#eat the sky drink the ocean
dead-end-draws · 2 months
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WOF tribe Merchant/Trading booth concepts:
Hey folks! This one was the recent winner of this WOF poll, so here’s my concept art that headcannons trading in Pyrrhia.
Read below cut for close-ups of the individual booths + the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
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Skywings: The Sky Kingdom’s mountain ranges provide plenty of pasture for raising sheep. As such, Skywing shepherds benefit from traveling to sell their wool, dyes, fabric, and woven tapestries. Many of these merchant tables also include herbs grown exclusively in the mountains, or ibex drinking horns that can be strapped on a dragon’s shoulder & carried in flight.
Along with goods, Skywing merchants may offer sewing services to fix tears, burn marks, or other fabric damage. They are sought out for their quality clothing, and most fabric across Pyrria originated from a Skywing’s talons.
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Mudwings: Mudwings’ abundant food & cooking skills are envied almost anywhere in Pyrrhia. Their swamps have fertile soil, responsible for hosting diverse crops which can be purchased as produce at merchant stalls. For those lucky enough to find a traveling Mudwing merchant, the promise of a delicious dish can be whipped up and served at the stall in no time. Along with produce goods, Mudwings sell weaved baskets, spices, and cooking ware.
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Sandwings: Sandwing booths offer luxuries of the desert: It’s most common to find accessories such as gold carved jewelry or musical instruments such as drums, lyres, & mandolins for sale. Though, even more sought out across Pyrrhia is Sandwing tattoos/piercings, which are done within the merchant areas. Ink etchings on papyrus paper are stationed outside their tents to showcase designs. All which can be selected, and poked into the skin with a tapping stick and plant dye ink by a trained talon.
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Seawings: SeaWings sell a variety of ocean related goods; taking a share in the fish market with Icewings. Outside of food, there are den decorations like driftwood carvings, accessories such as seashell & pearl jewelry, and rope nets weaved by expert Seawing sailors. Some Seawings even sell fishing equipment, canoes, or offer sailor knot tying instructions to curious dragon buyers.
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Nightwings: During the war, it was near impossible to find a Nightwing merchant. Most refused to participate in merchant territory, mostly as a way to keep up with their tribe’s mysterious nature.
Though in the more shady, unground parts of the market you can buy from a huge selection of obsidian weaponry, the sharpest in Pyrrhia. No one knew initially how Nightwings smithed so many weapons, or why, until their secret volcano kingdom and the intention to invade the rainforest was discovered. Then forging armor & weapons became clear. Along with a vast armory, for the right price, some Nightwing merchants offer Prophecies & Nightwing Literature (not always guaranteed to always be reliable) and assassin services as well (very reliable).
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Rainwings: Though Rainwings haven’t been part of Pyrrhia trading for years, they have a vast hold on dragon medicine. An apothecary of herbs, salves, and remedies are all offered for various ailments due to the rainforest’s abundant resources. Along with medicinal goods, many Rainwings are fruit vendors, promising to any hesitant meat-eating dragons that such an array of flavors isn’t to be missed. Though, their fruit selling pitches often fall flat to most other predominantly meat-eating tribes.
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Icewings: Icewings have everything a dragon could need to brace the cold, with a selection of goods only found in the most frigid regions of Pyrrhia. Furs, bone jewelry, and fresh fish (thanks to frost breath) are served on ice. Though Icewings themselves don’t require fur to withstand the cold, it’s considered fashionable and common in upper ranks to wear fur as a status symbol. Since metal is hard to smith without fire & in cold temperatures, fur and bone are more accessible to Icewings for clothing statements.
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Title: Unrequited.
Pairings: Arlecchino x Reader x Furina (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.1k.
TW: Reader Doesn't Have A Gender But Everyone Here Is A Melodramatic Lesbian. Live Dove: Tender and Sweet.
[Part Two]
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Arlecchino has never struggled to find her way to you.
She would have, if she needed to. That was something she prided herself on: her perseverance when it came to all things, her determination when it came to her pursuits – romantic or otherwise. When she was in Snezhnaya, she dreamed each night of crossing oceans and climbing mountains and tearing apart the Tsaritsa and all of her many soldiers with her own monstrous hands if only to win the chance of finding her way back to your side, and when she was in Fontaine, there was nothing – not her duties as a Harbinger, not the fate of her nation, and only very rarely her beloved children – that could keep her away from you. Fortunately (more so for the rest of Teyvat than for her), she never had to go through so much effort.
No matter how distant she might’ve been, you were always exactly where she'd left you: at the right hand of Lady Furina, Protector and God of Fontaine, or as Arlecchino had come to think of her, the only person you would ever cross oceans to be with.
Also, coincidentally, the only person thick-skulled enough not to pay you a second glance.
She found you watching your dearly beloved from your usually crow’s nest; a balcony that overlooked the rest of the venue, your eyes cast downward towards the ballroom and a sickeningly tender smile painted across your lips. As Arlecchino neared you, she could see what you were so transfixed by and weather the wave of nausea that accompanied the sight of Lady Furina holding court with a handful of Fontaine’s elite, her hands moving excitedly as she recited some practiced monologue Arlecchino could only be thankful she was too far to hear. An exasperated sigh escaped her lips as she came to stand beside you, extending a flute of champagne which you gladly accepted. She had invited you back to her manor when she first discovered your fondness for such fine things, practically begged you to sample the finest wines and bourbons in her vast collection, but you only shook your had and told her that Furina would need your held reviewing case files for her next trial, grinning like an idiot all the while. If she hadn’t been so endeared by your smile, she might’ve hated you for how thoughtlessly you dismissed her.
“The orchestra is half-way decent, tonight.” She rested a hand on the crook of your arm, let her head lilt to the side. “Care to join me for a dance?”
Your love-struck smile widened. “No, thank you. I’m saving my first for her.” A quick nod towards Furina, one of her boots now propped on a chair provided by one of her audience members. “She’s been working on her waltz, lately – she only stepped on my feet twice while we were practicing this afternoon.”
You said it as if Furina had plucked the moon from the sky and gifted it to you on a silver chain. Arlecchino couldn’t help but scoff. “I have no idea what you see in her. She would starve to death if you weren’t there to remind her to eat.” You sighed wistfully and she took a generous sip from her own drink before going on. “She’s a poor excuse for an entertainer, let alone an archon. If it wasn’t for that judge of hers, she’d have a revolution on her hands in a matter of hours.”  
“You’re only saying that because you don’t know her. She might not have Monsieur Neuvillette’s resolution, but she’s not trying to be Monsieur Neuvillette.” For the first time since the start of your conversation, you looked towards Arlecchino and she could’ve sworn the rest of the ballroom ceased to exist. If she’d been a weaker woman, she would’ve fallen to one knee and presented the ring she kept in her breast pocket when she knew she would see you, would’ve drawn her sword and pleaded with you to drive it through her heart, but your attention turned back to your archon and the temptation faded back into more of a wishful fancy than a possible reality. “She’s wonderful, and brilliant, and she makes me laugh. Whenever I picture myself happy, I picture myself with her. I love her.” She’d heard you say it a thousand times before, and yet, her heart seemed to break in an entirely new way every time those words – coated in such a saccharine affection – trickled off of your tongue. She was glad she was not a weaker woman, upon further thought; if she was, you would’ve done her in months ago. “She’s everything to me.”
She couldn’t help herself. As delicate as she tried to be with you, there would always be a part of her that couldn’t help but twist the knife. “Doesn’t it hurt?” And then, when you hummed for clarification, “Loving someone so incapable of loving you back?”
You let out a breath of a laugh, the noise like windchimes and wedding bells. “I don’t know, Lord Arlecchino.” You glanced over your shoulder. “Does it?”
Ah, there it was.
Despite everything, she’d fallen for a sadist after all.
She let the corner of her mouth curl upward. “More than I could ever say.”
This time, your laugh was more throaty, more full-hearted. “What a sorry sight we must make, too pining romantics mourning lost love at a party.” Your tone dipped into something more genuine, albeit still playful. “My first dance is taken, but would it be too much of an insult to offer you my second?”
She moved to speak, to tell you that you could dig your heel into her foot and spit in her face and she would still be able to thank you sincerely for sparing her so much of your attention, but a melodical voice called your name and instantly, you were stolen away by a head of white hair and two mismatched eyes emerging at the top of the nearest staircase, still glowing with the zeal of a performer post-applause. Furina latched onto you with all she was worth; arms wrapping around your own as she pressed herself into your side. “Evidently, you have forgotten your duties to your goddess,” Furina started properly, her little speech already rehearsed to perfection. “Must I remind you that I am always to be the center of your attention?”
“Never, my lady.” And, in an instant, Arlecchino was gone to you, nothing more than a momentary distraction you would not be returning to for as long as Furina held you in her spotlight. “In fact, I believe you still owe me a dance.”
The reminder was unnecessary. Furina was already pulling you back down to the ballroom floor, already spouting off something about how cruel it would be of her to deny such an earnest request from her most faithful servant, about how foolish you are for believing her memory would be so fallible as to forget even the most trivial of promises. With a ragged breath, Arlecchino took up your post, watching dutifully as you were pulled into (what could be called by the most generous of onlookers) a terribly mangled waltz. It was proof of Furina’s fortune that she’d found the only person in Teyvat with the fortitude and patience to be so hopelessly in love with her.
It was proof to your fortune that, even when faced with the wrath of gods, Arlecchino was not one to give up so easily.
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malfoyscoffee · 1 month
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cruel summer ౨ৎ theodore nott
pairing theodore nott x fem!reader genre fluff, slightest angst | 2.4k words | best friends to lovers warnings mentions of alcohol consumption, crying, and au with no voldemort. song "cruel summer" — lover, taylor swift
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It was the best summer you could have asked for.
All your friends had decided to spend your last summer before graduation at one of your estates; one located in a small yet beautiful muggle town where no one knew of your identities.
Your big and empty villa helped everyone have their own space. Yet you had spent every waking moment making more fun memories and getting close to your friends, especially Theodore.
Even yesterday, the two of you went out to the nearby beach and returned drenched from the ocean water and rain combined, forgetting to bring spare clothes to the spontaneous trip. Your friends didn’t bat an eye when the two of you returned like wet dogs, knowing it was normal for you two to go on your own adventures.
Today marked the final three days before summer ended before you had to return to Hogwarts for your seventh year.
The sun was starting to set, painting the sky with pastel colors, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of ash from the bonfire that Mattheo and Blaise had started. Your group had recently learned of a muggle snack called Smores, so everyone found a spot around the fire, trying to make the treat for the first time.
“We should all go out to the town bar later tonight since it’s better to be hungover tomorrow than the last day,” Draco suggested, leaning back in his seat as you took a bite out of the dessert. You leaned over to Theodore, who shared the spacious seat with you, letting him take a bite too.
"That’s a brilliant idea, it's our last night to drink before we start the semester,” Mattheo agreed, nodding along with what most of the group was thinking.
Theodore shifted next to you, leaning down on your shoulder while speaking up, “I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so go without me.”
You looked at your best friend closely, not realizing sooner that he had felt sick today.
"Did you catch a cold from yesterday?” Pansy inquired, reaching over to one of the plates to grab some graham crackers. There were many plates sprawled out over the side tables filled with crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars.
You felt Theodore nod next to you, "Yeah, I think it’s from the rain yesterday, I’ll be fine though. You guys go without me,” Theodore reassured, popping a marshmallow into his mouth.
“I’ll come to pick you up if you want to head back early from the bar later,” He spoke with his mouth full, making you laugh as you could barely make out his sentence.
After he finished eating the marshmallow, he placed his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. “Thanks, Theo,” You said before taking the last bite of your Smore.
He smiled brightly at you before the group soon fell into different topics. 
You eventually got up from your seat, walking over to the girls to listen to the latest gossip that Pansy heard through the grapevine.
However, a conversation caught the attention of everyone.
“You're going to go abroad?” Lorenzo's eyes widened at Theodore's announcement, causing a hush to fall over the group.
You turned straight to where you were previously sitting. Blaise was the next to speak, “Mate, when was this decided?” Everyone waited for Theodore’s response while your nervousness suddenly kicked in.
Sure, none of you verbally discussed your future after Hogwarts, but it was a silent agreement assumption that all your friends would settle down nearby.
“I’m planning on going to the States for a while, nothing is set yet though.”
Your heart sank as you watched Theodore's gaze meet yours, his expression a mixture of regret and apprehension.
"When were you going to tell us?” You questioned, still shocked by this announcement.
He looked down at his hands, feeling ashamed for keeping this from everyone, especially you.
“i just didn’t know when to bring it up, so thanks Enz,” Theodore glared at Lorenzo, “For dropping the bomb like this.” He spoke sarcastically at the boy who sighed.
Astoria tried to lighten the mood, noticing the frown on your lips, “Draco, aren’t you going to London after we graduate?”
The conversation shifted to Draco’s plans to study in university longer to become a healer before the group shifted to another topic.
You couldn’t focus after hearing about Theodore’s future plans being abroad, meaning it would get hard to see him.
But why were you worried when he was just your best friend?
“Hey, can you both go inside and help me get more ingredients?” Pansy asked you and Astoria loudly, the two of you agreed to go inside for a moment.
“So, are you going to tell Theo?” Astoria looked at you, curiosity playing in her eyes. She walked over to the shopping bags on the kitchen island to grab more chocolate bars.
“Tell Theo what?” You stare at her with confusion, walking over to your pantry to grab the marshmallow bags. Pansy sighed, setting out more plates for the ingredients on the counter.
“Are you going to tell Theo that you like him?” You froze your actions for a second, standing in the middle of the kitchen with the marshmallow bag in your arms.
“What do you mean? We're just best friends.” You wave them off and open the bag.
Astoria slaps a hand to her forehead, “Yeah, but you fancied him for years! Also, the two of you have been hanging out every single day of our summer. What two best friends don’t get sick of each other and act like a couple?”
“Two blind idiots, that is.” Pansy finishes Astoria’s question, right as you finish pouring the marshmallows.
You sigh, “Okay, sure I fancy Theo. But you guys just heard that he’s leaving for the states after graduation. I won’t even see him, so it’s hopeless.”
You felt yourself getting more upset at the idea that Theodore didn’t tell you before, “Why did he hide that information though?”
Astoria walked around the kitchen island to comfort you, a hand resting on your back. "You know, it’s okay if you do end up confessing to Theo. We still have one year at school together,” Astoria comforted you.
Pansy picks up the plates you filled and sets it on the island, “Also, didn’t you hear when he said it’s not set yet? He might not go abroad, who knows?”
You turn around and grab the plates, walking towards the door to go back outside, “It's useless, he doesn’t like me back. Let's just forget this happened.”
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A few hours later, you sat in a booth at the town’s muggle bar with everyone except Theodore.
The muggle bar was bustling with activity, filled with the raucous sounds of drunken laughter and the rhythmic beat of music from the large speakers. Your group opted to sit in the big booth instead, the furthest away from the commotion. This was more fun as it was similar to what you did at parties back at Hogwarts.
In front of you laid three empty pitchers, once full of dirty shirleys, the alcohol gone in two hours due to your rushed drinking.
“Can someone drink the rest of my vodka cran?” Astoria asked, leaning into Blaise’s shoulder. Everyone chuckled at her behavior, knowing Astoria was always the first one to get tired while drinking.
Blaise pushed her cup towards Mattheo, who gladly accepted the drink for himself. Most of your friends had a high alcohol tolerance, so it was expected to drink for hours.
“It’s okay, you can close your eyes for a bit,” Blaise spoke while looking down at Astoria with adoring eyes. The entire group saw the interaction, feeling bittersweet about the affectionate couple in your friend group.
“Salazar, if only I had a boyfriend who would watch me while I'm out drinking,” You spoke while grabbing Astoria’s—now Mattheo’s, drink and chugging it down.
Everyone was taken aback by your action because this was not how you usually acted during the many years of drinking with you. 
“You do have someone who takes care of you every time you drink.” Draco reminds you while pushing the vodka cranberry away from you.
You stare at Draco with wide eyes, “No, Dray, Theo only sees me as a friend.” You let out a dramatic sigh and your friends laugh at your obvious crush, which only Theodore hasn’t picked up on yet.
Draco puts his hands up in surrender, but with his signature smirk, “I didn’t even have to say his name for you to talk about him, huh?”
