#edit: some people said the ending didn't make sense and they were right so i changed it
romor · 7 months
I'm starting to think people don't understand that adaptations have to be different. Did netflix have the same amount of time as Book 1 to work with? Technically yes, but 20 episodes is for sure more than 8 so they didn't.
If you are constantly comparing it to the original and upset about the changes. Then for sure the netflix adaptation is not for you.
I've seen some bad adaptations over the years, for example my favorite book is Inkheart. Even the 2010 Avatar movie is a better adaptation than Inkheart's.
Conclusion it's a pretty good series, if you like the original, if you can watch it without constantly comparing it to the original you will enjoy it more.
Editing to add to this since so many have said something.
Inkheart is not a horrible movie, but it is a bad adaptation. Fantastic cast, with no loyalty to the source material.
There is a difference between adapting a story, and remaking it. This is literally being referred to as the netflix adaptation, so clearly it's not a remake. Because it is an adaptation, changes are expected. It would be stupid to expect a copy and paste story.
The changes make sense, because if you want book 2, and only have 8 episodes to work, you have to make a lot happen. The original show has clear start and end points for the events that occur (aka you know that start of the episode and the end). That's fine, when you have 20 episodes to work with, each 20 minutes. That doesn't work with 8 episodes each 1 hour (or about an hour). It doesn't translate to smooth storytelling. A lot of important things occur in book 1, but let's not forget that book 1 is also more episodic vs the rest of the series. In fact don't we often say "it gets better," about the book 1? What I am saying, a lot has to happen in the first season to set up not just season 2, but season 3. They did really good making sure those events happened.
I don't mind the mixing of plot because they didn't have much of a choice if they wanted a cohesive plot. I would also like to add I'm so glad the removed the northern air temple episode's setting. Never felt right with me.
I'm not saying don't compare them because it's impossible not to. I'm saying that if you are constantly going to be thinking of everything they changed, if you think the original series is so perfect. So unflawed, that how dare they even try. If you are going to be watching it already offended that they decided to even touch it. This adaptation is not for you.
If you were like me and wished that fire did in fact burn everytime it touched someone. If you are like me and thought the original series was too light-hearted for its plot. Then you will enjoy it. It's a fun adaptation, that keeps as loyal to its source material as it can be.
Yes I have my issues with it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a fun watch.
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beelmons · 1 year
Just want Luke Alvez to spell out his name with his tongue against me. I'm a simple woman, with simple needs. No hands, all mouth. my cunnilingus king
no cause this is what i call having taste !
i accidentally posted this without finishing and im going insane trying to speed write it skckwkckwkf DOMT LOOK UNDER READ MORE
Edit: Okay NOW you can look.
cw: oral sex fem receiving, fem!reader
Some people paid billions of dollars to reach space and experience the wonders of the universe, and yet, it only took a heavily underpaid FBI agent to get you to see stars.
Luke Alvez was not a man to eat women out, oh no, he was the one to straight up devour them. Like an avid critic ready to cater his next meal, he would time and again bury himself in between your legs; no further aid needed whatsoever, a dedicated mouth could take you to places you were sure mortals couldn't reach.
It made you suspicious, to be honest. How could a man be so good at pleasing a woman? The only way it made sense was if he had done it hundreds of times before, but taking his time while in deployment and current new schedule in consideration, he wouldn't only have to be dedicated to it, he would have had to straight up clone himself to take two women at a time on the little time he had to spare.
He could do it, to be fair, without the need of cloning himself, after all he had his charm. You don't just open your legs for anyone on the first date, let alone the first thirty minutes of meeting them. He was a witty gentleman, and not hard on the eye at all.
Soon you would find out that his sharp tongue wasn't only skillful on the streets. Something about the way he so passionately licked you thoroughly each time. Or how he moaned along everytime he hit a good spot. Or the weird combination of strokes he pulled at the end, the one that never failed to push you over the edge.
You had to find out what it was, because you were starting to think it was not human. And tonight, as your apartment was filled with lewd slurping sounds, you were set on finding it out.
One little problem, keeping your sanity as his tongue, somehow, reached your sweetest spots was no easy task. It took all of your energy and some holding back from straight up cumming into his mouth without warning. Your face was clenched in what seemed more like pain than pleasure. But your climax was reaching, you were so close, just as close as you were to figuring out what the hell he did at the end, so close, so close.
"Babe, are you alright?" he pulled away to ask.
"No!" you yelled in anger almost instinctively, and certainly without intention.
He was clearly taken aback by your reaction, and the second you noticed his clear confusion, you spoke up again.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." you said, reaching to have your hand land on his hair, not wanting him to be too far from your cunt "I was just so close."
"Sorry, you looked like you were in pain, so..." he tried to explain before you cut him off.
"I was focused." you clarified.
"Focused?" his brows furrowed "Listen, if you have to focus to cum... I'd rather you tell me what I'm doing wrong."
"No. What? Come on Luke, you can't be serious." you complained "I was focused on figuring out what the hell it is that you always do, that it makes my brain be reduced to a pulp!"
You certainly didn't mean it as a praise, but he still found a way to interpret it as such. He broke into a shy chuckle as he shook his head.
"I can tell you" he said "But you have to promise not to laugh."
"Why would I-" you were about to inquire, but he cut you off.
"I spell my name with my tongue." he finally admitted.
"You are kidding." your eyes opened in genuine surprise. It sounded so stupid right off the bat, even more so when you considered the possibility of being true.
Your free hand reached down to have your middle digit trail over your own clit, you were moist enough thanks to him, so nothing else was needed. You began making an experiment of your own.
L U K E A L-
Sure, it felt good, but nothing out of the ordinary.
"Not like that!" he quickly grabbed at your wrist to pull it away "It's not the same if you use fingers, and I'm afraid there is one more secret to it."
You were attentively looking at him talk, so you were able to see his face disappear between your legs. You thought after the break you wouldn't be so sensitive, but boy were you wrong. The second the tip of his tongue landed on your bundle of nerves again, your legs began to shake. Like no time had passed.
You tried your best to pay attention, you really did.
Luke Alvez
But you lost track after the 'K'.
Next thing you knew, you were dripping down in your own release, and he was doing his best to have nothing go to waste.
Your chest was raising up and down from the pants. Legs limb and tired against his shoulders. Once he was satisfied with the clean up, he raised his head yet again. His characteristic, slightly annoying, cheeky grin clear on his face.
"I do it in cursive."
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sweetmariihs2 · 4 months
Since I got a Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney movie mostly) hyperfocus I've been wondering about some stuff:
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Quasimodo poured molten bronze from the top of the cathedral onto the people below, especially Frollo.
1 - He didn't cared about the innocent citizens down there which is weird for his character - maybe it was the stress idk. Or he just knew that the closest ones from the cathedral were the guards, which is where the bronze would fall. But it could have spilled on anyone. Weird.
2 - In the following morning there was no molten bronze (or smoke, or even the stage where Frollo tried to burn Esmeralda) on the square anymore. And everyone was fine?
3 - Why was there molten bronze in Notre Dame, specially in that place? I don't know much about the Middle Ages but it doesn't seem normal for that fire to be lit all the time, it would be a waste of time and firewood. Logically, it would only be melted when a bell needed to be repaired, and Quasimodo was stuck in those chains since they got out of the Court Of Miracles, probably. So it makes no sense.
4 - Poor boy was probably starving there. It was the next day. (Edit: or maybe the Court Of Miracles scene just happened at the previous day 11:00 PM and the fire scene happened at the next day 03:00 AM, who knows?)
5 - I only heard it was molten bronze. First time I watched I got so confused, I'm pretty sure that they didn't said that on the movie. Also, I never heard about churches having that kind of dangerous material inside them. People fixed the bells there? People made them there? Help I'm so confused. Can someone answer me? With real pics please? I tried to make a research but couldn't find anything.
I would also point out that Frollo standed on a gargoyle he HIMSELF had cut in the middle. He dug his own grave. lmao. you can see the cut mark of the sword on the gargoyle next to his feet. I think that's not really obvious and someone out there didn't got it. I only did after like my fourth watch.
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Something I also wonder is if the archdeacon told Quasimodo the full story of what Frollo did to his mother. And yes, you may think "of course, I would love to see it that way, Quasimodo deserves to know", and while I agree with you... imagine how he would feel when knowing that the archdeacon knew the truth for years and kept it from him. Let Frollo lie to him, let Frollo abuse him and tell him that his mother abandoned him because he looked like a monster, for years, years and years. He wouldn't be fine. I can only think about his rage when Frollo tried to stab him at the end of the movie or when Phoebus appeared right after Esmeralda escaped from Notre Dame. Poor boy would never be able to look at that archdeacon's face again.
Why did the archdeacon let Frollo just take care of Quasimodo after what Frollo did?! He clearly didn't wanted to take care of the baby, the archdeacon just pushed little Quasi onto his hands for Quasi to suffer! When someone is denying something, they may do it but they'll do it grudgingly. If it was something stupid than it would be fine, but that's a whole life in his hands. The archdeacon just forced abuse on Quasi for years. What did he thought? That because Frollo felt guilty he would be a good father? He knows Frollo's character and saw how reckless he acted with that child's life. And even worse, he could have stopped it. But no, he saw Quasimodo suffering for 20 years and just let it happen.
Just found this on pinterest:
We see them interact with the environment around them all the time, mostly during the rebellion in front of Notre Dame by the end of the movie. I know that the sequel is not really good and maybe not even canon but Madeline sees them too. "They can be both schizophrenic" at the same time and seeing/hearing the same stuff? No way. Shut up I won't hear anyone out.
Quasimodo's pure heart and sweet - insecure behavior doesn't come from Frollo's childrearing. It comes from the Gargoyles and the insecurity Frollo buried into Quasi's head.
If Quasimodo was only raised by Frollo, he would be a thrash bag. He would have prejudice against the romani people, instead of just repeating in doubt what Frollo says during the scene where he shows the cathedral's terrace to Esmeralda. He also wouldn't be that sweet kind of guy who covers his view when suddently bumps into a girl changing her clothes. Basically he would be cruel and stupid, just like how Esmeralda said "How could such a cruel man have raised someone like you?"
And the answer is that: He didn't! Frollo taught him everything he needed to know, brought him food, and then left him alone for the rest of the day like we see him doing in the movie. You know who raised Quasimodo? The gargoyles. It's them who turned him into someone sweet and nice to have around. They're his adoptive parents in a way, you know?
And I also think that idea of them never showing themselves to humans but seeing that poor boy being left alone in that belltower made them want to do something about it. Make him some company, and teach him the right stuff - which is what Frollo wasn't doing right, just like everything else he does.
And I'M SURE, I JUST KNOW THAT IT WAS LAVERNE WHO DECIDED TO DO IT FIRST. She tried to convince Hugo and Victor about starting to help little Quasi, but they were afraid of doing it so. Laverne just said "you know what? I can't keep watching this in silence. Fuck it" and they just went along.
