#electromagnetic field festival
mattgrayyes · 5 months
I’m going to be at several events over the next month or so. If you see me there, come up and say hi if you'd like.
🔹18/19th May: Makers Central, Birmingham NEC
🔹31st May - 3rd June: Electromagnetic Field Festival, UK
🔹15/16th June: Open Sauce, San Francisco!
There are tickets available for all of them still too!
Are you going to any of them?
[edit: I can no longer attend superbooth]
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seat-safety-switch · 6 months
When people come to my town, they seem to assume that the Great Magnet is a metaphor, or a tourist trap at worst. I can assure you, dear reader, that it is neither. For reasons unknown to me, our town forefathers – and one foremother who tried to pull out of the project when she figured out which way the wind was blowing – built a really big electromagnet in the centre of town. And then they realized that there was no way to power it on.
For hundreds of years, it has sat immobile as Town Hall was built around it, just daring someone to devise a power supply stronger than those they had available in 1802. Sure, a lot of fancy-pants industrial designers tried to get the eight-storey-tall electromagnet removed. It clashed with their vision for the productive space. Thing is, the town's founding laws say "no touchy the magnet," so they couldn't do much about the magnet. The magnet, that is, and its massive copper lugs sticking out the back, begging for a little bit of hot sauce.
Now, even without electricity, a chunk of ferrous material this large has some strange effects. The weather around it is really cold, and occasionally seagulls will loop infinitely around it until they drop from exhaustion, their internal sense of navigation disrupted by some passing force that has coupled into the magnet and gently charged its field. During the town Egg Festival, you could occasionally hear the AM radio Community Events Cruiser's broadcast through its surface, until Shopkeeper Ted drunkenly touched the surface of the Great Magnet and was instantly reduced to ash.
We'll switch it on one day, we tell each other. Big nuclear plant just opened a few towns over, that's got enough beef to spin it up. And then we look around at all the cool shit we own that's made out of metal, more than there ever was over 200 years ago. We think about all the things we have to lose.
Sometimes, on the Magnet's annual anniversary night speech, The Mayor will sometimes try to scare us with the size of the power bill, the magnitude of our tax dollars, that it would take to let 'er rip, just this once, as if the spectre of a few bucks a month extra would discourage us further from turning on a machine that would cleave the world in half.
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the-blog-of-gog · 5 months
Celebrating Beltane: A Neo-Technomancy and Chaos Magick Perspective
Beltane, celebrated on May 1st, marks a pivotal point in the pagan calendar, symbolizing the peak of spring and the hint of summer on the horizon. This festival, rooted deeply in Celtic traditions, is rich with themes of fertility, fire, and renewal. It's a time when the veil between the natural and the supernatural feels particularly thin, making it ripe for magickal endeavors.
Historical Roots and Modern Interpretations
Traditionally, Beltane is a fire festival. Ancient Celts lit bonfires to honor the sun and encourage its growth in the coming months. This act of lighting fires was also symbolic of purification and protection. In the context of neo-technomancy—a blend of technological insights and magickal practices—these fires can be seen as a metaphor for sparking new innovations and transformations in the digital realm.
How Neo-Technomancers and Chaos Magicians Celebrate Beltane
Digital Fire Rituals: For the modern magick practitioner, the Beltane fire can be reimagined through the glow of our screens or the electricity coursing through our gadgets. This could involve creating digital artworks that incorporate fiery visuals or programming dynamic fire simulations that serve as focal points for meditation or ritual work.
Virtual Maypole Dancing: The maypole dance, a traditional part of Beltane known for its intricate weaving of ribbons around a pole, symbolizes the entwining of energies and the fertility of the earth. Neo-technomancers might recreate this dance in a digital environment, perhaps through a collaborative online platform where participants from around the world contribute to a virtual maypole, weaving together digital threads to create a communal art piece.
Energetic Device Blessings: Just as tools and personal items were often passed through the Beltane fires for blessings, technomancers might hold a ritual to cleanse and empower their electronic devices. This could involve using electromagnetic fields or specialized software designed to 'purify' and optimize the functionality of their gadgets, aligning them with the owner’s magickal and mundane needs.
Sigil Creation for Growth and Prosperity: The creation of digital sigils to harness the energy of Beltane is another powerful way for technomancers to blend magickal intent with their technological skills. These sigils, designed using graphic software, can be used as part of digital wallpaper, shared on social media, or even integrated into user interfaces, continuously radiating magickal energy.
Chaos Magick and the Spirit of Spontaneity: Aligning with chaos magick principles, Beltane is a perfect occasion for spontaneity. This might involve using algorithmic generators to make unexpected choices or to create random, yet meaningful, magickal symbols or spells.
The Broader Implications of a Technomantic Beltane
Celebrating Beltane in this contemporary magickal-technological hybrid manner not only honors its ancient origins but also reinterprets its significance for the digital age. It’s about integrating the primal energies of old with the innovative potentials of today—using technology not merely as a tool, but as an extension of the practitioner’s will.
As we stoke the fires of Beltane in our digital hearths, we are reminded that the essence of magick lies in transformation—whether of ourselves, our environments, or our societies. And in this transformative process, technology becomes our ally, helping to manifest our deepest desires into the physical and virtual worlds.
So, this Beltane, let’s ignite the old fires with new sparks. Let's celebrate with a spirit of innovation and a respect for tradition, blending the two into a unique expression of our time. Through these practices, Beltane becomes more than just a date on the calendar—it becomes a moment of personal and communal alchemy, a time when we can truly connect the dots between the magickal and the technological, and perhaps, transform the world one byte and one spell at a time.
#BeltaneMagic #NeoTechnomancy #ChaosMagick #DigitalDivinity #MagickalInnovation #EcoTechWitch #SpiritualTech #MagickalCommunity #ModernWitchcraft #PaganTraditions
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nfcwproject · 9 months
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(ENG) Auf Deutsch unten #nfcdab2024 “Leise-Park” 6th Ed. Berlin Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab #nfcdab is a DIY or DIWO [DO IT WITH OTHER]? Digital art biennale that travels on wireless technologies, light waves and electromagnetic fields e.g.: Wi-Fi routers, QR codes or NFC tags to access content. the idea of the biennale is to take advantage of the potential of near-field (mis)communication[sic!] and other sharing technologies for making web-based digital art accessible in outdoors settings. it slack-keeps presence next to the frameworks of galleries and institutions. Hashtag: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024
Open call: for online artists link to facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1MHZXhXzO
Project title: "Leise-Park".
Project description: We invite online artists to participate in our disturbing project entitled "Leise-Park". In this project, we want to explore the issue of silence as an opposition to the anxiety we may feel in the context of the development of various digital trends and Internet technologies. The pervasive availability of mobile devices for spreading content and ideas through all types of Internet-based media, creates a sense of loss of self-control resulting from the pervasive information chaos. Our beloved smartphones are beginning to turn us into a kind of zombie addicted to absorbing information content from the Internet. What consequences does this have for us as well as for further social evolution? Do the emotions that accompany us at this moment allow us to analyze this phenomenon. Can we face this new reality? Can artists help us understand what currently surrounds and shapes us. Can we find distance from the world around us and calm down, or will we become technological zombies? That's why in the “Leise-Park” project we want to ask this question to artists who are willing to take part in our project with their work. Like all our projects this one too is based on the idea of DIY and DIWO. We often think of the park as a place with sculptures, traditionally made of stone, here those sculptures are to be works displayed on the smartphones of the show's viewers. Access to the links via a poster with a QR code pasted on a cardboard presenter cut to resemble a plant plaque. Presenters with the artists' works will be placed at various locations in Leise-Park. The show will run from February 2 - 4, 2024 and is part of the Vorspiel project, which is an initiative of transmediale and CTM Festival to showcase the richness and diversity of Berlin. So we invite you, as part of our project, to a creative exploration of a former Berlin cemetery turned into a publicly accessible Leise-Park.
The events were organized in cooperation by #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy
Place: Leise-Park Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Date: Vernissage: 2 February 2024 2.00 PM Open: 2 – 4 February 2024, 8.00 AM - 8.00 PM
Technical requirements: In short about submission: we would like to show the art works that can be implemented on QR CODE and can be displayed on mobile devices eg. links to websites(YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud to name a few), short texts and little ASCII art, links to personal web pages, art app, games or arts hacks. We would like to present all type of art expression and intellectual invention.
