#el's random thoughts and hobby talk
bylightofdawn · 1 year
Alright, I got about 3K written and the next part is gonna be a doozy Jaster's about to get some not happy fun news...hell it's not like it's a HUGE SURPRISE but he's going to find out Montross betrayed him and it's gonna be a s h i t s h o w.
And absolutely no one but Jaster was surprised, especially with the less than subtle hints I've been laying down. So that's going to take a while to write and since it's 12:30 I'm going to be a good girl and call it quits even though I high key cannot wait to write this terrible confrontation.
EDIT: Also, I'm gonna take a sec to edit and interrupt myself. I WROTE 3K WORDS IN ONE NIGHT. HOW FUCKING AWESOME IS THAT? And I've been regularly pumping out that word count which is how I've written like prolly 70K words in like 3 months. Maybe more I need to go back and look and see how much I'd written a few years ago when I started Seeds before my writing urge ran away from me.
Just did the calculation and it's rough but I'd written 11K of Seeds. With chapter 21 (not including 22 since I'm not adding stuff to the master doc until I'm done with a chapter) I'm at 103,000 words. I've written 92,000 words SINCE JANUARY. I can't even comprehend that. Like my brain cannot wrap itself around that large of a number. I get PANICKY thinking of a number that large and wondering how the fuck that happened. I wrote that? Me? It does not compute.
I am allowing myself to pat myself on the back for that accomplishment. I set out with an unofficial New Year's resolution (which I studiously never make because I feel like I always fail) to try and write a little bit a day. Well jokes on me because I've exceeded that expectation and resolution with flying colors. So this is me giving myself some well-deserved back pats and acknowledgment that I am awesome.
I'm not the greatest author out there, I have a lot of room for improvement but I am working on honing those skills, and that deserves to be acknowledged.
OKAY back to blathering on about Hot Toy's displays and diorama shit.
Instead I will write it tomorrow and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour. I want to take a second to blather on about something totally different. I've got three Star Wars Hot Toy's figures, my favorite boys Rex, Obi-Wan and Cody that I've picked up over the past few years. They live in an Ikea display case at the top and I love looking inside and seeing them but man I get so bummed at how shitty my display skills are.
I legit watched a Tested video today and Norm did this amazing customer display of like the new Bo-Katan hot toys figure displayed hanging from the ceiling seemingly in mid-flight descending on Mando. He apparently did it BEFORE he saw Mando S3 and he like a lot of us thought there'd be this huge confrontation between them. Anyway it looks amazing and I know I could never do anything that cool because 1) I lack the skill or experience. 2) I'm not backed by fucking Tested and have access to a $4,000 glowforge laser cutter to make custom acrylic cuts etc. Or a high end 3D printer etc. Suffice it to say that shit is an EXPENSIVE barrier to entry.
I have debated off and on spending a couple hundred dollars on a 3D printer and teaching myself how to do 3D modeling. I think it would be hard but I think I could teach myself how to do it. But it's justifying the price to even start. I have no interest in teaching myself how to do this and flipping shit on etsy with dozens of other people selling diorama pieces or turning it into a business. I don't think there's a lot of money to be had that way to be brutally honest and there's again dozens of sellers already doing that.
So I'd be literally investing a couple hundred dollars just to creatively challenge myself which isn't a bad thing. There's the satisfaction of learning a new skill and in learning. I just cannot justify the price just to satisfy my curiosity. I HAVE debated starting smaller. Like trying to do custom diorama bases all old-school and such. But I feel like there's still prolly a lot of up front money for supplies, prolly need more tools than the simple dremel I have. I don't even own a drill LOL I've been using my poor dremel as a drill for projects around my apartment and that has a very limited size of bits it can fit. Hell I wrestled with justifying buying that years ago, it was like 90 bucks and I've prolly realistically used it less than 10 times in like 5+ years.
I might still try it. I think I'd like to do a sort of desert /Utapau-inspired base for Cody and Obi-Wan.
Cody's figure actually came with a sandy textured base but Obi-Wan's was smooth. I ended up getting some 'action posable' stand off of Amazon which are hexagonal shaped and click together so I could display them together. Rex I'm just using the stand he came with which already has the bendable 'action' pose so he looks like he's flying. In a very lame and totally uninspired way. But we make due with the skills we have until we are willing to put for the effort to sharpen them and improve.
So really, I feel silly even whining about hating my display skills when I haven't managed to even move past the want and thinking stage of trying to improve it. I could buy a premade stand prolly for 50 to 100 bucks but that's a lot of money. Shit people are nuts, they are charging 50 bucks for what is essentially a full color vinyl sticker. Ya'l are joking, I know what that shit costs thanks to my years as being a printer so I could 100% get that made up for like 20-25 bucks at my local sign shop. Maybe less, I'll be honest I've been out of the game for a few years so it could be less or more.
People are charging stupid prices for those cool looking 3D printed ubiquitous Empire-inspired star destroyer panels. Like to the tune of 70 bucks for one panel like 4x12 panel. Which I'm sure is ALSO way overpriced. So technically I guess BUYING a 3D printer and making my own might end up being cheaper in the long run but....bro.
I think I could prolly get my hands on chipboard and maybe glue together a couple of layers and hand cut out the design though I suspect it wouldn't be as neat or clean. But it's cheaper than the shit they sell on etsy. Pffft I could prolly go by a print shop and see if they have some larger sheets. I do have some sintra left over from years ago when I attempted to make my set of Tobirama armor which is way stiffer but I nearly cut my finger off with the cut off wheel on my dremel soooooooooooo I'm very nervy around using the cut off wheel. LOL
I might find a thinner version online the stuff I used was like 1/4 thickness or something meant to be used for signs. Coroplast would be an excellent choice if it didn't have the visible ribbing where the expanded foam channels weren't so obvious. But that easily cuts with an exacto knife. Hmmmn I wonder if there would be a way of covering it maybe with plastic dip or something they use for foam sealant on foam armor? You can apparently sand that down.
That might not be a bad choice for like flat surfaces. And I'd be covering it with a sandy texture anyway. Just don't know if it can be heat formed. I might have to hit up Juan and see if he'd be willing to sell me a couple sheets of coroplast to experiment with. There are also things like paper mache, but ugh that shit is messy and I've had limited success making props with it in the past. Same for foam clay though I think with a couple of layers of plastidip it might not look as bad as the stuff I've done in the past.
And hell that's prolly less than 20 bucks in materials to just play around and find out. I love I've spent 30 minutes just typing up this long, meandering flow of thought. This is totally the quality content I'm sure people have followed my tumblr for.
But again it's post midnight and post midnight Gremlin brian!El is not responsible for the shit she posts. Maybe I should put that as a disclaimer on my blog. :P
Look it's Star Wara tangential. at least.
Of course, the problem with a small town is the only hobby store in town is Hobby Lobby and I REFUSE to give them any of my money so I might have to drive into San Antonio to Michaels to get some hobby crap. Or continue to support Daddy Bezos which I'm also not super hot on though it's become a sort of necessary evil at this point.
Man I wish I could go back to 10 years ago me when I didn't have to debate ethical consumerism cause it kinda sucks and I miss that obliviousness.
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proceduralpassion · 9 months
How Do You Do This Shit For Fun?
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Day 2 of Narcoctober - Create a crossover for the OG Narcos show and NMX, featuring at least one character from each.
Characters: Javier Peña x Walt Breslin (DEA besties)
CW: language, discussion of drugs
WC: ~1k
A/N: Another day of Narcoctober down! Played a little fast and loose with canon and events bc there's no rules to this fandom shit. If you see any spelling/grammar errors, no you didn't. Enjoy some humor and a twinge of angst.
There’s something to be said about feeling out of one’s league when you’re comparing yourself to the guy who’s got like ten years on you.
Javi meets Walt a few months after his training period since becoming a DEA agent. He’s working out of El Paso, not on one given assignment, but working on multiple cases in the efforts to prove himself. He’s skirted by without much hazing or abuse as the new kid on the block, but he still draws the short straw and assigned the paper trail-intensive type of cases. It’s nothing you can seek your teeth into, but he bares it because this is the road to proving himself.
Walt’s able to transition out of his desk job in Sacramento and joins the crew down in El Paso under Kuykendall’s command. He takes a liking to Peña and brings him up under his wing, so to speak.
Javi’s heard the rumors, listened to the rumblings of what happened of the airfield disaster. He’s already been warned to be wary of Breslin for fear of having his own new DEA career in the hairs of being flushed down the toilet. On the other side of the spectrum, he’s heard guys rave about how much they admire the ballsy moves he’s willing to make to smoke traffickers out. Javi pays it all no mind though, wanting to form his own notions of the guy before passing judgment.
And so far, the guy’s an enigma.
He’s got a subtle way of making people feel inferior to his own thoughts and intentions. Not in a spiteful kind of way, but Javi can tell he’s probably pissed off a lot of people across the border with his aloof attitude and superiority complex. He’s found that when working with Mexican law enforcement, the ethnocentrism steaming off of American officials pisses them off more than the actual cartels sometimes. But Walt also seems to care deeply. He puts in the work, willing to go the extra mile. He’s quick to get back up after being kicked down to the ground. He takes the time to show Peña the ropes, genuinely wanting to share gems that’ll help him down the road as he continues on his journey.
They start running together in the mornings, Breslin’s way of making sure Peña stays sharp and non-complacent in his paper trail cases. Running, itself, is a relatively new hobby for Walt, something he wanted to pick up now that he’s serious about quitting smoking.
He gets up to five miles and Javi feels like he could die before he’s two miles in. What’s worse is that Walt is just talking as usual, spewing off random pieces of advice and sharing new developments about the rising beef between the Sinaloa and Tijuana cartels. Javi can’t get anything but grunts and squawks out as he voices acknowledgement that he’s listening as they run along.
Even his fucking jogs in between his sprints are fast as shit, Javi thinks to himself. It may be off hours, but he’s not going to be outdone by this guy. Call it a chip on his shoulder or just a guy thing, but it wasn’t happening even if his lungs felt like hot ass cotton right about now.
His descent to the ground is less than graceful when they take a break in the midpoint of their run. Walt simply sits on the nearby stoop while Javi stumbles and then flails his legs open on the ground. It’s a quiet area in the neighborhood, but he’d just have to get hit by a car if one happened on this silent road because he simply wasn’t moving.
He heaves in heavy breaths of air, fiending for oxygen much like the addicts that kept the cartels rich.
He opens his eyes when he hears movement and the sound of grunts next to him. They widen when he realizes that Breslin is doing fucking sit ups on the sidewalk. Peña curses to himself when he gathers himself up to start right alongside him.
“Gotta work the full body out,” Walt remarks.
This time, Javi makes no effort to hide rolling his eyes, but Walt doesn’t notice because he’s striking up another conversation about Gallardo possibly being the key to getting intel about just how expansive the cartel’s pockets were when it came to influence and corruption. At this point, Javi isn’t even trying to be engaged in the dialogue anymore. He’s just ready for this workout to end and to lay prone on his bed for the rest of the day.
It’s only when the discussion veers from work to the potential idea of their workouts becoming a regular occurrence that Peña finally snaps.
“How do you do this shit for fun?!”
His elbows scrape against the concrete like a vinyl record cutting off suddenly. He tells Breslin “fuck you” in his head when he looks over to see him still doing sit ups with perfect form, no less.
He has the nerve to fucking shrug as his reply to Javi’s question before finishing up and finally standing. He gives him a hand to help him rise along with him, which the younger DEA agent takes. “Call it a vice,” Walt shrugs again and looks down, almost as if embarrassed, “This job’s gonna suck the shit out of you. Better to have running as an outlet or shit instead of something else.”
Javi rubs at his elbows and watches the way Breslin morphs his face back into neutrality after the grim lacings in his tone just now.
They finish running the rest of their trail and Javi thinks that maybe he’s cracked a piece of the Breslin Rubik’s cube. The one-track mind when it came to tearing down cartels. The failed operations and burnt bridges. The occasional whiff of alcohol he emanated at random times throughout the work day.
This crusade might be the death of him.
Before he goes down, he wants to make sure the game doesn’t take others down too.
“There’s another way, Javi,” he says on another run, “There’s always gonna be another way, a better way to win.”
A/N: This was originally just gonna be a funny little fic but somewhere along the way, it became a mini character study as well? Sawry bout it. Click here if you wanna be added to my taglist. Taglist: @asirensrage @narcosfandomdiscord
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strangertheories · 1 year
I support byler and occasionally make posts about it, so I'd never say this on main but I think the writers could not manage to utilize byler well if going for byler was their intention. I think they should have given byler more personal scenes together that did not involve el in the discussion in some way. Because the truth is whenever they had a discussion, it was related to el some way or other instead of it being personally about them.
like even the apologizing scene has mike saying that he was worrying too much about el and that he thought he lost will's friendship because of his worrying about el... another scene has mike worrying about el leaving and reading el's note, and will reassuring him that mike will get the chance to tell el how he feels. the car scene is about mike worrying about el (i know some people think that mike was thinking about something else there but it is clear to me that he was worrying about el). the van scene-- mike says that he is worried that el will leave him bc he is some random nerd, etc.
I get that they do not only talk about el in those convos but it still revolves around her or at the very least, it includes her and that those convos are not actually about mike and will's bond tbh.
I think the writers should and could have given mike and will more personal convos, like talking about their hobbies, just having some fun or mentioning their lives OR in general anything that is not related to el in some way.
I'm criticizing this bc that's one of the most common stuff other people also notice whether it be mlvns or GA. That's why they think Mike spent the season thinking about El and he talks about El all the time and GA thinks mike is also just there to be for El, etc.