“Theodore Nott, my best friend, does not like me.” You groan while putting your hands on your eyes and leaning back in the comfortable seat.
Tears welled up in your eyes, catching everyone off guard as your emotions spilled over. “Guys, Thor’s going to leave for the States. How will I see him when he’s abroad for Merlin knows how long?”
Pansy started to pass your napkins to wipe away your tears, while Lorenzo took out his phone. “I’m going to text Theo to pick her up.”
Pansy nodded at Lorenzo before looking at you in pity, “Yeah, she’s going to be out soon.”
Everyone kept their gaze on you as your tears eventually stopped falling. “Rest your head and sleep a little.” Mattheo spoke while moving your head to his shoulder while you closed your eyes.
Seeing your eyes closed, Draco twirled the black straw in his cup, “So when do you guys think they’re going to get together?”
Pansy chuckled at the comment, taking out her phone to snap a few photos of you for memory's sake. “First week after we get back to school, I’ll bet on it.”
"I say in one day,” Mattheo chimed in with a grin, resuming the conversation while you rested.
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"Theodore!” You exclaim while running to your best friend. You pull him into a hug while breaking into a big smile, Theodore laughing at your drunk state.
Theodore waves behind you to say goodbye to Mattheo and Pansy, who walked you outside the building. Everyone else planned to stay longer at the bar.
The fresh cold breeze greeted you as you stepped outside, causing you to shiver lightly for not dressing for the weather.
Theodore quickly draped his hoodie over your head, the fabric offering warmth against the chilly evening air.
The cold breeze nipped at your skin, causing goosebumps to form as you wrapped Theodore’s hoodie tighter around yourself.
Theodore quickly found your hand and intertwined it, a smile reaching both of your faces. The two of you walked back to the villa in comfortable silence.
It was a short walk back and when you arrived, you excitedly pulled Theodore to your spot.
You had told Theodore about the garden kept away in the gates in the back of your villa, hanging out many times during your stay. You decided to keep the garden a secret, wanting it to be your little hideout.
“Did you have a fun time?” Theodore asks first, walking towards the white bench placed in the garden.
You shake your head, staring at your connected hands,“No, Blaise and Astoria were being so cute it made me sad.”
Theodore frowned, pulling you to sit down next to him. Your connected hands were placed on his lap.
“It’s okay, you can tell me anything” Theodore reassured, unsure if you would open up to him while being drunk. He knew the walk back would sober you up a bit, but not completely.
“It’s just,” You stopped to think about your next words while Theodore waited for you to continue.
“Never mind, I’m fine.”
“But that’s not true.”
Theodore’s gaze bore into your own, not making any effort to move. The moonlight cast a soft glow over Theodore's features, illuminating his face as he looked at you with a mixture of concern and affection.
"Let’s just go inside,” You suggest, standing up from the bench and pulling his hand.
“Did you cry?” Theodore asks, being able to see your face more clearly after you’ve stood up.
Theodore rose and cupped a hand on your face, tracing over your cheeks. “Why did you cry?”
You place a hand over his hand, moving it away from his face. “This,” You break free from his hold completely and take a step to create space away from him, “Theo, this is why I cried. You’re the reason that I cried.”
Theodore stares at you without saying anything, making you more frustrated.
“Theo, I love you, isn’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” You yell your confession, finally voicing the feelings you’ve kept from him. Your heart raced as you finally voiced the feelings you had kept hidden for so long, the weight of your confession hanging in the air.
Theodore had a devious grin on his face, his laughter echoing in the quiet garden as he pulled you into a reassuring hug. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard in my life.”
You stand there shocked at his actions, “No,” You mumble into his shoulder. “No, this can’t be happening.”
You pull away from his hug, “Theo, you’re going abroad after graduation, I won’t even see you. Salazar, how is this even going to happen? No, how are we going to happen? Wait, do you even like me?”
As Theodore pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, you felt a surge of warmth flood through you, dispelling the lingering doubts and fears. “You really can’t see that I’ve loved you since first year?”
Your mouth is open from shock, and Theodore laughs once again, this time wiping the tears away.
“This can work. I’ll be gone for a few months but I’ll come back, here, to be with you.”
You look at Theodore, a smile now forming, “So we can do this? Give this relationship a try?”
“Yes, now let’s walk inside, you’re going to catch a cold.”
You give Theodore a quick peck on his cheek, before taking his hand again.
“You know,” Theodore pulls your intertwined hands to kiss your hand, leading you to exit the garden.
You blush at his action, “What?” You ask curiously.
“It’s a cruel summer with you.”
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And you can guess that Mattheo won that bet.
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lustfulslxt · 7 months
could you write one where y/n and the triplets are at the beach and y/n is laying on her stomach tanning. chris is putting sunscreen on her back then starts to get all touchy feely and she feels him slip the bikini to the side and he fingers her secretively (she consents ofc) while the rest of them are in the water and when they get back to the air bnb he pulls her away from the group and is like “i feel like you owe me something hm?” PLSSS
Quid Pro Quo - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : smut.
Chris’ POV
It was a hot summer day; the sun was shining, the sky was clear. It was a perfect day to go to the beach, so that’s what we were doing. Nick, Matt, Nathan, Y/N, and I were all in our Airbnb, getting ready to head out.
I was sitting against the back of the couch, with Matt, waiting for the rest of them to finish. Personally, I don’t know what takes so long. Throw on your swimsuit and grab a towel.
“Jesus, what’s taking them so long?” Matt speaks, voicing my thoughts.
“I was just thinking that same thing.” I reply.
Just then, Nate comes walking out of the bathroom. His face was buried in his phone, so we knew why he was taking forever. When he looks up, he notices that it’s just me and Matt.
“Where’s everyone else?” He asks.
Before anyone could say anything, Y/N’s door opened and the last two emerged.
“About fucking time!” Matt exclaims with a huff. “There’s no reason we should be waiting on you guys for forty-five minutes. Like that’s absurd!”
“We’re just going to the beach.” I remind them, completely confused as to why it would take so long.
“Literally shut up, we’re ready now.” Nick says, rolling his eyes.
As my two brothers and Nate walked towards the door with their things, I noticed Y/N linger a little bit, so I did as well. She seemed to be off in her own little world, so I walked over and placed my arm on her shoulder.
“You straight?” I ask, watching as she looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.
“What? Yeah, I’m good.” She says, confusion clear as day in her voice. “Are you?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle, “I’m cool. You’re the one that’s staring off into space.”
She slightly shakes her head with a smile on her lips as light laughter falls from her mouth, “My bad. I’m good though, let’s go.”
With that, she walked ahead, following the rest of them out the door. I stood there for a split second, watching her retreat. My eyes found themselves checking her out, admiring everything about her. She looked so good in her little jean shorts that were unbuttoned and folded over. I could see her
neon orange bikini showing beneath her shorts and through her white crop tee. She looked amazing, and I just wanted to get my hands on her.
Shaking my thoughts from my head, I followed in suit, and we all piled into the van. After connecting to aux, I queued a few songs and we were on our way.
“We should get something to eat when we leave.” Nate suggests as we all exit the car.
The rest of us agree in a multitude of hums and nods. We gather our bags that held sunscreen, snacks, drinks, towels, and spare clothes. Once we were all ready, we made our way onto the sand, searching for a good spot to chill.
Luckily, the beach was pretty clear of people, only having a few stragglers here and there. We chose a nice secluded area, setting our belongings out.
Y/N grabbed a large sheet from her bag and began sprawling it out. I grabbed a few things to put on the corners, keeping it in place. She sent me a grateful smile which I returned with ease.
“It’s so hot out here!” Nate groans.
“It’s summer, kid. There’s literally a vast ocean in front of your face.” Nick points out.
“Then let’s go!” Nate shouts, yanking off his t-shirt and removing his slides before running out to the water.
It only took a second for me, Matt, and Nick to do the same, following our friend. We all crashed into the water, our joyous laughter mixing together as we splashed around for a moment.
“Let’s see who can hold their breath the longest.” Matt grins, looking between the three of us.
“I’m down. Who’s judging?” Nate asks.
“Not it.” The three of them said in unison, leaving me to roll my eyes.
I shrugged, “Well. Are you gonna go, or what?”
“Okay, kid.” Nick rolls his eyes, “On three. One, two, three.”
They all submerged at the same time, leaving me at the surface. Immediately, my lips turn into a frown, and my eyes look back to shore. Y/N was laying out with our things, by herself. Not caring about their stupid game, I wade back out to the sand.
Once I’m fully emerged from the water, I hear Matt yelling out to me, “Chris! What the heck, you were supposed to judge!”
I just waved a dismissive hand and continued striding over to Y/N, determined to keep her company and spend time with her.
“Hey.” I greet, grabbing my towel and patting myself dry.
She looked up at me, holding her hand out above her eyes to block the sun. She had her eyes scrunched, trying to shield them from the brightness.
She looked so ridiculously good. Her perfect body in her perfect bikini. Her recently pedicured toes and manicured fingers, her beautiful hair flowing down her back, her flawless skin. She looked better than the sun.
“Hi.” She spoke, a smile on her face.
I return the smile, sitting myself next to her. She looked back out at the scene in front of her, taking in the beauty of nature and the sight of her friends making memories and having fun.
Taking in a slight breath, pulling my attention away from her, I reach for my bag to grab some sunscreen. I poured a little in my hands, then spread it over my face, rubbing it in. I repeated the same action to my arms and torso, applying it everywhere I would most likely get sunburnt.
“Here.” I say, handing the bottle to her. “Don’t wanna get burned, do you?”
She grins, accepting the bottle from me. I watched as she copied me, rubbing some onto her face.
She then turns to me and asks, “If I lay down to tan, do you think you could put some on my back?”
My dick practically jumped at that and I was immediately nodding my head and scooting closer to her. I grabbed the bottle as she laid down on her stomach, her head placed on her folded hands.
Once she was settled and I was sat on my knees next to her, I poured some of the sunscreen onto her back. I could see her slightly jump at the cold contact. Setting the bottle aside, I began to softly rub the liquid into her skin.
I couldn’t help the feeling of my dick slightly growing. It was completely unintentional, but I was unable to prevent it. Her skin was so soft and warm, shining perfectly under the bright sun. I could hear her sighing in content, enjoying the feeling.
My hands worked her shoulders and around her neck, firmly massaging them. My fingertips gently dug into her skin, rubbing in circular motions. As I moved lower, I could hear very quiet, almost inaudible, moans coming out of her mouth. The sound travelled straight to my dick, hardening it even more.
Adding more sunscreen to her lower back, I worked it into her skin. My fingers lightly dragged over the sides of her bikini bottoms, moving onto her legs. As I’m massaging her thighs, I hear another moan come from her, louder than before yet still quiet. Her body immediately tensed at the accidental slip.
“It’s okay.” I assure her, completely unbothered by it, in fact the opposite.
After a minute of rubbing her legs, I riskily moved my hands a bit higher, palming right beneath her ass. When I got no objections, I placed my hands on both of her cheeks.
“Is this okay?” I ask, meaning sure she wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest.
“Yes.” She quietly moaned out as I kneaded her ass.
Her soft grunts and moans encouraged me to keep squeezing her cheeks, gripping and rubbing them. My hands wrapped around each cheek perfectly, slightly spreading them, my fingers underneath her bottoms.
Her bikini bottoms were tightly pressed against her pussy from the positions of my hands. I could see her arousal peeking through at this point, and from that and her moans, I was so fucking hard.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” I whisper to her, my voice a bit raspy.
“Please.” She moans.
“Please what?” I question, a grin pulling to my lips.
“Touch me, please.” She begs, pushing her ass into my hands a little more.
I lick my lips, a groan escaping from me, thrilled at the thought of finally having her. I quickly look ahead, making sure our friends weren’t coming. They were still goofing off in the water, completely oblivious to us.
I can’t help but pull my bottom lip between my teeth as I slightly pulled her legs apart, just a little bit. My fingers meet right at her core, putting light pressure on her heat, causing her to whimper. My index finger hooks under the side of her bottoms and tug them to the opposite side, revealing her soaking wet pussy.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” I grunt.
Without being too noticeable, I lean over her ass, my face hovering a foot or two above. I pucker my lips, my tongue pushing saliva to the forefront of my mouth, letting it fall. It only took seconds, before it seeped into her folds and mixed with her juices.
I take my fingertips and run them back and forth between her slit, mixing it all up and coating my fingers. She was letting out small moans and I was eating it up, she sounded to heavenly.
I bring my the pad of middle and ring finger down to her clit, rubbing in full circles. I started slow, her moans becoming louder. When I picked up the pace, her moans were more frequent as well. I dragged my middle finger to her entrance, sliding right into her opening.
“Mm, fuck that - that feels so good.” She moans out, grinding into my hand.
I kept pumping my finger for a moment, before adding another, causing a lewd moan to ripple from her throat. Having her like this was turning me on beyond relief. I just wanted to sink my dick into her and have her moaning my name.
Sneaking another eye out to the sea, I made sure the other three were still occupied. Then, I take my other hand and trail it up her legs, squeezing tenderly. My hand roams her body a little bit before slightly reaching under her and rubbing her clit w my fingers.
She was so wet, my fingers were just gliding all over her. Her mouth hung up as her face scrunched up, several moans falling from her lips. I knew she was close. Her legs slightly trembled and her hand clutched at the sheet beneath us as she pushed her core back into me.
I started pumping and rubbing faster, the moans coming from her doing nothing but encouraging me. Her whole body began to shake and I could feel her clenching around my fingers.
“Oh my god.” She loudly moans out, twitching as she lets go and gives in to her orgasm.
My hand was covered in her cum as I continued working her through her climax. I was so unbelievably turned on, I just wanted to bury myself deep inside her. Once she came down from her high, I pulled my hands away from her and brought my fingers into my mouth, tasting her sweetness.
She was panting, trying to regain her breath. She turned her head towards me, a breathy laugh falling from her mouth as I gave her a smug smile.
“Did you enjoy that?” I ask, smirking at her.
“Did you?” She retorts, nodding her head towards my throbbing dick, begging to be released from its shackles.
I groan at her, pulling my towel to cover my crotch, “Not fair.”
She only laughed, tossing her arms up in defense as she sat up, causing me to laugh with her. Just then, the others came walking up to shore, joining us.
“We’re hungry.” Nate says, “We wanna go get food.”
“I haven’t even swam yet.” Y/N pouts.
“That’s your fault!” Matt exclaims, “You two have been out here, doing who knows what. You could’ve been out there having a blast with us.”
Me and her share a look, heat rushing to her cheeks at the thought of what we just did. I still couldn’t get my boner to go down.
“Pack it up. We’re going.” Nick states, drying off.
So we do. We gather our things and head back to the car, except Nate takes the front seat with Matt, and I sit in the very back with Y/N, Nick being between both pairs.
Throughout the drive, Y/N stayed right next to me, arm to arm. She lifts her hand and placed it on my leg, her head resting on my shoulder. My breath hitched at the movement of her hand, her fingertips pressing into me.
I just knew my dick would betray me any second, proving to her just how much I was feeling her. The way she smelled and how warm she felt against me, I was already at her mercy.
I could feel my dick twitch when her hand slid closer to it, wanting nothing more than for her to touch me. I shifted in my seat, readjusting myself. She placed her hand right on top of my dick that was now hard and throbbing under her touch.
I shoot her a warning look and she just innocently smiles at me, slightly palming me through my swim trunks.
“What are you doing?” I ask her, my voice a whisper.
“Hmm? Nothing.” She responds.
Her voice sounded so sweet and angelic, I wanted nothing more than her to moan out my name as she was wrapped perfectly around my dick, me sunken deep inside her.
My thoughts alone were enough to make me want to explode, but the way her hand palmed and stroked me, I was in shambles. My hips were jerking, wanting to feel more of her. My teeth were gnawing on my bottom lip, trying my hardest to keep my groans inside.
I quickly grabbed her hand and squeezed it, halting her movements because I was so close to nutting in my shorts. I dropped my head onto the headrest behind me and let out a breath. Her giggling next to me caused me to look over at her, and I was glad I did.
She looked so lovely. The smile on her face was wide, her pretty teeth on show. Her eyes were crinkled as she shook with beautiful laughter falling from her mouth. She was everything, and I just wanted to give it all to her.
“You’re insane.” I whisper, interlocking our hands.
“Only for you.” She responded, a cheeky grin on her face.
I wanted more of her touch, but I knew I would have to wait until we got back to the house.