Also, something I learned in practice was that when you make someone insecure, convinces that person to believe they're less than anyone else and that they're stupid, dumb and ugly, this person tends to be extra nice to get approval of others. They don't even do it on purpose, the're just trying to make up for their appearence and stupidness through acts of kindess and service. And if that's done to them since a young age like it was done to Quasimodo, they do it unintentionally, and it turns into a personality trait. In a "I'm sorry for being like this. Let me make up for you" way. Like Quasimodo said "I know that I'm ugly", and in my opinion that's one of the worse ilnesses someone can have. It's not even a real ilness, and yet it's so damn hard to cure. Lmao that's totally not based on something I experienced, of course not. That's exactly why I absolutely don't kin Quasimodo. Of course not.
Children come into the world with a natural desire to discover and explore. To make Quasimodo so quiet and submissive, Frollo must have given the worst kinds of punishments to "discipline" him. He probably hit him more than once. Locked him somewhere? Maybe worse, Frollo tends to be quite creative when punishing innocent people. He broke all of Quasi's stuff he made for weeks, maybe years, just to scare him, and because he was angry.
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It makes me even more worried to see how Quasi reacts to Frollo everytime they're together. He just reacts with fear and respect every time. Fear, mostly fear. What kinds of things hasn't this boy endured by disobeying or responding in a way that didn't pleased Frollo? To have to pick up the plates correctly and immediately sit down to study, and call him his "master" instead of just "Frollo".
I would also like to point out how Frollo stopped calling Quasimodo "Quasimodo" and started calling him "hunchback" closer to the end of the movie. That's how he sees him after all these years. A dumb, ugly and miserable guy who obeys him and is not even seen as a human. Have you ever watched The Goonies? You know that guy? Yes, that guy? I think that Frollo sees Quasi like this. The novel version reinforces this even more, with Quasimodo not being able to hear and barely talking.
I also headcanon that Disney's Quasimodo is still a bit deaf because of the bells. He can still hear, but lower. Sometimes his friends need to call his name twice.
And now these thoughts deserve a whole part of the post to discuss (Frollo and Esmeralda centered):
Frollo was probably considered ANCIENT because the life expectancy during medieval times was around 25-30 years. The guy was at his 66 years old.
1 - I know that in the book he's described as being afraid of woman, and a priest, so it made sense that he wasn't married. But that didn't happened in the movie. And as a (pervert) 66 yo old man, christian, white, powerful (judge and I still headcanon him as a fiefdom owner in the movie idc it makes sense in my head), traditional, who claims he's the only right person in the world and who does all kinds of atrocities, and who literally threatens (and tries) to kill Esmeralda if she refuses to "be his". Why didn't he had a wife? I mean, he could manipulate a woman or anyone for that matter if he wanted someone to... yk. I want to discuss more about this in the following topic.
What did Frollo meant when he said "Choose me or the fire"? I mean, there were three meanings for that quote in that context: "be in love with me", "hook up with me" or "be my wife (both, except that she would be stuck with him forever, and that's probably what he meant)"
Since he's a traditional christian guy and probably a sexist too based off his character, it would only made sense that he's the kind of guy to say "the man provides, the housewifes do the house chores and take care of the children".
As we see in 'Hellfire', he seems to support the purity culture, celibacy. And he's blaming himself for feeling attraction towards Esmeralda.
But this also can be for two reasons: because he choose celibacy, OR because she's a romani girl, which are people you know he despises. Or it can be both. That's also a doubt of mine.
Continuing my train of thought and taking this into consideration, Frollo feels extremely guilty for feeling attracted to her, and he claims "Destroy Esmeralda and let her taste the fires of hell; Or else let her be mine and mine alone" (I know you sang it).
Based off this, and knowing that Frollo is a radical (and hypocrite, but somehow he refuses to accept his lust for a long time) conservative christian, it would only made sense he would consummate after wedding. And by his word choices "let her be mine and mine alone", "choose me or the fire" sounds like he would like to MAKE HER HIS, PERMANENTLY. Maybe these words don't have this meaning? Maybe they're just about having her once? Maybe. But who knows. He's that kind of religious guy.
On the other way, he despises romani people and is disgusted of Esmeralda at the same time he's crazy about her. He calls her a witch, says it's her fault he was having those thoughts, "look at that disgusting display" (that classic kind of guy who says short skirts are innapropriate and too provocative but it's trying to look under them, iykyk). Basically he hates Esmeralda, who she is, despises her dance and calls it "disgusting display" and yet he's lusting over her. Considering this, it would only make sense he would do what he wants and leave her aside somehow, Frollo wouldn't want people to know that he married a romani girl, or a "vulgar girl" like her, maybe Frollo doesn't sees "the potential in her to be in a christian marriage", you know that that's extremely in character for him.
If Esmeralda had accepted his offer and did what he wanted, what would have happened? He would marry her and would exhibit her as a recanted woman? In a "I fixed her" kind of way, "and now she's my wife"? He would wipe all of her originality, personality and being out of her and turn her into his puppet like Elvis did to Priscilla in the movie "Priscilla", but worse? She would live an unhappy life with him and probably have his children too because this kind of guy believes in "only indulging in carnal acts when the purpose it's to reproduce"? Or maybe not, maybe he doesn't want children, but it doesn't matter because guys like him usually leaves all that on their wife's backs.
Also during the song "Hellfire" we see how fire Esmeralda "burns at the stake" and turns into smoke, flying into his direction with open arms. That's kinda metaphoric about him torturing her in that stake, stripping her of who she is and turning her into a ghost of herself. One that doesn't burn like flames, is softer, quieter, and willing for him and his twisted love - the kind of wife this kind of guy want.
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While it also makes sense of him only having her once and considering Esmeralda "too promiscuous and part of the 'the common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd', not good enough to be his wife", it's also possible that he's hinting about turning Esmeralda into a quiet, submissive and sad wife. "I can save you in this world and the other" maybe also hints at that, changing her so she's not "sinning" anymore by being who she is.
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There's a great channel on Youtube called "Final Girl Studios" and the owner of the channel makes video essays, she LOVES to mention this subject. It fits perfectly what we're talking about.
And ALSO I WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO MENTION HER ESSAY ABOUT THE MOVIE "VALERIE AND HER WEEK OF WONDERS". She talks about the Madonna and the prostitute theory and how the movie surrounds around this. And it's relevant to mention here that this movie has everything to do with the dynamic and topics discussed between Frollo and Esmeralda, not only in the Disney movie but also in the other adaptations and in the original novel.
I mean, it's a movie that's about a young girl called Valerie who just got into her puberty and spent a week finding out about how harsh the world is towards woman in general. So many things happen in this movie, but you can get what I mean when knowing that there's a scene when the priest tries to take advantage of her but fails because he remembered he should be celibate, and later then on the movie he tries to burn her at the stake, saying that she's a witch and seduced him to sin. Valerie then shows him her tongue.
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Gosh that was so fun to take out of my chest and share. Someone needs to make a full post or video about how the Madonna x Whore subject is related to Esmeralda and Frollo. It's too much work for me, but maybe you guys would like to.
Also my friend mentioned about Esmeralda wearing different clothes during the stake scene. And yeah, okay, but if she was wearing different clothes, someone made her dress them, or dressed her themselves. She (my friend) was afraid that Esmeralda may have been assaulted or abused in any way during that period of time. I don't think Frollo did anything drastic like she does, or else he wouldn't be asking Esmeralda to "recant" and accept his offer.
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ellestra · 10 months
Farming content James Somerton style
Edited: I cleaned up sentences, removed typos and added some links
You've probably seen the latest hbomberguy video that highlights plagiarism problem on youtube. He gives several examples many I never heard about but I've been recommended iilluminaughtii before and watched some of her stuff before getting tired of seemingly endless volume (now I know why). But then he gets to the real subject of the video and I did watch a lot of James Somerton videos. And I liked many of them. I liked them a lot.
I didn't give him any money and, as much as it came as relief, I kept thinking how this must feel so much worse for people who did. I thought about supporting him for a moment when he posted (in April this year!) how his videos are getting less views because youtube algorithm and demonetisation of gay creators (it's a real thing so it was easy to believe) and he will be forced to stop creating if people don't sign up to his patreon. But I was casual viewer and he seemed big enough so I didn't. It must feel like such a betrayal to those who created a real community around him. Just like his film production company it's clear now it was another of his scams. It's infuriating how well it worked.
Somerton deleted his patreon now (along with his twitter and discord server) so there is probably no recourse for those affected. The only good thing is that someone big enough highlighted what he did (and brought receipts) so he had to stop. When smaller creators called him out it either went unnoticed or he managed to make himself a victim (and send his fans after them). He actually did what Anita Sarkeesian was accused of and gaslighted his followers about it. His misogyny just adds an extra bitter taste to this.
At the end hbomberguy talks about how if Somerton was open about what he was doing this could've been his niche. He said it just as I was thinking basically the same thing. I'm sure there is a market for field review type of videos. Not review like movie or book review but in academic sense when you take other people articles on the subject and compare to show the state of research on the subject on at the moment.
This kind of reviews doesn't need any original research. The value is in giving people overview of where the field is at and pointing them to the actual research so they can read more in depth about the results. If you already did the search for all the sources this is a perfect format to use them. Most people don't have time or resources to comb through all the resources themselves but they like to learn about it and this is why videos like that are popular. That's why iilluminaughtii, Somerton and al. were able to cash in on it.
But of course this kind of things have to properly cited. And they cannot be just all quotes. You have to make coherent points not just make stuff up for the transitions (lies that actually made Todd in the Shadows make a video not about music). I suppose that's too much work. Too much effort when you need to crank out content to satisfy all the sponsors.
I was glad to find out I already watch most of the queer creators recommended in the hbomberguy's video (and put on this watch list) as an alternative (I would add Caelan Conrad to it - funnily enough I found them through their video about antivax movement). I trained my youtube recommendations well in which way it skews but it's easier to kick out all the obviously awful when you know what talking points to avoid. It's much harder to spot grift when it pretends to care about the same things you care about. Somerton was saying all the right things. It just wasn't his words.
Did he even believe any of it? I bet he'll insist on yes but the laziness says otherwise. It seems like it was all just for the money and fans this angle gave him. That he enjoyed being cool to the audience he built and the stuff it bought him. Be gay do crime for real. Only he didn't write that one either.
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
X-Files Attachment Styles: An Avoidance Shared by Two
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Was reading this beautiful post and had some thoughts.
**Note**: Will ghost edit later~
In light of the Attachment styles posited by @agent-troi, it makes sense why Scully and Mulder developed their unspoken so early on.
