#engineering in pharmaceutical industry
arise3d · 3 months
Explore the transformative power of 3D rendering in the manufacturing industry. Learn how this technology enhances design accuracy, reduces costs, & boosts efficiency across various sectors.
Read blog: https://arise3d.com/role-of-3d-rendering-in-the-manufacturing-industry
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DAILY DOSE: Chickens CRISPRed into being immune to bird flu; New U.S. research funding agency taking tentative first steps.
CRISPR CREATES THE SUPER-CHICKEN. Scientists have harnessed CRISPR gene-editing technology to produce chickens with a degree of resistance to avian influenza, as per a study in Nature Communications. This research could offer a method to mitigate the impact of bird flu, which threatens animals and humans. However, when subjected to high viral doses, some modified chickens still got infected. The…
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lotustechnicals · 2 years
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eibaqin · 2 years
Tujuan dari arti sebuah slogan for safety first adalah untuk menghindari serta mencegah pegawai ataupun orang lain dari kecelakaan, meningkatkan keselamatan individu serta beramai- ramai dan memastikan pemantauan kecelakaan yang lebih baik di tempat kerja.
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I went down the internet rabbit hole trying to figure out wtf vegan cheese is made of and I found articles like this one speaking praises of new food tech startups creating vegan alternatives to cheese that Actually work like cheese in cooking so I was like huh that's neat and I looked up more stuff about 'precision fermentation' and. This is not good.
Basically these new biotech companies are pressuring governments to let them build a ton of new factories and pushing for governments to pay for them or to provide tax breaks and subsidies, and the factories are gonna cost hundreds of millions of dollars and require energy sources. Like, these things will have to be expensive and HUGE
I feel like I've just uncovered the tip of the "lab grown meat" iceberg. There are a bajillion of these companies (the one mentioned in the first article a $750 MILLION tech startup) that are trying to create "animal-free" animal products using biotech and want to build large factories to do it on a large scale
I'm trying to use google to find out about the energy requirements of such facilities and everything is really vague and hand-wavey about it like this article that's like "weeeeeell electricity can be produced using renewables" but it does take a lot of electricity, sugars, and human labor. Most of the claims about its sustainability appear to assume that we switch over to renewable electricity sources and/or use processes that don't fully exist yet.
I finally tracked down the source of some of the more radical claims about precision fermentation, and it comes from a think tank RethinkX that released a report claiming that the livestock industry will collapse by 2030, and be replaced by a system they're calling...
Food-as-Software, in which individual molecules engineered by scientists are uploaded to databases – molecular cookbooks that food engineers anywhere in the world can use to design products in the same way that software developers design apps.
I'm finding it hard to be excited about this for some odd reason
Where's the evidence for lower environmental impacts. That's literally what we're here for.
There will be an increase in the amount of electricity used in the new food system as the production facilities that underpin it rely on electricity to operate.
well that doesn't sound good.
This will, however, be offset by reductions in energy use elsewhere along the value chain. For example, since modern meat and dairy products will be produced in a sterile environment where the risk of contamination by pathogens is low, the need for refrigeration in storage and retail will decrease significantly.
Oh, so it will be better for the Earth because...we won't need to refrigerate. ????????
Oh Lord Jesus give me some numerical values.
Modern foods will be about 10 times more efficient than a cow at converting feed into end products because a cow needs energy via feed to maintain and build its body over time. Less feed consumed means less land required to grow it, which means less water is used and less waste is produced. The savings are dramatic – more than 10-25 times less feedstock, 10 times less water, five times less energy and 100 times less land.
There is nothing else in this report that I can find that provides evidence for a lower carbon footprint. Supposedly, an egg white protein produced through a similar process has been found to reduce environmental impacts, but mostly everything seems very speculative.
And crucially none of these estimations are taking into account the enormous cost and resource investment of constructing large factories that use this technology in the first place (existing use is mostly for pharmaceutical purposes)
It seems like there are more tech startups attempting to use this technology to create food than individual scientific papers investigating whether it's a good idea. Seriously, Google Scholar and JSTOR have almost nothing. The tech of the sort that RethinkX is describing barely exists.
Apparently Liberation Labs is planning to build the first large-scale precision fermentation facility in Richmond, Indiana come 2024 because of the presence of "a workforce experienced in manufacturing"
And I just looked up Richmond, Indiana and apparently, as of RIGHT NOW, the town is in the aftermath of a huge fire at a plastics recycling plant and is full of toxic debris containing asbestos and the air is full of toxic VOCs and hydrogen cyanide. ???????????? So that's how having a robust industrial sector is working out for them so far.
