silver-manticore · 2 years
Part 1
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The curse had been broken, the spell undone. The ugliest man alive re-emerging as not a man, but Elf. An Elven mage in search of Cirilla as were we, before the Hunt could catch up to her. 
My short time in knowing Ciri from her times at the inn, as well as saving my life had made me committed to repaying my debts to the Ashen-haired woman, as well as our brief romantic trist...I had been found by Geralt, whom had familiar silver hair, piercing eyes, and a similar medallion to my dear friend, I practically begged him to allow me to tag along with him. In our first encounter he declined, in our second I inquired if he knew a female witcher with beautiful green eyes... and from then on he was interested in having me go along with him on his quest, after some time on the path with Geralt, he came to be in possession of a strange looking creature only referred to as "Uma". 
Upon my first meeting with Uma, I saw him to be a sweet and innocent creature. The journey back to Kaer Mohren was a long and arduous one, thus we took breaks as needed and aided locals, while Geralt handled the monsters with his silver blade, I would assist at a safer distance with the crossbow. It helped that I was a practical medic for the Witcher as well as a decent cook, he seemed less regretful that he was bringing me along for those reasons. 
It was fortunate that we both liked to be hygienic as well, I was given the opportunity for frequent baths and warm cots to sleep upon, though often I would be sharing the room with a snoring Witcher and the staring Uma. Often this creature looked at me, sometimes with a dopey smile and other times I saw a glimmer of something else in his gaze, as if he had become a different person altogether. During the nights which I was curled up comfortably on the second bed, which I thankfully slept alone on, I would catch Uma looking at my form laying in bed...I was at first a little creeped out by the behaviour, but I took it as him being unaware that it was rude, I honestly was too weak in the heart to scold him for he had suffered greatly as well as being jeered at while on the path. I would often keep him on my horse Mellon to relieve Geralt's mare Roach from the added weight of two, as my Stallion was well adept to handle much more with his age and muscle double that of the young horse. 
Uma was an innocent creature in my eyes, thus I felt no shame in bathing the poor thing, though he seemed a little sad when being helped, I realized why this was as Geralt told me it was someone under a terrible curse - of course he only told me this after I had bathed alongside the being, thinking he was merely a child-like monster. I nearly shrieked down the tavern in embarrassment of showing every inch of my naked body to another human, not knowing any better. 
It took weeks to get to Kaer Mohren and I had taken a liking to Uma, despite knowing that he was a cursed man. He listened to me better than he obeyed Geralt, and I couldn't help my bleeding heart for caring about him after I heard how Uma had been treated at the Bloody Baron's place, so, I took to holding his hand to make sure he wouldn't run off and get hurt again - it was a practice that I had become so used to, like I was to the presence of both Uma and Geralt on our journey. 
I was saddened to see Uma get carried away by the Witchers, I felt like a worried mother when his large eyes looked and me, blinked, then smiled before being led to the laboratory to have his spell broken by Yennifer of Vengerberg, Geralt, and the old witcher master, Vesemir. I practically begged Geralt to allow me to be present in the grand hall. He knew better than anyone how attached I had become to the creature and simply grumbled; 
" (y/n), it's not going to be a pretty sight...don't interfere. No matter how much Uma seems to be in pain. He could die if anything goes wrong, especially from someone trying to help, understand?" 
I nodded and promised that I would leave it all in Geralt's hands now. 
Fortunately there were things I could help out with, such as helping to mop the floors clean with the boys after they scrubbed it down. 
Yennifer: I shall also need wiping down. 
Eskle glanced between myself and Geralt, he looked uneasy with the cloth in between his large callused hands, gently I pulled the cloth from his fingers as he protested to Yen. 
E: "Maybe Geralt oughta- oh thanks (y/n)"
Y: "I shan't bite either of you two, and I would rather not reek of vomit anymore."
I hummed in agreement and helped the Sorceress by gently wiping off the sludge against her lovely black coat, after this I elected myself to stand with Geralt and Yen, dabbing a sweet scented cloth to Yennifer's forehead as she perspired from keeping the spell active for hours. The scented cloth and the perfume pouch attached to my hip masked the smell of Uma's vomit, with the smell of wild strawberries and Roses. 
