#ehhhh longer i look at this the more out of character it feels
mios-axe · 2 years
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Yandere Phantom Troupe with a s/o who gets friendly with other partners
Characters: Chrollo, Phinks, Nobunaga and Franklin
A/n: Ehhhh just a small thing. Brain fried from school and lack of proper sleep. Hope my HXH fixation stays strong for a while longer 😍 Also i think the writing is lowkey ugly but I think it's mostly the brain fog
Also wanted to do Uvogin but miss girl I really can't with ts rn... Btw I dont do Franklin I just like his character. ONE TIME THING OK 👌
Also in my ghosting era. Sorry moots I'm dying but bitch im alive but I'm dead 💔
Now what the hell do you think you're doing?
It's good to see that you're still capable of social interaction, but getting all buddy buddy with the other partners will make him extremely jealous.
His jealousy doesn't stem from his fear of them taking you away from him, it's purely because he thinks that HE should be the only one you spend your leisurely time with. Not some nobodies.
Chrollo is very straightforward and verbal in his expression of feelings. He will tell you to knock it off and stay near him for now on.
Maybe he will be more lenient when you talk to them from a distance.
Disobey and you will lose many privileges. It's not too often the troupe has meetings, so if there is a next time to prove yourself, (Assuming you've made up a lot for it and have obtained outside pleasures) you'd better either keep your head to the ground, or your eyes boring into his.
Eyes are the windows to the soul aren't they? Personally, Chrollo agrees with this sentiment. 
But if you're planning on escaping with the aid of that other partner, you better pray he takes some kind of psychological pity on you.
He WILL find out about it. Chrollo is a master manipulator and can read others out very well after some time.
Regarding that he has taken everything from you, he will know that you are keeping something from him.
It's not as if he didn't predict this, but it still dissapointed him.
Punishment is never tortuous, but it's direct and precise. Chrollo takes want he wants no matter how he gets it.
Sometimes you think of it as a blade hidden under his long sleeve. He closes in, saying things you wish not want to hear again, and strikes you in the most vital parts.
Literally does not care that much if you don't make a big deal out of it. Though, he does make sure you stay close and listens in to check you're not conspiring or anything. 
He will only get pissed if you seem really giddy after interacting with the other partner or if you keep looking around like an idiot for some kind of opportunity.
Somewhat playful about it. Phinks will tease you condescendingly, implying things you know you would be immensely punished for. 
Your terrified face and nervous defensive speech strokes his ego a lot. 
Yeah that's right, you're his. Only he works to make you that happy. Any other being trying to lure you into their untrustworthy hold will get their head spun around back and over. 
But if you're planning something against him, he will have no hesitation and will take you back home that instant.
Informs troupe members he encounters that he has personal business while dragging you out by your arm.
The boss is more understanding when it comes to partner business, so he approves of his actions.
Punishment is painful yet effective. The next time the Troupe meets up, you dare not to look at anyone else. Especially that other darling.
It seems like they were punished too.
Why the hell are you ruining everything for yourself? 
He's a very moody and emotional person. Seeing you enjoy yourself with that other person will make him extremely envious and agitated.
If you're REALLY enjoying it then things will take a turn for the worst.
Nobunaga will walk up to the two of you and intimidate the other partner. The yandere of that partner will most likely not take kindly to that, and they will start to have a verbal dispute. 
Chrollo will have to silence the two and might even toss a coin to decide what to do about the outburst.
When you two get home, you will be heavily interrogated. If you don't declare your very existence and devotion to your "relationship", then off to the lions you go.
Nobunaga always makes punishment personal; Insulting you and putting words in your mouth. Never leaves you alone and makes it a point to let you know how much you hurt him, and how bad he is going to hurt you.
But if you are simply having small talk, then Nobunaga will pull you aside and tell the yandere to keep their partner away from his lover. 
The yandere will most likely agree or wave off to his demands, and keep what's theirs to themselves.
His grip is swift and harsh. You feel like a brick in calloused hands waiting for an open opportunity.
Nobunaga doesn't think before he acts in social situations. His feelings take over and his sword swerves up and around, aimed towards person contradicting his own view.
He is greedy, not selfish. 
Safe to say that you now don't open your mouth at meetings anymore unless you're told to…
Eh as long as you're happy and not doing anything stupid.
He knows you need to talk to someone else other than himself. You are human after all.
Franklin will question you about your conversations. He secretly hopes you talked about him in a flattering light, but he knows that most likely was not a subject brought up.
Unless you want to get smart and start conspiring, you best not let him hear in on too much or find out.
Franklin is an observer and only acts when needed. His quiet and large stature is enough to intimidate most, so when he tells you he knows, confess and apologize as if you life depended on it.
He is a very patient, rational and calculating man, so he knows what you need when you need it.
It's better to stay docile rather than to mess up because you thought you could fool him. Did you think just because you found an easy way out, that you had even the slightest chance of keeping it a secret from him? Franklin of all people?
The man who is basically the troupe's second leader, the man who literally shoots nen bullets out of his hands, the man who could SNAP YOU IN HALF if he wanted to.
Punishment is not as bad as it would be if you actually did escape, but it still resulted in you being closed off to others much more than to him.
But other than that he doesn't mind you a few friends here and there. Just as long as you're loyal to him, he carries on without much issue.
Isn't the jealous type. More possessive.
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cometrose · 7 months
"Silk Flowers grow in pairs on small red bushes"
Other archon having twins
Zhobgli is suspicious
(Plus the god of eternity saying his story is not yet over)
“~twin where have you been~”
it’s still pretty interesting that Zhongli doesn’t have a ‘twin’
it is very clear one of the main themes of genshin is family especially between that of siblings (twins)
the traveler is the twin and all of the archons -the main characters of their respective regions have “twins”.
Venti has the nameless bard, Ei and Makoto, Nahida and Rukkhadevata, Furina and Focalors. These are characters that look identical but live very different lives.
A core part of each archon is their relationship with their respective twin. Ei struggled to move on after Makoto died, Rukkha was everything Nahida dreamed of being, Focalors made Furina play a part for 500 years. I am unsure of the dynamic of Venti and his bard but it’s pretty easy to assume he gave his life great meaning and considering he looks just like him he never could move or wanted to forget what he looked like.
So the fact Zhongli doesn’t have anybody with that kind of connection is really odd lol. I've complained so many times like “Zhongli!! where is your silly clone!” and he refuses to answer my calls. Rex Lapis is represented by silk flowers but they grow in pairs but where is Rex Lapis’ pair? Where is the moon to his beautiful sun???
Some people argue a more metaphorical twin for Zhongli is Rex Lapis/the Exuvia. The point of the Liyue archon quest was Zhongli stepping down from a role he has had for thousands of years and considering the way he talks about Rex Lapis/geo archon (he always refers to him in third person) I believe Zhongli sees him as a separate person entirely. So losing Rex Lapis was like losing his twin. Casting his exuvia aka body double on a crowd of people and burying Rex Lapis was Zhongli’s conclusion with his “twin”. He ended his reign and made peace with his life.
But at the same time I feel that interpretation is so ehhhh. Like all of the twins we’ve seen were their own person with their own thoughts and feelings. Like yeah furina and focalors were once the same person but that was no longer the case when focalors brought out the scissors and said act woman.
Let’s get venti and zhongli out of the way cause they are a little weird from the rest of the seven but we’ve never met “Rex Lapis” and then he doesn’t have a human form like the rest of them. We have talked or at least heard the voices of the “other twin” . We met rukkha, we heard makoto and neuvi let us see focalors.
A big part of the archons is their relationship with their other half but Zhongli’s stories most always focus on someone else-a different god a different entity there is just so little of what we know about him comes from his own mouth.
Besides when you look at the visual symbolism then all the archons are represented by the moon and shadows. They live in the shadows of the "twin" if almost haunted by them. They cannot live up to their glory or they are forced to be someone they are not. These 'twins' are the reason for our archon's (hell even the traveler's) existence and journey, it is why they continue forward until they eventually find new meaning in life.
However Morax is always represented by the sun and light, and you could argue that Zhongli is the moon to Rex Lapis’ sun but if you look as his symbols -his golden eyes, the golden light he uses to save xiao and his interactions with the people of Liyue he still holds that warmth.
Next the big revelation for Zhongli was his relationship with Liyue itself, not himself. We could argue that the existence of "Rex Lapis, The Geo Archon" was intertwined with that relationship but Zhongli's narrative is stepping down and taking his hands off Liyue not any personal struggle. If Liyue had failed his test he would've remained the geo archon for the foreseeable future.
That means, Liyue itself is more of his twin, it is something that plays a huge role in his identity and leaving it behind and moving forward is the core of his arc. It is Liyue that made Zhongli play the part of the geo archon, it is Liyue that made him turn on friend or foe if they were are threat, Liyue and its people are the motivation for everything Rex Lapis did. Morax’s love for his people defined every action that he did as the geo archon.
Long story short ehh if push comes to shove I can accept Zhongli's dragon clone as his twin but I would also argue against it because it doesn’t hold thematic weight that the other twins do!
In the end, we can still safely assume that zhongli’s twin has gone awol but then who are they!!! Each archon has a pair that is meant to parallel the relationship between our travelers Aether and Lumine but where is such a twin???
I've talked so much about Zhongli about everything but Ei mentions in her voice lines that she believes his story isn't anywhere finished. She even talks about him in Zhongli's teaser way back in 2020, "in his long life he has met countless people and shall meet countless more still. As they say: waters change course but mountains move not". Its kind of neat the god of eternity says your story isn't over
I may be a delusional zhongli stan but I don't think it is farfetched to say he is veryyy suspicious. We don't know his true form, we don't know the truth of his contracts, we don't know if he's hiding a twin, and the goddess of eternity herself believes his journey will continue forward.
Could he be missing a twin because he's not from Teyvat? What if he lost his counterpart a long time ago? What if we have simply not met Zhongli's twin and the two of them are separated from each other much like the traveler? I always believed Zhongli kind of crashed into Teyvat like a meteor or shooting star and that's why he's kind of weird but it could be possible that Zhongli's counterpart is just not here either long dead or with a different destiny.
Fun fact to add to Zhongli’s weirdness; Did you know Zhongli and Neuvillette are the only playable characters whose constellations are different from their character quest? Zhongli's constellation is Lapis Dei but his story quest is Historia Antiqua, much like Neuvillette's constellation is Leviathan Judicator but his story quest is called Diluvies. Which is weird cause Venti has the same constellation as Zhongli (Carmen Dei) but Venti's quests line up. Like is it a dragon thing but why?
Then most of the original archons croaked during the cataclysm and Venti went into a coma. How did Zhongli get out of the damn thing unscathed? Why didn't he lose his twin or die and shit?
I know in my soul Zhongli is hiding the secrets of the world in that pretty little head of his. He's just a bum and refuses to share it with the crowd.
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A/N ::: I've a bit of an aural-fixation. I love listening to audios. So sue me. And last night, I found one that was "Katsuki". Sleepy breathing, light snores, little grumbly sleepy noises, some kissing, "him" talking about how much he loves "listener" and I about died. I was laying there like, "Is this supposed to turn me on or put me to sleep?" And, my friends, I think the answer was a hard BOTH. Anyway, it just made me want to write something about my favs (and any of yours too!). Hope you guys like it.
C/W ::: F!reader, Sleepy sweet stuff turning into P->V, just grossly intimate. But hey, at least I didn’t go crazy using italics, eh? Ehhhh? 
Aged up characters.
These are just my thoughts on how these boys (YES I KNOW, "Men") would be in bed while you're laying together all hot under the covers on a winter's night. That got oddly specific.
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Something so simple as laying there, listening to the man next to you breathing.
