#elon i will beat you to death if i see you in person
stardustcrusader · 1 year
twitter’s decided to do their “funny” april fool’s joke and have changed the site logo to doge and swapped the contents of the following and for you tabs.
by doing this, lists are effectively useless now and are full of garbage from people that aren’t even in the list.
i hate elon musk.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 3 months
Hey bro, if you don't mind me asking... What's the worst Yu-Gi-Oh take you've ever seen? I like seeing you rant.
God... I'm blanking right now but there are a Lot. There are just so many </3.
Later addendum: This went... all over the place. I have no clue what happened here but I stand by my opinions.
I realize I rant about Marik problems a lot (tis the tism) but I think the ones that actually tend to genuinely anger me the most in like a "oh, you genuinely did not read the same series as me" are the ones that attempt to villainize Atem over the whole series or make it seem like he only really cared about Yugi. That is just like. Blatantly incorrect.
First of all, I realize everyone really likes s0 "ooooOOO eDgY yAmI", but early manga Yami Yugi was only terribly violent for a few chapters. After that, he pretty firmly chillaxes, especially post-Death-T and definitely post-Monster World. And we are given a... pretty good reason for why he was like that originally! I would also be a little mad if I woke with no memories after being tormented in a labyrinth full of shadow demons for so long i literally could not remember being born and my first sight was someone trying to beat the shit out of the guy who was kind enough to release me from my Gay and Stupid Maze!
Literally guys, he's like a recently adopted stray kitten. He's just lashing out because he's scared. He's not evil you idiot he's 15 and incredibly incredibly confused and freaked out. Yes he still committed murder no I don't care we've excused other people for worse (take note of how these will often be the same people that uwuify marik or yb (but marik especially -> about to have a sub-rant its related i promise.))
ps. i don't get the marik thing he may be pretty but he is not a sniffling little kitten like people write him as (especially in comparison to his Big Bad Evil Personality and dangerous-bad-boy Yami Bakura who certainly never admitted to himself considering Marik slimy and weird and a dangerous asshole in canon no sir never). The man literally tried to drown Joey and (admittedly accidentally) got his own big brother fried like a fork in a toaster engineered by Elon Musk (and, I want to mention, he didn't seem to consider Rishid a genuine brother until much later after the psychological equivalent of multiple slaps upside the head). I think people just don't know how to write mental illness and/or emotions other than Horny or Sad and morals more complex than black and white.
This is actually part of I think a larger problem in the fandom with not tending to remember the whole storyline/point of yugioh was proving that people are not naturally evil and in fact often prove to be quite noble when they get taken out of a bad situation and worked on a little. Ppl don't quite get this outside of redeeming their favorite evil pretty boy so he can date around, so they either make everyone a sad little angel thats never done anything wrong in their life or a terrible demon whose surprisingly abusive qualities are only matched by his shockingly canon-inaccurate height and muscle mass increase. This is, imo, why people tend to do That to Atem. Either they interpret him as a perfect Good King that can do no wrong or, sadly more commonly, an evil serial killer that only cares about [EXPLETIVE REMOVED]ing Yugi and then pretty much nothing else.
Also, he was like... not a bad Pharoah from the exactly (checks notes) 72 hours he got to be one before dying a horrible torturous undeath. For the good of his kingdom, I want to mention. That was something he willingly undertook for the sake of his people. As far as autocratic dictators went, he was by all accounts a pretty nice one! Didn't even torture anyone to death! In fact he was so against the idea of torturing people to death we had to Specifically keep the bit where we were actually doing that secret from him!
also section B of this take then usually comes around to trying to prove he never cared about his friends other than yugi. And if I may be so spicy in the chat tonight. This is usually ooc puzzleshipping brain rot influencing critical thinking. Yes yes I get that your yami yugi 20k yandere fanfic (with a yugi that cries all the time for some reason and apparently refuses to just Take The Damn Thing Off) is hot but brother of mine that is not what Atem was like in canon. Like. At all.
First of all, even before Memory World he showed off caring about his friends. There was the whole "deadly yo yos" incident with Joey and then there was the not one but two Anzu hostage situations that he dealt with, one of which when there was literally no benefit to him or yugi to go and rescue her! In fact it put them in Active Danger to do so! And from what I remember, that was before even Death-T! So he has very much cared about his friends from the very beginning, individual of his aspect as an extension of Yugi's survival instinct.
Also. The whole point of Yu-Gi-Oh is the whole friendship is magic stuff. That absolutely applies to Atem as well. In fact it probably applies to him more so. The guy really depends on all of his friends for his sanity in a way that not even Yugi does. He likes Joey and he likes Anzu and he likes Honda (even with as little time as he got to shine RIP spiky haired king) and he likes Ryou! In fact one of the original conflicts in Battle City was that he cared about Ryou so much he wouldn't get rid of his age old archenemy because it would have hurt Ryou! But anyways. Anyways.
It feels like part of that can be blamed on the Orichalchos arc in the anime (which was certainly. An Arc. Not good not bad but a secret 3rd thing.) where they had him get incredibly depressed and ever so slightly unstable when Yugi went away. Which makes sense for him, but then people tend to overstate it to "Atem is inconsolable when Yugi isn't there to make it all better for him" and not "Atem feels incredibly guilty for falling under the spell of a literal magically evil-inducing rock and would likely feel similar if he lost really any of his friends in a similar manner."
"But steve. how are those last two things at all related to each other" WELL. YOU SEE. It always feels like people tend to make Atem evil and hate everyone else in order to justify a fantasy scenario where "Yugi" (read: writer's self-insert) gets to come along and redeem him and he gets to be their loyal attack dog. And you know what? I'm fine with that as a fanfic scenario! Let people have fun! Is probably very hot to people who are not stickily uptight bastards like me! But it annoys me like Hell when people try to canonize that particular bit of oocness.
Atem isn't evil. The poor boy is having his own problems. He's hanging out. He's doing his best. Leave him alone. He literally is just a teenage boy that likes to play games. Let him chill. Let him chill.
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It is literally SO easy to talk about a newly-out trans person without giving out their deadname and if i see a single person give out the deadname of elon musk's daughter I'm beating you to death with a club
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202247497caic223 · 1 year
From Iron man to Icarus - how Musk's popularity plunged deeper than the Mariana trench
It is a sunny day in the 1980’s Pretoria, South Africa. In the local school, a young, white boy lies on the floor, covering his head with his hands as the older boys continue beating him. After some time, someone finally calls an ambulance, and he is rushed to the hospital where he has to stay until he has recovered from being nearly beaten to death. Sadly, the incident did not surprise him, he was used to the constant bullying and escaped more and more into his Sci-fi novels and comic books. One day, he says to himself, I will be like them. An Inventor, revolutionizing the world, a hero who is celebrated for his fight against injustice. He starts holding his ground, calling out his white classmates when they smear racist slurs on the cafeteria walls, even though it worsens the bullying. With twelve, he sells his first game to a magazine for $500. At 17 he leaves Africa and enrols in Queen’s University in Ontario, studies there for two years, before he gets a scholarship for the UPenn and graduates in Physics and Economics. In 2002, he sells his Company PayPal to eBay for $1.5 Billion and uses the money to found SpaceX and fund a start-up called Tesla. He has finally made it! He is an inventor, an entrepreneur and people started seeing him as a hero who will make space travel available for anybody! People call him the “real-life Tony Stark” only with an assuredly moral domain instead of selling weapons like the Marvel Hero did. His brand: "Saviour of the human race". By now, you probably guessed that the little, bullied boy is Elon Reeve Musk.
He was incredibly popular, especially with environmental protecting liberals. His revolutionizing electronic car, the Tesla, has become the symbol of “liberal do-goodery” and many eco-conscious people buy it just for this reason. He initially donates exclusively to the Democratic Party, supporting political figures like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, which makes perfect sense as he is one of the largest purveyors of renewable energy tech world-wide. His economic values, his striving towards making the world a better place, align naturally with the values of liberals and the Democratic party.
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The younger generations celebrate him after he starred as a guest in PewDiePie’s Meme-review on YouTube in 2019. He starts tweeting memes daily, editing himself on the body of The Rock and replying to his young followers in the comment section. He turns into a Meme lord, despite being forty-eight years old. In 2021, The Times declares him the person of the year, the New York Post characterises him as “gloriously capitalistic [and] irreverent” and as “the hero we need today”. Forty years after nearly being beaten to death, he became one of the characters he read about as a child. He is the richest man in the world and an inspiration for many aspiring engineers and entrepreneurs. And I admit, I shared their opinions of him, to me he was simple ‘the Tesla guy’ who occasionally popped-up as a new, funny meme on my Instagram feed. But now, only a year after his peak, he is on Icarus-like decent worse than any other he had before.
See, Musk has had controversies before, only that the public forgot and forgave them shortly after they happened. The first backlash comes, as he spreads a massive amount of misinformation on the Coronavirus during the course of 2020. From stating that the panic around the deadly virus is over the top, to alleging politicians of publishing enlarged numbers of death, and even suggesting that people should consider the anti-malaria drug chloroquine to battle COVID. This last suggestion was also made by Donald Trump and Laura Ingraham and resulted in the death of at least one person.
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It was during this period, that he began to lean more to the right-winged political side for example by challenging his followers to “Take the red pill”. The red pill is a reference to the matrix movie and taking it frees the hero, Neo, “from a dream-world imposed on humanity and let him see reality”. A reference which is now a metaphor often used by right-winged conspiracy theorists. Many republicans, including Ivanka Trump, reply with “Taken” and congratulate him on finally seeing the truth.
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 But he did not stop there and went so far as to call the lockdown “fascist”. He believed the safety measures taken by the government desperately trying to slow down the exploding death rates and attempting to relieve the collapsing health-system are “not Democratic. This is not Freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom.”. The fuss around him died down eventually after he announced in 2021 that he believes in the COVID vaccine and in vaccines in general. A tweet which was received with mixed emotions. Especially Trump-supporters and republicans reacted negatively, disagreeing with his opinion on it being safe or asking if he was being blackmailed or even kidnapped. But alas, all was forgotten, until he created his latest and biggest controversy.
In February of 2022, he buys 9.2% of the Twitter shares, a purchase which makes him the biggest shareholder of the company. Soon after the news came out, he started posting polls on Twitter and rambles about ideas on how to improve the platform. While some people are concerned about his purchase and the consequential influence over the social media company, many celebrate him, calling him the next CEO of Twitter and start requesting changes from him. The people celebrating him are once again mostly republican, like the republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer which even goes so far as to thank Musk under his first tweet after buying the shares for “helping to save western civilization”. The board of Twitter itself is not as ecstatic as his followers and feels threatened by the multi-billionaire. As a result, they create a deal: Musk gets appointed to the board if he agrees to not buy more than 15% of the Twitter shares. Elon does agree and on the 5th of April, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announces, that he will officially join the board four days later.
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Elon replies very optimistic, stating that he is “Looking forward to working with Parag & Twitter board to make significant improvements to Twitter in coming months!”. The replies to both tweets are mixed and show a clear separation. While some people simply ask him to install an edit button, the republican followers get louder and many ask him to unban Trump from Twitter, fire Parag and praise him for bringing back free speech to the platform. The other side is concerned about his purchase and look migrate to other platforms such as Tumblr.
