#interactive russian language tools
episims · 4 months
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Cowplant Mod
This mod makes it possible to give cowplants unique names and adds new ways to interact with them.
🏷️ Give name: a new interaction that appears on unnamed cowplants. Choosing it pops up a window where you can write the name and optionally, change the recolor. (The recolor can still be changed later with the recolor tool, too.)
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You can see the cowplant's name on interaction strings, when you grab the cowplant, or move it into inventory. Your sims will also enjoy talking to named cowplants more.
If you want to change the name later, there's a debug option (appears when shift-clicking the cowplant with testingcheats on) for it.
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🗨️ Talk to/with: increases social and nature enthusiasm, and is very cute, as the cowplant gets some pats too. This interaction uses new anims edited from the existing cowplant anims.
💢 Tease: already existed in the game but was only used by ghosts. Now your living sims can tease cowplants too and it'll make the cowplant go hungry faster (hunger won't change if the cowplant is teased by ghosts). Meaner sims gain a little fun from teasing.
All the interactions are available for children as well. If you feel like they should spend time playing with a giant carnivorous plant, this mod won't stop you.
In addition, this mod includes a small fix for the cowplant that makes it possible to repository other objects to it.
Download (SFS) (alternate)
The file is compressed. University and Pets are required.
You might need to replace existing cowplants for them to update. This mod is compatible with buyable career rewards.
⚠️ The mod is pretty thoroughly translated, the amount of interaction strings with the cowplant's name varies for some languages. If you find mistakes, please let me know.
🚨 Likely conflicts with cowplant-related mods but run HCDU+ to be sure. Should be compatible with ghost-related mods like Cyjon's less cowplant obsession or playable ghosts can haunt by @jellymeduza.
For cowplant cures zombies mod by @roguebotanist there's a compatible version by @equinoxts2.
Update (12.6.2024): Playable ghosts teasing the cowplant won't affect the cowplant's hunger anymore.
Update (10.6.2024): Stopped sims from being able to talk with cowplants when they have the cake out. Added a reaction at the end of the tease interaction to get it smoother and made meaner sims gain a little fun from it. Fixed an issue for some older disc installations where the naming window didn't show the default cowplant recolor. Russian translation got improved.
Big thanks to @pforestsims for all the ideas and testing! This mod wouldn't exist without them. Also thanks to everyone who gave feedback about translations!
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elbiotipo · 10 days
I'm not a linguist and I find the whole excercise of conlanging, while I love it and respect it, beyond my abilities, but I do have one thing or two to say about linguistic diversity and how boring is to have a "common" or "basic" language in fantasy or science fiction without exploring the implications.
Being a bilingual speaker of Spanish and English, and someone that because of work reasons and entertaiment tastes interacts a lot with English, I tend to see English as the equivalent of those "common" or "basic" languages of speculative fantasy. As a useful tool for communication, science technology and commerce. In real life, however, as you are aware, the expansion of English tends to undermine local languages, it's considered more valuable to know English that to know the language of your grandparents, or learn any other language you just feel curious about.
The experiences of every multilingual person are different, but in mine I know English, I write and read and listen to English a lot. But I don't consider myself an English *speaker*, I speak Spanish and more to the point Argentine Spanish, that's the culture I identify with, and it's the language I use to express my feelings and inner thoughts. I can't imagine saying "I love you" to anyone in English, to me it's just a tool I use to access to knowledge or communicate through language barriers ("basic", "common"). But interestingly, by both writing and participating in the wider English-speaker internet culture, isn't it part of my own culture, as an individual, too?
The fact is that English also has a culture(s) and a history and a corpus of literature. So when we write about "Common" or "Basic" languages in fiction we need to ask ourselves: where did they come from? How did they become the standard? Is there a literature, a canon, a culture of "Common" in your fantasy world? What about other languages, other cultures that aren't raised learning it and see it just as a tool? Because no matter the strenght of Anglophone cultural imperialism and the social value of learning English, I don't see Argentines, or for that matter Chinese, Italians or Russians abandoning their first language. And yet even in English and in all other languages (ESPECIALLY other languages, English is remarkably uniform) there is a variety of dialects. And we need to remember, once Latin was spoken only in a village in central Italy, and English in a rather remote rainy island. They weren't destined to have their future roles, history drives language.
So, when an author goes for the "universal language" explanation to avoid linguistic misunderstandings, for me, it raises more questions that I believe are worth exploring.
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blood-feathers · 26 days
The journal flips open, as if a phantom hand has gone to read it.
(You flip through the journal, reading through the spy's notes.)
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[transcription below]
Notes from Reese's machine
Went through machine logs:
Transcripts accurately translate foreign languages
Gabe sucks at keeping secrets as always
Machine takes snapshots from camera instead of recording video (saves storage?)
"Askers" are pushy
Machine creates solid holograms to represent some askers---capable of physically interacting for a moment.
Askers capable of low-level magic---illusions??? Still physical like the "avatars". Imitates taste? Gabe at e a bag of seeds from an asker/didn't note odd taste
Gabe speaks Latin too. Add to list later.
Machine transcribes sensory details other than auditory---i.e. texture
Time passes faster in their reality, unknown how much.
Some askers have name or icon attached to question, others listed as "anonymous"
Machine lists details it should not be aware of in transcripts (self-consciousness, other team) Ask Reese about this
Gabe understands birds? Fucking polyglot
"Ship"=relationship Stupid slang
Gabe/Ray are still sickeningly in love
Askers are very affectionate
"Bushman" = Sniper Aussie slang
They like men in dresses???
Askers like to pick on Gabriel
High emotion interferes with the camera?
Ask for definition of:
Fandom Tumblr Website Internet Feed Baldur's Gate 3
Gabe suspects my fear of doctors
Animals can be askers?
Machine generated correct context to a vague answer---an image of a dog mauling a bird
Gabe fears being eaten---trauma from the mauling?
"Magic anons" are capable of restraining us with manifestations
"Their" RED team:
Scout -- Jeremy
Loud, obnoxious New Yorker Bostonian Possible radiation poisoning from irradiated drink Spy's son, implied drama
Demoman -- Tavish <Finnegan> DeGroot
Scottish alcoholic cyclops Functional while drunk Haunted sword? Chemist Produces alcohol in his body?
Heavy -- Mikhail
Giant russian man Obsessed with gun, "Natasha" "Sasha"
Medic -- (Fritz) Ludwig (?)
Sadistic tendencies ("Funny") Lost medical license Bones their heavy (Implied)
Sniper -- <Michael/Mickey> Mundee Mundee y
Kidney problems---implied jarate pills "Professional", reserved Australian (born NZ)
Spy -- no known name
French cutthroat Apparently has no concept of work clothes Same guy from Vegas???
Engineer -- Dell Conagher
Radigan's grandson? 11 degrees Nice until paid not to be (how familiar) Shortest, not specified how short Trustworthy
Pyro (No specified name)
Subject of the "pyrovision" experiment Identity unknown Never removes suit
Soldier -- "Jane Doe"
They took a man that was too mentally unfit for the trenches and gave him a rocket launcher Fixation on raccoons (don't let meet Mark) Uses a shovel as a bludgeoning tool Friends with their demoman Knows a wizard (Same wizard?)
Askers prone to saying cryptic shit without elaborating
I think they enjoy schadenfreude a troubling amount---turn it off if they get rowdy
We're all fiction to them, may lead to crueler "asks"
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I wondered if Vasili wouldn't talk pretty much to anybody ever since the brainwashing, not because he wasn't allowed to speak, but because he couldn't raise his voice somehow. He lowered his interactions with many of them, except Mason and Woods who likely made him feel comfortable that he speaks a bit towards them. He feels "contained" within himself, locked. When before in his forgotten days of the KGB and his moments in the Perseus Faction, he wasn't like this.