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sexhaver · 3 months
you with your engineering degree is like me with my biochemistry degree re: suggesting that all national medication shortages could be solved by letting people homebrew the drugs in their basement. like maybe it is just easier to standardize and track stuff on an industrial scale, unrelated to anyone in big pharma lining their pockets off it?
let alone the research that goes into discovering and trialling the drugs in the first place. bonus points if they also suggest that animal trials are inhumane anyway lol. it's like they're suggesting, what if our entire pharmaceutical sector was run by r/researchchemicals, but worse?
oh man you must have this so much worse than i do, at least with mechanical engineering issues the problems are rooted in physics that the average person has at least some familiarity with (on account of existing in the physical world and using physics to do, like, literally anything). but chemistry mostly happens at a level too small for people to actually see, which means that people either 1. treat it like magic or 2. pull some Four Thieves Vinegar Collective shit and start brewing insulin in bathtubs and tut-tutting anyone raising concerns about petty things like "contaminants" and "purity" and "consistent dosage". actually now that i think about it this is mostly an anarchist thing where they assume they can just abolish the entire pharmaceuticals industry and replace it with, like, horse-piss-derived estrogen distilleries in every commune. to quote @exeggcute 's reply on my last post: "chesterton's fence babyyyyyy"
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accord-vn · 8 months
Major Players in the War Against the Firmament
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The Republic of Stauros
The Republic of Stauros is a global superpower that controls the Americas and much of eastern and southern Africa, its imperialist agenda funded by the exploitation of abundant natural resources. This influx of resources means that they have been able to rapidly advance technology, particularly in bio-science, engineering, and materials science fields, and their advanced technology in turn makes for political capital with which they can bully nations into being subsumed by the Republic.
Stauros is a meritocratic oligarchy with republican structures, and presents itself as being a place where the best can rise to the top. It is centrally governed in its capital of Etorios, by a council of (what were originally) six departments that oversee facets of government such as treasury, military, agriculture, etc. These department heads are chosen from among a democratically elected parliament that makes up the upper levels of each department by the previous council. In short, the system rejects change very stubbornly as those who are eligible to lead have been entrenched in the system for a very long time. This entrenchment means that the Republic, while founded on progressive ideals, has now fully embraced the authoritarian streak that has haunted it since its inception.
Most prominent in Stauros's war against the Firmament is the ExoCorps, the executive arm of the Department of the Exterior. The Dept of the Exterior was created in order to protect Stauros's offplanet interests, however in the decades since they have come to rival the power of the Dept of Military, even surpassing it in many instances. The most notable example of this power imbalance is in the ExoCorps' development of Synaptic Transfer technology and the resulting Janissary program.
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The Sophic Church
The Sophic Church originated as part of the Third Awakening, a reactionary revival in religiosity coupled with anti-Christian sentiment and strong undercurrents of paranoia brought about by a sharp rise in conspiratorial thought. What were several grassroots Gnostic revival movements came together to form a single ecclesiastical society, united in their desire to dismantle current institutions and build something new. These movements, originally different sects, syncretized their beliefs, though after several decades of transformation, their doctrine has evolved into a largely ahistorical conflation of Valentinianism and Sethianism alongside some entirely new ideas.
The Sophic Church played a key role in the formation of the Republic and rose alongside it, shaping it in the process, and as a result, within Stauros there is a strong presumption that most residents of the Republic are a part of the church.
Naturally, due to this relationship the Church has amassed a large amount of wealth and influence, and has invested this wealth into a number of corporate assets. The most prominent among these is Ascension, a corporation with child companies for mining, manufacturing, logistics, pharmaceuticals, and many other industries.
As a result, the Sophic Church has control over a substantial amount of the economy not just of Stauros, but the rest of the world as well.
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The Stereomatos
In 2068, Olympia, Stauros's first permanent Martian research base, collapsed due to mismanagement. Due to the nature of the Stauros Dept of Research's control over the research base, while researchers lived permanent lives on base and even raised families there, leadership was not only appointed from a bureaucracy located on Earth, but also frequently rotated. As a result, most Directors of Operations viewed the position only as a temporary station, and ultimately failed to carry out their duties.
This culminated in 2067, when a failure in the water system caused dozens of people to become ill and 14 deaths. Civil unrest had already started to stir, but now was in full swing.
A nearby ExoCorps detachment was then stationed inside the colony to dissuade uprising, but the additional strain on resources that they caused served only to exacerbate discontentment. Before any violence broke out, the base was declared no longer fit for human habitation and disbanded, its residents either returned to earth or stationed in other colonies. The base was leveled shortly thereafter.
A mere two years later, Synesia was founded on Olympia's ruins. Synesia was intended to serve as a colony and an experiment in autonomous government, as well as a center for Stauros' civic operations offplanet. This quickly expanded into a semi-autonomous satellite state, granted nominal independence by Stauros in return for serving as the governing body for bases and offplanet stations too large and too distant from Earth in order to be effectively managed by a planetary bureaucracy.
In practice, the Stereomatos is a puppet state. Most of its leadership is either beholden or sympathetic to Stauros, and lives under constant threat of dismantlement. Stauros maintains exclusive trading rights with the Stereomatos, and uses the leverage of their monopoly on space infrastructure as means of controlling the nation.
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The Firmament
The Firmament is a revolutionary movement across the Stereomatos with the ultimate goal of eliminating Stauros control over space.
The movement is comprised of several cells across both inner sphere and outer sphere colonies and stations, which frequently work together to improve the living conditions of Stereomatos citizens, smuggle goods and resources across planetary boundaries, and wage asymmetric warfare against Stauros.
The Firmament's immediate strategy is to hold Stauros at resource-point through piracy and targeted attacks on military installations so that they'll agree to several key conditions:
The right to self-govern independent of Stauros control, including reforming the government from a parliamentary republic into a syndical state.
