#eat one ingredient without leaving any leftovers
3 types of turnip dishes (cooking)
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In Japan, there are people who have the idea of “dietary nutrition(Shoku-Yo),” and believe that it is good for health to eat one ingredient without leaving any leftovers. So, I tried to make three dishes from turnips (Brassicaceae).
@Right: Turnip root dressed with vinegar and soy sauce
@Center: Turnip root skin kimpira (spicy stir-fried shredded vegetables)
@Left: Boiled turnip leaves (kelp, dried shiitake mushrooms, boiled in soy sauce with fried tofu)
I used all the roots, root skin, and leaves. Bon appétit !
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kcrossvine-art · 2 months
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Hi fellow adventurers!! Welcome to chapter 2! We're going to be attempting a nice lil fruit-focused quiche/frittata/pie thing. And yes, tomatoes are fruits.
Who says you cant eat totally normal things in a dungeon with definitely no monsters in them? 
You know what that means; Man-Eating Plant Tart!
(As always you can find the cooking instructions and full ingredient list under the break-)
SO, “what goes in to a Man-Eating Plant Tart?” YOU MIGHT ASKThe way its prepared in the show is akin to a frittata, but the crust is borrowed from quiche world.
Whole milk
Bell peppers
Cherry tomatoes
Pitted green olives
Thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
In the show they use leftover hotpot stock, slime, and mashed up fruit as the batter ingredients. Fruit mush is easy to work with but I couldn't find any stand-in for slime that would cook correctly into what they made in the show, and the hotpot stock is just not thick enough to carry the base. It is too many watery ingredients at once. Needing a thickening agent, both gelatin and agar agar were tried. It was edible but the texture was… gelatinous. Regular egg and milk will serve for our purposes.
The next complication was the crust- so in the show its made with the skins of fruit, straightforward yeah? Well. You see it also has to be 1. Thick enough to bake without burning 2. Harden through cooking to be sliced and held and 3. Inedible. Lotus leaves? Plantain leaves? Really thin gourds? I couldnt find any historical basis for a savory food cooked in this method, or similar method, with an intentionally inedible crust. I could find a few dishes which used leaves as their crust, but none that hardened during cooking and even less that used fruit skin. I chose sweet potato skin for its visual match and texture. It is edible, and it is not a fruit.
I hope youll forgive me for these 2 major deviations as i wanted to keep it looking how it does in the show while also ensuring it tastes good.
AND, “what does a Man-Eating Plant Tart taste like?” YOU MIGHT ASKFluffy, airy, savory, salty.
The density of the eggs is offset by the crisp fruits
And the saltiness doesnt overpower the remnant fruit-sweetness
(If you eat the crust) the sweet potato brings this nice muted, smokey, flavor
Spongecake-esque in consistency
Would pair well with cranberry or strawberry juice
Would also pair well with a mellow hot sauce?
. You can use heavy cream instead of milk for a creamier batter . Roast the fruit longer to remove more liquid if too wet (and vice versa if too dry) . Smoked paprika, pepper flakes, cumin, garlic powder, and onion powder would taste good in the mixture
"A mixture of mashed up and cut up Man-Eating Plant fruit, slime and scorpion soup is poured into a pan lined with the flattened peel of the fruit and cooked before garnishing with some more fruit. Described as salty by the group."
From start to finish this recipe took 3-ish hours? Shredding the potatoes took the longest, so if you get them bagged itd be cut down. A very filling recipe and a good way to sneak veggies/fruits in if you have a hard time getting enough of those essential nutrients. The best advice i can give is to add salt/seasonings at every stage of the process, to build up layers. It makes a difference flavor-wise (even if its just salt). I advise against reheating if possible. The filling will make the crust soggy over time.
If you want to be closer to the cooking of the show, you could double the fruit amounts and mash them together while halving the amount of egg and milk. I hadnt tried due to budget reasons, but it should work with some finangling. I'll pass the final verdict off to you guys with how todays recipe turned out <333
What would you rate this recipe out of 10? (with 1 being food that makes one physically sick and 10 being food that gives one a lust for life again.) Did you love it, did you hate it? What're your thoughts on what I could do better, and what would you have done instead?
3 Eggs
13oz whole milk
2 bell peppers
2 small persimmons
140oz cherry tomatoes
12oz pitted green olives
34oz thinly sliced OR shredded sweet potatos
Heat oven to 420f and grease a 9-inch pie pan.
Thinly slice (or shred) your sweet potatoes and squeeze out any excess moisture. Coat in olive oil, salt and pepper.
Press sweet potato mixture evenly into and up the sides of the pie pan.
Blind bake for roughly 25 minutes or until lightly golden-brown. No worries if the edges get crisp.
Remove pie pan from oven and set aside.
Core and chop up your bell peppers and persimmons. Coat with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
Line out on a baking sheet, evenly spaced, and roast for roughly 20 minutes or until softened. (you can do this at the same time on a separate rack from the pie crust if you have room)
Remove the stems from your cherry tomatoes, and drain/dry your green olives if canned.
Bring a frying pan to medium heat with olive oil. Add the green olives and sautee until their skin texture starts dimpling. Add the cherry tomatoes and continue sauteeing for about 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
Once the bell peppers, persimmons, cherry tomatoes, and green olives are all done, set aside to cool until just above room temp.
Lower the oven temperature to 350f.
In a mixing bowl combine your eggs and milk, add salt to taste. If you want other seasonings nows a good time!
Once uniform in color and texture, add your cooked fruit. Stir until evenly distributed.
Pour mixture into the potato pie crust.
Bake for roughly 40 minutes. The filling should be mostly firm, but wiggle *slightly* when you shake the pan.
Remove from oven and let rest for roughly 15 minutes before serving.
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kat651 · 2 months
Imagine: Loki finding the Norse mythology book in your room and thinking you’ll be terrified of him now.
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You set the book down on your bed, leaving it open at the spot you’d been reading, and walked out of your room, not bothering to close the door. You had no worries about anyone coming in. 
Well, except for Thor. And that would only be because he forgot something of his on your desk after playing a game with you and Loki. (By playing I mean losing miserably) 
Loki poked his head in the doorway. “Y/n?” When he didn’t see you he turned to leave but stopped, the brightly colored book on your bed catching his eye. He took one look at the contents and his stomach turned into a tight knot. You were the only one who didn’t judge him for his actions in New York. But now that you have read this? He would be shocked if you could even walk past him without cowering in fear. 
Loki walked down the hall with his head hung low. He went into the kitchen and plopped down in a chair. He had been planning to tell you something that had been at the front of his mind for weeks now. He was going to tell you that he loved you but now? Now he was heartbroken and angry with himself. Why did he have to be so foolish all those years ago?
“Loki, you ok?” You asked, bringing him back from his thoughts. 
Loki took one look at you and scooted his chair away, not wanting to frighten you. “I-I’m fine…” he said in a quiet voice, not meeting your gaze, trying to seem as unintimidating as possible. 
You went to touch his shoulder when you saw, though he tried to hide it, a tear slipped down his cheek. 
Your heart clenched at the sight and you gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Are you sure you’re ok?” 
Loki trembled before letting out a sob that he tried to suppress, his whole body moving as he did so. He then stood and silently walked out of the room, brushing away tears as he did so. 
You waited a moment before going to his room and knocking on his door. 
“I need to be alone right now,” came a muffled voice. 
You frowned and walked away, wondering what was bothering him. 
You re-entered the kitchen and decided to make a batch of cookies. You’d overheard Thor mention that Loki hadn’t gotten to try many Midgardian foods yet. 
You settled on just a simple batch of chocolate chip cookies, nothing too extravagant. 
Thor walked in as you began to put the ingredients in the mixer. “What ya doin’?”
You looked over at Thor with a slight frown. “Loki is in a bad mood, something upset him so I figured I’d make something for him, sweets always seem to make me feel better.” 
Thor put an arm around you. “I’m glad Loki has you looking out for him.” 
You smiled. 
Thor ended up helping you with the cookies, occasionally sneaking chocolate chips along the way when he thought you weren’t looking. 
“Thor Odinson! Put it down! Quit eating the ingredients or there won’t be any left to make cookies with!” You scolded, shaking your head and playfully waking his hand as you chuckled. 
Loki decided to slip out of his room and head to the kitchen, he wanted to steal Thor’s leftovers from the Chinese restaurant. That’s when he saw you laughing as you held up a spoon to Thor's mouth. “Say ah.”
Thor ate whatever was on the spoon and smiled. “Perfect.”
Loki felt a new wave of tears and ran back to his room where he cried into his pillow. Did you love Thor?
When you finished with the cookies you put a few on a plate. “I’ll leave the rest for whoever wants it.” You said. “Don’t eat them all, Thor!” 
You knocked on Loki’s door. No answer. You slowly opened it and found Loki asleep on his bed, his shirt had ridden up a bit revealing a few scars on his back. You quietly walked over set the cookies on his bedside table and scribbled a little note. You then covered him with an extra blanket since he’d fallen asleep on the comforter. 
You were about to leave when Loki let out a sad whimper in his sleep. You frowned and hesitated before leaning down, brushing aside the hair that fell on his face, and placing a gentle kiss on his temple. “I love you Loki…” you whispered. “I wish I could say that to you when you were awake…” 
You turned to see Thor standing in the doorway, phone in his hand. “I got it all on camera.”
“Thor!” You whisper yelled and ran after him. “Come back here!” 
Loki roused from his sleep and placed his hand on his temple where you’d kissed him only a moment before. He looked over and saw the plate along with the note. He grabbed a cookie, biting it and he glanced at the note. 
‘I’m always here if you need someone to talk to
P.S. Thor helped make the cookies, I can’t take all the credit.’ 
Loki closed his eyes and slowly chewed, feeling a little better already, knowing both you and Thor went out of your way to make him feel better. 
Then Thor walked passed with you swung over his shoulder. “Put me down!” You hissed. “Oh Loki you’re awake! Please save me!” 
“No, she’s mine!” Thor yelled, running off. 
“Loki help!”
Loki found himself smiling. If you were asking for help, maybe you didn’t fear him after all. “Thor unhand the fair maiden!” Loki shouted, setting down the half-eaten cookie and running after him, dagger in hand. 
Loki tackled Thor then decided to take the chance.  He took you bridal style and walked away. 
You smiled letting your head fall on his chest. “Thank you, Loki.” Loki found himself blushing at your words and took you to his room, setting you on the bed. He sat next to you, offering a lopsided smile. 
That smile made your heart swell and you smiled back. “I’m here,” you whispered, squeezing his hand. 
And just like that, a sliver of dread coiled on his stomach. His expression fell and he felt tears threatening to return. 
Just as he was sure he’d break down in another wave, he felt something wrap around him. He looked down to see you holding him close. “I’m here, I’m willing to listen if you need it.”