What would Helina do to make Vasili comfortable with her as well?
First off, I love how Vasili kind of shut down after the brainwashing. It's an interesting contrast to Helina who instead became more open and accepting of the people and culture she once despised. I certainly don't blame Vasili for closing himself off after what Adler and Park did before the events of the game. Mental trauma, especially to that extent, affects people in a variety of fascinating ways.
As for how Helina would attempt to make Vasili feel more comfortable, I believe she would try to relate to him in ways that he would be more receptive to. She'd try to train with him so he wouldn't have to worry about making conversation but could instead get some of that nervous energy out and have him focus on something he's confident in. She might also try to speak a language he's more comfortable with. As mentioned in the last ask, they're both native Russian speakers so she'd have no problem interacting with him in that way.
Just like Vasili, she's very observant, especially when it comes to human behavior. She once used that skill to manipulate people as a member of Perseus but upon joining MACV-SOG, it's become more of a tool for her that allows her to connect more easily to those around her. She'd definitely use that skill to pick up on his comfort level and react accordingly. Hopefully it'd let Vasili relax a bit because Helina would certainly be trying to help😄
Thank you again for the ask! I love thinking through these sorts of things with my Bell, as well as yours! It's such a fun way to flesh them out a bit and become more familiar with them🫶🏻
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umniki · 7 months
Website: https://www.umniki.co.uk/
UMNIKI specializes in educational board games designed to enhance learning for children and families. Offering a wide selection of games in English and Russian, the products focus on developing skills in mathematics, language, logic, strategy, and more. Trusted by teachers and parents, UMNIKI aims to make learning fun and engaging, supporting cognitive development and fine motor skills through interactive play. Free UK delivery is available for orders over £50, with international shipping options upon request.
UMNIKI предлагает образовательные настольные игры, созданные для улучшения процесса обучения детей и семей. Наш ассортимент включает игры на английском и русском языках, направленные на развитие математических, языковых, логических навыков и стратегического мышления. Мы стремимся сделать обучение интересным и захватывающим, поддерживая когнитивное развитие и мелкую моторику через интерактивное взаимодействие. Бесплатная доставка по Великобритании для заказов от 50 фунтов, с возможностью международной доставки по запросу.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umniki.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Umniki.co.uk/
Keywords: english language games family board games russian language learning strategy board games children learning games logic games for kids memory improvement games programming games for kids educational board games preschool educational games learning games for children interactive family games cognitive development toys educational games for schools fine motor skills improvement family bonding games strategic board games for kids family friendly board games board games for all ages language development games motor skills development games interactive language learning games diverse learning experiences child friendly learning tools engaging cognitive activities language learning through play educational games for fun learning multi age board game fun interactive russian language tools creative english language games mathematics skills improvement playful preschool learning games board games for cognitive growth family game night options memory boosting educational fun kid friendly programming games quick reaction time activities school approved educational games interactive language learning fun child friendly learning activities engaging cognitive play language learning through games educational fun for all ages multi age board game excitement interactive russian language play english language creativity games mathematics learning adventures playful preschool educational play board games for cognitive skills family game night enjoyment memory boosting educational play programming fun for young minds quick reaction time challenges school endorsed educational play language proficiency advancement interactive language learning play diverse and engaging learning family bond through board games child friendly learning experiences engaging cognitive development language learning through activities educational fun for diverse ages multi age board game variety interactive russian language learning english language learning creativity mathematics education through play preschool educational games for fun board games for cognitive development family game night educational joy mathematics educational tools cognitive skills board games reaction time board games engaging learning games russian educational board games family friendly interactive games cognitive skill building toys logical games for cognitive growth russian language learning tools english language educational games mathematics learning through play fun preschool educational games cognitive skills development boards bonding through family games memory boosting game activities kids programming skill games quick reaction time board games school friendly educational games language proficiency development Образовательные игры для детей Интерактивные семейные игры Развитие когнитивных навыков Игры для развития мелкой моторики Стратегические настольные игры Логические игры для детей Изучение русского языка Игры на английском языке Математические образовательные инструменты Предшкольные образовательные игры Настольные игры для развития когнитивных навыков Семейное времяпрепровождение Игры для развития памяти Игры на программирование для детей Игры для развития реакции Образовательные игры для школ
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shmowder · 4 months
Ahh I'm still giddy that you enjoy my messages <3 I've been on tumblr for >10 yrs but for the majority of them I didn't chat with anyone so I feel like a poorly socialized creature sometimes (saying this lightheartedly). Like I said in another ask, please take all the time you need to respond, I definitely don't want you to feel pressured ^^ My main thing if it takes a while is worrying that my ask got devoured by the void and I wouldn't want you to think I'm ignoring you (and especially your amazing reply about Aglaya, Victor, and Yulia)! But I'm also neurotic af and that's a me problem 😅 And I can generally talk myself out of it XD Same goes for requests, too, no rush. (I'm also the one who sent you the Victor x reader request before I picked an emoji, which you may or may not have guessed) 💙
I like that Capella is the oldest as well! I just makes sense. Eva and Maria I can believe as being in their 20s; late 20s for Apple Basket gang maybe, but yeah I'm taking them all with a grain of salt. NO WAY is Mark Immortell 23 in P2.
The other day I remembered that GO ONION, I NEED TO COLLECT THE TOOLS exists and that gave me a good laugh. Do you have the spoken dialogue set to Russian or English (or another language)? I don't even know what their English voices sound like.
So, I've noticed a pattern........ I fall in love with women with some variation of the name Julia...... Yulia (I've been reading the dialogue trees again, and her dialogue at the hospital/theater is the sweetest thing 😭), Julie Langford from Bioshock, Yuria of Londor from Dark Souls 3, Yurie the Last Scholar from Bloodborne. What's that about 🤔
I hope you have a lovely day!
🐿️ anon
I'm really happy that you're enjoying our talks! I completely understand and share a similar experience when it comes to talking to others. Before my writing blogs, I never interacted with anyone, even when others put in the effort I'd just shy away and never reply. But with time, various anons and requests, it helped encourage me to open up more. I hope we can be friends, at least anon friends.
Thank you for your patience when it comes to me replying. It's not something I think I can fix about myself, so the least I could do is extend the same courtesy to others when they're late in replying. I'm glad you understand.
You're the one who sent the Victor request? I just finished it today and tagged it as your anon <3 I hope you like it, I wrote the day before my birthday because I liked the concept so much. Glad to see you're here from my bg3! although I'm surprised we didn't get introduced sooner there, or did you go by a different anon name and you're one of my requesters?
And don't worry, I rarely have the problem of asking getting devoured by the void.... I mean, it happens, but like once or twice a year maybe? I don't get all that many requests or asks on this blog, it's a completely different experience than the busy life I had in sorcerous-caress lmao. It's more chill tho at least, not as empty as the mass effect blog but not as overwhelming as the bg3. I see a lot of the same people frequenting my notes here, it's nice having repeat readers you get used to seeing. It's like the pathologic fandom is one small book club.
You're a very considerate person, it's touching that you don't want me thinking you're ignoring me or anything. I won't, I promise. My only fear is that anons don't get notifications when their asks are answered and mixing that with my unreliable answering timing, there is a big possibility they never see their ask gets answered when they check my blog unless they're here everyday or scroll very far down.
KRHSDJ GO ONION LMAO. I just learned about this meme the other day recently. I have it set to English voice-over, my only knowledge of Russian consists of curse words I picked from my ex while watching her lose at hollow knight. But most of the time I'm listening to music or youtube videos while playing pathologic so I barely heard anything from the English voice-over too. I only mute the videos during the theatre shows at the end of each day.
You like Yuria of Londor too??? We are twins. Geminis are connected telepathically oh my god you have the best test. I adore Yuria and spent my dark souls playthrough simping after her. I mean rip Yoel but my wife comes on top.