We had already gotten our food and ate in the parking lot like we usually do. We were now pulling back up to the house, all eager to finally be back.
We exited the van, all gathering our things and making our way inside. Everyone parted and went to their respective rooms.
I put my things away and changed into some shorts, walking around my room for a little bit. I wanted to go into her room, but I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to. And I didn’t want anybody else to say shit. Sighing, I pulled out my phone to text her.
-come to my room?
It was that simple, and now, I couldn’t wipe the stupid smirk off my face. I don’t know what got into me, but ever since we left the house earlier, she’s been on my mind the entire time. Even more so after she begged me to touch her.
A few soft knocks sounded on the other side of my door, and it opened, Y/N peeking her head inside. I smiled at her, beckoning her over with a nod.
She looked so good, wearing a small tank top with little shorts. And the fact that I could see her nipples through her shirt was driving me wild.
When she walks over and stops in front of me, I reach behind her and pull her closer to me, my hand resting on her lower back. She stares up at me, an innocent look in her eyes that I just want to wreck.
My other hand trails up the side of her body, stopping at her jaw as I cupped her face. My thumb brushed her bottom lip, feeling her soft skin. She felt so hot under me, I loved it.
“I feel like you owe me something, no?” I say to her, my voice husky.
I watched as her eyes blew out, now nothing but pupils as her irises were completely unnoticeable.
“Lock the door.” She whispered to me.
I eagerly did so, quickly making my way back to her. She put her hands on my bare chest and softly pushed me back until my legs hit the bed.
She effortlessly dropped to her knees, keeping her hands at my waistline. She hooked her fingers in my shorts and tugged them down, leaving me in nothing but my boxers.
My boxers were a tent around my erection, my hunger for her evident. She reached up and wrapped her hand around my covered dick, her eyes never wavering from mine. Her hand firmly gripped me, pumping me over the fabric, I couldn’t help but buck my hips towards her.
She licked her lips and pulled down my boxers, discarding them with my shorts. My cock sprang up, practically staring her in the face. I wanted her mouth on me so bad, I was damn near fiending for it.
She wrapped her hand around me once again, this time skin to skin, and I couldn’t help but shudder. The anticipation was building and I so badly just wanted to fuck her throat.
She brought her lips to my head, dragging them along my shaft. I could feel my breath get caught in my throat as I watched her. She wrapped her lips around the tip, flicking her tongue over my slit and collecting my precum.
“Fuck.” I groan, my hands immediately going to her head and grabbing fistfuls of her hair.
Without warning, she took all of me into her saliva coated mouth, her nose hitting my pubic bone. I could feel my tip sliding down her throat, causing me to tighten my grip in her hair as I let out a low groan.
She pulled back and did it once more, her eyes locked onto mine. She began bobbing her head, sucking around me as she went. One of her hands went to play with my balls while the other one jerked what she couldn’t take in her mouth.
I was in pure bliss. She was making me feel better than I’d ever felt before. The way she sucked harder around my sensitive tip, seeing how I reacted to it. The moans were pouring from my lips left and right.
I felt myself getting close to finishing when she pulled away, leaving me whimpering at the loss of contact. She continued jerking me, squeezing and twisting around my tip, and licked my slit with a flattened tongue when more precum emerged.
I almost came at the sight of her, a loud groan coming out of me. I placed my hand under her jaw, pulling her up to her feet. Only giving her a quick glance, my lips were on hers.
I kissed her hard and deep, shoving my tongue into her mouth and exploring the inside of it. She moaned into the kiss, her hands finding my hair and tugging it.
I pulled away, slightly out of breath, and placed my forehead on hers. “Mm, can I fuck you?”
She put her lips on mine, resuming our kiss. I felt her nodding, but I pushed her back a little, looking at her expectantly.
“Please.” She whined, “Please fuck me.”
I turned us around, then quickly removed her top, leaving her torso bare. Her nipples were hard and I couldn’t help but pinch them, causing her to let out a soft moan.
I pushed her back onto the bed and leaned over her, my mouth meeting hers again. Our tongues colliding, teeth clashing. My hands slipped into her bottoms, tugging her shorts and her panties down, and pulling them down her legs and off her feet.
Her pussy was glistening with her arousal, and I just wanted to devour her. I sat on my knees, situating myself in between her legs. I brought my hand forward, teasing her folds with soft feather like touches.
She moaned out, thrusting her hips into my hand to create more friction. I chuckled at her desperation, and hovered back over her.
My hand enveloped her neck, gently squeezing as I planted a kiss onto her lips. My mouth trailed from hers, down her jaw, and onto her neck, leaving wet kisses in my wake.
Enough with prolonging it, I sat back up and lined myself with her entrance. Looking into her eyes, I sink myself into her. She reaches down and intertwines her hands with mine as I bottom out, low moans leaving both of our mouths.
I slowly start to rock in and out of her, loving every sound that she was letting out. Her grip on my hands tightened as I thrusted faster.
“You feel so fucking good around me.” I moaned, hitting even harder.
Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head as her face contorted in pleasure. I swiftly grabbed her legs, lifting them high and letting them rest on my shoulders, before drilling back into her.
“Oh fuck!” She yelps, a string of moans following. “Yes, right there.”
My thrusts were fast and hard, burying my dick deep within her. The sultry moans she was giving me was driving me crazy, I wanted all of her forever.
I leaned forward to quickly kiss her, missing the feeling of her lips on mine. She was soaking wet and I could feel her juices dripping down my balls as she clenched around me. We were both so close, I could see it in the way she was a moaning and quivering mess beneath me.
“You fill me up so well.” She moans, her hands dragging down my back. “I’m about to cum.”
I continued fucking into her at the same pace, knowing she would be falling over the edge soon. And she did.
Her legs violently shook as she arched her back, loud pornographic moans coming out of her mouth. She was trembling as she let go, cumming all over my dick.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty. I’m so close.” I tell her, watching her face as she climaxes.
She opened her eyes and smiled at me, before biting her lip, “Cum on my face.”
My eyes widened and I almost nutted right then and there, but I pulled out. She slid down as I came above her, positioned right over her face. My hand grasps my dick and it only took a few jerks before my stomach tightened and I shot my load out.
Her tongue was out, spurts of white nut landing all over it and the rest of her face. She looked so fucking hot, being a good little slut for me.
After both of us came down, I crashed beside her. I took in a few breaths before quickly going to my conjoined bathroom and wetting a washcloth with warm water. I went back over to the bed and kneeled next to her, softly cleaning her face as she looked up at me.
Once her face was clear again, I leaned forward and planted a few kisses on her lips. Folding the towel, I brought it between her legs and cleaned her own juices up. I then go to the bathroom and wiped myself up and discarded the towels.
Back in the room, I put my boxers back on and pull out a shirt from my closet, then hand it to her as she puts her panties back on.
“Will you stay?” I ask her, hopeful. “Will you stay and cuddle with me?”
She smiled, “I’d love that.”
I return the smile and climb into bed with her. We both get under the covers and I pull her into my embrace, planting a soft kiss on her head. She lays her head on my chest and wraps her arms around me as I put mine around her.
It didn’t take long for sleep to overcome us, as we were both feeling content and spent.
a/n : here you go bby, hope you enjoy it!! send in more reqs 🫶🏼
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iluvmattsbeard · 1 month
happy together (m.s)
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master list
matt sturniolo x reader
(please take the time to read. i hope you won’t regret it.) 🤍
preview: you and Matt are happily married. life couldn’t get any better than this. you two had no problems and every day was “picture perfect.” to you it is.
a/n: hope you enjoy this 😁 make sure to read the author’s note at the end! - L 🤍
it was a bright early morning as you stood in front of the stove making pancakes. the radio played cheery music as you look out the window admiring the bright blue sky. you flip the pancake over as you kept your eyes on the view in front of you. the trees and bushes were green as ever. every day was perfect in your eyes. you hear footsteps behind you get closer to you as you look down at the pan. "good morning my love." Matt says as he wraps his arms around your waist. you smile as you speak, "good morning." he looks at the pan as he sniffs, "smells good." he says walking over to the breakfast table. he sits down as he picks up a newspaper and starts to read it.
you place the finished pancake on the stack that has already been made. you turn off the stove as you place the plate in front of him, then pouring orange juice into a glass. "thank you my love." he says putting down the newspaper. he places a cloth napkin on his lap as he starts to eat. you sit down in front of him, across the table as you start to drink your cup of coffee, leaving a lipstick print on the white mug. everything was simple and absolutely perfect. you stare at Matt as he eats his food, "so, what are your plans today?" you ask curiously. "I was thinking maybe we could go for a drive down the beach." he says taking a sip from his glass. you let out a smile, "that would be good." you say, "how's the food?" you ask. "it's absolutely perfect. like always." he says with a smile. "good." you say not taking your eyes off him.
after breakfast, you were in your room as you sat at your vanity, brushing your hair with a blank stare in your mirror. your skin was smooth, your lips were coated with red lipstick, and you had a beauty mark above your lips. you sat there admiring yourself and you smile slightly. you put down your brush as you get up without taking your eyes off the mirror as you dust off your bright blue dress. you push up the curls in your hair as you rub your lips together. you turn around as you start to head out the house. you get into the passenger seat as Matt got into the driver seat. he starts the car as he puts all the windows down. "are you ready to go sweetheart?" he asks adjusting his rear view mirror. "yes, I am." you reply. he pulls out the driveway as he starts to drive to the beach. as soon as you get there, you two just drive along the road with the ocean on your side. the breeze was going through your hair as you laid your head down on Matt's shoulder as he drove. nothing could be better than this. you wanted this everyday. to be in this moment, just the two of you.
you only needed him and you knew he only needed you. you were happy together. when you arrive home later that night, you right away make dinner. mashed potatoes, steak, and asparagus. you place the plate in front of him as you poured him a glass of whiskey. you sat across from him watching his every move. he cuts himself a slice, then taking a bite. his eyes shut as he takes in the flavor in his mouth, "you just know how to do it my love." a smile creeps onto your face as you speak, "of course I do." you made steak every night, how could you ever mess it up?
*time skip*
it was the next day, you stood in front of the stove making pancakes. you stare out the window as you admire the blue sky. just like always, the trees and bushes were green as ever. every day was perfect, it was perfect in your eyes. you stood there as your smile fades away. you look at the clock as you realize, Matt isn't in the kitchen on time. you turn off the stove as you turn around with your face blank. Matt then suddenly walks in, "good morning my love." he says with a smile. you stare at him with a blank face as you stand there, "good morning." he looks at the pan as he sniffs, "smells good." he says walking over to the breakfast table.
he sits down as he picks up the newspaper. you analyze his face as you could sense nervousness. you walk over to him as you place the plate of breakfast in front of him, pouring him orange juice into a glass, like always. "thank you my love." he says putting down the newspaper. he looks at the food as he gulps. you look into his eyes with a strong stare. he looks into your eyes as he smiles nervously, starting to eat. you clear your throat as you continue to stare at him with a blank face. he looks at you as he grabs the cloth napkin quickly, placing it on his lap. you pick up your mug as you start to drink your cup of coffee, leaving a lipstick print on the white mug. "so what are your plans for today?" you ask curiously. it was the same routine like every other day. except this time, his response catches you off guard, "i'm going to work today." you put down your mug as you speak, "that's not what you were supposed to say." he shakes his head quickly as he speaks again, "I was thinking maybe we could go for a drive down the beach." with the same blank stare, a smile forces onto your mouth, "that would be good." you say. you guys went to the beach every day, with the windows down, as you lay your head on his shoulder. the same routine.
after breakfast, you were in your room, sat at your vanity as you look at yourself in the mirror. you notice something off with your skin as you go to wipe it off gently with your thumb. when you move your hand you see your beauty mark was smudged. you stare at it as your eyebrows furrowed confusingly. you look around on your table as you find an eyeliner pencil, drawing on a new beauty mark. you look at it as you stare at yourself with a blank face. just like new. you stand up as you dust off your bright blue dress. you push up the curls in your hair as you rub your lips together. you turn around as you start to head out the house.
when you arrive home later that night, you right away make dinner. mashed potatoes, steak, and asparagus. you place the plate in front of him as you poured him a glass of whiskey. you sit down in front of him, across the table, watching his every move. he looks at the plate and stares at it, "do you think you could make something new?" he asks avoiding eye contact. you tense up as you stare at him, "what? this is what we agreed you wanted every night." you say. still avoiding eye contact he replies in a sort of whisper, "I eat this every night. I can't do it anymore. the same with breakfast." you look away from him as you shake your head slowly. “i made it specially for you.” “it’s always the same…” he whispers. you throw your hands down on the table standing up angrily, "you will eat the food I prepared for you on your plate." you shout. he flinches as he quickly cuts himself a piece of steak and eats it. you stare at him as you analyze his face, "what do you say?" you say sternly. "y-you just know how to do it my love." he stutters out. "of course, I do." you say as you sit back down. you made steak every night, how could you ever mess it up?
*time skip*
you stood in front of the stove making pancakes. the radio played the same cheery music like always, as you look out the window admiring the blue sky. when you go to flip the pancake on the pan, you look down to see it burnt. your eyebrows furrowed as you turned off the stove. "what?" you whisper to yourself. you take the pancake as you threw it in the trash, pouring batter onto the pan again. you look out the window as you shut your eyes, shaking your head slowly. you hear footsteps behind you as it gets closer, "good morning." Matt says in a sad tone, wrapping his arms around your waist. you turn around suddenly as you glare at him, "is that how you greet me?" you say. "good morning my love." he says with a forced smile.
he looks at the pan as he sees the unmade pancake. he notices, things are starting to change. Matt sits down at the breakfast table as he picks up the newspaper, pretending to read it. you let out a breath as you turn back towards the stove. why is things starting to go out of place? you thought to yourself. once the pancakes were done, you walk up to him as you place the plate in front of him, pouring orange juice into a glass. "thank you my love." he says putting down the newspaper. he places a cloth napkin on his lap as he starts to eat. you sit down in front of him, across the table as you start to drink your cup of coffee. good, things are back on track.
*time skip to later that night*
later that night, you two arrived home from the drive down the beach as you right away started dinner. mashed potatoes, steak, and asparagus. you place the plate in front of him as you pour him a glass of whiskey. Matt looks at the plate as his face was visibly somber. you stood there as you stare at him. "eat." you demand. you watch as he shakes his head hesitantly, "i-i can't do this every night." you look away as you feel yourself get heated, "I won't say it again. eat your food Matthew." you say tensely. he then looks at you in the eyes, "no." he says. you suddenly wipe all the stuff on the dinner table, causing them to fall onto the ground, with glass breaking as you scream.
Matt flinches as he starts to breathe unevenly. "can't you see all that I do for you?! for us?!" you shout angrily. "all I want is for every day to be perfect. just the two of us and I expect you to cooperate and play your part!" "t-this isn't real!" he shouts desperately. "yes this is." you say breathing heavily. "this is the life I wanted for the both of us, so it's going to stay this way. I only need you and you only need me." you say. "I don't need you. y-you have me trapped." Matt says. you look at him as your expression softens. trapped? he looks into your eyes as he whispers out, "this isn't real. there is no us." you shake your head slowly in denial, "no you're lying." you look away and when you look back, he's no where to be seen. you look around panicking, "Matt?" you call out. your heart starts to race, "Matt?!" you shout. what is going on?
"Y/n." you hear a voice say. you look around still in a panic. "Y/n?" you hear the same voice call out. you shut your eyes as you cover your ears and fall onto the ground slowly.
"Y/n?" you open your eyes being shaken by an unfamiliar woman. you look at her face, wondering who she is. "you're finally awake." she says. you sit up as you look around to find yourself in a padded room. your hand was chained up onto the bed. you look at it as you tug, "w-where am I?" you ask confusingly, looking up at her. she sits up straight, "you don't know remember what happened?" she asks. you shake your head, "no I don't. where am I?" you ask. "you're in a psychiatric hospital Y/n." she responds. your eyes widen as you shake your head, "what? no that can't be right." you say panicked. "Y/n please calm down." she says. "i-i don't belong here!" you shout tugging on the chain. "Y/n please you need to relax. do you seriously not remember anything?" she asks. "no I don't. please let me out of here." you say desperately.
