#eddie my poor dear eddie man
notbenjammin · 7 months
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(Spoilers in tags)
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Hearts Don't Break Around Here
For the lovely @thefreakandthehair for her wedding. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be!
(also on Ao3)
It’s the small things that make Eddie Munson realize he’d like to make some changes to his life. The mountain of mugs on his desk tells him that, hey, maybe he should get a tea pot (or a bigger desk). The holes in his t-shirt don’t really bother him until he accidentally drops some very hot cigarette ash through one of them and he realizes that he should retire the t-shirt, or maybe re-purpose it for his next battle vest. The way he thinks about it, he needs the universe to send him a small sign.
When it comes to Steve Harrington? Eddie is the happiest in his life. Steve isn’t just a boyfriend, he is THE boyfriend, the alpha and omega of boyfriendness or boyfrienddom, Eddie still can’t decide what to call it. Whatever a boyfriend should be, Steve is. So Eddie doesn’t really think of any possible changes, everything is perfect, except…
Except they’re in bed together, trading lazy kisses and exchanging those stupid little words that make Eddie feel all warm and fuzzy and put a silly smile on Steve’s face. They’re holding hands, Eddie’s guitar calluses against Steve’s sport ones, and Eddie runs his finger over Steve’s and thinks.
I really, really want to put a ring on this man.
The realization hits him like a baby Demogorgon, and once he scrambles together a poor explanation of why he froze mid-kiss (“there was a bug, Steve, like an enormous bug, Shelob-like, I swear on Dustin’s mother!”), he courageously decides to explore his feelings on the matter.
Of course, they can’t get officially married. Yet. Eddie is an optimist, so there is always a yet to be added to any negative thought. It isn’t really about making it legal or seeing Steve in white (well, maybe a little) or having a big party. No, it’s just…
The more he thinks about it, the more he realizes it’s about the promise.
Eddie hasn’t had many certainties in his life, but when they appear, he’s distrustful of them. Nothing lasts long for him and if it does, it only gets taken away the very second he starts feeling hopeful that maybe this is it, this is the one thing he’ll get to keep. He used to feel that way about Steve, but Steve Harrington never left. And when Eddie finally broached the subject, asked him why he tolerates Eddie’s humor, messiness, lack of drive and basically everything Eddie, Steve took Eddie’s hands in his and told him, “I’ve had my share of perfection for a lifetime, Eddie. It’s pretty but so cold. Being with you? It’s like…like being in the sun in the spring, when it’s warm and you’re lying on grass and there are ants walking over you and your clothes are likely to get stained, but you just don’t care because it’s the only place you want to be.” And as if that wasn’t too much for Eddie’s poor heart, he added, “I will never break your heart, Eddie. Never. And I don’t make these promises lightly.”
So no, no one can blame Eddie for wanting to give Steve something back. He wants Steve to be the first commitment Eddie dares to believe, and no matter what, he’ll get that ring.
If only it was that easy.
First of all, choosing anything in Hawkins is impossible. His dear old dad made sure that Eddie can’t go anywhere near jewelry shops without people blaming him for trying to steal stuff, so he makes a trip to Indy and stares to his heart’s content. It’s only when the shopkeeper, a nice elderly lady, asks him what style he’s looking for, he realizes – he has no idea.
He promises to come back the next weekend, a bit more decisive and well-prepared.
Eddie sucks at being inconspicuous, so he enlists help. Robin – after squishing his cheeks to death and beyond – agrees to be his spy and drags Steve off to an emergency meeting, claiming things are way more serious with her college girlfriend than they really are and, “I want to give her something nice, like a ring, but a ring that doesn’t say “marry me”, you get me Steve, no time for that when I’m up to my ears in books, so what would you say is an ideal ring? Is that different for guys maybe? What would you choose? I’m just curious because the only example of a guy with a ring I know is Eddie, and I’m not giving her a silver demon thing, nope, not ever.”
Eddie learns two things this way.
First: Steve doesn’t have clear preferences for jewelry, he is all for “seeing the thought behind it”. Eddie wonders if Steve realizes how many thoughts he has and not all of them are ring-worthy.
Second: Steve thinks having an engraving on the inside is the most romantic thing ever, even something simple can become so personal and touching. What should the engraving be? Robin doesn’t know.
The next weekend comes and Eddie drives back to Indy again (Wayne is covering for him, telling Steve he asked Eddie to run some errands for him) and he’s better prepared this time. He chooses a simple gold ring with a yellow stone, just a small one, almost invisible, but Steve’s sweater is always on his mind, so it’s a good choice. He thinks about the engraving too, and his list is, in hindsight, atrocious, and he might have written it when seriously sleep-deprived, but still. He cringes at his own handwriting. 
To my Ozzy
You’re so metal, baby
I tolerate basketball for you
To my only reason why 1986 was good
Get a mug collection with me?
But there is just one that Eddie sees and thinks , this is it . So when the nice lady asks him what to engrave, he hands her a paper with his messy handwriting that simply says:
You’re my home, Stevie
The moment of elation and victory is short-lived. She asks him for Steve’s ring size, and well. He should have probably found that out, shouldn’t he?
He promises to return to the shop as soon as he knows. On his way back, he tries to figure out an inconspicuous way of measuring Steve’s fingers.
Once again, Eddie sucks at being inconspicuous.
He tries wrapping a measuring tape around Steve’s finger when they’re asleep. That nearly earns him a smack in the face with Steve’s bat because he’s a light sleeper and forever scarred by their Upside Down adventures. At least Eddie manages to persuade Steve that it was just a piece of his pajamas stuck on Steve’s finger so he doesn’t question the weird feeling that woke him up.
He practices measuring by touch and holding Steve’s hands a lot. The margin of error is in centimeters, so he gives this idea up pretty easily. He blames it on not having enough time to practice, of course.
He (inconspicuously, of course) wonders aloud whether his hands are larger than Steve’s. They place their palms against each other, notice that Eddie’s fingers are slimmer and longer and Steve’s are shorter and stronger, but otherwise? Not helpful.
The breakthrough finally comes when Eddie actually volunteers to wash the dishes for once, but asks Steve to hold on to his rings. He places them on Steve’s fingers and notices with barely contained excitement that yes, one of his rings actually fits Steve’s ring finger (some shuffling around was required, “I don’t want to lose any of the rings, Steve, they need to fit very, very precisely!”).
Eddie has his answer now. He ties a small ribbon to the ring so he doesn’t forget which one it is, basically races to Indy again after calling Wayne and using the agreed code word to have his uncle send him to run some imaginary errands again.
He bursts into the shop, wheezing and holding the ring between his fingers. “This big!” he chokes out and collapses against the counter while the shopkeeper (Margaret, they’re on first name terms now since he’s been ring shopping for around a month) hands him a glass of water.
“Your Steve must be pretty special,” she smiles at him, and Eddie’s brain short-circuits because Indy is better, but definitely not accepting, and this lady has been so nice, has he blown it? Has he ever mentioned he has a boyfriend? Shit, he must have…
He opens his mouth like a fish several times. “Uh…m…Stevie…is, yes?” he says and prays he’s not going to get kicked out in the next twenty seconds. “The…the stone reminds me of him. He’s like a ray of sunshine.”
Margaret just laughs and refills his glass. “Good for you. It’s nice to see someone have the courage. I wish I had it in my day.”
Eddie is laughing with her now, the water surface in his glass is swaying from side to side and tells her, “Your day isn’t over, it’s never over until we’re done breathing.” She gives him the kindest smile anyone outside of his found family has ever spared him. It keeps him warm on his way back to Hawkins.  
He picks up the ring in three days, he can’t wait any longer, and Margaret is kind enough to get the engraving as a priority. She meets him outside of the shop in the evening, hands him the small blue velvet box and grasps his hand before letting go. “Go make that handsome young man happy,” she says and Eddie has never promised to do something so easily and so fast.
He stashes the box in the drawer with his formal wear and waits for the perfect opportunity. That resolution lasts him for about one week because another thing Eddie sucks at is being patient. On top of that, Eddie knows in his heart that Steve has had a lifetime of grand gestures and pretend perfection. Sure, Steve deserves all the romance and luxury Eddie can afford, but if he says he’s even happier in their cramped home, on their old bed, with the constant DIY projects, homemade meals, and bad movies rented from Family Video, Eddie will respect that. Hell, Eddie loves that.
They’re cuddling together on a sofa, dishes unwashed and piled up in the sink, and the latest B-list sci-fi movie playing on their small TV. Eddie’s holding Steve’s hand again and he traces his fingers, feels the bare skin and realizes – this is it. This is when I do it.
He kisses Steve and promises he’ll be right back, he just needs to quickly take a note of something for the next campaign. Eddie doesn’t even try to conceal the rush he’s in, he dives into their bedroom and completely destroys the fragile order in his drawer to get to the priceless box. His hands are shaking, but he’s determined, he opens the door again, slips into their living room and-
And Steve is there, smiling at him like his own personal ray of sunshine, a bit shy but radiant, just as he always is. And in his hand-
“No way,” chuckles Eddie and inspects the blue box Steve is holding to confirm that yes, it bears the logo of Margaret’s shop. “When did you get to Indy?”
Steve takes a step closer and tucks Eddie’s unruly hair behind his ear. “Let’s just say I skipped some basketball practices. And before you ask, yes, I had to use blackmail to keep Sinclair quiet.”
“Oh?” Eddie’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but he can’t help it. “What did you tell him?”
“Nothing big. Just that I still have the list with potential date ideas with Max he forgot at my place and I’m holding that hostage. Now, I believe I have a question to ask. And…” he looks down at Eddie’s trembling fingers, “maybe you do too?”
Eddie kisses him, short and sweet. “That depends, are you going to say yes?” It’s playful, but there’s also a hint of insecurity, the fear that Steve managed to weaken but never truly destroy. And maybe it’s the coward’s way out, but Eddie needs to know if he’s right in thinking Steve wants this too, if maybe he just got the ring because he wanted to make Eddie happy or assumed that’s what Eddie wanted. Which duh, he does, but this is not about
“I told you, Eddie,” and Steve’s hand is back on his cheek, stroking it, grounding Eddie. “I will never break your heart. And I trust you so much that I want to give mine to you. If you’ll have it.”
He leans his forehead against Steve’s, smiling at the ridiculousness of the question. “If I’ll have it? Stevie, I do. So much. I will cherish it, polish it, even dust it because I know you love everything to be clean.” Steve snorts, but Eddie continues, determined to finish his improvised speech. “I know it’s not the life you thought you’d have. I can’t give you a real wedding, kids, I can’t even kiss you in public. And I know it doesn’t change much between us, but I just want to give you this. I want to give you a real promise that your heart is safe with me, just like mine is safe with you. And it will always be.”
They exchange their “yes” between kisses, and when they catch their breath, the rings follow. Steve loves his, of course he does, and he tears up at the engraving, but then Eddie sees his own silver band and notices something written inside too.
I will follow you to Mordor, Eds.
“You remembered,” he whispers as Steve pushes the ring onto his finger. “You don’t even know the books and you remembered.”
Laughing, Steve shakes his head. “Don’t give me too much credit. I had to badger Dustin to tell me what you said during that spring break. I…I just thought it’s fitting, you know. It was fucked up, cruel and painful, and yet…I’d go through all of it again, just to be with you here.”   
Crushing Steve in a hug, Eddie knows exactly how he feels.
The next morning, Eddie actually wakes up early. He manages to leave the bed without rousing his fiancé, Jesus Christ, he’s never going to get used to saying it or seeing the ring on his finger. Sneaking towards the phone, he finds his wallet and the card that Margaret gave him, and when she picks up, he doesn’t even give her a chance to announce her name.
“Hello Margaret, my dear,” he drawls, “when were you planning to tell me that you know Steve too?”
He can hear her chuckling. “Well, dear. I thought me saying that Steve is handsome implied it?”
“Oh.” Eddie isn’t entirely speechless, but it’s close. “So…how did you know it was…you know. My Steve? And not any other Steve?”
There’s a strange sound, possibly Margaret sipping coffee, before she responds. “I could tell you it’s the experience I have. Or that I had a hunch. But – he came in wearing a yellow sweater. A very familiar-looking yellow. And he said he’s looking for an engagement ring for someone who is non-conforming, passionate and loves silver, red and black. It wasn’t difficult to put two and two together, especially after he told me what he wanted engraved.” Another sip. “But that’s enough about that, what I want to know is – who proposed first?”
Eddie laughs into the phone and switches hands so he can admire the silver ring glistening in the morning light. “I’d say it was a tie. But hey, we both said yes. Thank you so much, Margaret, for all you’ve done. And, uh. If we ever get to have a wedding, you’re invited.”
“It would be my pleasure,” she says and Eddie thinks she really means it.
“Great, I will call you then. And Margaret?” He twirls the cord around his fingers, only sparing a second to form his thoughts. “In case you find some of that courage too? I can guarantee you a plus one, so be a brave lady and get one, hmm?”
Her laughter follows him as he hangs up and returns to the bed to join the future Mr. Munson.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Dangerous Romance is peak comedy
I got 99 problems, but Dangerous Romance ain't one. It feels like a Thai version of Another Gay Movie because it is squeezing in all the tropes yet taking none of them seriously, which is not a problem in my book.
Not a Problem #1 - Nava & Guy making everything into a competition including turning on the faucet. They got that Love Mechanics color-coded lighting treatment, and that's all I care about.
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Not a Problem #2 - The Poor Boys treating the Rich Kids like the dogs they are by threatening punishment if they act up and dropping "good boy" casually into the conversation when they do good deeds, then rewarding them. It's puppy play meets praise kink, and I approve of it.
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Not a Problem #3 - How Sailom's friends, especially Guy, thought Kanghan was trying to poison them, yet still drank with Nava because if he was going to die, he was going to die the champion.
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Not a Problem #4 - Kanghan not knowing how to express what he is feeling when Sailom questions him after the kiss and expecting the kiss to speak for itself. He thought he was speaking Sailom's love language, but Sailom is clearly an "acts of service" type, while Kanghan is a "words of affirmation" guy.
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Not a Problem #5 - Characters using the bathroom! Every episode, someone goes to the bathroom or uses it as an excuse to escape a dinner where they cannot make eye contact with the boy who kissed him in the bathroom because the kiss was a C- at best and he doesn't know how to tell him that without making him cry since he has a praise kink, and I appreciate it.
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Not a Problem #6 - Kanghan saying that he sucks.
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Not a Problem #7 - Kanghan stating he has to keep trying because practice makes perfect.
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Not a Problem #8 - The tiny smile Kanghan gave when he realized he could go through the bathroom door instead of the front door to get to Sailom. And no, this is NOT an euphemism.
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Not a Problem #9 - How Kanghan stood in the light because he finally figured out his feelings and he wanted to be open and honest about them while Sailom still hid in the dark blue afraid of the way he already loves this unhinged Blue Boy.
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Not a Problem #10 - The pinky promise to be queer
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Not a Problem #11 - The way Kanghan naturally went into Sugar Daddy mode.
