#editing is so fun when it goes smoothly
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francesca my beloved.
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felixknow · 1 month
Hi! Can you do Hyunjin 39
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39. "I moan your name when I masturbate."
gn!reader, not edited, drunk hangout, truth or dare, poorly written bc we're just playing around and having fun ok let's goooooo
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“Channie, truth or dare?” Felix asks, breaking the momentary silence in the room. Chan chuckles and puts his phone down, stretching his arms over his head and his legs out in front of him, letting his lithe body form a line as he slides down the couch cushions and onto the floor.
“Mm… dare,” he settles on.
“I dare youuu… toooooo…” Felix drawls, trying to think of something good. “Send a selfie on Bubble and say ‘oops, wrong chat’.”
Chan chuckles while Seungmin scoffs.
“Good one,” Seungmin says.
“The hardest part is going to be finding a selfie to send them,” Chan says, picking his phone back up. A few minutes later, after the messages are sent and the boys have a good laugh at the reactions coming through, Chan puts his phone away again.
“Is it my turn to ask then? Y/nnah, truth or dare?”
You startle and scoot a little closer to the group. You’d been sitting to the side, mostly keeping to yourself since half the boys had gone out to pick up dinner, including the two who tied you to the rest of the group in the first place.
“Um, truth.”
“Are you nervous to be around us without Hannie and Minho here?” He smirks and you scrunch up your face like a kid who’s being teased, because that’s exactly what it feels like.
“And so what if I do?” you playfully retort. “I just don’t want to make a fool of myself. Also, it’s a little odd being left with my friends’ friends before we in this room have become friends.”
“You don’t think we’re friends?” Felix asks, giving you a dramatic set of puppy dog eyes. “I think we’re friends, Y/nnie.”
“I think we are too, Lix. At least I hope so!”
The game continues on for a couple more rounds until Han, Minho, and Hyunjin come back with dinner and alcohol.
“Let’s make this a party!” Han cheers, and Minho rolls his eyes.
“You’ll be drunk in half an hour, jagiya. Eat your dinner first at least.”
Han bashfully responds with a “yes, hyung,” never quite the fan of being called a lightweight.
Han’s not the only lightweight in the room, though.
“Oh my god, we should play truth or dare again,” you say excitedly, an hour after dinner and several shots in. “Hannie, we played truth or dare earlier! We should do it again! Truth or dare?”
“Dare!!” he responds excitedly, matching your bubbly and drunk-dazed excitement.
“I dare you to get Minho to kiss you.” You giggle, while Han whines.
“Noo, that’s the worst because you know he will! He’s all over me at home, I can’t get a single night’s sleep without him trying to give me a bedtime kiss first!”
“Someone has to tell you goodnight and sweet dreams, otherwise you’ll have nightmares,” Minho says simply. Then he smirks as Han turns toward him. “Now come here and give me a big, juicy kiss.”
“No!” Han exclaims, struggling and squirming, trying to push back against his roommate’s chest as the stronger of the two slowly reels him in. The group gets a good laugh in before Minho finally wins out and plants a kiss to the corner of Han’s mouth.
“Ew,” Han says over-exaggeratedly, wiping his mouth, and Minho rolls his smiling eyes.
“Your turn now, Hannie. You ask someone.”
“Okay. Changbinnie. Truth or dare?”
“Put on the underwear I got you for your birthday,” Minho quips.
“Hey!” Changbin shouts, ever so easily worked up. “It’s Han’s turn to dare someone, not you! Stop being a creep!”
Minho laughs hard, throwing his head back and cackling until he has to turn and lean on Han for support.
“Ignore him,” Han says. “Changbinnie, I dare you to take two shots back to back.”
“Jesus,” Changbin scoffs, widening his eyes. “Damn. Okay. Someone’s annoyed he isn’t the only drunk one,” he says, watching as Jeongin pours him a drink. One shot goes down. Then a second one, less smoothly.
“This shit is disgusting. Alright, husband of mine. Truth or dare?”
“Hm?” Hyunjin sits up, rejoining the group. He’d been laying down on the ground, somewhere between food-coma and introvert’s recharge. “Truth.”
“Are you crushing on anyone right now?” Changbin asks, smirking. Hyunjin scowls at him, and the two make a show of switching expressions, trying to make the other laugh. Changbin winks cheekily, acting cute, and Hyunjin huffs and pretends to gag. Changbin makes kissy faces and holds up a heart to his cheek, and Hyunjin rolls his eyes and bluntly says “no.”
“That’s so not true,” Chan chuckles.
“No to Changbin. Yes to the question.”
“Damn,” Changbin sighs. “My husband is cheating on me.”
“Never, baby. You know who I go home to at the end of the night.” Hyunjin winks at him, finally play-flirting back, making Changbin and several others laugh.
“Okay, okay. Y/nnah. Truth or dare?”
“Hmmm,” you hum, long and drawn out. “Truth.”
“Didn’t you do truth earlier?” Seungmin asks.
“Yes, soooo?”
“Sooo.” Hyunjin draws out the syllable, thinking of something to ask. “Oh! What were you doing when you butt dialed me that one time?”
“You butt-dialed me! Didn’t I ask you about that? I think it’s because you were doing something but you were saying my name, or something like it. I just heard, like, shuffling and your voice a little and I was like, ‘hello?’ and you didn’t answer so I hung up.”
Your face is burning in embarrassment by the time he’s finished his spiel. 
“Um… Dare…”
“Noo!” several of the boys chant and insist. “You can’t change your mind now!” Jeongin says.
“Answer the question!” Minho insists.
“Yeah, I’m curious now,” Han agrees.
“I really-- I can’t--”
“It’s okay,” Hyunjin says, shrugging. “I told Changbin about it and he said you could have been having sex. I thought maybe you were looking for your lost phone or something… until you moaned.”
“I WHAT?!”
The group laughs, Han and Felix both turning toward you and hugging you.
“Ohh, Y/N. Don’t listen to him, he’s just messing with you!” Felix insists.
“I never said that!” Cahngbin insists. “He’s joking, Y/N, I swear. Please don’t be embarrassed. Guys-- stop! Don’t laugh!”
“It’s okay, it’s fine, I’m totally fine, I’m totally not about to die of embarrassment or anything.”
“I really was kidding,” Hyunjin says, bowing all the way to the floor in front of you. “I’m so sorry! Please forgive me. There was no moan. I just thought it would be funny!”
“Please get up,” you laugh, patting Hyunjin’s shoulder. “It’s fine, really. I could tell it was a joke,” you lie. “You’re a dumbass, though, by the way.”
The group bursts out in laughter once again, and the night moves on, the incident almost forgotten, until…
The night is winding down, the group is cleaning up the mess they’d made, putting Chan and Jeongin’s furniture back where it belongs, cleaning dishes, taking out the trash.
You pass Hyunjin in the hallway as you’re leaving the bathroom, and he stops you with a gentle hand on your arm.
“It was what I thought it was, right? When you called me.”
“What, the phone…? Yeah, I was, um… looking for my phone,” you say nervously, unable to meet his eyes.
“No, not that… you were… moaning.” His gaze locks onto yours and your heart feels like it’s going to drop out of your ass.
“So you think of me? When you play with yourself?” He asks so quietly you almost don't hear him. You can only nod to confirm.
A slow smirky smile grows on his face.
“Call me next time. You don’t have to play by yourself, if you don’t want to.”
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the-winter-spider · 1 month
Death Rattle | B. Barnes
word count: 4.4k
Warnings: Angst, death
A/N: I was inspired by how did it end by ts, enjooooyyyyyyyy
Not proof read or edited will do that tonight!
The quinjet hummed quietly as you and the team prepared for the mission ahead. You adjusted your comms, listening to the chatter of your teammates as you loaded your weapons.
“So, what’s the bet today?” Sam’s voice crackled over the comms.
“I say Steve’s shield gets stuck in a wall again,” you teased, glancing at the Captain with a grin. “Ten bucks.”
Steve rolled his eyes, adjusting his helmet. “That happened once.”
“And we’ll never let you forget it,” Natasha chimed in smoothly. “I’m betting Bucky’s arm malfunctions, Fifty bucks says he’s cursing up a storm in Russian before we’re done here.”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Bucky grumbled, though you could hear the smirk in his voice. “I’d say something about Romanoff’s hair getting messed up, but that’s just asking for trouble.”
“Smart man,” Natasha replied with a smirk.
“Alright, focus up, team,” Steve said, his voice firm as the quinjet began to descend. “Intel says the Hydra base is heavily guarded, but we’re taking them by surprise. Y/N, you and Bucky take the east wing. Sam, Natasha, you’re with me on the west. We take out the comms tower, secure the data, and get out.”
“Got it, Cap,” you confirmed, tightening your grip on your weapon. Bucky gave you a nod, his blue eyes filled with quiet determination.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sam’s voice broke in just before you dropped down to the ground. “Try not to blow anything up this time, alright?”
“No promises, birdbrain,” you shot back, grinning as you and Bucky hit the ground running.
The mission had been going smoothly—too smoothly, if you were being honest with yourself. You and Bucky had infiltrated the Hydra base with minimal resistance, clearing the first few checkpoints with ease. It was almost unsettling how little security you’d encountered, but you pushed the thought aside as you focused on the task at hand.
“Alright, we’re in,” you whispered into your comm, pressing yourself against the wall as you peeked around the corner. “Heading to the main server room.”
“Copy that,” Steve’s voice crackled in your ear. “Sam and I have the control room in sight. Be ready to move once we take it out.”
“Got it,” you replied, glancing at Bucky beside you. He gave you a nod, his eyes scanning the hallway ahead. You both moved in perfect sync, your footsteps silent as you made your way down the dimly lit corridor.
“Man, I can’t believe we’re doing this without any real backup,” you muttered, shaking your head as you reached the door to the server room. “It’s almost too easy.”
Bucky raised an eyebrow. “You know that’s asking for trouble, right?”
You smirked, shrugging as you began to work on the door’s control panel. “Hey, if something goes wrong, at least we’re together.”
“Yeah, ‘cause that always works out so well,” Bucky quipped, his voice dry but tinged with warmth.
You chuckled, focusing on bypassing the security lock. “You’re just mad because I usually end up saving your butt.”
Bucky snorted softly, shaking his head. “You keep telling yourself that, doll.”
The lock beeped, and the door slid open with a quiet hiss. You and Bucky slipped inside, your eyes scanning the rows of servers that filled the room. Everything was eerily quiet—no alarms, no guards, just the hum of electronics around you.
“Alright, let’s make this quick,” you said, pulling out the EMP device from your pack. “Once this goes off, we’ll have about two minutes to get out before the backup systems kick in.”
“Two minutes?” Bucky gave you a look. “You sure you didn’t set that timer a little tight?”
You grinned, already attaching the device to the main server. “Where’s the fun in a long timer? Besides, you love a challenge.”
“Not when it involves getting blown up,” he muttered, but there was a hint of a smile on his lips.
Just as you were about to activate the EMP, a familiar voice crackled over the comms. “Hey, Y/N,” Sam’s voice was light, almost amused. “Try not to blow anything up this time, alright?”
You rolled your eyes, pressing the button to start the timer. “No promises, birdbrain.”
“Seriously, don’t—” But Sam’s voice cut off as the EMP activated, the lights flickering before plunging the room into darkness.
“Time to move!” you called out, grabbing Bucky’s arm as you bolted for the exit. The two of you sprinted down the hallway, the sound of alarms finally blaring through the base. The EMP had done its job, but it had also triggered the security systems.
“I swear, you live for the chaos,” Bucky grumbled as you turned a corner, narrowly avoiding a group of Hydra agents who were scrambling to respond to the alarms.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” you shot back, your adrenaline spiking as you took out two agents with quick, precise shots.
Bucky just shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?”
“Nah,” you teased, ducking into an adjacent hallway. “I’ll leave that to Hydra.”
Just as you said it, an explosion rocked the building—one you hadn’t planned. The shockwave threw you both off your feet, slamming you into the wall as debris rained down around you.
“What the hell was that?!” Bucky shouted, coughing as dust filled the air.
“Not me!” you called back, pulling him to his feet. “I didn’t touch anything, I swear!”