If Mulder is Anxious-Avoidant, then it makes sense why he sidesteps voicing his needs and especially his wants, fearing rejection from his support system (parents, girlfriends, friends, partners, etc.)
If Scully is Secure-Avoidant, then it makes sense why she is able to balance a strong sense of self with the need for reciprocal affection and an inability to show her "weakness" or reliance on another person.
But because she's an intelligent woman, Scully would've realized Mulder communicates more efficiently with his hands and eye contact than with his words. Physical touch doesn't seem to be a problem from as early on as the Pilot; but keeping close proximity to her partner in strained moments that crack her "strength" is more of a challenge (ex. Irresistible, Memento Mori, Elegy, A Christmas Carol, Emily, etc.)
Despite Mulder being her priority since Tooms, it took Scully seven years to resolve her avoidant issues, making peace with her ability to pick the right choice (a fear stemming back to the rabbit she'd rescued and accidentally killed) and truly embracing life for what it was.
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And because he's an intelligent man, Mulder would've realized Scully needs to hear reciprocal affection from time to time (or else, like you said, she jumps to Never Again and FTF and All Things conclusions.) Most of his compliments early on were spoken to the wind (E.B.E.'s "I think it's remotely plausible someone might think you're hot") or to other people (Irresistible's "pretty woman" and Syzygy's "rigid in a wonderful way", etc.) Never Again was the shakeup that caused Mulder to start making more advances towards Scully (as opposed to Home's rapid withdrawal when she angled his banter more seriously) progressing from "I knew you would tell me if I was making a mistake" to "You're my one in five billion" to "You kept me honest, made me a whole person" to, finally, "You are my constant, my touchstone."
Despite Scully being his priority since One Breath, it took Mulder four years to realize he could lose Scully and begin to dig deep and work hard to prove that he not only wanted but needed her. The real change happened over six years in-- "another life, another world"-- and culminated in an act of impulsive courage that led to their no-excuses-left-to-give kiss in Millennium.
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(And isn't it interesting that both of their psychological pivots happened after getting a glimpse of what their life "could have been", i.e. Amor Fati and All Things respectively?)
Lastly, I think both of them recognized the Avoidant nature of the other: Scully had patience when Mulder ran off to the next big mystery instead of wanting a "normal" life with her (The Jersey Devil, bits in War of the Coprophages, Quagmire, Home, Detour, Dreamland, Arcadia, etc.); and Mulder didn't expect but learned to understand whenever Scully pushed him out of her personal walls (the slow build from Beyond the Sea to Never Again, Leonard Betts, Memento Mori, Elegy, Gethsemane, Emily, etc.)
(Sidenote: This dynamic would be yet another layer to their behavior in Never Again: Scully needed affirmation; but Mulder, having never seen or expected this side from her, thought she was gearing up to abandon him. By the end it's all cleared up... but neither is content with their separate but parallel awakenings-- my thoughts on the script here, in-depth meta here, and in-depth Typing post here.)
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Not much at this point, but I think the confident takeaway would be that-- really-- Mulder and Scully grew into their own with each other.
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Thanks for reading~
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slayerchick303 · 1 year
I just finished Home, and I have some thoughts:
Rhodey was in a hospital gown when he got out of the pod! I swear to all that is holy, if they have him been replaced by a skrull after his injury in Civil War, I will march on Disney headquarters! That would cheapen Tony's death, funeral, and Rhodey's amazing conversation with Sam in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I said I'd freak out if they made the swap previous to FATWS, and I meant it!
Gravik's human face was a man he killed, so I'm assuming the same is true for G'iah. If she is indeed going to be Abigail Brand as leaks have suggested (meaning Abigail Brand is dead), I'm going to be mad! Like legitimately disappointed. Brand is one of my favorite parts of the Astonishing X-Men comics run. I ship her and Beast so hard.
When was Everett Ross swapped? It has to have been after Black Panther because he would've reverted to his skrull form after being shot and/or Shuri would've noticed while healing him. Has a skrull infiltrated Wakandan leadership?! How many? For how long? Because that's BAD. Imagine the havoc skrulls could wreak with Wakanda's resources.
The CGI in this was pretty good. Especially compared to other recent Disney+ titles. That being said, I hate a lot of how they used it. Giving G'iah a huge Drax arm?! Bad choices in multiple ways: A.) the big Drax arm looked so weird as did other things. B.) do they think Marvel fans are too stupid to get what they were doing if they didn't make her arm huge? They should've kept Emilia's arm the same size, only given her Drax's tattoos and skin color at most. We would've understood. C.) the clothing changed too! How does that make sense?
Is Gravik really dead, though? Is Raava? We don't know if Raava has super skrull powers, but Gravik had like EVERYTHING. That seems like it should make him pretty invincible.
How did people not clock how off Rhodey was? There was like an enormous change in his personality. Raava was a jerk!
So, Fury and Sonya only tranqed those secret service members at the hospital. That wouldn't automatically make them revert, right, or every skrull would be outed when they fell asleep. If all those guards were humans, they were legitimately the worst security detail ever. That one guy literally listened to SkrullRhodey pretty much out herself and did nothing. He didn't even warn the president Rhodey was acting uncharacteristically. Every member of White House personale will have to be tested somehow. Maybe check for purple blood?
I really thought Ritson would die at the end. I guess he's just awful (which is unsurprising). I'm glad he won't be president much longer, as Harrison Ford is taking over the role of President Thaddeus Ross in Captain America: Brave New World. That being said, part of me worries that President Ross might be even worse than Ritson.
I kind of loved Varra and Fury's ending. It redeemed the awful, "I guess we'll never know moment."
****EDIT:**** I didn't think about this at the time, but I saw someone else bring it up. G'iah has Captain Marvel powers now! Doesn't that mean she should be caught up in the entanglement mess Captain Marvel, Photon, and Miss Marvel are dealing with in The Marvels?! That's an ENORMOUS plot hole. Not to mention, G'iah is ridiculously overpowered now. People complain about how powerful Superman is, and G'iah is so much worse.
I enjoyed Secret Invasion, even if it wasn't the best Disney+ show. The comics are still WAY better. Regardless, I'm looking forward to The Marvels even more now.
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sophitia-of-hyrule · 10 months
Tears of the Kingdom is killing my love for Zelda
BotW promised a bright future, a change to the status quo, only for TotK to throw all of BotW's themes in the trash and go back to the "good old days" of absolute divine right monarchy and sexist writing. Not to mention Ganondorf having zero nuance. Despite his gorgeous design, he's by far the worst Ganondorf personality and motivation-wise. He's such a nothing character. What's the point of giving Ganon his humanoid form back if he barely has more personality than the evil cloud around Hyrule Castle.
Twilight Princess came out almost 20 years ago and it had more active and likable female characters. TotK makes TP look like peak feminism. Why is the latest game in the series so goddamn regressive? Why are we going backwards?
There's barely anything interesting about TotK. It's so shallow and again, incredibly regressive for a game that came out this year.
The more I read interviews and Nintendo statements, the more I realize they don't fucking care. They don't care about giving you a good story that makes sense, or an immersive world, or likable characters. TotK is what happens when you take "gameplay over anything else" to it's extreme.
Sure gameplay is important, but what's the point of playing a game if I'm not immersed into the world? TotK is a huge sandbox, it doesn't feel like a world, it feels like a tech demo. It has the same energy as Yandere Simulator leaving a bunch of weapons right in front of the school gate so the player can go wild. This world doesn't feel alive to me. It's like Nintendo saw people complain about BotW being "empty" and tried to solve that problem by throwing a bunch of shit everywhere with no rhyme or reason.
Sonic Frontiers has it's issues. It really does. It's extremely janky, has some bad level design and the story has a few holes. However, I could feel so much love in the dialogue and the character interactions. It was a love letter to the series and its characters. It felt like a fanfiction, but in a good way. Like a passion project. Sure the game is far, FAR from perfect, but I could tell the people who wrote for it really cared.
I didn't get that feeling playing TotK. It really felt like Nintendo just wanted to flex their new physics engine and stupid fucking building mechanic. They really gave us Zelda Nuts & Bolts and everyone clapped.
What's the point of building shit if the world feels fake and the characters are merely shadows of their former selves? What's the point of making a sequel if you're just going to ignore everything that happened in BotW to "not confuse new players"? What's the point?
I don't fucking care about the building mechanic. That's not why I play Zelda. The story is important to me. The characters are important to me. The worldbuilding is important to me. And Nintendo ignored all of those things.
In my opinion TotK's opening and ending (minus the true ending) are fantastic. But everything in between is a bitter disappointment. Nintendo confirmed the depths took very little time to make because they were auto-generated. Hyrule has barely changed except for the fact that Hateno has a bunch of ugly mushrooms everywhere now. Sky islands are few and far between, and are copy-pasted to an absurd degree. Why the fuck did this game take longer to develop than BotW? There's barely anything new. "BUT THE PHYSICS ENGINE IS INCREDIBLE" "BUT YOU CAN BUILD THINGS" Big fucking whoop. I don't care. I don't play Zelda for the fucking physics.
My boyfriend got mad at me when I said it felt like a cash grab but that's genuinely how I feel.
Edit: TotK confirms that Link bought the house in Hateno village, yet everyone in Hateno acts like they've never met him before?? Bolson doesn't even recognize him despite TotK confirming that not only did Link buy the Hateno house, they went to Hudson's wedding together. Bolson should know who Link is. Who wrote this. Who thought this was okay. Why are people praising this game.
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onmyyan · 2 years
Hiii I would like to say I like your writing and everything you do please make sure to get lots of rest and drink lots of water also I like a Caspian a lot and would like to hear more about him but, I am also interested in Ricky as when you said he was the smartest out of the brothers can we get more head canons about him. What is he like? What type of darling does he like and what are his dislikes also can his s/o be a oil painter( a really good one at that) when you get the chance
Also sorry if this is really long thank you 😊
A/N: Sweet anon i love ya and i hope your staying well fed and rested!! I was hoping someone would ask about Ricky!!! If u can't tell I have a crush oh him (EDITED 12/16/22)
T/W'S: Yandere shenanigans, manipulation, Virgo man,
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Richard 'Ricky' Delmont
Coming in at a whopping 6'3, this brooding bastard isn't the biggest of his siblings, but he is the most cunning.
He has ADHD, his brain is reaching conclusions and other viable options while everyone else is still processing the question.
He keeps his hair long, the red really shines through in the sun, the ends touched his lower back, his canines are sharper than most when he's deep in thought his tongue constantly flickered over them.
His birthmark looks like a crudely drawn smiley face, his family nickname is- you guessed it, 'Smiley.' I know, so creative, this gets used a lot more ironically now since he almost always looks irritated.
His face is usually twisted into this 'irate at it all look' but when he'd occasionally unclench and relax, he had the prettiest features.
His eyes are captivating in the same way cats are.