Before I begin, so no one gets annoyed, this is not a Byler doubt post but rather a "how should they handle Mike" post. But yeah anon, I agree, I think if they're intending Byler to be canon they could've handled it a lot differently. HOWEVER, I do think that S2 was very good for this as it really developed Mike and Will's relationship and if they pulled something similar to that for S5, I'd be very happy. I don't really mind if Byler is canon or not because I have no expectations that it will be (not saying no one else should, nobody come after me please), but at the very least, they need to put more focus on Mike and Will's relationship.
If Byler isn't canon then Mike as a character is heavily defined in relation to other people and particularly Eleven so I think fleshing him out and giving him dramas not revolving around her would be good anyways. I think S4 handled it well for the most part even if there were individual decisions I didn't like in particular the comment about meeting El being the best day (did the writers forget why he met her?) and him not noticing Will crying. Both decisions felt a bit out of character for me because whilst Mike is wrapped up in his own stuff, he cares a lot about Will. He noticed Will was particularly quiet in S2 when none of his friends did and he was the one to talk to him when he was mind flayed.
Basically, I just think that Mike needs a heavier focus on his internal struggles and to remind the audience that he's incredibly caring and empathetic. I think that's why the "heart" thing fell a bit flat, if they said that about S1 or S2 Mike, everyone would agree however because Mike has been so focused on Eleven rather than the party, it came off as disingenuous. You don't even need Byler canon to fix that even if it would help because they've established his character but he's become more of a prop in a love triangle than a person to a lot of fans.
TL;DR they need to establish Mike more independently in S5 but I also think they should've shown more of that in S3 and S4 as well regardless of shipping. Thanks for the ask and I'm glad you were comfortable sharing this, I know saying anything against Byler can be scary but it's surprising how welcoming fans can be except a couple of toxic fans. (Nobody tell me as a gotcha Mlvn fans can be toxic too, that's happened before and I'm aware, look at my ask box 💀)
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💯 🐷 💘🍔 😊  for Andy,  💭 🍃 ❤️ 🤔 for Caspian, 🎮💤🎄🐉 🍦 for Willow and 🎻.🎶🍎💛🍸 for Raven please? <3
Ohhhh *rubs hands* thank you so much weasel <3 Surprised to find Raven instead of Adrian *wiggles eyebrows*
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. Hahaha what don't you guys know by now? I'm a slut for talking about my boi! Aaaalright now... let's see what I can shake out of the Andy bag... 1. He prefers white wine over red, though he likes both, I mean, they are alcohol, right? 2. He used to write a diary, but he got tired of his own whining. 3. He secretly enjoys old Danish movies from the 40's-70's, but is for some reason embarrassed to commit to it in front of others???? 🐷 (previously answered) 💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them? His partners and kids are the absolute most important to him, equally. After all those people, there's a lot... comes his parents, uncle and then his friends/other family members. If I have to handpick just 5 people that would be the absolute most important, from my perspective, as in 5 he "couldn't live without", it would be: 1. Evan. 2. Congo. 3. Adrian. 4. Willow. 5. Raven. 6. Sam. But that's my opinion.
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer? Andy is very good at cooking and pretty good at baking as well. He 100% prefers cooking though, but his baking skills improved massively after he got Oscar, since he only live of sugary sweet things, Andy had to get skilled when it comes to making food for the little one. 😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc’s career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life? Andy is still a musician, he's just not as active as he used to back in the band days where they toured the world for years. He has been wanting to get back on stage, alas he hasn't had the balls to actually do it yet. What he most want in life is love and simply having the best time he can possibly have. Just being happy being alive, having fun, exploring, seeing, feeling, tasting.
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💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc’s MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
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Well... yeah XD *snorts into my wine* and yes I took the test for him, enjoy! XD
🍃 LEAVES FLUTTERING IN WIND — what is/was your oc’s favorite subject in school? He absolutely hated school, not a single subject he liked, and he barely passed the exams.
❤️ RED HEART — what are three of your oc’s positive traits? Hm.. he's a pretty quick thinker, he's creative and he's not a quitter.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms? He bites the skin of his thumb when he gets stressed/anxious. Just the very corners around the nail. And he always cracks eggs into a glass before throwing them on a pan, cause he absolutely can't stand eggshells in his food. It drives him up the wall!
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🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc’s favorite hobbies? 1. Messing with her dad (Andy) 2. Shopping. 3. Drinking alcohol/getting drunk. 4. Talking shit. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? She's definitely a heavy sleeper, and she always sleep naked unless it's with family or friends, then she'll wear panties and a tshirt. She sleeps in a big king sized bed with huge pillows and comforter blankets, with some sort of bright black/neon colored sheets, 'to make her dreams pop'. 🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc’s favorite holiday? Surprisingly perhaps it's Christmas and not Halloween. However, the spooky bitch has Halloween as a close 2nd. She just finds Christmas absolutely enchanting and magical. 🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc’s favorite mythical creature? Hands down unicorns. They remind her of her dad. But she also really likes mermaids/sirens (the real creepy kind, not the Disney version) Oh, and El Chubacabra. 🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc’s favorite ice cream flavor(s)? Willow is very into the brand Ben & Jerry's. Her top 3 favorite of those are: 1. Cherry Garcia. 2. Phish Food. 3. Red White & Blueberry.
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🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)? Technically he can play both Violin and Piano excellently. As a matter of fact he could do it professionally and with expertise, but he likes to overlook that he plays instruments, cause it's connected to something dark from his past. He also plays guitar really well. And he's perhaps more casual about that and doesn't hide it as well.
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often? Raven has a very wide music taste, and can listen to pretty much anything. He perhaps surprisingly enough, is most into 60-70's Rock. He listens to music fairly often, mostly when he's home alone, where he tends to listen to classical music. 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? Raven was born in Ireland, about 1898 years ago, give or take. Possibly closer to 2000+ years ago, but if you ask him, you're going to get just as vague an answer as I am giving you now. Thing is, the McKinney clan is so old, they have stopped counting birthdays. However, his Grandfather has been alive since the dawn of time. Long before humans ever walked the Earth. Raven currently live away from the castle where he was born/grew up. But he still has a room there, and quite often visit. He's very attached to the place and it's still very much home to him.
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any? He fluently speaks Irish, Scottish, English, Welch, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and German. And he speaks Norwegian, Icelandic, Russian and Dutch pretty well. 🍸 COCKTAIL GLASS — what is your oc’s favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink? Most people would probably guess red wine, or Whiskey and he does like both very much. However cold beer, straight from the bottle is his favorite.
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mo0nfairy · 2 years
my thoughts on vol. 2
the obvious cons —
no more flashback scenes of henry?????? srsly??????????? the only scrapings of him i got were kinda hearing jamie’s voice through the distorted speech of vecna.
could literally not give less of a shit about the love triangle with nancy, steve, and jonathan. if anything, i want nancy and robin to be together.
why hasn’t steve been given more depth??? like he is literally just a babysitter, nancy’s simp, and a dude who bit a bat. there’s literally nothing else to this boy (which makes it a million times harder for me to write him) and he deserved SO. MUCH. MORE.
i don’t want to be mean but i literally don’t really care about the russia pack?? it’s good writing so idk what’s wrong with me, but i found myself just skipping through it. enzo is fine af tho, so is joyce (per usual obvi)
why is will’s arc dependent on mike and el, like i could not give an extra fuck about their relationship. i wish he had more depth that revolved more about him and his sexuality rather than just being mike an el’s therapist and being some sort of vessel for the upside down. give my sweet boy what he deserves!!! and give him a proper boyfriend!!!!!
^^ this goes for robin too. she does have personality, which most shows representing sexuality lack in, but then again, we barely see any gay??? literally we only see vickie like three times, one being when she is with her boyfriend????? of course the hetero relationships like mike/el and steve/nancy show a gazillion scenes with their tongues down each others throats, but the only recognition we get for our community is will balling his eyes out and some cutesy pb&j making sesh?? like wtf???? why are the only gay characters getting absolutely ZERO recognition?? do the duffers think that oppression ends with just being a nerd or something????????
i wish el was given more personality. literally her brain is just mike and trauma. give that girl some hobbies!! some talent!!! she deserves even the smallest sliver of happiness so so much
and now to address the elephant in the room: WHY DID EDDIE HAVE TO FUCKING DIE????? like that was cheap as fuck duffer brothers!!!! you’ve done this EVERY season. you make the sweetest, kind-hearted character and then kill them off for shock value. it’s so lazy and irritating!!!!! and the fact that he will get no closure and he will forever be known as the black sheep who started a cult and killed these random ass kids fucking hurts. and how no one but dustin was grieving for eddie??? like hello???? everyone was literally fine but i was balling my eyes out and the dude isn’t even real. moral of the story: if they introduce a sweet character in s5, don’t get ur hopes up. i hope by some miracle he returns in next season, i'm crossing my fingers.
the pros!! —
lucas’s arc was so good!!! i felt like he was really left out in s3, but i feel as if we get to see more of who he is and how he feels. how he joined the basketball team cuz he didn’t want to be bullied, how he treats max, and how fucking devastated he was after max almost died stabbed me in the heart. i do feel as though more could’ve been done for his character that didn’t relate to the basketball team and max, but i liked seeing this new side of lucas!! in conclusion: i love this boy to the moon and back. also caleb's acting???? phenomenal! give this boy every oscar known to mankind !!
my sweet, sweet maxine. there are no words to describe the sheer adoration i have for this girl. the whole season i found myself honestly annoyed with how she was reacting to billy’s death. he was her brother, and despite everything, she did love him, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he was a racist, abusive piece of shit. and i can already hear everybody rant about how “it’s not his fault!” “his dad is mean!” “but he’s too pretty to be abusive!” like stfu???? he was an awful human being, and i appreciate how they talked about how max knew these things and how she secretly wished he would get what he deserved. no matter what, nobody deserves death, but i love how they managed to come full circle with her grieving process and how she wouldn’t blindly defend all of his actions simply because he was her brother and now he’s dead. he didn’t deserve to die, but him dying doesn’t mean any of the things he did are excusable. also, max and lucas are the only str8 couple i found myself actually shipping and rooting for (el/max still thrives in my heart tho). and also, her music taste >>>> bomb!!
jason got FUCKED UP LMAOOO. i was literally sobbing my eyes out over eddie and then this man just gets split into two, like that shit caught me SO OFF GUARD. but i think his character was honestly really fascinating. it’s so easy to see all he’s caused and just hate his guts for it, but if you really pay attention, you can see how detailed his character truly is. he wasn’t just some mass villain, he’s a normal high school basketball player who is mourning for the girl he loved. and because of that, i feel pity for him. though he majorly fucked up our plans and what he did wasn’t ok in any shape or form, he was just doing what he thought was right: ridding hawkins of evil and avenging for his dead girlfriend. basically i will defend this man to the end idc idc
and now for some of my favorite highlights :
robin getting down on one knee to help nancy >>> robbin grabbing nancy’s hand cuz she was nervous >>>>>>> i love my gay girlfriends
eddie calling max “red” >>>>
eddie randomly saying to dustin “never change” >>>>>>>>
eddie saying “don’t ya, big boy?” to steve >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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moccahobi · 3 years
What is Boring [Yoongi x Reader]
Pairing: Yoongi (BTS) x Reader
Summery: During a relaxing day, your mind wanders... are you boring?
Prompt: Adventure for @thebtswritersclub’s March promt
Word Count: 516 words (another 200 is a Spanish version I tried to write)
Genre: fluff, established relationship
A/N: This is... a twist on the word adventure. What is adventure? I have been grappling with the idea of being boring... esp in quarantine because I barely leave my house and barely talk to anyone... and I don’t think that’s inherently boring... so I wanted to explore adventure though this piece! It was actually originally going to be my first attempt at a Spanish fic (and I still attached my unedited (and v subpar) first attempt... I’ve been studying Spanish for 11 years now... and 6 of those  years was acedemically and I love the language... but what I really realized is that my fictional Spanish skill set is lacking~ Which was interesting to find out (I suspected lolol). Either way, if you want to read the Spanish version, I’ve attached it... I am sorry in advance if there are some grammar issues. 
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“Do you think we live boring lives?” 
Your question rang through the quiet apartment, clinging to the minimal decorations, and bringing Yoongi’s attention away from the book he was reading, your pet napping calmly next to him. It was week whatever of quarantine and at this point, you’d found yourself thinking more and more about how little your life seemed to change since going into quarantine. Sure you no longer went to random cafes or your office to work, but your hobbies hadn’t been hindered because you were now limited to your apartment and almost all your friends were online relationships already so it wasn’t as if they had changed much either. 
In fact, you often found yourself talking to them more now that you were on your computer all the time. 
You’d been staring at your empty apartment mindlessly for almost 5 minutes before you proposed the question, your mind slowly circling around the same 4 thoughts.
Were you boring?
What even made something exciting to do?
How would humans look a million years from now?
How many dogs could you fit into your apartment without your landlord complaining?
“How come?”
“I mean… just because what we do isn’t exciting for others doesn’t mean it’s boring.” Yoongi started, his brow furrowed in thought as he looked outside, “I enjoyed our little adventure into making our own pasta last night… even if we ruined our grout by getting flour stuck in it.” 
You hummed and nodded, looking out the window at the moving world. Cars rushed passed by, people quickly walked on the sidewalks, and distantly, birds sang. Your apartment was so quiet compared to the outside and you couldn’t tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 
Was cooking pasta even an adventure?
“You don’t seem convinced.”
“I’m not.”
“How come?” 
“I wouldn’t call cooking an adventure.” A sigh left you as you readjusted in your seat, “It’s not like it was some grand mountaineering adventure.” 
“True… but it was an exploration of some sort. Neither of us had made pasta before. We were kind of adventuring into the unknown of pasta making. I mean… we didn’t even follow a real recipe.” 
You snorted at that and shook your head. The “recipe” you followed was some coworkers vague descriptions of how she made pasta in the past and it barely gave any measurements… which led to Yoongi thinking it was reasonable to use 10 eggs for 128g of flour.
Spoiler: It was not reasonable. 
“I guess…”
“So we have had some adventures then?” 
