#edinburgh capitals
sregnarkroywen · 1 year
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Xander’s first time on the ice with the Edinburgh Capitals | 13.09.2023
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Hunting for Clues-with-a-capital-C, a meta of Good Omens metas, and GO fun!
*I'm adding to this list as I find new and interesting Clues and theories!
*This post version is dated 19 Jul 2024; the current version is pinned to my profile.
* I maxed out Tumblr's link limit! Here's the Google doc with many of the Clues, links, discontinuities, and metas I've collected from all over the fandom. There's a new section at the top called "Discontinuities and Reports from the Ineffable Detective Agency"! (Inspired by this post from @kimberleyjean!)
Below, you'll find a list of my original posts, most of which are filled with fact-finding, Clue-hunting screenshots that will probably leave you with more questions than answers! Several of these posts are also presented in partnership with the Ineffable Detective Agency:
The Appearing Sign:
The Honolulu Roast sign appears in the middle of a scene?! AND the lamp moves?!
The Bentley:
How to tell the "three" Good Omens Bentleys apart, without talking about color
Ineffable discontinuity and the Bentley's roadtrip transformation: new back doors and other changes (after it was yellow)
The open Bentley window at the end of season 2
Clocks and Time:
The Ineffable Detective Agency Presents: The Main Bookshop Clock's Hands are BACKWARDS and Other Revelations!
The ineffable discontinuity of time in ALL of Good Omens season 2?
Crowley's watch doesn't always have hands
Good Omens season 2 ending and Crowley's (probable) Time Stop
Crowley's sideburns:
Crowley’s sideburns
Crowley's sideburns aren't even consistent in the promo photos.
Extras Behaving Strangely:
Hawaiian Shirt/Pub Table Guy
Marking the Columns
The Demon in an Orange Hoodie
Gabriel's Memory Returns:
The Ineffable Detective Agency presents: Gabriel's memory
Plus, hidden audio in the memory tunnels?
More Assorted Discontinuities:
Edinburgh and the Briefcase, presented by the Ineffable Detective Agency
The disappearing textiles storefront (and Maggie's second sign)
When does Mr Arnold's shop arrive? After season 1, except Neil says it was in the 1970s
Season 1: First Wombat in Space (also, Bentley bullet hole decals)
Set Furnishings:
The circular bookshop rug CHANGES?!
The Good Omens bookshop furniture changes between s1 and s2 (but NOT after Adam reboots reality!)
The s2 Bookshop / s1 Hospital Sink
Other Speculation and Questions:
On Neil's Tumblr asks, Staying Skeptical, and Gravity Falls
Finding hope for s3 and perspective for s2 in Neil's s1 podcast with David Tennant
The BTS parking ticket translation
The S2 Opening Title Sequence: analysis
The Ineffable Detective Agency presents: the origins of the white bust in the bookshop (a really lovely theory, you should read it!)
Parallels with Nightmare in Silver (Doctor Who written by Neil) - multiple Crowleys?
Has Aziraphale been meeting with Floating Head Metatron throughout s2?
Would even vulnerable, heartbroken Crowley try to protect Aziraphale at all costs? A possible hidden transfer in the kiss.
I have questions about Nina and ESPECIALLY about Maggie...
Don't pay the guy with the blue glasses, he doesn't work here!
If you enjoyed my research, stay tuned for future posts, and take a look at my Google doc for even more Clues and metas from all over the fandom!
Some closing bits of encouragement:
A: "You just said it was the only way to prevent something terrible happening!"
G: "Really? What?!"
A: "I don't know!"
G: "Well then, I expect it will be fine. Most things are fine in the end."
Neil: "Tell him that it will all be all right in the end, and that we are not yet at the end."
Plus, for fun:
Good Omens ✨Clues and Detectives✨:
Celebrating lots of milestones, including my 1500th follower! See all the posts here!
Good Omens Day of ✨Dance✨:
Learn all about my GO "Day of Dance" and get a link to all the fandom art I shared, here!
My Fanfiction:
From the GOMM holiday exchange: Cocoa and Fairy Lights, How to Fight Your Chemistry and Lose
GOMM 2024: Orbiting a Memory, featuring a gorgeous illustration of Saraqael by @altonthebard
Fan Fiction Friday: The Universe Might Answer: Broken Moonlight
From the GO Song & Poetry Exchange: The Ineffable Dance
GOMM reverse bang 2024: Silver Screen Solace, featuring a playful book omens theater drawing by @ufofrommarss
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nando161mando · 4 months
"Homeless sent out of city to make room for Taylor Swift fans"
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vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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The mediaeval heart of Old Edinburgh still inspires the Scottish soul
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Leith, Scotland. February 2024.
