#elegant zinnia
muttball · 1 year
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Elegant Zinnia
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n280_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Flore des serres et des jardins de l'Europe A Gand :chez Louis van Houtte, eÌditeur,1845-1880. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/27761123
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carolinawrenn · 11 months
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Elegant zinnia (Zinnia elegans). Zinnias are associated with friendship, endurance, daily remembrance, goodness, and lasting affection.
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sundayohsunday · 4 months
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art-sciencedesigns · 1 year
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You'll love this Zinnia small briefcase-Brown! All your items are secure and organized in this beautifully detailed bag. It's the perfect size for all your needs. Plus, it's a great conversation piece and goes with any outfit! #SmallBriefcase,#Zinnia,#Leather,#Handcrafted,#Elegant
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saytrrose · 2 months
Do the Mafia Members have their own rooms? What do they look like?
They do have their own rooms! However I cannot speak on behalf of everyone as that’s up to them to decide and choose. I will gladly answer for Rose though!
Rose technically has two rooms, if you count her main office. But her bedroom specifically is pretty dark, dimly lit and minimalist besides a few plants as her only decor. Her room is very elegant, as she has one of those large canopy beds and bookcases and the main necessity furniture. There are a few books on her shelf that may or may not open the case to an extra room off her bedroom.. but other than that it’s rather bland. Pretty and definitely reeks of wealth, but not too much color or decor.
Now for everyone else’s rooms, you’d have to ask them! I try my best to reblog their responses here as well to add to the tag on my blog so everything’s all in one nice neat folder :)
Sunflower/The Advisor - @a-fucking-nerd
Cosmo/The Thief - @gummy-axolotl
Orchid/The Dirty Cop - @oogaboogaspookyman
Daisy/The Doctor - @laurenashleysparks
Dahlia/The Spy - @sweetlittletangerine
Aster/The Assassin - @starryyskies
Hyacinth/The Bodyguard - @bunny-j3st3r
Crocus/The Weapons Expert - @frost-can-bite
Lotus/The Businesswoman - @sm-babie
Oleander/The Money Launderer - @butchwaifu
Borage/The Scientist - @superchillingman
Gladiolus/The Info Broker - @helljuice
Magnolia/The Housekeep - @torchiiko
Zinnia/The Bartender - @cconcerned
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
What Flowers to Grow
This is going to be a simple list of flowers and what they represent. These can be grown for yourself, gifted to a loved one, or dried for preservation and scattered about your house.
Azalea: Being kind to yourself, first loves, passion, romance.
Baby's Breath: Pure heart, fragility, gentleness
Bluebell: Laughter, fairies, magic
Carnation: Maternal love, motherly appreciation
Cherry Blossom: Romance, new beginnings, new energy
Chrysanthemum: Eternity, magic, wonderment
Daffodil: Joy of life, poetry, leaving the past behind, new beginnings
Dahlia: Enduring grace, morality, creativity, inner strength
Daisy: Happiness, positivity, celebrating the simple things.
Dandelion: Wishes
Fuschia: Abundance, beauty, freedom
Geranium: Togetherness, camaraderie, greater purposes, new ideas
Heather: Secret love, secret longings, mystery, passion, creativity
Hibiscus: Expressing joy, having joy
Honeysuckle: Love unforgotten
Hyacinth: Forgiveness, compassion.
Hydrangea: Creating destiny, new changes
Iris: Grace, beauty
Jasmine: Elegance, comfort, beauty
Lilac: Spring, old romance
Magnolia: True love, endurance, freedom, beauty
Marigold: Survival, firey passion, power, knowing yourself
Mistletoe: Winter solstice, snow, romance
Morning Glory: Warmth, healing
Pansy: Magical realms, fairies, wonder, magic
Peony: Good fortune, prosperity
Perwinkle: Benevolence, gifts from the heart, generosity, freedom
Poppy: Abundance, wealth, generosity
Queen Anne's Lace: Protection, safety, dreams
Rose: Love, friendship, relationships (different colors represent different things, so do your research)
Sunflower: Warm, wellness, healing, hope
Tulip: True love, love at first sight
Violet: Being worth of praise and love, adoration
Zinnia: Being in thoughts, blessings
These are just a few of many, so please feel free to send in requests and questions! As always, blessed be
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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mistydeyes · 11 months
marigolds and zinnias
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WARNING get some fucking tissues because this is sad! it's also very long (5.5k words) so buckle up
summary: The next four years are the most difficult for you and Kyle and it all ends with his enlistment in the Army. What happens to your blooming love when life gets in the way?
pairing: Gaz x childhood love! fem!Reader
warnings: ANGST, SO MUCH ANGST AND SADNESS, SWEARING, mentions of death and illness
a/n: Thank you as always for all the love and support! It's honestly so touching and all your sweet words encourage me to write more and more <3
🏷️ @the-faceless-bride @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore
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marigolds - grief
The next four years were some of the hardest for both of you. First, Grandad passed away in October. As the Autumn leaves continued to fall and crunch under your boots, you walked home from secondary school. By now, you were familiar with the mile trek and enjoyed the music from your new phone. Humming along to the song, you walked up the hill to your home. However, you immediately paused your music when you saw the ambulance in front of the elderly Garrick's home. From the distance, you could see Nana crying with your mum holding her in her arms. On the cot, you saw Grandad being placed in. The lack of emergency lights and sirens broke your heart further as you knew they weren't in any rush to the hospital. You broke into a sprint and made your way to the somber scene. The next few hours moved in a blur as your mother said he had died from a heart attack in the kitchen around 2. You spent the remainder of the afternoon with Nana, making tea and berry scones.
It was late that night when you saw headlights coming up the hill and soon another car pull into the driveway. You knew who it was. Kyle walked out, eyes puffy with tears, along with his mum and his dad, who you only met on a few occasions due to his work schedule. You unlocked the door for them and pulled Kyle into a hug. You both cried as Grandad had been one for both you and him. He was the original creator of your shared journal and would always make an effort to see you playing outside or having lunch. Kyle's mum went over to Nana and gave her a long hug. As Nana cried, you saw the silent, glistening tears on his mum's face. That was her dad, someone who had raised her to value family and encouraged Kyle to spend his summers in Worcestershire. Your mum and Kyle's dad made their way to the kitchen, getting refreshments and tissues for the Garrick family. As you held Kyle in your arms, you whispered you were here for him through it all.
The funeral was small, with your families on one side and some of the local townspeople and merchants on the other. Your family provided the flower arrangements, free of charge and the parlor was filled with elegant bouquets requested from family friends who couldn't make it. Kyle's mum gave a beautiful eulogy describing how her father would always be in his workshop, presenting her with handcrafted toys and eventually bags when she became older. She described how her father would have calloused hands and she would rub her mum's shea butter on his palms and worn digits. As she concluded, she kissed her father's casket and said, "Rest now, Dad. You'll have all the time in the world in your workshop in the sky." With that, the pallbearers with Kyle in front, took the casket to the burial ground.
It was a small plot of land reserved for him and Nana. A large weeping willow stood above you. Mourning you thought, page 64 in your journal. The crowd was silent as the gentle breeze lowered some hanging dead leaves onto the headstone. Grandad had designed a simple one for them both with his recipe for his famous lemonade inscribed on the back. As they lowered him, you held Kyle's hand tightly. You began to lose circulation but you didn't care as you were here for your best friend. The crowd began to clear only leaving you, Kyle, his parents, and Nana. Your mum returned with a small bouquet of rosemary (remembrance) and took her side next to Nana. Nana hummed an old hymn, the Garricks weren't religious but the elder Garricks loved music. Your mum looked at you and signaled to offer the family some privacy. You gave Kyle a reassuring pat on his hand and turned to walk away with your mother, back to the empty homes.