"you can't be let out..." she says quietly. you stop in your place as you look at her, "w-why?" you stutter out. "I need to be with my boyfriend." you say. her face turns into a somber as she speaks out, "your boyfriend... he's dead Y/n." your face drops as you shake your head slowly, "w-what? how?!" you shout.
she gulps before responding, "you killed him Y/n." you stare at her as you felt your heart drop, "don't lie to me..." you whisper. she just stays quiet staring at you. you look away as your mouth is left agape, "i-i just saw him though." you whisper. "e-everything was perfect." the woman shakes her head, "it was all in your head Y/n." you curled up into a ball as you started to sob in your knees.
you started to remember everything. your relationship wasn't perfect. you guys constantly argued. the moment he finally decided to end things, you couldn't handle it. so you did the unthinkable. if you couldn't have him, nobody else could. you believed, the only one for him was you. but he thought other wise. the "perfect days", that "perfect routine", was all in your head. what you wanted to happen with your relationship. it wasn't real. it's what you wanted badly. but even in your head, imaginary Matt still reminded you that none of it was real. now, you sat there being consumed with guilt. you couldn't have him in your mind, and you for sure couldn't have him now.
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a/n: what did you guys think of the twist? this was my take on a psychological story. i tried to not long it out because i was going to keep repeating the days but i didn’t want you guys getting bored in the middle of it lmao. one of my favorite movies is ‘Us’ so i tried to incorporate psychological aspects in my imagine. i don’t know, i wanted to try something new so, i hope you guys enjoyed this! i don’t think i’ve seen anybody else do this with one of the triplets. - L 🤍 (LIKES, COMMENTS, AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED!)
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lottienatsgf · 9 months
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。𖦹°‧𓇼 beach day!abby hcs
𖦹 note : hiiiii :) i’ve been putting a lot of effort into my sweetheart series, so here’s a quick hc fic while i finish writing that ! this was heavilyyyy inspired by my trip to the beach the other day :3 i go to school in florida and just recently took a trip down to the beach and i immediately was like. oh i sooo need to write an abby fic about this. so here we are!!!
𖦹 warnings : a teensy tiny bit of smut at the end, mostly just fluff, not proofread, no other warnings that i can think of though !
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𓇼 beach day!abby who completely lathers up in sunscreen before leaving for the beach. i mean, her face is CAKED with it, leaving a little white blotch over her nose.
𓇼 beach day!abby who, despite this, still ends up turning pink around her shoulders and chest. you sit on her lap to reapply sunscreen to these areas, carefully massaging the sunscreen onto her collarbones as she pouts.
𓇼 beach day!abby wearing the hottest beach outfit you could imagine. she’s got dark blue swim trunks on as well as a bikini top that shows off her tanned skin and perfect abs.
𓇼 beach day! abby who continuously makes sure you eat while you’re out!!! after all, you’re spending so much time in the sun and swimming in the water, so she doesn’t want you to forget to eat. she even packed a little picnic lunch with sandwiches and drinks for you.
𓇼 beach day!abby who makes you giggle to yourself as she buries you in sand, slapping handfuls of the damp stuff over your legs to form the outline of a mermaid tail. “y’look like a real mermaid now,” she grins, and you can’t stop smiling because her face just looks like :3
𓇼 beach day!abby who loves playing with all the kids on the beach. if she sees a little kid struggling to build a sand castle or carry their handfuls of shells around, she’s quick to help out, plopping down in the sand and getting to work on that castle. she’s so good with kids, and it makes you love her even more as you watch her make their faces light up.
𓇼 beach day!abby who inspects all the shells you collect on the shore. she turns each one over carefully, marveling at your ability to always find the best ones.
𓇼 beach day!abby who pulls you into her lap to watch the sun setting over the ocean. watching the pink and purple sky, you sit in between her legs, back resting against her strong body as her hands fumble with yours and her lips teasingly kiss the exposed skin of your neck.
𓇼 beach day!abby who fucks you as soon as you get back home because she just couldn’t wait, tasting a slight tinge of sea salt as she kisses up and down your sun kissed body.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
I am obsessed with how you write for one piece characters (especially angst-fluff XD) I was wondering if I could request a Sanji x male!reader where they both barely got together yet sanji still fawns over nami and robin which causes reader to start feeling insecure, then later in private reader asks sanji if he’d love him more if he was a girl instead. Angst to fluff/comfort pls:))
Btw idk if you have any rules so sorry if this goes against them! Feel free to ignore/delete this!<3
Please and thank you :)
So love this idea! I'm splitting it into two however! So don't worry this will have a happy ending I promise!
Curiosity pt. 1
Sanji x MaleReader
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Support me on Ko-Fi! Enjoy!!
P.s the sanji quote I used was actually in the Japanese sub so don't @ me
You sat there as silent as stone eating your meal as the chaos and laughter of the ship sounded around you. Nami angrily yelling, Zoro drinking, Luffy yelling for more food while eating, Usopp spinning another story and your boyfriend fawning over Nami's tits openly- In most cases you would have been embarrassed but at this point... the disappointment was expected.
You'd only been together for a few months, starting out as flirting with each other- Him approaching you since he had felt conflicted in his attractions and you guided him through the maze of identity and attractions. Finding him in your arms and in your heart-
Sanji later admitting you were the first guy he has ever liked and the first person he dated. You thought it was sweet- a romance unfolding that you two would one day tell the world... but that didn't seem like the case anymore.
"Nami~ Can I see your panties! Wait let me get a camera!" Sanji laughed loidly as you could see the love in his eyes as Nami looked red in the face and angry.
"You're vile" Zoro hissed at the laughing Sanji, his nose bleeding as Nami gave him another hard punch to his head knocking him to the floor.
Zoro had been getting more aggressive against Sanji- mainly due to the fact he find his acts disrespectful towards you.
Lowering your gaze at this you took another sip of the mixed rum drink your boyfriend had served. However the sweet cocktail tasting bitter on your tongue now- not bothering to announce you were dismissing yourself from the joyous dinner.
Zoro gave you a sympathetic nod, watching you silently stand as you gave him a tight lipped small smile in return and left.
Stepping out you take a heavy sigh- Trying to keep the tears from falling and Biting your lip to swallow the pain once more.
That ache in your heart had faded letting a numbness settle instead. Taking a seat on the main deck you stare up at the sky, watching the stars above you as the fading sounds of laughter echoed behind you.
Sitting out looking over the open ocean you thought- Thinking about the pain and embarrassment that Sanji had brought you. He had been the one to approach you, asking you out on a night like this. Thinking of how he held you close and whispered that you were his one and only. Yet you felt like those moments were now just empty words- Maybe they had always been that way even after such a short amount of time....
"(Y/N)! What are you doing out here?" You heard a all too familiar voice call out, seeing a cherry checked Sanji smile brightly at you. His smile did freeze slightly at seeing the rather stoic look on your faze, his brow raising.
"Is something wrong?" He questioned, stepping closer in worry.
"No" You say calmly, looking back out on the water. Knowing you would kill the mood of you brought up how you felt- however it seemed you couldn't have your way... He sat next to you nudging his shoulder against yours.
"Come on- I know my boyfriend well enough to see you're sad" He said sincerely. You didn't meet his gaze however, sighing in defeat instead.
"Would you have preferred it if I was a girl?"
Sanji's eyes widened at this, confusion and shock going over his features.
"What kind of question is that?- Of course I"
"You still fawn over Nami and the others.. stare at their chest and droll over their figure.." You say softly, touching the thin fabric that covered your lack of breast.
The blondes face falling as he realized what he had been doing to you-
"(Y/N) dont be ma-" He started but cut him off again.
"I'm not mad at you... I'm not going to scream at you or yell if that's what you're expecting.. I'm just telling you my reasonings" You explain and you could practically feel the dread rolling off him.
You nod softly at this, not having the heart to elaborate further on that. You see the flash of panic.
"I don't want to ruin the night Sanji so I didn't want to have this conversation now"
"We are having it now- I don't want you to go.. I care for you" You heard the careful side stepping of his words, avoiding love or like with 'care' it made your chest ache all over again.
"Like how you care about my feelings?... It's okay to say you were just.. experimenting-" You say and he grabs your shoulders suddently so you were facing him, a flash of anger in his eyes as he stared at you, the sharp rum from his breath burning your nose.
"You aren't a experiment to me okay? It's not like that? I just- It's hard to explain okay?" He tried to reason as he released your shoulders and reached forward grabbing your hand to try to reassure you. But you pulled away calmly.
"Do you still like Nami?.." You finally ask and watch his face twisted up as he tried to answer.. but couldnt-
You close your eyes, almost greatful he didn't answer. Not knowing if his excuse would hurt you more then his actions, standing up from your seat you smooth out the invisible Imperfections in your trousers.
"It's okay Sanji... I can understand if I was a curiosity for you. Thank you for the meal, I'm going to bed. Goodnight" You say calmly and head below to get some sleep- you still heard the laughter from the kitchens as you faded into the belly of the ship to hopefully hide your tears.
Sanji sat there, dazed over what just happened. Pulling out a cigarette from his pockets however he just silently started at the stick of tobacco, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders as guilt tore through his chest. Closing his eyes tightly like he was force away the shame he felt.
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thisismeracing · 11 months
An avid learner | MS47
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x fem!reader (she/her) ― Word count: 1.9k ― Warnings: not proofread; mentions of food and alcohol; graphic description of sex; oral sex (fem receiving); p in v; +18 (minors DNI); ― Summary: Mick has been nothing but an attentive lover since they started dating, what Yn didn’t know was that he would be even more attentive in bed. It’s their first time having sex, and Mick is an eager learner, he’s set to make sure Yn forgets she ever dated someone before him. ― A/n: Every piece I write here it’s a new experience, so your feedback, comments, and asks are more than welcome. *mwah* 🤍 (I listened to Pink + White by Frank Ocean while writing it, so feel free to listen to it while reading ;))
Based on this request.
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⁕ you can support my writing by reblogging, and leaving a comment (don’t forget to follow me if you like the piece)
⁕ I had a glitch on my account (got shadowbanned) so I'm reposting this piece <3
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“Yeah, and what else?” Mick mumbled, eyes squishy due to the sun, cheeks flushed from the alcohol. He was listening to Yn’s rant about how potatoes were the best vegetable and bananas the best fruit, along with her arguments she listed that they were both really versatile and easy to fit into any recipe. Mick and Yn were together for two shy months, and he loved to listen to her and discover more about her when they were together, either her random rants or personal info, everything was a good subject for him. 
Today their conversation has had several topics, from color to airplanes, wine, and, finally, food. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining high in the sky, and the weather was good enough for only one thin coat. They were even sitting on the outside tables of the cafe. A wine bottle, probably their second,  and two wine glasses stand on the table, along with a charcuterie board. 
“Huh?” Yn asked after losing herself in Mick’s features. He was sitting by her side, one of his arms draped in the back of her chair, one hand drawing spontaneous patterns on the exposed skin of her shoulders, and the other busy with his wine glass.
They were inside their own world. Anyone that passed by would notice. 
“I don’t know,” Mick confessed after he too lost himself staring at her plump lips. 
“Can I kiss you?” Yn blinked at him. 
Mick smiled giving her the perfect display of his dimples and red cheeks, “You don’t even have to ask.”
And his lips are on hers in the blink of an eye. There’s a flutter on her stomach, and Yn feels lucky she’s sitting otherwise her knees would give out. She almost meowls when Mick brings her closer by her neck, his big hands covering her skin for the chilly wind, and deepens the kiss. It was not usual for them to kiss in public like this, they were usually pretty reserved when the topic was PDA, but right now it seemed as if the wine loosened them a bit. His lips were frantic against hers, the taste of her lip gloss along with the wine took a low grunt out of Mick’s throat. 
When he withdraws there’s a small smile on his face.
They latch on to yet another subject to talk about, and when they decide to Uber home, the sun is not so high in the sky anymore. In fact, the sun is almost setting in the sky. They snuggled in the backseat of the car, talking in a low voice, inside their own bubble again, and they keep it as they get inside Mick’s house. Yn bends down to pet Angie who’s excitedly waggling her tails and barking for attention, and Mick walks for his Vinyl after taking off his coat. 
“You wanna keep drinking?” the blonde asked pointing to the kitchen and Yn nodded, still playing with Angie. He took his time screwing the wine, and getting two water bottles from the refrigerator, so when Yn walked in he pushed one in her direction. “Gotta drink some water and eat something if we’re gonna keep the alcohol coming,” he explained, and she stood on her tiptoes to peck his lips.
After a quick snack pause full o giggles and lots of talking, Mick and Yn made the path to his room. Yn had the glass they were sharing in her hand, while Mick held the wine bottle, a grin on his face watching her so carefree and happy.
“I got Frank’s vinyl, he’s your favorite, right?” Yn told Mick that Frank Ocean was one of her favorite singers when they talked about music, and though the conversation happened during their first dates before the girlfriend and boyfriend title came, Mick remembered. He was attentive to the details, especially because each small one made up who Yn was. 
Yn held her breath when the first accords to Nike started playing, “Mick, I can’t believe it!” she squealed running closer to the vinyl and leaning on his side. Mick turned his head to watch her eyes glow just like her smile. “You remembered,” she whispered.
“Of course, I did, babe.” 
The song filled the room, and they enjoyed the atmosphere from Mick’s rug, half sitting, half lying down. His back was propped against the bed, his legs stretched, while Yn was sitting cross-legged beside him. She would sip the wine, pass it for him, lie on his shoulders or chest, then sit back up and repeat the action. They did it in silence for about three songs, until her favorite started playing and Yn jumped from the comfort of her boyfriend’s chest. 
“It’s pink and white!! C’mon, get up, let’s dance,” Yn gushed, and Mick couldn’t do anything but leave the glass on the rug and follow. 
That’s the way every day goes, every time we’ve no control if the sky is pink and white, if the ground is black and yellow, Frank sang, and Yn laced her arms around Mick’s neck, slowly swaying around. 
The blonde smiled, dropping his head to the curve of Yn’s neck, and closing his eyes to enjoy the way his girlfriend was humming to the song and running her nails on his scalp. Mick left warm kisses on Yn’s skin and she felt the goosebumps rise. 
“This is nice,” she whispered when she felt his kiss turn into a smile on her skin. 
Mick hummed back an answer then withdrew just enough to stand face to face with her. His eyes roamed around her face and stopped on her lips.
“Can I kiss you?” Mick purposely repeated Yn’s words from earlier and she smiled, before sealing their lips together. Their bodies pressed against each other almost like their own way of caressing. Yn could feel the pumping of Mick’s heart, the beat of the song, and her own blood rushing through her body. It felt like the best symphony she’s ever heard. 
When Yn broke the kiss to drag some air into her lungs, Mick curled his arm around her waist and trailed kisses from her jaw back to her lips. She gave his hungry tongue the perfect opening and moaned when he squeezed her ass lightly. They backed up until their bodies crashed on the bed, Yn on top, Mick under her. 
His hands found purchase on her waist, and Yn whimpered when she bent down to reach his lips again and her clothed pussy dragged over Mick’s crotch. He swallowed her noises in a frantic kiss, up until she did the movement again and he was the one grunting. 
“You like it?” Mick asked against her lips, eyes open attentively watching Yn bite her lips on top of him. She nodded, her eyes were still closed as if trying to make the sensation last just a bit longer, and he smiled, using his hands on her waist to drag her body against his, guiding the movements at first, but giving her the reigns once she seemed to come back from the momentary bliss. 
Mick bites his own lips holding back some of the profanities that would go through them, while watching Yn change the movements to circles, getting just the perfect angle. He watched as she threw her head back, he detected how her nipples were hard against her thin blouse, and Mick witnessed a particularly loud moan leave her when he pinched them between his pointer and forefinger, rolling the bud and sitting up just enough to help her discard the piece of clothing somewhere around the room. He took his time admiring her naked top right in front of him, before sucking one of her breasts and massaging the other. 
Mick watched how her body would react and how her voice would change with each movement. He thrived with the knowledge that tentatively biting her nipples would turn her grinding into frantic thrusts against his hard dick. 
When half of their clothes were discarded in the room, Mick switched positions, lying on top of Yn. His hands roamed around her body, discovering just how she liked to be touched, how he could pleasure her, and how her body answered to his stimulus. 
“There! Yes, right there, Mick,” she pants once Mick’s fingers found her pussy, pressing her clit just right. He smiled, following her voiced directions, but also her silent commands, such as the way her hips followed his hands looking for relief. 