Then, Loki’s phone buzzed. Loki put one arm around you and picked up his phone with the other. He clicked on the message from Thor, watching the video with the volume of. He watched with a straight face as you left the cookies. A small smile adorned his face when you put the blanket on him. Then shock when you kissed him. He looked down at you as you continued to stay with your arms wrapped around his middle. 
Loki smiled. “Y/n…”
You looked up. “What is it?”
“You really aren’t afraid of me?”
Loki frowned. “Y-that book you were reading… aren’t you… don’t I scare you?”
You sighed. “Is this what was upsetting you?”
Loki nodded, tears collecting in his eyes. 
You put your arms around his neck. “Loki, the past doesn’t define who you are today…”
Loki smiled. 
“Though I am curious as to how accurate that book is…”
He raised a brow. 
“Are you really a giant?”
Loki’s face lost its color. “I-I…” he sighed. “Yes…”
You looked up at him, placing your hands on his cheeks. “C-can I see?”
Loki hesitated for a moment before allowing his skin to slowly change to blue and his eyes to turn red. He expected you to cower. But instead, you slowly traced the designs on his body, stopping at the collar of his button-up shirt. 
Loki hesitated for a moment before slowly unbuttoning the shirt. 
You stared at this muscular chest as your cheeks heated up before you traced the outline of his abs. 
Loki blushed at the realization that you were admiring his body. 
You looked up at him and smiled. “Why would I ever fear this?” 
Loki felt tears prick his eyes once more. Not tears of sadness but of relief. You didn’t see him as a monster. 
You put your arms around him before shivering. “L-Loki your c-cold as ice…” Loki frowned, noticing Thor in the doorway. 
Thor smiled, winked, shoved an entire cookie in his mouth, and walked off. 
Loki hesitated for a second before placing a kiss on the top of your head. “I love you…”
You looked up at him and smiled softly, pulling his blue head closer and placing your lips on his. 
Loki turned back into his Asgardian form and you moaned from contentment, he was warm now. 
Fifteen minutes later, you were asleep at Loki’s side. A smile on your face. 
When you woke, you found Thor had posted a picture of you asleep on Loki’s chest in the avenger’s group chat with the caption. “Took these two long enough” underneath. 
Loki fumed for a moment, sighed, and tossed the phone on the carpet. “I’ll get for that later but as for now…” he looked at you with a smirk before pulling you closer and placing his lips on yours. “For now I’m content…” he mumbled, holding you in his arms and closing his eyes. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“You have to keep stirring until it’s thin, like soup.”
Steve had said this four times.
Eddie wanted a divorce.
They weren’t legally married, but he’d like to find a way to end it before it began.
“I’ve been stirring it for six minutes. It’s not getting thinner.”
“That’s impossible. Let me try.”
Steve was the chef. Eddie knew it, Steve knew it, everyone knew it. He was good at cooking. Not just following recipes, but actually throwing together ingredients from scratch and making something not only edible, but delicious.
But Steve was going away for a week with Robin. Something about a long overdue road trip that they were supposed to take before she went to college.
Eddie had every intention of just living off of takeout and the sympathy of Joyce and Claudia while he was gone, but Steve insisted that he had to know how to at least make a few things.
Steve seemed to think he could make a glaze for the baked chicken currently in the oven. The same baked chicken he’d almost burned because he thought he could put it in on broil instead of baked. He was really THAT hopeless.
But Steve was determined and when Steve was like this, he had no choice but to go along with it.
Steve was stirring, frown becoming more prominent the longer he tried.
“Something isn’t right. Did you put the lemon juice in?”
“You watched me put it in.”
“And the jelly was completely cooked down before you turned down the heat?”
“You’re sure?”
“Steve.” Eddie placed his hands on Steve’s shoulders from behind him, shaking him slightly. “I can just eat pizza. Or sandwiches. Cereal. Joyce is having me over for spaghetti one night, I’m sure there will be leftovers. I won’t starve.”
“But you need to know how to take care of yourself!”
Warning sirens were going off in Eddie’s head. He’d been alone for a couple of days before and everything was fine. He’d made some macaroni, ate his weight in toast, it was great. He survived.
He even ate an apple!
So he could do it if he had to.
“What’s going on in that head, big boy?”
“Nothing. It’s just that Wayne didn’t have time to show you this stuff and you need to know.”
“I can make it a week, Stevie.”
“What if you have to make it longer?”
“Are you planning on running away? Going into hiding?”
He could tell Steve was rolling his eyes without even seeing his face.
“No. But what if I’m not always around?”
Eddie’s gut clenched. Steve must be sick. Or maybe he has a feeling that somehow the Upside Down is open and ready to ruin their lives again.
“Why wouldn’t you be?”
“I mean anything can happen. What if we get in an accident and I don’t make it?”
“Woah.” Eddie turned Steve around and held onto his hips, fingers probably leaving bruises on his skin. “Where is this coming from?”
Steve shrugged and looked down at the floor.
“Robin has anxiety about it doesn’t she?”
Steve nodded.
Robin didn’t intentionally shove her anxieties onto Steve, and she didn’t realize he felt them so strongly when she did. She was a worrier, always thinking about the worst case scenario and then somehow making it worse in her mind.
Eddie didn’t really let it bother him until it affected Steve.
“Sweetheart, nothings gonna happen. You’ve changed the oil and checked the tires. You’ve packed every possible thing you could need in any emergency. You have a cup of change for pay phones if you need to use them. You’ve got every stop picked out and we’ll know where you are the whole time.”
“But none of that helps if I’m in an accident.”
“No. You’re right. It doesn’t. But what are the odds of that happening really?”
Steve was silent.
Eddie cupped his face between his palms, leaning forward to kiss him gently.
“It’s okay to be nervous, Stevie. But you don’t have to worry about that. I can take care of myself without having to know how to make a glaze for a baked chicken. Do you really think I’m gonna waste an hour of my evening making this decadent dinner for myself? Or do you think I’ll make a sandwich and eat a bag of chips while I read a book?”
“I know.”
“I know you know. So let’s just trash the glaze, dip the chicken in some ketchup, and fuck around until we fall asleep. I’m gonna miss you for a whole week.”
Eddie’s hands slid around him to cup Steve’s ass and give it a squeeze. Steve smirked up at him as he let himself fall into Eddie.
“We could just go right to dessert?”
“Are you the dessert or am I?”
“I’m the cake and you’re the ice cream.”
“We better hurry then before the ice cream melts.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Steve laughed as Eddie pulled him from the kitchen to the stairs.
“I’m hungry, let’s go!”
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sadtonight · 2 years
"Let me take care of you!"
Summary: you are caring, patient and warm towards a specific boy from Savanaclaw. It's hard not to appreciates it, especially when he happens to have a crush on you;
Characters: Savanaclaw;
Warnings: none, reader is gender neutral, pre-established romantic relationships;
Side notes: I looove Savanaclaw boys because there is like, three of them, which means less work and they are kemonomimi! If you are wondering why I haven't used the word "motherly" is because it doesn't sit right with me....I figured this work would take faster to make due to sudden burst of inspiration so here. Enjoy!
— was convinced that you were just another weak herbivore that wanted to butter him up and get some benefits from the second born prince when you insistently greeted him each time you saw him;
— fine, if that's the game you are playing, Leona is also in. It's not because he just happened to be observing you for a while and saw your kindness shine through while you engaged with others. He found himself annoyed that you gave away so much time to bunch of nobodies until one day, you waved your hand at him as he was passing through the botanical garden;
— from that point on, Leona let himself be spoilt by the attention, but always reminded you of your position, which was 'just one of his unofficial servants'. Like your habit of leaving your jackets, coats and such on his sleeping form whenever he was resting was stupid, he told you as much;
— however, he would, without a fall, toss your belongings back, usually clean of any dust or leaves. Although, some articles of clothes were not returned for some reason, to which Leona chided you for leaving your stuff unattended and said that he wasn't responsible for your things. In truth, the ones that smelled strong of your soap, washing powder or some sort of perfume were tangled in blankets and covers on his bed;
— one of beastman's pet peeves was you following Ruggie's example and giving him veggies along with meat. Gosh, it was definitely a set-up: hyaena boy served greens while everyone was having a meal in the Savanaclaw dorm and you put vegetables on his tray during lunches at the college building. Leona is chewing on them in your presence but the moment you're out he is hastily getting up and leaving the plate behind;
— one of his favourite things is undoubtedly you brushing his hair. At first, when you asked to comb it he gave a hard no. That is at first, after giving it a thought, male threwn the brush into your hands and told you to get this over with;
— you were so tender with his locks, gently running through them with utmost care, that it soothed Leona so much so he had actually fallen asleep while sitting. Congratulations! Now it's officially your duty to brush his hair because he is not touching it anymore. You both don't mind though, things like moving the loose stands out of his face brings you two delight, despite the snickers behind your backs.
— you passed each other on the college grounds numerous times, though you both had your respective works to take care off. The difference being that Ruggie was having odd jobs and you were helping someone out;
— that's when your paths crossed: in the evening, at the kitchen. The hyaena beastman was scavenging the room for any leftovers and you were cooking some meal for a sick friend. Upon seeing that you had some unused ingredients, he made an ambiguous comment on them getting thrown away being a waste, half-heartedly hoping that you would give ingredients to him;
— what Ruggie didn't expect was you offering to make a separate dinner for him and before he knew, it was served on a plate. Tastiness was off the charts, the male even licked off clean the plate and utensils. Testing his luck, he offhandedly mentioned that it was a real shame he got to eat only one portion, to which you promised to treat him more in the future. Ruggie's heart skipped a beat after those words;
— your kindness extended to helping him out with Leona's tasks, from finding discount detergents to cleaning Savanaclaw dorm leader's room. This time spending resulted in a bonding moments where hyaena would take breaks with you and voice his complaints, knowing well that you could get what he meant;
— it was first time you patted him: Ruggie just finished telling about his rough day, full of labour and annoyances, when suddenly he felt a hand run through his hair, sympathetic cooes leaving your mouth. It kinda scared him and so he scooted away but regretted it later while thinking about the incident at night;
— beastman tried to hint that he actually doesn't really mind getting petted, ya know? Thankfully, you continued doing this gentle gesture. Ruggie loved just plopping onto your chest and feeling you fingers scratch his scalp and ears after exhausting days. He specifically stated to save money to buy hair care products so his hair would be nicer to touch;
— overall, the initial suspicions were cleared and Ruggie remembered how great it feels to be taken care of, just like his grandma would do. But for some reason, this was different kind of warmness, it was incredibly addictive and contagious, making hyaena boy return the affection in his own, little ways.
