#egyptian witch
Witches of witchblr, what do you guys do when you feel your energy is on the fritz or you feel like you have an over abundance to know what to do with it? As of this moment i believe im in a state of flux and my workings are yeilding some weird results as of late.
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thewitchywitch ยท 7 months
So it's 4 am and I haven't slept yet because I got caught in an unexpected OCD ritual that lasted 5 hours. I wish I was joking or exaggerating... but hey, it could be worse ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
Anyways, I need to ramble--
I live in West Virginia, and I incorporate a lot of local plants into my practice.
Problem is, very often, I'll identify a plant or remember one I already knew existed that could be used in a magical context, so I'll start doing research and turn up nothing, nada, zip, zilch.
So now I gotta come up with all my own correspondences and while I'm staring at the damn plant and deciphering it in my head like a rubik's cube and "running experiments", I feel like one of those old alchemists who, for a good part of what they were doing (mostly when it came to trying to make a new discovery), were just tossing shit together to see what happened.
Like why in the world is this WEED that NOBODY has EVER talked about in a magical sense, incredibly good at WARDING a space from JINN???? HUH????? 14 year old me was crying tears of both confusion and sweet relief after not having slept in peace for over a week.
That discovery for me was a complete fluke, an accident, but it worked. Call it divine intervention or whatever but it wasn't what I was planning on.
Which brings me to this: not all of these "unknown" (in the magical sense) plants have traits that pop up like that. Some of them are trickier to crack. Some of them take forever, some of them I temporarily give up on because I've got shit to do and limited energy these days. But I just know this plant or that plant have to be good for something , ya know?
If anyone knows any good resources for West Virginian plants and magical correspondences, that'd be fantastic.
Or if anyone has any tips or advice on finding your own correspondences because everything I do is a complete shot in the dark at this point ๐Ÿ˜‚
Much thanks.
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themodernwitchsguide ยท 9 months
the egyptian gods
MA'AT: the essence of harmony and balance
in the beginning, well, there were a lot of different beginnings,
AMUN/AMUN-RA: god of the sun and air, supreme king of the gods in some periods. some stories say that he created himself and then everything else in the universe
ATUM: sometimes considered another name for Ra, but when separated he represents the evening sun. he was the first of the Ennead to emerge from Nu, and was the supreme ruler of the gods, and creator of the universe and human beings
RA/RE: when separated from Atum, he represents the midday sun, but other stories say that his aspect changes as he advances his sun barge across the sky. also considered the supreme ruler and creator of the universe. later merged with Amun as he rose in popularity
PTAH: another creator of the universe, Ptah was lord of truth, and the patron god of sculptors and craftsmen (since he was considered to have sculpted the earth). he created the first mound of earth from Nu by imagining it in his heart and breathed life into things with his voice
KHNUM: said to have created everything on his potter's wheel. in a different story he created humans on his potter's wheel then raised them up to the sun so that Ra could breathe life into them
NEITH: a war and funerary goddess, she created all things from her innards. she invented birth, therefore considered the "mother goddess" and closely associated with life and living things
MUT: emerged from Nu and gave birth to the world on her own, or in other stories was the wife of Amun. she was a goddess of protection, guarding humans in life, and against demons in death
MEHET-WERET: celestial cow goddess that emerged from Nu and gave birth to Ra at the beginning of time. goddess of water, creation, and rebirth
then under Atum/Ra creation stories, there were the first gods, called the Ennead,
SHU: the primordial god of air, he was born from Atum/Ra with his sister Tefnut to create the world. it's said that after bein gone for so long, Atum/Ra sent the eye of Ra to search for them, and his tears of happiness at having them returned became humans
TEFNUT: the sister and wife of Shu, she was the primordial god of moisture and rainfall
NUT: child of Shu and Tefnut, she represented the sky, but her relationship with her brother Geb disturbed Atum/Ra so he pushed her high above Geb, decreeing that she could not give birth on any day of the year. however, Thoth then gambled with Iah (or Khonsu) winning five days of moonlight he transformed into days. On those five days, her five children were born
GEB: god of the earth and growing things
OSIRIS: child of Nut and Geb, he was lord and god of the underworld and afterlife. he was said to be the first god to die, after being killed by his brother Set, wherein Isis then resurrected him and they bore Horus.
