#end of the year post babyyyyyyy
crispycreambacon · 9 months
🪱 Intro Post: Take 2 🪱
Mellow-Yellow-Welcome to my art blog!
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My full name is Chris Pycream Bacon, but you can call me Crispy! Others have bestowed upon me Chris P, Chris, Christopher and Bacon which I very much welcome.
In here you'll find, well, art! Not just from me but from others as well because sharing art is caring. I also sometimes post reviews, opinions or just jamble-tamble-rambles.
You can find me in other places, namely in AO3 where I post my writings and another Tumblr blog where everything is a little less organized and rambley :P
This is an inclusive place, so POC, LGBT+, disabled/neurodivergent and non-Christian people are welcome here!
If you are discriminatory towards any one of these groups or are just a contemptible being, you're getting the boot :}
With that out of the way, you can learn more about me and find my tagging system under the "Keep Reading" section!
I love drawing anything from comics to illustations to OCs to fanart. I just draw whatever my heart desires at the moment. One day, I'd love to be an animator or a comic artist, but I'm open to whatever art career welcomes me with open arms!
Other than visual arts, you can find me indulging in writing, singing, acting, listening to music and yelling about whatever interests me in the moment. I also have two cats named Takoyaki and Sashimi, a dog named Miso, and a dinosaur plush named Dinosara that I adore very much!
I'm a non-binary trans person and am very annoying about it in a silly way :3 I'm also a bisexual aroace in a queerplatonic relationship with the most specialest, most girlypop fish in the world <3 (Arden if you're reading this HI HELLO WELLOW!!!)
Here are a list of tags to keep things organized!
#chris p fried art - My art
#chris p fried rambles - My commentary
#chris p fried writings - My writings
#artists cooking gourmet - Art made by other artists
#chris p fried doo doo - My shitposts
#chris p fried answers - My answers to asks
#people frying stuff - General posts made by other people
#clowns burning the kitchen (affectionate) - Funny posts
#a nice warm soup after a long day - Wholesome posts
#alphabet soup matters - LGBT+ posts
#important - Awareness posts (Can potentially be triggering; view at your own discretion)
I try my best to trigger tag posts. If you'd like anything to be tagged, feel free to shoot me an anonymous ask or a message, and I will do so for you!
Feel free to interact or reach out! I'm not always the best in responding on time, but I do my best :>
Whether you're here for my art, my rambles or just wanna have a chill time with the funny demon, I hope you'll enjoy your stay! ^w^ ~ ☆
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lanafofana · 4 months
Afforded A Chance
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Day 2 of #HalsinTavWeek AND WE'RE BACK BABYYYYYYY Pairing: Halsin/Tav(F) Special Guest Appearance: Yenna! Summary: Tav realizes she wants something. Halsin is all too happy to provide. Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI Warnings/Tags: Smut, Porn with Feelings, BREEDING, PnV Sex, Quickie sex, Domestic Fluff, Post Epilogue No Beta We Die Like Yonas (RIP Yonas) And an AO3 link! For those of you who are so inclined. Note: Lots of talking and feelings and ooey gooey stuff in this one, fam.
Watching the cart disappear into the distance Tav reminds herself that this had always been the plan. 
Fifty children was an ambitious undertaking for anyone. While they loved each and every single one of their charges, Halsin and Tav had always known and agreed that for the majority of them, their home was but a stepping off point to get to the family they were destined for. 
Still, watching the infant she had cared for so deeply and for so long, being swept off into the proverbial sunset with her new mama and papa left an ache in her empty arms she couldn’t shake. She swallows roughly, wiping the tears from her face and takes a deep, steadying breath.
Walking back home Tav’s already tender heart feels a keen sting when she spies the newest couple to their little community. The wife is a sweet young thing, barely an adult herself but newly married and swollen with child already. She looks tired, waddling along with her hand on her belly, but healthy. Happy. Tav was happy. Is happy. Of course she is.
And yet.
Tav murmurs a greeting as the pair pass, stepping off the well trodden path to give them space to amble by. 
Fifty children they may have started out with but the numbers had dwindled significantly over the past year and now with sweet baby Marigold gone to a new home that put their occupancy at home down to a much more manageable ten. Manageable, some might say, but to Tav it felt like sand drifting through her fingers. 
The youngest was an ornery little tiefling boy, freshly five, and the oldest was just shy of sixteen with plans to seek an apprenticeship soon. Tav was not in any way dissatisfied with her life. She finally had a home and family to call all her own after so long without either. There was no way to describe the feeling she got from just being able to be present, nurturing them, and loving them. Her greatest joy and sense of purpose was deeply rooted in simply basking in watching her children grow with the love of her life at her side. It would be incredibly foolish to covet any more than what she had been provided with. 
And yet.
At home the house is quiet. The children spend every possible minute they’re allowed out in the forest during the day. Whiling away the hours of youth playing with Thaniel and Oliver till, exhausted and hungry, they reluctantly troop back to her. At any rate they’re not home yet and the house feels desolate. Yet another finger pressing on the bruise of Tav’s melancholy. 
When she finds her lover he’s in his study, sorting through his never ending pile of correspondence. Unlike her, he is conscientious about not letting a letter go unanswered too long and she is loath to steal away his time. 
And yet.
Halsin stands, grabbing a book off the shelf behind his desk before perusing the letter in his other hand once again. He seems to be puzzling out an answer to a specific question, his brow furrowed and his lips puckered in thought. The entire effect is so domestic it soothes some of the grief from before and lingering in the doorway Tav takes a breath, gathering her courage. 
“I want to have a baby.” 
The book in Halsin’s hand promptly drops to the floor. He stares at Tav in surprise, mind completely wiped clean of all coherent thought.  
“With you,” she amends when he remains silent. 
The expression of surprise slips into something gentle and soft. “Is this about Marigold?” He frowns, picking up the book to put it on his desk and shakes his head with a shine of regret in his eyes. “I should have gone with you. I’m sorry, my heart. That parting was destined to be perhaps the most difficult of them all. I know how deeply you loved her especially.” 
Tav crosses the room and takes one of his large hands in hers. “I am sad she is gone but I am also happy she is where she is meant to be. They will love her well. I,” she swallows. “I know the timing of this might seem odd. But it’s not just because of Marigold my mind has turned to…to this.” 