Deadline: ▓ January 27 2024
Submission Guidelines: ▓ add subject: “Leise-Park” - required ▓ send an image or PDF file or (*.zip or link to download) to our email: [email protected] ▓ feel free to add some short info in pdf max 500 characters
Image Guidelines: ▓ depth – Black & White only ▓ print dimension – A4, landscape
QR Code Guidelines: ▓ all type of qr & bar codes ▓ readable in popular mobile apps ▓ attached data, example: links, text, images ▓ we love custom art and free modifications (look point above)
More Info: ▓ blog: https://nfcdab.org/ ▓ fb page: https://www.facebook.com/nfcdab/ ▓ fb open group: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1nfcdabiennale/
(DE) #nfcdab2024 “Leise-Park” 6th Ed. Berlin Near-Field Communication Digital Art Biennale aka #nfcdab #nfcdab ist eine DIY oder DIWO [DO IT WITH OTHER]? Digitale Kunstbiennale, die sich auf drahtlose Technologien, Lichtwellen und elektromagnetische Felder stützt, z.B.: Wi-Fi-Router, QR-Codes oder NFC-Tags, um auf Inhalte zuzugreifen. Die Idee der Biennale ist es, das Potenzial der near-field (mis)communication[sic!] und anderer Sharing-Technologien zu nutzen, um webbasierte digitale Kunst in Außenbereichen zugänglich zu machen. Sie bleibt locker neben dem Rahmen von Galerien und Institutionen präsent. Hashtag: #nfcdab #nfcdab2024
Offener Aufruf: für Webkünstler Link zur Facebook-Veranstaltung: https://fb.me/e/1MHZXhXzO
Projekttitel: "Leise-Park"
Projektbeschreibung: Wir laden Online-Künstler ein, sich an unserem beunruhigenden Projekt mit dem Titel "Leise-Park" zu beteiligen. In diesem Projekt wollen wir die Frage der Stille als Gegenpol zu der Angst erforschen, die wir im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung verschiedener digitaler Trends und Internettechnologien empfinden können. Die allgegenwärtige Verfügbarkeit mobiler Geräte zur Verbreitung von Inhalten und Ideen über alle Arten von internetbasierten Medien führt zu einem Gefühl des Verlusts der Selbstkontrolle, das aus dem allgegenwärtigen Informationschaos resultiert. Unsere geliebten Smartphones verwandeln uns allmählich in eine Art Zombie, der süchtig nach der Aufnahme von Informationsinhalten aus dem Internet ist. Welche Folgen hat das für uns und für die weitere gesellschaftliche Entwicklung? Erlauben uns die Emotionen, die uns in diesem Moment begleiten, dieses Phänomen zu analysieren? Können wir uns dieser neuen Realität stellen? Können Künstler uns helfen zu verstehen, was uns derzeit umgibt und prägt? Können wir Abstand von der Welt um uns herum gewinnen und zur Ruhe kommen, oder werden wir zu technologischen Zombies? Deshalb wollen wir im Projekt „Leise-Park“ diese Frage an Künstlerinnen und Künstler stellen, die bereit sind, sich mit ihrer Arbeit an unserem Projekt zu beteiligen. Wie alle unsere Projekte basiert auch dieses auf der Idee von DIY und DIWO. Wir denken oft an den Park als einen Ort mit Skulpturen, traditionell aus Stein, hier sollen diese Skulpturen Werke sein, die auf den Smartphones der Betrachter der Ausstellung angezeigt werden. Der Zugang zu den Links erfolgt über ein Poster mit einem QR-Code, der auf einen Präsenter aus Pappe geklebt ist, der wie eine Pflanzenstecker aussieht. Die Präsenter mit den Werken der Künstler werden an verschiedenen Orten im Leise-Park aufgestellt. Die Ausstellung läuft vom 2. bis 4. Februar 2024 und ist Teil des Projekts Vorspiel, einer Initiative der transmediale und des CTM Festivals, um den Reichtum und die Vielfalt Berlins zu präsentieren. So laden wir Sie als Teil unseres Projekts zu einer kreativen Erkundung eines ehemaligen Berliner Friedhofs ein, der in einen öffentlich zugänglichen Leise-Park umgewandelt wurde.
Die Veranstaltungen wurden in Zusammenarbeit von #nfcdab - Dominik Podsiadly, noemata - Bjørn Magnhildøen, BrowserBased - Zsolt Mesterhazy organisiert
Ort: Leise-Park Heinrich-Roller-Straße 24, 10405 Berlin (DE)
Termin: Vernissage: 2. Februar 2024 14.00 Uhr Geöffnet: 2. bis 4. Februar 2024, 8.00 bis 20.00 Uhr
Technische Anforderungen: Kurz zu den Einreichungen: Wir möchten Kunstwerke zeigen, die auf QR CODE implementiert und auf mobilen Geräten angezeigt werden können, z.B. Links zu Websites (YouTube, Tumblr, Soundcloud, um nur einige zu nennen), kurze Texte und kleine ASCII-Kunst, Links zu persönlichen Webseiten, Kunst-Apps, Spiele oder Kunst-Hacks. Wir möchten alle Arten von künstlerischem Ausdruck und geistiger Erfindung präsentieren.
Abgabetermin: ▓ 27. Januar 2024
Einreichungsrichtlinien: ▓ Betreff hinzufügen: "Leise-Park" - erforderlich ▓ Senden Sie ein Bild oder eine PDF-Datei (*.zip oder Link zum Herunterladen) an unsere E-Mail: [email protected] ▓ Bitte fügen Sie eine kurze Info im pdf-Format hinzu, max. 500 Zeichen
Bild-Richtlinien: ▓ Tiefe - nur schwarz/weiß ▓ Druckformat - A4, Landschaftsmodus
QR-Code-Richtlinien: ▓ alle Arten von QR- und Strichcodes ▓ lesbar in gängigen mobilen Anwendungen ▓ angehängte Daten, Beispiel: Links, Text, Bilder ▓ wir lieben individuelle Gestaltung und freie Änderungen (siehe Punkt oben)
Weitere Infos: ▓ Blog: https://nfcdab.org/ ▓ fb-Seite: https://www.facebook.com/nfcdab/ ▓ offene fb-Gruppe: https://web.facebook.com/groups/1nfcdabiennale/
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vjsmag · 1 year
Mapping Festival 2023 Celebrates Low Tech Art
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The highly anticipated Mapping Festival 2023 is set to take place from May 18th to Sunday, May 28th, with a particular emphasis this year on low tech art. The outdoor event will be held at Jardin des Nations, offering audiences a unique experience to engage with performances that ingeniously use salvage and human energy as a source of creativity. In keeping with the low tech theme, the festival will showcase works that are low-carbon and environmentally friendly, providing a platform for artists who create minimal impact on the environment. The musical line-up will be hosted on a small stage built from local wood, constructed in association with La Barje, a community organization already present on the site. A notable highlight of the festival is the Salle de Sonance, an immersive sound space imagined by Alican Okan and constructed by the MelUsine collective using reclaimed wood from the site. Alican Okan, a composer and sound artist from Istanbul, is known for his passion for creating instruments from recycled materials. The MelUsine collective aims to train individuals to be autonomous and foster a sense of community through shared skills and services. Geneva-based artist Thierry Anderegg will showcase his remarkable sculptures, “The Fitness Monster” and “La Macchina Infernale”, which are animated by human strength. His work echoes the bizarre and humorous style of Swiss artist Tinguely, incorporating elements of science fiction and engaging audiences through an interactive ballet of movement, sound, and light. The festival also features a unique electro-solar concert by DJ Nøs and Antoine Meissonnier. DJ Nøs will utilize a bicycle-cargo-sound system powered by photovoltaic panels, while Antoine will interactively project captured light objects in sync with the music. This collaborative performance promises to be a sensorial feast, merging Antoine's textured visuals with Nøs' contemplative sounds. Renowned artist Oilhack is set to perform live, creating a stunning spectacle of color using his world-famous oils, while Troffea Bahn will take attendees on a psychedelic journey with his acid techno DJ sets. For children, an interactive upcycling workshop called “Joue à ton rythme” provides an intuitive approach to music, encouraging participants to create their own instruments from everyday objects. In a collaboration with Out of the Box & Cap Loisirs, the festival will present "Triphonie", an inclusive concert created by visual artists, amateur musicians, and professionals, with and without disabilities. The performance is set to offer a sensory experience that may hold some surprises for audiences. Rounding off the festival will be the performance "Demystifying the Æther" by Félicien Goguey and Matthias Hurtl, a culmination of a five-day workshop exploring electromagnetic waves. This year's Mapping Festival promises to be an unforgettable celebration of low tech creativity, offering a diverse lineup of performances, installations, and workshops that blend art, music, and technology in unique and environmentally-friendly ways. The Mapping Festival 2023 is not only a platform for established artists but also encourages budding creators to showcase their talent. The “VJ Contest” is a testament to this spirit, where new artists are invited to take part in a live visual performance competition. The contestants will be evaluated by a panel of seasoned professionals in the field. This exciting event ensures the festival's commitment to fostering creativity at all levels. For those interested in acquiring new skills, the festival has arranged a series of educational programs. Workshops focusing on low tech tools and methods will be conducted by artists like Alican Okan and Félicien Goguey. These hands-on sessions will provide attendees with the opportunity to explore the creative possibilities of low-tech art and its potential for environmental sustainability. The festival also acknowledges the importance of critical discussions in the field of art and technology. A series of round tables will provide a space for dialogue and debate, where artists, researchers, and the public can discuss various topics related to the intersection of technology, art, and society. The evening performances will be a sensory delight, with the festival grounds turning into an arena of interactive light and sound installations. Among these, the 'Interactive Fire Garden' by Cie Carabosse promises to be a crowd-puller. It's a magical installation where fire becomes a medium of art, bringing warmth, light, and a unique beauty to the space. The festival finale is a spectacle not to be missed. The closing party features artists such as DJ Windows XP, Kassiel, and Oilhack, promising a night filled with vibrant music and visuals. Attendees will have the opportunity to dance the night away, surrounded by the immersive, low tech art that has defined the festival. True to its core theme of low tech art, Mapping Festival 2023 is set to provide attendees with a unique blend of art and technology. Its focus on environmental sustainability and inclusivity makes it a significant event on the cultural calendar. By providing a platform for artists who push the boundaries of creativity while minimizing environmental impact, the festival sets a precedent for future cultural events.
The Mapping Festival 2023 aims to create an immersive, innovative, and engaging art experience while raising awareness about environmental sustainability. It's an invitation to all to come and explore the limitless potential of creativity when it's harmoniously combined with a commitment to our planet. Read the full article
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gamesatwork · 4 months
e468 — Andy’s Fun Time
Want to be part of an immersive Marvel story? Play Asteroids on a mountainside? Work in a virtual Roblox Ikea store? Well, two snaps up, it’s your lucky day! These and other stories in e468.
