#esp the ones who just copy and paste it into their own blog
peanutsgifs · 7 months
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princessbrunette · 10 months
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♡ this is a given, but minors do not interact! i can’t stop you from doing what you want to do. but respect my boundaries, you will be blocked otherwise.
♡ i will not engage with hate in my ask box about myself or other tumblr writers. its not the place for that.
♡ please don’t just ask to be an emoji anon without having anything else to say in the message! this sounds harsh, but a lot of people ask to be an emoji anon and i add them to the list and i never hear from them again. from now on i will be mostly ignoring asks that are just asking to be an emoji with nothing else to the message.
♡ i only reply to what i have inspiration for! if i don’t answer the request pls don’t take it personally or spam my inbox asking again and again, it will be ignored!
♡ to add to the point above, please don’t send asks / messages asking if i’m receiving your requests. i likely am ! i will either get to them eventually or i just don’t vibe with it enough to write about it. i kindly ask you don’t take it personally as i try my best to get through as many asks as i can. no i dont hate you!
♡ whilst i’d love to be there for you, i am not a therapist and i have my own problems too. please do not trauma dump in my ask box. to add; please do not request a character dealing with very specific or deep issues as i don’t want to write that kind of thing in fear of not doing it justice esp if its not something i struggle with!
♡ my blog caters to hyper fem!reader simply because that’s who i am, and what i enjoy. therefore, that’s all i will be writing and i apologise if you do not identify this way and cannot connect to my reader! its honestly all i know, as i put myself in readers shoes. other than that however i do not race / weight code my reader, or physically describe them in any way aside from clothes / nails / accessories etc :)
♡ please do not demand i write certain things, demand a part 2, or express disappointment in where i choose to end the piece of writing! pressuring me to write in general generally doesn’t sit well with me n will only motivate me to do the opposite !
♡ alongside this, i know it sounds petty but i get it all the time and honestly it’s quite annoying — if you spam asks saying “i miss *insert character or au that i write* :(” but offer no ideas about them to write, i’m just going to take that as you complaining and not write them for you.
♡ there is dark theming on this blog! for example stepcest / fauxcest. do not reblog or reply with things like ‘i find X part weird but i liked everything else’ etc because i wont take kindly to it ! without sounding like a total bitch, i don’t care what u don’t like ! this is my blog hehe , if u feel like you won’t enjoy a certain fic i have no issue w you scrolling past!
♡ i write for a handful of people, but usually fixate on one or two characters whilst i’m in a certain ‘phase’. if this doesn’t interest you, feel free to unfollow or mute! but understand my blog is catered to my current interests.
♡ i do not write for rape, self harm/suicide, insecurity issues/ mental health issues.
♡ please don’t make your writing, layout of your writing, or blog look identical to mine. i find it disrespectful when my theming etc gets copied so i will probably limit my interaction with you! i can’t tell you what to do and i dont ‘own’ certain things but if you have enough respect for me to be inspired, have enough respect to make your blog your own !! this being said pls credit ideas from me too !
♡ please don’t send requests to my dms or dm me personal questions / anything inappropriate.
♡ please no super long super specific requests. if i see an ask that starts with ‘could you write’ and the ask is multiple paragraphs it will probably be ignored unfortunately !
♡ friendly reminder that i’m not forcing you to follow me !! if you’re upset with me enforcing boundaries i suggest you don’t follow. i will likely not give attention to u voicing this or being rude to me for doing so.
if you have any questions or feel i missed out anything vital, don’t be afraid to ask or let me know!
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bunnidid-reviews · 2 months
Hi, I would like to ask for your thoughts on this new application many of my acquaintances have been buzzing about. It's called Octocon, from what I understand, it's meant to be 2 apps in a package like Pluralkit and Simply Plural, but targetted for DID/OSDD. At first, that grabbed my attention, but honestly it looks like a copy-paste of the two, without addressing the many issues the mentioned apps had that made it inaccessible for anyone dissociative. So I'd be curious for your own thoughts on it too, as it's fairly recent
Hi, thanks so much for the reccomendation!
I only have iOS, so it doesn't seem like it's something I'll be able to review, but I'm looking forward to seeing what it's all about.. Because any app made for DID isn't going to be perfect, but it's interesting to see how they try...
One of the things that stood out to me:
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(Register fronting push notifications with friends)
Immediately I went ಠ_ಠ; because even with the people I want to know who's fronting, to have that consistently be an option would freak!!! me!!! out!!! I'm certain it's something you don't have to do, but I always question who it's for in general to have a thing that constantly Tells Everyone who's fronting. (I just don't believe any system can fully consent to always being on display like that, esp because parts coming out always have Context attached and thats very exposing when people Know)
Very interesting and also sounds exactly like something I would not use regularly! But when it comes to iOS I'd be happy to try for a week
Obligatory no one is ever forced to listen to critique esp if its not asked for directly, and I know there are plenty of people who regularly use Simply Plural and bots and things who would love this sorta thing. Eeeeverything on my blog is based entirely on my opinion
And once again boosting @lighthouse-app for a really incredible resource that I regularly genuinely use. Please support their efforts <3
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 2 months
y'know I find it so funny how (before hopefully I shut up about them for good), that like a month after I started at my old cadetship workplace back in 2022, they made me sit through a fucking 45minute [but I dragged it out for 2hrs trying to guess the perceived right answers they wanted] personality test that listed my top like 10 strengths, weaknesses and other skills to develop (eg one skill to develop was 'influencing and motivating' or whatever, one weakness was that i often act without thinking or something like that, and my obvious strength was writing).....
and like we had full meetings about my results on that test, and how it might "hinder or aid your (my) productivity" and bullshit like that..... but then they blatantly did fuck all to develop my influencing/motivating, or whatever the fuck that bs test called them skills. they fully ignored that I was a good writer, so they never gave me blog posts or social media posts or got me to write a newsletter article to do with the marketing team. the only VAGUELY writing oriented task I did was copy and pasting case notes from the social worker/tenancy support worker into an excel spreadsheet where I (probs illegally tbh) edited the spelling, grammar and other issues with the case notes bc some of the typos drove me insane tbh. for other things, they never developed or helped curb/develop in a more positive way for my weaknesses.... and just endlessly criticised me instead or never gave real constructive feedback to help me improve.
hell, i could've even helped write the case notes for tribunal for this one tenant we had committing centrelink (aussie social services) and rent fraud wouldve been great! but NO! even that was irrelevant to me, even though I sat directly between my team leader/manager AND rent review, who talked over me about it every fucking day for 3 months. we ended up backdating their unpaid rent 30k if you're wondering. like ok yeah. given this was a management and senior management issue, that was obvs too big for a trainee to be part of. but also! I'm DIRECTLY IN THE MIDDLE of the two people investigating it???? why won't you INCLUDE me???? when you talk over me about it constantly??? dumbass workplace. I swear to fuck.
and I only say this bc I scrolled past this one shitty asf recruiter yesterday on linkedin, who was all like "one whole reason, YOU PERSONALLY have an employment gap on your resume is bc the YOU took too long to be trained by a company and that's just tooooooo expensive and wasteful on company expenses 😥😭 consider that YOU created this problem and the company SHOULD NOT have to train you well enough to do the job!"
like joey. I was IN a TRAINING PROGRAM and the useless ass company I was at REFUSED to train me at all costs and then told me to get assessed for a learning disability/depression/anxiety, bc "you just cant learn fast enough"..... when I was LITERALLY SIGNED UP TO BE TRAINED.
this WAS NOT MY FAULT. there should be adequate onboarding practices and training provided in every workplace, but I was actively being denied it bc I wasn't the bitchy backstabbing type to get anywhere in that workplace. I did not take "too long" to get trained when they actively denied me training opportunities EVERY time I asked for them, by telling me that "thats irrelevant to you!" and "just accept that it's not in your journey with us 🤷🏻‍♀️😬" . fuck you and fuck the corporate overlords who think that training people properly and adequately is just "toooooo expensive and employees should train themselves for free/at their own cost". most esp in fields like social and community work that I was in.
this workplace just did NOT want me to develop and hone my skills in any way, shape, or form, really. they instead dragged me through a useless ass personality test and deliberately ignored my interests, strengths, and weaknesses to develop and then blamed me for "being too slow" and "can't you just teach yourself?? are you Special™️ bc you can't interpret the tenancy succession policy and tenancy software procedure on your own without explicit inperson direction????" they refused to walk me through complicated tenancy procedures and policies when they'd do it with every other new hire.