— it was impossible to pinpoint exactly when all those mushy, fuzzy, warm feeling begun overtaking Jack wherever he got to meet with you. Your unshakable decency and goodness of the heart made him admire you and feel protective over you, since he was afraid that some scummy people could take advantage of you or cause you distress;
— the gesture itself was rather sweet so you gradually started hanging out with the beastman more, thus sharing your care for him. You often wondered how Jack's days were, what he struggled with in his daily life or studies and what he would want to talk about;
— rarely did wolf male got to speak about himself so much with anyone, preferring to keep things to himself, finding it better to deal with his baggage on his own. But he couldn't deny that once seeing how attentively you listened, he stopped trying to hide his excitement for talking about his passion and hobbies;
— after allowing you to breach his verbal boundaries, Jack didn't mind you breaching physical ones. When you fixed his buttons, collars and straightened his clothes you low-key reminded him of Vil, except you smiled more and added nice, small comments that never failed to make an effect on him. Unless you called him a pretty boy, that's when his brain would short circuit;
— wolf beastman's guilty pleasure was when you massaged his arms, shoulders and back after he had finished the Spelldrive practice or club activities. Before that you would pass him fresh cold water and towels, even though he couldn't stand how some of his fellow dormmates, or clubmates for that matter, would playfully ask if you are together already. So please, just meet Jack somewhere secluded;
— after he had taken a shower and dried himself up you would sit him still on the chair and get to work. He always worries if your hands are not tired and says that he can live without your massages just fine, which was a complete lie;
— cast a look at his tail and ears and you will understand his true feelings: white ears perked and big fluffy tail wiggling like crazy. It was incredibly humiliating at first, Jack going as far as to holding his tail in place because it accidentally kept hitting you. With time he realized that hiding his positive feelings around you was harder and harder thus he stopped doing so, feeling more cozy in your presence from that point on.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 2 years
Hiii so something I struggle with is remembering to eat and well finding something I want to eat that won’t take a long time to make. Anyway I was wondering if I could get some head cannons for The Sinclair brothers, Thomas Hewitt and any other slashers you want with an s/o who struggles with remembering to eat? Thank you <3
Headcannons coming right up! For this one I decided to just stick with the boys you picked <3
Bo Sinclair:
~With how hard Bo works around Ambrose, He would probably forget to eat sometimes himself, so he understands.
~If he notices things getting really bad with you remembering to eat, (Which he will notice, Bo notices everything) He will come back to the house more often during the day to check on you
~He would try and help out best he could with making you hot homecooked meals, But he's not the best cook. The culinary talents fell to Lester but do you really want a guy who picks up roadkill all day cooking your food?
~He would worry more then he lets on, Somedays it gets so bad he wouldn't be able to work at the shop without hurting himself while trying to work on his truck.
~Expect an influx of gas station snacks to start showing up at the house, He wants to make sure your fully stocked in case he ever can't be there to cook something for you.
Vincent Sinclair:
~Wax Man is Worried.
~Vince would bend over backwards to ensure you eat regularly and have good food.
~He would leave entire projects if he had to, to make you a warm meal, He's the second best cook out of the Sinclair bros.
~He would keep snacks in his workshop, so you could cuddle up on his lap with a bag of chips or a pack of crackers and just relax. Sometimes if you come down to the workshop he'll shove them at you (Respectfully) and ensure you ate them.
~Totally makes Bo and Lester go into town REGULARLY to get ingredients, snacks and pretty much anything you want food wise to eat, If Bo complains to much, Vincent totally doesn't tell him he'd make a good wax figure...Totally not.
Lester Sinclair:
~The best cook out of the Sinclair's and also the most worrisome when it comes to worrying about you, You're in good hands!
~The cabins small kitchen will forever and always be filled with fresh food and leftovers made and bought by Lester himself for you, He will make it a point to everyday bring things for you from the nearby town and Ambrose itself.
~He'll take breaks from roadkill duty and come home to eat with you! Even if he's not hungry he'll do anything to ensure you can eat and eat comfortably.
~Easy and quick snacks are EVERYWHERE, In his truck, the cabin, the station in Ambrose, the main house, Even in the Ambrose movie theater and wherever else you might frequent in Ambrose.
~Lester is your own personal eating alarm clock.
Thomas Hewitt:
~You sometimes forget to eat? Don't worry tommy is on it!, poor tommy doesn't know how anyone could forget to eat, especially when it's Luda May's cooking.
~Every time you eat Tommy will make it a point to stare at you and ensure you eat enough and are ok afterwards, Bless his heart if it makes you uncomfy explain to our sweet boy gently, He just wants to make sure your safe!
~Tommy will make sure the kitchen is always stocked with meats galore (Animal or...Otherwise heh) He will make sure you get the freshest produce for Luda's garden as well.
~Tommy spends a lot of his time working, so he won't always get to eat with you, Expect to find messily placed little snacks and cakes of that sort around wherever you might be, He wants to make sure your eating but Hoyt probably yelled at him to get back to work.
~If he's gone all day without checking on you (Rare but sometimes it happens) Expect him to get out of bed at any time of night to retrieve you food, Tommy doesn't even care what Hoyt says, Your more important.
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haikyuufanficwriting · 5 months
Chapter 6: Bokuto
Prompt: Reader and (Character) burning something Character: Bokouto _____________
You would consider yourself to be pretty good at somethings. Everyone has certain skills that they can do at levels to evoke envy in others. Sadly, for you, cooking was not one of them.
“(Nnnnaamme), I’m hungry.” You hear your one of your best friends, Bokouto, whine as he enters your room. Being that he is one of your closest friends, he’s made it a habit to show up to your house unannounced after he finishes his practices. Not that you had minded, in fact your night almost felt empty without him showing up at random times.
“Good evening to you too.” You say, not evening looking up from the book you were currently studying from. Bokouto mumbles a reply before throwing his stuff into a random corner of the room and falls on your bed dramatically. “I’m still hungry.” You sigh lightly.
“Didn’t you and Akaashi go to the convivence store and get food?”
“Well, yeah. But I forgot my second lunch at home today.” Bokouto groans, rubbing his stomach like he hasn’t eaten in almost two weeks. You can’t help but roll your eyes are his antics. “If you want, we have leftovers in the fridge. My parents aren’t coming home till late so that’s your best bet.” You hear him huff like a child. “Leftovers never taste as good.” You just shrug.
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to starve then.” Bokouto tsks as you go back to your book. Its quiet for awhile, and you savour the last moments of silence until the captain gasps excitedly, rising off your bed with a new surge of adrenaline. You turn to see an expression on his face that leaves you filled with dread.
He had an idea.
From your experiences, Bokouto’s ideas always were quite… ambitious. From attempting to spike blindfolded, to climbing random fences just because Kohona challenged him to. But that wasn’t the only problem. Due to his personality, he always went into them with full confidence, so sure that he could anything he set his mind to. And while it was something you and many others admired; it did have its downsides.
Like now.
“(Name)! Let’s make something!” You close your book, subconsciously knowing that any plans of studying were thrown out the window. “Are you kidding?” The hesitance is practically dripping from your voice, but it doesn’t deter him. But then again, it never did. He gives you a wide smile.
“Why not? We could make those big fluffy pancakes! Akaashi makes them all the time when we’re studying! They always taste amazing!” You give him a tired expression. You never knew how Akaashi handles him; even if he is his boyfriend.
“Maybe that’s because he knows how to cook, Bokouto. I don’t know how to cook.”
“I’ll be there to help out too!” He gives you a confident grin.
“Bokouto, you don’t know how to cook either.” You deadpan. He tsks at your negativity. “Could you go along with me for just once? I mean its pancakes; how hard could it be? Plus, it’s just following instructions.” Your shoulders slug at that. He did have a point; pancakes did sound easy, but…
“I don’t know Bo-” Your cut off by a hand grabbing your arm.
“I just found a recipe online! C’mon!” Bokouto eithers ignores your disapproval, or doesn’t hear you, as he practically drags you to your kitchen. He then proceeds to pick out and pull the ingredients necessary onto your counter. At this point, you realized that he just wasn’t going to listen, so you decided to bite the bullet and just go along with him. You rationalize this clearly stupid idea with the fact you’ll be eating pancakes, so it wouldn’t be that bad.
“(Name), what’s the difference between baking powder and baking soda? Because you only have baking soda.” You pause. “Umm… I think my parents told me once… But I don’t really remember…”
Bokouto only shrugs. “If they have similar names, they must be the similar. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.” You feel something deep in your soul telling you that this logic is extremely flawed, but you can’t really think of anything better than his logic, so you just keep quiet. He sets the baking soda on the counter along with the other ten other things that are now crowding your poor kitchen. He looks to you eagerly. “Let’s get started! We’re going to make the world’s best pancakes!” You can only give him a half-hearted slightly nervous smile, as you tie up your hair, so it doesn’t get in the way.
“So, what’s the first step?” He looks to his phone for the instructions. “To separate egg yolks and whites. Then mix the yolks with sugar, then milk and the baking soda. It should make a smooth batter.” You nod, pulling out the eggs. Separating the eggs were fairly easy, you’d done it a million times when helping your parents in the kitchen. But in Bokouto’s case, he found it much more difficult than you did. The ace didn’t have the most delicate hands, so it was expected for every egg that he touched to have the yolk broken by him. Forcing him to meticulously pick out the yolks out of the whites.
Eventually after offering to do it all for him, you followed the rest of the instructions, substituting baking soda for baking powder. When finished you were left with a relatively smooth batter. Other than the fact that you mistakenly let Bokouto use the hand mixer on high, leaving a mess that you’re sure will take hours to clean, you felt quite proud if you were being honest. Having never made anything except eggs, so you felt like you did a good job. You could tell Bokouto felt that same.
“Alright! We’re halfway there!” His voice filled with pride. “It’s just the first step, Bo. We still have like four more.” You see him deflate a little, which does make you smile slightly to yourself. “F-fine! Then we’re halfway to being halfway there!” He gains himself quickly going to read the next instructions. “We just gotta whip the egg whites and sugar now.” You nod as you do so, with this time you using the hand mixer, learning from your previous mistake. Your arm starts to get tired as you beat it into a frothy mixture. You stop, letting your arm rest.
“How long am I supposed to beat this for?” He checks the instructions. “It says ‘till stiff peaks.” You raise a brow in question. “What does that even mean?” Bokouto doesn’t respond, scrolling through the website, obviously trying to find a clearer description, only finding nothing. “It doesn’t say…” He pauses before his eyes light up in the ‘I have an idea’ way as he starts calling someone.
“Bokouto, what are you doing?”
“Calling Akaashi. If anyone would know, it’s him.” You feel your eyes widen. “Bokouto, you can’t do that!”
“Why not? We need help!”
“You can’t just call people ten o’clock at night to ask them a question you could easily search-”
“… Bokouto-san?” Your cut off by a tired voice on the phone. You slap your forehead.
“Hey, Akaashi I need your help. Me and (Name) are making those pancakes you always make and we’re beating the egg white and sugar thing and the recipe says to beat until stiff peaks, but we don’t what that means.” You were mistaken. Now would be the time to slap your forehead.
