#especially with MASTER LISTS?!? BYE
iluvmattsbeard · 4 months
late at night (c.s)
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master list
warnings: none!
preview: you and the triplets decided to go rent out a cabin leaving the Los Angeles lifestyle for a little bit to take a breather. late at night, you were awaken by a sleepless Chris knocking on your door.
a/n: likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
you're in your room, packing your luggage as you talk on the phone, "how long are we staying there again?" you speak up, looking through your drawers. it was way too early in the morning. your mind needed some refreshing. "till Sunday." Nick replies shortly. he was also packing his things for the two day get away. you and the triplets decided to take this trip up the mountains to get peace and quiet. a change of scenery is always good. “is Matt and Chris ready?” you ask folding a few shirts. Nick scoffs, “Matt is still sleeping.” you look at the camera to face him. Nick looks back at you and freezes, “are you serious? how about Chris?” you ask with a straight face.
“let me see.” he says putting down what he had in his hands, walking towards his bedroom door. he opens it and shouts, “Chris!” you stare at the phone waiting for a response. “yeah?” Chris shouts back. “what are you doing?” Nick asks leaning against his door. Chris eventually walks into the room, “I just finished packing.” he says. he looks at the camera and sees you, causing him to smile a bit, “good morning Y/n.” he greets. “can you wake up Matt? I don’t want to be the one to drive up the mountain.” you ask with the same straight face, making Chris’s smile fade, “no good morning back?” he asks. Nick rolls his eyes before interrupting, “Chris, go do what she asked.” he pushes the younger brother out the door, shutting it.
“you and him need to get a license.” you let out, earning a scoff from him, “trust me, you don’t want me behind the wheel. especially if Matt and Chris are the passengers.” you laugh a bit shaking your head. you’ve witnessed his driving before, it’s not that he was terrible at it. he just stresses out too much. as you two finish packing, Chris knocks on Nick’s door before entering, “Matt’s getting ready now.” he says. “is he packed already?” Nick asks. “yeah. I guess he packed last night.” he responds getting on his phone. “that’s probably why he overslept.” you join in. Chris looks at you, “I still didn’t get a proper good morning.” he mutters. you ignore him, “okay Nick i’ll see you in a bit. I’ll stop by the store for a few items. just text me in the group chat.” Nick nods, as Chris sighs dramatically, “so now i’m being ignored?” he adds on making you laugh a bit.
“text in the group chat as well Chris. also, remind Matt to attach the snow chains onto the tires.” you state picking up your phone. “okay I will.” Nick guarantees you. you both say good bye and you start to carry your luggage.
meanwhile, the triplets start to pack the car, waiting for you to arrive. Chris texts you what he wants, including what his brothers want since the two were busy doing what you said earlier, attaching the snow chains.
‘be there soon’
you text Chris causing him to grin.
‘I hope you’re in a nicer mood when I see you 😄’
‘we’ll see’
after a bit, you arrived at their house, or as Chris states out dramatically, “finally! you took forever.” you place the bags on the counter looking at him, “maybe because someone, as in you, requested too many items.” you let out, handing him the bag with his requests. he takes it and smiles, “thank you.” you shake your head a bit, smiling slightly at his gratitude, “you’re welcome.”
your attention soon lands on Matt, “are you set to drive?” you ask. Matt nods, “yeah let’s go.” he responds. you all pile into the car with you sat in the back with Nick and Chris in the passenger seat. you were all now heading to the anticipated place, a cozy cabin that you all decided to split money on. the car ride was only 2 hours long. Nick knocked out during the whole ride, Matt was focused on the road, and you were resting your head on your fist, staring out the window. you admired the change of scenery. your thoughts were soon interrupted by Chris turning up his music. you lift your head to look at him. he was singing along loudly, “Chris! turn it down!” Matt shouts.
you laugh while Chris turns the music up louder. Nick gets woken up, “seriously?” he mumbles tiredly. “look, we’re here!” Chris says excitedly, pointing at the cabin. Matt parks the car as you all look at the building. it was perfect. you put on your beanie and head out the car with everyone else. the four of you carry everything out the car and head inside. Nick bends down and lifts the welcome mat, revealing a silver key. he picks it up and unlocks the door. as soon as everyone shuffled inside, you guys were instantly hit with a comforting scent. you guys look around and you couldn’t help but eye the fireplace. you were excited for this weekend. “let’s look at the rooms.” Matt suggests, walking towards the hallway. there was exactly four rooms.
you all pick out rooms and you guys settle in. Nick sits on your bed and looks around, “what is the plan for today?” he asks with a smile. you sit next to him, “I thought we were snowboarding?” you ask. Nick looks at you with an eyebrow raised, “do you think I know how?” he asks making you giggle, “how hard could it be?” you state.
you guys eventually did go snowboarding, “okay maybe I was quick to assume.” you say looking at Nick as you both were laying in the snow with visible irritation on his face. “I told you!” he lets out, causing you to laugh. “are you guys okay?” Chris asks lifting his goggles up. you look at him, “a little sore.” you respond. he smiles and puts his hand out. you look at his hand before grabbing it. he pulls you up. “okay help me now!” Nick shouts. you and Chris burst put into laughter.
when you guys head back to the cabin, you went straight to take a shower. your body was aching from all the tumbling you did also, from the tumbling Nick did into you. later on, you guys had pizza for dinner and you all ended up going to bed early. you were definitely drained from today, waking up early and absolutely failing at snowboarding. you didn’t hesitate to drift off to sleep.
suddenly, you were woken up by a knock on your door. you rub your eyes and get up wondering who it could be. you look at the clock on the bedside table and groan quietly. it was the middle of the night. you open the door and see Chris. you could tell from the look on his face that something was up, “what’s wrong?” you whisper tiredly. he looks at you and whispers back, “can I stay with you?” he asks catching you off guard. “what? why?” you ask confused because he usually goes to Matt. “please?” he adds on. you rub your forehead and sigh. you open the door wider, letting him in. he walks in and immediately lays in your bed. you shut the door and turn around, standing still.
you watch as Chris snuggles into your blanket, “why do you want to be in here?” you ask. “I had a bad dream.” he whispers.“then why didn’t you go to Matt or Nick?” you ask walking closer to the bed. he shuts his eyes, “I didn’t want to.” he responds. you shake your head a bit and eventually lay next to him. you lay on your hand facing him. Chris opens his eyes and looks at you. “do you want to tell me what happened in your dream?” you whisper. he just stays quiet as he continues to stare at you. “come on. you disturbed my sleep.” you add on. he shakes his head, “I don’t want to talk about it.” he says.
you sigh, “okay, try to get some more sleep then.” you say turning around. you lay on the opposite side as you look ahead of you. you then feel Chris’ get closer to you, making you turn around to face him. you both were looking at each other with a small distance in between. “I can’t sleep.” he whispers. “why not?” you ask with a slight groan. it was too late at night for this. you now understand why Matt wakes up grumpy. you analyze his face and still see the same look from earlier. you move the blanket and open your arms, indicating him to ‘come here’. he breaks the distance and lays his face in the crook of your neck.
you wrap your arms around him with one hand playing with his hair softly. Chris eventually relaxes in your arms. “Y/n?” he whispers with his eyes shut. “yes?” you respond. he let’s out a breath, “can we always be like this?” he asks with an unfamiliar tone. you pull away slightly to look at him but he hides his face. “Chris?” you say trying to move him so you could see his expression. “what’s wrong?” you ask with slight concern. as soon as your eyes met with his, you couldn’t help but notice tears roll down his cheeks. you widen your eyes, you’ve never seen him cry before, “Chris talk to me.” you add on.
“I feel like an idiot.” he says sitting up, causing you to sit up as well. you both sit there as you lift your hand to wipe his tears away. “tell me.” you whisper. his breath was shaky, “the dream I had…” he starts off but he shakes his head, “it’s stupid.” you shake your head, “Chris it’s okay just tell me.” you reassure him. he lets out a breath, “in the dream I told you how I felt about you and you didn’t feel the same way back. you ended up getting with someone else.” you sit there confused, “why would that bother you?” you ask. he shakes his head, “forget it.” you place your hand on his knee repeating the question, “why would that bother you?”
“this whole time i’ve felt this feeling. a strong feeling that i’ve tried to shake off. you know how I am, I don’t just feel these type of things. when you’re around, I feel this sudden urge of wanting to impress you or trying to get you to only look at me when i’m with my brothers.” he confesses making you sit there frozen. “when I had that dream, I woke up with my heart racing. that’s why I came here, to you. I don’t want it to be too late when it comes to me telling you how I feel.” he continues. “that’s why I asked if we could always be like this. it felt right to me.” he says talking about you both being in each other’s embrace.
Y/n’s POV
it was silent for a bit. I stared at him, continuing to analyze his face. I knew he was genuine about these feelings. looking back at it, I now realize his efforts. him coming to me now made me feel a knot in my stomach. deep down I did feel the same way, I just didn’t know if he felt it. Chris never acted this way. he’s never had a girlfriend or expressed his feelings to any girl utmost. so him telling me all of this left me speechless.
End of Y/n’s POV
he looks at you and waits for a response but nothing could come out of your mouth. Chris sighs, “i’m sorry if this was too much.” he moves about to get up but you grab his hand. you lay down pulling him back to how you both were before, with his face in the crook of your neck. “of course we can.” you whisper. he looks up at you with his mouth agape, “really?” he asks. you look at him and smile a bit, “yes really.” you reassure him. his eyes kept on you filled with admiration. you both smile and continue to be in each other’s arms. drifting off to sleep.
the next morning, you and Chris were on the sofa drinking hot chocolate. the fire place was lit and you both were under a shared blanket. you both talked about last night and how you both wanted to start off slow. as in not putting any labels on yet. he wanted to properly take you out first. you both agreed that when you both get back to LA that he would try for his license. you took his word for it. you sip your cocoa as he giggles a bit. you look at him with a raised eyebrow, “what you laughing at?” he smiles, “there’s something on your lip.” he says getting closer, leaving a small kiss on your lips.
“there we go.” he says licking his lips. “just whipped cream.” you sit there looking at him with pure shock. “what happened to slow and steady?” you ask. “I was just taking off the stuff from your lips.” he says with a sheepish smile. you put down your cocoa and pull him in for a proper kiss. he does the same and kisses back, resting his hands on your face. when you both pull away slowly, Chris speaks up, “I just had to kiss you. i’ve been waiting you know.” he whispers making you laugh softly. “okay but still. slow and steady.” you add on. he nods a bit, “it’s just kissing.” he says reattaching his lips onto yours.
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a/n: yeah i don’t know how i feel about this but, hope you enjoyed. LIKES AND REBLOGS ARE APPRECIATED.
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uncle meanie
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「 in which ᵎᵎ 」 yuji itadori's mean (and quite attractive) uncle comes to pick him up from school
「 words ᵎᵎ 」 828
「 author's note ᵎᵎ 」 hii :3 check out my master list, my requests r open, thank u to @zooone for beta reading :) part two maybe ..? lmk lmk
「 warnings ᵎᵎ 」 sukuna being flirty, sukuna being a meanie etc etc, sukuna.
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"maki, please stop hitting mai - i'm going to have to tell your parents-" you sigh and walk over to the twins, where a screaming match over the kinetic sand has turned physical.
"miss, miss!" a little girl pulls on your pant leg, "miss, i need to potty." she frowns, her big eyes looking up at you, "right now."
"thank you for asking. you may go to the restroom, kugisaki." you pat the girl on the head and she runs off towards the door to the hallway.
you turn back around, ready to deal with the twins again to find that they've separated on their own and are glaring at each other from across the room.
"YUJI, YOUR MEANIE UNCLE IS HERE." kugisaki screams from the hallway. you were going to have a migraine. "I SEE HIM! HE LOOKS MEAN! AND ANGRY! LIKE ALWAYS!"
being a daycare teacher wasn't easy - especially when your children were menaces to society like kugisaki and the twins. but you loved your job - and especially loved all the hot dilfs you got to see on a daily basis.
at the door stood yuji's uncle. he was quite a stark difference from yuji's father - this man was tattooed across his face and arms, was incredibly buff, and had piercings. he was really attractive, if you had to be honest.
"kuna!" yuji drops the blocks he was playing with, (leaving a frowning megumi behind), and runs towards the older male. "hi kuna!"
"hello brat." sukuna pats his head awkwardly, his lips pressed into a tight line. "okay, that's enough. off."
yuji giggles and peels himself off of the man, and as you walk over, he bounces in excitement. "miss, miss! this is my uncle kuna!"
"i told you don't call me that, you insolent-" he huffs and then looks you up and down. "you look a little young to be running this place." sukuna had to admit though - you were incredibly pretty. he straightened his posture and ran a hand through his hair, wanting to look a little more presentable to you.
"it's a daycare, mr. itadori. i don't need to be at retirement age to work here." you roll your eyes and bend down to yuji's level. "go get your stuff, kiddo, and say bye to everyone, while your uncle signs you out." yuji nods excitedly, and runs off, heading straight to say goodbye to megumi.
"it's not itadori. it's sukuna." he surveys the room, "ryomen sukuna."
"ryomen." you nod. sukuna's always hated being called ryomen, but from your mouth, it sounded like a melody. "it's nice to meet you. let me check if you're on yuji's allowed pickup list." you head towards the desk, which was not too far, and flip through papers.
"allowed pickups?" he scoffs, irritation taking over his features, "i'm the pest's uncle - of course i'm allowed to pick him up." sukuna's nose seems to flare up at the idea that he is not a listed caretaker for yuji.
"nope you're here." you point to his name on the list, "good thing, too. we have the system in place so people don't pick up kids who aren't theirs - or for parents who want their kids staying away from people." you explain while uncapping a pen and sliding the sheet toward him, "just sign here to confirm you picked up yuji itadori today."
he signs his name with extra flare, placing the pen down roughly onto the table. "yuji, honey, your uncle is waiting." you call.
"i need to finish saying bye to everyone!" yuji pouted from across the room. he had a habit of saying bye and giving everyone a hug before he left every day.
"fuckin' brat-" the man huffed under his breath, "so, you single?" sukuna wasted no time or effort and you stifled a laugh.
"you just met me." you raise a brow, "and i teach your nephew." you weren't used to such forward behavior from men, especially ones this handsome.
"my nephew. not my son. nothing wrong with it." a tongue comes to dart between his lips, "c'mon, doll, one date. you're too pretty to be workin'. i could take care of you." he hums, smirking as he looks you up and down. "what'dya say?"
yuji comes bounding up to the two of you, taking sukuna's large tattooed hand into his. "i say, have a good rest of your day, mr. sukuna. and you two, yuji." you give him a polite smile despite the fluttering in your heart.
"i'll be back tomorrow, woman." he huffs, "you'd better have a different answer." his eyes rake over your figure once more before he bends down to effortlessly pick up the child and plop him on his hip. "say goodbye to your teacher, brat."
"goodbye miss!" the child smiles brightly and waves with both hands, and sukuna gives you a nod before he turns around.
"same time tomorrow, i'll be here to pick up the kid." he calls, not looking behind him. "i'm expecting to see you here, doll - and i can't wait."
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princessmisery666 · 7 months
The Right Guy On Paper
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Summary: Dean receives unexpected news, and his chosen coping mechanism leads him straight back to you. Part 2 of 3. Part 1 - Just Don't Say You Love Me.
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: angst, mentions of cheating. 
W/C: 4,315.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Jody Mills, Mentioned: Sam Winchester. 
Pairing: Dean x fem!reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Bingo: @jacklesversebingo Square Filled: A bar - An Arrest - Loyalty 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // all mistakes remain my own.
A/N: I finally figured out part 3 so here's part 2.
Graphics: made by be on canva. Dividers by @talesmaniac89
Master Lists: JAcklesVerseBingo / Dean Winchester / Main
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How did he not see this coming? Well, he did, maybe, but not this soon. But still, how could he have not seen it coming, especially after his last encounter with you? It had been written all over your face; you didn’t want a full-blown commitment or declaration of love, but the hope of some kind of promise was there. He’d shot it down immediately, made a hasty retreat, and hadn’t spoken to you in over a month.
It doesn’t make it sting any less. But that’s all it is, a sting, a scratch. It will scab over, and he’ll ignore the itch. At least, that’s what he tries to convince himself of as he pulls up at Jody’s. 
The door opens as he steps onto the porch. It’s Jody, phone to her ear, and an incredulous look turned in his direction. 
“Yeah, he’s here,” she says into the phone. So Dean assumes it’s you checking up on him. “Yeah, will do. Okay. Bye, honey.”
Dean kisses her cheek, perhaps a little too hard, as he crosses the threshold, heading straight for the liquor. 
“Dean…” she starts. 
He ends it immediately, holding a hand up so she can see it over his shoulder. “Don’t.”
He doesn’t see her surrendering gesture, but he hears it in the sigh she releases over the clink of the bottle hitting the glass. He shoots back the whiskey; it's the cheap stuff and burns more than it should. 
He pours another shot, back still turned, but he can feel Jody’s eyes on him, the worry radiating off her. He won’t tell her he’s fine. She’d see right through it.
“Wanna talk about it?”
He laughs, humorless but amused because Jody knows the answer, yet she always asks on the off chance he’ll give her a glimpse of what’s going on in his head. If only he knew himself, maybe he’d share it.
Another blazing shot warms him from the inside.
He pours another and takes a breath, waiting for the flame in his gut to simmer. But it doesn't, and it’s not because of the cheap liquor, so he concedes, taking the bottle and the glass to the chair. “Who is he?”
Jody sits opposite him, smiling softly. “His name’s Luke, nice guy.”
“Luke,” he tests out the name before washing it away, swilling the liquid around his mouth. This time, he lets the wince show, accepting that it's more than the booze. “He’s a cop, right?”
“Yeah,” Jody confirms. 
He smiles, even feels the fondness in it, but the sentiment dies before he finishes his sentence. “She has a type.”
Jody reciprocates the gesture, reaching over to take the glass from him. “Don’t push her out because of this,” she says, “she’s good for you. Some of those broken pieces didn’t seem so broken when you’d been around her. That doesn’t change because you're not sharing a bed anymore. Let her be your friend.” 
“Yeah,” Dean sighs, “maybe.” 
But he knows he will push you away because he doesn’t know how to be your friend. After all, you’ve never been just friends.
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It’s too easy and not as entertaining as Dean hoped. He’s been on a bender for a few days now. He told Sam he was just stir-crazy, the monsters haven’t been monster-ing lately, and he needs an outlet. It’s partly true. It’s the lack of killing, plus the news Jody delivered a week ago. More so the latter. 
You and Luke are engaged.
Dean thinks it's too soon; it’s only been two months. But then again, what does he know? Maybe when you know, you know. You're no fool. And you didn’t suffer fools. You wouldn’t commit to something unless you knew it was right for you.
So Dean’s been doing what Dean does best, finding distractions to bury his tumultuous emotions. He was looking for a warm body, but when no one caught his eye, he settled for ridding some suckers of their hard-earned cash. 
He’s up three hundred dollars with double or nothing on the line. Though part of the hustle is to appear drunk, as he finishes his seventh, or maybe it’s his eighth beer - he lost count after shot number four and around bottle five  - he thinks he really should slow down. If only for the fact Sam will have to come collect him and Dean doesn’t want to hear the ‘your-not-twenty-six-anymore’ lecture.