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Not a Problem #12 - The dumb looks these two kept giving each other in front of Sailom's friends and God as if no one else existed but each other.
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Not a Problem #13 - Sailom singing JLo's 2001 hit "My Love Don't Cost a Thing" only for Auto to bring that Golden Era Madonna Energy and tell Kanghan that "We are living in a material world, and he is a material girl"
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Not a Problem #14 - Kanghan liking the way Sailom smells. Kanghan wearing Sailom's clothes. Kanghan responding "no-no" when asked if he is a psycho like a cute little puppy. Kanghan's entire existence, and Sailom's annoyance of how much he loves this guy.
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Not a Problem #15 - Kanghan being a WEAKASS! My family will give outsiders hot shit without any warning, just to watch them take a bite and cry, so I get a deep pleasure watching people suffer their way through eating spicy foods to save face. Like, just take the L my man, so everyone can know Sailom is superior to you in every way! Hence why I love Eddie from Kiseki: Dear to Me and Palm from Never Let Me Go. They like it spicy.
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Not a Problem #16 - Sailom being horny on main when Kanghan took the blame to save Auto.
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Not a Problem #17 - Auto being so tiny compared to the group. Auto getting White Girl Wasted. Auto dancing. Auto refusing to snitch on the group. Auto saying his mom is gonna be soooo upset at him like he is a (queer-coded) killer in the original Scream. Auto saying "NEVER FORGET! NEVER FORGIVE!"
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Not a Problem #18 - Sailom being a gold-star gay when that girl was trying to dance with him, only for Kanghan to come in with a steel chair and demand she leave his gay boyfriend alone.
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Not a Problem #19 - Sailom finally realizing just how crazy Kanghan is when Kanghan wanted to ballroom dance in the bar as a way of declaring to the whole world that they are in love, then Sailom realizing he is VERY into Kanghan's brand of crazy. *see #16*
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Not a Problem #20 - Those handmade cheerleader outfits being so camp (read: fugly), that it brought the queer out of my (hidden) girl couple.
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Not a Problem #21 - Sailom screaming "TROY!" again for the Wildcats in the audience who are "all in this together"
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Not a Problem #22 - Guy not kink-shaming Sailom for his puppy play relationship with Kanghan since he's probably taking mental notes, so he can tame Nava using similar methods.
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Not a Problem #23 - Kanghan hugging Sailom so tightly and THANKING HIM after Sailom said yes to being his boyfriend. See what a good dom can do for a brat through affirmation play? "Good boy" *pat his head*
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Not a Problem #24 - Kanghan's (Perth's) smile. Sailom's (Chimon's) wavy hair. The boys cuddling up in Sailom's bed because Kanghan now needs constant positive reinforcement for his good behavior and he likes the way his boyfriend smells. Kink is really classical conditioning. Smell of boyfriend + Hugs from boyfriend = Who's a good boy? Who's the best boy? Who's my very good boy? *rubs his belly*
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Not a Problem #25 - Saifah being A WHOLE FUCKING PROBLEM all episode! My wild ass theory lives!
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God, I fucking love this show.
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corrodedseraphine · 11 months
you are not alone | one shot
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
story based on a request by a lovely anon: Steve works as a nurse and lives in a two bedroom apartment. He decided to put out an ad for a roommate and the reader finds it. She’s in desperate need of a place to stay after her father dies. It was just the two of them and she has to use almost all the money she makes working to pay off remaining medical bills.
The reader and Steve have a falling out within the first month of her living there but he keeps her around because she pays her part of the rent and keeps to herself. The two of them are usually throwing digs at one another.
Steve doesn’t realize the reader is going through so much financial stress and the loss of her father. She works two jobs (diner and bar) and is gone a lot. However, Steve starts to notice she hardly eats and sleeps and it’s taking a toll on her health.
One night when Steve gets home from his shift at the hospital he finds the reader fell asleep sitting at the bar in the kitchen. He goes up and puts his hand on her back to wake her and she gets startled. Steve steadies her and tries to calm her down. She’s still disoriented and dizzy. Steve carries her to the sofa and tries to check her vitals but she pushes him away. He lectures her for not eating and makes her eat something before letting her go to bed.
A few weeks later the reader gets sick and is really weak, so Steve takes care of her even though she tells him to leave her alone. In her vulnerable state she finally tells Steve what’s been going on.
An enemies to friends type of story with a soft and caring Steve once he realizes she needs help. angst, slight enemies to lovers, and they were roommates trope, fluff in the end, modern!AU
7 830 words
the one shot is also avaliable on ao3
TW: mentions of: death, family member loss
Dear anon, thank you for your request and I really hope you won't be disappointed!
(I know you requested enemies to friends but I made it lovers instead, because the hopeless romantic inside me is desperate, I'm sorry)
steve harrington masterlist | general masterlist
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"Aaand here's for another failed date." Eddie smirked and tilted the shot into his mouth, immediately followed by Robin, Steve and Chrissy.
"I'm so damn tired of this, man." Steve said and slumped helplessly on a soft chair in the corner of the living room. "Everything looks the same, movie, dinner, after dinner we go to my place, have sex and the magic is gone, she sneaks out in the middle of the night and the next day she doesn't answer any messages."
"Maybe you're too desperate?" Robin asked, he sent her a questioning look. "Think about it, it is said that true love comes suddenly and unexpectedly, while you, on the contrary, catch on to anything that moves."
"Robin!" Chrissy jabbed her in the arm.
"Be nice!" the blonde rolled her eyes. "Maybe Steve has already met someone who will turn out to be more than a hook-up, and he doesn't know it? Look at us, all through high school we didn't exchange a word with each other, and now I can't imagine a day without your voice." She kissed her girlfriend on the forehead.
"You guys are disgusting." Steve scoffed.
"And you're jealous." replied Robin pulling Chrissy to her and kissing her deeply.
"Ah, ladies! Please spare poor Harrington tonight!" laughed Eddie, filling the glasses anew.
"Thank you, Eddie!" exclaimed the brunette immediately reaching for one. "Can we change the subject?"
"How's your roommate? Doesn't she mind your guests?" asked the metalhead.
"Nope." He waved his free hand and after a moment he brought up a shot. "She's practically not at home at all, and when she comes back it's at night and she sleeps, but when we see each other, exceptionally, she annoys me to the core."
"She constantly walks around fuming, looking at me as if I've committed a crime and getting any word out of her verges on the most miraculous."
"Maybe you made a bad first impression?"
"Then why didn't she refuse when I said she could move in?"
"I don't know, you said she looked desperate."
"It's like I'm living with a ghost who wakes up once every few days and slithers around the apartment in misery."
"Why does it bother you so much that she's quiet?" asked Chrissy suddenly.
"Yeah, blondie is right, I think it's better to have a quiet roommate than to have her be loud, insufferable and pick on everything. Especially the fact that you bring a different girl into your apartment every now and then." Eddie added.
"Oh my God, he's so annoyed because he wants her to talk to him, he wants more than just conversation!" Robin jumped up on the couch as if she had made the discovery of the year. "He likes her!"
"Oh fuck you! All of you!" the other three didn't miss the fact that he didn't deny Robin's theory, but decided to leave the subject for now.
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The first month in the new apartment passed extremely quickly. Actually, you didn't quite feel the effects of moving out. Everything seemed to be behind a fog, and the days flew through your fingers turning into nights, and so on and so forth. The only thing that seemed painfully real was the longing and pain. These were the only things that reminded you that you were alive.
As you danced with a tray between tables at a nearby diner from early morning, and later in the evening served drinks to enamored couples at the bar, you didn't have much time to mourn. But that didn't change the fact that the void left in your life was heavy. As heavy as your eyelids, which began to close at the mere sight of your bed. Usually you don't even remember the moment you fall asleep, but today it wasn't so easy.
When you saw that the beginning nurse was looking for a roommate you thought you had managed to find someone calm and quiet. Unfortunately, reality turned out to be different. The frequent sounds of pleasure coming from his bedroom were not usually a problem for you, you quickly learned to simply ignore them or drown them out with music or a podcast. Nor were you bothered by the frequent visits of his friends, who brought chaos and disorder every time, not caring about the silence. Most of the time you weren't in the apartment at all because you were at work, but today they decided to have a movie night, which started with an argument about the choice of movie. Knowing that you wouldn't fall asleep with such entertainment, you exasperatedly got out of bed pulling on your sweatpants.
When you left the room everyone went silent and looked at you. You could see from their faces that they were just waiting for you to start shouting at them, but even though you really wanted to do it at that moment, you didn't have the strength. Exhausted after several hours of hard work as always, you didn't have the strength to do anything, so you passed them without a word, ignoring their attempts to say hello and offers to join them, and left the apartment. With a quick step, you went to the pharmacy located near your apartment, stocked up on a new pack of sleeping pills and went back to your place.
"Hey, y/n!" called out one of the younger boys, from what you associated was probably named Dustin. "Can you help us choose? Iron Man or the Amazing Spider-Man?"
You just rolled your eyes and, leaving him without an answer, went back to your room slamming the door behind you. Taking your pills you started getting ready for sleep again.
Lying in the darkness you listened to the conversation of Steve and his friends.
"See? She can't even say one word, I honestly can barely remember what her voice sounds like!" he said irritated.
"Come on, she looked tired." replied a female voice.
"Tired or not, she could at least answer! Out of politeness!"
"Let's just start the movie."
Then the voices quieted, and your thoughts grew louder. You thought about yourself from a few months ago.
The former you would have answered Dustin's question without hesitation and gladly accepted the invitation to join.
The former you would have been able to chat for hours with Steve from the very beginning and not push away every possible interaction on his part.
You knew it irritated him, he couldn't hide it. Every attempt to have any kind of conversation with you ended in failure, every attempt to get to know you better - spurned. You were not surprised by it. You were sure that the former you and your new roommate would get along very well. It's even possible that the former you would have noticed how his honey-colored eyes curiously followed you when you left the room, maybe she would have noticed the charming smile he sent you during the first days of your living together, and would have appreciated his willingness and interest in you. It is likely that the former you would also have taken an interest in Steve's person, in many ways. However, the former you no longer existed.
The present you was overtired and there was not a shred of energy in her.
The present you had far bigger worries than the handsome boy sitting behind the wall, whose sweet smiles turned into grimaces of annoyance and disgust.
Holding back the tears that rushed to your eyes, you looked at your phone. Six hours of sleep. You snuggled your face into your pillow hoping to fall asleep as soon as possible thanks to the pills. Lately, every minute of sleep was at a premium for you.
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Days passed and the tension between you and Steve grew. He was irritated by the lack of willingness to communicate on your part, and you were irritated by the fact that he was irritated. Without actually saying too many words to each other, sometimes one unpleasant glance was enough for one or both of you to feel a strange surge of negative emotions. The climax turned out to be Saturday, when you were getting ready for your evening shift at the bar.
You were walking through the living room holding a glass of Coke in your hand when you tripped over one of the nursing textbooks scattered on the floor. A moment later, all that was heard was the sound of glass on the floor and a rather hard fall.
"What the fuck Steve?!" you exclaimed, looking down at your soaked clothes.
"What happened?" he ran out of the bathroom.
"I tripped over your stupid book! Is it so hard to clean up after yourself?"
"I'm studying, I just went to the bathroom for a moment!"
"And leaving your books on the floor was a great idea!" you said standing up.
"If you had watched where you were going nothing would have happened!" he tried to defend himself.
"If you had kept things in order then nothing would have happened!"
"How could I have known that just now you would mercifully leave the room?! I'm used to you not leaving it for a second!"
"Go to Hell Harrington!" you yelled.
"Feels like I am already in it!" he yelled back, grabbed his books and went to his room.
Angry, you changed your clothes and picked up the glass, then quickly mopped the floor after the spilled drink.
Despite the fact that you had already left the apartment and left him alone in it, Steve felt bad about this whole situation. He didn't know quite whether he was angry, disappointed or tired. Sitting over textbooks for several hours never worked well for him, and arguing with you made him even more upset.
Sighing deeply, he grabbed his phone, where a Tinder notification popped up on the screen. The beautiful long-haired blonde on the screen was smiling broadly at him, he didn't even remember when he swiped her to the right. Each successive match on the app was more and more meaningless to him, despite the fact that he could spend hours there looking for "the one". Eventually everything started to blend together, he could no longer remember what he was saying to whom and what he wasn't, remembering names wasn't his advantage either. He looked at the girl's profile for a while longer, but he decided that he definitely didn't feel like going on a date tonight. Instead he went to the kitchen and took out a full bottle of rum from the refrigerator. Putting it by his face, he took a picture and sent it to the group chat.
Steve the Stupidest: wanna join?
Eddie the Dumbest: my place in 20 minutes?
Chrissy the Sweetest: count us in!
Robin the Smartest: do we need to bring something?
Eddie the Dumbest: your asses to my house lol
Eddie the Dumbest: and snacks
Eddie the Dumbest: I won't let you in without snacks
"You told her that living with her is like living in hell?" Chrissy asked shocked.
"I didn't say it directly! I just said it felt that way!" Steve tried to defend himself. The bottle of rum was emptied in no time and, as standard, Steve brought the tracks back to you.
"Which is exactly the same as if you literally said 'Life with you is like hell." Robin rolled her eyes and threw popcorn at him.
"The real question is do you really feel that way?" asked Eddie.
"No." he answered without thinking. "But it's not heaven either! I don't know what it is, no one gets on my nerves like she does, but I on the other hand..." he didn't finish the sentence.
"I'm still of the opinion that you like her but for some strange reason you're acting like an eight-year-old and instead of admitting it, you're telling yourself that all you feel is annoyance." Robin said.
"I think you two would make an adorable couple." interjected Chrissy.
"Until she would kill me with a single stare." If the relationship between you two was better and more friendly, maybe he wouldn't even try to deny Robin's words.
"You're not in Heaven or Hell, so you could say you're roommates from Purgatory," laughed Eddie. "The only question is which way you'll go, up or down?"
"I have a strange feeling it's going dooown."
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Even if the disagreement between you was still present, Steve had no plans to kick you out of the apartment. You always paid everything on time, did not interfere in his life, and, apart from occasional exchanges of words, did not cause any major problems. Over time, however, the atmosphere of irritation began to fade and was replaced by an acceptance of the fact that there would not even be a friendship between you. Not wanting to get in each other's way, you communicated with one another only on necessary matters.
That didn't change the fact that Steve was still observing you, and what he saw was beginning to worry him. Your pale face, blackened eyes and hunched posture betrayed your physical exhaustion. He also noticed that you weren't preparing any meals for yourself at all. In fact, he probably hadn't seen you cook anything once yet since you moved in. Sometimes when he prepared food for himself he would specifically make more to see if you would take what was left, but you never did a single time.
The autumn weather was not one of the best, it was definitely the type of weather during which the only thing to do was to wrap up in a warm blanket, turn on a favorite TV series and drink a big mug of hot chocolate. That was the plan that popped into Steve's head when he walked into the apartment after a long and tiring shift at the hospital.