But his approval was only a façade that crumbles as he declares on the day of his appointment, that he will no longer join the board. Instead, he publicly ponders in a tweet whether Twitter is dying. And maybe his pondering, as well as many republicans replying it is due to ‘censorship’, resulted in the conclusion, that only he can be the hero that saves Twitter because he makes his first offer to purchase it on the 14th of April. He is willing to pay $43 billion, which later turns into $44 billion, to take the company private. The Twitter board, in an attempt to prevent him from buying the company, turns to the poison pill strategy but without success. After Twitter accepts the offer, he pulls back and pauses negotiations, claiming that Twitter is withholding regarding the number of spam accounts on their platform. Twitter sues Musk, alleging him not only of breaching their contract which would cost him a whopping $1 billion if the judge ruled for Twitter, as well as causing major damage to the company’s internal structure and value. Their complaint criticises how “Musk apparently believes that he — unlike every other party subject to Delaware contract law — is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value, and walk away”. Looks like someone is unpopular at the Twitter headquarters. His reaction is as expected. He counter-sues the company under the claims that “[the key metrics] contain numerous, material misrepresentations or omissions that distort Twitter’s value”. This game of cat and mouse continues for three more months, until he eventually buys the company in October. And whilst legal experts hypothesis that he did it because it is very hard to break a merging agreement and the first hearing did not sound good for Musk and his legal team, 2.4 million users liked his first tweet after finally going through with the merge.
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The political direction in his comment section is now unmistakably right-winged, with Councilwoman Inna Vernikov thanking him “for making sure the USA does not turn into USSR”. Many advocate his role as the hero, saving the free speech on Twitter and asking him to reinstate accounts which have been banned for hate-speech and spreading of misinformation in the past. But where did all this talk about Twitter no longer supporting ‘free speech’ and censoring its users come from anyway?
It all started when the platform rewrote its rule after realising that “so-called free speech can actually be used as a weapon to silence the vulnerable and dispossessed” and that sometimes you must censor your users in order to maintain your position as a platform for free discourse. Thus, speech inciting violence against people “on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, or disability” were banned. But the ‘absolutely unjustified’ censorship (which is apparently enough to turn the USA into the USSR) does not stop there. In  March of 2021, Twitter announces that they “will start labelling misleading tweets about COVID vaccines and ban users who continue to spread such misinformation” and further introduced a “strike system” which “will gradually escalate to a permanent ban after the fifth offending tweet”.
To conclude the debate, the republican users of Twitter miss their old free speech and have found in the now openly republican Musk the perfect hero to safe them from being banned for spreading misinformation on a deadly virus or making racist and offensive tweets.
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Because the new Twitter owner conveniently does it himself!
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And he does not disappoint their expectations. The rules against spreading misinformation on the ever-killing virus are taken down in November of 2022, making the CEO once again highly unpopular with public health officials and the people who fought at the front lines during the pandemic. But his quest for ‘free speech’, instating himself even more as the new republican social-media leader, and garnering even more outrage and unpopularity amongst non-republicans is not yet completed. On Jan. 6, the second anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol, he reinstates Micheal Flynn who is “one of the most prominent supporters of false claims that [the election] had been stolen by Biden”. He is additionally a prominent believer of the Trump QAnon conspiracy theory and has called Ukraine’s president Zelensky a “Dangerous fool” whilst strongly praising Putin and his Security Council Deputy Chairman for being “bold leaders who have everything at stake in terms of protecting their country”. Yes, protecting their country, because apparently Russia is now the endangered country and not Ukraine, the country they invaded. But everything for free speech, I guess. Musk himself seems to be on Russia’s side, tweeting a ‘suggestion’ on how to end the war which align with Russia’s own requests
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Now, Musk has made a 180 degree transformation and turned from a symbol for the eco-conscious democrat into a full-fletched republican who allows misinformation and reinstates very controversial public figures. However, while he has a strong base of right-wing followers, the public criticism increases steadily, and he has now successfully managed to turn Ukrainian officials and political commentators against him.
During the November of 2022, Musk launched the $8-blue-verification, the inevitable wave of impersonation made him now also unpopular amongst companies and stars who had fallen victim to the predicted havoc.  But there is one group in his orbit that we have not yet looked at: his employees. Or should I in Twitters case rather say ex-employees? After his purchase, he not only fired the former CEO but also 3700 employees, more than half of the entire company. Even more followed after his famous hardcore-email, and the remaining employees are now begging for toilet paper as the stench from the bathrooms is flooding the offices, due to recent financial cuts.
Unfortunately though, the mistreatment of his employees is anything but new. In February of 2022, Tesla was sued after hundreds of complaints were filed by its employees due to experiencing racism and systematic harassment against black workers. Racist graffiti could be found all around the building and one worker “heard 50 to 100 racial slurs a day”. Soon after, investor Solomon Chau files a lawsuit because Musk and his executive directors at Tesla breached “fiduciary duty by enabling a toxic work environment”. He is reported to have a habit of “blowing up at those beneath him”, his humiliating and anger-driven behaviour has even become so common, that Executives would joke how “Musk would devour a worker by erupting at them in anger” instead of eating food. After Tesla executive Peter Rawlinson quit, like because of these temper tantrums, another executive failed to bring him back and was thus fired by Musk.
Somehow Musk even avoided the repercussions of the #MeToo movement as several women sued Tesla for sexual harassment without consequences at the workplace. Male workers took pictures of a women’s backside, sharing it with the rest of the workforce. Female employees were objectified on a daily basis, or touched by male co-workers who then lied about their position to dissuade them from reporting the harassment. But apparently they are all just following their CEO, given that Musk exposed himself to a flight attendant in 2016, asking her for an erotic massage in exchange for buying her a horse, leaving the flight attendant traumatized. After declining the generous offer, he cuts back her shifts and later proceeds to pay her $250.000 to silence her. He now calls the claims wild and a “concerted effort to silence him”.
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And while Media psychologist Jo Groeble speculates that his image could recover, I am of the firm belief and sincerly hope that it won’t. After all this, you cannot help but wonder, if Musk looks back on his childhood and believes that the small, bullied, and beaten boy who fiercely fought against racism, would have been proud of the person he is now. What do you think?  
TL;DR: In the name of 'free speech', Musk legalizes hate-speech and misinformation on Twitter and reinstates highly dangerous political figures on the anniversary of the tragedy which they promoted. All whilst banning journalists, politicians and anti-fascist accounts/organizations because they disagree with his opinions. Apparently, free speech only applies to people who share his opinion. Throwing temper-tantrums and erupting at workers is just as normal as inciting a toxic work-environment, racism, and sexual harassment. In the span of a year, he has made himself unpopular with his employees, democrats, feminists, people of colour, yes, even entire countries if we take a look at Ukraine.
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indianajonessadhats · 10 days
This is a sad hat.
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But this is more than a sad hat, this is a bad hat, and I will tell you why.
First, allow me to say that I have no idea who the artist is; but that, for the time being, is irrelevant to the rest of the discussion, and I'm not here to rag on what amounts to fan artists. I do have opinions about hats and illustration, obviously, but my personal policy has been that if you're not claiming it to be a labor of professional output, it's not a fair target.
Why, then, is this hat perhaps an exception?
On a purely structural level, this hat suffers from Freddy Kreuger syndrome.
For comparison, here is a screen-used Freddy Kreuger hat:
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Note along the back edge the small chunks of brim that have been torn or cut off the edge; this is a distinctive feature that shows up in costume reproductions of Freddy Kreuger, and, for some reason, in lots of sad Indiana Jones hats. I've never once in my life seen this feature crop up on a real Indiana Jones fedora, unless you want to count the foam costume hats that Rubies/Disney has put out in the past 16 years, which I absolutely do not. My theory is that people see Indy get beat up and having rugged adventures and think the hat must be a wreck; but aside from getting wet and some bad CGI, it's really more of a mythological figure than anything else. Even getting falling over a cliff with nazis in a blown up tank doesn't do much:
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So, the hat is sad. But why is it bad?
Well, if you're going to be a weird eugenicist—
—maybe don't put yourself dressed up as a Nazi in your Twitter header:
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Now, we can get into a discussion here about Elsa and how the family is also dressed as Indy and Boy Scout Young Indy (these hats are also bad). But it's important to recognize that if you are a fan of things like Indiana Jones, you're going to run into people who are there only because it lets them "get away with" dressing as a nazi. You learn to recognize this fast and to learn the signs and keep a wary eye.
And— surprise! Here's a good thread about why their brand of nonsense is still chock full o' white supremacy:
Maybe they're not Nazis. But they're not not nazis, and they are self-admitted in their article to befriending lots of nazis, so. If it barks like a nazi, and it goose-steps like a nazi...
But, you know, as if the nazi label dodging weren't enough, the other area where these philosophies tend to coincide is that they think they really are, truly, deep down, genetically, superior to everyone else in every way. They think they have better brains, better health, better skills, better knowledge, better culture, better land, and better fashion. And so, it is very important to let them know this— utterly aside from the mind on which it sits—
Hey, man. Your hat is bad.
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oknoobcom · 2 years
Posted on May 8, 2021by Georgios
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Entrepreneurship is the new black. It’s more popular than ever.
And that’s just awesome. Until it’s not. People will get hurt. Lives will get ruined and then the world will magically get into balance again.
There is a fairytale that’s been told again and again via the media for some years now. Entrepreneurs are (supposed to be) these amazing guys getting filthy rich and famous, burning billions of VC money, traveling the world doing what they love. And that’s true. Well.. sometimes.
Here’s what happens most of the times according to (my) reality and experience.
I always like to talk with numbers. Numbers never lie you see.
Here are some:
Let numbers do the talking
Odds are, a startup launched today will fail within 24 months. Period.
In fact, three out of four venture-backed companies don’t return investors’ capital, and half of all new businesses close their doors before they’ve been open for five years.
Just to make that clear. If you start a startup today, you have 97% chance to be dead by year 3. Do you like the chances ?
Here’s some more from smallbiztrends
In fact, of all small businesses started in 2011:
4 percent made it to the second year 3 percent made it to the third year
On top of that, have in mind that building a business is SUPER HARD by default.
Elon Musk once said:
You have to put in incredible amounts of efforts and huge amounts of stress — and it’s much more painful than most people realize. And most companies die. On a certain level in your brain, your brain — we didn’t evolve, like, with companies; we evolved to respond to real death. And even though a company’s death is not real, it’s not like someone is physically dying, your brain doesn’t quite understand that on the limbic system level. So it’s really sort of painfully stressful. You probably don’t want to go through that more than once.“
Here’s the deal. Its REALY hard. No, if you haven’t been there (like most “startup gurus” out there), you can’t even imagine how hard it is.
As Elon Musk noted “You have to put in incredible amounts of efforts and huge amounts of stress” and i would add to that “for a very very long time”. In fact, you will be at this “status” consistently. It’s like raping your soul over and over again. You hate it, but you kinda don’t. I can’t really explain that. It’s the only way to move forward. If it makes no sense to you, it’s because you are normal.
Steve Jobs once said:
“You need a lot of passion for what you’re doing because its so hard. Without passion, any rational person would give up.  So if youre not having fun doing it, if you dont absolutely love it, youre going to give up. And thats what happens to most people, actually.”
Ok, i think we got the point so far. Building a business is hard. Super hard. Things almost always look like are going south. You plan, and then you watch your plans failing big-time. And then you plan again, better. You pivot. And then you pivot some more.
The doubting-everything phase (aka. depression)
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There are times you feel like you are wasting the best years of your life on an idea. Thinks get so blurry, you don’t trust yourself anymore. And that’s the worse part. All you ever had was trust in yourself and an idea.