But when he gets blackout mad they go black like a shark, his pupil gets so blown that all the red in his iris disappears.
Smells like old books and has some stupid expensive cologne that smells like a guy no other way to describe it.
The Brooklyn is strong in this one, very much sounds like the "settle down" guy from TikTok.
Secretly soft, so secret even he doesn't realize it.
Obsessed with his Fathers approval, like its a problem LMAO
Super into anything creative, particularly music, he used it as a tool to both understand and be understood, all genes appealed to him. Still, secretly, pop was his favorite, the only people who know that are his Mother and his Darling.
Had a scene phase- don't ask him about it unless you want him to lock himself in his room and blast MCR for a few hours
Holds you so tenderly, it's never a quick thing with him, he just wraps himself around you like a security blanket.
He's their Fathers favorite and it's obvious, once he began to show initiative, Carlos, their Father, quickly took him under his wing, sure Gabe had the muscle to do the job right but Ricky had the brain.
In that favoritism he has a lot of pressure to succeed, sure he'd get a proud look or a pat on the back whenever he did, but that consuming fear of failure weighed on him heavily.
Was forced to grow up wayyy faster than he should have. This shows in the way he treats people and himself.
Love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time.
Has a sixth sense about shit, like he knows when something is about to go down and the best way to handle it.
Scarily good at reading people, and knows when someone is lying so don't bother.
His one nickname for you is 'Love', while simple, he thinks it's absolutely perfect for you, it's what you brought into his life.
Despite the hardass mask he had up 99% of the time, he was truly himself with you.
He can let down his walls in a way he was never fully able to with his family.
Cherishes you wholeheartedly, has several notebooks filled to the brim with anything and everything you.
Huge stalker
The kinda guy who is careful in every aspect of his life, especially when it came to you.
He stalked you for a full year before officially claiming you as his Darling. He had to be certain you were the one because he didn't like making mistakes.
At least that's what he tells himself, but between you and me he was building up the confidence to ask you out.
The first time you two 'meet', only one of you notices the other.
You'd been browsing the oil paints intensely, so focused you didn't notice the massive man thumbing through the section on your right but he sure noticed you.
The tender way you inspected each tube caught his eye, particularly the fact that you bothered to put everything back where it belonged, it showed a certain kindness he only ever saw in his Mother.
He lingers, not so close you'd catch on, and pretends to look something up on his phone, then subtly takes a picture of your card when you pull it out to pay. He watches you until you leave.
The second the bell of the door signals your departure he's gone, typing your full name into the search bar with such fever his fingers trembled. The jolt of excitement turned into a constant hum as he searched.
He enjoys gathering research, even more so when it involves you.
He finds your art accounts first and spends hours staring at each piece you've created like a historian. If you do commissions he'll immediately ask for something, anything, as long as it comes from you he wants it- no, he needs it.
Of course, he'd use an anonymous account of his, one of many, and the second you agree he's sent over the full amount with the small message "Take your time, whatever you come up with will blow me away- R."
It's the start of your relationship, even if you don't realize it yet. He commissions you as often as you'd allow, using it as a way to communicate his love.
"Phenomenal work. You never cease to amaze me, I'm forever grateful for the chance to experience such wonder."
The notes he left grew more and more poetic, to you he was a mysterious, eloquently spoken fan who was very passionate about Art, he was, of course, talking about you whenever he wrote.
Speaking of, if given the chance to start over, he'd be an author, or a songwriter, anything where he gets to tap into the darkness inside and create from it.
A huge cuddle bug.
It's the one action you can lure him away from work with.
He is a Virgo man so you know, run
Has a bad habit of not eating when he's in 'work' mode, something you'll have to look out for.
The kinda person who can burn water, for the love of everything good keep him away from the kitchen.
Tried to make you breakfast once and nearly poisoned you both.
He sees the way their father looks at Caspian and does everything he can to escape that fate, meaning this book-loving, metal beltin' sweetheart learned to hide himself to fit in.
He can DANCE but never does it around anyone but you or his mirror.
Insecure about his "softer" features, his persona was built around hiding those parts of himself, thankfully loving you began to uncover those hidden pieces of him, while it wouldn't happen overnight, the light he had shined bright whenever he'd let it.
Would cry cum and combust if you ever painted him, literally gets it framed and has a very serious debate with himself if it should go in his home office or his work one, it comes down to the idea of having a shit day at work and looking up to see the physical representation of your love for him, that seals the deal.
He shows his love with every action and every word.
Possessive of your time, if he's perfectly satisfied only having you in his life why wouldn't you feel the same??
Openly hates your friends, well not so open you'd notice and call him out, but open in a way that has your friends complaining about him, he works you so well that he has you thinking it's better to stay in than go out with your friends, and who is he to deny you?
While he'd never make you mad on purpose, he did get all tingly when you got pissed at someone else, your brows would furrow and your gaze would turn to ice, oh would you look at that he's hard now.
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deadbeatbirdmom · 11 months
Personally I don’t expect team rwby to solve all bigotry, but I’d like to see them make any sort of attempt to at least begin to change something? Even relatively small scale?
The SDC seemed like the perfect opportunity but nope,
And maybe don’t kill,of characters like sienna and have characters like Robyn hill who are actively trying to combat class inequality get competed into fighting Salem instead
Movies like nimona manage it I don’t see why rwby can’t
This is the last time I'll be answering an ask to do with these issues in RWBY. I don't feel that there's a satisfactory answer, and certainly not one that I can provide. I've mentioned something along those lines before, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not the same anon and didn't see my posted answer.
I recently reblogged a post about these issues, but that doesn't mean my answer has changed. That post basically said there is no simple fix, and that means it isn't possible to do in RWBY, unless it was a fictional fix that wouldn't work in reality, which would be disrespectful.
I'm not sure what you expect four teenagers to be able to do, even small scale. They're good at fighting Grimm, but that doesn't mean anyone's going to pay attention to them about anything else.
Ruby's lucky at least some people listened to her broadcast about Salem, but that's connected with Grimm.
Weiss was the SDC heiress but ended up having that taken away before she could do anything good with it, and actually doing anything would have had to wait until her father was no longer in control.
Blake persuaded Menagerie's faunus to form a militia and help save Haven from Adam's corrupted White Fang, but that took a serendipitous attack on her parents and their house partly burning down. She can't command that militia to do anything else.
Yang would struggle to persuade anyone to do anything. The last time Remnant at large saw her was during the Vytal tournament broadcast, apparently breaking Mercury's leg unprovoked. The CCT is still down, so chances are most people have no idea she was set up. I dunno, maybe she could intimidate some sense into people?
I'm not sure when team RWBY would have had time to do anything while in Atlas. Ironwood kept them busy. Were they supposed to take down or reform the SDC with the one night off they had? If they'd tried they might well have found themselves arrested, the SDC and its Dust is rather important to the Atlas military. And then where would they be with their goal of getting the second Relic from the Atlas vault?
As for after things fell apart with Ironwood... As important as these issues are, avoiding arrest and doing their part to help get word out about Salem, or helping Mantle and then rescuing Oscar had priority.
It's not the reason they've done it, they just happened to fall in love, but I guess it could be argued that Blake and Yang's romance is some sort of proof that faunus and humans are equal.
After Salem is eventually somehow defeated, I can imagine at least Blake working with or even leading the reformed White Fang and campaigning for faunus rights. I'm sure the rest of her team would help her if there's anything they can do.
But survival against Salem has to come first. So a huntress like Robyn Hill doesn't really have any choice. There won't be any world to improve if Salem isn't stopped.
As for Sienna, take that up with Adam. I'd much rather she hadn't been killed off too, but there was no other way that was going to end between them.
That's the best I can do, anon. I'm well aware it's not a great answer. I can't provide one. I don't think there is one.
I haven't seen Nimona, I don't have a Netflix subscription. Maybe I'll watch it the next time I want to rewatch She-Ra. I've read the Nimona graphic novel years ago, but I don't remember bigotry being solved in there. Unless you meant an attempt being made? I need to reread it.
Edit: this got long and I forgot about a read more cut until now. Apologies!
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yeppeudau · 8 months
Chapter thirty-one: our couple aregyu 🩵🧡
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banner by: @/seungstarss
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⎙ synopsis: In which you and Soobin have a crush on the others bff, who which coincidentally, are dating. So you do what any other people with a common goal would, and try to break them up. Except it doesn't go exactly as planned...
⎙ word count: 1.5k (+1 photo at the end)
⎙ warnings: none I don't think?? povs fck me up !!
♡a/n: hi guys🧍‍♀️(i have posted this and edited it like 5 times I'm a mess its been so long)
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As soon as class ends Soobin makes his way out to his locker, quickly grabbing his sweater and putting his books away before heading out of the building.
If he was being honest he was some what excited? To go and spend some time with his friends again (as well as the fact he would love some free money to spend on games). It had been some time since he had hung out with Heeseung and Jeongin, let alone Beomgyu. As they've both been preoccupied with other things.
One being the painful sight of having to see his best friend, and his crush eating each other's faces in the hallway. And maybe that was a little dramatic but still! It was something that would definitely be ingrained into his head no matter how much he wanted to forget it.
More over, he had to see you. Which, he was more than open to admit his distaste towards being in your presence, and you the same.
After the little argument the two of you had he's been in a worse mood then he would like to admit. You were just so pushy with EVERYTHING and he couldn't stand it. Boundaries? He was pretty sure you didn't know what those were. It was annoying him to say the least, but fortunately he needn't say anything when Beomgyu knew him like the back of his hand. He immediately sensed something was wrong and asked Soobin to come hangout.
He was happy to have a best friend who knew him so well, which also made him feel worse for even bothering with you in the first place. All this just to "not" break them up but "break them up" he was pretty sure even you were confused.
He felt a little guilty for agreeing to go along with your idea, but in its own way he's hoping all this would help him get over the bubbly student council president, thats what he's hoping at least.
Reaching the gates of the school he immediately noticed his friends, loud and running around like children. 'Why are they like this? ' Soobin thought to himself waiting for them to calm down and finally notice his presence. Thankfully that didn't take long as they greeted him happily patting his back.
Maybe this is exactly what he needed.
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You were ecstatic to say the least. You've finally gotten a chance to hangout with your dearest best friend again. Areum has always been a busy person but she has also always made time for you. Sometimes maybe a little too late but you could never hold it against her.
Walking into the store you were absolutely elated. You weren't a big fan of reading honestly, a wall of text really wasn't your go to, but stylized drawings along with smaller walls of text? Sign you up! The smell of books, the stationary you thought was too cute to use but would buy anyway, the merch of your favorite media, made you love this place.
Areum on the other hand was a big fan of those walls of texts. She actually didn't quite understand why you preferred comics and manga over a good book but she listened wholeheartedly whenever you talked about them. She was a great friend, more than you could say about yourself at the moment. But that was something you for you to push in the way back of your mind once again. 'Future me can deal with consequences right? ' and 'Enjoy the moment let's not go feeling guilty ' were all you said to yourself.