Geralt: Well, it doesn't smell horrible anymore, but I think the scent is putting Yen to sleep. 
Yen: I'm just...resting my eyes Geralt. 
Geralt bemusedly gave me a look of "sure" before he snarkily replied "That's called Sleeping." 
She only sighed and glanced between my now smiling face and Geralt's slightly amused, mostly concerned expression. 
"Well, do either of you have a method of keeping me awake, perhaps telling me a story, Geralt, (y/n)?" 
We two thought for a moment before I glanced at Yennifer again. 
"Would you like to hear the story of how I met Ciri?" 
Geralt: We've already heard that one though? 
(Y/N): Yes yes, the factual version that told you where she was heading, but not the full story with all the unnecessary details you hadn't the time to hear. 
Yen: Well, then tell us now 
I regaled to them the tale of Johann, what's his name, and his satchel of coins I was sure were a bundle of rocks. With fists flying askew and during my time of danger being rescued by the Ashen-haired woman we all sought to save now. 
Geralt: "Well- now that's a story. A really interesting one too" 
He chuckled a bit thinking of the tavern the way I had so vividly described it in my tale. 
Yen: One question though, what were you doing in that tavern in the first place (y/n)? 
I paused for a moment before sighing softly, 
"Well...I was to meet someone in that tavern, but they never showed up - my former financial backer who just up and vanished one day. Thanks to Ciri I didn't go empty handed at least, I got five new Gwent decks that day." 
Geralt seemed to be mulling over his question before asking "Know what happened to the guy?" 
I simply shrugged "maybe he got in with the wrong crowd in Novigrad? He was worth a lot of money, so it's fair to assume he had a lot of enemies."  
Yen: You two chit-chatting is putting me to sleep again- 
Geralt: "Then how about another story, ever  heard about the time I took Ciri ice skating?"
I bit my lip in anxiety and fear, watching Uma endure this painful ritual, even leaping to my feet during the last part wherein Uma screamed out in pain, to which Geralt let out a bark at me to "not come any closer!" Reluctantly causing me to sit and watch this torturous ordeal...until it finally happened, Uma began to glow and in place of the Uma I came to love, was a Elven man I did not know. With Ashen-Blonde hair and deep, penetrating gaze, ones that gave me a slight shiver to lock eyes with.
His voice was deep and melodic, as he was weakened and laying on the wooden table. Without another thought I took out my sheepskin canteen and rushed over as soon as the Elf finished speaking, putting it to his pink and lush lips. 
"Drink" I said in almost a hoarse whisper to the man, his clouded gaze looking up at me for a few moments, before his hand came up, laid upon my own on the bottle - and he gulped it down with haste, the ritual dehydrating and exhausting him. He soon fell back unconscious and Yennifer who looked thoroughly exhausted was still stabilizing the incantations over him. 
Y:  "If only you were a Witch's apprentice (y/n), I could relieve my ever aching arms." 
"Oh- I'm sorry Yennifer..." 
Y: "Well, I can test your affinity to magic later. If you're still up to it, I'd appreciate you sticking around as my assistant while I try to fix the damage the trials have done to him."
She nodded gently towards the man Geralt said "was no friend of his", the Elven Sage Avallac'h. 
Geralt glanced over to where I was and then to Yennifer. 
"I could use her on path Yen, I'm supposed to be gathering allies, she has a knack for getting people to do what she wants..." 
I looked between Yen and Geralt as they each had the expression of "she's going with me", which of course put me in a tough spot. 
Vesemir spoke up to save me from their bantering with simply "Enough both of you, whatever decision she makes is her own. Whether she goes on the path with Wolf, or stays here with us, it's her choice to make, not yours." 
I felt like a deer in the middle of the road, darting to and fro to escape two predators both on either ends of the path, one a white wolf, the other a black bear. I simply inhaled and stated my answer, weighing the options of staying and caring for Avallac'h or going to save Ciri with Geralt. 