I did not "take too long be trained"..... when they just actively treated me as a useless intern my entire year there. so I might as well just act as a trainee the entire time and continually ask for help even though it pisses people off (besides the point the ONE TIME I tried to solve a call on my own in the dumbass fucking 2min call window (I usually took like 15mins lmao).... I got told off bc I didn't ask for the correct paperwork and evidence (power of attorney bc the lady just said 'I think my mum has dementia.... so I'm just taking over ALL of her accounts for her) all became they NEVER let me sit on a call and listen in on what the hell to ask for (ie a living skills assessment) because THEY REFUSED to give me training on it (and also I think they thought my cert IV in housing course covered this issue. it didn't).... so how the fuck was I SUPPOSED to just automatically and INTUITIVELY KNOW what questions to ask and what paperwork and assessments etc I needed from the client???? fucking bizarre. and to this day I still have no idea if my mentor/manager ever bothered to follow up and rectify the issue for me.
also, right before i left in 2023, they actively KICKED ME OUT of an external (but internally in the office) all day training session on home visits/inspections bc "oh we booked the whole customer service team by accident!!! we booked you in error. so delet yourself now from the training invite right now!" literally the DAY BEFORE the training was to happen. yet they let the new (at the time) cadet go. and yet, they lectured me all the time on my "poor time management" and "poor planning and timetable coordination" or whatever the fuck skills. like ok given that I left that week, so in a sense, that training would've been wasted on me. but also. you told me THE DAY BEFORE and not 3 MONTHS PRIOR (ie when they booked it in the calendar and invited me to it) thag I wasn't invited??? how am I the one with poor time management in this scenario???? fuck you. bc it was the only other external training they'd offered me other than child safety and mandatory reporting.... which is understandably mandatory in this field. WHY can't you spare me ONE FUCKING DAY of outside training??? like they even denied me fucking first aid and CPR???? which is also usually mandatory in this field. all bc "you'll be with someone whose qualified??? why should we bother putting you in CPR and first aid training???"
but yeah. fuck that useless as workplace and fuck recruiters which think people who have gaps on their resume are jobless bc "oh. you just take too long to be trained, huh? what a suck on resources YOU PERSONALLY must be for ANYONE to hire to successfully carry out any role!" and my point is, they even denied me BASIC mandatory training in things like cpr/first aid??? how the fuck was I supposed to excel and be trained here????
bc it also largely falls on companies who REFUSE an employee who was ACTIVELY a trainee adequate training for dumbass toxic workplace reasons.... and also blame employees for issues they CANNOT rectify... like the shitty government aged care call centre that I worked at in feb and march this year.... all bc my phone app (which is THEIR back-end tech issue) that I couldn't fix by simply turning a computer on and off again) was back connecting to calls ALL the time, which meant I couldn't take calls during my training weeks (only 6 weeks).
so they did call me a "drain on resources" because the people who I sat with actively took quality on my calls and were apparently put in like "off boarding" mode bc they weren't actively doing the job of taking at least 30 calls per an 8hr shift.... but instead assessing me for quality. so it's also shit employers in general. so I quit instead of being fired.
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hellfireconfessions · 9 months
tbh I can't take much of anything from the group perpetuating hate too seriously. guri's doc is weird as fuck but after seeing the comments ( not just vulgar, like some are trying to play it off, but truly disgusting ) from that pack that went as far as to fake images of players saying things like hf staff should be k*lled ( among other things ) or that guri should assault an animal IRL and write about it while they complain abt these docs and someone else who said the r-slur ( who's country doesn't have the historical context of hate / oppression with that word like the USA does ) is just laughable to me at this point. if they had ONLY submitted the report that would b one thing. but the slew of gross, hateful and toxic comments against several people ( even if most were focused on guri ) just prove how it was never rlly abt those docs themselves. at least not entirely. i believe the screenies of what was said was submitted much earlier on the blog by rot ?? but i habe copies i can submit too if needed. its a lot of shit -- like 30+ pieces of evidence. they were taken by other members from that pack sick of all the shit talking, gross comments / jokes and drama. and it is some gnarly shit, way more graphic than anything I read on that doc, as fucking weird as it is. and that is why most of those ppl got banned -- not bc they submitted any report, despite the story they r trying to peddle for sympathy or whatever. but bc of their own gross ass behavior that they don't wanna admit ( at least not fully bc they keep trying to severely down play their part of it ) or own up to. if they were rlly concerned they just should have submitted those report(s) and left it at that. no shit talking, no vile comments, no forging images of people saying gross or fucked up things they never said for laughs. bunniache, ashe/vaun, ej, snail, sketchy, mush, kaikyu, grell and anyone else who we don't see in those screenshots all went so far beyond what was called for; even past venting or regular shit talking. having genuine concerns and even not liking people or how they do something isn't a crime, and u can express those things maturely w/o being gross and toxic. but that isn't what happened at all. and esp knowing some of those ppl involved had been staff at one point -- while criticizing other staff members too for how they handle things after doing all that? wild.
feel free to resubmit screens or add any missing as well since its been a hot minute! i dont forgive one party's actions cause the other's were also bad
ill post em again or ppl can check archives for previous ones we can judge both sides for their actions at the same time
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slimgreys · 2 years
Adding pictures to gif animation
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Drag and drop the required GIF file or select a file from Locker.Click on the newly added Text module and then click on the Images icon from the toolbar.If you are adding a GIF file to the Image module, it will not be animated on the site. Add a Text module to the required page or your user site.Click My Website if you want to add GIF to your User Site.Click Site Center if you want to add GIF to one of the pages on the School Site.
If your image is bigger, you can resize it using any of available free web resources. To check the size of your GIF file, right-click on it and select Properties, under the Details tab the dimensions are displayed: Otherwise, it will not be animated on the site. The GIF dimensions (width/height) must not exceed 1000 pixels.You need to have a teacher, admin, or staff account to add a GIF to a user site (My Website).You need to have webmaster rights to add a GIF to a school site.If you have any issues with uploading images to the gallery or into the email, please contact our support team via telephone, chat, or email.Webmasters and staff may want to add GIFs to the webpages on school or personal user sites. To learn about our supported images, please click here. You can add a GIF in any of the Image blocks provided in the Drag and Drop Editor.However, in some cases, your GIFs will display properly. Since Outlook is one of the ESP’s who does not support animated GIFs.
Check out our blog on How to Use GIFs with Email Marketing. This will result in the loss of GIF property and only its first frame will show up as an image in the campaign. A GIF larger than 500kb in size or 600px in width will be compressed. You can upload a max size of 500kb and 600px width.
For the best email performance, we recommend using GIFs no larger than 200kb.
If you decide to use an image URL rather than uploading it to your gallery, please note that if the image is deleted from it’s hosting service, it will be removed from any email campaign where you previously added it.
However, do not edit your GIF using our Image editor as it is not designed for GIF files.
If you need to edit your GIFs, we recommend doing it in the gif creator you used, or you can use the edit block options for background, border, padding, and alignment.
Settings will be applied to all the GIFs in your upload. Private GIFs cannot be seen by anyone but you when you are logged in and can’t be shared. You can also change your GIFs from Public to Private.
You can add relevant tags to your GIFs, separated by commas, and add a Source URL to give credit to the original source.
You can change the order GIFs will appear on your channel page by dragging and dropping the files or clicking “Reverse Order.” This feature is available if you’re logged in.
gif and not just any website URL (example GIF URL: )
If you add GIFs via URL make sure your URL is an image URL ending in.
Steps are provided a the beginning of this FAQ.
Back in Benchmark go to your Image Gallery and paste the GIF URL.
Then, click on the copy link and copy the GIF link.
If you have your own GIF files, click on your username image, to view your uploaded GIFs.
In your GIPHY account, choose the GIF you’d like to use by clicking on it.
See the steps below to learn how to get a URL from a GIF in your GIPHY account.
Complete any required sections, and click on Upload to GIPHY.
Paste the GIF URL if it exists elsewhere.
In your GIPHY account, click on Upload.
The following are the steps to upload your animated GIFs to GIPHY. ĭid you know you can use a third party like for animated GIF files? Since Benchmark allows you to import the image files using URL, all your animated GIF files can be imported from platforms like GIPHY.
You can customize the background color of your GIF, align the position and more! When done, click Save & Close.
The GIF will automatically be inserted in your email template.
Click on Insert Image From URL and paste in the GIF URL in the space provided.
In your email template, drag an Image block and place it in the desired section of your email.
For steps on how to upload an animated GIF saved your computer, click here. Adding a GIF that is saved in your computer requires the same upload steps as an image. Please note that the process to add animated GIFs to your email will begin in the Design step of creating an email. Adding Animated GIFs to your Email Image Gallery Updated on July 30, 2021Įnhance your emails by adding animated gifs and engage with your subscribers by sharing more entertaining visual content.
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insanitysilver · 4 years
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Great for commutes/while doing chores/etc. Also great for proofreading your own stuff! I made version 1.0 in 2015, but the program I recommended has since switched over to a monthly subscription-base model (boooo). So, here’s my new, still free, 2020 method:
1. Choose and Download Your Fanfic: 
AO3 comes with download options, and of them HTML tends to play the nicest. Viewing then downloading the fic using AO3’s ‘Entire Work’ option will save you some time. Copy and pasting the entire body of the text will works too. For FFN, you’re going to either have to a.) use a third party site to download fics (sketchy) or b.) install a userscript that reenables copy-paste (more labor intensive).
