#especially the fact that it never gets transformed into writing or drawings.
tac-the-unseen · 5 months
The Lost Boys x Werewolf Reader
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•They could all smell you before you were even within sight of each other.
•They have mixed feelings about having a big ol’ dog around
•On one hand, You are a biological rival. Both vampires and werewolves are extremely territorial, and can almost never overlap with each other.
•On the other hand, Big ol’ fluffy dog :)
•Paul is 10,000% the type of guy to drop down on off four to play with you well in wolf form
•while out on a midnight stroll in the woods they casually look at you and say ‘Do the thing.’ which means ‘howl as loud as you possibly can’
•They will absolutely howl with you!
•You lay in the sun for a while then go back to the shade so they can still feel the sun (and you get pets)
•When you were first starting the relationship with David, Dwayne, Paul, and Marko, You found a big open field and Moran as fast and hard as you could in circles until you physically couldn't take it anymore. You would collapsed onto the grass and sleep for the rest of the day, just so by the time you woke up you can spend the entire night fully awake with them
•Werewolves can get very sore after transformation ( especially nearing/during a full moon) so they keep a small tube of Vicks in their pockets
•They also have on more than one occasion used their cold hands to soothe your aching muscles
•When the full moon starts to approach you get extremely hungry, more reckless, senses get heightened, and your need to hunt gets stronger.
•If you let them, the boys would love to go hunting with you. It doesn't have to be humans, anything you feel you need to hunt down, they're willing to help!
•They're your pack and you're their coven
•While in your wolf form you accidentally entered the boardwalk not realizing you were in your wolf form. When they looked at you like you had 5 heads you remembered what you look like. They pretended you were their dog so no one was suspicious
•While Werewolf strength is nothing like Vampire strength, it's not something they want to mess with. They've seen you act like a real wild animal and it terrified them.
•Paul refused to come down from the ceiling for a few hours.
•Marko loves to paint and draw you in your wolf form
•Marko has crocheted you a doggie sweater (You assured them you had enough fur to keep you warm, He made a sweater anyway)
•Paul loves cuddling you. You guys have a joke going, Paul is a lizard and you are his heat lamp.
•Dwayne likes to write down Werewolf facts, instincts, Rituals, and helpful tips. It’s how he shows he's paying attention and loves you.
•David once asked you if he could brush out your fur and now he's the one that grooms you. He's even gone the extra mile to thoroughly get the clumps of dead fur out of your thick coat.
•David likes putting his jacket on you so it smells like you. (This doesn't just apply to ‘werewolf’ you. This is just a regular headcanon of mine lmao)
•They given you nicknames like Wolfie, Howler, Bitch, Timber, and wildflower
•But those are just counters to all the vampire related nicknames you call them
•At one point you got really upset and Paul said “So it's one of those dog-days?” If you weren't so pissed you would have laughed. You walked out into the sun instead.
•They All love your fluffy ears!
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its-elioo · 6 months
RnM Headcanons:
I promised to write some headcanons about the girls and their guardians some time ago. I finally had motivation to write them down, so here there are!
Optimus Prime and Sunset Shimmer:
- Sunny never had a father figure in her life and really enjoys it when they spent time together
- Optimus is very caring and protective of his charge
- You know this thing where you tell your dad you like this specific stuff and then he brings you more? That’s definitely OP
- One time he overheard Sunset having discussion with Pinkie Pie about their favorite desserts. After mentioning that she really likes strawberry cheesecake, and that’s her favorite fruit, Optimus swiftly assigned himself a mission
- Later, when Sunset had to leave her home to get some groceries, she was greeted by bunch of wooden boxes full of strawberries on her front door
- She was flabbergasted
SS: Optimus- how did you-?!
OP: I heard you mentioning that you enjoy this specific type of fruit.
SS: You didn’t need to bring me a whole stack of it!
OP: Oh, apologies… Do you perhaps need more?
SS: Wha- NO!
- They both like reading so they will certainly share their opinions or recommend some of the books they like (especially history ones)
- Usually there are moments when one of them starts feeling down while talking about their past
- Lots of comfort and reassurance
- You cannot tell me Sunset hasn’t call him ‘dad’ at least once on accident
- She will most likely feel super embarrassed about it, however, Optimus will start crying from the inside
- One time she even decided to draw him a portrait as a small gift (he kept it in his quarters and smiles every time he sees it <3)
Arcee and Twilight Sparkle:
- You guys know Eda and Luz from the Owl house? That’s them. Except that Arcee is waaay much more of a strict and protective mom figure
- This motorcycle lady doesn’t understand half of the science stuff her charge is saying but that doesn’t mean she is not listening
- Calls her ‘kid’ most of the time, even though Twilight said she was a full grown adult who can take care of herself
- Arcee has these ‘mother/carrier instincts’ she just can’t help but WORRY
- Really enjoys to rest besides her human companion and listen to her talking
- Fun fact: it took a bit longer for Arcee to realize that she had become a parental figure... again
- One time, Twilight asked if she can learn some words of their Cybertronian language and Arcee gladly accepted to teach her
- They often go out for a drive, especially when Twilight gets too overwhelmed with work
- How many times did this girl fell asleep while doing her studies? Arcee lost count.
- Robot mom grabs a blanket, wraps it around her and carries her to somewhere more comfortable
- Heck she will even hold her till she wakes up if she can’t find a place for her to take a proper rest
- Will kick anyone’s ass/aft if they disrupt her sleeping
- Brains and brawn duo
Knock Out and Rarity:
- So stylish and dramatic
- *cough* theatre kids *cough*
- Can literally stare at you with judging faces while also gossiping about your appearance
- Shopping? Oh, absolutely.
- What’s better than having a guardian who can transform into a car and carry your bags in his vehicle mode?
- To return the favor Rarity offers him a hand with polishing his finish
- They have this ‘relaxation day’ once in a while
- Buffing, manicures, watching movies, trying on some makeup or outfits, you know it
- He really wanted to try these types of masks which made your skin cleaner and softer. Doesn’t give a flying frag if he is a robot, will even use a mass displacement to try it out
- Knock Out is kinda touch starved and it didn’t took Rarity too long to realize that
- Her guardian often suggests if he can hold her or if she wants to sit on his shoulder-pad while he works
- This big cherry bot really enjoys to run his digit around her curly hair or to playfully poke her cheeks
- As his best friend, she always gives him compliments for the good work he has done
- There was even a moment when she was in her robot form and she cupped his face-plate while praising him
- And let me tell you. Knock Out was absolutely stunned. He was on the verge of TEARS. (poor boy needs more love and attention)
- Hugs are a must, he just starves for them
- Appreciates it a lot whenever Rarity is there for him
Sideswipe and Rainbow Dash:
- They are the MASTERS of pranks
- Chaos, absolute chaos I tell you
- Pretty cocky and competitive too
- Some of their team members even wonder how are they not related??
- Often show off their abilities and talk about how they are 'the most skilled person/bot there ever is'
- They share one brain cell
- Both of them care deeply for each other, they just show it through actions. They aren’t really into the sharing feelings conversations but if things get pretty tough, they will have to talk about it, whether they like or not
- Sideswipe has these overprotective habits where he keeps his optics on her all the time or stays pretty close during any dangerous situations. This dude just doesn’t want to see her getting harmed otherwise he will flip out
- During their free time they like to play video games, go racing or just go for a casual drive, have training exercises (soccer, fighting etc.) or to annoy the rest if they are bored and have nothing else to do
- Will never tell this to anyone else but there a few occasions when they like to rest together
- Imagine one of them has a nightmare or can’t fall asleep. It’s snuggle time.