"I know I came here to save Ciri, but I feel like I'd only get in your way Geralt. I'll give you letters though, to my allies that owe me favours, they'll join you with my written words alone. I'll help prepare the welcome party from here." 
I really did want to go, but I knew I wasn't strong enough to take on the wild hunt, not yet at least and…inside, I felt a twinge of fear, a dark voice in the back of my mind whispering: 
'what if Ciri doesn't want to see us, she's busy trying to run for her life…remembering us is but an afterthought.'
Geralt nodded slowly, getting used to the idea, but he did look a little sad about it. Maybe he too had gotten used to having company while travelling afar, but he also knew that taking a young girl with him while the wild hunt grew ever closer - may prove difficult. Protecting both Ciri and the lass could be fatal, thus Geralt resigned to the choice made by his one time travelling companion. 
Yen: Well, that settles it. Come my assistant, help me to get Avallac'h to drink more fluids as you did before. Then you can go ahead and write to your heart's content so Geralt can go on his way. 
  Geralt: When you're ready, I'll be waiting near the main entrance. 
I nodded to both Geralt and Yennifer, then taking up another canteen of water, carefully went over to the Elven man, he was what was called an Aen Saevherne, what the Aen Elle called Mages. I knew this only from the stories my mother spoke of, regarding the Elves, she was of course the most knowledgeable person I knew concerning that topic. Gently I brushed his soft locks away from his face, causing his baby blue eyes to flutter open. 
Softly I spoke to him. "Hello again, if you'd be so kind as to drink some more water, I'd appreciate it." There I held the lip of the bottle close to his, though this time around his eyes narrowed slightly, perhaps uneasy with my warm and friendly exterior - perhaps he did not remember me...the others did say he sustained brain trauma, though they were unsure how bad the damage truly was. 
To ease Avallac'h's distrust, I took a swig out of the canteen, gulping down one mouthful of fresh mountain water before looking back down at him.
"See? Not harmful Avallac'h. Will you trust me on this?" 
He hoarsely whispered something to which I came closer, placing my ear very close to his lips to hear him utter "fine..." 
I just nodded and pressed the bottle to his lips, his hand touching over mine like before, yet with a small grip to his hold, and he drank his fill, simply moving his head to indicate where he was finished with it. 
With the Help of Lambert and Eskel, the weak Elven sage was transported to one of the rooms within Kaer Morhen for further treatment and recuperation while the work on the Witcher fortress continued. My duties had also increased, but not by much. I had volunteered to cook and assist Yennifer with treatment of Avallac'h, which came as a relief to the Three remaining Witchers, though I had not known of it at the time until they expressed it when Yennifer let me go to the mess hall to eat and rest.
"Thanks (y/n)"
I was surprised for just a moment as I looked up to see Eskel, taking a seat across from me.
"For what my dear Eskel?" 
At the term 'my dear' I had the utmost pleasure of seeing the Witcher look flustered, almost a shy look on his well-worn features and rugged face.
"Ah…well…I -" 
"He's trying to say thanks from freeing us from being Madam Sorceress' personal slaves."
Chimed in an enthusiastic Lambert, who walked in with a few bottles of ale into the main hall. Eskel huffed a sigh and sat down finally and I could only smile between the two dark-haired men.
"Is that so? Well, you're quite welcome Eskel." 
I mused at his little smile and the way Lambert was eyeing us, as I took a bite from my sandwich filled with delicious wild mushrooms, sweet peppers, and some slices of cheese melted down into a delectable substance between the toasted bread.
"Though- I don't see why it's so horrible working for Yennifer. She's definitely…strict, but she does have manners- at times." 
Lambert: "Just wait till she gets the idea she's going easy on you, she'll have you hunting forktails and getting her potion ingredients next." 
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
good morning || ingrid engen x reader ||
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you're not a morning person, but ingrid tries to make an early morning easier on you.
you had never been one for an early wake up. even whenever ingrid let you sleep in, things weren't exactly easy. luckily, ingrid had been around you, both as a friend and your girlfriend, to know exactly how to make waking up easier for the both of you. admittedly, it was easier now that the two of you were together and ingrid had learned the quickest possible way to get you out of a bad mood.