You remember. When your friends were partying and traveling the world, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You had to work on that project. Your vision. Asshole.
When trust is gone, it’s almost game over. You will have to regain that trust somehow. And that’s very difficult when you are down. Hit. When you have no proof that what you are after, is even doable. You start to think that maybe you have sold yourself a little happy story. And you fucking bought it.
Maybe you should apply for a “real” job, like some people used to tell you. You put your family at risk after all.
Ok. Pause. You have been there before. Numerous of times. But this time feels like it’s irreversible.
Your stomach aches and your heart is beating fast. You are about to have another panic attack. Your family counts on you, fucking idiot. You can’t lose it now.
You take a deep breath and throw some cold water at your face. You need to control it this time. Because you simply have to. If you let go, you are done. Done! You know that. There are no alternatives.
You cornered yourself. On purpose. You bastard.
Get up. Take a walk. That always helps. Walk, walk, walk and then walk some more.
The Rocky phase!
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Let’s get up now. It’s time. Wash out the blood from your teeth and wipe the tears from your eyes. That way, taste and vision are back. You must revaluate things. What the fuck went wrong ? Where did you miss?
Your family comes back to your mind. Your daughter smiles in your head again. You crack a little smile too. You can’t help it. They count on you. But they support you like crazy. They must be a little crazy too, you’re thinking. They had to be. They bet on you after all.
Ok, let’s think things over. What the fuck went wrong ? What didn’t i do i should have done? Are things really that bad ? Questions loop in your head.  Again and again and again and again and again and again.. Your brain is about to burn out. You can smell it.
Ok, close your eyes. Calm yourself down and you try to think things through. You can’t do this anymore. Not to yourself nor your family.
“Come on! You can do this!”. That weird voice in your head again. You are crazy. That’s a fact. Fuck, who are you kidding? You cannot go on like that. Let’s call that for what it is. You failed.
After all, a lot of people fail. You went “against all odds” like Phil Collins once said and you failed. No biggie!
But wait.
And then, out of the blue, in a fragment of a second, your mind takes over the feelings. Numbers, facts. Nothing else.
Are really things that bad?
The revaluation phase
You get numb inside. Dead. You need to set logic free, so you block every feeling away.
Most of the times things are a little better than they feel. Anxiety is the worse advisor ever. You know.
You get a beer and a blank piece of paper. Thoughts are getting a bit numb too, but a bit clearer at the same time. Its strange, but it works every single time.
You are making some drawings, connecting clusters, random code and notes. Stuff that makes sense only to you. Its everything in your head after all. All you need is to try to through up your brain on the paper and put everything in order.
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You skype your co-founder and partner in crime. He is down too. But now, you can help him pick up his pieces. He has done that for you too many times in the past. Thats whats biz partners do after all. Thats the main reason you should have a co-founder. It’s super important.
Business is 100X more tough if you do it alone. I’ve been on both sides, and i choose co-founding everytime. Trust me.
It’s getting late. Eyes are getting heavy. You fall asleep on the couch.
Quality of sleep, very bad. You wake up numerous of times in the middle of the night. Sweating. Your heart is beating fast. Somehow you manage to calm your self down again.  Sleep. Loop.
You wake up.  Its 5:30am on a Tuesday.
Ready to do it all once again?  Go!
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efstratiadis · 2 years
Entrepreneurship is the new black. It’s more popular than ever.
And that’s just awesome. Until it’s not. People will get hurt. Lives will get ruined and then the world will magically get into balance again.
There is a fairytale that’s been told again and again via the media for some years now. Entrepreneurs are (supposed to be) these amazing guys getting filthy rich and famous, burning billions of VC money, traveling the world doing what they love. And that’s true. Well.. sometimes.
Here’s what happens most of the times according to (my) reality and experience.
I always like to talk with numbers. Numbers never lie you see.
Here are some:
Let numbers do the talking
Odds are, a startup launched today will fail within 24 months. Period.
In fact, three out of four venture-backed companies don’t return investors’ capital, and half of all new businesses close their doors before they’ve been open for five years.
Just to make that clear. If you start a startup today, you have 97% chance to be dead by year 3. Do you like the chances ?
Here’s some more from smallbiztrends
In fact, of all small businesses started in 2011:
4 percent made it to the second year 3 percent made it to the third year
On top of that, have in mind that building a business is SUPER HARD by default.
Elon Musk once said:
You have to put in incredible amounts of efforts and huge amounts of stress — and it’s much more painful than most people realize. And most companies die. On a certain level in your brain, your brain — we didn’t evolve, like, with companies; we evolved to respond to real death. And even though a company’s death is not real, it’s not like someone is physically dying, your brain doesn’t quite understand that on the limbic system level. So it’s really sort of painfully stressful. You probably don’t want to go through that more than once.“
Here’s the deal. Its REALY hard. No, if you haven’t been there (like most “startup gurus” out there), you can’t even imagine how hard it is.
As Elon Musk noted “You have to put in incredible amounts of efforts and huge amounts of stress” and i would add to that “for a very very long time”. In fact, you will be at this “status” consistently. It’s like raping your soul over and over again. You hate it, but you kinda don’t. I can’t really explain that. It’s the only way to move forward. If it makes no sense to you, it’s because you are normal.
Steve Jobs once said:
“You need a lot of passion for what you’re doing because its so hard. Without passion, any rational person would give up.  So if youre not having fun doing it, if you dont absolutely love it, youre going to give up. And thats what happens to most people, actually.”
Ok, i think we got the point so far. Building a business is hard. Super hard. Things almost always look like are going south. You plan, and then you watch your plans failing big-time. And then you plan again, better. You pivot. And then you pivot some more.
The doubting-everything phase (aka. depression)
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There are times you feel like you are wasting the best years of your life on an idea. Thinks get so blurry, you don’t trust yourself anymore. And that’s the worse part. All you ever had was trust in yourself and an idea.
You remember. When your friends were partying and traveling the world, you didn’t. You couldn’t. You had to work on that project. Your vision. Asshole.
When trust is gone, it’s almost game over. You will have to regain that trust somehow. And that’s very difficult when you are down. Hit. When you have no proof that what you are after, is even doable. You start to think that maybe you have sold yourself a little happy story. And you fucking bought it.
Maybe you should apply for a “real” job, like some people used to tell you. You put your family at risk after all.
Ok. Pause. You have been there before. Numerous of times. But this time feels like it’s irreversible.
Your stomach aches and your heart is beating fast. You are about to have another panic attack. Your family counts on you, fucking idiot. You can’t lose it now.
You take a deep breath and throw some cold water at your face. You need to control it this time. Because you simply have to. If you let go, you are done. Done! You know that. There are no alternatives.
You cornered yourself. On purpose. You bastard.
Get up. Take a walk. That always helps. Walk, walk, walk and then walk some more.
The Rocky phase!
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Let’s get up now. It’s time. Wash out the blood from your teeth and wipe the tears from your eyes. That way, taste and vision are back. You must revaluate things. What the fuck went wrong ? Where did you miss?
Your family comes back to your mind. Your daughter smiles in your head again. You crack a little smile too. You can’t help it. They count on you. But they support you like crazy. They must be a little crazy too, you’re thinking. They had to be. They bet on you after all.
Ok, let’s think things over. What the fuck went wrong ? What didn’t i do i should have done? Are things really that bad ? Questions loop in your head.  Again and again and again and again and again and again.. Your brain is about to burn out. You can smell it.
Ok, close your eyes. Calm yourself down and you try to think things through. You can’t do this anymore. Not to yourself nor your family.
“Come on! You can do this!”. That weird voice in your head again. You are crazy. That’s a fact. Fuck, who are you kidding? You cannot go on like that. Let’s call that for what it is. You failed.
After all, a lot of people fail. You went “against all odds” like Phil Collins once said and you failed. No biggie!
But wait.
And then, out of the blue, in a fragment of a second, your mind takes over the feelings. Numbers, facts. Nothing else.
Are really things that bad?
The revaluation phase
You get numb inside. Dead. You need to set logic free, so you block every feeling away.
Most of the times things are a little better than they feel. Anxiety is the worse advisor ever. You know.
You get a beer and a blank piece of paper. Thoughts are getting a bit numb too, but a bit clearer at the same time. Its strange, but it works every single time.
You are making some drawings, connecting clusters, random code and notes. Stuff that makes sense only to you. Its everything in your head after all. All you need is to try to through up your brain on the paper and put everything in order.
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You skype your co-founder and partner in crime. He is down too. But now, you can help him pick up his pieces. He has done that for you too many times in the past. Thats whats biz partners do after all. Thats the main reason you should have a co-founder. It’s super important.
Business is 100X more tough if you do it alone. I’ve been on both sides, and i choose co-founding everytime. Trust me.
It’s getting late. Eyes are getting heavy. You fall asleep on the couch.
Quality of sleep, very bad. You wake up numerous of times in the middle of the night. Sweating. Your heart is beating fast. Somehow you manage to calm your self down again.  Sleep. Loop.
You wake up.  Its 5:30am on a Tuesday.
Ready to do it all once again?  Go!
0 notes
reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
This has probably been said but being a regular, average person in the MCU has got to be so creepy and weird and scary. And I don’t just mean the Blip. Like. Just. Can you imagine if Elon Musk was the US military’s primary defense contractor, but one day he gets abducted by the Taliban, and when he comes back he announces he isn’t going to make weapons anymore but he builds himself a flying tank and starts calling himself “Iron Man”?? That is basically the first Iron Man movie. Then he tries to race in the Monaco Grand Prix but a shirtless Russian guy chops his racecar in half with laser whips, and he also throws a big tech expo and a bunch of military robots go crazy and shoot up the place. It’s insane.
Pre-Iron Man the MCU isn’t even all that different from the real world. Yeah there’s a weirder version of the CIA called S.H.I.E.L.D. and nobody really knows what they do (but the internet is full of conspiracy theories about aliens and mind control) and maybe in history class you read about this Nazi death cult from the 1940s or an American soldier who briefly became the country’s mascot after he got turned into a superman by a science experiment no one’s been able to duplicate. But those are probably the strangest things you’re aware of.
Then Iron Man happens and it’s like a huge signal flare telling everything to get weird. You see a viral video of something that looks like Shrek on steroids fighting the army in the middle of a community college, and 3 days later another monster appears in the middle of Harlem ripping people’s cars in half until Evil Shrek shows up and beats the crap out of it and disappears. Some hot guy pops up in Germany and says he’s God and starts killing people with a spear, and then a GIANT HOLE opens in the SKY over New York City and a shit ton of aliens and flying Godzillas come out and start destroying everything in sight. And the billionaire and Shrek and the freaking guy from World War 2 are there fighting them, along with a woman in leather pants, a guy with a bow and arrows) and a big blonde man who turns out to be a space alien and the Old Norse god of thunder, somehow?