Flappy Bird Arcade Game photo by Andy Piper June 2024 Published 10 June 2024 Andy and Michael R get together to talk through this week’s articles.  In this episode, the team discusses virtual reality work, entertainment and games along with space science. Andy starts things off with his recent experiences at the Electromagnetic Field festival.  With great examples of Flappy Bird, Asteroids and…
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.30
Anguilla Day (Anguilla)
Arab Juice Day
Arbor Day (Honduras)
Biafra Remembrance Day (Nigeria)
Canary Islands Day (Spain)
Daily Newspaper Day
Fishing Day (Elder Scrolls)
Foster Care Day (Poland)
Garden Amazement Day
Give OUT Day
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Heirloom Seed Day
Hovercraft Day
Ice Cream Freezer Day
Indian Arrival Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
International Doubles Day
International Hug Your Cat Day
Jag’s McCartney Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Joan of Arc Day
Jump Rope Day
Kaamatan Harvest Festival begins (Kadazandusuns; Malaysia)
KidLitPit Pitch Day
Lod Massacre Remembrance Day (Puerto Rico)
Loomis Day
Ming-Na Day
Mother’s Day (Nicaragua)
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day
National Creativity Day
National E-Bike Day
National Gopher Revolution Day
National Hole in My Bucket Day
National Jennifer Day
National Multiple Sclerosis Day
National Nail Tech Day
National Recruiters Day
National Scout Day (Maldives)
National Sofia Day
National Women in Baseball Day
No Garbage Day (Japan)
Paperback Writer Day
Reconciliation Day (Australia)
Sabitri Amabasya (Odisha, India)
Strawberry Day (French Republic)
Swing Day a.k.a. Tano Day (Korea) [5th Day of 5th Lunar Month]
Take a Girl Child to Work Day (South Africa)
This Day
Water a Flower Day
World Foster Day
World Juice Day
World MS Day
World Sea Lion Day
World Vape Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Day of the Potato
National Mint Julep Day
National Potato Day (Peru)
National Scone Day
Okroshka Day (Russia)
Independence & Related Days
Dan Državnosti (Statehood Day; Croatia)
Eintractia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Eleytheria (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Goa Statehood Day (India)
Parliament Day (Croatia)
5th & Last Thursday in May
Red Nose Day (US) [Last Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 30 (Last Week)
Great American Brass Band Week (thru 6.1)
Festivals Beginning May 30, 2024
Beaumont Cherry Festival (Beaumont, California) [thru 6.2]
Buffalo Days (Luverne, Minnesota) [thru 6.2]
Electromagnetic Field (Eastnor, UK) [thru 6.2]
Farm Fest & Delta Smoke BBQ (Wynne, Arkansas) [thru 6.8]
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Helen to the Atlantic Balloon Race (Helen, Georgia) [thru 6.1]
Kaamatan Harvest Festival begins (Kadazandusuns; Malaysia)
Kyiv Book Arsenal (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 6.2]
Lebanon Strawberry Festival (Lebanon, Oregon) [thru 6.2]
Mentone Egg Festival (Mentone, Indiana) [thru 6.1]
Narzissenfest (Aussee, Austria) [thru 6.2]
Newport News Greek Festival (Newport News, Virginia) [thru 6.2]
Poke Sallet Festival (Harlan, Kentucky) [thru 6.1]
Veganmania (Vienna, Austria) [thru 6.2]
Vermont Dairy Festival (Enosburg Falls, Vermont) [thru 6.2]
West Coast Produce Expo (Palm Desert, California) [thru 6.1]
Zabaikalsky International Film Festival (Chita, Russia) [thru 6.2]
Zlín Film Festival (Zlín, Czech Republic) [thru 6.5]
Feast Days
St. Chrysostom (Positivist; Saint)
Einherjar (Asatru; memorial to war dead in Valhalla)
Eleutherius, pope (Christian; Saint)
Exsuperantius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Queen of Heaven (Pagan)
Felix, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Ferdinand III of Castile, King of Castile and Leon (Christian; Saint)
Fernando Amorsolo (Artology)
Frigg's Day (Norse Queen of Heaven)
Goibhniu (Celtic Book of Days)
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Isaac of Dalmatia (Christian; Saint)
Joan of Arc (Christian; Saint)
Joan of Arc Day (Everyday Wicca)
John Gilroy (Artology)
Joseph Marello (Christian; Saint)
Madelgislus (Christian; Saint)
Maguil, Recluse in Picardy (Christian; Saint)
Meinherjar (Feast of Valhalla; Pagan)
Pro Hart (Artology)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (Pastafarian)
Robert Ryman (Artology)
Spook (Muppetism)
This Day (Shamanism)
Walston of Bawburgh (Christian; Saint) [Agricultural Works, Farmers, Farm Workers, Field Hands]
Winnie Ruth Judd Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Corpus Christi [Thursday after Trinity Sunday; 60 days after Easter] a.k.a. ... 
Corpo de Deus (Portugal)
Corpus Christi Day (Most Christian Countries)
Corpus Domini (San Marino)
Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi (Venezuela)
Day of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord
El Colacho (Baby Jumping; Castrillo de Murica, Spain)
Feast of Corpus Christi
Feast of the Body of God (East Timor)
Fête Dieu (Monaco, Seychelles)
Fronleichnam (Switzerland)
Leonard P. Howell Day (Rastafari)
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikhism)
Mystery Plays (Ancient Europe)
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Anglican Church)
Tijelovo (Croatia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [29 of 57]
Bartered Bride, by Bedřich Smetana (Comic Opera; 1866)
Bingo Crosbyana (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Bulloney (MGM Cartoon; 1933)
The Bourne Identity, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1980)
Dark Town Strutters Ball, recorded by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1917)
The Death of Virgil, by Hermann Broch (Novel; 1945)
Dick Whittington’s Cat (ComiColor Cartoon; 1936)
Dumb Patrol (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Elric of Melniboné Michael Moorcock (Novel; 1972) [Elric Saga #1]
Finding Nemo (Animated Disney Film; 2003)
Girls Like You, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2018)
Heir Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
How to Stuff a Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
The Italian Job (Film; 2003)
A Journey Round My Skull, by Frigyes Karinthy (Novel; 1936)
Le Bowser Bagger (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
Living in the Material World, by George Harrison (Album; 1973)
The Lyin’ Lion (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Maleficent (Film; 2014)
The Marshall Mathers LP, by Eminem (Album; 2000)
Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye Dick (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1947)
Movie Phoney news (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Novel; 1967)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Passenger to Frankfurt, by Agatha Christie (Novel; 1971)
The Pups’ Picnic (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Puss n’ Toots (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Sex and the City (Film; 2008)
Six Days of the Condor, by James Grady (Novel; 1974)
Unsung Hero (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1961)
Violin Concerto No. 1, by Béla Bartók (Concerto; 1958)
What Happens At Night (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Zero the Hound (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1941)
Today’s Name Days
Ferdinand, Johanna, Otto (Austria)
Emiliya (Bulgaria)
Ferdinand, Ivana (Croatia)
Ferdinand (Czech Republic)
Vigand (Denmark)
Argo, Arro (Estonia)
Pasi (Finland)
Ferdinand, Jeanne, Lorraine (France)
Felix, Ferdinand, Johanna (Germany)
Emmeleia (Greece)
Janka, Zsanett (Hungary)
Felice, Ferdinando, Giovanni (Italy)
Kredo, Lola, Lolita, Vitolds (Latvia)
Ferdinandas, Joana, Jomilė, Vyliaudas, Žana (Lithuania)
Gard, Geir (Norway)
Andonik, Feliks, Ferdynand, Joanna, Sulimir (Poland)
Isaachie (România)
Ferdinand (Slovakia)
Estela, Estrella, Fernando, Juana (Spain)
Fritjof, Vera, Veronika (Sweden)
Joan, Joani, Joann, Joanna, Joanne, Johanna, Fawn, Fern, Fernanda, Fernando, Ferdinand, Ferdinanda, Ferdinando (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 151 of 2024; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 23 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 22 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 22 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 1 Blue; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2024
Moon: 50%: Last Quarter
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 73 of 92)
Week: Last Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 10 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Blue (J Calendar) [Month 6 of 12]
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2023; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 22 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 10 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 30 Bīja; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2023
Moon: 78%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 71 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 32)
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.30
Anguilla Day (Anguilla)
Arab Juice Day
Arbor Day (Honduras)
Biafra Remembrance Day (Nigeria)
Canary Islands Day (Spain)
Daily Newspaper Day
Fishing Day (Elder Scrolls)
Foster Care Day (Poland)
Garden Amazement Day
Give OUT Day
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Heirloom Seed Day
Hovercraft Day
Ice Cream Freezer Day
Indian Arrival Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
International Doubles Day
International Hug Your Cat Day
Jag’s McCartney Day (Turks and Caicos Islands)
Joan of Arc Day
Jump Rope Day
Kaamatan Harvest Festival begins (Kadazandusuns; Malaysia)
KidLitPit Pitch Day
Lod Massacre Remembrance Day (Puerto Rico)
Loomis Day
Ming-Na Day
Mother’s Day (Nicaragua)
My Bucket's Got A Hole In It Day
National Creativity Day
National E-Bike Day
National Gopher Revolution Day
National Hole in My Bucket Day
National Jennifer Day
National Multiple Sclerosis Day
National Nail Tech Day
National Recruiters Day
National Scout Day (Maldives)
National Sofia Day
National Women in Baseball Day
No Garbage Day (Japan)
Paperback Writer Day
Reconciliation Day (Australia)
Sabitri Amabasya (Odisha, India)
Strawberry Day (French Republic)
Swing Day a.k.a. Tano Day (Korea) [5th Day of 5th Lunar Month]
Take a Girl Child to Work Day (South Africa)
This Day
Water a Flower Day