You're wrapped in their arms, your legs are all twisted together under the covers and his mouth is pressed to the side of your head.
Muttering sweet nothings that turn you on more than they should. But you can't help it. The way his breath feels against your skin. Two hot forces meeting in the night. How he squeezes you a little tighter when he says how much he loves you and he'll never let you go.
The kisses that he's laying down against your cheeks that linger for just a bit longer than they should to be considered innocent. But not long enough to be anything more than what it is: A gentle show of affection.
How his voice gets deeper and deeper the more he feels you squirming against his body. And the deeper his voice gets, the more dry your mouth gets. So dry, that you're almost hoping he won't try to kiss your lips because your tongue is glued to the top of your mouth and you don't think you could pry it away without getting something to drink. But you don't want to ever leave his side. You imagine you could stay there forever. Water be damned.
And just as you think that, he whispers, "Do you need me to get you some water?" And you shake your head, because you don't want him to move, even for a second. "Are you sure?" he asks, and you nod, hoping he'll drop it.
But he doesn't. He untangles himself from your body and gets up, walking over to your bedroom door. "I'll be right back. I promise." And he steps out, leaving you cold and wanting.
You try not to pout as you wait for him to return, but you can't help it. You feel like a child who has been denied their favorite toy. But then, you hear him coming back, the sound of his bare feet padding against the floor getting louder and louder until he's back in the room.
He sits down on the bed next to you and hands you a glass of ice-cold water, which you take gratefully. You gulp it down quickly, the ice hitting your lips and teeth and making you shiver. You finish the water in a matter of seconds and hand the glass back, ready to snuggle back up against him.
But he doesn't lay down right away. Instead, he puts the glass on your nightstand and turns back to face you. "Can I kiss you?" he asks, and your stomach does a somersault because the way he says it is so innocent when the look he is giving you is anything but pure of intent. And since when does he ask if he can kiss you?
You nod, unable to form words, and he leans forward. His lips meet yours, and it's soft and sweet and just the slightest bit wet. You melt into it, and he pulls you closer to him. His tongue is on your lips, asking, and you let him in.
The kiss deepens, and you can feel his hands on your waist, pulling you onto his lap. He's hard, you feel it through his boxers. He pushes his hips against you, and you moan into the kiss.
He breaks the kiss and looks at you, his eyes dark with lust. "Y-yeah?" he asks, and you know what he's asking.
You nod, and he kisses you again, harder this time. He grabs you by the waist and lifts you up, laying you down on the bed beneath him. You gasp as he grinds his hips against you, and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth again. This time not asking to be let in but taking that first step on his own.
You reach up and grab his hair, tugging on it as he grinds against you. You can feel him getting harder, and you groan against his lips. He reaches down and pulls your shirt up, exposing your breasts, and he pulls back to look at you.
"God ... s'beautiful," he whispers, and you don't know if you're blushing from that or if you're red from all of it. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is that he's here with you, kissing you, touching you, and you can feel yourself getting wetter with every pass of his skin against yours.
He reaches down and grabs your pants, tugging them off and tossing them aside. He's got his own boxers off in a flash, and you can see he's ready to go.
He lines himself up with your entrance and slides in slowly, inch by inch. He's arched over your soft body, almost crooked across you, as he makes his way into you. Watching your face for any and all reactions you're giving him.
"Don't hide from me. I wanna see you, fuckin' needa see you."
He grabs your face and tilts your head up, forcing you to make eye contact with him. He thrusts deeper and deeper, and you cry out, unable to hold back your pleasure. He keeps going, his pace steady. Not in a hurry at all, and you can feel yourself getting closer and closer to tears.
It just feels so fucking good that you're going to cry about it. The intensity with which he's looking at you is the straw that broke the camels back.
You want to tell him it's too much. That the way he's looking at you like you're his own personal holy grail is too much. And you begin to wonder, in all of this closeness, how you got so lucky to have him.
"Hey, stay with me." He says, as the tears trickle down the sides of your face.
You nod. Running your hands from the top of his back to his ass, you grab onto him and raise your hips to take more of him.
At this point, it feels like a matter of sanity. That if he doesn't keep going, you're going to lose it. And he seems to understand, because he starts moving faster, harder, and you can feel yourself getting closer to the precarious edge he’s got you balanced on.
The sweet silence in the room has been broken by skin slapping against skin. Slow, metered breathing has turned into desperate gasps into each other's mouths.
They are the only oxygen you will ever need.
You cum, hard and fast, and you can feel him cumming right after you. He groans, his head falling against your shoulder. You can feel him twitch inside you as he cums, and you cling to him as you both use the other to ride out the waves of pleasure.
He collapses on top of you, panting and sweaty, and you wrap your arms around him, not wanting him to move an inch. You feel so safe in his arms, like nothing in the world could ever hurt you.
And you think to yourself that you would do anything to keep that feeling forever.
But you don't have to do anything. 
You can just lay here with him, in his arms, and feel the warmth of his body ... against yours.
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Draken, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Baji, Akkun, Megumi, Geto,Yuji, Nanami, Todo, Kirishima, Katsuki, Sero, Izuku, Aizawa, Shoto, Iida, Keigo, Gene, Levi, Jean, Connie, Reiner, Armin, Eren, Tengen, Rengoku, Sanemi, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Haganezuka, Akaza, Gyomei
And anyone else you wanna add to this list!!
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @millennialmagicalgirl
Special guest appearance ::: @sluttyshigaraki Wanted to tag you in this because we shared a brain cell recently. =)
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autistic-katara · 1 year
ok finally making that writing post-
hi! i’m Ryan, or Raines_Adopted_Son on AO3. i write fanfic (mainly angst) and my inbox/dms/ao3 comments r always open for requests, here are some guidelines:
fandoms i will write for: (keep in mind i join new fandoms all the time so if theres a fandom u want me to write that isnt here that u think i like just ask, i probably forgot to update it // will say next to the fandom if ive written for it before or not)
Stranger Things (written for it before)
The Spiderverse Movies (written for it before)
The Owl House (written for it before)
Nimona (haven’t written before)
PJO/Riordanverse (including mcga and tkc // written for it before)
ATLA (including lok/the kyoshi novels // written for it before)
Heartstopper/Osemanverse (haven’t written before)
Jackson’s Diary (written for it before)
Bungou Stray Dogs (haven’t written before)
The Dragon Prince (have written but never posted)
Derry Girls (haven’t written before)
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (haven’t written before)
Good Omens (haven’t written before)
stuff i enjoy writing/specialise in:
shortish one-shots (1k-2.5k words // i would like to write longer and/or multichapter stuff, this is just my current level)
heavier topics relating to mental health stuff (depression, eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal characters, etc.)
queer (specifically trans) stuff
stuff i feel uncomfortable writing/am unsure if i’m able to write it but wanna push my boundaries on: (aka send me requests but theres less of a chance i’ll write it)
nsfw stuff/smut
depictions of abuse (non-romanticised obv)
depictions of SA (specifically just the recovery tho, i am NOT writing non-con)
longer fics
multichapter fics
pure fluff (idk if i’m able to write smthn w/o angst 😭)
stuff i will not write: (do not ask me to write this stuff :))
nsfw/smut of characters under the age of 15 (that being my current age // still kinda iffy abt characters 15-17 but yk)
stuff that romanticises things like SA or abuse
any ships where both a) at least one of the characters is a minor and b) the age gap is canonically 3 years or more (emphasis on canonically, looking at u punkflower antis)
other stuff i wasn’t sure how to fit in:
when it comes to depicting types bigotry or hate or whatever theres some stuff i feel comfortable including and some stuff i dont (obviously in a non-romanticised way as just like part of what a character experiences):
homo/transphobia, i’m fine with including this, i am queer + trans and feel like i could sensitively depict those topics.
racism/xenophobia, i dont rlly feel comfortable writing abt this stuff given that i’m white i rlly dont think id be able to write that stuff properly like at all.
ableism/saneism, depends on the type tbh, maybe subtle ableism to an autistic character (i am autistic) and casual ableism to a chronically ill character (i am chronically ill) but other than that ehhhh
antisemitism, while i am Jewish and have experienced it myself, for personal reasons i’m not comfortable writing stuff including it, even if its subtle and not a big thing (other kinds of religious discrimination i wont write simply cause idk enough about allat and dont wanna be insensitive abt it)
thats all i could think of for that one but next thing: i dont like AUs. its not like i hate them or anything, and if i time traveled to the future and found out i learned to love them i would be ecstatic since thats more fics for me, but for some reason i just don’t enjoy reading/writing them (excluding canon divergence, i wouldn’t mind writing a fic with canon divergence // didn’t wanna put this in the hard-no section cause again its not like they’re smthn i hate or am disgusted by or anything, i just don’t find them appealing)
also if u dont know what i ship/what ships id be ok w/ writing just ask, a couple of them should be clear based on what i rb/post tho lmao (still if u gotta ask, ask)
anyways yeah thats all i could think of for now, i probably forgot smthn important so i might edit this later + lmk if u have any questions srsly id love to answer :)
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poof346 · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie: A Rollercoaster Ride of Thrills (spoilers inbound)
So, last Sunday I finally got around to watching The Super Mario Bros. movie in theaters. I feel like I should preface my thoughts by giving a summary of my history with Mario as a series. When I was a kid, my family got a Wii around 2007, and I played a bunch of Mario Strikers and the Galaxy duology with my sibling. I got a DSi sometime afterwards and played a bunch of the first New Super Mario Bros., SM64DS, and Mario Party DS. From there, I eventually went on to play...pretty much every platformer this dude has starred in, alongside the mountain of spin-offs. Needless to say, I feel qualified to talk about how much I fucking loved this movie on nearly every front as a representation of the series.
Do I think it was great as a film? Ehhhh, not necessarily, the pacing was a little fast due to how Illumination writes their films and I think a longer runtime might've helped them flesh out certain interactions more. But I only really noticed these flaws when reflecting on what I saw at home. In the moment, I was overcome by a feeling of childlike joy and wonder at almost every scene, seeing every element I love about Mario on the big screen. The colorful world and art design, the beautiful and upbeat music, the kinetic and fluid platforming action...all of it. Pretty comparable to how I felt when I watched Sonic 2 in theaters, funny enough.
That said, I'm not really interested in comparing the two films against each other to see which is better. I got a similar level of enjoyment from both and can accept they're going for different approaches, while also wishing they would've made some improvements. This is solely about the Mario movie on its own, which I feel already gives me plenty to talk about. So, I wanna start with my negatives first so I can get to everything I loved in an uninterrupted burst.
As I alluded to before, my main issue was the pacing. Particularly, I think the speed at which scenes moved caused some character arcs to feel a little undercooked, like with Donkey Kong. The movie wanted a moment where Mario and DK realize they're not too different in chasing after approval from their fathers, but this exchange gets like, 30 seconds dedicated to it before they're back into action. I understand that as a kid's movie, it's probably preferred by the staff to have a high volume of fun stuff on screen to keep the kids entertained, but I always feel like Illumination struggles with a good balance.
While this is a much smaller issue in comparison, I also wish the soundtrack had remained entirely original without the licensed songs. Mario has a very particular kind of sound that these song choices didn't quite fit with, plus it meant that they took the place of original tracks written for the movie. There was also the case of songs lifted directly from the games, like the DK Rap and Fury Bowser's theme, where the original composers weren't credited for their work. Proper credit is generally a big issue with productions like these, so I wouldn't say it was surprising to see, I was just a little disappointed.
That's about my main issues out of the way, now for the fun part.
