#eel moths
loth-creatures · 11 days
I would love a moth and/or an Ezra doodle pls!
You shall have both!
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He 💙
Moth below! [ask me for a moth from my moth project so I don't procrastinate identifying them 😉]
I think this is a melanic one-spotted variant, Hypagyrtis unipunctata. He is one of my favs out of the littler moths I've gotten <3
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Board of animals I love and also like to look at...👁👁
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aquakat-draws · 14 days
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Technically, ross was the only human in the gang. He later became a critter ahaha
Pretty awkward, dare I say
For those who missed some stuff: moth is Andrew, wolf is Zubin, the one above Zubin which is a tarantula is Rob, that thing on right of Ross is Joe (he was supposed to be a scorpion but ehehe), the hare is Bora, the eel is Steve, the badger is Casey, and the pigeon is Ryan
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dinoserious · 1 year
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two recent twitter comms, clean sketch for @gamer_floof and sketch page for @hail_hyena
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canonickero · 1 year
pide moth
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angrybatart · 5 months
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My brother asked for a size comparison. Judging by the dream. Yeah...this thing views the Cyclops as a threat, and Sea Moths/Trucks and Prawn Suits as a snack.
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reynardart · 1 year
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consorts from an rp that didn’t last long but was a blast while it did
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dawn-of-worlds · 1 year
The blood is the life
(Haebarik's power: 4 + 3 + 2d6->2 = 9)
It was the fourth generation of Azimuth that saw the heavens align at last. Prophecy and astronomy confirmed it both: sun and moon and world would align, and a gate to the heavens grind open.
A month of celebration is announced as this glorious day approaches. Songs of glory are written, to be sung for a thousand years to come. Great feasts are held where the nectar and wine flow freely. Countless iridescent butterflies, bred for this occasion, are released out into the city: their descendants will spread all over the globe. Sculptures of glass and crystal are displayed on each corner; impossible flowers sprout from them, subsiding on the sun alone.
And at last, when the fateful hour is near, crowds gather and look out over the shimmering lake of blood.
Brave men and women in small but sturdy boats sail out on the lake as the moon shifts invisibly above. Their task is simple: to journey beyond this world, and behold the one above, and return with tales of that place and its wonders.
The gate opens, the bridge is complete, the sun dims in light. The mirages of the lake shift and shimmer, the currents grow strange as godsblood drains away. New blood rushes in from the other side (carrying some of the moon's strange monsters): for one moment it looks realer, rawer, truer than anything here: then the glamours of the lake engulf it and wrap it in protective illusions.
No words can describe the geometry of the situation, but to those on the ships, it feels like the blood beneath them drops away, and yet their boats fall up. A moment of disorientation, a burst of prismatic light... and then darkness. The sound of lapping blood continues, the stilled wind picks up, but the sun is gone. They remain calm: this was to be expected. One leads the others in a prayer of thanks.
Their eyes adjust quickly: though the Sun-Divers lack the human adaptations to darkness, even they can get by with moonlight alone.
Moonlight? No, worldlight. There it shines, high above, a blue-green globe marked by a great shadow, brighter than the full moon was back home. Cheers go up among their number as they look about, taking in this strange new world that they are first to explore.
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The blood around them forms no mere lake: it is an ocean, enormous in size, spanning horizon to horizon. The air is thin yet sharp; it smells of ash and iron. A few clouds, barely wisps, drift by on the horizon. Some people move their limbs, shift their weight, make short hops, fascinated by their new lightness. A strange realm, not particularly welcoming, but clearly, deeply, sacred.
Fifteen minutes pass: a whistle is blown to signal their return, the explorers turn to their leader. She steers her boat to an eddy, a drain, sluicing blood away to nowhere. The others follow closely behind, watch her enter the warped patch of space, and...
Nothing happens. The blood continues to course, the air leaks away, the space remains bent, and yet they pass through like it is simply more ocean. More boats try; more fail, all remain. Panic erupts: a crewman jumps overboard, sending thick clumps of blood flying in slow-motion. He desperately dives into the vortex, and for one moment his fellows dare hope. Then he surfaces again, still on the moon, and his disheartened comrades draw his dripping form back aboard.