“Must’ve hit something important with that EMP,” Bucky muttered, wincing as he rubbed his shoulder. “Or they just really didn’t want us getting out.”
“Guess we better not disappoint them,” you said with a grim smile. “Come on, let’s move before this whole place comes down.”
The two of you sprinted for the extraction point, the sound of collapsing ceilings and distant explosions echoing through the base. You could feel the tension rising in your chest, the thrill of the mission mingling with the ever-present danger. But even as the walls crumbled around you, you couldn’t help but laugh, a wild, exhilarated sound that caught Bucky off guard.
“What’s so funny?” he asked, glancing at you with raised eyebrows.
“Just thinking,” you gasped, dodging a falling chunk of concrete, “Sam’s gonna kill me when he finds out about this.”
Bucky shook his head, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, but it’s why we keep you around, isn’t it?”
“Chaos and explosions?” you quipped, ducking under a low-hanging beam.
“And saving my butt,” Bucky added, his eyes glinting with affection despite the chaos surrounding you.
You just smiled, your heart racing for reasons that had nothing to do with the mission. “Guess we’re even then, huh?”
“Guess so,” Bucky agreed, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
The two of you finally burst out into the open air, the quinjet waiting for you on the horizon. As you ran for it, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was just another crazy day in your life—one that you wouldn’t trade for anything
The base was eerily quiet as you made your way inside, the only sounds coming from the hum of machinery and the distant murmur of Hydra agents. You and Bucky moved in sync, clearing rooms with practised ease.
“You know, this is almost too easy,” you muttered, ducking behind a crate as you approached the east wing. “I’m starting to think they’re just letting us in.”
“Don’t jinx it, doll,” Bucky replied, scanning the hallway ahead. “We get in, get the data, and get out. Nice and simple.”
“Simple? Us? You’re funny, Barnes,” you quipped, flashing him a grin before slipping into the next room.
The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over Brooklyn. The streets were quieter now, the bustle of the day giving way to the peaceful hum of evening.
 You and Bucky walked side by side, the familiar rhythm of your footsteps in sync as you made your way through the neighbourhood. It was a perfect summer evening—one of those rare moments when everything felt just right.
“You ever think about getting out of here someday?” Bucky asked suddenly, his voice soft, almost wistful.
You glanced over at him, catching the way the fading sunlight highlighted the sharp lines of his jaw, the warmth in his blue eyes. “You mean leaving Brooklyn? Or the Avengers”
“All of it, you know, see what’s out there.” He shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Paris, London… maybe somewhere quiet, like the countryside. Just to get away from everything for a while.”
You smiled at the thought, imagining Bucky wandering through cobblestone streets in some far-off city, looking as effortlessly charming as ever. “Sounds nice,” you said. “But I can’t really picture you as a farm boy, Barnes.”
He chuckled, the sound low and rich, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest. “I think i’d manage. But what about you? If you could go anywhere, where would it be?”
You tilted your head, considering the question. “I don’t know… Somewhere peaceful, I guess. But it’s not really about the place. It’s more about who you’re with, you know?”
His gaze softened as he looked at you, and for a moment, it felt like the whole world had quieted down, leaving just the two of you in that golden light. “Yeah,” he murmured, “I know.”
There was a comfortable silence as you continued walking, the air between you filled with unspoken words. The truth lingered there, close enough to touch but never quite reaching the surface.
 You wanted to tell him—wanted to say that wherever he went, you’d follow. That he was the person you’d want to see the world with, whether it was Paris or a tiny farmhouse in the middle of nowhere.
But instead, you nudged him playfully with your shoulder. “You’d probably miss the city too much anyway. Can’t imagine you without your favourite diner.”
Bucky laughed, the tension easing as he bumped you back. “True, Can’t beat their apple pie.”
“See? You’re a city boy through and through.”
“Maybe,” he said, grinning at you. “But I’d trade it all for the right company.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and for a split second, you thought about what it would mean to just say it—to tell him how you felt, how you’d always felt. But then he looked away, his gaze drifting to the horizon, and the moment passed.
“Let’s head back,” he said after a while, his voice light but his eyes carrying a weight that matched your own.
You nodded, falling back into step beside him. The walk home was filled with easy conversation, the kind that flowed naturally between you. But beneath the laughter and the teasing, there was something deeper—a connection that went unspoken, yet was understood by both of you. Neither of you admitted your feelings that day, but in your hearts, you knew. It was simple….
Some things didn’t need words. 
That’s when things went sideways. The comms tower was in sight when a sudden explosion rocked the building. The lights flickered, and the walls trembled as debris rained down. You barely had time to react before the hallway filled with Hydra agents, weapons drawn.
“Ambush!” Bucky shouted, raising his rifle and firing at the incoming agents. You ducked behind a pillar, returning fire as the room erupted into chaos.
“Of course it couldn’t be simple,” you muttered, taking out an agent before he could reach you. “Sam, Natasha, how’s it looking on your end?”
“We’ve got a few surprises too,” Natasha replied, her voice tense. “Hold your position—we’re almost done.”
“Bucky, we’ve got to take out the comms tower,” you said, glancing at him. “You hold them off, I’ll go plant the charges.”
“I’ll go with you—” Bucky began, but you shook your head.
“No, you’re better at holding a line. I’ll be quick,” you assured him, offering a small smile.
He hesitated, then nodded, his eyes locking onto yours. “Be careful, Y/N.”
“Always am,” you winked before darting down the hallway toward the tower.
You could hear the sounds of battle behind you—Bucky’s rifle, Steve’s shield clanging, Sam’s wings cutting through the air. But your focus was on the mission. You reached the comms room, planting the charges quickly, but as you were about to leave, the ceiling groaned, and you heard it—a crack, then a roar as part of the building started to give way.
“Y/N, get out of there!” Steve’s voice barked through the comms.
But it was too late. The floor beneath you crumbled, sending you crashing down into the lower levels. Pain shot through your body as you hit the ground hard, dust and rubble filling your lungs as you struggled to breathe.
“Doll? Y/N, do you copy?” Bucky’s voice crackled in your ear, frantic.
You coughed, trying to clear your throat. “I’m… I’m here,” you gasped, pain lancing through your side. “But I’m pinned… building’s coming down.”
“Hold on, sweetheart. I’m coming for you,” Bucky grunted, the desperation in his voice unmistakable “Just hold on” He repeated grunting, his voice strained as you heard him fighting his way to you. The sound of metal clashing and boots thudding echoed in the distance, each second dragging on like an eternity.
“Buck, go, go, go! That way!” Steve shouted, his voice sharp with urgency. 
You could feel it—the end. It crept up like a shadow, warm yet cold, each sensation clashing against the other like fire and ice. It was almost poetic, how the contradiction mirrored you and Bucky, two halves that made a flawed, perfect whole.
The Avengers compound was unusually lively that afternoon, with everyone gathered in the common room, taking a rare break from missions and training. 
Steve and Sam were engrossed in a game of chess, Natasha was flipping through a magazine, and Tony was tinkering with some gadget on the coffee table. You were perched on the edge of the couch, sipping a cup of tea, when Bucky walked in.
“Hey, doll,” Bucky said, his voice warm and smooth. He leaned casually against the doorframe, his eyes locking onto yours. “Miss me?”
You smirked, taking a sip of your tea. “I didn’t even notice you were gone, Barnes.”
“Oh, that’s cold,” Sam commented without looking up from the chessboard. “But you know she’s lying, right?”
Bucky just grinned, strolling over to where you sat. He took the cup from your hand, taking a sip himself before handing it back. “Well, I’m back now. What’d I miss?”
“Not much,” you replied, ignoring the way your heart fluttered when his fingers brushed against yours. “Steve’s losing to Sam, Tony’s probably breaking something, and Nat is pretending she’s not listening to us.”
Natasha looked up, raising an eyebrow “I’m not pretending.”
Bucky chuckled, sitting down next to you—closer than necessary. His arm rested casually along the back of the couch, his presence warm and solid beside you. “Well, I’m sure things were dull without me.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “If by ‘dull,’ you mean ‘peaceful,’ then yeah.”
“Oh, come on. You know you missed me, sweetheart,” he teased, his voice dropping to that low, teasing tone that always made your pulse quicken.
“Keep telling yourself that, Barnes,” you shot back, leaning in slightly. “Maybe one day you’ll believe it.”
“Y/N, just admit you missed him already,” Tony said, not even looking up from his work. “You’re not fooling anyone.”
“Who says I missed him?” you countered, your tone playful. “Maybe I just enjoy watching him trip over his own ego.”
Bucky’s grin widened, his eyes gleaming with that mischievous spark that always set your nerves on edge in the best way. “Funny, I don’t remember tripping…Must’ve been too busy thinking about you.”
Natasha snorted softly, exchanging a knowing glance with Steve, who had finally looked up from the chess game. “You two are impossible,” she muttered, shaking her head.
“More like predictable,” Steve added, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You’re not fooling anyone, you know.”
“Who’s fooling who?” Bucky asked, his tone light, but there was something more in his eyes—something that lingered just beneath the surface, unspoken. He turned back to you, his gaze softening. “I think she’s just playing hard to get.”
You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head. “Who says I’m playing at all?”
The room went silent for a moment, everyone waiting for what would happen next. You could feel the tension crackling between you and Bucky, the air thick with the things neither of you ever said out loud. But instead of pushing it further, you leaned back, breaking eye contact with a casual shrug.
“Guess we’ll never know,” you said, your tone light.
Bucky’s smirk didn’t waver, but there was a flicker of something deeper in his eyes, something only you could see. “Maybe one day.”
“Maybe,” you echoed, your voice quieter now, more sincere.
Tony sighed dramatically, throwing down his tools. “This is worse than a soap opera. Just kiss already, would you?”
“Not a chance,” you and Bucky said in unison, both of you grinning as the room erupted in groans and laughter.
But as the banter continued, as everyone got back to their own conversations, Bucky’s hand brushed yours again, lingering for just a second too long. And even though neither of you admitted it, in that brief touch, you both knew—something unspoken, something that didn’t need words.
“You’re my last 7 minutes,” you whispered, your voice trembling.
“What? Doll, no, please, please hold on. We’re almost there,” he panted, his breath hitching in a way that broke your heart. Bucky never sounded like this—desperate, afraid. He was always the unbreakable one, the soldier who could face anything. But now, he was crumbling.
You licked your lips, your mouth dry, “After death…”
“You’re not dying!” Natasha’s voice cut through the comms, tight with fear. She thought they were almost done, thought you were almost safe, but then the ground shuddered. The building you were in groaned, and the next thing you knew, it started to collapse. Dust and debris filled the air as more agents swarmed in, but all you could think about was him.
The party inside was in full swing—laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses filled the air. The warmth of the celebration radiated through the rooms, but out on the balcony, it was peaceful, quiet, and far removed from the buzz inside. The cool night air brushed against your skin as you stood with Bucky, both of you gazing out at the stars that glittered in the sky.
You had both slipped away from the crowd unnoticed, seeking a moment of calm away from the festivities. The balcony was lit by the soft glow of string lights that draped along the railing, casting a gentle light over everything. The faint sound of the music inside reached you, but it was distant, like an echo of another world.
“Pretty out here, huh?” you murmured, leaning on the railing and looking up at the sky.
Bucky nodded, his eyes following the same path as yours. “Yeah…. It’s nice to get away from it all for a bit.”
You smiled, your gaze drifting to him. He was standing close, the light catching the edges of his face, making his blue eyes stand out against the night. There was something about the way he looked just then—so at ease, so content—that made your heart swell with affection.
Before you knew it, you were speaking without thinking. “You know, you have the most beautiful eyes, Buck.”
He turned to you, slightly taken aback by the compliment. A faint blush crept up his neck, and he let out a soft chuckle, clearly unsure how to respond. “I, uh… thanks, doll. That’s sweet of you.”
You shrugged, smiling as you reached out to gently take his hand. “It’s true. They’re… they’re kind, and they hold so much. I guess I just wanted you to know.”
Bucky looked at your hand in his, then back up at you, something tender and vulnerable flickering in his eyes. He hesitated for just a moment before stepping closer, the warmth of his presence enveloping you as he looked deep into your eyes.