With a quick movement, Schumacher kneels bringing Yn’s body to the edge of the bed, and pushes her legs apart, each thigh on one side of his large shoulders, his face right in front of her pussy. 
Mick spread her lips and dived in, lapping her pussy entrance and taking turns to suck her clit, he did it all with his big blues eyes open, reading every response Yn let out. His focused face did it for her because the moment Yn opened her eyes to look at Mick having the time of his life between her legs all while looking for clues on how to make her feel good, she couldn’t help but buckle her hips upward searching for more, and extend her hands to caress his hair. 
He made figures eight and flickered his tongue, messily lapped, fingered, and made out with her pussy like it was the best thing he was ever granted. 
“Do you like it when I do this?” Mick asked, using her body’s natural lube to insert two fingers and curl them against her walls. Yn moaned his name in prayer, and he smiled, doing it again and again, until her legs started to close around his head in an attempt to reach her high faster, but also hold back his fingers. This time Yn felt his smile against her thighs, and she couldn’t help but let out one last whimper and shudder, body limp falling onto the bed. 
Schumacher guided her through her climax, and Yn kept one hand on his hair, lazily massaging his scalp while he took his time kissing his way up her body. 
“How do you wanna do this, Schatzi?” Mick questioned already reaching for his nightstand and tearing a condom package open. 
“Can you stay on top? I’m spent after this first orgasm, and the wine,” she confessed, and he smirked, bending down to peck her lips before resting between her legs.
He grind his shaft on her entrance, gathering just enough of her juices to help him slid in. He does it cautiously, observing the way her face contracts with each inch inside until he finally bottomed. Yn laces her legs around his waist, giving him the perfect opening. Mick lets out one shaky breath before sensually thrusting, their hips snap against each other, and Yn choked when his pubic bone grazed her clit. 
Mick grinds his hips against hers and goes for one, two, three thrusts before snapping his hips in a faster movement. He watches as her tits bounce, and her eyes close, and he bends down to her ear tugging on her earlobe with his teeth, and whispering “I can do whatever you want me to, love.” 
Yn cries out in pleasure and snaps her hips up finding his strokes midway, grinding her clit against him, playing with her nipples, and it’s a series of these moments. There were hard, long, deep thrusts, stares, kisses, and whispers before they came apart together. Happy to learn so much about the other’s body. Happy to give and receive so much pleasure. Happy to be the other’s choice. 
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taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr @kenanlotus0 @mellowpizzapuppy @mickslover @formulakay3 @mishaandthebrits @iloveyou3000morgan @crimeshowjunkie @fdl305 @carojasmin2204 @wondergirl101ks @chaoticevilbakugo @smiithys @shhhchriss
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dawnoftime22 · 7 months
a constant sickness.
| N.R
Warnings: mental breakdown at the end, overthinking, being sensitive while horribly sick, mention of throwing up, headaches, r loves orcas(?)
Summary: While Nat was away at a SHIELD meeting, you had gotten sick once again. Having been sick for the millionth time in the past few months, you were tired.
Word Count: 6.4k
Category: Fluff, maybe a little hurt/comfort later on
A/N: I guess you could say this is a vent fic? I've been sick a lot, and it isn't fun, so I ended up making this. please drink water everyone and take care of yourself. love you all <3
| Started on 07/11/2023, 6:11 PM |
| Finished on 19/11/2023 8:07 AM |
Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
“darling, you have been so strong. so please,
lay down and let yourself rest for a while.”
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|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
The morning birds sang a beautiful song, and the gray sky filled up the room with light. It came along with the rain, the glass windows fogged up from the cold.
The place beside you was empty as you were curled up asleep, all cozy, but missing the touch of a certain redhead.
Soon enough, your eyes slowly open, blinking away your sleep for a few minutes. But you instantly notice the horrid, miserable feeling of a sore throat.
Of course. You had gotten sick again. And the exact day Nat has a meeting. Why couldn't you get sick yesterday? You thought. Or tomorrow, in fact, she's free almost all day for this week.
You shake your head to get your mind to stop before it goes crazy. It's far too early in the morning for this. You stretch, wanting to get your tense muscles loose once again, but doing so just made you feel more tired.
Having woken up alone, you sigh. If you hadn't felt so horrible, then your morning would've been great. But, well, there's nothing much you could do.
Your hands gently grab the soft orca plushie Nat had bought for you just sitting at the end of the bed. Seeing as she wasn't present at the moment, you hug it.
It was quite precious to you, really. Nat didn't know what to get you one anniversary day, and she had thought about how once, when an animal documentary was randomly on the tv, it had videos of orcas just swimming, and jumping. She was in the kitchen while you sat in the living room, laid down sideways as you watched with shining eyes on the screen, like a child.
The adorable sounds that sure, yes, was a terrifying sound for the other animals in the ocean, as they were killer whales, still made you love them nonetheless. Nat smiled at you when she set down the meal she just finished cooking on the table, and called you to eat.
The memory serves as a comfort of sort. You always loved how deep Nat thought about her gifts, and you're always grateful. It wasn't much, but to you, it was everything. Truly, you could never think of having a better girlfriend than her.
Not long after you continued staying comfortably in bed, cuddling up with the orca plushie, your nose began to clog up, making you unable to breathe properly.
The uncomfortable feeling had forced you to get up, and once you were, everything was back to normal. Almost. It's always so annoying having a stuffy nose. You begrudgingly and slowly get out of bed, careful to not make yourself dizzy by going too fast. The target of the tissue box was in your sights, and you somehow make it even with your low energy.
The tissue easily slides out of the box when you grab it, and you blow into it, clearing your nose a bit. After pulling away, you groan a little in disgust and the realization that you'll have to do this again after another few minutes.
You throw out the used tissue into a nearby trash can, and just when you thought of sitting in bed or slumping into the desk chair just to stare out the window to watch cars go by, your stomach feels too empty.
Welp. Your mouth forms a tired pout, but before your stomach could even make any noise at you for not moving to get some food, you grab a nearby jacket and put it on. The warmth it provided surrounded you with a feeling of comfort and safety. As it should, considering the jacket was on Nat's side of the bed. Honestly, you can't tell which one is Nat's or yours anymore with how much the two of you share with each other by now.
You start to make your way out of the bedroom, and into the living room, the curtains already being open since Nat had left when the sun came up, while you were still sleeping.
The house lacked her presence. With you taking a glance at the kitchen, you had hoped to see her red hair basking in the morning sunlight, yet nothing but the kitchen counters and cabinets looked back at you.
You blink away the tiredness and dizziness that started to cloud your vision, and you went over to the kitchen, arriving suddenly somehow. The first thing you grabbed was a cup of water, drinking it and wincing at it going down your aching throat. The feeling soon dissolves into an itch that made you cough once or twice. Well, at least you were more awake now.
Considering a lot of options were out of the view because of your throat, you settled for bread, seeing as it was the softest thing you could find at the moment. You almost shakingly set down the plate on the table, because of how weak your body started to be from the fever, but you grab your choice of spread to put on with a butter knife anyway. Even if being sick meant you were tired, you still needed something to eat, otherwise you'd just get sicker. It wasn't much of a choice, really.
Once you had your meal ready, you sat down at the dining table, taking a bite of your sandwich. Here goes the awful long, long chewing as you tried your best not to have your stomach throw up whatever thats left within it.
You grab your phone as you ate, turning it on and opening your messages app. You click on Nat's contact, your fingers drifting off to type in some words that your head can barely even make out to be a sentence from the little dizziness.
<- Nat <3 [◉¯]
hey Nat, I got sick again. do you think
you can come home quicker? :(
I miss you
Sent at 9:37 AM
hi, darling <3 you're sick again?
I'm sorry detka, the earliest I can
get back is at 4
I'll see if I can sneak off earlier, but
try to get comfortable and watch some
tv my love. have you eaten?
I'll get you some things before I get home too. message me if anything happens, okay? I miss you too, and I love you
Read at 9:38 AM
it's okay, you don't have to
rush if you can't
I'm eating some bread right now
so yeah, don't worry
I love you too <3 get home safe.
Read at 9:38 AM
She didn't have to rush. Right? No, of course not. Maybe a little. You just didn't want to worry her. If we're being completely honest, it's not really okay considering how sick you were and how you were all alone in the house.
Your face had a sad smile. Having checked the time, it's going to feel like forever until she was home. You're just going to have to distract yourself in the meanwhile, and hope this one doesn't make you feel like going through hell.
You turn off your phone and set it down on the table, finishing up the last of your piece of bread. Since there's not much else you could do in the kitchen anymore, you leave the plate and cup in the sink.
The fever wasn't horrible at the moment, but you could already expect what'll happen later in the day. You thought of the little work you still haven't finished yet though.
Throwing up your hands in exasperation to, no one in particular, you walk back to the bedroom, seeing the desk you usually sit at near the window. At least the skies weren't bright. And maybe the rain will even come back, if you're lucky enough.
There were papers already ready on it for you to check and go over, having been taken by you when you were at work before.
You sat down on yet another chair, and the window casts a light upon everything on the desk, also giving the old wood a glow.
At least you can swivel and spin around in your desk chair. You grab a pen laying around, but you didn't start until you played a playlist of slow peaceful songs from your phone.
Everything was going fine as time passed by, but you're starting to feel worse. The day might have gone to lunch or brunch time by now, but you weren't done yet. Probably due to the many times you've spaced out, or somehow more papers just kept spawning in out of nowhere. It always feels never ending until you actually finish it all.
To make matters worse, you even feel an incoming headache upon you. You're definitely not finishing up those remaining papers today, that's for sure.
You end up giving up and leaving them on the desk, walking back out to the living room and into the kitchen to take some pills, hopefully letting the headache pass.
Afterwards, your legs lead you away to grab the orca plushie, just to go back out and plop down on the couch, grabbing the tv remote to put on the first thing you thought of that would distract you from the awful sickness.
It's starting to hit you now. The jacket you wore started to feel a little too warm, causing you to take it off one arm and the other, letting it fall down on the couch.
You could feel the mucus in your nose go down to your throat without being able to stop it. Knowing it did that and even feeling it irked you. You start coughing, the sound obvious with sickness.
Thankfully it was a short cough, and your eyes continue to focus on the screen once more, the scenes playing relaxing you. Your tense muscles loosened a little at the coziness of the living room, even if your nose was being annoying, and your throat makes you cough. You wished Nat was here. So, so badly. But it was still only 12 PM. Even if you're functional, it doesn't mean you don't feel awful.
The noises coming from the tv was quiet. Enough so that you're able to feel dozy. And not in the headache, dizzy way this time fortunately. Your eyes go from being light, to feeling heavy. Your focus also started to include your breathing without meaning to.
Soon, you gave in, surrendering to the darkness that that lured you into sleep.
|—————————— ⴵ ——————————|
Nat arrives home with a bag full of items she had gotten for you. She takes off her shoes and puts the plastic bag on the kitchen island, careful not to make anything fall the wrong way. After she was done with that, she turns to the living room, hearing noises that she would only presume would be the tv, just faintly. She takes off her jacket as she goes, placing it on the couch when she was close enough.
That was when she saw you, all curled up on the couch with the plushie she got you. The sight made her adore you, but also make her feel sad. She would only ever see you like this when you were super sick and tired, or waiting on her to come home.
It's only happened a few times, but a few was enough to make her understand how your fevers feel. A lot of people would just go with their day and deal with it, but you weren't the type of person to be able to. It's not that you wouldn't, you just couldn't. It always had a high chance of taking you the worst.
What made things more concerning is that you're falling sick more often, it's leading to be not normal. Others would say it's the seasons, but with your experience, it really isn't. Nat just hopes your body only hates you at the moment, and you'll get a longer break sometime soon.
Her feet takes her to stand in front of you and kneel down, her hand going up to lay gently against your forehead. The warmness you radiated makes her frown.
Your breathing started to lessen its softness, and you start waking up, possibly either from her presence, the hand on your forehead, or your throat starting to feel dry. Probably all the above.
Your eyes flutter open, and there you see the redhead you love so much right in front of you. Her green eyes looked at you so softly as you registered the scene you awoke to.
"Hi, детка (baby). You feeling okay?" She asks softly, her fingers drifting away to gently pull your hair away from your face. Even when she spoke Russian, her voice was caring.
That was when you were so willing to break, just seeing her looking at you so softly made all your courage to stay strong from the sickness had faltered. But you tried keeping the tears in.
You shook your head fatiguely, your eyes still tired. She knew the answer, but she hoped the sleep brought you more relief. Instead you got the worser effects. It was a chance of either being worse or your throat magically being better.
"That's okay. I got you orange juice and soup, дорогой (darling)." the drink made your face brighten up a little, but the soup almost made you scrunch up your nose in an act of disgust.
"Well, you don't wanna throw up, do you?" Nat raises an eyebrow at you. Her voice was gentle, so it wasn't scolding and it wasn't a threat. Maybe a little bit of a threat, but you needed one considering you know you'll end up feeling nauseous if you don't eat. It's a miserable feeling, even if afterwards you'll be able to get whatever sickness it is out of your system, the process for it isn't great.
You purse your lips and shake your head, the memories of having to go through the nausea being horrible. She gives you a small smile, and moves to stand up.
Nat helps you slowly stand up with her, holding you up with her arms and letting you put a little of your weight on her as you walked. She didn't trust how dizzy you looked when you stood up. You wouldn't either, because the room looked like it was dancing just a little.
She sits you down on the dining table, going off to open the plastic bag and get out the contents within it. First and foremost, she opens the orange juice bottle and pours it in a cup for you, placing it in front of you on the table.
You try and take ahold of it as calmly as possible, but Nat smiles at the small excitement she sees at you being able to drink orange juice. The juice goes down your throat easily, basically almost clearing the germs in some way.
It somehow always helps, and you were relieved it did. Nat's gotten everything out the bag by now, and she's working away on cooking up a delicious chicken soup for you.
As you watched her move in the kitchen, humming a melody to herself every now and then, you slowly drank, trying your best not to finish all the orange juice before you eat. Thankfully you had breakfast down earlier, so there wasn't much air in your stomach or anything to get the nausea to come back.
The time was 2:45 PM. Nat really did sneak away from the SHIELD work somehow. She would do anything for you after all. Or, Fury and Maria had known and dismissed her. Yes, it may just be a fever, but it's been far too many times now to count, so you'd guess they were pretty concerned too. And there was only one redhead who could truly take care of you.
Nat sets down the bowl of soup gently on your side of the table, while on her side she places down a bowl of mac and cheese. One in particular, you know Yelena would love. Your thoughts were wandering with people, but you did just get a nap after all. You may not have felt better, but your mind did clear up a bit more.
"Can I have a bit?" You ask, your voice groggy from the sore throat, but it makes out the sentence. The cheesy, but not too cheesy mac and cheese stared at you like it would melt in your mouth. It was too tempting and seemed way too delicious to not have a taste.
"Sure. Only a little," She said, aware of the fact that the cheese would probably make you cough more.
Nat looks at you amused as you took a spoonful, knowing you wouldn't be able to resist a bite. She didn't really get it to tease you or anything though, she just almost kind of misses Yelena. And she hasn't eaten any mac and cheese in a while. Plus, the blonde had always made the best mac and cheese.
She's been away doing widow work combined with some other assassin work. Nat wasn't entirely sure, but the jokes she tends to make are definitely missed by you. Though, you love Nat's company, love and the comfort she provides by herself just as much.
When you finish the spoon of mac and cheese you had just eaten earlier, you start on your soup with a smile on your face, satisfied at the taste. Nat was relieved. Sure, she wasn't as good as Yelena. No one was, to be honest, but the way your lips are turned up means you approved.
Your throat ends up letting out a cough once more after you swallowed, making you clear your throat to try and get rid of it. When it didn't work, you drank your orange juice. And of course, like magic there was no more bacteria spluttering. Or well, you hope so in the minutes that go by.
"You know, Yelena got a dog." Natasha says, wanting something to distract you a little from your sickness. And she's been wanting to talk to you about it ever since she got a call from Yelena at work. You look up at her with surprise and excitement.
"What? Really? Can I meet it??" Your questions spilled out one after another, excitement filling up your entire body at the new information. She lets out a small chuckle at your happiness.
"Yeah, she's coming back in a week." She mixes around the cheese with the macaronis more, having finished a layer of the outside, she had gotten to the less cheesier parts.
"Does the dog have a name?" Yes, you were excited about the other widow coming back, but at the moment you were very much distracted on the dog part.
