#esp because everyone was genuinely so competant
an-asuryampasya · 2 years
vikram: hitlist is so good what the fuck
also villians who care for their henchmen like family is SUCH a delicious trope :')
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peachshadows · 14 days
With season 5 on the horizon and the implication that Nüwa and Wukong are MK’s parents, I have an idea for an AU that I think you’ll find very interesting:
It takes place post season 5, the world has been saved once again by the Monkie crew, and it’s been revealed that not only are Nüwa and Wukong MK’s parents, but the two of them have also been married for a few centuries.
Everyone is stunned:
MK just got another reason to fuel his identity crisis.
Tang is fanboying over the fact that he’s been telling stories and going on adventures with the son of his idol and the most powerful goddess in existence.
Pigsy is conflicted on wanting to scold the two immortals for child negligence and keeping on their good side so they don’t take MK away from him (while failing to realize that they chose him out of millions of people to raise and protect their child)
Sandy is making a mental note to set up a group therapy session for the Sun family, Pigsy, and Macaque.
Mei is torn between watching the drama and feeling sorry for Macaque, knowing he still has feelings for Wukong.
Nezha and the Bull family aren’t fairing any better, questioning when and how the relationship could have even happened.
And it’s even worse for our two immortal monkeys:
Macaque is baffled that Wukong was able to move on from their relationship and get married, when he couldn’t even let go of his feelings for Wukong (his former lover who killed him), on top of that he married a goddess who who is so powerful that if not for the fact that she’s a pacifist could’ve easily killed the Jade Emperor herself, and to add insult to injury MK the kid that he had grown to care for and in a way view as his own kid, is their child.
While Wukong is feeling a flurry of sorrow, guilt and shame seeing both his EX and his wife in the same room, he never got over his feelings for Macaque, even after everything, he only allowed himself to find love with Nüwa two centuries after Macaque’s death because he didn’t want to be alone with his nightmares and guilt and her presence was the only thing that quelled it and he believed that even if Macaque had somehow been revived /escaped Diyu that he would have lost all love for Wukong after he killed him.
Meanwhile Nüwa who never accepted the title of Queen of FFM because she believed it rightfully belonged to Macaque as he was Wukong’s true love (which she was never bitter about because she knew Wukong genuinely loved her), and who cared for Macaque just as much as Wukong despite never having met him before, only knowing him through Wukong’s stories, is scheming to get the two of them back together.
You could probably call it “Immortal Soap Opera au” or something along those lines.
Interesting!! V telenovela style of shenanigans I see here. I can imagine Macaque just being heartbroken that Wukong is married and esp to a being Macaque can't even compete with. It drives him insane but at the same time he just feels sorrow that his lover literally killed and abandoned him for something and someone greater. The move I see him doing is probably to go as far away as possible from Wukong and try to forget him or he can do the petty route which is making Wukong so violently jealous and drive him mad with lust that Wukong will have no choice but to divorce Nuwa and go back to Macaque
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callmearcturus · 6 months
@icecreamvi replied to your post “Ok just finished rogue nation i think i liked...”:
I loved when they put the guy in the box
i loved when Ethan had a cute lil convo with the terminal agent at the start
i loved when ethan fixated on ilsa's shoes, and when ilsa tossed him the key but he couldn't fucking reach it so he just vaulted the pole, and the power of both of them barefoot and fighting in tandem
i loved every moment alec baldwin looked like an idiot
i loved all of Brandt's microexpressions (there are a lot)
i loved Benji just casually being able to completely clown on a lie detector test, the first of many hints that his competence has grown. also grown: his beard, and it looks amazing and soft
I loved "Hi Benji. Miss me?" like my god <3
I loved how Benji is GENUINELY INTO OPERA, we never get hints that he's a scifi or fantasy geek but we KNOW he is into classical music and live performance, that's so good
I loved Ilsa in the golden dress, esp the lil shorts underneath that are so functional
I loved Ethan vs a Tall Dude and how it genuinely alters how Ethan has to fight, and the desperation of his physicality, esp that double kick to the guy's chest, it's so GOOD
I love how Ilsa spots Benji once and saves his life bc everyone who lays eyes on Benji imprints on him
I love the car chase and how Ethan bodily searched Ilsa but it's not gross or weird, it's professional, I love it so much
I love the fucking scene between Ilsa and Solomon, the seething annoyance between them, the grit-teeth cooperation, I adore it. also just how she tossed the gun and how NOISILY it clatters on his sushi setting
(i'm gonna keep going )
I love that Simon Pegg pointed out that Benji is the only person allowed to yell at Ethan, and its GLORIOUS when it happens. i love Ethan's stunned little "okay" after and the microsmile he gives as he turns away.
I love Luther's role in the story, I really adore how Luther and Benji on paper have similar roles but in function they are just so different. Benji is a field tech, he has initiative and moves on his feet. Luther is better at the actual tech stuff, can do much more impressive feats, but doesn't have that same boots on the ground vibe. It's amazing.
I love Ethan and Benji's Morocco outfits. Ethan's in maybe his most colorful outfit of the series and I love it, and BENJI'S SHOOOOES.
I love Ilsa debriefing the boys and how cute they are and her expressions during it.
I love that Tom Cruise can hold his breath for fucking five to seven minutes and he freaked out the filming crew during the torus sequence.
I love that in MI3, when Ethan came back from the bed he was immediately 'on' and ready, but in RN when he comes back from the dead, he's like. he's so fucked up l m a o.
I absolutely adore that when the script called for Ethan and Benji to get into the car, TC was like "I can't just get in the car" and then was like "I got it. roll cameras, I got it," and then improvised the moment when ethan faceplants off the car. And I love it bc I see myself in that technique, because it's a moment that had the potential to have Something, so he made sure it did. With a movie, you have 2 to 3 hours to tell a story and convey characters, and TC refuses to waste any of the moments, and I try my best to do the same with my writing, so I respect it.
I love the motorcycle chase but I'm a slut for all motorcycle scenes.
I love "Tell me you made a copy of that disk," "Of course I made a copy," the LOVE IN BENJI'S EYES. GOD.
I love Ilsa vs her shitty handler and the horror of how screwed she is, how you can watch the hope in her eyes die. Also the shake in her voice with "You bring me in," its amazing.
I love Brandt vs Ethan for the entire end of the story, the Bitchiness vs the Tiredness, it's tasty. Great chemistry.
The entire scene between Solomon and Ilsa in the graveyard is honestly gorgeous. The scenery, the camera pulled all the way back, the black slim look Lane has, Ilsa's amazing coat, the way they talk. I really adore that entire scene.
I love how Ethan doesn't think for a second about running away with Ilsa.
AND OF COURSE I LOVE THAT THEY TOOK BENJI. He's the damsel! And Ethan immediately loses it, he's out of his mind, yeah lets kidnap the fucking PRIME MINISTER, and how every time he tries to explain Lane, everyone else is like "ethan, u cray tho" I love Ethan's desperation, I feast on it.
I love how... Ethan memorized the fucking list. What a fucking batshit move. God.
I love Ilsa vs the Bone Doctor and how she rides his body the fuck down. THE WAY THAT RN KEEPS FUCKING WITH GENDER, like Ethan's play against Lane is a Wounded Gazelle Gambit, a very femme-coded move that fits with his MI1 history as a honeytrap, while Ilsa gets the extended fight scene.
not as much as I love Fallout tho
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getlancered · 6 days
welcome to my 1 million turnabout bigtop headcanons
russell berry:
actual personality description because in the game he just kind of dies. stoic, generally serious man. bit of a blank slate to talk to. secretly TERRIFIED of confrontation, will do just about anything he can to avoid every problem in his life. this is not to be confused with avoiding responsibility, because he is the bossiest motherfucker around besides maybe trilo. runs the circus with an iron fist. no problems to fix if you never let them happen in the first place!
british weirdo
actually pretty connected in the entertainment industry
when he’s not wearing a suit he usually wears sweaters
takes first impressions so so seriously
DEAD wife that hes still not over
her death is unrelated to the circus because i think he wouldve shut that down in one singular second if it was
the circus was a passion project of her and moe’s, but russell was the only one competent enough with money and people that he ended up basically running it. neither of them wanted to do the technicalities
he wont consider his sexuality because he only loves his dead wife
nickname comes from highschool and the shit he used to get into, fabricated an identity to some stranger after vandalizing their house and it just stuck
took “class clown” a little too seriously
used to be an actual stand up comedian but being a party clown is just wayyyy easier
manchild. very silly and not serious all the time. completely aware of it by the way and encourages whimsy in the world
most insufferable case of hyperactive ADHD in the world
cannot sit normally anywhere ever
has many little odd hobbies
owns a bunch of really stupid graphic/text tshirts that do not apply to him in the slightest
likes to carry around those little plastic toys with the metal ball and a maze that u tilt around to solve. also those little water games where u push the button to try and get the rings on the hook. do u guys know what im talking about
can and will juggle any 3 items he can get his hands on
clings to russell all the time. follows him around. absolutely hates being alone so russell is his solution
gay as fuck for russell berry. this is not a secret. at all.
helped russell out with regina quite a bit, esp after his wife died
fine at confrontation unless it is of his own emotional issues
max galactia’s #1 hater
regina berry:
british loser too but fakes a french accent because it’s cuter and more posh
very good at imitating accents!
absolutely not mentally 16. very ditzy and carefree and childish
is not at all prepared for genuine reality because she was raised and surrounded her entire life by the members of the circus
very athletic!