“Yeah. I guess.”
“So we aren’t boring.” 
With that Yoongi looked back down at his book and refocused on the adventure happening in it. You continued to think, your mind now cycling through five thoughts as you looked at your pet napping next to Yoongi.
What was your pet dreaming about?
Were they on an adventure?
Who the fuck decided socks were ok to wear indoors.
Was there anyone climbing a mountain right now?
What would happen if you mixed chocolate and water to make homemade hot chocolate?
“¿Somos aburridos?”
Tu pregunta es ruidosa en el cuarto mínimo. Se rompe el silencio y lentamente, Yoongi se mira, su libro se abre en su falda.  pensaba por 5 minutos sobre sí aburrida antes de preguntar, tres ideas corren en su mente:
¿Es aburrida?
¿Cuáles actividades son aventureros?
¿Cuántos perros pueden vivir en su piso?
Desafortunadamente, la respuesta por pregunta 2 está dos, Pero por  las preguntas 1 y 2 no sabes. Yoongi te mira y piensa sobre cómo puede responder. 
“Pienso que no. Si, nuestras vidas no están emocionados, como persona a quien caminar  montañas,  pero no están aburridas. Exploramos cafés y restaurantes, leemos libros aventureros y divertidos, y probamos actividades nuevas cada día.”
Suspiras y miras a Yoongi, el frunces el ceño un poco en pensamiento. Afuera de tu piso,  el mundo se mueve. Coches pasean, Pájaros cantan,  y personas caminan,  pero detrás de su piso nada se mueve. Yoongi y tú están en sus pensamientos y su mascota está durmiendo.
“No somos aburridos.  si hay aspectos de nuestras vidas que están aburridos, pero pienso que no quiero vivir una vida llena de emoción. Encanto los momentos de descubrimientos calmados.  por ejemplo cuando cocinabamos comida nueva anoche.” 
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May I please order a cake (written matchup for haikyuu)? I can be described as introverted and withdrawn because of events in life despite being outgoing and lively in the past. I randomly doze off and daydream a lot when I’m alone, with friends, and family. Because of my introverted personality I am often mistaken for cold a lot because of my “resting bitch face.” Once people get to know me I am just emotionally shy and empathetic. Even though I can respond and identify to the feeling of others, I have a hard time expressing my own and try not to express it often. When I’m with friends I am very upbeat, joyful, and hardworking by supporting my friends and family and putting their needs before my own and keeping them happy. I’m pretty much independent and a hard worker that spends too much caring for everyone but myself. My friends describe me as a good listener and easy to talk with because I Am open-minded and easygoing. I like to watch anime, read manga, play video games (final fantasy and kingdom hearts: my favorite series. also metal gear, solid, resident evil etc.), watch DC comic films and shows XD Besides that, my ultimate favorite hobbies include drawing fan arts of Kpop groups & anime, while listening to music (second ultimate favorite hobby). I also like to swim and drive around because of my love for adventures and imagination (also relaxation). I have a strong passion of disliking bugs (especially cockroaches). I especially love to eat sweets , in particular boba and macaroons. I have big brown eyes, long wavy brown hair, baby face (don’t look my age. I Am mistaken for looking 13-17), slender body. I am half-Chinese, el salvadoran, and French descendent. Sexuality: heterosexual Age: 24 gender: female.
Were gonna age our boy up for you here
We’ll say your both 24 here
🍰 for @otakupandasworld
Romantic Matchup
Kita Shinsuke
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How yall met
Aran had actually introduced you two
You and Aran have been friends for a while
And he couldn't help but notice how similar you and his ex captain acted
So when kita decided to come into the city to visit
He thought it would be a good idea to introduce you two
You two didn't really talk to each other at first
And Aran was afraid that introducing you two was a mistake
However he was proven wrong when he came back from the bathroom to see Kita smiling
Kita was smiling?
Did he just laugh at something you said?
Turns out when Aran was gone you and kita had fallen into a conversation about his rice farm
You had told him that you really wanted to live out in the country because you feel like you needed to spend a year or two just focusing on yourself
He laughed saying he had felt the same way before he moved
He told you that he would be in the city for a few days if you ever wanted to hang out
And if you ever decided of moving to the country to give him a call
You two had hung out a few more times before he went back home
And you even stayed in touch when he went back
about a month later you had called him saying you were going to take a vacation in the country and asked if it would be alright if you stayed with him while you were there
He agreed and soon enough you were at his front door with your bags
Since you guys were so far out in the country it really allowed you both to get to know each other
And by the end of your stay you realized how much you liked living in the country
So you decided to move
Kita had kindly offered for you to stay with him until you could get a place of your own
Which you accepted
After about 3 months of living together kita had confessed that he's grown feelings for you
Lucky for him you felt the same way
Yeah lets just say you never ended up finding your own place...
What they love about you
He loves how you seem to always know hows hes feeling
Now Kita is a man of very few words
And even fewer expressions
He knows that this can cause problems when some people are trying to read his emotions
But somehow you always seem to know how he's feeling without telling you
He loves how caring you are
Even though you said you wanted to move to the country to focus on you
You still check in with all of your friends and family almost everyday
There have even been times where you take the long journey back to the city because someone needed you
He loves that you care so much
But he also wishes you would take some time to care for yourself too
He loves how hardworking/helpful you are
Your always helping kita around the farm whenever you can
And he can tell you put all of your effort into helping
And when your not helping on the farm
You can usually be found inside helping tidy up the house
Honestly kitas never had a helping hand around the farm before
So he really appreciates it whenever you offer to help
He loves your sense of adventure
Every once in awhile you'll drag him off of the farm
And just go driving around the countryside
Seeing What new places you can find
Ngl you've gotten lost many many times on these little road trips
But that just adds to the fun!
Favorite things to do together
This man SCREAMS domestic
Like hell find little joys in doing things like
Cooking dinner with you
Reading with you
Taking walks with you
Cleaning with you
The little things yk
But he does love it when you guys will take little getaways to the city
Hell admit running a farm can get exhausting
So he likes it when you two just pack your things and plan a weekend in the city
Going to shops
Seeing old friends
He loves it all
Random Hc
He kills all the bugs inside the house
Thank god
And he doesn't even kill them
He just catches them and sets them free outside
Soft boi ❤️
He made you an art room inside the house
Every now and then hell just go in there and admire some of your works
Whenever you guys go to the market he makes sure to stock up on sweets for you
But he has to hide them so you don't eat them all
Sundays are your quote unquote relaxation days
It's basically where you tidy up the house while listening to music
Then spend the rest of the day enjoying eachothers company
Whether that be reading together
Watching movies together
Or playing video games together
He doesn't really care to play video games
But he likes to spend time with you so hell play them anyways
His nicknames for you include: Dear, My love, and Sweetness
Old couple vibes right here
Overall Aesthetic
Honeycore 🍯
Falling for you (peachy and mxmtoon)
Put your head on my shoulder (paul anka)
Can't help falling in love with you (Elvis)
Mr.Sandman (The Chordettes)
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missmorosis · 3 years
heyy I was wandering if I could have a valentine's day event for atla 👉👈
I go by she/her and I like all genders :)
I'm infp and my love language is words of affirmation.
In a partner I think I look for someone I feel safe to be myself around. Someone that I know is not gonna judge me and is loyal. I like the kind of people that can ground me to reality since I'm often a little out of touch with reality and miss out on the fun things but also understand when I need personal space. I'd also like someone who can make me laugh but can I also have serious conversations with :)
I am a head-in-the-clouds type of person. I'm usually very cheerful and bubbly, my friends call my 'sunshine' and 'morning child of the sun' because of my cheerful attitude but I'm not a morning person at all. I appreciate the little things like how green the trees look today and how the clouds look so nice and floofy. I get distracted by butterflies lol. I believe in a lot of conspiracy theories and things such as ghosts and cryptids and fairies. I'm terrible with human interaction but if I feel that I can be myself around you I will pour the depths of my soul to you. It goes from 0-100 in a minute. We go from I didn't know you yesterday to feeling like we've been friends for the past 5 years. I'm awkward and clumsy and I'll most likely infodump on you about things I like whether that be a king who died centuries ago or anything related to the disney parks (I've never been but I have a library of knowledge of things you can do and places to stay and eat etc including their history) I have an entire range of different topics I keep knowledge of in my brain.
My hobbies are singing, acting, I'm learning the guitar, and archery :D I also really love chess but no one plays with me :(
3 things I do on the daily are listen and sing show tunes (that's one, it happens at the same time), read, and consume chocolate in some shape or form whether that be chocolate milk or a cookie I must have some type of chocolate or I'll die.
I'll talk to you now :) how are you? I'm doing great :) What did you have for breakfast? I had some chocolate milk (hehe) and a fruit salad :) Did you drink any water today? You should. Go drink some now. Yeyy!!! Well, I hope you have a good day and sorry if this is too big, I tend to rant a lot heh 👉👈 anyway byeeee 💕💕✨✨😁😁
i’m doing okay! i had two chocolate-covered biscuits today 😌 THEY WERE GREATTT!! i didnt drink too much water today, i’ll drink some right now!!
here’s your matchup...
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let’s be real, he needs someone like you in his life HAHSFDK- he’s totally in touch w/ reality YK THAT BEACH SCENE WHERE HE REMINDS EVERYONE THAT THEY SHOULD BE TRAINING INSTEAD OF HAVING FUN
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how he asked you out
-> The two of you were in Zuko’s bedroom, lounging around together and casually chatting. He was on his chair, while you were sitting on his bed.
“You’ve never been to the Disney parks?” he casually asked, and you shook your head. “Huh, thought you have, with all the info about them you’re always bursting out with.” You laughed, and he gave a small smile.
“I wish I’ve been,” you said, sighing as you plopped back onto his bed. The sheets smelled like him, which made you happy.
“Well, I have something for you,” he said, his face reflecting mischief. You quirked an eyebrow at him, and he went back into his closet. He came back with an envelope in his hands, and you eagerly hopped to stand next to him. 
You grabbed the envelope, and opened it hesitantly. Inside it were two tickets to Disneyland.
“Shut up, shut up!” you yelled, your eyes beaming. His face showed an equal amount of happiness, and you pulled him into a hug. “Thank you! So much!”
“No problem,” he said, laughing. “These tickets are for Valentine’s Day, if you wanna go with me? Or you can totally give the other ticket to someone els-” You scoffed, and he stopped talking.
“Of course I want to go with you, I can’t wait!” He smiled, and you pulled him into another hug.
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how you spent the day together
-> “You ready?” Zuko’s voice asked, standing outside your door. 
“Yup!” you said, dragging out your suitcase. You had two day’s worth of clothes and food, and you were ready to spend the day at Disneyland.
“Alright then,” he smiled as he grabbed your hand.
The flight to California was relatively chill; the two of you kept exchanging glances and bursting out into laughter at random moments. You and Zuko also talked the entire flight, joking around and chatting with one another. The other passengers definitely did not like it, but it made your heart swell.
Once you got there, you raced to every single ride you possibly could, grabbing Zuko’s arm and dragging him around. He laughed as you burst out with fun facts about everything you saw, and you smiled.
The night arrived faster than it should have; it seemed like the entire day went by in five minutes. Zuko looked at you with a large grin on his face.
“Did you have fun?” His eyes seemed to sparkle in the night, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Definitely,” you said, giving him a kiss on the lips.
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if you ever go, THE DOLE WHIP THEY HAVE IS BOMB AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! the rides there are super fun too omg~ they have both rollercoasters and small, relaxing rides, if high-speed isn’t your thing :)) peter pan & the small world ride are small and slow, but UGH IT’S STILL AMAZING CUZ OF ALL THE SET DESIGN AND EVERYTHING AKLSDFLJSDF
they also have great shows and cast!! 
