#especially sharona
not to be overly critical of an incredibly tiny fandom but i think it says a lot about fandom practices in general when the main supporting character in monk, arguably a dual protagonist, has always been a woman, yet there is rarely fandom content about sharona or natalie (two undeniably well-developed and interesting characters) and instead people fixate on a male character who is in fact the third most present character on the show (arguably the fifth most present when you consider percentages rather than plain numbers) and also apply a highly amatonormative lens to his relationship with adrian. i won't even comment on how trudy gets sidelined and reduced despite being thee specter that haunts the text. fandom misogyny truly cuts deep
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hottiemcdottie · 1 year
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Team Sharona 2k23
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dearthshine · 10 months
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detectivejay · 3 months
Another from the list of polls I've been wanting to start, this time about your favorite "Watson" or sidekick character in a detective or mystery related piece of media! They can be an adaptation of John Watson or an entirely different character who fills that role, so long as they have a Sherlock-type partner they work with to complete that dynamic.
I can't possibly cover every Watson type character, especially since Tumblr polls only give me 12 options, so I've filled out some on the top of my mind or ones that are more famous, and then there's the "Other" option to support any favorites not on the list.
There's several John Watson adaptations where he's pretty close to the book canon, so I haven't listed all separately here, mostly just ones where there's a more distinct change (modernization, etc.) or he has more focus.
So without further ado:
Please reblog for a larger sample size :)
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changingplumbob · 16 days
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I need my sims to be able to go on jogs together in all worlds (luckily I found a mod recently, but I shouldn't have to rely on a mod for it). I need more swimmable water in the earlier worlds like Granite falls.
Like @sharona-sims said my main need is to have collectable spawn spots in more worlds. Rocks are to few and far between especially since they released a whole stuff pack around them. On a tangent to that they need to stop you finding so many treasure maps. Like excuse me I do not want to find 5 treasure maps that require sacrificing other dig spots, I want 5 gems because I clicked on gem spots.
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sophianae · 3 months
i'm very late to the monk fandom (i've only just seen the series now in 2024), which is a small fandom anyway, but i'm so happy to see fanfictions pop up on ao3 🥹
(especially of randy/sharona, we were robbed of a delicious slow burn/mutual pining/enemies to lovers romance there)
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therandydisherproject · 9 months
Thoughts on the Monk Movie
Spoilers ahead, so be warned if you haven't seen it!!!
First off, I loved it so so so much. It was so fun to see all of those characters that I loved so much from my childhood back again. I really do hope that they make more because I would watch literally anything else that they decided to make.
I was really not expecting it to be as sad as it was, but it worked well. I was so worried for Adrian throughout the whole movie, but I think that it worked well. I think that a lot of people just assume they would 'see the signs' before someone they were close to decided to commit suicide and this really showed that that isn't the case.
This may sound weird but I'm glad that they didn't make him solving the case the thing that got rid of his suicidal thoughts. It's just a movie, but I really hope that he did end up talking to Molly, Natalie, and especially Dr. Bell about where he was mentally and I also hope we get to see him solve some cases from 'the freezer'.
The only things that kind of took me out of it were Molly being played by someone else and Sharona not being present, (although I should've expected that since we had never seen any pictures of her on set.) Also, the actress who played Molly did an amazing job and I really loved her character. It broke my heart that she lost her fiance :(
The second I saw the Billionaire I was like 'He did it. And if we get to the end and he's not in handcuffs I'm fighting everyone here.'
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featherthiefdean · 8 months
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My Sharona!
By Featherthief
A Monk-inspired Destiel Dramedy
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester (Destiel)
Rating: Mature
Crime is on the rise and as a prosecutor in San Francisco Sam is feeling the pressure from higher ups that are breathing down his neck to get more convictions. Captain Bobby Singer would love to catch more criminals especially with the brass threatening to have his badge but his current detectives are stretched thin and the new guys just aren't cutting it. The best detective with the highest case solving rate in San Francisco has been on leave since his former partner and best friend was brutally murdered by a car bomb years ago. The city needs Castiel Novak (and all his eccentricities) back in the field solving homicides nobody else can solve but until he hires an assistant there is no way he can leave his house let alone go to a crime scene. Dean has recently been laid off and is looking for a new job. Sam and Bobby think the Dean would be perfect for the role of Novak's assistant. Now, all they need to do is solve a few murders or it's everyone's job on the line.