has personalities for each of her animals and talks to/treats them like people
her mom died when she was 6, this is where her belief of dead people being stars comes from because russell genuinely could not tell her the truth
also why she wasn’t that upset about her lion or bat
closest to acro in the circus and still considers them to be best friends despite acro genuinely despising her
automatically assumes everyone is her friend unless they do or say something that shows otherwise
moe calls her “tiger” because she got facepaint as a kid and kept it on for days while acting like a tiger
amazing gift-giver
crow girl. drawn to anything and everything sparkly
enjoys those really elaborate lego sets
ft my backstory headcanon for how he entered the circus because its never established
trilo is ben’s non-loser persona essentially
ben has had severe social anxiety since childhood
^ where the stutter comes from
met moe as a teenager at his little sisters birthday party, was genuinely curious about how he can just go up on a stage in such a ridiculous get-up. talk to people. be social. he did not get it
when russell started the circus, he wanted to join and gtfo from his house
probably the neglected child to his little sister i think
joined the circus shortly after regina was born and was kind of the de facto babysitter so he considers regina his actual little sister (LIKE A NORMAL PERSON.)
trilo was created for regina when she was born. ben was kind of like a babysitter to her and made up a gag with this puppet and slapstick comedy to keep baby regina entertained. the whole circus loved it and trilo stuck!
what was once a coping mechanism became a depedancy. the only people he can speak to without trilo are the circus members
because he and the circus treats trilo like a completely separate being for his act and for regina, he never worked up the nerve to talk to people. there was no practice there because trilo isn’t him
doesn’t absolutely despise max because max is essentially like if moe was less obnoxious. flamboyant and outgoing and actually helpful!
great impressionist
max galactica:
entered the entertainment industry as a teenager after being scouted in high-school
genuinely does not give two shits about what other people think about him because he knows theyre all wrong. self-centered asshole
BAAAD anger issues. frequently smashes plates over dinner arguments. raises his voice quickly
only person spared from his eternal rage is regina berry
not getting his way makes him like genuinely upset
loves to threaten to quit to make everyone do what he wants
probably some sort of personality disorder
in a beautiful world he goes to therapy
he does actually genuinely want them to all be better performers but he’s literally terrible at showing it LMAO
lover of really obnoxious and clearly fabricated reality TV
massive drama whore. gossiper like no other.
the worst cook you’ve ever met in your life
drag queen!
into loser men (benjamin woodman)
would both kill and die for every single member of the circus
including regina. not the kind of person to ever hold such a deep grudge so this is a first for him and he has very mixed feelings about it all
he gets physical therapy and his life is better ♥️
very emotional but great at regulating his feelings and self reflection. also great poker face!
terrible at accepting anyones act of kindness no matter how big or small. feels like he always has to pay everything back
tends to hide himself away if he is genuinely upset enough to the point of not being able to hide it
extremely observant person. in both behaviors and physical settings. always knows what to look for and what is out of place
very blunt but not. rude. just sort of speaks his thoughts and feelings. either honest about what he feels or dead silent
terrible liar
“will listen to anything” music kind of guy
actually quite prideful but like. in a healthy way.
tanktop wearer duh this we know but just generally a hater towards long sleeved shirts
decent artist! fun little hobby for him
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jackienautism · 6 months
like . ok. im not gonna sit here and lie and sya that abi is an extremely fleshed out and complex character- because shes not- BUT. BUT. its like another sam moment where YOU HAVE TO LOOK IN T HE RIGHT PLACES TO SEE MORE SIDES OF HER CHARACTER;..............
to say that kaitlyn is more complex than abi isjust :????????? wrong kdsnfsgdlfgdfgd f LIKE SORRY FOR SAYING SO. BUR IT SWRONG
its not by much but! atleast abi has moments where youre like ... oh you actually have flaws and have Negative things associated w/ your character. (her indecisiveness, her going to camp to learn how to interact better w/ ppl, her seeing emma as something shes not etc etc)
AND EVNE JUST.... i could go on and on abt it but even kjust her relationship w/ emma ALONE? better thanwhatever the fuck kaitlyn has going on man. theres SO MUCH substance to emma and abi and i feel its not played upon much in this fanbase (as for a lot of things here :/ esp in relation to th egirls lmao)
HOWEVER . what they did w/ abi was suhc bullshit. her entire arc or story or w/e ONLY revolves around some guy. and if said guy didnt have the plot of turning into a werewolf? abi wouldnt have gotten like anything else. they treat her like shit, like genuinely
and dont even get me started on how like ? abi is one of the main targets for the rest of the group lmao. theres just SO MUCH you can do w/ that! but the game refused to play on it! they have it so in chapter 2 that almost everyone gangs up on her for not being as socially competent as everyone else and nothing comes from it????? play on her insecurities regarding the situation! play on that trauma! LIKE
to say that kaitlyn has mroe than abi is just plain wrong imsorry. in fact, KAITLYN IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY ABI LEAVES THE CAMPFIRE IN THE FIRST PLACE????? SHES A PART OF THE PROBLEM. YES i know she becomes quite nicer to abi following that moment but. THAT STILL DOESNT NEGATE THE FACTTHAT SHE WAS AN ASSHOLE TOHER IN T HAT MOMENT. YALL ARE SUPPOSED OT BE HER /FRIENDS/
ppl just cant be normal abt "nice" female characters like seriously. im tired!
i feel like i have more to say but ill leave it at that for now. ill respond to the kaitlyn stuff now
basically what im saying is: abi is FAR from being completely fleshed out, but based on what canon gives us? shes sooo much more than kaitlyn, and thats absoliutely at the fault of the game, in regards to both abi AND kaitlyn
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yesterdayiwrote · 5 months
just saw your tags on the charles pr post and you are so right, george so needs a more competent pr team but i def think there has been a recent change. like the hair (literally might have given him sponserships) and the memes might have genuinely shifted something within the public perception of george, esp since it seems much more natural compared the so called "pr persona" people hated in 2022. all he absolutely needs right now is a good racing season with minimal contact with other cars (this is key i will not lie) and the ingredients are there to work with. like deadass if that happens there is chance to regain his williams era adoration (im not even being delulu bc uni has taught me that rebranding is incredibly effective if done well). tho imo i have no idea how competent mercedes are to utilise and strategise tho (they make too much of a mess every given chance). he needs someone else to correctly handle this.
I know there's been loads said about George's PR strategy going back years. I've always found it interesting because Charles is very 'pr', Lando, Lewis, Carlos... the list is endless, and yet its only ever really been George who seems to have really had their 'pr friendly' vibe viewed in such an overwhelmingly derogatory way. I've never really been able to put my finger on what it is, but that post does highlight how the slightest difference can make the tone change.
I don't think the hair is that powerful, although I think it's kind of... 'softened' his face slightly, given him more of a 'cute' vibe in a kind of foppish disney prince charming way? Then again I think people have always thought George was attractive they've just moved their attention from his body to his face?
I don't think things will ever go back to the days at Williams when everyone loved him. That was in part due to the underdog element and he was a lot more under the radar back then. I don't think he was hated in 2022, it's only really in 2023 that I've seen so much negativity thrown in his direction. We've tried to pick apart what exactly it is that causes people to hate him and honestly, I don't think we'll ever find an answer. It just... is what it is.
I think he could definitely stand to be more relatable though, but then again how relatable can you be when you're a millionaire racing driver? I think he sometimes looks too 'perfect' and I know that's something everyone falls into on sm, but sometimes I just kind of want to see him looking... dumb? He laughs at himself, he embraces the memes, but sometimes his pictures don't embrace his personality if that makes sense and that's a shame.
The Charles post pointed out about the photos of him falling over and if you think about Alex, Lando, even Lewis, they all post stuff that purposely doesn't show them at their best (whilst simultaneously being picture perfect) and I guess that's the reason that social media isn't easy, because you've got to strike that balance between aesthetic and humanity to really strike gold.
Idk, I'm not really in a position to tell him what to do, my IG game is non existent. I know he's said he's not using social media himself anymore, but then that's even more reason to have a great team managing that for him. Idk that Merc actually have much to do with it, but yeah, I feel like he could benefit from mixing it up a few times on there?
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tartaeya · 1 year
kaeya 😈 also bennett hehe
OH HI.... I would love to do this meme for those two ;o;
favorite thing about them: Kaeya's just so damn cool, genuinely the most interesting Mondstadt character with a ton of foreshadowing set up for his relevance and even that isn't as important as just how complex but likeable he is? Everything from how everyone knows Kaeya's smiles are fake (even to kids!) to the fact that he's so competent despite being a cavalry captain with no cavalry... we stan a babygirl who can get the upper hand on just about anyone. I love that he's kind of an asshole in Venti's story quest to Diluc, LMAO it just shows a side of him we don't often see.
least favorite thing about them: I agree w/u Kaeya could turn out to be the Tsaritsa and want world domination or something and I'd be like yes sweetie you're doing great
favorite line: god I'm bad with quotes but I'm fond of "Khaenri'ah, huh? You sure know a lot! The legacy of Khaenri'ah is long gone, the sinners are all that's left, and they're not worth mentioning." from his voiceover quotes. go girl give us nothing
brOTP: favonius crew!