Better access to tertiary industry, including the means to utilize synaptic transfer tech
Access to Stauros trade networks in order to carry out trade with other nations with minimal interference
The Stereomatos as a whole may be generally divided in their opinion on the Firmament's methods, however it is an unspoken rule to side with them whenever possible, because the Firmament represents hope for a freer future and an end to overcrowding and military police actions. Even those ideologically opposed tend to avoid speaking out, because the members of the Firmament are ultimately members of their community. A number of Stereomatos politicians have direct connections to Firmament leadership, and work to achieve the movement's aims through diplomatic means.
On Earth, however, the opinion is generally much more divided. Typically the details of their actions are largely reduced to the effect that they've had on Stauros, and are branded terrorists due to civilian casualties from their attacks. Within Stauros, media is sufficiently skewed that those who are aware of them despise them. Outside of Stauros, the Stereomatos is shown more sympathy, and even those who skew more conservative are open to the idea of free trade with the Stereomatos.
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Federated Oceania
As climate change ravaged the global south, Aotearoa (formerly New Zealand) successfully pushed back the encroaching ocean with a sea wall, reclaiming additional land in the process. Having secured their new position as a safe haven for climate refugees, they pushed Australia into adopting a similar strategy. As a means of allowing displaced people to retain their sovereignty as well as protect against the threat of a subjugation-hungry Stauros on the horizon, the bloc of Federated Oceania was formed.
With a vested interest in environmental sciences and sustainable energy, Oceania rose to prominence by implementing the first viable fusion reactor and selling off excess energy from successive plants. This paved the way to further successes until it became the non-Stauros leader in technology on a global stage, and served as the first country to challenge Stauros's self-proclaimed "monopoly on space".
As a staunch rival of Stauros, Oceania is one of the few terrestrial nations to openly provide support the Firmament.
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The Archon Program
The disappearance of the Caesarea is a mainstay of conspiracy circles system-wide. From independent blogs hosted on the clearnet to chatrooms on planetside LITEs to forums and message boards maintained on Firmnet servers in the belt, no hushed whisper passes through the internet's lips without mentioning its name, and the Caesarea is rarely mentioned without the words "Archon program" in its wake.
However, there is little consensus on what those words mean.  
They say that Archon Program is run by the Dept of the Exterior— no, by the Sophic Church— no, it's the secret Dept of Suppression— as a psyop— actually, it's in order to crush unions (the IPU has NEVER been able to touch Ascension)— no, to serve as a counter to the Firmament's dark matter bomb— and eventually, to dominate the world— utilizing heinous machines that are larger than any Cataphract, that bleed, that drive their enemies and pilots to madness.
When asked for proof, however, the stories converge. A would-be whistleblower from Ascension Aerospace, killed when lightning struck her complex as she was uploading the leak, severing the connection and her life at once. All that was uploaded was the first gigabyte of a single file, titled Archon Program, completely blank except for the image of an A with an ouroboros divided into seven pieces.
Nothing more is known by the public.
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Chemists succeed in upscaling a common reagent for industrial level applications
The metallic element samarium, when bound with other elements, is an incredibly useful chemical reagent for synthesizing molecules that can lead to new pharmaceuticals. Discovered in a Russian mine in 1879, the element was named after the mineral it was found in, called samarskite, which itself was named after Russian mining engineer Vassili Samarsky-Bykhovets. The most common samarium reagent is samarium diiodide, which consists of one atom of samarium and two atoms of the element iodine. But scaling up this versatile reagent to quantities large enough to be used in industrial settings has proved challenging. "The reagent is air sensitive, so you often have to prepare the solution fresh, right before the reaction," says Caltech graduate student Chungkeun Shin, who works in the lab of Sarah Reisman, Bren Professor of Chemistry and the Norman Davidson Leadership Chair of Caltech's Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.
Read more.
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diasomnia, 1 — 19
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***Spoilers ahead!!!***
Note: this is just a general summary of what has happened so far and my initial reactions to those major events. I focused my comments on whatever interests me the most (ie lore and funny character interactions), so there are definitely details that were overlooked and lines that were simplified to make a joke; please do not rely on this as a translation.
Big thanks to @shuuenmei and @curekibouka-writing for clarifying the more confusing tracks of the story (some parts were difficult to follow the sequence of events for) and the details of the✨ deep lore ✨ It was fun screaming with the both of you—
Ah yes, Yuu’s Sleeping Beauty dream right on cue. Finally starting to put together the puzzle pieces, huh (Yuu goes to check on the Great Seven statues to confirm they saw the Fairy of Thorns in their dreams)? About time—
As expected, Sebek loses his mind and tells Yuu to not abuse Malleus’s kindness. He’s also super pissed that Malleus and Yuu act familiar with each other (and over the nickname). Yup, that interaction went about as well as we all predicted…
Not Lilia being the “I’m an anime boy late for anime school (the internship meeting)!” trope 😂 All he needs is some toast in his mouth!
Crowley talks about boring things how the internships will work and we hear more about the areas of interest for the third years.
Lore ✨ Each internship “semester” is 3 months and you can only take certain internships if you qualify for them via your grades, credits, and electives. You can choose to do 3 separate internships (again, 3 months each) or do 1 internship (for all 9 months). A B or higher is needed on two of the “semesters” to graduate. Students must also submit reports each semester. Some places additionally require interviews and/or special tests to be passed before a student is accepted as an intern. Placements are not first-come, first-serve; you need to earn that spot.