World Foster Day
World Juice Day
World MS Day
World Sea Lion Day
World Vape Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Day of the Potato
National Mint Julep Day
National Potato Day (Peru)
National Scone Day
Okroshka Day (Russia)
Independence & Related Days
Dan Državnosti (Statehood Day; Croatia)
Eintractia (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Eleytheria (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Goa Statehood Day (India)
Parliament Day (Croatia)
5th & Last Thursday in May
Red Nose Day (US) [Last Thursday]
Throwback Thursday [Every Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning May 30 (Last Week)
Great American Brass Band Week (thru 6.1)
Festivals Beginning May 30, 2024
Beaumont Cherry Festival (Beaumont, California) [thru 6.2]
Buffalo Days (Luverne, Minnesota) [thru 6.2]
Electromagnetic Field (Eastnor, UK) [thru 6.2]
Farm Fest & Delta Smoke BBQ (Wynne, Arkansas) [thru 6.8]
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Helen to the Atlantic Balloon Race (Helen, Georgia) [thru 6.1]
Kaamatan Harvest Festival begins (Kadazandusuns; Malaysia)
Kyiv Book Arsenal (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 6.2]
Lebanon Strawberry Festival (Lebanon, Oregon) [thru 6.2]
Mentone Egg Festival (Mentone, Indiana) [thru 6.1]
Narzissenfest (Aussee, Austria) [thru 6.2]
Newport News Greek Festival (Newport News, Virginia) [thru 6.2]
Poke Sallet Festival (Harlan, Kentucky) [thru 6.1]
Veganmania (Vienna, Austria) [thru 6.2]
Vermont Dairy Festival (Enosburg Falls, Vermont) [thru 6.2]
West Coast Produce Expo (Palm Desert, California) [thru 6.1]
Zabaikalsky International Film Festival (Chita, Russia) [thru 6.2]
Zlín Film Festival (Zlín, Czech Republic) [thru 6.5]
Feast Days
St. Chrysostom (Positivist; Saint)
Einherjar (Asatru; memorial to war dead in Valhalla)
Eleutherius, pope (Christian; Saint)
Exsuperantius (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Queen of Heaven (Pagan)
Felix, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Ferdinand III of Castile, King of Castile and Leon (Christian; Saint)
Fernando Amorsolo (Artology)
Frigg's Day (Norse Queen of Heaven)
Goibhniu (Celtic Book of Days)
Harvest Festival (Malaysia)
Isaac of Dalmatia (Christian; Saint)
Joan of Arc (Christian; Saint)
Joan of Arc Day (Everyday Wicca)
John Gilroy (Artology)
Joseph Marello (Christian; Saint)
Madelgislus (Christian; Saint)
Maguil, Recluse in Picardy (Christian; Saint)
Meinherjar (Feast of Valhalla; Pagan)
Pro Hart (Artology)
Random Acts of Kindness Day (Pastafarian)
Robert Ryman (Artology)
Spook (Muppetism)
This Day (Shamanism)
Walston of Bawburgh (Christian; Saint) [Agricultural Works, Farmers, Farm Workers, Field Hands]
Winnie Ruth Judd Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Corpus Christi [Thursday after Trinity Sunday; 60 days after Easter] a.k.a. ... 
Corpo de Deus (Portugal)
Corpus Christi Day (Most Christian Countries)
Corpus Domini (San Marino)
Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi (Venezuela)
Day of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord
El Colacho (Baby Jumping; Castrillo de Murica, Spain)
Feast of Corpus Christi
Feast of the Body of God (East Timor)
Fête Dieu (Monaco, Seychelles)
Fronleichnam (Switzerland)
Leonard P. Howell Day (Rastafari)
Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev (Sikhism)
Mystery Plays (Ancient Europe)
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Thanksgiving for Holy Communion (Anglican Church)
Tijelovo (Croatia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [29 of 57]
Bartered Bride, by Bedřich Smetana (Comic Opera; 1866)
Bingo Crosbyana (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Bulloney (MGM Cartoon; 1933)
The Bourne Identity, by Robert Ludlum (Novel; 1980)
Dark Town Strutters Ball, recorded by the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1917)
The Death of Virgil, by Hermann Broch (Novel; 1945)
Dick Whittington’s Cat (ComiColor Cartoon; 1936)
Dumb Patrol (WB LT Cartoon; 1931)
Elric of Melniboné Michael Moorcock (Novel; 1972) [Elric Saga #1]
Finding Nemo (Animated Disney Film; 2003)
Girls Like You, by Maroon 5 (Song; 2018)
Heir Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1953)
How to Stuff a Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1960)
The Italian Job (Film; 2003)
A Journey Round My Skull, by Frigyes Karinthy (Novel; 1936)
Le Bowser Bagger (The Inspector Cartoon; 1967)
Living in the Material World, by George Harrison (Album; 1973)
The Lyin’ Lion (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Maleficent (Film; 2014)
The Marshall Mathers LP, by Eminem (Album; 2000)
Mighty Mouse Meets Deadeye Dick (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1947)
Movie Phoney news (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1938)
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Novel; 1967)
Parasite (Film; 2019)
Passenger to Frankfurt, by Agatha Christie (Novel; 1971)
The Pups’ Picnic (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1936)
Puss n’ Toots (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1942)
Sex and the City (Film; 2008)
Six Days of the Condor, by James Grady (Novel; 1974)
Unsung Hero (Hector Heathcote Cartoon; 1961)
Violin Concerto No. 1, by Béla Bartók (Concerto; 1958)
What Happens At Night (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1941)
Zero the Hound (Animated Antics Cartoon; 1941)
Today’s Name Days
Ferdinand, Johanna, Otto (Austria)
Emiliya (Bulgaria)
Ferdinand, Ivana (Croatia)
Ferdinand (Czech Republic)
Vigand (Denmark)
Argo, Arro (Estonia)
Pasi (Finland)
Ferdinand, Jeanne, Lorraine (France)
Felix, Ferdinand, Johanna (Germany)
Emmeleia (Greece)
Janka, Zsanett (Hungary)
Felice, Ferdinando, Giovanni (Italy)
Kredo, Lola, Lolita, Vitolds (Latvia)
Ferdinandas, Joana, Jomilė, Vyliaudas, Žana (Lithuania)
Gard, Geir (Norway)
Andonik, Feliks, Ferdynand, Joanna, Sulimir (Poland)
Isaachie (România)
Ferdinand (Slovakia)
Estela, Estrella, Fernando, Juana (Spain)
Fritjof, Vera, Veronika (Sweden)
Joan, Joani, Joann, Joanna, Joanne, Johanna, Fawn, Fern, Fernanda, Fernando, Ferdinand, Ferdinanda, Ferdinando (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 151 of 2024; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 19 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 23 (Jia-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 22 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 22 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 1 Blue; Oneday [1 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2024
Moon: 50%: Last Quarter
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 73 of 92)
Week: Last Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 10 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Blue (J Calendar) [Month 6 of 12]
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2023; 215 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 22 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 10 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 30 Bīja; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 17 May 2023
Moon: 78%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 10 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Chrysostom]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 71 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 32)
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burpenterprisejournal · 7 months
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2024/03/15+21 JD ZAZIE / BILLY ROISZ Wien + Graz - AT
The Billy Roisz & JD Zazie duo started in 2014 thanks to the great ‘Depopulate’ festival held at NK Project Space in Berlin. Coming from a different background, Billy Roisz & JD Zazie developed in the years personal ways to express themselves in the field of noise music. Billy Roisz works mostly in the field of audio-video focusing on the links and gaps between visual and auditory perception, she questions the interaction between sound and image, the interchangeability or unity of the electromagnetic signal in the generating machines which creates image or sound. JD Zazie has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound. In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities and moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.
After a 7-year break, where each of them continued to develop their musical research, Billy Roisz and JD Zazie intend to revitalise the duo by meeting up in Austria for a micro tour. They will therefore play in Vienna at the Velak series and in Graz at !nterpenetration.
15.03.2024 at 19:30 SHARP! Velak Gala #130, at Echoraum, Sechshauser Straße 66, 1150 Wien
21.03.2024 at 20:00 !nterpenetration, at ARTist’s, Schützgasse 16, 8020 Graz
photo © Dieter Kovačič
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busbarmachine001 · 7 months
Busbar bending machine use tutorial (Fujian parent row processing all -in -one equipment manufacturer)
Multi -site combination welding machines include racks, turntables, line adjustment mechanisms, welding mechanisms, motors, turntable positioning agencies and electrical control parts. Pass through the center of the base and rotate intermittently from its supported axis, which drives intermittent rotation of the turntable vertical turntable. The location of the station position set on the turntable can be installed on the slot. The floating device can be evenly set up in the direction of the circular dial. Multiple stations can be set evenly. The multi -station combination welding machine uses a floating device to make the welding pressure directly on the turntable, so that the turntable shaft is not easy to damage. Because the floating device is used on the floating device, it is used on the floating device. Positioning device, when welding, can overcome the position deviation generated by using a floating device, so that the welding template and welding head that is tightened to the floating board movement does not produce the precise positioning of the heat pressure welding to achieve the precise welding of the precision welding to achieve precision welding welding Essence
Busbar bending machine use tutorials, you bought it | Full Automatic Bareer | Of course, I hope it can run stable and use it for a long time. related. Why can some manufacturers use a machine for ten or eight years? Let's analyze it with you today!
