#educational games for schools
umniki · 7 months
Website: https://www.umniki.co.uk/
UMNIKI specializes in educational board games designed to enhance learning for children and families. Offering a wide selection of games in English and Russian, the products focus on developing skills in mathematics, language, logic, strategy, and more. Trusted by teachers and parents, UMNIKI aims to make learning fun and engaging, supporting cognitive development and fine motor skills through interactive play. Free UK delivery is available for orders over £50, with international shipping options upon request.
UMNIKI предлагает образовательные настольные игры, созданные для улучшения процесса обучения детей и семей. Наш ассортимент включает игры на английском и русском языках, направленные на развитие математических, языковых, логических навыков и стратегического мышления. Мы стремимся сделать обучение интересным и захватывающим, поддерживая когнитивное развитие и мелкую моторику через интерактивное взаимодействие. Бесплатная доставка по Великобритании для заказов от 50 фунтов, с возможностью международной доставки по запросу.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umniki.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Umniki.co.uk/
Keywords: english language games family board games russian language learning strategy board games children learning games logic games for kids memory improvement games programming games for kids educational board games preschool educational games learning games for children interactive family games cognitive development toys educational games for schools fine motor skills improvement family bonding games strategic board games for kids family friendly board games board games for all ages language development games motor skills development games interactive language learning games diverse learning experiences child friendly learning tools engaging cognitive activities language learning through play educational games for fun learning multi age board game fun interactive russian language tools creative english language games mathematics skills improvement playful preschool learning games board games for cognitive growth family game night options memory boosting educational fun kid friendly programming games quick reaction time activities school approved educational games interactive language learning fun child friendly learning activities engaging cognitive play language learning through games educational fun for all ages multi age board game excitement interactive russian language play english language creativity games mathematics learning adventures playful preschool educational play board games for cognitive skills family game night enjoyment memory boosting educational play programming fun for young minds quick reaction time challenges school endorsed educational play language proficiency advancement interactive language learning play diverse and engaging learning family bond through board games child friendly learning experiences engaging cognitive development language learning through activities educational fun for diverse ages multi age board game variety interactive russian language learning english language learning creativity mathematics education through play preschool educational games for fun board games for cognitive development family game night educational joy mathematics educational tools cognitive skills board games reaction time board games engaging learning games russian educational board games family friendly interactive games cognitive skill building toys logical games for cognitive growth russian language learning tools english language educational games mathematics learning through play fun preschool educational games cognitive skills development boards bonding through family games memory boosting game activities kids programming skill games quick reaction time board games school friendly educational games language proficiency development Образовательные игры для детей Интерактивные семейные игры Развитие когнитивных навыков Игры для развития мелкой моторики Стратегические настольные игры Логические игры для детей Изучение русского языка Игры на английском языке Математические образовательные инструменты Предшкольные образовательные игры Настольные игры для развития когнитивных навыков Семейное времяпрепровождение Игры для развития памяти Игры на программирование для детей Игры для развития реакции Образовательные игры для школ
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lackadaisycal-art · 2 months
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This is a deck of Happy Families cards I drew for my mum / myself, since it's a great game to teach kids "Have you got?"/"Do you have?" "Yes, I have."/"Yes, I do." in EFL classes, and her old deck from the 90s was in tatters
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 1 month
At a certain point blaming the school system for failing to teach you every fact becomes an excuse to absolve yourself from learning on your own time as an adult. Maybe you had bad teachers and curricula, maybe you never did the assigned reading, maybe you were taught propaganda, but it’s okay to start now. It’s okay to learn geography from online games. It’s okay to get entry level books from the library on a subject. It’s okay to explore Wikipedia and other reputable websites as a start. You can learn as an adult. You should continue learning as an adult.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 4 months
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urnihilistrants · 5 months
dan howell saying his education never prepared him for the real world because he was never taught contracts was a bold statement coming from a law school drop out
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this-vs-that · 15 days
This question was sent to our inbox. If you’d like for us to post a This or That poll for you, send the 2 things you want to see against each other to our inbox and we’ll let the people decide which one they prefer. Everything will be anonymous.