"morning eskling," ingrid said softly. she was always careful to speak soft and quiet to you in the morning. ingrid noticed the way that you whined and tried to turn onto your stomach to get away from her. "come on, we need to get up."
"no," you grumbled. ingrid smiled to herself at the way your accent really shone through whenever you were tired. you tried to get away from her, but ingrid leaned over to press kisses to your cheek. she was peppering every bit of your face and neck in kisses, only stopping when you turned over to lay on your back. "all that and you won't give me a real kiss?"
"come on, let's get up and then i'll give you more kisses than you'll know what to do with," ingrid promised you. you were pouting the entire time, but you did follow ingrid out of bed and into the bathroom for your morning routine. she moved much quicker than you, which really just meant that by the time you got to the kitchen, she had two of your pre-prepped breakfast bowls and cups of coffee ready.
"you're a godsend." you sat down at the bar and immediately dug into your food. ingrid smiled as she sipped on her coffee and watched you. she didn't understand how you consistently ate like you were starving. it didn't matter what time of day it was or how much food you had, you ate the same way every single time. it had been a pretty big point of teasing for a lot of your teammates at various clubs. "ahem, my kisses."
"not when you've got yogurt all over half your face," ingrid teased. you pulled the inside of your shirt up to wipe away the bottom of your face. ingrid sighed as she leaned in, finally giving you what you wanted. "i swear you're like a toddler sometimes."
"i was much worse as a toddler, just ask my mami or ona. apparently i used to have quite the biting problem," you told her. ingrid believed it, she had never been with someone who was as keen on marking your territory with hickeys as you were. she thought it was some ridiculous possessive bullshit, but you were the least jealous person that she had ever met.
"you do realize that you'll probably need to go take a shower before we go to training now, right?" ingrid asked as she watched you spill a bit of your coffee on yourself. you were almost always a complete mess in the morning. you quickly downed the rest of your coffee and put your dishes into the sink before you raced off into the bathroom.
ingrid patiently waited for you to get out of the shower. you looked a lot more awake than you had been just moments before, but she could still see how tired you were. ingrid felt bad for making you get up so early, but the two of you had a long day ahead of yourself. the call time for training had been moved up hours ahead to allow for everybody who had resigned or signed for the first time to get their picture taken before the actual practice commenced.
"ingrid?" you called out as you sat down in the passenger's seat.
"yes, eskling," ingrid answered. you pouted at her, and she knew what you wanted before you even asked.
"can i have another kiss or like, five?" you asked. ingrid chuckled as she leaned over the console and pulled you in for a kiss. the first couple were nothing more than quick pecks, but you managed to hold her in for the third one. after that, ingrid gave you one more quick peck. you pouted as she started to pull away, which was when you felt her press one last kiss to your lips.
this one was the kiss to really wake you up. she squeezed your jaw a little, just enough for you to open your mouth. her tongue slipped past your lips, licking into your mouth several times as the hand on your jaw migrated down to your neck. ingrid squeezed gently, causing you to gasp into her mouth. you were definitely in a bit of a haze whenever ingrid really pulled away this time to pull out of her parking spot.
"i love you," you mumbled as you rested your head against the headrest and looked at her. ingrid placed one of her hands on your knee, squeezing gently as she smiled over at you.
"i love you too," ingrid told you. your heart fluttered in your chest at her words, something that you didn't think you'd ever get over. you could hear her tell you that she loved you a million times and it would never lose its magic.
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grimanonrexwrites · 2 months
ooh, what ships make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? friendship and romantic ships, whichever you feel like talking about
Ohhohoooho this is a question I will very much enjoy answering, thank you! I will go fandom by fandom from most recent hyperfixation to past ones that I still love and regard fondly as one might a nice ornament on the mantle piece
Ghosts, specifically Cap (romance/queerplatonic):
Capvers: a classic, 99.9% confidence interval on being canon, love fics which explore it in the timeframe or in modern AUs. Can’t go wrong with it
PatCap: the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one. 10/10. They’re both human, they both have faults and they love each other because of them and not despite them.