Honestly Yulia and its variation is a very beautiful name ngl, you know how most people grow up to fit their names in a self-fullfilling prophecy kind of way? Most Yulias apparently are the most attractive characters in videogames with endless charisma.
I hope your day is amazing too <3
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cheswirls · 2 years
saboace fic rec list [non-eng]
loooong overdue. well, ik i’ve been silent abt op on here for longer than i have not, and that’s def not what (most) ppl follow me for, so i’m also throwing this into the main (ship) tags. i may do another one later on, but for now the subject of this list has been set.
prefacing this by saying if you can’t read in any language other than english, that’s okay, you can still go thru all of the recs on this list anyways. 
and how, you might ask? my personal favorite tool is yandex. yandex is an online (free!) translator that i personally think has a better translation system than google. in yandex, if you follow this link > here!
yandex also has a raw text translator where you can input a website link and get an option to translate the page it links to in full. once it’s translated, yandex acts as a background tool to the still-interactive website, so you can browse regularly without being confined to one page. (if yandex gives you any trouble, google translate also will translate interactive webpages in full – just not in the mini-translator on google’s search function. there are also amazing browser extensions that will translate webpages at the click of a button! aka pls don’t let written language be a barrier when it’s digital and on the internet~)
important: the tool is not perfect in any way and i am not claiming it as such. it functions differently with different websites, and i’ve only used it from one web browser, so i can’t claim if that would make things different.
with that being said!! here are five sa fics i love dearly that are not in english. (also please assume all of these are 5/5 stars) [under a cut for length]
1) further down the road by julia aldridge
https://ficbook.net/readfic/12782298 russian - complete - T rating - 30 pages
modern au, this is a roadtrip-to-the-beach fic. :) each little tidbit matches to a song from one of ace’s tapes, and the formatting/flow of the story hinges on that. saboace isn’t established officially in the beginning but the trip acts as the (act) necessary to push them in that direction.  guest appearances by koala + others but they don’t detract from the romance plot, which is refreshing. (also, sometimes yandex –and others– work better if you translate from serbian. there’s no set cryllic translator, so you can honestly try your luck with any of the languages that use written cryllic.)  absolutely cannot get enough of roadtrip fics and this one takes the cake. something about it is so whimsical, especially because the motives behind the trip are revealed steadily throughout the story, so in the beginning you’re on this grand journey with them without knowing the reasons. this also means it gives you different insight if you go back and reread, and i love things with high reread value, so c: hehe
2) a salamander lives in the light music by altair
https://ficbook.net/readfic/9947641 russian - T rating - 5 pages
altair’s writing is fantastic. please check out all of their other works. i am linking one saboace fic of theirs but the underlying message is that all of them are good. seriously. they have this writing style that makes me want to print the words onto a cake and eat them. you get sucked in from the first line, from all the poetic minute details, and it takes you from there. they also just (my opinion here) really understand sabo and ace as characters. this one is short but the prose is so attention-grabbing i had to put it in. the premise is sabo works as an exorcist overseas, and has arrived in boston to track down ace. none of altair’s works are very long but they always pack a punch. if you end up liking this one you will love the other ones too.
3) sabotaged ~♥~ by sasl
https://www.fanfiktion.de/s/61bb9e410000ccad17dfbd73/1/Sabotiert german - complete - E rating - 168k
THIS! okay first a preface: sometimes yandex (chrome browser) has trouble w this site on desktop. on mobile it works fine. if you need to just switch. everything by office is amazing but this is truly the crown jewel of saboace fics. it starts off insincere –ace pretending to come out as bi as a ruse to regain his friendship with his ex, bonney– and very quickly becomes more and more along the lines of the truth when ace confides this to koala, who introduces him to her already-out longtime friend sabo. i.. cannot recommend this one enough. the plot is excellent, the writing is outstanding, the characters are written so full of life and vitality. it’s so funny. like if you care even a shred about laughing and having fun while reading fic i promise you will enjoy this one. immensely. do not let the length scare you, it’s divided into 25 chapters which breaks things down into 5-7k, which is a lot easier to digest.  it’s pretty lighthearted and fun, as office has a tendency to give angst a short lifespan in her fics. everyone is 20+ but i would still classify this as coming-of-age in the most non-spoilery way i can. there is background kid/law but the focus (and pov) stays on sabo and ace, so if that’s not your thing (hint: it wasn’t mine) then i can say with sincerity that it’s manageably minor. also there is minor shanks/marco. ALSO. haha a bit unusual for sa fics, but roger and rouge are both alive and well and wonderful parents and you will love how they are integrated into the story. i know i sure did.  #1 rec off this list if you must knowww. please read this one if you have to pick.
4) my heart will go on by wirola
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29270850 chinese - complete - T rating - 20k
the system rating on ao3 says G, so above is my honest one. also, from the bottom of my heart: fuck this one. everything on the list has a happy ending, and i promise this one fulfills that requirement. (: that being said, it does have its ups and downs. lots.  the more in-depth summary is this: sabo and ace are best friends and live together on the us west coast. ace is an athlete and sabo an artist. one day sabo gets a call and is rudely awakened by the fact that his adoptive father, dragon, is soon to be married to an industry rival, crocodile. the problem is sabo has (thought) been in love with dragon since adolescence, and he views this as himself having very little time to act on his feelings. and with that, lemme backtrack. as someone who doesn’t care about dragon/sabo or dragon/crocodile, i did read the fic in full and absolutely loved it. most of the pov is ace, and most of the narration centers on the fact that ace has been in love with sabo for years, but as his best friend, continues to hold himself to the role of sabo’s wingman. the dragon/sabo is one-sided and simmers out about halfway through the fic. it was interesting! i will say that. it didn’t push the limits of my tolerance at all, which means it should be more than fine for others (the line of what i’m willing to put up with in fics is not very long, so please take this in good faith.) it’s unorthodox, but it’s well worth it.
5) let it rain by noarbor 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/40162059 chinese - complete - G rating - 2k
this one is short but really cute. it’s on my (hidden) list of ao3 sa recs that i might pull from next for another rec list, but since it’s (relatively) recent and in chinese, i’m giving it a spot here. chinese is the one thing i don’t think yandex does greatly because there is no differentiation between (chinese) and written mandarin. if you want a good chinese translator, look for one that has simplified chinese as an option. that being said! this one is SO sweet. in short, sabo has chronic pain that worsens during the rain, so during these times he seeks out ace as a comfort heater so he can get some sleep during the night. it’s really adorable. noarbor knows how to set a scene and let you fall into it. i have read this one so many times. so, so many. highly recommend. 
bonus! 6) once upon a time there were two lovers who lived on a planet of red peppers and cranberries by strayon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43142967 chinese - complete - G rating - 2.4k
what a title :) anything by strayon is over-the-moon amazing. i like this one the most because it’s so domestic and thats///// a weakness of mine when it comes to sa fics. also bc sabo is portrayed as a nonsensical writer and thats very relatable. basically a fic where ace takes care of sabo while he writes through a new novel. super heartwarming. i love love love how they write ace in all of their fics, and i promise you will too
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swayaminfotech · 1 year
Advanced Web Development Tools For Efficient PHP Developers
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Web Development is working with frontend and backend both languages that are used by programmers and developers to build a well-functioning website or web application. Some of the most commonly used frontend languages are JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue and backend languages are Python, Java, PHP, and C#. 
PHP is the fastest and most widely used server-side scripting language that is ubiquitous in websites and web app development. It is known as a general-purpose scripting language that can be used to develop dynamic and interactive websites. It offers plenty of frameworks and supports several automation tools for application testing and deployment. 