ISIS: child of Nut and Geb, she was the goddess of the moon, healing, fertility, and magic
NEPHTHYS: child of Nut and Geb, she is the twin sister of Isis and wife of Set. she is considered a goddess of funeral rites, darkness (not in an evil sense), and protector of women.
SET/SETH: child of Nut and Geb god of war, chaos, and storms. although he was the first murderer, he was considered a necessary balance to the good of Osiris. he killed Osiris to usurp his throne, only to later be usurped by Horus.
However, sometimes Set was replaced with Horus in the Ennead,
HORUS: technically there were two Horuses, Horus the Elder, who was a child of Nut and Geb, and Horus the younger, who was the better known Horus. however, they ended up merging into one deity, a god of the sun, sky, and kingship
under the Amun (and sometimes Ptah) creation myth(s) there was the group called the Ogdoad, including Amun and
AMUNET: the female counterpart of Amun, together they represented forces unseen, including the wind and air
KEK: the god of the hours before dawn, he guided the sun barge of Ra from the underworld to earth
KAUKET: the female aspect of Kek, she represented the hours after sunset, and guided the sun barge of Ra into the underworld. Together these gods represent darkness (but not in an evil way)
HEH AND HAUHET: often not separated in any meaningful way, these two were the gods of infinity, eternity, and time
NUN AND NAUNET: personification of the primordial waters, from which everything was created. Naunet is only ever referenced when it comes to the Ogdoad
However, when Amun became revered as a god of creation, him and Amunet were sometimes replaced by
NIA AND NIAT: gods of the void
so then the rest of the gods,
THOTH: advisor of Atum/Ra, he was the god of wisdom, writing, and truth, and was associated with the moon. sometimes he is the child of Atum/Ra, other times he is the son of Horus. he gave humanity the gift of language and marked the passage of time
SESHAT: consort of Thoth, she was the goddess of writing, books, and measurements
ANUBIS: son of Nephthys and Osiris, he was the god of the dead and associated with embalming. he leads the souls of the dead to the Hall of Truth and weighs their heart to determine if they were good or evil
KABECHET/QEBEHT: daughter of Anubis and a funerary deity. she provides cool, pure water to the souls awaiting judgement in the Hall of Truth
BASTET: daughter of Ra, although her image has tempered over time, Bastet was often considered a defender of pharaohs and the hearth. goddess of cats, women, and fertility
SEKHMET: sister of Bastet, she was goddess of destruction, justice, and desert winds. after Ra became tired of the sins of humanity, he sent Sekhmet to destroy them. she ravaged the land until the other gods implored Ra to stop her, where he took beer dyed red (to emulate blood) and left it at Dendera. when she drank it, she fell asleep and woke as the benevolent goddess Hathor
MAAHES: solar god and protector of the innocent, sometimes the son of Bastet, sometimes Sekhmet
HATHOR: goddess of joy, celebration, love, women, drunkenness, and sometimes animals. in some stories she is the wife of Horus the elder, in some Horus the younger, and in some Ra
MA'AT: embodiment of the principle of ma'at, she was the goddess of truth, justice, and harmony
KHONSU: the son of Amun and Mut, god of the moon and healing
MONTU: a god of war and the vitality of pharaohs, he was later replaced by Khonsu as a child of Amun and Mut
TENENIT: goddess of beer and brewing, consort of Montu
HEKA: patron god of magic and medicine, but was also said to be present at the creation of the universe
HU: god of the spoken word, personification of the first word Atum/Ra ever spoke. represented the tongue
SIA: personification of perception and thoughtfulness who represented the heart
ANAT: goddess of fertility, sexuality, love, and war. sometimes she is a virgin goddess, others she is sensuous and erotic
APEP/APOPHIS: the celestial serpent that would assault the sun barge of Ra every night as it travels through the underworld
BA-PEF: god of terror
BES/BISU/AHA: god of childbirth, fertility, sexuality, humor, and war. he protected women and children, fended off evil, and fought for divine justice
TAWERET/TAURET: considered a consort of Set, goddess of childbirth and fertility. guarded children and invoked to help with pregnancy and birth
HRAF-HAF: the ferryman of the dead, he would carry good souls across the Lily Lake to the shores of paradise in the Field of Reeds