“Y/N, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said quietly, his voice soft but earnest. “In all my 100 years of living… I’ve never met anyone like you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his words, your heart fluttering wildly. He was so sincere, so open in that moment, that it left you speechless. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you standing there, wrapped in the magic of the night.
Without thinking, you took another step closer, your hands coming up to rest on his chest as his arms gently encircled your waist. The music from inside changed to a slower tune, one that drifted out onto the balcony, and before you knew it, Bucky was leading you in a slow, gentle dance.
The two of you swayed together, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, as if you’d been doing this for years. There was no need for words—everything you wanted to say was in the way he held you, the way he looked at you like you were the only person that mattered.
For a moment, you forgot about everything else. The past, the future, all of it melted away, leaving just this—this perfect, quiet moment under the stars.
It wasn’t until you heard a muffled laugh from inside that you realised you had an audience. Glancing over your shoulder, you caught sight of Steve, Natasha, and Sam standing by the glass patio doors, watching the two of you with grins on their faces. Steve gave you a thumbs-up, and Natasha winked before they all turned back to the party, leaving you and Bucky to your dance.
You laughed softly, resting your head against Bucky’s chest as you continued to sway. “I think we’ve been spotted.”
“Let ‘em watch,” Bucky murmured, his voice a low rumble against your ear. “I’m not letting go just yet.”
“We're not gonna here the end of this” 
He shook his head smiling “No were not”
And with that, you both continued dancing under the stars, lost in each other, as the world outside kept spinning.
“The human brain still lives for 7 minutes and plays the most beautiful memories….” You paused, struggling for breath, your vision blurring “Its you Bucky, you’re my 7 minutes…”
“Cap!” Sam’s voice crackled over the comms, strained. “We need to hurry.” But you could hear it—the death rattle in your chest, your body betraying you as the darkness closed in.
Bucky was close now. You could feel his presence, the warmth of his hands as they found yours, trembling. “Sweetheart, no, don’t do this, don’t leave me,” he pleaded, his voice breaking in a way you’d never heard before.
You wanted to say something to comfort him, to tell him you’d be okay, that you’d see him again in those last 7 minutes. But the words wouldn’t come, your strength slipping away as everything faded.
“I love you…” was all you managed before the world went quiet, his tear-filled eyes the last thing you saw.
And then there was nothing.
“Y/N… Y/N, wake up. Please,” Bucky’s voice was barely a whisper now, thick with grief. His hands clutched yours desperately, his grip tightening as if he could somehow pull you back from the edge. But you were gone—your body limp, your chest no longer rising with breath. The warmth was fading fast, leaving you cold, just like the darkness swallowing him whole.
“Bucky, we have to move!” Steve’s voice broke through the haze, but it felt distant, like he was calling from miles away.
Bucky didn’t respond. He couldn’t. His entire world had narrowed to you—your lifeless form, the bloodstains on your suit, the silent, unmoving chest that would never rise again. His mind screamed at him to do something, but his body was frozen, paralyzed by the reality crashing down around him.
“Bucky!” Steve’s shout was louder now, closer, and then he was there, grabbing Bucky by the shoulder, shaking him. “We have to go, now! The building’s coming down!”
“Not without her,” Bucky rasped, his voice shattered. He lifted you into his arms, cradling you close like a lifeline, refusing to let go. “I’m not leaving her.”
Steve’s heart twisted painfully, seeing his friend like this—so broken, so lost. But the ground was trembling beneath them, the structure ready to collapse at any moment. “We’ll get her out,” Steve promised, his voice cracking. “But we have to move.”
Bucky finally looked up, his eyes red, brimming with unshed tears. Slowly, he nodded, and together they began to move, Steve covering Bucky as they fought their way back through the crumbling building. The walls groaned ominously, and dust filled the air, but Bucky didn’t care. All he could see was you, all he could feel was the unbearable weight of loss pressing down on his chest.
The team was waiting for them at the extraction point, their faces grim as they saw you in Bucky’s arms. Natasha’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, Sam’s jaw clenched tightly, and even Steve’s stoic expression was cracked with sorrow.
“Let’s go,” Steve said quietly, signalling for the quinjet. But Bucky couldn’t tear his gaze away from you. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. You were supposed to make it out, supposed to laugh about this later, supposed to be okay. You weren’t supposed to be dead in his arms.
The flight back was silent. No one spoke, the air thick with unspoken grief. Bucky sat motionless, his hand still gripping yours, his head bowed low. He didn’t let go even when they landed, didn’t let go even as they gently tried to take you from him. It wasn’t until Steve knelt in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder, that Bucky finally released you, his eyes hollow, staring into nothing.
“You loved her,” Steve said softly, though it wasn’t a question.
Bucky’s voice was barely audible, a broken whisper. “She was everything, Steve.”
Steve’s hand tightened on his shoulder, offering silent comfort, but Bucky couldn’t feel it. All he felt was the emptiness, the unbearable ache that filled the space where you used to be.
And in that moment, he knew he would never be whole again.
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seraphinitegames · 7 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 23/Feb/2024
Well, Mason/Morgan decided to co-operate this week, and I managed to get their opening scene finished way quicker than expected too! Thinking about it now, I suppose N’s was more complicated because it has a choice set in it that was super important, but the other LI routes don’t have that choice yet, so it took a bit more working to make sure that was written in smoothly but also worked as an actual game mechanic-type choice.
But M’s was an absolute dream to write! There is a moment in it that has to be the most romantic moment for them yet! It’s a small thing, a simple gesture, but it means a lot because that is M’s way of showing their affection and care. It really made my heart go pitter-patter when writing it and hopefully will for yours too, hehe! :D
After finishing up M’s scene, I moved straight onto the Love Triangle scene. I had a seriously fun moment where I decided that I wanted each choice in this certain choice set to give a different, funny anecdote at what UB (specifically A and N, with it being the love triangle route!) have been up to in the few weeks that have passed.
Coming up with different ideas of what might have happened and why it amused N so much certainly kept me smiling! :D
I’m hoping to get the Love Triangle scene pushed further forward today, then have it finished on Monday. Then I will be actually testing out everything I’ve written so far! This is part of the new editing kind of system thing I’m hoping to bring in. There’s so much variation and branching now, that it’s just going to be impossible to finish a chapter and test the whole thing after it’s fully completed. Too much is going to be missed, so I definitely needed a new way to test and edit as I go.
So, I’m hoping to break up the chapters into chunks that I will test and edit before moving onto the next section of the chapter. Hoping it will be much easier and quicker to catch errors that way! But we’ll see how it goes as I do it, hehe!
I hope you all have the most fantastic weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week <3
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kopilot-pop · 9 months
[For you are loved.]
- New Jeans x Ex-IZ*ONE! Reader
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Request: You can write New jeans(separate) x Ex-izonereader Who is exhausted because he takes so much criticism (Like Wonyoung, only worse because she suffers🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😓😓😦)and just goes to them and lays on top of them, but oh..they fall asleep..just cute, Your works are too cute!!!!💗💗💗🐰🐰🐰😍😍
Warning(s): Cursing, self-hatred, cyber bullying, etc.
A/N: This is fluffy in the end so don’t be scared to read it because of the warnings. Love y’all, have fun!
“I just don’t get why you’re with them.”
You froze.
You’re currently at a sign event, meeting hundreds of Bunnies, and having a chance to talk to them.
Everything went smoothly. You smiled at fans, they screamed, you said hi, they screamed, and when you posed for pictures you could hear clicks louder than the ones you heard on a red carpet.
Maybe you should’ve expected not everything could be that perfect.
A certain fan - although it’s clear she has a favorite - made you anxious the moment she sat down in front of you. You were last in the line, so you were able to watch the others interact with her. She brought small wrapped gifts for all your members, but when she arrived at your table, it was clear she was empty handed.
Not even a piece of paper for you to sign at a fucking sign event.
“I… I’m sorry?”
“You heard me.” She crosses her legs, folding up her arms on her chest. “I don’t understand why Ador even considered you to join.”
Realizing what’s happening, you quickly glance at the manager - unfortunately he’s busy handling an overexcited fan with Dani.
“I don’t want your stupid signature, it’s the same lazy one you had with IZ*ONE.”
“You should’ve just stayed alone and pathetic after the disbandment rather then ruining a perfect group.”
“You’re an eye sore - do you even know that? A fucking rat standing next to the goddesses. Every day I pray that you get caught in a stupid scandal and leave like th-”
“Excuse me. Your time is over.”
The ‘fan’ quickly glares at the manager, and hurriedly leaves, stomping purposefully. He gently puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Sorry I came too late. You can stay out for the rest if you’d like-”
“It’s okay! I can’t keep my fans waiting. Thank you though.” The fake smile clearly doesn’t ease up your manager’s mind, but he knows you well, and decided to leave you back to work with a simple pat.
On your way home you started to read the comments about the interaction.
The same girl decided to brag about her interaction on Twitter. You recognized her username, having seen her and several other fans that loved New Jeans, but hated you.
From editing songs and group photos to exclude you, apparently they decided to finally face you and say the same things that they posted on the internet more directly.
Her post gained attraction -and even though the replies were filled with Bunnies protecting you and explaining how the poster went too far - several replies were filled with hate towards you.
How untalented you are.
How much they hate your voice.
How you didn’t deserve to be with them.
And even a very detailed; ‘100 reasons why Y/n should leave NJ’.
“Number 23, her personality is way too bitchy...” You accidentally mumble out, causing Hyein to snap her head towards you.
“What in the world are you reading unnie?!”
The commotion caused all the girls to look back at the two of you, watching as Hyein snatches your phone out of your grip.
She takes a few seconds to scroll through the thread, as her face becomes more and more sour.
“H-Hyein! Give it back-!”
The younger girl furiously taps on your phone and shuts it off before handing it to you.
“Wha- what did you do?”
“I reported them. Don’t worry about it unnie.”
“What the hell are you guys up to?”
Minji, finally awoken from her nap, looks at the two of you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Some asshole was saying shit about Y/n unnie.”
“Woah! Language!”
“My reaction is nothing compared to what Hanni unnie would say if she saw it.”
“Why are you dragging me into this?!”
Minji, now more concerned by the maknae’s reactions, stared at you.
Haerin’s (rare) loud voice clears the van.
“We’ll talk when we get home.”
You quickly ran towards your bedroom, locking the door to avoid any contact. You shove your face into the bed letting out a loud groan.
‘I’m used to this. You’re used to this Y/n. This happened 4 years ago, it shouldn’t be that surprising for it to happen again...’
It was the same hate you received ever since you even joined Produce. It always happened, it always existed.
So why does it hurt so much this time?
Was it the comparing? Was it the comment about your skill? Maybe it was the way your members caught your brooding this time.
God, you hope they don’t know about the other times.
The nights you spent awake, wasting your mind reading disgusting comments from older videos. The holidays you spent crying alone at the dorm as you read yet another article about how you ‘mocked someone’. The hours you spent at the company, running your bones and muscles until you felt like ‘you deserved to be with them’.
You’re the most experienced one out of the whole group. You know how common negative comments are.
But it hurts so much more when you’re with the girls.
A knock causes you to shoot up from your crying session.
“Y-… Yup?! Yeah??”
You stumble towards the door, but before you could open the door, the full mirror next to your closet made you hesitate.
You teary face and clearly red eyes stopped you from opening the door.
“Um.. do you need something Dani?”
“Oh, yeah. The six of us are gonna have a movie night! Don’t you remember..?”
Shit. You forgot.
“I.. I’m sorry Dani. I think I have a cold. Don’t want you guys catching i-”
“A COLD?! Are you okay unnie!!? Do you need anything!?” Dani’s panic made you groan at your mistake.
After minutes of convincing her to join the others, you finally hear her shuffle away from the other side of the door.
You don’t wanna be seen like this. You’re the tough senior. You’re not the oldest, but the most experienced.
You deal with this alone. Not with others.
Why waste their energy anyways?
It’s 3 a.m. when you wake up on the floor.
Your face is still wet from the tears. You ears rang uncomfortably and the mirror still shows a very puffy, tired version of you.
Wiping your face with your sleeves, you quietly make your way to the kitchen - praying that the girls finished their movie night, and all went to bed.
You quietly creak open the door and tiptoe towards the kitchen. But before you could get there, something catches your eye.
The TV screen still plays an old comedy movie - shining a bright light towards the pile in front of the couch.