Nowadays the market is flooded with many PHP tools, and choosing the right one from among them is a challenging task. Here, we have made a list of leading tools that your development team can utilize to build feature-rich and innovative PHP webs and applications in 2023.
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njavj · 2 years
Hey I get not wanting people to make jokes on your posts, but what’s wrong with the Russian language?
im ukrainian and i try not interacting with russian language when i can bc its a tool of imperialism <3 also i like bullying russians
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avnnetwork · 1 month
Why You Should Obtain an International Driving License Before Your Next Trip
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Traveling abroad is an exciting experience that allows you to immerse yourself in new cultures, explore unfamiliar landscapes, and create memories that last a lifetime. Whether you're planning a road trip across Europe, navigating the bustling streets of Tokyo, or cruising through the scenic routes of New Zealand, driving can offer unparalleled freedom and flexibility. However, if you're considering driving in a foreign country, obtaining an International Driving Permit (IDP) should be at the top of your to-do list. This document, often referred to as an International Driving License, is not just a convenience; it can be essential for ensuring a smooth and hassle-free journey.
1. Understanding the International Driving Permit (IDP)
An International Driving Permit is a document that translates your domestic driving license into multiple languages, making it easier for foreign authorities to understand your credentials. It is recognized in over 150 countries and is often a legal requirement for tourists intending to drive. The IDP is not a standalone document; it must be accompanied by your valid domestic driving license at all times.
The IDP includes your name, photograph, and driver information in 10 different languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, German, Arabic, Italian, Swedish, and Portuguese. This multilingual aspect makes it an invaluable tool, especially in countries where English is not widely spoken or understood. Visit https://www.kipa.co.il/%D7%9B%D7%93%D7%90%D7%99-%D7%9C%D7%93%D7%A2%D7%AA/1160568-0/
2. Legal Requirements and Avoiding Fines
One of the most compelling reasons to obtain an IDP is to comply with the legal requirements of the country you're visiting. Many countries require an IDP in addition to your domestic driving license. Driving without one in these countries can result in hefty fines, legal complications, or even the impounding of your vehicle. By having an IDP, you demonstrate that you respect the laws and regulations of the host country, which can make interactions with local authorities smoother and less stressful.
For instance, in countries like Italy or Japan, an IDP is mandatory for tourists wishing to drive. Even in countries where it's not strictly required, such as the United States, some states might still ask for it if your license is in a language other than English. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, it’s always better to be prepared.
3. Convenience in Car Rentals
If you plan on renting a car during your travels, an IDP can be incredibly helpful. Most car rental agencies require an IDP as part of the rental process, particularly in non-English-speaking countries. Even if it’s not a mandatory requirement, having an IDP can expedite the rental process by eliminating potential language barriers and ensuring that the rental agency accepts your documentation without question.
Consider this scenario: you've just landed in a new country, eager to start your adventure, but the car rental agency refuses to hand over the keys because you don't have an IDP. This situation can lead to frustration, delays, and unnecessary expenses. With an IDP, you can avoid these issues and hit the road as soon as you arrive.
4. Peace of Mind and Confidence
Driving in a foreign country can be daunting, especially when you're unfamiliar with the local driving laws, road signs, or driving habits. An IDP provides an added layer of confidence, knowing that you have all the necessary documentation to drive legally and safely. Should you be stopped by law enforcement, the IDP can help bridge communication gaps and show that you're a responsible driver.
Moreover, having an IDP can also be beneficial in case of accidents or insurance claims. In the unfortunate event of an accident, your IDP can be a crucial document in resolving any legal or insurance-related issues. It serves as an internationally recognized form of identification, which can simplify the process of dealing with local authorities or insurance companies.
5. Enhancing Travel Flexibility
One of the greatest advantages of having an IDP is the flexibility it affords you during your travels. Public transportation can be restrictive, limiting your ability to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations or adhere to a rigid schedule. With a car, you have the freedom to set your own pace, make spontaneous detours, and visit remote areas that are often inaccessible by other means.
Imagine driving along the stunning coastlines of Croatia, stopping at quaint seaside villages whenever you please, or navigating the winding mountain roads of Switzerland at your leisure. With an IDP, these experiences become more accessible, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the journey rather than being confined to the routes and schedules of public transport.
6. An Essential Backup Document
Travel plans can be unpredictable, and sometimes things don't go as planned. Having an IDP can serve as a valuable backup in case you lose your domestic driving license or if it's stolen. While an IDP cannot replace your local license, it can act as temporary identification until you're able to obtain a replacement. This can be particularly important if you're in a foreign country where acquiring a new license would be challenging or time-consuming.
In some cases, the IDP might even be accepted as an identification document in situations unrelated to driving, such as checking into a hotel or accessing certain services. This added layer of security can be reassuring, especially in unfamiliar environments.
7. Bridging Cultural and Language Barriers
Driving in a foreign country often involves navigating cultural differences and understanding local customs. An IDP can be a useful tool in overcoming language barriers, as it provides a standardized and universally recognized format that is easier for local authorities to interpret. This can be particularly helpful in countries where road signs, laws, and documentation are in a language you don't understand.
For example, in countries like Thailand or Russia, where the alphabet and language are vastly different from those used in the West, having an IDP can make communication with traffic officers or rental agencies much simpler. The IDP’s translation of your driving credentials can prevent misunderstandings and ensure that you’re following the correct procedures.
8. Facilitating Insurance and Emergency Situations
In the event of an accident or roadside emergency, having an IDP can facilitate interactions with local authorities and insurance companies. Many insurance providers require an IDP for claims processing when the incident occurs in a foreign country. Without it, you might face difficulties in getting the necessary support or compensation.
Additionally, if you're involved in an accident or stopped by the police, having an IDP can help ensure that the situation is resolved more smoothly. It's easier for local officials to verify your driving credentials and determine your eligibility to drive in their country when they have a document in their own language.
9. Cost-Effective and Easy to Obtain
Obtaining an IDP is relatively inexpensive and straightforward. In most cases, the process can be completed online or at designated offices, and the permit is usually valid for one year. Given the potential complications and costs associated with driving without one, the small investment in an IDP is well worth it.
Considering the wide range of benefits and the peace of mind it offers, the IDP is a cost-effective way to ensure that you're fully prepared for your international driving experience. It’s a small price to pay for the convenience, security, and flexibility that comes with being able to drive legally and confidently in a foreign country.
10. Your Ticket to Unforgettable Road Adventures
Finally, obtaining an IDP opens the door to a world of unforgettable road adventures. Whether you're dreaming of a cross-country road trip in the United States, exploring the scenic routes of the Australian Outback, or navigating the vibrant streets of South America, an IDP empowers you to take the wheel and experience the journey on your own terms.
Road trips are often the highlight of any travel experience, offering a unique perspective on a country's landscape, culture, and people. With an IDP in hand, you can embark on these adventures without the worry of legal or logistical obstacles. The freedom to drive yourself through foreign lands is not just a practical advantage; it’s an opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime.
In conclusion, an International Driving Permit is more than just a piece of paper—it's a key that unlocks the freedom to explore the world by car. From ensuring legal compliance and avoiding fines to providing peace of mind and enhancing your travel flexibility, the benefits of obtaining an IDP far outweigh the minimal effort and cost required to get one.
As you plan your next trip, don't overlook the importance of being prepared with an IDP. It’s a small but significant step that can make a big difference in the quality and enjoyment of your travel experience. So before you embark on your next adventure, ensure that you're fully equipped to take on the open road, wherever it may lead you.
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linguisticqurocity · 2 months
Why You Should Learn Languages With Curiotory
Learning a new language can be difficult, but it's also an incredibly rewarding journey. With the right tools and resources, mastering a foreign language can become an achievable goal. That's where Curiotory comes in. We believe that language learning should be fun, engaging, and effective. Let's explore why Curiotory is your ideal language learning app.