His opponent, David, walks around the table, looking for the best angle to take his shot. It doesn’t matter. Regardless of what he does, Dean’s got him in three moves. Or at least he would if his earlier victim, Jason, wasn’t striding up behind him with a furious look that Dean sees in the mirror hanging on the wall behind the table.
“Hey,” Jason calls, a tenth of a second before he throws a punch that Dean ducks.
Dean spins to face him, standing his ground. He can’t back up out of reach cause he’ll hit the wall and box himself in. “C’mon man,” Dean tries, “don’t be a sore loser.”
Jason is already swinging a second punch that Dean recognizes the poor form would likely break his hand had Dean not sidestepped to avoid it.
Two of Jason’s friends are close by but seem reluctant to back up their buddy, so Dean tries to reason with them as he pivots so Jason has his back to the wall, and Dean can back away. “Come get your friend before he gets hurt.” 
That’s enough to convince them to intervene, but instead of doing the smart thing and removing their friend from further embarrassment, they descend on Dean, and he’s left with no choice. 
He smashes the pool cue into the stomach of the first one. The dude doubles over and falls to his knees. The second man narrowly avoids tripping over him, stumbling towards Dean’s perfectly formed fist, and goes down after a crack of bone and a scream of pain. 
Jason looks down at his fallen comrades, and Dean lifts his brow, challenging him.
“Walk away,” Dean advises. 
He doesn’t.
Dean has to give credit where credit is due. Jason is tougher than his withering friends. He takes three shots to the face and manages to land a good right hook to Dean’s mouth before he drops to the floor, rolling into the fetal position when Dean takes a step forward.
He can’t be sure whether he was going to kick the man while he was down. But he’ll never know because two sets of hands grab his arms.
Dean doesn’t think. He reacts. Twisting his right arm free, he throws a punch as he turns. 
“Okay, you're under arrest…” but it’s too late. His fist connects with the jaw of his captor - a blond cop who still has a hold of him.
Dean’s brain finally registers the uniform and star pinned to his chest, and now he’s really in trouble. “Shit!” He grumbles, holding his hands up as the blood trickles from the cop’s nose.
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Dean tells Deputy Callaghan he’s making a mistake and wasting his time hauling Dean to the station. But his suggestion to call Sheriff Mills to get this mess straightened out falls on the deaf ears of the cops in the front of the squad car.
Dean gives up. Jody will have his back, and hopefully, she’s got some leftovers for him at the house. 
“You're gonna feel really stupid when we get in there,” Dean says as Callaghan roughly pulls him from the car. “I’m telling you, Sheriff Mills will have your ass for wasting her time.” 
“That’d be scary,” Callaghan smirks, smug in whatever knowledge he has that Dean doesn’t. “If she wasn’t on a retreat in Milwaukee until Monday.”
“Looks like you're our guest until we can get a hold of her, which could be days.”
Despite Dean’s lack of resistance, Callaghan makes a point of manhandling him through the station doors. He must want to look tough in front of his buddies and make the dried blood on his shirt look like Dean put up a fight that Callaghan won on account of his being detained.
Dean accepts his fate - for now. He doesn’t want to cause more trouble for Jody to clean up.
But maybe he should have because slipping the cuffs and making a run for it would have been easier than facing you. As soon as the door swings shut, like some kind of magnetic pull, your eyes find him, and you're frozen in place staring at him while some newbie who looks about twelve talks at you.
You hand the clipboard back to the young deputy and march with such purpose toward him he’s expecting a Sam-level lecture, but instead, you look around him. 
Dean’s seen the sneer you unleash on Callaghan before, but there’s an extra layer to it, a venom that spits out with your command, “Uncuff him now.” 
Dean is glad he’s not on the receiving end of your ire, and the station falls quiet. All activity ceases while they watch the show. 
The softness of Callaghan’s voice doesn’t match his words or reasoning tone. Dean can tell this dude knows he’s on thin ice with you and trying to make it right. “You don’t even know what he did.”
“Bar fight at Lloyds. Heard all about it.” 
“He hit me.”
“You're still standing, so it obviously wasn’t hard enough,” you counter, and Dean sniggers, as do some of the other people watching. 
“Y/N,” Callaghan tries again. 
You purse your lips, stubbornness settling in tight. “Release him and get out of my station.” 
Technically, it's not your station, but Dean assumes Jody’s left you in charge while she’s away. He really wants Callaghan to point that out because Dean can see your one smart comment away from adding to the bloody nose Dean gave him.
But you don’t give him a chance to make the mistake of correcting you. “You owe me, Luke, now and forever, so I’m calling in a chip. Release him!”
Silence prevails for a loaded second. Dean turns slightly to look at Luke, jiggling his hands behind his back. “You heard the boss,” he smirks, “I’m a free man.” 
Luke shakes his head and looks back at you. “Whoever he is,” he says, pointing a finger dangerously close to Dean’s face, “he’s trouble.” 
“She can handle it,” Dean counters and winks when Luke finally breaks the stare-down with you.
That’s enough to deflate his bravado a few notches, and he finally turns and leaves, slamming the door open as he goes.
Dean mumbles a thanks while you unlock his new jewelry, suddenly feeling some embarrassment for being arrested. He turns to face you, rubbing at his wrists now that the metal is gone. “Sorry if I’ve caused you any trouble.”
“It’s fine,” you wave him off, “no trouble.”
You stare at one another for a short moment, and he sees how tired you look. He opens his mouth to say it's good to see you despite the circumstances, but before he can utter a syllable, you hold up a finger. 
Leaning around him, you announce, “Shows over,” and the station springs to life again.
“I should get out of your way,” he says, giving a tight smile. 
“Can I give you a ride back to your car?”
He shakes his head, “No, thanks. I’m good. I could use the walk.”
“You got a motel?” 
“Nah, just passing through.” 
“You’re too drunk to drive back to Lebanon.” 
He shrugs, “I’ll find a motel.”
“Here,” you say, fishing in your pocket for a set of keys. “These are for Jody’s. No one’s there. Jody is in Milwaukee, Alex is on vacation with friends, and Clare is hunting in Michigan.”
He makes no move to take them, so you grab his hand and place them on his palm, closing his fingers around them. “I’ve been keeping an eye on the place, but I’m finishing up here and heading up to her cabin. Jody will be back about three tomorrow.” 
“Deputy Dick said she wasn’t back until Monday.”
You roll your eyes, “he lied. He does that.” 
You don’t elaborate, and Dean doesn’t push, but he knows there's a story to be told.
“There’s beer and leftover lasagne in the fridge,” you layer on top of the perks, “and it's closer than the bar. Just sleep it off, please. For me.”
He nods, “Yeah, okay. Thanks.”
“Take care, Dean.” 
“You too,” he says. He wants to hug you or kiss your cheek or something, but instead, he stares at his fidgeting hands. “Um…maybe we can grab a drink soon,” he suggests, “it’d be nice to catch up.”
“I’d like that,” you say, and your smile is genuine and kind when he meets your eyes again. “You know where to find me, Winchester. You never needed an invitation. That hasn’t changed.”
He laughs just as someone calls your name, and you excuse yourself. He watches you cross the room to the same deputy you were speaking with earlier. He really has missed you, but the open invitation dulls the ache a little. He’s definitely going to take you up on it.
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You haven’t been sleeping well lately. It’s understandable; you’ve been through a lot, so you're surprised that you wake just after eleven to the cheerful, chirping bird song. 
It must be the peacefulness of the forest that surrounds Jody’s cabin that allowed the much-needed rest to extend later than usual. You're grateful that she practically forced the mini-break on you - “You need to get away. Get your head straight. Take a few days.” As you step onto the porch with a steaming mug of coffee and the thickest blanket you can find, you realize she was right. 
This is definitely what you need: nature and some quiet time. No hustle and bustle of a busy town, no traffic noise or drunks snoring logs in the holding cells.
Wrapping the blanket around you, you get a whiff of the cotton-fresh fabric softener and wrap it snugger around you as you sit on the porch swing. 
That’s where you spend the rest of the morning and early afternoon wrapped up in the blanket with a book from Jody’s collection. You brought a healthy supply of food with you, and that's the only decision you need to make today: what to cook for dinner. 
You’re two delicious sips into your third coffee of the day when the quiet is disrupted by the unmistakable growl of Baby’s engine. He’s not speeding, and you haven’t missed any calls, so you don’t think it's an emergency. 
Dean cuts off the engine as he pulls up behind your truck, returning the forest to its quiet tranquility, and steps out of the car with a bright smile.
“Hey,” he greets as he reaches the bottom step. 
“Hey yourself,” you grin, finding his smile endearingly contagious. “Everything okay?”
“Peachy,” he says, “passing through on my way home and wanted to say thanks again.” 
He could have called you from the road, so you know the flimsy excuse is the best he could come up with, but you're not upset that he’s there.
You laugh, “You mean Jody asked you to check up on me?” 
“That too,” he admits with a slight shrug.
You feel the hurt constrict your chest again. Jody’s concern is a reminder of what happened. “She tell you why she wanted you to check up on me?”
“No,” Dean says, climbing the few stairs to stand on the porch. “Doesn’t take a genius, though.” 
“Just a sober hunter.”
“Ow, low blow,” he laughs. 
You laugh with him for a second but cut it off with a deep sigh. He will hear the story sooner or later. It may as well come from you. Closing the book and putting it on the table, you ask, “Can you stay for dinner?” 
He claps his hands and rubs them together, “What’re we having?”
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It shouldn’t be as easy as it is to fall back into the familiarity of working together. Dean chops peppers and onions while you put the chicken breasts in the oven. It’s effortless, moving around without getting in each other's way.
You’ve missed it, and from the slight smile that remains while Dean works, you think he feels the same. 
He doesn’t press for information, though you’re sure he’s desperate to know why you're at Jody’s cabin alone and if Luke was/is your Luke owed you big enough to let him go without question.
You wash your hands and move on to making the dough, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Dean. It’s easier to talk that way without the embarrassment of looking at him face-on. Though you know he won’t judge you, you don’t want his pity. Still, you start with an easier question. 
“You have Charlie’s unlimited credit card.” Mixing the ingredients in the bowl, you ask, “So it’s not like you need the money. Why were you hustling people?”
He shrugs. “Needed some entertainment.”
“It work?”
“Yeah, for a minute,” he chuckles, “at least until I got socked in the mouth.”
You see his tongue poke out to lick at the cut on his lip. “Maybe that's what I need.” you wonder, sprinkling flour on the countertop.
“To get clocked in the face?” 
You chuckle along with him. “No, smartass. Some mindless entertainment, forget everything for a while.”
“Like why Luke owes you now and forever?” Dean asks. 
“Nice transition,” you jest. 
“I thought so,” he says, walking to the fridge to grab the cheese along with two beers.
He twists the caps off and tosses them in the trash. He’s started grating the cheese before you decide to tell him what happened. 
“It was good for a while, really good, dreamlike even.” you take a long pull on the beer, and he’s nice enough to keep working, piling grated cheese to the side before continuing to work on the remainder of the block. “But obviously, it was too good to be true. His ex showed up. She’d left him to take a promotion a couple of years ago but decided her career wasn’t all she wanted after all. He made a big show of telling her no and asked me to marry him." The dough takes the brunt of your ire, words punctuated with huffs of breath while you knead it into shape. “He took a demotion to be closer to me. I thought I’d bagged a good one, a real devoted guy. But I was wrong. It didn’t take long for him to cheat.” 
“Glad I clocked him.” 
“Me too.” silence stretches, and you break it by blasting out a long sigh. “I’m such an idiot. I chose the stable guy, the guy that was right on paper. I picked the easy way, and it backfired.”
“That doesn’t make you an idiot.” 
“No?” you question, pausing your work to look at him. He halts his task, too, looking at you fully. “When I found out, I did all the tests, holy water, silver, recited an exorcism ‘cause I didn’t believe he was just a bad guy. If that doesn’t spell out desperate idiot, I don’t know what does.” 
“It doesn’t!” He argues, frustrated that you're talking down about yourself. “But you know what does spell out ‘idiot’? Cheating on someone as awesome as you.”
You cock a small smile, “Thank you.” 
You hold one another's gaze for a long moment. You want to tell him that you would have picked him over Luke, over anyone else, but you know he wouldn’t want to hear it. As if he can read it in your expression, he clears his throat and breaks the loaded stare to turn back to his task.
“C’mon,” Dean says, “Let’s get these pizzas baking and get drunk.” 
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The late morning rise must have been a fluke because you can’t sleep. Considering the half bottle of whiskey you drank with Dean, you're surprised by your inability to fall asleep. 
Maybe that’s the cause of your insomnia, too much alcohol in your system, or the fact that it feels weird knowing Dean is sleeping in the room next door, or perhaps the emotional turmoil of the last few weeks is taking its toll. Whatever the reason, the more you try to force it, the further away it seems to get and the angrier you become. After an hour of tossing and turning, you give up.
You need to do something to occupy your mind and decide to bake some cookies. Once in the kitchen, you realize that using a mixer will most likely disturb Dean, who’s just down the corridor. But now that you’re up, you really want cookies and decide to mix them by hand.
The first batch is just starting to rise in the oven when Dean appears, fully dressed but with messy hair and rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“Crap, did I wake you?” You ask.
“Nah,” he shakes his head, bleary-eyed, squinting under the brightness of the kitchen lights. “Don’t tell Sam,” he says, “but I’m not twenty-six anymore. Indigestion woke me up.” 
You laugh lightly, “There’s Pepto in the bathroom.”
“Found it,” he tells you, clicking the button on the coffee machine. “Then I smelled cookies, so I came to investigate.” 
“Well, perfect timing. The first batch should be ready by the time the coffee’s done.”
He doesn’t speak while the coffee brews, but you feel his eyes following you. You wonder what he’s thinking but know better than to ask. Maybe you truly don’t want to know. The thought of him pitying you fills you with embarrassment despite knowing Luke’s actions are not a reflection on you.
Dean pours the fresh coffee and adds sugar and a splash of cream to yours, sliding it closer to you while you pull the first batch of cookies from the oven and onto a cooling rack. 
He steals one, “hot, hot, hot,” he hisses, juggling it from one hand to the other. Despite the obvious temperature, he takes a bite, huffing out the heat before it's cool enough to bite down. 
He chews three, four times, hesitates, and chews some more. It’s evident from the face he’s trying, unsuccessfully, to not pull that it’s terrible. 
“It’s awful, right?” you ask with an apologetic scowl.
He nods, grimacing, “Disgusting,” he confirms but starts chewing again as if the taste will improve. 
“Well, don’t eat it!” You scold, laughing, “spit it out!” 
He rushes to the trashcan and spits out the chewed-up wad. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, swiftly walking back to grab his coffee and taking a big gulp. “I was trying to be polite, but yeah, that was not good.” 
You know he’s not being purposefully mean. You’ve never been good at baking, and clearly, eyeballing the ingredients didn’t work, but it still hurts a little. You sigh, watching the cookies slide off the plate and into the trash.
You scoop the second batch of cookie dough onto the spoon and into the trash, “I guess I wouldn’t have made a good wife after all.”
“Don’t say stuff like that,” Dean reprimands. “You’d make an awesome wife.” 
Has he really thought about what kind of wife you would be? Why would he? That was never a possibility for the two of you, so it’s purely a reflex, saying something nice to make you feel better. 
You don’t respond, continuing to tidy the mess you’ve made while Dean steps out of the way, leaning his shoulder against the fridge to watch you.
While your back is turned, he asks, “Is that really what you wanted? To be his wife?”
You shrug, wiping down the countertop with a damp cloth. “I don’t even know anymore.”
“You were so career-driven, always seemed happy in the moment. I never pegged you for the white picket fence type,” he comments, sipping his coffee again.
“I never was.” You laugh without an ounce of humor because he has you dead to rights. How well he knows you always surprises you, which in turn surprises you more because that’s what he does for a living. He has to read people. The same way you do - checking for tells and body language of victims and suspects. Dean knows when he’s being lied to. You know you’d never sneak one past him. Yet he doesn’t seem to understand that he was the one who changed your perspective. He was the one who made you believe there was more to life than a career.
“So it was him then?” he softly asks, as if he’s expecting you to reveal a secret. “He changed your mind, made you want it all?” 
The anger and bitterness swell inside of you. Not just towards Luke for promising you a future and then ripping it away, but at Dean for being oblivious to the fact he’s the reason for the change of perspective.
“It doesn’t matter what changed. It’s over now,” you snap, throwing down the cloth and knocking the neat pile of crumbs you’d made onto the floor. “All of it.”
“Why are you mad at me?” he yells, looking slightly confused and standing straighter. 
“I’m not,” you try to backtrack, though your volume increases. “I’m just mad! Mad at Luke for being an unfaithful asshole, mad at myself for falling for it, mad at the universe for giving me something good and taking it away again. And y’know what? Yeah, I am mad at you, Dean! I’m fucking furious ‘cause you changed my mind. You made me realize I could have it all: a career and partner who understood my commitments, someone who was happy to slot into my life when it worked for both of us, and made me see it could be effortless. I didn’t want any of that until we started our thing.”
“Hey!” he shouts back, “I never said never. I said not right now. Or then or whatever.” 
“Bullshit! You said you couldn’t make any commitments, even without Chuck pulling the strings.” 
“Yeah, I meant I needed a minute to process, figure some stuff out. You said we were good. You didn’t want any ‘awkward conversations’,” he counters with full-on air quotes.
“I didn’t want to scare you off!” 
“And I didn’t want you to run off and meet someone new!”
“Yeah, well, that worked out just fucking great, didn’t it!” The anger simmers, and you hold his eyes until he blurs behind your tears.
Dean blasts out a sigh, “Maybe I should go.” He phrases it as a suggestion, but he’s already tipping the remainder of his coffee into the sink, so obviously, he’s made up his mind. 
“Yeah, maybe you should,” you say, blinking up at the ceiling to stem the tears. “I’m really not in the headspace for this right now.”
You keep your back turned while he shuffles around, going to the bedroom to grab his duffle. 
Why did Jody send him? She was the one who suggested the vacation, and she, of all people, knows how much losing Dean hurt you. You’d confided in Jody about the commitment comment, which had been the catalyst for realizing how deep you’d got with Dean and how much it wasn’t reciprocated.   
A chair momentarily teeters as Dean pulls his coat off the back, but the jingle of his car keys is what pulls you out of your own head. 
Tears suffocated and stalled, you find the courage to turn around, but he’s already at the door. “Dean,” you call. He stops and half turns to face you, but you don’t know what to say. It’s too soon to let yourself be vulnerable with anyone, but you don’t want him to leave, at least not like this. 
You stare at him, hoping he can read the words you can’t find in your expression. 
He breaks eye contact, looking down at his feet. “I’ve, er… I’ve missed you.”
It lifts a weight you weren’t aware you were carrying but brings fresh tears to your eyes. “I’ve missed you too.” 
He drops his bag at the door, crosses the room, and swiftly tugs you into a tight hug. “Call me when you’ve figured all this out,” he requests, and all you can do is nod into his shoulder. He kisses the side of your head and rushes out like a gust of wind.