Nat's lips purse at the memory of Yelena telling her the name she gave it. "Fanny." She says, with no other comment. The name being taken from the time she was in hiding during the 'Civil War between Captain America and Iron Man', as people called it... Fanny Longbottom. God, did Mason really not have any other choice than that one? That was Nat's thoughts, anyway.
You, on the other hand, giggled a little, careful not to laugh too much, or you'd end up in a coughing fit. "I love it. It reminds me of you a bit."
"Don't even speak about it." Nat responds playfully. Her eyebrows furrows, while her lips turn up into a smile. She shakes her head. She should've expected Yelena would've done such a thing after telling her her undercover name.
You had to take a moment to gather yourself, almost completely laughing at the thought you just had. "At least she didn't choose 'Longbottom'."
She laughs, the sound like a melody to you. Something that can easily, oh, so easily make it so that the fever you have wasn't just complete hell. "Can you imagine?" Nat says.
"What if she did? If we ever had to take care of it while she was away, all you'd ever hear is 'Longbottom! Longbottoooom'." You act out a scene of you calling the dog, possibly while Yelena would come over or leave it to the two of you to take care of it.
"Which would be you adoring it. But yes, Fanny isn't bad." Nat raises her eyebrows on her first sentence, but agrees with you on the name choice.
"No, it would be both of us." You counter her, knowing there isn't only one animal lover in this household you're living in.
"Nope. I would be annoyed at Fanny getting all the attention." Her voice was soft at that point, somehow. Perhaps it accidentally tumbled out her mouth from her mind. Well, you were still focused on making her say she would practically spoil Fanny from how much she'll love the dog.
"Admit it. I know you adore Lucky at least, so! I'm not wrong here." The table goes quiet, the two of you finished with your food. But a thought clicks in your head at her last few words.
"Wait. Annoyed at Fanny getting all the attention? Do you mean you want my attention all on you instead?" It's quite obvious she would, considering you were the one she loves, and you love her, but you just like teasing her.
"...No. I just said I would be annoyed." She brushes it off, taking a sip of her own drink. Her face being completely and utterly normal. But you could clearly see the hint of lying from the way she sipped her drink while talking.
"Yes you did, and you had the attention part! Don't lie, Nat. I'm sick, but I can still have a great memory." You say, proud for having caught her. But the memory part is...partly true. She finished drinking and has the most adorable smile on her face.
"Okay, okay. You're obviously out of it. And now, we will go sleep." Nat gets up from her chair, shooting you a glance of 'we will never speak about it again or you are not getting cuddles' before picking up her empty bowl along with yours to go put them in the sink.
"Excuses, excuses!" You accuse her, a playful tone in your voice. But, you follow along with her, holding both yours and her empty cup.
You were about to help her do the dishes, but she protests to you about it. Even if you did puppy eyes or whatever, she would much rather have you getting some rest.
"Go lie in bed while I finish up here, yeah, любовь? (love)" She softly said. Her hands are on your waist, ready to stop you from turning back to face the sink.
"Okay." You quietly say, nodding your head a bit. She smiles at you before letting go of her hold on you, leaving you to turn and walk off to the bedroom.
Although you did spend most of your time on the couch just earlier, the cold started to take a toll on you and catch up with all thats left of your energy. Of course it was.
You tiredly and almost practically fell on the bed, the soft mattress welcoming your body. Just when you got comfortable, Nat comes walking in the room, holding up the orca plushie you forgot and left in the living room.
You looked up with realization, and reach out with your hands. Nat almost wanted to pull it away from you just to tease you back for the dining table incident, but that adorable face of yours made her relent. And she wouldn't wanna do such a thing when you're so sick anyway.
She lets you hold the soft plush while she got on her side, shuffling closer to you until she could cuddle you. You were expecting her to keep a small distance, considering you didn't really want to get her sick either, but when she pulled you closer, you end up putting the orca plushie just above your head on the pillow and putting your arms around her instead, craving her cuddles.
Her heartbeats gently thumps against her chest, echoing to your ears since you were so close to her. In the quietness of the room, only that, and the sound of both of your soft breathing could be heard. Only if you focused closely.
There was then, a tap against the roof. Nothing scary or creepy really, just a gentle tap. Then another, and it was a little thrumming that almost matched Natasha's heartbeat. Even she was a little confused, and her eyes were set on the ceiling. You know she would keep you safe all the time. But you thought the sound was familiar.
The tapping occurs more rapidly, and then it grows into a noise of which you can only identify as rainfall. It starts pouring outside, and the air starts getting chilly. But it was perfect.
Both you and Nat relaxes a little more at the sudden, but cozy background noise. You nuzzle against her neck in search for more of her warmth. She pulls the blanket up to cover more of your body, and lets her arms retreat back to the small of your back.
Soon enough the calmness of it all had your blinking go at a slow pace, now your eyelids falling down more to closing.
Surprisingly, your stuffy nose wasn't being annoying at the moment, but perhaps you had the cold temperature to thank for that. Your throat grew a little itchy though, so you looked away from Nat to not let the germs hit her, and let out a small cough to make it go away, hoping it doesn't get worse before you're asleep.
You turn back to the comfortable spot in the crook of her neck. Nat lays a gentle kiss on the side of your head, and that was when your eyes closed fully.
Seeing the state you were in when she got back home has her heart feeling a little heavy with concern, but she'll be beside you every second, no matter how long it takes for you to get better.
"Get better soon, мое маленькое солнышко (my little sunshine)." She whispers, slowly, and ever so softly. Only the rain responded back, but the feeling of your breathing against her was enough to let her fall asleep along with you.
|—————————— ⴵ ——————————|
It was 3:35 AM. The rain outside was still ongoing, but it was a calmer, less noticeable rainfall.
You were awoken with a coughing fit, lasting a minute or so. You try to hold it in after a short break, the trapped air wanting to break out of your throat. Fortunately, or, well, unfortunately, Nat was still asleep, somehow. You'd guessed the meeting yesterday took her energy out a lot.
Not wanting to wake her, you slowly untangle yourself from her embrace, and crawl out of bed, all the while taking a few deep breaths not to go into another coughing fit. But of course, by the time you quietly leave the room, one was bound to happen once more as you make your way to the kitchen.
You open a cupboard and grab a glass, careful to make sure your grip was strong enough. After pouring yourself a glass of water and taking a sip, you sigh. The moment of it becoming worse came sooner than you expected. But that just means being sick will pass by just as quick. Or, you desperately hope it will.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Nat started opening her eyes to cold sheets, and her embrace was empty of any sign of you. She awoke more as she blinked. To see no sight of you as she looked around made her get out of bed quicker than being late to work has ever made her.
When she goes out the bedroom, she sees you standing in the kitchen, your shoulders tense from coughing so much. But relief flowed through her body when you appeared in her vision.
Concern came next. She snuck her hands in her pockets at the coldness the living room had to offer. She was missing the warm blankets, but she was also missing you. And you were her top priority at the moment, not to even add the given situation that's happening right now.
The sound of your awful coughing echoed to the walls and back to her ears distantly. "You didn't wake me." Her voice huskily sounded out, and you just about heard it from the horrible hell your body was giving you. Thankfully, you weren't surprised and didn't go into fight or flight mode or anything.
She walks closer until you were only centimeters away from each other. "Sorry." you whisper to her, your voice raw from your throat being so sore. One row of coughs lead to another, and soon it's the endless miserable feeling while Nat rubbed your back.
You stare off at the marble counter for a bit after opening your eyes at the two second break, trying to recollect your breathing and not cough again by taking deep breaths, but it barely helps. Natasha reaches her arm over to the side counter just next to the both of you, and grabs the water filled glass you had earlier, holding it up for you.
You had your hands gripping the marble counter in front of you, your eyes drags itself down to see the glass cup. You let go of the edge and hold the cup instead, taking a quick sip before coughing again. You slowly drank your water until your lungs calmed down.
Nat's arms go down to go around your waist, pulling herself closer to the back of your body to place her face near your neck. You could feel her nose brushing against your skin just slightly, giving you a sense of comfort.
"You want me to make you some tea?" her voice softly whispers out into the darkness while you set your empty glass down. She knows medicine is the last thing you'd want at the moment, and knowing you, you would simply say it doesn't help. And it really didn't feel like it did with how many times you've gotten sick.
You gently nod, and her eyes watches your movement. Her hand slides down to hold one of yours, squeezing it, while her other hand goes up to open a cupboard. She moved beside you to grab a teabag and a mug, then when she had to move away to grab some water and pour it to heat up in a kettle, her hand had left yours lonely.
Since she's waiting on it to warm up now, she turns to face you, her back leaning against the counter. You go closer to her, finding her hand once more. You rested your head against her chest and her free hand holds your back, surrounding you with warmth.
The minutes go by with the two of you staying in that embrace, a peaceful quietness upon the room.
"You okay?" she asks softly, as if the whole world was about to fall apart if she spoke any louder, and to you, it almost felt like so. But that was until she held you in her arms.
You couldn't tell. There wasn't a name to the feeling. Exhaustion? Maybe. You didn't give her an answer, you only held her tighter.
She understands that words may not be the best choice for you right now, and so, she pulls back slightly, but keeps a fair distance enough to not make you pout at the loss of closeness. She takes in every feature on your face. Though you may be sick, you were still the most adorable human being to her, and since you were so quiet, she takes her chance to show her love instead.
The redhead has a small smile on her face, just before she leans in to lay a kiss on the tip of your nose. The action leaves you a little stunned, because you thought she was only admiring you, but it warmed your heart either way. And then, a kiss on your forehead. At this point, she wants to get sick.
But then, she turns back around to the counter, her back now facing you. The water had heated up now, so she pours it from the kettle to the mug.
She grabs the teabag she had placed nearby earlier, and dips it into the hot water, letting it sink and soak. As that's happening, she goes ahead and grabs a spoon of sugar or so then carefully adds it into the tea, stirring it and just ever so slightly pressing on the teabag with the spoon to get it out quicker.
Once she was done she slowly spins around, making sure the hot mug wasn't anywhere close to hitting you. She then steadily makes her way back to the bedroom, with you beside her. You were careful not to accidentally bump into her either. The two of you kept focus on keeping the dangerous burning tea in the mug.
When you arrive at the bedroom, Nat places it on the bedside table, letting out a breath she unknowingly kept in. Mission accomplished. Yes, she was a trained assassin, and yes, she's an avenger, but sleep can really get to you with losing focus and a chance of spilling a drink...especially when it's dark at night like this. Well, at least the bedroom has some dim lighting on. It's dim, but not dimmer than the soft kitchen lights.
You were sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Nat to sit beside you. When she does, she's holding the mug in her hands, blowing air to the tea to cool it down for you.
You could do it yourself, both you and the widow knew that, but considering she took the opportunity to do it for you first, you let her. Plus, the way her eyes are so focused on the ripples its causing in the liquid to make it drinkable is adorable.
You wait patiently until she slowly gives the mug over to you, keeping an eye on your fingers that you put around the handle while she holds parts of it that wasn't boiling, making sure it won't fall out of either of your hands.
You take a small sip at first, and when the temperature felt okay to you, you drink it slowly, taking breaks so your body would be able to cool down.
The hot air comes out in a breath from your mouth, The warmness of the tea going down your throat filling your body with relief and relaxation.
Once you've finished after a few more minutes, Nat had been reading a book, while at the same time keeping an eye on you. You place the mug on the bedside table, and took a glance back at Nat.
She looked so worried, so tired still because she had only gotten a small amount of rest. You started thinking on how she was taking care of you, and you wished this sickness would just stop.
The way she looks up from the pages filled with ink, just to show you a smile for you finishing the tea, it hit you just as much as the other times that you got really lucky.
What if you deserved the sickness? All this good couldn't have come without a cost...right? Wrong, darling. Nat puts the book down on her bedside table, opening her arms for you to sit within.
You still had work to be finished. The events that's happened in the past week, even the small ones couldn't leave your mind, while for others, it had been easily forgotten. You should be doing more, you thought.
But you were trying. The best you could. Nat could see that, and almost everyone else could see if they knew how to simply look into a human's eyes. You were just too soft for all of it.
She only wants you to get better. Everything else didn't matter. Even Fury, Maria, and Yelena is probably worrying about you right now.
It's all crashing down. You were in her arms, and she places a gentle kiss atop your head. Her fingers gently danced at your back, drawing meaningless patterns.
Your face seemed tired, and her heart ached at the thought of how much you're suffering. You were tired, that was for sure. It was sickness after sickness, almost every week or month. You just wanted a break.
It's a vicious cycle. Sure, you kept yourself feeling great with jokes and little happy moments, but it didn't mean the worse ones weren't gonna come bite you again at random times.
You move closer into the crook of her neck, your eyes glazed over, and you couldn't have noticed it unless the moonlight had hit your eyes. When Natasha feels tears going down her neck and down to seep into her shirt, she pulls you in closer.
"Oh, милая (sweetheart)." You tried. You tried really hard to keep it inside, but a broken sob leaves your mouth at her soft and caring tone. You've been going through so much, and she knows that, even if its small things, too.
It hurt. It really did. Your throat, the headache you get every now and then, and mentally, you weren't doing all that well either. But she holds you safely, as much as she could. And that's just all you need.
"It's okay. You'll be okay." she whispers softly. Your body shakes with the emotions you held from the past. Her hand trailed up your body just to slide it down to your lower back once more. Her other hand, has her thumb rubbing the skin just below your neck, the little movement assuring you that she was there, as she always has been, and will continue to be.
It went on for a while until you were able to calm down, only dissolving into small bur sharp intakes of breath going in your liver from all the sobbing. You went quieter with each deep breath you took, Nat along with you because she knew you could feel her breathing against you, so she does deep breaths to help you fall into the same pace as her.
She goes back to normal breathing after your little hiccup sounding noises were gone. Your eyes had closed, exhausted from everything, and the way her thumb was still going forth in an up and down motion near your neck helps into making you fall asleep.
Nat looks down on your sleeping figure, glad that you were able to get your emotions out fully, and still get your sleep in. You deserved the whole world, the galaxy, and still more than that.
She leans down, whispering a soft "I love you," just near your ear before turning off the lamp and going to sleep herself.
|—————————— ⴵ ——————————|
Bonus! - in the morning... :]
The blankets were a jumbled mess, but it still kept the both of you warm, and somehow had no little holes that the cold could sneak into.
She continues to read her book with the fairy lights she turned on on the bedpost helping her see the words written. The redhead awoke just a few minutes ago, and she would be doing her morning routine or getting breakfast ready by now, but with you on her body, getting the rest you needed, she didn't have it in herself to move.
The soft orange light from the bedroom bouncing off the walls blends with the blue sky, making itself known by going through the windows and illuminating a part of the room.
Nat had forgotten to close the curtains the night before, having been too preoccupied in taking care of you. But even so, just seeing the scene coming alive in front of her makes her feel a little more at peace.
You, too, seemed much more at peace.
A/N: If you look closely you could notice sweet nothing by taylor hidden throughout this <3
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gloomwitchwrites · 12 days
Flower Crown
Aragorn x Female Reader
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): fluff, light angst, kissing, non-descriptive intimacy
Word Count: 2k
During a spring festival, the man you love returns unexpectedly.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // spring 2024 masterlist
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The sky is a cloudless, endless ocean above your head.
You breathe deep, savoring the scents in the air. Newly bloomed flowers, freshly baked bread, and roasting chicken all infiltrate your nostrils, reminding of you the celebration that’s about to begin. Anticipation buzzes under your skin like a swarm of startled bees. You’ve been waiting for this all winter. Spring is finally here, knocking, ready to be greeted. The flowers are in full bloom, and the trees have awakened from their solemn slumber.
Every year the small village in which you’ve lived your whole life celebrates the changing of the seasons. A community-wide festival is held. Each person is involved in their own way, and the duties are often assigned at the beginning of winter to allow everyone to prepare. Sometimes, these responsibilities shift, but a few remain the same.
Last year, you attended the baker in their duties to provide baked goods. This year, you were tasked with sewing new dresses for all the unmarried young women. The base fabric, an off-white cotton, remains the same. It’s like a blank page awaiting colorful paint or black ink, each dress ready to be designed with every young woman in mind. You, and several of the married women, take great care in personalizing each dress to the young ladies’ personalities.