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A Unique Approach to Language Learning
Curiotory is designed to make language learning an enjoyable experience. Our platform combines innovative teaching methods with cutting-edge technology to create a dynamic and immersive learning environment. We understand that everyone learns differently, which is why we offer a variety of learning styles to cater to individual needs.
Interactive Lessons: Our interactive lessons make learning fun and engaging. Through gamification and real-world scenarios, you'll be able to practice your language skills in a natural way.
Native Speaker Interaction: Connect with native speakers through our platform and practice your conversational skills. This is an invaluable opportunity to improve your fluency and accent.
Personalized Learning: Curiotory adapts to your learning style and pace, ensuring that you're always challenged and motivated.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum covers all aspects of language learning, from grammar and vocabulary to pronunciation and cultural understanding.
The Benefits of Learning a New Language
Beyond the personal satisfaction of mastering a new language, there are numerous benefits to expanding your linguistic abilities.
Enhanced Cognitive Function: Learning a new language has been shown to improve memory, problem-solving skills, and creativity.
Career Advancement: Proficiency in a foreign language can open up new career opportunities and increase your earning potential.
Cultural Enrichment: Immerse yourself in different cultures and gain a deeper appreciation for the world around you.
Improved Communication: Breaking down language barriers can lead to stronger relationships and a more connected world.
How Curiotory Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Curiotory is committed to helping you reach your language learning objectives. Whether you want to travel, pursue higher education, or simply expand your horizons, we have the resources to support you.
Clear Learning Paths: Our structured curriculum guides you through your language journey, ensuring that you build a solid foundation.
Progress Tracking: Monitor your progress and celebrate your achievements as you advance through the levels.
Expert Support: Our team of language experts is available to answer your questions and provide guidance.
Community Building: Connect with other language learners and share your experiences.
Learning a new language is a rewarding adventure. With Curiotory as your partner, you can unlock the world of possibilities that come with multilingualism. Start your language learning journey today and discover the joy of communication.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Mistral Large 2: Enhanced Code Generation and Multilingual Capabilities
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mistral-large-2-enhanced-code-generation-and-multilingual-capabilities/
Mistral Large 2: Enhanced Code Generation and Multilingual Capabilities
Mistral AI introduced Mistral Large 2 on July 24, 2024. This latest model is a significant advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing extensive support for both programming and natural languages. Designed to handle complex tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency, Mistral Large 2 supports over 80 programming languages and 13 natural languages, making it a notable step forward in AI technology. Mistral Large 2 is an excellent example of how far this technology has come as AI models improve and become more adaptable.
Background and Overview of Mistral Large 2
Mistral AI has a strong history of developing advanced AI models. They started by creating models to improve natural language processing and understanding. Over the years, they have consistently enhanced their models, each new version offering more features and better performance. The original Mistral model set a strong foundation, and later versions improved upon this with user feedback and the latest technology.
The development of Mistral Large 2 involves extensive research and effort. This new model is designed to handle more complex tasks more accurately and efficiently. It integrates the latest AI and machine learning advancements to deliver more excellent performance.
Key Features of Mistral Large 2
Mistral Large 2 introduces several key features that enhance its performance and usability.
Enhanced Code Generation
Mistral Large 2 supports over 80 coding languages, including Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash, making it vital for diverse projects. Its improved accuracy and efficiency ensure optimized code generation. Compared to its predecessors and competitors like GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus, Mistral Large 2 claims higher accuracy rates and faster generation times, making it a preferred choice for developers due to its superior code generation capabilities.
Multilingual Capabilities
Mistral Large 2 supports 13 languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. This multilingual support is vital for global applications, enabling businesses to operate effectively across different regions. Businesses like global e-commerce platforms and multinational customer service operations will significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction by leveraging Mistral Large 2’s multilingual capabilities.
Advanced Function Calling
Mistral Large 2 introduces advanced function calling capabilities, allowing it to understand and execute complex functions within code. This feature particularly benefits developers working on advanced projects requiring complex parallel and sequential function calls.
JSON Output and Tool Use
Mistral Large 2 offers native JSON output mode, allowing developers to receive responses in a structured, easy-to-read format that can be integrated into various applications and systems. This capability simplifies working with the model’s outputs, making it more accessible and practical across different domains and use cases. The model also supports the Converse API, enabling interaction with external systems, APIs, and tools.
Advanced Reasoning and Problem-Solving
Mistral Large 2’s enhanced reasoning capabilities and reduced hallucinations significantly improve its ability to solve complex problems. This model excels in scenarios requiring advanced reasoning, such as financial analysis, scientific research, and strategic planning. By minimizing hallucinations, Mistral Large 2 ensures its responses are accurate and trustworthy, enhancing its utility in critical applications.
For example, the model can process and analyze vast datasets in financial analysis to provide insightful predictions and strategies. In scientific research, it aids in interpreting data, forming hypotheses, and even generating new research ideas. For strategic planning, Mistral Large 2 can help organizations by evaluating numerous variables and potential outcomes, thereby facilitating informed decision-making.
Technical Specifications and Performance Metrics
Examining the technical specifications of Mistral Large 2 reveals its robust and advanced capabilities. The model has an advanced architecture with 123 billion parameters and a 128k context window. This extensive parameter count allows Mistral Large 2 to handle substantial volumes of data and perform complex tasks with extraordinary efficiency. The high number of parameters enables the model to capture complex patterns and relationships within the data, thereby enhancing its ability to generate accurate and contextually relevant outputs.
Mistral Large 2 demonstrates outstanding performance, achieving an accuracy rate of 84.0% on the Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark. This benchmark is a critical measure of a model’s ability to manage various language tasks. Mistral Large 2’s performance beats many prominent AI models, including GPT-4, Claude 3 Opus, and Llama 3 405B. Its high score on the MMLU benchmark signifies its excellent comprehension and processing of natural language, ensuring reliable and precise outputs.
Additionally, Mistral Large 2 offers significant improvements in inference efficiency. One notable feature is its capability for single-node inference. This allows the model to operate efficiently on a single computing node, substantially reducing the need for extensive hardware resources. By enabling single-node inference, Mistral Large 2 becomes more accessible and practical for various applications. This feature is particularly advantageous for businesses implementing AI solutions while minimizing operational costs. The efficiency of single-node inference enhances the model’s speed and cost-effectiveness, making it an attractive option for organizations looking to use advanced AI capabilities without incurring significant expenses.
Implementation and Accessibility
Mistral Large 2 is designed with accessibility and ease of implementation, making it adaptable across various platforms. It is available on multiple platforms, including Google Cloud Platform, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai. These options allow businesses to choose the best environment for their needs, ensuring smooth integration with their existing systems.
The model offers research and commercial licenses to cater to different use cases. The research license is perfect for academic and experimental projects, allowing scholars and researchers to explore and innovate. On the other hand, the commercial license provides businesses with the necessary permissions to deploy Mistral Large 2 in commercial applications. Acquiring licenses is straightforward, enabling companies to select the license that best suits their requirements.
The Bottom Line
Mistral Large 2 represents a significant advancement in AI, combining enhanced code generation and multilingual capabilities. Its support for over 80 programming languages and 13 natural languages, advanced function calling, and superior reasoning capabilities make it an invaluable tool for developers and businesses.
With its robust architecture and impressive performance metrics, Mistral Large 2 handles complex tasks efficiently. The model’s accessibility across multiple platforms and strong community support further enhance its practicality and usability.