Most immediately striking, this is a gorgeous-looking movie, but that's something I had no doubts about going in. If nothing else, Illumination has proven to me they know how to make visually appealing films. However, I need to give special credit to the artists and animators for capturing the look and feel of Mario's world so perfectly in every detail. The blocks, the hills, the girders, the karts, everything is colorful and exactly how I wanted it to be. Plus, the scenes of action have great kinetic energy that matches the platforming you'd do in Mario games, they were all fun to watch.
The music is also a particular highlight for me. I feel like a lot of video game movie adaptations don't properly pay tribute to the soundtracks of what they're adapting, so hearing all these iconic Mario tracks seamlessly fitting into scenes is a treat. And of course, Bowser's piano ballad about Peach, absolute classic already. I would've been very upset if they didn't use the casting of Jack Black as Bowser for a musical number.
Since I mentioned casting, I'll also address the voice cast for the main characters. While I'm still not totally on-board with the practice of celebrities taking voice acting roles, they did pretty well! My personal highlights were Charlie Day as Luigi and Jack Black as Bowser, they really fit those roles. And yes, I did actually warm up to Chris Pratt as Mario. Honestly, the commercials must've had something out for him, the takes they selected didn't give a proper impression of his voice throughout the movie (and some weren't actually used, like the "Mushroom Kingdom, here we come" line).
In general, I would say the Mario movie was a great experience as a first watch! I compared it to a rollercoaster ride in the title for a reason: it was exciting and fun in the moment, but there's also not a lot to analyze in terms of story or anything like that. The mixed reception from critics does make sense to me after seeing it, since if you don't have the prior attachment to the Mario franchise, would probably feel like a lot of spectacle with little substance.
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
The Boys for fandom ask ^_^
OOOO this one's gonna be fun! | [send me a fandom]
The first character I first fell in love with: frenchie... obsessed with his energy and i love where his character arc is going tbh (and very disappointed to learn his actor was part of the iof and still defends them).. he always finds himself in situations and looks good while doing it
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: black noir. well. pre-season 4 black noir (keeping that vague for spoiler reasons; though i will say i am. curious. what's going on there). he was just kinda. there?? and didn't have a lot going on but once that arc began to pick up in season 3 and we learned more about his background?? oh my god. i love him so much. he's probably my fave of the bunch.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: the deep 😔 he has lovable moments but i cannot forgive him for what he has done to a certain former seven member. that kinda stuff will immediately turn me off from a character regardless if there's a genuine growth from it or not. and in his case... ehhhh.
The character I love that everyone else hates: i don't think there is one like. black noir is hella popular iirc. and i haven't seen enough about sage to say if people love or hate her? obsessed with her vibes though. i really cannot wait to see what she ends up doing because??? there is so much going on.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: i don't not love him necessarily but hughie is just kinda. there. now. idk how to say it but i'm just not? as excited by his involvement in things as i was earlier on in the series??? especially considering how he was practically following butcher off the bridge during season 3. i wanna know what halted that train so suddenly (esp with the temp v subplot like he was just as in it as butcher iirc)
The character I would totally smooch: frenchie and kimiko and colin. i want in on whatever is happening in that love triangle 💕
The character I’d want to be like: ough... hard answer but ig starlight / annie? moreso the annie side of her. obvs everyone in that bunch has their flaws, but i really do admire how she wants to help people and struggles with the putting herself out there and maintaining her personal sense of identity aspect of it. like. the arc of having this persona, watching it be shredded apart, and slowly returning to it because you realize that despite everything it's still you?? god. it hits.
The character I’d slap: the deep 😌
A pairing that I love: i know i like just ragged on hughie but i genuinely do love/did love the relationship he had with starlight. they seemed really like. healthy. for each other. more or less. they obviously had their issues, but it was like one of the healthiest things in the series JFLKAJFLSDJF. they both genuinely grew into themselves through it and i just. it's sweet.
A pairing that I despise: i don't know a lot of the ships but i vaguely remember seeing some homelander/noir stuff and i'm like 🤨🤨🤨 bc i don't... get it. they were close, sure, but i just. i feel like even without knowing the truth(tm) behind homelander's being (even though he very much did and did confess to that) but like... their personalities are so. similar. and i feel like that, on top of knowing the truth, would just be. weird. i read their closeness more as noir trying to prevent homelander from becoming another soldier boy (which uh... hm. task failed successfully?)
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snowdust64 · 5 months
Ouma Great War Chronicles - Episode 6: Number One Pupil Both in Name and in Reality
Narrator:  In the ongoing investigation of the Case of Demon Madness, Kaida asked his assistant, Tsubaki Hinata, to help him with his own research.
scene:  Bureau Research Department
Kaida:  I’d like you to help me with my research.
Hinata:  Eh… Ehhhh!? Me… with Kaida-senpai’s research!? Seriously?
Kaida:  Mn. Though after the research for the bureau plus your individual research, adding mine as well… I get the feeling you’ll end up quite busy.
Hinata:  Oh no, I don’t mind at all! If anything it’s a wish come true! I’m really so happy. I- I…!
Kaida:  Ehh, don’t cry. Aren’t you my number one pupil? Albeit self-proclaimed.
Hinata:  Uuhuu, yes sir… Please allow me to lend my cooperation! If I can be of service to you, I’ll pour all my heart and soul into it!
Kaida:  Thanks. Then, once again, I look forward to working with you.
Hinata:  Yes sir!
scene reset (same place)
Hinata:  For this, if I do this here… No, but then…
Kaida:  Hinata, it’s about time…
Hinata:  Will it work if I put it like this? But, on the other end, this part won’t line up…
Kaida:  O─oi.
Hinata:  Alright, it worked. Then, this part will connect, so…
Kaida:  Hinata!
Hinata:  Waah!? Ka- Kaida-senpai!
Kaida:  What an intense focus, as always. It’s about time to close up, you know?
Hinata:  Wah… Is that right? Nn – no wonder my shoulders are so stiff.
Kaida:  Thanks for your work on analyzing the Treasure Chests of Lunacy. You can hang up for today.
Hinata:  Thank you. But, please let me keep going a little longer! I’m really enjoying this right now!
Kaida:  I can see that by looking…
Hinata:  It’s even more than you think!  For a researcher like me who barely made it into the Bureau to be working with an amazing person like you, I’m already very happy, but now… On top of being able to review research, I can even help with your research! It really is like a dream!
Kaida:  Geez, I always say this, don’t I? You underestimate yourself too much. Just a short while ago, you showed me your research on jutsu inspired by ancient texts. That was very well done too. Or rather, frankly, I was surprised by the perspectives and ideas that I couldn’t have come up with myself.
Hinata:  Eh, th-that’s…
Kaida:  I’ll say this as many times as it takes, you are unmistakably an exceptional researcher. Not only do you have the knowledge and skills, but also the right character for it. Even in the middle of work, you’d endlessly research things outside your work purview. People like you are pretty rare to come by.
Hinata:  Uu… uuuu, thank you so much. To be told something like that, I’m so happy!
Kaida:  Because it’s the truth. Certainly, you’re not the type to stand out, and there are things you’re missing sometimes… But that’s exactly why I can’t let you out of my sight, and that part of you could be called cute.
Hinata:  Ka- Kaida-senpai ─ !
Kaida:  Anyway, you really do have the abilities, and you’re interesting as a researcher, so have some more confidence in yourself. For this joint research, I’d be glad if it serves as a good experience for you even in some small way.
Hinata:  Eheheh… thank you very much. You’re the only one who sees me that way. Immediately after I joined the research department, you were also the one who reviewed the first paper I wrote.
Kaida:  Was I?
Hinata:  Yes. Until then, my own research had never been reviewed by someone else, so it made me really happy! When I was given the position as your assistant, I was dancing around like crazy from the moment I got home!
Kaida:  Ehh, to that extent?
Hinata:  To that extent! With this soaring momentum, I’m aiming to take the title of Kaida-senpai’s number one pupil. Since you asked me to help with your research this time, I can take that to mean I’ve become your number one pupil in both name and in reality, right?
Kaida:  My goodness, can’t help it then…
Hinata:  Yay ─ !! Thank you so much! From now on, my passion will be even stronger, and on top of that, it will motivate me to be of service to you, Kaida-senpai! Then, I’ll keep  working on this a little longer and then go home! I can lock up, so please take your leave anytime.
Kaida:  Okay, okay. Just don’t focus too narrowly on one thing.*
Hinata:  Yes sir! Otsukare-sama! Alright, let’s do this!
Kaida:  (I said “can’t help it,” but since quite a while ago I’d already recognized you as my number one pupil… But that’s too darn embarrassing to say out loud.)
scene change
Narrator:  A few days later ─
Nagao:  So this is where a Treasure Chest of Lunacy will be placed…
Genzuki:  Mn, it can’t be wrong.
Kaida:  There’s a sort of unsettling presence around here. Let’s move without lowering our guard.
Translation notes
*  The idiom here literally means ‘Don’t pack too many roots together.’
0 notes
emblemxeno · 2 years
Hello again.
Sorry to bother you with this topic again, but i reread the 11-part long fates criticism post on reddit, and found so much shit wrong with those posts i could no longer resist the temptation to write a counter-essay pointing out everything wrong with it and posting it to the fe subreddit (rip what little karma i had).
I'm in the middle of writing it now, and one of the parts i'm having issues with is the last one, where OP claims the themes of the game to be family, war being bad, and finding the truth, and giving reasons as to why the themes are poorly done (family is bad because BR doesn't explore Corrin's relationship with the Hoshidan sibs enough, war bad is poorly done and SOMEHOW also somewhat pro-war due to Hoshido's moral superiority over Nohr and Corrin being "absolved of any and all wrongdoing during CQ", and finding truth being bad due to Azura knowing the truth all along).
As expected, i have a LOT to say about those arguments, especially the second one, but i also want to add a little extra to the essay by pointing out what the actual themes of the game are and doing so with evidence from the plots of each route (no supports or other such side material unfortunately, he barely touches on those in the other posts and i don't think it'd be fair of me to use that as evidence when he doesn't bring it up himself in the segment i'm talking about).
Issue is, i kinda suck at thematic analysis and don't truly know what the themes of the game are, even after looking through the scripts of the routes again.
Which is why i wanted to ask you: what would you say the main thene of each route and/or the game as a whole is, and could you give examples of them being estabilished/developed throughout the plot(s)?
I know this is a complicated question, and i'm completely fine with it if you don't feel like answering, especially since my main point will be dissecting why his arguments are bad, with the thematic analysis being more of a bonus.
So anyway, I started writing and I couldn't stop, sooooo... yeah. I hope you don’t mind me posting this public, because I wanted to share my brain mumbo jumbo with others too haha. Thanks for the ask! And feel free to take from this what you will, it's not like I'm going back to Reddit, I hate it there lol.
For starters, all of what I've written under the cut isn't me trying to say that the topics that the OP of that thread aren't major pieces in Fates' story, but... ehhhh. The family aspect is definitely prominent, but I wouldn't say its a theme per se. It's more a tool to drive the dramatic and tragic moments of the plot. Theoretically, you could replace the sibling aspect with "really cool childhood friends" and you wouldn't lose a thing if it was written well enough. The royals being Corrin's siblings just takes less work, because family dynamics are more readily and easily understood (even when they're dysfunctional) with comparably minimal explanation.
'War Is Bad' isn't a theme either IMO, cuz objectively there's positives to come out of warfare for both Nohr (resources) and Hoshido (defense against attacks so they don't have to step out of their isolationist bubble). It's really only Corrin and the litte sisters who push that aesop, but that's because it's part of their characters. Truth seeking is also not a theme in my eyes, it's more a catalyst for things to happen. Like the OP said, Azura has all the answers so finding the truth is a pretty shitty theme. But in that case, why not work backwards? If Truth Seeking doesn't work as a theme, consider then if it's even meant to be a major theme at all. That's what I did, and it led to me to think, no, not really. Azura exposits the truth because it's another way she supports the leader, Corrin, and it helps him and the story at large develop the actual themes meant to be conveyed.