They close the sky hole (though you’re pretty sure someone fired a nuke at it) and start a team that’s basically called “Revenge Club” and then here’s the next six years:
a terrorist with a man bun bombs a bunch of cities while popping up on TV to repeatedly threaten the President, and the billionaire challenges him to a fight on camera and gets his mansion blown up and everyone thinks he’s dead for awhile, and later you find out man bun did kidnap the President, but was also just an actor
An alien spaceship lands in London and a bunch of things that look like elves run out and start shooting everybody and there’s holes in the sky again, and you think “where are the Avengers?” but only the Viking guy shows up
SHIELD HQ blows up and a bunch of crazy top secret shit gets leaked online about how they were secretly run by that Nazi death cult who were gonna use giant gunships to kill millions of civilians based on their internet search history? And they also turned some WW2 veteran into a cyborg and made him assassinate people for 70 years??
a random town in Missouri gets eaten by a big blue blob and nobody knows what it is or where it came from
You see the Hulk destroying buildings in Johannesburg and getting dragged away by his own teammates and then like two days later the Avengers are fighting robots in Slovakia and the entire capital city gets turned into a hole in the ground. Suddenly the Avengers have a robot on their team (plus two more military vets and a Slovakian chick with psychic powers) and you hear the billionaire built the robot that killed all those people but he’s not getting arrested or anything (well that part is pretty realistic I guess)
the company that made your smartphone disappears overnight — as in the entire building literally disappears in front of a hundred witnesses with no explanation
the king of some African country you’ve barely heard of rolls up to the UN in his hovercar and announces his “third world country” is actually super rich and has like, forcefields and shit
also his dad got assassinated by that cyborg dude and half the Avengers are wanted criminals now
It gets to the point where you go on YouTube and see a 40-foot-tall man running around San Francisco or some guy swinging through NYC calling himself “Spider-Man” and shooting spiderwebs at bank robbers, and you go “wow, must be Tuesday.”
And then the big one. Right after a spaceship shaped like a giant hula hoop shows up in Manhattan and you see Iron Man and Spider-Man fighting aliens in the streets alongside a guy you later learn is a wizard, yes magic is real and wizards exist, deal with it one of two things happens:
You suddenly wake up five years in the future with no idea what’s going on, until eventually someone sits you down and explains a purple alien called Thanos killed you along with half the human race and the Avengers just brought you all back to life, or
You get to watch billions of people suddenly crumble into little piles of dust with no warning or explanation, maybe one of the Avengers does a press conference at some point explaining “hey, there was this guy, he did a thing with some magic rocks that control the universe, but uhhhhhhhhh the rocks are gone now, sorry” but after five years you begin to think maybe you can get used to this and then it all gets turned upside down again when the dead people all reappear out of thin air
Oh, and an even bigger spaceship appears on the east coast and blows up the Avengers’ clubhouse and a bunch of them are dead. Also remember the Viking aliens? Well they live in Norway now.
Your life is pretty chaotic for awhile, though things kind of slowly settle into a routine. But the weird shit don’t stop just because Thanos is gone:
you hear the psychic chick was controlling an entire town in New Jersey for like two weeks
the government announces there’s a new Captain America but a month after that you see a video on Twitter of him decapitating a guy in Latvia, then the bird guy from the Avengers saves a bunch of politicians from Antifa and he’s Captain America now
a huge water monster shows up in Venice, followed by an even bigger monster trying to rip London Bridge in half, and there’s a new superhero who looks like Jake Gyllenhaal here to help! But a week later there’s a video of him on every news channel saying Spider-Man (who is a teenager btw) murdered him and has a fleet of Predator drones
right after a global earthquake a gigantic statue appears in the Indian Ocean and then an even bigger thing that looks like the statue appears in the sky yelling about the fate of the human race
I just hope they have good therapists in the MCU is all I’m saying
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404-not-found-xix · 3 years
Top 5..... Albums that are NOT boomer jams ;D
Ahhh....! FUCk! Okay, I got you~!
Top 5 Albums that were made after I was born: 
1. Discovery by Daft Punk
- I��m still so sad they’ve broken up. But what they brought was absolute magic to this world. I can listen to this album on repeat and not get tired of it. I wish we had more upbeat and super fun music like this coming out more often. 
2. Plastic Beach by Gorillaz
- The beat drops, Snoop Dog speaks, I’m hooked. This got me through high school in all of the best ways. Listening to this music was life-changing- turned around my whole taste in music. This album can be played at any time. 
3. Thrill of the Arts by Vulpeck
- Insane, weird, funky album. I’m even a lover of their Smile Meditation song (?). They’re so strange and sO much fun!
- For fresh listeners, skip over the first few songs and go to: Back Pocket. What a jam!
3. Ego Death by The Internet
- Favorite Song: Under Control
- This is an album I play when I’m feeling myself or staying up late night, working hard on my art. It makes me want to dance and chill.
- Lead singer is female and GAY. She makes songs about wlw and I love it.
4. Art Angels by Grimes
- Grimes is a problematic person and I don’t love that she has married the capitalistic monster: Elon Musk. But her early work? Transports me. Sends me into a fairy/dystopian/dreamland I wish I could live in. Especially when I want to go kill a man or burn down a building. Anger is a real emotion and we gotta channel that shit in healthy ways.
5. Iteration by Com Truise
- Electronic heaven, this album will transport you out of your head and into an ethereal realm. Really a piece crafted in love, feeling, and expression of life.
Hot Summer 2021 take: Satin Thief by Abram Shook
- This is literally the sound of Summer. Released this Spring, this is a fresh, upbeat, funky, kind of ‘Driving with the windows down, blasting music with a car full of friends, soda pop in hand and feeling the Summer sun’ kind of music. Abram Shook has made 3 incredible albums and I can’t wait to see what he makes in the future. His work is super exciting!
- I really like Silk Sonic right now, but their full album hasn’t been released! I am happily waiting for it~ Anderson .Paak is one of my favorite artists right now and his giant smile makes me thrilled. If he’s making music, it’s going to be INCREDIBLE.
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lampoest · 3 years
by request from @yeessha
Mission Impossible Fallout Thoughts
Like before: cursing and spoilers !!
short logos nice !!
oop starts with lane talking, always a win 😼😼
why does lane have a beard in this dream?
ooh dramatic nice !!
probably one of my favorite openings
this is badass
hhh its my favorite anarchist:)))
ooh cool name
ofc it's about nuclear warfare why not ??
nervous benji = win
that man reminds me of elon musk :\
cant tell if that was tryna be a pg way to say 'fuck off'
where dat money luther ✋🙄🙄
what was that scream !?!
*throws plutonium*
cool car
ooh the shadows on that guys face
man this scene is really good
well shit-
oh hey that news guy
pulling a sneaky on him
i also love this scene sm
literally everything about the nils delbruuk scene
:0 so cool
benji got to wear a mask >:))))
sjshsjsgsjs they made a bet on it i love that
ethan is very cool
i can never take hunley seriously
ooh she pretty :))
this movie has great lines
i also love how it goes in depth about moral choices
also she pretty too :))))
i just realized why former presidents still are protected
i like how they curse more
bro why is walker so :)))))))
btw this is just gonna be me simping literally everyone
the height difference
ugh fuck off walker you may be pretty but replying with 'crystal' naw fam✋😬😬
yes because we can die
oop they be falling
i dont think that would work but ok if you say so
not even worth it
i couldnt tell what they were saying until i put on captions
although i dont need any captions to understand the french 😼😼
the faint beat in the background v cool
breaking things
chekhovs gun
shdhgdhshdjdhdjs why-
dis why you use the needle
damn he beating the shit out of them
ooh its ilsa
ethan why-
ooh she pretty too 😳😳
alright uh badass female is great
that man reminds me of a toddler
strong accusation coming from a terrorist
shsjdgsjs he wearing arm pads like the toddler whos mom is overprotective
oop change of plans
YES MY MAN :))))))))))
motorcycle chase pog
well shit-
eyy he killed some dudes
again walker, no one cares
oh dang she has to be careful, her aim is not the best
vrrm vrrrm
you can tell ethan is trying so hard not to punch lane rn
dang lane really flipped the interrogation hats off man
also i lowkey agree with his message. not his method though-
oop pretty ladies
also ethan killed 4 of your men maam
i love how lane is just standing there vibing while they talk to hunley
benji dont worry youre great
wait i just noticed that benji's outfit is so cool-
walker is cool tbh
ILSA !??
this seems awfully familiar
im working on it
its a trap !!!
benjis wtf face there
oop tea ????
im paying attention to outfits so i can recreate their styles
oop i love how it focuses on walker there
true true
sticking up for your friend
no hes just here because they needed more pretty men
waiting for a diversion
stole han solos line there
matching jackets😼😼
how did they swap them ??
and how did lane go along ??
chekhovs......knife ??
wow he really fell for it
also more cursing pog
my two favorite characters together :)))))
....oop i done fucked up
hunley being all cool and shit
benji being all cool and shit
lanes look of dissapointment is 🤌🤌
like damn bro you fell for that !??
he really tryna lie out of it
ooh her-
whyd he say that-
oop betrayal
i love how benji is the first to drop his weapon
so cool
yeah wait where the hell is lane ??
rip hunley
whyd they treat his death like the death of a lover or smth
first wedding crashers, then funeral crashers, what next ?? birth crashers ??
the most tom cruisey sequence ive ever seen. some comedy some crazy stunts and a broken ankle but still finishing the take
chair theft pog
also i love how not just in this scene but before you see helicopters flying around
hes just hanging onto the elevator and the look walker gives him is top notch
ooh blackmail
this feels like the glass box scene. his foes are getting away and there is nothing he can do
its mission impossible for a reason
tea time with luther
ilsa is a good friend
benji is the mvp here
dang im just realizing how pretty ethan is 😳😳
keep your eyes on the road
luther is great, this is all just a luther appreciation post
they all just copied walker's beard
oh no its julia
ah yes one of the bombs
i like how it actually does take about 15 minutes
uhh no❤️ tom cruise why must you feel the need to do this
LANE :)))))
again why does he feel the need-
walker :)))))))
julia is pretty cool
hes just like: what the fuck how- why-
airspeed ah yes the most important part of not dying
this is a julia appreciation post
what was your plan after that? the detonator would just be at the bottom of that lake
the expressions walker makes :))))
hehe bitch
well shit he has a gun
his hair !!!!!
some star wars level action here
bro benji listen to ilsa
sjsgsjgsjsvsjs this shouldn't be so funny
bro ilsa listen to benji
benji stop wasting time
probably last time but, lane !!!!!
found the other bomb
very true statements from walker
other ? bomb ??
no personal space
ooh uhm lane maybe please dont-
the way he just pops his head into frame like: what the fuck was that ?
no sir you didn't survive that. that is false
i love how she clearly has the same fighting style as before
no benji no smooth brain move
mr lane do your shoes need shining ?!?
dey see me rollin-
ofc he gets burnt why the fuck not
uuuhm what✋😀😀 when the hot oil started spraying i felt a drop of what felt like hot oil on my finger. i am in my room and there isnt even water in here. im scared
also how tf is that holding his weight
chekhovs hook
team work makes the dream work
dang keep believing lane keep thinking that ✋🙄🙄
hes still pretty
so close oh no
why do things just magically stop at the edge of cliffs
kesus crisp ethan not again
i love his shoes though -
what if the hook missed though ??
thats a no from me dawg
his meniachal little smile shdgsjsgsj
its an action film he'll have it
aww lane so sad :((( oh yeah and 1/3 of the world is saved too. good job ig.
i like how they end as friends not as romantic interests. v nice
i love how this movie highlights the importance of friends but not in a childish way. even as adults friends are important. they are there for you when no one else did. i like that message.
alright thats pretty much it. sorry that its just me simping pretty much. in conclusion this is my favorite movie 14/10 but i can't wait for the 7th movie.