OTP: Chaeya obviously, they were my first Genshin ship thanks to a friend posting about them often enough for me to get curious and now I feel like these two characters are Made for each other and that they're def gonna meet in canon. And if I'm wrong, I will be so sad :') BUT THAT'S OKAY they don't need to meet in canon for them to be perfect.
nOTP: I could just take the easy route and say k*luc but honestly I hate every other ship involving Kaeya because I have ship blinders on for every ship I'm really invested in. I Do Not Perceive them with other characters.
random headcanon: Kaeya can't cook and from the fact that he grew up with a rather privileged life, I like to think he'd learn a lot from Childe about how to take care of himself. Also that Kaeya sneaks Childe into the Favonius Headquarters barracks from time to time...
unpopular opinion: hmm. I feel like people dismiss Kaeya as a jerk at times but forgive other characters for being jerks in the exact same way/dismiss him as an irrelevant starter character. Like there is no other character in Genshin, to me, that has as many secrets as him. I think it's premature to write him off in any capacity!!
song i associate with them: I like Curses by the Crane Wives for him!
benny boy beneath the cut so this post doesn't get too long!
favorite thing about them: Benny is just the sweetest little guy and a constant in my team ever since I got him. He's just So Good and doesn't deserve all the bad luck he has :( He's really versatile in terms of both combat and characters he pings off of! I feel like he'd be particularly good in a summer event, esp for more lore about him.
least favorite thing about them: I accidentally c6'd him :(
brOTP: most of the Mondstadt Obvious Teenage Characters tend to go along really well with him as friends. I also like the idea of Diluc being friendly with him because I run them in the same team comp often.
OTP: I subscribe to your Benyun agenda hahaha, the art is so cute!
nOTP: i can't see him with any girls i'm sorry
random headcanon: He accidentally does the bad luck superstitions often. Walks under ladders, breaks mirrors, black cats cross his path... etc. Can't catch a break.
unpopular opinion: I don't really have one!
song i associate with them: UHHH i don't. Have one RIP I'm so bad with song memes
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bpd-shuichi-togo · 11 months
ONE SEC anyways i remembered the thing i was going to say ha ha ha ha. maybe it's because of how much less openly he expresses it, esp side-by-side with shuichi, but it really is staggering how much duo loves his brother. like i think i said before that the way duo chose to go about Doing All That in chapters 7/8/9 could have been due to resentment towards shuichi, and i stand by there being some resentment between the two of them on some level bc there are just is going to be some complicated feelings what with the EVERYTHING, but like. looking back at how despite no doubt already having planned out his 'betrayal' he tries to get shuichi to play along with the whole Emotionless Genius thing at what is relatively the last second, how he refuses when *se (IN A MAJOR FUCKING CREEP MOVE) offers to tell him exactly how shuichi reacted to what he told him, how he reflects on how he values shuichi's opinion of him over literally everyone elses (STILL SOBBING OVER THIS BTW LIKE........) and how he seems to count shuichi among the 'genius children' despite him not being a Genius and so on...... like he genuinely had no ill will towards his brother in Doing All That... which makes it WORSE. like the amount of faith and admiration for shuichi evident in how much of his plans relied on shuichi being both able and willing to follow through despite the events of chapters 7/8 and generally like how clear it is he loves his big brother... if lw were more competent theyd juxtapose that with shuichi's own faith in duo wavering after being used as a tool
like fr the whole 'my big brother thinks i'm a genius and i don't care what anyone else has to say on the matter' would hit WAY DIFFERENT if we saw shuichi realizing 'Hey I'm Upset About My Brother's Actions. Maybe My View Of My Nine-Year-Old Brother Have Been Unrealistic And Idealized And We Should Discard The Whole Notion Of "Geniushood" Because It's Harmful To Us Actually.'
or even better 'Holy Shit What The Fuck Is He DOING This Is So Dangerous Geniushood Is A Eugenicist Myth Actually, My Baby Brother Is An Idiot And He Is So Grounded'
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neptune-midheaven · 4 years
*THERE !!!!!! IS !!!!!! NO !!!!!! BAD !!!!!!!PLACEMENT !!!!!!! IN !!!!!!! ASTROLOGY !!!!!!!PLEASE STOP FEAR-MONGERING THESE POOR NEWCOMERS PLEASEEE !!!!!!!! CHALLENGING never equals BAD !!!!!! If you’re a true student of astrology this would be a well know FACT to you.
*Saturn and Capricorn placements are the areas you will slowlyyy become wise in, having developed compete mastery over that area with TIME.
*You usually get compared with other people who share your rising sign.
*Most scorpios/scorpio risings have dark complexions, they even could have almost a permanent shadow cast over their faces, they may struggle to find perfect lighting.
*Virgo in 6th house are hypochondriacs and are paranoid/worry a lot about their health. They’re very nit-picky about their “symptoms”, they’re the types of people to know what they’re coming down with when they’re already at a doctor appt., they may as well even EDUCATE THE DAMN DOCTOR LIKE GO AHEAD MRS PHDD.
*Chiron conjunct midheaven is the ultimate healer placement, other chiron placements, chiron in first/aspecting the ascendant, following behind, these people are true healers whether they realize it or not, they’re born to assist and heal the general public. The midheaven, the highest point of the sky representing our reputation and career, what we’re known for. These people generate a reputation for their “healing abilities”, they’re quite literally known as the wounded healer (depending on if Chiron is positively aspected in the chart, this will affect the flavor of their reputation), they will experience pain related to work or matters related to the reputation, their status and authority could be wounded, they can later use their pain to help and heal others. Challenges will be met at work if Chiron is afflicted. This placement also means one will have their pain and wounds projected to the public, the whole world knows your pain.
*Mars in twelfth need to express their energy, their anger and will through the activities of whatever sign mars is located in the chart i.e. mars in aries in the twelfth need to express suppressed anger/anger through physical activity, sports, working out, sex, pisces mars by unleashing their massive creativity, compassion, dreams (this sign, and house combo especially, has many dreams, it’s a sleepy placement for the ideal fiery and straightforward mars to be located in). Mars in twelfth is generally a good placement that could manifest in someone being a dancer or athlete, mainly finding escape through any type of physical activity for fire signs, work for earth, socializing for air and creativity for water. This placement has very gentle, enchanting watery movements if they get into any sports or physical activity.
*Mars in eleventh can be aggressive toward their friends esp if mars is in a fire sign it becomes no joke. Don’t get me wrong, they’re the best humanitarians and what not but they have a reputation of being the “angry” or “aggressive” friend out of most of their friend groups, they’re very competitive and energetic people. However the way they stick up causes, they way they are always seen supporting any humanitarian cause with their whole hearts is AMAZINGG. They’re the types of activists to stay late to a protest, they’re the types to seemingly never leave what they’re standing up for, what they’re supporting because they are SOOO AMBITIOUS AND YEAHH !!
*This isn’t talked about a lot but uranus in eleventh have to be the most comforting and “welcoming” presence out of every eleventh house placement in astrology, with uranus in its home, the house of aquarius, it erases any filter put on what friend is attracted by their social presence as EVERYONE is attracted to them, from any possible and imaginable background or culture and homeland, anyone can trust and confide in their wide openness as their care and concern for society is completely genuine. They are truly the biggest and truest humanitarians, the universal humanitarian that will lead us to the monumental revolution of history and bring humanity to a collective whole.
*Pisces moon, people lovee you. People want to come up and talk with you just because of how interesting and intriguing you are. You OOZE this aura of compelling mystery similarly to scorpio moon. Your innocent playfulness is undeniably charming and you are definitely the life of the party, people want to pay attention to you!!
*Saturn in 11th, you are not an outcast, you are not too strange. You’re fine for just who you are, your individuality is a struggle for you, saturn is restricting you from liberating yourself and merging with society, you can selective or strict with friendships. You teach others to have boundaries and to never trust others too easily, you select social causes with caution. There is never anything wrong with this !! You choose what you support for YOU and NO ONE ELSE. You choose who you wanna become friends with it’s because they have passed the true rigorous test of friendship. When you become friends with someone, you already know you can trust them deeply, your caution is quite admirable !!
*Mercury in 12th is an extremely beautiful placement. The native grows shy of their flawless minds, little do they know they are connecting with the watery depths of the astral and psychic realms of the twelfth, the vagueness of their cloudy thoughts winds them up in wispy sheets of intellectual confusion. Your mind is communicating the brilliant and unbelievable parts of what seems like a dream. You are not too confusing or vague for others to understand your ideas, people await what emerges from this shiny and imaginable abyss of a sleepy mind.
*Mercury in 8th have an intellectual superiority complex of sorts, they analyze a piece of information or thing by tearing through the surface until they find the deepest depths of the truth, they believe this will never compare to other placements as they have dug far deeper into something. Be careful to not assume that someone doesn’t know something you don’t, while it still can’t be true. You always want to know someone, don’t be too controlling about it because you could cause conflicts which you didn’t mean to in the first place. If you know your boundaries and limits and of others’, then you should be fine. This placement is brilliant for investigators, someone who could examine, analyze and evaluate to find the answer others can’t see. They harbor a psychic mind, a plutonic one who knows the weight words can have on people. Fantastically persuasive speakers !!
*Gemini in 3rd, gem mercury have unstable minds, they’re very much prone to babbling, but can easily start up a conversation because they never run out things to say so they’re pretty social and friendly.