After using the new machine for a month, check the bending of each oil pipe. If there is abnormalities, it should be replaced. After two months of use, the connection of all accessories should be fixed. Essence
One is due to the problem of machine tool parameters in the NC system (sometimes it is caused by improper settings, and sometimes caused by accidents or disorders due to accidents). Regarding such soft disadvantages, as long as the parameters are adjusted, the disadvantages will disappear naturally.
The year is coming, and everyone has begun to get busy. The migrant workers returned to their hometown, the students were on vacation, and every family began to set up annual goods ... airports, stations, markets, shopping malls, festive appearances everywhere, busy figures everywhere. Like some people who have not been on vacation in the field, people who have not stepped home have begun to worry, and began to go home. The parent line machine factory store reminds you not to forget the safety because he is anxious to go home and complete the work at hand. In order to go home for a better year, whether you are on the way home or home, you must pay attention to safety. Personal safety and health are what the family wants to see the most, so that the Spring Festival can be better. For the use of the bus processing machine, be sure to operate safety in accordance with standardized safety operations to ensure personal safety. The parent line machine factory store summarizes the following matters that should be paid attention to in the use of the parent line processing machine: Multi -site parent discharge machine use tutorial tutorials
The tension mechanisms matched by modern bus is generally no loss. Our common types are permanent magnet dampen, electromagnetic tensor, electronic servo tensioner, pneumatic tensor, etc. Differences, combined applications.
Multi -site parent discharge machine uses tutorial parent line processing machines with three processing units: shear, punching, and bending. It is mainly suitable for high and low voltage switching cabinets and transformer manufacturing industries to process copper and aluminum parent lines of various specifications. The main functions are copper and aluminum parent lines of different specifications. You only need to use the corresponding processing unit to easily and quickly cut the copper and aluminum rows (round holes, waist -shaped holes), flat bend, flat, and bending, flat, and bending, and bending. Various processing of standing, pressure flowers, flattening, twisted twist, and voltage cable joints. It is widely used in electrical setting industry such as high and low voltage switching cabinets, substations, bus sinks, chassis cabinets manufacturing. The bus processing machine of the parent line machine factory store is a supporting equipment designed by reference to advanced foreign products and combined with domestic reality to improve work efficiency and ensure the safety of operating safety. It is an indispensable ideal equipment for the electrical industry.
Electric transformer parent line machine is specialized in equipment with electric transformer coils and similar coil winding. The mechanical and electrical integration parent wire machine is unmatched by the use of PLC and inverter. These properties meet the actual requirements of production, significantly improve product quality and production efficiency, and operate more secure and reliable. Practice has proved that the use of advanced technical means in production equipment can create more social benefits and economic value.
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mattgrayyes · 4 months
I’ve been documenting the… installation? I’m taking to Electromagnetic Field Festival next weekend over on my Mastodon profile.
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enterprisewired · 9 months
Radio Frequency Identification: The Invisible Tracking Tech Revolutionizing Our World
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In a world obsessed with efficiency and automation, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is quietly making waves. Imagine a tiny, invisible tag embedded in your clothes, passport, or even livestock, silently broadcasting its unique identity to nearby readers. That’s the magic of RFID, a technology that’s transforming industries from retail and logistics to healthcare and even animal tracking.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, transforming various industries from retail and logistics to healthcare and beyond. As a cutting-edge technology, Radio Frequency Identification employs electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. This article delves into the intricate workings of RFID systems, exploring their applications, benefits, and the evolving landscape of this innovative technology.
How Does It Work?
Think of it as a wireless handshake between two devices. A Radio Frequency Identifier tag, often smaller than a grain of rice, stores information like a product code or serial number. A reader emits radio waves, and the tag resonates and transmits its data back, like a miniature radio beacon. This interaction, all happening without line-of-sight, unlocks a world of possibilities.
From Supermarket Checkouts to Supply Chain Efficiency:
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In supermarkets, Radio Frequency Identification tags embedded in products eliminate the need for scanning each item individually. Imagine breezing through checkout with your groceries in a bag, the reader instantly recognizing and billing each item. This saves time, reduces errors, and streamlines the shopping experience.
Logistics and supply chains benefit immensely from RFID. Tracking pallets and packages in real-time optimizes delivery routes, reduces inventory errors, and ensures timely arrivals. This translates to cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, and a more efficient flow of goods.
A Universe of Applications
The applications of RFID go far beyond the convenience of contactless checkout. Consider these examples:
Logistics and Supply Chain Efficiency: Tracking shipments in real-time optimizes routes, reduces errors, and ensures timely deliveries, leading to cost savings and improved customer satisfaction.
Healthcare Revolution: Embedding RFID chips in medical devices and medication ensures proper usage and prevents errors. Real-time patient monitoring enhances safety and improves care delivery.
Environmental Protection: Tracking endangered species, monitoring deforestation, and managing waste disposal are just a few ways RFID contributes to a more sustainable future.
Art and Authenticity: Museums use RFID tags to authenticate artworks, while luxury brands embed them in products to combat counterfeiting.
Matching Tags to Needs
Not all Radio Frequency Identification tags are created equal. Different frequencies cater to specific needs:
Low-Frequency (LF): Robust with long read ranges, ideal for tracking assets in harsh environments like warehouses.
High-Frequency (HF): Pack more data and offer faster read speeds, perfect for retail and access control applications.
Ultra-High-Frequency (UHF): Boast impressive read ranges, ideal for tracking assets across vast areas like forests or outdoor festivals.
Where RFID Meets Innovation
With advancements in miniaturization, encryption, and integration with other technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), the potential of RFID is boundless. Imagine:
Smart Homes: Appliances adjust settings based on your tagged belongings, and personalized recommendations are delivered based on your tagged groceries.
Predictive Maintenance: RFID-enabled sensors in machinery predict failures before they occur, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.
Personalized Healthcare: Biocompatible RFID chips monitor vital signs in real-time, enabling continuous health monitoring and personalized care.
Beyond Retail and Logistics:
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The applications of RFID extend far beyond the commercial sphere. Libraries use it for automated book borrowing and tracking. Hospitals implant tiny RFID chips in patients for identification and medical record access. Livestock farmers track their animals for grazing patterns and health monitoring. Even high-security passports and access cards utilize RFID for enhanced security and verification.
Different Types, Different Needs:
RFID comes in various flavors, each with its strengths and limitations. Low-frequency (LF) tags are robust and have long read ranges but offer limited data storage. High-frequency (HF) tags pack more data and offer faster read speeds, making them ideal for retail and access control. Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) tags boast impressive read ranges, perfect for tracking assets across vast areas like warehouses or forests.
The Future of RFID:
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With advancements in miniaturization and encryption, the potential of Radio Frequency Identification is limitless. Imagine smart homes where appliances adjust settings based on your tagged belongings. Think of personalized healthcare with real-time monitoring of vital signs through embedded RFID chips. The possibilities are endless, blurring the lines between physical and digital worlds.
However, Challenges Remain:
Privacy concerns arise with widespread RFID adoption. The potential for unauthorized tracking and data collection needs careful consideration and robust security measures. Standardization across industries is also crucial to ensure seamless interoperability and prevent technological silos.
Privacy Concerns: Robust security measures and data protection protocols are essential to ensure user privacy.
Ethical Considerations: The use of RFID should align with ethical principles and address potential misuse.
Standardization: Industry-wide standards are necessary for seamless interoperability and broader adoption.
Radio Frequency Identification is no longer a futuristic technology. It’s quietly woven into the fabric of our daily lives, making processes more efficient, secure, and even magical. As we embrace the possibilities of RFID, it’s essential to address privacy concerns and ensure responsible development. This tiny tag holds the potential to revolutionize diverse industries, streamlining our world and paving the way for a more connected future.
Also Read: The Rise of Wearable Health Tech: Transforming Personal Wellness
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juuceme · 10 months
Revolutionizing Venues: Innovative Phone Charging Solutions
Have you ever been at a concert, conference, or sports event and found yourself desperately searching for an outlet to charge your dying phone? We've all been there, frustrated and disconnected from the digital world. But fear not! Innovative phone charging solutions for venues are here to revolutionize the way we stay connected at venues. In this article, we will explore the latest advancements in phone charging technology, from portable power banks to wireless charging stations. Get ready to say goodbye to dead batteries and hello to a fully charged experience!
The Rise of Portable Power Banks
Portable power banks have become a game-changer in the world of phone charging. These compact devices allow you to charge your phone on the go, without the need for an outlet. Whether you're hiking in the mountains or attending a music festival, a power bank can be a lifesaver. With their sleek design and lightweight construction, power banks have become a must-have accessory for the modern smartphone user. Simply plug in your phone and let the power bank work its magic!
Wireless Charging Stations: The Future is Now
Imagine a world where you can charge your phone without any wires or cables. Well, that world is already here, thanks to wireless charging stations. These innovative devices use electromagnetic fields to transfer energy from the charging pad to your phone. Simply place your phone on the charging pad, and voila! It starts charging automatically. Wireless charging stations can be found in various venues, such as airports, cafes, and even cars. Say goodbye to tangled wires and hello to the future of charging!