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jinniesmeow · 5 years
Felicity - Bang Chan
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➵ Pairings : chan x reader
➵ Warnings : explicit language 
➵ Summary : ‘A feeling of intense joy’. That’s what sparks in you when you’re together. 
➵ Genre : best friends to lovers!au ; fluff (corniest stuff out there bruh)
➵ Word count : 3k
➵ Note : happy (belated) birthday bro @nanjaemin :’)) it’s not much at all, but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway >:) chan still ur bias right? unless you swerved again... I'd still love you anyway, you rosbif :) (I even took the time to make the gif jUST for you bro look at dat poor quality)
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“This town will never forget you, Elon Musk” 
You munch on a crisp, adding two more in your mouth before even swallowing it as you watch Homer and the rest of the Simpson family say goodbye to cartoon animated Elon Musk as he climbs back into his rocket, leaving the surface of Earth. Then, it’s the end of the episode and you happily hum along to the tune of Starman by David Bowie as they play it while the credits appear. 
Just as you’re swallowing, a sudden banging on your window makes you choke and you’re scared for your life for a second, thinking just maybe you’ll die because of a lousy prank someone pulled on you and you died asphyxiated by a crisp stuck in the middle of your throat while you were watching season twenty-six of The Simpsons in your — ironically — doughnut pyjamas. Maybe it’s better than to die after slipping in the shower though. 
Sitting up, you cough for a good ten seconds, eyes tearing up while the pain settles in your chest area. You finally manage to get that piece down the tunnel and take a breath in, eyes rolling back in relief. You’re saved from an untimely death, and you have the rest of your life to choke on more crisps while spending time in your pyjamas at eight at night, just like every normal person should. 
Exasperated, you still turn to your window, only to see Chan’s face stuck to it as he tries not to fall from your window border and break his legs two floors down on your dad’s freshly mowed lawn. With a sigh, you get up from your comfortable spot amongst five of your pillows you’ve set on the floor, facing the television. 
“You better have something urgent to tell or I'll push your ass until you land on it down there, accidents happen so fast” you tell him as you open your window but stand in front of him, not letting him set a foot inside. 
“Oh come on” he groans and tries to push past you, almost losing balance and you think he’s actually gonna fall off for a second and your heart skips a beat, imagining your best friend breaking his back in your garden because of you. “it’s date night” he says as he finally manages to get past you, dreading he will fall for real if he makes another unthought move. 
“It’s what night, now?” you whip around to face him as he stretches his sore legs in the middle of your room, not caring about the mud stains he’s leaving on your carpet in the slightest. 
“You know,” he grunts as he touches the tip of his feet with his hands, ass facing you (which only makes you roll your eyes), “it’s Friday night and we always hang out on Friday nights” he says as he finally starts untying his shoes, although keeping his weird position while doing the deed. 
You furrows your eyebrows and frown. “Okay, and? Since when are we calling that ‘date’ night?” 
Chan heaves a long sigh as he stands back up, putting his hands on his lower back to push his pelvis and get his bones to crack. “Since I decided it” he says and without waiting for you to comment on it, he takes his shoes off and throws himself ass first on the bunch of pillows you’ve put down for yourself earlier. “What are we watching tonight?” he casually asks as he finally spares you a glance. It’s actually more because he’s looking for the remote and of course, you have it in your hands. 
You roll your eyes and let out a curt sigh, biting the inside of your cheek. “Nothing, I have other things planned for tonight” you tell him. 
He scoffs and points at the TV and the bag of crisps laying next to him on the floor. “Like what? Watching the Simpsons all night long while eating junk food until you explode or something?” he jokes. 
He thinks he’s clever, but the corners of your lips don’t even move up a tiny bit. If anything, they turn further down, because as much as Chan said that mockingly, that’s exactly what you had planned on doing tonight. Alone. That means without him, but it’s a subtlety he seems not to understand. He’s so invasive, and all you want is to have one night to yourself while you can. Weekdays are too busy for you to do anything at night except going straight to bed, so weekends are your only occasion to turn into a giant junk food-eating slug, and for once in your life, you would actually appreciate it if Chan gave you some space. 
A word Chan undoubtedly doesn’t know the definition to, as he just pats the spot he just made for you next to him. “Come on,” he pleads, “I’ll let you choose the movie” he says but you don’t move. 
You’re torn, because you definitely want to spend time with Chan and you can’t lie to yourself anymore, there’s definitely more to your feelings for him, not just plain friendship, but that’s exactly why you don’t want him here in your room tonight, because you can't think if he’s right next to you. And the whole ‘date night’ thing? Not helping. 
No matter how hard you want to kick him out, you can’t win a fight against the devil, and you know for sure Chan isn’t just going to accept and obediently leave you alone, because his mind is set on spending the night with you, so that’s just what he’ll get. 
You close your eyes and let out a defeated sigh. “Fine,” you comply and he instantly starts grinning, “but since you said I'm choosing, I'll pick a Ghibli movie” you add and his smile instantly disappears. 
“Please don’t make me watch that Mononoke thing again” he says with pleading eyes. You give him an evil smile, turning around to pick one of your DVDs. 
“Oh,” you say as you turn to face him again before putting it in the player, getting Chan to look at you with wide eyes, animated by a glint of curiosity paired with an ounce of fear of your next words. “you only get one bathroom break, and if you stay in there longer than five minutes I swear I will break that door down and drag your ass back in here myself, I even have my winter gloves prepared specifically for that” you smile innocently (it’s all fake though) and turn to push the DVD inside the player. 
Chan whines behind you. “Is that a way to treat the person you cherish most?” he’s being dramatic and you chuckle at his antics. 
“In your dreams, Bang” you reply, back still facing him. 
“Maybe..” he says lowly, and though you’re not supposed to hear it, you do. 
Totally (not) in control of your own mind and body though, you show no sign that you have and just turn around to sit next to Chan at a reasonable distance of about five centimetres, your mind set on keeping that between the two of you all night this time, for the sake of your own heart. You hit the ‘play’ button and watch as Porco Rosso starts playing on the screen. 
“Why are you doing this to me” he complains after barely five seconds when the movie hasn’t even started yet. You hit his chest with your left arm, using only the knuckles of your hand. 
“Will you shut up already? This one’s my favourite”
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Your resolution has flown out the window not even twenty minutes into the movie after you’ve let Chan drag the pillow you’re sitting on towards him without protesting. 
You can try, but you know already your mind can’t win the fight against your heart, and you let your head fall on his shoulder while he snakes his arm around your form, pushing you further into him. You’re doing the best you can at keeping a steady breathing and a normal heart rate, but he’s not helping when he turns his head a little to have his lips brush against your forehead. 
To be honest, you’re losing it. But the storm is raging only on the inside, and all you can do to ease your pain is close your eyes and hope it’ll help make the feelings go away, somehow. 
Big mistake. It does make you focus on your breathing, helps you stabilise it and even slow it down. But it works so well that you end up falling asleep right there in his arms, lulled to sleep by the sounds of the movie playing in the background and the heat of Chan’s body pressed against yours. 
You only wake up four hours later and it’s past midnight. You want to kick your own ass when you realise what’s happened, but you can’t throw a fist at your own face right now. Chan has laid you down with him — on the floor, because your bed is a single one unfortunately — and you’re kind of stuck in his embrace, your back pressed against his chest. You can feel his breath on the back of your neck and you want to scream at how ticklish that makes you feel. 
You don’t move for an uncertain amount of time. It feels like hours, but barely four minutes have actually passed when you start chewing on your lip, knowing already what you’re about to do is probably — most likely — a mistake. 
Not listening to yourself, you turn around, rolling on your other side so you’re now facing him. You’ve been in similar — if not the exact same — positions with Chan countless times. And yet, this time it feels weird for you, like you shouldn’t be so close to him, like it’s wrong. 
Truth is, you think your feeling for him are wrong, because you feel like you’ve betrayed him. Friendship is definitely the purest and strongest bond two people can share, and you’ve established exactly that with him for years and years, and now you’re on the verge of blowing it because all of a sudden your dumb heart can’t behave? 
Even if you do date. You’re both young, and unless a crisp brings an end to it before you can do anything, you still have your whole lives to live. You can’t be sure you’ll stay with him for long, and you can’t stand the thought of not having him in your life. Besides, a change of relationship could most definitely impact your behaviour towards each other and make things weird between the two of you — like it sort of already has on your part. 
You’re having a life crisis, and Chan is just laying there, snoring into your face. The stress induced by all your self-questioning has made you wiggly, and your leg is actually bouncing lightly now, without you noticing. Though Chan is a quite heavy sleeper, that paired with your repetitive sighs and the fact you’ve been tossing around for fifteen minutes is enough to pull him out of his slumber, and just as you’re turning again to face away from him, he puts his hand on your arm to stop you from moving. 
“You know the bathroom’s next door if you need it, right” he grumbles in a hoarse voice. 
“I don’t need to-”
“Then, stop moving” he cuts you off. 
So you just lay there on your side, forced to face him. You sigh deeply. 
“Something wrong?” he asks, although it looks like he won’t be awake long enough to hear your answer. 
“No, n-not really” you stutter. Chan opens his eyes anyway. It takes him like what, three minutes? but he does. You can’t even believe he interrupted his sleep for you, and that only adds to your uncomfortable feeling. 
“Spill it” he just says, blinking rapidly through barely open eyes to try and stay awake. At least, long enough so you can get whatever’s bothering you out. 
You bite on your lip. “I think..” you stop yourself, changing your mind before you can say something too straightforward. You choose another way around things instead. “What if.. I had feelings... for someone and didn’t know how to tell them?” you say hesitantly. Chan’s eyes are closed again, breathing heavy, but he’s not asleep yet. 
“If it’s not me, I'll chop their legs off” he says bluntly, and in any other circumstances you would have exploded into fits of laughter at the contrast between his words and his pouty, bloated by sleep face. 
You chuckle nervously, trying to ignore the huge jump your heart just made in your chest. “Whaaa- that’s pretty gore, you got them feelings for my person or something?” you try to laugh it off and speak with a dumb accent, but regret your words as soon as they’re out of your mouth, because you can already feel the pain of what you think he’s about to say hit you, and every trace of what looks like a smile disappears from your face instantly. You try to make things right before it’s too late. “I mean-”
“Yes.” he answers, “been a while, thanks for noticing” 
Thankfully, you’re already on the floor. You can’t even register what the fuck is going on in your body and mind right now, but you’re pretty sure you’re just plain frozen. The machine just broke. 
Chan opens his eyes and looks into your wide ones. You feel the pain of heartbreak coming back quickly when you think he’s about to erupt into laughter and tell you it’s a joke. It’s like Chan is reading right through you though, because he doesn’t even let you say anything that would potentially put yourself down. 
“Do I have to kiss you to prove I'm telling the truth?” he says but it’s not even a question, because he’s gonna do it anyway, and somewhere deep inside you know he will too. 
And that’s just what he does. His eyes look down to your lips a second, and the next his lips are on yours, preventing your heart from jumping out of your chest that way. He’s so gentle, you just think you’re still dreaming and you actually never woke up in the first place. Is your whole life even real or is it just some twisted dream? Are you just going to wake up in a room with plain white walls and realise that was all your imagination? 
But you don’t. It’s been seconds, minutes, hours maybe, and you still haven’t woken up. It’s actually very real, and you finally allow yourself to kiss him back after getting over the shock of the events of the night. You’re lost in the feeling of his lips on yours, of his hand on the small of your back as he puts it there to push you even closer to him, if it’s possible. 
