on his neck, his hair was slightly dishevelled. your gaze lingered on his neck and further down to his chest, becoming shy from what he said earlier. artem looked at you from above with such need, he wanted you so much, he wanted you all to himself tonight. he leaned once more, your foreheads touching. the world was out of sight for a fleeting moment, this hazed state saturated the both of you. artem lowered himself down to your neck and pressed his lips against it, delicately decorating your skin with kisses. you sighed, bringing your arms to wrap around his head, bringing artem closer to you. he looked up at you after he finished his ministrations. artem was so dazed, yet in his eyes you saw his hunger grow even more.
you kissed artem. it was a bit messy, given how uncoordinated you two were from the drinks. he pressed himself even closer into you, the cooling glass was now warm from how hot you both were. artem didn't know where to put his arms before he found purchase at your waist, finally closing the distance between you two. you kissed him again after you both stopped for air, not skipping a beat as he wrapped his arms tighter around you. he was fuelled with how wonderfully you were reacting, the short sharp gasps in between kisses, your embrace becoming weaker as you made out by the window. his thoughts were revolving around you; there was only so much he could do with what his mind started to conjure. artem sobered a little, bothered that the two of you were still at the banquet. he broke the kiss and chuckled as you whined against his chest.
"y/n i... i don't know where to b-begin but... i think we sh-" artem whispered, his coarse voice continued to reverberate from inside you. "shhh, artem... artem, let's start at the b-bedroom, yeah?" it was your turn to shut him up. you took his hand, stood up from leaning against the window and rushed out the venue. the two of you stayed at the room artem booked in case the both of you got too drunk. only one bed was used that night and to everyone's surprise, artem was eagerly waiting for another invitation.
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
28 Asks! Wahoo! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XD I'm glad you like him! This makes me want to make some lore for the little critter. Some of the other imps and cats have lore, so Armpit should too!.... Starting with giving him a proper name <XDD
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(Video in ask)
Oooo pretty song! Though I'm not sure what they'd think.. :0 They might just enjoy it in general and not have much thought afterwards <XD
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Google seems to say that that's a scary game, I'm sure they'd be too scared to play <XD
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I feel like what it would take for Bonnie to yell at someone is if they were yelling at him. But even so.. I just don't know if that's how Bonnie is..
Like if say, Monty was really barking at Bonnie for how he's behaving and just shoving everything in his face. I'd like to think that Bonnie would eventually blow and yell back something like "I DON'T CARE" or "YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM GOING THROUGH".. Buuuutt at the same time.. Bonnie is mellow and kind by nature.
Seeing Monty yelling.. he might just shut down even more. He's so tired. He's tired of everything. And now Monty's yelling about something and its all just.. so exhausting. It might be easier for Bonnie to just stand there and not say anything and wait for Monty to get it all out of his system and then leave. Fighting back is just gonna make Monty yell more and cause more drama. Bonnie would give up in an argument pretty quickly and just stand there until the other person is done yelling.
And what's Monty gonna do? Push Bonnie around? Bonnie is way heavier and stronger than him. Pushing him/encouraging Bonnie to get physical is just gonna result in Monty flailing about and Bonnie standing stiff as brick.
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I've never seen that movie(..?) before so I cant really say.. But judging by Google images, it looks really cool! And it has a lot of cats in it XD
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I remember them! What a whacky cast of characters :00 My favorite is probably the Monkey XDD
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I've never watched any of the Ghibli movies although I really should 💔
Now considering all the stuff I've heard/seen about those movies.. the food looks delicious, and the lands seem peaceful..?? They all might camp out for a while in one of those worlds and just bask in the peace and quiet.. 😌
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XDD Hey I see that digital circus reference!
Although they didn't have any rides like that fortunately, and STAFF bots didn't exist when Foxy was still in service. If a kid had an accident of some kind, whether it be an injury or a uh. "Spill".. It was probably Foxy's job to alert an employee and they'd come in and clean up the mess and/or whisk the injured child away so Foxy could go back to work.
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If you go to my blogs post search and type in "super mario bros", you should find 99% of all my Mario artwork!
If you have any trouble finding it don't be afraid to send another ask- idk if ur on mobile or PC it might be different <XD
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Seam could have known how to do that perhaps..? But his powers were never meant to hurt people. Seam was the court Magician. He would just use his powers to put on these beautiful displays and show off these bizarre tricks and shows. (Usually along side Jevil to add extra flare and humor to his performances)
Although... technically you could say that he did use his magic to harm once. I don't know if it counts as a hex.? But he did lock Jevil away in a magical cell made of his own magic... does that count? :0
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Yeah that was the intention. Seam, that Older imp and the two cat ladies worked under the King directly. So they wore these beautiful robes and headdress things to show their status. Jevil was the court jester so he just wore a jester outfit.