-If he is recharging in his vehicle form, Rainbow will grab a pillow and curl up on the seats OR he will lay on his chassis and rest his helm over his crossed arms, then he can nestle her close to his face-plate
- Sideswipe is a music enjoyer so he will definitely hype her up when she plays the guitar
- Rainbow teaches him all of the slangs and memes she can think of
- They cover one another or make up excuses if they want to go out to have some fun
- Dash pretty often forgets about things she needs to do (chores, homework or smth else) but her guardian is there to remind her
Bumblebee and Fluttershy:
- The 'parent friends' of the group
- Bee has these awful dad-jokes that he uses and somehow Shy is the only one that will laugh at them
- Some of their teammates tease the two about them acting just like love-bugs
- Bumblebee was so delighted when Fluttershy got out of her shell and finally felt comfortable around him
- Finds it adorable when she becomes too flustered and covers her face
- Like to talk about their interests and listen to each other
- Sometimes he gets a bit nervous and forgets how to properly talk (even if it’s a compliment or want to ask her something) she thinks it's cute
- If she gets too scared her first instinct is to quickly hide behind him
- He really loves listening to their band’s music when they practice at the base
- Both enjoy the late night drives when they can relax
- They often talk about Earth and it’s most incredible places they have seen or wish to explore. Bee will probably plan a short trip just for the two of them, the Groundbridge is right there!
Smokescreen and Pinkie Pie:
- This two are always full on energy
- Will never get bored when they are together, they will find something fun or mischievous to do
- *gasp* Oh no, Smokey is sad? Np! Pinkie is here to help! She has her ways of cheering people up.
- Poor big bot wishes he could taste human food. Every time he sees her amazing baked goods he pouts
- One day she made some cupcakes with blue-yellow icing that matched his color scheme (he didn’t cry after that nooo)
- He can get anxious tho, especially when Pinkie is too carefree (he doesn’t want his human to get hurt after all)
- Smokescreen is a show-off so he usually tries to impress her with his fighting abilities and speed
- This sweet girl always encourages him and supports her guardian no matter what
- He is amazed by the many talents she has (baking, playing the drums, roller skating etc.) like how?? What she can’t do?!
- Will always remain surprised by her hair. She keeps so many things inside, how is that even possible? Guess it will remain a mystery.
Bulkhead and Applejack:
- When I tell you AJ is one of the strongest members in the team, I mean it
- She can lift every heavy and large bot with EASE
- Their hugs are so funny and adorable she sometimes doesn’t realize she is actually lifting him from the ground
- Often talk about the good old days or the cool adventures they had
- Sometimes they have wrestling competitions and what do you know, AJ wins them all!
- If no one else is around, Bulkhead will help her out with the chores in the apple farm
- Will sometimes stumble on something by accident and apologize immediately
- Applejack thinks his clumsy and nervous side is pretty sweet
- She always appreciates his assistance (even tho he crushed several trees, oops)
- He definitely likes hearing her cute snorts when she laughs
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Something that frustrates me about the Harry Potter conversation is a lot of people missing the point behind the motivation to boycott it. They seem weirdly focused on the content of HP when it's actually... not that bad? It's not perfect, in fact a lot of aspects are pretty fucking problematic and worthy of discussion, but not uniquely so by the standards of the fantasy genre. Yes, I know the goblins are clearly drawing on anti-semitic tropes. Yes, the house elf situation is fucked. Yes, lots of not-like-other-girls-style misogyny. Yes, Cho Chang was a fucking disaster of racism. I KNOW THIS ALREADY! I'm not an idiot and Harry Potter fans were talking about this for far longer than JKR has been a TERF. But I'm also a fan of the Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age and the Witcher and a shitton of isekai anime and tons of other fantasy medias which are so much worse. Harry Potter is only moderately problematic by the standards of most popular fantasy media, especially for the mainstream standards of the time period it was written. Worthy of criticism, but not dropping it entirely. And actually reading HP and looking back at JKR's behaviour at the time, much of it seems largely unintentional, just that JKR drew on a lot of fantasy tropes that she didn't properly examine as well as her own unexamined biases and she had some flawed understandings of progressivism that were fair for its day but don't fly now, but doesn't seem malicious. The actual authorial intent at least seems to be pretty progressive at least, even if the execution wasn't the best. And sure, it's not a masterwork but there's a reason it connected to so many people, even if a lot of it was luck and timing. We don't have to ignore that and doing so feels dishonest.
I'm just so annoyed when people try to shit on the contents because they're missing the point and confuse the actual problem in a way that weakens their argument. I don't give Harry Potter money anymore because JKR crossed some lines for me in real life, totally separate from Harry Potter as a piece of media, and I don't want to fund her bullshit because she is so influential it is hurting people. The content of her books is utterly irrelevant to this decision. She could have penned a goddamn magnum opus and it wouldn't have mattered. So I'm sick of people bringing up books that are "better" or ragging on the contents of Harry Potter because none of that is the point and never was the point and it comes across as just taking advantage of a shitty situations to dunk on a popular thing or those who enjoyed it. Yeah, it was a mediocre fantasy series. But it hit the right emotional escapist buttons in a lot of kids even if it had the moral nuance and depth of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles anti-drug PSA. Having to drop it sucked for a lot of people because it can't be replaced and yelling about how bad the writing was doesn't change that because it never was about quality. JKR's TERF transformation was in many ways a betrayal of JKR's intended audience considering how the text preached acceptance and love and starred an abused, unwanted child getting to go to magic school where he's special. Pretending Harry Potter should be dropped because its content has issues obscures the actual problem of a raging transphobic having money and influence and that not everything created by bad people is poor quality so boycotts might require giving up access to things you actually like or are valuable and that's not always an easy decision to make.
JKR was a probably decent person with fairly liberal politics when she wrote Harry Potter. The books, while imperfect, are not more horrible or full of problems a dozen other popular fantasy properties. JKR become a TERF later in life and while she may have had ingrained transphobia prior to this when she wrote Harry Potter, that is not the same as the virulent hate-movement she's part of now and we should recognize how easy it is for people to get drawn into hate-movements. Any argument to boycott should be about how she's using her money and influence to affect real life laws and attitudes unless you want to try and get people to also drop half the fantasy genre.
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dasnercaret · 2 months
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i had so much fun drawing this guy it's unreal. please observe siffrin from @protectorcraft's fic a bell chimes somewhere!! what a dude. what a lad. what a weirdo (positive)
some more details under the cut! (spoilers for isat and the fic under the cut as well!)
i imagine that since siffrin's creachur form has something to do with wish craft, it wasn't too far-fetched to say that his eye would be colored too, especially given how the sky kid focused on it. however since this isn't his wish to stay with his family, i thought it would be nice to make it a different color... something representing the universe........ Sky Blue It Is
it helps that i am also obsessed with shades of sky blue AND the line from the fic that the sky kid said that it had "everything" in its eyes
i didn't illustrate it, but i think it would be extra cool if creachur siff's eye color changed as per time of day. just because. he's like the eye color version of that one 'do you love the color of the sky' post
i like to imagine that siffrin still has a strange Light in his eyes even when in his human disguise. can't remember if the fic mentions it or not but he has a sky blue highlight in those eyes now in my design. because i can :3
speaking of human disguise, i like to think that even with his transformation he's still not that subtle. mirabelle picks up immediately that he's weird but also that he's friendly and VERY good at survival, and so isn't too bothered by his... quirks. this might end up being canon to the fic honestly but i just wanted to trot out my two cents regardless while i'm here
i'm hoping i managed to communicate some of that off-putting nature in his face! especially his eyes. they're almost unnaturally gray aside from that strange highlight
i originally wanted to make his eyes even weirder but then i thought that being Too Weird would kind of defeat the point, and the point of this is that siffrin kind of has to pass as a normal human which means no glowing pupils, unfortunately. i can totally Give Him Pupils though. gotta get that subtle horror/ creepiness in :3
he gets glowing pupils / tapetum lucidum in the dark though. or when he's angry (see top left). as a treat
didn't draw his in between state (between human and dragon) but i imagine it looks kinda fucked up ! his horn and ears grow, his tail gets longer, teeth get sharper, his whole face sort of. Distorts. in a distinctly uncanny valley way. the blue highlight starts bleeding into his eyes (and his pupils start transforming from round to slit to star-shaped)
continuing, this in-between form in my head is sorta like the dragonkin soldiers from elden ring, just in terms of 'this is a weird hybrid of human and dragon and it just Doesn't Work'. like human, cool, dragon, cool, in between? fucked
siffrin is INSANELY floofy. even with the fact that he hasn't bathed in ages and his floof is all matted and tangled from lack of care he's still crazy soft. i think his fur also has similar insulating properties to his cloak so he never overheats or gets too cold. always the Perfect Temperature
if i were more confident in my skills (and which way this fic is going to end up going) i would have drawn a big hero 6 style moment where everyone is just lying with their face buried in siffrin's fur, like how everyone lays on warm marshmellow baymax.