*Capricorn moon is an amazing moon sign placement, here the moon is in detriment as the saturn ruled cappy doesn’t get along with the soft, nurturing moon, it’s always gotta work work work, limit, restrict !! There’s never anything wrong with the moon here, just because the moon and saturn can’t get along, just because they contradict each other’s completely different functions never means it’s a terrible moon sign. It just manifests in a completely unique way outside of the traditional service and role of the moon, similarly to let’s say sag mercury as it’s also in detriment, they both manifest creatively to make something new out of the planet’s sign. Back to cappy moon, this moon has the capacity to work as they find fulfillment in getting things done, serving others, but negatively restriction and criticizing. With saturn ruling capricorn here your emotions and wellbeing become restricted and limited, you have felt as if no one understands you, you believe something is wrong with you. Like no one in the world supports you emotionally. But this is NEVERRR true, people love you for how caring, attentive and even funny you are !! You care soo much about others you forget to care for yourself, SOME of you even begin to think it’s normal to ignore what your own needs, nooo you need to STOP THISSS . You deserve to feel great about what you do, your accomplishments, how you care for others, EVERYTHING, and most importantly believe, trulyy believe that nothing’s ever wrong with you !! You’re unbelievably charismatic and overall just.... WONDERFULLL. Ily guys smm you’re amazingly stronggg souls !!!
*Moon in 12th house is an EXTREMELY sensitive placement, these people are little babies on the inside (ilyy guyss you all have my heartt <33). They often felt neglected, not nurtured as a kid which creates their extreme sensitivity to their current surroundings and environment. Their shy moon is always hiding behind the mystical and otherworldly curtains of the 12th because of their sensitive upbringing or personality, it’s takes some time for the little guy to come out. The moon here needs SPACCEEEE. A person who’s a walking sponge with fragile emotions, they’re our emotional and energetic vacuum cleaners of the world, they are helping the world without ever realizing it !!
*Pisces risings are known for being hard to characterize for their ability to naturally adapt to their environment. You can tell if someone has this if they absorb their environment like a sponge, then, react to this energy, you can easily see this energy morphing. It becomes noticeable if there’s a lot going on. Another clue is having trouble defining them based on their first impression, like they could be anything you project onto them, very mysterious and dreamy individuals when you meet them.
*Your midheaven/10th house is what you look up to be or what traits you wish to embody, ex: aries MC, confidence, passion, courageousness, being a leader, etc. Moon in 10th, being a therapist, helping the less fortunate, medical professions.
*Libra risings usually have amazing skin, just like virgo risings, to contrast, I’ve seen most of them marked with freckles. They have very symmetrical features, perfectly balanced just like a scale. But it appears as if they’re “superficial” once their faces begin to wear into your mind.
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ellewords · 3 years
i’d love to know how you think would be most similar to their character and who would be completely different? (for the actor au headcannon)
just a few of mine. i have a ton more, though.
bokuto is the smartest dude you’ll ever meet, and he gets visibly frustrated when people think he isn’t just because his character says some stupid things sometimes. character!bokuto isn’t stupid, and he’s tired of people thinking he is.
kuroo is just as big of a dork as he is on screen. he always starts off seeming super intimidating and then you slowly realize he’s just a goofball that needs to warm up to you before he can let loose.
kageyama is probably the most smiley person ever. his smile is super warm and comforting and could compete with hinata’s, and it always throws people off when they first meet him because they’re so used to him being grumpy and the creepy “smile” he does on the show. hinata thinks it’s so funny.
kenma? exactly like his character on the show. he’s introverted and observant and calculating, and he’s low energy most of the time. he’s pretty indifferent to most things, but the one big difference is that people can more easily tell his emotions. he’s not as good hiding it as his character is.
oooh hold on i love these, anon 🥺
bokuto finds himself defending his character a lot. esp during interviews (“so as we all know your character isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed...” “i think he happens to be very smart, it’s upsetting that people think otherwise”) and he’s just a lil frowny during these interviews because he loves the character a lot.
everyone on set was probs scared of kuroo during the first week of filming, but by the time they shot the finale, he instantly became a cast and crew fave. a lot of people say that they’ll probably miss him and his antics the most.
no thoughts, head empty, just a kags smile 😌 i really love him, he has the sweetest smile :)
oh my kenma 🥺 when they’re on standby for a scene, kuroo grabs him by the shoulders and shakes him gently so he can “loosen up a little”
others who first came to mind :
ushijima is super smiley and chatty and it genuinely surprised the fans when press interviews started rolling out. he’s not as stoic as his character is. he knows fans are a little intimidated when they see him in public and knows when someone wants an autograph or a picture so he usually is the one to approach first.
nishinoya is exactly like his character, ball of energy that just never seems to run out. never hesitates to lift everyone’s spirits esp if it’s a very long day of filming — never fails to remind everyone how great they’re doing and how he’s there if they need anything. essentially the moodmaker.
tsukishima is one of the more emotional ones in the cast (stageplay!tsukki gave me this idea and mow i can’t get it out). wears his heart on his sleeve and you can always clearly tell what he’s feeling whenever he’s off camera. gets along with kageyama and like his character, teases him a lot. the difference off cam is that it’s more playful. also cried during the cast party and no one lets him live it down.
yachi is one of the cast who seems like she’s been acting for the longest time, professionalism just seeps out of her but she’s just as nervous as everyone. and sure she’s super cute and sweet but also incredibly well spoken and one of the go-to if someone needed help on a particular scene.
you mentioned that you had more in mind, and i’d love to hear about it if that’s okay with you :) i hope you’re having a wonderful day <3
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
from this ask | send me your hcs on a characters as cast / actor au !! <33
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elysianslove · 4 years
Hi! congrats on 1k!🎉🎊 could you maybe write oikawa for the event please? 👉🏻👈🏻 Thank you so much💕 have a lovely day/night✨
oh my god yes i absolutely can. prepare yourselves bc this will be long 😃  i added a cut this time so i don’t annoy y’all vsjhdsj
spoilers for some timeskip stuff, like briefly! 
also thank you so much mwah <3
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1k Event ━ Oikawa Tōru
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oikawa’s general personality; easily the most complex character on the show change my mind. that whole i’m better than everyone, you’re beneath me, i’m superior attitude? all a front. a huge front. i’m not saying this because i’m insulting him, i’m saying this because i love him so much and he deserves so much better. oikawa’s insecure, deep down. he has this sense of inferiority, that he will never amount to anything better than where he is now, but he never lets it show. and that’s essentially what gets him through the day; it’s what gets him through anything really. but do not misunderstand this as me calling him weak, personality wise especially. because i think he’s got a really strong personality, just not a strong sense of self, you feel me? it’s cute when people write him as a whiny, crybaby, but it’s only funny to an extent, because oikawa is scary. the lengths he would go to? the raw determination he has? it’s frightening, really. he’s very driven, maybe wrongly so in that his motivation’s inaccurate, but he stops at nothing to achieve what he will, and that should scare people. also! many characterize oikawa as a people person, and i agree, but in a different sense. yes, he’s liked by many, but he’s also hated by many. and that makes me think that, essentially, oikawa doesn’t really care what others think of him. he’s just. there. his own thoughts are too loud for his own good as it is. he’s good with people in that he’s this charming, flirty guy, eases up any tension in the room with a good natured joke, has the prettiest, brightest of smiles, but it really doesn’t matter to him. he couldn’t care less about all that. he’s a people person in that he’s aware of his own presence, and he’s unbelievably aware of everyone else’s presence around him too. i also like to headcanon that oikawa has the certain personality that he does — that flirty, kinda annoyingly overwhelming personality — because of certain events in his childhood. this isn’t canon, of course, but i like the angst of thinking that oikawa was pretty lonely as a child, before meeting iwaizumi. that he lacked confidence, that other boys didn’t want to play with him because he was so dainty, so pretty, he kind of looks like a girl ew! and he was constantly left out. and now his defense mechanism is to shut everyone out, leave everyone unaware of the cloud looming above his head, stay quiet about his troubles, and put up this front that he believes he’s above everyone else even though he really isn’t that self conceited. which is also why i believe iwaizumi and oikawa are as attached to the hip as they are, because iwaizumi has always been oikawa’s, sort of, anchor. all that aside, i genuinely believe that oikawa is the most compassionate and empathetic person you will ever meet. he is so insanely understanding, and is the perfect shoulder to cry on, the perfect person to turn to because he always knows what to say, even if it’s the stupidest shit ever. he’s incredibly reliant, whether as a boyfriend or as a friend, and he’s truly one of a kind.
motivation; now onto this. oikawa’s main motivation would be to be better. that’s it. it’s constantly playing on a loop in his head. even when he perfects something, he’s chastising himself on how it could be better, how he’s not nearly trying hard enough. i see him as someone that’s never really properly satisfied with what he achieves. yes, he’s proud of himself, but there’s always another step on the ladder he’s climbing. he’s always had people be better than him at everything, and it always comes so easy to them, as opposed to his unbelievable hard work. i do think he grows out of it, eventually, though! when he’s older, playing for argentina, he realizes everything that’s happened was meant to happen, and that he’s where he’s meant to be. towards you, however, would be how he feels at ease with you. when you have a crush on someone, it’s always so nerve wracking and there’s a whole butterfly nest in your stomach and the world is always spinning and it always feels too hot. but with you, it’s the opposite. and more importantly, you make him feel competent. like he’s enough, and who he is, with all his flaws and all his insecurities and all his strengths, is who you want and who you desire, and nobody else. just him. 
oikawa’s love language; words of affirmation and physical touch. i definitely think he’s the type of person to constantly need to hear the words i love you, or you’re perfect for me, or i’m so lucky. don’t overdo it, sure, he agrees with that, but he does want you to always say it to him. a part of the whole insecurity thing, or just because he likes the way it sounds on your tongue, aimed at him. it makes him feel so fuzzy inside. he’s also really touchy with you, as your boyfriend. always has a hand on you somehow, but it’s not overwhelming or clingy in any way. he just likes touching you, and his favorite is hand holding. or maybe it’s your favorite. have you seen his hands. setter hands. heart eyes. he also adores hugs, long, long embraces. loves the way you fit so snug against him. you make him feel so warm and perfect and loved he can never have enough. 
oikawa’s preferred dates; planetarium visits, ice skating dates, strolls on the beach (esp at sunset), movie nights in, baking together 
kissing oikawa; so sweet. it feels like the first bite into a perfectly baked cupcake, where you just hum delightfully and sigh and smile because it’s so sweet, and so warm, and you’re a little dazed and you want more, more, more. 
what being with oikawa feels like; riding on a ferris wheel during nighttime and feeling a sense of nostalgia and bittersweet love as you look at the city skyline
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1k Event, open for only a few more days!
end note; one of my favorite characters ever i love him so much it hurts. also. also please. i give you this: oikawa in a skirt. thank you, this is where i exit. 