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audreyshura · 3 months
How to Use Caktus AI - A Comprehensive Guide to This Educational ChatGPT Alternative
In the expansive landscape of educational tools, one standout is Caktus AI, a compelling alternative to ChatGPT tailored specifically for enhancing learning experiences. Launched in early 2023, Caktus AI has rapidly gained popularity, boasting over 1.1 million users drawn to its effective application of machine learning and natural language processing. Beyond conventional tools, Caktus AI excels in generating intelligent responses and providing invaluable guidance across a diverse array of subjects. Its unique ability to simplify complex concepts makes it a valuable asset for students striving for deeper understanding in their studies. This article delves into the features of Caktus AI and offers insights into how to leverage its capabilities for educational purposes.
What is Caktus AI?
Founded by Harrison Leonard and Tao Zhang, Caktus AI distinguishes itself as an AI-powered language learning model. While it teaches languages like Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, French, and Arabic, it goes further by assisting with essay writing, math problem solving, and coding tasks. Its versatility extends to content creation in fields ranging from Science to Engineering to Technology. Notably, Caktus AI includes features like AI plagiarism evasion, ensuring its content remains both innovative and ethical. Moreover, its integration of citation sources enhances academic integrity, making it a preferred choice for educational use.
Key Features of Caktus AI
Caktus AI serves as a comprehensive AI tool, offering a suite of writing features and learning aids suitable for students, job seekers, and language learners alike. Here's what sets it apart:
Essay Writing: Caktus AI revolutionizes educational writing with its essay writer tool. Simply input the topic and watch as it suggests improvements in vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall content flow. A standout feature is the 'Write More' button, which facilitates citation selection, ensuring essays are both comprehensive and properly sourced. While Caktus AI excels, vigilance is advised, as with any AI tool, to verify information for accuracy.
AI Paragraph Generator: This feature prompts users to provide a brief prompt, generating unique paragraphs swiftly and effortlessly. Ideal for streamlining writing tasks, it's particularly useful in academic and professional settings.
Coding Tools: Designed for both beginners and advanced users, Caktus AI's coding tools streamline programming tasks across various languages like Java, C#, Python, Javascript, and Go. Users can request specific coding tasks and receive customized solutions, accompanied by explanations to deepen understanding.
Language Tutors: Learning a new language is simplified with Caktus AI's interactive language tutors. Whether refining existing skills or starting anew, these tutors offer a structured yet engaging approach to language acquisition.
Additional Features: Beyond academic applications, Caktus AI accommodates creative endeavors such as generating love letters, crafting songs, and creating study flashcards. Its citation generator operates independently, ensuring efficiency and convenience for users across diverse educational needs.
How to Use Caktus AI
Getting Started
To begin using Caktus AI, visit its official website or download the app for easy accessibility. Registering a new account is straightforward, requiring basic information to initiate your user profile.
Accessing Features and Subscriptions
Upon registration, explore a variety of tools tailored to your needs. Opt for a monthly or yearly subscription plan priced at $14.99 and $49.99 respectively, ensuring uninterrupted access to Caktus AI's full capabilities.
Utilizing Caktus AI's Tools
Explore Caktus AI's functionalities by entering prompts or queries relevant to your tasks. Whether you need an AI-generated paragraph or coding assistance, Caktus AI delivers tailored responses promptly, enhancing productivity and learning outcomes.
Tips for Using Caktus AI Efficiently
Clear and Specific Queries: Formulate questions focused on specific topics to maximize the accuracy and relevance of Caktus AI's responses.
Provide Relevant Context: Share details about your educational level or subject area to enhance the AI's ability to provide personalized assistance.
Open-minded Approach: While powerful, Caktus AI complements traditional learning resources rather than replacing them entirely. Approach it with an open mind to fully benefit from its capabilities.
Follow-up Questions: Engage actively with Caktus AI by asking follow-up questions to deepen your understanding and clarify concepts.
Supplemental Use: Use Caktus AI as a supplement to textbooks and lectures to reinforce learning and gain additional insights.
Caktus AI emerges as a valuable tool for students seeking efficient educational support. Its robust features cater to diverse learning needs, from writing essays to mastering coding languages and learning new languages. While advantageous, users should exercise diligence to ensure accuracy and avoid potential pitfalls. By leveraging Caktus AI effectively, students can enhance their educational journey with streamlined access to comprehensive learning resources.
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saratravel · 4 months
I have turned in my car and am cozy in my hotel in rainy Tallinn, finishing up a book I picked up yesterday in Tartu - review likely coming soon. This morning, I went to the Estonian National Museum, which I've heard was THE thing to do in Tartu. Since I did have a time limit (my car was due to turn in two hours north), I asked the front desk which exhibition to target. He echoed what I had read online as a must-see, The Echo of Urals.
This exhibit detailed the culture of various groups of people throughout Northern Russia, the Baltics, and Scandinavia. The thread that ties them all together is not their genetics, but their LANGUAGE. Linguists and historians discovered that these cultures' languages are all related in both semantics and structure, which implies a historical connection between them. With my Master's in Communication Sciences/Disorders, I found this FASCINATING.
There was a very neat interactive language tree at the beginning.
It then had set ups for four different areas, including cases showing how they dressed, some replicas of dwellings and saunas, and the tools they used. Most of the pictures I took were of text for me to read through later. I'm the kind of museum-goer that likes to really closely go through everything but with my limited time, I had to make do with snippets and pictures for myself later... I got a few cool pictures, though!
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That's all my pictures/travel commentary. From here on out, I'm going to yap about my observations of language usage I've made during this trip. No more pictures, so this is your warning to stop reading if you're not interested in my yapping.
I had noticed some tour guides and locals speak of the historical and linguistic ties that the Baltic Countries have and how they aren't consistent throughout all three countries. Whereas Lithuanian and Latvian have closer linguistic ties, Estonia and Latvia have closer historical ties. The main one I learned about was the medieval history of Latvia and Estonia. I kinda nodded and wondered about it, but it wasn't until this exhibition that it clicked. Language usage over here is hugely significant, I'd argue more so than in my home country of the USA.
One observation I had immediately was how most people in these countries are at least bilingual, if not trilingual, or even more. Usually, it is a mix of the national language (Lithuanian, Latvian, or Estonian), English, and Russian. Lithuania has a number of Polish speakers, and Estonia has a number of Finnish speakers as well. Most kiosks and menus are in at least three or four languages.
The second was all that I've learned about the history of language usage/how much of a theme it is in its literature. As I had mentioned before, written Lithuanian was banned under Tsarist Russia. The book I read was an illegally published Lithuanian story that was published in America.
Latvian did not have the same ban (from what I understand), but for much of its history, German or Russian were the languages of business, education, and power. The first short story from the Latvian book I read heavily featured the importance for the main character's son learning German to secure a financially secure job.
The statues in Tartu, Estonia, consistently memorialized the scientists, writers, and professors who introduced their work into the Estonian language rather than Russian, German, or any other. The Estonian book I just finished is of a Russian woman who mentioned that she felt ostricized for her language as "the younger generation doesn't know it and the older generation refuses to speak it." The languages her daughter speaks are Estonian, English, a little Finnish, and some Russian with her mother.
It is so fascinating to me to watch an area of polyglots just polyglotting around. In America (at least in my part of it), there is usually just English and Spanish. The Spanish speaking population is significant, and similarly, packages and public transit tend to use both English and Spanish, but the languages feel largely separated. You can expect to hear Spanish in the Hispanic neighborhoods and some among families around in public, but the default is English everywhere else. Additionally, English and Spanish are not native languages in the US. They're languages brought over from across the seas. Native languages of the US are very rare nowadays and are largely limited to households and government designated reservations....
But I don't want to get too serious here. These are simply the observations of my home compared to this land foreign to me. One thing that coming here has done, funnily enough, is inspire me to really focus on learning Spanish more seriously. As my family language, the one that would be most helpful in my career, and the second most used language in my country, there really is no reason for me not to know it. I've been planning how I want to study and practice among friends. Perhaps the rest of my summer will go to that project...