idk idk when i was younger i was always scared of those big dolls
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but other than that LMAOOO- everything’s great hehe
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brandossss · 3 years
( tommy martinez , 24 , cismale ) i  just  bumped  into  brando  esparza  the  other  day  while  walking  down  east  kingsboro , where  he  lives . i  hear  they  can  be  brave  and  impatient , but  when  i  think  of  them  i  immediately  think  of  ( venezuelan  pride , curly  hair , going  to  the  gym  literally  everyday ) 
tw : communism , corruption , poverty , violence , death  ( suicide )
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full  name : brando  nicolas  estefano  esparza
nicknames : just  brando , if  he  really  fucks  with  you  you  can  get  away  with  teasingly  calling  him  brandy , but  not  even  lolol
gender : cismale
height :  6 ′ 2
age : 24
birthday : august  4 , 1996
zodiac : leo  ( aries  moon , capricorn  ascendant )
right  handed  or  left  handed : ambidextrous , but  basically  right  handed 
eye  color : light  brown
hair  color : dark  brown
piercings  &  tattoos : no  piercings , this  tattoo  of  venezuela  right  here , but  on  his  left  wrist 
languages  spoken : spanish ( native  tongue ) and  english
sexuality : pansexual / panromantic
place  of  birth : maracay , venezuela
last  3  songs  listened  to : llueve  sobre  la  ciudad  by  los  bunkers , yo  te  esperare  by  cali  y  el  dandee , soñe  ( unplugged )  by  zoé
so  brando  was  born  to  yessenia  olivares  and  bruno  esparza  in  maracay , venezuela . originally , he  wasn’t  supposed  to  be  named  brando . a  fun  fact  &  random  little  headcanon  is  that  his  mother  &  father  had  the  full  intention  of  naming  him  brandon , after  his  grandfather  ( or  father’s  father ) , who  passed  a  week  before  he  was  born . being  both  parents’  first  born , his  father  got  super  nervous  during  his  mother’s  labor  &  basically ? got  really  wasted  because  he  was  practically  crapping  his  pants  about  his  son  being  born . when  he  went  to  sign  his  birth  certificate , he  was  so  drunk , he  literally  forgot  to  write  the  ‘ n ’  in  brandon . once  they  realized  the  mistake  his  father  had  made , they  didn’t  want  to  go  through  the  annoyance  of  changing  his  name , so , they  went  with  brando , and  surprisingly ? it  really  stuck  &  everyone  loved  it  more  than  brandon  kdjvcndfkcmn
he  was  an  average  kid  tbh . his  family  was  middle  class  &  even  though  his  country  had  been  struggling  ( for  the  lack  of  a  better  word )  for  years  now , he  didn’t  fully  feel  the  economic  fall  at  first , of  course . now  fast  forward  a  few  years  &  shit  is  changing  right  before  his  eyes , and  he’s  really ? just  a  kid
pretty  much  communism  coming  to  it’s  finest  point  tbh . all  these  restaurants , stores , businesses , all  these  places  brando  used  to  go  to  when  he  was  younger ? done  with , or  just  government  owned  &  a  blink  away  from  breaking  completely . it’s  actually  really  sad  because  he’s  literally  watching  it  all  happen , watching  his  country  go  down  the  drain  &  there’s  really  nothing  he  can  do  to  stop  it
his  father  becomes  an  active  protester , along  with  many  other  angry  venezuelans , but  this  does  more  bad  than  good . eventually  his  father  gets  arrested  at  a  protest  when  brando  is  11  years  old . that  was  over  a  decade  ago  &  up  to  this  very  day , present  time , brando  has  no  idea  where  his  father  is , if  he’s  well , or  if  he’s  even  alive  tbh  ( talk  about  trauma ? ) . it’s  like  one  day  he’s  coming  home , giving  his  only  son  a  hug , &  the  next  day , he  completely  vanished  from  planet  earth , as  if  he’s  some  high  profile  serial  killer  when  really , he  was  just  protesting  the  shit  communist  government  they’re  living  in 
it’s  just  brando  &  his  mom  from  that  point  on . of  course , things  just  get  worse  with  time . i’m  not  gonna  get  into  details  but  basic  poverty  &  communism  tbh . they’re  hungry , they’re  broke , the  country  is  just  getting  worse  &  worse  with  each  passing  moment  ( hyper  inflation , food  scarcity , severe  corruption , government  abuse , do  i  even  need  to  go  on ? ) . all  these  things  anger  brando  to  no  extent  &  he  finds  himself  releasing  his  anger  with  his  fists . it’s  getting  into  random  fights  for  no  reason  &  screaming  at  anyone  who  even  looks  at  him  weirdly , pretty  much  becoming  an  angry  ass  kid 
TW : SUICIDE , READ  WITH  CAUTION !! things  are  bad  but  they  really  hit  rock  bottom  when  his  mother , surprisingly , commits  suicide . brando  finds  her  foaming  at  the  mouth , a  clear  overdose , but  by  the  time  they  make  it  to  the  hospital , she’s  pronounced  dead . literally  a  15  year  old  boy , alone , in  venezuela .... honestly  terrifying . brando  literally  doesn’t   know  where  to  go ? on  top  of  the  trauma  he’s  holding  he’s  worried  about  his  living  arrangements  as  well . luckily , a  friend  of  his  allows  him  to  stay  at  his  house  a  few  nights  but  this  is  just  temporary
he  just  really  wants  to  leave  his  country  but  he  feels  completely  stuck . he’s  depressed  &  angry  as  fuck  but  he’s  determined  to  get  out  somehow . brando  eventually  contacts  a  family  friend  on  facebook  ( aka  claudia’s  mom ? ) &  tells  them  his  situation . it  seems  to  touch  this  woman’s  heart  so  much , she , wait  for  it , brings  him  over  to  the  states . he  spends  his  16th  birthday  in  america , with  claudia  &  her  family . the  year  is  2012 
very  slowly , but  things  begin  getting  better  for  him . he’s  enrolled  into  school  &  pretty  much  gets  guided  through  everything  thanks  to  claudia . they  are  not  blood  related , but  their  families  were  so  close  at  one  point  that  they’re  pretty  much ? cousins  tbh ! literally  not  blood  related  but  still  family
with  his  dedication  &  ambition  he  pretty  much  catches  on  completely  in  less  than  3  years  ( learning  english  of  course ) , he  loses  his  accent  completely  after  4 . he  goes  through  a  whole  adoption  thing  with  claudia’s  family  until  he  thankfully  gains  american  residency  thanks  to  them , which  of  course , eventually  leads  him  to  citizenship . instead  of  picking  fights  with  people  for  no  reason , brando  takes  out  his  anger  with  physical  activity , becoming  very  much  involved  in  going  to  the  gym , or  even  just  exercising  by  himself . whether  it’s  leg  day , boxing , whatever  it  is , he  loves  any  type  of  physical  work , since  it  keeps  his  mind  distracted 
this  has  pretty  much  lead  him  to  have  quite  a  #body  tbh . like .... it’s  hella  obvious  he  works  out  kdndjndjvnfd
he  also  developed  a  hobby  for  piano , after  taking  piano  classes  in  high  school , beginning  of  freshman  year . he’s  been  playing  since  he  was  16 , eventually  buying  a  crap  keyboard  when  he  was  17 . he  does  piano  covers  on  youtube , but  again , this  is  really  just  a  hobby  of  his 
DEATH  TW !! after  the  passing  of  claudia’s  parents , her  &  brando  move  to  kingsboro  when  they’re  both  19 ! they  share  an  apartment  with  lemon
on  top  of  that , he’s  a  bartender  @  blue ! he’s  also  a  personal  trainer . literally  lifting  24/7  for  him .... bless
he  enjoys  drinking  on  weekends  &  letting  loose  every  once  in  a  while  but  i  don’t  think  he’s  crazy  about  weed  tbh . he  thinks  the  feeling  is  nice , but  he  hates  how  it  makes  you  hungry . would  never  go  out  of  his  way  to  buy  weed  &  basically  only  smokes  it  if  he’s  offered , preferring  alcohol , but  again , he  mostly  just  exercises  &  eats  right , not  really  having  any  addictions  of  any  kind , just  little  hobbies  every  one  in  a  while
brando  honestly ? considers  himself  lucky , despite  all  the  terrible  things  he’s  been  through . he  feels  lucky  that  he  left  before  things  got  really , really bad , even  though  they  were  already  pretty  awful  tbh . anyone  who  hears  his  story  would  think  he’s  anything  but  fortunate  but  the  truth  of  the  matter  is  that  he’s  one  of  the  lucky  ones . not  every  venezuelan  has  had  the  opportunity  to  leave  &  he  just  feels  very  fortunate  that  he  was  one  of  the  few  that  did 
he’s  not  the  type  to  take  anything  for  granted  tbh , very  much  the  type  of  person  who  appreciates  everything  he  has , no  matter  how  small . you  could  literally  get  him  a  present  from  the  dollar  store  for  christmas  &  he  would  still  be  super  happy  about  it . for  him , it’s  the  thought  &  time  put  into  something  that  counts , not  the  price , or  the  brand 
he  very  much  struggled  with  his  sexuality  for  years . not  because  he  was  in  denial  or  ashamed  or  anything , but  for  the  longest  time , he  kind  of  just  didn’t  know  what  he  was ? sometimes  he  thought  he  was  straight  but  undergoing  a  phase , other  times  he  wondered  if  he  was  gay , then  he  considered  himself  bi  for  a  really  long  time . the  truth  is  that  he  didn’t  fully  understand  his  sexuality  up  until  not  too  long  ago , when  he  began  hanging  with  an  lgbtq+  crowd . eventually , he  realizes  society  basically  labels  him  as  ‘ pansexual ’ , but  he  doesn’t  even  really  like  to  label  himself ? brando  just  falls  in  love  with  the  person , with  their  soul , &  he  doesn’t  care  what  they  have  underneath  tbh 
i  haven’t  fully  figured  him  out  yet  because  he’s  a  new  character  but  i  picture  he  can  be  such  a  stereotypical  leo  sometimes , but , his  whole  #capricorn  ascendant  really  does  take  place  for  him , in  the  sense  that  he  can  be  a  very  difficult  person  to  read  sometimes . like  is  he  happy ? is  he  upset ? is  that  just  his  face ? is  he  planning  something ? you  will  rarely  ever  know  tbh 
he’s  a  very  humble  person , probably  because  of  his  childhood . he  hates  show  offs  tbh , or  very  rich  people  with  no  consideration  for  anyone . literally .... miss  him  with  that  bullshit  lmfao . he  finds  the  entire  snobby  or  ‘ i’m  better  than  you ’ attitudes  to  be  so  unattractive  tbh ? you  could  be  the  hottest  person  on  the  planet  but  if  he  hates  your  attitude  you  really  just  don’t  matter  to  him  lolol
over  all  he’s  a  lot  calmer  than  he  was  before  tbh . he  still  has  his  moments  but  he’s  a  pretty  stable  guy  in  the  sense  that  he  no  longer  wants  to  beat  up  everything  or  anyone  he  see’s . he  still  has  a  ton  of  issues  to  work  on  but  basically  just  doesn’t  wanna  go  to  therapy  &  doesn’t  really  talk  about  his  past  at  all , preferring  to  ‘ live  in  the  present ’  even  though  talking  about  his  issues  &  sharing  his  pretty  shitty  story  would  definitely  help  him  clear  out  his  head  but  🥴 it  honestly  probably  won’t  happen  &  he’ll  probs  just  keep  burying  shit  LMFAOOOO
very  very  hard  working  guy , ambition  like  crazy , always  gives  his  all  in  anything  he  feels  strongly  about , he’s  very  good  at  persuading  people  tbh , usually  gets  told  he’d  make  a  ‘ great  lawyer ’  because  he  just  has  this  way  of  convincing  you  like ? he  would  never  become  a  lawyer  but  the  truth  is  that  he  would  make  a  great  one , persuasion  skills  like  a  MF 
this  is  all  i  can  think  of  now  but  i  did  his  birth  chart  ting  🖤 
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megalodon-writes · 4 years
Hello, I sent in a haikyuu matchup request through tumblr messager because of the length :-) It can still be public and I was wondering if that's okay
May I please get a written ship for haikyuu? I can be described as introverted and withdrawn because of events in life despite being outgoing and lively in the past. I randomly doze off and daydream a lot when I’m alone, with friends, and family. Because of my introverted personality I am often mistaken for cold a lot because of my “resting bitch face.” Once people get to know me I am just emotionally shy and empathetic. Even though I can respond and identify to the feeling of others, I have a hard time expressing my own and try not to express it often. When I’m with friends I am very upbeat, joyful, and hardworking by supporting my friends and family and putting their needs before my own and keeping them happy. I’m pretty much independent and a hard worker that spends too much caring for everyone but myself. My friends describe me as a good listener and easy to talk with because I Am open-minded and easygoing. I like to watch anime, read manga, play video games (final fantasy and kingdom hearts: my favorite series. also metal gear, solid, resident evil etc.), watch DC comic films and shows XD Besides that, my ultimate favorite hobbies include drawing fan arts of Kpop groups & anime, while listening to music (second ultimate favorite hobby). I also like to swim and drive around because of my love for adventures and imagination (also relaxation). I have a strong passion of disliking bugs (especially cockroaches). I especially love to eat sweets , in particular boba and macaroons. I have big brown eyes, long wavy brown hair, baby face (don’t look my age. I Am mistaken for looking 13-17), slender body. I am half-Chinese, el salvadoran, and French descendent. Sexuality: heterosexual Age: 23
You sound so sweet oh my goodness yes of course!! I hope you like!… 
I match you with Wakatoshi Ushijima!
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I had several different people pass through my brain but can I just say
 p o w e r   c o u p l e
Rbf? You mean Wakatoshi Ushijima.
He’s going to find it so so so adorable when you get lost in thought. You know that boat scene in Tangled when Eugene looks at Rapunzel? Yep.
Okay the coolest thing is that you guys don’t even have to talk. You can just look at each other and know what the other person wants it often scares Tendou
The team absolutely loves you and think it’s hilarious to flirt with you when Ushijima is around especially Tendou  You’re the teams number one fan and they have a painting you made up in their club room
You guys have study dates all the time. Usually it ends with you getting tired but as you yawn he just hands you a piece of candy. If he has more homework or anything than you do, he loves when you sit on his lap and play with his hair while he finishes
Speaking of candy/ sweets… he doesn’t really have a sweet tooth but anywhere in his room where they could be hidden… they are. He keeps his room nice and stocked up with sweets because he knows you so well
Once he tried making you homemade boba but it was so bad he never told you
He doesn’t really understand the games or comics/manga you read, but he will always cuddle you and play with your hair while you do said things.He noticed that you read a fair amount of Nightwing comics and without warning he showed up one day wearing a shirt with the blue symbol on it and you lost your mind also he bought you the matching couple shirt aka with starfire or batgirl (or whoever you like nightwing to be with)
If you’re having some form of artistic block, you don’t even have to say anything and he’ll just drag you into the car to go driving up the mountain. Windows down while music is blasting and everything
Also??? His voice? Angelic. Is there anything this boy can’t do?? cook boba
Your babies would be absolutely gorgeous
Being with him would be so easy for you. He’s such a softie that he would actually tuck you into his bed anytime you fell asleep at his place. Though when you pulled him into bed with you he wouldn’t deny it
You have only ever seen him blush once and it was when you had come over after it was extremely rainy. Because you were so soaked, you stole one of his large t shirts and wore only that
I know you said that you put others before yourself but Ushijima wouldn’t let you do that with him - however, you knew he was having a rough day if he let you baby him
You guys spend a lot of time outside together. Mostly on picnics or random drives up the canyon to try to get lost. Also cuddles in the back of a truck under the starry sky makes you feel some type of way towards the guy
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mouseymatchmaker · 4 years
May I please get a written ship for Attack on Titan, Durarara (older characters pls), and FFXV ? I can be described as introverted and withdrawn because of events in life despite being outgoing and lively in the past. I randomly doze off and daydream a lot when I’m alone, with friends, and family. Because of my introverted personality I am often mistaken for cold a lot because of my “resting bitch face.” Once people get to know me I am just emotionally shy and empathetic.