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tennessoui · 9 months
Number 19 for the prompt thing. The parents meeting because of their kids. I’m kinda imagining Korkie being like a tutor/school reading buddy for the twins or something but you can just ignore that if it doesn’t match your thoughts on it.
hello!! i thought back as much as i could, and i don't think i actually did this prompt the first time around a couple of years ago, so there's nothing to link to save for the prompt list!
i stuck with korkie as obi-wan's kid and the twins as anakin's, but made the kids the same age and then took...a few more liberties with the prompt haha
(19. parents meeting while taking their kids to class) (sort of)
“Leia, baby, why do you always decide to get into fights at school when it’s my week with you?” Anakin asks the steering wheel as he buckles himself in and turns over the engine. “They’re going to start thinking I’m raising a truant. Then they’re going to start asking about your home life, then they’re going to bring in experts to ask me more questions, then Padmé’s parents are going to throw their considerable legal weight around and get my partial custody revoked and then where will we be? Is that what you want? To only see me on your birthday and Christmas?”
Anakin pauses and reconsiders. Knowing his daughter, she may very well only want to see him for birthdays and Christmases. It would mean double the presents.
Thankfully the silence of the car doesn’t offer much in the way of constructive critique.
At a red light, he puts his head down on the steering wheel for a long enough moment that the car behind him honks when the light changes to green.
“They’re going to stop letting me leave work to come get you,” Anakin mutters a few minutes later as he turns the car into the school’s parking lot. “I have a partner meeting in thirty minutes that I really can’t miss, baby. Can’t you at least schedule your schoolyard fights around my calendar?”
It’s all rather pointless, but it feels good to grumble and bitch in the time it takes him to leave his office and arrive at the school, before he has to put on his adult face and demeanor to sit through another round of We’re Worried Your Five Year Old Is Too Violent As She Seems To View The Monkey Bars As Sacrificial Zones.
“Maybe she’d like hockey,” he says under his breath as he grabs his jacket from the other seat and swings it over his suit. It’s fucking freezing already, not even December. It’s indecent, that’s what it is. Surely a place as cold as this has a peewee hockey team in need of another angry little girl.
“Thank you,” he says when a woman holds the door open for him on her way out the building.
He’s stil sort of freaked out that the elementary school his children are going to is fancy enough to have an entrance hallway with a chandelier hanging from the ceilingk, but it’s not him that’s paying for their private school education that doesn’t offer discounts for all the collective hours they’ll spend napping on the floors.
To the immediate left of the door is the receptionist’s desk—behind her, the nurse’s room. He’s quite familiar with both. Mrs. Whitsdale even waves when she sees him, which means, unfortunately, she’s just made the shortlist of people Anakin needs to make Christmas cookies for. She joins the ranks of everyone else that’s been made to deal with his son and daughter in the tumultuous year after the divorce.
“Hi, ma’am,” he says dutifully, sticking his head into the receptionist area. “Do I need to sign in or can I just go up?”
She waves him away. “I’ve already got you, sweetheart. You’re late anyway, they’re waiting for you upstairs.”
“You’re a miracle amongst men,” he calls out as he turns instead to the right of the door and up the old staircase that leads to the principal’s office. This is also a route he is incredibly familiar with.
How can he be late? He practically flew here on light feet and broken speed limits. It’s enough to take his mood from bad to worse, which isn’t optimal for a meeting with the principal of the school when it’s his kid who caused the fight. Anakin’s role is to nonconfrontational, contrite to the point of groveling—because he knows his daughter won’t. 
That’s already hard enough when he’s feeling normal. It’s practically impossible when he’s feeling foul.
But Padmé did always say Leia got her stubbornness and temper from Anakin.
Anakin’s always said Leia never really had a chance considering who her parents are. 
After all, someone threw a hairdryer at the hotel mirror before they got divorced and it wasn’t Anakin. But he’s not stupid enough to even think that when Padmé’s around.
The big oak door at the end of the hallway on the second floor is elaborate, looks heavy, and stays closed. He knows that this is the headmaster’s office, but he’s never seen the guy around. He doesn’t even know what the guy does. What’s a headmaster of an elementary school doing every day? 