Anecdote: The Time I Forgot My Charger
We've all had those moments of panic when we realize we've left our phone charger at home. It happened to me once during a business trip. I was in a different city, attending an important conference, and my phone was on the verge of dying. I frantically searched for an outlet but couldn't find one. Luckily, the conference venue had installed wireless charging stations. I placed my phone on one of them, and within minutes, it started charging. It was a lifesaver! From that day forward, I always carry a portable power bank and keep an eye out for wireless charging stations.
Random Fact: The First Power Banks
Did you know that the first power bank was invented in the early 2000s? It was a bulky device that could only charge a phone once or twice before needing to be recharged itself. Thankfully, technology has come a long way since then, and power banks have become more efficient and compact. Today, you can find power banks with capacities ranging from 5000mAh to a whopping 20,000mAh!
Innovative phone charging solutions are revolutionizing the way we stay connected at venues. Whether it's a portable power bank or a wireless charging station, these advancements in technology have made it easier than ever to keep our phones charged on the go. So next time you find yourself in need of a charge, remember to embrace these innovative solutions and never miss a moment of connectivity. Stay charged, stay connected!
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stellar-imagines · 4 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝S/O with Railgun quirk.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Aizawa Shouta, Takami Keigo ]
「Headcanons of Midoriya, Bakugou, Aizawa and Hawks with S/O who has a Railgun quirk.」
♤ Midoriya, oh this boy, here is a handful. He's all over you when he witnesses you using your quirk. There was one instance where Aizawa wanted to see everyone's special moves and all that. Boy was watching when you pulled out a small coin from your pocket and raised your right hand and flipped in into the air. You were focusing the currents to the palm of your hand and aiming at the walls of concrete that Cementoss had readied for you. When you propelled the coin using electromagnetic force, everyone was surprised that you had cut through the walls and the wall of the gym.
♤ Not a page but an entire notebook dedicated to you and you only. Often trains together with you just for the sake of seeing more of your quirk in action. The entire notebook has the full details of how your quirk works, your capabilities, and applications that you were capable of. He finds everything you do amazing, from creating lighting spears, summoning real lightning, creating powerful electromagnetic and a sword made of iron sand. And when you use your quirk for minute operations, it intrigues him.
♤ He finds it quite intimidating when your quirk goes off when you get a bit angry or surprised. Midoriya has witnessed you pissed when someone was messing with you during the joint training with another school. You unleashed your quirk out of anger and had Aizawa stepped in and scolding you for letting your anger get the best of you. He knows not to get on your bad side and anger you in any way.
♤ Trains occasionally with you because you're super strong and challenging. On your free time, you both would either work out together, do your homework together, or just relaxing in your room together. But as students from the Hero Course, it was more natural for the two of you to train with one another. Midoriya provides great advice and has a lot of ideas for you to improve your quirk and all that. Even when he gets his ass handed to you during training, he's still praising you for your abilities. 
☆ You bet this guy falls in love because you whooped his ass in training. To say that you had a similar quirk like Kaminari was a great mistake. Bakugou blatantly pointed out that your quirk was much stronger than the other electric quirked user — which earned a whine from the blonde male who was comforted by Kirishima who knows how it feels like. Honestly, he thinks that it's kinda hot how you're able to defeat him with ease and assert your dominance by saying that he should challenge you when he's much stronger.
☆ Calls you “Biribiri” as a nickname and just annoy you. He thinks your quirk is super strong and the fact that you have such control over it amazes him even more. Different from Kaminari who seems to have almost no control with his quirk and gets his brain fried whenever he exceeds his own limits, you were capable of discharging a maximum output of 1 billion volts. That aside, you have the ability to observe and manipulate electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields. 
☆ Bakugou finds you a worthy sparring opponent. Your quirk was a strong one due to its large output and a vast range of applications. Not only that but he's actually very fucking proud of you at the Sports Festival because you were able to beat the shit out of your opponents so easily. He might not be the type to compliment you directly but behind your back, he's boasting. This guy tells everyone that you're a fucking badass, super strong, and to top it all off, you were cute, pretty, and all his.
☆ There was one time where you accidentally walked into his room while he was in the middle of changing. You were so surprised that your quirk went off which resulted in a blackout in the entire city. Bakugou finds it really funny until this very day and teases you about it whenever the two of you are alone. But Aizawa isn't amused because he had to explain the situation to the principal and apologize to the workers in the electric company on your behalf.
♡ Aizawa never judges anyone based on quirks but he can't say that he wasn't surprised when he first saw you using your quirk. This guy doesn't show that he's amazed at all though, he keeps his usual stoic demeanor in front of you as if he was trying to maintain his image in front of you. Behind the scenes, he's super proud of you and tells everyone that you're the fucking best out there. Of course, you don't know any of this because he never says it out loud.
♡ Your powers were very dangerous but with your abilities and the way you utilize it in battle, makes him relieved to have you as a partner. Aizawa observes you more than a normal person would and you noticed that a bit later into the relationship with him. He was an observant kind of guy to begin with, he pays attention to all his students which proves that he's a person who analyses. This guy knows every single little thing about your quirk but he keeps it to himself.
♡ He's quite nurturing and loves to see you improve day by day. Aizawa may not look like the type be in a relationship and people have rarely seen him with a girl before. However, in reality, he's very attentive and involved in his role as your boyfriend. This guy knows everything about you. He trains with you quite often, mostly on hand-to-hand combat and occasionally refining your quirks. 
♡ His favorite past time is just sitting around in his apartment with you and doing nothing at all. Aizawa is constantly swamped with work, whether it was grading papers or evaluating his students performance training, preparing new training assignments for students, and whatnot. The guy likes a break from all those things and just relax but if you convince him to train with you, he will oblige. After all, he has front row seats to watching you train your quirk.
♧ This guy, despite not looking like it, he's quite intrigued by your quirk. Hawks isn't the type to judge someone by their quirk to begin with. However, with a flashy quirk like yours, he unconsciously associates you with your quirk. These things include giving your nicknames relevant to your quirk or making puns related to your quirk. Though it was endearing and funny at first, it didn't take long for you to lightly hit him whenever he cracks a stupid pun in your presence.
♧ Training isn't that common for Hawks and it was usually just him keeping his body in shape. On the other hand, you would train your quirk. He enjoys watching you train, it was an opportunity to admire your abilities and throw in some compliments casually. Speaking of compliments, this guy never seems to get flustered when he's making stupid puns and cheesy compliments. He's just super proud of what you can do.
♧ The person who relies on your quirk for small things just for the sake of annoying you. Of course, just harmless little things like making you use your quirk to turn on the television when he can't find the remote. Hawks find it amusing that your quirk is capable of hacking things, like electronic locks, computers, and anything that is digital or electronic. Once he asks you if you could automatically respond to the emails from his annoyingly strict secretary, you end up telling him not to be such a child.
♧ He knows what you're capable of doing in combat and he knows not to mess with you because you're able to destroy him effortlessly. But he can't help but think that you actually look cute when you're a bit mad. Those tiny, non-harmless sparks of electricity the forms on your cheeks and hair when you're slightly irritated at something was just super cute to him. Hawks loves to poke your cheek and mutter how cute you are when you're angry which often results in you threatening to bit his finger him and zap him with a million volts.
Total: 1404 words Published: 27.06.2020
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Wano Theory - The Fall of Onigashima
Spoilers for Manga Chapters leading up to and including c997
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So yeah, that happened Not content with just throwing his weight around in beating 8 Scabbards at once, Kaido decided to up his power play by LIFTING THE WHOLE DAMN ISLAND which he’s gonna then carry across this storming sea, to the Flower Capital - which is in the midst of the Fire Festival and completely unaware that this raid is taking place - which he likely will drop on top of the Flower Capital with the people below: destroying its aristocracy, a large chunk of rebels and leaving the weak and weakened at the mercy of Kaido’s (and Big Mom’s) military might.
So now we have more stakes to deal with, 2 stakes primarily:
Stake 1 - Defeat Kaido before Onigashima leaves the ocean, allowing the island to fall before it damages any populated area in Wano Stake 2 - Prevent Onigashima from falling on the Flower Capital, but at the same time defeat Kaido Obviously, neither are easy, but 2 is much more difficult than 1 to achieve, which means that Stake 2 will almost certainly come to fold, so the question is this: How does the Alliance STOP Onigashima from Falling?
No easy feat, but maybe this is a place for other Straw Hats and side characters to shine. So far I have 7 possibilities linked to who could help save Wano from ‘New Onigashima’.
Option 1 - Gods, Titans and Homies
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Option 1 considers the idea of what, or better yet who, can amass to such a size to cushion Onigashima, and the first answer that comes to mind is Prometheus and Zeus. We’ve already seen Zeus and Prometheus grow to incredible sizes in Whole Cake Island and they both are able to carry Big Mom with ease, so who knows how much weight they can carry at that size. Zeus is probably the easier bet for cushioning Onigashima since Prometheus would burn everything too, allowing Zeus to be the pivotal character also allows it to go two ways, either Nami reclaims Zeus from Big Mom in some manner - which will likely lead to BM’s defeat - or Big Mom turns on Kaido and works with Nami to help. This allows Nami to show the strength of her Clima Tact, being able to strengthen Zeus beyond Big Mom’s own capabilities.