Minutes pass, an hour; attempts to gain passage grow increasingly more frantic. It is to no avail: the bridge collapses, the path is cut off, the physics-defying currents subside, and those in the boats are forced to give up hope.
The stranded travelers so learn a horrible truth of the bridge. Though it may carry from and to the Moon, and does so while the eclipse lasts, any single thing may pass but once per eclipse. It is no viewing-port, no open doorway, but the threshold of an abyss, a place for pioneers, not scouts.
The little boats drift on the ocean of blood for days; though the sun does not rise and set to mark the days, the world above still revolves, ever-sunlit while they remain in shadow. One boat is pulled under without warning; its crew does not resurface, the cause does not show itself. Another loses a man to a fit of madness; he awakens screaming, dives overboard, and does not come back up. Thirst sets in: some try and drink the ubiquitous blood; but their stomachs reject it, and empty themselves violently.
But at last, a shore is sighted, the ships steered there with the crew's last vestiges of strength. The shore is lifeless grey mud, with only barren dust beyond, but it is solid ground, and the survivors joyfully crawl ashore.
Standing there, waiting for them, is the god of castaways. He speaks to them, commends their bravery and persistence. They beg him to return them home; he refuses, claims this is not in his nature. Some then beg him for their lives: and life he grants them.
(Did all accept? Probably not, certainly not; some chose pale death. They say they perished not far from the shoreline, that their bodies remained immaculate as the dust piled up around them. Some even whisper that the moon took pity on those dead, dragged them from their shallow graves down to the lunar core, restored their life there: these tales are best dismissed as mere fictions.)
Thus is born a new kind of mortal, cobbled together from the sky god's gifts, from Naakrsh' latent power, from the sea of blood, from toxic dust and wispy air, from Haebarik's own best guesses, and from a little bit of humanity, that ever-more-distant humanity.
Their name for themselves is the Calyptra, or Veiled. They are tall, long-limbed, earless, with birth-claws unshed and needle-like. They have varying degrees of webbing on their hands, as well as moist rubbery skin, which protects them from the sanguine sea's vitriol. The Calyptra are dull, pale grey beings, all of the sun-diver's coloration drained from them aside from their eyes, which may still take on every shade imaginable.
They are amphibious, even though a Calyptra immersed in water would drown as a human would. But of course their sea contains no water: they live in the ever-churning blood of Naakrsh, which despite its divinity (and its pain, and its hatred, and the soft whispers that seem to come from just beyond your dim field of view) is still blood, and still carries oxygen. A vascularized membrane that unfurls between arms and body draws breath from the fluid: the long-gone promise of wings, repurposed for the depths.
Calyptra require a diet of only blood and the occasional morsel of meat (which they grind into a wet paste for ease of consumption), and their strawlike mouthparts have specialized for those meals. Their sense of taste is almost gone, their smell dulled, their skin numb, but they see in darkness as well as humans do and hear better still. In addition, Haebarik knew they would have to hunt in the murky depths of the sea, where sight would fail them utterly, and so he granted them the ability to sense electric currents. Even above water this manifests as uncanny situational awareness.
They are strange and novel things, and yet, in some ways, have hardly changed.
They still dream of the sun, of its rays caressing them, of its rise over the horizon, of its searing splendor. This is a cruelty, for their new skin does not endure sunlight; within minutes of exposure it dries and cracks, bringing pain and nausea followed by true death. The sun-dreams are nightmares; the easiest way to avoid them leads down a darker path.
(When the sun rises, the Calyptra dive deep beneath the ocean's surface, and crawl into the benthic mud, and sleep throughout the weeks-long lunar day. In time, they shall learn to craft coffers of stone, and fill them with mud and blood, and sleep there while the sun passes over.)
They still birth eggs, but their young are blind lamprey-like things, which latch onto their parents and remain there until pupation. A few young end up separated during infancy, some survive nevertheless; and so in the deepest trenches a handful of feral Calyptra lurk, knowing language nor kinship.