AMENET: consort of the divine ferryman, she welcomed souls of the dead to afterlife with food and drink
FETKET: cupbearer of Ra, patron of bartenders
MAFDET: goddess of justice, protected people from venomous bites, later replaced by Serket
SERKET: goddess of protection and funerals, protected people against venom
HEDET: goddess of scorpions and protector against their venom
IHY: son of Hathor and Horus the elder, he was the god of music and joy
IMHOTEP: the deified vizier of the king Djoser, god of wisdom and medicine
MESKHENIT: goddess of childbirth, created a person's ka (life force) and breathed it into them, creating their destiny
NEHEBKAU: joined a persons ka to their body at birth, and with the ba (winged aspect of the soul) at death. has always existed, and swam in the primordial waters before Atum rose
NEFERTUM: god of perfume and beauty, said to be born from the bud of a blue lotus flower at the beginning of creation. associated with rebirth and transformation due to his association with Atum
RENENUTET: goddess of nursing children and the harvest. she determined the length of a person's life and the important events that would occur, sometimes considered the mother of Osiris as consort of Atum
NEPER: son of Renenutet, god of grain and fertility
ONURIS/ANHUR: a son of Ra, god of war and hunting
SHAY: personification of fate, no one could alter her decisions
SHED: god who protected against wild animals and mortal enemies
SHEZMU: god of wine, perfume and plenty
SOBEK: god of water and medicine, namely surgery. lord of marshes and wetlands
SOTHIS: astral form of Isis, represented the star Sirius
SAH: astral form of Osiris, represented the constellation Orion
SOPDU: son of Sothis and Sah, astral form of Horus, guarded over outposts and soldiers on the frontier
TAYET/TAIT: goddess of weaving and associated with embalming
WENEG: held up the sky and maintained balance between the heavens and earth
WEPWAWET: the "opener of ways," a funerary and hunter god
KHENTYAMENTIU: the "Chief of the Dead," a funerary god believed to have created important funerary rites
and the sons of Horus, who get their own special spot,
DUAMUTEF: protector god of the stomach, he represented East
HAPY: protector god of the lungs, he represented the North
IMSETY: protector god of the liver, he represented the South
QEBEHSENUEF: protector god of the intestines, he represented the West
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shuuenka ยท 10 months
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And it's my whole heart Weighed and measured inside
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tiredwitchplant ยท 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye (The Stone of the Sun)
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Color: Golden Yellow with Brown
Hardiness: 7
Rarity: Easy to Obtain
Type: Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Sacral, Solar-Plexus, Third Eye
Deities: Ra, Sekhmet, Durga
Astrological Signs: Capricorn, Leo
Element: Earth, Fire
Planet: Sun
Origin: India, Myanmar, South Africa, USA, Mexico
Powers: The Sun, Protection, Abundance, Luck, Pride, and Justice
Crystals It Works Well With: Catโ€™s Eye, Chalcedony, Topaz
How It is Created: Tigerโ€™s Eye is basically a quartz but they formed in such an unusual way that the fibers of the mineral called crocidolite are laid down in parallel bands within the structure. This creates its silk like appearance and its โ€œcatโ€™s eyeโ€.
History: Tombs in the ancient city of Ur in Mesopotamia (now Iraq) dating back to 2500 BCE have yielded gold sets with agates, like tigerโ€™s eye and carnelian. The tigerโ€™s eye was very popular due to the belief that it harnessed the power of the earth and the sun. This is why it is associated with the god of the sun, Ra and why Egyptians considered it a very valuable gem. Roman soldiers believed that the tigerโ€™s eye was a symbol of bravery and would ride with pieces of tigerโ€™s eye on them in order to encourage bravery during battles.
What It Can Do:
Shields the energy field or aura from negativity
Clears tension and mental blocks from the solar plexus
Can soothe, calm, and restore oneโ€™s body and mind
Banish the evil eye and curses
Attracts money while curbing impulsive spending
Used to detect liars and deceptions
Can increase confidence and pride
Placing it on your third eye can help enhance psychic abilities and balance your lower chakras
Helps unlock and unleash your true desires
Alleviates depression and lifts moods
Reduces crabbing and addictive behavior
How To Get the Best Out of Tigerโ€™s Eye: Wear it in bracelet or amulet form.