2. Choose Your Text-to-Speech Software: 
First, you’ll need text-to-speech software. There are many options on the market, some free, some not. For this tutorial, we’ll be using Balabolka. A free program made Ilya Morozov in 2010 that he’s continued to update and work on since. It’s Windows-only for now. (Mac and Linux users might want to look into Natural Reader since that’s web-based, though the free version offers less functionality.)
Balabolka Pros:
Can export audio files
Can create multiple custom pronunciation dictionaries!!!
Change pitch and speed of read-aloud voice
Sleep timer!
Very customizable interface
It’s free
Balabolka Cons:
Doesn’t come with additional voices. Only uses default Windows voices + any extra additional ones you’ve installed.
It’s freeware maintained by one man for free, so patches and bug fixes will come slower.
3. Download and Install Balabolka
As of Nov. 17th, 2020, Balabolka’s official website is cross-plus-a (dot) com. Google it. If the site layout changes in the future just check that the bottom still says ‘Copyright © 2006-2020 Ilya Morozov’ so you know you’re in the right place.
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Upon downloading, if you’re using Windows 10 you might get this pop-up:
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Here Windows is checking the program for an EV Code Signing Certificate. Basically, checking its credentials. Getting and keeping an EV Certificate costs the developer(s) ~$100+ yearly, so bc a program doesn’t have one doesn’t inherently mean its not safe. That’s the trade-off for freeware. No money goes in, so no money can go out to get certified. As always, do your due diligence before downloading any program to your computer, and read up on the benefits and risks of freeware if you’re not familiar with them already.  *gets off soap box*
Pressing More Info will allow you to continue installation.
4. Get to Know the Program
Keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle! Upon opening the program you’ll be greeted with this interface. Feel free to open your HTML file or paste some sample text to start playing around with.
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Areas of Note:
These are essentially your voice engine options and will vary computer to computer. Click through the tabs to see where your default voices are stored. If you buy additional voices from a 3rd party they’ll show up here too.
Up under View you can change the font settings and the program’s skins. Nifty.
Meet your new favorite button: The Panel of Dictionaries.
5. Fix the Pronouciations (Optional)
Chances are your fic has internet slang like t/n, or non-english words, or fantasy terms, or maybe just an unusual surname that your voice bank refuses to pronouce correctly. Balabolka makes it quite easy to fix that. I have a more in-depth tutorial for this on my blog.
Balabolka can also switch voices within a single document. This could be useful for differentiating dialogue or forcing correct pronunciation of foreign names if you have voice banks in multiple languages and the original characters at your disposal. Tutorial for that here.
6. Convert Your Fic, And You’re Done!
The hardest part is long since past. Now that you’ve got your settings worked out and the pronunciation as good as it’s gonna get, time to press either ‘Save Audio File’ or ‘Split and Convert to Audio Files’:
Notes about File Types
Mp3 – compressed for smaller file size, pretty universally playable
Mp4 – refined compression, (potentially) even smaller file size, widely accepted, but not universal
WAV – no compression, high quality, large file sizes
For multi-chapter fics:
I highly recommend using ‘Split and Convert to Audio Files’, as trying to export a 100k fic as a sound file takes forever (esp WAVs), and is very unruly to navigate as a listener.
10k words roughly equates to an hour of audio
Pick through the options offered for what suits your needs best. For AO3 HTML files I have good luck picking ‘two empty lines in succession’ if you’re trying to divide by chapter.
Next Balabolka lets you preview the cuts you’re about to make. Truly a kind and forgiving piece of software. I recognize my own chapter titles, so it’s easy for me to uncheck anything that doesn’t belong.
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Fix the settings to your liking on that and BING! Finished! Oh, and whenever you finish a fic remember to go back and leave a review! Sweet reviews make authors write faster!
End Notes:
So the first time takes a bit, but after that you can convert fics in under ten minutes.
A text-to-speech program isn’t going to beat out a real living, breathing narrator. Not this decade anyway. If you find yourself using Balabolka a lot and crave a smoother voice than Microsoft David’s, it might be time to look into buying a 3rd party voice bank. CereProc makes my favorites, and the personal use licenses cost ~$35. Balabolka + a CereProc voice is still much cheaper than most of the other software on the market and honestly outperforms a lot of it. Also throw a donation Ilya Morozov’s way through his website since he’s maintained this program freely for a decade and helped a lot with accessibility through doing so.
Example text is from ‘The Secret Desires of Buddy Valastro’ by perfectcannolis, and thank you to @bearfoottruck​ who informed me about balabolka to begin with.
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paramisgwilwileth · 3 years
Ice || Levi Ackerman × Fem!Reader [Modern Figure Skating AU]
Disclaimer: I have zilch knowledge about skating other than falling on my ass. Instead, I will base the commentaries on my memory of performances! ( esp Yuzuru Hanyu's and Michelle Khare's documentary on the sport )
~ Please don’t repost or copy and paste! ~ this work is the property of the blog paramisgwilwileth
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-×- [Figure Skating Levi owo] -×-
The sheet of Ice felt foreign under the blades of her boots, gripping the bars by the edge of the rink she pushed herself forwards, feeling the blades swiftly slide through the ice creating lines upon lines. The young lady giggled as she remembers her early years falling butt-first on the thick ice- freezing her legs and fingers to the point of numbing.
It has been almost a year since she felt the comforting cold of the rink, almost a year since she's physically heard the familiar scratch of the metal blades scraping on the Ice - Almost a year since she performed with him.
Come to think of it, she heard that he continued Skating alone- solo, did he still train in the same Rink as they once did, or did he change to somewhere else he much preferred to be in? The last time she heard from him was months ago, when he monotonously asked about her condition- as if she succumed to a disease or a virus .
Zephyrus, spectators called him- it made her snicker the only thing gentle and light with him was his hair, his personality was harsh, he was quick and steady on the ice- quite unpredictable and icy, she was the only one who could pair up with him.
The only one who could pair up with him... Huh.
She pursed her lips in disdain, feeling her leg and remembering her injury- she was too clumsy, too awkward, and too immature in the rink.
Her injury almost cost her Her career, being unable to utilize her left leg properly for months was a huge drawback especially with her sport- the months of Physical Therapy and back-to-basic training placed a temporary stopper on her ability to skate as she did before.
If only she had checked her gear twice that night, she could still be competing today.
She missed feeling his hands on her hips, guiding her every move and twist- she missed his smirk and his constant complaints on her form. She missed how he looked so unbothered but was the first to help her up  when she fell in the ice.
She missed Levi Ackerman, and she's gonna train harder to climb back up just to dance with him again.
"Oi Brat." a voice called by the edge of the rink, echoeing slightly through the empty stadium. "You're gonna fall with that footing."
She grinned turning around to face his frown with a bright smile, her heart was thumping inside, she hoped that his was too.
"Good Morning Levi!" the young woman chirped gliding acros the ice to meet him by the entrance. "Are you here to mentor me?"
"Eh? Then why are you here?"
"To train, brat- this is my rink too."
"Hmm... I thought you transferred locations?"
The young man just shrugged at her, stepping onto the cold surface and swiftly glided through it - he was like a swan- so graceful, so beautiful.  With just one fell swoop the woman's jaw fell, staring at whom once was her partner as he cut through the ice with utmost lightness.  
" Tch, are you not going to move?" he scoffed, his blades skidding againt the ice as he stopped in front of her.
" I am , I was just watching you." [Y/N] grinned ,slowly moving her feet , and in a teasing manner said; " We used to practice with music here, have you gotten too silent?"
Levi shook his head, his stray strands of hair that framed his features swaying along with the minimal movement, scoffing as he approached the edge once more and switching the speakers on, handing her his phone .
" Don't drop it."
" No promises." she grinned, sticking her tongue out at him, looking down on his phone - even his phone reeks of his wonderful scent- she shook her head, finally picking a song and placing his phone on top of the speaker as she went back into the rink.
Dancing Bears, Painted Wings, Things I almost remember...
[Y/N] felt a smile creep up her face, slowly gliding through following the sway of the music , dancing to her hearts desire along with its' tempo .
And a song someone sings, Once upon a December.
Unbeknownst to her, Levi had halted in his routine- his eyes trailing over her as she became one with the music.
This song... was familiar to him, the ringing his ears from its chimes felt warm, what memory was this from?
Someone holds me safe and warm. Horses prance through a silver storm.
Oh...This was the song they first danced to, the song they won medals with- it was her favourite.
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory.
Levi licked his lips- which have slightly dried from the cold air.
Someone holds me safe and warm.
The male shook his head as she stopped, refusing to do a jump, smiling to himself as he approached her. Gently placing his hand on her shoulder and turning her around to face him.
Horses prance through a silver storm...
"You seem tense..." He hummed leaning close to her, his lips slightly brushing against her cheek causing her to blush slightly. "You should be at ease here, listen to your heartbeat."
[Y/N] bit her lip, trying to calm her red cheeks and inhaled deeply through her nose, moving her feet and properly opening her hips to allow better movement.
Figures dancing gracefully...
"I've missed you." she mumbled squeezing his gloved hand with her own, pursing her lips as they did the routine around the perimeter of the rink- her heart beating fast as he placed his hands on her waist- her breath hitching slightly as he tilted her chin up to meet his dark orbs.