“You mean you’re making the meringue? Stiff peaks means when you pull away it holds it shape.” Bokouto gives you a look of ‘I told you so’, and you reply with the extremely mature move of sticking your tongue out.
“Okay, thanks babe. Love you.” And with that he hangs up the phone. You look at him, completely mortified. “I can’t believe you just did that.” He only leans his head it the side in confusion, obviously seeing nothing wrong with it. You hold the bridge of your nose. “Never mind.” You mumble as you going to whip the mixture until it holds its shape just like Akaashi said it would.  Once finished you look to the ace for the next instructions.
“Now we just gotta put two and two together! Then we’re done!”
“We still have to cook it, Bo.” He gives you a semi-annoyed look. “You know what I mean.” You just shrug with a small smile on your face. He notices it immediately and nudges you slyly, playfulness in his eyes. “You’re having fun aren’t you?” You try to give a look of indifference, but he’s known you too long to know that its fake.
To be honest, you were having fun. With you two being in your last year of high school, and him and his club, plus him spending his time with Akaashi, you two rarely ever had any time other the couple hours you saw each other each week. And those times would just be him napping on your couch or you helping him study for a final that he’ll inevitably fail. Sure, you savoured all the time you could with him, but it’s been a long time since the two of you did something just for the heck of it.
And you missed it.
“Well, it’d be more fun if I knew that I didn’t have to clean up the mess we’ve made.” Bokouto looks bashful at that, and you let out a small laugh. You take his phone to look at the instructions more thoroughly. “Alright, it says to fold in the batter. So mix it gently.” He nods giving you a look of determination. You watch him mix the two mixtures with the upmost care, you could really tell that he didn’t want to mess it up, which makes sense considering that he wants to eat it.
Eventually the mixtures look mixed in fairly well, with no streaks and looking considerably lighter. You were getting more excited for the final result with each passing minute. You brought out your pan and ring molds for the final step. You turn to place them on the counter when you see your owl-like friend dip in his finger to taste the batter curiously.
“Hey, no!” You bat his hand away before he got the chance to touch it. Bokouto lets out a small noise of pain before rubbing his hand and pouting.
“That’s got raw eggs, you get sick from that!” You scold him, and he rolls his eyes. “But, (Name), I’m so hungry!” He pleads, and you can’t stop the sigh that escapes your throat. “You have the patience of a toddler, you know that?” He opens to his mouth to counter your claim, but only closes it in actualization that your right. You shake your head slightly and grab his phone once more.
“Okay, it says to leave on medium low heat, and to cover them with a towel to cook in the steam.” You motion for the towel on your counter, and Bokouto hands it to you, you throw it over your shoulder as you bring out a random pan and turn the heat onto medium low as instructed. Fortunately, you did have ring molds in your house, so it quite easy and clean to pout the batter into the pan, sprinkle a little water, and place the towel and cover on top.
“How long is it supposed to cook?”
“About five minutes.” You nod, looking around your kitchen. “I guess I could start cleaning up…” You start to take the extra dishes and appliances to the sink, washing the excess batter off them. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bokouto pacing back and forth, eyeing the pan anxiously.
“Oi, staring at it isn’t going to cook them any faster. Come help with these dishes.” He keeps his eye on the pan while walking towards the sink, and you start giving him stuff to dry. Eventually, he stops focusing on it, and you two fall into a nice rhythm, washing and drying. Talking about anything that came to mind. School, volleyball, studies, Akaashi…
You two were so into it you almost forgot about the pancakes.
At least until you begin to smell smoke.
You turn curiously to the pan on the flame, only to freak out when the towel you set on top was half caught in fire.
“HOL-HOLY SHIT!” You brain turns to complete mush as all you can do it scream and point to the tiny fire. Your sudden panic causes Bokouto to fall into the same pattern of behaviour, basically letting out panicked hoots. You smack his arm.
“THIS WAS YOUR IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE!” Bokouto still makes no effort to move it, still yelling and panicking like an idiot. Seeing him actually gives you the courage to try and smother out the fire. Its like your mind finally decided to kick into gear and act. (In hindsight, its probably because you didn’t want your cause of death to be pancakes.) You take a deep breath and quickly take the pan off the stove and shove it under the sink, letting the cool water smother out the fire. You both quiet down as the smoke floats up from the pan, only being able to hear the water running down and both your heavy pants.
“You’re a wimp.” You finally say. But you don’t think Bokouto hears you. The look on his face is complete agony, as he stares down the ruined food.
“My-my… Pancakes…” He manages to say brokenly.  You look down at the pan as well, to see chard, mushes of batter.
Yeah… you really shouldn’t have expected anything. Cooking was never one of your strong suits.
You’ll just have to leave that one to Akaashi…
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corner-stories · 2 months
Jeankasa 6 or 7
Physical One-Liners Part III
7. "You're being very needy today with your touches." 'k this got very long and also I'm growing fond of using my grad school AU as a default for modern AUs (ao3.)
It's that time of year where she's constantly exhausted. When she's not doing her usual TA duties, she's answering the excess of emails piling up in her inbox. When she's not doing any of that she's working at the university campus, the one that happens to be all the way across the city. The commute becomes frustrating and makes up more of her time than she expected.
Technically, it's what she signed up for. Who else applies to grad school without expecting never-ending pain?
At least her advisor is supportive, both keenly supervising her research and commending her work ethic.
But the ordeal leaves Mikasa more exhausted than usual. Outside of the walls of their Verdun apartment, Jean barely sees her. The only time he does is in the morning, where they eat breakfast or share a pot of coffee. If Jean's really lucky then it's at night, in the few minutes between her coming home late and climbing into bed.
She's certainly not defying the stereotype that McGill students never sleep.
Jean is understanding of the situation. His own studies certainly take up a lot of his time, though he's fortunate enough to either work from home or not commute all the way across the city.
Jean can't help but miss her. Things feel reminiscent of their infamous drive-by dates — a repeated occurrence when they first got together, yet lacked a certain amount of spare time. Though this time instead of briefly chatting at a cafe or the university's library, they're doing so in their own home.
Perhaps the feelings are amplified by them living together now, by the fact that he sees her stepping out the door every morning only return at 11PM.
But he finds his own ways to cope. He slaves over his drafting table more often, creating sketches and schematics like the good aspiring architect he is. He busies his thoughts with drawings of buildings he could design one day, or whatever weird reality show Connie is convincing him to binge.
Being busy keeps him at ease, even when his time with Mikasa feels scant. He has to remind himself that this too will pass, even when it feels difficult, even when the bed he shares with her feels colder than usual.
One day goes on without a hitch. He and Mikasa sit next to each other at the kitchen counter, both chatting about things that matter and things that don't. The time Connie found a raccoon in an alleyway is spoken with just as much importance as Mikasa's thesis, the one she's been working on for months. Parasitology is brought up in the same conversation as the one time Mikasa decked a drunk guy harassing her and Sasha on the metro.
Going their separate ways for the day feels like second nature to Jean. Mikasa presses a loving kiss to his forehead just before she grabs her keys and heads out the door.
His day goes on as usual, more drawing at his drafting table and attending online meetings. He fidgets with his kneaded eraser as his professors discuss an upcoming project — apparently, whether or not sleepless McGill undergrads would enjoy windows in their dorms is up for debate.
Later on Jean discovers that his favourite drafting pencil has run out of his preferred lead, so he uses it as an excuse to leave his apartment. The trip down the street becomes a reason to get some air, taking in the energy of his neighbourhood with every step. The visit to his usual art supply store is also an excuse to pick up a few extra sketchbooks, provisions that he will definitely use some time in the future. Maybe.
Around this time of year the days are shorter, so before Jean knows it the world outside is dark. Dinner is a simple occasion, as he's quite good at scrounging around his apartment in search of ingredients like a starving Victorian child. The meal he makes out of leftover frozen shrimp and pasta surprises even him, and as per usual he portions out some for Mikasa.
The rest of the evening is quiet and he doesn't mind. He goes back and forth between washing dishes and answering his chronically vibrating phone. Apparently, Connie found another woodland creature in a place where a woodland creature shouldn't be and was compelled to keep Jean updated. Most of Jean's replies are variations of "Be careful," or "No, don't," or "Fine, but I'm not taking you to the ER this time."
Sometimes Jean wonders how on earth he and Connie became friends.
He decides to retire early for the night, knowing that tomorrow will be a similar, yet even more taxing day. At least his advisor needing to meet in person is another excuse to leave the apartment.
Jean doesn't think too much about Mikasa's absence as he showers off and changes into his sleepwear.
In the bedroom he slips under the sheets, revelling in the soft sensation rubbing against his skin. He checks his phone one last time to see a handful of texts from his significant other. A photo of an bus stuck in traffic is accompanied by a handful of emojis, symbols that are best used to express frustration and anger.
Jean can't help but smirk. Mikasa's never gotten the hang of the colourful way the Quebecois love to swear, and thus utilizes the universal language of excessive knife emojis.
He puts his phone down before turning his bedside lamp off, finally succumbing to the slumber that had been tempting him all day.
But not a moment too soon he hears the door open.
By now he's already familiar with the way she moves around the apartment, having committed the sound to memory. His eyes are closed but he can see it all in his head — from the way she shuts the front door, drops her keys into the bowl, and removes her boots before tucking them away in a closet. He can even envision the way he makes sure all of her footwear is perfectly aligned.
Jean soon hears the bedroom door open. He pulls his head off of his pillow, propping himself up with his elbows to see his girlfriend shrouded in darkness.
He expects Mikasa to say something — a greeting, an acknowledgement, anything — yet she remains silent. She takes off her sweater as Jean tries to register what's going on. There's something peculiar about tonight and he's not sure why.
Before Jean knows it Mikasa is in her underclothes and already climbing onto the bed. She slips beneath the sheets to where he is, basking in his warmth and placing her head on his chest, right where his heart is.
A smirk tugs onto Jean's face as she nuzzles him, something she often does when she's excessively tired, frustrated, or a mix of both.
And he lets her nuzzle him, his hand gently caressing the back of her head as she settles into him.
"You're being very needy today with your touches," he says, holding her close.
All she lets out is a hum and on a day like this it's all that Jean needs to hear.
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
sharing leftovers is a love language
GA, 1.5k, Pre-Eddie/Buck, Post 6x01, ao3 link
Eddie didn't think anything of it when he packed Buck's leftover lasagna before leaving for his shift.
That's not true. He thought he wouldn't have enough time to eat it at home without being late for work, and how sweet it was of Buck to let Eddie take the rest of the lasagna home after dinner together the other night. That was it.
He should've realized what it meant to be walking in the only one with Buck's - with Bobby's - lasagna.
Of course there'd be a target on his back.
           Sharks started circling Eddie somewhere between the microwave beeping and him sitting at the table with his Tupperware.