Trey says he wants to do something related to pastries or agriculture; basically, things close to food production 🌾 He wants to take advantage of his opportunities as an NRC student while he still can!! Trey said he wants to work right after school rather than go to university.
Cater is interested in the entertainment industry; he mentions magazines and videos?? It seems he isn’t interested in higher education.
HELP they randomly mention that Ace’s older brother interned in the entertainment industry too (it gets brought up when Cater was considering a theme park for his own internship)??? TRAPPOLA NII ALSO CURRENTLY WORKS IN ENTERTAINMENT????? When do we get to meet him, Ace—
Vil is continuing to advance his own career in film. He already picked out a studio to apply for, and expresses an interest in magical pharmaceuticals (though he doesn’t intend on going to college). Very fitting specialties for everyone, I must say!
Rook is interested in archeology so he can learn more about the world! After learning about S.T.Y.X., he realizes there’s so much more he doesn’t yet know. According to Trey, Rook does appear to intend to pursue college/higher level studies.
LMAO at Trey constantly having to translate Rook-isms for everyone 😂 Classic Science Club…
Unca Weona is cwanky cuz the talking is disturbing his nappy—
Leona’s going to a mining and energy facility in his home country. It’s an option offered only to those with high grades. Leona wants to be a lazy ass 🦁 “They won’t fail their prince, lmao”
Idia is doing an software engineering internship at Olympus Corp (ie TWST Google) 👀 This is huge because back at the end of episode 5 (ie the episode 6 preview), Idia was actively rejecting offers from Olympus Corp, claiming that he wasn’t welcome anywhere. Character growth… Idia isn’t welcome back at S.T.Y.X. because of the Overblotting and how it nearly exposed the organization to the public eye LOL 😂 Absentee Shroud parents upset with him cksbskwbkcnfke
Malleus doesn’t seem to be interested in picking an internship; he says that, to him, 3 months is too short a time to really learn anything (temporal dissonance strikes again). In the end, he is going to research historical ruins?? He can hang out with the Gargoyles 😎 and Rollo/j
BRO WHAT ???? Lilia is dropping out of NRC??? THE FUQ,,,,!.’sveksbskebkzvczbvvv?$$$&85inmw I had to hard stop at this scene because it caught me by surprise.
The first years are talking about Mickey (like if there are certain conditions to get him to appear??). Oh god, they're planning a Mickey Mouse stakeout????? AND ORTHO IS INCLUDED IN THE GROUP AWWWW 🥺 He searches his databases and uses his cool robot tech to look for more information about Mickey but finds nothing.
GRIM MAKES A SUS COMMENT ABOUT HOW ORTHO IS MORE HELPFUL WITH THIS (Mickey and Yuu's worlds perhaps being tied or related to one another) THAN CROWLEY IS.
They overhear Sebek shouting in the cafeteria; he’s in disbelief that Lilia is dropping out of school.
So anyway, Lilia’s magic has, in fact, weakened significantly (he was almost late for the internship meeting because he woke up and found that he couldn't teleport). He plans on retiring in the Land of the Crimson Dragon (Mushu???? IS THAT YOU).
Interesting??? It seems that Lilia has been progressively losing his powers since even before Sebek and Silver were born… It’s not a super recent occurrence.
Sebek and Silver are understandably upset and mention that while it would be easy for either of them to visit Lilia, it would be almost impossible for Malleus because he will be so inundated with his royal duties after graduation. Malleus is distraught as well, but he insists that they respect Lilia's decision. AND HE’S LEAVING IN LIKE A WEEK? That’s barely enough time to mourn or to emotionally prepare for the fallout…
Malleus pitches an idea to talk to his grandma to not overwork Lilia (vice dorm leaders being overworked? What? In this game? Nooooooo/s).
Malleus's grandma is name-dropped (Maleficia)??? Is everyone in the Draconia family just Mal-something????
LOTS OF OMINOUS DIALOGUE ("Time is running out", "Fate cannot be defied", etc.)
After that whole conversation it’s clear that something isn’t right (despite Malleus maintaining his calm in front of Diasomnia). As soon as he’s away from them, the weather instantly turns stormy AND we see Malleus's blot accumulating as early as 7-13 in what I assume will be a very meaty episode.
Sebek and Silver help Lilia pack; Silver finds this tin in Lilia’s room. There is an old bracelet of acorns and thread inside.
Lilia shows up and says that it’s the most precious item he’s ever been gifted??? But it’s not clear who it’s from.
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There's another item in the tin (the ring on a chain)! It has a weird effect on Silver?? I think it makes him sleepy???
The gem in the ring is the same color as Silver’s eyes; Lilia thinks its because his parents wanted his eyes to be forever unclouded and pure 🤨 That’s cute and all, but it makes me really suspicious that something super bad will happen later and I’m living for that—
This ring was tied to baby Silver when Lilia found him. He planned on gifting it to Silver when he's finally an adult... and now is that time 😭 Ain’t no way they’re giving us these heartfelt moments only to not tear it down later with something devastating… And?? With the ring being so fancy, there’s no way Silver isn’t descended from some rich family (or even royalty/nobility) himself??? Prince Silver real????/j cuz that ring sure does look like Princess Aurora’s crown…
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Sebek pulls up with THIS fucking monstrosity?? It’s a weapon (axe???) Lilia used from back in the day (like, in war). However, nowadays he uses it to chop regular shit like wood. The weapon looks very similar to one that Maleficent’s minions use.