You pull back a few centimetres so you can renew your oxygen stock in anticipation to more of kissing his plump lips, if he allows it. Chan chuckles. 
“Nice” he just says. You’re not sure you’ve heard well. Did he just-?
You hit his chest. “Nice? Nice?? That’s it?” you gasp at his reaction. You’ve felt like exploding with butterflies right there and that’s all he has to say? 
“Hey!” he quickly defends himself, pushing your hand away so you can’t hit him anymore, “I’ve been waiting for this for years, I’m allowed to be at a loss for words too” 
You almost choke again, on your own spit (and maybe a bit of his too) this time. 
“Wha- years? Chan what the fu- why didn’t you say anything?” you attack him as your eyes are about to pop out of your face with how shocked you are. Years, he said. 
He just sighs. “Didn’t want to ruin our friendship, and I was kinda scared you would reject my ass” he explains. “does this ruin our friendship?” he asks hurriedly, a hint of worry obvious in his voice. 
Your entire self softens instantly. “No, of course not” you say. You’re sure of it. Your worries, just like his, had reasons to be, but after giving it about enough thinking, you’re about one hundred percent certain it’s just another way of seeing your relationship, like another step, something like that. Yes, a new side of the dice. 
“Oh thank god” Chan says and you giggle a little at his relieved face. He turns serious again quickly though. “Now whose legs do I have to chop off?” he half-jokes, although worry (and a dash of jealousy) are hidden carefully in the depths of his sleepy voice. 
You smile genuinely. You’re not cruel enough to make him believe it’s someone else or to tell him he can’t know, and to be true, you really just want to get it out of your chest and let him know how you feel too. 
“Yeah, I don’t think you’ll have to worry about chopping anyone’s limbs off” you whisper with an airy chuckle. 
Chan quirks an eyebrow. “Is that so?” he inquires.
Saying he’s relieved, saying he’s happy, saying anything about how he’s feeling is an understatement anyway. He can’t put words on it himself. All he knows is that he’s feeling amazing, like it’s too good to be true. He’s happiest when he’s with you, and he’s happier than he’s ever been right now. It’s a feeling he doesn’t want to go away.
“It is so” you confirm. 
It’s just spreading into his limbs, settling in his body everywhere. That’s the kind of way it feels when you’re together. 
He hopes it lasts. 
(quick a/n: it’s late right now that I'm (trying) to edit this before posting it and I'm leaving at 5:30am tomorrow to work so like if there were any typos and shit that doesn’t make sense I definitely did not see it. please excuse me for that :’))
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ironman-lover2005 · 4 years
Coronavirus Endgame
Summary: The Coronavirus pandemic has caused mass hysteria. You fight to survive in the post apocalyptic world. Hilarity ensues.   
Warning: Graphic content
Tumblr media
    It was 16 months after the outbreak. The virus spread across the planet in no time. The initial death toll was peanuts compared to when it reached its peak 5 months in. The World Health Organization classified it as a global pandemic. The media dubbed it the Coronavirus. Sadly it had nothing to do with the beer.
   The virus was feared by many but still regarded as a joke by a vast majority of people. They thought it would never affect them. If only those people were still alive to know how wrong they were.    
   It all started in China after a few people got poisoned by eating bat soup. Weird thing to eat and in hindsight it was the worst mistake in human history. The Coronavirus, or code name COVID19, spread like a wildfire. It was first regarded as a supped up flu. Later-on the deaths proved it was one-hundred times more deadly.  
  Day by day we saw how much the virus spread across the globe. Any little spec of COVID19 germ in the air could lead to contamination. It was easily contagious like the flu but the symptoms wouldn’t manifest for two weeks. People were walking around already contaminated without a clue.
   Weeks went by as the media reported death after death. The virus made its way to Italy until it became the 2nd most contaminated country on the planet. The Italian government shut down all daily activities. Citizens were forbidden from leaving the house unless there was an emergency. It became so bad later-on that the rest of the world decided it was time to nuke Italy off the map or face super contamination. World leaders did not hesitate to pull the trigger. Millions of lives were lost but to no avail. The virus kept spreading even after killing all those innocent, sick people.
   The North Korean’s had their own way of dealing with the situation. Anyone found guilty of carrying symptoms of the Coronavirus were shot on sight. The North Korean government kept it hush-hush until videos of the killings went viral on the internet. Sadly, no one cared. Trying to end the contamination was a good thing, right?
   At this point months went by as scientists everywhere scrambled to get the cure. Even fake news outlets like TMZ were reporting about our favourite celebs dying from the disease. Anything to cause mass hysteria. Elon Musk eventually gave up and took a private rocket to Mars. No one knows how that turned out.
    This all brings me back to my own personal tragedies. I was one of those idiots who thought the virus would just be gone one day and it would never affect me. Wrong.
   My parents were the first to die. Then my brother. My uncles and aunts. My cousins. Everyone around me got infected one by one. Every death led me into a darker place mentally. I almost couldn’t go on until I linked up with some longtime friends.
   Maddie was one of my best buds. She was an emotionless wreck on the outside but a soft and kind-hearted mess on the inside. She was the first person I went to see after my entire family died. She took me in, fed me, took care of me. We almost had everything we could hope for during an apocalypse. Food, shelter and toilet paper.
    But the world outside was a raging cesspool. The people lost their minds. Civilization as a whole ceased to exist and laws were nowhere to be found. It was every man, woman and animal for themselves. Savage beatings and robberies were now the norm. Anything to get what they need to survive.
  One cold, silent night and everything I had was gone in the blink of an eye. I woke up in the middle of the night to screams of death coming from Maddie’s room. I rushed as quickly as I could but I was too late. The people who got to Maddie had already ransacked the room and fled before I even got there. Her face was bashed in, bleeding from every orifice. Her body was twitching as she crawled to me. Her hand reaching out to me as I stood there frozen in horror. I fell to my knees and started weeping. I took Maddie in my arms and screamed for help. With one final breath, Maddie looked at me in the eyes and muttered “we getting it”. She passed out and never regained consciousness.
   Even after losing Maddie, I pulled myself back up and pushed on. But that wasn’t even the worst death I had to endure.
   I wandered around in the streets every night. Going from house to house. Living day by day. Eventually I found another person that I cared about deeply. 
   One night while randomly walking through the streets. I found my best friend, Eureka, lurking in the shadows on the corner of a dark alley. My eyes opened wide in disbelief. I thought I would never see her again. I ran up to her with a smile of relief on my face. We both embraced each other while crying tears of joy.  
    After the initial shock and disbelief of meeting up in the apocalypse so randomly, we got to work and procured a decent shelter. It was a run down old house that was barricaded after the disease outbreak. We made it our own little home. Things were looking good. But all good things must come to an end.  
   One day we decided to head out and look for more food as our supplied were running dry. We ended up visiting an old place where we used to work back in the good old days before Corona hit. It was a little pharmacy on the side of the street. Being inside felt like old times. The place was empty. We didn’t hear a single peep as we walked in slowly but surely. We took a couple bags and started scavenging what was left of the shelves. Some old expired chips, dirty cans of soup, maple sirup. We got everything we needed and set sail for the front door. But on the way out the unthinkable happened.
   Eureka ended up saving me from contamination after a hysterical man tried to lunge and cough at me. Lucky for me she pushed me out of the way and took the cough germs straight to the lungs. The man hightailed it out of there as soon as he got his victim. The piece of crap just wanted to end a life for no reason. I once again found myself hopeless, yelling for help into a cold abyss. Eureka was coughing up blood a few seconds after the disease spread in her body. She died two weeks later after I tried everything in my power to save her life. COVID19 is a bitch that took away my rock.
  I ended up alone, again, 10 months deep into the apocalypse. I was barely surviving off of canned beans and water. My body was becoming frail. Every step I took required maximum effort. One day I was walking outside, begging anything that could hear me to give me some food. I could feel my bones cracking as I stumbled to the pavement. I lost consciousness for a few minutes. My head was aching after hitting the cement. Bloody and on the brink of death I somehow woke up later in a warm bed with some food and water on a nightstand right next to me.
   All that brings us to the present day. As I write this story in my diary to reminisce of the loved ones that I lost. And to remind myself that I now have a new life, away from the Coronavirus, away from death. I’m now in a safe house miles away from the main land. Completely safe with all that I ever wanted.
-“Hey, you coming to bed?”
-“I’ll be right there, Iron-Man”.
-“Hey, don’t call me that. It’s embarrassing”.
-“Okay, Tony. Just let me finish writing”.
    Anyways where was I? Oh yeah. Tony Stark saved my life and now I live with him on his private island. Safe and sound. Living my lifelong dream.
   This one is for you, Maddie. We got it. But at what cost?
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medigocrazy-blog · 4 years
Dexamethasone- The Wonder Drug or The Desperate Hope?
Despite all the desperate efforts to control the spread of the virus SARS-CoV2, wiz getting on nerves of us, humans, as a very, very, social ;sometimes; toxic, species 
Hello,          I am Arjun and this picture is not me. Its been like 6 months into this pandemic and I have been eating all this junk you can actually say that this picture is me.Gosh, I was so excited for 2020 because so many exciting things were about to happen. Elon Musk was actually going to complete that Neuralink trial thingy by the end of this year and I could finally end my never ending struggle to take care of my> oh my god> numerous organ systems? my weight ? and my metabolism? any my eyesight? and my everything? Who the h*ll does that? 
But no, its just not happening guys. I am pretty sure now because 2020 is just the worst year! let us just agree to that as a starter!
Can you guys like believe that we cannot go out for window shopping anymore?
I go out to buy milk and I have to wear this Halo master chief armored suit thingy.
Ordering from Starbucks is just a pandemic and one kidney away and I certainly cannot beat the Indian summer heat.
I am desperate, I am so desperate that Baba Ramdev doing Yoga at 4:30 in the morning actually makes sense somehow.
I am so desperate that my lockdown 3 AM anthem is :
Taoism talks about how you should go with the flow so thats what I am actually doing, I am finally going with the flow,
But it feels like this flow is actually going towards a falling waterfall and we all are almost on the edge now.
The International airlines are shut down You cannot travel to Ladakh or Goa with your friends and Emiway just featured Macklemore in his song? Like seriously? He went from worshiping M&M to MM? Half a million people have died due to the Coronavirus alone
Yemen is going through a civil war and one of the worst famines in modern history.
And for some reason Delhi is getting its ego drop by a series of Earthquakes.
Well,  Thank You 2020, UNESCO just declared you to be the most confused year in the history of mankind. Like seriously, please decide what you want man.
Now, lets talk medicine.
Lets talk about the scope Dexamethasone potentially has, against Covid-19,
There has been numerous claims in the recent past to have successfully found a potential cure for Covid-19, But I was like meh; BUT I am pretty excited for this one which Oxford just released a statement for I think last night maybe.
The World Health Organisation also applauded the initial results of the study.
It is really interesting, the excerpt said that they are trying to publish the data as soon as possible which basically makes it a more trustworthy of a claim.
The study was an attempt to potentially use Dexamethosone  (A long acting corticosteroid which can remain in the systemic circulation for as long as 3 days) as a DOC for the Covid19.
What are Steroids?
Steroids is a group of chemical compounds with extensive properties often used as a drug of choice for many life threatening diseases.