The air mattress you bought a few weeks ago was on the floor and the girls were all lying on top of it. That’s what you expected, so it wasn’t a surprise.
The empty pillow between Minji and Hanni was the surprising part.
The six of you always had an order you guys laid in.
And you always slept between Minji and Hanni.
You froze and stared at the cold pillow. The sore throat you felt disappeared, replaced by a sudden warmth in your chest. The tears didn’t feel as heavy as they did when you stood besides the mirror.
Like a magnet, you unconsciously gravitated towards the small space. You slowly laid down, staring up into the dark ceiling as the ringing in your ears turned into soft snores all around you.
You could finally hear the laugh tracks coming from the TV, the whirring of the fridge, and the shuffling of sheets.
It wasn’t loud, but enough to calm your mind.
You’re here. You’re in their arms. You’re not a target on the internet, you’re not a ghost from a different group, and you’re certainly not some bitchy asshole as the world makes you out to be.
You’re a New Jeans member.
You’re an adored idol.
And you’re certainly a loved group mate.
Hanni’s unconscious gentle hold on your arm reminds you of that, once again.
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swiss-mrs · 6 months
You were asking for ideas about a future Sy fiction & an idea just popped into my head about “Shy Sy” & the “Karaoke Cowgirl”. Now, there’s NO WAY I could ever compare to your writing skills…but say Shy Sy calls & asks her for a date, she agrees, but everything goes horribly wrong……he spills beer all over her, clumsily trips over his own 2 feet, his truck gets a flat ( there is no spare tire), so they sit alone in the truck having the most fun conversation & maybe with a little cuddling to keep her warm?!?! (She only has a skimpy sundress on). As they casually talk, Sy becomes much more relaxed & finds her just adorably perfect?!?!
sorry this took so long. I have been going through some crazy writer's block. I think I got everything minus the beer😅 thank you for your support! hope you like this!💕
Your Shotgun Rider
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Read Black Velvet (Pt. 1)
Word Count:
Warnings: Series of Unfortunate Events (First Date Edition), Adult Language, Some Suggestive Themes (No Smut), Petnames (darling and pumpkin), Reader is Able to Fit in One of Sy's Jackets.
Reader/Unnamed Character Description: No Descriptions Beyond Clothing (The vibes: one two three four), No Mentions of Age, Race, Ethnicity, Height, Etc., No Use of Y/N, She/Her Pronouns, Mentioned as "Girl"/"Pretty Girl" and "Little Lady"
Synopsis: After your meet-cute at the bar over the weekend, Sy gets you to go out on a proper date with him. Unfortunately, everything seems to be going wrong.
It's time. Sy looked at the watch on his wrist and breathed out a heavy sigh. "God damnit!" He hits the steering wheel in a weak attempt to release some built-up tension. This was the 5th time he'd tried turning the ignition over to no avail. He was running good on time, thirty minutes early, to be exact, before he came out to his truck to try and head over to pick you up. Only to be cockblocked by his own damn pickup.
The last time he recalled, the thing was running smoothly. What in the hell changed?! He leans back in the driver's seat and drags his hands down his face in frustration, letting out a deep groan. His hands drop to his lap with a smack. With his eyes closed, he begins praying. "Please, to the powers that be, please let this God forsaken truck start so I can go see this girl." Without much hope, he opens his eyes and leans forward again to twist the keys again. Surprisingly, the engine roared to life.
Sy lets out a deep sigh of relief, closing his eyes and allowing his body to collapse slightly, forehead resting on the wheel. He lets out a chuckle in disbelief. "Thank you." He leans back up and shifts the truck into drive to head over to the address you'd given him when setting up your date over the phone.
Thankfully, you didn't live far. Your new apartment building was less than 15 minutes away from his house. He lived more on the outskirts of town as opposed to your apartment closer to the town center. He reckoned that if he pushed the speed limit, he could make it in there in 10. This was his town, after all. He knew the streets to avoid to be able to safely cut time.
Sy hated running late, much more now than ever. He didn't want to miss this opportunity. This was his first official outing with you. He had to make a good impression.
As he drove, all he could think about was you. Your laugh, your voice. Since you'd met two weeks ago, you two had built a strange little bond. You've gotten to the point where you can talk to each other like old friends, though all of it has been only over the phone.
You were extremely busy with basically zero down time. The combination of adjusting to your new job, apartment hunting, and now moving, you couldn't find time to do anything but work, sleep, eat, pack, and move. In between, you'd have your phone glued to your ear with Sy on the other end of the line.
Every time you talked, Sy could practically hear the stress and tension in your shoulders from carrying the weight of everything happening. He'd offered to help you move, but you turned him down, insisting you had more than enough help. Plus, you were moving things slowly, and didn't want to have him just drop everything he was doing at your beck and call just to move boxes. He never said it aloud, but he would be more than willing to be on standby for you.
Due to everything going on, Sy had made it his mission to make the little time you had together over the phone pleasant. Thankfully, you got his humor, so making you laugh was never a hard task. It hasn't been a day since he last spoke to you, but he already missed your laugh. Every time it came through the line, the image of your smiling face at the bar would pop up. Every time, without fail. It would always bring a smile to his own face.
The realization of him finally getting to see you in person again hit him hard when he finally reaches the street you live on. It's been two weeks. TWO WEEKS. He hoped you didn't forget what he looked like. Your image is engraved in his brain, one of his sweetest memories. That's when he spots you standing at the base of the stairs, just outside your apartment building. Somehow, his heartbeat both doubled in rate and stopped completely at the sight of you.
You're wearing a white dress that stopped mid-thigh. The skirt of your dress was light and flowy while the upper half was fitted to your frame, hugging you in all the right places. On your feet was a pair for dark brown cowboy boots. You looked utterly adorable and equally sexy. Sy found his eyes trailing along the skin of your exposed legs.
Sy pulled up to the curb, throwing the truck in park, and hoping out the driver's side to walk over to the passenger door, near the sidewalk.
As soon as he hopped out, your face lit up like the morning sun, eyes widening and face breaking out in a big smile. You wave at him and immediately start to speed walk over to him. Your sheer excitement made his heart warm. At least you were happy to see him, and in fact, did not forget what he looked like, as if you ever could. You fight the urge to run and jump into his strong arms.
"Sorry I'm late, darlin'." He blurts before you can get a word out. You're obviously taken aback by the apology. You scrunch your eyebrows and pout, tilting your head.
"Late?" You pull out your cellphone from your hidden pocket, clicking the screen on to check the time. "It's 6:03." You lock your phone and slide it back in your dress, looking back to him with a small smile. "There's no need to apologize for three minutes." You say positively. "You're here now, and I'm so happy you are." Your smile grows happily.
You have to clasp your hands together in font of your lap to physically contain yourself from jumping on the man in front of you. First off, you're overjoyed that you get to finally go on a date with him. Second off, he looks so damn good in his plaid button-down and jeans. You give him a quick once over. It looks like he'd given his beard a little neatening up. His shirt is ironed free of any wrinkles and tucked neatly into the waistband of his jeans. He has a brown leather belt that just so happens to match your boots perfectly. The circular buckle on the front has a horse on it, and his jeans hug his thighs just right, loosening back up as the fall passed his knees. On his feet are leather boots that are obviously a bit worn but sturdy. Must be his go-tos. Neither of you are dressed super fancy. Both cleaned up just appropriate enough for your date. You sigh out a happy sigh. "You ready to show me your moves?" You tease, raising a brow. Sy lets out a soft chuckle, showing off his teeth with his effortlessly charming smile.
"Now, little lady, I told you over the phone, 'I'm no dancer', but if it makes you happy, I'm more than ready." He gives you that smile that makes your knees go weak. He reaches for the door handle and opens the passenger door for you to get in. As you step closer, he holds a hand out for you to take, to use as leverage to get in the tall truck. You smile at him and give him a gracious nod and 'thank you' as you grab his hand to lift yourself into the seat.
Once you're safely in, Sy closes the door behind you and jogs over to his side, quickly hoping back into the driver's seat with one swift motion. He buckles up and looks over to you as he reaches for the gear shift, giving you another smile before shifting and driving off.
"Now, we have a little ways out til we get there. It's just outside of town. No more than 30 minutes." You look over at him as he drives, and he throws some short glances at you as he speaks. "So, uh..." He says, looking back and forth between you and the road. The happy, wide-eyed look you're giving him is making it awful hard to keep his mind straight. He clears his throat and decides to focus his eyes on the streets ahead of him, but the feeling of your eyes on him remains. "How's the move been so far? You likin' your new place?" Out of the corner of his eye, he can see your little smile grow a bit as you nod.
"Yeah, it's been going." You say with a soft chuckle and a shrug. "I at least have some furniture and kitchen stuff over, pots and pans or whatever, so I can now somewhat function out of my own place. It's looking a little less like a storage unit and more like a home, finally, minus the bedroom." You sigh and shift your gaze to the roads ahead as well. "I still have boxes to unpack and a bed frame I've been procrastinating having to put together, but it's nice." You smile, the pride of having a space to call your own swelling in your chest.
Sy glances over at you, eyes nervously shifting back and forth, contemplating his next words before just blurting them out. "I could help if you want." You turn to him to say something, but he continues before you get the chance. "I know you said you don't want me to 'be burdened with your move', which I would, by the way, be more than happy to help you with anything, so don't worry about burdenin' me." He quickly adds in, "I could at very least come by and put your bed together." He glances over at you again as if to let you know he's done with his little ramble.
You give him a little smile, so soft and warm it melts his heart down into his stomach. There's a short pause of you just staring at him with pure admiration before you nod. "Okay." You say with a smile. Sy raises his brows and glances over at you.
"'Okay'? Really?" He clears his throat, shifting in his seat a little in an attempt to cover up the surge of happiness that just ran through him. "Alright. I, uh, I keep some tools in the back." He points a thumb to the backseat. "After tonight, I could fix it up when I bring you back home, so you can have a proper bed to sleep on." He shoots you a smile, and you gently nod. He's so cute. You turn your head to look out the window. This burly man, 'if looks could kill' exterior mixed with his cinnamon roll personality played criminal tricks with your mind and your heart. It only left you pondering what he was like in action, when he was on-duty.
With his soft, sweet, and caring attitude towards you, it was hard to imagine him with a scowl, guns blazin', and dirty. It felt a bit forbidden, but a part of you was set alight by the pure fantasy of it. You could feel your heartbeat quicken at the thought. You purse your lips and try to quietly control your breathing, cheeks starting to burn a little. You nearly jump out of your skin when Sy speaks up again. "Is that alright, darlin'?" You turn away from the window to look back towards him, finding his gaze shifting between you and the road.
You take a quick breath in to try and compose yourself. You nod quickly. "Yeah, no, yeah, that's completely fine. Sorry." You shake your head and let out a small sigh with a smile. "Just got... caught up in my own mind." You try to play your fluster off. He throws you another brain melting grin.
"Well, hopefully, tonight can help you de-stress." He focuses his eyes back on the road, thank God. "New job, new apartment, new town." He shakes his head. "You sure got your work cut out for you." You let out a little laugh and a nod.
"You're telling me. Thank you for taking me out tonight, and thank you in advance for the bed." You give him a smile. He arches a brow and shoots you a glance out the corner of his eyes.
"Don't thank me yet. I might step on your feet, spill beer on ya or somethin'." He says, lighthearted but honest. You let out another laugh, filling Sy's heart.
"Okay, okay. We'll see how the night progresses, but I'm sure there's nothing you could do that would make me any less grateful. I'm truly happy to be here. I'm lucky to have met you." You say honestly. The way the truth rolls off of you was easy, but to Sy, it felt like you just gave him the world. He's about 98% sure you have no idea the effect your words affect him. His smile grows, showcasing his teeth proudly from behind his freshly trimmed mustache.
Before the conversation could deepen any further, a loud POP erupts through the truck, followed by an insane, anxiety inducing rattling and swerving of the truck.
You instinctively reach out to hold onto something, and Sy instinctively reaches a protective arm out to you, keeping the other one on the wheel to maintain as much control over the truck as possible. You had just made it on the country road highway not ten minutes ago, and from the sounds and feel of it, one of the tires popped.