i originally meant for siffrin to be more cursed and body-horror-y, and then i was looking at the fic descriptions for him (as of chapter 7, so there may be more detail later that i didn't get to see as of writing this) and was like 'wait... he kind of looks like the dragons from BOTW doesn't he' and then the inherent majesty kind of. just. Happened.
i like the fact that he looks kind of majestic though! i think it's a good representation of siffrin's terrible body image issues in this fic where honestly he looks awesome but he just doesn't realize it because, hello negative self-worth
didn't color the last doodles of human siff at the top left. apologies. i got sleeby
in another life mirabelle rides his dragon form into battle and it is exactly as awesome as it looks like it would be
kind of shoehorned my own oc into here as well but i SWEAR aleph is so absurdly similar to this design it's actually kind of hilarious. if i had a nickel for the number of space dragon designs i've made i'd have two, which isn't a lot but
and the full page of doodles! just cause
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ambroise-framboise · 2 years
Aka I’m going back to a beloved trope of mine, accidental deitification but I slap it on my current interest, Hermitcraft.
SO !
We all know the “Grian is a Watcher” AU (well, lots of us do know it, it’s a pretty famous fanon grian thing, be it in fanfics or fanart and such).
Most of the time I see it, it’s a “Grian was a normal player, but got yoinked in Evo by the (evil/neutral/benevolant, choose your favorite flavor) Watchers tm. They (tried to/did) turn him into one. Sometimes he has to escape because they’re Bad, sometimes they’re just annoying. He gets cool powers and eyes, wings sometimes and Purple.”
This is a classic. BUT ! What I am suggesting now is something I haven’t really seen before, which is a shame bc it’s ; interesting, funny imo, and also meta. (If it exists, I missed it oopsies sorry lmao)
What if Grian, after Evo, did NOT become a Watcher bc he got turned into one by them. In fact, the existance of Watchers is debatable here. He might never have actually met one, and their exact role/meaning doesn’t really matter. They might even not exist ! That’s up to you.
Grian, is an avian/shapeshifter whatever, living now on Hermitcraft. He does his little videos, streams, whatever you want to make him a somewhat public figure (like Hermits often are in the mcyt multiverse). What matters is that for SOME reason, people BELIEVE he is a Watcher HIDDING HIS TRUE SELF. And BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEF he gradually actually BECOMES ONE.
The more he tries to protest, convince them it's not the case, the more they think they're right, and the worse it get (like, he starts to physically manifest Watcher traits (preconceived ones, THE EXISTENCE OF WATCHERS AND WHAT THEY ARE EXACTLY/MEAN BARELY IMPACTS IT, bc his transformation, DEIFICATION is all hinged on players’ belief. Not actual facts.) Anyways, man starts to get the “typical” (aka stereotypical) Watchers traits as times goes on, which only make things worse because SEE SEE, he has the eyes and the purple, clearly they were right !
It would be both a comedy of errors, misunderstandings, coincidences AND some good old horror (body and other kinds), bc Grian DID NOT sign up for this.
Also this is funnily meta because he gets turned into a Watcher by the true watchers, who most of the time don’t realise who/what they are, and the power they hold. It’s a bit of a self-fulfiling prophecy, you see. And Grian is the unwilling puppet dancing to the whims of forces he cannot control.
I gotta write a fic about this, this is a really neat concept. Comedy and horror my beloveds, especially when they go hand in hand.
(If YOU want to write something yourself, or draw idk, feel free to !!! just @ me so I can see it and, like, cry or something about it in the comments.)
This was not supposed to be a meta concept. This was supposed to be a funny “ahah, he got turned into a watcher because of a misunderstanding and the power of belief”. I actually have a fic more or less based on that kind of idea in another fandom, bc I was part of a whole ass event where we used that kind of concept.
I looove the "beliefs of others influence what/who your are" tropes, be it in the positive, negative, literal or not way Shoutout to my fav fanfic of a long long time for having introduced me to that concept (not a HC one, it’s Make a Wish, a HP fic on ffnet from the early 2000s lmao, truly a classic) Pls interact about this, brain is going brrrr and I needed to share it.
(Also this came to be after reading a few fics where someone on HC worships Xelqua/Grian, who is like pls stop I don’t wanna hear your prayers wtf. I thought it’d be funny if they did pray to Xelqua but Grian wasn’t actually a Watcher. And then the potential of The Power of Belief tm hit me like a brick and here we are.)
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bunnybead123 · 1 year
Time in a Botte
@fyeahghosttrick Ghost swap for @pichumaster
Prompt: Draw/write about the day ten years ago.
Sometimes, he has a hard time remembering that he needs to breathe.
Like that one time his computer crashed, taking with it hours of work right before the deadline. His throat choked up and his fingers were shaking as he stared at the empty black void of his computer finally giving out on him after all this time.
Or the day when he finally proposed to Sissel, after five years of dancing around it like a pro and losing the ring an hour before they were supposed to meet for dinner. His palms were sweating the whole time he was digging through his messy living space to see where he could have possibly dropped it.
Luckily, everything turned out alright in the end, whether it be pulling an all-nighter or turning his apartment inside out looking for the damn thing, he always found a way to fix any problems thrown his way.
But right now, under the harsh fluorescent light of the interrogation room, surrounded by cops who wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet through his skull, Yomiel was having a very hard time imagining this ending well for him, let alone making it back home at some godly hour of the day. His own body refused to move even a single inch, even his heart seemed to stop beating with how tense the situation was. Especially with the way the tall and lanky officer was glaring at him like he was some kind of serial killer rather than some frankly underpaid systems engineer. He should probably say something, but based on every crime movie he ever watched, it was apparently important to remain silent and something about getting a lawyer involved. He briefly wonders whether or not he can ask Sissel what lawyer she uses for situations like this, what was their name again? He’s pretty sure it started with an “F” or was it a “Ph”? He was never any good with the intricacies of the English–
“Hey! Are you listening, I can’t have the maaaaaain suspect split on me like this, now can I? ” 
Yomiel blinks at him in confusion.
“Sorry, um, what did you say?”
The sharp nosed man pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs before repeating himself, if in a slightly more exasperated tone. 
“Look, just say you did it, save us both the time and aaaaaaall that jazz.”
Yomiel can only look up in shock at the words. 
“Wha-What are you talking about? I don’t even know what I’m here for, uh… What was your na–”
“That’s Detective Cabanela to you, and I adviiiiise you to pay closer attention to what I’m saying from now on, after all, what you say now is the difference between a ten year sentence or a lifetime in prison if you’re not careful.” said Detective Cabanela, with a glint in his eye, promising nothing good towards the man in red. In fact, Yomiel can’t help but notice the tapping sound he made, which wouldn’t be that interesting, if not for the polished pistol he had in his hand being the source of it. It really was quite a nice looking gun, but he wasn’t really concerned with that, the only thoughts racing through his mind were whether or not his life was over now and how he was going to break the news to Sissel. Oh Gods, what is he even going to do? He can’t very well just say, “Hey honey! I know we’ve been planning this wedding for a while but, whoops! Turns out I’m getting arrested for a crime that I’m like, 85% sure that I’m 100% not guilty of doing, and there’s a pretty good chance that I’m going to jail forever…so should we cancel on the catering or not?
…Maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding and he’s just being paranoid over nothing again. 
It’s not like the police would lock him up over something he didn’t do right?
Oh Gods, he’s never going to see Sissel again.
After what seemed like hours of questions ranging from, “Are you aware that government secrets were being leaked?” to “If you don’t tell us that you’re the spy, we’ll throw you into the goddamn ocean!” He’s not getting out of this place alive if that Detective has anything to say about it. He had never met such a persistently intense man before in his entire life. It honestly wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t so stubbornly refusing to even consider for a single second that maybe, maybe Yomiel wasn’t the one spilling government secrets. Unfortunately, all of his efforts to placate the detective by truthfully answering every one of his ridiculous questions, were reduced to smoke, along with any chance of walking out of this building a free man.