Putting down his rain-wet umbrella in the hallway, he pulled off his jacket and hung it on a hanger. To his surprise, your jacket was also hanging there. This surprised him because you were always still at work at this hour. Walking deeper into the apartment he saw you sitting at the kitchen counter, your hands and head were resting on its surface. Without saying hello, he entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, thinking only about the chicken salad he had made yesterday. When out of the corner of his eye he didn't notice any movement on your part he turned to look at you. Only from this perspective could he see that you were asleep. In your numb hand thete was a mug of tea.
"Y/n?" he asked quietly. You didn't respond. He slowly took the mug out of your hand. The tea in it was already cold. How long had you been sitting there like this? Concerned, he placed his hand on your back and repeated your name several more times.
Awakened, you jumped up on the bar stool almost falling off it, fortunately your roommate reacted quickly enough to prevent this and hold you up.
"Hey, it's just me, just Steve." he said, and furrowed his brow. His voice was calm and a little quieter than usual. "Are you all right? Are you feeling sick?" he asked, and instinctively began to bring his hand closer to your forehead to check for signs of fever, but you, seeing this, immediately pulled away and jumped off the stool. This, unfortunately, was not the best idea, as you were still disoriented by your sudden awakening, and prolonged fatigue and irregular, not very hearty meals definitely weakened your body causing dizziness, which you also felt now and lost your balance.
"Woah!" the brunette once again grabbed your shoulders protecting you from falling. "Come on, sit down on the couch." this time without objection you moved towards the couch which stood nearby, due to the fact that your living room was connected to the kitchen. Steve followed you step by step supporting you. He kept one hand on your back and the other on your arm. "Are you sick? dizzy?" he began to ask when you sat down.
"I'm fine, Steve, just tired." you said, hoping he would give you a break. Meanwhile, a gurgling sound came from your stomach.
"And probably hungry." he raised one eyebrow.
"Just want to go to sleep." you scoffed.
"I have some chicken salad left over, I won't be able to eat it all myself, and it would be a shame to throw it away, maybe you'd like some?" he offered, carefully watching your reaction. He was increasingly convinced that during the day you either eat nothing, or so little that your body can barely manage to provide you with any energy to function. However, given your distant relationship, he couldn't just bombard you with questions and force you to eat like he would have done with Robin or Dustin. He had to do it slowly and calmly.
"Yeah, okay." you said quietly as the gurgling of your stomach resounded a second time.
He immediately went back to the fridge and quickly put the food on plates hoping you wouldn't notice that you got a larger portion. Handing you a plate, he sat down next to you and turned on the TV, the sound of which filled the silence between you.
"That was really good, thank you." you said quietly.
"No problem, I'm glad I didn't have to throw it away." he smiled slightly. "Feeling better?" he asked.
In response, you only nodded your head. You got up from the couch and picked up the plates to wash them, his eyes were following your movements to the kitchen.
Watching you, he thought about the fact that this was your first meal together since you moved in. Satisfied with the result that it didn't end in an argument or that you didn't reject his offer, he felt a little more confident. This small success pushed him forward, so when you started washing the dishes, he decided to take a chance.
"What did you eat at work today?" the question knocked you out a bit.
"Why do you ask?"
"I'm just curious." He shrugged his shoulders, but you didn't see it because you were standing with your back turned.
"A sandwich." you replied not thinking much. You felt strange with the fact that this was your first conversation not about bills or household chores. The first one you had actually allowed him to have.
"I didn't have time at work to eat."
"One sandwich all day? Are you crazy? You need to eat more!" And so much for calmness and slowness. He knew he shouldn't get carried away and didn't want it to sound like an attack, but unfortunately it was too late. Why did he care this much about you awnyway? All the walls that you lowered down for that brief moment rose again.
"I'm fine." you said dryly clenching your teeth.
"I found you sleeping on the kitchen counter, it's obvious that you're overtired and hardly eat anything at all, do you even take care of yourself in any way?"
"It's none of your business." Suddenly all the fatigue is gone from you, replaced, by anger, instead. Who did he think he was to lecture you?
"You are irresponsible." he concluded and got up from the couch.
"Just shut up, Steve, you're not my father to lecture me." You replied in an overtired voice.
"Then maybe you should call him and make him realize that his daughter can't take care of herself!" He was already heading towards his room, but suddenly, he was stopped by the clatter of dishes. He noticed how your shoulders were moving faster and faster, picking up the pace of your breathing. You turned off the water and, without a word, walked away from the sink, standing straight in front of him. Your eyes were big and full of tears, looking at him with a condemning gaze.
"You have no right to say that." You said through your teeth and, without waiting for an answer, disappeared into your room, leaving him alone in a big shock.
That night, instead of his favorite TV series, all he could focus on were the quiet sobs coming from behind the wall and the guilt they caused. He had no idea which of his actions made you cry, and it didn't really matter which. Despite the fact that, in his opinion, he didn't say anything awful in your direction, he felt awful.
Steve the Stupidest: I made her cry
Chrissy the Sweetest: what???? what happened?
Steve the Stupidest: I don't know, we were eating salad together, I asked her what she had eaten at work, she said that only a sandwich, so I got a little carried away and told her that she can't take care of herself, and now I can hear her crying
Robin the Smartest: oh damn
Steve the Stupidest: should I go to her?
Eddie the Dumbest: I don't think she wants to see you now, dude
Robin the Smartest: Eddie is right, let her calm down
Robin the Smartest: and tell everything that happened with details
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Autumn brings with itself many changes, one of which may be unexpected illness. The first thing you felt this morning was an unpleasant itching in your throat, the second was a terrible cold, which made you decide to dress a little warmer for work today. Unfortunately, you felt worse and worse by the minute, but adult life can be brutal and you couldn't just not go to work today.
Around noon Steve came home from the hospital, but before he could open the door to the apartment his phone vibrated in his pocket.
"Come to Benny's, quick." Robin said in a serious voice.
When he arrived in front of the diner, Chrissy was waiting for him with a worried expression on her face.
"What happened?" he asked running up to the girl.
"y/n fainted, Robin and I came in for lunch and when she was carrying our order she just fainted, she said there was no one to help her so Robin said we'll call you-" the words left her mouth at the speed of light.
"Hey, take it easy." he grabbed her by the shoulders. "Where is she?"
"In the back room with Robin and Benny."
With a quick step he walked inside and moments later he was already at your side watching you with a worried face. You looked even worse than last time, which caused him alarmed. Sitting leaning against the white wall, you were almost as pale as it was.
"Let's get you home, okay?" he asked crouching down in front of you.
"I don't have a home." you muttered while burying your face in your hands. "I can't leave, my shift hasn't ended."
"It has ended and the next one won't start until you feel better." said Benny in a harsh tone.
"Benny please." you whined.
"No discussion, get her out of here Steve."
Reluctantly, you walked back to his BMW feeling the gaze of the other three on you all the time, but now you didn't even have the strength to be annoyed with them. Despite the fact that your shift at the diner ended a few hours sooner, you still had to go to your evening shift at the bar, so you wanted to be in your room as soon as possible so you could take a nap before that.
You didn't even remember when you fell asleep, you were pulled out of the darkness by the sound of your alarm clock, which announced that it was time to start getting ready for your shift at the bar. The worst part of it all was that you didn't feel any better.
Slowly and lifelessly you walked out of the room, Steve was standing in the kitchen over a big pot of soup. When he heard the sound of the door opening he turned toward you and smiled slightly.
"I made the soup, the best for a cold, I got the recipe from Robin's grandmother, I'm sure you'll like it, it just needs to boil for a while," he said.
"I'm not hungry." you lied, at the very smell you were drooling but you didn't have time to eat anymore.
"Come on, at least try."
"I don't have time Steve, I have to get ready and go to work." you sighed.
"You're kidding right?" He stood motionless and looked at you in disbelief, and you looked at him with a questioning expression. "A few hours ago you blacked out and now you want to go to work, are you crazy?"
"Don't dramatize."
"Dramatize? Listen to yourself, what's wrong with you?"
"Everything!" you snapped. "Not everyone has a wonderful life full of friends and and rich parents who transfer dollars to your account every month! Do you think life makes me happy? Some people have to work two shifts to make their own living! Some people have other expenses besides just living!" your outburst of anger made you feel increasingly weak, but your voice was still loud. Loud enough for every word to reach him without interference. "You work in a hospital, so you know how much medical bills cost! So I'm sorry Steve, but I won't eat your soup, I have to go to work so I can afford to pay your rent next month!"
Shaken up, you walked into the bathroom and slammed the door behind you. Why does it all have to be so difficult? Clenching your eyes tightly, a loud sob came from your mouth. Much louder than you wanted. Helplessly you slumped to the floor and just let the tears flow. You were sick, tired, sad, angry and lost, everything was against you.
After a while, the bathroom door opened and Steve appeared in it with a broken look on his face.
"I'm sorry." He said, kneeling beside you.
"It's not your fault." you said while wiping away tears. "Everything is just too much."
"I didn't know anything about the hospital bills, are you ill? do you need funding for treatment?" honey eyes studied your face carefully, the warmth that emanated from him made you want to cling to him.
"They are not mine."
"Are you paying for someone?" he asked puzzled.
"My dad was very sick-" you said quietly.
Nothing was your answer. The pain in your eyes spoke for itself.
"Jesus, y/n…" before he could think what he was doing his arms had already begun to embrace you, and you let him. You felt as if he was keeping you from falling apart. After a while, your breathing slowed down, and your body was no longer shaken by waves of crying. "I'm so fucking sorry, I didn't know anything." he muttered into your hair.
"I really have to go to work, Steve." you replied weakly, already a bit calmer.
"You can't go there like this, you're all burned up."
"If I don't go I won't be able to pay you on time." You sighed and extricated yourself from his grasp.
"You'll pay me later, it won't be a problem." he replied without thinking. "Stay, please." he said seeing your uncertain reaction. "I swear that if you pay later, nothing will happen. It won't be a problem."
"Thank you." you replied. "I'll go call that I won't be there."
"And I'll get us some soup." he beamed. His smile was contagious as it also appeared on your face despite your nasty mood. When you returned to the living room there were two large bowls filled to the brim on the coffee table.
"Fancy a movie?" he asked.
"Yeah, okay." you replied surprised, you weren't expecting this proposal. Although he was probably even more surprised and didn't expect you to agree. "What are we going to watch?"
"I don't know, what do you like?"
"And you?" you asked, not wanting to impose something of your own.
"Star Wars?"
"I've never watched, it can be."
"Wait, what? Seriously, it's a classic!"
"Such a film connoisseur of you?" you laughed.
"You still haven't answered my question about what you like."
"Disney is definitely my definition of comfort movies."
"for example?"
"Beauty and the Beast, Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Coco…"
"I haven't watched any of them." he shrugged his shoulders.
"And who's talking about not knowing the classics?!" you pretended to be disgusted.
"I propose a compromise, one part of Star Wars for one Disney movie, I think we both have a lot of catching up to do."
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Steve Harrington was a ray of sunshine. From the moment you decided to stop fencing yourself off with thick curtains your life became much warmer and brighter. Your life together changed completely, even though you still had to work two shifts and felt physically tired, your mental state was definitely relieved. When your roommate got to know your situation and understood what you were struggling with, his attitude also changed. This time, all the quiet days and sad looks were not perceived as an attack. Instead, whenever you returned tired after work there was a warm meal waiting for you and an even warmer smile that caused a strange tingling in your stomach.
The more you got to know each other, the more you couldn't hold back the feeling of attraction to him. He was a person from whom a safe warmth radiated, a warmth that not only warmed your cold hands when they accidentally touched his, but also your soul. A soul that had long been a cold and empty hollow. He lit the first tiny sparks in it that made life and emotions awaken in you anew.
By opening up to his presence in your life, you found the courage to grieve. He was the perfect friend. Funny, caring and trustworthy. Day by day you got to know each other better and better, telling him about what happened with your dad you allowed in the feelings that you had kept locked up for an awfully long time.
One day was especially difficult when your dad's birthday arrived. All day the weight of your heart was unbearable, people at work gave you an extremely hard time, so as soon as you closed the apartment door behind you, you burst into tears. Some time ago you would have held it in until you disappeared into your room, but you couldn't help how Steve made the house become home. A home where you didn't have to be afraid to show your feelings.
Hearing you groggy in the hallway he immediately came out to greet you, wanting to show off the new dish he had managed to prepare today. Unfortunately, seeing your condition, all his enthusiasm disappeared.
"What happened?" he asked quietly. His eyes scanned your entire body in search of any apparent reason for crying, but he immediately understood that what was hurting you was not a physical issue at all. Not having the strength to respond you moved quickly in front of him and he simply followed you. You sat down on the bed clenching your face in your hands, after a while the mattress bent under his weight.
"Hey, it's okay." he whispered placing a hand on your shoulder. "Come." He pulled you gently back.
Leaning against the headrest of the bed, he pulled you close, and you fell right into his arms. You cuddled your face into the soft sweater sobbing like a small child. Large hands gently traced paths of comfort on your back and arms. He stroked you as if you were a small, wounded and helpless animal, and he wanted at all costs not to hurt you even more. Your pain was breaking his heart, but he knew the feeling when crying is the only thing that can bring relief, so he didn't interrupt you.
Over the past time, he got to know you much better than he ever would have expected. He saw in you something more than a silent energy filled with fatigue and perpetual irritation. He saw in you a beautiful but broken soul. He saw a heart of gold that was shattered to pieces. He saw how funny you were and what a great conversation companion you could be. He was surprised by your sensitivity, which you initially hid under a mask of oppressiveness. When you broke down the armored wall you surrounded yourself with at the beginning of your acquaintance, Steve met a completely different person, someone in whom he was beginning to see more than just a roommate. With each step you continued to become friends, but he couldn't ignore the thought that he wanted something more.
From people who avoided each other like fire you became a team. You did everything together as much as possible when you both happened to find some free time. Meals together, cleaning together and going shopping together. Movie marathons and evenings spent talking all added up to the beauty of domestication. But-
What if you could lay cuddled up together while watching movies?
What if he could kiss every tear from your cheeks that fall when you get emotional at a Disney movie?
What if you could come up from behind and snuggled into his back while he was preparing dinner for you?
What if while shopping he could hold a shopping bag in one hand and your hand in the other one?
What if seeking comfort in his arms after a hard day at work was the first thing you would do when you got home?
All the what ifs in his head had been swirling around for a long time and were incredibly overwhelming, especially when you were close, yet he couldn't muster the courage to do more.
For the moment, you had more serious things on your mind, and he didn't know how to help you, despite his great desire to do so. Lost in his thoughts and focused to give you as much comfort as possible, he didn't notice when you calmed down. Your breathing was now even and your eyes closed. Thinking you had fallen asleep he settled down a bit and rested his cheek against the top of your head. With the hand that he used to embrace your back he pressed you even tighter against him, and with the other he grabbed the hand that lay on his chest.
"Today is his birthday." you said weakly.