Read the first chapter!
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anamoon63 · 5 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC!
For this one I chose Anika, she was born in game, but she's the daughter of Allan Wilson, my most important Sims 4 OC, (if not the only one, lol), so I consider her an OC as well.
I was tagged by @matchalovertrait. Thank you very much for thinking of me. 🤗💗
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Anika Wilson
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Anika's greatest fear is losing her parents, especially Allan, with whom she's very close.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She hates school, mostly doing homework, lol.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Her phone, her computer, and her diary (all three indispensable to her).
What do they notice first in a person?
The way they look, and whether they're kind or not.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
If it is physical pain, maybe a 5, if it is emotional, due to her difficult childhood and her parents' problems, she has developed some tolerance, so it would probably be an 8.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
It depends on the situation, if there are many people around, it is almost always flight mode.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Anika's family (The Wilsons) is rather large, six in total. She's definitely a family person and loves her own.
What animal represents them best?
Probably a cat, because she is a bit spoiled, requires a lot of attention, and sometimes isn't very sociable.
What is a smell that they dislike?
She hates the smell of alcoholic drinks, as they bring back very bad memories.
Have they broken any bones?
No, and let's hope it never happens to her.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Daddy's girl, a little spoiled, shy, cute and smart.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
A morning bird, mostly.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
She loves everything sweet and dislikes bitter flavors.
Do they have any hobbies?
Yes, she likes to read, write and paint.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Anika is rather shy and not very sociable, so she doesn't enjoy parties much, let alone surprises. She hates awkward or embarrassing situations, so she prefers to know what is going to happen at every moment.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Not really, just her earrings and occasionally a watch, but Anika focuses more on clothing than accessories.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
More like messy. Although she loves to write and, as a child, her greatest dream was to become a writer.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Energized and Flirty. (In game emotions)
Do they have a favorite fabric?
None in particular, but she likes fabrics that are pretty and comfortable.
What kind of accent do they have?
Wow, I really don't know, but I imagine living in Del Sol Valley must be something like living in Hollywood, California, so a California accent, maybe? 🤔
And that would be all, note that some of my answers came more out of how I imagine my character, rather than what you can actually see in game.
Bonus: Two more pictures of Anika, with her siblings at high school prom, and with her beloved Alexander.
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Thank you so much again @matchalovertrait for tagging me, this was a lot of fun! 🥰
I'm tagging @expirisims, @changingplumbob, @berrycactus, @bool-prop, @dandylion240, @kimmiessimmies , @nocturnalazure, @sweetpyxels, @treason-and-plot , @miss-may-i , @sharona-sims and anyone else who wants to do this. ☺️
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couldlesbiansavethem · 3 months
Sharona Fleming from Monk
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Reasoning: "She is constantly wronged by the men around her (especially in regards to romantic relationships) and i think she would benefit from lesbianism❤️" (Anon)
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 months
I've started watching Monk (literally only the first ep so far) and I have thoughts...
Well first of all I know the show is old and some things are not so great... and there's been a few things, even in just one episode I could have lived without and some that actively annoyed me. That said, I'm really liking it so far!
I really like the character of Monk. I like that he seems like a very nice guy. He's the Quirky & Wierd™ type but he's not rude or mean or has an air of superiority like a lot of neurodivergent characters in media. As I said, I've only watched one episode but so far he's been attentive and kind and hapily accepted being mistaken in his deductions.
Yet, I can see exactly what the writers are trying to do with this character by the actions of everyone around him, and this is what bothers me the most (again, even in this one single episode I've watched). Everyone is so fed up with Monk all the time! Even when he doesn't do anything particularly frustrating...
Monk has OCD (and possibly more things? idk), he does seemingly weird and nonesensical things, he has particular needs and methods of doing things. These can be annoying and/or frustrating to neurotypical people, sure, but most regular characters know about Monk's OCD, couldn't they be even slightly more tolerant, especially the woman that works for him?! I guess it's good representation of what real people have to go through lol but still!