Some steroids ( Androgenic Steroids) are activated due to stress and leads to many anabolic processes inside your body for example "Muscle building", When you are like trying to get those gains so badly in the gym, what basically happens is you are stressing your muscular cells (also injuring) as a result of resistance training and then steroids are produced as a physiological response so that more and more protein is available for the muscle to repair (btw this is the reason why some bodybuilders using anabolic steroids, end up gaining exceptional gains over years of steroid use)
Some steroids (Glucocorticoids) can strongly suppress the immune system by either suppressing certain genes in various immune cells or by blocking the important enzyme activities. These steroids can act as Anti Inflammatory too which basically means these steroids counter any inflammatory response which can be physiological or pathological. This is the reason that if a steroid taken in the early phase of the Covid-19 disease (The mild symptomatic or Asymptomatic phase) can actually suppress the immunity to a certain point that the drug itself becomes counterproductive.
Some Steroids (Mineralocorticoids) maintain the mineral balance by salt retention, etc. Lets just skip this one.
Adrenal Gland produces Steroid. Them tiny glands you can see above the kidneys.
Now the immunity suppressing nature of Dexamethasone is also the reason why it cannot be taken as a mass prophylaxis drug,  unless the patient is in a state of severe immune response to the infection and requires ventilation or ICU.
The exudate formed in the lungs become an overwhelming immune response to fighting the virus and becomes fatal by causing the patient to stay in respiratory distress and finally succumbing to death.
The Trials done by the Oxford University aka RECOVERY trials, said that :
"1 death would be prevented by treatment of around 8 ventilated patients"
"around 25 patients requiring oxygen alone as of now"
*The prognosis may potentially increase as with other combinations in the future*
The study is really interesting because the study population was relatively large ( around 11,500) ; The Cohort population was around 2100 and Control was 4300 which is really exciting.
How does Dexamethasone work against SARS - CoV2?
Dexamethasone is a long acting Corticosteroid and mostly suppress the genes of immune expression
This is the Mechanism of Action of the drug if you are interested:  
Dexamethosone vs The Immune System :  
The goal of this drug is to just deactivate the immune system which has gone kinda crazy over this virus.
The immune system (IS) basically starts acting like its IS and terrorizes the whole body like its Iraq or Syria.
Jokes aside, This drug can really do some great damage to the hyper super- immune response which is kind of self destructive as the disease progress. Let's try to understand HOW
Only Within 6 hours of single dose of Dexamethasone:
There is a decreased availabilty of lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes,
These cells start redistributing and becomes less available and inactive for almost a day or two.
Also there is a decreased adhesion of these cells to blood vessel walls due to Dexamethasone, Actually the drug is not letting these immune cells to cross the wall of the vessel and go to the infection site (which is kinda cool cuz' no immune response no problem right? seriously why didnt evolution think of this?)
SECONDLY < there is a > decreased phagocytotic capacity of the immune cells so that they do not eat up the virus and form further exudates.
Finally leading to the decrease in respiratory burst (It is the area inside a phagocyte where we burn the pathogen inside the phagolysosome usually, in the case of Covid19,  later explodes and kills us, Dont worry the jokes' on evolution not us )
Now the first most remarkable thing Dexamethasone does is, that, it suppresses Macrophage activity.
Which is basically blocking the Arachidonic Acid Pathway, Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, Interleukin 1, Interleukin 6 and TNF
Explaination :
IL-1 goes to the brain and causes fever and normally increases the production of steroids by stimulating the hypothalamus, but since we are giving Dexamethasone (which is a steroid) there's something called as a negative feedback and it decreases the natural physiological production of steroid, causing the person to be severely dependent on steroids; and if the person stops taking this steroid, he can eventually die due to acute adrenal insufficiency, thats the reason why we should always taper the dose when withdrawing a steroid.
The Interleukin 6 usually activates almost all other immune system actions (Remember that respiratory burst is also decreased and hence theres no signal from the MHC I and II to activate the immune system either)  but when it is suppressed by Dexamethoasone, it cannot activate the immune response like it normally would.
The second most important thing is that Dexamethasone down stimulates the cooperation between naive T cells and Interleukins
In Covid 19, Macrophage connects with the Naive T cells and there is a co-stimulation and can be two pathways. (depending on which interleukin is available for the naive T cell)
The first pathway:
In presence of Interleukin 4, these Naive T cells convert into T helper -1 cells which further increases Interleukin 4 and Interleukin 5 by positive feedback mechanism.
Finally causing the other cells of cell- mediated immunity, the "B-cells" to become active and produce antibodies which bind with the virus antigen and try to repeatedly neutralise it. (and kills us).
The Dexamethasone can potentially end all this suffering by attacking a gene known as GATA3 on the T helper 1 cell, (Remember Steroids suppress some immune genes it is just one of them) and hence GATA3 is suppressed, and therefore the chain is broken and there is no immune response ( yay, we alive now)
The second pathway :
If the naive t cell has Interleukin 12 available instead of Interleukin 4, it becomes T helper 2 cell, which produces Interleukin 2, which activates Cytotoxic T cells which produces some naughty proteins called perforins and granzymes.
These Perforin causes perforations in the infected cell and granzymes are then injected to that infected cell which makes the cell kind of commit suicide I guess ?. (and it kills us)
Dexamethasone acts on the T-bet gene on the T helper 2 cell which suppresses the further activation of immune response ( and hey we back to life again)
Now, ALL this information which just went over all of our heads is just the immune suppression of steroids, Lets not go in details with the EXTENSIVE collection of what Dexamethasone can actually achieve.
Please note the trials were done with Dexamethasone and not other corticosteroids mainly because of its wide availability, inexpensive nature, and most importantly because it is along acting Corticosteroid despite being the most potent among them
Dexamethasone also decreases inflammation
Explaination :
Our Cell membranes have a phospholipid bilayer, which is converted by PLA2( Phospholipase A2 ) enzyme to Arachidonic Acid. a) Arachidonic Acid is acted on By COXs ( Cyclooxygenases) to release PGE2F2, PGI2, Thromboxin A2 b) Arachidonic acid can be converted to Leukotrienes by LOXs (Lipooxygenase)
Dexamethasone can block the PLA2 enzyme and COX2 and COX1,  by producing Lipocortin 1, and therefore there's no formation of Arachidonic Acid in the first place, and the whole inflammatory system goes down. (Kudos to the structure of Dexamethasone)
Please, keep in mind that we do need the immune and inflammatory response in the early part of the disease but as their  actions overwhelm the healthy effects of the process, steroids can be used. Not too early, because it can actually worsen the disease if steroids are administered too early.
Some Side Effects which are to be kept in mind :
1. Withdrawl :
- Underlying disease which we were treating may rebound even stronger than before - Acute Adrenal Insufficiency - Pseudotumor Cerebri - Myalgias - Arthralgias - Malaise
2. Hyper use of steroid for long period :
- Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities - HTN ( more sodium retention) - Hyperglycemia ( gluconeogenesis) - Increased infection susceptibility (suppressed immune system) - Behavioral disturbances - Striae (fat redistribution)
While this is a serious concern for us as Indians, people are already stocking up Dexamethasone, price is most likely to spike up and things actually somehow do not work perfectly in India. Let's hope we learn from our mistakes in the past and just get this done and over with. PS - I will try to post more articles like this if I find something interesting regarding the pandemic. Thank you for the time. :)   Feel free to contact.
Source: Dexamethasone statement by WHO
Oxford Recovery Trial Statement
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eldritch-elrics · 5 years
MEMES 2018
happy 2019 everyone! let’s take a look back at the memes of 2018.
i decided at the start of the year to keep a running list of memes i saw. here it is!
they’re in roughly chronological order but not always
some of these might not count as memes
some are probably from years other than 2018, but i noticed them in 2018
mostly tumblr memes but also some from youtube, etc
bolded are the ones that i found most important or prominent, at least in my sphere of the internet
anyway, on to the list
tide pods / forbidden snacks
mcdonalds alignment chart
connect four
do you know the way? / ugandan knuckles
fbi agent
knuckles dying
left exit off ramp
somebody toucha ma spaghet
shirtless kylo ren
it’s 2028
pop team epic characters
the return of cat no banana
boo boo the fool
google arts and culture
absolute unit
thinking face emoji, thonking
person at stall with coffee: change my mind
mii channel theme
steamed hams
that’s just how it is on this bitch of an earth
green m&m message
upside down mcdonalds sign
gru’s plan
a song but every other beat
roblox death oof
but go off i guess
gay/bi/lesbian distinguished/functional/disaster alignment charts
russians blocked from tumblr
krusty krab vs chum bucket
you guys are just mean
we need a disney princess who x
american chopper argument
braver than a us marine
spongebob nopants
gay keyboard smashing
“mine” by bazzi
hand sanitizer vs 0.01% of germs
the ok sign (gottem)
“click to see a ghost” (it’s not a ghost)
god tier vriska
if you don’t love me at my x
zuckerberg trial
regular couple / yaoi couple / yuri couple
wallmart yodeler
press f to pay respects
todd howard’s wikipedia page
infinity war is the most ambitious crossover event in history
x dies in infinity war
john mulaney
you know what that is? growth
guy shooting other guy on couch (who killed hannibal)
floating boy chasing running boy
the baking a cake song from lazytown
t pose to assert dominance
is this a pigeon?
lesbians who like thor
bart hits homer with a chair
childish gambino - this is america
trumpet boy
person alarmed by powerpoint
i don’t feel so good…
miiverse (who thought it was even remotely okay to put this here)
scene from the good place where janet has a cactus
it’s free real estate
we live in a society
t hanos
chinken nunget
the dancing trickster god guy with the wacky glasses
lightning shapes
standing in lettuce
todd howard in general
ihob - the b stands for burgers
crow talks over smaller bird
we’ve updated our privacy policy
this is so sad alexa play despacito
big dick energy
human and robot from i robot talking
list of best x characters
fingers in his ass
*snap* yep. this one’s going in my cringe compilation
polite cat
slaps roof of car
let’s go lesbians!!
young thug on the computer
fucking superb you funky little x
characters react to you having a tapeworm
teleportation arg
howard the alien
small your dick
alternate responses to “i love you”
more alignment charts, most notably bitch/thot/bastard edgy/depressed/dumbass
elon musk
different communities shaking hands or fist bumping over a shared thing
favorite character bingo
energy sword sunday
thank the bus driver
the comeback of minecraft
asbestos becoming legal
pensive emoji
drake, where’s the door hole?
my two brain cells communicating
twink boutta pounce
kung pow penis
johnny johnny
can you cast obsidian
do yall hear sumn?..
x happened at claire’s
responses to “i’d die for you”
manga/anime/netflix adaptation
moths and lamps
bongo cat
x do y challenge
zendaya is meechee
adding lucky luciano to photos
presidential alert
the scp foundation
skyrim dialogue: hey, you’re finally awake
setting other songs to the party rock anthem video
weird flex but ok
youtube outage
can i copy your homework?