Caphrey (or deCAPitation, source unknown for this genius name): Humphrey can smooth out Cap’s rough edges in a different way to Pat. I love Humphrey, he tried so hard. So did Cap. I love their potential for comfort and understanding in a different way to others.
JuliCap: the Captain deserves to feel good and feel sexy and I think this Julian would be a great for exploring his sexuality in a more adventurous way. I have a real soft spot for JuliCap and have made tentative plans for a beast!Julian and beauty!Cap fic in the future.
CapRroh: Robin has just so much depth to him, he’s seen a lot and he knows the Cap has been through it too. So much comfort potential here (bonus points for JuliCapRroh polycule, absolutely delicious)
CapThorne: I just think it’s neat! Let Cap be wooed! Let Thomas be moved away from his infatuation with Alison and realise that he’s in love with the idea of being in love with her and not actually in love with Alison herself!
Special mention to Alison and Mike to being a genuinely wonderful on-screen couple, Chess Husbands, Pat/Julian and Annie/Mary (my beloveds)
Non-romantic (friend/found-family)
Kitty and Captain: their friendship means so much for me. Kitty and Cap finding a reassuring and understanding presence in each other, learning with each other, overcoming their trauma’s together and just finding safety.
Cap and Fanny: the gin and gossip society of Button House. Also regularly joined by Humphrey (who is also a massive gossip).
Kitty and Fanny: I can’t put this into words other than to say that Kitty would drag Fanny kicking and screaming into the future. Fanny doesn’t call Cap or Robin for tech support, she calls Kitty. Mary too.
Nanami Kento/Gojo Satorou: this ship makes me feel so many things. God I love it.
Also I love the different dynamic of mentor-student relationship between Nanami and Yuji, very much coloured by what happened to Haibara.
Nanami Kento/Hiromi Higuruma: tired grumps with a strong moral code. 10/10.
SuFin, GerSu, EngSwe. Ahh Hetalia, what can I say.
Geralt/Jaskier and Eskle/Jaskier. I have never watched the Witcher but I love these dynamics.
King/Saitama; Mumen Rider/Garou; Iaian/Atomic Samuri (One Punch Man)
Ash Williams/Herbet West/Dan Cain (Evil Dead x Reanimator)
Hope that answers your question and thanks so much for asking! ❤️
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heroesfromtheashes · 1 year
[  TRACE  ]:   
Loki didn’t need as much sleep as mortals do, however with Bruce his brain didn’t feel like it spun and spun and he felt less stressed than previously. The god wasn’t sleeping but he was resting. “Eskling..” his voice low and nearly a rumble. “I love you as well.” @bxnnxrxd
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queenmeriadoc · 1 year
🥰💌🍰 for self shipping??
Doing Merry x Celebrimbor x Gil-Galad, if you think this is OC it probably is, but I’m having fun 💗
Self shipping asks
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🥰 What do they think about PDA? Do they like it or not? Or maybe they're to shy to do what they wish they could?
Gil-Galad prefers to keep most things private, and honestly me too. Like the exceptions are an occasional kiss and hand-holding. Celebrimbor is rather fond of hugging us from behind. But we usually don’t do any aggressive kissing, or making out in public.
I think with Gil he likes to be seen as a very serious person considering his status as High King, and I think he forgets that if the other elves see him maybe be less serious they wouldn’t be that scared to approach him. I swear he is very sweet. Celebrimbor just radiates that comforting energy, he may also be compensating considering his family history.
💌 What pet names does your F/O use for you the most? Which pet names do they like being referred to with the most?
Usually, I hear✨Melissë✨, but recently I thought the Norwegian word for dear which is Kjære, and Celebrimbor had been calling me, and Gil that for the past 4 weeks. They both seem to enjoy it when using Norwegian pet names, like eskling, kjæreste, and kjære. Actually, I know it because their ears turn red when they are happy, especially Gil, just bright red.
Although other things that i enjoy calling the is babe, baby, darling and angel.