Sy carefully pulls over to the shoulder, parking the vehicle halfway off the road. Thankfully, there just so happened to not be any other cars on the road, but, then again, not-so-thankfully, that meant no immediate help nearby.
As soon as Sy gets to the roadside, he takes his arm back to use it to switch gears into park. He looks in the driver's side mirror with a clenched jaw. You both already know it's the tire, but a big part of him just hopes that the mirror will give him a different answer. He holds in a string of curses, throwing open the door and hopping out. He turns to you once he's outside, "I'll be right back." He's visibly struggling to keep calm, and your heart is a nervous wreck from the loud noise and turbulence. You want to ask him to stay for a few moments until your heart slows back down, but you instead stay silent and nod.
He closes the door and walks towards the back of the truck to get a closer look at the tire that blew. Even though the doors are closed and the windows are rolled up, you could still hear the muffled swears Sy was letting out. Though, yes, the situation is terrible, and you feel bad. You couldn't help but giggle through your little heart attack.
You turn to look through the back window to find a very stressed looking Sy leaning his hands on the truck with his head down. You couldn't hold back a pity smile. Poor guy.
You could see him let out a heavy breath before standing up straight and waking back to the driver's side door. He opens it and pauses, fixing his jaw. He drops his head, letting out another deep breath before looking back up at you. "I'm sorry, darlin'." He starts. "The damn thing is completely busted, and I don't have a spare." He drops his hands from the truck to run the down his jeans. He reaches for his back pocket to grab his phone. You shake your head.
"Don't apologize. It's happens." Your optimistic tone and little pouty face softens the blow. He shakes his head with a chuckle.
"This has got to be the worst date. I'm sorry, pumpkin." He pulls out his phone, clicking the screen on and tapping at it. "One of my guys drives a tow truck for a livin'. There's no tellin' what he's up to right now. He's probably still workin', but imma try givin' him a call and see if he can lend a hand."
"Okay." You say with a relaxed smile. He sighs a soft grin, a gentle look in his eyes. His shoulders relax ever-so-slightly. He hates that you're stuck with him in this situation, but at the same time, he's glad he's stuck here with you.
"Just a minute, pretty girl." He winks, bringing the phone up to his ear and closing the door softly as he walks around to the front of the truck, leaning against the grill.
You watch him have the conversation through the windshield, waiting with your hands rested in your lap. The phone call doesn't last too long as barely five minutes pass by before he's hanging up the phone and rubbing a hand down his face. He doesn't make any attempts to move, so you take that as your opportunity to get out of the truck and walk towards him.
Sy lifts his head from the hand he has massaging his forehead to look over at you. "I'm so sorry, darlin'." He looks at you, guilt, embarrassment, and shame worrying his features. You shake your head and raise a hand to stop him, closing your eyes and looking away, a clear indication of not 'wanting to hear it'.
"No need. Like I said, you don't need to apologize for this." You lean next to him on the warm grill of the car and offer a soft grin. You lean over to bump your shoulder to his. "Any luck with your buddy?" He lets out another sigh, looking down at his phone.
"Well, like I suspected, he's still on the clock and currently helpin' someone else out, but he'll come and get us once he's free. Though, it may be a while." Sy slides the phone back into his back pocket before going back to rubbing his forehead.
"You know, you look really handsome." Sy looks up, removing his hand from his face and looking over to you. The smile on your face nearly makes him forget the unfortunate situation you're both stuck in. He can't help but adore the way your head is adorably tilted as you smile at him. It brings a little smile to his own face. He huffs out a brief chuckle and looks down at his boots, shifting his feet a little.
"Thank you, darlin', and you are just as beautiful as the day I first saw you." He gives you a pursed grin as if trying to contain his smile but failing. You blush and look away from him. You avert your gaze to the field just off to the side of the road, admiring the setting sun. The warm light makes you look as if you're glowing, and Sy can't seem to pry his eyes off of you. His eyes slowly find their way lowering, caressing your figure. "It's a damn shame you've wasted such a pretty little outfit on this."
Your head turns back to him with a scrunched nose smile and warm cheeks. Just then, the best idea pops into your head. "You know, it's not over yet." You pull out your phone, unlock it and open up your music app. "We still got time for a dance or two." You give him a teasing smile, glancing over your phone to him.
Sy shakes his head with furrowed brows. "You can't seriously be tryin' to get me to dance," He looks around, " out here."
"Oh, what?" You press play, setting your phone on the hood of the truck and stepping away from the vehicle. "Scared?" You reach for Sy's hand and weakly attempt to pull him to you. Sy lets you drag him off the truck with little resistance but doesn't let his face show how easily he's persuaded.
You close the distance between you two, Sy's hands finding themselves in yours. "Now, remember what I told you, darlin'.-"
"I know, I know." You hush him and pull him closer. "I don't care. Just dance with me." You squint at him, and he caves instantly, allowing you to bring his hands to your hips.
You tentatively leave your hands on his broad shoulders and begin swaying to the music, easing into a rhythm. You smile at him, gaining a timid grin back. Sy tries his best to follow your lead but is notably awkward and stiff. You can't help but giggle at this. "Hey, now, no laughin' at me." He says, trying his best to be stern but ultimately stiffling his own chuckle. You shake your head, trying to rid your body of its laughter.
"Yeah, okay. Sorry." You manage out through your badly contained giggles. Sy shakes his head at you with a smile.
Several songs and several close calls of him barely missing your toes pass before Sy finally loosens up enough for you to be a bit more experimental with your movements. You open the door to singing along to the songs you like the most. Sy surprises you with his own baritone singing voice, the shock on your face giving him the confidence to step back and spin you around.
When he pulls you back into his chest, admittedly a bit clumsily, you speak up, "Why didn't you tell me you had such a beautiful singing voice?" Due to the nature of the clumsy spin, you were tumbled into his chest, resting one hand over his heart and the other entangled with his. You could feel his heartbeat in your palm through his shirt. Its quick pace was endearing and sweet, causing yours to quicken as well. He gives you a bashful smile.
"I'm no singer, gorgeous." You scoff and roll your eyes.
"Oh, please. I quite literally just heard you. You're actively humming now!" You point out with a laugh. His chest rumbles with a chuckle. He shrugs and continues to hum along, leaving it at that. You give him a playful glare, which he ignores and only pulls you closer by your waist.
Not long after, the sun has disappeared to the point of turning the sky into a deep, royal blue, hinting at the dark night sky incoming. The headlights of the still running truck illuminate you two as you dance, creating your own personal spotlights.
Everything in this moment is sweet and wholesome. A day that started and continued to dampen Sy's mood ended up being one of the greatest he's had in forever, and every upside to this day is thanks to you. This was only your first date, but he knew from right then and there that he would one day make you his wife. He didn't want to scare you off, though, so he kept that thought to himself, twirling you around in the evening air.
Now that the sun was no longer providing its warm blanket, it started to chill. It could be smelt in the air before it began to fall. A spring shower was incoming.
Just as that fact became evident, little droplets started falling from the sky. At first, it was going ignored and partially unnoticed, but it couldn't be ignored for long as the droplets turned into a light sprinkle. "We should get back in the truck before things start getting worse." Sy announces, but you shake your head.
"No, no. Let's at least finish the song." You reply, giving him a bright smile. He melts and submits, letting you continue on with your singing and sways. He knows it's way too early to call it, but, God, he loves you.
Barely halfway through the song, rain starts coming down in clusters. The change happens within a blink of an eye and causes you and Sy to stop almost immediately. Sy pulls you in closer, flush against his strong body as if trying to protect you from the falling water. You let out a little squeak. "I think it's time to call it." He chuckles, ducking his head down to keep rain from hitting his eyes.
He starts leading you over to the passenger's side, keeping you as close as humanly possible the entire tread there. He throws the door open and damn near picks you up by your waist and throws you in. Just as your bum his the seat, you shout out, "My phone!"
Sy closes the door in response and runs back around the truck, grabbing your phone and jogging to the driver's side, hopping in and shutting the door behind him. He hands you your damp phone after doing a quick swipe on his jeans to get most of the water off of it.
You giggle as you take it from him, "Thank you." He chuckles with a head shake.
"You're a crazy little lady, aren't ya?" You tilt up your chin.
"Adventurous, Free Spirited, Yes." You proudly correct, matter-of-factly, earning another chuckle from Sy.
He looks over at you, convincing you your heart had stopped. His eyes hold nothing but pure adoration. You swear all your insides melted as soon as your gazes collided.
You both hold eye contact for what feels like an eternity. Time feels like a slow-motion movie scene, and despite the gloomy, blue hue from the rainy evening, the world suddenly has a rose tint.
You notice Sy's eyes drop from yours, down to your lips. You follow suit, but just as you were going to lean in, an angry shiver runs through you. Your eyes meet his again. A smile grows on his face. He scoots a bit closer to the middle of the bench seat to reach into the backseat, promptly grabbing a brownish Carrhart jacket and draping it over your shoulders, engulfing you in his scent.
As soon as it's over you, you slip your arms into it and bring it tighter around you, using all your might to resist the urge to bring it up to your nose.
Sy gives you another award winning smile that brightens his eyes. He'd never liked his clothes on anyone else so much better than himself, but here you are.
You take this opportunity to scoot closer to him, meeting him in the middle of the bench. He raises an arm, inviting you into his side. You snuggle in close as he rests his arm around you.
Sy reaches forward to turn the heat on low to try and help you both dry off a bit faster without overheating. You being so cuddled up to him warms the pit of his belly. He smiles down at you before tilting his head to rest on top of yours. "This has got to be the best first date I've ever been on." You confess. He chuckles, the rattling in his chest causing your head to bounce slightly. He sighs, content and whole.
"Hopefully, the first of many."
I hope you liked it!!😫💕
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skymoral · 10 months
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Summary: Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas, Johnny, Kung Lao, Kenshin, Liu Kang, Raiden are playing a game you brought from home for them to try. You believed they would have fun
Tags: Drama, competition, comedy, death-threat, fun & games
A/N: You thought it was a funny and bad idea
You had your husband and friends sitting at a round table in the dining hall. You brought over a box that said “CHAMELEON” on it.
You made yourself comfortable on your husband’s lap. Tying your locs up in a bun, so it won’t be in his face. Because standing all day with a big pregnant belly was straining.
“What is this Y/N?” Liu Kang asked curiously.
“This my good friend is the game Chameleon! It’s a fun game I play with my family. I thought it’ll be fun to share with you guys.”
“Ooh yeah, this game is definitely something.” Johnny smirked rubbing his hands together.
You smiled, “That’s the spirit Johnny, so I will do one play-through with you all. As I explain how the game works, before the kids and I prepare dinner tonight.”
“Ain’t it only supposed to be 8 players total?” Johnny looked at you.
“I’m sharing with Bi-Han.” Bi-Han’s grip around your waist tightened.
You opened the box, revealing a blue deck, a green card, and dices. You take everything out, shuffling the cards.
“So this is how it goes, the blue deck is a mixture of cards but you only get one. Doesn’t matter, the green deck will be explained later. Now out of this deck is a Chameloen, as a chameleon your are NOT to say your the chameleon. You are supposed to blend with the other players, it’s literally to see who’s lying amongst the group. Make sense?”
It was silent, before you sighed, “It’s better if we start playing as I explain along the way.”
You gave everyone there card, luckily you had the chameleon card. You whispered something in your husbands ear, he nodded and you proceeded to explain.
The green cards are the topic cards each topic has the letters and numbers that matches what they have, on there blue cards. Which ever # they role, will be the topic of discussion. And the chameleon has to figure out what the secret topic is to not be revealed.
And if the wrong person is picked as a chameleon then the actual chameleon wins the game. Because there lie was just that good. But the players can’t make there answers too obvious, as to not reveal it to the chameleon.
“These look slightly different from the original, the topics?” Johnny pointed out. There very few from his world, but ones the others would still know.
“Yea I know, I had a friend help me. Make like an outworld edition, while keeping topics of earth in there. That others could know, just to be fair.”
You were happy the game was going smoothly, you thought it’ll be chaotic. But you guessed it’s because the play-through had explanations, for them to get a feel.
You were caught as the chameleon, which you intended to help explain the final info. “Now when then chameleon is caught. I have the chance to do what Johnny?”
“If the chameleon can guess the topic we had, then she wins.”