Option 2 - The Last Gift of the Minks
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Currently the Minks are completely weakened by fighting Kaido, despite their Su Long form they have been left with a stalemate, however the Minks do have a disadvantage: if they turn off Su Long they are out for a considerably long time, too long to return to the fight, but if they don’t turn off Su Long they will die from exhaustion. Unfortunately I am convinced that many Minks will fight to the death, including at least one of the leaders, but there is a more valiant way they could go out, and it’s a power all minks had which is overlooked: Electro. Electro is born from every mink, the ability to produce electricity which is further empowered in Su Long, but when Carrot fought Big Mom’s fleet she was able to somewhat float off the ground, and that is what can help Onigashima float. If enough Su Long Minks surround the bottom of Onigashima, they could provide an electromagnetic field that can keep the island from even touching the surface below, pure static electricity as the Minks give every ounce of their life to save Wano.
Option 3 - Rise of the Kozuki Dragon
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Momonosuke has an artificial Devil Fruit of a Dragon, one where he too is able to produce these clouds to float. The problem however, is that he doesn’t know how to use them, Momonosuke has been so busy training his human form that he’s never considered the benefits of a dragon form. Of course, this means Momonosuke cannot do this alone, but fortunately he’s got people who can help; Yamato has extensive knowledge of how the clouds work, Nami has weather magic, Shinobu’s ‘maturing’ theories could help strengthen Momo’s dragon powers or even his own age and experience and, should she turn on Kaido, Big Mom could imbue the clouds with souls to make them Homies, not only being able to funnel more power but give more sentient intent to the clouds themselves, she could even enthrall Kaido’s clouds this way.
Option 4 - Combined Might and Monsters
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While we expect at the least Luffy and Zoro to have a crack at Kaido in the final fight, and hopefully more if not all the Straw Hats, there becomes a matter of what others can do to stop Onigashima from falling. We’ve seen Nami’s potential with Zeus but others can also combine in strength. First is Robin, her Gigantesco Manos or even a Spider’s Web could help resist the fall, but of course even she cannot carry that much weight. This is where Chopper’s Monster Point and Franky’s Iron Pirate can also assist with their raw strength, and this is where Usopp can also shine. Usopp’s weaponry appear to involve plants now thanks to his pop-greens, but what if he could influence existing flora? One of the main pieces of the Flower Capital is a giant tree and if he could influence that he too could be able to contribute to pinning Onigashima above him. But it can go farther, Tama’s DF allows the opening to control the entire flying squadron, anyone Tama brought with her (remember she has something brewing in 3 minutes), Drake’s Allosaurus form, Hawkins’ giant Straw Demon, Jimbei can even call the giant Koi from the waterfall (though it may serve more to drag it back), Marco’s phoenix flames may also have influence on top of Apoo’s sound manipulation, Kid’s metal, even Law’s shambles could assist - since I don’t think he could make it big enough to cover all of Onigashima. There’s also the matter of Perospero’s candy if he survives to help and anyone else not revealed to have been present in Onigashima, the possibilities are wide and combined could hold up an island. 
Option 5 - Outside Parties
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By raising Onigashima from the ground, Oda wants to give us the perception that no other external forces can roll up to Onigashima and support for or against Kaido, but that could be a misdirect. Currently on the surface as far as we know, Big Mom’s remaining forces, Law’s remaining crew and any other samurai, prisoners, SMILE members Tama had taken control over and as far as we know Hiyori, Hitetsu, Onimaru and Caribou, maybe even the Mountain God(s) from the Oden flashback. But outside of who we know is in Wano could be others we didn’t expect to be there; Germa 66 for one may come to ‘repay’ Big Mom for her attempted assassination, reengaging Sanji with his estranged family - and Baeju...which holds bias in this hope - which could just send all the other North Blue boys in a frenzy. The other outside factor is the Marines, Drake may not have called for help but circumstances outside of Wano may call for it: the marines going for a Warlord we didn’t know about (We only knew about Weevil, Mihawk, Boa, Buggy and Kuma, meaning Law and Doffy’s replacements were unknown), if Fujitora also shows up then Onigashima is no problem to his Gravity DF, but it will snowball another conflict.
Option 6 - The Sky Ships
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This is probably my most deep-cut part of the Onigashima theory. As much as Luffy has to defeat the Yonko, Wano will never be free unless they see it for themselves: Orochi dead, Kaido defeated, until that is something the people can even believe in, Wano can never truly escape that oppression. Which is why arriving at the Flower Capital during the Fire Festival may actually allow ‘Wano’ itself to help save the country and a key part of that is the Sky Ships. Oda made note of paying attention to it, and making sure that the Fire Festival is as big as ever because this is the 20 year prophecy, every person in the Flower Capital right now is as spirited as ever because they desperately are clinging to the idea of salvation, so what if Oda is actually giving them an opportunity? The Sky Ships alone may actually be imbued with the spirits, the will of those who died for Wano, in that way the spirits of Wano itself could prevent Wano from falling atop of them, the same way Skypeia’s golden bell was to reach Noland and Calgara. It may be simple as these mythic powers from Wano’s culture, but it could be ushered by someone else - Brook. In WCI Brook proved himself capable of suppressing souls of chess soldiers via his DF, able to harm homies via Soul Solid, so what if via his Soru Soru no Mi he would be able to temporarily raise the souls of Wano’s dead and empower them through the memory and belief of the people symbolized by the Sky Ships they would release into the sky. 
Option 7 - All of the Above Outside of Luffy suddenly awakening his DF and making the island bounce off or a surprise Katakuri appearance, there aren’t many other options outside of the six detailed. But, why settle for only one option? Each of these options are feasible together as well as apart; Nami can empower Zeus and Momo’s clouds while Usopp, Robin, Jimbei, Chopper and Franky provide weight support as the Minks surround the island and Momo’s clouds with electro and raised by Brook’s soul-powered Sky Ships. A culmination of an absolutely bonkers scenario we’ve found ourselves in which can allow every Straw Hat a vital means of contribution but also allowing Wano and its citizens to have a large part in liberating its country from Kaido, Orochi and the Isolationist Regime Wano currently has.
Whether that comes to be remains to be seen, there are many pieces moving and as with this moment itself, it can go any manner of directions, we just have to wait for Oda to weave his magic.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Michael Rosenstein 2020: Seeking Sojourn
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What was I doing in 2010? What was I listening to? Honestly, without doing some digging, nothing springs immediately to mind. I’m guessing that ten years from now, thinking back on 2020, that won’t be the case. In mid-March, my wife and I took off on our annual winter/early spring sojourn to Provincetown, Cape Cod. When we headed out, the state of the world was tenuous. But over the course of four days, we split our time between idyllic, cold walks on the Outer Cape beaches and tracking the pandemic slide into lockdown and mayhem. We came back home to an entirely different world which has continued to spiral and swirl. This was a year where I spent far more time walking in a woods near my house, searching out a pair of barred owls and their four fledglings than I did listening to music. Focus for listening has waxed and waned and online video streams just haven’t resonated with me. But still, music has brought me some sense of solace over the course of the last year.
AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine
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Without a doubt, most of my listening over the year was spent following the AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine festival. Organized by Jon Abbey, who runs the Erstwhile record label along with musicians Vanessa Rossetto and Matthew Revert, the online festival kicked off on March 20 and ran through September 20, presenting 240 newly-recorded pieces and 80 hours of music by musicians from across the globe. Most were solo contributions, with seven “blind overdubs” where two musicians with established working relationships chose track lengths in advance and submitted their recordings which were superimposed with some light mixing by Taku Unami. While the pieces are all available as free downloads on Bandcamp, that only reveals part of the story. Over the course of six months, the Facebook group grew to 3000 members, acting as a virtual gathering place for online conversations and musings with countless posts a day. Additionally, Abbey tirelessly posted an ongoing playlist which he dubbed “atmosphere” with cuts that ran the gamut from Albert Ayler to Funkadelic to Keith Hudson to Al Green with an extra-heavy helping of DJ Screw. Just tuning in to those choices and jumping on conversations was enough to save some days.
While anyone following the Erstwhile label caught some memorable submissions by expected participants, the organizers and some guest curators had more in mind than that and sub-threads developed early on. Yan Jun recruited fantastic submissions from little-known musicians from China while also contributing two pieces of his own. In addition to delivering three strong pieces, Revert brought in an Australian contingent. Rossetto delivered a festival highlight with her piece “perhaps at some time you have acted in a play, even if it was when you were a child” while also inviting a wide network of sound explorers constructing intimate sonic investigations. Abbey himself cast a wide net, probing for both established and little known musicians who had caught his attention over the years. (I’ve known Jon for a long time and was honored to be amongst those invited, contributing a piece assembled from field recordings from my Cape Cod trip.)
A number of musicians who hadn’t put out solo recordings in years, some who hadn’t had any recent releases at all, were lured back, with highlights by Greg Kelley, David Kirby, Joe Panzner, Annette Krebs and Sean Meehan. There was also a somber thread of homages to musicians who died over the last year, starting with a dedication of the entire festival to Australian percussionist Sean Baxter as well as a stirring tribute to bassist Simon H. Fell by Rhodri Davies, a dedication to Keith Tippett by Mark Wastell, and pieces commemorating Cor Fuhler by Dale Gorfinkel, Marcus Schmickler, Jim Denley, Nick Ashwood (recorded with Fuhler shortly before his death), Clare Cooper and Reinier van Houdt (whose six monthly missives delivered throughout the duration of the festival are all well worth spending time with.)
I find myself still catching up on the overwhelming array of contributions but here are a small sampling that caught my ear, though if I were to assemble this list a week from now, the choices would certainly be different.
Zhao Cong – “Homework”
homework by Zhao Cong
Yan Jun’s choice of musicians from China was uniformly superb and all are worth checking out. But Beijing-based Zhao Cong’s entry, in particular, has continued to hang with me. Her piece, constructed from two bass guitars and objects with its scrabbled detail of electronic hum, grit and glitch shot through with ringing bass strings popped out on first listen and continues to deliver.