           He tried ignoring them, but their gazes were like sharp fangs that poked at his back from where they glared at him behind the counter. Eddie didn’t need to turn around to know where they were. He saw them swim there in his periphery as he carried his lunch over. Before that, they floated by the railing; pretending to chat as if they didn’t care about what he heated up. It was obvious what they wanted even then.
           Eddie couldn’t take it anymore.
           He set his fork down and sighed. “I don’t care how long you watch me. I’m not sharing with you.”
           Hen groaned. Chimney slammed his hands on the countertop.
           “Now you’re being dramatic.”
           “We’re not dramatic,” Chimney growled. “We’re hungry.”
           That wasn’t his problem. The crew was warned on Bobby’s last day before his honeymoon they’d be fending for themselves until he returned. The fridges would still be fully stocked. If they wanted, any of them could try their hands at cooking one of the many recipes their captain generously left behind in the metal tin above the fridge. Despite these very detailed instructions, no one had successfully recreated their captain’s culinary masterpieces.
           Well… almost no one.
           Eddie tried to spear a few reheated noodles, to sate his own distracting hunger. The scrape of chairs being pulled from his left and right told him he’d have to wait a tad longer.
           He dropped his fork again. “Can’t you make sandwiches or something? Or order out?”
           “We could.” Hen’s eyes zeroed on Eddie’s meal. “We don’t want that.”
           “What do you want?”
           “We want Bobby’s lasagna.”
           “Well you’re not getting any – hey, hey!” Eddie whacked Chimney’s hand as it tried tiptoeing towards his unprotected lunch. Almost immediately Eddie snared his arms around a section of table in harried protection. “Stealing? Really? You’re resorting to that?”
           Chimney put on his best Jee Yun impression while kicking a nearby chair. “You left us with no choice.”
           “You have choices. I literally gave you two.”
           “We don’t want those choices!”
           “Then, too… bad!”
           Hen bent forward so her shoulder rubbed against his. “Come on, Eddie,” she whispered, using her soft voice. It was usually reserved for panicking victims, when Hen needed to coax them into letting her do her work. “That’s a lot of pasta, even for you. Carbs. Ugh, am I right? You don’t want all of it. We don’t want all of it. We’re not even asking for you to split it three ways… we get a plate, and you give us whatever you feel comfortable giving. Okay?”
           Eddie wasn’t panicking, nor was he a victim.
           He grabbed his fork a third time, stabbing blindly and glancing between his friends with a tight smile. “If you want lasagna, I’m sure the ingredients are around here somewhere…”
           Neither were amused. Especially as Eddie finally took his first bite and offered them nothing but an exaggerated moan to clue them in on how delicious his lunch was.
           Hen tore herself away from Eddie and leaned back in her seat. She fixed him with an expression that could cause sweat to drip down the necks of the steeliest nerved firefighters. “Diaz,” she huffed, “as your captain I am giving you a direct order to share your lunch.”
           Eddie pushed the noodles around with his fork, collecting more for another bite. He scoffed. “I don’t think captains have the power to do that.”
           “Maybe not. But captains do decide who has to be the man behind during calls.”
           He met her challenge with a dimpled smile. “Fine by me. Means I can take my time and really savor the taste of my lasagna.”
           Then he shoveled more of his lunch in and chewed with full cheeks and unfettered mouth noises.
           Dissatisfied grumbling exploded at his sides. Hen’s fingers twitched as she turned her head, removing Eddie’s smug chewing from her sight. Meanwhile Chimney jumped from his seat, not leaving, but putting some distance between him and the table before turning on his heel and walking back.
           He lunged for the top rail of his chair and throttled it, its legs clattering atop the floor. “This isn’t fair,” he hissed, “I’ve tried making that same lasagna almost ten times now and it’s still nowhere near perfect as Bobby’s. How were you able to get it right? You – you, you had to buy four different fire extinguishers for your kitchen in the same month!”
           Eddie pouted at the accusation but didn’t deny it. He found his lasagna extremely interesting as he muttered, “I only needed to use them twice… one of them was faulty.” He shoved more of his lunch in his mouth, eating, waiting for the heat to die in his cheeks before he spoke again. Eddie cleared his throat. “Besides, I’m not the one who cooked this.”
           The other two whipped their heads towards him. Their irritation and hunger paled as confusion took root, both firefighters asking the same question without voicing it.
           Eddie pointed at the stairs with his fork, where a freshly uniformed Buck had finished climbing the final step. “Buck did.”
           Hearing his name, Buck stopped. He looked at them with wide eyes, shocked to be called out so early into their shift. “What did I do?”
           “Buck?” Chimney said, “Buck made Bobby’s lasagna?”
           Buck visibly relaxed after hearing that, his shoulders sagging as he deflated. He huffed a tired breath out past a beaming, appreciative smile and continued walking. Buck made it to the other side of the table. “Took me a few tries but I did. Though it’s not as good as the original… obviously.”
           “It’s still really good,” Eddie told him, needling Hen’s sides with his elbow. His eyebrows danced as he added, “You have to try it some time.”
           Hen’s gaze roamed from Eddie to Buck, fixing him with an expectant stare. She asked, “Like now?”
           His jaw swung low, Buck’s bottom teeth on display as he stuttered out an explanation of why he couldn’t. An emergency could sound at any moment. He didn’t feel comfortable cooking in Bobby’s kitchen without him. He wasn’t in the right headspace.
           Eddie got both a meal and a show.
           “You don’t have to lie to us Buck,” Chimney interrupted. He freed Buck from his own torturous motormouth, but Eddie didn’t trust the wicked gleam that happened to shine in Chimney’s eye. It was aimed directly at Eddie. “It’s obvious you’ll only cook for one of us.”
           He nearly choked on his lasagna.
           Given how Hen and Chimney hadn’t rushed to his aid, how they snickered behind their fists, they weren’t worried whether he would survive or not.
           Buck, of course, stood uselessly across from him. While Chimney’s teasing caught Eddie off guard enough it made his muscles spasm, Buck’s shock spread like dominoes toppling over each other as his entire body shut down from the outside in.
           He rebooted in time to watch Eddie spit a mangled noodle into a napkin.
           His focus didn’t stay on Eddie long. It was divided, bouncing from Hen to Chimney and back again, repeatedly, as he rushed to explain. “That’s not true,” he barked, “I’d cook for either of you if you wanted. But you’re both busy… Hen with school and – and Chim with Jee, with Maddie… and it’s not like I’m always intending to cook. But it’s easier than kicking them out at dinner time.”
           Hen and Chimney worked in unison. Their stares met over Eddie’s head, possible only because Eddie sank low enough in his seat during Buck’s rambling that his knees grazed the nearest chair. “Sure…” Chimney drawled while Hen whistled, “it just so happens that you have to cook Eddie dinner all the time.”
           Buck stomped his foot. He now seized the chair with enough force to send it crashing into Eddie’s knees. He shot up in his seat, biting his lip to muffle his unbidden gasp. No one had noticed.
           “You’ve got it all wrong,” he cried, “I’m not cooking for Eddie. I do it for Chris. Eddie… happens to be there, is all.”
           This was ridiculous.
           Eddie scooted his chair back, rising from the table with the lukewarm, half-eaten Tupperware of lasagna in his hands. “I can’t eat with all of you here acting like kids,” he said, “I’m going somewhere else.”
           He soon learned that was the wrong choice. Leaving reminded Hen and Chimney that he was there. They lobbed a few comments at him, their calls and smacks of fake kisses trailing behind as he sped away.
           “If you go, then Buck won’t see how much you appreciate his cooking!” Hen laughed.
           Chimney snapped his fingers, “Better yet. Buck could feed you the food, if you’re having trouble eating!”
           Eddie collapsed on the couch and tried eating another bite of lasagna.
           It tasted like rubber. He lost his appetite.
           Chimney’s voice carried to where Eddie sat. He heard him yank Buck’s chain a final time. “Why don’t you go join him. You’ve been talking about needing a new couch anyway. Why not use the one you already have?”
           Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose.
           He wished Bobby was flying back yesterday.
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dino-boyo-agere · 8 months
Ratatouille soup :00 that sounds so good!! I've always wanted to try ratatouille but put it off bc I don't like the texture of most cooked veggies
Could we get a recipe mayhaps? 👀👀
Oh definitely!!
I don't really have measurements, but I'll try my best! I always cook a little more, and freeze the rest. I have about four days of food with these ingredients.. I also eat fairly small portions though, so keep that in mind!
Without further ado, let's get to making the ratatouille!
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For the ratatouille you need:
1 aubergine
1 courgette
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 to two red onions
1 can of peeled and diced tomatos
1 teaspoon of sugar
Salt, pepper to your liking
Herbs & spices of your choice (I use salt, pepper, rosemary, parsley and tumeric.)
Half a tube of tomato paste
And technically garlic, but I hate that stuff so I leave it out lol (about one to two cloves should be enough, the garlic should be minced)
Maybe rice, pasta or potatoes to eat it with. (I'll follow up on that later in this post)
for the ratatouille you gotta:
Clean and dice the aubergine
Put the aubergine dices in a bowl with salt and shake it up - cover up the bowl and put it aside.
Next clean and cut the courgette and onions. (& the garlic if you choose to add it). - Put all those in one bowl.
Now clean and dice the bell peppers and place those in a separate bowl.
Take the aubergine out and tap it dry with a paper towel & clean out the bowl - put it back in the bowl clean bowl for now.
Heat oil in a pan (any oil works but olive oil tastes best)
First add the courgette, onion (& garlic) in the pan and cook them until the onions are slightly see through.
When that's done add the bell peppers.
After those are integrated through stirring, add the aubergine.
Let the veggies cook for 5 minutes - keep stirring.
After 5 minutes add the tomatoes, tomato paste, the sugar and whatever seasoning and herbs you want. (I add salt, pepper, rosemary, parsley and tumeric.)
Cook the ratatouille for about 20 minutes on middle heat - don't forget to stirr it every once in a while.
Ratatouille pairs great with:
Rice, pasta or potatoes (I prefer rice).
Simply cook one of these in the 20 minutes the ratatouille needs to fully cook. - Keep it in separate containers, otherwise the add INS suck up all the moisture.
Also, Pasta & Rice Arend good to freeze & it doesn't work with the soup!
If you don't like the texture of cooked veggies, blending them into a soup could be the perfect solution. A friend of mine also has a sensory problem with those textures and she loves this soup. I have the same issue with mushrooms, so I also only eat them in cream soup form.
Sensory issues are way more common than most people think, it's nothing to be ashamed of! <3
So, without further ado, let's get to making the soup!
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For the soup you need:
The Ratatouille (without rice, pasta or potatoes)
1 bunch of Parsley
1 Parsley root
1,5 Leeks
1 cup of Cooking cream (250 ml)
I also like to add 2 - 3 carrots, it's not a must though. - That just makes it taste a little different than ratatouille, and I prefer to not have the same tasting food two days in a row! (If you just want to make ratatouille soup right from the start, there's no need to add them at all)
What you gotta do:
Clean and cut/ dice the parsley, parsley root, leeks (& carrots)
While you do that, bring about two and a half cups ow tater to the boiling point.