“To having a baby,” Halsin clarifies, his tone strange.  
“Yeah,” Tav avoids his eyes while she struggles to translate her errant feelings into words.
Her thumbs stroke the warmth of his hand in hers absently. It never ceases to amaze her that to simply feel his skin against hers, chaste or otherwise, had become an anchor for her. When the storm of her thoughts threatens to unmoor her she merely has to turn into his embrace, and she is put at ease. 
“Some might reconsider the toils and labors of bringing new life into the world when their home is already bursting with shoots and sprouts aplenty.” 
Tav smiles and brings his hand to her face, brushing her lips across his knuckles. “When have we ever shied away from toils and labors? Or balked at adding fresh life to a garden well tended? With these hands to hold me and lend me their unerring counsel and strength, I know we can do anything. I want this…with you… if you do.” She sobered as another thought occurred to her. “But we walk this path together. If you do not–” 
“Oh but I do,” he growls, hands finding purchase on her hips as he crowds into her space. “I very much do.”
The kiss is sudden and fierce; a tangle of tongues and teeth that steals her breath. Hands cupping her ass he lifts her, directing her legs around his hips. When they part for breath, Tav stares at him in wonderment.
“I honestly wasn’t sure,” she admits with a tiny huff of laughter. Tav scans his face, taking in his barely restrained hunger, the raw desire in his eyes. “You really want this, don’t you?” 
The hazel of his eyes is dark, his jaw tight. “Yes.” He presses his face to hers gently, breathing deeply to quell the rising tide of his lust. “Before the Absolute I wondered if I would ever get to experience the joys of having a family again. I hardly dared to imagine a future with children. And then came you,” he pauses, a breath shuddering through his chest, “and that dream was realized in more ways than I could’ve ever hoped.” 
With one hand Tav threads her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and with the other she caresses his cheek. Despite the grip he has on her, the evidence of his tightly reigned in passion, the moment feels fragile. When he opens his eyes the depth of emotion there tugs at her heart. 
“When I told you of my hopes and dreams of achieving some measure of balance you supported me.” He punctuates the statement with a chaste kiss to her cheek. “When I found my new purpose here, in this place, far away from everything and everyone you know you didn’t even hesitate to abandon a life of ease in a city that was ready to celebrate you in every way you deserve.” He presses a lingering kiss to her temple. “When you followed me into the wilderness with,” he huffs a laugh, “so many children I began to worry, wondering what I could have possibly done to be worthy of such a person. It was too much. You don’t know what you’ve given me. You cannot possibly know.” 
Halsin turns and sets her down on the edge of his desk, placing his hands flat on the surface on either side of her legs and leans in to steal another, longer kiss.  
“I told you once that I wanted more than to be your companion, your ally, your friend. I wanted to share in your heart and your body. And instead you rewrote my entire life with your name across my very soul. Asking for nothing more than the privilege of being at my side. You don’t seem to know the privilege has always been mine.” It’s Halsin’s turn to cup her face, tracing the branch of scarring that trails down her neck. “I am undone by you.”  
Tav’s eyes burn. 
“I had not let myself even entertain the idea of more. But I know your heart as well as you know mine so let me at last extinguish that ember of doubt in your eyes. Yes. I want this. How could I not? To know that you, who carry my entire heart in your hands, wish to carry my seed and with your body nurture our child.” 
The druid’s eyes flash and Tav feels like she’s stopped breathing. Every nerve ending feels raw and buzzing with anticipation. He’s so gentle and easy going it’s easy sometimes to forget how his gaze can pierce through her. The sound of her thudding heart is so loud she wonders if it’s the wind shaking their home in the trees or the tempest of his love threatening to unmake the world. Halsin’s thumb wipes a tear from her face she had not been aware she had shed. 
“We walk this path together as one. Our hearts beat in sync.” The next kiss is hot, barely restrained passion. When he pulls away their breathing is equally unsteady. “Now let our bodies move in sync also.” 
Halsin grips her hips hard and yanks her body towards himself, to the edge of the desk before claiming her mouth again. Breaking the kiss he zeros in on the spot between her ear and neck, pulling a needy moan so soft and sweet from her parted lips that something primal rumbles out from his chest in response. 
He slides a hand in her hair, fingers brushing her scalp before he fists his hand and tugs her head back eliciting a gasp. Greedily he leaves a trail of open mouthed kisses down the column of her throat, his excitement only fanned by the way she trembles under his touch. 
Tav feels hot from the apples of her cheeks to the tips of each finger and toe. She tugs the loose shirt he’s wearing from the band of his pants but only gets a moment to trace the blazing skin beneath before Halsin is tearing himself away to rip it off.
Her dress is next; he picks her up like she weighs nothing and divests her of the simple frock, the fabric fluttering to the floor while he tugs at the lacing of her stays. He peels the soft underclothes from her body like a child unwrapping their first gift. With great joy, expectation, and–by the telltale popping of a few stitches–a little reckless violence. 
Not bothering to smother the laugh that bubbles up at his slightly contrite expression, Tav slips her fingers through the belt at his waist and tugs him closer with a smile. “I’ll need new ones anyway,” she points out with a sly look in her eyes. “When I’m enormous with your fat babies.”
Halsin’s hand drifts to her belly, hovering over the place where her empty womb waits for his seed to catch and huffs out a disbelieving laugh. “I can hardly wait.” 
“Then less waiting, my love,” she casts a meaningful look to the window where the late afternoon sun hangs low in the sky, ”unless you want to give the children a first hand demonstration in reproduction.” 
Halsin grins with mischief but takes her point and pushes his trousers down, freeing his already leaking cock. Despite the aching hunger burning under his skin– the primitive need to fuck, to claim, to breed her till she’s screaming– his touch is soft when he takes her hands and tugs her into his embrace. 
He runs his hands from her shoulders down her arms, to her chest to knead the soft flesh of her breasts. Were he afforded more time he would worship every inch of her soft curves, each freckle, every scar. Alas, time is a luxury for those couples without a full brood vying for attention and the beast within gnaws at his control with teeth and claws. 
He spins her around and presses her torso to the desk, nostrils flaring at the scent of her open cunt, already wet with arousal. She widens her legs eagerly, pressing back into his touch and though he’s had her innumerable times in the same position, it’s only this time, for the first time in a very long time, he feels his tenuous control flicker in and out of his grasp. 