The next two nights are here in Tallinn. Thursday morning, take a ferry to Helsinki, where I meet up with a friend! Yes, the same friend who saved my ass 10 days ago when Visa failed me! I look forward to it, but I am more than a little sad that my time here in the beautiful Baltics is coming to an end. It has truly been a fantastic trip.
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currencycurator · 4 months
Partners Special Capital Limited: Your Reliable Partner in the Forex Market
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Forex Partners Special Capital Limited is a broker that has earned the recognition of numerous traders worldwide due to its high level of services in the Forex market. The company demonstrates exceptional results by supporting clients at every stage of their trading journey. In this review, we will examine all aspects of broker Partners Special Capital Limited to understand why this broker is one of the best in its class.
Reliability and Regulation
Forex Partners Special Capital Limited has established itself as a reliable broker that strictly adheres to regulatory requirements. The company is registered and regulated in several authoritative jurisdictions, ensuring a high level of protection for investors. Transparency and compliance with legal standards are major priorities for the broker, which is confirmed by the presence of all necessary licenses and permits.
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Trading Conditions
Forex Partners Special Capital Limited offers competitive trading conditions, including:
Minimum Deposit: Only $100, making Forex trading accessible to beginner traders.
Leverage: Up to 1:500, allowing traders to use more capital and increase potential profits.
Spreads: Starting from 0.0 pips for major currency pairs, minimizing trading costs.
Commissions: Transparent and low, with no hidden fees.
Additionally, the company Partnersspecialcapital.vip is not a scam and offers a wide range of trading instruments on its website Partnersspecialcapital.vip, including over 50 currency pairs, metals, indices, and cryptocurrencies. This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and maximize market opportunities.
Trading Platforms
Forex Partners Special Capital Limited provides access to several trading platforms, including the popular MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. These platforms are known for their reliability, functionality, and user-friendly interface. Key features of the platforms include:
Charts and Analysis: A multitude of tools for technical analysis, including indicators and expert advisors.
Automated Trading: The ability to create and use trading robots (Expert Advisors).
Mobile Applications: Market access from any device, allowing trading at any time and from anywhere.
24/7 Customer Support
One of the key advantages of Forex Partnersspecialcapital.vip is its exceptional customer support service, available 24/7. Clients can rely on prompt assistance with any issues related to trading, technical problems, or financial matters. Support Partnersspecialcapital.vip is available in several languages, making interaction comfortable for traders from different countries.
Main contact methods include:
Website Chat: Instant responses to questions and quick problem resolution.
Email: A fast and convenient way to communicate, with an average response time of 1 hour.
Phone: Support in multiple languages, including Russian, with minimal waiting times.
Education and Analytics
Broker Partners Special Capital Limited is not a scam and places great emphasis on educating its clients, offering a variety of resources to enhance their knowledge and skills:
Webinars and Seminars: Regular events featuring professional traders and analysts.
Tutorial Videos: Detailed instructions on using trading platforms and trading strategies.
Daily Analytics: Fresh market reviews and trading recommendations.
Financial Security
The company takes the security of its clients' funds seriously. Partners Special Capital Limited is not a scammer and uses segregated accounts for storing client funds, ensuring their protection even in unforeseen circumstances. All financial transactions are protected by advanced encryption technologies, eliminating the possibility of data breaches.
Customer Reviews
In conclusion, let's look at some customer reviews of Partners Special Capital Limited.
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John, 32, UK: "I've been trading with Forex Partners Special Capital Limited for over two years. I'm especially impressed by the level of service and customer support. All questions are resolved promptly, and the trading conditions are excellent. I recommend it!"
Marina, 28, Barcelona: "As a beginner trader, I needed accessible education and support. Partners Special Capital Limited provided me with all the necessary resources for a successful start. Very satisfied with the cooperation!"
Forex Partners Special Capital Limited is a broker you can trust. Reliability, transparency, excellent trading conditions, and a high level of support make it an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced traders. With this broker, you can be confident in the security of your investments and successful trading in the Forex market.
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solardick · 4 months
Almost fell over today from a dizzy spell. I almost lost conscoousness. Ass rot, continues.
Why go to the hospital? Their just going to tell me to go fuckmyself lije everytime ive ever been. Why go to a ckinic? I wont see a foctor that soeaks my language. Why go to the dentist, gheir just going to sabotage my teeth or take advantage for money.
No one move too fast now. A testosterone ridden “You talking to me?!” Just keep walking. Talking to all of you. Conceded ass. Not caring that you’re all holding up traffic and people have to squeeze by while you just stand there. Trying to pick a fight to feed your “ego” while with your little children.
Rich with symbolism. The more i learn the more enamoured I become to russian culture. The slanted dash represents to two theives on either side of the christ man. The side slanting up is for the man who repented and the one slanting down is for the one who cursed him. And so went to hell while the other ascended to heaven.
Though with my own, here not ever taking any position. As i walk through the valley i see naught but sickness. Being an enemy doesn’t leave room. But as i walk through the fields i see naught but, presence. Beyond the man that speaks as crows. All the while being called black.
Psychological violence. By the sick side. Well known enough. The manure i sprout from.
Though do not be mistaken as by eating the crow. For they know not what they speak. Its just a clever spell to conceal the truth. As one who speaks as crows. And not one that is spoken to by them. There so much of this that it is difficult to know what is real from what is prapogandabh. As it is often soeke. To be coming from without by the very ones condemning the other. As russian’s spies is a common place heard voiced, concern of prejudice.
Never mind the world stage. Its all fallows a script. I am an enemy in strange lands. Being risen by voices that are condemned by others.
There are some interesting facts about italy and russia on the same time frame as the emergence of the tarot is questioned to be. The 14th century had a heavy traffic between the two countries which maybe may be assumed why they are all spies, while secretly shuffling a deck of cards culturally ingrained in mainf stream coach potatoism.
And it’ll probably turn out thst tarot is a Pictionary for the itslian 21 letter alphabet comprised of Russian imagery. From rhe interbredding of italian and russian royalty. A tool to aid in language learning and cultural understanding.the same method is used today for toddlers and interactive battery powered Pictionary games.
Raven came by to see me today. To say hello. I said hello back. Eye contact and everything. Though that was nice of it. If i had any grub i’d have offered it. Fun too cause i received an Odin article in my mailbox instead of at my front door.
Though, Unfortunately I’m not allowed being friendly with a girl, or trying to correct any immoral disposition towards me, without being punished. Well in most cases. Though its not like ive ever really had a converstaion with one before that wasnt old enough to be my mother. Or wasnt messing with me. Somits a touchy subject. Uhm. Eh raven. And the ones that do give off matting calls and sayign i have a boifriend. Instead i continiously get paired withother i cant communicate with or Druggies, drunks, criminals, or homo’s which 90% of them are spychologically or emotionally abusive. So i have nothing to say in person. All my communication jow is from god and its non vocal. Are they talkign to me? Ok, just nod. And agree witheverything. Let them speak for me. People have been doing that my whole life. Forcing their agendas on me. Uhm. Well, we’ll see what’s next. And lay off the negative. Even if that an impossibility. And if their messing with you don’t give back the same. Cause it’ll worst later.
Usualy the summer heat is bothersome. Not this year. Not so much. Maybe it’s because there wasn’t a winter this year. So there’s no adaptation to the consistent cold and the heat is tolerable.
Hot cold hot cold hot cold, tempering a sword. Diesnt seem like i gave room for the hermit card in my deck. Though, will have to play with positions and read through the dictionary. One finds alot of english words in russian. See if i cant find any more convenient letter card associations. Cause the tower card is obviously russian. Interreting considering it was the italians that built was is now considered the modern day Kremlin.
Though, a complete transformation in personality is required in accepting an old way of being. Which would be easy, if outside interference wasn’t forcing it’s mandate. And if old knowledge lead to the emergence of a new personality to begin with.