I can tell the writers want me to believe Monk is annoying, and perhaps some things will annoy me in the future, but they're setting the bar really low right now. For example, there's a moment within the first 5 minutes of episode one, where Monk is talking about the case he's working on, he's communicating his findings, he's being correct and giving the police the answers they've missed, all while repeatedly tapping on a desk lamp (without any noise btw). And the whole time, every police officer and even Sharona herself are focused on that action. She's even asking him to stop again and again. WHY?! He wsn't annoing anyone, he was doing his job and correctly, he was communicating clearly, he was distracted by compulsive thoughts but that was not hindering his work in the slightest... The writters insist that we as viewers have to find Monk annoying and stupid, I suspect so that when the drama of the show peaks and we see him break we'll start liking him? see him in a different light? go "ahh see? he wasn't that annoying"?
There's also some other things, that are not connected to his OCD which I feel like are added for comedic effect as well as to make the character seem stupid and/or childish and sort of justify that contempt. Which in a way, yeah it's good that a character has trait unrelated to his diagnosis, but I'm not sure these traits are the best to have for this character... Like getting stuck on small chairs when he could have easily chosen a different one, or not knowing how to cook, etc etc.
I don't know, it bothers me a little but not in a way that makes the show unwatchable. It's just something to keep in mind while watching it I guess.
Ok wow that was long. If you made it and read this far... why? lol thank you for listening to my rambling about Monk while having not watched more than the first episode. Something to applaud tho? the music!! fucking bangers! for both the opening and end credits!! :D
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it’s actually so wild and eye opening to see your comments on Monk and the handling of Natalie and Sharona in fandom. I’ve been watching it on netflix only in passing, kind of as a background to whatever i’m doing and I just can’t imagine Natalie and Sharona /not/ being main parts of any fics written!!! Even as I watch-but don’t watch- the show anyone with eyes can see how integral they are in Monk’s life??? he depends on them for everything, EVERYTHING. Especially in seasons 2 and onward when you get to see him in other spaces, not just at the police station or his home but in Sharona’s home with Benjy, birthday parties, in Natalie’s home “baby-sitting” Julie. I’m only i think to the 5th? season and can only imagine how many more examples I would be able to list.
exactly!! adrian is inextricable from sharona and natalie in a way that initially manifests as extreme dependence (which is not to say those relationships are "bad" but rather that they are products of his gradual recovery, and said dependency is certainly fascinating fodder for fanon) but evolves to become relationships of mutual respect, affection, and deep trust. there is no monk without sharona or natalie!! they are a (messy, wonderful, chaotic, found) family!!
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mr-stottlemonk · 6 months
I’ve been rewatching the first season, and I remembered how Stottlemeyer is rude to Monk in the beginning. It’s especially strange since the flashbacks show they were good friends before Trudy passed away. What do you think happened, story wise, that changed his attitude to be negative towards Monk? No pressure to answer this btw, I realize it’s a bit of a tricky question.
ohhh, i've been rewatching the first season quite a lot lately as well. and yeah, i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that too!! [long post so more under the cut]
there's a lot of bitterness there imo that grew from his guilt from being unable to do much to help Monk out - i can imagine how it was after the funeral. Monk a husk of a shell, completely gone. Stottlemeyer held his hand for probably 2 years of the total three when monk catatonic... before hiring Sharona to help out. but trudy's death; it took his best friend away and he couldn't do much of anything to help, it was most likely impossible to. Monk died too that day.
it's quite common to easily dislike someone as they sink into their grief. but how could he? Stottlemeyer also often channels a lot of his grief, sadness, confusion and helplessness through anger - which is exactly what he did when Monk came back.
Monk comes back to the field. he's bitter cause he feels guilty. angry because the last time he most likely saw Monk: he was a disaster. what if bringing him on the field also triggers something? (we see as the show goes on that when it comes to cases that include bombs, he always makes it known that Monk isn't obligated to take the case at all)
there's also, honestly, the professionnel point of view - Stottlemeyer is the Captain of the Police. He's been doing the job for years and quite a few years before Monk as well. He expects the mayor to trust him to do his work. And by bringing in Monk it's probably sending the wrong message and also puts him a spot where he thinks his department probably assume that he doesn't know how to do his job.
in the end of the first episode though, you notice just how absolutely glad he is to have Monk by his side again. Monk piecing everything together.