No one was surprised when Nana passed away about a year later. Her eyesight was so poor she couldn't read any of her recipe books. Not that she would need to, after Grandad passed she lost all motivation to cook as there was no one she could recount her travels with. Your mum and you helped out when you could, making meals for her, accompanying her for afternoon tea, and even making the trip up to Manchester so she could see one of Kyle's track meets. However, when she stopped leaving the house, you knew it was time. You held up your phone on FaceTime as Kyle told his Nan all about his recent achievements and how he had made some of her recipes at home. The Garricks would be coming this evening to be with Nana in her final moments. After a long time, Kyle hung up and you placed your phone in your pocket. You held Nana's hand and let some tears fall. She raised her other hand and wiped your tears with a shaking hand.
"Love, don't cry I'll be with Grandad soon and we'll be the best chefs in heaven," she whispered and you couldn't help but cry harder.
"I know, I know, but what will Kyle and I do without you?" you asked, not attempting to hide that you were now fully sobbing.
"Y/N, I have seen you and Kyle grow into fine young people. We watched you grow from shy, curious kids into mature young adults. Do you know that Grandad and I used to say you reminded you of us? Except in reverse, Grandad loved his trade and I wanted to see the world but at the end of the day, I still ended up back with him." she recounted, a glimmer in her eye as she remembered her late husband.
"Now, Y/N, I know he has some great ambitions but I know you'll both look out for each other. Baby's breath, everlasting love," she continued, "a smart young girl told me that once before dropping a bouquet on our dinner table."
She gave a small chuckle and closed her eyes to rest. You kissed the back of her hand and sat in the kitchen, writing out for your mum what flowers would be needed at the funeral. You listed out some familiar ones and blossoms that Nana specially requested.
Your tears fell on the paper as you wrote out poppy (eternal rest), primrose (sadness), Michaelmas daisy (farewell), hyacinth (sorrow), marigold (grief), and Nana's request of dahlias (eternal love). As you finished, you wiped your tears off the page in an attempt not to soak it anymore. You carefully read over your shaky handwriting as you heard the door unlock. You saw Kyle's dad give you a solemn wave and was followed by his wife and son. The minute you saw Kyle's puffy face, you knew you couldn't do this. Before anyone could say anything, you rushed out of the kitchen door to your room. Your tears continued to fall as you could hear a broken Kyle try to call out your name hoarsely.
Your mum came into your room that night and let you know she had passed. As you cried into her shoulder, she gently stroked your hair and whispered that this was a new beginning for them, together in a better place. That night you don't know when you went to bed but as you slowly opened your eyes to see the sunlight peering in, your heart was broken into a million pieces knowing that two of your favorite people were gone.
The funeral was on a surprisingly warm November day. You sat in your bedroom in a simple black dress, trying to keep your makeup from running. Your room was a mess with clothes and dying flowers but you didn’t care. You pulled out a compact mirror to make yourself presentable as the funeral was in a few hours. As you adjusted your smudged eyeliner a soft knock at your door drew your attention. There stood Kyle, dressed in a sharp black suit with a flower in his lapel, he was 14 now but looked so aged from the last two year's events. You focused on his face noticing the bags around his puffy eyes and his nose red from crying. “These were her favorites,” he said, gesturing to the flower, sweet peas for delicate pleasures in life.
“I know,” you laughed slightly, “She always had me bring those over once they bloomed or the shop got some in. She loved the pink and white ones the most.” With the last word, your voice cracked and you stifled a sob. There would be no more bouquet deliveries to their house anymore.
“Can I sit?” he asked and you made room on your bed. He laid down next to you, his head tilting slightly so you could see how he glowed in the early morning light. “I don’t know if I can do this, Y/N,” he said and you could hear a crack in his voice.
You lay down next to him and held his hand tightly. “You know she’d be so proud of you,” you started, “she would look at you in front of that whole crowd and say, ‘That’s my Kyle.’”
You tried to reassure him but you could see some tears begin to fall. You pulled him against you, holding him in your arms as he cried into your comforter. You sat like that for hours, occasional sobs rippling through his body. You held on to him as if your life depended on it, trying to angle your tears away from his suit jacket. He was too tall to have you spooning him like this but it provided you both comfort. He held your arms tightly as he described some of his earlier memories with them before spending the summers here.
You hummed as he described how, when he was born, they would watch YouTube videos to learn how to style his unruly hair. He went into a long story about how Nana read him stories about her adventures in Asia, how she rode an elephant in Thailand while a flight was delayed.
“She would have loved to see me in my uniform,” he whispered through sobs. Kyle had been relentlessly communicating with the recruitment office, showing an expressed interest to enlist at 16. His bookshelves were filled with manuals and drills, and he even procured a military code of conduct.
“Well, you’ll have to visit her, Officer Garrick,” you spoke. “You should talk to her and Granddad and tell them of all your accomplishments and how you soared through the ranks as a brave little soldier boy.”
“This is a big ask but do you think when I’m giving her eulogy, you could stand there with me?” he asked, “You can say no but I don’t think I can do this.”
You lightly kissed the top of his head and reiterated your promise to stay by his side through it all.
Eventually, your mum summoned you both to the cemetery. You walked out hand and hand with Kyle as the line of cars appeared outside your house with the hearse leading the way. His dad beckoned his son and you walked to their car, holding his hand the entire way.
Kyle’s eulogy was beautiful. As the ceremony approached the fateful moment, you could feel his feet tapping on the home's wood floor. You whispered to him, "It'll be okay, I'll be right there with you." Finally, he was summoned to the front. As the crowd of family and friends quieted, he gripped your shoulders tightly and guided you both to the front.
"Um hi, I'm Kyle, for those of you who don't know," he started and got a small laugh from the crowd. "My grandparents, Nana and Grandad as they liked to be called, were some of the kindest people you could ever meet in life. When I was younger, they took me into their home and taught me everything I needed to know. My first word was 'aviation', something that Nana taught me while she told her stories about traveling," he paused and you could see his eyes start to water. "I just know she wished to take me to all the places she went. I couldn't blame her. If I was able to walk across the desert on a camel, I would want to take someone else there too," the crowd laughed and his parents looked at their son, proudly. "When I told her I would see the world through the army, she joked, 'That's perfect! No more long haircuts to manage' and asked me to send her a postcard no matter where I went." At this, Kyle was now fully in tears and you too felt your face become wet with your own. "I, uh, know that she won't get to read them but I hope she knows that I'll tell my kids about all of her adventures and add some of mine less interesting ones in there. I love you Nana and Grandad and hope you too are making some good food wherever you are."
Later, your mum would tell you there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd after Kyle spoke. Somehow in your flood of tears, you were able to make it to the cemetery with the rest of the processional. As you stood in front of the gathering of people, you looked around to see the flower arrangements. You were enraged when you saw the golden marigolds in an ornate wreath. The language of flowers frustrated you, how could something so bright and so intertwined with happy memories be connected to grief? From the lemonade to your birthday to this, you couldn’t stand the sight of them. You wanted to walk over there and rip them down, erasing any memory of Nana’s passing.
Once Grandad and Nana had passed, Kyle solemnly visited. How could you blame him? The house was filled with memories of them and sadness. You would text and call every few weeks but it was clear his training for selection was taking precedence. He would send pictures occasionally at the gym and you could see him gaining muscle and becoming broader. You simply replied with a 'looking good!' and a snap of you with your latest floral order. You had been working part-time managing your mum's florist shop and the online store, you eventually wanted to go to Oxford and knew you needed the money.