But anyway, back to the topic at hand.
Using He/Him for Corrin, the rest is under the cut!
For Birthright, I'd say the big theme of that route is "Trust and Belief in your allies/friends". From the start, Corrin's trust and faith in people gets tested: Does he believe Silas' words when he says they were childhood friends? He chooses to do so, and it works out. Yay!
From then on though, that faith is shaken with what happens with Zola. True, Corrin's words and actions did shake Zola's core a bit given his words to Garon, but he still betrayed the party and ruined Corrin's plans to end the war early.
This theme is given the spotlight later during the Ice Tribe chapter, during Ryoma's talk with Corrin about it. This hardens Corrin's resolve in choosing not to doubt his friends anymore, leaning into his strength rather than worrying about the risks all the time. This initially burns him with Flora, but it helps win the day with Takumi getting over his possession.
Being more broad, you could put it under a general "The Value of Human Relationships" as well, in order to include the copious moments where Azura's connection and companionship with Corrin takes the spotlight when discussing her powers and the dangers that come with overusing them. This can also include the tragic aspect of Birthright, where the Nohrian siblings' family dynamic is ruined because of Corrin's choice, something that Birthright's story hammers in a lot, especially in regards to Elise; the value of the relationships that Corrin had with the Nohr royals is sullied, pushed into a place of destruction, culminating with Camilla outright saying in BR's epilogue-in the JP version at least-that her feelings towards Corrin and his actions are mixed.
For Conquest, I'd say the main themes are "Where Justice Lies" and "Moral Convictions".
Corrin has a clear and well established moral compass: he fights if necessary, but will always, always do his utmost to find an alternative to war and killing. Can he disarm them? Can things be talked out? Can he deceive ally and foe alike?
This compass gets put to the test during this route. Quelling the Ice Tribe rebellion his own way works out, but fighting against the Hoshidan soldiers and royal family puts him on edge. He can avoid death and conflict to the best of his ability during the Sanctuary and Macarath battles, but innocent lives are put in danger in Nestra, and despite Leo's efforts, Corrin is still uneasy.
Hence the moral question Corrin offers himself during chapter 15: Should he have not joined Nohr, considering all the pain he is enabling by doing so?
Learning the truth that Azura reveals drives the point home further: Corrin now has knowledge of this demon infesting Garon, that's causing all of this wanton destruction. And yet, he does not have the power to rebel. As the story goes on, he no longer has the option to mitigate damage as much as he wants to, either. Is the justice he's fighting for-expunging the demon he now knows of-worth the sacrifice of another kingdom's peace? Corrin even breaks down over this dilemma eating away at him during the Wind Tribe chapter, where he is overcome with emotion at the thought of being seen as a worthy hero despite his actions.
(Fighting for his own justice also relates to Xander, a character who initially thinks justice is a fairy tail nonindicative of the real world, but later comes to terms with being a king who maintains the justice he believes in. I can't talk about Conquest's themes without mentioning Xander heheh.)
For Revelation, I wish I had better words to describe it, but something along the lines of "Be who you are/be true to yourself."
Rev in itself deals a lot with Corrin's personal growth as the definitive leader of the campaign (as opposed to BR or CQ where he's kind of joint-leaders with Ryoma or Xander, respectively) This growth has to deal with being his authentic self, relying on his strengths, cementing his convictions, not putting himself down or giving up.
The branch of fate kind of does this in a very neat meta way, IMO. Corrin can't betray his convictions to side with one family against the other, and seeks to solve things without conflict. While Xander and Ryoma scoff at this and proceed to fight anyway, notice how they only target each other and not Corrin. This is because Corrin remains true to himself by choosing diplomacy first.
However, Corrin then steps out of his realm of expertise. Sure, he's an objectively talented fighter, but he's still inexperienced and doesn't like warfare in general. By taking Azura's advice and trying to attract Ryoma and Xander's attention by taking out their subcommanders, instead of getting the result he wanted, Corrin instead earns the ire of his elder brothers. (As an aside, this also goes to provide an in story example of why Azura isn't a leader type, something she herself says later on. Her calculated strategies don't take into account the emotional aspect of conflict, which fits into her established character of being standoffish and stoic. She's meant to be a supporter, both in-game and in-story.)
What do Ryoma and Xander say of Corrin after he does this? They declare him a traitor, hellbent on being an enemy of both kingdoms. They can't understand why Corrin would attack them like that, and are so incensed by Corrin presumably doing such a 180 on his character that they think malicious madness is the only cause.
It's why it's not Corrin's martial prowess that gets Ryoma and Xander to stop fighting in chapter 13 (you're very much encouraged NOT to fight them given how damn busted their stats are, after all). It's Azura's song and Corrin's words that calm the brothers down and have them begin to realize that Corrin means what he says and is the same brother they know and love. (Something that the other siblings-Sakura, Camilla, and Elise especially-say in very similar terms!!!) Azura creates opportunity for peace through revealing truth and her song, not her leadership. Corrin uses said opportunity to spread his cry for peace and unity, because they are a leader whose strengths lie in believing in people and relying on his friends.
This all comes to a head during the the times when Corrin tries to take all the responsibility unto himself, putting his life at risk in doing so. He attempts to tell the party of Valla because he himself still doesn't believe in his strength as a leader, and tries to pass off the role to Ryoma and Xander. The brothers reject this idea, because it was Corrin's leadership, not theirs, that brought the party together. This comes up again with the Anthony debacle, where Corrin again tries the same thing-taking all the problems onto himself-and has to get the point definitively hammered into him: Your biggest weakness is also your greatest strength. Be true to yourself, and we'll always support you in times of need.
Corrin developing like this makes them the leader that he always was, he just didn't know it until then. It's why as time goes on, I have less of a problem with Corrin leading Valla, because thematically? It works! He pushed back against the cycle of warfare that Nohr and Hoshido-and his families by extension-offered him, and ended it by being true to his moral convictions (like Conquest) and relying on his strengths, that being believing in people (like Birthright). Corrin proves that he's a leader capable of leading Valla out of its ruined state, with the help from his brothers that he'll never shy away from asking for again.
Sorry again if this was a lot, Fates just brings out the analyst in me haha. 
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shoichee · 4 years
part 4: hcs dedicated to reactions: seirin (their precious lil manager going out with that scissor-wielding emperor bastard!?) and rakuzan (their captain was in love with that girl who cussed at him near the vending machine?!? ITS SO FUNNY) ++ angst where akashi gets jealous of readers teammates (IZUKI kuroko kagami furi... but mostly izuki bc point guards with eye powers) because he still feels bad about what happened and thinks he doesnt deserve her -- teiko anon
OUR LEGENDARY TEIKO ANON HAS SPOKEN OF AN EPILOGUE, alright y’all the finale FINALE 🧘🏻‍♀️ OKAY, i don’t think I hammered too hard on the angst, but enjoy the fluff and subtle crack😌
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OOH, looks like another anon wants a pt. 4! :0 Since it is primarily the Teiko anon’s request, I will be prioritizing the first request, but I will combine a few aspects of this request to make a fuller headcanon epilogue! Hope everyone enjoys this! part 1 here // part 2 here // part 3 here
Akashi x Reader
Part 4: Epilogue
[Teiko!manager Headcanons]
in the aftermath of the Winter Cup, your relationship with Akashi has certainly gotten much better, and dare you say, more intimate and romantic; though you were still healing a bit from the emotional scars from Teiko, they seemed to be going away faster than you realized, especially when everyone gathers for Kuroko’s birthday party
you were with Seirin, helping with the decorations and setting up the plates before Kuroko comes in the evening, but what no one expected was for him to bring in the GoMs
YOU’RE SHOOK AND YOU’RE BASHFUL SEEING AKASHI IN HIS WINTER ATTIRE, you’re getting MAD butterflies, but no one seems to notice because everyone’s attention is on the GoMs and Kuroko
of course Akashi was scanning the room for you first, and you immediately look away from his affectionate stare because you were still not used to the old Akashi, let alone his sweeter side for only you
Izuki notices how quiet you got and nudged your ribs with his elbow before telling a stupid pun… the thing is, you were one of the few people who genuinely found his jokes funny LOL
Akashi widens his eyes, staring at you laughing so unabashedly, and he feels really, really bad that he never got that level of a reaction from you whenever you were with him even despite knowing you for longer
now as the party goes on, Akashi is seeing your dynamics with Seirin for the first time and he’s just really grateful that you found an amazing support group during your low times; he’s not particularly someone to get jealous, but he’s getting a BAD case of FOMO because he’s thinking of all the “what-if’s” and all the times he could’ve made you happy and stress-free
“Ah… yes?” Akashi snaps out of his daze to see a mild smirk coming from Kuroko on his right side, and Kuroko was about to ask a question about who he was looking at before a shout of “Watch out!” and a ceramic plate came FLYING across the table to hit the Rakuzan captain square on his face
see, he could’ve easily dodged it, and he supposed that it’s his fault for not paying attention and dodging on time
thankfully, the plate didn’t break because Kuroko caught the plate before it reached the floor and placed it back on the table
Akashi still has a bruise or two on his face though… and ngl, everyone gulped when they saw him checking out the injuries with a handheld mirror, ready to get their ankles broken
you were so worried over his safety, he finds it really endearing… but he wants to elicit an expression other than looks of worry or tears or anger (flashback to when you cussed him out)
“Wait, but (y/n)...” Koganei said. “Since when were you so close to Akashi that you didn’t hesitate to touch his face?”
a few moments of silence for everyone to register his words
everyone is throwing QUESTION after QUESTION at the two of you, and Akashi just has a neutral face with his mouth parted while you were so embarrassed LMAO
Kise being a real best friend, tells them:
“Alright, alright, everyone! Let’s not forget about the birthday boy! Kurokocchi should be the center of our attention today!”
“Kise, that’s…”
“Anywho! Let’s light up the cake and find those party poppers…”
after the party though, when you all return to school, Seirin was READY to jump on you for interrogation, and you do reluctantly tell them that you and Akashi are a tentative couple
Riko: “SERIOUSLY? I mean… that’s kinda cute though…”
Hyuuga: “I mean… yeah, as long as you’re happy, it’s none of my business.”
Teppei: “I hope he treats you well, (y/n)-san.” and of course he gives you his signature head pats
Furihata, Tsuchida, Kawahara: “??????????????????? But why?”
Koganei: “Huh, guess that explains a lot.”
Kagami: “???????????? pt. 2 LMAO” and also “What do you even see in him?” in genuine curiosity
Izuki: “ I guess you two dove into this relationship without hesitation, eh? Get it, get it? Because doves are a symbol of lo—”
“Izuki, shut the fuck up.”