“This will not be gentle,” he thinks to warn her but the look she gives him over her shoulder is anything but meek. 
“Stop talking, papa bear, and fuck a baby into me.” 
Lining up to her wet slit he sinks home with a groan that’s more beast than man. Tav’s head drops back with an answering guttural exhalation. A hand on each generous hip he sets a punishing pace, the sharp snap of his hips, the wet hot suction of her pussy consuming him. His lover mewls a needy whine that snaps his threadbare control and he falls forward with one hand on the desk the other on her neck, pressing her face to the desk and he snarls. 
Pressing into his touch Tav’s trembling voice whimpers and keens, begging for his seed, his body, his child. His rough hands and nearly violent display of ardor has reduced her to a quivering mess of desire. Each thrust of his body into hers, has her gasping, arching, desperate for more, teetering on the precipice release. 
He licks at the sweat on her back and with teeth just slightly too sharp he bites the soft flesh of her shoulder. She cries out, dragging her nails across the surface of his desk, and so he does it again, lapping at the red mark in satisfaction. Removing the hand at her neck he reaches around to palm her breast, raising the top half of her body just enough to set his teeth at the nape of her neck. 
The prick of sharp canines does it for her and she jerks with the release of her orgasm, crying out with a curse and a howl. At the height of her rapture her scent changes and Halsin’s grip on her neck with his teeth tightens in tandem with his balls. As she comes down from her high, the walls of her body spasming around his erection, Halsin slams into her with one final thrust. Face pressed to the sweat slick heat of her body he groans his release at last, filling her up with thick hot cords of his cum.
With great affection Halsin nuzzles her skin mindlessly in the afterglow while Tav lays boneless beneath him, her expression incandescently satiated.
They stay like that for a moment, catching their breath. Conjoined by their sex and luxuriating the culmination of their bliss. 
Until a familiar voice pipes up with intense curiosity, “But what are they doing in there?” 
“Making babies,” answers a disgusted teenager, her footsteps stomping down the hallway past the office door.
Tav and Halsin share a look before bursting into laughter. 
“Daddy Halsin?” Says their youngest, sounding as if he’s talking with his face pressed against the door. “Can I come in and see the babies?” 
“Not just now, my love,” answers Tav with a nearly hysterical edge to her voice. 
“Just a moment,” says Halsin in the same breath and catching each other’s eye, still high off their quickie, they nearly collapse into giggles all over again.  
They scramble for their clothes, wary of the unlocked door but both snickering so much Halsin has his pants on inside out and Tav is wearing his shirt when another voice drifts in.  
“Come on, Ermir,” says Yenna with a no nonsense tone. “They’ll be out soon. Babies take ages to bake.” 
“Yeah. Like in Momma Tav’s tummy.” 
“Wow,” whispers Ermir. “How does it get in there?” 
“Ummmm,” says Yenna, stumped. “I think a bird brings it?” 
Their footsteps fade deeper into the house. 
Tav, hands on her hips with cum dripping down her leg gives Halsin a shrewd look. “It’s your turn for The Talk, I already had my turn with the older ones.” 
Halsin grins and picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder and swatting her ass. “Anything you say, my heart. But first we should make sure the oven is well stuffed, don’t you?” 
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moonyasnow · 2 months
I don't usually make posts that are just me randomly shouting into the void— I like putting effort and structure into my posts as much as I can— but I just got the biggest urge to gush about Junia (my lil Rainbow Parrotfish baby~)
I LOVE what Junia adds to the dynamic of Octavinelle and, by extension, the Octatrio
Idk how I did it but I just think it works so well
She's different from them in that she will actually be kind to anyone and just wants people to get along (she hates it when people get hurt) but she's still just…such a weirdo (affectionate) in a way I think matches perfectly with the other three. She's a misfit, just like them.
She's just very open and honest as opposed to secretive like Azul, Jade and Floyd. Which I think is also really refreshing to have to contrast them!
And she also has a very clear reason for being there, and a defined role in the business. She's the metaphorical light at the end of thr anglerfish's lure— a friendly, charming face who not only entertains the regular guest as Mostro Lounge as the Lounge Singer, but also makes people lower their guards and make them less wary, maybe even start to reconsider making a deal with Azul. (something something, Urusla's Nautilus necklace is meant to make her prettier and people view her more positively but she ends up drawing Ariel's voice into it and trapping it)
Not to mention she's a great advertiser. She is, just objectively speaking, very pretty, and quite charming, too. And, though I don't tend to really emphasize it a lot, I feel like she'd be really popular at NRC due to the above mention facts, plus the fact she's one of the very few girls at an otherwise all-boys' school.
Like, you cannot convince me that straight teenaged boys (of which there are many at NRC, I'm sure) surrounded by almost only other teenaged boys wouldn't be at least a little bit interested in a friendly, pretty older girl (she's 2-3 years older than the rest of her year) who sings good while wearing a pretty dress.
And as for just her friendships with the other three—
She, just like Azul, was bullied as a child, in her case because of her severe dyslexia and inability to learn to read.
I also feel like when she sees the picture of child Azul she'd instantly just go 🥺🥺🥺🥺 "You were so adorable! You looked like you would have given great hugs!"
With Jade— they infodump about special interest stuff to each other. They both have interests that are seen as 'weird' (Jade his mushrooms and Junia her macabre, bizarre and sometimes pretty violent stories and songs)
And I feel like she's definitely the one who's had to patch up Floyd after he's gotten hurt in fights the most, leading to her realizing that she actually really likes patching people up like that, also leading to her starting to wonder if she might like to be a doctor of some sort in the future.
And she's just the 'mother hen' of the group in general, telling all three of them off for either working too much or— in Floyd's case mostly— doing dangerous things that could end with them getting hurt.
Oh, and during breaks, where they stay behind at school, I can definitely see her trying to cook for as many people staying in Octavinelle as she can. Just because she likes taking care of people in ways like that. The only one who TRULY lives up to Octavinelle's 'generous' spirit without expecting anything in return.
And people tend to underestimate Junia a lot, and due to how controlling her mother was she's just used to letting people decide things for her— idk why but I'm just imagining Floyd speaking up for her saying something like "Uh, she can decide for herself, you know?"