In December, a month after Nana’s passing, a family with a teenage daughter and a boy on the way moved into the Garrick’s home. When you saw the moving truck, you went over to introduce yourself. You brought a bouquet of wisterias, something you had done years ago. The family was introduced and you met their daughter, Delilah, Lila for short. She was 16 and had decided to work instead of continuing to a university. Her family described her as an avid herbalist, frequently brewing teas and creating her sachets. That’s how she ended up working in your family floral shop with you and your mother. She was a quick learner, carrying around a notepad to write down every instruction and flower she came across. You became friends over the months but nothing could replace Kyle.
Kyle had his own life in Manchester. As you continued with school and working with Lila, you would constantly see Kyle posting on his socials. By early January, you had recognized a pretty girl making reoccurring appearances. You had your suspicions and these were confirmed with him posting a pic lightly kissing her forehead.
By now, the recent deaths had made you realize that you were content with just being Kyle's summer friend. You no longer held resentment over your unrequited love. You texted him and typed, "Let me know if you'd like me to send something for St. Valentines! You know I'd make your girl a meaningful bouquet." You placed your phone down, smiling at his contact picture. During the summer after Year 8, Kyle picked up two daisies and placed them in front go his eyes. You couldn't help but laugh. After you snapped a picture, you wrote Innocence in your journal along with a daisy-plucked petal. Remembering that moment, you understood why children would take daisy petals and play effeuiller la marguerite (he loves me, he loves me not game). As you finished your coursework, you could hear the landline ring. You knew your mother was out at work so you picked up the phone.
On the other line the solemn, female voice spoke, "Hi this is the Worcestershire Royal Hospital, am I speaking to Mrs. L/N?" This was odd as you hadn't remembered your mum having any recent appointments or tests.
"No sorry this is her daughter, can I take a message for her?" you asked, twirling the cord of the phone in your hand.
"I require her in person. If she is available today, I'll be in my office at 6 pm. This is Dr. Sanderson if she asks. She should know where my office is." With that, the woman hung up the phone and you quickly grabbed yours to call your mum.
You saw you had a text from Kyle but ignored it to immediately dial her. When you told her the urgent message, she said to meet her at the florist shop and you both would drive to the hospital.
You walked amongst the puddles of melted snow, saying a silent prayer to Grandad and Nana. Your mother told you once that when her husband died, the phone call she received was similar. Her heart had dropped upon hearing it was from the hospital, knowing he was on his way from work and you were safe in your crib. That feeling resonated through you, Dahlilas instability.
Within 10 minutes you made it to your destination and saw your mother turning the sign on the shop. She motioned for you to come around back to the car and you walked with her, a hand around her waist.
The drive was silent as you made your way to the sterile appearing hospital. She parked and you ascended the lift to Dr. Sanderson's office. Your mother went in first and pulled out the chair next to her for you.
That day the hospital was filled with your agonizing screams. Dr. Sanderson told your mum that her recent X-ray and blood work confirmed the presence of cancer. "Stage 4," she softly said as your mum gripped your hand tighter, "we will do whatever we can but I'll be honest with you, the prognosis does not look good."
You couldn't lose your mum, she was the only one you had left. There was no next of kin and you knew the foster system would take you in as you were not yet 16. As your mum assessed her options, you hugged her as if your life depended on it. She sent you out into the hallway to discuss the treatment plan and you sunk to the floor in defeat.
She emerged soon after, a pained look on her face and tears in her eyes. "Let's go home, sweetheart," she said, voice breaking and you descended to your car.
As you tried to process everything happening, you completely disregarded Kyle's text saying,
"thanks, flower girl! i think i'm good though, i can handle it for her :) you taught me a thing or two about the language of flowers."
In the spring, your mum started therapy. Lila promised to manage the shop more frequently as you accompanied your mother to her appointments. You would bring all your flower books to read to her as she laid down to receive another round of chemotherapy.
"Really, I didn't know that oats meant 'the witching soul of music'" she said hoarsely. "That's what the book says, must be one you haven't read" you replied and smiled back at her. You couldn't help but feel nauseous as you saw the IV slowly trickle the drug into her arm. She looked so weak, beginning to lose her hair and her color.
"Hey now, look at me," she said, noting your distracted gaze, "read me the next one, sweetheart." And like that, the cold winter months continued into spring then summer then back to the month when you first learned of her diagnosis. It had gone by like a blur, holidays were spent in the hospital, and without your summer routine, you spent all of your time with your mum. You made it through 12 books by the time your mother finished the first round of treatment. They said they'd give it time before seeing how she was doing and continuing. "Promising news," the doctors had told you both. By all accounts, it did look positive. You were able to enjoy your last summer before sixth form and had been working full-time managing the shop and handling orders while your mum rested. She was far too weak to handle carrying buckets of flowers around, so she primarily napped and would read when you weren't home. You made an effort to sit her by the window so she could see the growing flowers in the garden and wave to the neighbors passing.
After a long day of wedding preparations, you waved Lila goodbye and entered your home. However, something was different. You could hear two voices laughing in the living room. As you rounded the corner, you saw Kyle sitting on the loveseat across from your mother. You hadn't seen him in months. By now, he was 16 and looked like a soldier. You couldn't believe the amount of training he had put in to prepare for enlistment. He just looked so different, blooming like a cattleya orchid mature charms.
"Kyle, I didn't expect to see you here," you exclaimed and embraced your old friend tightly. "He came by this afternoon but told me not to rush you out of the flower shop," your mother joked as you held him close. "I've missed you," you whispered. "Me too."
As you caught up, your mother looked at you both lovingly. You discussed your new school in September along with your accomplishments with Lila at the shop. In return, Kyle entertained you with his relationship that had fizzled out, "she told me I was at the gym too much," he joked. He even mentioned how he was going to join the famed Special Air Service. "I've been training and I think I can get the fastest times, just have to wait until I'm 18." As you marveled at his ambitious nature, you could hear your mum snoring softly in her chair.
"If it's alright with you, I packed a bag to stay over. I'll be leaving for the AFC in September so I won't see you for a while, flower girl," he asked and pointed to a neatly packed duffle. You shook your head in agreement and slowly led him to your bedroom.
"This place has not changed since I was last here," he joked as he looked around at your books and dried bouquets. "Haven't had much time to add things," you replied, plainly.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me she was sick?" he asked and you turned towards him. You knew the answer but couldn't bring yourself to accuse him of not being there for you. "I knew you were preparing for assessment and there wasn't much you could do besides worry," you replied quietly, sitting on the bed. Kyle joined next to you and held your hand. "I could've been there for you," he whispered back. Like that, you were defeated and could help by crying deeply into his chest. He held you and tried to soothe your wails but you let out all the pent-up sadness inside you. Eventually, your tears came to a stop and he felt your chest slowly rise and fall into slumber. "I love you," he whispered, knowing you couldn't hear him.
The next day, he left and you held each other for what felt like hours. "Promise me you'll call when you can?" you asked through your tears. "I will, take care of yourself, okay?" he said as he kissed your forehead. You and your mum waved goodbye as Kyle walked to town to catch the next bus home. Little did you know, this would be your last time seeing him.
"Mum, I'm home," you called. The beginning of September heat coated the air and you took off your apron, dusted in pollen and cut stems. It was quiet but you assumed your mother was resting. You stepped around the vases filled with bouquets, all with a similar sentiment 'to stay well and live a long healthy life.' You crept through the house, trying not to wake her. However, as you approached the kitchen you could see spilled soup splattered on the walls. As you rushed to assess the scene, you saw your mother laying on the ground, surrounded by a shattered bowl and a flower clutched in her hand.