It’s an elementary school.
But, again. Anakin’s not paying for all this pomp and circumstance.
He takes another right instead, down the corridor in the opposite direction to the principal’s office. The door’s left ajar, and Anakin knocks politely before entering at the call to.
A couple of things bring him up short as soon as he steps into the room. For one thing, it’s not Principal Cinoff behind the desk, but a stranger who has the remnants of a three-piece suit on, jacket hanging neatly on a coat rack in the corner of the room. His vest is a deep red that should do nothing but drain his complexion—all pasty white skin, freckled and sun-starved, paired with his reddish hair and beard. It doesn’t, which is unfair to the point of duplicity. Or–something.
The way he’s sitting at the desk, hands spread wide on the wood and shoulders back, leaves no doubt in Anakin’s mind that the stranger is in a position of power here at the school. And probably in, like. Life. He looks like the kind of guy who gets his groceries on discount even without providing a loyalty card. He also looks like the kind of guy the system bends to accommodate. As a lawyer, Anakin is offended and deeply disturbed. That’s why his stomach does two or three flips in quick succession when they make eye contact.
The stranger’s eyes are cool and focused as they run over Anakin, and he gives him a perfunctory incline of his head. At least his eyes are warmer when they fall to the kids in front of him. 
And that’s the other thing that shocks him.
The amount of children in front of the desk. One pouting ginger kid off to the side, arms crossed and staring down at his light-up sneakers.
And then two very familiar heads of hair on the other side. 
“Luke?” He asks before he can stop himself, surprise dripping from his tone. “What are you doing here?”
At this rate, he’s going to give his daughter a complex, he knows it.
But Luke has never been in trouble before. Sure, they’re only five, and it’s only been three months of school, but in that time, Anakin’s been called down here six times to deal with Leia-related emergencies. He’s always imagined that meanwhile, Luke was in his classroom, chewing on crayons or diligently helping the teacher pass out homework assignments.
The stand-in principal coughs slightly and rises. “Ah, Mr. Skywalker-Amidala. Thank you for being able to join us today.”
Anakin scowls automatically before schooling his face into something far more diplomatic and pleasant when his children whirl around in their seats to look at him. The last thing he needs is for his children to think they can sneer at authority figures, given that he’s one of their main authority figures. 
Luke leaves his chair to hug onto his leg, pressing his small face into the fabric of his pants, presumably seeking comfort and also to wipe his face dry of tears and snot.
Anakin puts a hand on his head and strokes through his hair, darting a curious glance at Leia, who has turned around to glare forward again, arms crossed over her chest.
“It’s just Skywalker, actually,” he tells the stranger. “Amidala is their mother.”
The man’s eyebrow goes up and he picks up a pen to make a note on the papers before him. An actual note. Regarding Anakin’s divorce. “Ah, apologies then,” he says. “Our contact list notes you as the father, Skywalker-Amidala, and their mother as Amidala-Organa.”
Anakin squints, trying to decide if the stranger is just trying to correct a clerical error in the school’s records or fishing for gossip. He gives him the benefit of the doubt. “Amidala is their mother, recently remarried to Organa. Organas. And she’s always been better at remembering to file paperwork than I am.”
The stranger keeps his face admirably placid. “Ah,” he says. “Well, Mr. Skywalker. Should we begin?”
“Uh,” he says. “What about the other parent?”
The stranger blinks at him, both eyebrows raised. “I’m a widower.”
“Uh,” he says. “I meant…” he gestures at the other child, the surly looking ginger kid.
“I’m afraid it will just be us, Mr. Skywalker,” the stranger says. “Please, sit.”
Anakin sits, and Luke is quick to scramble up into his lap with a very plaintative, “I didn’t really mean to.”
“So at recess today, the children were playing on the swings,” the stranger who must be the principal for the day says. “And—”
“Sorry,” Anakin interrupts. “Can I get your name please? I was expecting Principal Cinoff.”