And like, Azul complimenting her on her cooking, and Jade saying she's great at getting people to trust her—
Uuuuuuuuuu my babyyyyyyy
She deserves to have people who see and appreciate and like her for who she is instead of just seeing all the things that make her 'weird' or that she 'lacks' 😭😭😭😭😭
Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp
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briankang · 2 years
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happy new year everyone ! 2022 was....most year of all time. awful. but i had so many of you by my side to make it better, even when i had to take some times for myself. so i wanted to appreciate you all just a bit, especially since i hit a follower count! i’m almost to 3k, that’s...insane actually. anyways, onwards !
@chanstopher my beloved, my twin. isn’t it so funny we were both too shy to reach out and talk to each other and now we’re the most annoying in the world? thank you for being my minchan partner in crime, my mary kate to my ashley, peyton to my brooke, etc etc etc. i can’t wait to see you in march 💕
@lonelystreetlight bestie love 💕 we’ve really had such a year haven’t we? all of our hours long talks staying up late this spring and summer were truly unforgattable and i’m so glad we met this past year. i love you so much (and love how i always win and am right :))
@hyunpic vilma baby my sweetest angel. my first friend on stayblr, you, like hyunjin, are full of so much love that it pours out of you. i’m so lucky i get to be on the receiving end of that. your passion and light never fails to make me smile, i love you 💕💕💕💕
@hanjesungs jay my wife!!!!!! i’m so glad we met this year and bonded and that you accidentally ended up turning me not only into a hantual but also a seungmin lover. honestly what a year it’s been for my bias line. anyways. i love you, i’m so excited for march 💕
@hanjisoonie​ BABYYYYYYY i love you......chris ur one of my favorite people. ur letters always make me smile and talking with you is always the most fun 💕 one of the first people i got close to on stayblr 💕 you’re so special to me i love you so so dearly
@sweetyoungk kobe, my beloved 💕 my favorite yonktual 💕 i know we don’t talk super often but i’m always so excited to see you in my notifs and when we interact, you’re so so sweet and have such a warm vibe to you, i can’t wait to continue to grow even closer as mutuals hehe 💕
@sunmisbf mar my beloved wayvtual and sunmitual......i actually cannot for the life of me remember how we ended up mutuals but i’m so glad we did!! your posts always make me giggle and i feel like i have learned more about wayv in the past like. 2 weeks than i have literally ever from you. also you’re always the sweetest i love youuu  💕 💕 💕
also since there’s so many, a bit of a lighting round and then just a general @ -ing of the rest of you  💕 💕 💕
@agibbangs lau my beloved, i love you and you’re always so sweet  💕 minchanners are always the sweetest  hehe, @jongseobie​ love that i have unknowingly and knowingly gotten u into two groups this year. my impact. you’re one of the funniest people i know and i love when we get to chat. @ambivartence SIYUAAAAN my beloved. your art always makes me feel like im in some kind of cozy cafe curled up with a hot drink and pretty art to look at on the walls. thank u for getting me into jacob this year it ruined my life. my linotual  💕  @joshuas aria my beloved i love u the most, my sweet, top 5 favorite aussies, i miss talking with you and u harrassing me about lino 💕 i hope you’re well whenever u see this 💕 @quokki ALE my love i miss u......ur art is always the most superb and incredible and i love when we get to catch up (not often enough these days imho!!! @bangchanies dom my insane jersey beloved. ur always so funny and knowledgable and make me feel slightly less old (or maybe we are old? who’s to say), i love u 💕
and for everyone else bc there’s too many to name:
@gymleader, @acrobaticcatfeline, @yang-innie, @sanayeon, @hyunchanz, @jeonwonwoo, @superboarding, @seungknow, @seungazing, @bewby, @jinniebit, @seonghwaminho, @yonglixx, @btbtual, @leenow, @briankang, @nevoono, @hyunfelix, @diosmenu, @bangzchan, @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes, @usergyu, @bangchanz, @kyubins, @teamwangs, @fullmetalswift
that’s not everyone by any means, but if we interacted in any shape or form this year, please know how special you are to me  💕 💕 💕 💕 happy new year and thank you all for following me!!! if you have any requests feel free to send them in, and as always, please know i love you and i hope your days are rest and kind to you  💕 💕 💕
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pbear · 1 year
Going to include some opinions on this one. Warning on spoilers for any of them.
Tokyo Revengers: Honestly kind of slogging through this one. I don’t exactly dislike it but I don’t think it’s for me. The time travel concept I do like but I’m not really into watching middle schoolers beat each other up. Still in the middle of season 1.
Horimiya: Literally watched all of season 1 in 2 days. Very enjoyable. It doesn’t beat around the bush and I like that. (Hori and Miyamura actually become a couple before the series ends so you see their dynamic before and after and it’s not some super dramatic moment where they get together. It just happens.) The characters are all extremely likable and I love watching their antics. I’m watching Horimiya: The Missing Pieces as it comes out and it’s great even though it’s mostly just everyday activities with the gang. Love them all.
Trigun 1998: Moved pretty slowly through this one. Finishing one episode didn’t make me want to watch another and it wasn’t because I was disliking the plot or characters. I got to the end and enjoyed it overall, but I never really had a clue what was going to happen next which didn’t make me anticipate the next episode. Wolfwood is my favorite even though the main four were all great. It also gave me Cowboy Bebop vibes.
Jujutsu Kaisen: On Season 2. Very good and animation is good as always. The flashback of Gojo’s time at Jujutsu Tech is bittersweet. Riko’s death is so painful and sudden. You see Geto’s change and it makes the current events of the series more personal. Shibuya arc is coming up and from the manga fans’ reaction, I’m expecting a lot of pain.
Bungou Stray Dogs: SEASON FIVE BABYYYYYYY. THIS SHOW HAS MY HEART AND SOUL. So far, the pacing has been better than last season. Mourning Akutagawa smiling as he lets Atsushi escape. Bones has left out some bits and pieces but it’s been very enjoyable. It’s weird that we’re catching up to manga events very fast though. I’m not sure where this season will end yet.