Somehow, you managed to call an ambulance and were sitting with her in a hospital. She was hooked up to so many machines and her breathing was shallow. You stayed there for many sleepless nights with Lila's family bringing you food and encouraging you to sleep every so often. You tried to will everything in the universe to get her to wake up, you just wanted to hear her voice again and talk about the flower language she was fluent in. Her hands were cold as you held them and begged for her just to open her eyes, one last time.
September 18th was the day you lost her. You never learned why she was holding a flower in her hand. But when you researched what the yellow petals of a cinquefoil were, you could help but sob. My beloved daughter, they signified and you silently cursed your mother's secret message.
Your mum knew her time was fast approaching and presented a detailed plan to Delilah's family. She wanted a small funeral, no frills, no eulogy, just a ceremony to see her off. She made arrangements to be cremated and turned into a chrysanthemum bushel, cheerfulness under adversity. She only left you with one task: prepare the arrangements.
You threw yourself into the florist shop and did the best you could with the end-of-summer harvest. You managed to bundle bouquets of cosmos (joy in love and life), rosemary (remembrance), Michaelmas daisy (farewell), poppy (eternal rest), and hyacinth (sorrow) all wrapped in moss (maternal love). No one dared to bother you as you went about your work, with every flower placed came a flood of tears and you were a mess.
That night, you slowly wrapped yourself in one of her sweaters a laid in your bed. You tried to place numerous calls to Kyle but eventually knew he was unable to be reached. You assumed training had begun and they were given limited access. You decided to call his mum, a woman you respected and truly needed at this time. As you held the phone to your damp face, you heard her pick up. "Y/N sweetie, what's going on?" she asked sweetly. You couldn't hold it in, you cried and she knew what had happened. "Well be over soon, love, don't you worry," and she hung up, leaving you alone in the empty house.
Unlike when Nana and Grandad died, it poured into the countryside. Kyle's parents had packed up to stay the next couple of days through the burial and constantly checked in on you. You refused to eat and couldn't bear to look at her room. You spent most of your days practically catatonic as Mrs. Garrick held you tightly on the couch. Seconds went by like days and soon Delilah was at your door telling you it was time.
The trip to the crematorium was met with flooding streets and the sickening cracking of lightning. Per your mother's wishes, only you, Kyle, and Delilah's family were there. You saw they had prepared your mother's body and had transported your bouquets for her. She lay there, in a plain shirt and her overalls surrounded by flowers. She looked like Ophelia in that one painting, so beautiful and with a smile on her face. As you looked at your mother, you stroked her cold face and whispered that you loved her. You then placed a yellow jasmine bunch in her hands, the first language of love. You took one last look at your lovely mother, wanting to hold her tightly and thank her for the wonderful 16 years she had given you. As you felt Delilah's hand on your shoulder, you knew it was time. Mr. Garrick held you into his chest as they began the process of cremation. Your sobs drowned and gasps for air out the crackling sounds of the fire that put your mother to eternal rest. You crumbled to your knees when they whispered it was over and you were carried to the car. As the cold rainwater met your face, you realized you were now truly alone.
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zinnia - thoughts of absent friends
It took you two weeks to return to school. You were gaunt and tired, not caring what anyone thought of you. Delilah's mum offered to drive you, saying she would pick you up in the afternoon. You entered the halls and greeted your teacher who gave you a comforting smile. As you sat in your seat, you tuned out the world and threw yourself into your studies.
Your mother was smart and had made all the preparations for you following her passing. The house and sixth form had been paid off and she gave careful instructions to Delilah's dad to help you pay for utilities, manage the shop, and take care of yourself. The bills were put in their name and they provided a weekly allowance for yourself, something both your late parents had prepared for you. While you appreciated their kindness, it was difficult. You felt like you were constantly drowning. You ignored the constant texts from Kyle's parents and only opened the door when it was Delilah bringing over food and making sure you had done your work for the day. Whenever you finished dinner and your schoolwork, you slept and tried to fill the emptiness inside you.
Sixth form was a blur. You made a few friends but primarily spent your time studying or working on university applications. When the December frost coated the air, you received a text from Kyle. "I am so sorry. I wish I could've been there for you. Tell you what, I have 8 weeks of leave and you could spend the holidays with us!' you read. You couldn't bear to spend time with another family when you had just lost your one. Maybe it was too harsh but you replied, "I'm doing okay, I would just like to be alone. Take care and Happy Holidays!" You hoped he read that with enthusiasm as you cocooned yourself in a blanket, preparing to sleep the holidays away.
Delilah's family understood your request and came over the next few days to deliver food as well as presents. You cracked a fake smile when they knocked on the door to present you with the items. As Lila handed you a fresh tray of food, she brought a variety of things in for you. Amongst the decorative packaging was a parcel from the Garricks. You gestured for her to put it in the living room and said you would get to it later. Before she parted she said, "You should open the box, it's from Kyle. Also here, my family thought you would like this," and she handed you a small note. On it, an address had been scribbled. "This is where they planted the chrysanthemum bush, father says it should be blooming in the spring. It's by the weeping willow tree," and you knew exactly where it was, your mother lied with the Garricks. You shook your head and thanked her. "Take care of yourself, just know we're always here for you," with that Lila was gone, trudging across the cold snowy lawn.
You lay directly on the carpet and wished you were better. You wished you were happier, that grief hadn't affected you like it had. You wished Kyle was here and that you had taken his stupid offer to see him. You let your tears fall freely as you thought of zinnias, thoughts of absent friends.
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a/n: you made it! thank you for reading all the way through :) don't worry, there are happier days ahead for our two lovebirds so just you wait
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franstastic-ideas · 6 months
Language of Flowers
Some meanings behind the flowers that have grown around here in the wild and our gardens.
Marigold (French) - Comforts the heart / Overcomes jealousy
Iris (Purple) - Wisdom
Rose of Sharon - Consumed by Love / Delicate beauty
Zinnia - Thoughts of an absent friend
Daffodil - Rebirth / New beginnings / Hope
Quince - Sincerity / Temptation
Passion Flower - Faith / Religious passion
Forsythia - Anticipation / Prosperity
Daisy - Innocence / Loyal Love
Rose (White) - Purity / Reverence / Innocent love
Rudbeckia - Justice / Love conquers all
Amaryllis - Pride / Splendid beauty
Nasturtium - Victory / Conquest
Crepe Myrtle - Eloquence
Morning Glory - Affection / Bonds of love
Coreopsis - Always cheerful / Love at first sight
Rose (Pink) - Sweetness / Perfect love
Lantana - I am unyielding
Phlox - Unanimity / I am trying to please you / Sweet dreams
Crabapple Blossom - Overcoming irritability
Hydrangea - Devotion / Thank you for understanding
Clematis - Safety / Ingenuity
Daylily - Wealth / Pride / Success / Coquetry
Pear Blossom - Affection / Lasting friendship / More than just lovely
Sunflower - Adoration / Loyalty
Snapdragon - Strength
Peony - Prosperity / Compassion / Happy marriage
Wisteria - You are always welcome / I cling to thee
Gladioli - Generosity / Admiration
Begonia - Cordiality
Petunia - Your presence soothes me / Never despair
Yarrow - Health and healing / Cure for heartache and sorrow
Azalea - Passion / Take care / Romance
Violets (Purple) - Thoughts of you / Loyalty
Dandelion (Yellow) - Faithfulness / Happiness
Hollyhock - Ambition, Devotion to love
Sweetpea - Departure / Blissful pleasure
Cosmos - Innocent beauty / Harmony / Universal love
Dahlia - Dignity / Elegance
Aster - Patience / Delicacy / Contentment
Four o' Clock - Timidity / Evening beauty
Calla Lily - Beauty and loveliness / Modesty / With me you are safe
Venus's Looking Glass - Flattery
Jasmine - Grace / Elegance / Wealth
Honeysuckle - Sweet disposition / Devoted affection
Cornflower - Delicacy / Refinement / Devotion / Hope in love
Chrysanthemum - Joy
Goldenrod - Encouragement / Protection
Calendula - Grace / Overcoming jealousy
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madethisjusttobrowse · 11 months
Did I see a post about Miles and Gwen having Hanahaki then go down a rabbit hole of flower symbolizims for them and the story? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe.
