#echo (star wars)
Established wrecker relationship with a newborn and lots of fluff and cuddles.
Bundle of Joy
Wrecker x Reader
Summary- Wrecker is scared he might hurt your newborn baby. You reassure him he won't, and that he is a good father.
A/N- Warning for descriptions of birth! Thank you for requesting! I love this prompt, Wrecker would be so careful with a tiny baby!
Word Count- 1,344
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You weren't due for another week, you were supposed to be on Pabu for your delivery. With lots of midwives and doctors who had helped with past births. That just wasn't in the cards for you though.
Tech made an emergency landing on the closest inhabitable planet he could find. There was no time to get to Pabu, and it wasn't safe to jump into hyperspace while in labor.
You screamed loud, gripping the closest thing as tight as you could. Unlucky for Wrecker- it was his hand. You were insanely nervous, nothing was going according to plan. Wrecker was doing little to help, he was freaking out himself.
You took deep breaths the second your contraction was over. Wrecker swept hair out of your face and rubbed your arm, trying his best to keep you calm.
"We have landed." Tech called back, a green hue cast over the ship. Whatever planet you landed on was either abandoned or had a low population.
"I'm scared Wrecker." You breathed in again, "How am I going to have this baby on a shi-" You cut yourself off, screaming in pain as a new contraction hit.
You reached over, hitting Wrecker on the arm. "You are never touching me again, I cannot believe I married you!" You yelled at him. Pain clouded your thoughts.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry!" He worried, also frightened on what would happen. You were on an abandoned planet with no doctor!
Hunter and Omega also sat close by, getting everything you requested. Omega had refreshed a cold rag a dozen times now, and promptly placed Lula by your side.
Tech and Echo talked in the Cock-pit, you didn't know what about. Though it dulled the pain to think on what it was.
"What do you need?" Omega sweetly asks after you stop screaming.
"I need to know the plan." Inhale, exhale, "What's going to happen?"
"I do not know why everyone is freaking out. I am fully equipped to deliver a child." Tech chimes in, that must have been what they were talking about.
His words did bring you comfort, as your original plan involved Tech being there to make sure everything was going by the book.
"Get her on the floor, bring lots of pillows. We need her slightly elevated." Tech took over shortly after he made sure the ship was settled.
Hunter brought Omega outside after you started spewing insults and profanities to Wrecker. You were a completely different person when in pain.
Echo stayed on board to make sure Wrecker didn't do anything stupid, and to help Tech if needed.
About an hour later, screaming, hitting, and pushing- your baby girl was born.
"It's a girl."
You panted heavily, "Give her to me Tech, please." Tech immediately grabbed his knife and cut the front of your shirt open.
"Hey! Wha-" Wrecker was confused, only seeing Tech ripping your top off.
"Wrecker, it's so the baby can feel her skin." Echo informed, holding Wrecker back slightly.
Tech rested the child on your chest, then moved back down to cut the umbilical cord.
You gasped and gently held her to your chest. "Oh thank you Makers, thank you!" You had tears running down your face, slowly caressing your baby's cheek.
"Wrecker, come here. Some see your daughter." You waved him over, all of a sudden regretting your snide comments made earlier.
He joined your side quickly, resting his large palm on the top of your sweaty head. "She's perfect..."
He lowered his head, face only an inch from the baby's. "She looks just like you..."
You sniffled a laugh, "She looks like a potato right now, Wreck."
"No, look. She has your eyes." Just as he said that, she peaked an eye open, looking at her father for the first time.
"Sweet baby." You commented.
"Hey, i'm sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't know what I was saying." You apologized, not wanting Wrecker to think he was purposefully the cause of your pain.
"You did such a good job." He gave a loud chuckle, "I was more scared than you!"
You smiled at him.
"Have Wrecker hold the baby, you have to pass the placenta now." Tech pressed down on your stomach, moving the placenta down.
"Here, Wrecker." You slowly lifted her to him. His face dropped, he was terrified.
"It's okay, she's tiny but strong." You assured him.
"Uh, I don't know..." He breathed heavily.
Your face screwed in pain again, though not near as bad as before.
"Okay, okay." He picked her up, as softly and carefully as a man his size could muster, He was shaking in fear he would hurt her. She was just so small.
Wrecker had a past of knocking over or accident breaking things, he was just so big. He forgot sometimes. He certainly did not forget now. He watched the child like a hawk.
It didn't take long before Tech finished helping you pass the placenta. Immediately after you were able to, Wrecker passed her back into your arms.
After a moment of silence and the four of you admiring the baby, Echo chimed in.
"Tech and I will give you some space." He guided the two of them outside of the ship, with Hunter and Omega.
"Wrecker, it's okay. She's fine." You looked up into the eyes of the man that had made you forever happy.
"What are we going to name her?" He said, effectively changing the conversation.
You huffed, but figured you could talk to him about holding her later. "What about Myla?" You asked.