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Part 3 - Just Say You Love Me
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Master Lists: JAcklesVerseBingo / Dean Winchester / Main
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hey, sweetie! Could you do something for “Being Harry Potter's twin sister?”. You know... Their whole trajectory, their discovery of Sirius and Remus (who might be her godfather). She has an unusual friendship with Neville and the Weasleys (especially the twins and Fred, who she has a crush on and is fully reciprocated with). Thanks for the attention 🌷🩶.
Being Harry Potter's Twin sister Headcanons:
Paring: Fem!Reader x Brother!Harry Potter, Fem!Reader x Fred Weasley.
Summary: your life as the chosen one's sister.
A/n: so I might split this up with each year. Sorry this took so long and it's not edited.
🧡Master List 🧡Potter MasterList
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So I feel like you and Harry would be totally different, and it might sound stereotypical, but you look like your mom with your dad's eyes.
Also you do have a scar, I looks like Harry's but it's on your wrist.
Most muggles and wizards forget your twins beacuse you look nothing alike.
With Harry I think he trusts adults a little too quick, with the treatment the Dursly's caused I think you'd have major trust issues. You only really trust Harry.
Harry is almost extremely over protective of you and sometimes thinks he's the older brother because he happens to be taller and five minutes older. “you know I'm five minutes older than you, right?”
“why does that bloody matter?”
Harry would do anything to keep you safe from Dudley and the other Dursley, I think Petunia would be harsher on you because you remind her so much of Lily and Dudley just think it's a game to terrioz you.
“keep your hands off her!” Harry shouted and pushed your cousin off you aching body.
People Don't know how relieved you were to get your Hogwarts letter.
Year one:
Like I said before you don't trust people as easy as Harry does, so when Hagrid came to rescue you two you were very reluctant and let Harry do most of the talking.
I'd say the Dursly's treatment causes you to be jumpy and very much aware of your surroundings, meaning you were hiding behind Harry when Hagrid came by.
But you learned to trust him during the trip to Digon Ally, he got Harry an owl and you a Ferrett named Seeley.
You also discovered your wand was related to The 'murder' Sirius Black's wand.
The first person you'd actually meet first is Fred and George, Hagrid had taken you to a candy shop in Digon ally and you both were after the last box of all flavor beans.
“you go ahead” he smiled when he saw you flinch back. “no, you” you respond.
Fred shook his head with a smile and handed you the colorful box. “no, you shouldn't take things from a pretty lady” that made you blush and take the box nervously.
And saved by the bell wizard, Harry called your name. “I got it go... Bye”
He didn't even get your name. Fred watched you run away with hearts in his eyes. George looked at him confused when he saw no candy in his hands.
“Georgie, I think I'm in love” he smiled like an idiot.
George, not knowing how to respond smiled.
When you got to Hogwarts you met Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy.
You had found Neville's Toad Trevor and was the one to return him. I think Neville would be star struck with you, your kindness to him and how pretty you were, he definitely had a crush on you immediately.
With Draco he just had infatuation, with Fred and Neville it was actual attraction(Neville more at the time) but with the Blonde Slytherin he saw you as someone he could get back at his parents with. The daughter of Lilly and James, Lucicus hated them and his eyes it would be a perfect opportunity to rebell a little.
You saw right threw him, you may not trust people immediately, but you do like to get to know them before you pass judgment. Draco lost your judgment as soon as he disrespected Ron and the rest of the Weasleys.
“listen you little Ferrett, leave Ron and his family alone”
I don't think the twins would take you being teased lightly, Fred didn't really care what Draco thought about him but him saying something about you or George is usually the last straw.
Anyway, the sorting hat didn't know what house to put you in. He was stuck between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. “your a lot smarter than people give you credit for...your also brave, maybe even braver than your brother”
The hat did consider your feelings, he didn't just put you in Gryffindor because you were afraid to be separated from Harry, he did because he wanted to prove how brave and strong you were.
Gryffindor was ecstatic to have both Potters, especially Fred and George. They both cheered with the rest of their house mates and gave you the empty spot next to them.
With that I think you'd have your own trio, you are very close to Hermione and Ron both, but your defently best friends with the twins.
Your also close with Neville, people might think your a body guard and would even teas him for it, but you actually love Neville company and think he's tougher than he relizes.
Some people might not realize you got on the Quidditch team beofer Harry, you became a Chaser.
During your first game the twins wouldn't leave your side, Fred was afraid you'd get hurt. I think the whole team was considering you were a first year.
Harry's broom was the only one that was supposed to get jinxed but you got in the way. You got swang around like crazy while the twins and Oliver tried to help you. It drove Harry crazy he couldn't help you, but he had his own jinxed broom to deal with too.
Ron and Hermione of course thought it was Snape, but it wasn't. He was concentrated on helping you... Even more than Harry.
You remind him of Lily... like a lot, so I think it would make him less biter towrds you. Yeah it'll hurt him to see you at first, but I think he wouldn't be harsh on you like he is Harry.
During the holiday we know Harry saw your parents in the mirror of erase, but as much as you loved your parents I don't think that's what you saw. You can't change the past, so you just wanted some kind of family. So when you looked in the mirror you saw the Weasleys.
You and the twins had been extremely close, especially Fred. During the holidays Molly sent you a sweater with your initial and Fred got you a paracord bracelet with a heart charm. He and george had matching ones(minus the heart) so at the time it was friendship bracelets.
When you went to see the mirror by your self Professor McGonagall cought you, she really liked you and thought you were a bright student. You don't get to show it much because Hermione always beats you too it.
Speaking of professors and Hogwarts staff, I think Hagrid would help you discover your love for animals and magical creatures. Which ment you were pissed when Draco ragged about Hagrid's baby dragon.
Your love for magical creatures also helps you and the golden trio get passed Fluffy the three headed dog.
You and Hagrid bonded over talking about animals and you guys grew closer because of that.
It still bewilders Ron how you saw innocents in the dog and though he was cute.
You didn't want to go back to the Dursly's, but with the events that transpired this year you were afraid to stay at Hogwarts too, but you couldn't help but love the place, as dangerous as it was it was also safe and full of wonderful people.
Year two:
So for starters I think Doby would annoy the hell out of Harry's sister and I think she would be pissed off he was at the Dursly's warring them instead of Ginny or Hermione or even Colin.
So when you got back from Hogwarts you and Harry did have to share Dudley's second bedroom, it was cramped and always hot, but it was better than living under the staircase.
So, remember when the Dursly's tried to stop Harry from going to the Burow with the Weasley's? Well Harry did get in their little blue Angler, but when he did Vernon grabed you causing Fred to jump through the window and get you.
Molly would be so happy to see you again and even kinda embarrassed Fred. “y/n darling, I'm so glad your hear... Fred hear wouldn't shut up about you all summer”
“mom!” Fred look embarrassed while George was trying to cover his laughter for his brother's sake.
The burow is big but it's also cramped at times, so you and the twins share a room, your best friends and your comfortable with each other. Your just kids right now and there's no dirty thoughts to it just three best friends having a sleep over.
Thoses night Fred found out about your nightmares, George is a heavy but one night you woke up Fred when you were tossing and whimper beacuse of them. You only remember your parents death in your dreams and currently your adventures from last year.
Fred comferted you through out the night. He didn't make you talk about it, just held you. George teased you guys when he woke up the next morning and saw you guy cuddling. You guys let it slide since he didn't know the situation.
But, During your stay I think you'd grow closer to George, your both the quieter of the twins and are usually the followers. You would tell him you hated all the attention being Harry's sister brings.
Fred would get jealous, really jealous but he loves you both too much to bring it up. George knows how much Fred cares about you and your relationship with George is strictly Platonic.
George knows Fred like the back of his hand and he told him that. “you know we're just friends, right? I'd never hurt you like that”
Speaking of friends, since it's ginny's first year you and the twins are all pretty protective, which ment you were about to kick Draco's teath out when he was hassling her at the book shop in Digon ally.
“touch her and it'll be the last thing you ever do”
You also despise Lockheart, You and the twins spend most of the year messing with him. Especially when it comes to quizes about himself.
“my favorite smell isn't the ass of a hairless dog!” Lockheart yelled after reading our answers.
You broke your arm during the Quidditch match where Draco and Harry we're going add it. The people and the teams were too busy watching your brother to realize you got knocked off your broom.
Fred cought you before you could hit the ground and he took you to madam Pomfrey with George and Hagrid's help.
That day you realized since you weren't the chosin one like Harry you weren't that inresting. But that didn't matter to your closest people. To Fred you were the greatest thing to ever enter hogwarts.
He stayed with you the entire time and helped you with assignments till you got better.
You weren't part of this year's adventure. You were too worried about taking care of Ginny and Hermione.
Years 3:
So after the whole blowing up aunt marge incident you went to the Burow(in this universe you go straight there).
You told the twins about aunt Marge and they couldn't stop laughing. You now call it "the incident" and it kinda became inside joke, Ginny getts annoyed with not knowing what it means.
“you keep saying 'the incident'! What doses that mean?”
You did find about Sirius black and that he was Harry's godfather. You would think he'd be yours too but really it was never confirmed since Lilly wanted Remus to be the godfather.
Remus told you about the once playful argument that James and Lily had about that. I think you'd grow really close to Remus.
He's the first adult you trusted immediately. You tell him everything and he becomes the first ever real father figure you've ever had.
Aurther is kinda of a father figure but you don't want to see him that way since your in love with his son.
Anyway, you find out about Remus being a werewolf just beacuse you were wondering around on a full moon, you weren't scared like a normal person should be which suprised him. You promised to never say anything.
It got annoying when Hermione kept asking werewolf questions when she started to have her suspicions.
You were relieved when you found out Sirius didn't actually kill your parents. You found out Sirius was really fun to be around. While Remus was a shoulder to cry on or sortof a body guard, Sirius was c comedic relief and learned how to make you and Harry laugh.
Year 4:
Your fourth year is when Fred and you really started to act on your feelings. When you went to the Quidditch world cup, Fred kissed you after your favorite team won.
Since death eaters showed up it was short lived and you guys didn't really speak of it till later.
You didn't try to get your name in the goblet of fire like your two best friends, nor was your name put in there.
It was bizarre... You wanted to do it just to prove you were just as brave and important as Harry. Fred helped you relize how important and loved you were during the last two summers, but since your name didn't get put in there like Harry's you felt pushed to the side lines again.
Fred was a little bit upset at your mindset. He didn't want you thinking you were useless but he also didn't want you in danger.
“why would you want to! It's dangerous, I don't know what I'd do If you got hurt!”
Then it turned into an argument. “I want to do It because I'm tired of being in his shadow I want to prove I'm just as strong! And why dose it matter if I was in the tournament or not?”
“beacuse I love you! The Wizarding world might not have chosen you but I do... And I know we're just kids but I do know that I love you”
Your heart melt and if felt like all your walls came crashing down. You knew you were important to him, but it finally clicked that you were is first choice from the beginning. No Harry, no chosin crap, he just wanted you.
You had your first real kiss in mouths. A rough but passionate kiss. He poured so mush love and emotion in it, he wanted to prove he wanted you and only you.
Then you became a couple, a few side problems kinda showed up. Hermione and Krum, then you and Neville... He wanted to asks you out so bad but then he finally had the confidence to ask you out he found you and Fred kissing.
You knew when something was bothering Neville, he became stand-offish and wouldn't really talk to you. When he confronted you all his emotions came out. He told you everything and even end his rant that he rather have you as a friend than not having you at all.
“but then I realized our friendship means more to me than anything, I'm happy for you and Fred but I don't want to lose my best friend”
“You won't...”
The Yule Ball was so much fun, you of course went with Fred and everything was perfect.
Having Cedric die was hard, you wernt close to him but having him die made you appreciate you brother again. You two became distant since you felt put on the side lines, but when you thought about Harry dying you couldn't help but cry.
“you and me against the universe” Harry said after you talked about it to him. “I'll always protect you and I'm sorry if you felt like I pushed you away”
Harry really did feel bad, but he felt even worse when he found out about you and Fred. He's been so busy he didn't even know you have a boyfriend for like three months.
He was happy for you both, he trust you'd be treated right and didn't feel like he had to put up an over protective brother facade.
Year 5:
So Remus is defently over protective and put the fear of murlin in Fred, but he knew Fred was a good guy.
You and Fred also worked hard to get Tonks and Remus together. You knew how much he loved her but he wouldn't act upon it.
Also with Voldemort back you were eager to join the order of the Phoenix, even if you weren’t old enough. And you better believe Fred would be right behind you.
“I'm in” you said.
“NO!” Remus and Sirius both said at the same time.
Okay so it's your fith year and Fred's last year, it's kinda of upsetting but it just encourages you guys to make the most of the year.
You love helping the boys sell their products and even help come up with some new ideas.
Rather the product are safe or not your usually the one to sell the product to fellow classmates, especially the females. George says to can sell a drowning man water.
The year was great... Till the pink monster showed up and started changing everything.
She got under Fred's skin like crazy and Umbridge knew it, he didn't really care what she did to him, took away one of his prank toys he doesn't care he'll just make a new one but what he didn't lightly is when you had to endore one of her detentions.
You didn't want the boys knowing or worry Fred and Harry. He accidentally found out when he grabed your soar hand the wrong way.
“I'm gonna end her!”
You had to grabe him and convince him if he did anything he'd get kicked out of school... Which he didn't care.
You knew about them dropping out and you even help plan their excape.
After they left Fred wrote to you almost every day, filling you in about the shop and telling you about the success.
You couldn't be more proud of them and even planed on working there that summer but the end of there made you forget about it.
Sirius had died protecting you, Bellatrix was about to use the same spell on you that she used on Mr. And mrs. Longbottom. Neville tried to protect you but Sirius bet him to it the only cost was his life.
During the summer you mostly stayed with the twins and worked at the shop, things got better and Fred worked hard to cheer you up.
He loves spending most of his time with you and doesn't really care if people see.
“your not supposed to get handsy with the staff” you joked.
“I won't tell if you want”
Year 6:
Not Much happened... That concerned you at least. You spent most of your year hanging out with Neville and Luna.
Harry and the other two were to busy worrying about Draco and you just didn't have the energy to care.
You quite the Quidditch team after an acadent last year so you usually helped Luna or who ever narrat the game.
You did worry about Draco though, he looked so alone and no one really cared, all Harry cared about was proving he was doing something wrong.
He grew so much respect for you when you found him crying, you didn't judge him like he expected... Just let him cry.
You filled Fred and George in about the closet stuff and how the school is going down hill.
After the school year you went home with the twins after Dumbledore's funeral, as awful as it might sound you weren't too affected by his death. You felt like Dumbledore never really cared about you or your brother.
Year 7:
So you spent most of the Summer paining and decorating for Billy's wedding, it was a good distraction.
During the battle of the seven Harry's George protected you because the death eaters would expect you to be with Fred, George got his ear blown off because he was protecting you.
After the wedding got ambushed you ended up going with the golden trio, Fred tried to go after you but Charlie stoped him I'm fear for his brother.
You spent most of the time listing to the radio with Ron, making sure George or Fred's name isn't mentioned.
During the battle of Hogwarts the twins didn't leave your side.
“you okay freddie? Y/n?” George asked.
“I'm scared” you admitted. Fred pulled you to his side and held you while George held your free hand. “I won't let anything hurt you”
When things got really heated during the battle you got separated from the two, you and George ended up meeting up in what used to be the charms room.
You started to panic when you didn't see Fred. “Wait, where's fred”
George couldn't stop you and ran in search for him, before you could even register what was happening Fred shielded you from a killing curse.
Even if your brother won the battle you lost the love of your life, you didn't really want to see anyone except George and even that hurt... Looking at his face and seeing the same eyes and freckles.
George promised if anything happens to Fred he'd make sure you'd be alright.
Super mega happy ending:
So if you chose this ending Fred didn't die, you guys got betten up but that's all.
A year later you guys got married and you worked as the care of magical creatures professor at the school, during the summer you worked with your husband and brother-in-law.
You had twins, a boy and a girl. Fred cried when he found out you'd he having twins.
George and Angelina were of course the god parents.
You are very protective of your kids, always making sure they're okay and on the anniversary of your parents death your twins sleep with you.
Your daughter is just like Fred, a total minnis in the best way possible, your son is the quieter one... Much like you and George.
Your twins joined the Quidditch team and got sorted into Gryffindor like every other Potter and Weasley.
You couldn't be more happy or proud of your family.
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sluts4matt · 5 months
SECRET (part three)
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pairing: nate doe x sls!erika sturniolo
summary: she had hidden her feelings away for years, but with growing up and toxic relationships it was all starting to resurface.
warnings: none
word count: 1283
authors note: i'm sorry updates for this are so slow. edit: sorry for not posting this last night my little brother was in need of cuddles to sleep.
view my master list here
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the past two weeks had been agonizing. i wasn't allowed to hang out with nate for a month. yet here he was, sitting in the living room after school playing play station with the boys.
i rubbed my hands over my face, sighing as i walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. "hey erika," nate greeted, causing me to smile. "hey nate," i say, getting a juice from the fridge.
"where's mom?" i ask.
"garage maybe?" nick said, looking away from his phone for a split second to look at me. "thanks," i say, shooting him air guns.
"mom!" i call, walking towards the garage. "mooooom!"
"what erika?" my mom says, poking her head out from behind the garage door.
"can kayla come over?" i ask, looking at her with pleading eyes. she sighs and shrugs her shoulders. "yes! thank you!" i exclaim, smiling widely. "thank you thank you!"
i run over and kiss her cheek, making her laugh. "open doors," marylou states with pointed fingers, "open doors." i roll my eyes and smile at her, nodding.
i pull my phone out of my pocket and dial kayla's number. "hello?"
"my mom said you can come over," i say excitedly. "be there in five," the girl on the other side giggles.
"she's gonna be here in five!" i yell, walking up the stairs. i get no response from any of the guys, and sigh, knowing they can't hear me over their own voices.
i go into my room and change into a new shirt, tossing my previous one into the hamper. i sit at my desk and wait for kayla, "i'm here!" a voice exclaims, making me turn to the doorway.
"she's here," i repeat, giving her a hug. "what first? gossip about sydney?" she asks, i roll my eyes at the mention of one of the girls we hated the most. the only true reason being she was rude as hell.
"no," i say, sitting back down, "how are things going with you and jay?" she groans and plops onto my bed, her eyes closed.
"not well," she groans. i give her a questioning look and she sits up. "i'm pretty sure he has a thing for someone else," she huffs, her hands moving wildly around her face.
"no," i deadpan, "what? no way. i thought he really liked you?"
"that's what i thought," she sighs, looking up.
"i'm so sorry kay," i whisper, hugging her again.
"it's fine," she laughs, her mood changing. "so, let's talk about you," she smirks. "not much there," i say, not mentioning anything about nate.
"sure," she chuckles. "oh, did you hear about the party at liz's house?" she asks, her eyes wide with excitement.
"liz? party? you've got to be kidding," i scoff, laughing a bit. "my mom would never let me go, especially not right after i just got busted for smoking and drinking," i tell her.
"that's why sneaking out is a fun thing to do," she says and i shake my head. "did it once, do it twice it becomes a habit," i state.
"oh come on," she whines.