How to Cleanse and Charge:
To cleanse: Lay it on a windowsill where the sun shines the most or bury it in your garden where the sun shines the most
To charge: You can also charge it on the windowsill with the sun. The sun really gives it a great charge, especially if one of the deities you work with is a sun god.
Crystal Grid:
Abundance (Spiral)
Base for the grid, such as wood, slate, fossilized wood, or golden card or cloth
Green Aventurine
Herkimer Diamond
Moss Agate
Tigerโ€™s Eye
If youโ€™re laying a preparatory โ€œcleansingโ€ spiral, start at the topmost point and lay crystals alternately, with the points pointing out from the center.
Place the Goldstone in the center as the keystone.
If laying an abundance grid, begin by placing the Goldstone in the center, stating that your intention is for it to bring abundance into your life.
Lay a spiral of alternated crystals, pointing down and inward, until you reach the Goldstone.
Add a grounding stone if appropriate.
When the grid is no longer required, dismantle it.
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actiwitch ยท 5 months
pop-culture tags to block as a pagan
(not that anything is inherently wrong with these fandoms!!!! this is just to avoid seeing these fandom's content under searches and tags about your gods if you so choose)
#lore olympus / #rachel smyth / #lo / #lo hades / #lo persephone / #lo apollo / #lo artemis / #lo demeter / #hadestown / #hadestown fanart / #hadestown the musical / #the sandman / #the sandman netflix / #dc / #morpheus x reader / #stray gods / #percy jackson / #pjo
#mcu / #marvel / #marvel cinematic universe / #marvel studios / #mcu loki / #loki mcu / #mcu thor / #thor mcu / #loki x reader / #thor x reader / #loki x thor / #thorki / #lokius / #loki series / #tom hiddleston / #god of war / #gow
#ennead manhwa / #seth ennead / #ennead seth / #ennead fanart / #seven seas entertainment
#record of ragnarok / #ror / #snv / #shuumatsu no valkyrie / #yaoi / #bl / #boy love
let me know any additions below! this is certainly not comprehensive.
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cherrycolaboy ยท 7 months
Low energy offerings for Anpu(Anubis)
- light a candleย 
- food offeringย 
- wash your face
- do some shadow work
- donate/volunteer to dog shelters
- learn about corpses and the anatomy
- read about his mythologyย 
- visit cemeteries
- spend time with your/a dog
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acrystalwitch ยท 1 year
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(From research but also from my own workings with him. This isnโ€™t meant to be strictly historical this is more for pagans wanting to work with him. There will be a lot of UPG or SPG)
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Anubis/Anpu/Inpu/Inpw (and some other spellings depending on where you look) :
-He is the jackal headed Egyptian god of mummification, funerary rites and a fierce protector of tombs and places where people are buried.
- a lot of stories have him as either the son of Nephthys and Set or the son of Nephthys and Osiris. I personally go by the mythology where he is the son of Osiris, then taken in by Aset and raised as an adopted son after the death of Osiris. He is fiercely loyal to his adopted mother and his father. As well as supportive of his half brother Horus (Heru-sa-Aset)
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What working with him is like
-He is a sort of Psychopomp deity for dead souls. Also in my experience can help bring you into meditations with other spirits safety (heโ€™s guided me to a few of the other deities I work with now)
- He is a fierce protector. Big guard dog energy. Doesnโ€™t usually have a huge temper until something threatens him or a follower of his.
-Most of the time heโ€™s a very calm and patient deity. He will give space when you need it, and also be around when you need him too. He tends to put in the effort that you do. But if you canโ€™t put in much effort heโ€™s patient (just quieter maybe if youโ€™ve backed away from him first)
- He is usually the first one to jump in to help when Iโ€™m going through something emotionally rough. It could be because he is my patron but I do feel like he is the type of deity to want to be there for, and comfort his followers/devotees.
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Offerings for Anubis
(These are the personal ones I use because they work for my own practice and lifestyle- feel free to share any of your own!)