The man pauses. “Sheri has been put on sudden maternity-leave a few months early,” he says. “For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be dual-hatting as both principal and headmaster while we continue to search for a temporary replacement.” He raises an eyebrow at Anakin. Anakin really doesn’t appreciate that. “This was in an email the school sent out to all the parents recently.”
“Yes, well,” Anakin says. “I get a lot of emails.”
The man looks unimpressed. “I encourage you to prioritize the communications from your children’s learning institute.”
Anakin bristles. What a dick. Who the fuck says learning institute?
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” he asks in his best unimpressed voice.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the man’s unimpressed voice is ten times more chilling than Anakin’s, which is also not fair. “Please, call me Dr. Kenobi.” Anakin scowls. “I appreciate the fact that you feel as though you can cover the extremely busy roles of both headmaster and principal of an elementary school, but I would really rather wait until the other parent gets here so we can most productively discuss the altercation, Mr. Kenobi.”
“Please, Mr. Skywalker,” Kenobi says. “Leave the litigation to the court rooms, we—”
“It’s Esquire, actually.”
Kenobi’s face grows very pinched around the mouth and eyebrows. Anakin feels a vicious thrill course through him even as his stomach flips again.
“I suppose I should have made it clearer at the beginning of this session,” Kenobi says, tone dripping in you idiot. “This is my son, Korkie.”
Anakin’s mouth falls open. His immediate thought is, of course, Korkie Kenobi? And he thought Luke and Leia were too cutesy for twin names.
“Korkie is a family name,” Kenobi adds rather dryly. “My late wife’s grandfather’s.”
Anakin doubts that’s even true. He bets it’s not actually, that Kenobi just plays the dead wife card to get out of judgemental questions about his naming abilities.
But then another, worse thought occurs to Anakin. “Wait a second, you can’t be the parent and the principal!”
“I assure you, I am impartial.”
“Like hel—heck you are!” Anakin straightens in his seat and Luke lets out a grumble, clinging tightly to his front. “I demand a different authority.” “No,” Kenobi says firmly, as if the matter is at rest. This, of course, is absolutely infuriating.
“It’s unfair bias and I will not see either of my children punished in a tyrannical and self-serving institution—”
Kenobi pinches at the bridge of his nose. “Mr. Skywalker, unless you would like to have me call Mrs. Cinoff away from her pre-mature baby, I am the best option this school has. Please. Settle down.”
“Dad,” Leia says, “I don’t want to miss reading time.”
Anakin breathes out in disgust. Shitty, overpriced private school. This sort of thing would never happen at a publicly funded school.
“The fact of the matter is that Luke pushed Korkie off the swings,” Kenobi says with a stern look at both Luke and Anakin. He holds up his hand when Anakin opens his mouth. “An incident that many were witness to. And before you make an accusation, there were many witnesses who were not on the school’s payroll, Mr. Skywalker.”
Anakin closes his mouth sullenly.
“Korkie could have been very hurt, Luke,” Kenobi says, clasping his hands in front of him and looking down at Anakin’s son. “He was swinging pretty fast when you pushed him, and he could have broken his ankle in the fall.”
Luke’s bottom lip trembles. “I didn’t want to hurt him,” he mumbles, turning his face back into Anakin’s sleeve. “He was being mean. I just wanted him to stop.” “I wasn’t!” Korkie cries, sitting straight in his chair for the first time since Anakin’s arrived. “I wasn’t being mean, dad!” “You said Leia’s hair looks like cinnamon buns on her head!” Luke shouts back, pushing away from Anakin’s arms to glare at the other boy. 
Anakin winces. When it’s Padmé’s turn with the kids, Leia always turns up to school with elaborately braided hair, twisted on top of her head in elegant formations that look effortlessly pretty. He knows that’s not Padmé’s work, but he also can’t figure out if Breha or Bail is responsible. It’s not something he wants to ask.
The fanciest Anakin can do, after all, is two buns on either side of Leia’s head. 
That do, truth be told, look rather like cinnamon rolls.