Not expecting you to be awake for a moment panic swept through him, he quickly drew in air and tensed all over waiting for your reaction. Seeing that you still remained motionless, he relaxed, and you continued speaking. "Every year we used to spend this whole day with his best friend and his family. They invited me to join them today to continue the tradition, but I can't- It hurts too much."
"You don't have to go there if you don't feel ready, it's understandable to feel that way." he replied.
"What if I'm never ready? What if it will always hurt like this?"
"Even if time doesn't heal the wounds, you will learn to live with them. And even though moments like now will happen from time to time, you won't be alone with them. You are not alone."
His words went straight to your heart, they were something you needed at that moment.
"Thank you." You said hugging him even tighter.
"Always here for you." he muttered.
The silence that surrounded you and the last rays of the setting sun coming through the window were soothing. Your hearts began to beat out the same calm and steady rhythm that you could feel under your hand. Focusing on the gentle beats, a peace began to envelop you that you hadn't felt since your dad became ill. As the orange glow of the ending day slowly turned into blanketing darkness neither of you wanted to move so as not to scare away such a beautiful and peaceful moment. Desperately clinging to the closeness that existed between you both fell asleep, not worrying about the awkwardness that would come with the morning.
Unfortunately, the night passed all too quickly. When you woke up you were lying in bed alone. Trying to run away from the feeling of disappointment about this, you reluctantly pushed the quilt aside and focused on preparing for work. Entering the living room, you were greeted by a platter of warm scrambled eggs and a mug of coffee.
"I'm going on the night shift tonight, so I thought maybe we could at least have breakfast together." he said sitting down at the table.
"Sounds like a great plan." You replied with a smile. Over the course of the meal you lost yourself in pleasant conversation about everyday life. Steve also talked about his plans for the weekend, where he wanted to take Dustin to a concert by his favorite band.
"And uh- I have something for you." he said when you finished eating. He walked over to his backpack and took out some documents from it, which he slipped to you. "You don't have to do anything with this, but I thought you might want to think about it. I talked to some people at the hospital and they said your situation qualifies for a subsidy on your dad's medical bills." You looked at him with your eyes wide open, he couldn't make out much emotion from your expression, which made him start to get nervous, fearing that you were about to explode with anger. "I know, I'm sorry I talked to strangers about you, you have the right to be angry with me, but I really just wanted to help, this subsidy will cover most of the bills, of course if you need help to figure it all out, I can help you with everything, but I understand if you don't want-"
His rant was interrupted by your arms tightening around his stomach. When the moment of surprise passed he reciprocated the hug.
"Thank you." you said.
"You are welcome." He beamed.
"Let's talk about it tomorrow after we're both off work?""
"Sure." The smile didn't leave his face.
"I have to go now, thank you for breakfast. Have a good day, Steve."
"You too, y/n."
For him, it was the win of the day.
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When taking on the job as a nurse, Steve was aware that some moments would be extremely hard in the job. However, he did not expect them to come so quickly and suddenly. Nor did he expect that the first such moment would be so drastic.
Road accidents were the order of the day, so when he got the call to assist in the operation of one of the injured he approached it with composure as always. What he didn't expect, however, was to find a teenage girl lying on the table in critical condition. Despite the best efforts of the entire rescue team, the injuries sustained in the accident were too extensive and she died during the operation. On his way out of the room, all he could hear was the shrill cry of despair of a mother who would never hug her own daughter again. That sound refused to leave his head until the end of his shift.
After returning home, exhausted by today's experiences, he fell asleep on the couch. Unfortunately, even in sleep his psyche was not merciful. His brain replayed nightmares over and over again, which, instead of resting, tormented him even more.
When you returned to the apartment the first thing you noticed was Steve sleeping on the couch. Today, for the first time in a very long time, he was not waiting for you with a meal ready. Determining that he was probably too tired, you quietly walked over to the couch and covered him with a blanket. Your attention did not miss the furrowed brow and the anxious expression on his face. Hesitating for a moment, you decided not to intervene and went to the kitchen, stating that today it was your turn to cook something. In the middle of cutting vegetables, Steve suddenly jumped on the couch breathing heavily.
"Hey, what's going on?" you quickly walked over to him and crouched down across from him. He was in shock, his eyes in a panic trying to recognize the environment he was in, and his breathing was speeding up instead of slowing down. "Steve, hey." you tried to get his attention.
"My phone. Where's my phone?" he sprang to his feet and began a frantic search for the device. He found it in his jacket pocket and immediately started dialing a number. "Dustin? Dustin are you okay?" he asked after a few beeps.
"Yes, why?" replied the confused boy.
"I just- I'm sorry. Glad you are okay."
"What the hell Steve?"
"I have to go, bye." He hung up and clasped his hand around the phone while leaning his head against the wall.
"Steve?" approached him slowly. "What's going on?"
"It's just a hard day at work…" He sighed.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He nodded and together you went to sit on the couch. There he told you about the situation. The longer he spoke, the more his voice broke down and words struggled to pass through his throat.
"When I was sleeping, I had-I had a nightmare. Instead of this girl, there was Dustin. I had to make sure he was okay-" it was his breaking point.
The sight was painful. It was hard to look at a person who can bring so much warmth, light and joy into someone's life in a state of sadness. Steve was like sunshine to you, sunshine that was now covered by dark clouds and raindrops that dripped down his cheeks. Before you had time to think your body reacted faster, and you were already halfway to hugging him. He accepted this form of reassurance without hesitation, and, drawing you closer to him, you landed in his lap, while he snuggled his face into the bend of your neck.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through all this." you said quietly stroking his hair. "And Dustin is fine, he is fine, you are not gonna lose him."
"I can't lose him-"
"And you won't." You didn't let him finish his sentence. You moved him away from you so that you could look at each other and took his face in your hands, wiping away the tear tracks with your thumbs. "And remember that you are not alone with your problems Steve Harrington, and you will not be alone."
Honey-colored irises looked right through your soul. However, after a while they began to take a different course. Slowly and uncertainly they went along your nose to stop at your lips. Suddenly his hands, which were now on the indentation of your waist, began to burn. Yet it was not a painful burning. The warmth was addictive, you wanted to feel more of it, you wanted to feel it all over your body. Your foreheads rested against each other and your noses brushed, lips were separated by millimeters when the magic was interrupted by his phone.
Like a burnt woman, you jumped off his lap, and he went to his room with the phone, not knowing how to deal with what had just happened between you.
Would you let him kiss you?
This thought focused all his attention, and all he understood from his conversation with his supervisor was that tomorrow was his day off.
"Would you mind going for a walk?" you asked when he returned to the living room.
The autumn air was not the hottest, but the warm sweaters you were wearing adequately protected you from it. The setting sun was a beautiful orange color quite like the leaves quietly crunching under your shoes. Steve wordlessly followed you, not even focusing on the road. Walking in your company seemed to be a good cure for shattered nerves, especially since the scenery was equally soothingly beautiful. On the way to your destination, you made a brief stop at a flower shop, not far from the cemetery. At that moment he knew what your destination was.
"It's okay if you don't feel like going there." You said stopping in front of the gate.
"No, it's fine." he replied and moved ahead.
"This place…I found a weird peace in here for the first few days after my dad died." you explained as you approached the grave. You placed a flower on it.
Steve did not respond. But you were right, the place was surrounded by a strange atmosphere of calm. The falling nightfall sharpened the burning candles. Their rays were small but warm, and together they created a solemn scenery. He associated the flames with the emotions you stirred in his heart. Emotions that were bubbling up inside him and begging him to let them out. Emotions that he no longer had the strength to keep inside, and despite the fact that the cemetery was the last place to confess love, he decided to do so.
"Thank you." he said finally.
"For what?" you asked turning your face toward him.
"Letting me in."
"Thank you for being patient enough." The smile with which you answered this was also as warm as the lights burning in front of you.
"I think I'm falling in love with you."
He expected shock, anger, laughter on your part. He expected each of the worst reactions. However, he did not expect the calmness with which you accepted what he said. He didn't expect your hand intertwining your fingers and the other landing gently on his cheek.
"I think I'm falling in love with you too, Steve." you whispered.
That was enough for him to lean in and bring your lips together. The kiss, at first shy and gentle, deepened into something passionate and filled with relief that something that was supposed to have happened a long time ago was finally happening. It was as if everything had suddenly found its rightful place in the universe.
As you pulled away from each other, he spun you around so that your back rested against his chest and your arms locked in a bear hug. With a wide smile and tears of happiness in your eyes, you looked at your father's grave.
"Thank you." you said quietly.
"It's me who thanks you." he whispered in your ear.
"It wasn't to you." you giggled, and he made a confused sound. "It was to Dad."
"He placed a real angel in my path." You didn't have to wait long for a response. After a while, you were face to face again giving each other kisses interrupted by smiles.
"Let's go home." you whispered between kisses.
"Home?" he asked with hope in his voice.
"Home." You confirmed by kissing him again.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple @tlclick73
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simplyalicee · 1 year
" Farewell, Frank "
Corpse Puppet AU by @sketchquill
Idea: Frank and Eddie have been happily married for years with nothing separating them. That was, until Frank suddenly became very ill. Doctors all over town have tried everything from different medicines to different treatments, but alas, nothing has worked. So little time is left for Frank, but Eddie isn't ready to say goodbye. Unfortunately, there's no choice.
Reminders: I will warn you now, this fic will have heavy topics such as death and illness. There is very little comfort. While canon to the Corpse Puppet AU, I am still warning you as this can be triggering to some people. Read with caution!!
I am still not associated with Clown or any of his friends, nor their work. This is purely for fun and entertainment purposes. Nothing in here belongs to me except the writing itself.
Now suffer >:))
This. Can not be happening.
Everything was going so well.
Why did it have to fall apart so soon?
Eddie stood outside of Frank's room, pacing around in circles as the poor man was overthinking. He couldn't help it. His husband was so sick, they could barely walk. It killed Eddie inside, knowing that there was nothing he could do for them. That's what hurt the most. He couldn't do anything.
A doctor steps out of the room with a saddened look. Upon entering, Eddie perked up, but quickly frowned upon seeing the doctor's expression.
"So, how is he?"
They stood silent.
"..Doc, how's my Frank?"
It looked as if they were trying to find the right words to break the unbearable news. Eddie couldn't stand it. He opened his mouth to speak, but the doc finally spoke up with sadness in their voice. This wasn't good.
"Mr. Dear, your husband hasn't been responding to the treatment."
No. No.. no no no. This can't be happening. Please tell him that this was not real.
The doctor sighed. They glanced over at the clipboard in their left arm.
"We've tried everything we know. Various medicines and treatments, but there's no significant improvement. Frank has only gotten worse."
Eddie's eyes began to flood with tears. He was on the verge of crying. The answer was obvious, but he couldn't help but ask.
"Is my Frank going to be okay..?"
Eddie's heart shattered in a million pieces when the doctor slowly shook their head.
"..I'm sorry, Mr. Dear, but they won't be making it."
Not a moment later, a quiet sob was heard from Eddie. He covered his face and broke down. He was losing his Frank, his husband. It didn't feel real, yet the pain was there. It was unbearable. How could anyone bear this much pain?
"Please, let me see them. Please.."
Eddie barely managed to get the words out in-between his sobs.
It would be cruel to deny someone to see their loved one.
The doc knew Frank's condition, but couldn't say no to Eddie. They allowed him in.
Eddie quietly walked in the room. He tried so hard to control his crying. He wiped away his tears as he strolled by Frank's bedside. He took a seat that was near the bed.
Being so close to a dying loved one felt like a blessing and a curse. To see them in their last moments, to later see them get buried. Eddie was not looking forward to.. burying his husband.
Just the thought of it brought him back to tears.
Frank slowly turned their gaze to Eddie. They were barely able to keep their eyes open. But they smiled. They smiled at Eddie. Frank was usually grumpy, but they smiled for him.
"Hey, Eddie.." They spoke in a hushed whisper. Eddie could tell that they were exhausted. Exhausted from death itself, exhausted from trying so many medicines and treatments.
"Hey, pumpkin.."
Frank quietly chuckled, a soft pink coloring their face. Their smile only grew.
"Heh, I told you to not call me that."
Eddie chuckled.
"But why? It's cute, just like you."
"Alright, Alright."
Frank playfully rolled their eyes, Eddie couldn't help but snicker.
Eddie glanced further at Eddie. His smile was short lived, as he slowly frowned in sadness. Was this really it? For them?
As if Frank was going to allow him to be sad, not in front of them.
They were so tired, but they mustered up the energy to raise their arm and gently place their hand on Eddie's cheek. Eddie's face turned a soft pink at the contact, but smiled.
He smiled. He placed his hand over on Frank's.
"Turn that frown upside down, dear. I'll be fine."
"But you're not."
Eddie's tears ran down his face like a waterfall. He couldn't help it. He didn't want to say goodbye.
"..Frank, sweetheart, you're-"
"I know."
Frank frowned a bit. For the first time, Eddie saw Frank tear up. A few tears rolled down their cheeks.
"I'm heartbroken, too. I don't want to leave you, either."
They stood silent for a moment.
"..As much as it sucks, at least I get to see your handsome face."
Eddie smiled slightly at the compliment. It made him happy, at least for that small bit.
"I love you, Frank."
"I love you too, Eddie."
They stood quiet for a little bit, just enjoying each other's company. It was nice.
It got harder for Frank to stay awake. As much as they didn't want to let go, Eddie knew they were tired. He allowed them to take their arm back. Frank let out a shaky sigh, closing their eyes for a moment.
"God, I'm so tired.." They mumbled. They felt breathless.
Eddie felt bad. As much as he wanted to spend more time with Frank, he didn't want to force them to stay awake. He stood up from the chair and knelt down next to the bedside. Eddie carefully brushed his fingers through Frank's dark hair. They quietly hummed with a small smile.
"Please, sweetheart. Get some rest. You deserve it."
Frank looked over at Eddie. They couldn't help but tear up.
"Will you.. be okay with me resting?"
Eddie slowly nodded.
"Of course.. you look so tired, it's worrying me."
Frank opened their mouth to speak, but Eddie continued to speak.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. I just want you to get your much deserved rest."
"..Thank you, dear.."
Frank's voice became quiet.
They reached over and took Eddie's hand, gently squeezing it. Eddie reciprocated the action.
"I love you.. Eddie.."
"I love you too, Frank."
Eddie leaned in and gave a soft kiss on Frank's forehead. They smiled.
They slowly closed their eyes, letting out another shaky sigh.
Within a moment, Frank was out. They immediately fell asleep. The gentle grip they had on Eddie's hand went away, but he stood there. He kept their hand held, not wanting to let go. He never wanted to let go.
So, Eddie stayed by Frank's side. He made sure to never leave them.
He loved them.
Perhaps when Frank wakes up, they'll feel a little bit refreshed.
Eddie and Frank can see each other a little longer.
Maybe when Frank wakes up, they'll be all better, as if the sickness never happened. Eddie will be relieved and they'll live happily ever after.
If Frank wakes up, they'll maybe start accepting 'pumpkin' as their nickname.
. . .
But Frank never woke up.
They tried.