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lichfucker · 3 years
i would love to hear about why all of the ted lasso characters would fail survivor but especially rebecca
hhh ALL of them... okay the vast majority of the players can be explained away with just "physical prowess enough to make them a threat in individual challenges but dumb as bricks and would not be able to strategize themselves out of a bad spot"
this is abt to get long lmao so I'm putting individual ppl under the cut
nate is the most obvious first boot I honestly feel bad about it. bumbling, socially awkward, has NO idea how to assert himself without being an asshole about it (in the rare instances when he does assert himself at all), and even if he's smart enough to be a great strategist (which he absolutely IS), he can't convey it well enough to convince his tribe to overlook his (probable) lack of challenge ability. most of the time, people don't want to draw harsh lines in the sand on the very first vote so they can pretend everyone's getting along and still friends, so nate would be a sort of freebie vote that it'd be easy to agree on.
beard is too much of a follower. what ted says to dr sharon abt him is, "that man has had many lives, many masters." he's very comfortable being led by people with stronger personalities, and even when he disagrees with their calls he will still execute them like a perfect little lackey. the thing about beard is that I think he'd go VERY far in a season of survivor! I think he could EASILY make it all the way to the end! but I just don't think he can WIN. he's genius-level intelligent and SO strategically savvy, but more than that he is fiercely loyal. he'll attach himself to the right person (or the wrong person, as it were), and even if he is whispering in that person's ear all the way through, he would be TOO content to let them take all the credit, he wouldn't push back against them if they disagree with his plans and make a lesser move instead (the whole beginning of 'beard after hours' is him berating himself for not standing up and making the hard calls even when he knew they'd be better), he wouldn't turn around and slit that person's throat at the end to further his own game, and he would make himself socially impenetrable to everyone else. nobody could get close to him, nobody could like or understand him, he'd probably be seen as good collateral if the opposition couldn't strike directly at whomever beard works with, and if he DOES make it to final tribal, I think he'd have a very difficult time convincing the jury that he deserves the credit and the limelight. he wants to win, I just don't think he believes he deserves to.
ted and roy actually would have the exact same problem, which is "physically and strategically competent, but so FUCKING ANNOYING to live with that they get booted for the sake of tribal quality of life." roy would isolate himself socially with his aggression, and ted...
ted is the antithesis of what a "good survivor player" ought to be, which I actually think could work to his advantage in a number of ways? like I think more typical players would find him incredibly unpredictable because he's sharp enough to see what the best moves are, but generous and self-sacrificing enough not to make them. like, there's a reason he's a coach and not a player. there's a reason he says that he doesn't measure success in wins and losses. if he could survive the first few votes, his social game would be AMAZING-- the entire first season of the show is about him wearing rebecca down through the sheer magnitude of his friendship! lesser survivor players would be so endeared to him that they couldn't fathom voting him off, but they're the ones who are getting picked off in his stead. moderately savvy survivor players would not trust a single word out of ted lasso's mouth; there's no fucking way a man can be this kind and this sincere, not on survivor, it's just not possible, he must be plotting something MASSIVE, we have to strike first before he gets his chance. and the truly brilliant survivor players would realize that he IS genuine, he IS sincere, he IS loyal and giving to his core, and that's DANGEROUS. you can't let someone like that make it to the end or they'll take your million dollars. best to shut it down at the jump.
and above all that, I just think that ted... ted would thrive in the pre-merge, in the tribal portion of the game, he's SO team-oriented, but post-merge, in the individual game... perhaps if he had a solid alliance he could also feel that way about, then it might suit his temperament, but ultimately I think he just. wouldn't want it badly enough. I just think the significant majority of people would be vastly more self-interested than ted would be, so they'd take the shot first.
higgins is an interesting midpoint between all three of nate, beard, and ted, in that he's a henchman through and through even when he disagrees with his boss, he's a pushover who'd be seen as a liability in physical challenges in the early game, and he's off-puttingly friendly and polite to the point that nobody would trust that he's being sincere even though he absolutely is. early boot, maybe second or third.
maybe it's just because I've got cook islands on the brain, but jamie (esp season 1 jamie but like. season 2 as well lmao) would play A LOT like early ozzy. an arrogant wonder-boy who's good at everything (did you know there's literally a survivor casting archetype called the "amazing ace"?), with a heart-wrenching underdog story (playing for richmond, that is), an absolute beast in challenges, a huge threat but always immune, he'd win his way to the end but ultimately be beaten out in final tribal by someone smart enough to have dragged him along as their meat shield the whole game.
and as for rebecca... g-d. this one I think hurts me the most because she has everything going for her, she doesn't have a single one of the problems I've listed for anyone else, but I do genuinely believe that rebecca still loses. she's strong and she's smart and she's assertive and she's ruthless and she's sociable and she's a great liar and she's ambitious and she's ADAPTIBLE (she immediately bounces back after not getting the sun to run the photo of ted and keeley and comes up with an alternate plan that will still serve her own endgame, and by g-d being able to roll with the punches and change course is the single most important thing a survivor player can do), but rebecca still loses.
even if we set aside the fact that survivor on the whole is not particularly kind to women over 40... season 1 rebecca, especially early season 1 rebecca, is spite-motivated to the point of self-destruction. she will set her sights on one target and she will be relentless in her effort to get that person out and it'll make her so myopic that she won't see her own end coming immediately afterwards. nobody on that tribe wants to be her next victim-- better get rid of her once she's proven what she's capable of.
she's also dreadfully insecure in the wake of her divorce and when her polished veneer cracks enough to let it show (how many days of being rained on do we think it'll take for her to slip? my guess is five), some people will see it as the vulnerability that finally allows them to connect with her on a human level, while others will see it as a threatening endgame storyline and an exploitable weakness.
there are some juries, particularly old-school juries, that wouldn't vote for her in the end purely based on the fact that a million dollars is just a drop in the bucket to a woman like rebecca mannion welton. that would be a real shame, and a disservice to the game she would have had to play just to make it that far.
what's more likely than that, though, in my opinion, is that rebecca... loses the drive to win. I think that somewhere along the way survivor stops being a game that she is playing, stops being a competition, and instead becomes a journey of personal growth through adversity. I think she, like ted, stops measuring her success in wins and losses. I think she proves herself more capable and resilient than she ever thought she could be, and that is worth more to her than the money or the title of sole survivor, and she stops fighting for it. and maybe the jury admires that, and gives it to her anyway, rewards her transformation. or maybe they don't. maybe they view it as a concession, a forfeit. but I'm not certain that that moment of revelation happens at the final tribal council. I think it happens just before. I think it happens after the final immunity challenge, and she tearfully and valiantly allows herself to be voted out just inches from the finish line. I think rebecca is the fallen angel of the season, and she goes off to the jury with her head held high, which is nice, and so very noble of her, and the fans would be DYING to have her play again but she wouldn't, because she'll have gotten everything she could have wanted out of her survivor experience, and she doesn't need the crown on top of it.
I think rebecca COULD win. she just WON'T.
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bayofbalar · 2 years
I’m doing an assertiviness training because I’m tired of getting conversationally mowed over by men who think they are competent (spoiler alert: they’re not) (my current foreman literally thought that the plural of ‘schroef’ was ‘schroefen’ - I am in physical pain).
It’s really interesting! The course is given by a coach/psychologist, who specialises in children’s therapy, especially for kids who fall in the gifted and/or highly sensitive labels. As such I do think she has a decent perspective on her target audience, and it goes a lot deeper than just some verbal tricks for assertiveness; she also dips into potential reasons for why everyone struggles with it.
It’s a pretty diverse group with 8 other women and 1 guy (apparently this is rare, normally it’s more of a 70-30 ratio (and I had kind of wished there were more men in the group? just because I’m curious about... idk, men being more sensitive and open)). I’ve already been doing a lot of soul searching and this being the first time I’m in a larger group of women (barring horse-related things, which, as far as I can tell, is always fucked over by a ton of judgement stemming from internalised misogyny) and just... feel safe, and I like all the other women. There’s some people with really horrifying shit having happened to them, and it showed me that you genuinely cannot tell by appearance OR behaviour whatever someone might be going through at home.