The two of you walked around the store together eventually picking out these cute sanrio matching keychains for each other.
"Areum I'm going to look at the manga 'kay?" you announced, to which she nodded and you walked off.
"today's going to be a good day I'm sure of it!" you assure yourself with a hearty pep in your step.
well, when do things ever go as planned?
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"Choi Soobin?" Soobin freezes at the the call of his name. That voice was all too familiar and not in a good way.
Turning from his original position slightly, he slowly cranks his neck up to meet the person who assumingly called him. Eyes trailing up suspiciously only to be met with none other than you. Arms crossed, foot tapping, with that ugly look of annoyance you always wore on your face looking down on him.
"Why are you here?!" you whisper yelled at him, causing him to roll his eyes in return.
What? could he not be in a perfectly public place when you're around now? He already has to at school, one more place wouldn't kill you, unfortunately. Soobin scoffs at your question, getting up from his position on the floor to stand in front of you mimicking your expression and stance as he raises his eye brow at you "It's a public book store, and I like books-" he motions to the wall of manga behind him before pursing his lips at using the word 'books' "-manga." he corrects.
You glare at him for a moment and he swears he's never wanted someone away from him more in his life. A 10 foot pole wouldn't even be enough distance between the two of you. He didn't need your nonsensical bickering today, or anyday preferably for that matter.
He was supposed to be enjoying himself with his friends trying to win a cheap reward for a cafe he barely even gets to go to anymore, he is not supposed to be agitated and talking to you.
Just as he's about to turn back around, clearly opting to ignore you, you grab his arm much to his surpise and discomfort. "Are you here with Gyu?" you suddenly ask.
'Of course that's what she would ask ' he thinks to himself, and for a moment he contemplates lying to you, because well, why should he tell you? But as if you read his mid (which is something he never thought was possible) you open your mouth again.
"Listen before you say anything I'm here with Areum thats why I'm asking" you state throwing a thump over you shoulder in the direction of the shorter who was currently flipping through a book.
As he looked in her direction an expression of "She looks so cute" was practically written all over his face.
You roll your eyes.
Coincidentally at that moment she must have felt someone staring as she turns to peak over her shoulder only to meet eyes with Soobin. Her brows shoot up in a pleasant surprise before going back to normal, she smiles brightly sending him a wave.
Soobin feels his heart beat quicken for a moment at the small gesture before slowly waving back dumbly. Only looking back in your direction when you let out a particularly noisy groan.
"Great, she's probably coming over here now. Is he here or not?"
"Uh, yeah he's at the game shop next door. I didn't want anything so I came here.." Soobin trails off still staring at the girl who is now, in fact walking over to the two of you. Hes not sure if he should be happy about this or still annoyed with the fact he had ran into you in the first place. Unfortunately you don't give him enough time to weigh the pros and cons of it before you harshly step (more like stomp) on his foot.
"Ow!" Soobin winces quickly kneeling down to hold his foot, maybe he really didn't have to think about the pros and cons.
"Leave before Beomgyu comes in here and looks for you, would'ya?"
"Why should I when you just assaulted me??" he snaps.
"Because I'm sure you also don't want to spend your day out with our lovely couple, now do you?" you argue back crossing your arms over your chest like some know-it-all.
But at that he silences, you were right, unfortunately, but you were right. And as much as he tells himself he would be okay with just being in her presence, recently that hasn't really been the case.
Maybe its been like that for a while now and he's just refused to acknowledge it, but either way it's not the time to be dwelling on it. He doesn't have the chance to anyway as Areum had reached them.
"Hey, Soobin! I didn't know you'd be here" Areum says with a tilt of her head as she smiles him.
That smile will be the death of him he swears. So much so he fails to give her a reply other than just blinking slowly at her.
But that doesn't seem to phase her as she speaks again "If you're here by yourself do you want to join us?" she asks, probably out of courtesy. But if it was any other day he'd be saying yes.
A simple "uh" is all he manages to let out before you take it upon yourself to speak for him.
"He can't! He was actually just leaving right Soobin??" you question through gritted teeth.
"Ah... yeah actually, I remembered I have something to do, sorry.." he mumbles scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh no, its okay! I just thought I'd ask. Have fun doing what you have to!"
"Yeah thanks.." Soobin says bye to Areum and sends you a glare before leaving the two of you.
"C'mon y/n ready to check out?"
"Huh? Yeah let me just grab this last thing."
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blue meas couldn't be tagged </3 lmk if i missed you!
taglist(open): @maitenight @kori-roe @rich-man-v @gyuville @darrensos @etherealcherrie @jjunis @i-yeseo @igotkpoops @ashxxkook @ilvaussie @soobin-chois @cha0thicpisces @ineedaherosavemeenow @luvsoobs @sukunasrealgf @captivq @baekberrie @knownunknown345 @stellz581 @jaycheoluwu @txtbrainrot @90s-belladonna @soobssup @miyawwn @tyigerz @imsiriuslyreal @txtbrainrot
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alexissara · 2 years
Play Thirsty Sword Lesbians
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So on bird app I talked about how many community copies of Thirsty Sword Lesbians there was and now 100s of people have claimed community copies of the game [Note Community Copies are free copies of PDFs which are on many itch.io TTRPGs and even community made TSL playbooks]. Since a ton more people now have access to my favorite game and one I've worked on for every edition so far as well as making a fan playbook, I wanted to talk about what is special about the system, what makes me love it so much, and why you might want to give it a try.
Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a simple game to understand but it refines even the most simple parts of it's design to make a better experience. In Thirsty Sword Lesbian's there is no failure or success. You roll d26 plus your modifier then you are either given a down beat, a mixed beat, or an upbeat. None of these mean you did what you intended. You can have a down beat where you knocked out the guard you had been trying to knock out but it turns out she was your girlfriends sister and without the context she just witnessed you assaulting her family. You may get an upbeat trying to do something and trip and fall and end up landing perfectly knocking away the sacred stone that the villain needs to turn the world into skeletons, with witnesses now thinking your amazing where in truth you have never quite been good at this.
Playbooks are designed with great intentionality to them each is designed with an emotional conflict at the heart. Where classes and playbooks can often be more like picking your powerset, in TSL your picking a struggle. It's not that other things might not be also bothering you but the conflict is something internally you are dealing with that's standing above the rest of the other conflicts you might have. This is an element that just feels very queer, we all have our problems, our traumas, and we work through them together. Each playbook also has a core mechanic that makes it stand out from the others, these have a narrative weight and a textual weight. These core mechanics typically take the form as some advantageous ability but are also deeply rooted in your conflict. They encourage you as a player to roleplay just by using the most basic aspect of your character.
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I have to be real though, the thing that first made me fall head over heels with Thirsty Sword Lesbians was how funny and cool the adventures were. When I was reading the playtest version of the game, before I was brought on to write Yuisa Revolution and later The Matriarch, I was just playing a one shot and thought the name sounded fun. I read Best Day Of Their Life and just knew, this game was gonna be utterly my shit. At first I was just skimming like I do with most TTRPGs at first glance, but I read the first couple lines of the setting and I decided "fuck, I have to read all of this." I read the whole thing, made a character for my one shot and right after that session signed up to run multiple one shots of the game so others could get to play it because I loved it so much.
I don't normally like to play in premade settings but each of these are simple enough to really build on with enough going on that made it easier to run if you didn't want to get super creative and make a bunch of new shit. It really made me fall in love with setting writing in a way I just didn't before. I had gotten asked to work on Mutants and Master Minds before I TSL but I thought it was so boring working on the setting I quit and left money on the table. However, when April approached me to write a setting, I said yes, right away, no hesitation and now I work in TTRPG design. I had done TTRPG design work before but I wasn't locked in after quitting comics, it was how exciting the settings were that got me so inspired to create.
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While many refer to Thirsty Sword Lesbians as a Powered By The Apocalypse game and by all means it is in a lot of senses, I think Powered By Lesbians is a very distinct flavor. It cuts out everything bad about PBTA and adds so much to the table. Chiefly among them is the smitten mechanic which is a mechanic I wish like every game had. It is one of the most clever pieces of game design ever convinced of. Being smitten has you do a moment of dramatic introspection, while I am one for more bright and cheery and less drama focused stuff, it's amazingly juicy hooks for a GM to get into. It not only allows you to put out your characters personal doubts about a potential relationship but it also says to the GM and everyone playing "I like this character, I want to see more of them, I want to explore where this goes." It's also in addition a way for players to tell each other "I want to be romantic with your character" and if they chose to get smitten back it's mechanically saying without even needing an out of game chat "Let's roleplay some romance."
Thirsty Sword Lesbians is really something special, I could gush on and on but already a lot given I worked on it and am currently working on it but I just wanted to talk about why the system is special to me. I hope I got you interested and I don't make any royalties on TSL sales [yet] so like I am not really biased here outside of the pages I worked on and that I made friends with a lot of folks who worked on it over my time working on it and after. Go clash swords and cross hearts.
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Angst. Smut. Sex work. Unprotected sex. P in V sex.
Author note: This has sat in my docs since episode one. I wasn't feeling it. I haven't edited it. It might help tide someone over until season two though.
I Put a Spell on You
The whisky and pills weren't cutting it anymore. The second he stopped working, stopped pushing forward and closed his eyes, there she was. Sarah. He could see every freckle. The tiny parts of her that looked like him. He could feel the weight of her in his arms. Smell the strawberry shampoo she used. He could feel her arms around him, clinging on as they ran. Then he could feel her blood on his hands. 
He pushed through it, worked harder, worked until he felt like dropping. Until the last of his energy carried him to bed to a restless sleep.
That's when he began searching for something more. Something to completely knock him out. While doing a trade on the far side of the QZ, he heard about it. A woman. He didn't get a name. The locals called her The Witch. Some of the less polite ones called her a whore. From what Joel could tell both could apply. Joel made contact through a third party,a guard that owed him a favour. She responded with her fee. Joel now held it in his hands, as he waited for her to answer. As the seconds passed his senses returned to him. What the hell was he doing here? Was he really going to see a witch to help him? Thinking better of it he turned to leave, then he turned back, a slither of guilt urging him to leave her fee for wasting her time. 
As he knelt down to place it on her door mat, the door opened. Lengths of white satin swished around bare legs as she stepped around the door. Joel's eyes scanned upwards, taking in the whimsical change in the colour of her dress. Around thigh height it began to turn purple the colour got stronger the higher his gaze went. Until the deep purple was complemented by an amethyst crystal pendant resting in her cleavage. Beyond that he saw her face. With some of the services she offered he assumed she would be older. If he had to guess, he'd say she was around the age he was before the world went to shit. Maybe younger, it was hard to tell with the smile on her face, it was so bright and carefree. She didn't look as aged as the people walking the street with the weight of the end of the world on their heads.