Sunflower: Happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, adoration, peace, admiration, devotion, faithfulness, and loyalty
Acanthus: Art, Immortality, Rebirth
Hydrangea: Gratitude, grace, beauty, heartfelt emotion, understanding and apology
Dahlia: Elegance and dignity
Black Dahlia: Betrayal and dishonesty
Zinnia: Thinking of you; remembering absent friends, sentimentality
White Egret: My thoughts will follow you into your dreams
Daffodil: Uncertainty, chivalry, respect or unrequited love, return my affection; new beginnings
Sticky Catchfly: Invitation to dance
Queen Anne's Lace: Sanctuary, safety and refuge
Queen of the Night: Enjoy small moments because they do not last
Rain Lily: I love you back, I must atone for my sins, I will never forget you
Blue Rose: Mystery, attaining the impossible
Valerian: Readiness and awareness
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crystaletters · 3 months
Talking about Floriography.
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• What is floriography?
This is what we also popularly call "flower language". Floriography is a technique for giving meaning to flowers of different varieties, including their colors and the number of flowers in a bouquet, for example. The meanings are unique and specific depending on which flower we are talking about.
• A little bit of the origins.
Let's start with the Victorian era, which so many sources say was the time when floriography began to gain notoriety. Functioning as a secret language between people, the beginning varies between Great Britain and the United States. The flowers were given as a type of code with a message that should be conveyed, and over time, a true dictionary was created. Perhaps the first cultures were Asia, Europe and Africa, continents where this practice continues today.
An illustration of this is when someone wanted to get a relationship and there was a way to respond with the bouquet. If an arrangement was directed and held above the heart area by the recipient, it meant that person matched the romantic interest. But, if a bouquet was held down, then it was a signal to make another attempt on another day or forget about it. The left and right sides were also answers! If a "yes" was to be said, the bouquet was given by the right hand, in the case of a "no", it was given with the left hand.
From Ancient Greece until the XIX century, people sent messages in secret through flowers because they could not be so open about various issues. There are also sources that claim that the custom of floriography began to be cultivated in Turkey around the XVlll century, then becoming popular throughout Europe and America. To speak of its deepest roots, they are rooted in ancient Persia.
• Common meanings during the Victorian era.
1 - Sweet peas symbolize gratitude and if they were given together with Zinnias, it meant eternal friendship for the person giving the gift.
2 - Just a red rose showed that the giver secretly admired or loved him.
3 - If the person who received the red rose reciprocated with a yellow carnation flower, it meant disdain and clear disinterest.
4 - Buttercups represented childishness, immaturity. It sounded like a teasing response.
5 - Sunflowers symbolize pride and happiness due to their yellow petals and size considered "exaggerated".
6 - A bouquet of pennyroyal or rue had a negative meaning, they were seen as a sign of declaring war on something, a goodbye or a threat.
7 - In the case of basil, they were a symbol of hatred for that person.
8 - Azaleas were used to convey a message of concern to the recipient, an appeal to take care of themselves.
• Symbolism through flower colors.
❀˖ white flowers: Innocence, humility, peace and purity of intentions are some of the meanings, but it depends on the culture. In Asia, they symbolize death and mourning - but white flowers are common at funerals in many places.
❀˖ red flowers: It has been a natural consensus for some time that red represents love, passion, desire and with flowers it is not very opposite, but they also mean courage, power and respect. They also symbolize deep personal connections.
❀˖ pink flowers: In the West, the most famous symbols of rose flowers are femininity, fun and romantic interest in someone. Within Japan it represents good health, in China it is luck and in Thailand it is a demonstration of confidence.
❀˖ yellow flowers: Flowers representing joy, energy, predisposition, vitality, relaxation and friendship.
❀˖ blue flowers: Its message is one of loyalty, serenity, trust, affection, harmony and wisdom. On a negative side (this depends on the individual context and situation) they represent coldness and indifference.
❀˖ purple flowers: It symbolizes elegance, sophistication, relaxation and royalty. They were flowers widely used among nobles in the Victorian era.
❀˖ green flowers: Hope, health, prosperity, money, success and luck.
• Flower names and their meanings.
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Violets: They represent modesty, loyalty and elegance. Purple is also a color associated with mystery, spirituality and magic, so violets are on this path.
Red rose: It means the height of love, passion, lust, desire, the representation of flesh and blood. Courage, leadership and respect.
White carnation: They mean peace, purity and sincerity.
Daisies: It is a flower related to joviality, innocence, sensitivity, kindness and affection.
White lily: It is attributed to genuine love for someone and calmness. Yellow lily: It could be a sign that one of those people in the friendship wants romance, to make the bond something else. Blue lily: It means security, tranquility, stability, durability and lightness. Pink/red lily: Sweetness, love, sensuality, vanity. Lilac or purple lily: They represent marriage, maternal instinct and positive feelings. Orange lily: Deciphers the feeling of attractiveness, attraction to someone, admiration and personal renewal.
Orchid: Orchids can generally mean seduction, authority, desire. In Ancient Greece, due to the Greek word "órkhis" which translates "in the form of testicles", it was a flower attributed to virility and in the Middle Ages it was given as an aphrodisiac.
Azalea: It symbolizes grace, joy, perseverance, delicacy, generosity and temperance.
Pink Hydrangea: It conveys sincere feelings, affection and love. Blue Hydrangea: It is related to the feeling of humility for repenting, which is why it serves as an apology. It also symbolizes spiritual harmony. White Hydrangea: Youth, jovial personality. Purple Hydrangea: Personal and spiritual elevation, abundance, strength.
Sunflower: It means enthusiasm, determination, happiness, warmth, vitality and health. Very significant when given to someone who is unwell because of its symbolism.
Freesia: They mean consideration for a relationship and trust. Normally, it is a flower linked to friendship.
Dahlia: Dahlias represent kindness, recognition, creativity. Among the Japanese, the white Dahlia is a symbol of commitment, hope and unity.
Poppy flower: In the best-known traditions, poppies are associated with memory and rest after death, with eternal peace. This is due to the connection to opium and sedative effects. But it is also linked to dreams, resurrection and oblivion. Detachment.
Narcissus flower: It is a flower highly related to the story of Narcissus from Greek mythology. Narcissus had extreme vanity and venerated himself, falling in love with his reflection in a lake, which he admired until his death. What awakens this connection is that Narcissus flowers are usually born on the banks of rivers and lakes, being a flower with its axis downwards as if it were really looking at itself. So, the Narcissus flower represents ego, pride and frivolous love.
Peonies: Beauty, passion, exuberance and rebirth.
Astromelia: It symbolizes lasting friendship, understanding, commitment, empathy and respect. It represents strong bonds.
Red Tulip: They symbolize intense love, perfect and irresistible love. Purple Tulip: It means pacification, calm and luxury. Yellow Tulip: Abundance, prosperity, desire for good things in someone else's life. White Tulip: It represents forgiveness.