Add vegetable broth, pepper and the veggies.
Cook until the carrots and parsley root are soft enough to easily poke them with a fork/ toothpick.
Take it off heat and add the ratatouille. [If you youse previously frozen ratatouille leftovers, keep it on heat until it fully unfreezes and heats up too.]
Leave it to cool off a bit before pouring it into a blender to blend it up. - otherwise the blender might leak/ the lid may pop off. [If you use a stick blender, you don't need to let it cool first & can just blend it in the pod you're cooking in.]
After it's pureed to your liking, pour it back into the pot and add the cooking cream (or vegan substitute) and cook under constant stirring, until it begins so simmer.
And now to the toping & side:
I highly recommend to top it with shredded chicken / shredded chicken substitute. - just fry it in a frying pan until it's golden brown. - Make sure to use the same oil you did for the onions & courgette in the ratatouille!
And flatbread with sesame seeds & poppy seeds is amazing to dip it in the soup. - simply heat it in the oven until it's nice and crunchy outside and fluffy inside (ca. 10 - 15 min at 150°C - that's 302°F)
And that's that!
I hope the receipt is easy to follow, if you have any questions just ask in the comments or DMs!
I'd love to see your results if you choose to cook it too! <3
Have fun and good luck cooking!!
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llatimeria · 8 months
I guess what it all comes down to is what you believe "trying very hard" actually means. For me it means at least partially completing and actually submitting assignments, even if I do them very badly, that is the bare minimum amount of effort to make me feel justified saying, "well, at least I tried!"
The thing is, though, sometimes I feel like I'm trying very hard, like I'm trying so hard I'm making myself sick, but in reality, I'm doing fuckall. I don't want to do the assignment, I'm refusing to even think about the assignment, I have no plans or strategies to submit even the most barebones version of the assignment, sometimes I'm not even sure what the assignment even is or when it's due. By all accounts, to a reasonable person, I am not trying at all. I KNOW I'm not trying, not even a LITTLE bit, but the subconscious anxiety and pressure (punctuated by more conscious bouts of intense shame and self-hatred) takes so much out of me that I feel just as exhausted as if I'd worked on the assignment day in and day out for a week. Is that trying? Does feeling fear and rage so strongly that my body begins to unravel count as a "try", even if I didn't actually do... Anything?
After all, if you decide you're going to try a new food, order it from the restaurant, and then pick out all of the new ingredient from your meal and leave it there without taking home the leftovers because you got too nervous to actually try it***, you still haven't "tried" the food. You don't know what it tastes like or what the texture actually is. None of it has been broken down by your guts and integrated into your body. You don't if you like it, or hate it, or if you're allergic to it. You haven't learned anything new from the experience. You tried, but you didn't "try it", y'know? Is that even worthy of a participation trophy? Or even an "E" for "Effort"? Not... Not really, right?
***(This isn't shaming food anxiety/picky eating btw. completely unironically, I almost did exactly this scenario like two days ago and only went through with trying a very small bite because I was lovingly called on it)
Personally I'd only give myself the gold star "you tried" sticker if the food actually went into my mouth, even if I immediately spat it back out. I guess in my personal metaphor, tasting a small particle of the food is equivalent to writing one sentence or answering one question on the assignment, clearing the plate would equal above-and-beyond effort worthy of extra credit, and eating a normal amount would be getting an average grade, and instead of the consumption of new food, it's the consumption of new knowledge. If I don't eat any of the food (the assignment), I learned nothing new, and therefore should not get credit for "trying" it, even if I thought really hard about it and maybe even read the wikipedia article on the food in question and could maybe even describe what it supposedly tastes like to someone else.
But on a more self-invested level, the gargantuan effort it takes for me to just exist when I feel like I'm strapped into an academic guillotine feels like it should count for SOMETHING. Even though I'm not actually "strapped in", I'm the one holding the rope keeping the blade from decapitating me, I can get out of the guillotine at any time just by doing even a little bit of a frustrating homework assignment, and the only reason I haven't done that yet is because being in a fucking guillotine makes it a smidge difficult to focus on the intricacies of meiosis since you think you will no longer have a head in a few, precious, endless, seconds if you take your hand off the rope to write - that still feels like it's worthy of, like, pity points at the end of the quarter, at least.
On one hand, I probably shouldn't get rewarded for enduring a problem that I simply could have chosen not to cause. I could always just Not Enter The Guillotine.
On the other hand... I don't really think the guillotine is a choice for me. I always end up in the guillotine, even when I'm consciously aware of and am attempting to avoid the guillotine. The only person putting me in there is me, but I don't seem to know how to not put myself in a guillotine the moment I see one, which is a silly thing not to know, but that doesn't mean I secretly do know how to not put myself in a guillotine and I'm just keeping it from myself because I DESERVE the guillotine this time FOR REAL. No matter how simple the information is, I still don't know how to avoid the guillotine, and I still need to take the time to learn how.
Something, at some point, taught me how to get into a guillotine, but never told me I didn't have to, and never told me how to get out. Maybe it innocently felt that was obvious, or maybe it wanted me to decapitate myself, but that doesn't actually matter when the result is the same: I still need to learn how to get out of the guillotine.
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
I’ll be here: #2 When they can’t be
Next chapter! And I’ll be honest, writing the ending of this chapter made me tear up which has never happened before so XD hope ya enjoy? AO3 link like usual!
Korrin’s house started to become the meet spot for Keyleth and all of her friends which gave him lots of opportunities. Not only is he able to get to know all of them a bit better, it lets him be able to make a list on how to provide for the twins without overstepping. Letting them take leftovers of homemade meals which he knows they eat by Keyleth, or the twins is they are visiting which is more times than not, returns the tupperware, letting them and Keyleth pick the delivery they get when they have it and driving them to the mall and other shops when he isn’t busy to help them save gas money.
The food is both for fun and because Korrin had a feeling outside of Keyleth or another member of their group buying all of them food, they don’t typically eat that good of food but that didn’t stop Vax from surprising him.
Keyleth hadn’t gone to school today due to being sick, the twins still came over one to get Keyleth her homework and two because, well, they always come over nowadays. So Keyleth was laid down on the couch talking to Vex who sat on the chair to the right of her, far enough away to not catch any of Keyleth’s sickness but close enough for comfortable conversation. 
Vax had gone upstairs to retrieve something for Keyleth, or Kiki as the twins have taken to calling her, which Korrin will admit brings a warmth to his heart. 
He himself was keeping busy trying to cook a meal for everyone, granted the recipe he’s following is a little hard to do with just one pair of hands but he’s making do which is why he startles a little when a second pair of hands appear out of nowhere to hand him the next ingredient that he needs.
“Gods, Vax you nearly gave me a heart attack.” Korrin laughs, looking at an equally if not more amused Vax as he takes the cucumber from him. The boy's eyes though filled with mirth do shift a little with held back caution as he shuffles his feet and cracks his knuckles, a nervous tick Korrins tracked with the young man.
“Can I help?” Korrin can physically feel his eyebrows raise all the way up at the question, but he doesn’t miss a beat.
“Sure! I could use the help a great deal actually.”  At his words he can actively see the nervous energy leave Vax as he starts to help Korrin out.
It hits Korrin immediately that Vax knows how to cook and cook well, so quickly it turns from Vax helping Korrin to Korrin helping Vax and he can’t help but inwardly laugh at the circumstance.
At first it started out silent besides a few words and directions here and there but eventually the two started to avidly talk to one another. Korrin learned that Vax used to cook a lot when he was younger with his mother, which surprised him, not the fact that Vax cooked with his mom but more so that he’s talking about her to Korrin. The twins are rather tight lipped about her other than she’s passed away and that they lived with her before living with their father.
Of course Korrin’s overheard a few conversations either between the twins or one of them with Keyleth talking about her but she’s never been brought up exclusively with him. It’s a sign of trust from Vax that Korrin holds in high regard and in return Korrin tells Vax of his times cooking with Vilya, Keyleth’s mother, about how she’d one time chased him out of the kitchen because he somehow was able to burn soup.
It hurts even after all these years to talk about her, he’s not even sure when the last time he and Keyleth have talked about her and Korrin’s sure that he’ll be silently crying in his room later tonight from all the memories but as Vax gives a full belly laugh at his stories he knows he’ll at least get some rest. Sometimes pain is the leading stone for better opportunities and if a few tears are the price for Vax’s trust and comfort then so be it.
The conversation flows between them till they have tears in their eyes from laughter and memories of those they love and miss till they finally finish. Korrin turns around to tell the girls while Vax does the finishing touches, only to be greeted by the stunned and shocked face of Vex standing in the doorway between the kitchen and living room.
Her hands are raised to her chest, nervously wrapped around each other. Her gaze locks onto his with the fragility of a hummingbird's heart as the two just stand there for a minute. It doesn’t take a genius to realize she’s heard a lot of the stories that he and Vax had shared. But Korrin just smiles warmly at her as he walks forward, giving her a pat on her shoulder as he goes to tell Keyleth that dinner is ready.
Korrin’s heart constricts at the sight of his daughter past out on the couch, clutching her Minxie plush which must have been what she sent Vax to retrieve. He almost doesn’t have the heart to wake her but he has too, with a gentle shaking to her shoulder her eyes slowly open. “Hey sleepyhead, Vax made dinner.” 
“Vax did?” She mumbles sitting up with a cough.
“Well originally I was making it but I was very clearly out cheffed, he probably saved all of our taste buds tonight.” He said with a wide smile growing on his face as his wording caused Keyleth to chuckle.
Korrin helps her up as they make their way back to the kitchen where the twins seem to be having their own private conversation till he and Keyleth are noticed. Quickly Vex cracks some joke at Keyleth’s sleepiness and whatever serious sensation that was left in the atmosphere is vaporized and replaced with light jovialness as the four of them sit around the table and begin eating. Keyleth and Korrin both complement Vax on his cooking skills, causing the poor boy to blush and for his sister to jump in to tease him.
By the time the twins have to leave poor Vax’s face is completely red but Korrin doesn’t miss how he only stutters when Keyleth thanks him for helping Korrin with dinner. That’s most definitely something to note and so is the light blush that's on his daughter's face that isn’t caused by her cold.
Once Keyleth has gone to bed and Korrin changes into his pajamas he finds himself sitting at his desk staring at an old family photo of him, Keyleth, and Vilya. As tears hit the glass he thinks of the stories he and Vax shared.
He misses the laughter he’d hear first thing in the morning from his two favorite people in the world, he misses seeing the wide smile and boisterous laughter that came from Vilya swinging Keyleth around, he misses hushed ‘I love you.’s when he and Vilya knew that Keyleth had just fallen asleep.