🍰 Have you ever fed your F/O? How did they react? Or are they the one to feed you?
Yes, but it doesn’t really happen that often. On the occasion that Celebrimbor cooks, and out of the three of us he is the best cook, my food is either good or absolutely awful, Gils cooking is average, he usually wants me to have a taste to see if it’s edible if it needs more spice you know. Not sure why he asks me to taste it though, he does have a better palate than me. Or if I’m sick and too tired to feed myself (I swear they never get sick), I might feed a taste of something else though.
I’m going to tell you the first time I “fed” Celebrimbor tho, we were having a picnic and we were eating chocolate cake when I sort of told him that I had feelings for him, and may have just shoved the cake down his throat — he may have choked a little. I apologised, I swear I apologised to him. You know now that I think about I don’t think I have actually tried feeding anything to Gil — should I ?
I don’t think I like being fed.
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noelashe · 2 years
Anyone eskle think about how alphys has seen the tapes that imply asgores child committed suicide Lol
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Are you planning on watching Interview With the Vampire? The first episode has been FANTASTIC. And what was implied in the novels is confirmed in the show.
When you get the time, because you will have it. I know you will, eventually. You’re stronger than you feel. It will get better. But. As I was saying, when you get the time, please watch.
As for favorite headcanons, I do believe my Geralt ones very much line up with yours. Headgirl, from the tip of that long ponytail, to the bottom of his pointy boots. But I also think he’s an introvert. Not a new h/c, I know. But introverted. Where the many just drain the hell out of his social battery. And the very few fill him right back up. I have a couple of characters in mind who do fill him up, but what are your thoughts?
lol no but i saw the gifs from That Scene TM and it does indeed sound like something I would vibe with on main
thank you kuri you're so sweet 🥺💖
😏😏😏 oh i have several ideas of who or what could fill him up lmaooooo, jask, yen, triss, eskle... others.... 😜
but I agree, definitely an easily drained bby when he's not in his element. I think ciri would drain the hell out of him at first before they started to get used to each other and be a bit more honest? then as the years go on they'd be thick as thieves kinda how jaskier was?
I also think anyone who didn't demand geralt perform for them would have a better chance of being a safe person.
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zappycat · 3 months
Finally got around to watching the second season of the Witcher
They did my boy eskle so dirty the actor they cast looks nothing like him I’ve heard people talking about the prettyfication of scars in media and I feel like this is a perfect example like the man has a prominent and disfiguring face scar and you can barely notice it
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petnews2day · 2 years
Bearaby Pupper Pod Pet Dog Bed Review 2022
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/EsKl
Bearaby Pupper Pod Pet Dog Bed Review 2022
Nugget was very hesitant at first, but after about two days of it being in my room, she finally started to curl into a little loaf of cuteness on the bed. In fact, I haven’t seen her lay in her other bed since then. While two days to get used to the Bearaby bed may […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/EsKl #DogNews
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smallandangry24 · 2 years
Can we bring the idea of cuddle piles back?? Like I get it. We are touch starved and lonely. Whatever. Obi and the remaining Jedi and clones need cuddles and a nap. Shaboom solution. Heck, why stop there. Let the bats nap. The wolves of Kaer Morhen and their bird and cub too. All the fictional families deserve a good cuddle. GIMME.
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gore-is-doodling · 4 years
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Best boy Eskel is going to show up in season 2!!!!!!!!
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pinkatron · 4 years
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Geralt meets with the witchers at Corvo Bianco, when Berengar's betrayal is brought to light, Lambert takes the brunt of the blow.
“I am going to state this as simply as I can.” Geralt started. “One of our own has betrayed us.”
All the witchers present stiffened, except Eskel. Confused looks were passed between them, and Geralt could feel the knot of nervousness wind around them.
“I am not saying this lightly, and I am not presenting it without proof.” Geralt stood up, looking at all the witchers. “There has been an ongoing investigation into the sacking of the schools for going on seventy years now. Dead-end after dead-end had stalled it. There had been a suspect for a long time, but there had been no hard proof. Berengar of the Wolf School was the catalyst for the sacking of the witcher schools.”