"Perfect." He said, once again leaning down to get a good look at her. He held his finger out, tickling the baby's foot.
A few minutes later, you sent Wrecker to get everyone. You knew Omega would be beaming to see the baby.
"What is it, what is it! Tech wouldn't tell!" She practically bounced in, but slowed down when she came to your side.
"Meet Myla, your niece."
"She's so beautiful." She said, leaning on her arm while admiring the baby.
Wrecker smiled at the scene.
It had been an uneventful flight home, you were in overprotective mode. Even though you trusted everyone on the ship with your life, you didn't let anyone else hold Myla. She slept the whole way back.
You and Wrecker decided to settle down in your home on Pabu that was pre-prepared for this day. Many of the Pabu citizens already knew of the birth, but gave you your space.
You sat up in your bed, Myla cradled in your arms. She quickly fell asleep after being fed. Wrecker joined you, being overly careful in getting under the sheets.
"Do you want to hold her?" You asked, looking at him sit up next to you.
"Oh uh, I don't want to wake her. Probably best if you just hold her." You sighed at this. Your hormones were still wack, and you teared up at his answer.
"What's wrong, what'd I do?" He softly asked, a hand coming to your arm.
You sniffled, taking a few breathes before speaking "Why won't you hold her?"
"I don't want to hurt Myla." He said, nervous for your response.
You blinked, readjusting Myla in your arms. "Wrecker, I promise you will be okay. She is tough, just like her daddy."
He looked at her, still unsure. "Look, just take her. if anything happens i'm right here."
You raised your arms, handing her over. She 'cooed' but stayed asleep.
"See, she knows you're her dad." You rubbed your face on his arm, wrapping your arms around him. He was tense, caught up in the feeling of holding her.
"Move your arm up a little." You guided him, but it soon felt natural for him.
A deep breath left him lips. He was finally comfortable.
"Not so bad huh?"
With a swallow he answered, "The two most perfect girls in the world."
You nuzzled further into his side, trusting his hold on Myla.
"Thank you for giving me this..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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wyrm-zone · 5 months
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I've noticed a distinct lack of old man Echo art soooooooooooooooo happy fourth!
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and-loth-cat · 5 months
we come here today to mourn the loss of echo's bad batch armor
because there is no way he's getting it back
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may it rest in peace </3
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flightysparrow · 2 years
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I am so happy with how this came out!!! It’s Echo enjoying a coffee on a sunny morning with a Loth-Cat. The cat’s name is Freya.
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Do You Know This Disabled Character?
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Echo is an amputee.
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Requested by @horrorborros
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adidegmez · 8 months
I just finished clone wars.
I started watching star wars in chronological order for the first time this summer. I watched Episode 1, 2 and the movie clone wars and took a break. I started watching the clone wars about 1 month ago, and now I finished. I watched episode 3 too. Now ı am new to this universe but i think clone wars will always be my favorite star wars project.
I liked it better than the movies. Story characters... I loved everything about it.
I want this post to be a reminder that i really loved this show and the date when i finished it.
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toastyrobos · 8 months
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Sorry for drop in art…I was drawing non Star Wars art and didn’t think to post it here. But we’re back..for a bit.
Onyx with her 501st boys🙌🏻 (Rex, Echo and Fives) cause it was a travesty that I hadn’t drawn them all together. It was a crime.
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jedicakes08 · 6 months
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The sailor Venus is here and she is done with everyone.
Yes I know she’s a bit odd but so is echo and well stuff happened and well Echo becomes funky but she will still beat up anyone and yes that includes Crosshair and Hunter.
Also added a small blue hand print that needs to come back. So let me know what you think.
Also I think we all know who’s next! I hope yo ur excited for it!!
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curiostars · 16 days
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the more things change the more they stay the same
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Confessions on the Marauder
Echo x Reader
Summary- You and Echo finally have a moment alone on the Marauder. Of course the pressure gets to one of you, and confesses.
A/N- This is my first time writing for this fandom :) ! Possible OOC Echo, feel free to let me know any way I can improve! Love you all!!!
Word Count- 1,108
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Defective. That's what you were told your whole life. Actually, that's what you were literally labeled since day one. A defective clone.
Unlike the rest- you didn't get any cool advancement. No special abilities. The only thing wrong- you were born female. How could the Kaminoan's be so careless! Ha, a female!
The thought almost made you want to laugh, smiling from ear to ear.
"Whats so funny?" Echo asks, craning his head from the 'Pilot' seat. You glanced from your seat next to him.
"Nothing important." He eyed you a moment longer before focusing on leaving hyperspace. The ship jolted, signaling the completion.
While typically Tech would be flying with Echo as Co-Pilot, this mission was different. Cid had sent just you and Echo to retrieve a package for her. A simple mission that was successful.
"Echo?" You asked, keeping your gaze out the window on purpose. Eyeing the planet you were getting closer to.
"Hm?" He responded.
"Can we not land yet?" You said, hesitant.
He slowed down the craft significantly, though still moving. "What for, we've got the package?"