Chrysanthemum: It represents power of speech, importance, strength, loyalty, optimism and longevity. In Asia, the flower has a commemorative date on 09/09 and is one of the oldest festivals. The reason is because the Chrysanthemum symbolizes the authority and strength of emperors.
Amaryllis: It symbolizes enterprise, pride, artistic sense, achievement and hard work. But it is also associated with loss, sadness and anguish.
Anthurium: It means good luck, fortune, hospitality, physical and mental well-being.
Hibiscus: It represents vigor, virtue and is strongly related to the figure of the Hindu goddess Kali, representing the strength of life and feminine strength. It also means independence.
Begonia: Fertility, delicacy, cordiality. One of the first species adopted to ward off negative energies.
Bromeliad: It symbolizes environmental and individual protection, it also symbolizes the love for nature.
Calendula: It is a flower with the symbolism of "illuminate". Be it ideas, feelings, environments, vibrations or personal achievements. Represents creativity and intellectual clarity.
Camellia: Beauty in different aspects, respect for differences and fidelity.
Clivia: Innovation, fresh start, noble character.
Cyclamen: It represents true faith in something, rooted thoughts and deep feelings. It symbolizes strength and potential related to the spirit and within a spiritual concept, it is a symbol of the universe of spirits/deities/entities.
Gardenia: It symbolizes the secret, the enigma, the secret love for someone and love itself.
Iris: Associated with wisdom, intuition, renewal and divination.
Lotus: Fertility, sexuality, sensuality, birth, rebirth, evolution, strong spirituality.
Magnolia: Empathetic notion and love of nature, care for the earth and hope.
Myosotis: Its symbol is of remembrance, true and desperate love. This is also because his name can mean "don't forget me".
Nymphaea: It is a representation of persistence and determination despite problems and daily challenges. That's why it's related to self-esteem and sends the message of believing in yourself, in your abilities.
Petunia: It is associated with changes, transformation and mental clarity. Also spiritual awakening.
Primula: Youth, support, objectivity, balance and health.
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Kisses! ‧❀༉‧₊˚
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the-cricket-chirps · 5 months
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Charles Jones, Rose, Robert Scott, ca. 1900
Charles Jones, Irish Elegance, ca. 1900
Charles Jones, Seedling Pansies, ca. 1900
Charles Jones, Zinnia Double, ca. 1900
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no-white-dress · 1 year
Darius' mindscape headcanons
First point is related to my fanfic but the rest not so much.
First off, Darius not wanting anyone to even peek at his memories is why the telepathic meetings are "hosted" by Icy. Not Darius, not Raine, not Eber. After all her mindscape is different and memories aren't hanging around for anyone to see, this way no one's privacy is violated.
My personal headcanon is that vegetation is present in all mindscapes (with Belos' fake mindscape being suspicious precisely because it was all made of artificial elements, while his real mind did have trees, although dead-looking), so Darius' mind would have some too. I perceive him as a secretely nostalgic person so it would probably look like the trees near the house where he grew up. A symbol of simpler times.
There would be a more curated area, perfectly trimmed branches and low grass, with the less private memories.
The most private, cherished memories are in a less perfect area. It's still very elegant, but other plants grow around the memory trees. All memories about the previous Golden Guard have some zinnia flowers around the tree ("your absence is painful to me").
The time of day is twilight. It feels both cozy and uneasy, depends on how you feel about long shadows and changing colors.
As time goes by and as Darius allows himself to come out of his shell again, his mindscape changes. By the timeskip it isn't so perfectly neat, it feels more spontaneous overall.
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flowerishness · 2 years
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 Zinnia elegans (elegant zinnia)
As per usual, we planted lots of zinnias this year (California Giants mix). The seed packet promised “brilliant hues of red, yellow, orange, lavender, maroon, violet, and white” but, for some reason, they all came up pink and red. I think they call that ‘the luck of the draw’ in poker. 
According to the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (founded in 1836), a common name in Britain for this species is ‘youth-and-age’. Therefore, I’ve thrown in a photo of a grown-out zinnia for all you folks in the UK. Come to think of it, my sister in Liverpool grows zinnias in her back garden too.
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moonspiritmars · 1 year
last night I read the suicide note of a trans girl I didn’t know named Eden.
this is for her (and maybe for us, too)
A Garden For Eden
on the other side, I imagine a garden.
it is nurtured by warm rains, gentle winds, and the sun.
here there are endless sunrises and endless sunsets, gifts from the heavens and from mother nature herself.
she longs to hold you and so she does, kissing your tears away with warm rays of sunlight, tucking you in under the softness and protection of the moon. 
here she nurtures you as she would nurture the garden, 
showers you in cherry blossom petals, perfumes you with the smell of flowers, and views you in reverence. 
you are, after all, one of her most divine creations. 
she honors you with aloe, amasses bouquets of anemone, crowns you with angrec. 
she dots the night sky with aster, wakes you with bellflowers, builds you a bed of calla lilies. she calls you her Cinquefoil, promises you coltsfoot, dons you in dahlias. 
she grows you gladiolus and heliotropes. 
breaks fast with jasmines. 
welcomes you with mayflower and marigold. 
she grows you meadowsweet and lays mignonette at your feet. olive and phlox guide you through endless fields of dewy grass, plumeria and primrose caress your knees,
poppy lulls you to sleep.
she wakes you with rosemary, sprouts you rows and rows of red spider lily, springs sweetbrier. 
she fastens you a cloak of vervain and whispers warm words onto winged seeds. she grows zinnia. lots and lots of zinnia.
in the middle of the garden stands an altar. 
it is home to acanthus, astragalus, azalea. to baby breaths and balm, pink carnation, and white clover. it is cradled by cypress and purple hyacinth, birth’s pastures of pansy and rue. 
the altar is a testimony to grief. 
mother nature promises you no more sorrow. here she will love you with all of her existence.
you, her daughter, born of the divine feminine and from her very own womb. 
she will honor you with everlasting fields of flowers. she will grow you a garden.
she will call you Eden.
in this garden for Eden, you will be free. 
someday we will be too. 
I used this list of plant and flower symbolism, the meanings of each flower are below
aloe - grief | anemone - undying love, eternal peace | angrec - royalty | aster - symbol of love, name comes from the greek word for star | bellflowers - unwavering love | calla lily - magnificence and beauty | cinquefoil - beloved daughter | coltsfoot - justice shall be done | dahlia - elegance and dignity | gladiolus - strength of character, honor, conviction | heliotropes - devotion | jasmine - unconditional and eternal love | mayflower - welcome | marigold - pain and grief | meadowsweet - peace, protection | mignonette - worth | olive - peace | phlox - harmony | plumeria - new beginnings | primrose - eternal love | poppy - eternal sleep | rosemary - remembrance | red spider lily - death and the cycle of rebirth | sweetbrier - simplicity, a wound to heal | vervain - protection against evil | winged seeds - messengers | zinnia - thinking of you | acanthus - art, immortality, rebirth | astragalus - your presence softens my pain | azalea - take care, Chinese symbols of womanhood | baby breaths - innocence, purity of heart | balm - sympathy | pink carnation - a mother’s love | white clover - ‘I promise’ | cypress - death, mourning, sorrow | purple hyacinth - sorrow, please forgive me | pansy - remembrance, you occupy my thoughts | rue - sorrow
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starcyri · 1 month
Continuation of
By: StarCyri
(Final Part)
Years had past since then, The Princess and the young witch’s friendship grew stronger, but not without rumors surrounding them, one may say that the young witch must be tricking the poor princess, others say that the young witch must have been planning something to ambush the whole kingdom, but of course those rumors are just rumors, Magnolia and Calytrix ignored those rumors, instead they remain good friends...or are they? After all years had past, they looked different, Calytrix, now has a purple dress and a witch hat, her dress resembles a flower, and hair tied into twin braids, her Lavender eyes still shine as bright as stars, and Magnolia now wears a white dress, which also resembles a flower, an elegant flower at best, she wears a Southern Magnolia flower accessory in her hair, her hair was also braided, just not into two, and her eyes still resembles a healthy leaf, and now they are almost 18, both Magnolia and
Calytrix looked at eachother, like it was different from their childhood, it felt different, they... they seem in denial of their feelings yet they brushed it off.