Thumbing the tears off of the glass of the picture frame Korrin thinks about the twins and how they have no one but each other to remember with. No one to laugh at the memory of a shared loved one who is no longer with them.
Yet in a way him and Vax had done that today. The two of them had for a good hour shared memories of two outstanding women who no longer walked this earth with them, finding similarities and mass differences.
Korrin stands, walking to his bed, picture still in hand. Korrin sighed as he placed the picture on his nightstand facing the bed. Once settled in he still stares at the picture, a sad smile crossing his face.
“I think you’d’ve liked them, they are such a light in Keyleth’s life. I couldn’t have wished for better friends for our daughter.” His voice was slightly choked but he was beyond fighting his tears. “I can only hope I can return the favor and make their lives a little better.” Korrin pauses as he stares deeply into the eyes of his wife through the portal of an image frozen in much simpler times.
“I wish you were here. Say hi to Elaina for me will you? And tell her she has some pretty cool kids.” He can’t help the tremble that shakes his form as he tries to regain composure.
“Goodnight, Vilya. love you.”
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sunflowercheol · 2 years
Black Cat
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Yoongi x Y/N
Word Count: 1,588
Warnings: uh i don’t think any?? if there are any pls let me know!
A/N: unedited, will edit later (OMG I FORGOT TO SCHEDULE THIS ONE 😭)
31 Days of Halloween | Main Masterlist
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You’re walking back home when you hear some noise coming from some dumpsters down the alley. You pause for a second but quickly pick up your pace because no way in hell will you be that dumb one in the scary movies who tries to figure out what made the weird sounds. You continue your walk towards your place when suddenly a black cat appears in your peripheral view. 
“Oh my gosh! Hi little cutie!” you turn towards it and bend down to stretch your hand out slowly towards it to not startle it. The cat hisses and arches it’s back, ready to attack if it considers you to be a threat. 
You step back a bit to give it a bit more space. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just want to give you some pets!” The cat seems to calm down a bit, as if it somehow understood you but is still wary of you. It slowly approaches you and its little nose keeps twitching as it gets closer. Once you are able to touch it, you carefully pet between its ears and the cat starts purring and melting into your hands. You start rubbing along its back when you realize that your hand comes back wet and red. 
You gasp. “Oh no, you are hurt!” You take off your scarf and carefully wrap it around the cat before holding it in your arms. “I will take care of you. Don’t worry.”
Once you reach your home, you take the cat into your bathroom and grab the first aid kit. You place it on your counter, leaving it wrapped in your scarf to keep it warm. 
“Okay,” you sigh as you pull out the gauze and alcohol. “It’s going to hurt a little bit.” You don’t know why you are talking to the cat as if it can understand you. You pour some alcohol onto the gauze and warn the cat that it is going to sting as you get closer to it’s wound. It hisses at you and tries to swat at you with its claws, but you were quicker and managed to get out of its way. 
“Hey, I am trying to help you! No swatting, please.” You pet between its ears and it begins to relax again. You continue petting it as you try cleaning its wound with the other hand to keep it distracted from what you’re doing. 
After a while, you manage to fully clean it’s wound, and you wrap it into a fluffy towel to keep it warm. You step away to change into more comfortable clothing before grabbing it without the towel. “Come on little buddy, let’s go make you something to eat!”
You walk into your kitchen and take out some random ingredients that you think the cat would like. You line them up on your counter and place the cat near the items, so it could hopefully pick what it wants to eat. It looks at you with what you would describe as a deadpan face and sits there looking between you and the food.
“What? I don’t want to poison you after I cleaned your wound up! Now choose what you want to eat!” You pout at it, hoping to get it to choose something to eat. 
It meows and gets closer to the edge of the counter causing you to freak out and grab it before it walks off the edge. “You’re going to fall!” you scold it as it tries to climb out of your arms and onto the ground. You put it down and it scratches at the fridge’s door. 
You sigh and open the door, picking up the cat again so it can apparently also look into your fridge to pick out what it wants to eat. It gets close to the leftover lamb skewers you have, and you roll your eyes. “Of course, you want some meat. At least pick something from what I set out as well okay?” you grab the skewers and set the cat back on the counter. 
It heads over to the spinach and nudges it. Once you grab it, it also nudges the cheese and tries to eat some from the still closed package. You shake your head and grab it away from the cat, but not without giving it a couple of pieces of cheese for it to munch on before you give it dinner. 
“You need a name,” you say softly as you cut the lamb skewers into smaller chunks and place them into a small bowl. “I am tired of calling you ‘the cat’ and ‘it’. You need a name.” 
The cat stops licking its paw and looks up at you tiredly. “How about… Fluffy?” you throw out. It sounds like it gives out a sigh before it turns away from you. “Alright, not Fluffy. Would it be weird if I named you after my crush?” you ask the cat as you start cutting up the cheese and spinach. It turns towards you and tilts its head to the side slightly. “I mean not his name literally, just his nickname I call him by. You just remind me of him a lot.” The cat’s ears twitch a bit as it keeps staring at you.
“Yunki,” you say to it, and it stands up straight. “Huh, you like that?” You smile at it and give it some pets. “I also have to know if you’re a boy or girl actually. Didn’t think about that until now.” You finish Yunki’s bowl and place it on the floor. You grab another small bowl and fill it up with water, placing it next to the food bowl.
You get near Yunki and pet its head. “Do you mind if I check if you are female or male?” Yunki sighs and stretches out on the counter. Taking this as consent, you turn the cat around and check its lower region. 
“Congrats, you’re a male!” you giggle petting Yunki’s tummy causing him to let out purrs. You grab him and place him near the bowls. 
“Bon appétit,” you tell Yunki as he starts eating his food. You clean up your mess and decide to heat up some leftover food you had from lunch yesterday. You heat up your food and place it on the table. Grabbing a drink for yourself from the fridge, you check on Yunki. He is calmly eating and drinking, making a smile appear on your face. 
You sit down at the table, eating and thinking about what you’re going to do now. Can you even consider yourself Yunki’s owner? Where IS his owner? How did he get hurt in the first place? He obviously is well fed since he isn’t skin and bones. It just makes no sense to you any of this. 
While you were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t realize that Yunki had finish his food and was just staring at you from across the room. He notices that you had gone lost into thought and started playing with your food. He cautiously walks over to you and rubs his body on your legs, pushing your thoughts away. You grab him and place him on your lap. He curls on your lap as you continue to finish your dinner. 
When you’re about to get up to clean your dishes, you get this random idea and hope that he would be true to your crush’s personality and wouldn’t fight you on this. 
You grab his body and stick it into your hoodie pocket and leave his little head poking out. He moves around a bit but stays in your pocket. You grin widely and go into the kitchen—picking up Yunki’s dishes as well—to wash the dishes. You move around carefully to not harm Yunki, but from what you can feel—his purrs—he is enjoying the pocket more than what you thought he would. 
You turn off the light and head towards your room to get settled down for the night. You try to grab Yunki out of your pocket—keyword: tried. 
He hisses every time you try to get him out and lightly swats at your hand. “Fine, stay in there then.” You roll your eyes and start doing your night routine before turning on your TV. You turn off the lights and rearrange your pillows and blankets to settle in your bed. You pet Yunki on his head. “You want to come out now? We can cuddle?” 
Yunki stretches out and steps out of the hoodie pocket and lays on your pillow. 
You pull up a movie and lay down, grabbing Yunki and moving him to be able to cuddle and pet him. He yawns and cuddles into you, enjoying your soft strokes. 
“Goodnight, Yunki,” you whisper into his fur, feeling him fall asleep in your arms.
You slam your hand on your phone, turning the alarm off blindly. You stretch and feel your arm bump into something hard. You touch it, thinking that it is Yunki, only to feel that it is not fur that you are touching. 
You jump up wide-eyed, looking at the naked back that you don’t remember going to sleep next to in shock. “Oh my god. You’re not Yunki.” 
The male shuffles and groans at your voice. “Go back to sleep, it’s still too early” you hear him say. You tilt your head as you recognize the deep, sleep-filled voice.
“Yoongi?” you question hesitantly.
The male freezes at the name and slowly turns around in your bed, meeting your eyes.
“Oh my God, it’s you!”
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minarcana · 2 years
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?  Nothing much. Sometimes he smells like the leftover of spells, such as whatever ingredients he was using, as he dabbles a fair bit in casting or alchemy that has physical components. Otherwise he’s like, a guy, rather than an adventurer arms deep in monster guts or someone with need to make themselves smell nice. He does not have much cause to smell like anything in particular.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?  Generally soft. Nerd hands- though he has quite a lot of tiny little scars on his hands and fingers from various misadventures he probably doesn’t remember at all before he got decent enough at healing to patch up mistakes without leaving marks. He’s dexterous with his fingers, and nails are kept short or he’ll start picking at them.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?  He dislikes the physical need to eat (meaning: he likes food and has nothing against the act of eating itself, he simply finds it annoying that he has to do so daily at minimum) so generally whatever he eats is whatever has the minimal amount of time/effort spent procuring it. Oftentimes someone else where he’s at will make dinner to share with him- at the Sands everyone simply trades cooking duty. Uri doesn’t mind cooking when it’s for people other than himself, and will put effort into it then. Otherwise he usually only eats a proper dinner, because that’s the communal meal, while breakfast will be bread and coffee and lunch is either nonexistent or whatever he can grab without effort.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE? Nah. He has a good reading aloud voice, though. For singing he’s got like a three-note range, and generally doesn’t sing at all as an idle activity anyways.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICS?  his bad habits are numerous. talks either too much or not enough, lies by omission often but terrible at lying on purpose, a fervent hypocrite without a trace of self-awareness or irony to him, lets his mind wander when he should be listening if he happens to think something that interests him more. nervous tics include fidgeting and refusing to maintain eye contact, alongside popping his knuckles/thumb joint when he’s either nervous or preoccupied (this changes to poking at his rings when he has those on instead). if he has the option of pulling a hood up or otherwise making his face difficult to see, he’ll do that.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE/WEAR?  like a nerd. a man in a potato sack. guy engulfed in fabric. alternatively, pretty gay to be wearing gold spangles, why are u sparkly, to catch the eye of other men? anyways he wears dark colours and loose fabric, generally disliking clothing that’s particularly tight-fitting. if i ever draw him wearing pants, assume ive been killed and replaced by an evil clone. he dresses for comfort and isn’t picky about clothing, only changing outfits when necessary due to changing seasons. his tendency to cover his face is directly connected to his level of comfort in a situation and a physicalization of how much he’s willing to ‘put himself out there’, and he likes having the option of a hood to lurk behind if discomforted.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW MUCH? HOW SO? physically not affectionate at all unless he is assuredly in private, it’s one of his many odd neuroses. emotionally he is extremely affectionate and loves others quite a lot, though rarely verbalizes it, instead expressing affection largely in a desire to keep others safe. his willingness to go behind people’s backs is, in his brain, an expression of care for them as he attempts to protect them from dealing with something unpleasant. (disregard the fact that generally lying is Bad.) he also gives people Information as show of affection and/or attempt at friendliness, though at times cuts himself off if he remembers most people don’t enjoy trivia. please rest assured, while he might have the self-awareness of a walnut and a difficult time verbalizing emotion, he loves you so so much.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?  On his side, arm around his own midsection or over a pillow. If he’s sleeping near anyone else he will end up using them as a pillow as soon as he’s more asleep than awake, bc if he’s awake hes too self-conscious for that. bro sshh we are spooning now bro.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM? Nope. He is an exceedingly quiet person normally, whose usual clothing and voice are soft enough not to carry sound far. Even in his ast gear, it’s the gentle click of metal at most when he moves. Uri also just has a habit of... being very quiet normally. He doesn’t mean to lurk, per se, he just does and often ends up accidentally sneaking up on people.