Black Clover: My new obsession. Watched it because it gave me Fairy Tail vibes and I love it for a lot of the same reasons I love Fairy Tail. The magic types are so cool to watch. The found family in the Black Bulls is a peak example of the trope. I love them all. A lot of the characters I’m super invested in. Favorites right now are Luck, Klaus, and Magna though. I keep making posts saying I just started but I’m like a third through the series already. It hasn’t made me cry yet but I know it will.
D20 Fantasy High Sophomore Year: Not as good as the first season but still great. I still have to finish the last episode but the arcs and development for all the Bad Kids is amazing. Dimension 20 in general is great for how it can switch between fun antics and telling a truly great story with touching moments. Standout moments include Hilda Hilda, Fabian learning to dance, Kristen trying to fly with a dance ribbon, Gorgug learning to be an artificer to talk to Zelda, and Fig and Ayda.
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chaesonghwas · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
HELLOOOO, i was tagged by the wonderful @wolfiemcwolferson @duquesademiel @golden-fairylights and @your-littlesecret, thank you my lovesssss <3333
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
i have 52 fics up on my normal account and i think 2? on anon
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
272868 (i thought it would be more lmaoooo)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently just f1, but i have fics up for a couple of kdramas and football rpf
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
a long time (maybe forever) - reddit fic my beloved
hey, brother (there's an endless road to rediscover) - my only non-piarles on this list!! written for hospital playlist, it's an outsider pov from the main character's little sister seeing how the main ship develops over time (as i'm writing this, i realize i wrote that same fic w arthur the other day oops)
we should just kiss (like real people do) - sol's bday fic from last year!!! i love this one a lot <3
i don't want you like a best friend - veeeery smutty soulmate au (this one was VERY hard for me to write so i'm super proud it's up hereee)
you and me would be (a big conversation) - SOCIAL MEDIA AU!!! this one was also a process but i loved every second
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sometimes i try to but i never know what to say so i clamp up and don't end up answering 😭 so if you're reading this and you've ever commented on my fics just know that i see it and i love you
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
football au definitely has the most angsty/bittersweet planned ending, but i haven't actually written that lmaooo so i'll say and still, your heart beats. it's ultimately hopeful, but it's a tough situation
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of my fics have a some kind of happy ending, but i'll go with swear to be overdramatic and true bc i love that universe a lot <3
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've never gotten explicit hate on a fic, thankfully
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yesss, and.... whatever i'm vibing with i guess?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i've never done it lmao
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, thankfullyyyy
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, but it would be an honour!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YEAH BABYYYYYYY!!!! writing w friends is the most fun bc i love my friends a lot <3 currently i have monza proposal fic w @duquesademiel, the Justly Fic w @your-littlesecret and posting the alphabet dating fic w @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson <3 a couple of other things are also being planned so stay tuneddd
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
all-time is a very difficult question, but piarles is def up there
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
football au i love you and i swear i will come back
16. What are your writing strengths?
i feel like i'm pretty good at writing dialogue and i think i'm v good at humor!! making insane situations work lmao
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
definitely lack of planning/getting carried away by the vibes and losing sight of the plot. also i feel like i struggle w longer descriptions
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i don't love it and i usually limit mine to only a couple of words (say, nicknames/terms of endearment in piarles' case), but i don't mind it in other people's fics tbh!!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
one direction LMAOOOOOO
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
any of my co-written fics or change my mind, my pwfe gift for sol that i love very very dearly <333
tagging @yukierres @pinkierre @boxboxbrioche @espithewarlock and anyone else that wants to do itttt <3333
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babygirlwolverine · 2 years
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Ok iv been waiting to use that pic forever, so thanks for giving me the opportunity!
Ugh, it’s the worst when you get so much good news but then one really bad thing at the end messes it all up. I’m sorry 😣. How about the good news though? Would you like to share? (Or the bad news if you need to vent)
Our brains tend to focus on what ever happened last (day is over all good, but bad for the last half hour = day was bad, and vise versa) so sometimes getting hyped up all over again about the good can trick us into being happy again! If that makes sense
Sending love!!!
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omg hiiii! that’s the cutest lil picture ever oh my God it’s so precious omg i love it!
You’re right, it really is the worst when the day is mostly good and then suddenly something bad happens and then it sorta taints the rest of the day, especially when you had had good news and suddenly it all fades away and all that’s left is the sting of the bad. i will happily share the good news because it’s something i’m really excited about!
i don't really wanna talk about the bad news. it's personal family things and it's sad news and i'm probably gonna be flying back home to england either this upcoming week or the next week after that :(
just trying to focus on the good things right now and trying to be as positive as i can be while also dealing with some sad things too.
onto the good news!
the first piece of good news was that i recently hit my next follower milestone (which you might have seen me post about already) and it includes a lucky number of mine so i was so so happy about that! i honestly never thought i would reach this next milestone, so the fact it happened kinda just blew my mind!
the second piece of good news was, the recruiter who i have been in close contact with for the job i accepted got in contact with me to share some amazing news! when i signed the contract last week, my base salary was included in the contract and it was a really great pay. i was super happy with it and honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better. but then the recruiter called me a few days ago to let me know that their management team for the company had just come together to solidify the pay for the incoming class of 2023 grads that they’ll be hiring overall, and they decided to increase the pay. so essentially, the recruiter let me know i was getting a pay rise before i even started the job! and it wasn’t just a small pay raise either, it was $8,000 more per year that i’ll be earning! MIND BLOWING! like literally i couldn’t even fathom the news when he told me! i honest to god went weak in the knees! i had even researched average veterinarians salaries before accepting the job and the pay i was going to be getting beforehand was already way over the average pay that vets make, and so now with this pay rise, i’ll be making a really good chunk higher than the median vet makes! INSANE! literally it’s completely and utterly just more than i could ever even hope for! it feels unreal! I’m literally getting my dream job! i’m gonna get to work with small animals and exotic pets, get to work a great schedule with good hours, get paid really really well, and work with a team of doctors who have been absolutely amazing and they’ve all welcomed me to the team and they’ve all told me how excited they are to have me joining the team and how much of a good fit i am for their family! my dreams are coming true and it feels so freaking surreal!