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He loves Monk. Always has. He never stopped. He was just consumed by his own grief for him too.
on the side note: i've seen it mentioned around a few times that Stottlemeyer's heavily negative attitude was also the writers' doing until Levine stepped in and said otherwise (thank heck for him).
cause if he didn't, i don't think the show would have gone on for very long either, lmfao.
i hope i managed to answer your ask well enough <333
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changingplumbob · 7 months
OC Questionnaire
Tagged by @stargazer-sims! I'm also going to be sneaky and do two at once... Reece and Samir!
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Name- Reece Foster and Samir Hadji
Nickname - Reece: Blondie, Gorgeous, used by Samir only. - Samir : Boss, Lover, used by Reece only. Sami, used by his family at times.
Gender - Both are cisgender males
Star Sign - I don't know enough about the zodiac sorry
Height - So the whole Foster clan is the tallest family in my save, floating around 6ft. Reece is 6ft 1in (185 cm) and Samir is even taller, one of the reasons he feels awkward in public, at 6ft 3in (190cm)
Orientation - Both are gay, attracted to male presenting sims romantically and sexually
Nationality/Ethnicity - Reece: The Foster crew are from France a few generations ago, but now they don't have much culture (I'm going to build on this in writing, bear with me). Samir: His parents were from Syria and taught him Arabic as well as English. Being adopted by a woman who only speaks English, his Arabic fluency has dropped.
Favourite Fruit - Reece: Coconuts, he was young when his family moved to Sulani and they remind him of happy summer days. Samir: Peaches, he enjoys firmer fruit (for once I'm not intentionally using innuendo, but I won't fight the innuendo of that statement)
Favourite Season - Reece: Summer, he loves everything about it. Samir: Spring, he likes watching things grow
Favourite Flower - Reece: Chrysanthemums. Samir: Roses.
Favourite Scent - Reece: Pine trees. Samir: Reece.
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate - Reece: Herbal tea. Samir: Mint tea.
Average Hours of Sleep - Both get between 6 and 8 hours
Dogs or Cats - Reece: Team werewolf. Samir: Team puppies.
Dream Trip - Both of them love the outdoors, especially forests. They get a lot of nature at home but if they took a trip it would probably be a hike through a national park. They would go completely off the grid for a week, sleeping and woohooing under trees instead of in a tent. Reece would attempt to fish and forrage berries while Samir would hunt for meat (but he'd cook Reece's portion for him).
Number of Blankets - They don't really need them. Samir's temperature has been running hot since he became a werewolf so they mostly sleep with just a sheet if not on top of the covers.
Random Fact - Despite referring to one another as their boyfriend both do view the other as their partner. Samir doesn't want to talk to Reece about upgrading their relationship status because when he asked Reece to move in Reece was surprised and said living together was something adults did. Samir doesn't want to push Reece into something he may not be ready for. Reece on the other hand doesn't want to talk to Samir about upgrading their relationship status because as much as he loves Samir getting territorial and claiming him, he doesn't want Samir to feel like their relationship should be put ahead of finding out who killed Samir's parents.
I tag... @marcishaun, @sharona-sims, @swallowprettybird, @gamyrmaiden, @bouncytrait and all my mutuals who have OC characters they would like to talk about. As always feel free to ignore, and/or only do one character.
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libertineangel · 3 months
And for today's update on the builders' radio, it has spent the last half an hour on the uncool side of 70s rock and I am so fucking tired and I feel a kinship with every first-wave punk who wanted to beat up The Knack (I swear this DJ has somehow unearthed an especially long and repetitive mix of My Sharona)
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
I'm finding listings for vintage 70's leisurewear that is ascribed to the brand "The Knack." While I have found a couple leisure suits with flared-leg pants, they aren't as flamboyant as I hoped. It's possible that this has to do with modern sensibilities, as these were listings for sale. If I look up vintage 70's leisure suits more generally, things look a bit brighter.
I can't seem to find the specific company as it's own website. So many other companies use "knack" in their brand, especially tutoring apps and such.
I'm also finding articles that claim the band The Knack's debut single, "My Sharona" signaled the decline of disco.
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