“Ah,” Kenobi says. “I believe I understand the miscommunication here. Korkie, would you like to tell the Skywalkers what you meant when you told Luke that Leia’s hair looked like cinnamon buns?”
If possible, the kid turns even more red, blushing furiously. “I really like cinnamon buns,” he mutters, crossing his arms tighter. “They’re my favorite.”
“He’s started asking for them for breakfast several times a week,” Kenobi tells Anakin with a smile lingering around his lips. “I’ve been wondering why.”
Anakin isn’t sure he likes the explanation. Sure, Korkie can have whatever sort of crush on his daughter that he wants to have, but likening her hair to cinnamon buns isn’t very kind, and he’s pretty sure that if someone else was the judge in this trial, they wouldn’t be so quick to justify the other boy’s words.
Luke seems to agree with him. “Your hair looks like carrots,” he snaps, crossing his arms.
Because Anakin is an intelligent adult who understands that making enemies with the headmaster’s son isn’t the best move, he adds on the Skywalker family’s behalf, “Luke loves carrots.”
Luke, in fact, hates carrots. 
“There is still the matter of Luke pushing Korkie off the swing,” Kenobi says, eyebrows raised like he understands exactly what’s going unsaid here. “We do not encourage physical violence of any sort here, and it was dangerous. Korkie could have been hurt much more badly than a scraped knee.”
The words are very serious and grave, and Luke wilts under the headmaster-principal-father’s disappointed stare. Anakin bristles.
“Well, it’s his first infraction,” he says. “And he was sticking up for his sister. I think that’s fair. He won’t do it again.”
“Hm,” Kenobi says, pushing papers aside and pulling out a glossy leaflet. “Now, I cannot force you to consider this, but I noticed that neither Luke nor Leia are currently enrolled in any of our extracurriculars.”
“They’re five.”
“We have many on offer at Jedi Prepatory School,” Kenobi continues as if Anakin hasn’t said anything. “And I wanted to highlight our peewee hockey league. I think both Leia and Luke would enjoy the rigorous schedule, and they may…benefit from the…structure it offers. And team activity.”
Anakin glowers. He can read between the lines. Kenobi’s just called his parenting style structureless and lazy. It makes him want to grab the pamphlet and rip it to shreds in front of him. “I would have to talk about it with their mother,” he says stiffly instead.
“Of course,” Kenobi says cheerfully. “When you do, please give Bail and Breha my well-wishes as well. It’s been far too long since I’ve had the time to see them, given how exhastingly busy it is to be the headmaster and principal of an elementary school.”
“Right,” Anakin grits out. “Yeah. I’ll let my ex-wife’s new partners know.”
Kenobi’s smile is all teeth. “I look forward to seeing you in the rink, Mr. Skywalker Esquire. My son plays on the team.”
Anakin wonders if there’s another peewee hockey team he can have his kids join. Just so they can beat Jedi Prepatory school and then laugh in Korkie and Dr. Kenobi’s faces.
Yeah. That sounds really nice.
He’ll look when he gets back to work.
This takes priority.
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plastic2000s · 2 months
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JumpStart 1st Grade (1995)
"Oh no... the GLOP MONSTER!!!"
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cornedbread · 1 month
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Thank you to everyone who participated in my two different events! Here is the finished pieces ^3^ I had alot of fun. I want to try to include more Tumblr suggestions since only 2/13 chr. are from Tumblr — “Wait?! But there’s only 12 chr. here?” That’s correct, I had to move Igor to another canvas so that it’d be even, he will appear in my next event. I will take a rest now.
If you want to use these as icons, go ahead! Remember to credit me.
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intothestacks · 2 months
Cool Board Games for Your Library
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Age: 12+
Number of Players: 1-5
Playing Time: 45-90 minutes
Players have to try and find different parts of the genetic code in order to create high-value plants. Most genetic codes are common so it’ll be tough to pull together the genetics needed to create rarer plants. Players earn points by how many plants and what kind they are.