If Jevil had any other role he'd probably be dressed all fancy just like them. :0
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Yeah <:( for a lot of reasons.
For many years talking has hurt Seams mouth and face, obviously- So he's resorted to mumbling and talking very quietly. After years and years of doing that his voice cant be great. When the stiches were removed I can imagine him raising his voice and it just sends him into a horrible coughing fit. Plus those holes in his mouth are still there, and they cant feel great to be stretched around..
I can see him struggling to make certain sounds. Like the word "cheese". He'd probably cut off half way cuz the holes were stretched and it felt like a punch to the lip. :'(
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That's a good question... I think at least for now, Seam just wants to cover it up.
Underneath that wrap.. his face is pretty messed up. Its not just his eye.. I imagine that the eye hole also didn't heal great so I don't know if they could even put in an artificial eye. It might hurt Seam or make his face really sore.. Plus after the eye was in, he'd just want to cover it up with a bandage anyways..
So for now, he just covers his face and doesn't touch the wound. And I don't think he'll have the courage to mess with it anytime soon... :((
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I have not :/ But I have seen ads for it EVERYWHERE. So I am aware of its existence. XDD
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I've never heard of that game no.. but Googling it, I can say that I love the art style! :D
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Awe,, Thank you so much!! :DD
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Possibly! :000
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Aww.... nah that would destroy anybody.
I mean if they absolutely had to for some reason, like they could never return to the surface because if they did they would die.. They would survive underwater for a while. But then eventually they'd run out of supplies and they'd starve or the octopod would stop functioning after a while..
Also MAN they would all be ruined mentally. Never being able to see their families again. Never being able to feel the sun on your skin or breathe in fresh air. Being stuck underwater for the rest of their lives would destroy all of the Octonauts. Save for possibly Inkling, but even then being trapped down there and all your friends are miserable would wear on Inkling too..
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Maybe not the whole playground. But I can easily see Christmas/holiday themed decorations being hung up around the Daycare :)
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Hmm.. I hadn't planned/thought about something like that... But that's a really cool idea! Perhaps at one point they were pursued through dimensions :0 Terrifying!
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Which "Wapeach" are you referring to? If you're talking about the ship of them, Mmmm nahh,, I don't think they'll ever be a thing..
Are you referring to "Wapeach" as in the peach wearing that purple outfit with the long purple boots? If so I don't know what to make of that <XD
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Judging by Google images.. they'd see the desert wasteland, turn right around and jump through another mirror. <XD They need to find food man!
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(Post in question)
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Bad Endogeny! No! Don't stab people's legs! >:(
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Never heard the song before, but I'm sure Jangles would be up for it! XD
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XDD 1 Jangles is powerful enough, the world cant handle 2-
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Jangles would be in awe of his idols. Sans and Papyrus would probably be wondering why this 3ft(??) tall plastic Halloween skeleton decoration is alive and talking XDD
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@octonauts16 (Post in question)
Oh! No no, Cici is Bibi's little sister. I don't think I'll be making him a girlfriend any time soon <XD
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I'm cautiously excited. I always love to see more FNAF but I'm worried that they might twist the lore even further and make things even more confusing... <XDD
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parsnipspages · 3 years
I heard requests were open! So I was wondering if you could do headcanons of the bros reacting to a MC who has Nyctophobia? (The Fear Of The Dark)
Time to get teased by the bros! Long post I got into it. as always, if you want the undatables, feel free to send another request!