"Yeah, I know. I just... I'm not ready to go back yet." You faced your fears and turned to look his way. To your surprise you were met with his gentle eyes, no sign of judgment.
"Did something happen?" Echo worried himself.
"No, no." You fought to tell him the truth, wavering.
"Then whats wrong?" To anyone who didn't know him, he might have sounded blunt and rude. You knew it was his own way of showing how he cared.
"Its just, it seems like forever since we've gotten a break. Mission after mission after mission." He kept his hands on the controls of the ship, but eyes on you. He waited for you to continue.
"In here, just us two... It's really relaxing." You said, trying not to sound too cliche.
"I can ask Hunter for you to sit the next mission out, you can stay with Cid." He suggested, trying to find a solution.
"It's not that Echo, I'd just feel guilty that I wasn't helping out. Pulling my weight y'know?" You were slightly hurt, thinking he missed the comment about the two of you.
"Five minutes. Five minutes of sitting here, no one knowing. Not being on guard every second, please?" This wasn't like you, but the crumbling weight of work and stress had put you at rock bottom. Desperate for a break.
Echo looked at you, understanding flashing through his eyes. He didn't respond, instead picked up his comlink.
"Minor detour, the package was distributed to the wrong planet. We've located it and are heading that way." Responses were exchanged, but it seemed everyone bought the lie.
You thanked him as he let the Marauder hover.
A few moments of silence went by. At first it was comfortable, but then you started to feel nervous. The reality of you and Echo being alone in the ship sunk in.
The man you had a crush on since you could remember. You wouldn't dare tell him, worried that he wouldn't feel the same. How could you continue on the team with denial weighing in the air.
You tried your best to seem smooth as you looked over to him.He sat with his eyes closed. Not asleep, just basking in the moment.
Eventually the silence got to you. You had to say something.
"How long do you think we'll do this?"
He peaked open his eyes, an indescribable look on his face. "This?"
You grew hot in the face. "I mean, the missions, working for Cid, fighting. Do you have any plans... after?"
"Well, I haven't put much thought into it. Were clones, it's just what clones do. I assume things are bound to change when Omega is old enough to look after herself." You started to pick at your nails, nervously, but stopped yourself in embarrassment.
You took a breath in to respond, but he continued.
"I do know that, as long as you're here. Then i'm content." You had never perked up so fast in your life, heart beating rapidly. He looks over at you, seemingly calm.
You take another deep breath, "Me? What if there's someone else, someone you want to make a different life with."
He looked at you with seriousness in his eyes. Not a shred of doubt in his next words. "There is no one else. No one else I would want anything else with. There's only you." He said it as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.
"Why?" You immediately regretted your words. He just confessed and you froze up.
"Because I love you." He looked you dead in the eyes. You stood up from your seat, heart beating faster than any battle you'd been in.
He must have stood out of instinct, because he followed you up.
"Are you sure?" You asked, believing this was a dream.
It only took a single step to be as close as you could to him. Your breast pressed up against his chest. You tip-toed your way up to his face. Smashing your lips against his, dreadful in experience but just as lovely.
"I love you too, I have for years..." You claimed as you slightly pulled away, your foreheads touching.
You two simply breathed in each other for a moment, panting.
You pressed in for another kiss, just before your comlink went off. You heard Hunter calling your name and then- "...Echo! What's your current status?" Damn.
Echo responded before you could even get your thoughts straight. You mind hazy from the kiss. "Got the package, en-rout to Ord Mantell. Eta is still unknown." He lied, glancing at the said planet right in front of us.
You continued to stare up at him as he responded to Hunter, almost in a daze.
The second Hunter went out, Echo came down for another kiss, holding the small of your back.
After what felt like hours of kissing, you pulled away. The lack of oxygen dared you to take a step back, but you sharply breathed in through your nose.
Looking up at him, you realized he wasn't near as out-of-breath as you. He simply waited for your next move, patiently.
"What does this make us?" You asked, still pressed up against him.
"Whatever you want it to be..."
You smiled at this, responding with "I want it to be something. I want us to be something."
"Then we're something..." He leans down for one last kiss. Before the two of you have to break your pretty little bubble and return to reality. But for now, it was just you and Echo. Oh, and that secret something.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! Tags (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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starwarsloverpizza · 1 year
Echo: I feel like doing something stupid, reckless, and dangerous
Y/N: I'm all three, do me
Echo: What?
Y/N: What?
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nova-opteryx · 11 months
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I HAD SO MUCH FUN DRAWING THIS! I preticapated in the 2023 star wars art trade(@starwars-arttrade-2023 ) and made this drawing of echo for @powdered-kneecaps !!!! I went with the prompt make him cozy!!! I've never drawn Echo before so this was new for me!!!
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flightysparrow · 2 years
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My new addiction is making memes about the bad batch.
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foundfamilyhq · 1 year
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iamda05 · 1 year
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My dad didn't know this was echo??!!!
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