Why it's good for a library:
Small storage space
Versatile number of players
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Hey, so for the Human Au, how do think Julie would go about her life? Considering her personality in the website, I would think that he takes up different part-time jobs, but mainly likes working at the community center, mainly for the summer/after school programs where they can come up with and host fun activities for the kids!
no yeah that's pretty much what i was thinking! she bounces from job to job - she probably has a roster of seasonal ones that she rotates between. Julie really does seem like an every-gal yk? doing just one thing all the time would be soooo boring
i like the idea of summer / after school programs a lot actually! since canon Julie is big on games and fun, i'm sure she'd be a great choice for those sorts of things. i bet she works a seasonal summer camp in their county!
#also it would be a cute frank-julie bestie thing#cause frank is a university professor#so then julie being in the education system as a camp counselor / school programs person whatever brains not braining rn#I Just Think It Would Be Sweet! and Fitting!#part of me wants to change Frank from university professor to like a uhhh elementary school teacher#but nah. but lets just say the local schools will have field trips and uh. idk a 'bug day'#yk how kindergartens and elementary schools would sometimes have a giant snake brought in or whatever#well i imagine that in this au frank keeps insects as 'pets'#(not pets as in companion animal but. he has a lot of arthropod tanks in his house lol)#so maybe a couple times a year he gets to interact with kids and julie's probably there too!#ohhhh maybe sometimes he'll go to the summer camp for like. education day or whatever#to talk about insects and animal safety or somethn#he's out there with a tarantula chilling on his head...#most of the kids are disinterested but one or two are so Intrigued and its. adorable. anyway this is about julie#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#i like to think that both julie and barnaby have seasonal jobs at the county fair#it just lasts a few weeks but they have a good time! barnaby can put his clowning degree to Use!#but im having a great time picturing julie coming up with games and stuff and putting it to good use!#i bet she'd be great at finding compromises and solutions to those Schoolyard Problems yk#i said schoolyard problems and flashbacked to the multiple bad injuries at my elementary. & the seizure in hs...#hm. i saw a lot of serious shit. anyhow not the point#i bet julie is that one guy where whenever someone brings up an odd job she's like 'yeah ive done that'#slingin ice cream? catering? florist delivery? doughnut baker? budtender? running bingo night? Yes To It All!#i bet that in a way... howdy is jealous...
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abcbaldi · 3 months
so I'm on the grind I guess for the golden Baldi skin. More whiteboard doodles!
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Anti Catch Human as a baby (right) I honestly don't know how Bob survived (judging by how its name is, literally Anti Catch. And Bob caught it)
More under Keep reading
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Hey tumblr do you like my crackship that I actually like now (don't take it too seriously) (Nicholas and Eddie johnson) ALSO. EDDIES SON IS A JOKE. I made it a long time ago and its still funny to me. So. Ignore this
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I watched Imnever basics for the first time yesterday, I'm not sure how to interpret their character yet so test doodles. More Anti Catch
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Weird guy named Benedict that I also really like. I'd love to find more weird freaks (affectionate) soon
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Viktor Strobovski and Marzia (I didnt look at a reference for Marzia oops)
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Walking In Two Worlds & The Everlasting Road
YA sff set in the near future where an opensource augmented reality is commonly used like social media, and there’s also a completely virtual fantasy game version
follows an Anishinaabe girl who who’s the top player in the VR game, and is constantly fighting to keep her place against the misogynist neo-nazi group in second place
as well as her real life, dealing with being a shy and self-conscious teen growing up on the Rez, and her brother having cancer
and a Uyghur boy who’s moved to her community from China after finding acceptance in an online community (even when he doesn’t agree with their more extreme views) - but when he gets to know Bugz, he has to decide who truly deserves his loyalty
great mix of sff and culture, the future while also very real community traumas of the past (and present)
#walking in two worlds#the everlasting road#wab kinew#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#This has some REALLY interesting and important concepts!#I just think it could have used some more development… Obvs this is YA and I’m an adult I know I’m not quite the audience!#There’s a lot of depth in the setup of the characters but I feel like it skips a lot of the progression#I think there could have been space for more development in a lot of places to make the story feel more dimensional#- but also has so many plot threads that maybe that would have bulked it out too much#It does also jump around quite a bit between the different parts but I think that makes sense with how juggling with irl / online life.#she’s got a lot of internalised fatphobia at the start (and the love interest going “I don’t think you’re fat!!” when people call her fat..#then in book 2 suddenly she’s okay about it - again I wish there was some progression!#her brothers cancer journey is. basically all offscreen lol mostly as set up for plot in book 2. so it doesn't have the emotional impact it#could have..#I liked the way it integrates her culture into the game in a really cool way (though I would have liked more detail there)#also having auto language translators but they regularly don't translate quite right / still run into issues - realistic!#the parallels drawn between his being taken from his family and put in a state education school and Indigenous residential schools#the way that a future world will never be as separate from the past as ur average sff future often portrays#but yeah anyway lots of good ideas execution not so much for me..
