astridcortes · 3 months
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Love is woven day by day . Do a good job . ❤️
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I have had a revelation:
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unxstatic · 8 months
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reformedontheweb · 12 days
The Spirit has manifested the omnipotence of his power in creation works
I. First, then, we are to view the power of the Spirit in the OUTWARD AND VISIBLE DISPLAYS OF IT. The power of the Spirit has not been dormant; it has exerted itself. Much has been done by the Spirit of God already; more than could have been accomplished by any being except the Infinite, Eternal, Almighty Jehovah, of whom the holy Spirit is one person. There are four works which are the outward…
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william-r-melich · 5 months
My Mind Is Opening Up - 04/25/2024
Something wonderful is happening to me. About a month ago I decided to quit using marijuana, but I thought quitting cold turkey would be too difficult, so I decided to limit my usage to once a week. After my first week from that decision, I noticed a significant improvement in my cognitive and writing abilities. My thoughts were coming to me with much more clarity. I'm finding it much easier to figure things out and creatively express my thoughts more effectively. These last few weeks have been very interesting. In that time, I have created 9 riddles and wrote one of my most entertaining and interesting article which I posted here last week entitled, "What You Really Need to Know About the Trump Trial in New York But Were Afraid to Ask." My thoughts and emotions just poured out from my mind, expressing my frustrations at the current situation involving Trump and his legal battles, as well as the declining state of our once great country. The riddles began with my first one I recalled from memory as a question I asked myself about 20 years ago, which I was never able to find an answer to until about two weeks ago. The question, which I decided to use as a riddle was this, "What is both the smallest and largest thing in existence?" Not only did I find an answer, I found 50 of them, which can be found on my website; RealitysReal.com, at the end of the Poetry & More section. The process of my reasoning was very interesting, as I found myself using the same line of thinking for other areas of consideration. As an example, in reference to the riddle I just mentioned, as I was going through a process of logical analysis, I discovered that the word, "everything" is slightly different than the word, "existence."
Existence only contains everything that actually does exist. Everything is closer to reality in the aspect of having both abstraction and the concrete. Although abstraction does exist, since it is an abstraction as a form of energy produced by the mind, its existence can't be completely independent as inherent since it's originated form something that can. For example, the idea that not anything is real would wipe away everything including itself because the idea as an idea and not what it represents is real, but not true.
I went on to describe some of the answers I had decided to use and others to eliminate, and I'll not disclose those in case you're interested in trying to solve the riddle yourself. In an earlier analysis leading up to the conclusion that everything and existence are different, I was considering two particular words, "theory" and "words," as answers to the riddle, which I had decided not to use. This is what I wrote.
Words? That's sort of like theory. Those could each erase themselves out, but they don't have to. That's like suggesting the possible representation of the smallest and largest. Does that qualify? No, not really. My other words can't just be anything in relation to how they would apply to the riddle, whereas "theory" can be immediately disqualified by the suggestions of alternatives or implied modifications. The word "words", however, being as universal as existence itself in what they can represent, that they can be applied correctly. And since that being accurate is or should be the goal of using "words", as is the goal of "theory", they merely work as a potential, but not exclusively as an actualized one as they can be mistaken. Whereas a universal word like "existence" can only be as it is. Therefore, "theory" and "words" do not work.
This was quite a process of reasoning in determining the answers to my riddles, and one riddle in particular kept me up all night. I find what's happening to me as my mind continues to expand to be very interesting. I must remain sober so that I can further advance in this enlightening journey I'm on. Where it leads me is yet to be discovered, I suspect I will create many more ideas and expressions of meaning and purpose. My mind is on fire and my desire is to keep rolling with it so I can bring to the world something of value that will positively inspire my readers to improve their quality of life. I really do believe that thinking adds value in many immeasurable ways...
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Model references for Heimdall: Enlightening - Aether Gazer *Please note that her released model is missing her glasses
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certified-silly-guy · 9 months
”Oh! And the [One Piece] that was reall-“
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bibleofficial · 1 year
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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astridcortes · 2 months
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May your learning paths always lead you to places of peace and love .
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smulnsander · 1 year
shapes Kraft macaroni is so fucking better than that fucking elbow shape
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mizz-stress · 2 years
Most men are not wicked... They are sleep-walkers, not evil evildoers.
—Franz Kafka
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yumeyleo · 1 year
i wonder what’s going on with marvel these days
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mysticmsmatrix · 2 years
enlightened girl 🍷
enlightened girl who’s lost but found in the mist of her own existence , her own space
space which was always needed for her to
follow the light in herself for guidance , for blessings to occur
disconnected & connected she feels everyday as if she is here & she’s also some else where
spiritually gliding through the air of the
yet to come & what she’s preparing for
as she lives between the polarities of being alive , grateful & also having to accept one day she’ll be dead & even that she believes is a myth made up
as she says, I have been fully breathing, living while being dead inside
i could feel my spirt being sucked dry from every memory & experience that brought tears to my eyes & yet I was still “alive”
death is only a ending that creates a beginning , demise is a non verbal compromise we will all have to face
just like we faced the decision to be alive
no mistakes , no regrets , no double takes she knows we must believe in to have true grace, freedom in our pace
she isn’t there yet but she is finding her way , finding pieces of herself
her reflections her decision making
unwilling & wiling collecting experiences & emotions of things she thought she never cry about again
smiling at things she never thought would make her happy
even laughing at the things that used to make her angry
enlightened girl isn’t for the weak
you see things in people that your heart
& desires wished you never seen
enlightened girl cannot be blinded, fooled unless she is the one to cover her own eyes , ears
divinely chosen, strength was transferred to her through her genes
but she never knew back then with heavy thoughts , broken heart & held in tears, she’s still appeared to be the light in a room
she thought her strength was in how tight she can hold on to the edge of the cliff
the edge of a cliff of her letting the worlds opinions win, letting heartbreaks cut deep within & debating to follow her passions , gifts
enlightened girl who had to swallow the pill of darkness to see why she was chosen to shine
she will always be one of a kind from the person she is in every lifetime
her curses were only the things she allowed to become poison to her golden mind , her beautiful spirt & presence
enlightened girl who just wants to live in her peace , explore her purposes & make everyone she meets feel heard , loved & safe, enlightened girl with a mystical magical soul that can only understood & not told.-themysticmatrix
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miraclemaya · 7 months
this is problematic of me (joke) but i really enjoy the splashing of french into english speech or writing. just adds a pizzazz
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chodzacaparodia · 5 months
It's frustrating that you can come up with the plot of an entire fic in just a few seconds, but writing it all down can take anywhere from never to forever.
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