forrksie · 1 month
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I rarely post but decided to leave him here as he is my delicate Bean, and I've been trying to find a way to paint my Beans in even more and more delicate and soft style... 🥲💙🦋
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exocynraku · 5 months
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uraniqe · 1 year
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Pretty little dick
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embyby · 1 year
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Sweet NSFW of Katakuri and Y/N
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faecelessfiend · 1 year
"Purple guy" flag!
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He is just the muted nb flag bro fr
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moony2moon · 10 months
Welp, I just finished Unwholly
Off to school to get my grubby li'l hands on Unsouled.
My thoughts on Unwholly in a nutshell:
Me: *Picks up Cam and puts him in a box with Lev, CiFi, Hayden, and Emby labeled "My precious little bois"* "Perfect."
I love them so much BUBUBUBUBUBUBUB
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shewolfdrawsstuff · 3 months
I made wallpaper for pride month! 🏳️‍🌈✨️
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These are free to use. Just credit me.
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Since June is almost over with just request any other flags you might want to see, and I'll put them in a second post. Anyway, I hope you like them!
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briefblueseason · 3 months
I am Queer and Beloved.
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pep-the-artemis · 6 months
I think the biggest breakthrough with gender I've ever had was realising that when you ask a person what their gender is; they don't tell you, they describe it and can be as vague or specific as they like.
Gender is very much an intangible concept, if you try to sit down and list every variable, you will fail. So when you're describing your gender, you're trying to bring tangibility to something intangible.
"my gender is Fae."
translation "my gender is best comprehended through the concepts and ideas we associate with the concept of the word Fae".
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forrksie · 3 months
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Embrace the Void
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Why can't I just give out my name?! Anyone one of them?!
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Why does no one talk about this?!
Like yes, online I don't even hesitate to say Void and or Pollux but irl, bro I freeze up.
LIKE yeah my parents DIDN'T name me Pollux but THEY COULD HAVE FOR ALL THEY KNOW
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fragglecvnt · 7 months
I hear there's weird anon hate to trans people rn
I wanna see that, that sounds kinda funny in a pathetic way
Like even weird trends like this I never see any of?
Would it be all be same copy paste message? Is there a weirdo I can accuse of stealing my 1997 Chevy on the other end?
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gothoutlaw666 · 1 year
hey!! i have decided to start crowdfunding for top surgery while i can. i am a transmasc nonbinary guy from texas and a chronically broke college student, and i would like to get top surgery as soon as possible, preferably before my 23rd or 24th birthdays. top surgery would benefit me physically as binding is unsafe for me a lot of the time and has caused damage to my rib cage after almost 8 years of binding, as well as benefit me mentally and emotionally.
please share and donate if you’re able to! it’s a lot of money unfortunately but definitely will be worth it in the end!! https://gofund.me/e16c79d0
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Hey so it’s been a little minute since I’ve posted anything…
A lot has happened since my last post an for some reason I’ve been hesitant to write idky but today I’m feeling ok I guess.
So here’s a list of what’s been going on with me
I finished my internship, graduated and did not get hired at said internship but I graduated so yay! Currently looking (kinda not really) for a job.
I quit my morning job which I’m happy about but that puts a fire under my ass to look for a new job cuz money but at the same time I just want to chill. So far tho “chilling” anxiety that leaves me doing nothing 😩 so not that chill.
I’ve been working on figuring out what nonbinary means to me and who to share it with still and ongoing process.
I’ve had my adhd pre assessment wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be but waiting to find out if my insurance will cover the actual assessment or not.
Been going between feeling excited / feeling anxious and depressed about the future.
I got a ear infection that I’m just now getting over had it for about 2 weeks or so an wow was that horrible.
Made a list or things I want to do or try before this year is up which are: swim, play tennis, start being more active and lose some weight, YouTube/vtube maybe, learn to draw, start back writing an I think that’s it for now. Hopefully in the future I’ll be writing a post about how it is to do these things.
So yea a lot of things, thoughts an emotions, an idk this is kinda a ramble post but I wanted to write this before I got to anxious and decide not to write here again. So I’m glad I wrote this even if It doesn’t get read I know it’s long. If you do read it thanks I appreciate ya ^_^
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lightbucky · 2 years
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