“Correct! But sense I legit don’t know. It’s y’all win, and that’s how the game goes. Does it make sense now?”
Everyone nodded, “Awesome! I will comeback and play with you all again. Once I’m done with everything.
You slowly got up, with your husbands help you have him a sweet kiss thanking him.
“Wow isn’t that like your tenth child.” Johnny laughed at you making a joke, in all actuality this would be your fourth child.
“Johnny really?” Kenshin looked at him.
“Naw Kenshin don’t say nothing, because one thing I know is that Johnny on his tenth bitch. Which was on the news, at least I can keep a nigga.” You walked a way with a smirked, after shutting Johnny up. Kung Lao, Tomas and Kenshin were holding back laughs. The others just smirked as Johnny rolled his eyes.
You hoped leaving the boys alone were alright. You quickly went the market in outworld, to get ingredients for dinner.
You didn’t have the energy to travel all the way to your world and back while pregnant. And you wanted to hurry back, in case things got out of hand with the others.
You’ve been wanting to do a bonding game with everyone for awhile… At least you think it’s a bonding game, you didn’t think they could make a game like chameleon toxic… Could they?
You quickly gather the ingredients with the help of your personal Lin Kuei guard, and rushed back to cook in the kitchen. With both your daughters and son.
As you all were preparing and cooking, you heard certain sounds. All the way in the hall area, but didn’t think much of it and continued about in the kitchen.
Green Card Topics: Games | Basketball | Warrior | Candles | Hollywood | Action | Dancer | Fighting | Movies | Toys | Pet | Monsters | Toilet | Timelines | Clans | Race
Dice Topic : Warrior
The Chameleon: Johnny
“Alright, remembering what Y/N said. I will just go first… I will say training.” Liu Kang gave his answer, trying his best not to give it away or be to vague.
“I would say Talent.” Johnny said.
“Practice.” Kung Lao said.
“Is that not the same thing as training?” Kuai Liang questioned.
“That is somewhat the same Kung Lao.” Tomas interjected.
“Ughh fine umm… Determination, then.” Kung Lao gave his new answer.
“Hmm, this is somewhat hard without giving it away…” Raiden was thinking.
“Stalling makes you look suspicious.” Johnny stated leaning back with his hands behind his head.
“So is pressuring others to quickly respond Johnny!? Let him think, there isn’t a timer on this game.” Kenshin retorted.
“Hey I’m just saying, I’m already debating my vote.”
“I got it! Upbringing.” Raiden finally said his.
“Tyrant.” Kenshin said his.
“Pfft yeah good one.” Johnny said under his breath.
“You got something to say!?” Kenshin slightly stood up, before Liu Kang gently pushed him back down.
“Umm, what about Tournament.” Tomas said, “That is a very good one Tomas.” Liu Kang praised him.
“Born.” Kaui Liang gave his.
“Lin Kuei.” Bi-Han said for this.
“That is the most vaguest shit I have ever heard out of all these lame ass answers.”
“If you have a problem with it STARBOY! Keep it to yourself! Your answer is not any better!” Bi-han stood up glaring at Johnny.
“Brother let’s just calm down, it’s just a game.” Kuai Liang tried to calm his brother.
“I say we should start voting, even though a lot of these answers aren’t that great. Kenshin and Bi-Han has the worst ones.”
“What!” Bi-han and Kenshin said in unison.
“You are full of shit Johnny, your answer being Talent, is way out of character compared to all our responses!”
“Hey my response, makes more sense then most! You’re upset, because you’d get caught!” Johnny yelled explaining.
“If I’m being honest… Kung Lao’s answer, makes me skeptical.” Raiden spoke up.
“Ooh really now!?” Kung Lao looked at his friend
“Everyone let’s just calm down. We must let everyone speak one at a time.” Liu Kang intervened
“You’ve been talking non-stop, you made yourself suspicious from the beginning! I say Johnny is the so called Chameleon!”
“Are you fucking kidding me! The mister all things Lin Kuei! Couldn’t come up with anything else in his vocabulary! Seems very suspicious to me, I say he’s the Chameleon!”
Bi-Han was about to attack Johnny, his brothers holding him back. As everyone kept arguing back and forth.
You almost finished cooking for dinner, but then you heard loud crashes and yelling.
You quickly went to the dining hall as fast as your big belly allowed. You saw there were things broken, fire and ice everywhere. Liu Kang between Johnny, Kung Lao, and Bi-Han, Raiden, Kuai Liang, and Tomas.
“Seriously guys!” You shouted getting there attention. You literally was dying inside from laughter, holding your mouth from having it come out.
“You are the only people I know in the universe that can make a fun family game THIS toxic.”
Everyone calmed down a bit, so to not get you caught up. “So no one is getting any dinner, tell y’all clean this damn mess up… Since you can’t play together, you will clean together.”
You walked away smirking shaking your head.
It only took them thirty minutes to finish, once they were done. You had your friends join you and your family for dinner.
It was a nice dinner and after everything calmed down. They laughed at how they reacted, you could tell Bi-Han was still slightly irritated. So you quickly gave him a kiss when no one was looking.
“I’m glad you all realized how ridiculous y’all were acting. I probably should’ve stayed, but don’t worry. For our next bonding game…” You quickly went to your room and came back with a deck of cards.
“Wanna do UNO next?” You grinned, they only just looked at you.
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A/N: Can you imagine the chaos when these people play earth games. The shit would be hilarious.
I might make a writing series out of this, of this group playing games you suggest from your world, if y’all would like that.💅🏾
The Same Energy of this gif in this fanfiction lol
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chameleoncharm · 1 month
Aug 2024 News!
Hello hello! Meant to get this up a bit sooner, but had some family things come up and I've been down with Covid the last bit of time. If you're a paid member, this will sound like a repeat of things I said a little earlier this month, but please bear with me, as I try and get everyone caught up with my plans. First off, major apologies again for falling off the face of the Earth the last... bit of time. Life has been hectic, but in between the crazy, I've managed to catch a few moments to come up with game plans for the comic. I won't go over everything right now, but just cover the up and coming things on the docket. The biggest thing to note coming up in the next month though is the relaunch of the comic.
I've been putting together a new home for Chameleon Charm over on ComicFury. You can actually view it here: https://chameleoncharm.thecomicseries.com/
There's no pages up yet and the extra pages - like the Cast and Fan Art pages and the like - aren't fully functional yet. I'm not actually very good at coding, or rather no good at all, cause I know nothing about code, so it's been a struggle getting the page to look the way I want it. It looks pretty good now though, so hopefully nothing breaks going forward, hahah. If it does, it because of my spaghetti coding and I apologize. Anyway, the plan is that starting Sept 18 - the comic's 12th year anniversary - I will be re-releasing the comic over on the new ComicFury page. I hope to get my custom domain to point to the ComicFury soon, though the Tumblr will remain up, for archival reasons/purposes. What I mean by a re-release is that I will be trickling out all the past pages over the next bit of time; all five chapters. There will be minor differences, as I'm doing some editing on the pages to readability and consistency, will some minor art edits.
The release schedule will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday and once I get everything posted, will revert to the Tuesday and Friday release schedule I had back in the old days when I was hosted on Cup of Comics.
With what I have in terms of page count, for Chapters 1-5, it should neatly gets us to September of 2025, where then, I will finally start getting into Chapter 6, for real. I know that's still a long time, but this way, I have a built in buffer and time frame in which to work. Since I've gone on hiatus because of life and writer's block, I had not solid time frame in which to get back on the horse, so I'm setting one with the relaunch. So, short form, the plan is this: - Starting Sept 18, 2024, I will release Chapters 1-5 on the new ComicFury webpage, with a "new" page released on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays - By Sept 18, 2025, I should have things all set to roll smoothly into the long awaited Chapter 6
I've alluded to this before, but really, the time to think things through as really actually helped when it's come to story developments. Handing things on a page-by-page basis really wasn't a good idea, but hey, when I started the comic, I was young, dumb, and stupid and didn't know better. I'm older now so like to think I've learned some kind of lesson, lol. Anyway, the rest of the month is dedicated to the aforementioned edits so I can get pages queued up. I hope you'll enjoy revisiting the series through this relaunch and maybe have fun playing a game of Find the Difference on what I change. Again, they won't be big changes, but you know; for those people who like to keep track of such things (one reason why the Tumblr will remain). All I ask (aside from beseeching more of your continued patience and support, which I am eternally grateful for) is for you guys to help spread the word of the comic's release. I'll be putting up posts on the social media pages whenever a page goes live on the ComicFury (see here for all the official Chameleon Charm social media pages) and if you could like and share them around to get the comic in front of fresh, new eyes, that would be extremely helpful. But that's all for me for right now! I'll check in with everyone next month when the relaunch finally happens and to celebrate the 12th Year Anniversary. I'm sorry again for the absence, but I hope the stuff I have planned for the future will be worth it. I've been doing a lot in terms of world building and story development and I can't wait to share it all with you. Thank you again for your continued patience and support. For advanced news and behind the scenes, consider joining the Patreon! Take care now! - Fil
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fayrinferno · 10 months
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The (printed) collection
From time to time I get a question like, "do you have this or that book?" So, a few weeks back, I finally took them all out of their hiding place and grabbed some photos. Wish I had used my camera instead of phone, I had to stand on a chair to get it all and yeah, the picture is not the sharpest.
Anyway, I have some other stuff, figures and such, although I admittedly DO focus more on books as an artist/writer/translator. These books are the ones I translate from so I wasn't going for mint conditions, although a few of them are. You can see some of them still packed in the store bags. I included the CDs cause... well, they were next to the books and they do have some printed material as well.
The Shiren Suiki book gets a separate photo cause after taking the photos at home I realized I had left it at work when I scanned it... practically crying as I did cause it was barely opened when I bought it and it's a beautiful book. My Anvils are also very fragile.
I may do a complete list one day but for now, here are the quick descriptions.
ARTBOOKS & FANBOOKS I have pretty much all of the major official books I think, missing maybe 1-2 pieces. The one that may look less familiar is Hiroshi Osaka's personal artbook. I also have four of the relevant Nobuteru Yuuki artbooks. The bottom right one with the orange title is the issue of Newtype Magazine with a feature about Esca.
SMALLER BOOKS (let's pretend that's a category) Here I got all the novels (they are out of their sleeves cause I was working on them), all the filmbooks, Secrets of Escaflowne, Escaflowne Bible, and the Energist Memories manga/doujin collection.
DOUJINSHI I was mostly going for stuff I haven't seen online so I only got a handful. Besides the Shiren Suiki book, there are three Minato Tajima doujins (one of them is racy heh but I'm not hiding that I have it). One of the other doujins may look unfamiliar; it's a compilation book that includes other series (the character on the cover is from DN Angel). People who talk to me on Discord probably recognize the Nanoka doujinshi cover.
CDs AND THE LIKE I don't have all the soundtracks for some reason, probably cause I thought the missing ones wouldn't be hard to get. The PSX game is the special edition with the tarot cards. The LDs that I literally bought just for the covers and inlays. I also have all the audio dramas, some CDs with extras... and a phone card that was for some reason packed in a CD case lol (kidding, it's precious that they would give it that kind of protection). Oh, and there are two movie posters which I guess don't fall under either category.
I have some other stuff that is kinda related to Esca "by association" such as by artist or things that "looked similar" but I didn't include them. Also the figures. I may update this post with those but this is the brunt of it. I will be posting some goodies from these soon!
Same goes for the ongoing translations that I've been doing updates on in this post. Life is too short to delay them for months and years because of perfectionism, or rather, being self conscious about one's imperfect language skills. I am thankful to everyone who has helped me so far, proofreading my translations (coverteyes, pikafwance, sevenstars, and radical-rad1986)... I'm not tagging you guys but know that I'm VERY grateful, also to the other people who are helping me with other projects). I always had fun working together with you but it's no longer sustainable and I likely bit off more than I can chew. So I will get myself out of the way. There are two books that are almost complete as of today so I will just probably go chapter by chapter. I hope to be done with this asap but also December is a busy month for me so I'm not sure how smoothly it will go. Let's hope it does.
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HI!! I’m loving your DILF!Miguel fic so much 💕
I hope your rewriting process is going smoothly! I’m so excited to see all the changes once you finish it!