“It means that you love (Ai)kashi—” [Ai means love]
Kuroko simply pretends that this is the first time he’s heard of you dating Akashi, and he gives you his heartfelt congratulations, and as long as Kuroko approves of it, you feel like you’re on the right track (he’s such a good judge of character!)
you and Akashi actually live VERY far apart, considering that your schools are equally just as far in distance, but that being said, for our rich boy Akashi, distance isn’t much of a problem when he can easily find ways to come visit any time
he can also pay for your transportation to visit Rakuzan if you ever felt like visiting him too (although, you insist to pay for your own things, but he’s not having it because he says it’s a treat for him to see you too)
whenever Akashi stops by the Seirin campus to visit, he’s just kind of awkward standing there like the prince that he is, waiting for the perfect opportunity to walk in, but every time, he’d ALWAYS notice how you’re so happy being with everyone here, especially with Izuki, and his guilt just comes back full force again
he wonders if this was right of him to date you when there’s so much people who can easily do a better job in getting you to smile and be completely yourself, especially since he’s been the source of your anguish for all these months (maybe even a year or two if he was counting the duration of your entire crush on him that you assumed to be unrequited)
“Seijurō!” your voice rang out, beckoning him to walk towards you and the group
all of the Seirin teammates are so wary of him, and are all hyper aware of his movements LOL, and Kuroko is just like “hi, you’re back” very casually
Kagami uses this as a chance to challenge a one-on-one on Akashi
Kagami gets destroyed in a few minutes flat
the whole time you’re just watching Akashi with heart eyes, unbeknownst to him while he was focused on Kagami
after the interrogation and Akashi passing the “first stage” of acceptance, you and him find time to have a cute date at a local shopping district to walk around and sightsee
Akashi finds it fun, he really did, but there’s a part of him that thinks you’d have more fun with people who know you better… a.k.a. Izuki, or legit any other Seirin member
he’s visibly distracted by his own thoughts, and you wave a hand to his face, asking if this was too boring for him
“No, no, of course I’m enjoying this with you,” he muses, putting a gentle kiss to your temple. “Shall we get moving?”
“Something’s bothering you isn’t it.”
“No,” he chuckles, giving a gentle smile, but you only frown at him… once again he sees that you weren’t smiling at him
“I’m serious Sei, I want to get to know the real you,” you softly chastise, pinching his cheek. “So I also want you to speak your mind around me.”
“Oh ho… I see that your boldness is still very present here,” he says in referring to your touch.
“Oh my god, can you drop it already? That’s so embarrassing—I cussed you out one time… hey don’t change the subject!”
“Hmm…” he hums for a bit before he comes clean. “I’m afraid that I might not be the right person to be worthy by your side after hurting you for so long.”
“... What makes you think that?” He hesitates, for the first time, not being so sure of himself and his emotions; he immediately thinks of Izuki and your good chemistry with him but dismisses the thought
“... I just do not think I’m capable enough to make you happy.”
“But you are. I’m very giddy to be with you right now.”
“Even happier than when you are with… your teammates?”
“I apologize,” he hurriedly says. “They are your friends. I was out of line to question them.”
“No, no, it’s okay. Talk it out to me.” He’s uncharacteristically quiet as you both continue to walk and browse through the shops, and you carefully watch Akashi while he’s examining a few souvenirs on the display, patient for him to continue talking
“... the point guard.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Seirin’s point guard.”
“Izuki-kun? What about him?”
“While I’m aware that you only spend your time with him as a good friend… I want to spend just as much of a koala-ty time with you whenever we have the chance.”
he... says this with the straightest face, and you’re utterly confused before you saw some animal plushies on the store window, and the the koala plush, and then the cogs started turning in your head
“... Did you just say a pun?”
“Was it not sufficient?”
a few moments of silence pass and Akashi thinks he did something wrong because he wanted to make you smile (HELP poor captain), before you break into hysterics
between your fits of broken laughs and wheezes, you managed to ask if he was jealous of Izuki, to which he wholeheartedly kept denying until you wouldn’t stop being persistent
you reassure him over and over that he doesn’t need to act like Izuki to make you happy, but it was a pleasant surprise to see Akashi crack a “joke” nonetheless
he’s a bit new to the concept of dating and is still quite unsure of how to navigate this PLEASE GIVE HIM TIME
the date that day was a success (some of the Seirin teammates TOTALLY weren’t spying on you mid-date or anything…)
while Seirin is okay with you dating, visiting Rakuzan ALONE with the scary-ass captain and his “CROONIES” (hint: the rest of the team LMAOO) IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY
RIKO AND HYUUGA are just like:
“What’s wrong with him coming here to visit you? Why do you gotta do the effort to visit him?”
“Uh… because I want to…”
“Yes, but who would you call to help over if something wrong happens? You’d be too far!”
“Uh, Akashi can help me if something happens.”
“With what, his scissors?” Kagami gives a deadpan look, and everyone turns to look at him in utter confusion LMAOOO like what does this redhead mean by SCISSORS???
Kuroko immediately jabs Kagami’s sides to silence him and smoothly changes the conversation before anyone asks any more questions about the “scissors” and potentially make them more reluctant to let you go
oh Kuroko, being the mediator and negotiator as always, trying to set some safety protocols for you to follow before everyone finally agrees to let you go see the infamous team alone
you know, Teppei is honestly just like, “Just go! Don’t worry about our (y/n) too much!”
Furihata is so concerned for your safety for valid reasons, but you reassure him that you won’t “die from the trip,” and no, this wouldn’t “be the last time” they’d see you before you leave
so when you stopped by Rakuzan’s gym after school after looking at the online maps, Hayama lets out a screech of terror before he starts pointing at you and calling you the “crazy ass chick” who tried to have a first-row seat ticket to death LOL
Hayama’s commotion brought everyone else’s attention to you, and Akashi was very surprised to see you all the way here
but he’s just standing at the back to watch how his teammates are reacting to you
Reo is the guy who would welcome you very warmly and would introduce you to the other team members who aren’t the starters, and he would actually ask if you were okay from last time
Nebuya is very laid back and throws a few muscle jokes much to Reo’s dismay, and he makes a comment about not you possibly not eating enough because at the time, he saw you almost tripping up your feet after you cussed out Akashi… he offers you his extra bowls if you ever feel hungry VERY SWEET GUY
Mayuzumi thinks you have balls, like who the fuck would come out alive after cussing out his captain but then COME BACK to said school of the captain… like why would you willingly walk back into the lion’s den??? so he thinks you’re dumb, but he has a shred of respect for you
Akashi is so amused at the spectacle and finally walks over to you after you noticed him
and he gives you an embrace and a chaste forehead kiss, and the entire gym goes silent
“Sei! I wanted to drop by as a surprise! Did you expect me?”
“Hm, I may have expected you to come sooner or later, but definitely not this quickly. Were transportation fees too much of a hassle?”
“Nope! I got everything covered! Do you want me to give you any chiropractic massages if you and your teammates need it?”
“You don’t need to do that, (y/n). You came here as a guest, not as a manager.”
“Shhh, as soon as practice is done, I’ll take you anywhere you want in Kyotō. How does that sound?”
“Er… captain?” Reo holds up a hesitant finger to interrupt the two of you, while everyone else looks horrified at the sight of their captain looking serene
“Get a room, will you?” Mayuzumi only tuts in irritation while turning away to grab a nearby water bottle to down in one go
Nebuya merely stares in astonishment at the two of you, and his mind is thinking how the hell did you reel in this guy?
nah man, Hayama is GONE at this point: his brain has stopped functioning a while ago, and he’s standing there as stiff as a statue, scratching his head like a lost monkey // like he’s thinking how the fuck did this shit add up?? in his mind, he’s taking 2 plus 2 but it somehow ends up 94… that’s how he’s processing what he’s witnessing
the rest of the benchers and lower-string players are confused? who ARE you anyways?? Akashi?? dating??? that’s Rakuzan gossip of the century
TLDR; your first trip to Rakuzan may be awkward because the two of you stick out like a sore thumb, but eventually after multiple trips, the team slowly begins to consider you as one of their own
as per Akashi’s “suggestion” (hint: not a suggestion, but a strong recommendation), you were to be retreated with respect and kindness
why? Because Akashi never wants a repeat of the situation at Teiko ever again :(
as long as he is captain, and as long as he has the power and authority, he will do everything he can to make you happy and comfortable
don’t worry though, the Rakuzan starters are more than willing to punt any kid who talks shit about you
surprisingly, once Hayama comes around and accepts the fact that you were dating the captain, he’d be the most adamant and vocal protector, and he’s the one who shares the “inside tips and tricks” about the captain EEEE it’s so wholesome !!
the Rakuzan team is your certified bodyguard group, no debate
Reo might be the nosy mom who asks about who confessed first and the like…
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chessieshire · 4 years
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Processing my thoughts here.
I've been rewatching Cas and Dean scenes and moments where I know they talk about each other to analyze their reactions. Why? Because I wanted to assess for myself how I think Dean feels about Cas. I like to think I have pretty good intuition or so I've been told throughout my life. Track record of it is pretty good with the results.
When you grow up walking on eggshells having to assess people's behavior and emotions in order to protect yourself and others it becomes a necessary survival skill.
So what do I think so far? Ok so Dean is definitely bi so let's get that out of the way.
I personally think Dean has been subconsciously attracted to Cas and has felt love for him as a best friend or brother up until season 12 when I believe Dean actually fell in deep love with Cas.
I believe the moment Dean fell in love with Cas was when Cas killed Billy to save the 3 of them and then says he doesn't care if he loses his own life as a consequence.
I think before that moment Dean really did feel dead inside from being locked up in solitude for almost 2 months. Then when Cas made that huge risk to his own life to save theirs I believe it brought Dean's emotions back to life. Like a cosmic jumpstart.
Obviously Dean's an emotionally suppressed dum dum (I am too it takes one to know one) that he wasn't aware of falling in love with Cas he was just reacting to his frustrations, confusions, and concern for Cas and the "cosmic consequences". Hence the marital bickering in the next episode.
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I believe that Dean started to realize he was in love with Cas when he almost died by the poisonous/venomous lance. When Cas said he loves him looking at Dean and loves them all. Dean started to realize he loved him romantically as he almost lost him again but probably still didn't "get" what kind of love Cas meant towards him.
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Then Dean's dealing with too much confusion about it. He was so upset with Cas leaving and not responding to his messages it triggered his abandonment issues while Mary was also "needing space" at the same time that made those triggers worse. He had told Cas previously that he's his and Sam's best friend and brother (probably to observe his reaction to that to get a hint of how Cas felt) but he's obtuse so he probably felt like Cas loved him like a bro.
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Not to mention season 7 when Dean is telling Kevin that he doesn't believe angels have the equipment to care and when they try they breakdown.
So I can see how it never occurred to him about Cas being in love with him and why he'd continue to suppress his own emotions and try distracting them with countless women. Despite cutting down on the sexual conquests in the last few seasons because they probably didn't work much anymore as a distraction and he got a piece of the void filled with merely Cas's friendship.
Edited to add: (oh shit how could I forget to point out?! So the last time Dean canonically had sex was season 12 episode 18 while Cas was missing and Dean was extremely upset with him. Dean was trying to distract his feelings about Cas and it no longer worked in my opinion. He looked more distracted than usual and when he told Sam how his night was he had to say awesome 3 times like he was trying to convince himself. Hence the last time he sleeps with a woman. From this point on Dean doesn't have anymore one night stands. ...carry on...)
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Without a doubt Dean was unsure if angels in general could actually fall in love and felt like it was less painful to not pursue a romantic relationship due to the job and how either one of them could die for any reason.
If Cas had been human and there were no more monsters and demons and supernatural shit to hurt and kill people I'm confident that they would've been hooking up. It would've ruled out the complicated job risks and made clear that Cas is capable of feeling romantic love for somebody.
The times that Dean was actually angry at Cas and not "pretend angry but actually worried" were because he was offended that Cas didn't trust him and that Cas took off without an explanation or response. It just added to Dean's fears of Cas being incapable of feeling true love for him because he's an angel.
When Dean prayed to Cas in season 15 I think he was going to finally confess he loved him. But time was of the essence. As it always is and then they never get a moment after that to really talk to each other until Cas confessed his love.
Edit: Can I check this one off?! Because it really does sound like Dean says, "I...(breathy pause) I-love...(huff pause) you-don't know why I get so angry." *thinks* Yeahhhh it counts dammit! ✅
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The episode after Dean's confession is Garth showing him being with someone is possible with their complicated backgrounds and jobs and he dances with a lamp and blows it a kiss. Whether or not the lamp really is a stand in for Cas it definitely is a representation of something or someone Dean truly wants.