It's made out of a special magical ore! It’s called Mystium, and it changes shape according to the wielder’s magic.
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Back to Yuu and co. staking out Mickey! Grim is finally realizing that if Yuu goes home, he’ll be alone 😔 Noooo, fur baby… Don’t be sad..
They wait for a while but get sleepy because Mickey is taking forever to appear. When Yuu wakes up, they see Malleus’s green lights and they go outside to find it’s snowing (again, because of his weird mood). He apologizes and makes the snow vanish, then confides in Yuu about his insecurities.
Malleus tells a story about how he froze the castle and some people when he was a little kid (omg Elsa core???) because because his grandma had promised to eat with him and was late or didn’t show up due to her royal duties keeping her busy. It sounds like even the palace servants were afraid of his power because of incidents like this. Like. It’s kind of implied Malleus almost killed them (Lilia says Malleus almost “lost” those people) with his magic.
Lilia was the only one who came for Malleus to check on him when he was upset, dried his tears, and tried to understand him. He comes over and frees the people that Malleus froze, then everyone starts preparing and eating shaved ice made from the ice encasing the castle (not randomly, I think it was Lilia’s suggestion).
Malleus gets jealous because he saw everyone enjoying food without him and/or he thought Lilia was angry at him. (This is the point when Lilia tells him he has great power so he has to be careful how he uses it, ie the “you almost lost the people that you’re now happily eating with at the hands of your own magic” talk.)
Lilia uses his weapon to make some shaved ice for Malleus and invited him to join in (I think this may be the same weapon Sebek finds in his room in the present???); this helped Malleus “connect” with other people, or at least invited him to join and do the same thing the others were) It’s because of Lilia that Malleus is okay with eating cold things. UM???? HELLO???? Is that why Malleus’s favorite food is ice-cream??? Or at least a part of it?
BTW LONG HAir PONYtAIL LILiA CANON yes I’m way more excited about this than I was about that entire ice story
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Yuu calls Malleus lonely 💀 and Malleus is shocked because he’s so used to being alone that the thought never occurred to him…
Oh no, Malleus learned that Yuu has “found a way home” (ie Rickey Rat hunting) 🙃 he’s like. “You are leaving me as well?” AND RIGHT AFTER HE JUST LEARNED ABOUT LILIA GOING… Lilia, who has been with Malleus ever since he hatched from his egg…
Friends, family… everything and everyone he cherishes is leaving Malleus. “Even if I have great power, I have nothing. I gain nothing, I always lose. No one will invite me, not anymore.” No Lilia, No Yuu 😞 Malleus, your abandonment issues are showing—
NAUUUR not more ominous shit 😭 Not the “man, I sure do wish everyone wouldn’t go :(((( if only there was a way for me to have everything I want…” coming from the mouth of a super insanely powerful magician…
NOOOOO not Yuu unintentionally enabling Malleus… He asks if there was a way to be with your loved ones forever, would Yuu take it?????? YUU DOnT SAy YES YOU FUQQinG IDIOT… ENABLER Yuu didn’t learn from Trey/j
MaLLEUS MY duDE 😔 DOn’T PULL ANY STUPID ShIT PLEASE (ie we all know he probably will)
Aaaand that’s all for now, folks!! Lots of sketchy lines and lore centering around grandpappy Lilia 🤡
Overall, I like the direction episode 7 is going so far! I was really worried that it would focus too much on Yuu and Malleus’s relationship rather than elaborating on Malleus’s relationships with the rest of Diasomnia, but I’m glad that the main story actually touches upon how integral Lilia is to his found family—and to Malleus, of course. A lot of interesting plot points have been set up (especially surrounding Mickey and Lilia), and I’m really looking forward to seeing how those conclude 👀 I feel like we also got spoiled with character lore; I love that time is a Real Thing in TWST and the the boys are aging and thinking hard about their futures. Can’t wait for the angst to hit me full force like a truck 💕
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every day the earth trembles under the weight of my potential. I have a 6 hour video essay about arknights and its ludonarrative in me and you motherfuckers are so lucky. So the thing about it thats the most interesting to me, right, is that there's a Magic Material in the worldbuilding. It's called Oriron. It grows in large, crystalline formations, which disperse a harmful dust which causes infection. Individuals infected with Oripathy die. All that medicine is able to do is slow it down. When they near death and after, those who are infected with oripathy start releasing that same dust that causes infection in others. When enough dust is released, it creates a "Catastrophe;" which can take various shapes, but invariably creates MASSIVE deposits of Oriron which fall like comets from the clouds of dust. Cities in the world of arknights have had to be built on moving platforms that roam across the countryside in order to avoid these catastrophes. (Mortal engines vibes btw.)
This material is also how technology, industry, and magic, all function in this world. Utilizing tools with Oriron, you can utilize it to do literal magic. It's also destroying the entire fucking world. Infected get to use the oriron inside them to do magic instead. neat! This kills them. Slowly, but it does.
Arknights is a gacha game. It's built on the same addictive spending models that have ruined so many fucking lives.
The premium currency of the game is. Oriron. Well. Orundum. There's like 60 different kinds of oriron which are all different upgrade materials because again, Gacha game. It's.