"kay, if i get caught, i'm done," i stress. "fine," she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.
"you can go," i say, her eyes lighting up, "but i can't, kay." she smiles and hugs me. "thanks eri," she says, standing up. "i'll see you at school," she says, walking out of the door.
a few days later, it was the weekend, and i was bored. the boys were on a trip to california and kayla was sick. i sighed as i watched the tv hung on my wall, changing the show every so often.
knocks sounded from my door, causing me to turn my head. "it open," i call. the door opens, showing my mom's face as she peaks her head in.
"i'm going shopping, need anything?" she asks, i shake my head and she shuts the door. a few moments later i hear her car leaving and the sound of the garage shutting.
i walk downstairs and check the time on my phone. 10:49 in big white letters, i groan, tugging at my brown roots.
"i should dye my hair," i say to myself, pulling my phone back out to google ideas.
after 30 minutes, i had a few good ones, i instacarted black and red hair dye to the house, as well as hair bleach and began the process.
i grabbed bowels, going to the bathroom where i set out old and stained towels.
i took a deep breath, looking at myself in the mirror. "don't fuck up," i mumble to myself. i wet my hair, then began adding the bleach after mixing the toner and developer together.
as i applied the bleach, i foiled the strands. when i finished i set a timer for thirty minutes as i waited for the bleach to do its job.
after the timer went off, i rinsed my hair, the water running a gross, pale-yellow color down the drain. i washed my hair with purple shampoo to tone it, drying my hair some with a towel before parting it down the middle of my head.
i opened the red dye first, squeezing the contents of the tube out. i sectioned the hair on the left side and began adding the dye.
i repeated the steps until the whole left side of my head was covered in the red dye.
i repeated the steps with the black, waiting an hour for it to develop on my head before i rinse.
after i rinsed, i wrapped a towel around my head, blow-drying my hair and brushing through it. when i pulled the towel off, i smiled, running my fingers through the soft, now black and red strands.
i took a snap sending it the kayla, with the text 'thoughts??'.
'you look hot!'
'so much better than that boring brown'
i smiled at her texts, feeling a little more confident with my appearance. i put stuff away, throwing the empty tubes of dye in the trash and washing the bowels that held the contents.
i ran upstairs, grabbing my phone and flopping on my bed. i scrolled through tiktok, stopping to watch videos every now and then.
as i was about to fall asleep, my phone rang, making me jump. my mom's name popping up on my phone, the options accept or decline flashing.
"yeah?" i say, answering the phone. "be there in five, i need help carrying in groceries," she says. "ok," i reply, getting off of the bed as the phone goes dead.
i slip on some shoes and walk outside, the cold breeze blowing against my warm skin. i see my mom's car pulling up, before it pulls into the driveway. "you changed your hair," she states, getting out.
the trunk pops open, revealing the back loaded with grocery bags. "i was bored, do you like it?" you ask. she runs her fingers through it, squinting slightly due to the sun.
"looks good on you sweetheart," she says, smiling.
we make multiple trips, bringing in bags as fast as we can. "how was shopping?" i ask, helping her put the stuff away. "fine," she breathes, putting canned foods on a shelf.
"you have work later?" she asks, and i nod my head, "six o'clock sharp." she nods her head, "when's dad getting off work?" i ask, "four," she replies, checking the time.
"what's for dinner?" i ask, closing the fridge and grabbing my phone. "probably spaghetti," she says, "can you help set the table when it's time?"
i nod my head, "yep," i say and then go back upstairs.
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @etvar12 @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolhoe @sturniolowhore @imwetforyourmom @novasturniolo03 @spencerstits @junovrsmp4 @breeloveschris @skyslondon @stars4chratt @monkeyscientist22 @sophssturn @hearts4chriss @l5ka @sturnlovr @blahbel668 @sturncakez @livvy4realll @raysmayhem-72 @jnkvivi @mssturniolo
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jennay · 1 year
I’m losing it
Request: let's say the reader has to stay at home to look after a sick older relative, but she is neglecting her own life, putting her own life on hold; so Noah pays her a surprise visit so they can spend some time together, so she can have a day to distract herself; just to remind her that she can count on him and that it's okay to allow herself to take care of herself.. That everything will be fine, he's there.
Noah master list
Word Count: 3500ish
No Warnings
An: I Hope this is what you were going for. Enjoy 💜
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Noah waited for several rings before he decided it was time to hang up the phone. He texted you several times throughout the day, hoping to get your attention, but it seemed like you were busier than usual lately. He didn't want to be an overbearing boyfriend, but he also needed confirmation that you were okay, and he wouldn't complain about having some other company than the men in his band. He loved them like brothers, but even brothers got annoyed with each other, and while they were on tour, it wasn't like he could escape from them.
Noah laid back on the couch as he turned the TV on. He needed something to drown out his worries.
"What's got your feathers all ruffled?" Jolly asks as he sits on a stool by Noah. He hands Noah a beer, and he gladly accepts his offer.
"Can't get ahold of (y/n)." He pops the lid of his drink.
"She's probably fine, dude. It's like midnight there. Isn't she her Grandma's caregiver? Old people get up early."
Noah sits up, crossing one leg over the other, still staring at the top of his can, debating if he wanted the alcohol because he was stressed or if it was because he would enjoy it. "She didn't text me today." He frowns, checking his phone one last time. "It's not normal."
"Call her in the Morning-"
"Hold on." He said, quickly answering your video call. "Hey!" He exclaims, getting up and walking to the back of the bus, leaving Jolly behind.
He saw you yawn in the dim light of your lamp. "Sorry to wake you up."
You shook your head and stretched on the bed, holding the phone above you. "You didn't. I was just about to sleep. Sorry, I didn't text you back. I kept forgetting, and I had so much to do today. It's been crazy here, and I feel like I'm losing my mind." You covered your eyes with your hand, trying not to cry. You didn't want to burden Noah with your problems, especially when he was so far away from you. "I should get some sleep." You whispered, removing your hand from your face.
"Baby…" Noah said softly, noticing the tears in your eyes. You looked different. Your eyes were duller than usual, you had dark circles under them, and your cheeks looked hollow.
"Okay," He said gently; he wanted to talk to you more and listen to your day, even if it was chaotic and stressful, but he felt he didn't know the person on the screen. He wondered if it was the camera angle or if you were losing weight again. He felt anxiety at every thought that crossed his mind. Were you sick, was it stress, or was taking care of your Grandma too much for you? It wasn't like you had any breaks, and even when Noah was around and able to help you, it was only for a few minutes while you showered or cooked dinner. There wasn't enough time to relax and care for yourself.
"I love you." He said sincerely. "I miss you."
"I love you more." You said softly, closing your eyes.
"Are you challenging me?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Because you'll lose every time."
You chuckled weakly, and he was glad to see you smile. "I'm too tired to argue with you right now, Love." You pulled the covers over yourself. "I'll talk to you in the morning. Sleep well."
He nodded in agreement, "I will soon. Bye babe, dream of me!"
You smirked, "I always do."
Noah walks to the other guys' lounging, "Where are we going next?"
Nicholas, who took over Noah's previous spot on the couch, gazes up curiously. "Why."
Noah shrugs, "I think I need to go see (Y/n). She looked rough and I’m a little worried."
His bandmates know better than to fight his ideas; once he was on a mission, Noah was not stopping.
"If you left tomorrow and met us out there. It could work, but you'd have what, less than two days to go there, fly out, and make it to the show?" Nicholas tells him.
"Sweet. Well, guess we're making a pit stop."
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Your phone alarm buzzed, and you pressed snooze at least three times before turning it off and getting up. The phone read 7 a.m., and you weren't ready for it.
You weren't the type to complain. You never did, especially in this situation. Even when you felt exhausted, frustrated, or lonely, you kept your mouth shut and your smile on. You didn't want to burden anyone else with your problems or make them think you were ungrateful for what you had.
A part of you guilted yourself every time you thought about what it would be like not to have the responsibility of taking care of your Grandma through her decline.
You loved her with everything you had and didn't regret choosing this path, but you wished you had a better understanding when you offered to help.
You wished you knew how hard it would be to see her forget your name, struggle with simple tasks, or lose interest in life.
You wished you had more support, resources, and time for yourself. But you never said any of this out loud.
Making your way to the bedroom bathroom, you start your routine for the morning. You brush your teeth, wash your face, and comb your hair. You look at yourself in the mirror and try to find some confidence in your appearance.
You put on some makeup and a simple outfit that matches your mood. You exit your room and go to your Grandma's room, knocking on the door and waiting for her to respond. You hear her shuffling to the door, and when she opens it, she stares at you with surprise.
You smile wildly, trying to ignore the signs of her not knowing who you are at this very moment. "Hi, grandma, I was coming to get you for breakfast." You hold your hand for her to grab, remembering your previous training classes.
She smiles warmly and takes your hand. You observe her outfit and note that she dressed herself for the day; that usually meant it would be a good morning.
You take her hand and lead her down the stairs, letting her lean on your shoulder as she descends slowly. You feel her grip tighten with every step and squeeze back reassuringly. You reach the kitchen and help her sit at the table, then go to make some coffee and pop some bread in the toaster.
"What do you want to do today?" You ask.
"I've gotta go to work," She tells you. "That Ranch won't take care of itself."
You bite your bottom lip, knowing she hasn't worked in years. "Well," You say, grabbing her toast and coffee for her to bring to her. "You have today off. Grandpa went and asked that I spend some quality time with you. He said you need to have a girl's day with me." You hated lying to her like this, but you knew it was the only way to help her through these things. She was diagnosed with Dementia a year ago, and you'd been taking online classes and seminars in hopes of learning how to cope and help a loved one with the disease.
"Oh," She says, sipping her coffee. "He's such a good man. You know we've been married for 62 years." She smiles, and you wonder what memories are going through her mind. "We were so young, and he was just as handsome as ever."
You bring your coffee over and sit next to her. "I bet! He'd have to be to score a woman like you!"
She giggles at your remark, "Should we see Betty Lou today?" She asks, referring to her sister.
You must think of another lie quickly before she notices something is wrong, or your mood has shifted. "It sounds like you're trying to get rid of me." You joke.
She smiles, tilting her chin to meet your eyes, "You need a husband."
No matter how far gone she'd gotten or aged, she would never stop giving you a hard time about not having a husband. She often forgot about Noah, and when you'd show her pictures, she would gush and tell you how handsome he was and that someday you'd have beautiful babies; she couldn't wait for that day. She once told Noah she knew a priest who could marry the two of you in the kitchen that day, and when you refused, she scolded you.
"I think we should get some baking done today." You say, changing the conversation. "I love those chocolate chip cookies you make."
Her eyes light up at the thought, and she agrees without hesitation. One of her favorite things to do was bake treats for everyone.
When she finishes her coffee and breakfast, you take her plates, and she follows you to the kitchen. You wonder how this will end; the last time the two of you did this, you nearly lost your cool. You tried to be patient, and you tried to be understanding, but you would grow tired and frustrated just as anyone else would.
You put on some music and start gathering the ingredients for the cookies. You hope the familiar activity will calm her down and bring back some happy memories.
You smile as you watch her hum along to the songs she used to sing to you when you were little. You measure the flour and sugar and hand them to her. She pours them into a large bowl and mixes them with a wooden spoon. You take the time to crack the eggs and add them to the bowl, along with some vanilla extract.
You open the bag of chocolate chips and pour some into a small bowl. You hand it to her and tell her to add them to the dough. She looks at you with a puzzled expression.
"What are these?" She asks, pointing at the chocolate chips. She doesn't remember what chocolate chips are. How could she forget something so simple and delicious? You try to hide your sadness and explain to her. "They're chocolate chips, Grandma. They make the cookies taste good. You love them, remember?" She shakes her head and pushes the bowl away.
"No, I don't like chocolate. It's too sweet." She says, making a face. You stare at her in disbelief. She doesn't like chocolate? That's impossible. She used to eat chocolate every day, sometimes even for breakfast.
She would always sneak you some when your parents weren't looking. She would say that chocolate was good for the soul and that life was too short to deny yourself pleasure.
How could she forget that? You feel anger and frustration. You want to scream at her and tell her that she's wrong, that she's not herself, that she's losing her mind. You want to shake her and make her remember who she is, who you are, and who you were. But you know that won't help. You know that won't change anything. You know you must be patient and understanding, even when it hurts.
You take a deep breath and force a smile. "That's okay, grandma." You say, gently taking the bowl from her hands. "We can make something else if you want." You look around the kitchen and see a bunch of bananas on the counter. You remember that she used to make banana bread with you when you were little. Maybe she would like that better. Perhaps she would remember that.
"Hey, how about we make some banana bread?" You suggest picking up a banana and peeling it. "You used to make the best banana bread in the world."
She looks at you with a faint smile. "Did I?" She asks, taking the banana from you and breaking it into pieces.
You nod enthusiastically. "Yes, you did." You say, hoping that she will believe you. "And I'm sure you still do." You grab another banana and peel it, handing it to her. She takes it and adds it to the bowl with the flour and sugar mixture. Add baking soda, salt, butter, and milk, stirring everything together. You hope that this will work out better than the cookies. You hope that this will make her happy. You hope that this will make you happy too.
She is exhausted after a few hours of work, and you gently wipe her hands and change her into comfortable clothes. You tuck her onto the living room couch with her favorite show, I Love Lucy, playing on the TV. You sit beside her and exhale deeply, feeling mentally drained. You tell yourself you'll close your eyes only for a moment, but that moment turns into a deep slumber; opening your eyes feels nearly impossible. You have been sleeping with your door open at night and constantly listening out for your Grandma. It has been hard to sleep sometimes, and it has only worsened as her condition deteriorated.
It's been hard for you to watch her decline and to be her primary caregiver. Today was a good day, but you still felt overwhelmed. Love wasn't always enough. Your eyes snap open when you hear knocking on your front door. You don't bother getting up at first. It is probably the mailman reminding Grandma to check her mail. He does it almost daily, but you open your eyes and get up when the knocking persists.
"I'm coming!" It seems like whenever you need rest the most, you are interrupted.
You open the door, ready to take the mail from the man, but your mouth drops with surprise. You can't believe your eyes.
Noah stands at your front door, smiling and holding his arms out. He pushes through the door and wraps you in a hug. "Surprise!" He says, kissing you, but you're still in shock. "What?" He says, looking at you with amusement. "You're not excited to see me?"
"Noah," You finally say, tears forming in your eyes. "What are you doing here? How did you…?" You pull him back to you, resting your head on his chest, and hold him tighter.
"I just wanted to surprise you." He says casually. "I was thinking we could go out for a little bit." He pulls back, bringing his hand to cup your face.
You can see the worry in his eyes as he watches you intently. His thumb gently brushes the free-falling tear. "I can't, you know that..." You say, glancing over at your sleeping Grandmother. "I can't just leave."
You close the door behind Noah and watch his eyes curiously bounce around the home. "It smells like banana bread."
"We did some baking...and-"
He cuts you off quickly, "Go shower. You have flour all over your shirt, and your aunt will be here soon, so we can go out for the evening."
You open your mouth to say something, but Noah shakes his head, "Go, besides, Grandma loves me. We'll be fine if she wakes up." He leans down, kissing you again before hurrying you up the stairs.
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You felt like you were in the shower for hours, but in all reality, it had been 30 minutes. It must've been the longest shower you've taken in a while, and it felt so nice not to worry about anything while Noah was downstairs.
You take your time brushing your tangled hair, putting on a little makeup, and getting dressed up in a lovely summer dress with cute wedged high heels, nothing too fancy or flashy. You don't want to draw attention to yourself or make Noah feel uncomfortable. He is already doing so much for you by being here.
As you walk into the kitchen, you hear dishes clink together and mentally slap yourself, remembering all the dishes you left in your sink. You had been too busy and stressed to deal with them, but now you feel guilty for making Noah do your chores. He is scrubbing away with a smile on his face while your aunt leans against the counter, talking to him. She seems to like him, which is rare for her. She usually disapproves of anyone of the male gender.
"You didn't have to do that." You tell him. You rest your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist.
He freezes briefly and then relaxes against your touch. "It's not a big deal, babe." He leans down and presses his lips against your hair, inhaling your scent. "I wanted to help out."
You smile, thankfully releasing your grip from around him. You say hi to your aunt but not much more. You weren't close with your family, and it often showed. You always thought it should be her caring for her mother, not you. But she had her own life and problems, and you had yours.
"Let's get out of here," Noah says as he dries his hands on the stove towel. Sensing the tension, he turns to your aunt, "It was nice seeing you again. We won't be too late."
When you exit the door, you hand Noah your car keys, "Where are we going?"
"I thought we could go downtown, get something to eat, and see where the night goes." He says, opening the car door for you.
You get in and close the door behind you. "I'm so glad you're here." You say, touching his arm. "Thank you for coming."
He pulls out of the driveway, "You don't have to thank me, babe. These are things you do when you love someone."
Noah glances from the road and at you, wondering what's going through your mind now. "I'm kinda worried about you taking this on by yourself." He admits. "I can see it's taking a toll on you."
You feel a tightness in your chest, "I'm okay, Noah. I just need to get into a better sleep routine." You try to sound casual, but your voice cracks.
He rests his hand on your thigh, rubbing your skin with his thumb. "Babe, it's not just the sleep." He looks at you with concern and love in his eyes.
You groan, not wanting to have this conversation with him, "Can we not do this right now?" You wish he would just drop it and let you be.
Noah pulls to the curb next to all the shops and small dinners. He turns the car off, walks to your side of the door, and offers his hand to you. "Well," He says, pulling you out of the car, "I think it's a conversation we need to have." He says as he guides you to the sidewalk. "You're neglecting yourself." Noah sighs when he sees you shutting down, your eyes staring at the ground, and you're hardly paying attention to what he's saying. "You know I'm happy to help, right?"
That gets your attention. Your head tilts up, brows furrowed, and you look at him, annoyed, "It's not your burden. Your job is touring the world and making music, not helping me care for my Grandma."
Noah stops in his tracks, growing frustrated. He pulls your arm back, dragging you to him. He holds both of your hands in his and leans forward, "My first job is taking care of you." He says, voice stern but calm. He wasn't budging on this. He cups your face with his hands and kisses you softly, "I love you more than anything, and I want you to be happy and healthy. Please let me help you." He pleads with his eyes, hoping you will open up to him.
You know he means well, but you feel guilty for putting him through this. You hug him tightly and whisper, "I feel like I have to do everything by myself."
Noah strokes your hair and kisses your forehead, "You don't have to do anything alone. I knew this was a thing from the beginning. We're in this together. Let me show you how much I care." He kisses your temple, "It's you and me against the world."
You look into his eyes and feel a wave of love, "Okay, okay. You win. I'll let you help me."
Noah beams proudly, "That's my girl. Come on, let's get some ice cream. You deserve a treat."
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underground-secret · 10 months
The Hunter and the Witch~ Dean Winchester x f!reader
Description: The infamous “Hook Man” seems to terrorize a small college town in Iowa, leading these hunters to take care of it.