The trainer has mentioned that I could possibly be “gifted” (not diagnosing, just saying I should look into it (and you know, not self-diagnose but you can get out of it whtaver you want)). I looked it up and jfc, so many (read, all or nearly all) points are so recognisable. It would not surprise me if it were the case, even though I won’t seek official diagnosis. If it were true, esp. combined with the HSP part, it would explain a lot of the issues I’ve run into in life and parts of which made me suspect I had some sort of neurodivergency going on (be that ADD or some milder form of autism spectrum (both of which are diagnosed in my second-degree family)). It would definitely explain why I have had such issues with school and always feeling like I underperformed there, as well as just... communication issues and/or this inherent feeling of being “different”. I dislike the association with the term as an arrogant or elitist thing, but I think that ‘wired differently’ is an adequate description that casts no judgement on anybody.
But even if it isn’t the case, though I think it is - it did manage to make me find teacher jargon for the way I think and learn, which in itself is super valuable information. I can now finally explain to people how I need shit explained to me! Turns out that (of fucking course) it’s the literal opposite way that the majority of teaching methods is set up in this country. It explains... so much about why I failed so bad at beta subjects, even though I have way fewer problems with the subject matter now.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
but seriously, this episode was wild from start to finish. i watched it live on tv so i was just an anxious mess during the ad breaks wondering whether the last 30, 20, 10 minutes could really tie up the story. and it did! i’m still amazed at how much happens in one episode. we really went from siu muk screaming about how tin should’ve thought through the marriage to them kissing on the couch? and i’d like to think the easter egg is a lawyer asking them these questions before letting them sign their marriage papers but i’m getting ahead of myself
so KK telling tin to go find muk was quite surprising to me. i thought even if deep down KK knew tin wasn’t genuine with his romantic love for KK or couldn’t reciprocate it the way KK wants, he’d rather play pretend than let Tin go, so truly, props to him for being the bigger man and being mature (if thats the term) and encouraging Tin to go find ah muk. i think it’s also partly because he does love Tin enough to want him to have a happy future and not be so selfish as to keep him when both parties aren’t gonna be 100% happy with it.
and then when muk tried to tell tin they wouldn’t have a good future together but obviously just saying without any fight in him? honestly i kinda laughed, it felt like he included it just as an inside joke like, hey remember how i said this and we broke up but here you are ditching your marriage? we ended up right where we left off! (i can’t articulate this properly but i hope you understand HAHA). and Tin going like, i’m a big boy, let me choose :( and it’s true! he has indeed grown (sure he still can’t pack but i’m sure he’s more in touch with his feelings towards siu muk)
honestly? i’m very satisfied with the ending, and LOVED it when carmen took out her own recording device. i was wondering why ping gor just stopped using it after the scam. so glad they brought it back, esp through carmen and it helps solidify their relationship. this couple is truly iconic, i love their dynamic.
i still have so many thoughts but here are some nice stuff from their zoom after party: (1) literally everyone (even the producer) wants to do a movie adaptation or a second season (movie felt more ideal amongst them, but any continuum is nice). (2) for the last scene/ kissing scene, edan and anson actually did three takes with varying degrees of intensity. the one that aired was the middle one, and when asking whether they’d release the most intense one (apparently more mouth/lip movement), both edan and anson lo said they shouldn’t release it because they want it to happen in the movie/ sequel. (3) the cast thinks KK and Darren has potential. (4) the cast also thought louis and francesca should’ve kissed. (5) the hk adaptation is airing in japan HAHA (in fall) as well as a few other east asian countries. that’s all i recall for now.
thank you, francis, from the bottom of my heart, for answering my asks and allowing me to have someone to vent to, laugh at, and get emotionally wrecked together. i know you watch a bunch of other BL series but this has become my favourite show (i don’t watch a lot but when i watch shows i completely spiral) so i’m so happy to get to talk about it with someone. something so dangerous about asian dramas is finding people who want to talk about it (in english as well!) i’ll probably be in your askbox for a few more days sorting out my feelings but i loved going on your blog and seeing new posts about ossan’s love!
We got a comedy kiss turned real kiss! Which was wonderful. It was so, so good to see. I was SO WORRIED when Tin panicked at the kiss again but YESSS WE GOT THE KISS. I might watch those last few scenes with them again, tbh. They're just so GOOD and SWEET and HEARTFELT. What darling boys.
That episode was definitely a wild ride. They held out for the last minute to solve things. Siu Muk yelling about Tin not making up his mind just made me wanna scream, though. I mean, come on dude! You did break up with him for 'his own good'. What did you want him to do? You knew he still had feelings for you when you broke up with him! Stop it! I really wish Siu Muk had been the one to go after Tin, truly, and not have the failed scene at the bridge... but it was good to see Tin chase him down though.
Oh, that scene hurt so much. Siu Muk was so unsure and so scared and Tin, for the first time, genuinely made up his mind. He said 'This is me and I know myself, stop telling me who I am' and he meant it. Is he a fully competent and independent adult? No, but who is? He's capable of running a business and choosing who he loves and if he can't pack a bag... well, everyone has a weakness.
Oh man, a movie adaptation would be great. A second season would probably make me twitchy because EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND. SEASON. EVER. is like 'miscommunication and possible cheating!' and I don't want that for our boys. I want them to just be happy together. I'd only like a second season if they let Siu Muk and Tin be the secondary happy couple and make someone else be in that weird love triangle position. I'd actually love that! They'd make an amazing 'happy in the background' couple.
I want that kiss. DAMNIT. I want that KISS. I wanna see all the versions of the kiss and also more kisses, pleases. Just... Tin and Siu Muk kissing in general would be great and ideal and my favorite thing ever. I just want their future to be happy and content and full of love.
Oh, I am always glad to get show-specific asks, or any ask at all, and happy to chat and natter and share! Please, always feel free to hit me up. It's hard to find a BL I'm not watching (if you do, feel free to tell me about it because it's probably an accident!) I have too much free time, no life and a love of BL that is all encompassing. I've been so glad to know that other people share this show and the same deep thoughts about it and enjoyed all the same bits!
You are always welcome to hit me up and to chat. I've got plenty of headcanons I'm still considering for these characters so I look forward to seeing and hearing your post-show thoughts as well.
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thefossilwhale · 3 years
i want someone besides me and the 2 friends who know all the lore to meet my detective, but i’m too impatient to let you get to know her via fic so i filled out this questionnaire instead. she is veronica and she is so important, here is some stuff about her if you are interested :’)
Name: veronica langford
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bi
Love interest: adam
Best friend: morgan
Main skill: science/technology
Secondary skill: combat/physical
Main personality trait: impulsive
Secondary personality trait: sarcastic
Why did they join the Wayhaven PD?: best use of her science skills
Relationship with Rebecca: not great
Relationship with Bobby: ex, finds it hard to be around him
Verda or Tina?: both! but she’s on verda’s branch
Murphy bite?: wrist
Murphy's fate?: captured
Rescue LI or Rescue Sanja?: sanja
Name: veronica “it’s been 3 years and i never gave her a middle name” langford
Nickname: just veronica. people around wayhaven called her ronny growing up, and a few still do despite her trying to grow out of it. maybe a few people from college and sometimes tina call her v or vee or something.
Birthday: please you all know i am so scared of concrete dates
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bi
Hair color: brown
Eye color: dark brown
Height: 5′10 (178 cm)
Piercings: just one in each ear
Tattoos: something retro sci-fi on her shoulder. not a reference to anything specific, but like a little planetary landscape with a UFO in the background or something.
Clothing Style: casual. lots of tank tops and muscle tees (weather- and occasion-permitting), concert t-shirts, warm colors. flannels and leather jackets. jeans, sneakers, combat boots. think like rocker chick vibes, but cozier and more colorful.
Apartment Style: basic. she really did not plan on living there long and kept putting off decorating because it’d be a waste if she was just going to move out. this rationalization went on so long but since the end of book 1 she has slowly bought a few things to push it towards “cozy,” still pretty sparse though.
Charming | Intimidating
Impulsive | Cautious
Sarcastic | Genuine
Friendly | Stoic
Easygoing | Stubborn
Heart | Mind
Optimist | Pessimist
Team Player | Independent
Main Skill: science/technology (but mostly science)
Second Skill: combat/physical
By the Book | Bend the Rules
Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: best use of her science skills
Murphy bite:  Wrist | Neck | None
Murphy’s Fate: Captured | Escaped
Rescued: Love Interest | Sanja
Love Interest: adam
Why them?: for veronica it’s kind of retroactive. the way i imagine their True Canon, they don’t have any real romantic moments in book 1, so she doesn’t seriously consider that adam might have feelings for her until well into book 2. (the training scene is when she’s like “oh. ok. i get it now.”) even then it takes a few more chapters for her to really process that, figure out how she feels, and recontextualize everything. like realizing that he loves her and then thinking back on their relationship, knowing that, makes her feel so held (sorry i have no better way to say it) in a way that just makes her want to cry.
to give some actual specific reasons, it’s his dedication and his constancy and hidden care/softness. and his very specific brand of... selflessness might be just left of the word i’m looking for, but hopefully you get me.
Bold, shy, or mixed?: neither! in theory it’s closer to bold, but it’s more just earnest.
What were their first impressions of each other?: disastrous. on top of finding him condescending and unpleasant, there are also a few moments where veronica genuinely wonders whether he’s even a good person. or, like, cares about people. but once she learns the truth of things, a lot of her initial anger gets transferred to rebecca.
adam, with the benefit of knowing what’s actually happening, has a slightly more favorable impression of veronica. yes he thinks she’s difficult and reckless and too emotionally driven, yes she’s making his job absolutely miserable, but he does begrudgingly respect that her accusations are always on the right track and she’s good at her job.