He leaned in close, smirking slightly as he parted his lips.
"May I?"
[Y/N] gave one nod, her lips parted slightly as she gaped at his actions- him closing the gap between them with his soft lips against her lips- the Ice didn't seem so intimidating anymore.
Across my Memory...
----------------- HELLO! Hi!
I'm sorry I wasn't able to update for almost a week ;¬; school was hard and our Profs piled activitied upon activities.
No matter! I'll try to update as frequently as I can in the following weeks!
Please don't forget to vote or Comment so I can see if theres Improvements to be made- also don't forget that requests are open!
- MK 🦉 ----------- bonus pic
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angelamoores · 4 years
thank u for the tag @henrydangerismymiddlename I got my laptop out for this lol
it’s 3am so bear with
copy and paste the following questions and answer with as much detail as you want and when you’re done tag at least 2 other blogs to do the same, let’s go!
Who was your overall favourite member of Team Danger and why? it’s a toss up between Henry and Charlotte if im completely honest. I always love the girl character in everything and Charlotte was everything I wanted but I also always loved Henry coz he was one of the only main characters I've ever found likeable in a show before
Who was your favourite non-team danger character and why? Mary Debbie Gaberman because she was funny and put up with Trent’s shit
Who was your favourite villain and why? Rick Twittler. he was the most non cartoony. villain and he did some of the most damage to the characters
What were your top five favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why? broken armed and dangerous-comedy, scream machine-that ending lmao, I dream of danger-chenry, massage chair-the drama of it all & car trek-idk
What were your top five least favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why? captain mom coz ew, and idk their names but the one where Henry cheated on those girls, the one where he and jasper fight over that girl, sick and wired coz that was ray’s shitty turning point & jam session coz that bet was fucked
What was your favourite running gag and why? hmmmm and repeat what they said an henry’s im in a band pick up line
What was your favourite one-off throw away gag and why? when they actually respected Charlotte (wish it came up more tho :(
What episode, which character and which duo made you laugh the most? scream machine esp when I was younger coz it feels like it was filmed at 3am, Henry with his dumbassery & Charlotte and schwoz as a duo like when they were doing smart stuff or in swellview’s got talent
How would you rank each season from 1 to 5, one being the best and five being the worst? one-4, two-2, three-3, four-4 & five-2/5 depending on ray’s behaviour
Who was your favourite duo in the show (romantic or non-romantic)? romantic- chenry & nonromantic- Charlotte/schwoz
What was your favourite Henry and Ray moment/episode? all the times when they argued on missions I just found it funny esp when it was like about flying the mancopter etc.
What was your favourite Chenry moment/episode? I dream of danger, that one bit in budget cuts&mr nice guy, when they used to yell at the same time
What was your favourite Hensper moment/episode? the episode were jasper finds out was v cute
What was your favourite Chensper moment/episode? massage chair/the finale/end scene of captain drex
If you could go back and change one element of the show, what would it be? the treatment of Charlotte/when ray got shit
If you could say one thing to each main character in the pilot, what would it be? SCHOOL COMES FIRST, FRIENDS SECOND AND WORK LAST
If you could say one thing to each main character in the finale, what would it be? nice hair and outfits guys, also you did good
Were you satisfied with the finale? What part was your favourite and what part was your least favourite? I was. i loved the trio’s ending but I would have maybe liked a better piper farewell idk. also I get why they let kid danger stay dead I just think that after all that time he deserved recognition also so do charlotte and schwoz even if it wouldn't really work
What would your ideal Henry danger spin off look like? a teen rated dystopia spinoff of the trio fighting crime vigilante style with habit of chenry also get jasper a boyfriend 
Where do you personally see the characters 10 years from now? What are they doing, who are they with, where are they in their lives - what do you think happened to them? Most importantly, are they happy? I think the trio will still be fighting crime together well into their twenties/ thirties, piper has started a successful company and ray and schwoz are still running the school. Mary has her own talkshow
What was your favourite part of the show and why did it initially draw you in? you guys are gonna HATE me for this but growing up I kinda had a crush on Henry that tries to make an appearance every now and then so that paired with me watching all dan scheider’s shows was mainly it
What was your favourite part of the fandom and why did it initially draw you in? THE PEOPLE everyone here is awesome like nesha, Nikki, umana, shona, lou and lizzie. I joined coz tumblr is my go to site and after reading nesha’s chenry So...? series and stalking everyones blogs I made one of my own
Describe your overall emotions/feelings regarding the show being over and the show in general, looking back on it as a whole, with one quote from the show “feel’s good”
If you were able to add one scene in the finale, what would you add? a group hug
Favorite outfit/hair style? jasper’s crop top will forever be iconic and charlotte’s space buns in cave the date
One twist: when you answer this for yourself, add one new question at the end for the next person to answer. Remember to tag at least two people so we can get this around the whole fandom so everyone can have their proper goodbye! And feel free to do this even if you don’t get tagged, I want to see how everyone feels!
@mychenrymadness @kiddangers @rorythevambire 
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I hate this app some days. You can’t select to cut / delete anything in asks anymore so you have to erase everything which is a pain if you need to reword smth to make the msg fit he character limit or if you spot a typo while you’re further down...!
You can’t select means you can’t COPY what you typed so you have a backup in case tumblr does that stupid thing it does where you send an ask & the green “message sent” thing doesn’t show up so everything you typed is just GONE & the acct will just never even get the damn thing! And you can’t copy more than a paragraph at a time even if it’s one you pasted from your own notepad or whatever which makes it a pain in the ass if you for some reason need to transfer what you typed elsewhere like the aforementioned notepad so iu can safely edit your post without worrying that it will cause a deletion!!! Esp since as I said the damn app can force close at any time so you need to make it a draft each time you try to copy, which means there are like 4 steps to a process that should only take ONE
You also can’t paste which means if you were smart enough to use your phone’s notepad or something else to write down your thoughts before you type it in the app in care it DOES eat the ask you send!!
The new method of tagging means if you don’t hit fucking return once you’re done typing your last one which may happen to max out the singular tag character limit, all he shit you just typed is GONE, when in the past if you leave the tags part of creating a post, ait would automatically save that tag!!!
If your ask has two of the same form of punctuation back to back the message doesn’t send, which i only found out when I tried to send via safari since the app is so unreliable and was told “bad request”. Wtf, there are times I need to be able to use ellipses!!!!
If a message has a < or > it also won’t go thru for me without cutting off anything in the message after that point, if the ask goes thru at all to even begin with!!!!!!
If you’re not careful when you add a pic or read more it will delete entire paragraphs of your posts! Why the hell did I have to master a technique to not have that happen ffs (make at the bottom and then drag to it’s spot, you can’t hurt type it where it goes)!!!!!!!
Also he few choices for colors we can change the text too are ugly and WHY doesn’t the option to underline pop up anymore, why did it need to be replaced by the tiny words option when that could have gone into the typing style / size “Aa” section ???!!!!!!!!!
I used to be able to “add to bookmarks” and “add got reading list” using the share button thing but now I can only do that if I “copy link” which is annoying as shit since if I leave the app for even a few seconds it’s liable to just force close once I try to click back in or just make blue screen and then refresh itself instead of being at the space I was in!!!!!!!!!!!
You would think they’d make a “bookmark” button or something to mark your space so that if you are scrolling, THAT^ happening wouldn’t feel like the extreme inconvenience it is considering you could be who knows how far back in the tags! Which don’t let you search by or start by date!!!!!!!!!!
The tag system is absolute ass!! If “only the first 5 work for the main tag index”then why do posts show up in a tag just cus they’re “related” or also tagged but they’re tag number 27 on the post??? WHICH IS IT
I can’t even “search” tags within my OWN blog reliably, sometimes (more often than not) or tells me “results not found” — I know damn well there is something in the “lol” tag don’t fucking play with me, tumblr!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS SO UNPREDICTABLE AND UNSTABLE!! They keep “updating” but not increasing the user experience add ruining the few things I like about the app!! I’ve been using it since 2011 and it’s never been satisfactory but my God why isn’t it improving!??!???!!! I’M NOT ASKING FOR NEW FEATURES, I’M ASKING FOR THE ONES THAT ALREADY EXIST TO FUNCTION ROPERLY, ALL THE TIME!! ESPECIALLY WITH HOW MUCH MORE WONKY THE APP GETS WHEN THERES AN UPDATE AVAILABLE IN THE APP STORE! THEY PRACTICALLY FORCE YOU TO GET THE UPDATE BC THEY RENDER IT UNUSABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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robinskey · 5 years
about me
name: nat
age: 20
pronouns: she/her
main blog: @cultivatingkindness (aesthetics/positivity)
other blogs: @thecuriousitydoor (misc), @ficrexx (nsfw reblogs-pls don’t interact w that one unless you’re 18+!), @thighsofnightmares (literally just chaos), a semi-secret nsfw blog--message me if you want the username lmao
star sign: leo
myers-briggs type: infj
from: usa
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
currently: a college student studying to be a high school English teacher :)
fandoms: marvel, stranger things, harry potter, the good place, various musicals (mostly mamma mia! but also some wicked, les mis, etc.), parks and rec, the office, friends, schitt’s creek, the politician, sex education, doctor who
musicians (tagged as #music): king princess, taylor swift, halsey, harry styles, etc
this is a  s a f e  s p a c e. racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, etc. will not be tolerated here. if you’re not okay with that, this isn’t the blog for you.