Warning: Cannon violence, slight description of a corpse, guns, ghosts, flirting 🤭, sitting on lap, slight fake dating, mentions of sexual activity, creepy college boy for like 2 seconds
Tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @okayiamkassandra @fablesrose @ada--44
A/N: B/N = brothers name. Yes i haven’t forgotten that reader has a brother i just never had an excuse to bring him up. Anyways his lil convo with reader is based on one i had with my brother, i figured y/n is basically based on me from how i react to things and my speaking mannerisms so i might as well base her brother off my own. (hope you enjoy)
Word count: Around 7K
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Hook Man
(Master list, Previous Ch., Next Ch)
The spring breeze rustles my hair as I diligently sip on the chai latte in front of me, the small outdoor cafe we sat at bringing me some much needed peace after a hectic last hunt.
Deans next to me, his arm around my chair practically bringing us closer even as his brother stands at a payphone on the phone with the FBI.
Suddenly my phone rings, the familiar yet annoying buzz ringing in my sweater pocket. Dean looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrug at him, I have no idea why or who would be calling me. I fumble the phone out of my pocket looking at the name that was printed on the screen of my flip phone, ‘B/N :D’ sliding across the small screen.
“Oh! It’s my brother!” I smile at Dean. He smiles at me back beneath the cup he brought to his lips, he pulls it away from him “Say ‘Hi’ for us” he requests. Both boys have kind of always been close with my brother, especially Dean who was closer to him in age.
I scoot my seat back, getting up from the white metal chair and walking away slightly, the opposite way in which Sam stood. I flip my phone open with a satisfying click, answering the phone “Hi B/N!” I answer.
“Hey! How are you?” He asks me, his voice sweet and smiley as he speaks. “Busy and tired”, I answer, “What about you?”
“Oh you know, tired also…but I haven’t heard from you in a couple of months. Like at all, you could have texted you know” He lectures and I know he’s more disappointed in me then angry, he’s always been scared that we would become distant considering we lived in different states and that I wasn’t the best at communicating first.
“I’m sorry” I sigh, disappointed in myself too, “I’ve been hunting.”
“All this time? Alone?!” he shoots back without missing a beat.
“No! no no. I don’t do long hunting trips alone… I’m, uh, well Dean came to me and said he needed my help an-“ I explain getting cut off by my brother, “And you can’t say no” He laughs.
“Yeah” I exhale, laughing along with him, “They say hi by the way.”
“Say hi for me too and that if anything happens to you I will personally track them down and remove their orga-“
“Okay okay! I get it yup!… You know they’d never let anything happen to me” I explain, even though under the concealer I wore there were bruises still healing from the shapeshifter hunt. (I don’t blame either one of the boys for what happened.)
“Yeah well I love you and miss you and I wish you’d call more especially if ur out hunting, I need to know you’re safe.” He tells me.
“I love you too, I promise I will call you at least twice a week for updates.” I smile.
“You better, anyways I wish I could talk longer but I’m sitting in the parking lot of my job and have to go in.” He explains. “Alright, bye bye love you!” I finished. “Love you too” he says before hanging up.
I pocket my phone twirling around with a smile on my face. Sam’s back at the table now talking to his brother and by the scowl on his face I'd say his call hadn’t gone well. I walk back over to my seat, Dean's arm still around the chair, “What did I miss?” I ask as I sink down into the chair.
“Dads not in the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank and Dean found a possible new hunt for us” Sam brings me up to speed, looking disappointed.
“Here check it out” Dean turns the laptop towards me scrolling up to the beginning of the article, “Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here.”
I read through the article quickly, years of having to read as well as just for fun making me a fast reader. A key point sticking out to me, ‘The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road.’
“I think it might not be anything. One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man.” Sam points out as I finish reading. “And I think it’s worth checking out, Dad would” Dean counters, giving his brother a pointed look.
“I mean emotions can affect the liability of an eyewitness. However, the fact that the body was suspended from a bridge right over the car in presumably a matter of minutes, considering the time of death and the arrival at the scene, without the witness seeing a thing- like at all is a little bazaar. It’s probably worth checking out.” I ramble out.
“Ha! See” Dean smirks.
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The Impala comes to a stop in front of a fraternity house, a big white townhouse, where the victim Rich used to live. It seems like an army of men are outside working on all sorts of cars, was this some sort of bonding thing?
I may have gone to college but I never interacted with frats and I certainly have never seen them all working on different cars all together. Is this normal? Is this what guys do?
We get out of the car immediately getting the attention of the guys working, all their eyes pinned to us.
“Nice wheels.” Dean starts, gaining weird looks from the younger men, “We’re your fraternity brothers. From Ohio. We’re new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay.” He grins. One of the boys nods slowly at him, his gaze then switching to me. He eyed me up and down as if he’s never seen a woman before, despite being in a frat. Maybe that was unfair to say, stereotypes and all that, but it still made my skin crawl and I was suddenly all too aware of the fact that I had chosen to wear a skirt this morning.
The man that looked at me wiped his hands on a dirty rag, “You guys can check it out, but,uh, sorry, no chics allowed here. She’d need to find a sorority spot.” He nods towards me, his eyes a shinny kind of creepy.
“Aw, don’t worry she’s my girlfriend” Dean smirks wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his body till my side was pressed right up against his, “Gotta make sure my girl knows which rooms mine” he winks at the man and my face flushes. My heart lurches at the phrase ‘my girl’ even though I knew it was just for a cover- it was a lie and yet it felt so right.
We walked through the frat house which was cleaner than I expected, only a few cups lying around and only a small smell of booze.
Dean's fingers were intertwined with mine to keep up the act of me being his girlfriend, and I didn’t mind one bit. Maybe I'm touch starved.
After one last turn in the house we found someone to talk to which happened to be a shirtless guy with yellow shorts painting his face and body purple. Dean knocks on the door with his free hand while Sam and I share a look of confusion with the purple man in front of us.
“Who are you?” the guy asks, turning his body halfway towards us. “We’re your new roommates”, Dean smiles walking further into the room.
The man holds up his paint can and brushes to Dean, “Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today.” I try to conceal the horror on my face. Dean smirks pointing to his brother, “He’s the artist. Things he can do with a brush.” Sam takes the brush and can with a total look of mortification on his face as he begins to paint the guys back.
Meanwhile, Dean occupies the worn armchair, effortlessly tugging me towards him. He manspreads in the chair, then practically places me on his right thigh. My legs slip between his spread legs. His grip releases my hand, transferring possession to my exposed thigh, the frigid touch of his ring kindling goosebumps along my skin. Suddenly I'm back to not regretting my choice of a skirt this morning.
I search his face for a tell, but all I find is a cryptic smile. He's not giving anything away, engrossed in a magazine he casually picks up from a nearby table. I swallow hard, attempting to regain mental composure, but the echo of 'my girl' and the weight of his hand disrupt any coherent thought. A fog settles in my mind as butterflies riot in my stomach, leaving me dizzy and utterly consumed.
“So…Murph. Is it true?” Dean starts, most likely getting the name from the magazine he had picked up. “What?” he answers.
“We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week.” Dean leads him.
“Yeah.” Murph sighs.
“What happened?” Sam asks, still painting his back.
“They’re saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy.” Murph explains.
Dean's hand suddenly flexes on my thigh, squeezing it slightly right as I was about to talk, “R-Rich he was with somebody?” I stumble over my words, my voice seemingly a higher octave as I speak. Either way I only asked to see if my assumption was correct- the eyewitness wasn’t just a witness but a possible victim who got away safe.
“Not just somebody. Lori Sorensen.” Murph laughs a little.
“Who’s Lori Sorensen?” I ask, Dean cutting in right after me to poke fun at his brother, “You missed a spot. Just down there- on the back.” Sam glares at him before getting said spot, Dean grins like crazy.
“Lori’s a freshman. She’s a local. Super hot. And get this…she’s a reverend’s daughter.” Murph smirks
“You wouldn’t happen to know which church, would ya?” Dean asks.
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The church looked a little worn on the outside, a clear sign it’s been here for awhile but the inside was beautiful. Cherry colored wood used in the whole inside except the walls which were laid with cobblestone and big stain glass windows depicting certain bible scenes. The sun shone through them illuminating the people sitting in the pews with a light of oranges and reds. Yes it looked like any other church sure, and maybe it was the people here showing the love that they felt for someone who was no longer here that made it so beautiful, whatever it was brought a certain warmth to my heart regardless of the fact that I wasn’t religious.
The steady voice of the reverend flowed through the church, the peaceful atmosphere and his voice was interrupted by the heavy brown door that slammed behind us entering. The whole room fell silent for a beat and people turned towards us, the source of the disruption. With an awkward smile as an apology the sermon continued as usual.
“As a community, and as a family. The loss of a young person is particularly tragic. A life unlived is the saddest of passings.” The reverend begins again as we find a seat towards the back. “So, please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children.”
An odd feeling of familiarity and sadness fills my veins, my fingers twitch with the countless memories I had of what now seemed like a lifetime ago even if it really couldn’t have been more than ten years. I bow my head in prayer and respect, the act coming naturally to me. But I can’t find it in myself to actually pray, to talk to a god again.
The last time I talked to a god was when my mom died, I thought if I prayed she’d come back or at the very least the hole in my chest wouldn’t be there anymore, that he could take my pain away when I hadn’t wanted to feel that way.
I kept praying. Every night for it to change.
I never got an answer, not a sign, not a peep of comfort.
I don’t remember when I stopped believing… but I do remember praying to a God that would not answer.
Outside the church, people stood around talking in small groups and hugging each other before moving on to another person or leaving all together.
A brunette girl in a green and white top speaks with her slightly taller friend, and with a lasting hug their conversation is over. According to the picture Murph had shown us of Rich and Lori posing together, the brunette just had to be her.
We walk up to her, mostly confident in the matching identity, “Are you Lori?” Sam asks in confirmation.
“Yeah.” She nods.
“My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean. And my friend, Y/N.” Dean waves a little awkwardly and I smile sweetly at the girl in front of us.
“We just transferred here to the university.” Sam explains, Lori nods “ I saw you inside.”
“We don’t wanna bother you. We just heard about what happened and…” Sam trails off eyebrows furrowed. “We wanted to say how sorry we were” Dean finishes his brother's sentence.
Sam clears his throat as if his words were hard to get out, “I kind of know what you’re going through. I-I saw someone..get hurt once. It’s something you don’t forget.” Lori nods sadly, her eyes turned down instead of the previous eye contact.
Suddenly the reverend came over to his daughter, a hand placed on her shoulder, “Dad, um, this is Sam, Dean, and Y/N. They’re new students.” The older man shakes each of our hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon.” Dean smiles, his dimple on display.
“Thank you very much. It’s so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord’s message.” He looks between the three of us.
“I was actually hoping to catch you after the sermon” I begin, my fingers ghost over Dean's hand, “We’re also new to town.” As if understanding my plan to give Sam time to talk to Lori in private Dean intertwined his fingers with mine, continuing my sentence and leading us and the reverend slightly away from his daughter, “And, uh, we were looking for a, um, a church group.”
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The boys follow after me as I search through the rows of bookshelves in this large library, “So you believe her?” Dean asks his brother.
“I do.” Sam answers plainly.
“Yeah, I think she’s hot, too.” Dean smiles. I turn my head towards him slowly, giving him a sharp look, “Would you like to say that again” I smile at him. “No ma’am” He puts his hands up in defense and defeat.
“Look, man, there’s something in her eyes. And listen to this: she heard scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car.” Sam continues, ignoring what just happened.
I turn towards the boys behind me swiftly, my skirt swishing against me at my movement, “You think we’re dealing with the Hook Man?”
“Yeah I mean that’s one of the most famous urban legends ever” Dean tries to rationalize.
“Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began.” Sam replies.
“Yeah, but what about the phantom scratches and the tire punctures and the invisible killer?” Dean asks.
“Well, maybe the Hook Man isn’t a man at all. What if it’s some kind of spirit?”
The nice librarian brings over the last of the heavy boxes we asked for, the number of which I lost count of, “Here you go. Arrest records going back to 1851”, she announces placing the box down. Dean blows some dust off the box immediately coughing. A laugh escapes my lips, “What did you think was going to happen?”
The librarian walks away, Sam catching her to say thanks while Dean and I “bickered.”
He rolls his eyes at me pushing over one of the boxes towards me. I stand up from my seat to see in the box better, I pull out one of the many manila folders sitting back down to start what I know is going to be hours of research.
“So, this is how you both spent four good years of your life, huh?” Dean asks, eyebrows raised as he leaned back in his chair, a folder in his hand.
“Mhm” I hum, getting too focused to give a proper response.
“Welcome to higher education” Sam sighs as if to get comfortable.
I finished the first folder quickly as there weren't many papers in it to begin with, plus it was about a kidnapping case. I’m glad the guy got caught but it wasn’t what I was looking for, I put the folder to the side before picking up another.
“I’m sure you’re wishing hunting didn’t have so much research to it” I inquired, slightly mumbling.
“Yeah no kidding” Dean huffs
Hours later and multiple boxes down, Sam suddenly speaks up, “Hey, check this out. 1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes.
Uh, right here, ‘some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh.’”
I leaned over to pick up a paper from the folder he was holding that he must have put to the side, “And apparently the preacher lost his hand in some sort of accident and had it replaced with, get this, a silver hook of all things.”
“Look where all this happened” Sam points.
“9 Mile Road” Dean reads.
“Same place where the frat boy was killed” Sam adds, the pieces connecting.
Dean smirks, “Nice job, Dr. Venkmen. Let’s check it out.”
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The pure darkness of the night cloaks us, despite the fact we weren’t wearing all black, the trees hide us and Baby as we exit the car heading towards the rear. Dean opens the trunk and hands both Sam and I a rifle, “Here you go”. I shift the gun in my hand, opening the magazine to make sure every slot is filled with a bullet.
“If it is a spirit, buckshot won’t do much good.” Sam points out, having opened his gun magazine too.
“Yeah, rock salt.” Dean smirks, showing him a bullet cartridge as an example. “Huh. Salt being a spirit deterrent.” Sam mumbles in astonishment.
“Yeah. It won’t kill ‘em. But it’ll slow ‘em down.” Dean adds as he picks up a coil of rope from the trunk.
“You know, your brother has been quite the creator since you’ve been away at college” I acknowledge, hoping it didn’t come off as a backhanded comment. Dean winks at me as he slams the trunk shut, a slight warmth spreading on my cheeks. “No kidding, first the homemade emf and now this, you and Dad think of this?” Sam asks as we walk towards the trees.
“I told you. You don’t have to be a college graduate to be a genius.” Dean's smile fades to a hardened look at the sounds of walking and rustling in the trees.
I come to a full stop, my boots skidding in the soft dirt below me, I raise my gun towards the sound and I realize to anyone else I must look a little silly wearing an outfit that includes a skirt and holding a heavy shotgun.
“Guys!” I whisper-shout at the sight of a figure approaching. Both boys appear on either side of me, Sam with the only other gun standing slightly in front.
“Put the gun down now! Now! Put your hands behind your head.” The figure yells raising his own gun as he approaches us, I curse mentally at the Sheriff. But before he can get too close I whisp the gun out of my hands, transporting it safely back to the trunk, if we were gonna get arrested at least the confiscating of one gun is better than two.
Dean and I are quick to follow the guys instructions as Sam slowly neals down to place the gun, his hands raised in defense. I would have loved to hide his gun too but the sheriff most definitely saw at least one gun, his gun.
“Now get down on your knees. Come on, do it! On your knees!” The Sheriff demands. Slowly I drop to my knees, the boys following, the cold dirt sinking into my exposed knees. Frick.
“Now get down on your bellies. Come on, do it!” He yells next. This is just annoying now I think to myself as I lie down. “He had the gun!” Dean throws his brother under the bus, lying down too.
“Shut it!” He yells, kicking the shot gun out of reach before rounding to the back of us. Figuring out by sound alone, he pockets his gun before patting us down thoroughly. Then he tells us to stand again and get in our car. He will follow behind us to the sheriff station and “there better be no funny business.”
Exiting a sheriff's office after being “arrested” is a weird experience, especially when all the cops of sorts are looking at you while whispering to each other.
“Saved your asses! Talked the sheriff down to a fine. Dude, I am Matlock.” Dean slaps his brother on the back.
“But how?” Sam asks, looking annoyed, and truthfully I'm not surprised Dean got us out of this.
“I told him you were a dumbass pledge and that we were hazing you.” Dean shrugs.
“What about the shotgun?” Sam points out.
“I said that you were hunting ghosts and the spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank. And while you were ‘hunting ghosts’ I told ‘em I was gonna try and get in her pants” He motions towards me, my face flushing red with a mix of embarrassment and anger.
“Hey!” I grumble.
“And he believed you?” Sam questioned in disbelief.
“Well, you look like a dumbass pledge and she looks like an easy girl to play no offense” Dean laughs.
“Hey! Offense taken!” I say this time with actual frustration. I slap his shoulder and I know he was expecting it, old habits die hard, but he lets me hit him. “What?! You look all innocent and you’re wearing a skirt which is perfect for banging in the woods!” He says all ‘matter of factly.’
“Dean!” I yell going to slap his shoulder again this time harder but before I can reach him he clasps my wrist. Naturally I try to go at him with my other hand but seemingly reading my mind he grabs my other wrist with the same hand. Now holding both my wrists in one large hand at his side he quirks his eyebrow, I should be a little mad at him but somehow he’s able to diffuse me in a matter of second and to be fair I can’t decide where to look either his veiny hand or his eyes that seem a shade darker than usual.
Suddenly several police run out of the building and jump into their police cars before speeding away. Dean drops his hold on my wrist, the three of us exchange a look.
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The car comes to a stop on the street behind the sorority house, getting out of the car we move closer to the white building. “Why would the Hook Man come here? This is a long way from 9 Mile Road” Sam brings up.
“Maybe it’s about something else.” I answer, pulling pairs of latex gloves from my pocket that I made sure to grab from my bag before leaving the car. I hand each of them a pair, Sam putting them on without question while Dean looks at me weirdly “Getting fingerprints on an active crime scene doesn't seem so smart especially when we were already found at the original crime scene” I explain, he makes of face that reads as ‘fair enough’ before he puts his own pair on.
Two sorority girls come out of a side entrance near us looking like they’ve been crying, we push up against the side of the building, the girls passing us.
“Dude, sorority girls! Think we’ll see a naked pillow fight?” Dean asks, a little too happy turning to see his brother climbing onto the balcony of the house. “Yeah cause these girls would have a pillow fight when someone just got murdered in their house” I answer in disbelief as I climb up after Sam, thank god for wearing shorts under skirts and upper body strength. As I reach the top I swing my legs over the railing straddling it before swinging my other leg around, my boots landing on the white concrete, Dean following quickly behind me.
Sam opens a window that leads into a walk-in closet, Lori’s closet, just a door away from the crime scene.
I crawl in after him, Deans right behind me except ever so not gracefully he knocks into one of the dressers.
“Be quiet” Sam snaps.
“You be quiet!” Dean bites back
“You be quiet!”
“Boys!” I whisper yell, their bickering immediately stopping though they glare at each other from the corner of their eyes.
I walk over the closet door, pulling it open slowly just enough to see a cop in the room writing down something on a notepad before leaving. I count to ten in my head before opening the door fully exposing the bloody mess of a crime scene from the walls to the bed the girl must have died in, considering the blood pool.