(A Calyptra cocoon is a wet red thing of clots and sloughed-off skin, and inside they dissolve into Naakrsh's blood, and they are undone in the blood, and they are reborn in the blood, and so nothing in the cosmos is more of the serpent-god than them)
And they still grow old in time, and are reborn in their cocoons, and approach a perfected form, or at any rate a different one. The oldest Calyptra are vast abyssal terrors, with webbed tentacles and arrays of backup organs, able to recover from any injury that sunlight has not touched: they are what the feral ones are hiding from.
Some of those elders have dim and distant memories of another world, another city, another lake of blood. Some of them still remember the way back.
And above, the world and sun crawl on towards the next eclipse...
(Create race, 6 points, to create the Calyptra. Naakrsh can command these as if they were created by him. Upcoming post about their city.)
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garden-eel-draws · 1 year
I was today years old, playing this game for the third time since it came out in 2004, when I realized that the reason there's so much sonic tech in Metroid Prime 2 is because the local sapient species of the planet you're on are moth-people. Moths have a sensitivity to ultrasonic sound. The people on that planet made a bunch of sonic locks because they have the senses needed to unlock them. Of course.
I'm in my late 20s and love bugs and Metroid. How did i not-
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groupwest · 1 year
feel like i’m in the goddamn pleistocene epoch over here. who’s sending all these ginormous beasts to drown in my dam…
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loth-creatures · 2 months
The ✨️Spectres✨️ as moths from my sick new moth field guide I got for science :3
(Northeastern US moths)
Ezra! A Scarce Infant moth (it looks like a skrunkly kitten to me) 💙
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Sabine! An Azalea Sphinx 💜🧡🩷
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Zeb! A Pepper and Salt Geometer 💜
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Chopper! A Spotted Datana 🧡
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Hera! A Pandorus Sphinx 💚
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Kanan! A Blinded Sphinx (I'm sorry) 🩵
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I will be back with more of the rebels cast as moths. This is a thing now
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 months
What animal would you like to have a plushie of?
hmm.... thats a good question.... i already have some plushies of slightly unusual animals (axolotl / chameleon / tiktaalik) but let me think about that. No actually never mind i think the answer has to be olm. NO WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED ABOUT THAT JELLYCATS CONCH PLUSHIE THAT IM SO SAD ABOUT THEM RETIRING THE DESIGN. I WANT THAT FUCKING THING SO BAD LOOK AT IT
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[ID: jellycats conch plushie. it is basically just a white seashell with two big eyes peeking out of the opening. /end ID]
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oepionie · 1 year
Synopsis: You have two tweels fighting for the ownership of your heart. When a fight breaks out between them, you're left to choose among the two.
Characters: Floyd Leech x GN! Reader x Jade Leech
Tags: Warning, it has mentions of violence and injuries. The tweels throw hands. Slight angst, Floyd accidentally hurts you. Jade Leech is a little shit. Floyd Leech is a little shit(2). Riddle plays doctor.
Wordcount: 1.7k+ | 💌Masterlist
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Jade and Floyd had always been extremely close from the start. Even as little guppies, they were glued to each another, fitting perfectly like a puzzle. The bond between these two brothers ran deep. Forged as they grew up in the Coral sea, facing the harsh environments of their habitat together.
The two were more similar than people thought. Often sharing the same morbid interest in the most esoteric and obscure of topics. Both eels had a talent for causing mischief, always acting with an ulterior motive in mind.
Still, disagreements and fights between them were unavoidable. Despite the fact that their opposite personalities tend to work in their favour (Floyd calls it their 'good cop, bad cop' scheme), they do occasionally clash and fight.
This fight was...different though.
Ramshackle's prefect, an awkward and odd yet endearing little human who crashed the dorm assignment orientation. Despite being devoid of magic, they somehow managed to get themselves enrolled into a magic academy with a funny little cat by their side. Like moths to a flame, the two eels were practically drawn to you and your intriguing, fairytale-like life.
Everyone and their mother could see that both tweels looked at you with hearts in their eyes. They were constantly glued to your side, trying to win you over and one-upping one other. Despite the constant barrage of courtship from both eels, you appeared to be completely unaware of anything.
That was fine by them, they would give you time to gradually figure it out on your own. For the time being, they were intent on getting rid of the competition and winning your favour.
A little sibling rivalry wouldn't hurt, now would it?