In Arknights, you play as "The Doctor", a figure working for a Pharmaceutical Company that is trying to cure oripathy. Amiya is the idealistic leader of said company. I haven't gotten to all the details about her past with the doctor or much of the lore. But her entire goal is to not betray her ideals of being able to be a force of good in a world that's utterly fucked. Because of. The Premium Currency Of The Game.
Anyway the arknights true ending is a free-to-play fangame because the structure of arknights as a media property WILL not allow it to end. And whether it was intentional or not, the fact that the premium currency of the game is also Magic Supercancer DOES make this a more poignant point for me.
In the end, to give Amiya the future she wants to see, we, the players, as doctors, need to see the real cure for Oripathy. We cannot accept the continued use of Oriron for industry. There are hundreds of thousands of disenfranchized Infected, who might be able to help us transition from a society that depends on oriron to a society that does not.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
In a breakthrough for environmentally friendly chemical production, researchers at the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI) have developed an economical way to make succinic acid, an important industrial chemical, from sugarcane. The team of University of Illinois and Princeton University researchers created a cost-effective, end-to-end pipeline for this valuable organic acid by engineering a tough, acid-tolerant yeast as the fermenting agent, avoiding costly steps in downstream processing. Succinic acid is a widely used additive for food and beverages and has diverse applications in agricultural and pharmaceutical products. This same pipeline can be used to produce other industrially important organic acids targeted by CABBI in its work to develop sustainable biofuels and biochemicals from crops, said co-author Huimin Zhao, CABBI's Conversion Theme Leader and Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE) at Illinois. To reduce reliance on fossil fuels, Conversion researchers are deploying microbes to convert plant biomass into chemicals used in everyday products as an alternative to conventional petroleum-based production.
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callimara · 1 year
The Setting
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A quaint town with a population of 10,000. Located in the Pas-de-Calais department of Northern France, it is an amalgamation of days past and modern times; preserving its original construction from 150 years ago while intertwining with modern-day advancements.
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The town was founded in the late 1800s by Olivier Bougainvillea: a renowned physicist from Paris who led a scientific expedition to the area that would later be known as Bougainville. The goal of his expedition was to study unusual electromagnetic radiations within the area. He set up a research base that would inadvertently grow with the influx of scientists and researchers Bougainvillea recruited to participate in his research. The growing scale of Bougainvillea's research necessitated better infrastructure and living facilities; resulting in the arrival of more labor for construction. The rapid influx of people now requiring long-term accommodation in the area demanded more housing, and soon the base had transformed into a small hamlet. Thus, began the settlement of Bougainville. As time passed, the families of the workers and researchers had relocated to the area; operating independent businesses to fill demands such as clothing, food, and other essential supplies. And as the economy grew, so did the settlement. More merchants and businesses settled in the hamlet, and soon, what was once a research base became the town of Bougainville: named after the lead scientist that pioneered the settlement of the area and powered the town with his discoveries and innovations. In honour of his legacy, Bougainvillea flowers line the front of almost every street, creating a beautiful sight at every turn.
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Bougainville has Calais to the north, Le Portel to the west, Lumbres to the east, and Desvres to the south. It is nestled adjacent to the Parc naturel regional des caps et marais d’Opale. As such, lazily drifting fog and chilly weather are a permanent fixture in the small town, perfectly complementing its slow, leisurely lifestyle. A river divides the town into two sides: West and East. Western Bougainville is its central business district; housing the entertainment district and the shopping district; as well as the town hall, Bougainville bank, and police station. Eastern Bougainville is the town’s health and education district; being the location of Bougainvillea University, Bougainville General Hospital, and the Bougainvillea Foundation’s central laboratory; which is open to the public as a science museum. To the north of the town is the Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve, which is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. It is also here that the Bougainvillea Power Plant is located; which provides electricity to the entire town.
The Bougainvillea Foundation
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A multinational conglomerate with subsidiaries in a variety of industries.
Including, but not limited to:
medical equipment
non-profit organizations
military equipment
Central Laboratory
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One of the crowning jewels of Bougainville, the Bougainvillea central laboratory is a marvel of modern engineering. From its humble beginnings as a research tent, it is now the primary location for all of the Bougainvillea Foundation’s science exhibitions. Thus, it is a famous field trip destination for many educational institutes. It is the oldest and largest lab of the Bougainvillea Foundation. It has contributed much to the lifestyle advancements in Bougainville by: supplying power; being the primary supplier of medicine, medical supplies, and funds the Bougainville healthcare system; and founding Bougainvillea University.
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Bougainvillea University
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Founded in the honor of Olivier Bougainvillea for his contributions to modern science and the founding of Bougainville, Bougainvillea University strives to shape brilliant minds that will pave the way to innovation and discovery. Graduates of this university may receive highly coveted employment with the Bougainvillea Foundation.
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Bougainville General Hospital
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From its humble beginnings as a small 3-bed health clinic, the facility has grown to an impressive 300-bed general hospital with an emergency department and specialist operating theatres. Though it has maintained its original exterior, its interior has been refurbished with state-of-the-art healthcare facilities thanks to the generous donations of the Bougainvillea Foundation.
Shopping District
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The location of most of the shops in Bougainville. It is the most popular tourist and student destination in town, boasting an array of grocers, book stores, bakeries, boutiques, cafes, restaurants, and wineries.