I just wanted to ask, in your story, Miguel basically goes insane for women with tattoos and piercings. Does he also have a thing for dyed hair? Like, hair dyed in fun colours like pink, purple or blue?
Thank you for writing such a fun story! Hope you’re having a fantastic day.
Aww thank you🥰🥰
I'm having fun editing! Seeing spelling mistakes makes me cringe...but im having fun nonetheless!
I think Miguel likes colors that matches well with the natural color of hair. He likes fun colors! But if it goes perfectly, he adores.
And of course! I enjoy writing this story and it's one of my current passions lol I'm going to be so sad when it's finished )^: lm tearing up thinking about it😭
I'm just glad my readers enjoy it! It makes me happy knowing yall take the time out of your day to read it, and im so appreciative. That's why I try to make it as perfect as possible 💕
My readers are the reason this story exists and why I work to make it amazing.
Thank you for all the love and support!!
I hope you're having a wonderful day as well (^:
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acaplaya-musings · 6 months
Voiceplay Visuals: Creep
Not a Voiceplay video I watch as often as others (though I've also listened to it a few times on Spotify), but I know there are certainly a few things for me to talk about with this one, and since I skipped I Can't Make You Love Me, this one can also kinda make up for it.
Creep was uploaded on the 15th of July, 2023, it's another guest feature of Anthony Gargiula, and, in a very rare case for Voiceplay, the credit for both video and arrangement goes solely to Eli! (And he also did the lighting design, of course.) Eli rarely does arranging for Voiceplay, and when he does, it's in collaboration with Layne, such as with the Queen Medley and Enemy. The only other time he did an arrangement all by himself (in the past 7 or so years at least, not counting the older stuff) was for Eleanor Rigby back in 2021. Anyway, let's get into this!
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One thing I must immediately note/mention is that although Eli is credited with the video production overall, the description also says "w[ith] concepts from Casa de la Castellucci" (fancy! 😝) Apparently what this means is that Eli was explaining his video concept to Geoff and Kathy via videocall, and they (I'm not sure/can't remember which one first had the idea) suggested the usage of a mirror (a mirror which was then provided by Cesar - a real collaborative effort for this one!) (And Eli and Tony directed this together also)
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I'm not sure what's larger - Cesar's vocal range, or his acting range!!!! He's so talented and multi-faceted! Give him an acting award!
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Speaking of acting abilities!! 🥺
Note how Geoff is wearing a plain long-sleeve t-shirt here, which isn't inherently unsual or anything typically notable, sure, but apparently (according to comments I've read), Geoff used to struggle with body image issues when he was younger, and here he sings the line "I want a perfect body", so for him to be wearing something that fully covers his arms and chest for this one? Not sure if it was fully intentional, but oof, hurts my heart a little bit 💔
(Also, on a cinematography note, the transitions between the different guys each sitting in front of the mirror are very smoothly done 👌)
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Group shot! Interesting to note that the guest vocalist, Anthony, is not sitting in the middle here, which is rare for Voiceplay, but not entirely new. This really was Eli's song/video all the way (but Good For Him, and everyone else still got moments to shine as well!)
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Eli The Lighting Whiz at it again! (Also see how it kinda looks like Eli is conducting/controlling the lights in the second and third images here?)
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More lighting changes!
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Screencaps still don't do it justice, but what a freaking flawless transition! And apparently it didn't involve any post-production editing magic at all! According to a comment or two on a reaction video, the other vocalists got out the way when the camera was fixed on Cesar, the lights were changed/dimmed right down, and the mirror (which I think was on wheels?) was quickly moved in front of him. The result is honestly *chefs kiss*
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Damn. Bravo boys, bravo!
Not a super massive post I know, and a bit more of a sombre video, but my next post will certainly be longer, and the video much more fun! Stay tuned!
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clickerflight · 8 months
Muir: Part 1 - Warehouse
A bit of a treat for ya here! A two parter about how Muir became a vampire. The second one will be up as soon as I have it edited. Enjoy!
Master list
Part 2
Content: human police whumpee, gun violence, mentions of cults and what happened to Joseph, hidden injury vibes
Muir spun his chair back and forth impatiently, watching Granger work her way through her paperwork for the week. She kept eyeing him, annoyed. 
“Isn’t there something you should be doing?” she asked, typing away at her keyboard. 
Muir clicked his tongue. “No.”
“You know how I am about paperwork,” he replied. “It’s all done.”
“How do you even manage that? I know how many cases you take at a time, on top of your bondmate.”
Muir gave her a side eyed look when she said bondmate. She always said it with disappointment, like he’d made a bad decision in bonding with Joseph as a human. He personally was fine with it. He was pretty sure that it gave him some sort of extra energy somehow, and it was comforting knowing someone would always know where he was. “Maybe I sold my soul for paperwork powers.”
She didn’t even roll her eyes at his terrible joke and just gave a long, long sigh. 
“I don’t know, Granger. I just work on it when I have a spare minute here and there,” he said with a shrug. 
“Isn’t there research you can do?” 
“I’m out of leads till my warrant goes through.”
“You could help someone else get their work done. I wouldn’t mind help with my paperwork.”
“Nah,” Muir said, going back to spinning. “I’m enjoying watching you do it.”
Granger flashed her fangs at him, but there was no real fire behind it. “Okay, whatever. But if the chief sees you sitting on your hands she’ll find something for you to do.”
“Oh, I know,” Muir replied. “But she’s in a meeting with the Fire Inspector right now.”
Granger groaned at Muir’s grin. “Yeah, and he comes in and wastes her time. What could he possibly need to talk to her about that oft-” She spotted the look on Muir’s face and her eyebrows shot up in a rare show of surprise. “No. No!”
“Yes,” Muir said, deeply amused. “They’re being responsible and making sure they have their work done just so they have time for little meetings.”
Granger put her face in her hands with a groan. “That is so wrong.”
“I think it’s cute,” Muir said, spinning a full circle before he pulled up a screen on his computer and started typing so smoothly that Granger almost didn’t notice as the chief’s door opened and the Fire Inspector backed out, holding up a hand in goodbye. 
Muir waited till the man had left and the door to the chief’s office was fully closed before he went back to spinning his chair back and forth, practically taunting Granger. 
She sighed, shaking her head and going back to her paperwork. 
Muir scrolled through his computer, occasionally refreshing his emails and chatting with a couple of friends. 
Then, he refreshed his email again and he rushed to click on the link and print out the warrant. “I’ve got it. I’ll call the guys together. Be at the cars in 10 minutes, Granger.”
With that, Muir was off with his fresh warrant to let the chief know where he was going and how many officers he needed to take with him. 
Granger sighed one more time as she worked to finish what she was working on. This should at least be fun. Until it gave her more paperwork afterwards. 
The warehouse the warrant was for was attached to the new cult formed out of the ashes of the previous one that have been involved in killing David and causing harm to Joseph. Muir had been investigating it, reopening the case. He had quickly discovered that the previous case had actually been connected to a lot of missing person’s reports. It seemed that on the same night of the ritual,every single cult member had completely vanished, and the only living witness to the incident was buried in a box in the ground and unable to know what happened. 
Muir had been worried that would be the end of it, chasing dead end after dead end, looking for unclaimed bodies to see if they had performed a mass suicide somewhere else, but he had found nothing. 
Nothing except for a record of a new cult starting soon after, using the same name and locations with different people involved, though some of them were friends and family of the missing cult members. 
This warehouse would hold even more information. Muir had worked his tail off to get enough evidence that something shady was going on here to get himself a warrant. If they could just get inside, they might actually find out what has been going on here. Even if he couldn’t put the original group in jail for what they did, he could keep this group from doing any more harm.
And they had already done plenty of harm. There had been some vampire disappearances in the area since they had established themselves again. Muir had got the warrant based on some illicit potion deliveries he managed to confirm at this address, though he was fairly certain they would be finding some vampire ash inside, if not the whole cult all high on it. 
Muir got his gun ready, flashlight in the other hand as he and the group of officers approached the door, Granger at his shoulder ready to intercept any attack thrown his way. He had to admit he envied her abilities as a vampire. He would love to intercept attacks for the others without too much concern for his own life. 
He looked around and nodded at Officer Blaire. He had the loudest voice and was the best at kicking down doors. His eyes lit up at the chance as he made his way to the front of the group. He banged on the door and shouted, “Police! Open up!”
There was a long long moment of silence, counting out the seconds legally required before continuing, before Officer Blaire smiled like a kid on Christmas as he stepped back and slammed the door in. 
It opened easily enough and officers moved in quickly, flashlight beams swinging around in the darkness beyond. 
The place was fairly dusty, and smelled of drugs and potions. 
Muir carefully made his way forward, clearing spaces and calling out to the others, listening to the others shout out ‘Clear!’ to make sure no one went down without his noticing. 
There didn’t seem to be anyone here. There were old style coffins lined along the walls, some of them nailed shut, others with free swinging lids. The old warehouse was filled to the brim with crates and boxes and a quick peek in a couple of them assured Muir that his warrant had certainly paid off. 
“We’ve got Vampire Ash here!” 
Muir made his way through the crates over to a set of long tables where there were boxes of vampire ash along with the equipment to make it into a potent drug. The process had been discovered fairly recently and the drug was beginning to spread like wildfire through the streets of most major cities because of its addictive and healing effects while the authorities tried to figure out where all the vampires were that were being mutilated, mistreated, and killed to make the stuff. 
“Alright, the Icky guys should be here soon to deal with this,” he said, referring to the Illicit Substance division that would come through to help them clear the place out safely. “Let’s just make sure this place is empty.”
“Yes sir.”
Muir continued on into the dark, searching for more leads. He had to have another lead. This was a lot, but he wanted to find where the cult kept some of their files, maybe even see where they got the vampire ash from and bust a few drug rings.
He found an office space towards the back of the warehouse and whistled sharply to let Granger know where he was. He found the door to be unlocked and quickly swung his flashlight around the office. It was empty besides a couple of computers and some files piled haphazardly around the room. 
Delighted by this, he stepped into the room, looking around at the files and picking one up to see what was on it. 
Before he could really see what it was, he heard movement behind him, though he wasn’t that concerned. That would be Granger catching up to him and keeping an eye out while he poked through all of these papers and computers and happily picked out lead after lead like he was foraging cheerfully through a forest for mushrooms like he did with his dad when he was younger. 
He was abruptly jolted from his satisfaction as a terrifyingly loud sound lit through the room and he felt something impact his body. 
He managed to keep from falling forward into the papers and turned to find a pale, wide-eyed human staring at him, a gun in their hand and long greasy hair in their eyes. 
Muir jumped forward, his blood rushing in his ears as he pushed the gun to the side and shouted as he fought with the person. The attacker scratched at him and screeched like a wild thing, struggling to get away no matter the damage to their person. 
Grager shot out of the darkness, grabbing the human and forcing them to the ground on their stomach and cuffed their hands behind their back, kicking the gun away. 
“Are you alright? I heard two shots. Were they yours?”
“Two?” he asked, still jittery from the surprise. He must not have processed the other one in his shock. “Yeah, no, I’m fine. My armor caught it, I think.”
“You’re sure.”
“Yeah. I’m alright. 
More agents and officers hurried over to see what had happened and Muir was quick to explain the situation. Afterwards, he said, “Officer Blair, if you could get the suspect out to the…. To the car that would be… be… ummm.”
Muir started to sway, the blood draining from his face. What was going on? He should probably sit down. He slowly took a step back towards a crate, leaning against it as Officer Blair stepped forward. “Sir? Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” he said weakly. “I’ll be alright. Just the shock of being shot at, I think. Here, Granger, you take over. I’m going to get some air and water really quick.”
Granger nodded, giving a bit of a side look as he made his way out of the warehouse. The pain where he’d been shot started to register and he groaned. The armor kept you alive but it still hurt like nothing else. He’d have a bruise for a week. He felt something wet drip down his arm and realized the suspect had scratched him with their long jagged nails where they’d untucked his sleeve from his glove. He’d have to remember to get it cleaned. He hoped it didn’t get infected. He wondered how long that person had been here. Long enough to go pale and hollow and…. And…..