They tried so hard to fight the sickness.
But eventually, their body just couldn't do it.
"Hey, Frank.."
Eddie stood by near Frank's grave. Flowers surrounding it with cards and teddy bears. Eddie held a bouquet of flowers, purple and blue.
He knelt down, placing the bouquet of flowers upright on the grave. Tears flooded his eyes, but he held a smile.
"It's been a while since I've seen your face. I wish I could hold you, right now."
He stood quiet for a bit.
"..It's been hard without you, you know that? Wherever you are, I just hope you're resting in peace."
Eddie broke into a sob. He felt so lonely without his husband.
"I miss you so much, sweetheart.. Why'd you have to go?"
There was no one around to comfort him. Eddie was left alone with his own puddle of tears.
If Frank was there, they'd be comforting him.
..But that's the thing.
They weren't there, anymore.
I'm bawling my eyes out right now from writing this. If you read this and are crying like me, allow me to give you a hug 🫂
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rae-raewrites · 4 months
Can you do the Riddlers with an introverted artist reader who draws them sometimes?
As if he didn’t need more for his ego anon lol
The riddlers with a introverted artist S/O
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Congratulations you have ended up with an extrovert with many an introvert quality!
Eddie’s already quite the recluse so you doing your own thing in his space isn’t as much of a problem as he originally thought.
He keeps a pretty keen eye on everything that matters to him,his plans,his puzzles, you!
Well apparently not well enough when he finds you scribbling in your sketchbook
Extremely fascinated when he sees you look up almost like you got caught doing something
Of course when you shyly reveal what you’re doing well…….to say he didn’t have the biggest smile on his face would be a lie.
“Well look at you taking notice and appreciation of the genius around you!”
Congratulations you’ve accidentally fed his ego and completely charmed him at the same time
Internally though he is absolutely at awe of how much you’ve managed to capture him
Especially the not so…….easy edges
But mostly on those good,handsome ones that make him so downright irresistible
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Absolutely sweetheart in terms of you being an introvert
Like he’s a boy who understands it’s just not in your nature to be his level of flashy (let’s be honest, who is?)
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend hours at his desk not tinkering with the idea of a new scheme
His thinking face basically perfect to be sketched
“Dear? You’re staring.”
Wants to scold you manners wise but gets caught off guard when he sees the sketched in you’re hand
That’s…..that’s him!
All his wrinkles! His hair!
And with such mindfulness of proportions!
He’s…..charmed. Absolutely utterly charmed and hopelessly in love.
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He’s having a artist block day and it’s hitting him
Poor Eddie is trying to find some inspiration today
During one of his many attempts to find some inspiration he finds his muse with a pencil and paper
“Mi amor? What are you doing?”
When you shyly show him what you’ve sketched he’s genuinely perplexed for a second
It’s……it’s him succeeding at a plan!
He wants to kiss you. Genuinely
Like it’s hanging out on his desk now and he’s smiling like a maniac.
Congratulations. Now Gotham has to contend with another possible plan of his.
Zero year
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Wether in intentional or not he can be a real jackass about your introvertness
He’s just…….really flashy? With a side and flair for the dramatic?
I mean the man held Gotham hostage and proceeded to make an hour with the main focus was out smarting him
Sees you drawing when he happens to look up from one of his MANY projects
“Whatcha scribbling down there doll?”
To say his grin when you show him is shit eating is well……an understatement.
Man goes out of his way to start losing some clothes
“What?! It’ll help you capture my really good side ! Not to mention it is hot in here.”
You’re gonna probably have to yell at him to get some actual clothing on at some point.
Like he’s to over dramatic to not see this as an opportunity for anything dirty to happen
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lil-quinnie · 2 years
part I part II
Stepdad!Eddie x F!reader
Warnings: STEPCEST, AGE GAP (Eddie's 40s and Reader is middle 20s) , daddy kink, oral (f receiving) , slight pet play, dom sub dynamic, degradation, cheating, bad family's relationship, squirt, lots off angst at the end? Lemme know if i forget something <3
Summary: Your mother left your stepfather alone and lonely on her birthday, the next morning you wanted to make his morning as easy as possible, that's what a good girl would do, isn't it?
picture of older Eddie by: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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After that hellish vision you decided to stay in bed until everyone had left home. You dragged on to the shower and decided that your last days in that shitty city would not be sorry for yourself because of your mother's husband.
You accepted the invitation of an old friend and went to find her in a bar outside the city, you chose your look accurately, a black skirt a fishnet and a pair of boots, your shirt deliciously hugged your breasts and accentuated every right curve of Your body "is what you have for today" you sighed throwing your things in your bag and disappearing along the stairs.
The way to the bar was quiet, you were thinking if you should go or not, whether you should get your things and disappear from the house you shouldn't have returned, if you should beg your stepfather for another night of pleasure, just one more before you disappear for months again.
6 PM, marked the watch of your car when you were entering the bar, you danced all night, talked to almost all the people in the bar and after some drinks, your social energy had already been drained. You decided to stay a little longer until you feel sober enough to drive.
2 AM, mark the watch when you parked your car in front of the horrors' house, I say, your old home. You staggered to the kitchen, laughing alone at the situation you were in.
The refrigerator light illuminated the small kitchen as you took a few bottles of water knowing that you would need the next morning, your skirt climbed a little on your hip, leaving the pulp of your ass appearing by Fishnet.
You could hear the paper cracks, slowly burning. The red dot in the middle of the living room darkness. 
You managed to hear him slowly letting out the smoke as if he were angry, your body hardened to hear the man get up from the couch.
Heavy boots raging against the wooden floor, getting closer and closer, making your breathing shake a few times. He trapped you between the counter and his body, cigarette burning alone between Eddie's fingers, his eyes that were always kind, were black and red. "He was crying or was very stoned," You thought, having to bite your lips to repress your drunk laugh.
"Tell me dear, what is so funny?" He asked in a screening tone, his face dangerously near to your neck, you felt the warm breath of your stepfather collide against your soft skin, with a light kiss on the foot of your ear, he whispered "Oh! Poor baby" he nibbled the lobe of your ear "cat eat your tongue?” he kissed your neck, you could feel his tongue living a wet trail until your ear “slut".
You let out a low moan and that was enough for your stepfather's lips to collide with yours. The kiss was rough and needy, his tongue was looking for yours, passing through it softly, he could taste the cigarette, the beer and if he paid a little more attention, the tequila in your mouth.
His hands circled your waist "jump" he said pulling his lips away from yours for a few seconds already returning to kiss you, deepening it more and more, he sat you down on the kitchen table, "where's my mother?" you said with your hands in the man's hair, pulling slightly to position his head in a way that you could control the kiss, he moaned into your mouth. "she left" his hands went to your knees, forcing them "open" his mouth now on your neck, biting and licking the stinging pain away "fucking where to?".
He stopped the attack on your neck and pulled back a little to look into your face, his serious face made your stomach go cold "language" he warned you.
The man crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking you up and down, their eyes roaming freely over your body, smirking as he saw your skirt hiked up, your hair slightly messy and your shirt draped over one shoulder "I don't know" he said, positioning himself again between your thighs, his hand firmly holding your neck, yours lips lightly touching "I don't care", attacking your mouth again.
You pinned Eddie against your body with your legs, your hands ripping off his jacket and lifting his white tank top, pulling it off over his head. "God I love your body" you said, circling the half faded spider tattoo on the man's chest, your mouth kissing his neck as you caressed your stepdad's luscious body. "Fuck kitten, I need you" his husky voice made your pussy throb.
His heavy hands pulled you closer to the edge of the table, your ass almost falling out, he ripped your fishnet making you gasp, his thumb found your clit still covered, massaging in a slow rhythm "so good for me , my good little girl"
His hips moved against Eddie's thumb, making the older man laugh, "please daddy please i need you" you said almost crying
"As much of a bad girl you've been" he said, taking his hand away from you abruptly "I can't wait to be inside that pussy any longer" he pulled your panties to the side, hissing when he saw it glistening. He knelt down in front of you, burying his face between your thighs without warning, making you moan loudly.
"daddy, daddy, please please I want your cock, I want your cock inside me" you said at the same time that your hands pressed his face even more against your pussy, riding his face, feeling your orgasm growing in your your belly "fuck! so good you are so good to me daddy thank you thank you thank you"
Eddie gave your clit one last kiss before getting up, positioning himself between your legs "wider" he said, unfastening his belt, looking down at you as if you were prey "I needed to prepare you so it didn't hurt, princess".
his shaft in his hands, still semi-hard but big, making your mouth water at the memory of his cock buried in your throat. Your stepfather then slid his cock through your wet slit, collecting all your arousal, paying more attention to your clit, massaging it with the red head of his cock. 
You lay on your back on the table as Eddie pushed inch by inch of his big cock inside you, you felt him stretching you deliciously "damn,pussy so tight" he groaned, when his dick was all stuffed inside your pussy, he leaned his forehead against yours, giving you time to get used to his size. His dick was not only big but thick as well, despite the sharp pain you had never felt so… "full, I'm so full daddy please move"
Eddie started slowly, still with his forehead on yours, enjoying the feeling he hadn't felt in a while. Your pussy hugging the man's cock, who moaned whenever your hips met, Eddie placed small kisses along your face, stealing some of your lips , your hands caressed his face and you tried to get as much hair out of your way so you could see the eyes of the man who filled you out so well.
Removing all the dirty behind the act, you and Eddie for a few minutes made love, you felt it and he did too, the weight of guilt started to grow inside your chest, "if I feel so right why is it so wrong?" she repeated in your head, over and over again.
"harder,please" you begged even though you didn't want him to seem to fuck you as carefully as he was, in such a...passionate way.
"Is that what you want kitten?" he thrust a little harder, pulling a pornographic moan from his throat "want your stepdad to fuck you like the little bitch you are?", 
"yeah please I was a bad girl"
The words that came out from your mouth started a fire inside Eddie's chest, who pulled you off the table and leaned against it, leaving your ass in the air and showing it to him, the hand that just caressed you so carefully now marked the fat of your ass .
"Do you like being treated like a whore?" slap "Is that why you're dressed like that?" slap "n-no daddy" slap "shut the fuck up, bitches like you don't talk" he grabbed you by the neck, forcing your ass against his hard cock "i told you that pussy was mine didn't i" "y- yes" he tightened his hand against your throat, choking you slightly "yeah that's what i thought you dumb bitch".
His cock invades you, making your back arch. He fucked you like you weren't there, you could feel his cock vibrate with every moan he drew from you, he was using you like a rag doll and you loved it. The hand that was at her neck moved down to her soft breasts, squeezing and massaging, pinching her nipples deliciously, her body pressing her hips deeper and deeper into his thrusts in response.
"getting me so good, that's my good kitty" his hands now between her legs, circling her clit making her leg wobble, "such a good girl for daddy"
"Daddy, I'm coming.. i'm going to come daddy"
"NO, not yet, wait a little longer, for daddy"
Eddie's hand went down to your wet area, pressing your clit lightly "mo-more daddy" you moaned, while Eddie circled your clit in a delicious rhythm, his thrusts began to become uneven and his moans made your shivers run down your spine.
"daddy I'm going" your stepfather cut you off mid-sentence, with the voice of someone who was begging and breathing heavily "come with me baby, come for daddy"
You felt a strange heat build up in his belly "daddy stop I need to pee please daddy I, I'm going to pee".
your moans caused Eddie to increase and overstimulate your little pussy, pushing you to the limit.
You let your squirt wash over Eddie at the same time he filled your pussy with his cum "yeah that's my little girl, soaking daddy's dick, so good for me" he whispered in your ear.
You were caught up in the moment, staying connected for a few more minutes, too focused on each other to hear the door open, to hear the startle, the sigh, the footsteps getting closer.
With a push, your mother disconnected her husband from you, causing a deep void between your legs.
Before the older man got up, your mother was on top of you, scratching and squeezing every bit of skin that was exposed, screaming incoherently without pausing for breath. Eddie yanked her off you by the waist as the older woman screamed and struggled.
He held her tight against his body, holding her waist and head as if he was comforting the woman who had just scratched his face.
"Put your clothes on and go" he said, low and direct.
getting up from the table and arranging the clothes that the man had been trying to take off her body for minutes.
"Put.your.clothes.and.GET OUT"
With tears in your eyes and shame burning inside your body, you took the walk to the door. If the wound hadn't been so deep inside your heart, they would have been able to see the trail of blood Eddie's words caused you" yo-are- are you sure?" you managed to say between hiccups and choking tears
"Yeah, get out" Eddie hugged your mother tighter "she's my wife, now get out of your mother's house". Your mother let go of Eddie's embrace, walking towards you with teary eyes, your tears began to roll more steadily knowing that nothing good would come out of that close contact.
Your mother's hand that caressed you so much and brought you comfort, gave the last blow, hitting your face full "and it won't come back, I don't have a daughter". She closed the door in your face, leaving you alone in the middle of the dark and freezing night.
You crawled to your car, lying in the backseat and hugging your knees, your crying rocked you until sleep took you to a place less worse than reality.
Inside the house, your ex-stepfather's situation wasn't much better. A few hours after the incident, lying in bed with a woman he couldn't explain why he had chosen, his mind was only on you, on the tears and on your red nose, on the look of sadness and pain that you looked at him through last time, what could he do? "this is what i do, i run" he thought, moving the woman's arm away from his body.
He rubbed his face and in a second of insane courage, he lit his cigarette, put on his leather jacket and decided that he was going to apologize, and explain his fucking side, even if he needed to get down on his knees to beg your forgiveness he would.
He ran to the door and with a last breath gripped the handle tightly and pulled the door open.
A car, that's all there was at the entrance to the house of horrors. A
One singular car that wasn't yours, no sign of your car or you.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" Eddie ran to his car, hitting his clothing pockets looking for the key, in agony and with shaking hands, the jingling of keys made him turn sharply towards the house, now with the balcony light access.
"looking for something?" 
taglist: @hesvoid34 sweetpuffy12 emma77645 prettyblackprincessstuff eddie-munsons-ringss @tlclick73 @luna-munson83 @daisynor4 @tayhar811 @cockslutslurper3000 @wisestarlightwolf @tuittyfruitty4020 @mochii-moo @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @shadowmoonlight0604 @brittney69 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog @she-collects-smut @honeyedshe @princessmads1820 @lma1986 @joantje @harringtonfan4 @bimbobaggins69
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sunshine--void · 1 year
first date hc with the welcomehome crew!! maybe they bring y/n a gift like flowers abd such would be cute
Omg how have I not thought of this >:(
🏠 First date with WH 🏠
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Wally Darling 🍎
Your first date with Wally is a two in one
You spend the day having a nice, cute little picnic together
He gives you a basket of apples that the two of you share
Then when night rolls around you have a cute stargazing date that ends with you falling asleep on the grass
And since wally can't sleep that means he gets to watch you sleep all night
"Hello neighbor! I got these for you! ... Are you feeling tired yet?"