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Curse Crowley and his 18 foot-high kitchen cabinets. You glared up at the jar of candies perched atop the highest shelf. Now, you don't know why on earth there were candies in the home economics kitchen but you weren't against it.
You saw it and you wanted it. Now, if only you didn't have the height of a dwarf...
"I'm not giving up that easily..." You muttered, scanning around the room to look for someone, anyone, who was tall enough to reach those dreaded cabinets. You grinned wickedly as you caught sight of Jade chopping up some mushrooms. Perfect.
"Jade!" You called, pressing a hand against his shoulder. He seemed startled as he turned to face you though his eyes later softened. With a warm smile on your face, you bounced on the balls of your feet. "Are you busy?"
"Oya? Not at the moment. What seems to be the matter, prefect?" Smiling, he placed his hand over yours, tenderly stroking your skin. You intertwined your fingers with his, pulling the merman towards your station. Once you arrived, you sheepishly pointed to the jar atop the cabinet.
"I can't reach it but...I really want to have that candy." You spoke slowly, suddenly embarrassed at the somewhat childish-sounding request. Jade only chuckled, squeezing your hand in comfort. My, you really are so adorable.
"Heh heh. Of course, let me just-" Before he could finish, the eel suddenly toppled forward, his head narrowly missing the oven. Gasping, you ran to help him up but before you could, an arm wrapped itself around your torso. You turned to see Floyd holding you, lazily resting his head atop your own.
The eel grinned, all bright and sunny, acting as if he didn't just ram into his brother like a bull.
"Shrimpy~! Ya need help reaching for something? I can do it for you instead, y'know!" Floyd cheered. He sent Jade a cocky grin before turning his attention back to you. "I'm taller after all!"
"Only by a single centimetre." Jade spat out, getting up off the ground and dusting his clothes, all with a strained smile on his face. Floyd snarled at him, hugging you closer to his body. "I'm.Taller."
You were left captive in Floyd's iron grip as the two eels stared each other down. Groaning, you sunk into Floyd's embrace.
You...you just wanted candy.
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"That is indeed a foul sprain." Riddle muttered, compressing your leg with a handkerchief as a makeshift bandage. Once he finished tying it all together, he irritably turned to the students crowded around you.
"Didn't I tell you all not to crowd them?!" He yelled, and the mob that had gathered around you two instantly dispersed. Shaking his head, the dorm leader guided you to sit up. "I've already wrapped up your ankle. Though it's best if you go rest in the clinic. Can someone carry them there?"
"Goldfish! I'll do it~!"
"Allow me."
Both Jade and Floyd blinked, side-eyeing one another. Growling, Floyd ran forward and impulsively yanked you into his arms. In his rush, he accidentally made you jerk your foot causing pain to shoot up your leg.
"Ah-!" A strangled scream escaped your lips, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. Floyd cursed under his breath and quickly loosened his hold on you. You shed a few tears, and he appeared to visibly deflate as the guilt set in.
"I-Im sorry, shrimpy!" He sputters out, awkwardly trying to comfort you as best as he could. Riddle moved quickly to inspect your ankle.
"You-Be careful!" Riddle scolded. Once he made sure no further damage was done to your foot, he turned to glare at Floyd.
"It would be preferable, in my opinion, if Jade carried them. I can't have you putting any more strain on their foot!" Riddle lamented, pinching the bridge of his nose. Floyd tried to sputter out excuses, but he was futile. Defeated, he handed you over to his brother.
"Not to worry, prefect. I'll make sure to take proper care of you." Jade stepped forward, tucking the long dark strand of his hair behind his ear. The older Leech brother held your body in a gentle yet firm bridal carry.
Once you both began to proceed in the direction of the nurse's office, you snuggled up against him. Jade turned to look back at Floyd, a devilish grin on his face as he mouthed. 'I win.'
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Over the previous weeks, the tweels have been in a constant push&pull battle for your attention. They've been passive-aggressive with one another, pulling all kinds of shady and underhanded tricks. It seemed that all that pent-up tension between them was just about to boil over. And it didn't look very pretty.
A phonograph set up on one of the display tables of the lounge was playing soothing oldies music; the melody echoing throughout the empty cafe.
Jade rolled the sleeves of his button-down shirt up. He reached for a cup, adding sugar, vanilla extract, and strawberry slices before dropping them into a blender.