Rie Nakajima – “carpet”
carpet by Rie Nakajima
Nakajima’s approach to sound-making, utilizing motors, mechanical devices and found objects proved the perfect tonic for pandemic listening. Her piece for AMPLIFY was recorded in her home in London “with all familiar objects I have been using at home.” The percussive piece is shot through with timbral depth, clattering along with a barely-contained momentum. Her release Karu Karu for Café Oto’s digital Takuroku lockdown series is also well worth checking out. And while I tended not to connect with online video over the course of the year, I found myself returning to Nakajima’s seven days bird songs which unfolded over the course of a week, multiple times.
Ivan Palacký – “Sanctuary”
Sanctuary by Ivan Palacký
Czech-based Ivan Palacký’s “Sanctuary” hit early on in the fest and remained a favorite. Palacký spent the first day of quarantine exploring his flat with an electromagnetic sensor, capturing the buzzes and tremors of everyday electronic devices. A few weeks later, he pulled out three knitting machines which he contact mic’d and used to improvise with the electromagnetic recordings. Palacký deftly interleaved percussive patter with wafts of static, grit and crackles, creaks and sputters and resonant thrums into an immersive piece.
Martin Kay – “Bath Time (2nd Edit)
Bath Time (2nd Edit) by Martin Kay
Through the festival, a thread developed of the pieces constructed as sonic response to the physical surroundings of isolation. Moniek Darge's gutting “Quarantine Child,” assembled from interior recordings and the desperate wail of a child, Mark Vernon's “The Dominion of Din,” woven together from field recordings from outside his Glasgow flat, cataloging exterior sounds that have annoyed him over the years and Kate Carr’s haunting “on every stair another stairway is set in negative” recorded using an old reel to reel tape and instrument recordings captured in her bathroom are three. Martin Kay’s four-part “Bath Time” delves in to that personal, interior realm, composed from recordings made in and around his bathroom during the routine that developed with his daughter’s nightly bath. The use of shifting focus, natural resonances of the room, the tub and underwater recordings transform the private, domestic activity into an increasingly abstracted aural study.
Distant Duos
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The Distant Duos project that Mary Staubitz and Russ Waterhouse embarked on was also instigated by a sense of lost community. But here, the strategies employed were markedly different. The two are immersed in the DIY noise/improv New England community, spearheading shows in basements, bars, galleries and ad hoc venues and collaborating with musicians from New Haven to Portland, Maine, with all stops in between. They’ve also been instrumental in developing a network of like-minded musicians and bringing travelers through, some who have become frequent visitors. Unlike the duos in AMPLIFY, Staubitz and Waterhouse curated the 78 sessions, inviting pairs of musicians with a simple strategy. “Two remote artists record five minutes of sound while thinking about the other artist, unable to hear each other. The two tracks are combined into one.”
Released in sets of five on Bandcamp, the first on April 30 and the last on December 9, these bursts served as vital postcards. For those of us based in New England, these were both bittersweet reminders of the pre-COVID world we frequented and exultant celebrations. As someone who organized shows with the two and often played on the same bills, these really connected. (I was asked to participate, paired with Worcester-based Abdul Sherzai.) Some of the duos were longstanding partnerships (Greg Kelley and Vic Rawlings have been working together for over a decade). Some were pairings of musicians who knew each other but had likely never played together. Some participants were drawn from the deep field of regional musicians while others were recruited from across the US and Europe. With only five minutes at play, these served as sketches, vignettes or rough drafts. But keen curation and Waterhouse’s astute mixing and mastering made these hold together. Like AMPLIFY, these periodic missives kept me going through the last year.
Flip through any of the contributions and you’ll find plenty to encourage further listening. This batch, culled from the October 28th releases, provides a glimpse into the broad crew of musicians pulled in and the diverse strategies they came up with.
Adam Kohl and Mickey O’Hara
Adam Kohl and Mickey O'Hara by Distant Duos
Western Massachusetts-based Kohl (better known musically as Arkm Foam) and Worcester-based O’Hara have been performing together for a while now, and experiencing their mix of low-fi cassette manipulation and laptop generated deconstructed clatter and glitch inhabit a performance space is enthralling. This brief snapshot serves as a succinct snapshot of one of their sets.
J​.​P​.​A. Falzone and Hali Palombo
J.P.A. Falzone and Hali Palombo by Distant Duos
This mashup between J​.​P​.​A. Falzone (part of the ensemble Ordinary Affects) and composer and visual artist Hali Palombo comes across as quavering pulsations dialed in from some ethereal transmission. Listening feels like one is tuning in to an hours-long broadcast of hovering tones and fluttering waves which fuse together into shuddering oscillations.
Henry Birdsey and Mary Staubitz
Henry Birdsey and Mary Staubitz by Distant Duos
Birdsey has been developing his micro-tonal musings as part of the duo Tongue Depressor as well as his solo releases under his own name and as S.T.L.A. while Staubitz jumps from the solo sonic onslaughts of Donna Parker to a wide-ranging array of ongoing and one-off collaborations. Here field recordings of rippling water and electric pops and crackles mix with shuddering overtones of bowed metal for an engulfing sonic snapshot.
Lexie Mountain and Angela Sawyer
Lexie Mountain and Angela Sawyer by Distant Duos
Baltimore’s Lexie Mountain and Boston’s Angela Sawyer have known each other for years, so it’s no surprise that their distant connection of broken electronics and found objects clicks so well. Here, everyday detritus is elevated to a compact improvisation imbued with skittering percussive tumult, whirrs and clatter.
New Releases
When I did carve out time to listen, here’s a few that stuck with me through the year.
Toshiya Tsunoda & Taku Unami – Wovenland 2 (Erstwhile)
Wovenland 2 by Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami
Working from basic field recordings, Tsunoda and Unami use the studio as an alchemical laboratory, delving into mixing and mastering tools to explore, process and transform environmental sound. In their hands, the digital artifacts of that process are as intrinsic to the results as the source material they have deconstructed. They sum it up succinctly. “Our goal is to focus on acoustic experiments. No more and no less.”
Here are some more that stuck with me in no particular order:
Rhodri Davies – Telyn Rawn (Amgen Records)
Judith Wegmann – Le Souffle Du Temps II - Reflexion (ezz-thetics)
Clara de Asís & Mara Winter – Repetition of the same dream (Another Timbre)
Takuji Naka/Tim Olive – Minouragatake (Notice Recordings)
Magnus Granberg – Come Down to Earth Where Sorrow Dwelleth –Revised version for sho, koto, prepared piano and electronics (Ftarri)
Tasting Menu – Mueller Tunnel (Full Spectrum Records)
Simon H. Fell & Mark Wastell – Virtual Company (Confront)
Xavier Charles & Bertrand Gauguet – Spectre (akousis)
Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, Seymour Wright, Jean-Luc Guionnet – Solos (Remote Resonator)
Archival Releases and Reissues
Reissues continued to pour out from record labels. Some applied studio wizardry to revive and restore previously issued material and others dug out material from the vaults that rightfully deserves to be heard. But with touring opportunities gone, the ability to collaborate in person evaporated and the monthly boon of Bandcamp Fridays, many artists also took the opportunity to dig in to their personal vaults.
Gentle Fire – Explorations (1970-1973) (Paradigm Discs)
Explorations (1970 - 1973) by Gentle Fire
This one just hit in December but quickly shot to the top of my listening pile. Working in London in the early 70s, this little-known quintet of electro-acoustic pioneers worked at the edges of composition and improvisation, putting out a single, now impossible-to-find, LP performing graphic scores of by John Cage, Earle Brown and Christian Wolff (which, in itself deserves a reissue.) If they hit listeners’ radar at all, it was due to the fact that Hugh Davies was part of the group. This 3-CD box of previously unissued material is comprised of one disc of works by Wolff, Stockhausen, Brown, Cage and Ichiyanagi, another of their own compositions and a final disc capturing an extended improvisation. Five decades later, this stuff is still essential listening.
Rhodri Davies – Archif Series (self-released)
Archif #13: BMIC 17/09/1997 by IST
Currently at number 28 and counting, Davies dug in to his archives and unearthed a passel of gems, documenting live performances and studio experiments from 1995 through 2000. From solos to various group sessions, this is all music well worth spending time with. Particularly welcome are two releases by IST (Davies, Mark Wastell, and Simon H. Fell) and one by Assumed Possibilities (Davies, Wastell, Chris Burn and Phil Durrant). One hopes there is more to be unearthed.
Cor Fuhler Conundrom label
SLEE by Cor Fuhler
The sudden passing of Cor Fuhler was a tough one in a tough year. Whether as a pianist, instrument inventor or ensemble leader, Fuhler was always bristling with ideas. As part of a group effort, the discography of his Conundrom label is now available on Bandcamp with proceeds going to his estate.
Here are some others of note in no particular order:
Albert Ayler reissue series (ezz-thetics)
Phillip Wachsmann – Writing In Water (Corbett vs. Dempsey)
Charles Mingus – @ Bremen 1964 & 1975 (Sunnyside)
Voice Crack – Glasgow 20/11/1999 (scatter)
John Butcher – On Being Observed (Weight of Wax)
Derek Bailey and Mototeru Takagi – Live at FarOut, Atsugi 1987 (NoBusiness Records)
Cecil Taylor and Tony Oxley – Birdland, Neuburg 2011 (Fundacja Słuchaj)
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