There was a harsh creek as Letho stood up.
“Proof, Geralt.” Letho growled.
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inexplicifics · 2 years
Firstly, I absolutely ADORED the Refri fic. The fact that Coen took one (1) look at this tired, grungy, brave secret princess and went "dad mode activated"? I love it, 10/10 would read forever. Much like Coen i would also kill/die for Shrike, Im so proud of her. I love that we get to see a POV of Witchers from someone who is inside enough to know that witchers are good/honorable but outside enough to learn about how they think. Also I think this might be the first larger fic where we get an outsider POV from someone who's still part of the wolflands. I also LOVED seeing the Dwarves! I stan one Gilmeth and Shrike friendship 5ever.
I also couldn't help notice that you maybe opened a bit of a door with the mention of the other Black Sun girls? Do you have any thoughts on if there might be something with Deidre in the future? I know her cannon to AWAU story is a bit wonky re: Eskle's scars and her being his surprise child BUT I for one would be totally willing to throw cannon out the window to see her in AWAU. I just like her and think she deserved so much better. By the by, your fic Silver and Steel is one of the only I've ever seen that premises a bit of Diedre fix-it and I love it.
I'm so glad you liked the Renfri fic! Coen definitely has gone Full Dad. He has a chick now. Fredefalk had better not ever make her sad again unless he wants to get punched.
I'm also very glad you like Gilmeth! He would be a ray of sunshine except he is underground so perhaps he is a diamond.
I don't currently have any plans for Deidre. Obviously in the AW AU she is not responsible for Eskel's scars - I don't know what was, but it was some sort of monster - but the other Black Sun girls...
An earlier ask suggested maybe they're all dealing with some messed-up fairy tale bullshit. I'm deeply intrigued by the idea.
(Oh, I'm glad you liked the Silver & Steel version!)
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Talking to the bestie today about characters with, in our minds, similar physicality and we were comparing Eskel to the “chulo bull with a bun” Jackie Welles from Cyberpunk 2077. We both made the comment that we meant Esk-el (game and everything else), not Eskl (Netflix) because this is how we differentiate now.
Me: “Eskl is a tree, not a bull”
Bestie: “He’s a pretty dryad”
Then the puns were flying thick and fast:
“His personality has splintered”.
“He has a chip on his shoulder”.
“He has some deep rooted issues”
“He needs to turn over a new leaf”.
Annnnnd…..this is why we can’t have nice things!! *lmao* We think we’re hilarious.
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[This one is so long yet somehow worth it ☠ I hope you like]
[Geralt constantly texting ciri]
Geralt: have you seen my sword?
Geralt: never mind I found it.
Geralt: ciri it's urgent, where is my thunderbolt potion?! I swear I left it on the kitchen counter.
Ciri: check the kitchen table
Geralt: you're a life saver.
Geralt: ciri you gotta check out this cave there are so many mushrooms here.
[Left on read]
Geralt: no alright, more for me then.
Geralt: hey ciri guess what?
Ciri: what
Geralt: I don't get it I told you to guess.
Ciri: ... I don't even know how to respond to this.
Geralt: anyways I got a new sword look
[Picture attachment]
Geralt: it's cool.
Ciri texting yen and jaskier in a group chat:
Ciri: dads a nerd
Yen: yep.
Jaskier: oh most definitely. He send you the sword pic too?
Yen: third one this month
Ciri: omg.
Geralt somewhere taking another picture of his new sword. Sending it to his own group chat: guys look
Eskel: dope
Lambert: hah! Mines better change my mind
Vesemir: how do you send a face
Lambert: AN EMOJI?!
Eskle: oh lord
Vesemir: this is no laughing matter I demand to be shown how I send a face.
Lambert: 😌🖕 figure it out old man
Vesemir: Lambert! How!
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geraltxtherapy · 3 years
geralt: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
yennefer: >:O language
ciri : Yeah watch your fucking language
lambert: 'The fuck word'.
eskle: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
ciri : Oh my god he censored it
lambert : Say fuck, eskel.
ciri : Do it, eskel. Say fuck.
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