mostly sfw but occasionally a lil spicy. i try to tag anything nsfw as such, but if you’re under 18, pls navigate this blog with care. :)
my tagging system
i tag every post with the fandom, usually the character(s), and any necessary trigger warnings. all of my non-fandom-related posts are tagged as either #personal or #nf (or both)-feel free to block that if you’d like. :)
i try to remember to tag all my og writings with #parker-potter and #parker-potter writes, but i forget sometimes (often). you can find all of my fics on my masterlist.
i use trigger warnings with the format “tw: (trigger)” (i.e., tw: abuse, tw: suicide, etc.). please lmk if you’d like me to start tagging something else! don’t ever be afraid to ask-i want everyone to feel comfortable on this blog
is it okay to reblog your fics?
absolutely!! it actually means a lot to me when people like my writing enough to actually want it on their blogs. :’) just please do not repost my work on other sites without my permission. i appreciate the sentiment; i just ask that you ask me first before copying and pasting it somewhere else. and definitely don’t claim my work as your own.
do you write smut?
no, i don’t. that’s my gift to humanity, actually--if i tried to write smut, you would literally want to claw your eyes out after (or during) reading it.
are your requests open?
yep! i try to fulfill as many requests as i can. however, as a full-time college student, i don’t have a lot of free time to write, so i’m not at all consistent with my uploading schedule.
who do you write for?
currently, i’ve been on a stranger things kick-specifically steve harrington and a bit of billy hargrove. i’m open to writing for any of the teens-i just haven’t had any requests and/or inspiration for the others. i also love marvel (peter parker/steve rogers/bucky barnes are my WEAKNESSES) and harry potter (esp the marauders era and remus lupin.)
why is most of your stuff with a fem! reader?
okay, so, this isn’t a question i’ve actually been asked, but i wanted to include it so i could clear up any confusion: i typically write from a fem! perspective since i myself identify as female, so it’s just the POV i relate to the most. i’ve been trying to be better lately about keeping things gender neutral unless the request specifies, but i still mess up sometimes.
is it okay to tag you in things?
absolutely! i just started tracking the tag #usernatjo, and i’m going to do my best to start checking that regularly. i also loooove to be tagged in tag games and fics you think i’d like!
cool(ish) links
my interview with The Citrus Scale that made me feel like a real, live author
my masterlist 
ask box (hmu bbs!!)
i do not own any rights to the characters or worlds mentioned in my stories. i write fanfiction for fun and make no monetary gains off my published stories. additionally, i do not claim that any of the stories i publish are canon nor are affiliated with the respective owners in any way, shape, or form.
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laughing-with-god · 5 years
My Kpop Unpopular Opinons
The ‘K’ in Kpop is there for a reason....
It stands for Korean. Not American. I might be the only one who gets annoyed by how much Kpop groups are outsourcing to America. Mainly BTS since they got the farthest. But it honestly has become such a poisonous thing to me. I am half Korean and my family is very patriotic of their beautiful country. And it’s almost a colonization mindset or cultural appropriation to take a countries’ gem (such as Kpop) and demand it be taken over to YOUR country, to demand that idols learn YOUR language, to say that because Bts got praise in America they MUST be the best Kpop group. Is America the only country that matters? Should new Kpop groups try hard to appeal to Americans while their fellow Koreans take a back burner? Why can’t you let Korea have its own thing and enjoy it without trying to make it into something that’s easier for you to digest?
Stop Supporting Youtube Channels who are Using Kpop for Clout
The Talko, Watch mojo, Reaction channels and even fucking TRISHA PAYTAS. Youtubers be using Kpop for clout bc they know it’s gotten popular lately. But you hoes are the demand to the supply. STOP GIVING THESE HOES CLICKS. on a regular day, you’d hate a fake fan but are all ready to watch some YouTuber who ran out of ideas use BTS to get some views. And the info that The Talko And Watch mojo use isn’t even groundbreaking! They’d be like “did you know that Suga’s real name is Yoongi?” sis....no. Support Kpop news sites that actually are about the Korean industry as a whole and not just getting your view by using BTS.
We need to talk about the Kpop industry being ‘problematic’ and ‘slave contracts’
Idols signed up for this lifestyle. They signed up for restricted freedom, dieting, practicing a lot and working almost 24/7. Am I saying it’s right? Not necessarily...I think if an idol is fainting, very underweight and not getting their 8 hours every night then obvi the company/management needs to be handled. But we need to calm the witch hunt for some companies bc your oppa/unnie is fully aware what their career entails. And instead of coming for SM or any particular company, strive for reformation of the whole industry.
Idols are sometimes problematic....and we need to call it out
This is mainly aimed towards the problematic comments some idols have made about skin tone. I’ve seen a lot of people become upset by Wendy’s blackcent or the blackface history of Mamamoo’s past and they have every right to be. A lot of fans come to their defense and say things like “in Korea, pale skin is valued more than dark skin. (Idol name) just didn’t know better.” Well...if they didn’t know better then we should teach them better! And don’t attack other fans who are genuinely hurt about the comments/actions. I watched an unpopular opinion video and they said “people who are quick to call an idol problematic are annoying.” I’m sorry but who are you to tell someone what they can and cannot be offended by? Esp when there are TONS of black/dark skinned Kpop fans whose very skin was just insulted....
Anaylsis videos/posts about your fav otp is problematic.
Calm down. It could be real and it could not be. I already talked about this on my blog before so I’m not gonna beat a dead horse. But you’re forcing a narrative to satisfy your little fantasy.
In Korea, every man has to serve millitary time. It’s downright disrespectful to cherry pick a guy bc he’s famous and exempt him from his duties. Really? How the fuck should the rest of the Korean male population in boot camps feel that Jungkook got to skip his time bc he just so happens to have tons of fangirls who want to hop on his dick? Does fame get you everywhere? Is that the message you want to spread? Disgusting. If I see that in my feed, I’m blocking you hoes.
2NE1 and Big Bang ran so BlackPink and Bts could walk.
New Kpop fans want to act like Black Pink and BTS invented the fucking wheel. Wrong. Big Bang was a big inspiration to Bts and they were part of the first bridge between the western world and Kpop. Without Big Bang, Kpop wouldn’t be as big in America/other western countries as it is now. And if that didn’t happen, then Bts would loose the majority of its fan base now. And black pink is literally a copy of 2ne1, it’s not the girls fault but YG itself who knew they lost a big girl group. 2NE1 literally invented the girl crush concept and also made big leaps in the western world. Give credit where it’s due. Thank you, next.
Seungri shouldn’t have quit being an idol, he should’ve quit his businesses.
His businesses were the reason his whole scandal began. I’m not saying I was going to support him if he continued making music but like to come out and say “everyone, as punishment I’m quitting being an idol instead of the businesses that actually caused all this drama!” is the most un self-aware response.
If you stan one group, you aren’t a Kpop stan.
Korean Pop. Not BTS pop. Not BlackPink pop. Not EXO pop. Sis.....it’s like saying you know Spanish bc you can say ‘hola’. That’s a MOLESCULE to what the genre actually holds.
Big Hit not Allowing girl trainees is highkey sexist.
Yes, I’m aware of what happened to the one girl group that came from Big Hit. But honestly that’s a funny excuse. One bad thing happened and now he’s gonna ban all females? I remember this tweet that resided with me about the Empire actor faking a hate crime. It said “If one faked hate crime is enough to make you question and judge all the others....it’s almost as if you were looking for an excuse all along.” (Paraphrased.) all I’m saying is all women aren’t evil so why are the rest of inspiring girls wanting to be an idols getting punished?
Ladies, we need to treat our fellow women better.
I want to see more support for girl idols. I want us to raise them so they can be at the same level as some of these boy groups. I know we find Bts, Got7, NCT, Exo ect to be very handsome and charming but we shouldn’t abandon other women for the sake of pretty boys. Let’s hype them up. Girl groups can be talented too and we would want support if we were them. Feminists where are you when we need you??
NCT’s concept is a flop.
People don’t wanna stan a group whose members are endless and always changing. We want a group that we can relax with, grow with and truly form a bond with. This is unable to do when we constantly are seeing new faces and trying to remember names.
(This is not at all forced on anyone but I want to see some ppl’s unpopular opinions. @goldngguk @chimchimsauce @yn-dere @yeollie-yeollie if you guys wanna share any pls do, I’m all ears and tag me in it.)
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SALTY ASKS uhhh, 4 8 15 16 & 23?
Thank you, Randy! 
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? 