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avillainstory · 1 year
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Took a shit on capitalism quite literally / Edinburgh, Scotland
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tailsbeth · 10 months
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I arrived back in Edinburgh yesterday and Scott's Monument was giving incredibly bi energy. 🩷💜💙
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know-it-all-freak · 7 months
Paul at Capital SciFi Con, 18-19/2/2024, Edinburgh, Scotland
Some pics of Paul from this weekend. Found on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. A much expected appearance of Paul, as the last con he was in was some months ago. I missed seeing him, tbh! So, enjoy and have a very....
Happy Mc Gann Monday!
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Some pics from his Q&A panel on Saturday (he brought knitting!)
(Also him in that Dalek beanie!) 😂😂😂
(Not to mention his hair after he took the beanie off!!)😂😂😂😂
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(Source: Twitter)
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nonage4life · 6 months
went to edinburgh and thought i should visit my boy. taken in his prime😔😔
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
here is a situation I would like you to consider. Imagine a charity, right?
This charity has a staff of 207, of whom around 5-8 are people of colour
This charity works in poverty and homelessness reduction, an area which disproportionately affects Black people, Asian people, and non-EU migrants.
This charity operates in Scotland, a country which is considered extremely white with a population who identified as 96% white in the 2011 census
This charity operates in Edinburgh, a city with a population that's still pretty overwhelmingly white, with 91.7% identifying as some form of white in 2011 (5.5% Asian, 1.1% Black or African, 1.6% other/mixed) (the 2022 census numbers aren't out yet so this is real outdated)
The charity has an Inclusion and Diversity staff working group
Despite operating in a pretty white country, this charity is still managing to limbo under the line of 'less white than Scotland as a whole in 2011' by having a staff body which is under 4% people of colour, despite operating in the capital.
All staff of colour in the organisation are below junior management level
All but 2 people of colour in the staff team have, at some point, joined the staff working group then left. Several have mentioned feeling like they're being expected to take on extra diversity work because of their race, and one spoke to feeling like there was no room or interest in discussing racial equity.
There has never been any concerted data gathering or analysis on the racial picture of applications vs successful recruitments in the organisation
When asked, the general take from management is 'people of colour prefer to work for BAME organisations'
When asked about racial equity in recruitment, managers in the inclusion and diversity group repeatedly deflect to talking about reaching BAME client groups by co-working with BAME-focused community organisations.
When asked about putting budget underspend behind scoping the reasons for racial inequity in hiring and retention, managers in the (entirely white) I&D group said, and I quote, "obviously it's important but it's never come up as a priority and we don't need people to come in and tell us what we already know"
"ok what do we already know"
fucking nothing as it turns out because it's "never been a priority"
we don't even know if it's a recruitment or hiring issue
except I do
because I've talked to multiple people of colour who applied and went through the hiring process and were not hired
so people are fucking applying aren't they
anyway I had a very angering day yesterday, how are you all doing?
It's not, in fact, that "they don't want to work here for some reason"
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little-red-fool · 1 year
My graverobber obsessed ass is shaking after watching Episode 2, I need to see Episode 3 as soon as possible.
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elephantbitterhead · 2 years
Why are there so many worthless shelving systems/units on this earth? I do not want to showcase my one tiny eggshell & single glass unicorn figurine under an LED light on a hair-thin ledge made of cotton candy. I want to store a shitton of books on a non-sagging, at-least-moderately attractive shelf & it seems like the only way I can do that is to build my own.
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nando161mando · 4 months
Edimburgo - Tagliati i cavi internet della sede di Leonardo Spa di Edimburgo. Azione rivendicata da "Palestine Action Scotland"
Edinburgh - The internet cables at the Leonardo Spa headquarters in Edinburgh were cut. Action claimed by "Palestine Action Scotland"
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vox-anglosphere · 1 year
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The RAF Red Arrows release the red, white, and blue over Edinburgh
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imperatorrrrr · 11 months
I got tagged in two separate aesthetics based posts by @toffoliravioli and @stereax, so I decided to combine them (?) into one massive aesthetics post...let's see if it works.
so Stere's tag included this instruction: "aesthetic tag game! on pinterest, search your name + core and pick the first 6 pictures!" but my name on Pinterest comes up with like nada because its not a popular name at all and even though its kind of a more normal name in India, my Mom decided to spell it differently than its usually spelled, so yeah, just gonna wing it?
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honestly, I don't think I really understand what aesthetics even mean, so I just picked, um, the best artistic/photo representations of everything I'm about.
I shall tag @dawson-mercer @mikathemad and @offside-the-lines
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lovebooksgroup · 12 days
Rebus: A Game Called Malice - Wed 11 to Sat 14 Sep 2024🎭 @captheatres #Theatrereview #WhatsonEdi #Edinburgh #Theatre #Arts #Fivestars #IanRankin #Rebus
Rebus: A Game Called Malice Wed 11 to Sat 14 Sep 2024 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rebus: A Game Called Malice is a thrilling and masterfully crafted stage production that brings the beloved Inspector John Rebus to life in a way that will delight both longtime fans and newcomers alike. Set in an elegant Edinburgh mansion, the play begins with a murder mystery game that quickly becomes all too real. The tension…
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