Muir stumbled, and then he fell, pain blazing out through his stomach and back. He tried to take a breath to shout for help, but all he could do was lay there in the dust as it gradually dawned on him that something was very, very wrong. 
Part 2
From Dust to Ashes: @honeycollectswhump @writereleaserepeat @tragedyinblue @hyrules-sleepiest-knight @why-not-ask-me-a-better-question @thecyrulik @gt-daboss @currentlyinthesprial @pigeonwhumps @not-a-space-alien
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aarlert · 1 year
i love your fics sm. any tips for ppl learning to write? whats your process like?
ah!!! me??? shucks! thank you so much! i never feel like i am qualified at all to give tips or advice but because you so kindly asked, here are some things that i think guided me to a place i am happy with:
1. write things that you really want to write. not because you think other people want it or because you crave that sweet external validation—which, look. i do. we all do. all the time. it's nothing to be ashamed about. but if you're just starting out writing, try to get excited about it. have fun with it. seriously, the ride will be so much more enjoyable. write that ship, that trope, that AU, that brainworm that won't leave you alone. seize it. write it because goddamn it no one else will
2. read! read some good words and you will absorb good things. pay attention to what you like: phrasing, imagery, etc. borrow them and make them your own.
3. don't underestimate the value of solid grammar and punctuation. i know it's a pain in the ass, i KNOW, but trust me. making your writing look good, at least on a surface level, helps a lot. your writing is a special thing. polish it! it deserves it!
4. if you are comfortable with it, get your fic beta'd. we don't often notice our own mistakes. and showing your raw work to someone else can feel terrifying, believe me, i want to eat my fist every time. but a second pair of eyes is so valuable. ask a trusted friend—another writer, if you know one. someone who can lend you their expertise but also applaud you for your accomplishments.
5. here is a book i love: "Self-Editing for Fiction Writers, 2nd Edition" by Renni Browne and Dave King. i read it a few years ago and still think about the things i learned in it. every point in this book is a point of advice i'd give to anyone else
i hope any of this is useful!! none of this is like, revolutionary advice, but they will give you a good foundation. i also tried to share things that won't dictate you stylistically, because that can differ so much from person to person.
as for my process, OH BOY. do i even have much of a process.... i'll do my best to describe what i do. i'll also have some more points about what drives my own personal writing style, things that i don't necessarily think other people Should do, but serve as the backbone of how i write. under the read more!!! (why is this so long)
it's only in recent years that i've begun writing with any kind of consistency, so i'm kind of figuring out my process Right Now haha. the process varies depending on the length of the fic and the complexity of the idea. but here are the main points:
1. brainstorming: usually i open a google doc and feverishly jot down an idea when i have it. sometimes it's just a few lines. for bigger ideas, i'll outline the whole fic, which is mostly bulletpoints that vary in detail from "they go to this place and talk about their feelings" to full blown detailed written scenes that i can copy/paste wholesale into the fic draft lol. my ideas often spawn from a line of dialogue, an emotion, vague imagery. this is why none of my fics are plot heavy, i am simply incapable
2. drafting the fic: aka The Writing aka the longest and hardest part lol. sometimes it goes so smoothly the words come out of me like a waterfall. other times it's like juicing a rock. i usually write strictly in chronological order, otherwise i never finish. i'm terrible at going back to do the things i skipped because they were hard. in some places i will leave [brackets] to return to certain moments, like if i need to look up a word or figure out the blocking for a fight scene. it's important to maintain the writing flow if i'm in it, so those particular moments i might skip and come back. otherwise i am but a sculptor hacking away at the marble, hoping to find the story underneath
3. editing: tbh i rigorously self-edit as i write which... might be a bad thing but i can't help it. this is editing as in grammar, punctuation, sentence structure. i fuck around with sentence structure so much—flow is really important to me. just, how the words and sentences sound. i know that sounds like, obvious, but i just want the cadence of every paragraph to sound good. varying up sentence lengths, making sure words sound good together, etc. sometimes at this point i will also feel "hmm need more relationship building here" and add more scenes/dialogue
4. send it out for beta: aka the part where i hide under a rock and try not to delete everything i wrote out of fear. it's never as bad as i expect but i'm like this every time. more editing happens, because of course.
5. post the fic: the best part! except then i have to think of a title and summary! fuck!!!!! it's extremely rare that i have these prepared ahead of time. screw me. my titles come from all over the dang place, poetry, songs, etc. i'm trying to write more original titles, and when i do i usually keep them concise, like 1-3 words
so that's like. literally my process which is probably not at all interesting and maybe not what you were hoping to learn about, so some more things that are like, particular to How i write or at least what i think about when i'm writing:
less is more, when it comes to like 99% of things. if i can describe something in 1 word instead of 5 i will do it (unless it is more in-character to be more verbose)
i always write in very close 3rd person POV, so i'm always thinking really hard about how this character is thinking, what they can physically see/hear/feel etc (for example, a character is never thinking about the color of their own eyes. so i wouldn't say like 'cyno blinked his red eyes' if it's in cyno's POV. idk these are the things i think about. it just feels more immersive this way)
make the dialogue feel as natural as possible, while still maintaining control over it as like, a piece of fiction. i often read dialogue again while skipping the narration between lines, just to make sure it still flows naturally. obviously it's not gonna sound 1 to 1 like real life conversation, but at the very least i want readers to feel like they can hear the character's voices
convey emotions through tone, dialogue, and physical cues rather than trying to say it plainly in the narration (i don't do this 100% of the time, but it's a general rule of thumb)
describe the imagery that really matters—what's setting the scene and giving the desired mood? focus on those details instead of cramming the prose with as much description as possible
sometimes you don't need a metaphor. you can just describe the thing itself, and that hits just as hard
what does each character want in a given scene? what's motivating them? does it feel right to give them that thing now, or later?
that is probably too many commas, use a period for god's sake
again, these are just things that motivate my own writing, they're not necessarily things that i think everyone should take to heart. but if it is interesting/helpful for you, then by all means! run away with them! use them, change them, do with them as you see fit. the important thing is the writing. i believe in you! you can do it!!!
this...... is so long what da hell. my bad. i don't even know how this happened. but as you can see i do love talking about writing even though i feel like an imposter all the time. if you have any other questions i am happy to answer them!!! thank you!!!
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ironfey-42 · 6 months
Baking is Both an Art and a Science [PHOTO EDIT]
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Baking is Both an Art and a Science
My first work for IronStrange Spring Fling.
Prompts that I got from the generator: Tenderness, Baking, Kisses
You don't have to love cooking to cook,
but you have to do more than love baking to bake.
You have to bake out of love.
- Tom Junod
It's post Endgame and post everything, and Stephen needs a break from all the stress of being one of the older/experienced heroes/magical experts. He needs a day off, doing nothing but just the mundane things of everyday life. He wants a day to spend with his husband, Tony, okay.
(Pepperony never happened, post-Infinity War, they decided to be friends)
Tony has taken to baking and cooking because he's bored, and also, he's gotten good at baking. It's just science made edible. He loves making the old recipes he found in his mother's collection and then adds his twist after the first few bakes/cooks, and they all taste amazing. He wants Stephen to relax and do something that is not hero/magical teacher-related. He plans Stephen's day off having gotten Wong and the other heroes (Wong and Tony got Peter to get the other heroes in on the plan cuz they can't say no to Peter's puppy dog eyes especially if it's in the name of Aunt May, Tony, and Stephen) in on the plan so that Stephen can finally have a break from all the hero/magical craziness.
Stephen is first confused that no one is asking him for help on his day off that he really doesn't know is his day off, it's a surprise. (Wong and the others are all working together so that Stephen has a relaxing day off and they want it to go smoothly. Stephen goes into the kitchen to get his usual cup of coffee and Tony is there busy getting everything ready. (He made Stephen breakfast okay) 
Tony knows that Stephen wants to try baking even with his shaking hands and so he plans a shaking hands-friendly baking time, getting the right tools to help with his hands. Then when they start baking, listening to music, they start having fun and Tony tells Stephen that baking is one of the ways that helps him to destress and then they get into a flour fight and they get flour everywhere and Stephen is having a fun stress-free day. They end up sneaking kisses as they bake a cake and get the decorations ready for the cake.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Fanworks Event is going to last for one week in December (exact dates to come) where fans of TCM can come together to share their creations!
All kinds of works will be allowed! Fics of any length, art both digital and physical, moodboards, manips, edits, playlists and so on!
The only restrictions come down to content, and there aren’t many. I’m only asking that this event does not feature certain “dark” ships. These are things like adult x minor ships, family x family ships, or non-con ships. I will not curate that kind of thing on this blog because it is my preference.
Dark topics are allowed however, as long as everything is tagged properly! All that means is a simple tag warning about things like abuse, violence, or blood, etc. Victim x family ships are allowed as well of course, so long as it abides by the rules above! If you have any questions or would like to know if something is bending the rules, just shoot me a message! I will be happy to answer, through direct messages, the inbox, or the discord!
Speaking of, there is a discord server just for this event! I created it by myself so there may be some bugs, but I have a few channels already laid out with descriptions for what goes in them! I am very very easy going about discord servers though. Don’t worry about constantly messaging or following a format. Just have fun! The link will be at the bottom of this post!
Cause that’s my motto for the whole event! Have fun, and spread some love and creativity for our fandom!
When I say the fandom, this includes The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and it’s direct sequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part Two (1986), as well as the new TCM game (2023) I genuinely apologize for limiting the films this event will explore, but I really don’t know the others that well, and so I would find it impossible to find, tag, and share content from those films.
That’s how the system will work. When a piece is finished and posted in December, use the hashtag #tcmfanevent and @ tag this blog so that I can find it! I will then reblog it according to which day or prompt and it correlates to!
Prompts will be loose! I have a list that I will post separately elaborating on them, so more details there will be coming out soon!
No sign ups required! If you’re interested but don’t want to dedicate, that’s totally fine! This is a low pressure, no obligation event just for fun. It’s okay if you can’t do it. The same goes for the amount of works. You don’t need to participate for the entire week. If you just want to plan one piece for that week, that’s fine too! The the dates mostly refer to the amount of time I’ll be taking submissions.
I am only one person, and I am disabled, so I will do my very best to answer all questions and run this smoothly, but I might make mistakes. Let’s just all be patient together and get ready to do something cool!!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
so what are we imagining shisuis spidersuit to look like😳and his powers (need the pain of biological webs)
Absolutely raging because I wrote out this massive answer and Tumblr ate it so this version is much less fun but I'll try to remember everything I said
Tumblr ate it... Again.
A third time
I'm so so angry RAWRRRRRRR okay so this is short and sweet and annoyed ✨
The suit:
Look up Naruto's Eight Trigrams Seal and imagine that in the center of the chest in blood red, with lines that follow the shoulders and dip towards the hips. In the center, a white stylistic spider to echo the Uchiha colours. The blue is darker, like 'space' instead of navy or royal
The mask is influenced by the ANBU tattoo and the line goes from the chin, sculpting the cheek to swirl around the cheekbone and browbone before trailing over the temples and meeting in a V at the back of the skull, mimicking and exaggerating Shisui's eyeliner
No flappy fabric, like Hobie or Pavitr, as Shisui's too pragmatic. The material does resemble mesh pattern tho, as a nod to Shinobi mesh armour. He wears a bullet proof vest, matching the suit design so smoothly that it's not really distinguishable until Shisui goes to take it off, as Konohattan is basically a Yakuza Modern AU, let's be real.
Knuckle dusters built into his hands
ANBU style arm and shin bracers
Feet like tabi
Red waistband almost like an obi illusion but no loose fabric
High collar to his chin, like Tenzo, when mask is off
Ears pierced with black tomoe studs
No gun (DP!Obito has tho) but nunchucks
Shisui has curls, this is just important to me to reiterate
Usual spiderman strength and durability but slightly lower healing rate
Spidey senses PLUS enhanced senses because I gotta include Uchiha premonition somehow (hello sensory overload whump)
Naturally produces webs, like Tobey's Peter, but it hurts after overuse
Not much sticky to surfaces but Shisui's speed is so stupid that momentum usually carries him through. Webs work in a pinch.
Dimension tearing! I haven't figured out how yet but I want to involve this for plot reasons AND as a nod to Kotoamatsukami
If this doesn't post... I'm going to lose my shit :)
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