But they have at least people who are there to support them...until suddenly at the day of Magnolia’s Coronation, an incident occured, no one seems to know why but The King and Queen suddenly fell very ill, which paused the Coronation, both of the King and Queen were both weak, and unable to even move, many doctors have tried to heal them had failed, and even both Zinnia and Calytrix tried to heal them, but there was nothing they could do, but in the last attempt to save the King and Queen, Zinnia sets off far from the kingdom, to get a special potion to cure their illness, but..the day came where the King and Queen died by the illness, the whole Kingdom was in despair by what was supposed to be the time where Magnolia gets crowned, ended up being a tragedy.
Magnolia, trapped herself in her room, sobbed as she received the news of her parents passing, right besides her was Calytrix, patting her hair gently, trying to comfort her dearest.
“Why... Why must they die now..? the people still need them- I still need them!” Magnolia cried out, as she clings to Calytrix, Calytrix says nothing as she only gently brushes Magnolia’s white hair, both embraced each other in this tragic moment, never letting go anytime soon.
“It will be alright, White Flower” Calytrix tried reassuring “How can you be so sure? Star Flower...?” Magnolia replied, sniffling against the young witch “I’m not sure, but.. I’m sure we can get this through together, you, can get through this, your parents after all... they... they know your strong, capable of being a ruler” Calytrix softly says, cupping Magnolia’s cheeks, wiping her tears away.
“And... your the strongest princess I have known, and.. that ‘s why.. I lov-” before Calytrix could continue, a knock on the door was heard, neither Magnolia and Calytrix seem to want to get up and check who it was, but it was Magnolia’s duty anyway to get it, after all someone was knocking at her room, Magnolia hesitantly stood up and got up to open the door, as the door opens, she locked eyes with the same envy colored eyes, it was the Gardener boy, Hyacinth
“I must apologize for intruding your time your highness, but really I just want to say I’m very sorry for your loss, if you want someone to cry or someone wanting to listen to you, I’m here for you” Hyacinth says, it wasn’t the first time anyways that he had tried to make advances on the Princess several times in the past, and Magnolia always politely
brushed him off, she doesn’t really...feel comfortable around him, but maybe this time she’ll let this slide, not his offer though, just a change of heart of maybe finally opening up to him , after all he seemed genuine.
“Thank you for the kind offer, Hyacinth, I’ll maybe take that offer if Calytrix isn’t around to help with me” Magnolia closed her eyes lets out a slightly sad chuckle, getting the mood a bit up, but once she opened her eyes once more, she does not see Hyacinth smiling, instead he looked serious, which made Magnolia concerned.
“What’s the matter, Hyacinth?” Magnolia asked “Well... excuse my rudeness Princess but why speak highly of the witch? For all we know she can be the reason why your parents fell ill, you know how witches are, they are tricksters” Hyacinth replied with a serious tone, after Hyacinth said that, Magnolia’s heart dropped, “...How dare you question my friendship with her” Magnolia says, with a hint of anger in her tone, but Hyacinth continued on.
“Oh I apologize your highness but, you must agree what I have just said, that friend of yours is a witch, witches are known to be the most despicable, tricking their victims even if it-”
“She is NOT tricking me, Hyacinth Yellow, out of all your years here, you should know by now that Calytrix isn’t like that, even the King and Queen knows she isn’t like that! Calytrix.. Calytrix is my dearest companion! I demand an apology right now!” Magnolia cuts off Hyacinth, expressing her anger, now Calytrix, hearing her dearest friend’s anger tone, rushes to Magnolia “Is everything alright?” Calytrix asked, her face expressed in worry, but before Magnolia could answer her, Hyacinth bowed down.
“I apologize for saying such rude and sensitive things to your highness, especially during the time of your grieving, please allow me to make it up by a tea time afternoon with the finest tea” Both Calytrix and Magnolia looked at the kneeling gardener, Calytrix expressed pity
“Magnolia.. Maybe you should forgive him, after all, it is understandabl-”
“For many times I have said this, this is not acceptable Calytrix, you are my dearest companion and I cannot allow slander upon your name” Magnolia cuts off Calytrix, but continues “but this time I will forgive you, Hyacinth, carry on with your job, and tomorrow afternoon I’ll take up your offer with tea” right after Magnolia accepted Hyacinth’s offer, he immediately thanked Magnolia, completely ignoring Calytrix and carrying on with his job.
Calytrix could only sigh, she looked at her friend, who was obviously still mad at the interaction “You did not have to defend me once more Magnolia..” and Magnolia replied with “But they were slandering you! Of course I had to do something! And of course they were bothering me anyways while I was grieving! Out of all days he says that...” as words spilled in Magnolia’s mouth, so did tears spill in her eyes, “Out of..” words trailed off from Magnolia, as she broke down into sobs, Calytrix quickly went to her side, and immediately comfort her, once again, they embraced.
The next day came, Magnolia was sitting in the Tea room, she was a mess, her eyes were dark and puffy, and her figure was slump, she looked like a wilted Southern Magnolia Flower, she was waiting for what Hyacinth called, “The Finest Tea” she waited patiently, and there came Hyacinth, holding a tray of a tea set and biscuits
“I Hope I did not make you wait for long, Princess”
“You did not, Thank you for the tea, Hyacinth” Magnolia softly smiles at him, while Hyacinth smiles back, as he placed the tray in the tea table, Hyacinth stood there, but Magnolia gestured him to sit down, he was hesitant at first, but nevertheless, sat down comfortably.
“I apologize for such horrid words I have said yesterday, I just..” before Magnolia could continue, Hyacinth shook his head “No, it was clear it was my fault for saying insensitive words while you were grieving, I should have minded my words” Hyacinth says, but that made Magnolia sigh, there was no signs of him apologizing for saying horrible things about Calytrix “You seem to have forgotten another thing you have to apologize, listen Hyacinth, I could tell that you are a great man, but you have to understand that not all witches are bad, take Auntie Zinnia and Calytrix for example, they have not harmed people in here, and I doubt they ever will” as Magnolia says that, she drinks her tea, the tea tasted weird... she looked at Hyacinth to ask what was one of the tea’s ingredients, only to see him smile, not an innocent smile, he was grinning, which made Magnolia concerned and slightly nervous.
“I don’t actually believe you are right with that, Princess, witches are really terrible, in fact they have probably casted a spell against you and the late King and Queen, but don’t worry, your wondering why the tea tasted funny, because I made sure that tea you have is the reversal spell, where you can finally say the truth, Princess Magnolia” Hyacinth smiles sinisterly, it wasn’t a reversal spell, it’s obvious that it wasn’t any reversal spell, Calytrix or Zinnia would never, and Magnolia finally figured it out.
It was his plan from the start, to frame Calytrix.
“Now Princess, announce something for the whole Kingdom, tell them about Calytrix, your ‘dearest friend’ had tricked you, and murdered your parents”
Magnolia could not refuse Hyacinth’s demands anymore as her mind and body felt numb.