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 3 years
Tagged by the wonderful @edourado <3
how many works do you have on AO3?
oh gosh, not that many - 12 right now
what’s your total a03 word count?
what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
omg okay ready
1) Breaking Free  - My first ever Kastle fic (which also doubles as a Christmas/holiday fic for those in need of cozy winter vibes) 2) Devil Inside Me - post TPS s2 Kastle (that, whoops, isn’t finished. my bad) 3) White Lies and Emotional Ties  - yet another Kastle fic a;slkhf this one is essentially PWP ;) 4) Three Nights in Purgatory - my first ever Rollisi fic! Bed sharing! Mutual pining! Mild fluff and angst! It’s got a lot going on haha 5) Thought I Lost You - post infinity war snap Kastle fic that was a request and I loved writing it!
do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Absolutely! I love getting comments and I feel like the least I can do is say thank you or answer questions that come up. Also I’m a validation whore so it gives me that sweet sweet dopamine 
what’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think it’s a tie between my Rollisi fics and my Mob City fic from waaaaaay back when. Giving Joe Teague a proper send off was such a lovely feeling.
what’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I...... hmmm.................. gosh that’s hard. I tend to lean toward HEAs or something similar. Maybe the ones with the angstiest endings are the ones I haven’t finished lmao
do you write crossovers?
I haven’t, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t!
have you ever received hate on a fic?
No I haven’t, thank goodness! (I have, however, received hate on my actual books that I write for a living sooooooo xD)
do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Friend, 90% of what I write has smut in some way shape or form. It’s usually a more intimate moment with emotion, but I’ve never been opposed to writing just straight up raw dog filth
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of....... >.>
have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I would be honored if it happened!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but never say never
what’s your all-time favourite ship?
don’t make me choose between my beloved children 
what’s a wip that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have a draft of a Sterek Little Mermaid AU but I haven’t touched it in years and I probably won’t finish it, but I’d love to make art for it tbh
what are your writing strengths?
dialogue babyyyyyyy. I could write people talking all day
what are your writing weaknesses?
“He got up from the -- wait, he was already standing. He strode across the -- goddamn it, I used that word already. He moved to -- nope, hate that. She picked up her -- too bland. She sipped her coff-- she was drinking water. They glanced at -- nah. They stared at -- nope. They glanced at -- I ALREADY TRIED THAT.”
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I love it, but I’m very nervous about including it cuz I’ve lost all my language studies and I’m never sure if translators are getting it right.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
what’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
stop making me pick a favorite child. Maybe a tie between Mob AU (which isn’t finished yet) and Trouble with a Capital T?? But all my Kastle fics mean so much to me, so I can’t choose.
Tagging: @kteague @carry-the-sky and anyone else who wants to do this!
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jelloopy · 4 years
Here There be Gerblins Notes
Previous: Character Creation
Ep 1
The boys got the job to transport good from Neverwinter to Phandalin from Merles cousin, Gundren Rockseeker, over drinks at a bar one night. He said it was the “Last job you’ll ever need.” 
Gundren Hired Barry Bluejeans (Originally Sildar Hallwinter, but that’s a whole nother post that I already posted you should go look at it tbh) as a fighter (I also will discuss this in a post later on as I’m going through the series again) escort to Phandalin. 
The boys actually were travelling with Gundrens mutt of a dog, Ruby!  (I feel like no one mentions this or talks about it)
Merle doesn’t trust Gundren a lot
Taako got the first kill babyyyyyyy
Ep 2
Barry looks like Tom Arnold with a very built Dad bod and is described to be in late 40’s early 50’s (So you’re telling me that my baby Barry. Is almost built similar to Magnus technically? Just smaller? This opens up so many things for another post later on omfg)
Magnus “The Hammer” Burnsides (omg do you think that this could be that Magnus was “The Hammer” and maybe Julia or her father was “Tongs” from the shop he lived’/ worked at in Ravens Roost???!!! Like idk if Travis had the name “Hammer and Tongs” in his backstory and i’m pretty sure he just made up the name on the spot for funsies but like that is so fricking sad and cute omfg)
Taako casts “Charm Person” on Klarg. The spell only lasts 1 hour (This will come up later for me to delv on because currently I don't understand how the stuff later on occurs)
”Let’s turn this Bugbear, into a Hugbear” ~Magnus (I wanna make a shirt with this rlly bad)
When chastising Barry for his name he snaps back saying “Why do you think they call me that?!” (I like to analyze things a bit deeper than they need to go so I’ve already posted another thing on Barry’s name)
Ep 3
As they get back to the cart of cargo to go to find Gundren Merle messes with Ruby for a minute and Griffin jokes around saying that Ruby bites Merles hand off.  (Oh if they (Clint) only knew)
”I’ve partied pretty hard before I know I’m gonna have to sleep this one off” ~Barry (What the hell has Barry been up to? Like from a perspective of knowing how the story goes like. Is he just. Going to bars and letting him self go? I mean like same but shit dude)
“Well it’s not my first time at the whole body guard rodeo” ~Barry  (So Barry has been able to stay in this body for a while then? And has also taken other jobs as well to get some money while also searching for the Gauntlet.)
Ep 4
When they meet Killian Merle begins to try and preach the word of Pan  (Not actually Pan at the time in the podcast but for continuity's sake it was Pan damnit.) she replies with “I’m already spoken for” (So I don’t think that Killian is religious in a way that we know of so when she says this I assume shes talking about the BoB? Makes sense) 
Magic Briannnnnn!!!!!  (Love that spunky lil german man!)
Taako is from New Elfington (I believe this is just a joke overall but if you do deep dive into it just a lil then it suggests that Lucretia placed him in New Elfington after the Wipe to give him a starting place then from there he went on the road with Sizzle it up with Taako)
Magic Brian knows about the Phoenix Fire Gauntlet.  (Ima go deeper into that later on tbh)
Ch 5
“Barry loves his chicken waaaaangs” ~ Gundren Rockseeker (How long have Barry and Gundren been hanging out?)
The skeleton only has a crimson red robe on. Nothing underneath. It is also looking towards the exit/entrance to the tunnel. (Did... her clothes go with her in the lich form?)