attention all fortnite gamers, john wick needs your help
tik tok (i wanna be tracer, hit or miss, why do good girls like bad guys)
let’s get this bread
super smash bros world of light trailer
what sort of pics usually get sent at 3 am? ;)
one taught me love, one taught me patience, one taught me pain
"x, can i have y to do z?” “to do z?” “yeeeees"
a human, a monster, a prince from the dark
pikachu :0 face
detective pikachu
have a seat please. i would like to discuss steven universe with you
chonk chart
i’m making fucking mac and cheese
they did surgery on a grape
fantasy art of a creature holding a sword out to another creature
imagine doing x (this post made by y)
no nut november
frankenstein is the creator not the monster
fallout 76
that’s my emotional support x
tumblr nsfw ban, female-presenting nipples
the death of fingers in his ass sunday
domino effect
big chungus
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cow-chop-junk · 6 years
Round 1
Alec vs James
Alec (ALEC)
Brett vs Aleks
Aleks (DJ GUY)
Round 2
Aleks vs Alec
Aleks (DJ GUY)
Alec (ALEC)
Brett vs James
Round 3
James vs Alec
Alec (ALEC)
Aleks vs Brett
Aleks (DJ GUY)
Round 1
James vs Aleks
Aleks (DJ GUY)
Alec vs Brett
Alec (ALEC)
Round 2
James vs Alec
Alec (ALEC)
Aleks vs Brett
Aleks (DJ GUY)
Round 3
James vs Brett
Alec vs Aleks
Aleks (DJ GUY)
Aleks (DJ GUY)
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0carkki0 · 6 years
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Dead character meme: by EastZombie (deviantArt), Jan 5, 2014, 9:54:42 AM Scraps This is a questionnaire for any character/s that has/have died. You can fill it out with one or more characters, and it should be filled out either by role-playing or by first-person answers. Because I hate writing pronouns to be both singular and plural, the assumption is that there's only person, when this questionnaire could work for more. Enjoy. 1. What is your name? Vivs: Vividatt. Nice to meet you. 2. Alright then. When were you born? Vivs: At Metrica Province Hinterlabs. It is notfar away from Rata Sum, our main city. 3. And when did you die? Vivs: Last year for the last time. I have died two times now. The first time took Place little after the Bloodstone Fen incident, which a year before the last time. 4. Now, for the big question, how did you kick the bucket? Be as explicit as you like. At the first time it was an ability to heal issue. Seliene, a human… friend of mine was there to stop me from becoming the world's nemesis after I... lost my senses to my other personality within my mind. We were both quite exhausted from fighting the whole day and it was time for that final strike. I did manage to destroy her heart, but since she was a Dragonhunter, she was able to keep herself alive till her arrow went through my head. After that I found myself from being judged by the judge of the afterlife. I was just hearing my judgement when the judge stopped judging and then told me that I was being summoned back in Exchange. That's when I woke up with Seliene's dead body in my arms. Second time… was when I faced the God of War and Fire in a battle where I wasn't prepared at all. He was actually just playing with me while we were fighting, and then finally killed me with his greatsword. I... would have stayed dead if it didn't bother me that Auriene, a dragonbaby at the time, had just tried to help me just before I died, and was caught. Well… AFter I came back to well… "life" it was obvious that my body wasn't living in a normal way anymore. It was and Still is in a state that shouldn't be able to live. But here I am. Feeling better than ever. 5. Are you upset about dying, or are you at peace with it? Vivs: I'm more upset by the fact that I had to come back. I knew that I couldn't be at peace knowing that Auriene was caught because of me. Then again, I may have come back as a ghost anyway... 6. If you could miraculously come back to life, would you? Vivs: Of course. First of all I could have progeny of my own, if I found a female asura that shared my views of... life with me. Secondly, the chances to die are higher than they currently are. Thirdly, I could feel pain more clearly. *smile* 7. Now that you’re dead, what do you feel was your greatest achievement in your life? Vivs: So far… Probably killing Mordremoth, an Elder Dragon of Plants and Mind. We had to enter inside of his mind to be able to kill him. ANd uh... kill a friend before Mordremoth took over his mind… 8. And your greatest regret? Vivs: Heh... I have a lot of those, but… the greatest one must be that I never told Taimi how I see her mind. Now… it's too late. I'm dead, sort of... Though, once an elder asura said that if you're able to think, you're alive. If only was really that simple. 9. Is there anything you wish you had done before you died? Anything at all? Vivs: It's my greatest regret. 10. If you could go back and relive one part of your life, would you? And if so, what part would it be and why? Would you do anything differently? Vivs: Ahh… There are so many… Probably that time when Seliene and I were inside my... lab. Let's say it was close I didn't lick her. *grin* 11. Did you have any beliefs regarding the afterlife during your life? If so, were they correct? Vivs: Not really. We have an Access to the Mists where all the deceased go, and thanks to our Gates, living may go too. We also have a lot of information about afterlife inside the Durmand Priory headquarters. … It's an Order I joined around when we were just learning more about the Elder Dragon's circle of life. 12. You can send a written message to one still-living person, who is it and what do you say to them? Vivs: Uhh… I'd rather write that after I was really gone, if you don't mind.   13. If your canon’s version of the afterlife allows it, are you going to be a ghost? Vivs: It might be fun. Going through WALLS... And people… Possessing people. And... I think I know who I would LOVE to possess… *grin* 14. Did you leave any loved ones behind when you died? Vivs: Yes. My friends. My Grandmother. 15. If it’s applicable to your canon’s afterlife, were you reunited with any loved ones when you died? Vivs: Not really. I was chasing after the memories of my life in the Domain of the Lost, before I met with the Judge. He sent me back after I did a little favor for him. 16. Did you have a funeral? If so did you see it? Was it nice? Did the people there serve the glory that is your life justice? Vivs: Well, there was no time for that. It didn't take that long after I was sent back here, but I was glad to see my friends after I awoke… I kind of dislike using that Word nowadays, thanks to Palawa Joko... but my friends were gathered around me and it seemed like they actually were sad that I had died. That little seewtheart Kasmeer Meade even shed tears for me. At least I hope she was crying for me... ^ w ^` 17. If it’s applicable, what happened to your body after you died? Were you buried, cremated, made into pencils, or was your body unrecoverable in some way? Are you an organ donor? Vivs: I have asked to burn my body if I die for good. 18. Was your death expected or unexpected? Vivs: Both. I'm sure Balthazar, the God of War and Fire, was expecting it. Me? No. And I don't think the others did either. 19. If you could go back and prevent yourself from dying, would you? Why or why not? Vivs: Of course. Like I said, I'd rather be alive fully for thereasons I already mentioned. 20. If you could to pick one person to die, and it had to be somebody you knew, would you pick someone? Why or why not? If you do pick someone, who would it be and why? Vivs: Me. For good. I don't like myself. And I'm sure a lot of people would be saved without me. 21. Where did you die? Did you die in a hospital, in an ambulance, in a car, in your sleep, in a factory, in your house, or where? Vivs: Crystal Desert, Elon Riverlands, Skimshallow Cove up at the spire. 22. What was your general goal in life? Vivs: It Still is saving Tyria, and my friends. Though, sometimes I wonder…. 23. Did you achieve it? Vivs: So far we have destroyed an Elder Dragon Zhaitan, Mordremoth and the Rogue God of War Balthazar. And of course the Lich King Tyrant, Palawa Joko. 24. If you were murdered, why did someone murder you and are you angry with your murderer? Did they see justice? Vivs: *remembers the fight with Balthazar* I'd say. 25. If you committed suicide, what drove you to kill yourself? Vivs: … What? Why would you think it was a suicide? It obviously wasn't, since he really wanted to kill me. 26. Are you happy with the live you lived, why or why not? Vivs: Don't you mean life I lived? Yes and no. A lot of mistakes. A lot of friends died. A lot of people saved and friends were made. Still, I'm sure my friends can continue the World saving even if I'm gone. 27. Name at least one thing you wish you did differently. Vivs: The study of the parasite minion. If I knew that THAT was the cause of all this, I never would have tried to summon it. 28. Did you die single or in a relationship? Vivs: *sigh* Single. 29. If you were in a relationship, do you think your significant other will move on? Do you want them to move on? If it’s applicable to your canon’s version of the afterlife, will you move on? Vivs: Of course. It would be unfair and stupid to expect them to stay loyal to me when I can't give progenies. I'm DEAD. My body Works completely differently from that of a living. Including the body liquids. 30. Is there a God? If so, did you meet him/her/it/whatever? Did you think there was a God while you were alive? Was he/she/it/whatever what you were expecting? Vivs: There were GodS. Six of them, actually. Dwayna, Goddess of life and air. Grenth, God of death and ice. Lyssa, Goddess of beauty and water. Melandru, Goddess of nature and earth. Kormir, Goddess of truth and spirit. And lastly Balthazar, God of war and fire. I've seen only two of them, though. Kormir and Blehthazar. Kormir I met when we were looking for ways to stop Balthazar, and that's when she told us that the Gods were all gone. Yep! I did feel a bit like they had like "fuck this shit I'm out" -kind of attitude… They just left. Why? Don't know, but she said that this was our problem to solve, so... we solved it. 31. Was your death significant to your canon’s plot? Vivs: Yes. I met Palawa Joko in afterlife, and I just had to tick him off before I returned. He somehow got free from the prison inside the Domain of the Lost and attacked… Taimi. It was… my fault she got nearly suffocated to death… 32. Was it necessary for your canon’s plot? Vivs: Of cousre! I just can't go on without causing a bit chaos here and there. Well, I suppose the Elonians are now free from the Lich's tyrannical grip, since he's now part of Auriene and her droppings. 33. Do you still have a physical form? If so, do you look the same as you did before you died? Explain any change. Vivs: I used to have very pale skin, but because I died by the God of War and Fire's greatsword, my sking got darker for the burns. My hair also got a little strange color reaction with death and magic... It's now purple, when it used to black. I think it turned white first, but because of the magic it took the color of purple. My heart beats rarely. WHen it does, it tend sto fill my lungs with liquid, which I then puke out. I also am not so sensitive to pain as I was while I was alive. But because of the parasite minion, my uh... greatsword of love is stuck in an erect position. 34. Did you go to another life? Vivs: Sort of. The Mists is a whole other World... 35. Do you think there’s any chance of you being reincarnated? Vivs: Could be. But I don't think that has anything to do with my current situation. 36. If you had the choice of being reincarnated or not, would you take it? Would being able to chose who you’re reincarnated as make a difference in your decision? Vivs: Of course. I would like to be reincarnated as a cat. 37. How long have you been dead for? If you don’t know, try to guess. Vivs: About a year and a half. 38. What is the worst thing you did while you were alive? Vivs: Ayy… Let's see… There's that… and then there's that… It has to be the massacre of asuras inside Rata Sum. 39. What’s the best thing you did? Vivs: Hmm... Killing Zhaitan. It gave hope to many people. 40. If you got to meet one dead famous person, who would it be, and why? Vivs: Easy. Snaff the Master Golemancer. 41. Would you describe dying as a scary experience? Vivs: To me it's like going to carnival. 42. If you had to go back to the land of living, and be alive as yourself again, would you live your life differently? Vivs: Deffinately. I would let someone else be the hero of Tyria, which people apparently call me. 43. Would your views on life change at all? Vivs: They would stay Small, since I wouldn't travel as much as I do now. I just have to go where the next opportunity of dying for good rises. 44. What where your last words? Vivs: If I remember correctly, I said "No, Auriene…" 45. If you could change your last words, would you? If so, to what? Vivs: Probably "BRB". … Be Right Back. 46. Do you have any last words for this questionnaire? Vivs: Don't worry. Being an undead isn't that bad. I can't drown, since I don't need oxygen to stay alive. I do miss the unbearable physical pain, though, and that moment when you can finally urinate after holding in for so long. XP Okay then. Rest in peace. 
I like thinking that he became a scourge after he was killed by Balthazar. X3 Sorry for bad grammar. ^^; I wrote this lateat night right after work. 
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