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He yearns for sharing love with someone.
Edit: Can I sorta check this one off? Ehhhh...maybe??? The guy that plays Garth (sorry I don't want to misspell the actor's name) stated that there was hidden subtext for romantic love with Dean and another character. He didn't say the subtext was "lamp" though since he thought this scene was meant to be fun...but...I think maybe it still could be if he was unaware of it. Since I'm hearing the dance choreographer says there's deeper meaning.
In season 11 Dean asked Jesse and his husband Cesar about what was it like settling down with a hunter. He was thinking about it! He wanted to know not only for Sam but for himself as well! He asked a GAY COUPLE which clues me in on maybe because they made him think of him and Cas. Maybe subconsciously anyway.
Dean never gets the opportunity to express how he truly feels other than anger, forgiveness, and brotherly love towards people and that's some toxic masculinity bullshit!
When Cas left to the Empty Dean was completely breaking down not just because he lost Cas but because he felt he lost his only chance at a happy life with a significant other who understands him.
And then the next episodes made no fucking sense. Read a bit like "oh well now I'm relieved I didn't have to confess my deep love for a dude and can move on! Mmmmmm...pie!"
(my phone autocorrected to "mmmmmm... Pierre" and I was like 👀 even my phone's like Dean is bi and looking for a french dude to take his mind off Cas lolll)
So to summarize...Dean Winchester loves Castiel and the last 2 episodes is some outrageous bullshit and I'll never get over it unless by some miracle Jensen obtains the rights to the show and fixes it!
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amesstm · 3 years
The Suspended Cousin
WC: 1332
A/N: Have I hit a writer’s block? Maybe. Also, I’ll be creating a masterlist for this series so keep your eye out for that! I’ll probably edit this to the other parts.
P.S. If you guys want me to start making these longer as compared to short ones on a certain ‘schedule’, tell me!
series masterlist
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A soft knock came from your door. Yuki opened it to show Ushijima, who was slightly sweaty from his run. You had seen him run around the campus before school, only if you woke up early enough though. The only reason you’d willingly get out of bed that early was if you couldn’t sleep or you were really craving some street food as breakfast.  
Maybe once your concussion heals, you should join him. Actually, his long legs would leave you in the dust. Unless you were going to miraculously grow a few inches, keeping up with him wasn’t going to be easy. Given that you were the libero for a reason, growing probably wasn’t going to happen.
Ushijima waited in your doorway, taking up the majority of its frame. Something about his chest heaving and hair clinging to his forehead from his sweat made your heart accelerate. You managed not to stutter, “Ah, good morning Ushijima.” 
Yuki turned to you and winked. No doubt she was going to ask you about this later. You blushed and waved her off, to which she chuckled aloud. “See you two later.” Yuki sang.
You groaned internally, envisioning how you’d smack her later. For now, you put on your sunglasses and walked towards Ushijima. He walked a bit behind you before taking his place by your side. “Do you want me to carry you?”
You chuckled nervously, “No, no, I’m fine. Thank you, though.”
Upon nearing the stairs, nausea overwhelmed you. You always had a hard time with drastic changes in height if you were driving up or down a mountain. Perhaps it was the depth perception? You wouldn’t know, you’re not a doctor.  
To your side, you felt a nudge on your hand. You looked up to see Ushijima, who was sheepishly reaching for your hand. “Yes Ushijima?”
“I thought you’d want to hold hands like yesterday.” He stated, simply blinking at you.
Was he being shy? How cute. You smiled reassuringly, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
After having your consent, his hand clutched yours gently. Of course, his hands were calloused but something about that made his secure hold more comforting. For such a big man that plays rough on the court, he was surprisingly gentle with everything else. No one would’ve thought that the stone-faced ace would be such a big teddy bear.  
“Y/N, you’re red. Do you have a fever?” Ushijima asked, about to touch your forehead with his other hand.
“Nope!” You squeaked, “I’m fine!”
He didn’t ask any more questions – thank goodness. Until he did, “Do I know your cousin?”
You chuckled nervously, “I hope you don’t for your sake. He’s suspended right now.”
Ushijima looked at you with slightly widened eyes, no doubt thinking the worst of your cousin. You immediately went to your cousin’s defense. “N-no! It wasn’t for anything too serious. He just did something stupid to make his principal upset.”
Ushijima nodded, but didn’t look too convinced. “Is he as short as you?”
“Ehhhh?” You whined. “I’m not short! You’re just very tall.”
“That’s a fact,” Ushijima allowed. “But it’s also a fact that you’re short.”
You didn’t reply to that, knowing it was useless by now. But you did say, “Well, my cousin is very short now that I think about it. I am a bit taller than him, though!”
You realized you said the last part too confidently, but Ushijima displayed a small smile. His silence wasn’t awkward. On the contrary, it was comforting.  
“Oh, I guess we’re at class now, aren’t we?” You chuckled. “Thank you, Ushijima. You don’t need to do anything for me the rest of the day.”
“I’ll still do something,” he deadpanned.  
“I don’t doubt that Ushijima,” you said before waving goodbye. Of course, you’d still see him in some of your classes but you weren’t sure you could casually speak to him yet. Then again, Ushijima seemed to do whatever he wanted without much worry. So, there wasn’t much use in arguing with him either.
“Tendo, what do I do for Y/N?” Ushijima asked as his red-headed friend joined him for lunch. Despite asking such an out-of-character question, he casually ate his rice without any concern. But for everyone else, it might as well have been the first moon-landing.
“Are you finally making a move?” Semi asked, raising an eyebrow and lifting a small smile.
Ushijima nodded. As Tendo sat down, he drew a thoughtful expression. “I know that she really likes Pocky. If you get her the Cookies & Cream flavor, she’ll definitely fall in love with you.”
Against Ushijima's will, his cheeks blushed profusely. “She’ll love me?”
“Can our ace not understand sarcasm?” Goshiki mockingly asked.  
Imaginary characters floated around Shirabu’s head, as if warning the first-year to tread carefully. The characters seemed to get the message across: Oh, you think you’re so good at picking up social cues? What makes you think you can even compare?
Effectively, Goshiki was silenced by his upperclassman. “A-anyways, how did you finally talk to Y/N-san? All you’ve ever done is stare at her.”
“I gave her a concussion when we practiced together,” Ushijima replied casually. He bit the inside of his cheek, feeling the same guilt from the day before.  
So, I need to get a pretty girlfriend by giving her a concussion, too?! Goshiki internally screamed to himself. The poor first-year wheezed out, an imaginary ghost leaving his body.
Shirabu only blinked at the bowl-cut boy before returning his attention to Ushijima. “And now you’re her servant?”
“It’s not like that,” Ushijima defended, but didn’t portray any anger.  
“I think it’s ‘cause he likes that,” Tendo said with a dirty smirk. Semi and Shirabu groaned, with Goshiki dying once more.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you to the café?” Ushijima asked as he walked you to the school gate.  
You nodded with a smile on your face, “I’m sure. Have fun at practice, Ushijima!”
Before he could say anything else, you ran off. He knew you were just meeting up with your cousin, but he wished that he could have some more time with you. Ushijima frowned, clutching the pocky he had bought for you.
Oblivious to the boy you left behind, you journeyed to the café that your cousin said you’d meet at. You entered the restaurant and searched, looking for that familiar spiky hair. Huffing, you didn’t see that he was there yet. You sat down and decided to look at the menu.  
Then, he arrived.  
“Y/N!” You heard your cousin scream.
Although you cringed, you still smiled. The small boy wrapped you in a hug, making you giggle. “How are you, Yu-chan?”
Letting you go, your cousin grinned, with that classic Nishinoya grin from his side of the family. Although you smiled, your brain still throbbed. Perhaps you should’ve moved this to a different day. “Please don’t be so loud.”
“Wait a minute – do you have a concussion?” He asked, frowning with concern. “How’d you get it?”
“I was practicing with...” how should you address Ushijima? “Uhhh, someone.”
Yu sneered and started to make fists and throw jabs, “Well that someone is gonna get beat when I see them.”
Never in a thousand years would you want your family to fight with your crush. However, imagining Yu trying to fit someone literally twice his size made you giggle. “For your sake, don’t.”
“Do I need to remind you that I’m the best libero ever?”
You pursed your lips, not wanting to ensue another rant about his superiority. “No. But, just don’t please.”
He rolled his eyes, “Okay, fine. But I’ll get help from this guy I know if you want.”
Yu might’ve been just talking about some friend he had. Or, in the short time he’s been suspended, he had joined a yakuza. Either way, you knew that this simp would probably create a gang to protect you. If only you knew how that friend group would impact your relationship.
A/N: For clarification, you and Nishinoya are related through your mothers’ side so you can keep your last name lol. Plus, it won’t be too confusing if I need to use both of their last names later on :p
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shadow-night · 3 years
Bounty Hunter in the Shadows Chapter 1
More chapters here on Ao3.
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Story Tags: Erasermic, Friends to Lovers, young Aizawa Shouta, young Yamada Hizashi, Slow Burn, Slice of Life, Hurt/ Comfort, Angst and Feels, Comedy, Fluff, mental breakdown, PTSD, flashbacks, self-medication, drug use, homelessness, homeless Aizawa Shouta, unhealthy coping mechanisms, survivor guilt, cats, growing gp, character study, character development, recovery
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Chapter 1: Aizawa and Yamada
Finally graduation day arrived. Aizawa held his UA high school diploma in his hands. This was a joyous occasion – or at least it should be. He should feel proud, which he did to an extent. Aizawa could not help but find the entire event nostalgic before it was even over.
He was a little proud he managed to pull through and finished school, graduating from the most famous hero school in Japan no less, but he also felt a deeply routed guilt. Yamada was joking and laughing with friends. Everyone was loud and happy, yet someone was missing.
Yamada tore Aizawa from his thoughts as he excitedly called out to him. Aizawa put on a teasing smile, silencing him with a quirk and vanished. It was meant as a joke but it also was great to escape his classmates.
Aizawa rolled his eyes at the endless amounts of texts Yamada sent him. He could practically hear the disappointed yelling while reading about how he had missed all the group photos. He didn't even bother to listen to the voice messages or pick his phone up when it rang. Aizawa went home and relaxed on his bed, knowing his foster parents wouldn't get home until later.  He wondered what would happen if he left right this moment without another word to anyone. His suitcase was already packed.
A new message lit up his phone's home screen. Aizawa reached for the device, only now bothering to look at the chat.
We're all going out to eat tonight. Will you come?
No. I promised them dinner.
It was true. He had promised his foster parents a ‘goodbye dinner’ before moving out. It was the reason why he didn't leave right this afternoon. They were decent people and were kind enough to give him space and not pressure him into spending more time together, so when they asked if he would have dinner with them tonight he couldn't say no.
But you're leaving tomorrow morning, right?! When will we see each other again??
That was a good point. It still hadn't quite sunken in that they would not be back at school again soon. They wouldn't just leave school for a weekend or a holiday, but forever. Aizawa almost regretted not staying longer at school now, though he also knew that it wasn't his thing. Seeing everyone excited for the future and sad they would part would have been a little too much. He was happier alone in his bedroom.
Can I come over?
What about dinner?
We meet later. I'll come over.
Well. Now that that was decided all there was left to do was to wait for the energetic blonde. Wherever Yamada had been, he couldn't have been too far from his home. He was out of breath when, ten minutes later, he rang the doorbell non stop until the door was opened for him.
"Come on in." Aizawa said and they headed over to the brunet's room, where they sat down on the bed. At least Aizawa sat down. Yamada flopped onto the mattress still trying to catch his breath.