Tagged by: STOLEN
Tagging: YOU
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again. I had a lot of fun brainstorming ideas for possible outings for Virgil and ended up on a picnic in the park. I’m going to explain my reasoning behind this choice because I put a slightly ridiculous amount of time into coming up with a good idea.
First of all some fresh air should do Virgil some good as well as some nice scenery. Secondly it’s a fairly low pressure activity. We can have a conversation (or at least a fairly one sided one considering I talk in paragraphs) or if he doesn’t want to talk then we can eat without things feeling awkward. And lastly he can just leave at any time. That’s my reasons for picking this, hopefully they make sense.)
Hey Virgil first things first I’m proud of you for calling the helpline. It may feel stupid to have to call a helpline so that you don’t hurt Remy but it’s important that you recognised that you were in a state where you might make bad choices and then reacted in a way to prevent yourself from doing anything you would regret later. I’m also proud of you for using the stress toy instead of throwing things. It might not feel like much but It’s the little things that when added together make a big difference.
Cool idea for your hair by the way. I’m sure it’ll look amazing when it’s done.
Also I think it’s a great idea to go somewhere. How about a picnic in your local park? I’ll make the food! We can have sandwiches and grapes and olives and chocolate coated strawberries and bruschetta and…
*eyes glow dark pink*
*continues to ramble about food options for about ten minutes or until interrupted*
Sorry, but yea the point is we should definitely do that! Who knows you might even enjoy it.
*bumps playfully against his head*
Do you think you’d be up for that?
Glow Eyes 
(if u had gone to the aquarium virgil had a chance to see Oswald and if u had gone to the library he had a chance to see Jan or Logan so I am impressed by how u managed to parkour into the perfect hang out idea /gen)
You had disappeared into the void for a bit, once you came back Virgil was sitting on the kitchen counter eating some of the leftover pasta you’d made. His newly dyed hair was dripping with water and he only had a bath towel wrapped around his waist. 
There was still a heap of pasta in his mouth as he looked up at you said "Sup"
Your eyes glowed a light orange as you said the first part of your message. A slight grimace went across his face.
"I think I'm in a constant state of making bad decisions actually so maybe I should just do nothing forever!" He did sarcastic thumbs up "Greatest plan I've ever thought of!"
Virgil sat back and listened to you ramble about food for literally 10 minutes. By the end of it your voice had started to sound a bit like tv static to him. It took you bumping against his head for him to notice you had stopped rambling.
A chill went up his spine, like electricity, when you bumped against him. A chuckle had time to leave his lips before he quickly slapped his hands over his mouth.
"It tickled" He muttered out while rolling his eyes to look cool "Not everyone is used to touching ghost materia okay" He crossed his arms and pouted a little "...but yeah I guess I'd be up for a picnic"
A picnic basket instantly landed in the middle of the room along with all of the ingredients you needed for the food. Virgil shrugged and went to change clothes.
There was a tattoo on his ribs that you had never seen before. It was clearly an amateur one with how shaky the lines were, maybe even a stick and poke. It was a spider and when he turned around to grab his shirt you could see that the tattoo was connected to one of a spider web on his upper back.
"Remy made them" He said when he noticed your looking "I think when I was...21..?..Yeah. Look" He pointed at the back of his ankle.
There was a tiny stick and poke of a ghost. One of those silly halloween costume type of ghosts. There was an even tinier smiley face next to it.
"They made that one when I was like 17. Just a bit drunk. Ironic now isn't it" He sighed "Oh those where the better days. Where I thought ghosts were the coolest shit ever. Until I met them and realized you're all just" He made vague hand gestures towards you while making "uGhghhh" noises. "Wait. I think it should be visible right now"
He turned around and ruffled his hair right at the start of his neck. Since he had newly shaved it the scattering of tiny tattoos on his neck was visible. It was all hearts. All with shaky lineart. All in different sizes.
"Those were made by Remy as well. Same night as the ghost. We'd gotten like a lot more drunk by then. I think they'd smoked as well"
His face was still turned away from yours as he let up into a warm smile at the memory. Before his smile turned crooked and disappeared as he looked out at the empty apartment.
"You wanna go now?" He asked. 
Within the time it took for him to blink him, you and the picnic basket now filled with food had been moved to the nearest park. Virgil stumbled and fell right to the ground.
"Warn a dude!?" He exclaimed "How the hell do you people just do That. I feel like my guts just did the cha cha slide to their coffin!"
Virgil looked around and saw that fortunately the void had spat them out into a corner of the park, right under the shadows of a tree. There wasn't a lot of people around so hopefully no one would see him talking to a ghost.
When he turned back to you the a picnic blanket had been laid out and the food had been neatly set out. He huffed as he sat down on the comfortable blanket and huffed even louder as he took a delicious bruschetta.
For a long while the both of you simply ate in silence. Eventually Virgil took out one of those tiny ikea notepads along with a tiny ikea pen. If he was gonna work at ikea he sure as hell was gonna take as many supplies as his pockets could fill.
He doodled on the paper while nibbling on strawberries. He let the red juice run down on his hands before pushing his fingers onto the paper, probably to make it look like blood.
"Look it's you and your fucked up friends" He said before showing crude doodles of several watchers. 
There was two big circular eyes, a black hole, a long wiggly one and a gooey round one. All with strawberry juice on them and with big eyebrows to make them look angry and mean.
He looked at the doodles before quickly ripping the page off and throwing it to the side. He shrugged "Know I'm not good. Not exactly into drawing anymore either. I'm just trying to like....do stuff...without Remy...but I did basically everything with them so I'm kinda grasping at straws here. I just want to be able to do Anything without it reminding me of them"
A long sigh left his lips as he rubbed his eyes and laid down against the blanket. He looked up at the sky through the leaves of the tree above him. A swarm of birds flew by, maybe they were coming home after the winter.
"By the way" He said without looking at you "Don't poof into my place next week kay? Don't. My ma is coming over for a few days. She uhh" He grimaced "She wants to make sure I actually go to the first appointment of the the uhhh the therapist she booked for me"
He started to fiddle with the sleeves of his shirt. There was a loose thread right at the sleeve he couldn't stop pulling on.
"Jesus fuck it literally feels like it would be less embarrassing to tell you I'm going to go get tested for All of the stds or something than telling you this. Like oh yeaah gotta go give the doctor a cup of piss ‘cause I simply banged too many dudes! I was just too hot! Sooory! Instead I have to sit in some couch and have some old lady nod sadly at me ‘cause I banged my partner’s head into a wall!”
He rolled a strawberry between his fingers.
“It feels like some other person who needs more help should take my place. I can just like rot away in my apartment”
The strawberry was pressed into a mush as he clapped his hands together.
“I don’t even- I don’t even regret it most of the time! Most of the time when I think of what I did to them I think they deserved it- It feels good. I feel good when I remember it. It feels good thinking bout their bruises right now. I’m getting the urge to ask you about them to see if they’re still there.....I’m such a loser”
He rolled over so he laid on his stomach and leant his heads in his palms to look at you.
“Do you think I will ever like..Not be alone? Genuine question. I don’t even mean in a romantic sense. I mean..Do you think anyone would ever willingly spend time with me? Even as just like friends. You don’t count ‘cause you’re not even alive. I don’t even wanna spend time with me! Remy was the only one who could stand me much less love me! And I don’t even know if  they loved me ‘cause they became dependant on me while their dad was abusing them or ‘cause they would genuinely still love me no matter if they’d gotten all fucked up or not. I- I can’t see there being another one like them unless- Unless I- I hurt someone else- Force someone- I am literally going to die alone dude! probably alone in an ikEA OH FUCK!”
(I thought the image of Glowy bumping against Virgil was very cute)
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bunboof · 3 years
Fishcake and Tuna Kimchi Jjigae Guide (어묵참치 김치찌개)
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Hi all it’s been awhile since I’ve added a food related post! I actually had this post in my drafts for a long time but I found it and decided to post it today!
Made fishcake and tuna kimchi jjigae and it was really tasty! I didn’t really like cooking kimchi jjigae because I felt like my one was always lacking but after a lot of attempts I think it’s pretty good now! People have asked for the recipe so I have written down something like a recipe below.
Kimchi jjigae is an easy quick recipe to make for me. I don’t really like things that are too complicated!!
I don't have an exact measurement kinda recipe but do have an ingredients list! Just add less or more to your taste, add other things it you want.
If you don’t want fishcake or tuna, just replace it with sliced pork or whatever protein replacement you’d like.
I've cooked this a lot without the gochujang, dashima, anchovies, sugar etc and still tastes good.
The addition of gochujang and honey was recommended by Andy’s mum. I think they make it taste that much better!
2 small cans of tuna (or less if you want)..I prefer tuna in olive oil or olive oil and chilli.
Slice/s of fishcake (I 'fried' (don't need oil) this on a pan first though)
Heap of kimchi with some juice.
Teaspoon of gochujang, more or less to your liking.
Bunch of sliced mushrooms, whatever mushrooms you have or want. I used shiitake here because they were on clearance and usually are pricey. I usually use the small oyster mushrooms.
Bunch of spring onions...I usually would put a lot more than in the photo.
More optional: 
Dashima / anchovies or both; adds depth!
Sweetener. I use honey if I want to add some sweetness.
Tofu. Add some sliced firm tofu if you like!
Heat pot.
Place heap of kimchi and stir fry.
Drain the oil in the tuna, I leave a bit of oil. Place tuna and stir fry with it.
Add sliced mushrooms and stir fry.
Add water, not too much.
Add dashima / anchovies or both.
Add spoon of gochujang, boil then taste. Add more if u want...this makes it more like jjigae/stew than soupy.
Add the sweetener to balance it out if you need to, if not skip.
Add sliced fish cakes.
Top with spring onions.
Eat and enjoy.
You can save the leftovers if theres any & boil again and imo it tastes better after awhile 👍
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