“‘Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?’” Sam reads off the wall, the words written in blood, “That’s right out of the legend.”
“Yeah, that’s classic Hook Man all right.” Dean acknowledges, he taps his nose in regard to the horribly strong metallic smell, “It’s definitely a spirit.”
“I don’t think i’ve ever smelt ozone this strong before” I add, scrunching my nose from the smell, Sam nodding in agreement.
Dean walks over to the window in the room, “Hey, come here. Does that look familiar to you?”
Outside again, gloves disposed of, we stare at a cross symbol with little t’s or x’s in each space, a symbol that dangled from the hook-hand the preacher from our research had worn. Also the same symbol Dean had found on the windowsill and written in blood on the wall.
“It’s the same symbol. Seems like it is the spirit of Jacob Karns.” Sam confirms.
“All right, let’s find the dude’s grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down” Dean announces, going through the usual steps.
Sam reads from the yellowed paper in his hands “After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an Old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave.”
“How fun and easy” I remark sarcastically.
“Ok. So we know it’s Jacob Karns. But we still don’t know where he’ll manifest next. Or why” Sam brings up.
“I’ll take a wild guess about why. I think your little friend Lori has something to do with this.” Dean comments, getting into the driver's side of Baby.
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The bass pounds loudly, the sound thumping in my chest as the bright neon lights illuminate the drunken atmosphere of college students. I weave through the crowd to get back to the main room where Sam said to meet, having barely enough time to shower, change and take a nap before night fell again and the frat party started.
Suddenly an unfamiliar hand grabs hold of my wrist pulling me back towards them. I looked up at the guy who pulled me back, a blonde spiky haired college student with a red solo cup in hand looked down at me “Where you going, pretty girl?” he asks me his breath reeking of booze. He pulls me closer, my chest nearly flushed with his, I pull my head back at an awkward angle to get away from him as I pull my wrist away. This guy really represented every reason why I rarely, if ever, went to parties as a college student, “Oh you know tryna get back to my boyfriend!” I yell over the music, finally snatching my wrist free at the lie.
“Oh.” His face falls quickly turning around to head to some other girl, I roll my eyes before continuing my way down the hall and the stairs to the foyer.
“There you are!” Sam yells over the music as I approach him, Dean not yet in sight. “Sorry! A college boy stopped me!” I replied.
“Sorry, You alright?” Sam asked with eyebrows scrunched, he apologized to me as if he was the one to do it, ever the sweetheart. I nod my head in response just as Dean approaches, “Man, you’ve been holding out on me. This college thing is awesome!” he says immediately, winking and smiling at a girl that passes by. If this didn’t show the double standard between genders then I don’t know what will.
“This wasn’t really my experience” Sam answers
“Same here!” I add, recalling every ill memory of any parties I did go to.
“Nerds” Dean scuffs.
“Yeah yeah anyways Sam what did you find?” I ask getting back on topic.
“Yeah. It was bugging me, right? So how is the Hook Man tied up with Lori? So I think I came up with something.” Sam answers, unraveling a folded piece of paper he produced from his pocket.
Dean takes the paper reading the important facts, “1932. Clergyman arrested for murder. 1967. Seminarian held in hippie rampage.”
“There’s a pattern here. In both cases, the suspect was a man of religion who openly preached against immorality. And then found himself wanted for killings he claimed were the work of an invisible force. Killings carried out—get this—with a sharp instrument.” Sam explains
“What’s the connection to Lori?” Dean asks, face full of confusion.
“Dean. A man of religion…who openly preaches against immorality…you know Reverend Sorensen.” I clarify, a sudden look of understanding passes over Deans features. “Yeah except maybe this time, instead of saving the whole town, he’s just trying to save his only daughter” Sam adds.
“You think he’s summoning the spirit?” Dean counter.
“Maybe. Or, you know how a poltergeist can haunt a person instead of a place?” Sam asks.
“Yeah, the spirit latches onto the reverend’s repressed emotions, feeds off them, yeah, okay.” Dean mumbles.
“Without the reverend ever even knowing it.”
“Either way, you should keep an eye on Lori tonight.” Dean suggest. Sam nods in agreement, “What about you guys?”
Dean gets distracted by an attractive blonde by the pool table. I roll my eyes “We’ll go find that grave, do some digging and burning.”
In the dark of the night Dean and I search the large cemetery, our only light being our flashlights. He looks a little grumpy, probably because he couldn’t hook up with the many eligible bachelorettes.
I ignore his brooding, searching each gravestone for some sort of hint of him being buried here.
“Over here!” Dean calls out from a few feet away, I walk over to him seeing the same cross symbol we’ve been seeing engraved on the headstone. “Nice” I smile, putting my bag down and taking the shovel he handed to me.
I don’t know how much time goes by but we are most likely only a foot deep. Digging up a grave is hard.
“You know I read somewhere that digging up a grave can take up to like six to eight hours to complete.” I huff as I kept digging trying to make conversation.
“What kind of books do you read?” Dean exclaims, giving me a weird look as he places his shovel down to strip down to his T-shirt. I try to ignore how his muscles flex as he lifts his many layers off of him to combat the sweat he was building.
I shrug at his question, answering, “All sorts of things.” The conversation ends there as we keep digging away, the only sounds from us being huffing and grunts.
I start to take my tops off too, going down to the black lace cami I wore as an extra layer. No wonder they use a machine to do this now.
Hours must have passed before one of our shovels hit wood. His coffin. Dean and I speak at the same time our voices overlapping,
“Thank God”
“Hello preacher” Dean breaks open the casket more, the remains of bones lying there.
We climb out of the grave, dirt and sweat sticking to our clothes (so much for showering before). Dean looks especially good, sweat causing his light gray shirt to stick to his skin causing his muscles to be on display, his cheeks flushed from all his hard work. This should really be the last thing on my mind especially as we pour salt and lighter fluid on the corpse.
“Goodbye, preacher.” Dean throws the lit match into the grave, the bones and wood igniting into flames.
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Dean and I walked down the hospital hall, Sam having called and told us to come to the hospital no other context other than he was okay and even that had to be pried out of him before he hung up.
I trail behind him as he tries to shove off two cops holding him back, “No, it’s alright, I’m with him. He’s my brother. Hey! Brother!” Although a little embarrassing he did get Sam and the sheriffs attention, “Let ‘em through” the sheriff announces with a careless hand wave.
The two cops haul off, “Thanks” Dean says, fixing his jacket as his brother approaches, “You ok?”
“Yeah.” Sam nods, walking back down the hall where we had come for some privacy.
“What the hell happened?” Dean asks through gritted teeth.
“Hook Man.” Sam answered plainly.
“You saw him?!” I exclaim.
“Damn right. Why didn’t you torch the bones?” Sam counters. “Hey!! We did!” I argue.
“You sure it’s the spirit of Jacob Karns?” Dean points out.
“It sure as hell looked like him. And that’s not all. I don’t think the spirit is latching on to the reverend.” Sam answered.
“Well, yeah, the guy wouldn’t send the Hook Man after himself.” Dean spoke.
“I think it’s latching onto Lori. Last night she found out her father is having an affair with a married woman.” Sam reports.
“So she’s obviously upset about it, the immorality around it, especially from someone who quite literally preaches about that sort of sin” I ramble on, “Wow that’s like the Scarlet Letter.”
“Yeah” Sam laughs at my reference, “And she told me she was raised to believe that if you do something wrong, you get punished.”
“Alright nerds, so she’s conflicted. And the spirit of Preacher Karns is latching on to repress the emotions and maybe he’s doing the punishing for her, huh?” Dean said.
“Right. Rich comes on too strong, Taylor tries to make her into a party girl, Dad has an affair.” Sam lists out.
“Remind me not to piss this girl off. But we burned those bones, buried them in salt, why didn’t that stop him?” Dean noted.
“You must have missed something.” Sam shrugged.
“Oh frick” I gasped at the sudden realization hitting me, “The hook. Except it wasn’t in the coffin.”
“Great, so if we find the hook…”
“We stop the Hook Man.” Dean finishes smiling.
Back in the same library as a couple days before we once again spent hours researching.
“Here’s something, I think. Log book, Iowa State Penitentiary”, Dean reads, “Karns, Jacob. Personal affects: disposition thereof.”
“Any mention of the hook?” I ask, looking up from my papers.
“Yeah, maybe” He begins reading again, “Upon execution, all earthly items shall be remanded to the prisoner’s house of worship, St. Barnabas Church.”
“Isn’t that where Lori’s father preaches?” Sam questioned. “Yeah” Dean confirmed, “Maybe that’s why the Hook Man has been haunting reverends and reverends’ daughters for the past 200 years.”
“But how do you miss a bloodstained silver-handled hook? Let alone in a church” I point out.
Dean shrugs, “Check the church records”
An hour or two later I came across the answer to my own question, I nearly knocked my chair over going to where the boys sat placing the clip of the newspaper down, “St. Barnabas donations, 1862, they received a silver-handled hook from the state penitentiary. It got reforged, melted it down into something else.”
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“Alright, we can’t take any chances. Anything silver goes in the fire.” Dean said as he slammed the trunk shut, swinging the duffle on his shoulder. “I agree. So, Lori’s still at the hospital. We’ll have to break in.” Sam announces.
“Alright, take your pick.”
“I’ll take the house.” Sam answers pointing in that direction.
“Ok. Then you're with me Y/N” Dean smirks, swinging his arm around my shoulder pushing me closer to his side as we walk off in the other direction. “Hey Sam!” He calls out without halting in his steps, “Stay out of her underwear drawer!”
“You are disgusting” I laugh, poking his side as I speak.
“When someone comes back in the morning they are going to think they’ve gone crazy. I mean like imagine walking into a space you know well and suddenly only very specific items are missing like silver.” I comment as I throw more silver candelabras in the fire Dean had started in the basement's old heater thing.
“At this very moment that’s what you're thinking of?” Dean asks, raising an eyebrow at me with a smile. “I mean yeah…” I shrug.
“I got everything that even looked silver” Sam announces, coming down the stairs. “Better safe than sorry” Dean says, moving off to the side so his brother can throw his load of silver in.
Suddenly the floorboards above us creak, clear footsteps. Sam produces a gun from the back of his jeans heading up the stairs first, Dean and I following.
Up the slightly winding stairs and down a short hallway Lori sits in a pew alone. She was the source of the steps.
Dean shoves his brother forward towards the lone girl as he pockets his gun and grabs my hand leading us back down stairs. As we reach the basement I twirl towards him, “You think they’re gonna kiss by the end of all this?”
“If they haven’t already” He scuffs.
A few minutes later the quiet noise of a couple things hitting the ground sang from above us, “I swear if they are screwing upstairs-“ Dean complains looking up annoyed. Another thing hit the floor much harder, “Yeah Dean I don’t think that’s what’s happening” I say, pulling my gun back out Dean already ahead of me rushing up the stairs two steps at a time.
We sweep around each hall with no one in sight, Dean motions for us to split up. I nod, holding my gun tighter in front of me. Suddenly a yell and a gun goes off in the opposite direction from where I walked, I run towards the noise halting at the sight of Lori and Sam covering their faces on the floor up against a wall as Dean stood with his gun raised.
“You guys okay?” I ask lowering my gun slightly.
“Yeah” Sam nods, even as he holds his seemingly injured shoulder.
“Was that the Hook Man?” I question further trying to get caught up.
“I thought we got all the silver.” Sam announces instead, which was an answer enough.
“So did I” Dean adds
“Then why is he still here?” Sam exclaims, getting up from the floor.
“Well, maybe we missed something!” Dean yells looking around.
“Lori, where did you get that chain?” Sam looks at the girl's neck, a cross hanging from the chain.
“My father gave it to me” She answers confused.
“And did your father happen to get it from a church?” I ask very specifically.
“Yeah it was a church heirloom, he gave it to me when I started school.” She explains.
“Is it silver?!” Sam nearly yells.
“Yes!” She yells, Sam ripping the chain from around her neck just as a loud scratching noise echoes through the halls. The Hook Man nowhere in sight but the scratch evidence alone that he’s there, right near Sammy.
“Sam!” Dean yells throwing his rifle at Sam, he catches it throwing the necklace to his brother in turn. Dean runs off with it as Sam shoots at the scratching spot.
He tries to reload his gun just as the Hook Man appears in all his ugly glory, long greasy hair falling from a big black hat accompanied with a dirty black trench coat, he knocks the gun out of his hand. I pull the trigger, the rock salt launching from the gun and into the spirit causing him to disappear. I cock the gun ready to shoot again when he appears, except when he does his arms are raised in the air towards the sky, his hook melting to the floor, the iron dripping as the rest of his body burns into nothing.
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“So you’re saying a man with a hook attacked you?” The cop asked me for the fourth time, scribbling something in his notepad. “Yes! Exactly, we fought him off as best as we could and then ran out here.” I explain, for once, truthfully to a cop. He looks like he’s about to say something when he looks back up just past my shoulder, I turn my head to see the sheriff who was talking with Dean make a hand gesture. I turned back to the cop in front of me, “Alrighty then, ma’am have a good one” he tilted his hat towards me walking away.
I walk over to Dean who’s leaning on the outside of Baby, his hands in his pockets, “You think they believe us?” he asked me. “No chance” I laugh, “They’ll probably chop it up to hysteria and crazy college students.”
He scuffs opening the back door for me, I get in smiling at him as he shuts the door and gets in on the driver side. He looks through the side mirror at his brother, sighing, “I wish things could be normal for him.”
“It won’t be for a while” I answer referring to the loss of Jessica. How could anyone move on from a loss like that?
Sam approaches the car getting in wordlessly, “We could stay.” Dean offers, Sam shakes his head no.
Dean sighs again, looking at me through the rear view mirror. I mouth ‘You tried’ to him with a sad smile.
He looks forward again with a slight frown on his face, putting the car in drive we head off.
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romana-after-dark · 1 year
The Wrong Way: Chapter 10 (Finale and true ending)
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Dark!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Tommy Miller x reader
Spotify playlist
Summery: You are sold to Joel to clear up some of your fathers' debts, and he takes you back to his house where him, Tommy, and high ranking members of his raiding trope stay. Joel is mean, cruel, and hash, but had small moments of softness that confuse you in your venerable state. Over time, you get to know him and Tommy, and see different sides of each, and both are hiding secrets. Was it possible to fall in love under these circumstances? Or was that just another way Joel was fucking with you?
Aka: my mom sold me to One Direction
WARNINGS FOR FULL FIC, NOT CHAPTER BY CHAPTER UNLESS SOMETHING NEW IS ADDED AFTER MASTER WARNING LIST: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!!!! Fic contains graphic depictions of sexual assault, rape, molestation, dubcon/non con. Blow Jobs, PIV sex, lose of virginity, sex trafficking, past incest, death/people dying everywhere, Stockholm syndrome, falling for your rapist, victim blaming, torcher, branding, physical abuse, rape (not Joel), somno, dub con on tommy? idk he's not really into it but feels like he has to, self-harm/depression/suicidal thoughts (not a lot) but fair warning, major age gaps, love triangle, pregnancy/birth, threats of abortion, major character death, mentions of potential csa/child abuse but does not even come close to happening, forced pregnancy, forced housewife shit, breeding, breeding kink?!?!
UUUUHHH ya'll i put the warnings there so uh you can't blame me for what I've done.
Before anything i gotta say the "id do anything for you, you amost killed me, that was for you" bit is curtesy of me and @the-fox-den messing around so credits to them XD
I cannot appreciate y'all readership more. I cried writing this on and off not only bc the content but that it's over. full emotions at the end!
Enjoy! (this is not enjoyable.)
“Hey honey.” Tommy’s voice was groggy and sweet in the late morning. “You up already?”
You shuffled your body back, closer to where Tommy lay, warm and inviting… you missed him. You missed him so much. “Yeah just thinking…”
Nestling his face into your face, Tommy holds you tighter, a protective hand over your belly. “What about?” When you didn’t answer, he knew what you were thinking of. “Ah… you miss him, don’t you?” There wasn’t judgment in his voice, just the soft understanding that Tommy always gave, a grace that showed he knew what Joel had done to your mind.
Nevertheless, you tear up, embarrassed at your own weakness for the man who had nearly killed you and your baby. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me… he had me so messed up and twisted… I didn’t know which way was up half the time… I felt like I was living in a haze…” You begin to cry, letting the frustrations out.
“Hey, hey now it’s alright. He’s good at that… he’s good at jumbl’n you up enough you can’t see straight… and he’s got that look… something in his eyes when his attention is focused on you… just makes you want to make him happy… I know what you mean… Did he hurt you a lot since I left?”
“No” You shake your head. “That was the strange part… It was… it was good… especially after he found out I was pregnant… It was… it was good, actually. I thought he changed… He didn’t… but I had a lot of freedom, I could do pretty much anything with Lorenzo watching me.” You chuckle a little bit, thinking of your friend. “At first I don’t think he was thrilled to be on babysitting duty, but when he realized he could drink and smoke all day I think he liked it a lot more.”
The smile in his voice was evident. “I’m glad you had a friend after I left, honey.” He brushed hair out of your face. “I saw… I saw Joel a few months back… he said you and Lorenzo had gotten close.”
“Yeah” But the tears came again.
“Hey, hey what’s wrong?”
“I never said good bye” You cry. “Lorenzo… everything happened so fast and I didn’t get to say goodbye and now I don’t know if he’s even gonna live.”
Tommy coaxed you to turn over and face him, his face beautiful in the rising orange sun kissing his skin and complimenting his dark hair. “Honey, listen, Maria is gonna make sure he’s taken care of. He’s gonna be okay and once he’s rested up, I’m sure he’ll come to Boston, or at least get word out if he’s got other plans.” Tommy didn’t actually know any such thing but he wanted to comfort you.
“He’s coming to Boston” You assure. “He promised me… and him and Zach are a couple, actually.”
His face was one of confusion, then realization. He chuckled. “Love really just… finds a way, huh?”
When you look into his eyes… you can’t help but agree. “Yeah, it does…” He face was so close to you, it’d been so long since he’d held you… even before he left, you two had grown distant, Joel successfully putting a edge between you two, and you hadn’t spend the time with him you used to, angry and upset with him for reasons that didn't make sense… but that was how badly Joel had messed up your sense of direction. And yet, none of that mattered when Tommy was in trouble. You’d put yourself between Joel’s gun and Tommy, and if you weren’t pregnant you’d do it again. Tommy was always there for you, as much as he could be… he was manipulated by Joel, just like you were, but still he tried… and here he was, sleeping on a cold hard floor with you because he uprooted his entire life with Maria… for you.
The kiss was sudden, you pressing your lips to his and for a sweet, lingering moment he kissed back, chest rising as he breathed through nose, savoring you before pulling back whispering your name. 
“I love you…” You confess, eyes closed and foreheads pressed together.
“Honey, you don’t… you don’t have to feel or do anything just because I’m here-”
“I love you.” More assertive this time. He thinks you feel like you have to, like there's pressure… but you never felt that with Tommy. Tommy wasn’t Joel. Tommy was kind and patient, Tommy was loving and gentle and good… Tommy was the one you loved.