The Umbrastaff exudes all schools of magic. (I wonder why... DUH) 
Merle is horribly rejected by the Staff and flung across the room (Lup said “FUCK U MERLE IM NOT HERE FOR YOUR OLD ASS”)
When Taako grabs the Umbra staff from the skeleton (*COUGHCOUGH*LUP*COUGHCOUGH*) it looks up at him and then it and the robe it’s wearing disintegrate away  (Leaving no bones or anything that was Lup’s... There will be a bigger post on this later on I promise)
Cyrus was head of security for the Wave Echo Cave. When the Orc Marauders came he managed to lock away all the magical and precious treasures. However to do so he had to lock himself in the vault too. This happened about 10 Years ago. (Are you kidding me? Its not like the Orc Marauders are still in Phandalin. Why didnt anyone come to find him any earlier. Like come on Gundren. If you loved and missed your dad that much then why not?)
The Phoenix Fire Gauntlet is Silverish!  (I always see it portrayed as being gold so I was v v surprised to hear this! tbh I don’t care what color it is I was just surprised to hear it described at all)
Magnus upon sight of the Gauntlet runs and highfives it  (Someone made a post i saw a while back explaining how this is hilarious because you can see Magnus’ and Lup’s relationship within that simple action. Its very cute) 
They fight some ruffians/bandits on the way back to Phandalin and they free a young Orc boy.
Ch 6
Merle calms Gundren down when they find him in Phandalin (Yo Merle and Gundren are a lot closer than they let on a the beginning. I wanna meet Aunt Blarg)
The young Orc boy (Kurtze) that they freed shot Gundren (Whoops...)
Gundren crushes Barry into the ground out of pure anger from Kurtze’s attack (Does Barry die from this? or does he just get super injured and die from the Gauntlet at the end?)
They fall into the well and knock Killian out
The entire town of Phandalin is gone and all that’s left is a circle of black glass. Only the hole for the well is open.
“Can we heal her? Its kinda what I do.” ~Merle (Oh honey... no it’s not)
Taako grabs the Gauntlet and puts it in his bag (of course he is the one to grab the relic that Lup made)
Killians Crossbow is named Billups (This is rlly frickin cute ngl)
They do be back on the way to the BoB
Next: Moonlighting, MotRPL, Lunar Interlude I,
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susandsnell · 5 years
3, 10, 17, 27, 28, 34, 41, 49
Thank you Teresa!!! and apologies again for keeping this waiting. I’ve already answered 3 and technically 10 (albeit not from the list, but in earlier asks), so I’ll jump to the others! 
Love in Hate Nation Asks
17. What scene(s) made you cry (if any)?
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This is a callout, isn’t it. 
The entire damn show from the bootlegs alone - no really, I was crying from the big notes in Susannah’s Song onwards pretty much consistently to the end. If I had to pick some top tearjerkers, though, it’d be the obvious ones - Miss Asp cutting up the ukulele strings, the scene in the prison yard leading up to Oh, Well and Oh, Well itself. I Hope and Masochist win for biggest sobfests (Masochist had me an absolute mess), whereas the biggest tears of joy were the Oh, Well reprise in solitary, and of course, I Was a Teenage Delinquent through the Epilogue. If I just listed the whole damn show what does that tell you about its impact on me. 
27. Teenage Delinquent or Revolution Song? 
SUCH A TOUGH CALL but as a gay worth my salt and someone who’d heard a context-free version in concert performance videos almost a year before the show performed, gonna have to go with Teenage Delinquent, especially the finalized version with my favourite quote in the whole show. 
28. Something you like/have noticed about the show that you haven’t seen anyone else mention yet?
So, so much (every other day I post about it in the server), but off the top of my head, let’s go with a) the sound design (that powerful smashing during the Revolution Song reprise/burning of Nation), and b) as a nice little coda to Judith’s “no I ain’t!” when Ya-Ya proclaims her her best friend, while all the girls are destroying Nation and after Ya-Ya burns it, Judith opens up her arms to give Ya-Ya the biggest crushing hug, which she runs into, and they leave the smouldering remains arm in arm. My heart!!! 
34. A very small detail that you appreciate?
See above for the Judith-Ya-Ya hug, but I also really love just the subtle body-language acting of Sheila whenever she watches Susannah without her knowing, and any of the background actions of the girls, be it Ya-Ya and Dorothy comforting each other, Kitty’s reactions to anything, et cetera. The fact that Francis models himself off of Kerouac had to be intentional, too, and had me rolling because I cannot stand the Beats, consider them a bunch of misogynistic privileged morons who only toyed with ideas of progress, and find their glorification peak white guy mediocrity, and usually the very specific Type of sexist fake-progressive college leftist white guy that likes them is exactly a Francis. It’s just a perfect bit of characterization. 
 Also from a costuming standpoint, Rat’s jacket having RT on it, and in the epilogue, adult!Sheila’s leather jacket sporting a pride patch decades before Michael Mell will. 
41. An anecdote about your experience with LIHN?
Sadly nothing all that noteworthy except that I saw a clip of Joe performing Three Failed Escape Attempts of Sheila Nail at the end of Summer 2018 and thought “wow, this is cool, this girl seems gay” while knowing no context, and being right. That and I’m determined to be part of the building of the online fanbase for it! 
49. Bruce the Ocelot or Harriet II?
Let’s go with Bruce because porcelain dolls are freakin’ creepy, and ocelots are adorable. As is Kitty talking about them. Look at this big eyed babyyyyyyy! 
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Fucking memories unlocked after I saw a tiktok posted on on here about some fandom terms dying off and people being afraid to be cringe and if I do not get it out of my brain I'm going to die.
So now you get to suffer this information too. :) All of this lasted the 3 years of middle school I had before I was sucked out of these fandoms and smashed into the holy trinity among various others.
I was part of like 3 intermixed friend groups, some people weren't in one or 2, but like one friend and I were in all three.
One of these friend groups called everyone by Homestuck characters. I was not part of the fandom, they gave me one and then my curiosity betrayed me. (They called me Aradia cause I was the only Aries in the group) I was slowly sucked into the fandom and I never recovered :) (one came to school with horns on 3 days out of the week and then during an event came in cosplay including full gray bodypaint. None of the rest of us did and she didnt talk to us for 2 weeks because she expected us to do the same even thOUGH SHE NEVER ASKED)
The second friend group, of which I was apart of the fandom already, called each other by Hetalia Characters. We made the dumb rule of 'hey you can't choose which you are, the others get to discuss and then assign 💚' which went. great.