Detective Cabanela was leaning over the table glaring at him dead in the eye, as if sizing him up to see if he had any more fight left in him. When it was apparent that there was none to be found, he sighed and stood back up again into his default self-assured pose. The silence was agonizing as Yomiel could only slump back into his chair in defeat, before slamming the table with his fist in a last ditch effort to convince the other man of his innocence and shouting, 
“Detective, I’m telling ya! I don’t know anything about it!”
If Detective Cabanela is surprised by his sudden outburst, he hides it extremely well, not even a single twitch on his face before he smoothly responds, “Fine, fiiine. You’re under no obligation to talk of course. But, if you don’t, the Special Investigation Unit can make the reeest of your life a living hell…” 
Cabanela trailed off, the detective cooly studying him to see his reaction, as if he was letting the severity of his words really sink in for a minute, as if he knew exactly what thoughts were circling through Yomiel’s head. As if there needed to be more confirmation that the futility of the situation was inevitable, as if he had any fighting chance since the first moment he stepped foot in this room. 
“B-But…I…” stammers Yomiel, the reality of the situation finally and utterly settling in.
“I’m innocent?” interrupted the Detective, twirling his gun on his finger as though he was some kind of western hero who had just won the final duel, “Suuure, everyone says they are, but even a dunce like you can see the deck is stacked against you, so just–” 
“Cabanela! Got a minute?” comes a shout from an officer right outside the door causing Cabanela to startle for a moment and lose concentration. With his flow broken, the gun nearly slips from his fingers before Cabanela sets it down on the table in annoyance.  The officer continues with, “The chief wants to see you about your report!” 
The Detective sighs a huff of exasperation, “Got it. I’ll be right there,” and turns back to Yomiel again with the smuggest look on his face, “...You stay right here and be a good boooy, now.” before He finally makes his sauntering exit from the room and slams the door shut behind him with a flourish, leaving Yomiel alone with nothing but his increasingly panicked thoughts and emotions.
And the forgotten gun still on the table.
Yomiel stares at the gun in shock and the first thought to run through his mind was, 
What kind of shitty police officer leaves their gun unattended?
The second and far more pressing thought had him look at the gun a bit closer to see if it was a trick or not. It was like he was in a trance, as he reached for the gun before pausing,
…Am I really considering this?
Why not? I’m already a criminal in the eyes of the law.
I mean, it’s just a really bad idea in general.
If I do nothing, and sit here twiddling my thumbs…
I’ll never see Sissel again. 
There’s really no other option then, he tells himself as his hands reach for the gun, and he opens the door to freedom.
He had really expected there to be more resistance when he essentially just waltzes right out the station’s doors. It’s not like he was trying to hide the fact that he was a main suspect for some data leak or whatever, but it is a little weird that an entire fleet of trained officers don’t even look up when a man in a red suit and sunglasses strolls right past them, desperately trying to find the exit of this maze of a police station. When he finally steps foot outside it’s as if, for a moment, he could forget everything that happened in that horrible place and finally breathe again. 
As he walks around in a daze for a bit, trying to formulate his next plan, which involved something about somehow walking back to his apartment and calling Sissel about that family lawyer she knew and getting this somehow resolved in a timely manner…
……….Oh Gods, he’s an idiot.
He actually just stole from a police officer and escaped custody…If he wasn’t a criminal before he’s definitely one now. Yomiel wants to curl up into a ball and let the Earth swallow him whole for his truly brilliant plan of escape. His throat is closing up again now from the very fact that he’s in too deep to truly even consider just walking back to the station and hoping they won’t notice him again. Which, considering the prior couple minutes, it might not be such a bad idea, he thinks to himself, as he then promptly swivels on his heel to get back to the station as soon as possible. Maybe it’s not too late, if he can just–
“Hey! What the– You’re supposed to be with Cabanela!”  
Yomiel freezes in place as he spots the bearded officer who shouted at him running towards him at surprisingly fast speeds. Well, there goes that plan, he wryly thinks to himself as he sets off in the opposite direction while the alarms and sirens finally start wailing. 
He’s starting to realize that maybe running from a trained officer of the law wasn’t his brightest idea in a long day of bright ideas. The round bastard is surprisingly fit with how he’s able to effortlessly stay at his heels and by the time they reach Temsik Park. It’s almost a relief when the man points his gun at him and calls out to him, out of breath.
“Hold it! Give it up. Do you really think you can outrun me?” 
Yomiel freezes, trying to catch his breath as well, before spotting a small girl in pink roasting a…some sort of yam. It’s another split-second decision before he makes up his mind, as with the last of his energy he leaps towards the child and scoops her up before pointing Cabanela’s gun straight at the bearded officer. The flash of fear and concern that crosses the officer’s face is brief but immediately hardens to grim determination as he tightens his grip on the gun and straightens his aim. 
“Now just calm down! And drop that weapon!”  
What little bravado Yomiel has left makes him tighten his own grip on the gun and shouts right back, “S-Stay back! If you come any closer…” 
…Sorry, kiddo.
“....I’ll shoot her!” 
The air is thick with tension as the two desperately tired men train their weapons on each other, waiting for the other to make a move or more likely, for the other to pull the trigger first. Yomiel’s palms are sweating as he tries to keep his cool in this impossible scenario, his mind racing as it flashes through his life trying to find another way out of this mess. Most paths were pointing to death by officer and his life ruined, everything was crashing around him as he was lost in thought. He barely even noticed when a black kitten appeared from the overgrowth to rub the bearded man’s leg, with the man trying to quietly shoo it away.  
He’d laugh at the absurdity of it all…
…if not for the shattering sound behind him…
……and the sharp pain piercing his chest.
He crumples forward from the impact, the girl also falling to the ground by him. ith the last remnants of his fading consciousness, he hears the officer run towards them. 
…it hurts… 
“–my job, The gods…the ones…–ved you”
…i don’t want to die…
…Somebody…please…help me… 
And with that, everything goes dark.
---Continued in Ao3
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putschki1969 · 1 year
Hello Puts, how are you?
Thanks always for your hard work.
Here's my question: what do you think of Hikaru's current solo career?
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Hello there!
I am okay, a little busy but nothing I can't handle.
Phew, that's a loaded question. I have quite a few thoughts about Hikaru's current situation but most of them are rather negative so I am a little hesitant to share them. But oh well, here goes nothing...
Fair warning though, this is probably gonna sound like a rant, there's just a lot of pent-up frustration within me🙈
Right off the bat I wanna start with something positive before we get to the nasty stuff. I am a big fan of Hikaru's collabs with members of C.C.C. So glad Takeshi Kato (= SPICE guy) brought her onboard. As far as I am concerned, her stage play appearances are some of the best work she has done in recent times. You can tell that she is having fun and everyone seems to have welcomed her with open arms. When she is interacting with her cast-mates, it's like she transforms into a totally different person, she is happy and carefree, no sign of her reserved and quiet self. I also appreciate that HaKA (Kenichiro Hakariya = head of C.C.C.) continues to write solid tracks for Hikaru, so far he has done all of her freelance solo work, I am guessing her newest song "Flow" (debuted during her birthday broadcast) is also by him. Hopefully they will invite Hikaru to join another play in the future, one with a lot of music just like "Ambient Border".
In a similar vein, I very am happy to see that Keiko is taking Hikaru under her wing a little, I think that helps her get some much needed exposure.