"You could have walked here." Aizawa noted.
"Yeah, but I didn't want to miss any more time! Who knows when we'll see each other again!" Yamada said.
"You're the one who wanted to work in America." Aizawa reminded him.
"I knoooow." Yamada whined, but then a grin returned to his face. "But I'm sure it's gonna be awesome!" he said determinedly.
"Just don't start talking to me in English all the time." Aizawa said and realized that he really would miss Yamada.
During their first year at U.A. he did not get particularly close with anyone but Shirakumo and  Yamada. In their second year Aizawa had allowed himself to befriend Kayama a little. The cat Aizawa and Shirakumo found and gave to her had helped a lot in terms of befriending the girl who was a grade ahead of them.
After Shirakumo's death Aizawa made sure it stayed that way and distanced himself from others. He couldn't bear the thought of getting close to someone again only to loose them later. He looked at Yamada who lay on his back next to him on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Aizawa didn't want to think about how he would react if anything happened to the blonde.
"What train will you take tomorrow morning?" Yamada suddenly asked.
"Why? Don't tell me you want to meet me at the station." Aizawas tone was flat and seemingly uninterested.
"Ehhhh? Why not?!"
"You'll be hung-over." Aizawa stated.
"What? You really think us aspiring pro heroes will succumb to underage drinking?!" Yamada called out in mock surprise as if they hadn't- together in fact- gotten drunk before. Then he turned more serious. "I'd still come if you told me what time the train left." Yamada claimed.
"At 8:00 in the morning? Are you sure?" Aizawa said, a small smirk ghosting on his lips.
"Damn. That's early. Why are you torturing yourself like that?" Yamada asked, knowing how much Aizawa hated getting up early himself. Though, to be fair Aizawa seemed unhappy about getting up at any time. Insomnia was a real pain in the ass.
"I'll still come." Yamada said.
Aizawa just gave a low hum.
"You don't believe me! You'll see. I'll be there!" Yamada bumped his fist into Aizawa's shoulder.
"I didn't say anything." Aizawa said, raising his hands, showing his palms.
"Anyways." Yamada huffed. "You'll have to send me pictures of your apartment when you get there, alright."
"It's shitty. Nothing worth showing off." Aizawa protested.
"I don't care. I just want to see pictures."
"I'll send you pictures of the cockroaches I'll room with." Aizawa teased.
"Please don't!" Yamada looked horrified.
"You get those or nothing." Aizawa shrugged. This was nice. It was easy banter, just the two of them, nothing too overwhelming.
They fell into a comfortable silence, Yamada's eyes landing on Aizawa's packed suitcase.
Yamada had been surprised when Aizawa told him he would leave Musutafu the day after their graduation. He himself would travel to the US soon after the school year ended, but his flight went a week after graduation, giving him enough time to say goodbye to classmates and family. Well, Aizawa could count the friends he had on two fingers and he also did not have much family. Yamada did not know Aizawa’s host family particularly well but the few times he met them they seemed nice. Yamada could not help but wonder if Aizawa left so soon because he felt uncomfortable around them or if it had to do with Aizawa's general attitude and mood ever since their work study ended in their second year.
Yamada had a great support system at home but it was difficult mourning their dead friend himself and helping Aizawa at the same time. Shirakumo's death hit them both hard, though Aizawa definitely had a less healthy way of coping and far less support or people who didn't offer the support he needed which ended in him changing host families a month after their work study. It had been painful to watch Aizawa train in the Gym to the point he was so exhausted he fell asleep in their classes. Yamada had done his best to be there and watch Aizawa as often as he could, sometimes even training with him. It made them grow closer over time.
"You've got to take care of yourself." Yamada broke the silence.
Aizawa frowned, then looked away from the blonde. "You too."
"Hey, you missed out on all the pictures we took, let's take some now!" Yamada changed the subject. They wouldn't see each other in quite a while so they shouldn't just mop around. Aizawa was not impressed by the idea, but when Yamada sat up on the bed and sat right next to him he tilted his head towards the blonde as he held up his phone. Within minutes Yamada's camera roll filled up with new pictures of them both.
"You should leave soon, if you don't want to be late." Aizawa said eventually as he took notice of the time.
"I guess." Yamada said and sat up on the bed. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright?" He reminded Aizawa.
"Don't trouble yourself. It will be fine if you don't." He said.
The door fell shut and Aizawa stood alone in the quiet house. Dinner with his foster parents also was a quiet affair. He appreciated that. They did not try to get him to talk more than usual or try to talk him out of things last minute. They asked if he finished packing and if he still needed something, as if anything was worth the trouble of going out this late at night. There were plenty of stores with the same products where he moved. He let them know he had everything he needed and stayed seated at the table after dinner. They drank tea and let it sink in that things would be different from now on.
The night seemed to drag on forever and Aizawa barely slept. He got up early, even earlier than he had to, so he could make breakfast for everyone. He made his host parents favorite tea, put six slices of bread in the toaster oven and got out a pot to make miso soup. He didn't have to cook but even he could make something as simple as miso soup with tofu and seaweed. He set out the jam for the bread and got out some plates when his host parents came out.
Aizawa checked his phone when he got his suitcase after breakfast. No new messages showed up. The blonde sent him a few photos during the night, so Aizawa knew his classmates drank alcohol and stayed up until the early morning hours. He tried to ignore the slight pang in his chest. It was good Yamada had fun last night. He should rest now. They could talk over the phone later, he told himself pocketing his phone. He looked around the room one final time. It was clean and he already pulled the sheets off and put them into the washing machine.
"Remember you can call us anytime." His host mother told him as they stood in the entrance. Aizawa gave a slight nod to signal he heard her as he tied his shoes.
"Don't hesitate to ask for help." Her husband added.
"Thank you. For everything." Aizawa said, looking them in the eyes. He even gave both a hug before he stepped outside and pulled his suitcase to the station.
When Aizawa arrived at the nearest tram station, he realized he gave Yamada the time his other train would leave from the bigger train station. So even if the blonde intended to come he might have thought of the wrong place. He checked his phone but no new notifications showed up. Aizawa pocketed his phone as the tram came to a stop. The small tram was packed with people going to work and Aizawa shuffled to the door, pulling his suitcase as close as possible. He gave an apologetic nod to an older lady close to him. Aizawa focused his eyes outside the window looking at the familiar houses and stores passing by.
Finally the tram reached the central station. He arrived with some time to spare and checked his phone while he stood waiting at the platform. He felt a little forgotten but tried his best to push the feeling aside. He told Yamada not to worry about coming, so it wasn't fair to be mad at him for not showing up.
He could hear his train enter the station and then, even louder than the arriving train his name. "Aizawaaaaaaa!" He knew that voice.
Aizawa turned around to the direction the call had come from and saw Yamada running into the station. Several people held their ears and stared at the blond in irritation. He would have to get to this platform, but the train just arrived so there was enough time. Aizawa couldn't help but smile.
When Yamada finally came running down the stairs he looked like he would throw up any second. "The things I do for you." he huffed out of breath when he came to a stop in front of Aizawa.
"I told you, you didn't have to come." Aizawa said, but his smile gave him away.
"Please just tell me you are happy to see me so that it was worth coming." Yamada begged. He wore a t-shirt with an unidentifiable stain on it and one of his shoelaces was open. He was very pale and his unstyled hair hung in his face.
"Yeah. I'm happy." Aizawa gave in. "Thank's for coming." He said just as Yamada stepped away from him and threw up over the other side of the platform where no train was.
"Are you alright?" Aizawa asked, holding the other's hair back. Other people were stared more or less subtly.
"Ugh..." Yamada groaned. Aizawa glanced at the clock, "Wait here. I'll be right back." He said and jogged to a vending machine to get some water.
"Thank's." Yamada said after he washed his mouth out and took a sip. "Sorry about that." He said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Do you need money for a taxi back?" Aizawa asked.
"No, no! It's fine. Keep your money! I still have some." Yamada said. He pulled his walled out in demonstration. He knew Aizawa did not have much saved up and he doubted he suddenly accepted more from his host family.
"If you're sure." Aizawa said.
"Actually, let me pay you back for this." Yamada held up the bottle Aizawa just got him.
"It's just water." Aizawa shook his head.
"Alright. Thanks." Yamada put his wallet away again. They stood in silence for a moment after that.
"Well...-" Yamada tried to break the silence.
"I have to get on the train soon." Aizawa said at the same time.
"Ah...right. Well...I'll hear from you soon right? Send pictures!"
"Of roaches. Sure." Aizawa couldn't help but tease with a smirk.
"I got up and came all the way here and this is how you thank me?!" Yamada said so loud he winced himself. He hadn't even spoken that loud but with his head already pounding every decibel felt like too much.
"We'll see." Aizawa said and reached for his suitcase. Should he give Yamada a hug? His arms twitched, though he kept them at his side. "Get some rest." he said, taking a step back.
"You too!" Yamada nodded, wincing once more at his own volume.
"Thank's for coming." Aizawa said, standing in the train's doorway. "Bye."
"Bye." Yamada said a little quieter now, but with a smile on his face while he waved. The blonde was always so positive and energetic. It was nice. Aizawa waved as the door closed, then moved to look for his seat.
It was a window seat and he waved once more once he sat down. Yamada waved with two arms as the train began to move.
This was it.
Aizawa's chest felt tight as the train drove out of Musutafu. So many memories were connected to the city. Good, as well as bad. He gulped down the lump that formed in his throat and pressed his shirt's sleeve against his eyes. A new chapter of his life started with his move to Naruhata. There was no turning back now.
More chapters of Bounty Hunter in the Shadows on Ao3 :)
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I'm sorry to bother but I just love them so much- ehhhh O and L?? Proton is my fav in case you don't wanna do all of them
L = Love Confession: How would they confess to their s/o?
Ariana: I believe she can be more self conscious about how she comes across to others than she lets off, so I believe she would try to read the situations they're in and see if it's appropriate and the mood is right. It would take her a while before admitting her feelings because she'd want to make sure she actually feels a certain way for someone and would be willing to be in a committed relationship with them, and also because she doesn't want to get rejected by someone she would quickly be dismissive about because she didn't know that she'd fully like and accept them anyway. If she feels like she could get away with admitting her feelings flirtily I'm sure she would, because in her mind it seems like a more relaxed approach than walking up to them or looking flustered or saying something "dumb" in front of someone who could quickly become an "enemy" for lack of better term from undermining her or using her to up their position in some way.
Archer: I think that Archer would have similar feelings as Ariana, but with less fear of the "consequences" of rejection and more fear of what to do with his feelings of rejection. When he does admit his feelings he would either take the approach of waiting for the time to be "right" (Outside of work hours obviously and also most likely not in an extremely flirtatious way like Ariana.) and shows up to their residence suddenly or to a planned meet up with flowers. Either way I think that besides often making eye contact and chatting or watching over them or eating lunch near them (Silently sometimes because he's not sure of what to say and decides to say nothing at all.), he would still come off a bit sudden at first to not be harassing at work and to get his feelings in order before deciding to confess.