It is not by chance that this happens. It is more than tradition. Rebirth and renewal are the themes of the festival, and with that comes an influx of weddings. The dresses are for that very reason, as a form of matchmaking, along with the presented flower crowns and the festival itself. You’ve always thought it silly but never truly commented on the matter. Fortunately, with you on sewing duties, you were able to work on your own dress.
With the dresses come flower crowns. They are given to the young women by unmarried men of the village. It is always the married women and village elders who quietly determine which man will gift what crown to who. They’re intuition is almost always correct. It is rare for a pair to not eventually marry. Sometimes it is quick, and sometimes it is years later before either realizes they belong together.
And the flower crowns are the true beauty. Another group handmakes each one. But because you know how intricate they are, you did nothing for your dress. It is simple. Plain. Just because you’re forced to be part of this tradition doesn’t mean you want to try and find a husband. You’re perfectly fine alone, because the man you do want is far away.
He isn’t avoiding you. Not on purpose. Aragorn is a ranger. He thrives in the wilds, seeking out the darkness to rid it from the world. But you do miss your wanderer. He tries to travel through your area as often as he can just to see you.
Over the years, the friendliness has grown, becoming heat and tension.
None of the other men in the village make you feel the way he does, and they likely never will.
In the shade of a tree, you smooth out the front of your dress. The tips of your fingers itch and you need to move them just to calm yourself. That alone is silly. What do you have to be nervous for? The process is always the same, always consistent, so why do you feel like this?
The young, unmarried women begin to congregate near the arch of flowers. Breathing deep, you march forward, finding your spot where it always is. You can taste the eagerness in the air. The women around you are just as nervous, nearly bouncing on their toes. They whisper to each other, giggling, but none of them glance your way or address you.
All day, and not even one has thanked you for your work.
But you won’t let it eat away at your resolve. Today is a good day. You’ll drink berry wine and gorge yourself on delicious food while listening to the married women gossip about their husbands.
As the village elders arrive, all talking ceases. That is the cue, and just like the women in line, you curtesy. You’re not allowed to look up, to glance into the face of the man who will place a crown upon your head. You keep your head bent and gaze on the ground.
There is shuffling, the rustling of hands lifting crowns. You focus on the green grass beneath your feet. You’re the only one up here not wearing shoes. You breathe in, and out, watching as so many pairs of polished boots pass by.
When someone does stop before you, the boots are not clean. They are muddy and have seen travel. You almost want to laugh but really, you’re curious. Who is this? Who would be so bold to come to the crowning with filthy boots?
In the next moment, the crown is placed upon your head. You don’t move. Don’t breathe. The stranger’s fingers brush the underside of your chin, pressing gently. You respond. You can’t resist. It is natural to do so.
Your gaze takes in this stranger as your head lifts. And when you see his face, you realize that this is no stranger at all.
“Aragorn,” you whisper, and his response is a smile.
There is applause, and good-natured cheering all around, and yet you respond to none of it. It is only him, this man you’ve been missing, standing before you.
“What are you doing here?” you ask just as the music starts up. It’s too early. Aragorn often arrives in the fall when the leaves start to change.
Others are already wandering off together or going their separate ways. You’re left staring, happy to see him but not understanding why.
“To see you,” he replies.
To see you. To see you. Whatever nervousness you felt before is gone, replaced with a giddiness that sends heat right to your cheeks.
When you don’t reply immediately, Aragorn frowns. “Have I upset you?”
“No!” You reach for him, grabbing his upper arm, taking a step forward. “Not at all. I’m just…surprised.”
His gaze softens, and you could fall into his depths. “Didn’t think I’d come?”
“You always visit when the weather begins to cool.”
“I do,” he agrees. “Couldn’t stay away.” Aragorn says this almost absently as his fingers toy with a white ribbon on your dress.
A young woman shrieks with delight, and you and Aragorn both turn as she’s hoisted in the air.
“Would you like to dance?” he asks.
The answer is immediate. “Yes.”
He presents his hand, and you take it. His palm is warm. Strong. Aragorn leads, and then you’re moving, matching the correct steps. It’s not an intense dance but it isn’t slow either.
“Did you just arrive?”
He smiles. “As they were distributing the flowers.”
“Is that why you’re so dirty?” Aragorn laughs as you lean in and sniff, making an exaggerated expression. “And smelly?”
“I thought you liked the way I smelled after a ride.” Aragorn wraps his arm around your waist, turning as he does so.
“A ride,” you correct. “Not a journey.”
The music swells, dips, and then increases in pace. You’re left focusing on your feet, going through the motions. But Aragorn knows what he’s doing, and he leads you through it effortlessly. It’s difficult to speak, but his hands do enough talking. Aragorn’s touch lingers. He might squeeze slightly or allow his hand to wander. It stirs something hot in your belly that travels lower until you’re blazing everywhere.
When the music comes to an end, and the two of you are out of breath, Aragorn places his hand on your lower waist and guides you away.
“Something to drink?”
Berry wine is had before Aragorn takes your hand again, the two of you strolling off into the nearby orchard. Between the trees, there is privacy, the two of you walking in gentle silence. It’s just your hand in his and the warm breeze that stirs up your dress.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you say, stopping next to an apple tree. There are leaves on its branches but no blooms.
Aragorn comes to a stop beside you, his chest nearly brushing your shoulder. “Glad? That is all you feel?” With a soft touch, Aragorn turns your head in his direction. His head is angled downward, and there is no escaping what you see in his eyes.
There are times when the two of you have found a bit of quiet, some peace only with the need to explore the other. As you gaze upon his face, you are entirely aware of what he wants, but Aragorn is an honorable man. He will not push or insist on more unless you’re the one who seeks it out.
The berry wine is warm in your blood. Aragorn’s nearness is just as intoxicating. His fingers play with that same ribbon, and you lean into his touch until your noses brush lightly against each other.
“There is plenty I feel,” you reply, your voice a whisper amongst the birdsong and breeze.
“Is your heart willing to share?” Aragorn tugs lightly on the ribbon, loosening a portion of the bodice.
“Is yours willing to hear the truth?” you counter, knowing that you’d give him anything in this moment.
Aragorn tugs on the ribbon again, loosening the bodice further. Air rushes into your lungs as your chest receives a bit of freedom. “Tell me now. Under the trees. Let the sky listen.”
“You’re far too sweet to be a warrior,” you laugh, and Aragorn grins, closing the distance. The kiss is chaste and lovely, sending heat down to your toes and up to the crown of your head.
Your fingers find the front of his tunic. They curl inward, pulling of their own accord, seeking his closeness. Aragorn indulges, deepening the kiss until your bodies are pressed together. His hand rises, clutching the back of your neck. There is only you and him and your repeated meetings.
When you finally break apart, your lips are raw, and you hunger for more. You ache for deeper things, and long to tell him so.
“Is this all right?” he asks, fingers brushing against your exposed collarbone.
“Yes,” you murmur in reply, shivering under his touch.
Aragorn returns to your mouth, and you open for him. Your own fingers explore as much as his, but it is Aragorn’s fingers that venture beneath fabric.
You inhale sharply, and his hand retreats. “Apologies.”
“Don’t stop,” you say, grasping his wrist to guide his hand back to your skin.
Under the shade of the apple tree, Aragorn follows your lead, the two of you finding a dance. Although time has not been kind, keeping the two of you parted, there is no need to rush. You are happy simply existing with him, taking time to explore and savor what you’ve missed over the last few months.
Every caress is a song, and each kiss not only satiates but fuels the hunger that sits low in your belly. Fingers press and dig into skin. Clothing opens or falls away. There is no one else around, and Aragorn’s warmth is all you seek.
“Will you stay?” you ask between kisses.
Aragorn pauses, drawing back slightly. “For a few days.”
A few days. A few days with him and then separation. With Aragorn arriving now, will he return in the fall? Or will this be your new normal?
Even as these doubts swirl in your mind, you know the truth.
You don’t care.
As long as he comes, as long as he returns to you when he can, that is enough.
@foxxy-126 @glassgulls @km-ffluv @firelightinferno @glitterypirateduck
@tiredmetalenthusiast @protosslady @childofyuggoth @coffeecaketornado @cherryofdeath
@berarenado @therealbloom @ninman82 @thewulf @ferns-fics
@beebeechaos @hantheconqueror @miaraei
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
I have two questions
What will Ren do if angel wants to get hus name tattooed on themselves? I know he did his tats by himself SO WILL HE DO IT FOR THEM OR WILL HE HIDE HIS TATTOO ARTIST SKILLS?
How will Ren take care of an angel who is hella self destructive (e.g. doesn't eat, doesn't drink, sleep deprived, overworks themselves, etc)? Will he sorta be a caring bf or will he be too scared to ask them to do something?
I love ren and I love you for making this game saint 🙏🫡 all hail bald ren 🥚
✦゜ANSWERED: Wahhhh no, thank you for all of the amazing art you've made!! ;v;
"Y'sure? This is permanent, y'know." A mess of dark hair blocks out most of your view as your boyfriend gently runs a gloved thumb over your skin. "Or… Semi-permanent. D'ya feel like paying for a tattoo removal appointment?"
"I'm sure," Comes your curt response — alongside an affirmative nod and a gentle squeeze over his bicep, "I wouldn't ask you to do this if I wasn't."
"...You're really sure?" No longer hunched over, he looks up at you this time. Soft, blue eyes hold your gaze as he decides to pull another answer from you. "Positive?"
"Yes," His name slips off your tongue easily, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. "I'm positive."
"Alright then."
Despite his calm demeanour, internally [REDACTED] was screaming and vibrating and bouncing around the walls of his brain. You wanted a tattoo of his name.
His name.
His real name.
Surely you must've known how much that gesture meant to him? I mean, sure, he was the one who impulsively tattooed your name on his throat and hip years ago, but it was merely to show just how dedicated he was to you and how far his feelings went. He was entirely yours — both physically and emotionally — and wanted everyone to know it.
Did that mean you felt the same way?
He figured you would've been sick of him by now after all these years, or at the very least... annoyed. Annoyed with him always asking you to eat something, even if it was a little bit. Constantly making sure you weren't overworking yourself, whether it was by sharing the workload or offering you a massage. Invariably dragging you to bed early with promises of endless cuddles, kisses, and warm blankets.
Despite all that, you still wanted him around?
Finally moving from his hunched-over position over your body, your dark-haired hacker looks up at you with the softest look in his eyes — almost as if you were the reason the moon rose in the sky every night. And as if he was the endless ocean, constantly gravitating towards you because it just felt right.
You held back the urge to move his bangs aside to get a better look at his face, and instead let the dark-haired man lean even closer into your personal space to place a chaste kiss upon your lips. Cherry and mint flood your senses as your boyfriend gently cups your jaw, and you can practically feel the adoration and appreciation radiate from the kiss he was giving you.
He doesn't seem to pull away from you for what feels like hours, but when he does, he doesn't stray far.
"What was that for?" You break the silence.
"…Felt like it."
Yet another curt response was given before he looks back to the patch of your skin he had prepared earlier. Giving you one last final glance, he picks up his tattoo gun with a determined glint in his eyes and starts to ink in the first letter of his name.
The name you came to love.
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cu7ie · 10 months
the rubdown. | freeloader!toji
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cw ☆⌒(>。<) toji being genuinely unhelpful unless it is for his own gain. he's a pervert, and a mooch. reader is wearing a bikini, has tits and cooch, but no explicit use of she/her or feminine prns. suggestive material. reader putting up with a parasite. sexual references and thoughts courtesy of toji. mentions of sex. an: hi! i wrote something for the @bastardblvd collab! enjoy. ☆⌒(≧▽​° )
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It's fucking beaming out.
So hot that sweat dries on his temples as soon as it forms, and Toji is a sweaty, sticky mess - and fuck, he can't stand the beach. 
But you wanted to 'enjoy summer', and even though Toji thinks it better spent with your air conditioner and fan, getting to see you half-naked is nice too. You said you'd bring drinks, and the snacks, and the sunscreen, and although you didn't tell him to bring anything - (because you knew he wouldn't, anyway,) - he mentioned bringing some water guns, if only to get you to hop up on the balls of your feet like you usually do.
He doesn't have shit on him but skin, sweat, towel folded under his arm, swim shorts clinging loosely to his hips, a fat ass and a big dick. Oh, he can only carry so much.
The sun (perhaps serving as his retribution,) blazes higher in the sky.
The sound of his flip flops on concrete is really starting to eat into him, the sun edging his peripheral pissing him the fuck off. Oh well. You’re the one with the sunglasses anyway. You always have everything. And Toji might have the sense to feel shame if you were any less gracious with him than you are now.
Lord knows why you’re so fond of a freeloader. A rude one too. He’s thinking so hard he almost stumbles right past you. “Hello-o-o! Over here!” He flicks his head over sharply, and there you are.
Toji couldn't get you to cover up in a blizzard - nevermind if there's an occasion for it. Imagine his surprise then, when he struts up thinking he's hot shit, and there you are, big sunhat, skin and all smiles.
If you wouldn't have popped him in the mouth for it, he'd say you look like a slut. (So he thinks about it instead.)
Toji hopes you got your bikini at a discount, because it's barely there. Two lucky triangles pin up your pretty tits, skimp lines of cloth tied with cute little bows and easy enough to undo, he thinks. One pull and it all spills out.
You've got bikini bottoms with the thin string that hug onto your hips just so that your chub puffs and bulges cutely around it. Your little swim shorts are just a shitty self censor, cause this isn't a nude beach and he's sure that thong is cuddling with your clit. 
"Toji?" You blink at him, and now that he's paying attention, you're rolling along a small cooler, a bag folded under your opposite arm. "You good?" 
"Yeah." You look good. So much so his mouth waters and he barely saves himself from drooling in front of you. He’s eyeing you up like a dessert tray, trying some of this, some of that. How’d your nipple taste in his mouth, lightly damp with your sweat, laid out bare on the beach. Your pussy in his face, your tasty slick dripping down his lip and chin…
He stiffens his back, steels his jaw and glowers at you like he's got a problem and it's somehow your fault. “Let's go." He brushes past you. Doesn’t even offer to take the cooler, kicking up sand as he goes.
"Oh, okay.” The cooler makes a noise as it rolls, though it’s mostly muffled by sand. “Did you bring the water guns?" The absence of any bag in his presence might have alerted you to the fact that no, he didn't, and the sound of cooler rolling is muffled as you two trek onto the sand. "Didn't bring shit but me."
You visibly deflate. "Oh. Okay." And trod a little ways behind him still, your amiable presence soured for a moment as you continued walking, silence filtering in between the pull of the ocean and whipping of wind.
"C'mon, you don't gotta be a baby about it." He taunts, flicking up your sunhat enough it nearly whips away. "But I didn't say anything!" You’re kicking up sand, stomping now, making faces like he can even see you, like he has a reason to care. It’s just you. “I’m getting real tired of you y’know - always putting words in my mouth…” Putting other things in your mouth, too.
"N I’m a little tired of bringing all the stuff! I don't know why I even let you drink the drinks that I paid for …" Yeah, it's truly the eighth world wonder. "And the one thing you promised-" Promise is a strong word. "Hey, you got that in print, sweetcheeks?” He pokes into his ear. “Cause I can’t seem to recall…”
You’re swinging, clapping your sunhat against his shoulder, scowling. “Don’t piss me off, Toji. The sun’s already doing too much.”
The beach is sparsely populated, umbrellas dotting the sand a little ways away in every direction. Toji grabs your wrists and tugs you still, nearly making you trip over your feet as you come to find yourself in the middle of the beach. “Here,” He says, and he starts pulling the chair you were carrying out of your arms - setting it up and claiming it as his own, folding his towel over the back of it. You roll your eyes. “You could help, you know.” He waves his hand, regarding you with your hands on your hips and bag still folded under arm. “You look like you got it all covered.” He grins, self-satisfied and smug. “Please, don’t let me distract ya’.”
The ass he is - just sits there - pops open the cooler to take out a beer, but sits otherwise, cracking it open and wearing your hat atop his head and shades from your bag.  You don’t know where he’s looking, appearing impassive as he takes a sip. Another. A brief pause.
You situate your blankets on the sand, rolling the cooler over a corner to prevent them from being flapped away in the wind.
While you’re busy doing that, Toji’s getting in a nice gander. At the dip in your waist and each roll of fat, the backs of your thighs as you bend over and adjust the blanket again, the dip of your bikini into your ass as you kneel down to affix the umbrella in the sand. The shades kind of fuck up the view, so he has to ensure you’re turned away so ya don’t catch him staring. (Although, it is quite hard to miss the feeling of eyes poking at you. When you turn to eye him up, he’s better than you thought at playing dumb.) 