Now that that's out of the way, let's address the elephant in the room: Music Champ. There are really no words that can convey how much I hate the fact that Hikaru has chosen a nondescript app as her main platform for almost all private and work-related interactions. I use the word hate very sparingly when it comes to anything Kalafina-related but in this case, nothing else seems fitting. In my opinion, relying solely on this stupid "Music Champ" app really cheapens her status as a serious artist. She might as well be using OnlyF@ns at this point¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The whole purpose of this streaming app is to level up a handful of wannabe idols by throwing "items" at them (which is achieved by viewers purchasing coins in the app). I can't believe that a large portion of each broadcast is wasted on those silly level-up campaigns or "item-times" which have literally no added value. Just a bunch of people sending items and Hikaru reacting to it. Not exactly my idea of fun. And really, you pretty much just finance a shady app, I bet only a fraction of the revenue goes to Hikaru herself. Everyone here knows that I am the biggest advocate of supporting your favourite artists but even I have to draw the line somewhere. I honestly don't trust weird apps that no one uses and on principle, I refuse to feed into this kind of activity ¬_¬
Another thing that really bothers me about the app is more of a me-problem but I'd still like to point it out. It's the fact that I cannot record any of the live streams. Yeah, I know, as a fan I am by no means entitled to a recording, this is complaining on a high level but it bugs me. I am aware of course that this feature might very well be one of the main reasons why Hikaru favours this platform over others but for some reason, that makes it even more annoying. Especially since the timing of her regular broadcasts is not exactly foreigner-friendly (at least not for my time-zone) so I can almost never watch her stuff live. I don't think I've been able to watch any of her more recent Wednesday lives and that sucks.
On a side note, is it just me or does this app consume a ton of RAM and drain the battery way too quickly ? Whenever I watch the broadcasts, I am having some major issues with my smartphone even though I have a relatively new iPhone. Within a few minutes, my phone will overheat and sometimes the app will even crash. Does anyone else experience similar problems or is it really just an issue with my phone?
All right, rant over. There is really not much else to say. Hopefully this didn't turn out too bad, it wasn't my intention to bash Hikaru or anything. I am just sad that she has chosen a path that I am not willing to follow. A lot of her loyal fans seem to be happy to support her on the app though so I am glad she has that backup at least.
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phantomram-b00 · 11 months
So I realize I never did an introduction before, untillll now as spooky season is here so why not make-
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Gotcha >:) but as I was saying, I thought why not make one now, (and maybe one day I might make those meet the artist, let see)
Soooo, spooky to meet you, I’m Phantomram…BOO
Sorry had to again. But you can call me Phantom or Ram; whichever you prefer or all together, hey, the world is your oysters. Or ostrich. Just a shy yet very talkative ghost that love to talk about good omens. If you ever wanted to talk, you can just please be mindful, I am shy and not the best with conversations but I’m happy to talk. And uh, if you ever want to ask me question whether to get to know be better or ask anything about good omens, Ahh you can ask in the ask my anything box ^^ but I will reveal info here starting now!
About me:
-Age: 21 (or as my family member say, I’m old.)
-Zodiac: I’m an April Aries!
-height: 5’3 (I’mma fun-sized ghost)
- just to add as I wasn’t comfortable at the time but now I am, I’m autistic ^v^
My scary interest:
-GOOD OMENS! (I love this show and also the book as I’m slowly reading it. I’ve watch this back in 2019/2020? And I love it and waited when the second season came and it did and now I’m loving this show and now going to wait patiently for season 3. But for now, this is my main hyperfixation, and I can’t get enough of it. I love it. But I promise I do have other interest to so let continue 😅)
- Art/drawing/(sometimes) writing
- magic/fantasy
- music (my music taste is haha complicate.)
- books (I love them, I wish my attention span a bit better but I do love a good read.)
- horror movies
- dnd
- oversized jackets! (Specifically the one with the zippers) or trench coats.
- mythology.
- Halloween
Shows/movies/books/games I love:
- Good omens (love love love!)
- Little shops of horrors
- Soul eater
- Coraline (I do wanna read the book tho)
- Star Wars (I seriously still need to catch up to watch Ahsoka aahhhh! 😭)
- Transformers
- Sally Face
- Percy Jackson (haven’t finished reading but I do like it so far and I can’t wait for the show coming up)
-murder drones
- FNAF (yes I’m excited for the movie coming out, I’ve been waiting for this movie since middle school-)
- MK (mortal Kombat)
- owl house/Amphibia/ducktales/Svtfoe
-TMNT (edit: because I forgot to add this Idek how I forgot this)
And more that I can’t think of. I can’t collect them all, I’m not ash Ketchum or any Pokémon trainer. I’m just a ghost on the internet let me have this.
Four random fact about me:
- when it came to doing the MBTI test, my introvert was almost 100%.
- despite being Latine/Latinx I can’t speak Spanish to save my life 😅
- my mom once banned coraline because it was “too scary”
- I learn about zodiac because of animal crossing of all things
“Can I use the ask me anything?”/dm you?: yes! You can ^^ I know some used it (for the ask me anything at least), but if you want to ask me anything go right ahead. I’m happy to answer (almost) anything you like. As for the dm, sure, especially if you’re a mutual I have here, you can ^v^, just all I ask is please be respectful and be mindful. That literally all I ask from you :))
However what I do not allow on this page and imma make this very clear: if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic or just bottom line don’t care about humans rights or any rights at all. Please go and do fucking better and leave me and my fellow ghostly pals alone. Please and thank you very much.
‼️BOUNDRIES: please do not use my ama for donations ask as scammers are using this tactic. If you disrespect this, I will ignore or delete your ask. Please use my AMA for anything else. Any questions. Please don’t cross this boundaries ‼️
Plz go Donate to RAINN
And uhh, I guess that’s all. Have a spooky Friday 🤭
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lemme-just-oops · 2 years
Hello! So I’ve had this funny idea going around in my head for a bit, you know how the default mc profile pic is a polar bear and how some artists draw them as just a polar bear? Well my crack idea is that the mc is a human, but they have a polar bear with them as an emotional support animal. Just this giant bear, that is taller than most people trudging along through the hallways, trying to fit through doors because it’s too fluffy and big, just silly thoughts.
So basically my request is can you please write some headcanons with how the boys live around an mc who has an emotional support polar bear walking around with them 24/7?
Alpheratz: This man is actually kind of jealous about the bear. Not because it has very limited responsibilities despite its strength, or that it is near you all around, but because of its size. It looks so fluffy too, so he needs it to let him take a nap on it. Not that he would make a persistant effort about how much he wants to do it, but he makes an occasional effort.
Arcturus: He is frightened, despite your animal being well trained. But he does worry about its well-being, especially when summer arrives. Does he offer shaving it? Yes. But does he flinch with all of its movement? Also yes. And despite always being scared, he never misses a chance to invite you to hanging out.
Pollux: Do not ever leave him alone with your support animal! Not even when you go to the bathroom! THIS IS AN URGENT WARNING! This man has the curiosity of a scientist with the common sense of a kid! "How far can it open its mouth?", he may ask, shortly before trying to put his head inside its mouth to look at its teeth. Your support animal may be a perfectly trained one, but that does not save you from the heartattacks you get when you turn your back for 0.5 seconds.
Sirius: He wants to feed the bear so desperately, but he knows not to distract it from its duties. Knows way too much about polar bear body language to immediately tell when it loses concentration, and will lead it back on track. When asked how he knows, he says that the mind of a polar bear and an owner are not too different. Even in appearance they look similar. Keep that phrase in mind, because he will often say that he likes the absolute units of a paw of your bear. Maybe he will transform into your bear someday and watch how long it takes for you to figure out which of them is your actual pet.
Spica: This man is just in love with your bear. Its magnificent size, how healthy it must be that its fur is so bright. He lives and thrives when he encounters the two of you, though he will not talk about your support animal unless you bring it up or he is concerned about its well-being. Though, emotional support animals do not count as service animals and he cannot give you loose permissions just because you two are on good terms. Your pet is sadly not allowed in most classrooms for several safety reasons, and he must hold you to that standard.
Vega: He feels so small near your pet, even as it simply lays on the ground. His cautious personality does not change a lot around your animal, and he always greets it by letting it sniff his hand. Is that his attempt of booping its nose without ever saying it? Yes. Will he ask you if you can ride it like a war animal? Also yes, and if you do, he wants to ride on it too. In fact, he expresses jealousy because in his clan they have a list of permitted service animals and he does not think they are as cool. Because -according to him- no one would want to ride a wyvern or flying whale.