Jade received a call from you earlier wondering whether Floyd was free since you were craving a strawberry smoothie. It seems that his brother had promised to prepare one for you.
Oh my.
How unfortunate that Floyd had club responsibilities to attend to! Not to fear, prefect, he assured you that he would gladly step in and make you one himself.
The door creaks open just as he was about to pour the strawberry smoothie into a couple of highball glasses. He lifts his head up, thinking it was you, a smile spreading across his face. Though, it disappears right away, being replaced with a grim expression. Floyd was fast approaching, stomping, his fists balled up at his sides and his jaw clenched tight.
"Oya? Floyd. I wasn't aware you were free. Shouldn't you be-" Jade gets cut off when Floyd slams his fist on the wall next to his face. Unfazed, Jade observes as the wall breaks apart, a chunk of concrete falling to the ground. With a smug smirk on his face, his gaze drifts to the club uniform Floyd was still dressed in.
He continues. "-at basketball practice?"
"Don't play coy with me." Floyd spat out.
"What's all this about shrimpy telling me you told them I was too busy to hang out?"
"Well, I didn't want to disturb you from practice. Especially with that big game coming up." Jade sneered, sending Floyd a condescending grin.
"You piece of shit."
Floyd grapples Jade, smashing the teen against the bar. The glasses shattered into bits when they tumbled from the counter and landed on the floor. Jade snarls and sharply kicks Floyd in the ribs. Once his brother doubled over, Jade took this chance to drag him to the floor. Having the upper hand, he smashed his fist down on his twin's face, beating Floyd into the floor. Hissing, Floyd retaliated and grabbed Jade by the arm. He flipped the two of them over, dropping his entire weight on Jade.
"This is getting interesting!" Floyd laughed hysterically, spitting a tooth out. He raised his fist, but the doors to the lounge opened before he could even strike. There you stood, mortified, hand shakily grasping the door handle. Both of the twins froze, sporting the same dumbfounded look on their faces.
The color from your face all but drained. Your legs shook tremendously and both the tweels quickly strode over to you, afraid that you were about to just keel over.
"What- What on earth are you two doing?!"
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Standing outside the nurse's office, you wring your hands together while keeping your head down. After yelling at them for getting in a fight, you dragged both of the eels by the ear to take them to the clinic. You've been waiting for a full hour now, worrying yourself sick over the two idiots.
The hanging bell above the door chimed as the nurse stepped out of the clinic. She beckoned you over, waving a clipboard in her hands.
"They've both been patched up. They'll be fine, a few broken bones and bruises but they'll heal." She spoke casually, flipping through the report on her clipboard. "I take it you want to see them?"
You hastily nodded, rushing to enter the clinic. However before you could enter, she put her palm on your chest and pushed you back.
"Hold on. I don't really think it's a good idea to visit both of them at the same time. So here's what we'll do, you choose who you want to go to first. Alright?" She spoke, raising a perfectly manicured finger at you. You hesitated for a split second before nodding. "Alright."
"Now, dear, which one of them would it be?"
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Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated and really motivating on my end!
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cure-typhoon · 3 months
what animal do u associate to each kid or troll. like u see this animal and r like yup thats [blank].