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josendlessmonolouge · 2 months
How ruined is my social life…
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sweetjazzygirl · 2 years
when most of your fictional crushes are tall black haired men
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won't forget them
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yes, i consider Cole and Macaque as "tall" since their heights are not confirmed considering they're bunch of...legos.
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imminentinertia · 6 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
@telomeke tagged me, and I enjoyed your post <3
do you make your bed?
In the morning, I fluff my pillow and turn down the duvet to air the mattress. Fitted sheet doesn't move much around.
what's your favourite number?
21 (if you know, you know)
what is your job?
I'm a [redacted] at [redacted], mostly working with [redacted] and [redacted], and my going to Vienna a lot has nothing to do with Vienna up until recent years being the spy capital of the world.
if you could go back to school, would you?
Depends. I will maim anyone trying to send me back to primary or lower secondary, but if I could bring all I know now, I'd be back in upper secondary before you could say "the dawn of the slut era". I had a lot of fun those years, and I loved so many of my teachers and subjects.
can you parallel park?
I don't have a driver's licence, and parallel parking isn't part of my limited knowledge of driving a car.
a job you had that would surprise people?
I'm pretty certain people who know me and know how much I hate talking to random strangers think being a salesperson is wildly out of character for me, but I was honestly good at it. It helped a lot that I was selling something people need (insurance).
do you think aliens are real?
I find it difficult to believe that we *gesticulates wildly* are the only sentient beings in the universe. Come the fuck on.
can you drive a manual car?
No. Not a non-manual car either.
what's your guilty pleasure?
It's taken me years to get there, but I no longer feel guilty about anything I enjoy. I regret it when I scarf down an entire bag of Olw Cheez Ballz, but that has mostly to do with being uncomfortably full.
I don't have any, I've been dithering about that my entire adult life, but I'm interested in the cultural history and expression of tattoos and I love rather a lot of tattoo styles.
favorite color?
Dark teals, silver, light sage green tones.
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favorite type of music?
Ahaha. Well. Anything that makes my brain buzz? What I've come to realise is that I need something from music that resists me a bit, something jagged, sinister, haunting or filthy. Something that's not a dime a dozen. Something a bit spiky. Like this new song from Beth Gibbons.
do you like puzzles?
YES I DO INDEED. Any sort. This is where almost all of my possibilities for addiction live.
any phobias?
All out phobias, I don't really know. I have phobic reactions to some insects and body fluids and any sort of injury to eyes and nails (ridiculously specific, this).
favorite childhood sport?
Ew no. Ballet kid in rabid handball/football territory, I developed allergies to sports in general. Okay, I played and enjoyed badminton, to be fair.
do you talk to yourself?
Oh yes. Sometimes out loud. In several languages.
what movies do you adore?
Can I do a separate post on this? To name a few: The Fall, Gosford Park, The Handmaiden, Some Like It Hot, Thelma, Immortel, Pojkarna, Das Leben der Anderen
coffee or tea?
Ooooh depends. I love so many hot and iced coffee drinks, and iced matcha with oat milk, and black strong tea, and tisanes omg, and and and I think I need another lungo with a splash of milk. Coffee maybe wins?
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
An archaeologist. I blame reading several books by Thor Heyerdahl as a child.
As usual, if you've read this far I pronounce you tagged (please tag me if you do the post, I'm curious).
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