Julie Joyful 🏵️
Your first date consists of just hanging out, having girls time
(you can have girls time regardless of your gender :)
During this time the two of you do each others hair, makeup, nails
The whole shabang
I can't believe I just said shabang...
She's sitting there braiding your hair while you pick out nail ideas
Julie is an absolute goddess when it comes to this stuff so... Good luck
Afterwards you have a sleepover!
"Hold still, I'm almost done! ... Oh don't be silly, you look beautiful!"
Sally Starlet ⭐
I couldn't think of anything, sorry!
I will probably do it in the future tho!
Make sure you remind me or I'll forget lmao
Howdy Pillar 🐛
Barnaby B. Beagle 🐾
Poppy Partridge 🍰
Eddie Dear 💌
Baking date!
You don't know how to bake?
Well, your about to find out!
She'll teach you everything she knows!
The two of you make your favorite sweet treats together.
And afterwards you get to eat e'm all!
Much fun!
"Don't pour to much, dear ... Oh! I told you not to eat all those, your gonna be sick"
My sweet, beautiful, cute, kind, loving, talented, and adorably clumsy southern mail man <3
Crafting Date!
The two you are laying on the floor doodling and cutting away
Not a worry in the world
He's going on about his day and the things he saw
Getting so caught up in it all he almost forgot to ask you about yours
"And then- ... Oh- I almost forgot, how was your day? :)"
Frank Frankly 🦋
Bug catching!
Much Fun!
You weren't very good at it...
Whilst trying to catch a butterfly, you ended up capturing poor frank with the net :(
He wasn't very happy about it either
But after giving him a kiss on the cheek, he ended up forgiving you
And in the end you ended up catching a few bugs
"What the- Hey! Get this thing off me! ... Fine, I suppose I can forgive you"
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ttttobistuff · 6 months
Another Believer…
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A freezing, yet lovely night was ahead of everyone in the enchanting city of Welcome Home. It had finally arrived, homecoming day! With the preparations being finished, Sally observed from her spot in the clouds. Sitting at the top of the tree, just like a dazzling star, she cordially greeted her friends as they stepped through the door of Home. For what seemed to be an eternity, Sally kicked her feet around, in exasperation.
Hello there—she cheered as Eddie, whom she had been waiting for, turned the handle—Oh, Eddie, we can officially start!
Sally! How on earth did you get up there?—Cracking a grin, Eddie said—I was worried, I couldn’t seem to find you all anywhere…
As the good mailman approached the living room, he could feel a friendly ambiance hugging him. Just as he crossed the line between the entrance and the main room, a familiar face emerged, just as the sun peaks upon the tall hills.
Mr. Dear, you took your time to arrive!—Spoke, as gracefully as always, Frank—We all hoped for your safe arrival, no celebration is a proper one without every guest
While his mouth moved, Eddie could not help it but stare into his tremendously soft cheeks. Have they always been so reddish and…delightful? The poor red-haired man was driven mad when a soft hand caressed his cheek. Mr. Dear melted away into Frank’s touch, being a lovely mess. All until a voice dragged him out of such a heavenly place…
Pack it up, lovebirds—yelled Barnaby, from the other side of the room—Let’s start this, I cannot wait to taste my mama’s eggnog
Nervously chuckling, Eddie apologised and the party went on. This mailman was for sure exhausted from so much worrying…he needed a quick rest on the couch! As he sat down, he felt his tensed body start slipping away. Not much, but enough for him to let a sigh slip away from his lips. What else could he ever wish for? It was homecoming, everyone he cherished was celebrating, and he had one of the most traditional meals: a single pea on a plate.
A single green dot, in such a big white space.
His guts began wrenching, twisting and turning. Ice cold sweat rolled its way down his throat. Lungs almost bursting, it felt as if they were getting pulped into nothing but gubbins. Drenched in red, the world seemed too suffocating. Everything was submerged in a certain gloom, only a pair of eyes could light up. His chest went up and down aggressively, without a rest in between.
Oh, Eddie! What would we do without you, sweetheart…—Spoke, softly and gently, Poppy—Dear? Do you hear me?
With no apparent response, Eddie could only help but pant and whine softly. His nails, barely holding within their blood, grasping hardly the couch’s edge. At this, Frank knew he required some space. He acted rapidly, and told Poppy he was just a bit…tired. As they were left alone, he placed himself in front of his dearest and held his shoulders.
Mr. Dear? What’s wrong?—Mr. Frankly seemed genuinely worried, noticing all symptoms of sickness—Please, speak to me…
Softly speaking made Eddie snap out of it. Taking a big breath, he looked up and blinked a few times. As he looked around, he took a hand to his face and dried his own sweat. Ultimately, he looked upon Frank.
I…—Eddie spoke, almost in whispers—saw it.
Mr. Dear, I think it’s appropriate to go home now—Mr. Frankly told the man who was facing him—You are definitely not in conditions to be here!
Frank made sure to let someone know about them leaving, only in case they asked. Then, they left silently without people noticing, except Barnaby who they had told. Eddie could hardly walk properly, stumbling at every step or so, his lover was tremendously worried.
After analysing the situation, Frank was forced to take Eddie to his home since it was the closest. As expected, they arrived in a matter of minutes. Thankfully, the house was warm and Eddie felt a little bit better than before. Yet, he still was containing himself…
Mr. Dear, what happened back in Home?—Frank spoke softly, while hanging his coat and taking Eddie’s too—Is it stress? Working seven days must be affecting your immune system! That’s right…high levels of constant stress could-
Frank—Said Eddie, roughly—something’s very wrong inside that house. Well, not inside but beneath it…
No stutters, no doubts. Frank knew Eddie was not joking around with him, and it sent shivers down his spine.
W-what do you mean?—Shaking voice came out of Frank’s throat, unable to stay calm
His eyes, he was slowly drowning me–Eddie said, in a quite paranoid voice–You’ve got to believe me, please
As tension built up between them, Frank knew this was going to end up wrong…they should not be talking about this. Not so close to him.
Stop, I beg you—A grey hand covered Eddie’s lips? Preventing him to speak any further about the situation.—You…I cannot do this without you.
Confusion striked Eddie, the numbness from the homecoming incident had completely vanished by now. All that was left were some terrorising memories, almost as vivid nightmares. He was too stressed to even stop and think, for him, it was too late. Frank’s hand slipped off, Eddie’s tongue too.
For the love of God, Mr. Dear—Started, Frank—quit this!
I refuse, please hear me!—Loudly said, by Eddie in distress—What I saw…
…What was it?—asked, perhaps unfortunately, Frank—What did you see?
The bellow.—Eddie said it with confidence, believing in what he saw.
I beg you, Mr. Dear, sit down and calm yourself.—Frank caressed once again his face, his thumb going in circles—Stay with me.
Few moments of silence, a hoaxed peace.
No! Give me just one more chance, one more glance…—The mailman approached Mr. Frankly’s chest—And I will make of you another believer.
Frank’s silence was the last drop needed for the water to spill. Eddie’s hands stopped holding onto him, and his legs began moving towards the door. Without a second thought, he ran away, leaving Frank all alone.
Eddie ran, as fast as he could. His legs failed around fifteen minutes later, making him trip and fall to the ground. It was then when he realised…he had never seen this side of the neighbourhood. Was this forest always here?
Before his question could be answered, a strange object seemed to impact his head from a blind spot. Before passing out, he observed a rather familiar silhouette looming over his barely conscious body.
Such eyes, shining bright in the night, could only belong to one person.
What are we gonna do now?—Frank spoke, feeling guilt twist his guts.
(Based upon newest hidden video-03/24)
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Welcome Home Agere Headcanons!
A/N: Nobody asked for this, but I really wanted to do it sooo…here it is!
Characters: Wally Darling, Eddie Dear, and Julie Joyful. I’ll make a second part with more characters soon. :)
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🎨 Caregiver! Although, I am biased, as I am in love with this man and want him to be my caregiver. I think he does good with regressors of any type, but mainly baby regressors!
🎨 He’s very cautious and caring. He’s sweet and always makes sure to keep an eye on you. He’s also extremely possessive. You are his baby and he’ll do anything to keep you safe.
🎨 He loves painting with you. He’ll use his professional paints and brushes while you use your little Crayola watercolor set or something. And he’ll always tell you how good you did and how much he loves what you painted when you’ve finished.
🎨 He loves setting up playdates for you with other littles like Julie and Sally! It’s a good way for him to talk to and meet up with his friends too.
✉️ Caregiver! Again, I am probably biased, as Eddie Dear is also one of my favorite characters, and I would like for him to be my caregiver too. . . I think he does good with any regressors, but especially with kid regressors!
✉️ He is a very cautious and nervous caregiver. At first, he has no clue what he’s doing, and he’s rather anxious; he doesn’t wanna somehow upset you or not do a good job! Eventually, though, after he takes care of you more and more, it becomes very easy for him. Being your caregiver becomes like a second instinct for him.
✉️ Some times he’ll take you on his mail runs because you’re clingy, and to be honest, he is as well, maybe even more so. He knows how much you like interacting with the other neighbors, so he takes you out with him so you can say hi to your friends.
✉️ If you want to, he’d let you do his makeup and/or dress him up. He’s just that type of dad. He’s chill with pretty much anything as long as it makes you happy and you’re having fun. :)
💐 Little! Biggest baby ever!! She’s a very, very hyper toddler regressor. I am also biased on this one as she is literally me.
💐 Like I said, she is very, very hyper!! She likes going to the park, playing games, etc. She loves talking to and hanging out with her friends, too! She is super clingy and will cling onto her caregiver no matter what. She always has to be at least holding their hand or else she’ll throw a temper tantrum.
💐 Loves playing dress up! Will convince other littles AND caregivers to join her. She’ll dress up literally everyone she can. And Frank is her best friend, so he usually gets the worst of it. Poor Frank. 😔
💐 She’s really kind and giving, but sometimes a little. . .too giving. She’s the type of person who will ask you if you wanna share something she got, and if you say no, she’ll be get pouty until you try it.
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Oooooh I’m so pumped about these new fics you’ve added! I’m officially intrigued and excited to read!
Also I should probably apologize for the amount of emojis here but I keep sending long requests and you keep fulfilling them fabulously sooooo I guess what I’m saying is that this is on you for enabling me :p
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(PROPOSALLLLLL - also my dear poor bobby trying to both encourage eddie to marry buck while also trying to prevent him from proposing poor guy)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨(loving the established buckley-diaz family!)
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸(EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! - the sound my heart makes when i think about this fic)
🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮(explore them childhoods buck and bobby!)
🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮(a lovely dog and a tsunami avoided i do think things are looking up for buck!)
🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠(NICO MY BELOVED IVE MISSED YOU SO!!!) (and while i support your declaration that this is the last one if you ever change your mind please know I’ll be thrilled to see any other stories you dream up)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(after what you’ve done with your vampire premise im slightly scared and entirely excited to see what you do with zombies!)
…yeah I definitely went crazy feel free to cut this down as much as you need. Thank youuuuuuu you’re amazing!!
Do not apologize for the length. I saved it for last (unless someone submits something else) so that I could dedicate the right time to it. I am pumped.
Starting with 48 for ⚡️ (Proposal chapter posted! So this will be post-proposal!)
Eddie laughs. “You sure did.”
“It looks great,”  Maddie agrees. She walks around Eddie and Chris to give Buck a big hug.
“Congrats, guys,” Chim adds. “This is awesome. I knew it would happen from the moment you had that dumb, peacocking argument in the fire station gym.”
“What?” Chris asks. 
“Nothing,” Eddie says quickly. “Chim’s just being funny.”
“Thanks, man,” Buck laughs. “I appreciate all your help.”
Jee wanders over to Eddie and Chris and stands on tip toes to look at Eddie’s ring. Eddie lowers his hand to give her an easier view. 
“Wow,” she says, looking at the ring. “Green!”
“He wears a lot of green,” Chris tells her. “It made sense.”
“I do,” Eddie admits. 
“I like green,” Jee nods sagely. 
Maddie, Chim, and Jee leave after a few minutes. Eddie, Buck, and Chris make smoothies and sit in the kitchen, where Chris batters them with a million questions about the proposal. Buck does not forget to mention how Eddie derailed things. Kind of him, really. 
“So when is the wedding going to be?” Chris asks once everything is blended and they’re all sitting down. “This year? Next year?”
“We don’t know yet, bud,” Eddie answers. “These things take some time to plan.”
Especially when you don’t have basic training and childbirth as a time constraint.
“Probably not this calendar year, though,” Buck adds. “We can take our time planning it, I think.”
Eddie nods. “For sure.”
“Well, where are you going to get married? Is it going to be big? Like a huge party?”
“Chris, Buck and I haven’t even started talking about that yet,” Eddie tells him. “Give us some time.”  
“Well, you had all of last night!” Chris protests. “What else were you doing?”
Buck and Eddie stare at each other, nervously, for a moment. 
Sometimes it feels like Chris is growing up way too quickly. Then a nice little moment like this comes along to ease his anxiety. 
“I guess we talked about other stuff, kiddo,” Buck says, trying not to smirk.
27 for 🚨 (THANKS!)
“Wait, you know Alan?” One of the hungover, frantic-looking partygoers asks. Probably the one who called 9-1-1. He’s wearing a speedo and a blue terry cloth robe. 
Eddie frowns. “Wait, you know Alan? Prescott?”
“Who do you think fell out of the pool?” The young man exclaims. 
“What?” Eddie asks, expression dropping. His face goes a little pale. 
“It’s Alan! Alan is the one who needs your help!”
That, Buck realizes, is not good. Very, very not good. 
Someone Eddie used to love might be dying. Again. 
There’s no way around the fact that it’s a rescue with a high chance of failure. Alan is in a bad position. There’s no way to get the truck underneath him to lift a ladder up. He’s off the side of a cliff. A cliff covered in thick foliage. And there’s not a lot to hook a winch up to to send someone down after him. Nothing super secure, anyway. The pool is huge and spans the majority of the back line of the yard. They can’t just rappel over.
Buck can’t stop chewing the inside of his cheek. It’s becoming a problem. He is beginning to taste the coppery tang of blood in his saliva. All these months of waiting, and it’s moments away from being finished. Buck is practically vibrating out of his skin. 
They’ve arrived. Buck knows they’ve arrived, because Chris texted him the moment the plane was taxiing. Probably before he was even allowed to take his phone off airplane mode. He’s been keeping Buck diligently updated in the half an hour or so since. Which is how Buck knows they’ve collected Christopher’s checked bags. They’re on their way out of the baggage claim area now. They’re a breath away. 
Buck fires off a quick text to Eddie and Sophia on WhatsApp, notifying them. They were able to get Eddie’s old phone charged and working, but unfortunately the line has been canceled for months on account of his supposed death. And he can’t exactly call the company to reinstate it. So Wi-Fi based communications it is, for now. Buck will get on adding a second line to his account, soon. They just need another SIM.
Eddie gives the message a thumbs up. It seems like a muted response, but Buck knows the truth is just that he’s probably sitting there shaking. There’s nothing to say, anyway. 