What do they find attractive about each other, mentally or physically?:
for veronica: she loooves his sense of humor. and how much faith he has in the people he cares about. physically, dimples <3. but everything about his smile really. and his nose!
for adam: veronica has a very blunt, unadorned sense of kindness to her that he really loves. the way she is kind before she is nice and values directness. physically, her eyes, they’re deep brown and so expressive.
What do they do to spend time together?: they’re both competitive so anything where they can compete on the same team is fun. (competing against each other is fun too, but also like. exhausting. for them and everyone.) maybe puzzles or other things where it feels like they’re “winning” or solving something together. i have spent an embarrassing amount of thought on veronica and overw*tch esp*rts and she would absolutely make adam learn how to play main tank so they could queue as a tank duo. but most of the time i think they don’t Do specific things together; they just hang out. just talk with each other. perhaps snuggle.
What is their favorite memory together?: in current canon... lol. veronica really just treasures any time adam relaxes around her but those moments always get Ruined. even once they’re well into a relationship, i think veronica’s favorite memory would still be something small like a random time he said something funny and they both laughed together and they were outside and the sky was pretty.
What are their love languages?: acts of service for both of them, but especially adam. veronica... probably lots of words of affirmation and physical touch. they’re both bad at blocking out time for themselves in the first place, so quality time can get neglected especially at first.
How do they handle being apart from one another?: pretty well i think! once they’re in an established relationship at least, before that it’s probably harder. but adam can distract himself with work, and veronica is good at focusing on whatever’s in front of her (whether that’s work or she’s away on vacation or something). if neither of them is too busy, veronica calls every night and they stay on a while, half talking and half just keeping each other company.
Do they argue? How do they handle arguments and disagreements? How do they make up?: i think arguments are fairly rare! yes they’re both insanely stubborn, but they also understand each other pretty well (especially once in a relationship) and are very sympathetic to where the other is coming from. unless both of them are extremely stressed, one of them crumbles when they start genuinely arguing like "i don't want to fight ok, let's take a second."
What does their future look like?: who knows! i haven’t decided whether veronica will turn. i think she probably will, just because i do not want my main pairing for this IF to make me very sad all the time, but like. i’m not fully committing until i see a reason pop up in canon. as of book 3′s final demo, it’s not on her radar at all; she knows she loves adam and wishes they could Talk, but ultimately doesn’t expect or even want a relationship right now (because she doesn’t want to deal with dating one of rebecca’s agents OR with the logistics of being in a committed relationship with an immortal being). it’s just all so foreign to her current state of mind that it’s really hard to say!
Anything else you'd like to share: do you know how hard it was to answer some of these considering veronica wasn’t sure they were even, like, on decent terms for such a large portion of the canon content
Best friend: morgan and farah are essentially joint besties but i’ll go with M
Why them?: i think they appreciate each other’s no bullshit attitude. morgan likes that veronica doesn’t take herself too seriously and respects/relates to the way she tackles problems (quickly, head-on, and without complaint but also without pretending that it doesn’t suck?). veronica appreciates morgan’s bluntness, likes bantering with her, and in general just likes being around people that have quiet/steady presences.
What were their first impressions of each other?: neither of them had much of a first impression honestly. morgan barely thought of veronica at all beyond “she’s annoying,” and kept to herself so much that any dislike veronica had of morgan took a backseat to her dealing with the rest of unit bravo.
What do they do to spend time together?: lots of just sitting in the same room and listening to (low volume) music, veronica spends a lot of time hunting for songs morgan might like. morgan is also her go-to sparring/training buddy. and there are semi-frequent movie nights where veronica shows farah her favorite old shitty B movies, and sometimes morgan will tag along just to sit in the room with them or affectionately talk shit.
Anything else you'd like to share: i’ll talk a little about N! obviously veronica and nate respect, trust, and like each other, but she finds him the hardest of UB to connect with. they’re both people who wear their compassion on their sleeves but keep a lot of their hearts/themselves held back, so they just kind of circle each other, especially since like... nate values politeness and is very sweet in how he relates to people, while veronica values directness and is more jokey/lighthearted to put people at ease. idk how well i’m communicating this; as of the book 3 demo it’s getting easier, but their friendship is still newer/more... nebulous? than the others.
OTHER RELATIONSHIPS (Feel free to go in depth!)
Relationship with Rebecca: so strained. veronica has come to terms with rebecca’s absences throughout her childhood, but there’s newer resentment over... a lot of things, but how she handled the murphy case especially. veronica hates being kept in the dark, and even more than that she hates being rebecca’s priority. it’s difficult to reconcile her childhood and present images of rebecca, and she’s angry that rebecca is so freely and recklessly choosing her, now, to the point of endangering others if she has to, especially when she never felt like rebecca’s choice before. and incredibly frustrated/confused by how often the lines between their professional and familial relationships are blurred and what rebecca actually wants from her.
Relationship with Rook: veronica takes after rook a lot. in stat terms, the only trait they don’t share is stoic, and even then that’s veronica’s least extreme stat. people always told her how like her father she was growing up, and it’s a comparison she took/takes a lot of pride in! she looks up to him based on the stories, but more recently is uncomfortable with the comparisons. veronica would never have even come back to wayhaven if her life panned out as planned, let alone become a detective or joined the agency. that makes her doubt herself, and she feels like that doubt is letting rook down somehow.
rook is also part of the reason her relationship with rebecca isn’t as bad as it could be. she knows that rook loved her, and that he would want his family to be there for each other, so she feels obligated to at least try to make things better. but it’s really hard for her to move past everything to connect with rebecca (which also makes her feel like she’s disappointing rook).
Relationship with Bobby: they were together for a long time and veronica thought she loved him a lot! it was her first relationship, so she wasn’t sure a) what a “bad partner” looked like, or b) how to even be in a relationship or rely on someone in that way. so they spent a lot of time together and had great superficial chemistry, but veronica didn’t have enough experience with not feeling neglected to realize how shallow it was, or notice the red flags when she did occasionally open up. the plagiarism fiasco was a slap in the face, especially because it cost her internships/grad school apps/whatever, i don’t have the details, and forced her to move back to wayhaven after school. she’s still very hurt by it and finds it hard to be around bobby.
Relationship with Verda: due to the above plagiarism fiasco, veronica was pretty depressed when she moved back home, and disliking her job didn’t help. she was extremely jealous when verda was hired and wanted to hate him. but it did not take long for that to crumble into respect/admiration, and eventually into close friendship! verda is a role model for her; they bond over science; they joke easily and have good chill fun. she was really excited to see him piecing together the truth about the supernatural and then devastated to see how he reacted. she feels insanely guilty and thinks it was selfish of her to let him figure it out, but is also cautiously optimistic about making it up to him as of the book 3 demo.
Relationship with Tina: very close! veronica isolated herself when she came back to wayhaven after school, and she is so grateful to tina for being her closest friend and link to the rest of the world during that time. hates keeping the supernatural from her, though. she didn’t like lying to tina to begin with, but she feels even worse about it now that verda knows, and now that tina has clearly picked up on something being wrong but she still can’t say anything.
Relationship with the Mayor: cannot stand him. hates the way he talks about rook, hates the way he talks to rebecca. she cooperates as necessary but doesn’t bother hiding her lack of patience/respect for him.
Relationship with Capt. Sung: basically fine. i think veronica might be a little too casual for him in the way she works, but she always gets the job done so he’s not too bothered by it. (she is ‘bend the rules,’ but more ‘strict rules aren’t important as long as you’re still doing good work’ than the ‘boooo fuck paperwork’ variety. so it’s mostly fine.) she also appreciates him as a minor link to rook.
Relationship with Haley: very friendly, but not super close. they get along great and could make pleasant conversation for hours, but ultimately don’t know each other super well despite the familiarity of growing up together.
Relationship with Elidor: such a comforting presence for veronica during her recovery! she is so grateful, so fond.
Relationship with Tapeesa/Vieno: veronica loves vieno’s cranky-yet-friendly vibe and they get along well! not close, but will stop to chat whenever they pass each other.
Relationship with Unit Alpha: loves their energy. always looks forward to the next opportunity to chat with them, and fully supports any harmless dunking on UB even if she rarely joins in.
Relationship with the Maa-alused: going through the house of mirrors and then coming home for them to appear in her apartment and infect bobby was one of thee worst experiences of her life, and it’s hard for her to get past that + the illness in general. sympathizes with them, and got them to sign the treaty, but is still kind of unsettled by everything that happened and by falk.
Do they have any other important relationships, past or present? (Relatives, friends, etc.?): some vague figures i have in mind but no one i’ve really developed. a couple friends from college, and maybe an elderly couple that lives on her childhood street and used to check in her.
Describe their personality: her usual demeanor is very warm and casual. sincere but private--she’s pretty blunt and likes to be direct with people, but steers conversations away from personal topics. likes to joke around and doesn’t take herself that seriously. but behind all this, she’s extremely stubborn and won’t shy away from conflict if she thinks you’re in the wrong (which is why she seems like a different person in the first half of book 1. UB is surprised by how like... chill and nice she is once they clear the air). a workaholic, self-reliant and secure but still pretty hard on herself, takes a lot of responsibility for the people around her.
Strengths: so dedicated. honest and trustworthy, has a strong moral compass and can always be counted on to do her absolute best. flexible and intuitive, her brain works really fast.