"You okay down there?" She asked, amusement evident in her tone. 
Suddenly, Joel Miller, a man that had talked his way out of more trouble that he could ever recall, was lost for words.
"Joel, right? Come on in." She moved back in the apartment. 
A light floral scent welcomed him as Joel followed her into her home. For the QZ it was surprisingly nice. It was brightly decorated. Soft furnishings and calming art pieces added colour. Having the penthouse afforded her enough privacy that she could keep the windows uncovered. The sunlight flooded in, warming the space even further. Being in one of the tallest surviving buildings meant her view was mainly sky. For a moment, Joel could imagine himself standing somewhere else entirely. 
"Would you like some tea before we begin?" She spoke softly.
"I was never much of a tea drinker, but thank you." Something about her made Joel remember his manners.
"Ah, a coffee man. I have that too." She smiled at him. "I'm not sure if will be helpful or not but if it makes you happy."
She made him a cup, bringing it over with her own cup. "Your contact said you wanted help sleeping."
"Yeah. I heard you could help with that." Joel felt a nervousness that he hadn't in years. 
"Did they tell you how I could help?" She queried.
"Not exactly. They said that you were a…"Joel caught himself.
"A witch? Baba Yaga? A lady of the night?" She grinned at him.
"Yeah." He laughed, a blush at his cheeks. "Just so we are clear. I offer herbal medicines, relaxation coaching, massage techniques. For a very select clientele, I offered intimate massage and sexual services."
"Very select?"
"Just for the ones I find attractive."
"So what services can you offer me?"
"You?" She looked him up and down, enjoying every second that she took him in. "All of them."
Joel felt an odd swell of pride. It had been a long time since he had been deemed worthy of something other than mere survival.
"We'll start with some simple breathing techniques. We'll get comfortable in each other's spaces then we can talk about my other services."
Joel should feel stupid. A grown man sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor, humming whatever tune came into his head as she instructed. Somehow he didn't. She just made him feel comfortable.
"The humming with help stimulate your vagus nerve. It promotes relaxation. I can help you stimulate it too if you like?"
Joel simple nodded at her question. 
She came to sit behind him, her soft hand working under the collar of his shirt to knead the muscles at the bottom of his neck. Her touch against his skin sent a shiver down his spine. His cock swelling in his jeans made him shuffle to get comfortable.
"You can take your clothes off it you would feel more comfortable. I can take mine off too, if you like?"
"I'd like that." Joel managed to croak out. Now that was embarrassing, a grown man sounding like a horny, hormonal teen. He could hear the rustling of material behind him. Then she was at his back again. Closer this time. He could feel her warmth as her breasts pressed into his back as she leaned into him. Her head resting on his shoulder. Instinctively, he cupped her cheek to keep her there. Joel hadn't felt softness like it in such a long time. He fucked when he needed but being truly intimate with someone that was something his mind didn't even entertain. Her lips pressed to his palm. 
"I'm here, Joel. We're safe here. Let me take care of you." With that she began to strip his shirt off of his shoulders. As the material rolled down his body she pressed soft kisses to each new piece of skin. When they were both bare, she lead him up onto the bed. With her sitting facing him, cross legged and naked, Joel didn't quite know where to look.
"Look at me, Handsome. We're going to begin with eye gazing. We look into each other's eyes. It might feel uncomfortable at first but I want to create a connection between us."
"That wasn't the type of connecting I was thinking was going to happen." Joel quipped.
The laughter that peeled out of her was beautiful. Her eyes shone with it, it made it easier for him to look deep into them watching the amusement dance in them. 
"Here. Put your hand over my heart." Taking his hand she settled it over her breast. Then she mirrored his position, her hand on his firm chest. Next, she covered his hand with hers and told him to do the same with hers. They sat there quietly feeling each breath the other took. Joel was startled by how imitate the whole thing felt. He leaned into the warmth and comfort he let go of the fact that he was paying her and let himself fantasise that the beautiful young woman in front of him was his, his love, his safe space. Something he could no longer indulge in. How could he allow himself to love when he knew how badly it hurt to lose it.
"Can I touch you?" The words came from his mouth as if someone else spoke them.
"Of course. I'll let you know if you do something I don't like. I trust you to stop when I say." She stroked his cheek as she spoke. Her fingertips dragging across his salt and pepper stubble caused a pleasant tingle. Her fingers threaded into his hair lightly tugging to pull him close.
"Are you okay with kissing?" She asked almost against his lips. He hadn't even thought about kissing. He wasn't sure if it would be on the table. He nodded.
"Words, Joel." She prompted.
"Yes. Kissing is okay." The way her lips gently moulded to his broke something in him. He didn't realise how much he'd missed tenderness. There was a time when his hands provide pleasure and comfort not just pain and death. He melted in her kiss as she massaged his scalp. Oddly, his body felt heavier as he released his burdens. Feeling the shift in his body, she move to the side, encouraging him to lay down. He let her guide him onto his back.
"Give me one minute." She hopped up off the bed. The spring in her step was refreshing. His eyes roamed over her curves. Her soft skin. She really was beautiful. He wondered what her story was. Almost selfishly he blinked the thought away. He didn't want to acknowledge anything outside of this room. When she returned she held a small silver jug.
"What's that? Witch's brew?" Joel final regained enough of his wits to make a joke.
"Oh yeah. This one turns you into putty in my hands." She tipped the jug. Joel grasped as the warm liquid hit his chest. His nipples harden and his cock twitched at the sensation. Holding the jug over her own chest, she poured the liquid over herself. Joel had no idea what she was covering them in but he hoped it was editable so he could lick it from her breasts. Setting the jug down she began to spread the liquid over his chest and down his arms. Slowly, she began massage every inch of him. Every inch softened under her touch. Only his cock remained rock hard as she worked her hands over him.
"Would you like me to make you cum?"
"Please." God, how that came out as a genuine plea.
Her slick fingers wrapped firmly around his girth. In under a minute he was on the verge of spilling his load. 
"Wait, wait, wait." He panted. "I don't want to, not yet."
"I bet you have another one in you for me. You just enjoy, Baby." She moved her hand in firm strokes once more. 
When didn't stop her she coaxed his release. "Come on, Joel. Let go. I want to see it. I bet you're so sexy when you cum." 
Her praise provoked something in him. He wanted more of it. He wanted to be worthy of her honeyed words. His cum soon mixed with the oil on her hands and his stomach. 
"Mmm. I was right." She kissed him playfully. Another thing that Joel had missed, idle playfulness.
Grabbing a towel she cleaned him off. Normally, cumming that hard was enough to drop him. Right now he had more energy that he'd had in weeks. He felt like he could be ready to take her in minutes. Arousal already stirred at the base of his cock. He should be sated yet he was even more hungry for her. Sitting up he kissed her before trying to take control. He wanted to make her feel good. A woman like her deserved to feel good. 
"Nuh-uh. You just lay back." 
"I want to see you cum. I bet you're so sexy when you come." He nipped at her lips as he mocked her. 
Pushing him back down, she braced her hands on her chest as she straddled his thigh. The oil made it easy for her to slide along his thigh. The coarse hair dusting his legs and the firmness of his muscles pushed her closer to climax with each sweep of her hips. Joel watched transfixed as his thigh grew wetter. As her moans grew loader. As she completely lost herself. She was free in the moment. Joel was used to people taking what they wanted, he'd been on both sides of it. He wasn't used to being done for anything but survival or greed. Seeing her chase her happiness, using him to provide it, a different sense of purpose filled him. 
He started to wonder if she really was a witch with the way he was under he spell. He was transfixed by every little micro expression as she enjoyed herself. By the time she came on his thigh, he was just as undone as she was. He was near feral as he surged up to catch her lips.
"Easy." She smiled against his lips. "Cross your legs like before."
Doing as he was told, he rested his hands on her hips as she straddled him. Taking his length in her hand, she notched him at her entrance. Just the promise of her warmth around her had him throbbing. Their breaths mingled as she slowly dropped down on him. His hips itched to surge upwards, the position they were in wouldn't really allow for it. She felt his body chasing hers.
"We're just going to take things slow. We have all night."
"I think you're giving an old man too much credit."
"An old man in incredible shape." Her hand wrapped around his taunt bicep. Leaning back, he changed the angle of him inside her, rolling her hips, she sighed happily. 
The sight of her made Joel even less confident that he could go all night. Even if he could distract himself from the feeling of her perfect wet heat clutching him, just looking at her was enough to make him feel like cumming.
"Fuck. If you keep arching those pretty tits in my face while you ride me like that, I won't last long."
"When you get close to cumming, tell me. Give me a number from one to ten. Ten being ready to blow." If she kept talking like that he would blow. "Number?"
Joel took a moment to calm his mind. He purged it of thoughts of how it would feel to fill her. To see his spend dripping out of her thoroughly fucked pussy. He thought about how his body felt instead. "Eight."
"Good. When that number gets higher you let me know."
The way he was able to drop his guard and relinquish control to her pushed him towards nine. Her pace was slow and steady. She rose up squeezing every inch of him until the tip was barely inside her then sunk down achingly slow. Joel hadn't had sex this unhurried in over two decades. He savoured every stroke. He was able to fully be the moment with her.
"Nine." He grunted. Her hips sped up. "Fuck. No, don't. I'm…" Coming to a complete halt she rose off of him. Her hand wrapped around the tip of his length. Squeezing tightly until his approaching climax was abated.
Pressing little kisses around his hairline, she waited patiently for his breathing to slow right down before she resumed riding him slowly. 
"So that's your game? You're going to tease an old man to death. Pick my stuff clean to sell. Nice little side…ah…hustle. Fuck." 
"That wouldn't be a gr-great way to get return customers. Oh, god. I-I'll wait until until I get a few more payments before I fuck you to de..oh..death."
"It might be my turn to question your stamina. Shit. You feel pretty close to me."
"The difference if I can cum and keep going."
"Well, in that case." Joel's thick fingers worked their way between them. With his usual level of competence, he had her muscles convulsing around her. 
The feel of her was incredible, he almost didn't tell her his number. He wanted he to carry on pulling him in deeper. "Nine." He eventually groaned.
Even with her limbs still trembling she rose off him and delayed his orgasm again. "Jesus, Darlin'!" His tongue coming out to wet his lips as he panted threw her off. The incredible luxury of only sleeping with clients she was attracted to had its downsides. Sometimes she wanted them to stick around. For them to share more than just their bodies. Joel brought this urge out in her more than anyone ever had. Aside from being incredibly attractive he had a way about him. Confident without being arrogant. A steady reassuring presence with a vein of softness. All of it was very appealing. As much as she wanted to stretch things out to build his climax until the wave of it pulled him under and washed away his stress leaving him floating free. She also couldn't wait to feel him cum inside of her. They hadn't discussed it but he she figured he wanted that. It was one of the special services that she offered. Not being able to get pregnant was a big draw. Still it wasn't without its risks. That was the other stipulation with her clients. As well as being attracted to them they had to be clean. FEDRA didn't give a shit about most people. They'd given up on a cure. They did however screen some people regularly for any signs that the virus could have mutated. This included a full medical screening. A list one of your contacts had access to. Which she exchanged for 'the best hour of her month'.