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oleander-nin · 2 months
as heartbreaking as it is, i think that would actually be the reason why i particularly enjoy the yandere genre? bc it can get so dark sometimes and, in tmnt's case, they most likely were already friends like anon said before so that js makes it more heart wrenching for reader but it's like intriguing to read.. kinda like a "i want to look away but i cant!" except its "this shouldnt be fun to read but wow!"
i especially like ones where they werent ALWAYS a yandere but reader js drove them to that point and now they essentially need them to live; like (in your headcanons) 2012 raph using reader as tranquil drug so he kidnaps them. that would be such an insane burden for reader before and after kidnapping, and even then it's not like they'd be safe bc he still gets mad. or js the fact that a lot of the turtles are so willing to brutally hurt reader; like (again in your headcanons bc i love them) rise donnie being willing to mutilate them? actually mind blowing
i love indulging people. i hope you had a great day today by the way!! :D and i love the transformers art you made/reblogged!! i hope you have a good night
-💤 anon
For realllllll. It's def why I like the yandere genre in general. I like dark. I like gorey. I want to be sucked in and so violently sick from what I'm reading/writing/drawing. I want to be able to put it out of my mind. It's probably bad I'm this sucked in, and sometimes I have to hesitate on what I'm putting down, but it's great because it's fiction and it hurts nobody(I probbles sound insane so quick disclaimer I do NOT condone this behavior[aka yandere toxic behavior], it is vile and awful and should never be replicated. It's why I refuse to do happy endings for the most part. This is not a good thing, this is not love. If you know someone who acts like this or claims to be a 'irl yandere' please distance yourself from them, this behavior should never be replicated outside of a safe environment.)
"i especially like ones where they werent ALWAYS a yandere but reader js drove them to that point and now they essentially need them to live" - THIS! THIS! this is like my favorite thing you need to understand. I don't write it as much because it's more of a slowburn that for me to do it justice(in my mind), I'd have to write a lot for it. But I love that so much it makes me sick.
Thank you so much for the well wishes, I'm sorry I couldn't get to your ask earlier. I hope you had a wonderful day as well and an even better one tomorrow. and thankies for the compliment on the transformers fndavnjkadnkl glad you like it.
Toodles, Sleepy! Take care.
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bon-is-gone · 5 months
*perks up* found this trend a while ago and I loved seeing mlp infection aus...idk why but I think mlp horrors are the best horrors! Like human horrors make me feel uncomfortable but replace the humans with colorful ponies and I wanna see it! (My random guess is, not knowing if I'm right or not, because I'm scared of it being transmitted to humans?) Anyway, now I'm curious about it!
What are the stages? How did it begin? You planning to make a bunch of art for it? Write a story via comic or written or as I've seen some do...videos? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected? Sorry if I'm pushy or nosey...just fluttershy went from 0-100 so fast in your pics of her and looked so good...she looked so cute before infection and terrifying after! You have a great artstyle! I just had to learn if this was a one hit-thing or if it will bloom into a story or something!
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Ah yes, my favorite subject
Dying ponies with rabies 😌
Imma try and answer all the questions amigo, however I'm writing this in 2 in the morning with a sh*t ton of adrenaline from the fact that you asked (I'm gonna have a heart attack oh lord) so do forgive me if I missed one-
Oh ehem-
So the sickness which I took for this au is Rabies! Which I think a lot if you might know what it is. Ofcourse, this is a more messed up type of rabbies. There's only 3 stages since the person transforms quickly(in a 1 day). 1st stage: after the pony gets bit by a subject with rabbies they start feeling weak, tired and nauseous. They also all of a sudden get scared of water 2nd stage: the ponies body starts to hurt, usually specific body parts feel the most pain (for example with fluttershy its her front hooves), which then start to get longer, stretching. 3rd stage the ponies body becomes disfigured, they become extremely aggressive and blood-thirsty, foam will start pouring out of their mouth and completely forget who they were before.
How did it begin?
Some chemist pony probably tried to find a cure for different types of sickness in the mlp world but instead made a potion for the missed up rabbies. He tested on some animals and one of them escaped. The animal got to fluttershy(because she's always with animals so she shall be the first victim) and bit her. The infection would continue on with twilight who wanted to go check up on her but instead got attacked.
You planning to make a bunch of art for it?
Oh buddy. OH BUDDY- I already nade some sketches of how twilight and Pinkie pie are before and after getting infected. I do want to draw some background ponies with those meters (you know those ones with like "hunger: 50%" or something) specifically this guy
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SILVER ZOOM 😎 I found him whilst browsing the mlp wiki for background ponies and omg I LOVE HIS DESIGN AJGDHSHDHWHDHDH
Also this fella
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Crystal earth gives me "I FELL INLOVE WITH AN EMO GIRL" vibes and I'm DIGGING IT
Write or make a story/comic/video? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected?
I'm not a writer so hard pass on the story. Comic would LOVE to do that, however I'm not used to drawing ponies like, at all, So it takes me a really long time to get the look right(especially with all the different angles of the head, yikes). Now, the video? Hell f*cking yeah. I planned on making a video 100% doing it like people do on tiktok (or in my case youtube because I am not going to that wretched place, no offense to anyone who goes there) but never made it since I got sidetracked with other stuff lmao. So currently I will stick to just solely making art, but I will make a video about it no doubt. Complete story? Probably not.
Again thank you so much for asking! It makes me super happy when people ask me about my stuff or just opinions on anything. (I did not get held enough as a child God damn-) and no worries about being pushy! (You weren't honestly)
This was Bon, signing out
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elfdragon12 · 3 months
I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't really a fan of Primus' existence in transformers lore. The worst of it was Rung being Primus in IDW1. That shit made me roll my eyes so hard. Personally, I think Cybertronians being a product of the Quintessons (like in the sunbow cartoon) is a far more interesting origin for their species.
I don't necessarily mind the idea, though I would never personally use it. However, I find it absolutely hilarious that Simon Furman, the guy who hates female Transformers because it "doesn't make sense for robots to have gender, but I'll never get annoyed at male identifying robots because I consider women to be aberrant and am just fine with alienating female readers and colleagues" (there were multiple women who wrote Sunbow episodes, including Diane Duane, not to mention how Ron Friedman pushed for Arcee to exist for his daughter), went on to create robot Christianity... Which makes just as much sense as robot genders. He also wrote demons too! But GIRL ROBOTS?! Well! We have to draw the line somewhere!
The 13 Primes introduced in the Aligned continuity is just Jesus and the 12 Apostles.
For me, I would not use robot Christianity because, while I like both sci-fi and fantasy, I actually don't like to cross the streams too much in my own work. How much Transformers falls between sci-fi/science-fantasy/fantasy really depends on the writer and I just personally prefer it as sci-fi. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. There's some great speculative fiction that straddles the line. It's just not for me to use. I am of the opinion that James Roberts did not handle it very well, particularly when he brought characters back from the dead (Lug and Tailgate's revivals were pretty bad, especially Tailgate's. I have made an edit where, instead of the Magnificence, it's a Dragon Ball). The cringiest part is perhaps the fact Primus is the character that many believe is his self-insert. He even knows that people believe this, implied in a Q&A when he tried to say Chromedome is the character he most strongly identifies with (yikes!!). I am not above self-inserts, but I wouldn't make them God!
I do very much like the Sunbow origin story with the Quintessons and gives some very interesting ideas on how Cybertronian history developed as a result. That is what I will always default to whenever writing my own Transformers fanfiction. Now! I do find the concept of Quintessons finding Cybertron with this robot people already there proceeding to colonize and enslave them interesting and, in the process, Cybertronians lose their history and so maybe there's a Primus. However, no one truly knows. (If Primus did exist, rather than a deity, he's an original Cybertronian that all future Cybertronians were then copied/improved upon, even doing the building himself! Perhaps mythologized/idealized over the millenia, but none of this sci-fi flavored Christianity stuff.)
I also like the Matrix as a supercomputer that has become so advanced and powerful over the many millennia that it's hard to know if it's science or magic.
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redtriangle · 1 year
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Thomas Astruc Seriously? Where to begin? The fact that Thomas Astruc, the creator of Miraculous Ladybug, is mainly responsible for ruining Chloe’s character and the entire show story with his bad writing and influence since episode Miracle Queen, Season 4, and Season 5, if not always been from the very beginning for some longtime fans. When I heard about “Adrien is a Sentimonster” theory even I was still new to the show, I promised myself a long time ago that I will never forgive him if were true. I won’t forgive him. I don’t know if I should say this but given what he have done to Miraculous…  I hate him.