- Keep any and all romantic BB/Rae away from me. I don’t care what version, what AU, what rationale, I just don’t like their dynamic. I see absolutely NO romantic potential there. (I have seen.... two stories, in the entire history of Me Reading Fanfiction, wherein they were in-character, developed, and actually okay together. And one of those was my very favorite Raven RPer.) But the vast majority of the fanbase? Yuck. One or both are always out-of-character. Things are taken out of context. The foundation for their relationship seems to be whipped up from nothing. Canonically, they... literally mocked each other in the cartoon, barely even spoke to each other in the original comics, only had a relationship in recent comics when the writers had them Very Out of Character (or randomly got smacked back together, esp. in the end of TT v3? why even bother???)... It’s just, a really bad ship all around. I will unfollow people for not tagging it, it’s that bad. Bro-ship between them is on thin fucking ice.
- And then there’s... t/endershipping. (In Yugioh-- Ryou and Yami Bakura.) Oh gods. This one’s worse. Because it is legitimately an abusive dynamic. I mean, bullying, forcing someone to go against his wishes, threatening his friends, twisting selfish actions to say they were selfless, literally injuring him to use his injury as blackmail, not to mention inuring him in the throes of will-battle, and then there’s the literal spiritual possession thing. You know, “forces your will/consciousness to fuck off so I can do whatever I want in disguise as you” kind of dynamic? What the Fuck? There’s no trust, no respect, literally NOTHING to build ANY kind of POSITIVE relationship on, and all the TRAUMA that spirit put Ryou through is absolutely NOT the kind of thing that should make ANYONE fall in love?! I genuinely WORRY for the people who see what the spirit of the ring did to him, and think “they’d be cute together”. Gods. Gods!
(I’m also hugely squicked out by memory/shipping, Ryou+Aigami, because? What? The fuck? Did you not SEE what he DID to him?! FUCKING NO?? But luckily the t|endershippers tend to be the memory/shippers too, so they’re fairly easily blocked.)
- I also have jas|pis blacklisted because Canonical Abusive Relationships are Not Dynamics I Enjoy At All, thank you. Especially not when their conversations sound like something right out of the things I witnessed in my mother’s own life. (I have no idea how popular it is because I’ve been blacklisting and blocking it since the moment I found out it exists.)
- Also: It’s not at all popular and not something I see often, but: I’m just squicked in general by terra\ven, because while I can see how a thing might be developed, I’m not the kind of person who can look at their Canon History and Interactions and think, “How romantic!” Bad communication, festering hatred, picking at each others’ weaknesses, mutual toxicity, and attempted murder don’t make a good backdrop for a relationship. Yikes.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
Kind...of? I’ve gotten asks hating on blog appearances, fandom opinions, and General Negativity, but nothing hating on me as a person.
The headcanon blog I help moderate got an ask once that could’ve started a shipping war (basically like, “How can people possibly ship RobRae?”), but I like to think I handled it well because I redirected that before it could explode.
Honestly, most of my anon hate came from fanfic.net reviews back in the “mary-sue” witch-hunt days. (The funny thing was, at the time I didn’t even know what that accusation meant. 8P )
15.  Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
I liked the Yugioh manga better in black/white than in color! (The! big! mystery! about! Ryou’s! eyes!! continues!! to stump!!! and frustrate me!!!!! For context: this one character has had his eyes colored brown, green, blue, lavender, gray, black, dark purple, magenta, red, and seafoam green! [x] What the HELL color are his EYES.) 
And for the record, in the advance copy of the “Games” graphic novel my dad gave me, there were Certain Pages still in either ink-work or black/white coloring that I really liked more than the final product. That book is colored GORGEOUSLY, don’t get me wrong! But the pure linework shows a lot more of the “line of motion” and TEXTURE details that my non-visual brain can Grasp And Parse and Feel Things About much moreso than a colored page.
Also: Raven is a big softie deep down inside. Comic, cartoon, you name it. I don’t know why this is so controversial because it’s Genuinely Canon as Hell, but even some canonical writers miss out on this, and it’s like? guys have you READ a Raven comic???
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
RYOU BAKURA WOULD BE MORE THAN A GODDAMN PLOT DEVICE. As mentioned in the Other Answered Ask, this drives me to absolute annoyance and disappointment and disdain. (This is specifically directed at the “show”, of course. The manga [and even season 0!] did a much better job of, you know... remembering that he is also a human being and not just a shell that has a conveniently-possessed antagonist necklace.) 
It’s just the treatment of certain characters for me, I guess. I’m really bad at looking at a canon and going “This Event Would Be Different” otherwise. Especially when I’m emotionally attached to the Canon Events...
Except “Titans”. That fucking stunt they pulled with Arella, one of the most strong-willed, independent, perseverant, traumatized female characters to ever rise fully above her past and find her own way in the worlds-- in MULTIPLE worlds!-- and they made her the lackey of the monster she has always defied. It STILL pisses me off. (There are other things I’d change about Titans-- many others. But that AU is so far off the mark that it would take a collegiate-length essay to “change” it just right.)
23.  Unpopular character you love?
Jericho! Arella! Malachite! Rorek! 
Joey is such a sweetheart and has such a unique and versatile power. Arella is such an inspiration and proves time and time again that she’s stronger than her trauma. Malachite just had so much POTENTIAL as her own character and I wish we had seen more of her as an individual. And Rorek of course? God those eyes and that hair trigger the demigray. (And I headcanon hardcore that Malchior used Rorek as a template for how he looked, sounded, and acted, and of course Rorek wrote the book, and I fell as hard for Malchior as Raven did. So like.... kind of a scapegoat to redirect that love, but it makes me happy, okay.)
And Mismagius, which I don’t understand because surely I’m NOT the only strategically-minded lover of the Ghost type? And I’m certainly not the only witch who practices pop culture magic with Pokemon (and Mismagius is literally based on a witch and called “the magical pokemon”)? But hey, loving the underdog has been my lifelong specialty. 8F
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46ten · 6 years
Eliza Hamilton biography review
Tilar J. Mazzeo's Eliza Hamilton: The Extraordinary Life and Times of the Wife of Alexander Hamilton Let me preface this review by stating that I'm not the target audience for a book like this, but I’ll try to be fair. A major challenge in writing a biography of Elizabeth S. Hamilton is that the period of her life when the general public has the most interest - the years of her marriage to Alexander Hamilton - are those in which we largely only have contemporaneous sentimental accounts of her as a wife (letters from AH and P. Schuyler, brief mentions from McHenry and Stephen Van Rensselaer), daughter (letters from P. Schuyler), and sister (letters to/from Angelica S. Church and Margarita/Peggy S. Van Rensselaer, and letters between her siblings and father). But that's not all that EH - or any woman - was.  Based on the lack of information provided in this biography, Mazzeo's not terribly interested in the role of upperclass women in the late 18th century, the dynamics of marriage in that era, class distinctions between women, labor dynamics, childbearing and -rearing customs (she doesn't know about naming customs either), handicrafts, household management, women’s roles in education, the Republican Court, or any of a range of topics that would flesh out EH's world. Mazzeo doesn’t elaborate on the common conceit of the era that women had a political and social duty to the republic, including in helping to regulate the affairs of men through their “complementary” traits. She largely treats the social gatherings of women as arenas for gossip, titillation, and regular old social duty, not as opportunities for soft diplomacy, influence, and favor currying, which they most definitely also were. The women in this biography just sort of move across the stage of male dominance.* Since Mazzeo largely does not contextualize EH's 18th century life and seems to fall into the trap of, “the work of men is important; the work of women is only of side interest,” she's left repeating lots of gossip and conjecturing about romantic thoughts and feelings, as if these were largely all that women had to offer in the 18th century. Mazzeo clearly read letters that have not been included in the standard Hamilton narrative and found some things - mostly gossipy items - really interesting and was willing to go down the rabbit-hole on those, but was also comfortable relying on Hamilton biographies without going to primary sources on many subjects.  The Good Mazzeo does add some valuable context of the events in Albany especially.  She also adds Schuyler family voices to the narrative. I also liked how solidly she showed the interconnection of the Schuylers and AH with other wealthy and influential families. Although Mazzeo doesn't completely make the link, the tension of life near the frontier, wars, and the assassination attempts on her father's life may have played a role in EH's anxiety, such as it was, about being separated from her husband, esp. as he was also subject to threats of assassination at times. She could have more clearly made a counterargument to biographers' claims of EH's nervous anxiety by pointing out the terrors that EH really did face, but she does not do this. While for dubious reasons (based on how she sees EH as a character), Mazzeo raises issues around the Reynolds Pamphlet. It needs to be taken more seriously that Maria Reynolds denied - to at least two parties on the record - that an extramarital affair ever happened and volunteered a handwriting sample** to prove that the letters in AH's supposed possession were not written by her.  I appreciate that Mazzeo brought up that AH's explanation for his involvement with James Reynolds was not universally accepted at the time - Monroe had serious doubts, as did Callendar.  Unfortunately, some of Callendar's pamphlets detailing why he thought both were possible - AH was a sleaze who could have both had an affair with MR AND been engaged in shady financial dealings with her husband - are also lost to history.  I am also gleeful that I'm not the only person who has noticed that there is a similarity between EH's spelling style and MR's as re-printed. (I have also entertained the thought that EH forged those MR letters herself, or were AH forgeries copying parts of his wife's letters.)  I also appreciate that she points out that AH's claim of an affair with MR became widespread knowledge in the political sphere within a very short period of time. The Bad While Mazzeo adds to the record with facts from the Schuyler family letters, she relies heavily on Hamilton biographies, and not even the thorough, well-sourced ones, for others.  