It’s in that spot, standing in the arrivals terminal, checking his phone, chewing on his cheek, that he hears Christopher call out to him. 
Buck lifts his head to see him. He’s making a good pace, trying to navigate the LAX crowd with his crutches, in a beeline towards Buck. He’s taller. A decent amount taller. Buck could weep.
He takes off in long strides towards Christopher, pushing past people who he might on any other day be apologetic to. Today they don’t matter. Today Chris is home. He’s here, in front of him. He hardly even looks at the veritable clone of Sophia walking, tight-faced, behind Chris as he reaches them. He and Chris more or less collide together. Buck pulls him into a tight, crushing hug, ignoring the way one his crutches dig into his thigh. 
“I missed you so much,” Christopher says, eyes watering.
“I missed you, too,” Buck tells him. “I’m so happy you’re home.”
“Me too,” Chris mumbles. 
Buck pulls away from him, leaving his hands on his shoulders. He scans Christopher head to toe. 
“You’re so tall,” Buck laughs, eyes stinging. “What were you eating out there, huh?” 
“You can’t talk!” Chris protests. 
“I guess that’s true,” Buck smiles. 
Buck takes a quick moment to look at Adriana. He can’t help but feel a cold coil of anger towards her, for how upset her sister was last night. He tries to remind himself she is missing critical information. 
“Thank you for bringing him,” he says to her. 
Normally he would probably offer to buy her lunch for her trouble and the long day, regardless of the discomfort between them. But he needs to get Chris home to Eddie. 
Adriana purses her lips for a second before replying. “Sure. Chris, you’ll remember to call, right?”
“Right,” Chris agrees, though Buck can tell he’s annoyed. Probably not the first time he’s heard this. 
Buck steps forward to take Christopher’s bags from Adriana. She slides them over without complaint.
“Is there anything you need before you catch your flight back?” He asks her. 
She scoffs a little. Buck, again, is prepared to be mad. But then he sees such a sincerely hurt, heartbroken expression across her face. Her eyes, so much like Eddie’s, are big and wounded. 
“There’s nothing you could do for me.” 
“Tia…” Chris protests weakly. 
Adriana hardly seems to hear him.
27 for 🔮:
It’s different, because Buck has so many other people in his life now. He’s not alone. But… But Bobby still didn’t go after him. 
He should have gone after him.
But what would he have said? He still can’t explain himself.
Bobby looks around Buck’s room, hoping to distract himself from this feeling of uselessness. To take in more small, previously unknown-to-him details about Buck. This solitary, sad Buck. There is a stack of CDs on a desk. An iPod classic with a sort of girly sticker on the back. Bobby wonders if that came from Maddie. There’s a school library copy of To Kill a Mockingbird open and facedown, and a spiral bound notebook where the scattered beginnings of an essay are written in messy graphite. A gaudy school jersey is on the ground, next to cleats. He forgot Buck played football. He wonders if the sport was ever the draw, or if it was always the team.
All of a sudden, Buck flips over and sits up. He sniffs, rubs his red eyes, and pulls himself up off the bed.
“Fuck this stupid family,” he mutters. 
Buck rounds his bed, picks up the cleats off the floor, and puts them on. He takes off his sweater, so he’s just wearing a tee shirt, and tosses it on the frame on his bed. He grabs a football out of his closet and tucks it under his arm. 
Bobby watches, unsure of what he’s about to do, as he walks over to his bedroom window, wrenches it open, ducks his head low, and swings a leg over the side. Bobby’s eyes widen nervously. What the hell is he going to do? Well, Bobby knows what he’s going to do. He just doesn’t know if this is one of those stories that ends with Buck breaking a bone.
Well 🦮 has been posted! And I hope you enjoy/ed it!
In exchange, what I can give you is 24 sentences of the fic I started to replace it, another Gotcha for Gaza prompt. I will give it no context, but here it is and here's it's emoji 🛞
“Well, you weren’t the last person to sit in this seat,” Buck explains.
Eddie frowns. “I wasn’t? Someone else changed my settings?”
Chim holds back a sigh. If they could turn on the Jeep and get going, that would be great. He has a former foster child being adopted by his best friend to see. 
“Eddie, Chris was the last person to sit in the seat. He changed the settings.”
“Oh,” Eddie says. “Well, I’ll have words with him later.”
“He resets my settings in your truck, too.” Buck argues.
“No, you reset his settings in the truck, because you have giraffe legs.” Eddie rebuts. 
Chim is going to scream. 
“Eddie, you’ll survive,”  he says. “Buck, let’s beat traffic.”
“Right, right,” Buck says, starting the ignition. “Can you put in the address for me, Eddie?”
“Yep,” Eddie replies, taking Buck’s phone right off his thigh, and plugging it in. The Apple CarPlay display flickers to life. 
Eddie holds Buck’s phone to his face and it unlocks. 
45 for 🌠 (haha thank you! I am open to more but feel like I've explored what I wanted to?):
“You ran off, right?” 
“No!” Nico shouts. “I didn’t want to be alone! I don’t want to be alone! I want Dad!”
He sounds like a little kid. Half of Christopher’s heart aches for him. Half of it resents him. And that latter half is cruel and unfair and Chris knows that. He knows it’s good that Nico is terrified and unsure how to act. He knows it’s good Nico isn’t used to this. It’s fucking great for Nico, that, by this age, he hasn’t dealt with a parent killed by a distracted driver, a parent shot overseas and at home, and a parent struck by fucking lightning. He is healthy and adjusted and things have always, always been easier for him. 
And Christopher feels like a total asshole. Here he is, not far off thirty years-old, just realizing how much resentment he holds for a child. His little brother. Who he does love. Really, he loves him dearly. They’ve just lived apart more than they ever lived together, and it feels like they don’t know each other as well as they should. 
When you find something to work on, you forget about everyone else.
“Nico, okay, I won’t-”
“Dad could be dying and you don’t even care!” 
Tears are streaming down his brother’s face now. Christopher wants to scream. He feels frozen. This feels impossible. Sometimes he thinks about the fact that his dad and Buck weren’t that much older than he is now, dealing with him at this age. How his dad was younger than him when his mom died and he was alone with a little kid. And Christopher wasn’t the world’s easiest kid. He knows that. Even if Dad would never, ever say it. 
“That’s not exactly what’s… Of course I care,” Christopher tries to reason. “God, of course I care.”
“Then why are you just working and acting like nothing is happening?”
Christopher takes a deep breath. 
“Nico, it helps me to keep my mind off of it,” he explains. “If I don’t, I get anxious. Because I care a lot, okay? You think I don’t? Between us, I’m the one who knows how shitty it feels to lose a parent.”
Nico’s expression drops. Anger and hurt turned to immediate regret. 
24 for 🧟 (Thank you! A bit more traditional zombies. Mostly bc none of our characters is one haha)
Hell, they could be so fucked up from everything that has happened nine months, that they’ve just snapped and want to cause pain. Buck isn’t risking the only family he has left. 
The cop car stops right in front of the turn to drive into the library parking lot. Like it, too, doesn’t want to cross the red line. The driver’s side door opens with urgency and a woman steps out. The windows are all tinted, and Buck can’t see if there’s anyone else in the car.
The woman’s back is to Buck, her arms in front of her, holding something. A gun perhaps. She’s dressed in what looks like the pants part of a cop uniform, but a bright, souvenir-style tee shirt. She’s shorter than Buck, but carries herself with a presence. An authority that, under other circumstances, Buck would either butt heads against or easily follow. 
The woman takes a step towards the library. 
Buck stands up and aims. 
“I wouldn’t do that.” He calls. 
The woman whirls on him, handgun pointed right at his forehead with what he can just tell is precision. If this goes badly, no chance she misses. He can see that. 
“Nice to meet you,” the woman quips. Buck would put her in her fifties. She has the trace of a southern accent. The tee shirt she’s wearing has a big, illustrated orange on it and the word Florida. Which explains the accent. 
36 for 👑 (THANKS! All credit to the prompter though):
“While Santa Claus was dying and she was covered in his blood?”
“Oh, please. Santa will be fine.” Hen waves a dismissive hand. “But who knows? Maybe fate will intervene and you’ll bump into her again.”
Fate does intervene. Just not in the ways Chim might expect. 
It’s a two-pronged day of surprises. 
They have a shift the day after Christmas. Christmas which Chim did end up spending alone. He didn’t feel right about going to Hen’s, and he didn’t feel right intruding on the Lees, so he just told each party he was going to the other’s. It was kind of shit. Not that he’ll say that to anyone. 
The point is, they’re on shift. It’s the 26th of December. They get called a kitchen fire in Beverly Hills. Nothing serious; a kid trying to make fancy vegan, gluten free cookies while her parents obviously were not supervising. No one is hurt. But that’s where Chimney sees her again. On a Christmas card of all things! 
He physically has to stop in front of the mantleplace where it’s displayed. A glossy, photocard type thing of two older white people with their two adult children. 
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from the Buckleys, it reads. Wishing you all the best in 2018. From Phillip, Margaret, Maddie, and Evan. 
Whoa. Whoa. 
She has a name. Maddie Buckley. And from the distant way they’re all sitting in the portrait, not touching, that is certainly her younger brother, not her younger husband. Yikes. Now that he looks closer at them, neither Maddie nor Evan looks especially happy to be there. They’re all dressed in expensive clothing. Hair styled. This is a very, uh, special Christmas card. They look rich. Beverly Hills rich.
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lingeringmirth · 4 months
written for ‘top’, the ay prompt of @steddiemicrofic wc: 510 | rated: m | tags: female steve harrington, thirsting eddie munson, robin being so done, a poor tube-top used for nefarios purposes | cw: none
A/N: I actually have no idea how popular tube-tops actually were in the 80's, but this idea wouldn't leave my head.
Eddie's thirsting contained under the cut, unlike Stephanie's breasts.
Stephanie Harrington is wearing a tube-top and Eddie is not equipped to handle it.
He’s thought, erring heavily to his detriment, that he’s finally gotten over his crush. Yet, it’s now the summer of 1986 and he’s survived a mob and Vecna, but it’ll be Stephanie who’ll be the death of him. He is just a man after all.
Her scars are in full view and she’s not at all self-conscious about them, not in the way Eddie is over his own. She’s also softened a bit, allowed herself to indulge. Her breasts have never looked better… or more likely to pop out from her tube-top, the fabric holding on for dear life.
Eddie hopes he’s there when they do and feels only a bit ashamed over it.
The worst thing about it all is that Stephanie knows exactly what effect it has on him. But she hasn’t said anything. It’s just all long glances, sighs and leaning juuuuust a bit too far forward, showing off her cleavage, the tops of her full breasts aching for freedom, biting her lip.
She even goes as far as eat ice cream messily, letting it melt and trail down her forearm, then, seemingly clumsily raising it up and licking it off her wrist and… dropping most of it onto her front.
’Whoopsie! I’m so clumsy!’
She’s affecting an innocent air, like she’s a ditzy teenager, not a hardened monster-fighter-veteran who bears her battle scars unself-consciously and looks insanely hot while doing so.
Eddie sees Robin putting her face in her hands and muttering to herself behind Steve. He thinks he hears her say ’Unbelievable! Still no game.’
He disagrees with the latter.
Stephanie’s been eating vanilla ice-cream with sprinkles and the way it’s melting in her cleavage, saturating her yellow top, making her nipples grow hard makes it look like she’s been…
Their eyes meet as she looks up, two fingers in her mouth, like she’s been licking them clean even when they both know she hasn’t and Eddie’s instantly hard and…
He grabs her by the arm and starts dragging he back into his van, the back has pillows and he’s just a man, not a saint, not in the presence of those breasts in that top.
They don’t even make it to the van when it finally gives up the ghost and Stephanie’s beautiful full breasts pop out. They’re beautiful. Eddie wants to put his face between them. They haven’t even kissed, or talked about their mutual attraction and all he wants it to kiss those breasts all over, suffocate under them.
He does, presses her back against the shade-side of the van and bends down to press a kiss first to one, then the other, while Stephanie has her fingers in his hair and isn’t pushing him away, rather draws him closer.
But they’re out in public and someone could come at any moment, so they tumble inside the van, which is stifling hot, but has a prone surface they can indulge themselves on, which is just what they do.
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medusapelagia · 2 months
Hidden Treasure
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I'm finally allowed to make my own post about my STBB fic... and even if everyone is sick of hearing me talk about this fic I still love it so much and I'm going to make a post about it!!!
I got so lucky to have not one but two amazing artists and two amazing betas working with me on this fic.
So a huge thanks to my team (@mothellie, @ghostdeb, @acingthecounts and @suometar) and to all the friends who supported me even if my story was a little bit unusual (especially my dear friend @spaceofentropy who I'm totally copying right now! Hi!!!)
Here is the AO3 link to the fic
Title: Hidden Treasure Rated E; 64000 words Archive warnings: graphic description of violence Relationship: Billy/Eddie/Steve, Billy/Steve, Eddie/Billy Characters: Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Billy Hargrove, Neil Hargrove, and almost everyone XD The big tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Alternate Universe - Pirate, Denial of Feelings, Feelings Realization, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Synopsis: In an omegaverse world, the alpha Billy Hargrove, captain of the pirate ship the Golden Lion, is traveling with his lover and second in command, the beta Eddie Munson, and their crew, raiding every merchant ship they can get their hands on. One day during one of their attacks, they stumble on a pretty beta boy who’s trying to get back to London, paying for his journey with golden jewels. Why is Steve, the pretty boy, so desperate to get to London quickly? Is he running from something? But the more important question is: is he really a beta or not?
under the cut a little snippet
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Billy knows that he has a look that intimidates people, so he glares at the sailors on deck, asking out loud where they hid their gold, but the men on the deck keep their eyes pinned on the ground.
“We have no gold or secret treasures on our ship! We are just a merchant ship! All we’ve got is just some sugar and tobacco.” The captain yells, sweating under Billy’s piercing blue eyes.
“Is that so?” Eddie asks, staring at the sailors and grabbing one of them by the wrist, “So why didn’t you get on a passenger ship like the high born you are and you decided, instead, to sail with this poor merchant? I can’t see any other reason than trying to hide your property, sweetness.”
Eddie’s words catch Billy’s attention and he looks more attentively at the young man that he is holding as a hostage. The man’s clothes are far too expensive to be one of the sailors, but that’s not a passenger ship, why did a young man like him get on a ship like that? “What are you guarding, sweet thing?” Eddie insists, caressing the man’s jaw with his dagger, while a few drops of blood trickle down the man’s neck.
“I’m not guarding anything. I’m just a sailor.” He protests, not daring to move under the threat of the knife.
“With hands like this?” Eddie inquires, licking one of the man’s fingers and releasing it with a loud pop, “These are softer than newborns. You definitely are not a sailor, so quit it. Everything in you smells like lies: your clothes, your language, your attitude. You are a fucking rich-born kid, we already know this, now tell us what we really want to know: what are you carrying that’s so precious that you tried to hide on a ship like this? Huh?”
“I’m not hiding! I paid for the passage to London and I’m working like everyone else!” He complains, but Eddie’s eyes shine at those words.