Why draw him you ask? How do I put this?
To put this simply. I need to vent out my frustration through art like I did on All-Americus/All-Ameriquilicus way back. And I want to show everyone who can see this the villain he is; least how I picture him. I mean, look at his face, at those eyes, filled with so much anger, hate, and even arrogance, able to get away with what he have done and do however he like without regards for others as if he’s the Miraculous God.
But as much I hate him, I can still give him the decency to make him a cool-looking badass character as I can.
And just to let you know, this is my AU version of the show’s Astruc, his ‘avatar’ and not the actual Astruc in Real-Life despite the similarities. Thomas Almighty
Basically, Thomas Astruc turned into God, or what he supposed to be.
I’ll admit, I was kind of lazy with his design, his clothes are still the same just turned white. But then again, I’m sure that how he prefer to dress even as “God”.
So basically, he is the Miraculous version of Chuck/God from Supernatural; write his story how sees fit not how bad or the hurt on other people.
I also admit my selection of his exact powers are half-baked. I mean, in terms of reality-warping, what can and can’t do? He is not really a god, he’s a man pretending to be a god, thanks to Hawkmoth. In fact, that’s the overall theme, he is powerful to almost godlike but he is still a man, an irrational man that is.
And his name, I just add “Almighty” like from the movies Evan Almighty or Bruce Almighty.Name: Thomas Almighty
Akumatized Object: Unknown
Cause of Akumatized? Unknown, possibly his hatred for Chloe and for Jeremy Zag and his studio cutting him off or we different direction from his plan
Powers: - Super-Strength - Super-Speed - Super-Durability - High Stamina - Flight - Teleportation
- Near-Invulnerability - Immortality
- Reality-Warping: — Matter Manipulation: Transform, create/transmute, control, and destroy any matter even at an atomic level and on living things physically. — Energy Manipulation: Control, absorb, emit or create any forms of energy; especially pure energy
— Spatial Manipulation: Control spaces and dimensions around him. — Weather Control
— Gravity Control
— Time Control (Limited)
Weakness and Limitation: - Cannot brainwash or mind control intelligent living beings
- Cannot rewrite fate of people or happenings of the world or Universe - Cannot control time entirely or time travel
- Don’t have psychic powers if not low-powered - Susceptible to psychic or mental attacks
These are just the first taste of my Evil!Astruc series.
Miraculous Ladybug made by Thomas Astruc & Zagtoon Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Okay, once again, from the top- top of the mornin' to ya! My humblest and sincerest greetings to all mortals, dragons, demons, spirits, celestial beings and all in between and many more!
I’m your local multifandom enthusiast, I go by Starr!
I’m aroace and intersex, and I am genderfluid/nonbinary! Presentation changes from time to time but I really want an undercut tbh. I'm still kinda sad that sex-ed in schools isn't LGBTQIA+ friendly yet.
I also have very few but very loving and wonderful IRL friends! Usual pronouns change between she/her, they/them/ he/him and it/its; I am a neopronouns user too!
Also please use tone-tags around me, this user's can't tell a joke from a serious statement a lot of times-
Personality: Hopeless idealist, wants deep companionship, feels lonely and ignored from time to time but that’s aight, life do be like that sometimes though. Sappy poet and writer lol-
I do program and write and draw, but half the time whenever I program I just wrestle with the computer lmfao (ESPECIALLY the standard library like tf)-
DNI: Transphobes, Truscum, Transmeds, TERFS, ableists, anti-cluster B/believe in n@rc abuse, racist, aphobes, homophobes, queerphobes, xenophobic, gender-critical, bigots, LGBTQIA+ exclusionists, thinspo/pro ED, bullies, NSFW/K!nk, anti-agere/agedre, Pro-DDLG and all its variants, P3d0ph!l3s, N@z!s, really anything that makes me feel uncomfortable- just come on here and you're welcome as long as you're not being an ass. (and don't make fun of me for having a DNI, it really isn't that hard to spare me the trouble of blocking you and just... not interact).
Actually REALLY high empathy by modern standards, just figured out I have to turn the tap off a lot because the suffering of other people affects me deeply!
I stim alot irl (playing with hair, foot/leg spazzing out restlessly, vocal echolalia/mimicking choirs, rocking back and forth but never adjusting position, chewing gum a tad too aggressively if I have any- if not then grinding teeth way too much, etc.)
I'm diagnosed with depression, PCOS and ADHD, and have a lot of symptoms of autism and dyscalculia (because of how genuinely chaotic and dysfunctional I can be at times tbh). I also do descend into major depressive episodes from time to time, though I don't know how to recognize if they're just sensory overloads, meltdowns, brain fog episodes or just bad brain days/symptom days in general.
My mental and physical health is getting better, but I still hate being called a cis woman or being referred to as strictly feminine.
Multiple fandoms and hyperfixations, including but not limited to:
ROTTMNT, FNAF, Poppy Playtime, Fire Emblem, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Demon Slayer/KNY, TMNT, Stranger Things, Star Wars, OMORI, Transformers, Pacific Rim, The Owl House, Zelda, Zenless Zone Zero and much more!! Sorry if you're here for any one of these specific fandoms, I tend to aggressively post about my current hyperfixation depending on it lmao-
Additional facts: Kind of a glutton when it comes to food, introvert asf on top of being autistic (doesn’t know how to do human social things), has way too many hobbies/things I find interesting to count! Absolutely fuckin HATES dresses and the unnecessary, excessive femininity of periods (especially when they worsen my gastric issues and give me stool problems)! I DO also age-regress and age-dream from time to time!
I like sweets, rice, food in general, dogs (have one, he's named Bruno and he’s a little baby I love him sm), butterflies, sleeping, plushies, space, dragons, fantasy, sci-fi, writing and reading fanfic, drawing/painting, numbers, napping in the sun/underneath the stars, stargazing, etc.
I strongly dislike spiders, too-spicy food, tofu when it’s cooked wrong, cooking (because I’m a disaster at it), bigoted people, strong smells and bright lights, difficult people, being bored- y’know, the works.
Aesthetics change from time to time but I love wierdcore, dreamcore, 80’s core, nostalgiacore, fantasycore, faecore, dragoncore, cybercore, kidcore, spacecore, liminalcore, etc.
Will update this Pinned Post from time to time as time goes on and my fluid identity changes, but for now, I’ll keep being me and I hope to get along well with everyone here!
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SYDNEY'S BOOK CRIMINAL... UE UE UE... Oooohhh the intersections of familiarity and intimacy and deviancy got me. Insane abt them. (Also a really enjoyable image in my head of Kylar returning a book late/marked up and Sydney going through the usual with getting out a marker, but when Kylar huffs and points out that they've already got Book Criminal written on them Sydney just says something about it needing to be touched up, and writes a little "Sydney's" above it...)
BUT LIKE!!! Okay. Kylar is Sydney's oldest, only friend, with exception to PC. (Likewise, with Kylar...) Their best friend, probably, or at least they were - someone they wanted to be around, enjoyed spending time with. And it was a desire, but not a bad one, surely? Their parents seemed happy about it!
They grew up together, we can presume, at least for a while... Not illogical to assume Kylar could have discovered masturbation first, clever kid nosing around on a computer, shown Sydney just because they were close, and it felt good, and there is an amount of pride to be held in having found something out like that. (From there, the seeds of the association are sown.) There's intimacy there... They're best friends, it's their special shared secret ! Not something they'd confess to anybody else.
It's blurry from there until school, Kylar's parents transforming and them splitting sometime between those points, but it's like. God. Do you reckon Sydney's thoughts might wander there from time to time, esp as purity drops, some fantasies to which they'd never admit? Cause if so, I think Kylar - someone they did know well and feel safe with for a while, who's right near their age, who they feel regret over and miss when they let themself reflect on it and still see pretty often at school and in the library when it rains - might have a good chance of featuring in them. (Kind of funny to me to imagine Syd waking up from a wet dream or so about it, or even just like feeling Kylar draw in marker on their skin and getting goosebumps from it, and immediately deciding that they will NOT be unpacking that, and instead praying extra today, also.) Especially once Kylar starts trying to pavlov them for real, whether they're thrown in closer contact by chance or PC intervention or what, finding themself thinking about it even more, not even minding as much as they sink further towards corruption... Them making it easier for Kylar to make their advances, urging them on or coming to them for it once they're past a certain point...