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Entertainment District
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The centre of Bougainville’s nightlife, this area is where most of Bougainville’s adult recreational businesses are located. From bars, taverns, and billiard, to nightclubs, strip clubs and gambling.
Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve
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Named after the town founder’s wife and fellow scientist, Emilie Francoise nature reserve is 1000 acres of protected marshland and forest. The reserve is a popular hiking and camping destination for locals and visitors alike. In honor of Olivier Bougainvillea's beloved wife, fellow scientist, and Parisian ecologist, the nature reserve aims to continue the conservation efforts of Emilie Francoise Bougainvillea in protecting the town’s natural landscape.
Key Locations
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Luna Lake A crystalline lake that is 30 km wide that reflects the sky like a mirror. At night time, it seems to hold the moon on its surface. It is populated by diverse aquatic life, making it a popular fishing spot.
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Bellevue Valley A valley covered with flowers all year long. Different flowers bloom during different seasons and months.
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Celine Falls The biggest, most scenic water fall in the nature reserve
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Labyrinthe Marshland The largest marshland in the nature reserve and home to a diverse population of wildlife.
The Underground
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There are whispers of an underground black market where illicit goods and services are distributed. Though its location is largely unknown…
▶ Wildward Master Post
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reality-detective · 10 months
"World Patriots, Rejoice: The Deep State's Second Pandemic Plot Unravels!"
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Patriots and Freedom Fighters, this is a moment to celebrate, for your unyielding spirit has once again triumphed against the shadowy deep state and their globalist agenda.
Your voices, your unshakable commitment to the truth, have played a pivotal role in exposing the hidden agenda, thereby thwarting the second planned pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. The globalist deep state has been forced to abandon their malevolent scheme thanks to the MASSIVE AWAKENING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN!
Across more than 100 nations, their sinister plan has crumbled, with fewer than 5% of Americans succumbing to their booster shot agenda. Across the globe, consensus has been reached that the world refuses to bow to new lockdowns, and most now see a sinister elite agenda lurking behind the pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns. Moreover, nations are awakening to the stark corruption undermining their two-tier governments, suppressing human rights, and censoring freedom of speech!
"Secret Vaxx Warehouses - A Billion-Dollar Fiasco"
Behind closed doors, the colossal failure of vaccine storage and distribution unfolds. Warehouses across the globe are overflowing, and the blunders are costing BlackRock and others hundreds of billions as vaccines languish without proper storage and cooling. Quietly, these vaccines are being destroyed, making this revelation a powerful testament to our fight against the deep state cabal.
"The Power of the Great Awakening"
This moment signifies a monumental victory against the deep state cabal and underscores the potency of the Great Awakening, spreading like wildfire worldwide. Your voices are the antidote to the deep state's lies, overcoming mainstream media misinformation, social media censorship, government suppression, and globalist narratives.
"Deep State Panic and the WW3 Scheme"
As the globalist cabal panics, they endeavor to concoct a WW3 scenario to fuel their illicit money laundering operations, extracting trillions from the U.S., EU, Canada, Australia, Israel, and the puppet Ukrainian regime controlled by the CIA. But their war machinations have crumbled as Ukraine's regime, feeling betrayed and abandoned, admits defeat.
"Israeli Civil War Looms"
Behind the curtains in Israel, the military plans to remove Netanyahu, paving the way for tribunals. A civil war looms, scheduled for 2024, as over 80% of Israelis lose faith in their government. White hat military strategists are preparing intricate Game Theory Operations for a bloodless military coup.
"Revelations Await in 2024"
In 2024, brace for groundbreaking revelations as military white hats and courageous individuals in the medical, government, and the broader pharmaceutical industry unleash hidden data on vaccine tests, fatalities, damages, and the corrupt agendas of global investment giants such as BlackRock, who manipulated, bribed, blackmailed, and laundered money to push through COVID-19 vaccines.
"Global Riots and Protests"
A wave of worldwide unrest will sweep through the streets, targeting the establishment in the medical, big pharma, big tech, and industries entwined with governments, presidents, and regimes beholden to globalist agendas and control. The depopulation agenda will cease to be a conspiracy, as the U.S. Congress launches investigations, intersecting with the 2024 election interference and the previous 2020 election meddling.
"A Planned Military Coup?"
This looming storm will be masterfully framed by the white hats as a meticulously orchestrated military coup engineered by the globalists, in collusion with the likes of Obama, the CIA, Pentagon, and the DOJ, extending its reach to the European Union, Canada, Australia, and the rest of the world.
Remember, Patriots, everything converges towards Q.
"Trust the Plan, Military Is the Only Way"
Place your trust in the plan, for the military stands as the only bastion against the encroaching darkness.
The revolution is imminent
- David Wilcock 🤔
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lotustechnicals · 2 years
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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Feeding Soul, Freeing Soil
“...all of us will come back again to hoe in the ground... Or hand-adze a beam, or skin a pole, or scrape a hive — we’re never going to get away from that We’ve been living a dream that we’re going to get away from that. Put that out of our minds... That work is always going to be there.” — Gary Snyder, in The Real Work: Interviews and Talks, 1964–1979
In the pre-industrial world, food was the basis of human life. If not deserving of outright ceremonial worship, then certainty food was not something just taken for granted. Sure, this was probably out of pure necessity of survival, and due to technologies in our culture we have more of a margin of error. But I have to wonder when I consider the mindlessness with which so many of us purchase, prepare, consume, and dispose of food, if the “privileges” of convenience and effortlessness are really worth the consequences. On psychological and spiritual levels, the disconnect between our daily lives and the source of our very existence — the raw material that fuels our bodies and minds — has an effect that is both profoundly symbolic, and frighteningly real.