Based on the notes at the end of the book, she didn't bother to go to (or check for) primary sources for a lot of facts about AH. She states that Edward Stevens was "likely" AH's half-brother, which has largely been dismissed as a possibility. There are bizarre dating errors, wrong years, even wrong kids named - by my rough estimate, on average there are factual errors at least on every other page. Did Mazzeo not have a fact-checker - even someone decently acquainted with the facts around the persons she’s writing about? (She also contradicts herself on information she’s provided, so maybe she didn’t have a good proofreader either.) It's head-scratching that Mazzeo would do enough research to conjecture that "Polly" (from Tench Tilghman's May 1780 letter, recorded in his memoir) was Mary Tilghman, but not bother to read AH and GW letters to know more about EH's 1794 pregnancy.  Similarly, she gets it right that William S. Hamilton was born in NYC, but then thinks Eliza traveled to Albany right after. (Although a letter from PS to EH from late August contradicts that claim.)  She even repeats the shoe bow story, but claims it did happen in 1789 (incorrect), and says the person mistakenly thought Peggy was unmarried because of the way she behaved? Stephen Van Rensselaer was a reasonably well-known man. Back to the Reynolds Pamphlet: Mazzeo uses as evidence of AH's drafting of the MR letters the similarity between them and Pamela. It's not really evidence that someone - anyone - would write using common idioms and expressions of the time. AH did it quite frequently himself, as I've written about on this blog - he's doing it when he uses the popular phrase, "best of wives, best of women," not making some reference to the Nut-brown maid poem. This isn't proof that the MR letters were forged. Mazzeo hypothesizes that the real reason for the Pamphlet was further financial scandal cover-up, but never conjectures as to the wheres/hows. (If only she could see my many pages of notes on the interactions between AH, John Church, and Church's financial associates.) I'm also baffled as to Mazzeo's explanation for EH going along with the coverup of a financial scandal of the Reynolds Pamphet - because she was afraid of her husband going to jail? That this was EH's biggest fear? Where is the evidence for that? The Ugly The treatment of Peggy! Harsh and man hungry and scared of being a spinster - though a theme with Mazzeo is all of these women being obsessed with flirtations and afraid of ending up husband-less. The treatment of Angelica! The treatment of JOHN CHURCH, whom she describes as a "scoundrel." AH is a "rogue," seemingly with a drinking problem, visiting prostitutes (yet somehow having MR as a mistress would be too much), staying out late at night. It's a wonder that Mazzeo's AH ever accomplished anything in his life, with all of the 18th century character flaws and errors in judgement she gives him.  Most especially with sexual activities, she repeats gossip from AH detractors several times in the book, while her sources are John Adams (as much as two decades later) and Benjamin Latrobe (good friend to Jefferson).  Mazzeo repeats a story, more than once, about AH sexually assaulting Sarah L. Jay that Adams related decades later and that even Adams' cousin William Cunningham said sounded like nonsense, and guesses as to EH's parlor-room reaction to it.  Yet AH and Church would have had about zero social standing if this were really how they had behaved (or if these anecdotes had been widely known at the time). And then there's all of the fantasy treated as fact - without letters to draw on from the period of her childhood and marriage, Mazzeo spends a lot of time imagining EH's feelings and thoughts and presenting them as facts. As one illustration, Mazzeo invents a wedding scene in which Eliza and Alexander exchange rings. Nevermind that EH's actual wedding ring was interlocking and AH likely never had a ring - Mazzeo has AH give Eliza the "Elizabeth" ring, and her give him the "Alexander &" ring. Why would they exchange rings with their own names? Finally, there's a good deal of documentation of EH's life after AH, including more letters from her, more evidence of her financial management, and actually more about her beliefs, thoughts and feelings than are available during her marriage. This is the period when EH's "voice" is most clearly recorded, along with her actions outside the management of her household and her husband's public career. Yet this gets very short-shrift by Mazzeo. The Ugly left a strong impression - it doesn't seem that Mazzeo is neutral about the personages, but actively dislikes them. At various times, she slams pretty much everyone who made up EH's closest circle during her marriage: her parents, her sisters, her husband, her brother-in-law, and then goes against acceptance of the Reynolds Pamphlet not through analysis of the evidence but because she wants an EH that is more palatable to her.  EH, ultimately, comes across as a cypher. Mazzeo does have a strong narrative style, and I wish that this book could have been a collaboration between a historian (or at least someone with stronger scholarly skills) and herself, to at least tease out a real world.  I think we're a good 50 years past writing women from other eras as if they're completely unknowable except as wives, mothers, and daughters. *In patriarchal cultures, there are always women cooperating with the dominant culture as a means to their own ends. The compromises and nuances of how that plays out in societal rules are fascinating. But, I guess, not to Mazzeo.
**This really needs further comment in my epic John Church-AH shenanigans post, where Jeremiah Wadsworth gets more attention, but I’ll point out here that AH asked Wadsworth to confirm MR’s handwriting, from AH to Wadsworth, 28Jul1797 (in NYC, writing to Wadsworth in Hartford, CT): 
My Dear Wadsworth
I regretted much, that I did not find you here.
I know you have seen the late publications, in which the affair of Reynold’s is revived. I should have taken no notice of them had not the names of Mughlenberg Monroe & Venable given them an artificial importance. But I thought under this circumstance, I could not but attend to them. The affair has so turned that I am obliged to publish every thing.
But from the lapse of time I am somewhat embarrassed to prove Mrs. Reynold’s hand writing. Thinking it probable, as she was a great scribbler you must have received some notes from her when she applied to you for assistance, I send you one of her notes to me and if your recollection serves would be much obliged to you to return it with your affidavit annexed—“That you received letters from Mrs. Reynolds, conceived yourself to be acquainted with her hand writing & that you verily believe this letter to be of her hand writing.”
If your memory does not serve you then return the letter alone to me. If I remember right I never knew of your agency towards procuring Reynold’s relief, till after he was discharged. If your memory stands in the same way, I will thank you to add a declaration to this effect.
Dont neglect me nor lose time.
Yrs. truly
This was Wadsworth’s response (2Aug1796), truncated by me: 
your favor of the 28th July arrived late last evening. I have not the least knowledge of Mrs. Reynolds’s hand writing nor do I remember ever to have recd a line from her if I did they were destroyed but a letter or two for you which by Your request I returned to her or destroyed. ...[S]he immediately fell into a flood of Tears and told me a long storey about her application to You for Money when in distress in her husbands Absence & that it ended in a amour & was discovered by her husband from a letter she had written to you which fell into his hands. I told her I would see Mr. Woolcott & G Mifflin The next Morning I told Mr. Woolcott what had passed he then related the transaction for which Clingn & Reys had been committed. I then went to Mifflin and told him I came at ye request of Mrs. Reynolds. he imediately told me that she had told him the Story of the amour. ...A Mr. Clingman whom I had never seen before and seemed to have been sent for was present part of the time. From this interview I was fully confirmed in my Opinion before formed that the whole business was a combination among them to Swindle you. Mrs Reynolds called on me again and urged me deliver letters to You. You refused to receive them & desired me to return letters for You or destroy them I do not know which. I rec’d several Messages from her and again went to her house told her you would hold no correspondence with her and gave her my Opinion as at first that her husband must undergo a trial. I can not be particular as to time & date and I do not remember that I ever knew how he was liberated untill I lately saw Mr Woolcott. I certainly never considered myselfe as having any agency in procureing Reynolds’s relief nor do I remember ever to have had any conversation with You on the subject untill after your meeting with the Mess Munroe Melenburg & Venables. and had supposed Reynolds to have been ⟨released⟩ by their influence he was ⟨ashamed⟩ to have been so ⟨–⟩ after an Explanation with you. I am sorry you have found it necessary to publish any thing for it will be easy to invent new Calumnies & you may be kept continualy employed in answring. be Assured it never will be in the power of your enemies to give the public an opinion that you have Speculated in ye funds, nor do they expect it: I should have replied by this days Post—but the Mail arrives here at nine at night & goes out at Two in the Morning. I am D sir truly yours
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softnorwegians · 7 years
hi there! i've loved your blog and skam insights for so long, and was really intrigued about what you wrote in your tags about how the use of cherry wine re even's pov was masterful. if you were interested, i'd love to here more about your thoughts in relation to even and cherry wine. no pressure though! sending lots of love, esp after your recent car accident - i've been in one before and they really are so scary and traumatic. i hope you're okay xxx
Aww, thank you, that’s so sweet~ I’m sorry to hear you’ve been through it too but yeah, it shakes you up even when everyone is okay. I think it’s one of those moments that just makes you remember how much is out of your control. I’m honored to have been a go-to blog for so long, it’s hard to believe someone could still be interested in more over a year later! hahaha, I keep thinking I’ve meta-ed all I possibly can… yet somehow, there’s still a little more to scratch? I don’t think I have too much to say except the obvious but I’ll say that for you! 💕 
Okay, so, at that point, we’d already established a lot: song lyrics as a mode of communication from Even, his love of Nas, and more than that, the music in Skam s3 had already been very meta, it’s almost a larger-than-life part of the show. The use of Cherry Wine stands out for me because it came at this heightened moment; there probably wasn’t a time in the season when viewers more wanted an update than after that Friday when everything fell apart. So, we wound up in this interesting place, where we were more ready and anxious to hear from Even than Isak was. The lyrics of Cherry Wine are moving in and of themselves but I think they were even more so because… we immediately get it. That Even doesn’t feel like he can reach out more than indirectly and his meaning with this one is really transparent. It starts here:
The noise in my head, the curse of the talented
Which pings right away as him acknowledging his bipolar, an emotional moment in itself because it’s really the first time we get to see him do that. It’s the first time that Isak and Even and the audience are all on the same page here. In the same text we get:
Strong communicator,vagabondI gallivant around the equator, And that would get me off the radar
Less direct but there’s this sense of owned unreliability (vagabond, gallivant) and also not wanting to be seen (get me off the radar, though I like the other copy of the lyrics that he didn’t use better “if that would get me off the radar”) that really clicks with Even as we’ve seen him; seemingly confident, unpredictable, and in this place of not wanting to tell Isak (before it came out on its own). 