Even though I can respond and identify to the feeling of others, I have a hard time expressing my own and try not to express it often. When I’m with friends I am very upbeat, joyful, and hardworking by supporting my friends and family and putting their needs before my own and keeping them happy. I’m pretty much independent and a hard worker that spends too much caring for everyone but myself. My friends describe me as a good listener and easy to talk with because I Am open-minded and easygoing.
I like to watch anime, read manga, play video games (final fantasy and kingdom hearts: my favorite series. also metal gear, solid, resident evil etc.), watch DC comic films and shows XD Besides that, my ultimate favorite hobbies include drawing fan arts of Kpop groups & anime, while listening to music (second ultimate favorite hobby). I also like to swim and drive around because of my love for adventures and imagination (also relaxation). I have a strong passion of disliking bugs (especially cockroaches). I especially love to eat sweets , in particular boba and macaroons. I have big brown eyes, long wavy brown hair, baby face (don’t look my age. I Am mistaken for looking 13-17), slender body. I am half-Chinese, el salvadoran, and French descendent. Sexuality: heterosexual Age: 23.“
So I first thought of Marco because he is such an open and charismatic guy that he will help you open up regarding past events. He won’t try to make you the person you were before, all Marco will do is treat you with the utmost care knowing that the past has had its influence. Marco is also very much aware that you’re introverted and he’s happy to accommodate that, he doesn’t think you look cold or anything. He just takes you as you are. If you have a hard time expressing your feelings, he has the patience of a saint and will never push you to explain in a way that makes you uncomfortable. He accepts you at your pace. 
All of your hobbies are generally something he can get behind. Anime and manga seem right up his street, as well as video games. I see the two of you teaming up against Jean and you both wreck him in those games. Poor boy didn’t see it coming. Marco also seems down for exploring, the two of you will take random road trips to the weirdest places and you’d run a random adventure instagram, you’d have all the local sweets and delicacies on there too
I felt Shinra was best for you in the sense that he’s the type who gets his partners. We’ve seen very much in the anime/manga that he just understood Celty without seeing her face and I think that’ll be the same with you. You don’t need to say anything to him, though Shinra would appreciate it, he just understands what you mean and what you need. This is especially good if you’re introverted and don’t want to bother him. I definitely see him as a manga fan, given he’s an underground doctor he’s probably too busy to catch up on anime and probably gets interrupted a lot. So you’re more likely to be able to sit together when it’s raining to read manga than you are for anime, or at least if you watch anime you’ll get through it really slowly.
Don’t tell him you like kpop or show him the dances. He will mimic them badly and pull a muscle. For both your sake, don’t do it. He would love to go swimming mostly to see you in a swim suit. Beach vacations will be a thing when you couple that with wanting to go on adventures. He will research the most obscure things and you’ll go off as much as his job will allow you to. Cute little dates will also be to family run cafes that have the most amazing boba since he knows you love it so much. 
Your hobbies just screamed Prompto. Music? On all the time during chores, bath time, on in the morning to help you wake up. Video games? Omg he loves them! Both fighting with you and against you on them. Much like with Marco, you’ll team up against the rest of the chocobros. Going on adventures? He is down for that to find the most photogenic locations. Prompto’s not keen on camping so I see you both going in a caravan to the most far flung locations to get the perfect shot. Unfortunately, he hates bugs as much as you so have Gladio on speed dial because the multi-legged menace cannot be handled by you both. 
He can sometimes get worried when you have the resting bitch face, Prompto is concerned that you’re upset with him or just not happy in general. Of course, this changes the longer you’re together and he accepts he’s not always in the wrong. Prompto loves that you’re very compassionate and love to help others; in return, he tries very hard to make sure that you’re also taken care of
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electratm · 4 years
Posting a quick intro because I’m super excited to get into interactions! Hi guys it’s ya girl Theo, I’m 20 and cursed to be in the GMT+2 timezone. I’m currently in uni studying journalism and pr, but you guessed it I won’t be able to save this PR wreck aka Electra Romero. I’ll have some ideas for connections down below, but if you want to reach me do it though my dms here or you can find me on my discord  —   theoffs#3866 !
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.  *  ◜  oh  my  god  ,  you’ll  never  guess  who’s  coming  to  this  party  tonight  !  according  to  stan  twitter  ,  i  heard  that  it’s  electra romero,  a  singer who’s  currently  signed  to  gold  crown  entertainment  .  wait ,  you  don’t  know  who  she is  ?  well  ,  el is  a  cis female known  around  los  angeles  as  having  a  striking  resemblance  to  camila mendes,  &  the  resemblance  is  uncanny  .  they’re  a  twenty-two year  old  who  has  been  signed  to  gold  crown  for  THREE YEARS,  &  have  an  identical  career  to  camila cabello,  which  probably  explains  why  they’ve  amassed  such  a  following  .  ever  since  they  signed  to  gold  crown  ,  they  have  been  known  for  being  quite  astute &  maverick,  but  crown  exposed  seems  to  want  to  paint  them  as  nothing  more  than  detached &   irascible .  i’m  beyond  excited  that  they’ve  made  it  this  far  in  their  career  -  every  time  i  see  their  instagram  ,  i  can’t  help  but  picture  her  collection  of  electric  guitars, patched  denim  jackets,  drunken  swearing  at  paparazzi .  oh  wait  ,  they’re  coming  over  here  –  act  natural  !
Basics —  
Name:  Electra Rosario Romero Nicknames: El, Romero Age & Birthday: 22 /  March 1st 1997 Zodiac sign: Pisces Gender: cis female Occupation: singer / songwriter sexuality: heterosexual ( bicurious ) Born: Los Angeles, California Ethnicity: Brazillian  Career Claim: Camila Cabello Pinterest: here.
Background  —  ( death tw )
when I first applied I didn’t have that much of a backstory on her, but the more I worked on her pinterest and mock blog I fell in love with her messed up self. So the gist of it is that her family moved to L.A before she was born, her mother an aspiring singer and her dad wanted to do anything for his woman plus he is a car mechanic so he could find a job anywhere. Before her they had another daughter,  her older sister by 4 years and  a younger brother that was born 6 years after her. They were never the happiest family, high school sweethearts that got knocked up and wanted to escape the life in Brazil so they went with the ‘American dream’  only it was a goddamn nightmare. Her father found the work he was looking for, but her mother was seriously struggling and her only way of getting jobs being to sleep with whoever offered and she kept it a secret from her husband. Even with doing that it didn’t really lead anywhere, she grew old and bitter and wasn’t the best mother to her three kids. They didn’t see their father that often either, but that’s just cause he worked his ass off to keep them with clothes on their backs and to be able to afford food which obviously isn’t easy in L.A. It was home that never felt like home for Electra, she knew it like the palm of her hand, but there wasn’t that feeling of security as they lived in a pretty crappy neighbourhood. 
They still got around though and the three kids practically raised themselves. Her older sister playing the biggest role in her life as she practically raised her and taught her everything while her mother was off hooking up with random men. Her sister was quite the social butterfly in contrast to Electra and always did what was best for their family. Even if that meant doing some not so ethical stuff to get money. When Electra was 14 though things got really bad and her life literally turned upside down. Her sister had began stripping for money, something she made El swear to keep a secret, not that she understood it well, but she knew neither of her parents especially her father would be okay with that. That left 14 year old Electra looking after her then 8 year old brother after school, making sure he’s fed and okay. Electra actually learned how to take care of herself and others real young. But one day as he was walking back from school just as he was calling her to ask what they’ll have for lunch he hadn’t looked around while crossing the street and was hit by a car mid conversation with Electra. He died on the spot and although it’s not her fault she has always thought that she had a part of it because she was supposed to protect him. 
It was a devastating few months for the Romero’s,  not long after her younger child’s death her mother finally went ahead and left them for another man. Everything that happened made Electra sick and angry, but neither of them could stop and mourn properly cause if they did they’d have no place to live. That’s when around the age of 15/16 Electra started getting into songwriting. Being slightly more mature going into adolescence she started to experience the things that are love and friendship and got caught up with them. Smoking, underage drinking, stealing her first electric guitar and learning to play it so she could impress her then boyfriend. She did whatever she could to distract herself from the sad reality that was her life and for a while it worked like a charm. Her making a living out of singing never seemed like an option to her as she knew her father and sister wouldn’t approve. She saw what happened with her mother and even thinking about it wasn’t a topic of discussion. So it remained a silly little hobby she’d work on while she skipped on school to hang out with her friends until the moment when one of them suggested that she’d upload one of them for her as at the time Electra couldn’t afford owning a computer. She didn’t think much of it and agreed, but instead she went viral  and not long after a producer reached out to her with the chance to join a girl group he was forming. Electra was probably drunk or high when that happened, but somehow she ended up agreeing. 
Singing career / present  —    
Somehow Electra had been discovered by an actual producer that wasn’t going to scam her, and not only that, but he made a pretty decent girl group. Her and the four other girls who also had gone viral in some shape or from made quite the team, each girl different in her own way and attracting all sorts of people. He signed them to his record label and they started blowing up within a year of their release, yet Electra never seemed to take it as seriously as the rest of them. There she was all glamorous singing repetitive pop songs in a short skirt, something that even she found embarrassing, but the money was good.  Her family made a big deal out of it and didn’t want to do anything with her, seeing that she never told them and they found out when they saw one of her first preformances. Not facing them wasn’t that hard as they were almost always on the road doing show after show without consideration for their wellbeing. Not only was this not her music, it wasn’t her life anymore she had no control over it. About a year after they’d began she started getting out of control, skipping rehearsals, snapping at the crew and overall being super problematic which they ignored  for as long as they could, but she couldn’t stop crossing the line. After roughly two years the management kicked her out which they played out as a mutual decision, but it was obvious that she’s at fault. And again it was her fault that her family couldn’t get any money again, this time she could truly blame herself, but she had been so sick of being controlled all the time.
For awhile not working felt good, she got her own sound back, even wrote enough to have her own album, but all the people she had alienated while constantly on tour left her with nothing, but her music. Her sister was okay with talking with her, but her father still refused as he saw the wife that left him in the face of his own daughter. Even if he was mad at her Electra still wanted to provide for them, it’s what she was taught to do so when Gold Crown entertainment reached out to her with a whole plan to get her back in the spotlight she was all up for it. A fake relationship and collab that would make her out to be a new and changed person, inspired by it all she writes an album that becomes an instant hit and suddenly everyone adores her again. They let her write her own songs which she was happy about, but she had to follow this whole PR scheme to redeem herself. She didn’t really care if people liked her, what mattered was that at the end of the day each scandal or drama she was involved with brought money to the table and soon enough she would establish a much more successful image for herself than her girl band days that she wasted. This time she wasn’t going to fuck up. 
Personality  —    
Electra isn’t the nicest person, but she cares a lot. The people that gain her trust are very special to her and she’d do anything for them. She values family even if it’s as broken as hers with a workacholic father, a stripper sister and a mother that’s nowhere to be seen. She’s an honest and authentic person even if what she has to say isn’t pretty. El has seen quite the stuff growing up and doesn’t share it, especially the stuff that makes her vulnrable. Her life is strictly business and she can’t go around telling people her sob story as she feels guilty for it really being that way. At this point she just tries to keep her temper intact and do what she has to in order to have some advantage. She often contradicts herself with the things she believes yet still does the opposite thing cause she’ll get something out of it. She’s been in love and experienced real friendship, but that hasn’t helped her or filled the void of guilt in her heart. 
Wanted connections  —    
I have a lot of those! Whether it’s acquaintances, friends, frenemies, enemies, hookups, pr relationships, I want them all! Here are the main ones that I feel like are crucial to her story:
The PR relationship of a lifetime. This can be taken in any way whether they get along, have actual feelings or hate each other’s guts. The main idea of it is that when Gold Crown reached out to her and had a plan for her getting back to the spotlight this relationship was involved. What started out as an innocent collab at first would blossom into a romance. One that would inspire her to change her ways and write a whole album! Or at least that’s what the public has to see. In reality Electra is trapped by it as cause of it she can’t really have a real relationship with anyone. The only thing she can do is have hookups with people she’s certain won’t rat out that her other relationship is fake. 
Roomies. I suppose not long after she turned 18 and was still in her girl group she moved out due to her strained relationship with her family and started living with someone else. Could be another member from her girl group or just a friend from the business she made along the way. She’s probably really close to that person they’re one of the few to see her caring and protective side. 
Hookups. You know a girl has her needs. Whether she was sad, got drunk and somehow ended up in bed with that person or they made a fwb kinda deal it’s always fun to play out. 
Ex-band members. Another person to leave the band after her or they fell apart who knows, but they all share the long weeks of preforming every night and know the struggle that came in being in a girl band.
Dumped for the job. Another starlet she met in the start of her career. At first they hit it off and even got together, again one of the few people to know the real her and what’s she’s all about and that’s what drove them apart. Inspired but this post. Probably tried to stick by her in her rough patches, but she just kept pushing him away and with her offer for  the PR relationship it was obvious it was never going to last. There may still be some lingering feelings, but not all of them are good. 
These are the main things I can think of. I’m good with anything tbh and if you’re stuck you can take a look at my wanted tag or we can just brainstorm so like this post or hmu!!!
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“Vulnerable” Sweet Pea imagine part four
A/N: Sorry I used forever to upload, but I’m coming back strong now <3
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Five (final)
Y/N had never been so nervous, she had seen Sweet Pea at school, but except from shared grins from one time to another… they never really talked. They had exchanged numbers the night before and the school day had come and gone. She thought Sweet Pea lived in a trailer, but she found herself in front of a two story house. It was a bit run down, but cute enough.