HMMM okey theres like certain animals the characters are already established as, but i dont totally agree with all of them
Beta kids and Alpha Kids:
June and Jane - Okey everyone says bunny for June and i understand why but idk I preffer a cameleon or a lizard and the bunny for Jane or maybe a bull for her, yeah i think that fits
Rose and Roxy - Yeah yeah theyre cat people and whatever but i always imagined as Roxy as a Fox and Rose as an owl lol or a black puma or like those scotish round cats
Dave and Dirk: Dave is those little birds that i see around where i live (sparrows?) and Dirk is a peacock
Jade and Jake - I dont have any creative one for Jade, i mean she is totally a dog but also a wolf or a coyote and Jake HMMMMM hyena (dont ask idk why) or like....parrot or white cockatoo
Beta Trolls and Alpha Trolls:
Karkat and Kankri: crabs, like there has never been a more crab character than karkat, he is a king crab, spiky boi. kankri is a spider crab
Aradia and Damara: Bighorn sheeps for both but also this one for Godtier Aradia
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Tavros and Rufioh: Buffalos
Sollux and Mituna: why bees, like i get it but whyy. they are this
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Nepeta and Meulin: Nepeta is a Tiger and Meulin is a Lion
Kanaya and Porrim: the fucking fluffiest moth i cant recall the name and Porrim is a moon moth
Terezi and Latula: Dragonfly for both of them
Vriska and Aranea: IM NOT LOOKING FOR SPECIFIC SPIDERS theyre both wolf to me, well Vriska is a Wolf and Aranea is a Jackal
Equius and Horuss: this fuckers
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Gamzee and Kurloz: EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT THEM bdkadn
They're both clownfish no i won't apologize
Eridan and Cronus: Cronus is an electric eel and Eridan is a whale or a dolphin, maybe a pelican
Feferi and Meenah: Feferi is a jellyfish and Meenah is a Mantaray
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ultrainfinitepit · 9 months
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Hello Angelology III followers, I have a quick but important update for you all. The results of the polls are in! It was very close close, but the alternate colorways won as the most popular option. So I've changed our next goal to be for alternate colorways.
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The new pin designs were the next most popular option, so those will now unlock after the alternate colorways. If we unlock these designs, I have an alternate Gulper Eel Mermaid colorway that will unlock as well. 
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And our final stretch goal is for the freebie pins, All-Seeing Fish and Angelic Moth.
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We've just reached the goal to fund the Angelic Messengers pins. I'm hoping we'll be able to reach our other stretch goals before the end. For any goals we don't fund, they'll be available in the Backerkit survey to unlock based on an order quantity goal. So don't worry if there's a pin you really want that's not yet funded, it will get a second chance.
You can read more about the new goals and pledge to the campaign on the campaign page.
That's all for this update, thanks for your interest in Angelology III!
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Aesthetic sensibilities are deeply subjective, and hard to acknowledge and analyse clearly. They take root in us from the moment we’re born. They bind us to a particular view of the landscape, something we begin to think of as ‘natural’ or, at least, benign. What we see as children, particularly where we grow up, becomes what we want to continue to see, and what we want our children to see. Nostalgia, and the sense of security that nostalgia brings, binds us to the familiar. We are persuaded, too, by our own absorption in this aesthetic that what we are seeing has been here for ever. We believe the countryside around us, or something very similar to it, has persisted for centuries and the wildlife within it, if not exactly the same, is at least a fair representation of what has been here for centuries. But the ecological processes of the past are hard for the layman – and often even conservation professionals – to grasp. 
We are blinded by the immediacy of the present. We look at the landscape and see what is there, not what is missing. And if we do appreciate some sort of ecological loss and change, we tend to go only as far back as our childhood memories, or the memories of our parents or grandparents who tell us ‘there used to be hundreds of lapwings in my day’, ‘skylarks and song thrushes were ten-a-penny’, ‘the fields round here used to be red with poppies and blue with cornflowers’, ‘cod was the poor man’s fish when I was a nipper’. We are blind to the fact that in our grandparents’ grandparents’ day there would have been species-rich wildflower meadows in every parish and coppice woods teeming with butterflies. They would have heard corncrakes and bitterns, seen clouds of turtle doves, thousands of lapwings and hundreds more skylarks. A mere four generations ago they knew rivers swimming with burbot – now extinct in Britain – and eels, and their summer nights were peppered with bats and moths and glow-worms. Their grandparents, in turn, saw nightjars settling on dusty country lanes and even hawking for moths around the street lamps in towns, and spotted flycatchers in every orchard, and meadow pipits everywhere from salt-flats to the crowns of mountains. They saw banks of giant cod and migrating tuna in British waters. They saw our muddy North Sea clear as gin, filtered by oyster beds as large as Wales. And their grandparents, in turn, living at the time of the last beaver in Britain, would have known great bustards, and watched shoals of herring five miles long and three miles broad migrating within sight of the shore, chased by schools of dolphins and sperm whales and the occasional great white shark. We don’t have to look too deeply into the history books, into contemporary accounts, for scenes dramatically different to our own to be normal. Yet we live in denial of these catastrophic losses.
Isabella Tree, Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm
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