- tigers eye
- obsidian
- onyx
- jet
- lapis lazuli
- red/brown goldstone
- labradorite
- Dalmatian jasper
- frankincense
- Egyptian musk scents
- Sandlewood
- Myrrh
- Tobacco
Food offerings
- Dark chocolate
- dark bread
- red wine
- water
Other physical offerings/associations
- dog statues/imagery
- ankhs
- wooden things/wood carvings
- jewelry with gold on it
- keys
- black candles
- gold candles
- brown candles
- the death tarot card
- the hanged man tarot card
- the emperor tarot card
Devotional offerings
- self care
- taking care of your own dog/a dog
- volunteer at dog shelters
- donate to animal shelters/rescues
- learn about him
- learn about the history of the pyramids and mummification
- draw him
- write poetry for him
- play music/dance/sing for him
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How to know if heโ€™s reaching out to you?
Best way to know is to confirm by tarot or your clairsenses if you have any. Or candle flame reading/other forms of divination.
If youโ€™re looking for signs heโ€™s popping up (this is rather morbid but so it goes with the god of mummification and decay) he tends to send roadkill to me. If you see a lot of extra roadkill on a drive to work/a regular route that isnโ€™t usually there. That could be a sign. (I like to ask him to help guide their souls somewhere nice whenever I see roadkill)
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I think heโ€™s an excellent deity for beginners and if you feel called to him Iโ€™d say go for it! I started with a simple candle dedicated to him and went from there!
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clovecinnamon ยท 7 months
Ancient Egypt
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Probably an unpopular take but you are fully in the right to tell entities/deities to fuck off if they make you uncomfortable/disrespect you.
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thrashkink-coven ยท 21 days
Im thinking a whole lot about Osiris, Ra and Horus. Like a lot a lot. My chest flutters when I think on their names. Horus the avenger of the Gods. Osiris conquerer of death. Ra ruler of Heaven and life.
I am very very new to my new found interest in Kemetic religion. I found myself absolutely devouring the Egyptian book of the Dead and becoming more and more deeply interested in these three, especially Horus. Now Iโ€™ve been seeing them everywhere, especially Ra and Horus, in random conversations, tv shows, and even other books.
I feel the strength and intense energy of Horus every time I say his name lately, I can feel his father Osiris looking out on us alongside his son, and I can feel the stinging eyes of Ra through the morning sun, feel it shifting throughout the day. Iโ€™ve never felt so strongly towards a sun deity before. I actually havenโ€™t felt this drawn towards energies like this since Lucifer. I found myself humming syllables of the name Atum Ra through my chest in the evenings as I watched the sun set.
Perhaps itโ€™s time to ask Mother Isis how to best honour her family.
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ihavetoomanyfandomstobesane ยท 2 months
I love all of my deities, they feel so comfortable in such different ways
Aphrodite is maternal, Iโ€™d say of my deities Iโ€™m the closest with her and I feel her presence most often, like a burst of praise
Sekhmet and I have a more chill, almost traditional relationship, but she is strong and fierce in her portrayal
Freyja feels almost like a much older sister or aunt, I feel most connections from her through nature
Apollo is goofy and loves to make jokes or enjoy mine, and the sun always reminds me of him
Selene, although our relationship is budding, is quiet but in a peaceful way, just like the moon
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kemeticdevotee ยท 2 months
Isis/Auset, Goddess of magic, motherhood and nature!
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Who is Isis
Isis, or in Egyptian Auset, is the Goddess of Magic, health, marriage, nature, motherhood, fertility, purification, and womanhood. She is the eldest daughter of the Earth God Geb and Sky Goddess Nut. She is the loving wife of Osiris, sister of Nepthys and Seth, and mother of Horus.
Her magic was believed to be so powerful that she could control fate and restore health to the sick. She also has many myths surrounding her, the most notable being the Osiris myth, where she brings her husband, Osiris, back to life after he had been killed by their jealous brother Seth. Another myth she plays an important role in is the Contendings of Seth and Horus, where she assists her son Horus in taking back the throne from Seth.
Isis is a goddess with many, many aspects and domains. Along with being a beloved Goddess of the Egyptians, the Romans and Greeks loved her too, and her cult lasted well into 500 AD, when the emperor Justinian I had her priests arrested.
She is a friend to slaves, sinners, the downtrodden, the protector of people in mourning, widows, orphans, children and single mothers, and she is a patroness of Artisans, weavers, and healers. She was also thought to be the mother of the King.