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Lucifer You left the lamp on every night, after a few months in the devildom Lucifer had assumed that this was a mistake. Passing out while reading or working on homework. Responsible. Today he had been helping you with your homework late into the night. As he went to leave he turned his attention to the lamp. “You shouldn’t leave this on all the time, It wastes energy.” His hand was reaching for the pull chain as you spoke up to stop him. Lucifer glanced back at you sitting on the edge of your bed with panic in your eye, “What?” He chuckled as he pulled the chain and walked back over to you, sitting on the edge of the bed. He smirked as you clung to his arm. “Really now, what do you have to fear with me here?” He slowly coaxed you into your covered and stayed with you, letting you hold his hand until you passed out. He would help you get past this, you deserved to be the best you could be. Mammon His room was never truly darkened in all honesty. Always watching a movie or playing a game on his projector. The dim rim lighting around the bottom of his bed and along the walls in his closet. Tonight though, he had a headache. Another day another failed get rich quick scheme down the drain. The demon didn’t give it a second thought as he turned off all the lights as he sunk into bed with you on the couch. It wasn’t atypical for you two, but what he wasn’t expecting was the tingle of fear that ran through his mind from your pact. “Human you alright?” Sliding out of his bed he found his way to the couch and putting a hand on your shoulder, “Yer all tense, somethin’ scare ya? I told ya ya shouldn’t watch those damn horror films with Levi, things would leave anyone shaking.” He frowned as he heard you take a deep breath before replying, “That’s not the problem Mammon... I just don’t like the dark ok....” Your voice was small, did you know how much that absolutely killed him? That’s just not fair to get to him like that. You hear his warm laugh as he grabs you off the couch, the dark hiding his flushed face and neck, “Good for you, ya got the Great Mammon to keep ya safe! Ya better appreciate it!” He dropped you onto his bed, and neither of you said anything as he turned the rim lights back on before sliding into bed. He never did turn them off again. Leviathan It took the power going out for Leviathan to find out about your little secret. His room was literally never dark between his all night gaming and his massive aquarium. With the power out though, the only thing greeting you as you woke was the soft sound of the water lapping up against the glass. He woke to your voice cutting through the darkness as he climbed out of his tub and went towards the pile of blankets and pillows he had made for you next to the tank. He could feel your fear in his mind, a tingle to remind him of your closeness. He grabbed his DDD out of his pocket and unlocked it, turning on the flashlight as he sat next to you. Part of him wanted to offer you a hug, the rest was terrified of the idea. You made the choice for him as you wrapped your arms around his middle. "H-Hey! Who said you could just do that!" The sadness in your eye as he reached to move your arms froze him. "ugh, Fine ok whatever this is fine." The darkness was a little easier to ignore if you focused on the dark flush covering his face. Satan His room was rarely fully darkened, between his reading light and the large window facing the nighttime moon there was always at least a soft glow to his room. Tonight there was cloud cover though, and he was too tired to read. You had been in his room shoved between a couple of piles of books, your own in your hands. He directed his attention to you as he draped his coat over the back of his chair. "I think it's time for bed don't you?" You finished the sentence you were reading before looking up at him as he reached for his pajamas laying on his bed. You looked past him though, as the storm outside had finally covered the moon. Slipping in a book mark you close your book and set it on his desk as you went to walk past him to the
door. "I think I'll just stay in my room Satan, thank you for having me thou"- He sticks his arm out before you make it that far, "You can stay you know, I don't mind." He had a hunch what was wrong, having tested this a few times. Dimming his reading light to nearly off with you around and you, slinking closer as he did so, fleeing the dark corners. He wasn't going to pry tonight though, he just wanted your company this time. "We can leave the reading lamp on the desk on if you would like. No need for you to trip in the middle of the night and knock over my books." His smile was hard to ignore. Asmodeus You had gone to Asmo to relax, taking his offer to do your nails and give you a personal spa day after midterms. He ran his hands through your hair carefully as he worked in the perfect product as he chatted about the latest devilgram drama. He kept the lights low in his room, mostly to not stress his own eyes. Partially to have a nice fill light for his selfies. Before long you were drowzy putty in his hands.
"Oh Darling you really should sleep more, your poor skin is so splotchy right now." You hummed as he finished his last task on you as he grabbed a set of spare pajamas from his closet and told you to put them on as he got his bed ready. Pouting a bit as you closed the door to his bathroom to do so. When you return, the lights are nearly off. Just bright enough to see the edges of the furnature in his room, and just enough to see him raise his arm from the blankets and pat the matress next to him. He was confused for a moment as you hesitated in the doorway clinging to the light of the bathroom. Asmo stood wordlessly, grabbing your shoulders and leading you to the bed. He turned up the lights a bit for you, grabbing his own face mask from the nightstand. He could work with this Beelzebub It wasn't in his room when he found out. Not even in the house of lamentation actually. He had taken you to a local bakery to replace some doughnuts he had eaten of yours that morning, and by the time you were done there it had gotten darker out. Clouds rolling in and covering the Devildoms ever present moon and stars. You clung to his sleeve as you walked and honestly he paid it no mind. He liked when you were close to him. If you were close you were safe. If you were close he could enjoy your presence. If you were close he couldn't lose you. So when he walked away from the street lights to take a quick shortcut to he house, he had to take notice to you getting even closer. Beel stopped, looking at you as he did. The shudder that passed over you as you looked into the darkened park he had wanted to walk through, frowning at you. "Do you want to stay on the main road? There are more lights there." You nod with enthusiasm as he turns back to the well walked path. "Okay." At least there wasn't a worry for his room, the headboard glowing in the night. The rest of the walk was him going through the house in his head, planning how to light the areas you liked the most. Belphegor Finding out about your phobia, belphie did it by mistake. He had passed out with you in the attic watching a movie. With the credits finished rolling the screen sat dark on the other side of the room as you tried to wiggle out of his arms to reach your phone, the light switch. Anything really. You were nearly in a panic by the time he woke up releasing you and you nearly ran to the light switch. His chuckle behind you as you went. Once the light was on you were giving him a dark glare. He raised his arms weakly in surrender as you scooped a pillow off the ground and hurled it at him. Belphie curled around it as you walked back to the bed with him, smirking at you as you did. "Silly human you are huh. Scared of the dark more than the demons in the house. Priorities." He let you push him down to the bed as you started giving him shit for making fun of you. That was fine though, you got to focus on him instead of your lingering fear.