They made me Germany, and occasionaly Canada cause sometimes I came to school and just didnt talk (got that 'tism babyyyyyyy, overSTIMULATED), but first they made me Russia. Not at all based on personality, they decided it based on me being the tallest of the group, my protective nature (? like kinda tracks tbh) and the fact that I was either in a giant coat half the year (winter where we lived was about half the year give or take a couple months on each end). After the first year they fully just dropped the Russia and started the Germany (and Canada)
The shortest friend, and the only one with red hair, was designated South Italy (apparently North didn't fit her personality, which was a factor for Everyone Else). The others were decided to be Australia, Scotland, America, England, and France.
I have a yearbook from my last year where South Italy friend sighed as South Italy.
I was actively pushed by the group to start a relationship with the South Italy Friend, and, when being called Canada, with the America Friend. Didn't, but got peer pressure to do it monthly, and sometimes weekly.
As a birthday present the France Friend got me a red Maple Leaf hoodie and then yelled at me the next school day when I didn't wear it, and told me I should start wearing it on the days I didn't want to talk. I wore it once on a specific occasion. I avoided it at all costs, it had a bad texture.
The England friend decided to argue with our lunch ladies (fucking bless them, they were so sweet and I felt so bad every time she started it) on multiple occasions that she needed them to serve tea as a beverage option or they were refusing her her rights as an English woman. (she was not English, or a woman, she was an 11 year old Norwegian Italian.
(yes specifically, her family was Very into their family tree and made their heritage an important piece of their household (honestly very cool, her mom was so sweet and let me see all their records and stuff and showed me traditions and the handed down recipes they did)))
The specific occasion I wore the Canada hoodie was at the end of our 8th grade year, at the America Friend's birthday party. It was a sleepover. It was possibly the best AND worst decision. Best because I was able to just throw headphones on (I HAD A ZUNE IT WAS FUCKIN SICK)
Worst because as soon as their parents confined us to America Friend's bedroom they wanted to play Truth or Dare. After 3 rounds of like each person doing one they got to me and overruled my Truth call and Dared me to go into America Friend's closet, with America Friend, until I said we would start dating.
I had a panic attack because as soon as the doors of the closet were closed and locked America Friend pinned me to the wall and started trying to kiss me, and kiss my neck. The only words I said was please don't give me hickeys, my parents will kill me. She did not listen ✌️
She let me out 2 hours later when the others started trying to open the doors cause they got impatient and wanted to play on the wii with us. I left the room, went into the kitchen where I heard their mom, and asked her to please call my mom, I'd like to go home. America Friend tried to get me to stay even after my mom came to get me and I was in the car.
South Italy Friend was the only one not there, and was the only one who continued to talk to me after that.
And then high school started and I was in 2 friend groups and all Hetalia and Homestuck names stopped and instead I was called Dean ✌️
And also Mori as in Ouran High School Host Club but we don't need to talk about that
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sochilll · 3 years
9, 11, 18, 27, 42, 43
43 is answered!
9. What was your favorite article of clothing this year? Post a pic if possible?
I’ve found so many cool pieces this year so it’s really hard to pick but I will go with this jacket because it gave me hell. I found it at a thrift store and someone had tried to alter the fuck out of it and it fit really weird and awful so I had to pull out a million stitches to fix it. But! Now it’s great and I love it!
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11. What album came out and has been on heavy rotation since then?
MONTERO BABYYYYYYY licherally every song made into my like top 15 on Spotify such a banger album
Also Inside by Bo Burnham to a lesser extent
18. What was one nice thing you did for someone else?
I can’t think of like one thing specifically but since I got my job I’ve been enjoying just buying people little things. I took my roommate to the zoo and paid for our lunch. Whenever my roommates ask me to grab something at the store I don’t let them pay me back. I bought my coworkers lunch the other day. It’s just nice to have a little extra money to just get someone something here n there.
27. Have you done anything that scared you?
I tutored in a high school! That was scary! I was worried I wouldn’t be able to help and that the kids would hate me! And it was an ELD class so I was worried I wouldn’t really get anything out of it since that’s not what my degree is gonna be. But it was really great! I did not like the teacher at all but the kids were awesome and I got to actually help some of them and every time I did they’d say thank you so sincerely and I wanted to cry!!!
42. What are you most proud of accomplishing?
Ok I already answered this but I thought of another thing: I read so many books this year! I used to read a lot as a kid and then I stopped around high school but this year I really wanted to get back into reading and I read 61 books!! I know some people read like double that but that’s more books than I’ve read in like the past 4 years combined. And it’s not counting any books for school unless I read them all the way through (bc I mostly just skim them lol).
End of the year questions!
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Sleeping With Sirens confirm “heavier and better than ever” music for 2019
A Sleeping With Sirens member has taken to Twitter to confirm their return. Guitarist Jack Fowler says that new music is on the horizon and that it is heavier than anything they have put out to date.
Yesterday, guitarist and vocalist for From First To Last, Matt Good shared a photo to Instagram of Kellin Quinn in the studio with the caption, “Just created some insane fire with @kellinquinn.”
However, following a story from Loudwire, Fowler confirmed the “heavy music” rumors.
“We are fuckin back babyyyyyyy,” the guitarist says. “Heavier and better than ever.”
We are fuckin back babyyyyyyy, heavier and better than ever https://t.co/4neMWWs2Xy
— Jack Fowler (@JackSWS) December 15, 2018
After perusing the comment section of Good’s Instagram post, reporters found that a fan who had a friend that worked at the studio had heard a few new Sleeping With Sirens clips. The employee claimed that what he heard was “really good and really heavy.”
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by mattg00d (@mattg00d) on Dec 14, 2018 at 12:32am PST
[Screenshot via Instagram]
Sleeping With Sirens teased their return at the end of their latest tour cycle with Good Charlotte. In a series of tweets sending off Gossip, rhythm guitarist Nick Martin said things were only going to get crazier.
Quinn also teased a new era for SWS, claiming that 2019 would be a good year for the band.
Additionally, Quinn teased that new music would have a lot of Let’s Cheers To This influence. After replying to a fan on Twitter asking for an era-revival, Quinn simply responded, “You got it.”
Back in February, Fowler said that he was in the mood to write some 2012-sounding SWS material, which also hints at their heavy return.
What are you hoping to get out of forthcoming Sleeping With Sirens music? Sound off in the comments below.
This content was originally published here.
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