Calytrix was at Magnolia’s room, she sat on her bed and she seems to be making something... a Flower crown, specifically a Magnolia Flower Crown, Calytrix smiles as she made this, surely this could cheer up Magnolia just a little bit, right? Suddenly the door opens, Calytrix perked up.
“Oh! Your back! Magnolia look what I!-...I...” Calytrix words trailed, upon seeing Magnolia with Hyacinth and with two guards, Calytrix was confused upon seeing them, but nevertheless walked towards Magnolia “What’s wrong? Is there something that happened? Ah well- before anything though Magnolia, I have a gift for you!” immediately she presented the flower crown to Magnolia “Here! I know you haven’t felt- you know, happy in awhile but I made this to atleast cheer you up!” Calytrix continued to ramble on, and even placed the Flower on Magnolia’s hands, Calytrix didn’t seem to know what was going on.
A rip suddenly was heard, Calytrix stopped from her tracks as she sees Magnolia tearing her newly made Flower Crown, getting it destroyed piece by piece, each piercing Calytrix’s heart, that lead Calytrix unable to say anything.
“Arrest her, and cut off her hair.” Magnolia ordered, and two guards immediately pointed their weapons to Calytrix, who was too shocked and heartbroken to even react, her hair was cut, leaving Calytrix with a messy short hair, but before she could get taken away, Calytrix looked at Magnolia, with a betrayed face.
Was Calytrix’s word before being taken away, Magnolia only stared with no emotion, while right beside her was a man, patting her hair softly, telling her that she’s doing the right thing, but really, Magnolia could feel her tears inside of her.
Calytrix was thrown into a dungeon, she did not bother using her magic to escape, she could even if her hair was cut short, but she was sad and confused, she didn’t know what she did wrong to make Mangonlia angry, she pondered hard, trying to think of something, anything, hours pass and suddenly the dungeon opened and there goes Magnolia, with two guards, Hyacinth was no where to be seen, but it was Calytrix’s chance to ask what she did wrong.
“Magnolia! Please tell me what I have done wrong!? I-I don’t understand! I-I thought we were friends!-” Calytrix asked. “You tricked me, that’s what, you murdered my parents” Magnolia replied. “Tricked..? M-Murdered?- Magnolia, both you and I know I didn’t and would never do that!-” Calytrix says with a hurt tone. “That’s what you say, but your lying, I just know it. After all your a witch anyways, I should have never befriended you.” that... that broke Calytrix, the hope and light in her eyes die down as her only true friend, and the woman she loved, see her as a monster.
“We have decided your fate for punishment of tricking me and murdering The King and Queen, you will be executed in three days, surely that is enough time for you to think through your actions.” Magnolia turned away, as Calytrix stared blankly at her, once Magnolia was out of the dungeon, Calytrix’s tears fell, and then she sobbed and laid on the cold dirty dungeon floor.
‘So this was it? This is my punishment for being alive..? For being a witch...? For even hoping... why, why does everyone punish me for no reason..?’ Calytrix continued on sobbing ‘after all we’ve been together, you did not give me a chance to even say or defend myself.. Do you hate me that much..? What did I do to make you hate me now? I only just wanted to give you my love, my everything, you, you were my everything. And even everything, you still are, I still love you.’ memories filled Calytrix like a broken record, even after all of that she never blamed anyone, especially Magnolia for this.
The day of the execution came, in the fields where Calytrix and her aunt lived was the location of the execution, many people gathered around, wanting to see the young witch burn, many people were overjoyed that the young witch was finally getting what she “deserved”.
Magnolia sat down while Hyacinth was standing right next to her, they were also watching Calytrix’s execution, no emotions were going on her face, as Calytrix was tied up, Calytrix looked like a mess, she looked like she was beaten up in the past 3 days, her hair was cut short, and her dress was changed from the purple dress to a white dirty
dress, Calytrix looked down, not showing her face to anyone, the crowd looked at the young witch with hatred and disgust.
The kingdom’s people yelled out, hatred had filled their hearts, not even pity, they even threw stuff at her, but that didn’t seem to make Calytrix flinch anymore or wince in pain.
“...Burn her” Magnolia ordered, and the fire started, slowly burning Calytrix, but before the flames could overtake Calytrix, she finally raised her head, despite her beaten up face, instead of seeing despair in her eyes, Calytrix’s eyes shine bright once again.
Magnolia’s eyes widened.
Ba-dump, Ba-dump.
Calytrix smiled brightly despite the pain.
Ba-dump, Ba-dump, Ba-dump.
Calytrix mouthed something for Magnolia.
Tears fell down Magnolia’s cheeks, as finally, the spell was broken. What has she done?..
Magnolia screams.
It’s been a year since that incident, no one in the kingdom would believe her that Calytrix didn’t do anything, they could only see Hyacinth as the hero and the rightful King in the kingdom, Magnolia was forced to marry the man who had killed and framed the love of her life, she was Queen, and he was King, she couldn’t even look Zinnia in the eye when she came back after Calytrix’s execution, Magnolia has never seen her again since that day, Magnolia just sat on her throne room, spacing out, she was truly a mess, especially the fact that she, was carrying a child on the way, she remembered what Calytrix had mouthed, it wasn’t anything to make the spell disappear, no, the spell had a time limit, Calytrix last words, or well whispered, was ‘I love you, Magnolia’...she had wondered what her life would have been like if it wasn’t for Hyacinth, maybe..-
“Your Majesty” a guard enters the throne room and greets Magnolia “What do you want now” said the Queen bitterly, The knight just nervously stood there, but nevertheless replied “There seems to be a new species of Flowers appearing right by the place where The Star Flower Witch Calytrix lived and died at” now that caught Magnolia’s attention.
“New species?.. Take me to it now.” “Yes ma’am!”
Magnolia and her guards traveled around where Calytrix used to live, with Magnolia’s permission from her husband who could care less right now, she can visit the flower and name them, Magnolia could feel something heavy in her heart, after all, this used to be her dearly beloved’s home, and.. Where she died as they ventured on, finally they could see the field, and they were right, a new species of flowers bloomed, but..The Flower looked, unique, surely it definitely looks pretty, but it looked like a star, that reminds the Queen something.
Magnolia knelt down to one of the flowers, it seems like the available colors of the flowers were, Lavender or Violet, Pink, White, and Yellow, she chuckles to herself as she remembered what Calytrix had told her when they were in their teens
“You know, if I die I wonder if I’ll become the prettiest flower there is...ah well I bet I will be!” Calytrix giggles
“Now why would you think of something like that?” Magnolia asked, concerned.
“Eh..I don’t know, I just..Think, hey I bet I’ll be like a star shaped flower if I die!” Calytrix smiled brightly
“Stop talking about dying...” Magnolia covers her ears.
“Your Majesty, what would you like to call this new Flower?” a guard asked curiously.
Magnolia got up and closed her eyes as the wind blew gently around her, she then looked at the guards and said.
“Calytrix, This Flower’s name is officially Calytrix.”
Author’s note:
Hey! Yeah— told y’all the ending’s rushed, unless you guys think it’s not? Ah well, thank you for reading though! I do apologize for the tragic ending, like I said on the previous post, the story is tragic, this was a school project I’ve done months ago, writing a short story with the genres I’ve blindly picked, and I’ve picked fairytale, Romance, and finally a version of drama that I couldn’t remember, apologies, though this was fun to write as I remember! So please if you have any criticisms with my writing or the story please do tell! Also please be respectful about it too, thank you! I hope you all enjoyed this story, until then, I’ll post again next time :]
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