Just before you lay down, you (finally) shimmy out of those sad excuse for shorts. They’re so tight on you they threaten to drag down your bikini bottoms, but you’re not so forgetful that you moon him and a bunch of other (lucky) strangers. It’s slow, methodical, and he really shouldn’t be looking so hard as they slide down your thighs and drop to your ankles. Using your foot, you flick the article aside, aiming for your bag but missing by a margin.
You’re hot and sweaty and annoyed. He sips his cool drink and watches you crawl onto your blanket on all fours, paying too much attention to the worry your ass wiggles and shakes as you clap sand off your feet and get comfortable atop the thin sheet.
It’s silent for a few moments longer. You don’t seem to want to talk to him much. Expected honestly - so he keeps on sipping his beer, looking over every now and then to see if your demeanor changed any. 
Nah. Your cutesy pout is edging on scowl, the sun in your eyes not doing much to soften you up. “Hey asshole.” He grunts questioningly. “Hat. Give it to me.” “Since when did we start demanding shit?” He snorts. You squint, unamused. “The hat. Gimme.” He tosses it over and you put it back on, finally able to look around proper now that the sun isn’t wrestling your brow. You lean over into your bag and fumble for the bottle of sunscreen. “What’s that?” Man’s is so fucking nosy.
“Sunscreen.” The top opens with a resounding pop, at home amongst the sound of the pull of the tide and the occasional seagull screech. You squirt a glob onto your hand, ready to start rubbing it in when Toji stops you. “What?” “Lemme help you with that.” The way he runs his tongue over his lip makes your heart pound, but you ignore it for the time being. He’s already scooping the screen out of your hands. “You’ll be mad as hell when your tan comes out patchy. You just need a good rubdown sweetheart, and don’t worry - Toji’s gonna give you exactly what you need.”
“Oh oh oh, so now you wanna help? I thought I ‘had it covered’?” You purse your lips and Toji makes an ugly face at you. “You want a patchy tan? Who else is ‘sposed to get your back?”
“But that’s my leg Toji,” His rough palm smooths across your calf, not so discreetly crawling up your knee and palming up your thigh. “I coulda done that.” 
“Well it’s just your turn to relax, then.” Toji grits his teeth when you smile up at him so smarmy, having laid flat on your back at this point. “Yeah, yeah. Have fun feeling me up you old coot.” His fingers dig into the meat of your thigh at your jest, making heat rise to your face unbidden. “And you let this old coot put his balls in your mouth,” Toji rolls his eyes, his grin grimier than ever. “Crazy.” “Toji!” You snap, irritated all the sudden. He can never let you win, can he? “The sunscreen.” 
“Don’t worry. I didn’t forget.” His arms lift your legs with ease, starting low near your ass and making his way to the tips of your toes, massaging every little patch of your skin with the utmost care. His hands aren’t a roughness you’re unfamiliar with, just as comforting and soothing as the cool sunscreen. Then he’s at your tummy, massaging in circles near your ribs, feeling up your sides, applying more to his hands, rubbing again. 
It’s … nice. The one thing Toji’s done in a while you’ve had no complaints about. He lingers sometimes, like when he was getting the insides of your thigh and near your hip, a little too fixated on the reveal of the bikini and warmth of your pussy. Eventually he backed off. Opted to bide his time instead, working his way all the way up towards your collarbones and cute face.
Which he offers to massage, too.
“I think I can do my face myself…” Toji clicks his tongue. “Just lemme do it.” 
You don’t really argue with it. He holds your delicate face in his big hands, dwarvish in comparison. He’s even gentler then, hardly tugging or pushing, but very much thorough.
He gets you on your stomach easily after that. Good thing you don’t have eyes on the back of your head - cause he’s feeling of the impish sort, spreading more sunscreen across his hands before kneading it into your back. He’s way too good at this.
It’s a little embarrassing how easy he’s got you. But the intimacy of moments like this are absolutely unmatched. You moan and sigh under his skilled hands, and forget for a moment how you’d regretted asking him along not even ten minutes earlier.
He starts at your shoulder blades, then goes down, down to the small of your back, finger testing the waters by plucking gently at the strings on your bikini. You’ve relaxed enough under his ministrations that you don’t notice his hands swiftly undoing the knot on the bra top, massaging in more sunscreen where his hands had ghosted over earlier. He’s panting a little. It actually is hot as fuck and no beer to drink feels like a death sentence, but he sticks it out til he gets to your bikini bottoms.
He sucks in a deep breath, and in one smooth motion, tugs the bottoms down. There’s no hitting or yelling or pouting or whining. The uninterrupted sounds of the beach, the two cutest cheeks he’s ever seen…
This beach day is turning out to be well within his favor. 
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antithesixm · 6 months
happy birthday to the most the beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, perfect, loveable, adorable, prettiest man ever, my glorious blue eyed king. he has changed my life so so so much and honestly, i’m not even joking when i talk about how much i love him. it’s unhealthy at this point but it also somehow feels so so so worth it because it’s him. i wouldn’t dare say this openly under any other circumstance in fear of being seen as actually crazy but this is a long ass paragraph that i’m like 99.9% sure nobody will read so.. i honestly think he’s my true love, i don’t think i can love anyone as much as i love him like, i have so much love for him that sometimes my heart can’t take it, and i feel overwhelmed with the realisation that i’ll never love a real person as much as i love him; it’s a terrifying realisation but oddly satisfying at the same time, because now i know i’m capable of this emotion. at first, it was just a silly little joke because i thought he was hot but now, i fear that i may not be able to love another person like how i love him. happy 34th birthday, my love, my lifeline, my world, my sea, my moon, my stars, my sun, my sky, my pulse, my blood. you are paradise, heaven, the ocean, the starry night sky, and everything beautiful. i dedicate my everything to you. i truly believe that i was born on this earth for the sole purpose of loving you. you are what keeps me alive, you are the air that i breathe, the water that i drink, the food that i eat. my heart beats for you and only you, my light. i love you, i love you, i love you. i love you so much that it’s unfathomable. if you killed me and sent me straight to hell, i’d happily be a foolish sinner, happily singing you praises as i burn for all eternity. once again, happy birthday. i love you, i miss you, i need you. please come home or my heart won’t be able to take it anymore :,)
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jaidens · 10 months
I Find Myself Running Home To Your Sweet Nothings
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pairing [s] : jake seresin x reader
warning [s] : nothing much
a/n [s] : requests are open
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Jake was a man of many deserving titles.
He was a Captain in the United States Navy, and he held his own Top Gun classes to teach graduates. He was highly respected and was understood to be hard as well not understanding if you had messed up and would have killed your team of pilots. However, who would have known the big and scary Jake Seresin was a family man? Jacob Seresin, the same guy who yells and the room goes quiet, carrying his sleeping daughter in his arms while he packs up the items he chose to bring to the park. The same guy who puts Barbie Band-Aids on his daughter’s knee whenever she jumps off a swing and scrapes her knee against the wood chippings.
Jake, your lovely husband, wakes you up with kisses and soft touches that lie on your skin for years to come. Jake Seresin who loves his sweet girls and gives kisses to his daughter’s head before she tackles school for the day to come. The Jake you fell in love with who drinks Pumpkin Spice Lattes the day they get released at Starbucks. The one who yells and screams at The Longhorns winning a football game. Jake Seresin, the man who has a heart big enough for hundreds of people that he carries with him every single day he lives. The guy who adds extra sugar and creamer to his coffee because of the bitterness of it.
You're in love; you're completely sure of it. The baby on your stomach that weighs on you is another reason why. The small boy sits on your chest, sound asleep with a hat on his small head and a one piece swimsuit. Your daughter and Jake are in the ocean, catching waves with their boogie boards as you stay back with your song, Theodore. He's small and tiny, only two months old. The heat of San Diego pushes through the canopy you have set up, making you sweat and Theo as well. You stand up and push against the beach chair and walk to the shore of the beach. The sun is high in the sky, the sunglasses you wear barely do much to stop the burning in your eyes.
The water is much cooler, but it only does so much to help the heat that radiates from Theo and the sun at the same time. Jake has a, particularly sleepy, Lily in his arms as she yawns. “Everyone is getting sleepy, huh?” You say as your children are laying against their father's toned chest as he pushes his hair back. He's hot and handsome, the water that drops done him gets you undeniably hot inside. “Lemme hold Theo.” He tells you and talks the s boy in his arms, lying him on his arm and head against his bicep. Lily and Josie start walking back to the tent and sit down, eating the snacks you had packed for them.
“He was so hot whenever he was laying on my chest. I had to get into the water.” Jake laughs and gives you a kiss against the lips. He smells and tastes like the ocean and salt water, as you almost gag at the taste. “Let’s get maybe.. 2 bags and take them to the house. We're allowed to keep the canopy and stuff on here because it's our private beach.” Jake tells you and you nod, taking Theo back in your arms as you watch Jake pick up things and put them in bags and pick them up gracefully before beginning to walk up the beach. Lily is talking with Josie about what they were going to watch on Netflix whenever they got back and you smiled happily. This is what you needed. A family. A caring family with people who have learned to live and support one another.
Jake is taking the things upstairs and you follow after him, before Theo starts to get fussy and upset about being in the heat and not his bed. Jake, a father of many years, quickly resumes his role and takes care of his son. “I love you.” You say as you watch him hold Theo in one arm and the bags in the other. “Love you too honey!” He shouts from your bedroom and you walk into him. The Jake Seresin you know and love, the one who changes diapers and gives raspberries to Theo’s stomach as he does so. It was a reprise of his Father's role for a new baby, and he was in it very well. It was the total he took more seriously than the Captain or the King of Darts at the bar. A father. A man who has children he loves and cares for them.
It was love and that is exactly what you loved. The domesticity makes you smile and stand on that edge of the doorway as you listen to whatever he has been saying. You love him: and he loves you. So much more than everyone else.
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rjzimmerman · 27 days
When I was an active docent and volunteer in the desert, and hiked all over the place, whenever I spotted the remains of a mylar balloon, I went for it, shoved it in my backpack and brought it back to properly dispose of it. Those things are vicious killers of wildlife.
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
Balloons released in the sky don’t go to heaven. They often end up in oceans and waterways, where they’re 32 times more likely to kill seabirds than other types of plastic debris. Despite this, humans like to release them en masse, be it to celebrate a loved one’s life or a wedding, or to reveal the gender of a baby.
The practice is on the verge of becoming illegal in Florida, where the legislature has joined a growing number of states to ban the intentional release of balloons outdoors. The Florida ban is expected to be signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis and would take effect July 1.
Florida is at the forefront of a dizzying and contentious array of statewide bans, outlawing lab grown meat, certain books from school libraries and classrooms, and most abortions after six weeks. But the balloon ban is rare for garnering widespread bipartisan support. It was championed by environmentalists and sponsored by two Republican lawmakers from the Tampa Bay area, Linda Chaney, a state representative and Nick DiCeglie, a state senator.
“Balloons contribute to the increase in microplastic pollution which is harmful to every living thing including humans, polluting our air and drinking water,” Ms. Chaney wrote in an email.
“My hope is that this bill changes the culture, making people more aware of litter in general, including balloons,” she said.
Ms. Chaney said she first heard about the perils of balloon debris in 2020. Aquatic animals often mistake balloons for jellyfish and feel full after eating them, essentially starving from the inside out. Ribbons affixed to balloons entangle turtles and manatees. Balloons also pose a threat to land animals. In her research, Ms. Chaney learned about a pregnant cow that died after ingesting a balloon while grazing. The unborn calf died too.
The bill closes a loophole in an existing Florida law that allowed for the outdoor release of up to nine balloons per person in any 24-hour period, a provision that critics say didn’t achieve the goal of reducing marine trash.
The new legislation makes it clear that balloons can pose an environmental hazard, supporters say. It equates intentionally releasing a balloon filled with a gas lighter than air with littering, a noncriminal offense that carries a fine of $150. The ban also applies to outdoor releases of any balloons described by manufacturers as biodegradable.
The ban does not restrict the sale of balloons by party suppliers or manufacturers; they could still be used indoors or as decorations outdoors if properly secured.
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bedoballoons · 11 months
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Their dream date with you~༺}
CW: Sickly sweet fluff! Requests open!
(Includes the anemo boys!: Aether, Xiao, Venti, Heizou, Kazuha, and Wanderer)
Aether is a sweet person, with a soft heart of gold and his dream date is a similar vibe, he'd want to hold hands as the two of you walked through town, swinging them gently as the two of you talked about every random thing that popped into your heads. He'd blush easily whenever he looked at you, because in his eyes you were perfect in every way and the idea of you two in a relationship was actually his dream come true.
He's a gentleman, so he'd make sure to have enough mora to pay for the two of you to get a sweet treat and a gift that was not only a momento of the occasion but sentimental in all the right ways. The date would end with the two of you looking up at the stars, a picnic blanket underneath you as he spoke of all the places he'd want to go with you and everything he'd want to try as a couple. Then the two of you would start to slowly fall asleep cuddled up together outside.
Xiao would be shy to ask you out, because he's not used to doing so, he'd ask others for help while he was planning the date but in the end he'd settle for his own idea. He'd wait till night had fallen, the moon lighting up Liyue with a soft white glow and slip into your room to get you. He'd carry you carefully to a secluded spot, where you could see all of the beautiful town before you.
You'd be so in awe of how perfect it all was that you wouldn't see him reaching behind a tree, pulling out two lanterns with your name and his painted onto them. He'd light the wicks and hand you yours so you could release them together, watching as they floated away, representing how your relationship would continue to take flight and prosper. In the end the two of you would sit on the ground, his arms wrapped gently around you and his chin resting on your head, neither of you wanting to move.
Venti would be giggly, slightly nervous and definitely a bit blushed. He'd want to walk you through Mondstat on a breezy day and share stories of heros, songs, everything he knew would interest you. He'd want to drink whine, but the fear of getting tipsy and not being able to hold a sentence would make him refrain. Instead he'd settle on getting dinner, paying for it with all the mora he had...which wasn't much, but he'd saved up some just for you.
In the end the two of you would find a quiet place, dandelions swaying softly as he played you a gentle melody on his lyre. His voice soft and sweet as he sung about love...how you make him feel, how much he adores you in every way.
Heizou is a bit flirty, but not to a extreme, he's actually a bit bashful with a blush on his cheeks and his heart racing whenever you smile. He'd do his best to make you laugh often, he'd tell you how goregous you looked and slightly brag to everyone about how lucky he was to have you. He'd buy you both snacks you could eat while you walked under the cherry blossoms, their pale pink petals softly floating by and leaving the subtle sweet scent of flowers in the air.
Eventually you'd decided to snuggle up under a rather large one, watching as the sun went down and painted the sky in colourful hues, the reflection on the ocean in front of you making the water look like it had been watercoloured with paints. He'd tell you he loved you as the stars started to speckle the sky and then the night would end with him walking you home.
Kazuha would leave a note for you, asking for you to meet him at a certain spot in Liyue, he'd be calm with a light pink blush as you walked up to him. Behind him would be a waterfall, it's deep blue water standing out against the yellow leaves of the Liyue trees and the bright green grass of summertime. The soft sound of it churning and the small fish that swam in the pond it lead to establishing the atmosphere, it was right out of one of his poems...
Hed hold you close to him, one of his hands cupping your cheek softly as his thumb rubbed slow, gentle circles into your skin. He'd talk about how thankful he was for each day he got to spend with you, how you made him happier than he'd ever been his entire life and how he hoped you'd stay with him forever.
At first he wouldn't want to plan a date, he'd think it was sappy and a overly complicated mortal thing that made no sense, but after going with you on a few...his opinion started to change. He'd be shy at first, overly blushed and saying you didn't have to go if you didn't want to, that it didn't matter much to him either way, even though in reality it matter so much to him.
When you agreed his heart skipped a beat and he lead you into the forest, it was a place filled with sweet smelling flowers, butterflies fluttering around the two of you as you sat on a log. Hed pull you close to him and just when you thought it couldn't get any better, he'd put a flower crown you could've sworn he didn't have a few seconds ago, on your head...and give you the sweetest kiss, one that you never thought he'd be able to give.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ Have a good day! *⁠.⁠✧
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