Stars. And on KYLAR'S side of things, slowly watching Sydney change as a result of their actions until it's Sydney pulling them in deeper (HOT)... Gradually recovering a level of trust and some relationship with them even if they don't mean to just by virtue of spending the time with them again, still upset about how it ended but receiving a warmth and familiarity that they haven't known for YEARS, an apology at some point, getting to work out some anger/stress a little bit with the control provided by something like this (having power over Sydney's arousal) and the fact that Sydney is, effectively, at their mercy once they're far enough in... Getting to talk about things!!! Their parents, with someone who could actually remember them!! Having someone besides PC they can lean on... Also the sex.
Stars. They're childhood friends!! And it's sooo easy just to put that label on it and ignore the complexities just underneath, Sydney's repressed desire mixed with their will to right things between them and them trusting Kylar with both, Kylar's own mixed feelings about their old friendship and their own desires seeing Sydney change under their influence, the fact that it IS kinda fuckt in power dynamic and so (TOXIC YAOI WIN!!!) but also has the potential for a really enjoyable dynamic... (possible eventual "sorry I trained you like a dog to get horny around me" "It Was Hot" which is . A little funny to me.)
But MORE THAN ANYTHING the point the main thought is just. Oh . of course it's easier for Sydney to accept their own desires and depravities with someone they know and trusted and who they care for despite themself, who already has those same depravities and doesn't do as much to hide them. Someone who already knows them. Who they could've loved before, who they might still in some way. (to the tune of "of course you have blue hair and pronouns") of course you have a tragic past friendship and repressed desires + fetishes to be appealed to....
SORRY FOR LENGTH. Bows. Gazes so sweetly upon any pavloving thoughts also (don't know why I focused on Sydney so much here I'm usually a Kylar person. Hm. Oh well)
(as a bonus treat. Imagine them fucking in the changing room w Sydney's little away sign on the table)
but omg the beginning with them being best friends and slowly discovering their bodies ahhhhh the loneliness they both must have felt during that separation, because even tho they still see each other in the halls or the library, there's a barrier that neither of them feel like they're allowed to cross,
but as soon as PC comes around and starts pushing them with Sydney remembering the dreams and fantasies they may have had about Kylar and slowly incorporating PC in there, just daydreaming of threesomes in the library, shifting around to hide their arousal
and when they both ultimately come around to a tentative relationship, the power dynamic you mentioned like yeah it is fucked up but even then it's a symbiotic thing because sydney can allow themselves to let go of their inhibitions, cause this is Kylar, and even tho there was unease and uncertainty for a while, they've known each other for so long, and the implicit trust is still there, and Kylar can exercise being a dom, because they also trust Sydney, and Sydney will tell them if they're going too far or not far enough, and they can switch the roles if they want!!!
(also omg fucking in the changing room with the away sign, kylar gagging sydney with their hand because they're too loud otherwise, and the changing room is not that big, so they have to stay close to each other. syd biting into their gag and leaving marks on kylar's hands then sucking on their fingers to apologize, just the both of them going fucking crazy behind the curtain. imagine finding them tangled in each other, with kylar panting because of how good it feels, and just directing the whole thing while taking pictures. you have put worms in my brainnnnn, anon i could kiss you)
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noelledeltarune · 8 months
raises hand. i'd like to hear about your miscellaneous headcanons :]
YAYYY ok :-] all of these are unrelated 🔥💯
i know that everyone has their own specific headcanons for who their starters are but i have always liked the idea of them having been given their haxorus as an axew as their first pokemon. i totally understand why people think of it as being ingo's with the whole mold breaker earthquake thing but especially with the whole heroes of legend and original dragon thing i think it's customary / traditional for people in unova to give children who are setting off on their journeys together a dragon to raise together. like as a reminder not to be too consumed with your goals that you lose the people who matter to you. or something. works out because i imagine dragons are typically prideful and kind of finicky to raise by nature. so making it a 2 person job is easier on all parties LMAO (their haxorus is jolly by nature so maybe less so but. yknow)
i also personally think that emmet really likes to cook. completely unrelated and i don't know why i think so but to me his love of battling translates a little as him being a guy who cares about his health LOL. he wants his team to be in good shape, so he should put in that effort too! because it's something he's very passionate about. and this applies to exercise but also food to me. it's an easy way to take care of yourself and it's nice to share food with people (<- necessary intervention to avoid ingo's 7th fast food chain burger in 4 days). + i imagine that pokemon who do a lot of battling like his do would need to eat a lot anyways, it's probably cheaper to make your own pokemon food than to buy as much as he'd need in bulk. maybe he got into making it for his team when he was younger and that translated into him learning to cook because he's already making something edible anyways LMAO, might as well do the same for himself
i think ingo likes to draw. no real reason for this one either he just strikes me as The Absentminded Doodler. never really considered himself to be super passionate about art but he is a dedicated hobbyist. in my head when they were kids ingo and emmet's parents tried to get emmet into journaling because he wasn't much of a talker and they figured it'd be an easier way to express himself. he did not really care for it and ingo took it up instead. lots of paper for writing and doodling. i imagine he sort of got out of journaling as an adult/older teen but got back into both writing and drawing more when he was in hisui. we know he's a man who appreciates physical reminders of things. less ephemeral than memories 🔥💯
i also like the headcanon that uxie is the one who stole his memories rather than it just being a result of The Dreaded SpaceTime Travel. like i know it doesn't actually make sense because how would he have possibly met uxie given the requirement of having god's blessing in your cell phone. but. OH MY GOD! IN COMES CANALAVE LIBRARY'S "A HORRIFIC MYTH" WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!
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^ i just like it. it's also the one way i will excuse the trope of zoroark transforming into emmet because the pokemon guarding uxie's cave is. an alpha zoroark. so maybe that thing has some special powers relating to the memories it steals like it can look into them to more effectively scare people away from it or whatever. because like. hisuian zoroark can't actually read minds. LMAO. but i'll accept it specifically for ingo through this
i am known to be an enjoyer of the headcanon that emmet is a pokemon breeder as a hobby. but specifically NOT just with joltik. i think he met lenora when he was younger when she helped him revive his archen from a fossil and he works with her sometimes now as a breeder aiding in pokemon restoration. i also like to ignore the fact this would likely require a lot of dedicated training and education and time on top of his job because i can do whatever i want forever. i think that elesa's tynamo is the anime was a gift from him :-]
on a slightly related note i also think that emmet and burgh are underrated "characters who have never interacted but i think they'd be friends" guys. in my head even ingo likes to draw he's not really much of an art nerd. but i think emmet kind of is LOL. (<- queen of taking that one line where he talks about wanting to go to galar to see the sirfetch'd vs escavalier painting too far). i think they'd be bug buddies. they're both a little silly in a way that i think would be very compatible and i like imagining them as friends. 2 guys who love looking at pictures of bugs and also are professional pokemon battlers. match made in heaven 🔥💯 slightly related because burgh is the one character i think emmet actually would give a joltik to. gave him a shiny baby spider at one of his art shows and their friendship was cemented when a couple of weeks later he showed up on the doubles line with a professionally trained shiny galvantula :-]
i flip flop 100000x per day over their pokemon but specifically when it comes to the haxorus mold breaker thing i want to bring up how abilities on the battle subway are randomized. meaning that, to me specifically, it is not actually an act of malice 100% of the time. i KNOW that it was introduced in gen 6 but i think that mold breaker earthquake is more often a FUCK I FORGOT TO USE THE ABILITY CAPSULE AGAIN AFTER THE SINGLES LINE than a HA HA HA. FUCK YOU, TEAMMATE! ingo is also a guy who likes a thrilling battle and likes to win. if i wasn't as fond of the idea that their starter was axew i'd say it's a brought the wrong haxorus to work accident
i think that's everything that comes to mind for now. THANK YOU :-]
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