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When the Sun goes down
Sorry, I'm bad at summaries, guess you have to read the whole thing
Chapter 1
Pairing: JoyToy!Johnny x V
Warning: language, sexual themes, brief mention of violence and abuse.
V strolled down Jig-Jig Street, as her friend Goro once said "what kind of name is that?"
Well, what did he expect from a hub full of sex shops and prostitutes?
Taking the turn for Wakako's Pachinko Parlor the neon light reflected on her dark sunglasses, and the sounds of moans and implant commercials filled her ears, annoying her even more.
She was beyond pissed.
She scoffed at the sound of slot machines and almost ripped the damn curtains draped over the door to Wakako's office.
"V, my dear. I heard the gig was a success" the old woman greeted her, always composed.
V, as an answer tossed a bloodied shard on the fixer's desk, the little piece of tech rattled on the wooden surface, leaving a trail of brain pieces and hair.
"Why didn't you tell me my "contact" was a cyberpsycho? Had to make his head into pudding and then retrieve that fucking shard" she hissed.
"But you succeed, didn't you? Eddies are already on your account" Wakako said, with a gesture of her hand her pupils lit up, a sign that she was transferring the money.
"Thank you" V muttered "I'm going home if you need me you know how to find me," she said heading for the exit.
"Wait, V." the woman called, making the merc turn around.
"You're getting noticed a lot, and in a good way. Your exploits are known all over Japan Town and your skills are already legendary. The prostitutes in this neighborhood dream only of you." she smirked.
"Oh, lucky me" the girl replied, unamused.
"What I'm trying to say, my child, is that life is short for not having some fun" the fixer said adjusting her round glasses on her nose.
V snorted "Is what you said to your five husbands?" and with that, she left the Parlor.
It's not that V disliked hookers, she's friends with more than one, but paying for sex it's something she doesn't wish to do.
She would be a hypocrite if she said she had not thought about it on more than one occasion when her stressed brain craved something that wasn't just pain and medications.
A cute JoyToy would make her forget about her pitiful life made of death and money for an hour or two but then she would return to her path of loneliness, with less money and her systems to check up by Vik.
The truth was that she did not care about sex that much anyway.
The oddly shaped strap-ons on display in the shop's windows were almost hilarious to her, for not talking about the Mr. Stud commercials, she knew a guy who had a very HARD time with one of those.
Wakako was right, though.
The hookers were launching themselves at her as she passed, hoping to be noticed and make some money or to simply spend time with her, to have something to gossip around.
"I know what the famous merc is into under the sheets" she could already hear them.
Almost out of the hub, returning to her loved bike her attention was caught by shouts, two people were arguing.
"Oh, for fucks sake" she huffed, tempted to just leave them be and return home for collapsing on her bed.
"What did you just call me, you useless whore?" a Japanese man screamed in his mother tongue.
"A wretched piece of shit, keep your fucking hands to yourself if you can't pay," another man with dark aviators said.
The first grabbed the latter by his net shirt, making his glasses fall onto the dirty ground.
"Hey!" V yelled towards the two, approaching with quick steps.
"Is he troubling you?" the merc asked the male JoyToy.
"And what the hell do you want? Take his place, maybe?" the molester, eyed her from head to toe.
"If you don't immediately leave within three seconds, I swear I'll rip off that poor excuse of genitals you have between your legs, and make you forcefully swallow them, do you copy?" she asked, throwing the man against the nearest wall and unsheathing her mantis blades.
The poor fucker almost peed his pants as he ran away, tripping on his own feet by looking behind himself, afraid of being followed by V.
"Could have made it by myself" the JoyToy scoffed.
"You're welcome" arching one eyebrow at him, she lowered down to pick up his glasses handing them to their owner.
"Thank you" he finally said, extending a shiny cybernetic arm "I'm Johnny"
It takes some time for V to realize she was meant to introduce herself too, lost in her thought of a soft and warm bed as the cold rain started to fall on Night City.
"I'm V... Sorry to ask you but..." she gestured where a golden feather-like cyberware adorned his neck "-you're not a JoyToy".
Johnny fished out a cigarette from the back pocket of his leather pants and V took out a lighter from one of hers.
Stepping closer to him and using her free hand to prevent the small flame to be blown out by the rising wind, she lit the cigarette held between his lips.
He let out a nervous exhale of smoke before speaking "I was a doll, at Clouds. That fucking place is a soulsucker, I've been beaten one too many times, waking up in a bloodbath without even remembering by whom or why. I quit that place forever"
She could still see a trace of fear in his dark eyes even if the secure expression on his beautiful features tried to mask it.
"You're not having much luck even here" she pointed out.
"At least I'm not a sex zombie anymore, why the hell do you care anyway?" he inquired suspiciously.
"I'm in a good work relationship with Okada, this district fixer. Her problems and the ones of her clients often became mine to resolve. I like to keep myself well informed" V said, raising the hood of her jacket on her head.
"See you around, Johnny" she smiled weakly before stepping under the pounding rain.
"Wait! Don't you... I mean, as a thank you?" he raised his voice to be heard.
"As a thank you, you can stay safe" she ignited the engine of her Arch to life before speeding away.
"See you around, V" he sighed, shivering in the cold night.
Feel free to comment and give constructive critiques. English is not my mother tongue so if you have found some errors, please let me know.
Ideas and suggestions are welcomed too 💕
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always-andromeda · 2 years
perhaps a white chocolate truffle + eddie? <3
your stuff helped distract me through a lot of my painful oral surgery recovery, so maybe something where eddie is helping his love recover from a surgery or an illness, or just any kind of fluff that you enjoy writing? :) i love your characterizations and writing style! <3
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– 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I'm so sorry this has taken so long to publish, anon!! but I will have you know that every time I went past this ask in my inbox, it made me almost tear up. thank you so much for your encouragement, dear. I hope that this blurb fits what you were looking for!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader has their wisdom teeth removed, pet names (sweetheart), complete and utter fluff, nothing else I can think of!
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Edward had been nothing but a pure sweetheart. If your jaw didn't already hurt, you were sure his attitude would've given you a toothache. The second you mentioned you were getting your wisdom teeth removed, Edward put himself completely at your disposal.
First, he insisted upon taking you to the appointment and back. Even though you argued that you'd just use a ride sharing service, he was all too eager to use up one of his few vacation days to help out. And as if that wasn't enough, he dumped even more of his time into the matter reading up on the recovery process. Edward had never been able to afford to go to a dentist. So his lack of knowledge was his excuse for hyper focusing on article after article from various medical journals for a few hours at a time.
By the time the day came, he sat nervously in the waiting room, almost as if he was expecting the dentist to run out, declaring that something had gone wrong during the surgery and they needed a volunteer. Edward had read so much that he was convinced that he could absolutely do it if he was needed.
Thankfully, though, the procedure went swimmingly. Before too long, you were wandering out of the exam room. Your gait was clumsy and slow; almost like you were lost. But the second your eye caught Edward's figure standing awkwardly by the front desk, you gravitated towards him. As he helped you pay, you were practically latched to him with your arms around his forearms.
The woman behind the counter ran through the recovery process, to which Edward only half listened to. He was far too preoccupied with the sound of you humming contentedly through the gauze in your mouth. And that would set the tone for the trip home as you came down from the anesthetic.
During the drive, you shifted wildly between trying to tell him about a dream you'd had the night before, tearing up at how nice the dentist had been, and pointing to random things on the side of the road.
He drove by a trash can and you pointed, calling it to attention with a muffled, "Trash!"
Edward rolled his eyes and mumbled, "That's right, sweetheart, that's a trash can."
He chuckled when you added in amazement, "Woooow." Yeah, it was definitely a good thing that you were safe with him and not at the will of some random Uber driver.
A little under half an hour later, Edward was ushering you into his apartment. You were finally starting to come back to reality a bit more and the pain was setting in. But of course, Edward had that covered.
He led you to the living room where his beloved recliner resided; already set up with a pillow and a blanket. He let you get yourself comfortable and disappeared into his little kitchen, giving you a chance to shake your head in disbelief. Why he was so willing to go above and beyond for you, you had no idea.
More than any other partner you'd had, Edward was incredibly attentive. There was no length that was too far for the poor man. And though you sometimes felt bad for how committed he was, you had to admit...it felt nice being looked after and cared for with such fierceness.
So as soon he emerged from the kitchen with an ice pack in hand, you gave him the fondest smile you could manage, earning a giggle from Edward. You quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Your mouth is still a little numb," he muttered, nodding at the lopsided smile that had crept up the side of your face.
Before you could feel silly for it, Edward brushed the matter away entirely by handing you the ice pack and instructing, "Here, hold this against one side of your jaw for about fifteen minutes. Then you can switch it to the other side and do another fifteen minutes. It should help with the swelling over the next few days."
You didn't know why Edward even bothered to mention the fifteen minute part. Because his eye was firmly on the clock the whole time and he reminded you to switch over himself. You did what you were told, not having the heart to express any sort of ungratefulness at how doting he was towards you. Because as much as you valued your independence, you knew how much these kinds of things meant to him.
Being able to take care of something or someone was the way he showed his love. So you kicked back and tried to let yourself embrace it. The only thing you wouldn't let him give you was the TV remote.
"I'm super tired, Eddie," you yawned. "I'm probably going to fall asleep anyways. You can turn on whatever you want."
Edward's wide eyes blinked at you. "Are you sure you don't want something to eat before you fall asleep?"
You sighed, "No thank you, sweetheart. I'm not hungry yet. Maybe after I have a nap."
Despite the fact that he had a couch in the same room, Edward settled beside your hanging legs on the floor. He reached up to hold your hand as he turned the television on, flipping through the channels. He laughed softly, "Alright. Whenever you do wake up though, there's yogurt in the fridge and applesauce in the cupboard that are both screaming your name."
Your eyelids fluttered shut and you caressed his fingers in your hand. "Lucky me. Can't wait..." you drifted off.
After a few minutes, Edward felt your grip on his hand soften. He laid his head back, finally allowing himself to feel a shred of satisfaction as you snoozed. There was no way in hell that he would ever let you go through anything alone. No matter how big or small the matter might be, Edward would always be ready to care for you as best as he can.
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applexxpop · 1 year
Welcome home ship thoughts
Home is not included
Wally Darling
Wally x Barnaby 9/10- LOVE IT. can see then being platonic or romantic. Loving the size difference and honestly they just look cute together. Wally definitely gives Barnaby bones and treats and Barnaby gives Wally new paint tubes
Wally x Howdy 10/10- I LOVE THIS SHIP, the fact Howdy has 4 arms to squish Wally with is just 😩 also again, the size difference, it makes my brain go brrr. Wally steals Apples and Howdy calls him greedy but let’s him have whatever
Wally x Julie 0/10- Don’t like it. I just can’t see it? Idk I see Julie as a big sister to him
Wally x Eddie 8/10- love this ship, just a southern man that forgets everything with a straight forward autistic man makes my brain go silly. Also when Eddie delivers mail he definitely kisses Wally’s cheek or something and says “special delivery!” And Wally does his little monotone laugh “Ha Ha Ha” and gives the mailman a kiss back
Wally x Frank 7/10- it’s been growing on me honestly, Wally definitely captures ‘butterflies’ for Frank to study but Frank doesn’t have to heart to tell me it’s a moth.
Wally x Sally 0/10- honest can’t see it, I find it platonic or them just being little gremlins together
Wally x Poppy 0/10- she’s a mother to him 💀 Poor girl ruffles her feathers at anything Wally does that causes Danger to himself, which happens often to none but still, she worries for him
Barnaby B. Beagle
Barnaby x Howdy 9/10- Barnaby’s thing said he comes into Howdy’s bodega everyday to get a hotdog, so imagine he comes in everyday and they develop feelings for each other slowly as the days, weeks, and months go by
Barnaby x Julie 0/10- just no, to me Barnaby is her big brother
Barnaby x Eddie 2/10- never thought about until now. Can’t see it ever happening, mailman and a dog? Yea, no. But Barnaby chasing after Eddie is kinda cute
Barnaby x Frank 2/10- again, never thought about it until now, honestly they just seem like the two neighbors that are friends with everyone but they don’t talk that often to each other
Barnaby x Sally 0/10- again little sister big brother
Barnaby x Poppy 0/10- she reminds him of his mama
Howdy Pillar
Howdy x Julie 0/10- I just- I don’t know something about Julie screams little sister to them to me
Howdy x Eddie 9/10- very cute, the only two business owners in Welcome Home in a relationship? I’m my opinion, that’s cute. I can see Eddie delivering packages and stuff to Howdy and Eddie give him a big ol smooch and happily says “special delivery!” And Howdy smiles and says “I wonder who it’s from!” And Eddie goes “Me!” And they both laugh! Also they spend the early morning together, Eddie got all his mail ready to be delivered so he sits and eats breakfast with Howdy before he starts getting his bodega ready for the day.
Howdy x Frank 8/10- Also very cute! A 4ft grumpy man that’s special interest is butterflies with a 8ft tall caterpillar? Yes, please. I imagine Frank calls or visits Howdy’s bodega to ask if he’s had lunch yet or if he ate breakfast he packed for him, and of course Howdy ate the Breakfast but he’s been so busy he hasn’t eaten lunch so they eat lunch together.
Howdy x Sally 0/10- seriously what’s up with me thinking they are little sisters to everyone??
Howdy x Poppy 0/10- I think he sees Poppy almost as a mother as well; she calls him darling and brings him cookies, or when he works late at the bodega and falls asleep, she just happens to visit and sees, placing a blanket over him or waking him up so he can rest in his proper bed.
Eddie Dear
Eddie x Julie 0/10- they gossip about Frank but in a good way, also they play dress up and have tea party’s
Eddie x Frank 1000/10- Literally husbands. I could go on for fucking ever about these two but if I do this will be longer then I want so I’m just going to say I REALLY REALLY love them <3
Eddie x Sally 0/10- helps bandage her knees cause she’s always rehearsing dramatic scenes for her plays, can’t tell me otherwise
Eddie x Poppy 0/10- she’s a mama to everyone
Frank Frankly
Frank x Julie 0/10- no 💀 they are best friends
Frank x Sally 0/10- just no, they are both gay(in my opinion)
Frank x Poppy 0/10- No, once again SHE IS MAMA. Also they tell eachother their deepest darkest secrets 🤫
Poppy Partridge
Poppy x Julie 0/10- just can’t see it
Poppy x Sally ?/10- ….im thinking about it
Julie Joyful
Julie x Sally 10/10- Girlfriends for real. Sally let’s Julie reluctantly change the scripts in her plays because it makes her happy and Sally loves seeing her sunshine happy🥰
Eddie x Frank x Howdy 10000/10- oh my 😍 Imagine them cuddling, and Frank is In the middle while Eddie spoons them from behind, and Howdy's arms are over both of them, one arm under the pillow, one under Frank. the other two laying over Frank holding Eddie’s waist . One of Frank's arms curled around Eddie’s arm with their other hand clinging to Howdy’s night shirt.
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