Image for letter З is all but made. Only that it seems to fall out of a “trump” category. And more into the triumph category. Also ideas as to the letter Э, perhaps being the world card. So far the dominating motivation is the alphabetical correspondence of primary letters. In primary, i assume the most significance to single letter words as primary significance, fallowed by prefixes secondarily and tertiary, as a sum definition of all words beginning with a letter. Since all words in a category under the dame letter have reversed meanings, reversed card definitions also fallow the same rule. The reverse or conflicting or contrasted meaning also has to be considered for the image formation.
This of course has its fallibility since not everything may be defined this way in a single image. The philosophical debate about the fallibility of human decision may be argued here.
Since the word is god. And god is the word. And god speaks through the bird. And the bird is the only other living thing on earth that can speak actual words. They make for messengers more often than not. As does all other creatures that have a heavier emotional tie to. Though, messengers comes in all form. Not all are loving beings but carried on with the supernal motions of reality. It is all too easy to include these into pictorial form. Save that it ceases to be universal and becomes geographical. Save for those that span borders.
An example of the english letter Tt and the tower. Combines the elements or notions of movement and the static immovable. As transport and transit. This implies the function of inanimate objects or animating tools, stemming to vehicles to the mode of violence and destruction. A 911 call to the motions of avionics and towering structures. The motion to transpose and it’s deffintion as a prefix. This given solely to the power of mars is erroneous. As are its definition given to it in tarot. And only works this way in accordance to the rest of the deck. Or the rest of the script. In is also highly attached to the planet mercury. The 911 towers by itself also gives prominence to mars by the power of 9 and the moon by the pictorial power of the moon card. Number 2. And two towers. Which lead to the violence of animation firearms functions agaisnt nations known for the use of A-K- 47’s. A fool card to justice as is shown to the letter A and the letter K. Though the A also being tied to the alpha-tism for domination. As well as to the apprehension of first experiences. 47 is an interrseting number also. It breaks down to number 11. And also to cyclic repetition by 2 to the number 5. And again. Brings it to the hierophant, -under one rule- and to the number 7. The chariot. 7 also brings it back to the hierophant. And the institution.
Its position in the deck shows promise to a life foundation prior to outside interference of violence. And the fear of outside threats to self. The fallowing card is the star. A feminine body in a state of reception, and peace. Restitution. This to be fallowed by emergence and a rainbow sun. The problem here that the tower card being a mercury symbol. Tied to a negative mars is, a violent outburst of communication. On my personal case this same effect. Did not result in any positive restitution of peace or an outcry of a nation to slay the evil. Instead the opposite and the reemergence of evil , fire by fire all the while preaching about number 22 and extiguishing the flames while throwing gasoline on it. So fuck you all, perverting a natural phenomenonal symbol for peace after a storm and praise russia.
A state bred and risen from several decimations, and survival by seclusion from interfering bodies of information while being demonized and staying true to them selves and their origin. Building their own individuality away from the evils of degeneration of being. Neighbouring nations that stood by and watched severe calamity befall them. Before raising even a single finger.
Cant say i like the cultural fashion style much though.
With the added fact that most of the west usies the Waite version of tarot….. yeh. Stay away from that one. Its pure evil. The marseille and Italiano versions are go toos. European versions in general. And considering my first life experience is a crisis. Falling down a full staircase as a toddler barely able to walk, probably yet stand. Suits the tower card as letter Бб. Also suits the russian reformation of the beginning 20th century. And the fallowing 26 million russian civilian casualties by facist germany then entering the America’s under the depth psychology movement. The germanic languages in general are the most susceptible. For a people that knowledgeable as to the creation of the psychology movement and that indent to social engineering, - and superior craftsmanship- not aware the battle was a lost cause to begin with is worthy of scrutiny and speculation. The argument against the “pioneers” not being of german nationality aside that fact from being German speaking by native mother tongue. And then having a then, recent popular music group called ramstein with a song on the top charts that repeats the words “you are mine” or, “I have you.” While spitting flames….
Alchemy, the art of deconstruction and reconstruction based on the law of equivalent exchange. The law of equivalent exchange is synonymous as putting in the time and effort to the creation of thought forms and knowledge.
Though when it comes to art supplies. German engineering is the way to go. Love those Faber Castel polychromous crayons. Even if they are pricy. But, wont be able to get back into that until after all the manipualtion goes away and rots in a ditch to be eating by fucken dung beetles. Would ahve wuit smoking years ago save for the consistent stress and sabotages by these neo nazist cockroaches.
“Classical” esoterists formation of the tarot to Egyptian origins.
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The art of prostituting humanity as slavery. While the russian substitute the word as an apology. While the bible equates it to a sin of prostituting oneself to false idols or false gods, in the sense of the sacrifice of pride. While the “westerner’d” equates it to sex and pride, while associating it to a negative view of feminine sexual services. But a positive view of masculine sexual conditioning. Australians have a healthier more natural view and at the same time allow for personal opinion and disposition to make a choice for themselves. Northern liberal or southern conservative. Same works for the united states. Canadians are devoid of choice to favour dominion on lunar values. There is no pride in an apology.
No? Its been 30 years since canadians won their own trophy cup. Is the team called the oilers, after crude oil emissions destroying the atmoshpere, really going to win the cup this year? So much for national pride. Rhey should stick to what they know best and bending over. Even the native Americans said, stop using our language as symbols of pride, you suck.
Satirical truth aside, it’s all apart of the script, anyway. Present goals are in reducing carbon emissions, not in attaching pride to them. Even if they did win. Symbolically speaking is an insult to current objections and motivations. Though attaching to male endeavours. Is part of the problem. That needs to be fixed. On this regard, the present russian influence serves purpose. It has less to do with annexing land and more to do with conditioning it’s populace and interfering with the manipulations against mankind and giving notice and support for its current anti-semitism against evil and outside interference against its motivations. The united states cutting trade with china forces the chinese to invest in other clients endorsing ties and diplomatic and foreign relations to ensure their own economic survival. And then gets backlash from western nations condemning to increasing support for the russian government.
On this regard, the American justice carries a sword and doesn’t care on whom it is pointed. The russian justice holds a shield. The Americans are forcing hands and picking fights outside their own jurisdiction increasing support for it’s enemies while gaining independance from communist conservatist governments. Canada aims at increasing its own population by giving refuge for as many foreigners as it can possibly support with minimal strain on its economy. Supporting the war against Ukraine. The chinese have a larger army than there are people in the americas. This current state of events will last for another 12 years. Afterwards russia will be absolved of all it’s “crimes”. And peace will be ling lasting. Though a major war is not out of the question. Theres no point to fret for its all planned out anyway with a very clear and specific goal in mind. Unless it forces its attention specifically and martial law gets enacted though i doubt the majority of canadians would even care or listen anyway. Being all foreigners running away from the fight to indulgence in providence and welfare, and debauchery, sexual liberty, strong alchohol and a sedatives. Sold on every street corner. Sorry personal bias. Of all the foreigners im being introduced to it’s only the Nigerians who aren’t seemingly taking advantage of the welfare system or promoting and/or smoking drugs on my pathways. While most of the locals still give me the ridicule of being full of shit. Cause they masterbate to pornhub. And speak of degenerate, prejudice or bipolar bs everyday. And then every once in a while because i have a neurotic break and then get punished for it. … same story for the last pushing 40 years. Same shit different year.
At least vishnu can jerk off four guys at the same time. See what i mean?
🎶 Girl, you’re my angel 🎶
If looking for russian history books. Or “foreign policy books. I wouldn’t trust anything written after 2014. Do you see the titles and headers of all these new books? Talk about propaganda. Dont play innocent. People voted trump into power as a mock example for ridicule.
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