Sweet Pea’s room was kind of awesome. Posters of different bands decorated the wall and an el-guitar was placed by his bedside. His knifes were neatly placed on a shelf, except from his favorite, the one he carried on him at all times. Weights laid on the floor and usually there’d be a lot of clothes laying around as well, but he had made an effort since he knew she was coming over. He watched her take it all in.
The boy was confusing to her, sometimes he’d be a total dickhead, in a passionate and honest way if that makes any sense. Other times he’d be quiet and closed off completely. Now however, he was careful and considerate.
The pair sat down on his bed and tried to learn more about each other.  They talked about everything. School, friends, hobbies. SP likes to play the guitar it seemed. The paper scattering the desk of his room told her he liked to write as well, but they never spoke of that. Never once did she think about her ex. He was long forgotten it seemed. The conversation was easy and engaging. SP was so interesting, she almost forgot her ex-boyfriend even existed. 
Yet complications surfaced once they reached the subject of his gang. The serpents.
“I could never be a serpent.”
SP gazed at her, he wasn’t surprised that she felt that way, she was after all an outsider, but he hadn’t thought she’d be so blunt about it.
“Seriously, you wouldn’t even try?”
“No, I don’t think that the serpents community would do me any good.”
SP breathed out, and felt a swelling in his throat. He just shook his head. Moved his body away from her in annoyance.
“Just as I thought, we truly are too different from each other.”
Sweet Pea was fuming with anger, he had hoped she would care enough to try, but he was mistaken. So he had gone to the Whyte Whyrm, because what else is there to do? And took a few drinks to call his nerves. He hadn’t been for more than a little while when Toni came to release the bartender and work her shift.
“A bit early for you don’t you think?” She asked him, more of an attempt to be funny. He gazed at the watch on the wall. It was only five o’clock.
“Not today,” he replied and took another shot. Toni didn’t think much of it and took away the empty shot glass. She realized he had several drinks lined up.
“Okay, what’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” Sweet Pea replied. Not in the mood for a touchy-feely conversation with Toni at the moment.
“Bullshit.” She gave him a look and placed a hand on her hip, expectantly. Another serpent approached to get himself a drink, but Toni waved him away, as if saying not right now. Sweet Pea didn’t elaborate and took another drink instead. Toni was quick to remove his last shot away before he could reach for it.
“What the hell Toni?”
“You tell me what’s wrong and I’ll give it back, hell, I’ll even pay for it. But if you don’t start talking right now I’m cutting you off.”
“It’s about Y/N, okay?” He said, utterly defeated.
“I knew it!”
“Can I have my drink back now?”
“Nope. Now what about her?” Toni leant down on the bar, listening closely.
“She said she didn’t want to be a serpent,” SP said, seemingly disappointed. Toni snorted in reply.
“And what?” He replied in a strained voice. “You know how much this community means to me, how much it means to you. I wish she’d give it a shot too.”
“Did you guys work it out?”
“Did you talk about it? Fuck SP, what did you do?”
“I… left.”
“Left her how exactly?”
“At home, when she said she didn’t want to do the initiation, I told her that we were different… too different for each other and that she should go home. After that I just walked away.”
“Not to be insensitive here SP,” Toni said, and smiled sarcastically, as if she knew something he didn’t, “but you’re kind of a douche.”
“How? How am I the dickhead here?” He asked, using his hands excessively, as if he couldn’t comprehend what he had done wrong.
“When she said she didn’t want to be a serpent, she meant she didn’t want to do the initiation.”
“What’s the difference?” He asked.
“The difference is, that the girl you are with or were with has strong opinions on the female initiation process, and until it is outlawed, she won’t take part in this.”
“Is this what it’s about? The stupid snake dance?”
“In case you don’t remember, she’s a minor, we’re all minors. This is in no way acceptable behavior. We’re supposed to be a family, a close-knit community. Do you think she will trust these guys after they objectify her, or any other girl? No, and she’s well aware of it. So unless you have any plans to outlaw the initiation anytime soon, she’s not taking part of this.” Toni took a breath and a small pause before she continued. “I support her decision and honestly… you should too.”
Toni pushed the drink back to Sweet Pea and went to give the serpent she had waved away a free drink for his troubles. Whereas Sweet Pea continued to sit in his seat. After a moment of debating in his head, he reached for the phone in his pocket. He tried to call her, but she didn’t reply. Okay, that seems fair. Then he texted her, but oh god, what was he supposed to say. This wasn’t the time for a lame three worded text. He realized he had to go all out, otherwise he might have just ended what hadn’t even begun yet.
Y/N,  I’m sorry about earlier, and I hope we can talk about what we both said. I realize that I didn’t hear you out, and that you probably have reasons to support your choice. Whatever you decide to do, I will support you. I’m well aware that there’s no excuse to my behavior, and I don’t expect you to think it’s okay. I just hope my stupid behavior can be forgiven. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.
The reply came in the matter of seconds.
Just be glad you have a few redeeming qualities.
Sweet Pea grinned.
Can we meet up?
@randomness-of-fandomness, @allison-rosewood-maximoff, @serpentsweetspea, @tavia0407, @k-n-e, @bleakroses, @unaveragewriterfreak
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hanemiso · 3 years
Greetings!! Unfortunately no i didnt. I just learned some chords. Its all i thought i could really handle. And its cool your getting into alternative rock! I into that as well! I also enjoy heavy metal, emo, a bit of pop, and just a few randoms. If you need song recommendations id love to give you some!! I do have over 1000 songs on my spotify so feel free!! I absolutely love music!! What else do you enjoy???
ahh i see, that’s okay too!! guitar seems like it’d be hard to learn 🥲
i’d love music recs!! unfortunately i’m pretty shit at keeping up with it tho 🥲 poor ☂️ anon has been sending me songs of the day and i haven’t been able to do my part :,) i’m sorry ☂️ anon ily thank you for putting up with me <3
honestly it took me a while to think about how to answer this because when i read the question i blanked LMAO. i don’t have hobbies outside of writing, but i enjoy buying candles and stickers!! i just have anxiety with using the stickers because what if i find a better place to put them after i’ve already stuck them to something?? 🥲 halloween is my absolute fave holiday and i enjoy creepy shit like the paranormal hehe, i really like watching ghost investigations and horror movies about hauntings :) towards the beginning of the year, i really enjoyed glass painting because i’m pretty shit at art and picked it up since i could trace a picture, but all 3 of the ones i’ve done are unfinished and forgotten about lmao. i’m a big fan of nightmare before christmas and rocky horror picture show, and i love stupid movies like cat in the hat (the live action one) and the road to el dorado; i can quote those 2 movies lmao.
other than that i very much enjoy late night drives and being the only one on the road; that feel of being the only one awake within a sleeping city is incomparable. also viewing the neon glow of street signs that illuminate the night for no one in particular always brings a smile to my face; it will forever and always bring a sense of nostalgia
anyway i talked your ear off enough lmao, what interests do you have nonnie??
0 notes
new53 · 6 years
changes to main canon
a comprehensive list 
last edited on 3/14/18
bruce wayne: batman & the patriarch of the family. started this whole bat thing
stephanie wayne: the first batkid. adopted by bruce wayne at age 13 after directly aiding in the arrest of her dad. when steph started her senior year of high school, bruce died, causing her to be batman. she’s been spoiler & batman. 
jason todd: brought in at age 16 (a few months after steph was adopted) and became batboy. after discovering that he was the long-lost twin brother of cassandra cain, immediately started to reconnect & discover the truth of their parents. this crusade, unfortunately, led to the deaths of both jason & cass at the hands of the joker. 
cass cain: discovered a few weeks after jason todd was adopted and brought in, only to discover that she & jason were twins. she became batgirl & along with her brother, aimed to figure out who their parents were. she died before she could discover that it was shiva & cain. lady shiva teamed up with talia al ghul to bring cass back to life so cass could join the league of assassins and/or shadows, as she was the best fighter known to either woman. this backfired on them, and now cass roams gotham as the red hood, seeking revenge for her brother’s death & trying to have a healthy & functional relationship with her siblings & outlaws. 
damian wayne: the son of bruce wayne & talia al ghul. arrived at the manor shortly before the death of bruce. after bruce’s death insisted it was his destiny to be batman, then was given the role of nightwing. he’s been nightwing ever since. 
olive silverlock: brought in after damian started at gotham academy & sybil silverlock died. steph was batman at the time & it was her decision to invite olive to live with them. olive accepted and is now flamebird. 
duke thomas: after the mysterious disappearance of the second batboy, duke started the WE ARE BATBOY movement and was brought in by batman himself. for a while he trained and decided what he wanted to do, and was offered the spoiler mantle after steph took the batman role. after batman came back, steph offered to take batgirl up but duke offered her the spoiler role and he’s now the official batboy. 
lois lane: sent to earth from kryton as a child and raised with the lanes, kala jor-el becomes superwoman after learning about her true heritage. kala--lois--is a reporter who turns down opportunities to write about superwoman day after day because she wants to write “real” news. 
kara zor-el: cousin of kala, kara was sent to earth to look after her cousin but knocked off course along the way. she landed when lois had already been superwoman for several years, but was quick to join up as supergirl. kara has been adopted by lois and in her civilian life goes by kara lane. 
conner lane: kon is lois’s clone. he initially started fighting crime as supergirl red, but once figuring out that he was a boy, became superboy instead. he lives with kara & lois in wayne manor, and goes to school with steph at gotham university
iris west-allen: after jumping in front of her friend barry before a bunch of chemicals got stuck on him, she was hit by lighting and granted with superspeed, becoming the flash. since then, she’s married barry, helped found the justice league, and is thinking about settling down (for a little while) to have kids (she knows it’s gonna happen sometime). for now, though, she’s decided to continue to be the flash and resist the urge to ask bart how pregnancies work if you have superspeed and your kids are going to, too. 
barry allen: the regular dude husband of iris. he loves his wife dearly and sometimes wishes he could help out, and has settled in the role of providing food for the speedsters all around him. turns out he makes a pretty good chef!
wally west: the nephew of iris who gained his powers by asking her, repeatedly and excitedly, how she got hers. after obtaining these powers, he proceeded to make himself a costume and go as KID FLASH. he fell ill due to puberty with super speed, but has since recovered and became another flash. barry & iris adopted him when he became kid flash
bart allen: a time traveler from the future, bart’s orgins are pretty much the same. he likes to hang out with the titans and cook with barry and play tag with wally (tag with speedsters is. fun.) he’s impulse.
avery ho: she got superspeed for reasons unknown to anyone just yet and was brought in by iris & wally. since she had perfectly able parents she wasn’t adopted but she was given the role of kid flash. now she helps iris or bart or wally and hangs out with the titans and goes to family dinners at the west-allen house. 
diana trevor: wonder woman & an amazon warrior who’s hundreds of years old. she’s been on themescyra for years but has recently emerged after a pilot on the way to vietnam crashed landed on her island, leading her out to try and help resolve the conflicts. in doing so, she helped with the situation in the vietnam and helped found the justice league. she’s currently an ambassador who works for peace and tries to spend time with her husband.
steve trevor: the pilot who crash-landed on themescyra. he’s married to diana and has retired from the air force and now helps veterans and people with psd. he has a service dog named willy. 
donna trevor: the daughter of diana & steve & current wonder woman. she was adopted and gained amazonian powers after marching up to olympus and demanding them. she received them after completing some trials and feats, and she now defends the earth from supervillians while her mom defends the earth from the evil in regular people. 
cassie sandsmark: diana worked at a museum as a hobby and picked up cassie as a sidekick. the role was solidified when helena died in an explosion and donna managed to save cassie’s life. she took cassie in after discovering that cassie’s father is zeus and cassie became wonder girl after gaining her powers.   
dinah lance: the head of the star city vigilantes, who were a ragtag bunch of kids with slingshots when she found them and adopted them and invited them to crash on her couch. 
connor lance: connor & his adopted sister mia were inspired by the crazy guy with the arrows who talked about some island or something, and they started to try and do arrows and whatever themselves. it failed at first, but now they have a cool mom and even more siblings. 
mia lance: she used to be a sex worker but connor & crazy arrow guy helped her get out of it, and then dinah adopted her and connor and they became the arrow canaries. which is kinda a dumb name but also kinda cool. sometimes mia looks out the window and wonders where the heck arrow guy went, but oh well. 
emiko queen-lance: emi escaped from her mom and went to star city hoping to find her brother after rumors of him being alive resurfaced, but instead got brought in by black canary and arrow canaries and red arrow and now she’s red arrow. go figure.
roy harper-lance: roy left the navajo reservation to get his hands on some drugs, but then he was kicked out for good and stuck on the streets, and then black canary showed up and decided to take him in, which is cool, and now he’s red canary and has to manage a bunch of random kids dinah thought it would be a good idea to adopt. which is fine. 
hal jordan: the first green lantern of earth, now a crotchety old man who lives in the city and shakes his fist at the teens and really wants some peace and quiet. the other human lanterns come visit him, at least one visit a week, and they’re saving up to buy him a plane (but shhh, don’t tell him)
alan scott: the second green lantern of earth and hal’s husband. they’re both retired and have both pretty much adopted the other human lanterns & like to ask them when they’re gonna have kids so alan and hal can have grandkids already. 
john stewart: [tbd]
guy gardner: [tbd]
kyle rayner: [tbd]
jessica cruz: she used to be the green lantern of earth, but now she’s the personal-representative/bodyguard of princess koriand’r of tamaran. that’s just how things go sometimes. jess and simon are in love but also great at communicating, so it’s okay if jess flirts back when kori does. 
simon baz: the only green lantern of sector 2814. he likes to defend earth and call jess and flirt with alien girls (or boys, depending) and check on kori’s kid for her. 
mera: the queen of the seas. she rules in atlantis and is much beloved in her kingdom. 
marella: aquawoman & the wife of mera. she does justice league stuff while mera rules over atlantis.