Petrel: I honestly believe thay Petrel can be a bit flirty, but he never really gets close to anyone or proceeds into a lot of relationship type behaviours often because he knows he's not committed enough and isn't going to pretend to be a "hot shot" who keeps people waiting and wondering or weaves in and out of relationships status like a greasy frat boy. When he does really like someone though I think it hits him like a ton of bricks in the sense that although he smiles at them and greets them, but he gets flustered easily and overthinks responses while he is already engaging and giving a response. It's funny to think that he's just self aware enough to know that he may actually like someone. His grooming habits and amount-of-cologne-to-proximity-of-person-he-likes ratio defidently picks up and he tries to stop by and talk to them as much as possible, even if it's just small talk. He tries to be funny but it may not always work, so he's left to look like he's acting laid back but is cursing at himself on the inside. I think that because he knows that he thinks he feels a certain way for someone and doesn't want to be that "guy who became a close friend but actually wants to canoodle with you and was waiting for your "permission" supposedly" person, he doesn't want you to start confiding in him until you know that he likes you romantically so you don't feel disappointed or confused later about why he listens and spends time with you. He may admit it suddenly during a late night friendly hangout to make sure you know his feelings and position, or by coming up to you with flowers or during a quiet night on the balcony. I don't know if you'd call them all romantic exactly but at least he's honest.
Proton: One could almost say it's like he's testing the waters of thoughts of liking anyone in general to the point of dating, or, not unlike a cat sniffing a piece of cheese to see if there's a pill inside. At first he seems a bit weird or very dissimive of someone he thinks he likes, to the point where he's in their peripheral looking at them often while doing things (With those laser eyes that make you think you did something wrong, are about to get scolded, or just generally makes you self conscious (Do I have a boogie, a zit, or messy hair?)) or his gaze doesn't hold for long when speaking or giving instructions (If he likes someone he works with.). Knowing how precise, analytical, and collected he is though, it's hard to tell that he's avoiding making eye contact because he often shifts his gaze to documents or something around him and back which may look mysterious and almost cunning, but is actually him being flustered and feeling unsure. He tends to come across weird in other ways like you're about to be scolded or shood away, or the way he seems to pop up without a sound out of nowhere (Tries to "act cool" but is accidently ghost walking into a room.) or help complete tasks whether work or personal without much verbalizations outside of relevant questions, and long stares (Wit them lasers again. 🙈) before suddenly departing. It's mostly a lot of odd feeling alone time, even if that alone time is just being the only people in a room at the moment at work. He'll try to make small talk better as time goes on, but for a little while it's curt answers from him and sudden questions about your interests and day that sound like interrogations towards you. When he does feel like he's ready to confess, he'll probably end up settling on going to a museum or having a picnic somewhere secluded and admitting his feelings by the end of the day by taking your hands in his and saying "I like you" or leaning back on the picnic blanket and saying the same phrase. It will probably be the first time he's looked deep into your eyes without you thinking you had a boogie. 💖
@blxxdingtoy I'll be making "O" in a separate post! 😊💕 And don't worry, you're not bothering me at all!! I love all of these characters a lot as well and would love to make more posts about them! You're giving inspo and helping me build my writing skills as well; thank you so much! ☺💖 I tried to make Proton's longer as well obviously (He's a fave of mine too. 🙈💖💕). Feel free to send asks any time they're open! 😊💗
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Fic Questionnaire
@ford-ye-fiji tagged me to do this; thank you. ^_^
How many works do you have on AO3? 106
What's your total AO3 word count? 395,897
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 27 fandoms, though for most of them it’s only like one or two. They are Akatsuki no Yona, Bungou Stray Dogs, My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, Tales of Zestiria, Tales of Berseria, Tales of Graces, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Xillia, Tales of Hearts, Tales of the Rays, Professor Layton, Noragami, Pandora Hearts, Dai Gyakuten Saiban, A Series of Unfortunate Events, RWBY, Tangled the series, Doki Doki Literature Club, Ori and the Blind Forest, Vanitas no Carte, Genshin Impact, Kiznaiver, Boku dake ga Inai Machi, Kuroshitsuji, Ai the Somnium Files, and Charlotte.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? “Pictures, Posters, and Tender Beauty”, “Plus Est En Vous”, “My Reason”,  “I Am Here, Too”, and “A Bandage for my Scars, and your Heart” ...Not surprised that four out of five of those are MHA fics, but I will never understand how that Tangled the series one I did got so insanely popular..... maybe because the show director himself acknowledged it. 0_0
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I try to, though I have to shamefully admit I pick and choose which ones I respond to. I appreciate every comment I get, of course, every writer does, but idk, I just feel like a broken record responding to all similar shorter comments with “Thank you so much!!! I’m so happy you liked it <3″ or something like that... Is that cruel of me? >_> I also feel weird responding to comments on my super old stuff, because aside from a few exceptions, I don’t really like most of my old fics anymore alkgklflkkl and I barely remember them enough to be able to give a reasonable response to comments on those. Instead I just put all my energy into responding to longer, more detailed comments, because with those I actually have more to work with to say back... But again, I love all my comments!! I’m really sorry if I don’t respond to your comment, it doesn’t mean I’m not grateful, I just don’t know what to say back OTL
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Haaaah, there are a few, but proooobably the most angsty ending would be in “Smile, and maybe tomorrow, you’ll see the sun.” Since the thing is basically 12k words of agonizingly drawn-out All Might death... :’) Though I meant for the actual ending to be somewhat hopeful/bittersweet? and I surely have other ones that have more painful endings... But that’s the obvious one that comes to mind, since I’ve had multiple people yell at me for it. :)
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I can’t remember any instances of outright hate, but I’ve gotten some... odd comments every once in a while... Or just some annoying criticism that the person didn’t intend to be mean about, I don’t think, but that realllly wasn’t warranted. These comments are very rare though.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Noooo way in hell lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen? ....I mean, not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah, I think I had at least one someone asked to translate into Russian, although they put it on FF.net lol
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No... I really want to though. Multiple friends and I have planned different ones, but we haven’t gotten around to doing any of them yet because I’m into different fandoms atm and also dealing with health problems that distract me.... My ex-friend and I had a major one that was in the planning stages, but then she stopped being my friend so it never got off the ground. :’) I’m still upset about that...
What's your all time favorite ship? Mmmmm that’s hard; I don’t ship that much at all, so although I have a few favorite ships, one in particular doesn’t really stand out to me as my hardcore OTP.... Buuut I guess I would say Snow/Serah from FFXIII; I love ff13 so much, it’s so special to me, and those two are just the absolute sweetest and the heart and soul of the game 🥺❤️ I haven’t written anything for them or ff13 in general, but maybe someday.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? I only ever have one WIP at a time, so..... Hopefully not my current long one, I am constantly trying to slap myself for thinking, intimidated as I am by it with all my ideas for it and all the research I need to do. :’)
What are your writing strengths? I think I’m really good at writing characters’ emotions... the emotions they show, and everything they’re feeling internally. I really like the stream-of-consciousness style of internal monologue I’ve started using within the last few years; I think it’s very... cathartic? In general I just think I’m good at writing softness, cause I definitely feel the soft feels rereading my stuff lol
What are your writing weaknesses? Motivation.... starting a writing session and not getting distracted.... ADHD.... what do I do. :’) Although I just said I like that stream-of-consciousness style I use, I often feel like I use it too much, or things get redundant, and too wordy and overwhelming, bah..... I’m also shit at just.... knowing things, like worldbuilding, but like, real-world stuff that everyone knows, but I’ve been living under a rock my whole life and not done a lot of things that are normal for most other people, so I struggle with that in my writing, which is why all my fics not-so-subtly eek around mentioning things like food and irl places and so much else, haaah.... now I’m got myself writing 1800s Victorian London; someone save me
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? Ehhhh only do it veryyyy sparingly, like when a character is startled and might briefly revert to their native language, or something similar. I just did that in one of my recent fics, actually, and looked up a few Russian words, being super anal about getting it right.... and I still got a comment correcting my Russian, even though it was only like 3 words in the entire thing, with nothing else to say about the rest of the fic... it was a little frustrating :’)
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn. That was the first series that really got me into fandom and making online friends, and gave me the courage to try writing fics; I’m so grateful to it for that, and it still remains one of my favorite mangas <3 Ah, to be able to pump out fics as easily and quickly as I did back then...
What's your favorite fic you've ever written? I think it’s still “Manufactured Hearts, Real Happiness”, the sole Tales of the Abyss fic I’ve written. TotA is my favorite game of all time, and I wrote this for a Tales big bang that happened a while back; it turned out much longer than I ever anticipated, one of my longest fics to date, and pretty much exactly how I wanted it to be, which is always the best feeling... I was so happy to feel like I did my favorite game justice. :’) Now.... my dream is for my current WIP to become my new favorite, if I can pull it off right; we’ll see :’)
Uhhhh I’ll tag @sixtyfourk , @cenally , @arcane-palm , @kyoukalay , @magicmetslogic , and @evevoli03 , if any of you want to do this~
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athela-3 · 3 years
After… oh goodness, how many months??—I finally remembered that I still had not done Zhongli's second story quest. Which means, yes, I've only faced Azhdaha for the first time this weekend, despite having played since before the update introducing him even dropped 😬
I have also, since the same version update, been a Zhongli main pretty much nonstop.
This made doing the story quest a bit… surreal.
(Also, what follows is just my rambling, for my own posterity's sake. You have been warned~)
Let's bullet point this as usual, shall we?
(Cutscene begins as the Traveller approaches Zhongli) Oh no. Oh, no, this is so weird. I feel like there's two of me. I've never seen both of you at the same time in ages! Except for that one bugged quest.
(Zhongli: You appear to have taken his claim quite personally on my behalf.) That's because I'm no longer sure who the player character is by now! I mean, I can't talk for Paimon, but I'm having trouble!
*spends the entire first chapter of the quest mumbling that this is all so surreal; for these past nine months I've only ever seen him when he's "me", and suddenly he's standing right there next to the Traveller and my brain forks out an error message*
Aw, I wish Kun Jun sticks around. Let the old man have a geologist buddy!
Wait, I thought you needed a geologist? This is a missing persons case! Why aren't you calling the Millelith?!
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Detective Zhongli is on the case!!
[No, seriously: I love mysteries. Grew up on detective fiction. So to see him suddenly turn into a whole detective at the drop of a hat… as if I didn't like him enough already!]
Now I'm definitely glad to have him on my team. To see him personally walk around the scene, examining the clues and interviewing the witnesses, that feels Right. Now when he shows up in cutscenes, it's no longer surreal, it makes perfect sense~
(Most of the quest proceeds in an orderly fashion. The mystery segment has totally loosed me from the previous confusion by giving me something more pressingly intriguing to consider, until…)
*start of the Azhdaha battle, trying to switch to Zhongli but ending up with Childe instead*
No no no no I forgot they give trial characters, they overwrote my Zhongli with their own, what's he—level 82, Vortex Vanquisher, c3, 4pc Noblesse???
Noooooo give my own Zhongli back!! Childe will take forever! He's my main DPS and now my team doesn't have a proper DPS! GIVE ME BACK MY SENSEI!
Hhhh I'm gonna need food buffs for this…
Tch—and they moved him to slot 4! He's always slot 1! Gah!!
I'd rather have my measly shields but big NA damage than this!
(I survived. Somehow. Had to use Adeptus' Temptation to boost up my half-built Childe's dmg [other party members were Thoma and Albedo, also not fully built and all three at lv 70], and poor Childe had to eat HP recovery food at least three times because either Azhdaha really hits That hard, or the trial Zhongli's shields were surprisingly fragile. And this coming from someone accustomed to that shield only being able to take 5k dmg!)
Hey look, I can't get past the barrier, but I can spawn my pillar inside!
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(Zhongli immediately hits me with his osmanthus wine idle, causing me to leave the arena at once. It is not an idle you wanna hear in Azhdaha's arena…)
Seriously though… what was that build? 4pc Noblesse is a buff support set, but his ult isn't even on often enough for it to really be useful. He's c3, so two pillars and can shield up via meteor, so you'd think they'd give him more ER or something. But he also has VV, and innit that a DPS kinda thing? Also, didn't they change his first story quest weapon to Homa recently? Why is it still VV here? Why—
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