Once Joel had calmed down, she started to ride him again. Greedily this time. The stretch of him, the depth of him striking her inside, it was all so good.
"Uncross your legs, Joel." Once he was laid flat, she rode him even harder.
"Fuck. Nine!" 
"I know. I know. Cum for me. Let go."
"Can I…can I cum inside you? It's safe, right?" Joel had heard about the service she offered. Something primal inside him wanted it. There was no way he would ever risk it normally but he had guarantees. One of his contacts had access to your medical files.
"Yes. I want you to Joel. I want to feel you."
With that he was gone. This orgasm was longer than he'd ever felt. After the first sudden release of pressure, coupled with overwhelming ecstasy, waves of pleasure rolled through him. Each one washing away his ability to think coherently. Until he was finally taken by a deep, dreamless sleep.
Joel had barely pulled out of her when he'd started to drift off. Once he was asleep she quickly pressed a plug inside of her to catch his release. He looked so handsome, she took a moment to admire him before slipping away to her bedroom. Quickly, she lay down a towel and grabbed her camera. Spreading her legs wide she removed the plug and took a picture of his cum dripping out of her. Another way for her to make ends meet. One that allowed to be choosy about her clients. She could trade the pictures for a lot of things. Even at the end of the world, sex still sold. Her cunt twitched at the sight of Joel's cum coating her still wanting hole. It lubed up her fingers as she pumped them in and out until she found her own release again. Joel's name on her tongue and thoughts of him fucking her roughly filling her head. She couldn't resist sucking them clean when she was done. The taste of them mixed together was intoxicating. For a brief second, she hoped Joel would visit again. That was the exact moment she knew he never could. With all the loss she'd already experienced. Inviting a man like Joel Miller into her life was the perfect spell for heartache.
Tags @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @graciexmarvel @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass
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merowkittie · 1 year
Hiii! This is only like my second time requesting anything so idek if I’m doing it right but I was hoping you could do smth where the reader is an editor? Maybe w/ miles but anyone is fine. Idk if that’s weird but yeah 😭 thanksss 🫶🏾
Miles Morales x Editor!Reader
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I originally was writing a fic but it turned out shit, so I turned it into a HC list/fic.. and It also turned out shit 😭 i hope you enjoy it a bit though!
Warnings: mentions of injury and violence / r and miles bickering / r gets caught up in miles' spider-man stuff / r being a littleee bit of a stalker.. / not proofread / probably won’t make sense towards the end because I finsihed this at 3 am / I think that's it
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Ok now.. this is a bit complicated since you have a very important job. You're an editor/photographer for the weekly newspaper in NYC. Which means... you have to give the people what they want, and that also means making your best friend sound like a maniac.
Miles knows you're an editor, it's not a secret you keep, or a thing you try to hide. He also knows that you have to take pictures of him.
"Miles, I need photos of you! Well.. not you, you, spider-man you." You said to him one evening when he swung you around New York for a date. (He didn't want to, it was your idea and he knew how excited you got whenever he did this.)
He'd stare at you like you were crazy and you'd talk for a minute about why.
"Well.. as long as you get my good side. Don't make me sound crazy either!"
You two spent the rest of the day after that taking photos and catching up about stuff that happened at school that miles missed.
Some of the photos turned out shit because he kept posing towards the camera when they're supposed to be off guard and while he's swinging or in action.
Though, one thing he told you was not to get involved when he was defending the city, minor or major.
"Alright.. but listen, don't try to put yourself in danger for a couple of photos. If you're anywhere near me when I'm actually in action on patrol, go home. You know I always meet you there, cariño."
He'd be very serious, which is rare between you two. It's always giggles and jokes.
Miles does not want you caught up in his hero life.
The photos you took prove to be good because you're printing them editing them and the papers sell like crazy.
Though, your boss tells you that he wants more. The photos are now boring and don't prove that he is crazy.
your boss is the crazy one.
"Sir.. I don't mean to go against you, but I wouldn't incriminate him. He's a hero to many of us here! Don't you think you're thinking a bit, dare I say, wrongly of him?"
There was a silence before he nodded his head slightly.
"Should I fire you right now?"
Let's just say that you're now on your way to film Miles in action.
Yes! This was incredibly stupid but... it would be awesome to see him yk..
You found him stopping a robbery at a bodega and took some shots of him without him knowing.
You pretty much followed him around as he was on patrol.
Life 360 ;p
A boom sounded across Brooklyn and from where you and Miles were, it was pretty far.
He took off swinging and you stood there for a second thinking how you were supposed to get there in time.
You stole someone's skateboard.
Though, by the time you got there he was already fighting.. a man? A rhino..? What the fuck.
Miles was on it's back getting swung around yelling insults.
"Dude! How'd you get like this? I'm tryna get like you! I'm talking about muscle by the way.. not your face."
You snapped a couple of photos of the scene then, the Rhino guy threw him into a car. Ouch.
You were looking back at your film and realized that some of the photos were blurry and weren't focusing properly on them both.
You got closer
Which was your first mistake.
Your second was not realizing you accidentally turned your flash on when you thought you were adjusting your brightness of the photos.
That Rhino noticed you and so did Miles, whose masked eyes went wide.
And guess who noticed that? That fucking rhino.
He started to walk towards you and when you started backing up he went on all fours after you.
"I promise I'm not as entertaining as the spider! Leave me the fuck alone!" You squealed as you pushed past people and held your camera tight.
"I like when they run."
To not make this too long let’s just say miles successfully left the police a gift (rhino)
You got an ear full after
“What I did i say about that?? It hasn’t even been like.. a full week since we had that conversation!”
“I know, I know! But my boss said I haadddd to! And by the way you looked awesome, look at those photos.”
You two argued for a bit but he has still a bit upset at what you did.
You apologized by cleaning up his injuries and giving him kisses.
You stayed with him that night and he held you extra tight.
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This didn’t turn out good at all but I wanted to finish this request because it’s long overdue 🙏
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dearweirdme · 1 year
I wasn't planning on talking anymore but I wanted to send you something to hopefully counter all of the doubters that were bumming you out. 😊 People react very emotionally right away when something like this happens, and I think they should at least take time to process everything before getting into any discussions. This isn't even our first round of shenanigans this year. I've been a Taekooker for a long time and the outV/outJK hate campaign has been around at least as long so this is not my first or second rodeo. They almost always follow the same pattern. The Taennope situation is the one outlier and while a lot of people were panicking immediately after the Paris video, most eventually came back around because the weirdness of the whole thing is obvious to the point media play started being the only explanation that makes sense. Features that are almost always present are a combo of real pics/videos and edited or fake photos/videos that get debunked, a lot get debunked very quickly. What they try to pass of as "proof" usually hides the identities somehow, no recognizable or only partially visible faces, blurring, facing away from the camera, or obstructed view. There's always coordination between multiple accounts that start posting everything together, they often end up contradicting each other or overplay their hand by embellishing too much and adding something that is very obviously untrue. One of the most interesting things to me about the most recent shenanigans is the similarities in the "proof" to JK's "scandal" in 2019. What we got first was a pictures of CC camera footage that showed JK backhugging a woman. This actually showed visible and identifiable faces. It was definitely him. I engaged a lot more on Twitter at the time and was in a group chat with a few big accounts and that day was a crazy one, because the accounts that started the rumor tagged us personally. I think they thought we'd freak out and spread it, but we all kept it in the chat and didn't make any public posts. Soon enough the rumor was officially denied, and the woman involved posted a letter saying they were just friends and she apologized for upsetting anyone (which she shouldn't have had to do). Maybe it's because I saw that go down in real time from a front row seat that the recent smear campaign doesn't get to me. I find the whole thing questionable in the same way every incident has been. Except this time Jungkook actually addressed it almost immediately and while talking directly to us. I've seen some imply he said "I don't have a girlfriend" (three times apparently "I don't have any girlfriend") as some sort of half-truth skirting around him having a gf when the video was shot but not now, but I don't think he would say that if he thought there was a risk anything was going to come up that would make it look like he tried to lie to his own fans. If that was a risk I think he would have just stayed quiet about it, and he certainly would have been advised to stay quiet by the company. I also think him expressing relief at having said that is very interesting. How long has he wanted to say something like that. I trust Jungkook. I put my trust in him over a group of people spreading these things, whether they are all real/some real/all fake, for one purpose: to hurt him by turning his fans against him. None of this is reason enough for me to doubt everything I've seen in Taekook. Earlier you said "I have a pretty clear idea in my head on how everything fits together", I feel that. I debunk a lot of Taekook for myself, but there's still a lot that is undeniable for me and I have everything lined up with receipts when it comes to them. The foundation of my belief just doesn't shake that easily. Thank you for posting pictures of them recently, because I think it's very easy for some to forget why they were here in the first place when there is so much confusion.
Hi anon!
Thanks for this ask! I very much agree with you on all points.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Why nothing makes sense part 6.
Ghosted premiere edition 👻
When I woke up and read people talking about her being there, I definitely expected something much worse than it actually was. Don't misunderstand me; I obviously wasn't happy she was there, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be if she were there.
As always, there are things that just don't make any sense to me.
In the past few weeks, we've received no articles about them; the article about Chris didn't include her. However, on the day of the premiere, ET included pictures of the Valentine's Day video, and the Daily Mail also included her. It was like a reminder that, hey, he is supposed to be in a really loving and committed relationship with this Alba girl, remember? He was spotted alone, and we hadn't received any new content since Valentine's Day. The cheating rumor was also posted. I understand why many people think we are getting to the end of this shitshow, because it felt like it.
What's up with Tara and her family? So Tara and her family were in NYC yesterday, on the same day of the premiere, and Gully even met them before the event. Why wasn't she or they at the premiere? The fact that they were there on the same day and even met Gully would be too many coincidences if she or they weren't supposed to be there. But if both Tara and Alba's appearances were planned, then she couldn't have been the reason why she didn't go to the premiere? And they had time for it because, as it turned out, they went to the Broadway Museum before the premiere started. Or was she there? Because I know some people say she was, without any evidence, of course, but if she was there, why didn't we see her? And why wouldn't she arrive with Chris and Alba?