arthur curry: the husband of david hyde, who was devastated after his husband went evil. arthur is a human who lives by the sea in hawaii, and he resides there with his son. he’s a close friend of mera & marella and lets them stay with him if  they need to. 
jackson curry-hyde: when his second dad turned evil and returned to the sea was about when jackson discovered his own powers. turned out he was adopted from atlantis & is atlantean. he’s kind of a part-time aqualad who works with marella sometimes
dolphin: aquagirl! she’s marella & mera’s adopted daughter and she lives in the castle & works as aquagirl ! ! ! she loves her moms & they love her & she’s workin on learnin asl!
garth: he works for mera in the castle & is her apprentice in wizardry
kate kane-kyle: after getting kicked out the army for being a big fat lesbian, kate was a little lost until she met selina kyle at an lgbt support fundrasier. it was pretty much love at first sight, and now they’re married and live in bludhaven.
selina kyle-kane: selina was already catwoman when she met kate, but after falling in love decided that maybe being a criminal wasn’t what she wanted to do. she revealed her identity to kate, and they decided to remake catwoman’s image in another town, so they moved to the sister city of budhaven, where both women became catwoman. 
harper row: right before leaving gotham, the kyle-kanes picked up harper & cullen on the streets. they adopted them and took them to bludhaven with them, and now harper is catgirl with her moms. 
cullen row: cullen lives with his moms and sister in bludhaven. he’s catboy and is constantly annoyed with the jokes harper likes to make about their household being split into bis and gays. he does like going to pride as the catfam, though. 
the clovers: claire and her brother hank were inspired by the cats and decided to become heroes themselves, due to a combination of claire’s ballet skills and hank’s wrestling skills. they were quite frankly awful at hero-ing, but selina felt bad for them and decided to train them. hank and claire moved in next door to the kyle-kanes and were all but adopted by selina & kate. claire is night and hank is shadow. 
the gordons:
jim gordon: he’s the comissioner of the gcpd. it’s the same thing as regular
barbara gordon: after babs was shot she became oracle, dragging her brother with her. they live in a crappy apartment in gotham together with babs’s niece, and babs is a librarian by day and oracle by night. she and dick operate outside of the bats’s sphere of vigilantes. 
dick grayson-gordon: gcpd cop under his dad by day, delphi by night and devoted father in the evenings, dick has it all. cute boyfriend, great sister, sweet kid, life couldn’t be better. 
mar’i grason-gordon: the daugher of dick & kori. she loves her dad(s) and she misses her mom, but she’s sure that her mom will come back soon, or they’ll invent intergalactic skype, one or the other. 
james gordon, jr: listen ill b honest idk a thing about him but he’s basically the same except he has an older brother and he resents dick cause he feels like dick took his place in the family that’s all i know 
the outlaws:
red hood needed some magic, so she sought out fellow outcast, raven. this escalated into them moving in together and falling in love. one day they sought out ravager for a laugh. this escalated into the three of them falling in love and causing trouble in gotham together. 
tim drake: after he quit being batboy and after the death of his father, tim retreated to titans tower to become the gatherer, a self-made hero who’s salty about the bats and in love with superboy. 
courtney whitmore: she discovered she was a she had powers when she moved to keystone. she started sneaking out and practicing with her powers, & when a aestroid almost fell on keystone, courtney slapped on a mask and stopped it with her bare hands. she took the star-gold from within the aestroid and with her beams of light fashioned them into a belt and staff, which helped her harness her powers. since then, she’s become stargirl and nowadays she likes to hang around gotham and flirt with spoiler (the OG one, not the duke one)
koriand’r: starfire crash-landed on earth, kissed the first police officer she saw, fell in love with him, and had a kid. now she’s in space with jessica cruz, negotiating peace on tamaran and flirting with green lantern, waiting to return home to her daughter. 
the kents: after clark & lana got married, they moved to metropolis for a fresh start. lana works at a florist shop & clark’s a reporter--the reporter who gets all the superwoman stories, actually. they have two daughters, carol and mia. mia, the younger of the two, is secretly a meta and she can fly. her dream is to be a superhero one day like her hero, superwoman. carol’s dream is for her sister to stay safe and for carol to grow up to be just as awesome as her hero, lois lane. 
kathy kent: she was sent down to earth after the destruction of her planet. after her grandfather died, she lived with lois for a time but then was adopted by clark & lana, who are normal enough to take proper care of her and loving enough to be good parents for her. she’s around mia’s age and loves her sisters and new parents. 
klarion the witch boy: he was sealed from his own dimension and stuck on earth for the time being. he’s currently rooming with steph and looking for ways to get back home, of course getting into trouble while he waits. 
zatanna and john: a week after zatanna ran away from her father, she ran into john and they started running together. they grew up on the run, weaving in and out of dimensions and trying to master magic. these days they help klarion or the justice league. neither of them are members of the jl but they are the primary resource on magic  (they’re also in love)
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wonderfuls-worlds · 7 years
Mystic Messenger : Day 6 ~ V Walkthrough (FULL ANSWERS)
I worked all alone - I cheked each answers ~ Please be considerate.
Like, reblog, or do nothing, but please don’t copy/paste it and claim it as your own… I am on my own and spent a lot of time to do this.
If you are on phone, please setting the page to be seen in the computer version! On the phone, the answers are sometimes unaligned and it can confuse you…
In order to not bother and annoy my followers who don’t play this game by this looong post, I’ll put a seperate line. Click to see.
 01:17 : 707 Cyber News [707, Jaehee]
 Hello^^; (nothing)
You didn’t recognize me because you had too much work? T-T (707)
Yes… (nothing)
My head spins whenever I think about it;; (nothing)
Umm…how’s the messenger security? (V)
You’re getting your meals on time, aren’t you? (707)
I know you’ll win, Seven! (707)
This hacker won’t give up… (Unknown)
Looks like you got enough pop for joking around. (nothing)
You need a right too ! (nothing)
Who made them?;;; (nothing)
Wow, no kidding! You made them for fun, but they’re impressive! (nothing)
Daffodils. (nothing)
707BunnygirlLoveU (707)
Blank puzzles. (V)
Jaehee… You’re still up late… (Jaehee)
Should I start greeting you with binary numbers ? 0101111011 (707)
Why don’t we ask her about the coordinates password? (nothing)
You work all day and night, Jaehee T-T (Jaehee)
Coffee. (Jaehee)
Cats. (Jumin)
The sun. (V)
Aren’t you… awkward with V, Jaehee? (nothing)
Don’t you think it’d be something related to Rika? (nothing)
Mint color? (nothing)
Rainbow color?  (nothing)
Cobalt blue? (nothing)
V has mint-colored eyes! (V)
It kind of sounds random! (nothing)
I don’t think Rika is the provocative type…; (nothing)
My eyes are provocative too lol (nothing)
Hmmm… That sounds worth a try. (nothing)
Do you think V’s heart also has 16-fold locks? (V)
So how long does it take? (nothing)
Don’t you think it’s better to get the coordinates after a week, like V said? (V)
What will happen if you get the coordinates for this place faster than expected…? (V)
Bye bye (nothing)
I’ll see you again… (nothing)
Who is it? (nothing)
That’s nice of him T-T (Jaehee)
Ok… Coud you ask him to send me an email? (nothing + answer to the email)
He might be a fraud mocking Christmas! I decline! (nothing)
He seems to have a lot of hobbies. (nothing)
You two are in a carefully calculated contract relationship… Didn’t you know ? Your relationship is made of money. (nothing)
It will! Cheer up, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
It’s an order. So you must do it T-T (nothing)
 02:43 : V’s Concern [V]
 There was something I’ve been working on… (nothing)
I can’t sleep. I feel uneasy… (nothing)
I’m lonely… (nothing but I think you will really like his answer on this one :D)
I heard she’s really busy. Don’t you think you’re making her even busier? (V…)
I think he’s trying to decrypt the coordinates as fast as he can. (V)
Do the mint-colored eyes mean something? (V)
You sound like you’re hiding something again, V. (V…)
I don’t think getting the right coordinates is going to be easy. (V)
What is it? Can’t you tell me? (V…)
So there’s something is this place that Luciel must not find out. (V…)
V, you shouldn’t let yourself get in danger… That might be the best way for you.  (V)
Yes? (nothing)
Hmm? (nothing but at this one, he laughs 😉)
Actually, I’m a little bored since they’re ignoring me. (V)
I’m alright… It’s rather quiet here. (nothing)
I’m already anxious enough. And that’s more than uncomfortable enough… (V…)
Thanks, but I’m not really sure if you changed. (V…)
You turned a little brighter thanks to me, didn’t you?^^ (V)
Do you think I’m attractive, V? (V)
I don’t think this is really the time for that… (V…)
I’m going to stay awake just a little bit more. (nothing)
Yes… I should. (nothing but better answer)
 Visual Novel V
07:55 : Changes Jumin Sees [Jumin, Jaehee]
 It’s an energetic and strong morning. (nothing)
It’s a beautiful morning ! (nothing – better answer)
Pictures! Let me see them! (Jumin + CG)
I hear a lot of metaphors. You sound rather unfamiliar. (nothing)
So simply put…your cat stretched? (nothing)
V is still looking for Rika’s traces. It breaks my heart. (V)
Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. (nothing)
Jaehee! You’re here so early. (nothing)
When do you go to bed, Jaehee? ;;; (Jaehee)
So how’s the intelligence unit going? (Jumin)
She’s right. You should go to work! (Jaehee)
I think you could solve everything if you know where I am, Jumin… (Jumin)
Ididn’t! (nothing but god, their answers are priceless XD)
I did think that I might find something fun. (nothing)
And don’t forget V! You can also protect him!  (V)
In a bad way? (nothing)
In a good way? (nothing)
In a not-so-good way? (nothing)
V is so stubborn. (V…)
I think V is slowly approaching me because my heart is wide open for him. (V)
I hope V will take courage and break his wall himself! (V)
To be honest, I feel so frustrated whenever I talk them! (V…)
What? Why? (nothing)
Why don’t you go there yourself?  (nothing)
Don’t you think he might have seen them already? (nothing)
Jaehee, please make sure V doesn’t see those pictures. (V)
Aren’t you going to work…? (Jaehee)
Bye… (nothing)
But you can’t send anyone ele to V’s home T-T (V)
You should copy yourself and let the clone do the job. (nothing)
He’ll give a new task once this one is finished, won’t he? Lol (nothing)
Let’s take care of them one by one ! (Jaehee)
Why don’t you have a cup of morning coffee? (Jaehee)
That’s the time when you want to just let go of everything and run away. (V)
Long is the way of the head of the intelligence unit… (Jumin)
Good luck today, Jaehee ! (Jaehee)
 10:00 : Don’t Want to be Hated  [Ray]
 Ray, are you still attacking the RFA? (nothing)
Ray, please let me out of there ! (V)
Are you the one who sent those images to the RFA? (V)
Why do you keep doing this? (V)
It looks like nothing but a malicious delivery… (V)
So you’re saying V is not trustworthy? (V…)
Actually, I think it’s reckless that he’s coming to save me all by himself. (V…)
Right now I am a hostage… (V)
They’ll come to save me if I lose contact by force. (V)
Wouldn’t it help you if I keep contacting the RFA? (V…)
Now that I listen to you… I’m not so sure. (Unknown)
I’ll trust V. (V)
Show me that you truly repent. (Unknown)
Don’t touch the RFA anymore. And please let me go. (V)
I’ll think about it if you show me that you’re in torment.  (Unknown… God he is so desperate…it’s so painful...)