Weaknesses: cannot compartmentalize or separate herself from a case, throws herself so recklessly into everything (in terms of both physical danger and emotional burnout). doesn’t necessarily hold grudges but has a hard time letting go of hurt, still can’t think objectively about bobby or rebecca.
Where in the world is their Wayhaven?: somewhere on the US east coast idk what to tell you. perhaps a carolina or a virginia.
What is their personal history?: veronica was pretty social and well-liked around wayhaven growing up. she was known as just a really good kid; she was an overachiever and got along with almost anyone. in college, she felt like she was free of something and took a very work hard/play hard approach to life. always doing or going, whether it was for school or work or fun. she really enjoyed life during this time but crashed and burned pretty hard when she and bobby broke up; a lot of her plans were delayed until the plagiarism incident was resolved and she didn’t really have the heart to pursue them afterwards.
a year or so after graduating, she returned to wayhaven with the intention of taking one more year to regroup, and she has been stuck there longer than she meant to be and has kind of hit a wall when book 1 starts.
If they weren't a detective, what would their dream job be?: she was on track to become a biochemist and it was her dream job but then the main plot happened to her.
Anything else you'd like to share: i don’t really know enough to fully explain this, but no OC i love is a cop so like. i think maybe the job she took when she got back to wayhaven was a douglas-esque receptionist role for detective reele’s private office. then reele retired and small town politics + veronica’s history of useful contributions to cases in her downtime at work led to her being pressured to take up the mantle. it’s hard to explain why she’s a detective when she so deeply does not want to be one but i am Trying (or maybe she would have jumped at the chance to do something marginally closer to forensics?? who knows)
Zodiac sign: aries is what i assigned her when i first made her and i think it suits her! plus it’d be fun for her and M to be twins. this goes hand-in-hand with my birthday commitment issues though
Hobbies: music (she plays guitar and bass and sings a little), running, gaming unfortunately. i could also see her having been into boxing or some martial art but idk what exactly!
Likes: early morning stillness, DIY projects, t-shirts with inexplicable slogans and other weird thrift store finds
Dislikes: overly sweet food or drink, when cold weather lasts too long, being lied to or “protected” from the truth
Drink of choice: something with gin maybe. also feels a great fondness and gratitude for cheap wine.
Starbucks order: i truly know nothing about coffee. is it weird to order black coffee at starbucks
Favorite food: variations on spicy chicken soup! she eats a lot of crockpot meals for convenience and they’ve grown on her, and she has a few different recipes based on whatever she has on hand.
Favorite color: maybe like a rusty orange
Favorite music: she will listen to anything, but her favorite is probably folk rock, or sometimes stuff with soul or old school country vibes. big thief is a good example of an artist she’d be into i think! also was very into the indie music scene in her college town and still follows some of those bands.
Favorite genre (and favorite movie/book/etc): loves old, campy, unselfconsciously optimistic sci-fi. loves star trek tos. also a fan of documentaries of all kinds.
Favorite season: summer
Anything else you'd like to share: a kiss for you reading this mwah
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Actually i don't get Reki at all. Like even in the first ep he was worse even than Shadow and i'm not talking abt Cherry, Joe and Adam. And he was ok and loved skating. But like... if your friend is better than you, then you get depressed and making your friend feel guilty abt you not being good enough? I didn't even ship Reki and Langa, they are just giving me only friendship vibes, but i'm still sad, wtf writers did with his character?
Yeah, same. Like, sorry, I just don’t think Reki’s character can be redeemed for me personaly at this point.  
Like what should I even stand for in his character? I do not respect his life position at all. Like I dislike Makoto for being a shadow and not wanting anything in his life, but hey, at least he’s genuinely happy for Haru’s success. I adore Rin who never gave up and dove into the hardest challenge possible from the start to get on Haru’s level, cause he wanted to swim with him for the rest of his life and he got there. And then there’s this..  it’s like.. he loves to skate, but apparently not enough, cause his doesn’t want it, if he isn’t the best at it, so he’d rather... not skate at all? He wants to be as cool and on the same level with “naturally talented ones” and wants to compete with Langa, but he doesn’t want to do anything for it or search for his own unique style or smth to beat them in another way? And on top of that he’s also sad about seeing Langa succeeding? The whole thing is... like.. no, thank you?
Like are they really gonna go with the “you made me want to be great at this like you, but if only you are great at this, than screw both you and this?” lolz. Even if they will go with the psychological block bc of his friend’s injury, it’s gonna be lousy af now. It’s like is there even a route left which could make him look...ahem... presentable at this point? Idk.
I also was right about the fact that he’s the type who prolongs the whining instead of doing things, unlike some other characters who were in his position too; realistic maybe he is, but I don’t want it, honestly, like I see such things every day and I do not like it.
From what I’ve seen in the tag some are already trying to apply here like 50 mental disorders to excuse him and stuff like “it’s realistic” and at this point I’m honestly used to people on the internet using mental disorders not for spreading awareness, but bc they’re thinking it’s “trendy”, which is a cringe galore and shame on you. But it still makes me kinda sad all the time. Also there’s nothing unrealistic about not giving up and getting where you want, it’s just harder for, to say, “ordinary” people, that’s why most rarely choose this option (although it’s for you to decide if you’re ordinary or not, cause everyone can be extraordinary, you just need to find it in you). Anyways, drowning in a self pity is not the trait I’ve ever found appealing in people, along with the constant comparing yourself to others.
Sadly many prefer to use these excuses to get out of everything along with being lazy or jealous, esp the young generation. At this point, it’s like the same thing as with this other fandom. Like, sometimes when someone is trying to hit someone because he saw that he’s more talented than him, that just means that he’s an asshole, there’s no need to come up with ridiculous excuses to justify this and try to make him a hero. And sometimes ppl are just jealous, as simple as that. And no, not everyone is like that. At this point ppl on social media are like... fuck your hard-working characters, who are inspired by talent and do not give up on trying to prove yourself even if the whole world is against them. Let’s promote being emo and how it’s okay to spend your life on walking around telling everyone how you’re a useless trash, like this will help you in life.
Also if seeing someone succeed, esp your best friend, makes you sad, might want to reconsider the way of living your life. Just saying.
Also since when you have to be the best just to enjoy doing what you love doing? I’m like... personaly I do not get it. Looking at my vids 10 years ago they look like utter trash, but I tried and tried and yeah, I might not reach some levels of mega talented ppl, but hey, I’m still trying and searching for stuff I can improve all the time and watch talented ppl tutorials like “holy fuck, you can do that?”.
But hey, at least he doesn’t want to only make boards, he wants to compete... (or does he? I’m honestly not sure at this point lol)... I mean, there’s... that. but I thought, when he’s gonna realize it, he’s gonna be back on track, but n.o. xD back to self pity. ok then. Some go like “its only been 3 episodes” and I’m like “this... ain’t a 24 episodes anime tho..(?)”.
So far I’m just confused about what are writers intentions with some characters are. Like the most interesting ones at least for me are technically a background for some reason idk. I was literally sad about the wasted amount of screentime on Reki being.. well, nothing new.
Sad part about this is that people like this also need a constant reassuring to the point of them just sucking your life out of you, too, so I honestly do not know how to deal with this life position. Ppl like this have a tendency to never be happy, so Langa would just have to run after him and feed him with compliments for the rest of his life to water his tiny self-esteem or say smth “don’t give up, don’t give up, fighting”? It’s like... well, ok. Friendship, yeah, but ship? Nah, not for me. Also I do not smell any huge romance there tbh, and from Reki’s side this is all just a mess tbh.
The saddest part was that he saw that Langa won after his yelling and he didn’t care for that. Like Rin was mopping bc he wanted to swim with Haru, so when he saw that Haru wanted to swim with him, too, that was it for him. And that’s the problem all the viewers who watched Free! got hit with while watching this. My DMs are literally all about “why do I not feel anything about them?” or “sometimes cute, but smth doesn’t hit me shipping wise”. Cause I think most expected for some reason that he would also put Langa first, but at the end, they’re not on the same track, bc their priorities are different.
I actually think it was just mistake for all of our Free! hommies including me to go at it from the wrong point of view and from the beginning expecting it shipping wise to be like that one other Utsumi’s work. I mean, she’s just a director there, not also on the storyboard or anything else. Should’ve gone watching it with a clear head. The main ship just does not hit any spots for me either. And my heart does not lie there at all. I do blame Free! for this, cause it’s like impossible to compare bc of those our scenes, I keep seeing, but at the same time, they do not hold up not to the dynamic, not to anything at this point. Like I do not know where they’re going with them, but this is just not my type of a ship in general and definitely not the one I can go crazy about. I honestly do not think 3 episodes can change that. It’s says a lot if at this point I do not even care much for their reconciliation, I’m like.. tell me about the seniors’ drama tho xD So I’ll stick with my side ships.
Also, unrelated to the question, but did Adam seriously just went and hit Cherry with a board in the face?!!!! (THE FUCK DUDE?) Like, this was definitely not how I thought this was gonna go. I also kinda felt like Cherry was in love with Adam in the past. All in all this was like a... strange episode, at this point I just feel sorry for my baby Langa, Joe and Cherry were very cute (esp at the end) and my god Cherry is hot, but like I also want something complex pls, so idk I’m  still waiting for the Adam/Tadashi shananigans.
At this point I’m like “I love watching this, but what am I watching?” haha supernatural skating soup opera it is then. 
Also I just love Langa my dude, my man. How he’s such a puppy in real life, but so freaking hot when he skates??!!! T_T 
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