So the one and only time we say Alba was when they got out of the car with Chris, and then when we saw her going in with two people, who are supposedly Chris's friends or whatever. Where was everybody else? Tara was in town. Scott, Steve, Lisa, Shanna, or Carly? Where was everybody? They would've been better company for her, especially since they all adore her. Chris gave something to her; it wasn't his phone, that's for sure. They looked like some kind of tickets, I guess; maybe she got Tara's 😂 People also say they kissed in cars, but there is no evidence of that, and there is no way somebody can tell that from that video. I thought that if she were there, she would walk down the red carpet with him, which didn't happen. I'm not complaining, and I don't believe he was either. But what was the point of her being there? Why wasn't she on the red carpet with him, like his family members and friends usually are? I remember the Lightyear premiere, and I remember seeing Steve on the red carpet, behind Chris, while he was giving an interview. Why wasn't she there too? And please don't say that because of "backlash" or because "they didn't want to get bullied", because I have an easy solution for that: don't bring her to the premiere. He's never had a problem with not bringing his partners to premieres, but he didn't have a problem being at Jenny's premiere, for example, and he didn't seem to care about the backlash then. This whole premier thing was just as half-assed as everything else in this shitshow. You want to come to the premiere? Okay, I will do the bare minimum. You can get out of the same car as me, and we can have a fast chat, and then you can do whatever you want.
I hope those who said this will be the last thing he needs to do and then bye-bye PR contract and Alba are right.
That's my take on everything at this exact moment. Feel free to correct me if I made a mistake here and there 😊; I was trying to write down everything until this whole thing was fresh in my mind 😅
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flower-sunflower-blog · 4 months
Why is s!Ryan and s!Void's relationship so weird ? (yet so freaking interesting)
If you want to know more about what I’m talking about, I invite you to check this document : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pFSLu0cGEQP8ToTjyuUtl2Cd5NtIF6RiEdQPcOWQJGU/edit#heading=h.z8qa7ptiwi2a I’ll mainly be referencing the events during the “love and hate” part of the lore. Take in note that I’m still not fully updated on everything and might have missed some clues in the meantime.
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First I have to talk about s!Void : they’re really present through everything and during important moments of the lore, and seems to be aware about a lot of things. The way their character was portrayed was really interesting to me.
They seem to be genuinely kind and well meaning, while remaining in a passive position. Most of the time they wish for the best for their friends, for instance they express their support to s!Cherry when she’s arguing with the gods, but at the same time they just seems to know s!Cherry can’t win.
They seem to resign themself to the fact that things are as they are. They don’t really seem to take sides either, mostly just hoping that everyone will just get in a mutual agreement at the end. And they help to achieve that when they can, but otherwise they just stay behind.
That's how I interpreted their involvement through the first impactful events.
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On the other hand, s!Ryan is not really on the “good” side. She plans revenge on those who did her wrong according to her. She expressed only caring about herself, and I think she manipulates people around her to get them to serve her best interests.
(I hope I can one day go more into how I interpret her character, ‘cause there is much more to it and I think she’s really interesting. It's not that I don't have a lot of theories about her, it's actually the opposite : I have way too much, so much to say it's a mess to talk about)
Then at one point, s!Ryan proposed to s!Void. It was during the whole “Claude's custody” issue. At this moment, it seemed rather interested from s!Ryan, as way to get a stronger grip on Claude. Since s!Void was one of the co-parent and the one s!Ana trusted with Claude's supervision until she settled custody rights.
As a response, s!Void were clear about how they needed time to think about it. At first, Void wasn’t enthusiastic about it. Altho they were not firmly against it, they were really confused and even a bit scared of how pressuring s!Ryan would be to get what she wants.
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In the meantime, s!Void let s!Ryan take care of Claude since she didn’t had him for a while, their decision appeased the tensions for the time being.
That day, after heading back to Gingerville, she said she was thinking of a way to "kidnap/make Claude disappear”, hiding him to keep her for herself. But she had to think of a way to do that without making it too obvious, as an option she suggested “frame it on someone else”.
From there, Claude just remained at Gingerville under s!Ryan's care. Nothing much happened for a while, we didn’t get any news. Until, out of the blue, while she was arguing with Moo, she revealed that Claude had died ??
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And I do not believe it.
And trust me, I’m not just saying it as in “being in denial”. For me, it doesn’t make any logical sense.
I mean, how could he have died ? He was staying over s!Ryan’s the whole time. And surely s!Ryan would have taken good care of him, she expressed how she didn't have anybody besides him, how much she care for him and such. And IF he really had died, she still seems to take it way too calmly considering how important he was for her.
In addition to everything, one of the last interactions we had between this moment, and the last time we saw Claude, was s!Ryan saying she wanted to make him disappear and find a way to make it convincing. It would make sense she would make up a lie like this. It would be convincing, since people know how Claude is important to her, she wouldn't be suspected as the cause of his death. And meanwhile, she could have him hidden in a secret place. (after all, we already know she have access to secret places on her own)
If you’re wondering why I talk about Claude’s death being a lie, when this is supposed to be about s!Void and s!Ryan, well…..keep it in mind, for me this is really important.
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Then, s!Void and s!Ryan got officialy engaged. According to s!Ryan, s!Void changed their mind after having a discussion with her, and would have realized since then that they actually wanted to get married.
And that’s where things are off, and that this situation gets really suspicious.
Do you remember how I said that s!Void seems to be kind hearted, and overall taking a passive position and hoping for everyone to get in a mutual agreement at the end ? While s!Ryan is only thinking about her own interests, and activily manipulating people around to serve the said interests ?
If something is really off, it’s not really from the fact that two opposed characters could be in a relationship with one another. After all, why not ?
It's more about how s!Void attitude doesn’t align with their previous actions, and how they were portrayed until then. And there are two main reasons for that :
First, that shift was way to sudden. Of course they could have been convinced in the end. But going from being hesitant, confused and honestly scared about this situation, to being completely willing to get married, and happy about it, after one conversation ? That's still reaaaaaally drastic.
Second Claude’s death. You know how I think Claude's death is a lie and why I think that way now ? But thing is, s!Void ALSO said that Claude was dead. The only conclusion would be that if s!Ryan is lying about Claude, then s!Void is taking part of it and lying aswell.
For this last point, we could argue that they just believed s!Ryan when she told them, as other characters did when they mentioned Claude’s death. But s!Void was one of Claude’s main caretaker, and was probably more involved and present with Claude than the others. So surely they would know better.
And them confirming it is not sufficient to convince me that it's indeed the truth. All the inconsistancies with this version still remain. Moreover, if we can doubt s!Ryan, s!Void likely would have been a responsible caretaker when they were in s!Ryan's and Claude's company, as it is kinda implied that s!Void spend time at Gingerville with s!Ryan, where Claude was aswell.
And that doesn’t sound like s!Void. Again, from what we saw until now, they're not the type of person that would purposefully spread a lie, nor actively acting according to Ryan's wants.  
But s!Void is not being manipulated either, nor brainwashed.
When they talked about this with s!Moo (well, for me it was Moo not aware this was lore xD), she asked them both if this was really what they wanted deep inside. s!Ryan and s!Void just stared at each other without saying anything.  
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s!Void answered “listen, I trust Ryan unlike…some people”. And when s!Void stayed with Moo after s!Ryan left, they said they’ll be find and revealed their main goal was to support s!Ryan and being here for her. 
They still seems to be kind and well meaning. They were really nice to Moo, preventing s!Ryan to go too hard on her, and wished her the best. They seems to have good attention, since apparently they want to help s!Ryan in the end.
It seems like while apparently associating to her, they didn't adopt Ryan's mindset and doesn't condone all of her actions. But still, taking actively part of Ryan's schemes in the process doesn't align with their character for me.
And while I'm not totally closed to the possibility that I've been mistaken about s!Void this all time, or that their character reveal through a twist they were never what they pretended to be, for now I'm leaning to this theory :
It seems like s!Void doesn’t “really” want to get married in reality BUT still makes this decision willingly, as well as willingly siding with s!Ryan. It's certainly for a reason, a reason that came out during this "conversation", a reason that is still unknown to us.
And then, the pinterest boards
I didn’t get much into it yet. Not that I forgot, it’s because I’m STILL processing them xD Both are complex, enigmatic and with a lot of elements, and a lot of possible connection with other hints
But what make them really special is that they look really alike, strangely alike. Some “hints” seemed to be shared.
s!Void's board :
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s!Ryan's board
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s!Ryan's board seems lighter, while s!Void's darker. But there is certain elements you can kinda link to one another : the sun, the moon, the astrals in general for instance.
But the biggest clue is this picture, which is actually in BOTH boards :
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A black hand, that I'm suspecting to be the a representation of the "god" s!Ryan's is in contact with for a while.
It's to wonder if s!Void and s!Ryan actually had a contact with the same entity. Was it pure coincidence ? Or could it be s!Ryan who caused it ?
Something is up, still. Something way above us it seems. That is still to uncover.
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But while s!Ryan's board is more linked to the sun, her color pattern as well, s!Void's is rather giving a "moon" vibe, and their color pattern as well. And they both have opposed personnality.
There is a lot of symbolic here in my opinion. Their relationship is not to be underestimated in their complexity. I think there is something deeper, more mystical that made their path cross.
Last element I wanted to get into :
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I said that might be lore, I had a good reason thinking that.
Void and Ryan both look at the sky on this picture. And then, notice how Ryan didn’t say “me and Void” but “me and the void”. "Me and THE void". That made me wonder if she's actually referring to the concept of the void. And if she's actually referring to Void, well maybe somehow Void and THE void are one ?
For me, that’s Ryan’s storytelling core : she posts things, or say things lightly, as if they didn't have any significance, thus convincing people they don't have any significance. But often, Ryan as well as s!Ryan is not to be underestimated, and details like this could matter.
I think there is something up with the "void", s!Ryan may be connected to it, aswell as s!Void of course. It could even possibly be part of what have connected them.
And since I mentioned the void, here is s!Void rather interesting main image from their board :
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Again, I think there is something to dig about everything, s!Void's real nature and much more.
And last minute thought : there is members that go by multiple names. Among them, Shade and Dapper, Pomme and Lumi, and Void and Shaded. For Shade and Lumi, it doesn't mean anything lorewise for sure.
But Void and Shaded, well it's not so sure there is nothing behind it. It could be, sure, but at the same time it's no confirmed it doesn't, you know ? Maybe there is a deeper meaning of why Shaded also go by "Void" ? Just putting it here.
So, as a conclusion :
I think s!Void is purposefully siding with s!Ryan, the conversation they had gave them a reason too, a reason we still don’t know about. It’s not manipulation or possession, s!Void seems to be aware of what they’re doing. But this motivation seems to be enough for them to start acting really differently from how they acted before, going from a passive position, to an active one.
And this connect about something way more deeper, that is for me the general mystery about s!Ryan. Who is she ? WHAT is she ? Who is the god she's in contact with ? How did she get in contact with them ? Why does she act this way ? And how is s!Void linked to everything ?
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