Please don’t torment Seven too much… (707)
Where did you learn to hack?  (Unknown)
I hope it helps to tell them the truth. (Unknown)
Are you going to send something worse than images? (V)
I like you too. (Unknown)
I… like someone else. (V)
How? (Unknown)
Are you going to make me take that drug? (V)
Why do you hate V so much? (Unknown)
I don’t believe you… (V)
I think something bad will happen if I see her. (V)
Who is this savior? (Unknown)
What preparations? (nothing)
What does she have to do with V ?  (nothing)
You will come to see me…right? (Unknown)
When will you let me out of here? (V)
 12:33: Need some Fresh Air [707, Yoosung]
 About time to gaze at the sun, worrying about V… (V)
About time to get hungry. (nothing)
About time to play with a cat. (707)
Your body rhythms turn irregular, which could cause obesity or imbalance of hormones in the future, and.. (Jumin)
What should I do, God7?! (707)
You’re gonna work in secret with the intelligence unit!? (nothing)
Is something wrong? (nothing)
Welcome, Yoosung! Are you at school? (nothing)
I wanna get some air on your car, Seven (nothing)
I think you should stay under Zen’s protection. (Zen)
You should. Be brave ! (Yoosung)
Me, me! Me too! (Unknown)
Yoosung..why would you go there…? (V)
He can take the trunk! (Yoosung)                                                  
…Good for you, Jaehee. (707)
I think I’m reading a conversation between thieves or something.. (707)
Stop suspecting V, Yoosung T-T (V)
Play LOLOL lol (Yoosung)
What abobut Zen ? (Zen)
Whoa…nostalgia. (Zen)
I wonder what Zen does with that computer. (nothing)
What is that? Lolol (707)
Why won’t he get a new one? (Zen)
He should keep it well until he donates it to museum… (707)
I wish I could help Zen somehow… (Zen)
I think I know now how precious is my computer. (707)
I’d like to protect Zen’s vintage and original aspects. (nothing)
Ok… there’s no other choice. (707 + email)
I also feel like I’m sending emails just for fun. (nothing)
We are going to have the party! The RFA party will be held as planned! (nothing)
I think Zen would use that to listen to music… (Zen)
Walkingman was made in the same era a Zen’s computer… (nothing)
What’s that? (nothing)
Zen must be so patient. (Zen)
I think we should first help Zen before we hold a charity party. (707)
I think this is a good time for a donation…. (Zen)
Home – sweet home – (Yoosung)
What kind of nagging does he give? (nothing)
I think you should call him mom. (nothing)
I wish LOLOL would work on phones… (nothing)
You should go to an internet café (nothing)
You said you’re too saced to go out hehehe
Please be careful of kidnappers! (V)
Bye! (nothing)
 Visual Novel Jaehee
 14 :42 : Passion Red [Jaehee, Zen]
 Jaehee, is the intelligence unit all set ? (nothing)
Jaehee, are you on your way? (nothing)
I think Jumin made a good choice. (Jumin)
But I think V will be distressed when he sees those pictures… (V)
He’s not going to sneak into V’s house, is he? (V)
He sad, he’s going to get some air- (707)
Hmm… he seems to be up to something. (V)
What is his car like? (nothing)
Ask him! (nothing)
I wonder what kind of car V owns. (V)
Seven…he’s so cool! (707)
I’d like to go on a drive with V… (V)
I think Seven would make a better model. (707)
Here comes devastatingly handsome man. (Zen)
Hi, Zen. (nothing)
Lucky you, Jaehee T-T (Jaehee)
Zen, do you know how to drive? (Zen)
I thought of V! (V)
Jaehee said you’ll make a fabulous car model lol (Jaehee)
It’s the graceful stability that dances between speeding and slowing! (Zen)
It would feel like being carried in a giant can. (nothing)
Then I’d like to try Jumin’s car lol (Jumin)
I don’t really like cars. (nothingà
I wanna try Seven’s car- it’s packed with speed.  (V)
No no you should first get a new computer… (nothingà
Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you’ll never get to keep a lot of money if you rend a lot? (nothing)
Just do it. Do it today!  (nothing)
I think you should throw it into a junk shop. (nothing)
What? It looked pretty useful lol (Zen)
You should try installing LOLOL. (Yoosung)
What can you possibly do with that computer? (nothing)
Oh no… Not the blue screen… (nothing)
What’s your OS ? (nothing)
If you have a smartphone then there’s no worry^^ (nothing)
Sniffle… I should’ve given you my old laptop instead of throwing it away T-T (nothing)
Yep…………. (nothing)
Do you have a Walkingman? (nothing)
You do have TV, don’t you? (nothing)
I wonder what kind of pictures V got. I’m starting to get worried. (V)
Zen, you didn’t get one, did you? (Zen)
I wonder what V’s home is like…. (V)
Seven is quite a driver, isn’t he? (707)
I don’t think he does lol (Zen)
I’m sure he does more than Jumin does lol (nothing)
Rough is the life or an agent… (707)
I’m sure your move well-built, Zen! You work out every day! (Zen)
See you soon. (nothing)
Don’t be so stressed out! Have fun! (Zen)
Do you think V is good with computers? (V)
Agreed!! I can’t believe he owns Hidowns95 T^T (nothing)
Goodbye. (nothing)
Have a safe trip! Please watch Seven so he doesn’t break into V’s house! (nothing)
 Visual novel :
 Who is it? (nothing)
…What brings you here? (nothing)
How were you doing, Ray? (nothing)
Are we going to meet her? (nothing)
I don’t want to see her… (nothing)
Ray? (nothing)
What is this? (nothing)
A mask…? (nothing)
Hello. (nothing)
But I don’t want to. (nothing)
You won’t stop me from using the messenger, will you? (nothing)
Who are you? (nothing)
What’s your name? (nothing)
 16:19 : Yoosung’s Heaven [Yoosung, Jumin]
 Yoosung, how are your games going so far? (Yoosung)
Yoosung, did you have dinner yet? (Zen)
Yes I did (nothing)
Not yet! (nothing)
Cup boodle is bad for your health! Especially for your skin! (Zen)
You’re at an internet café, so you should get a cup noodle ! lol (Yoosung)
Arobot. Wow, that’s future right there. (nothing)
You’ve found peace. (Yoosung)
Jumin, have you ever had a cup noodle? (nothing)
Welcome, Jumin. (nothing)
Is it because Jaehee isn’t with you right now? (Jaehee)
She still hasn’t reported back to you? I thought that’s something unacceptable at C&R!! (nothing)
Where did she place the document? (Jumin)
You talked about work even in chat rooms? T-T (Jaehee)
It sounds like there are other manuals too… Lol (nothing)
Jaehee… I wonder when she can return home tonight… (nothing)
I’m not sure if there’s anything suspicious waiting… But I’m curious too. (V…)
Yoosung, your suspicion is just endless… Can’t you trust V for just a little? T-T (V)
I don’t think there’s anything I’ve done here… (nothing)
Oh… Thank you for the compliment! (V and Yoosung)
Yes… V will come to save me. (V)
But he’s still hiding something. (V…)
I hope yo’ud take more action instead of blaming V! (Jumin and V)
Yoosung is suspicious because V made secrets. (V…)
Umm…You mean those scary people? (nothing)
Good idea! Now that’s something only you can do. (Yoosung)
Make sure you keep your voice straight. (nothing)
Good luck! (nothing)
Get black neab noodles (nothing)
I think this sounds all very strang to you, Jumin (nothing)
A vending machine robot for cup noodles? (nothing)
A person who’s been staying there for more than 20 days per month? (nothing)
Let’s invite him! And let’s place computers at the party! (nothing + email)
So he must have been away from the bath for 20 days. I refuse. (nothing)
Good luck! (nothing)
Bye.  (nothing)
How’s the intelligence unit going? (nothing)
Tell me about it. So I’m assuming she still hasn’t reported to you. (nothing)
Are you leaving? (nothing)
What’s the menu? (nothing)
  Visual Novel 707
18:23 : Heading Towards 2020 [Zen, 707]
 Are you back from a rehearsal, Zen? (nothing)
Zen, how was your exercise?  (Zen)
Yes, there’s nothing like a shower after exercise! (Zen)
I wish I could take wings too lol (707)
I want to lie down and chug potato chips until early morning… (nothing)
If I see your silhouette in the mirror in the middle of our exercise session… (Zen)
You’re such a hard worker! That’s so cool ! (nothing)
We’ll get to hear lots of helpful tips on a die! Great! (nothing + email)
I’m not really interested in weight loss or gain hehe (nothing)
Yeah yeah! (707)
Welcome  (nothing)
She said that in the previous chat room! (nothing)
Zen, I think you’re addicted to exercise… (nothing)
Is V fit too? +_+ (V)
So you get to go outside more often than stay at your desk? (707)
I think you need to have your seriousness on nif you’re going to advise him on computers. (707)
No! You’re going to take that lovely computer away from Zen, aren’t you? ! (Zen)
Is that for Zen? (Zen)
Looks awesome… (707)
The lastest model runs on Hinwdows 7? (nothing)
So how much is it? (nothing)
Don’t you think we should get him THE latest model? (nothing)
I don’t think it’s really a good laptop. (nothing)
Do you have 36 months plan with no interest? (707)
You’re not giving him a laptop you’ve been using, are you? If it’s a 5 years old, its lifespan is almost over… (Zen)
Sniff…sniff… I smell trouble… (Zen)
Wow ! Seriously ? That’s unbelievable! (707)
… May God7 watch over you. (707)
When? (Zen)
I think this time he relaly means it! (707)
Nothing is for free in this world. (Zen)
By the way, Seven. How did your trip to V’s house go? (707)
Zen, you should say farewell to your computer. (Zen)
Why not keep that computer? (Zen)
He said he needs your computer to work on something. (707)
Back up! Back them up! (nothing)
You can actually see photos with that computer?  (nothing)
Oh, two in a row? Who is it now? (nothing)
We are having a party, right?  (nothing)
Hmm… but don’t you think you need some distance from the other party? (V)
Same here ! I ahte relationships with secrets! (Zen)
I think it’s going to be difficult to check if he’s at the party or not… (nothing)
Though I’d like to know that acquaintance of your acquaintance… Alright; Let’s invite him. (nothing + answer to the email)
Ok see ya! (nothing)
So long… 389. (nothing)
 Visual Novel Mode V
20:00 : Doubtful Family [Jaehee, Yoosung]
 In all honesty, there are a lot of V’s answers, and this time, it’s not like there is a line between one (V…) and a good one (V) really definite, so I preferred to not take side by putting (V…)  
 I moved to somewhere else… But I’m fine. (V)
Nothing in particular. What about you? (Jaehee)
I wouldn’t mint lol (nothing)
No, I would’ve done the same thing. (nothing)
Does it look like V returns home often? (Unknown)
Was there something in V’s mailbox? (V)
Welcome! (nothing)
Did you call your aunt? (nothing)
Why would the sender send such things to V? (Unknown)
What was in it? (V)
Do you think he missed Rika? (V)
… Do you think V will love Rika forever? (V)
Did you talk to your aunt? (Yoosung)
You’re not suspecting V again, are you? (V)
Does Rika have ots of belongings? (nothing)
Why would she tell you to take Rika’s stuff? (nothing)
And why would your aunt say that? (nothing)
Don’t t you think they’re too sad to admit she’s dead? (nothing)
It’s so sad but it looks like something is definitely wrong. (V)
Maybe Rika is really alive. They’re her parents, after all.  (V)
And you’ve been blaming V all this time with no idea about this… (V…)
Do you think what we know about Rika is what she really is? (V)
But I think it’s strange Rika never talked about her parents.. (V)
They’re basically strangers, don’t you think? (V)
It looks like Rika’s parents don’t know her very well. (nothing)
But they’re still her parents. Maybe it’s true to some extent. (nothing)
I wonder what Rika was like when she was with her parents. (V)
This isn’t your fault… (Yoosung)
V didn’t add to Rika’s trouble, did he? (V…)
Perhaps that’s why she made such a dire choice. (V)
I think it’s time to let go of Rika (Yoosung)
You shouldn’t look for someone to blame. Instead, you should start offering condolence to Rika with your heart. (V)
But whether we can trust what V discovered is a whole different question. (V…)
From now on let’s trust V together. (V)
If you’re stressed out, you might want to take a break. Don’t think about anything else. (Yoosung)
But it’s good that now we know something about Rika. (V)
I’m fine… I met someone new, so I’m a little nervous. But I’m fine! I’ll tell you if there’s danger. (V)
I met someone new, so I think I have to stay alert for a while. (V..)
I hope you take a break! Everything will be ok! (nothing)
See you again, Yoosung. (nothing)
Sometimes I hide my grief too… (nothing)
Grief belongs to the grieving. I don’t think there’s a need to reveal it. (V...)
Yes, if there’s anyone who needs my help, I’m willing to offer it.  (V)
Rika msut have had a tragic past. I’m starting to feel bad for her. (V..)
I think things would’ve been different if Rika was willing to show what she felt.  (V)
Alright. I was actually thinking about having some time to myself. (Jaehee)
I’m going to wait for V to contact me. (V)
 Visual Novel
 (no hearts given)
I’m thinking what this place is.
I’ve come simply to test a game. But now it feels like I’m caught in something terribly big.
You look like a weird person.
You look like a nice person.
You look like a scary  person.
Are you jealous of me?
Do you hate me?
Do you like me?
Why do you keep asking me questions?
What do you mean?
So why don’t your answers to your questions?
V will come to save me…
But I like Ray’s method.
I can feel my heart fluttering.
I don’t believe you.
Yes, I’d like to, but not with you.
…Will I?
22:02 : His Idea of Family [Jumin, V]
 I think something’s gonna happen tonight… (nothing)
Welcome, Jumin. (nothing)
But that’s the proof Jaehee’s doing a good job- (Jaehee)
Jumin, what are you goind right now? (Jumin)
I’m sure he did. He’s her fiancé… (V)
Rika might have hidden their relationship. (V)
Maybe everything else other than her parents were fine. (nothing)
Well, you can’t change your familial environment…  (V)
What’s the matter? Are you anxious? (V)
Yep! I’m fine. (V)
How did Seven find out the coordinates? (707)
Umm, let’s not much in this chat room. (V)
How’s your cat doing, Jumin? (Jumin)
Since when did you live with your cat, Jumin? (nothing)
Did Rika avoid talking about her parents? (V)
So you were not interested in her parents? (V…)
You mean… Marriage of convenience!? (nothing)
Ugh…you’re right. (nothing)
But marriage happens between two people, not two families. (V)
I think what matters in looking at a person’s true essence is to figure out what kind of mind their actions or responses arise from. (Jumin)
So you loved her just the way she is. (V)
Why don’t we call an end to this conversation ? This is a personal story on Rika. (V)
Perhaps you two got engaged a little too fast. (V…)
What’s the matter? Is there something that bothers you? (V..)
But maybe it would’ve been better for V to see them. (V)
Is your security tight? (nothing)
Soon…? (nothing)
Bye, Jumin. (nothing)
Have a good time with Elizabeth the 3rd. (Jumin)
So Seven now knows where I am, right? (nothing)
Did you just call him? (nothing)
So exactly when are you coming? (V…)
Yes, I will. Don’t worry. (V)
 Visual Novel 707
 (no hearts given)
 Why are you so nice to me?
How old is this building?
Does Ray have lots of wounds too?
Do you have lots of wounds?
I’m worried about Ray.
Do you also alternate between fear and happiness within?
I want to know your real name.
What’s your relation to the RFA?
You’re not using me as a bait, are you?
I see.
V! This place isn’t safe. Run!
You are right.
I knew it. You are Rika.
You called her… Rika.
Rika… this is so confusing.
Good for him.
23:11 : What happened to V?! [V, Yoosung, Ray, Jumin, Jaehee]
 Yoosung… please save me! (nothing)
V! Are you alright? (nothing)
 Visual Novel
 This place is weird. Everything seems against the laws.
Rika, you look anxious.
Why do you hate V so much?
What will happen to V now…?
A little.
Couldn’t you be the light?
Is that why you made this place?
He’ll think that it’s a noble sacrifice…..
What are you going to do with V?
What is it?
Day 7 | V is here.
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