Tommy reached out, caressing your hair. “I love you too, honey, I’m sorry I had to leave you” the words just began spilling out from him, tumbling out Tommy’s mouth like a desperate plea for absolution for sins he never willingly committed. “I’m sorry I never stopped him, I’m sorry I didn’t do more, I’m sorry I left you alone in all that-”
You cut him off with another kiss, needier and lonely, clamoring for a connection. “It’s okay, Tommy. It’s okay. I’m okay now, everything will be okay.” And it would be. You were with Tommy now, and Tommy would keep you safe. You hands wander, trailing down his back as you continued to kiss him, feeling him, getting to know the curves and dips and muscles of him for the first time. Your hands move to undo his pants, but he stops you.
“We don’t- honey you’ve had a traumatic week”
“Tommy, I want you…” You whine, and you did. You did, so fucking bad. You missed Joel, you missed Tommy, your head was swirling with guilt and fear and a deep, deep down ache of loneliness that you didn’t know how to fill other than skin on skin. It was all you really knew. Nearly everyone you had cared about, save for Zach, and Lorenzo showed their love with touch. Even June did, although it wasn’t sexual. Tommy always held you when you cried, sat up in his lap with arms wrapped around you as he did now. “I want you Tommy, please?” You whine. You couldn’t deny that the pregnancy hormones worsened things, making you incredibly needy. “I need you, Tommy”
Tommy sighed. He knows he shouldn’t. The week you’ve had, the year you've had, hell, the entire life you had groomed you into submitting your body to men for money, shelter, affection. This is what you knew. Then there was Maria, his girlfriend who he lived with, with whom he swore fidelity too, who had seen this poor, young traumatized her and willingly let him go because she trusted him… That was the other thing, you were still so young… Tommy had made the comment to Joel that if Sarah had lived, he she would be older than this girl in his arms was now… That should’ve made Joel disgusted… shouldn’t it disgust Tommy too? But Tommy was weak, he knew he was weak… and he loved her, didn’t he? This wasn’t a lust filled rape, this wasn’t him taking advantage of her youth and naivety, they were in love, and she needed him. 
“Yeah baby, I’ll take care of you.” Tommy allowed you to undo his pants while he quickly undid your flannel. In the daylight and as he pulled it and the dress over your shoulders, he could see the full extent of your injuries. Where your collar hid, there was a mixture of purple and green bruising around your neck and throat, accentuated by red from the rope burn, and yet the hardest to stomach was your chest. A large black bruise formed on your chest from the repeated punching. “Oh honey… you’re lucky he didn’t break a rib.”
“I don’t wanna talk about him.” You grumble, beginning to shimmy him out of his pants. “Just want you, Tommy. I want you the right way, like we never got the chance to, the way Joel took from us.”
“The right way” He kissed you, lips full of love, offering protection and solace in the distortion. He wastes no time  pulling your underwear down and slipping a hand to cup your sex, immediately giving you the pleasure he swore he could your first time together, but you had refused. He felt so good, firm and assured in his movements between your legs, but soft and caring, making you feel special in his touch.
You spit in your hand and begin to jerk his cock as you both laid there, your giant belly getting in the way. “Usually wetter, the last month things have been… different” A bit embarrassed, you mutter into his shoulder. You were turned on, very much so, but your lower body didn’t seem to get the message. Joel never seemed to care much. You got wet eventually, especially after cumming, but the in between usually hurt.
“That’s normal.” Tommy assured. “Pregnancy hormones. But I’ll make sure you’re real wet, baby, get on your back.” Doing as you were told, you roll over, Tommy slithering his way down you and pressing affectionate kisses over your swollen stomach. “So beautiful…”
He ate you like a man starved, like a past meal on death row, desperate and savoring every last taste. Joel always felt good, so, so, good, but there was an electricity here, all the built up tension between you two, like a rubber band finally snapping and he couldn’t get enough. Tommy worshiped at the shrine of you, adoration in the prayer on his lips, his arms wrapped around your legs as you grew closer so you couldn’t wiggle away, he needed every second, every inch, every taste, every sound reclaimed for him. It was a conquest, a crusade, a burning need as he licked into your folds, pleasure and fire and love building in your core, fingers opening up to prepare you to take him, fucking into you and god, you were moaning for him.
“Tommy! Tommy please make me cum, please, I’ll make you feel so good, I’ll do anything you want, just-”
“Lay there and take it, princess, that’s all you gotta do.” His head dived back between your legs and eagerly devoured, lips latching on your swollen mound, sucking noisily, soaking your as promised. Two fingers turned into three, and while his lips sucked his tongue flicked at your clit, causing your legs to shake. You entangle your fingers in his long, dark locks, having grown longer since you’ve seen him last and yank him towards you. You didn’t need to guide him, you didn’t need his tongue deeper inside you; he knew what he was doing. What you needed was something to grip onto as your world shattered around you. Tommy was always who you reached for. Everything you needed, Tommy did his best to provide, and when you were terrified, as Joel dragged you away to kill you, all you wanted was your Tommy. You screamed his name as you did now. Gushing cum on his face, you yank at his hair and fuck his face while you ride out your orgasm on his still moving mouth.
Vaguely, you register him kissing his way up your body, laying around you as he couldn’t lay on top, Tommy kissed you back to life, finding his soft eyes staring at you as you open your own… 
“You still want me?” He asks, a rough but caring hand stroking your face.
“More than anything.”
He was careful, he always was with you, treating you like a fragile porcelain doll, but you promised him you could take it and he sped up, fucking you, really fucking you the way you had wanted for months after you grew comfortable in that house. He knelt before you knees on the hard floor but showed no signs of pain as his hips snapped into you, your moans growing louder.
“Tommy!” You call out for him, ecstasy building inside you like the sweat on his forehead.
“Right here honey, I’m right here.” He rubbed your knee that he had braced himself on. “Neve gonna leave you again, I promise.”
“You- you promise?” Looking up at him from this angle… he looked god-like. Tan and strong, but handsome and kind… you wanted him forever, you wanted only him and for him to have only you. He filled you up over and over and over, your hips canting up to meet him.
“Promise, princess. I’ll never leave you, ever. You’re mine.”
“I’m yours” You whine for him, on the precipice of your climax, you just needed…
“And I’m yours. Now, I need you to come, and when you do, I want you to scream my name, okay? Can you do that for me, beautiful girl?” His hand was on your hip, large and rough and covering Joel’s initially branded on you.
You’re panting heavily, so, so close when he sets a brutal pace, spilling you over. 
Tommy thinks this is the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard. All the times you called for him when you needed him, when Joel was done, when you were hungry or needed to use the bathroom or just were lonely, none of it compared to this…
You scream for him, crying out loudly as he continues to thrust into you, talking you through it like he had the panic attack that had overtaken you when you gave him your virginity.
“Just like that, honey, good girl.” He coo’s, ever letting up on your sensitive cunt. “So pretty coming on my cock, love when you scream my name… there you go, pretty little thing…”
Tommy was right. He made you scream his name louder than Joel’s.
When he came inside you, claiming you as his in a primal, animalistic sense, the cold began to settle on the sheen of sweat between you, and Tommy pulled a blanket over you. A little rest before heading out.
“Did you mean what you said?” You ask.
He didn't need clarification. Tommy knew you well enough. “Yeah, I did. I’m gonna stay with you, honey.”
“What about Maria?”
A fair question, but Tommy sighed nonetheless. “I’ll send word I won't’ be come’n back… I think… I think she knew, she knew before I ever did.”
When the two of you set out on the road again, you wanted to walk for a while. All the riding the last day made you sore and you just walked to stretch your legs, aching joints and pregnant body needing movement. You and Tommy talked, really talked about the future, what it would look like in Boston, wherever it is exactly Lorenzo and Zach had for you… Someone Tess knew? A couple who had been a ‘doomsday prepper’ before… You wouldn’t live on their farm, but in a house nearby. Somewhere fairly safe for you and your baby, and Lorenzo, Zach and Tommy to protect it… Tommy confirmed what you had secretly hoped but could never ask. He’d be your baby's father, he’d raise them with you, loving it as his own.
“Well ain’t that sweet.” You freeze in place when you hear Joel’s voice, the older brother stepping into sight from a tree, gun pointed at you and Tommy. “Fucked my wife, stealing my daughter,” he looks at Tommy. “I can’t believe you’d sink this low, Tommy.”
The irony of who was sinking low was lost on Joel, Tommy was aware. There was no point fighting it. One hand held the reigns of the horse, his right was in the air as yours were. “Joel, c’mon, I know damn well you aren’t going to hurt either one of us so just let-” He was cut off by his own scream, falling against the horse and gripping his upper arm.
“TOMMY!” You scream for him, rushing to his side before Joel shouts to get away. You want to help Tommy… but you had a duty to your child, a duty you knew Tommy would understand. You cried, looking him over. He was still standing, clearly in pain, but blood shooting out of his arm. Nothing vital.
Joel only looked at you. “That’s right, scream his name, little one. Always his name, isn’t it?” Joel stepped forward, ignoring Tommy’s anguished plea’s for him to stay away from you; Joel’s sights were on you and you alone. Nothing else existed, not even his bleeding baby brother. “Sceam’n for him when you think I’m hurting you, when you think I’ve been cruel, when you want his company because I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH”
You barely registered your own tears, the trembling in your stance, knowing there was nothing you could do.
“That’s how I found you, heard you screaming my own fucking brothers name like a whore in that cabin while pregnant with my daughter!”
Shaking your head, you take a weak step back. “Joel, please, I was scared. I was so scared, you tried to kill me-”
“Is that what you think that was?” A cruel, mocking laugh escaped him in his mania before turning to Tommy. “Is that what she told you, Thomas? ‘Oh Tommy!’” His voice was light and girlish as he mimicked you. “‘Oh Tommy, Joel’s so mean to me!’ Well that ain’t the truth. She’s a cheating whore, and she needs to do better for Sarah, so I’m trying to teach her.” 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see the visible confusion on Tommy’s face turn into shock and horror. “Sarah? Jesus Joel! Is that what all this is? You’re trying to recreate Sarah? Or is it the picket fence two parent household you never got with her?” 
“Don’t talk about her!” Joel screamed at the younger man, his attention turning to Tommy, and you watched for your chance.
“SARAH IS DEAD! SHE’S DEAD AND SHE’S NOT COMING BACK!” His next words… Tommy didn’t mean, not one single bit, he witnessed himself how much Joel tried to save his child, the little girl who was the entire world to him… But he needed Joel’s attention on him, he needed to be the focus of Joel’s anger. “SARAH IS DEAD AND IT’S YOUR FAULT!”
You take a step back.
“SHUT UP!” Another scream from Joel.
But Tommy already moved, Joel’s teary eyes and blinding anger slowing his perception and Tommy moved the barrel of the gun away from him and you before Joel took the shot.
And you did. You didn’t know where to, but you ran for your life, for your babies. Hearing a gun go off again, you stop briefly wondering if you just heard either the man you loved or the father of your child die… but there was no time to mourn or think, you needed to go. 8 months pregnant, you do everything you can to keep running, but you are stopped by a blinding pain in your stomach, causing you to scream before you can even stop yourself.
When it fades, you open your eyes to see an infected.
There was no time for pain.
Contractions going again, you prayed for another round of braxton-hicks and not actual labor, you prayed Tommy was alive, you prayed the infected behind you couldn’t move fast due to one thing or another… but you couldn’t stop to look. The adrenalynn did most of the work, as did sheer willpower. You didn’t think you could power through running so fast and so long if it was just you, but the mother instinct to protect this baby went above everything. Like a blessing, you see the cabin you had stayed at and took off towards it, infected at your heels, horrific noises that you shall surely hear the rest of your life should you survive this letting you know there was no time to even wince at a particularly sharp contraction. They were not spaced… and if Lorenzo was right, and if this wasn’t braxton-hicks…. You were going to give birth in this cabin.
The slam of the door behind you did not save you, as soon you found yourself sitting in an empty room with a chair propped against the door as the infected tried to get in, your switchblade gripped in your hands, as the baby tried to come out.
You can’t help but scream in pain; the infected already knew where you were, it was only a matter of time until it came in and you had to be face to face with it for the first time. You’d seen them from afar of course, but you had never been close; someone always protected you, Zach, Lorenzo, Tommy, Joel… you’re whole life you had depended on men to save you from other men and a litany of evils in this world and none of them had been able to stop this. No one stepped in between you and your dad, no one stepped in between you and Joel, and no one would step between you and this abomination… 
But you’d try your damndest to step between your baby and whatever might harm them, and if that meant facing this infected, you’d do it.
When it burst in, you don’t bother hiding our scream; they looked horrific and the sounds were just as bad, but god, the smell was nauseating to your pregnant senses. None of that compared to the genuine fear as you fought for your life and for this baby. The creature was right in your face as you stabbed him, the jackknife now successfully ending two threats to you; the infected and Nick.
The moment you have to breath is gone when you hear the cry of your baby on the floor. You had given birth to a baby girl, just as Joel wanted, alone, with a bite on your leg.
You were infected, and this baby would grow up without a mom and with a psychopath rapist and murder for a dad. Tommy was surely dead, and even if Joel found you in the cabin she’d grow up with Joel. You didn’t believe he’d sexually abuse her, but physically? She’d be lucky if she made it to 10, not the mention the other men around her…
There was no time to cry or to smile, you couldn’t rejoice in the birth of this little girl or cry at the circumstances, you thought back to what Maura instructed you, Joel, and Lorenzo to do in the event you gave birth without her. Using that knife, you cut the cord and tie it.
Had you given birth before the bite? Was she infect? Had all your efforts to protect this innocent been useless? You once again kick yourself for not leaving with Zach any of the times he offered…She’d suffer because of you, if she lived at all. 
As your daughter screams, you scream too, loud and anguished and nameless. You didn’t cry for Tommy, for Zach, for Joel, for Lorenzo or June or anyone that had ever shown they wanted to help… no, you just screamed, because there was no other option.
Tommy had seen you run and tried to follow you, tried to call to you, but you either couldn’t hear him or could defier his voice from Joel who was currently crippled with a shot leg… Tommy couldn’t bring himself to kill Joel… he couldn’t. No matter how much of a big game he talked, Joel was still his big brother, and despite the telling signs of aging and the obvious way Joel was no longer Joel behind those eyes… They were still he eyes, and as Joel looked up at Tommy pointing the gun down on him, Tommy couldn’t fire. He couldn’t fire at the man who had saved his life countless times, the father of his niece, the father of the baby he had swore to raise as his own, and despite the way Joel had clearly lost his mind, lost all sense of reality… Tommy couldn’t kill his brother because yes, that was still his brother.
When he found you, it didn’t take long to figure out what happened, with the baby in your arms and the infected on the ground… your bite was clear and prominent.
“Oh honey… no…” Tommy dropped the gun on the floor and likewise dropped to his knees as he walked to you and the child. A little girl… 
“Tommy, please, please take her. If you don’t want her, take her to Zach and Lorenzo, just please take her-”
“I’ll take her, I’ll raise her, I swear.” Maria and him had talked about kids before… would she want this? Tommy couldn’t stop looking you over, he couldn’t process that you had been bit… this wasn’t a rattlesnake bite, there wasn’t a way to get the venom out… it was over. “I’m sorry.” He cried, tears flowing over before he registered they were coming. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, I’m sorry-”
“Tommy” You stop him, tears matching his. “Tommy, it's okay. Just protect her, okay? That’s what matters now, her.” Everything hurt, and you could swear there was something already changing in you, but maybe it was in your head.
Heavy boots clomping on the floor. “Get away from her.” Joel spoke, his voice low and dark, despite being unarmed. You notice his limp and the blood… Tommy hadn’t shot Joel to kill… and had greatly underestimated what Joel would do to get to you, including walking on a shot leg.
Tommy didn’t even turn around, still holding you and his, yes his baby, because there was no way in hell Joel was walking out with her. “She’s infected, Joel.”
Joel didn’t reply, and you looked up at him over Tommy’s shoulder, confirming it. You nudge Tommy to move, revealing his daughter. You speak before Tommy does. “I cut the cord before I was bit.” Your eyes dart to Tommy. “Before.” You lied, and you knew it was dangerous… but you needed your daughter to have a fighting chance.
Joel shook his head. “No, no we’ll get you help, theres gotta be-”
Grabbing his gun, Tommy turned around. “THERE’S NO HELP, JOEL!” He shouts. “This is your fault! This is all your fault and you can’t fix it!” His steps were long and quick, pinning an unarmed Joel to the wall gun to his head. Tommy was shaking, but you didn’t need to aim to shoot point blank. “I’ll fucking kill you for what you did to them.”
For once, you believed it. 
And it seems Joel did too. “That’s my daughter, Tommy. Yuh ain’t take’n her.” But Joel’s voice was weak, small… 
“Yes he is, Joel.” You speak from the floor. “He’s taking her, and one of you needs to kill me.”
Both of Miller brother turn to you at that, anguish and pain in Tommy’s eyes. “I… I can’t do that… I can’t… Honey, no…” You knew how badly he was hurting right now… but you didn’t want Joel dead, and someone needed to do it. You didn’t know how long you had.
“I know, Tommy. I know.” You smile sympathetically at your lover, and beckon him towards you. Tommy gives Joel a warning look, but takes the pistol off his brother and comes to you. “I know. I know you can’t and that’s okay. You take he, that’s what you need to do for me, okay?” Looking down at the crying baby in your arms you give her a kiss and whisper that you love her before pushing her into Tommy’s welcoming arms. “I know you feel guilty…” Reaching up to touch his face one last time, you smile as he leans into your touch. “Sweet, sweet boy… you have nothing to be ashamed of, you’ve always done right by me. But if you feel you need absolution, this is your chance.”
Tommy looked at the little girl in his arms… she was so small, so fragile… but he would protect her, he would do right by her the way he couldn’t do to you. She was his baptism, his new life, a fresh start. He was a father now. “I will” He looked at you again.
“Her name is Ellie” Fimly, you spoke it into truth. “It’s not Dorthy, it’s not Dolly, its Ellie.” Looking up at Joel, the hurt clear on his face at the erasure of what he wanted to give her, you offer a small mercy, the middle name he agreed on, named after the singer he liked so much, and your friend back home. “Ellie June.”
Tommy nodded. “Ellie June, it’s beautiful.” He touched his forehead to you softly and you slipped your hand to touch Ellie’s little toes. This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none, and this little piggy cried wee, wee, wee… “I’ll never forget you, and I’ll make sure she knows about you, okay? She’s gonna know who you are.”
“Zach… please, get word to Zach somehow, tell him he’s an uncle.”
“I will, I swear.”
“And Lorenzo, Lorenzo said he’d be the godfather. Please thank him for everything he’s done for me.” You sob thinking about your best friend.
“I will, I’ll tell him.”
“And Zach, please tell him I love him so much, and thank him for being my big brother.”
“They both love you, hermosa, I know they do.” He stroked your hair with his free hand.
“Tommy, one more thing?”
“June, please, can you find her? Tell her I loved her, she’s Ellie godmother in spirit.”
“Abslutly, is there anyone else? I’ll do it.”
You shake your head, tears flying as you do. “No, those three… they are all I know- wait, Maura and Jack, Jack risked everything to help me escape, and Maura with my pregnancy” You chuckle a bit. “Who knew dying had so many many loose ends to tie up” You hadn’t realized… you had grown a small community. It had taken a village to keep you and your baby alive.