Her Symbols
Tyet knot/Isis knot ย ๐“Žฌ
Kite bird
Sparrows and swallows
Sycamore and Acacia trees
Red Jasper (symbolizing her blood)
Green scarab
The moon, lighthouses and the ocean (Roman Period)
Tyet knot which was used to prevent miscarriage
Gardenia, jasmine, iris, blue lotus, white lily, rose, saffron
bloodstone, moonstone, pearls, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, aventurine, red jasper, coral, carnelian
sweet wine, pomegranate wine, water, milk
pomegranates, honey, almonds, date figs, roast duck,
frankincense and myrrh incense
Acacia and Sycamore
Lady of the beautiful west
Queen of Heaven
Star of the Sea
Mother of the Gods
Lover of Silence
Keeper of Secrets
Auset the sufferer/mourner (Hebrew origin)
Face of Wisdom (Hebrew Origin)
Great Lady of Magic
Lady of Joy
She who mourns
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tiredwitchplant ยท 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli (The Sacred Stone of Wisdom and Power)
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Color: ย Deep blue flecked with gold
Rarity: Easy to obtain, can be expensive for high quality
Hardiness: 5.5
Type: Isometric/ Metamorphic
Chakra Association: Throat, Brow, Crown
Angels: Sahaqiel
Deities: Nuit, Venus, Isis, Sin
Astrological Signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn
Element: Water, Air
Planet: Venus
Origin: Afghanistan, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, USA, Italy, Egypt, Middle East, Chile
Powers: Amplification of Power, Reverse Baneful Magic, Connection to the Spirit World, Protection, Wisdom, Mental and Spiritual Blockage
Crystals It Works Well With: Phantom quartz and Purple Tourmaline
How It is Created: Lapis lazuli is a complex mineral made up of lazurite, pyrite, and calcite. The lazurite gives it its deep blue color (along with the sulfur thatโ€™s in its matrix), the pyrite gives it its golden veins, and the calcite gives it its white specks.
History: The name comes from the Latin word lapis, meaning stone, and the word lazuli which means blue. It was first mined in Afghanistan but it has existed even before then. The Egyptians used lapis lazuli in protective amulets and other jewelry. It was used famously by Egyptian nobility, even its powdered form being used as eyeshadow. Lapis lazuli is said to produce power and wisdom and is associated with the Egyptian goddesses, Isis and Nuit. Romans would ingest the powder in food and drinks as an aphrodisiac and it was also used as an antidote for poisons. It is said that the ring the angel gave King Solomon to control his demon legion of workers was made of lapis lazuli.
What It Can Do:
Open the third eye and balance the throat chakra
Stimulates enlightenment and enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journeys and stimulates personal and spiritual power
Releases stress, bringing deep peace
Protective stone that contacts spirit guardians
Recognizes psychic attacks, blocks them, and return the energy back to the source
Teaches the power of the spoken word and can reverse curses
Alleviates pain, especially with migraines
Overcomes depression, benefits the respiratory and nervous systems, cleanse organs and the immune system
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels such as: lack of purpose, disease, and depression
Encourages taking charge in your life
Can amplify powerful thoughts and stimulate higher faculties of oneโ€™s mind
Bonds relationships in love, friendship and aid in expressing feelings
How to Get the Best Out Of: With a lot of these visionary stones, I am always going to recommend a bracelet or necklace. Anything that is close to the bloodstream or heart will help the power of the stone connect to you best with these types of stones.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Using incenses or a singing bowl to cleanse lapis lazuli. Lay it on a clear quartz disc or bowl over night under the moon to recharge it. Do not put under the sunlight. It will discolor the stone. (I made this mistake and was heavily scolded by Isis afterwards)
Crystal Grid:
Healthy Body (Sacred Geometry: Metatronโ€™s Cube or Sri Yantra)
Mantra โ€œI trust my bodyโ€™s ability to heal itselfโ€
Center stone: Quartz sphere
Secondary Stones: Bloodstone, Carnelian, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz
Moon Phase: Dark Moon
Day: Saturday
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thesorceresstemple ยท 9 months
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galdurr ยท 3 months
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If you enjoy my art, follow me here are my socials: Insta: Blushing_Banshee TikTok: Blushing_Banshee
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