Then there’s a break and next:
It’s so intense, I’m on my Lilo and StitchPour my Pino Grigio with some lime what is this?
Again, it’s an easy read to see him relating this to being bipolar with “It’s so intense, I’m on my Lilo and Stitch”. There’s even a sense of being in a usual state (with on marking it as not always something happening but my marking it something reoccurring and personal) of being pulled in two directions (Lilo and Stitch) there. 
An immaculate version of me and my babyWith all respect ‘cause you the only one that gets me
This keys in perfectly with us just having established ‘baby’ as their petname of choice in the scene the night before. And “an immaculate version” fits really well with that night too, with the white sheets and “uendelig” and the purity of that moment, as well as all the different ‘versions’ of Isak-and-Even being their thing. (This is especially notable as a lyrical pick Even would have had to make himself, because that’s the clean version of the lyrics and not the original ones.) And obviously “With all respect ‘cause you the only one that gets me”… my heart. 😭😭😭 That line really hurts because Even is putting it all out there, how much being with Isak has meant to him, how real it’s been for him and how he’s felt like Isak really gets him… but it’s only coming after Isak is thinking he doesn’t really know him at all. Which Even would be well aware was likely to be happening right now.
Where is he? The man who was just like meI heard he was hiding somewhere I can’t seeWhere is he? The man who was just like meHeard he was hiding somewhere I can’t see
And then obviously this hurtssss too because you know it’s a question Even probably asked in more than one way, he probably did ask where Isak was when he was coming down from the episode and now he’s more figurative asking it. And once again reinforcing the connection and similarity between them, right as he’s aware it might be breaking… ouch.
And I’m alone and I realize that when I get homeI wanna go through my red and my cherryYes, I’m alone and I realize when I get homeI wanna go through my red and my cherry
“And I’m alone and I realize that when I get home” just… it makes me think Julie Andem had this song in mind all along when structuring the end of ep 8. This is why it feels so masterful, it’s speaking for Even without requiring him to actually speak. We couldn’t really get anymore from Even at this point because Isak is our pov character and he isn’t ready to talk to him again but Cherry Wine brings us through exactly what Even must have gone through post 15:15-1:01 himself. On one hand, there’s an underlying unease you get from the resignation of “And I’m alone” moving to “Yes, I’m alone”. It fits into how he feels alone in his brain and also how he was talking the night before about losing what they had, anticipating it before it happened. The melancholy and yearning feeling of this section, the reaching out with “I wanna go through my red and my cherry” is perfect to bring you from Even last night to Even now. It’s especially poignant, how much the lyrics are about searching and calling out. As he’s showing by sending these lyrics in the first place, Even might have been telling himself that losing Isak was inevitable but he doesn’t want to. He’s still reaching out with this, it’s just in a very heartbreaking way.
Yeah, yeah, let’s pour some cherry wineEverything’s good, everything’s fineYeah, yeah, we bring it every timeYeah, pour a little cherry wine
Yeah, hey yo, salaam, yeah, I think they know the timeEverything’s good, everything’s fineYeah, pour a little cherry wine, yeahLife is good, life is good, yeah
Life is good, no matter whatLife is good, life is goodLife if [sic] good, yeah, no matter whatLife is good
And then the lyrics end with this repetition of both “Everything’s good, everything’s fine” and “Life is good” that here reads like an attempt at self-reassurance, an attempt to keep things together when things clearly aren’t fine and Even isn’t able to see that “life is good” at all. The staccato repetition of the end is something that becomes a good split between Even and Isak’s perspectives too: for Even, it feels like he needs to keep repeating this to himself, keep trying to tell himself this and for Isak, it emphasizes how all of this is speeding past as he reads, not really getting through and seeming an incomprehensible stream of words.
That’s the other real point of genius with this, it’s well established to us that Isak isn’t getting all this from the lyrics. The clip opens with this tense, ominous guitar riff and Isak reading about bipolar disorder and the sound of all these texts coming in close together that he’s ignoring. So of course we get it, that he doesn’t get it. That it seems like maybe another inexplicable thing Even is doing because he’s manic, that it reminds Isak too much of the incoherent strings of biblical texts that he gets from his mother and ignores. It also opens with this already in progress (the first thing we hear is a text arriving) and since the lyrics we get are the end of the song, it’s very likely Even has been sending him the whole thing. Which makes it easier for us to do a targeted reading on what Even means by this but harder for Isak. 
And then there’s this really nice other layer that comes with Skam being very grounded in the real world, that you can go read about the song and any meta about it does exist for them too. So this time, it was such a punch in the gut to have someone point out after this clip:
Tumblr media
Annnnnnd know that Even would most likely know that as a fan of Nas. You can even go back and pick through the rest of the lyrics we didn’t see him send and do a deep read on them too, like “I want some who like the champagne I like / My a-alike, someone to talk me off the bridge any day or night” and know Even is over there connected to this too. So now we get to go into this week hearing about what Even is feeling from Even himself… and yet we kind of got this message under Isak’s nose. He was there, he read it too but only we fully got the message. This was just such a smart way to make use of his limited perspective.
Cherry Wine is more vital than it might seem because it’s really our one window into Even’s thoughts before we get his text in at the end of ep 9. I think it serves to get us there, to see just how deeply this could have effected him, when we have an idea of how much Even much is trying to say and the response being “Hi Even. I don’t understand shit right now. Stop texting me.” It allows us to be more in Even’s head with the depth of the loss he feels, which is important when he’s about to go to such a low place after this.
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thedeviljudges · 4 years
how do you deal with passive aggressive anons? got an anon ask telling me to use larger text underneath my gifsets, because in their words, "small text makes it very hard for the visually impaired or even seeing people to read". what rubbed me the wrong way was they weren't really asking me, more like implying that i was going to change this for them rather than suggesting that i should. does that make sense? example of the ask: love your blog but change this, it'd be for the best! thanks!
kinda wild how i came across a post about how to politely decline anons who message you about tagging things a few days ago. i didn’t save it, and then i get this message along the same vein!!
but to answer your question, yes, i know exactly what you mean with pushy/demanding anons. the best thing i can tell you is to politely decline or at least say that you appreciate the suggestion, but you’re not up for changing previous gifsets because of how time consuming it can be (bc it actually is time consuming and a fucking bitch. i goddamn hate it when i miss a tag or have to go back and correct something bc tumblr is so fucking bulky and going back to edit anything, esp gifs, it’s such a pain in the ass).
there’s also the fact that regardless of how many websites try to integrate a generalized layout for viewing, it truly doesn’t matter because every screen and display is going to show something different—meaning that one screen is going to show one size text, while another is gonna be different. there’s not much any of us can do to actually change that, unfortunately. just because you edit text, doesn’t mean it’s going to be better/worse, especially on tumblr. the text may be fine for you to read, but difficult for a couple hundred just because of the devices they’re using and vice versa.
if they really want to see the text, just copy and paste it in a browser as if you were typing in a new website link. it reformats it to plain text. sometimes there’s not always a way to make accommodations for people (when it comes to websites that are out of your control in terms of functionality and design), and as well, the content you create is the content you create. they don’t have to interact with it, engage with it, etc. especially because at the end of the day, it’s your blog, your space.
the content people make here, or anywhere, is for others to enjoy, yes, but they are not entitled to it—especially when you’re doing it on your own time, for free.
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