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Brothers Comfort Depressed MC
Mammon / Levi x gn!MC
This is a self-indulgent comfort piece.
You had been having a pretty good day. Everything seemed to be going fairly well. You finished a project you were working on. You had some nice meals with all the brothers. You even managed to sneak in a quiet, peaceful nap, free from interruptions.
But as evening rolled around, you just started to feel...off. Everything seemed to be getting on your nerves, so you decided it was best to hide out in your room for a bit. The general anxiousness you felt from being overwhelmed by all the chaos/noise around you begins to subside.
What was left in its place though was a different sort of anxiety.
The kind that tells you everyone is tired of you. That no one wants to hear from you. That you’re annoying. That you’re not as funny/talented/likable as you thought you were.
You couldn’t even pinpoint a specific thing that triggered these feelings. Everyone always doted on you. If someone asked you, you could say with confidence you were loved. But for some reason, you just...didn’t feel that way.
Just then you heard a knock at your door, and you opened it to find....
you loved him to bits, but he was probably the last demon you wanted to see right now
He just had so much energy - always talking, moving, doing. You were pretty sure he’d combust if he sat still for more than 5 minutes.
When Mammon sees your look of disappointment on your face upon opening the door, his heart breaks
He had been worried about you and thought he could cheer you up, but it looks like you didn’t want to see him
You tried really hard to keep your mask on, but it slipped for just a fraction of a second
When you realized that Mammon had picked up on that, you grabbed his hand and dragged him into your room, closing the door behind you
You explain why you had left to hide in your room like you did, how sometimes too much sound/movement around you makes you anxious
He thinks that would have to suck, especially since he likes to keep busy
Realizes that must have been why you hadn’t looked happy to see him
Immediately softens his voice to a volume that is much easier on your ears
Apologizes for hurting you/making you anxious
Asks what he could do to help. He has to take care of his human, after all.
When you say you could really use a cuddle right now, he blushes a million shades of red
But he agrees and crawls into bed with you, your head resting on his chest, his arms firmly wrapped around you, leaving you feeling safe and secure.
Now finally feeling relaxed, you open up about the rest of your worries
He can definitely relate to those feelings of inadequacy, and like everyone is “out to get him” or simply “tired of dealing with him”
Mammon really doesn’t understand at all why you of all people would feel that way. You’re perfect as far as he’s concerned.
He reminds you that he always enjoys spending time with you and looks forward to seeing you. Everything is just more fun with you around. So even if you have no one else, you’ll always have him in your corner.
(And you should be grateful The Great Mammon likes you so much. Having him on your side is worth 10 other demons, at least.)
You snuggle up closer to him, and remind him you feel the same about him
You thank him for checking on you, and for being so understanding
Before long, you’ve both fallen asleep in your bed, dreaming pleasant, happy dreams that leave you feeling refreshed when you wake up
You’re nervous about seeing Levi outside your door. 50/50 chance if he was going to be excited about something or not, and you really couldn’t handle his rants right now
Like Mammon, he’s quick to notice the disappointment on your face. “Of course you wouldn’t want someone like me around.”
Annoyed, you drag him into your room and explain your sensory issues - begging him to keep his voice down and not to whine
He immediately understands what you’re talking about and takes his headphones and places them over your ears
Amazing, noise canceling perfection. Instant relief.
He smiles when you relax, then takes out his DDD to text you instead of talking
Asks you if you want to watch a movie with him, suggests you keep the headphones on and just read the subtitles
You agree, thinking it’s a good distraction.
You two sit on your sofa, and you snuggle up to Levi’s side. He’s a bit nervous, but says you can hold his hand if you want.
And of course you accept, getting more comfortable and resting your head on his shoulder.
While the movie is playing, you fiddle with your DDD and decide to tell (text) Levi about the other stuff that was on your mind
Like Mammon, he can also immediately relate to those feelings. He tells you he often wonders if you feel that way about him.
You assure him you don’t. And he tells you that he expects you to believe him too when he says you’re the only “normie” that he likes.
Also reminds you that you are his Henry, so you two have to look out for each other.
Isn’t long before you’ve fallen asleep on his shoulder. Depending on your position, you may even end up with your head in Levi’s lap, causing his brain to overload. He will play with your hair though once he’s sure you’re still asleep.
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