Most of us would agree that food is a catalyst for family and community bonds. Without it, the very fabric of our cultures comes unraveled And we can see that happening today. We have no time to cook, and even less time to eat. Our culture’s fixation on efficiency and timesaving makes it impossible for us to appreciate what goes into producing it. In our ignorance, we demand produce that is not seasonal or bioregional, the transportation of which fills 4 million trucks a year, which use $5.5 billion worth of fuel, and spew 4 million tons of pollutants into the air. The average distance food travels from farm to fork is 1300 miles! (Rodale, 1981) We demand certain tastes at a snap of the fingers, even if it means transporting a spice thousands of miles, or using large amounts of oils pressed from genetically engineered seeds half a world away. We demand to be able to cook rice in ten minutes, which requires industrial processing that removes all the nutrients from the grain. Most meat-eaters in modern society don’t ever see the animal until it ends up packaged and in the grocery store. All these “conveniences” reinforce a dangerous sense of detachment and alienation.
One of the most revealing metaphors relating to modern society’s culinary dysfunction is in our dependence on processed foods. People would be more whole eating whole foods, not fragmented and refined commodities with isolated nutrients added back in. Food in its natural state evolved alongside human beings, and when obtained directly, it provides us with all we need. Food processing is an unnecessary obstacle to nutrition that benefits the long line of manufacturers, packagers and advertizers who take 90% of every food dollar, mediating our physical sustenance.
Lack of vitality is a major component of malnutrition from modern food sources. Grown in depleted soils with chemical fertilizers to mimic fertility, the plants become dependent on the chemicals to survive. Similarly, when we eat a lifetime of nutrient- depleted food our bodies become dependent on pharmaceuticals. Just like in the forest, agricultural soil health can be seen as an indicator of the health of the entire system, of which we are a part. If the soil is depleted of nutrients, so is the food that grows in it, and so are those who eat it.
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acceptccnow · 11 months
Discussing NMN, Nutraceuticals, & Merchant Payment Processing
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | Accept-Credit-Cards-Now.com
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In today's ever-evolving health and business landscape, the merging of NMN, nutraceuticals, and merchant payment processing is reshaping our approach to wellness and commercial transactions. Join us as we explore the interconnectedness of these elements and their influence on our lives.
Nutraceuticals: Pioneering the Path to Optimal Health Nutraceuticals are at the forefront of modern health and wellness trends. This blend of "nutrition" and "pharmaceuticals" encompasses products that go beyond basic sustenance, providing health benefits to enhance overall well-being. This category includes dietary supplements, vitamins, herbal remedies, and functional foods.
As health-conscious individuals continue to grow in number, the demand for nutraceuticals has skyrocketed. People are actively seeking solutions to improve their health, manage specific conditions, and enhance vitality. This burgeoning interest has given rise to a thriving industry, where businesses must implement robust merchant account processing systems to seamlessly accept credit cards and offer customers convenient payment options.
Merchant Payment Processing: The Engine of Modern Transactions Merchant payment processing is the powerhouse driving contemporary commerce. In an era where cash transactions are dwindling, the ability to accept credit cards has become a necessity for businesses across the board. It's no longer just a matter of convenience; it's about exceeding customer expectations and driving sales.
For the nutraceutical sector, efficient payment processing is of particular significance. When customers seek health solutions, they demand a seamless, secure, and hassle-free buying experience. The capacity to accept credit cards ensures that transactions are promptly executed, nurturing trust and customer loyalty.
Selecting the Optimal Merchant Account Processing Solution The choice of the right merchant account processing solution is a pivotal one for businesses. Factors like fees, security, customer support, and alignment with your business model must all be carefully evaluated.
Nutraceutical businesses have their unique considerations. Many of them provide subscription-based supplement plans, necessitating a payment system that adeptly manages recurring billing. Given the sensitive health information involved, security is of paramount importance. Compliance with industry standards, including the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), is non-negotiable.
NMN: A Nutraceutical Game-Changer Now, let's cast the spotlight on NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), a star performer in the realm of nutraceuticals. NMN is a naturally occurring compound found in various foods like broccoli and avocados. Its claim to fame lies in its potential to boost NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) levels, a coenzyme critical for energy metabolism and DNA repair.
NMN has garnered substantial attention for its possible anti-aging properties. As we age, NAD+ levels decline, leading to a range of health issues. NMN supplements aim to reverse this decline, presenting a promising avenue to improved health and longevity. As the demand for NMN products continues to climb, nutraceutical businesses must have reliable merchant account processing systems in place to efficiently handle the growing demand for these life-enhancing products.
The Nexus of NMN, Nutraceuticals, and Payment Processing The intersection of NMN, nutraceuticals, and payment processing presents a distinctive opportunity for businesses. With the health and wellness industry on the ascent, offering top-tier health products like NMN and delivering customers a seamless payment experience are pivotal.
Efficient payment processing systems aren't just transaction facilitators; they are central to customer satisfaction. When customers can make secure payments with their preferred credit cards, they are more inclined to complete their purchases and return for future transactions.
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