He smiled. “I’ll tell them all, honey, I promise, especially Zach.” Tommy had an older brother too, and a;thought his had turn into a monster, he understood the love of a protective brother, and would not be who he is without Joel in their childhood and youth.
You whisper a thank you, before sealing his promises with a tearful kiss. When Tommy pulled away, you knew it was time…
“Goodbye Ellie, mommy loves you.”
Then, it was just you and Joel. 
“I never wanted this, little one.” He spoke, voice filled with sincerity and pain. “I know you think I hate you, that I want you to hurt-”
“I don’t think that Joel.” You deny his accusation, but you are honest. For once, you can be honest. “I think you’re a broken man who doesn’t know how to love, but I don’t think you hate me, and I don’t know you never wanted any of this.”
“I loved you! Everything I did was for you!”
“You almost killed me-”
“THAT WAS FOR YOU!” He screamed at you, but it wasn’t rage or fury, it was wretched and broken and him. A heart broken father who had lost his daughter, and is now about to lose his wife, and if Tommy can help it, his brother and baby.
Closing your eyes, you move on. “You can’t have her, Joel.”
He steps closer, boots loud against the creaking floor. “Tommy ain’t taking my daughter, I ain’t losing her.”
A dry laugh. “I’m not sure you ever loved Ellie-”
“Her names not Ellie, it’s Dolly-”
“You loved Sarah, and Ellie was a replacement. What if we had a boy, Joel? C’mon. Let her be, let them go.” Couldn’t he give you this? A deathbed wish to save your baby… 
“No.” But you could tell he was wavering. “That’s my daughter.”
“What’s your plan then? You don’t have day care. The only raiders you could have trusted with her are Tommy and Lorenzo and they are gone. You can’t do it alone… You’ve seen those men gang rape women, you think they won’t rape Ellie?”
“Stop calling her that.”
“You think they won’t beat her, touch her? Even if they don’t, is she suppossed to grow up around violence and rape? You gotta think this through, Joel! There’s no day care, no PTO, you’re two top men just left you, you can’t keep her safe! You can’t protect her, she’s gonna die like-”
There's a long, shocked silence between the two of you, the gravity of what he’s agreed to give up… You weren’t sure if you believed in god, and if you did, whose god it was… you weren’t sure you believed in an afterlife, or anything of the sort. But if you did… you could be convinced that Sarah’s spirit touched Joel, breaking through his obsession, his mental illness, the delusions he had… to keep her little sister safe. 
“I’ll… she can go with Tommy.” Heartbroken, Joel acquiesced, then knelt in front of your exhausted body. “I know you don’ think I loved you, but… just know I cared, okay? I just-”
“I believe you.” You took in his scent once more. “For what it’s worth, I think maybe we loved each other in our own sick way… It was always gonna end like this… ” You push the jackknife into his hands.
“Where did you get this?” Joel referenced the knife with wooden encasing. 
“Nick’s skeleton.”
Joel couldn’t help but smile “Brave girl” He kissed you, and you allowed it, wanting to taste him just one more time. 
Knife in grip, you taking rough hand and bring it to your throat, tucked under your chin just beneath where your wet faces pressed together, foreheads and noses and lips melding into one as he could consume your soul, bring you into him forever.
“I love you, little one. Always have.”
“And I loved you, Joel.”
“What’s that song you like?”
“Red River Valley”
“Yeah, that’s the one. How did that last line start?”
You smile, eyes closed, and start singing it. “Come and sit by my side if you love me…”
Joel joined in the pair of you singing together. “Do not hasten to bid me adieu, but remember the the red river valley” You’re voice choked up so bad on the last word, you couldn’t finish it.
You think back to the night Ellie was conceived, the night Tommy left, they way Joel fucked you, words uttering into life the possession he had over you. It was foolish to think you could be free of him in this life. That pain? The pain is mine. Your cries are mine, your cunt is mine. And if you bleed?
Joel sang the last line for you, voice as soft as a whisper.. “And the cowboy who loved you so true.”
His lips pressed a final kiss and you felt the sharp pain and oozing liquid leaving you, your gasps and cries of pain stifled by his mouth. Eventually, the warmth of the blood enveloped you into darkness, and the agony of this life you were subjected to since childhood ended.
If you bleed? Your blood is mine.
Joel inhaled your last breath into his, sucking in the evidence of your life with his lips attached to yours until his head grew dizzy from lack of oxygen. Your blood was cooling on his body.
Joel limped out of the room, covered in her blood, only to find Tommy rocking a baby in one arm and a gun aimed at Joel with the other, tears streaming down his face.
“You killed her.” Tommy stated the obvious.
Not even bothering to raise his hands, Joel replied. “The infected killed her, Tom-”
“No.” The low tone of voice warned of something serious, and Joel pondered if Tommy was capable of actually killing him. “You did this. All of this. This last year you beat and tortured and raped her and made her think this was love. Calling her your wife, Joel?” Tommy shook his head in disgust. “I didn’t think you were capable of this, even after everything.”
Joel glowered his eyes at Tommy, not happy to have this talk again. “I didn’t see you ever stop’n me, Tommy.”
“No.” Tommy’s answer was candid. “That’s my cross to bare. And she-” he needed down to the sleeping baby in his arms. “She’s my vindication, and I’m gonna do right by her.”
Joel held out his hands, causing Tommy to step back. “Give me my daughter, Tommy.”
Worry crossed his face. “You promised-”
“I just wanna say goodbye” It was rare Joel spoke like this… so quiet, so soft… But Tommy didn’t trust him. “No, you-you’ll hurt her.”
The way Joel looked in Tommy’s eyes was earnest… so much hurt and sadness Tommy felt like he was actually looking at his brother again… “I’d never hurt my daughter.”
Tommy believed him. “Gun to your head the whole time. You try to take her away, I shoot you.”
He was right, the gun was pressed to his head as Joel said his goodbye. “I love you. No matter what anyone tells you, I love you, and I loved your mom. She’s up in heaven watching out for you, she’s there with your big sister, your grandparents, everyone. They love you, just like I do, just like Tommy does. I’m gonna protect you still, okay? Jackson is under my protection, nothing bad’s gonna happen to you or your family.” Joel will protect his daughter with his life, and that means protecting those who care for her. Tommy, Maria, all of Jackson. As long as she's taken care of they are safe. “I love you, baby girl.”
Hesitantly, Joel handed Ellie back to Tommy, her new daddy, and he felt like he was letting go of a peace of himself. Nother brother bothered hiding the tears.
“I never want to see your face again, Joel. Do not come near me or my child ever again.”
Joel wanted to argue, to say it was his daughter, and he could take her whenever he wanted… But she was right. Ellie was better off with Tommy. Tommy could provide a stable home, with a mom and a dad, a community to make friends, school, church, and most importantly, safety. Tommy was younger, he could keep up with a child, fight off what he needed to… Tommy was a good uncle to Sarah… he’d be a good dad to her.
“Tommy, wait” But Tommy kept walking. “Wait!”
“SHHH!” Tommy whipped around, whispering harshly. “You’ll wake her!” 
As if Joel didn’t raise a whole child himself. “Just… here.” Joel cleaned of the knife and handed it to a nervous Tommy. “For her.”
Tommy glared at the gift. “You want me to give her the knife you killed her mother with?”
“She killed the infected with it, and that’s what I killed Nick with… I used it to ortect her, and she used to to protect… Ellie.” Joel said her name outloud now. “You don’t have to tell her about me just… I want her to have something, please?”
Tommy stared at Joel for several moments. He hated Joel… but he’d always live him. Joel raised him most of his life, and they raised Sarah together. Joel was his brother, always, and the reason his now-daughter existed. “I’ll tell her about Sarah. I’ll… She’ll know she has a sister.” A fresh tear escaped, Tommy wiped it with the sleeve of the arm holding the knife as he sniffled at the mention of his precious niece he loved so much. “I dunno how I’m gonna explain the rest, but she’ll know she had a sister.” A deep breath. “And she’ll have her knife, so no matter what… you both with be protecting her, okay?”
Joel nodded.
“But you can’t go after the others. Zach, Lorenzo, Jack, Maura, got it? They are gonna suffer enough. With this news, just… leave them be.”
Joel agreed, then explained his horse is out front, a quick ride back to Jackson. Joel would walk back on his wounded leg. “Thank you, Tommy. I love you. I’m always gonna love you, even if you hate me.”
Turning on a heel, Tommy walked away, carrying little Ellie, taking off his scarf to wrap around her in the cool weather. It wasn’t anything too cold, the sun was out and shining at least, and no wind. Tommy was dead set and determined to walk away, to never speak to his brother again… but he stopped. He didn’t look back, but he spoke, quiet but just loud enough for Joel to hear. “I love you too, hermano.”
With that, Joel watched the only two things left in this life that he loved, walk away.
Joel at the end, what Tommy see’s as Joel exits the room after murdering little one
Art my @melodymakesart
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Continue the story 16 years latter with Ghost of You, Ellie’s journey in finding out the truth
Wow. WOW. I cannot thank you guys all enough for how much support i've gotten on this series. Biggest thank you's to the-fox-den, dinsbaby, foggymoonbanana, primos world, Fen, my dear maura, miraclesabound, not a unique snowflake blog and koshkaj for always leaving such nice comments! (everyones comments are appriacted and loved i just see these guys do it every single chapter without fail.)
also thanks to everyone who reached out about the bomb threat. we are all doing much better now.
I love you al so much and cannot ever express how much the reaction to this series has touched me.
That's right, the baby is Ellie.
I do want to say, that in this series, since reader isn't Anna, this means Ellie can look like anything, no matter the race. It just matters she's ellie and she's immune. Little one isn't a great reader, she's largely oc but i wanted to keep things as inclusive as i could instead of an OC
and i did say major character death ;-; good bye little one. You deserved better.
THOUGHTS?!?!?! shout out to spadesjade on ao3 who correctly guess that little one dies and tommy and maria raise the baby!
Remember, there's still the alt ending! This one will be a bittersweet, happier ish ending.
As always, if you hate both endings, my fics are open for you to write your own version of the end or use this universe in anyway. And if you'd like, i'll add it to the masterlist for additional reading!!!
In the mean time, come read Dirty Little Secret, my dark!joel one shot
Remember, reblogs spread the work, comments motivate!!!!
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @howaboutcastiel @tidlewav3 @bunnnyy-dummy @slutfortimotheechalamet @foggymoonbanana@dinsbaby @miraclesabound @jenna-ortega @primosworld@marclovers @threeheadedlamb @secretwriterpp @the-fox-den
@bitchyglitterfox @0bsessedwithfictionalcharacters @alloftheboysivelovedbefore @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @lunar-ghoulie @pedritosdarling @dreamonseems @alwaysdjarin @amoramorquetepintas @milla-frenchy
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cupcakeinat0r · 8 months
A couple of yall asked for the booty routine so here u go, shawty <3
Ik this looks like a lot, but trust, bae, it’s important. I felt like if ima talk abt my routine, might as well talk a lil bit abt food too since both work as a team.
[First, let me say that I am by no means a professional. This is something I've learned and acquired through self-research, as well as having two siblings, one who is a bodybuilder and the other who is a personal trainer. Also, the gym is a safe n fun space for everyone:) Work out because you want to, not bc you think you need to look a certain way <3]
Here's my Split: I added my upper body days as well in case yall wanted to kno <3
Monday: Glutes + quads
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Glutes + Hamstrings
Thursday: Chest + Tricep
Friday: Full Body
Saturday + Sunday: Active rest!!! (Could be running, walking, bicycling, etc., whatever is fun to do! My personal fav is the stair master for an hr or Running for 3 miles, but you do whatever you can. Listen to your body.)
In addition, I do cardio after each sesh on the weekdays. For me, that's running for like 2 miles or so, depends how I'm feeling, but you do whatever cardio you'd like! A good start could simply be inclined walking!
Also, pls pls pls remember rest days are VITALLL. If u want to grow that booty (which is something the couple of you specifically mentioned), those rest days are important bc this is the period when those muscles are actually repairing themselves from the workout, resulting in growth!!! A huge misconception is that “the muscles grow during the workout”… no. Ur actually tearin up those puppies, so that’s what rest days r for! Both rest + protein contribute to ur muscle repair + growth (I’ll talk abt protein intake later). Naturally, I like to rest Sat n Sun, but it could be any 2-3 days of the week. Sometimes, I be usin that Fri full-body sesh as a rest day too so liiiike... if u need to, please do (especially during periods uuuuugh).
As for specific Workouts, I'll list em here. These r for the booty ;)
Hip thrusts, booty + hamstrings
Romanian dead lift, booty + hammies
Goblet Squat, quad destroyer
Hip abductions, booty burner, omfg
Leg press, depends on footing. Higher on platform works hammies n booty, lower works quads.
Weighted Squats, the whole damn leg.
Body weight squats OR lunges (good for warm-ups)
Leg curl, hammies
Leg extension, quads
Bulgarian split squat, booty n whole leg
I do 4 sets of 12 <3
Nutrition plays a huuuge part as well, but I'll only talk very lil abt it since ion know yall's specific needs<3
Generally, if u want growth, just take ur current weight and put that in grams, for example = 170 lbs. -> 170 g of protein each day. Now, taking in the amount of protein u need can be hard at first, so just for the beginning, just try to at least get close to it then work ur way up. Foods high in protein that I like are Greek Yogurt, Chicken, Lean Ground Beef, Salmon, and snackies such as protein bars (avocado is like the holy grail for a phat booty just sayin. It's not protein, but it's the healthiest source of fat there is!). As for other groups (fat n carbs) don’t be so strict, bae… just use your portions. No need to restrict urself from ANY food bc no food is “bad”. I can talk allllll day abt this one but ima just shut up for now lmao.
PHEW, honestly, don't mention the gym around me cuz I will not shut up. Ima gym rat at heart so like I could literally keep writing abt this but bc literally, like, 3 ppl asked for this, Ima just wrap up here <3
Hope this was a lil bit of help @gltzpzy @mybvalentine @icenbroo <33333333
P.s. would it be cringe if I said I sometimes use Miguel as motivation??? Like he’s watchin me or som??? Bye, I hate that I do that, I’m like actually mentally unwell bc of that stupid mass of pixels Sony created ☠️
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Hello! Can you please do 60 with Narcissa and Lucius and Reader? With something along the lines of that reader is with Narcissa even though Lucius told her to stay in her room. So when she sneaks back into her room Lucius is there and "rapes" her for not listening. And after all of that happens and Lucius leaves her room to do idc Narcissa comes in and comforts her. Something along the lines of that if you can please?
Heyyyy anon! I’d love to write this; thanks for requesting it! I went in a darker direction with this one… I also included a song that I thought fit the vibe. I was thinking for it to perhaps have multiple parts…? (PSA: themes of sex trade, sex slavery, & sexual assault)
Nightmare Life ~Dark!Lucius xNarcissa Malfoy xFem Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#60. “You broke the rules…”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!!, sex slavery, sexual assault, smut (not with Narcissa), angst, kissing, comfort fluff, etc…
Enjoy (:
Lucius had bought you from your job as a personal pleasurer. You didn’t really have a choice in the matter, as he had given your manager no true choice with the amount of money he had offered them for you.
You lived in the Malfoy mansion, in a secluded wing by where the house elves stayed. You hated it. You had come to work at your old job because you were a student with debts and you needed a job, and being a stripper worked well with your schedule. But you never wanted to be someone’s personal sex slave.
Especially not Lucius Malfoy’s…
But this was your reality now. You came whenever your master called and did what he told you. The only good thing about this was Master Malfoy’s wife, Mrs. Malfoy (although she insisted you call her Narcissa, which Master Malfoy hated.)
At nights, you were supposed to stay in your room. But you had been having horrendous nightmares of the weeks past. So you found yourself in the kitchen, sneaking around in your shaky manner and trying to make sone tea.
“Darling?” You heard a voice behind you gently speak.
You turned around, breath fleeting at the idea of having been caught…
“Are you alright?” Narcissa asked, having found you standing near the stove simply shaking.
Your lips trembled and a tear threatened to escape your eye, and you shook your head lightly, “Nightmares, again…” you whispered.
“Oh my Darling, come here…” Narcissa comforted you, bringing you into her warm embrace.
“Why don’t you come up to my room for a bit?” She offered.
Your breath hitched.
If you were caught, you didn’t even want to think about the consequences…
“It’s alright, Lucius won’t know, Darling… Please, let me take care of you…” she whispered into your ear.
“Alright…” you hesitantly whispered back.
Narcissa had spent hours with you, comforting you and listening to your vivid, horrific nightmares. You felt a lot better by the time the sun was starting to come up. But alas, you had to get back to your room before Master Malfoy noticed you were gone. So, you said your good byes to Narcissa and crept through the manor and back down to your room.
But as you got to your door, you found it was cracked open. Your mind started racing, you hadn’t left the door open when you left… You entered your room and your breath hitched at the sight of your Master standing firm in the center of the small bedroom, looking livid. You gulped and closed the door, looking down on the floor.
“I’m sorry, Master…” you whimpered, your whole body shaking again.
“You whore.” Lucius sneered, “You broke the rules… You went to go see my wife!!”
“I’m truly sorry, Master… please…” you whispered, a tear escaping your face.
“Shut up and strip.” She jeered.
“Yes master…” you choked out, not being able to avoid the inevitable and following his orders.
Lucius then grabbed you by your hair, elciciting a cry of pain from you, as he shoved you against the wall with your ass sticking out.
“Seems like the whore needs to be taught a lesson…” he sneered, as he parted your legs forcefully, while pushing the side of your face into the hard cement wall.
“Please master please I’m sorry…!” You cried out.
“Shut up bitch!” Lucius yelled, before undoing his belt and trousers.
Without warning, he rammed his cock into your tight hole. You cried out in pain, as he began to pound into you with no mercy. He didn’t stop until he had cum inside you, and then he pulled out of you swiftly, leaving you to collapse onto the floor. And as quick as he’d came, he’d gone. You laid on the floor silently sobbing. You couldn’t take much more of this…
You didn’t know how much time had past. How many hours you had spent cradling yourself on the cold, hard floor. But at one point, you heard a faint knock. When you didn’t answer, the door creaked open a smidge.
“Darling, it’s me…” Narcissa gently spoke, “Are you alright? May I come in?”
You croaked put a hoarse “yes…”, your throat tired from all your cries.
Narcissa came into the room and her heart dropped at the sight of you. She hated what her husband was doing. She thought it was morally wrong to own another human being. But who was going to stand up to such a man…
Narcissa rushed over to you and took you into her embrace. This triggered even more sobs from your lips. She swayed you back and forth in her arms whispering how sorry she was on repeat. After some time, you lifted your head and met the woman’s gaze.
Something overtook the both of you as your breaths hitched and your eyes locked. Slowly, the space in between your lips closed, until you were lightly tasting the blondes red lips. A slight moan escaped Narcissa’s throat, before she pulled away. You whimpered lightly at the loss of contact.
But you were too tired to even think about going even further. You hadn’t even properly processed what you’d just done. You simply snuggled back into her lap, drifting off into a nightmare-less sleep.
Anyone interest in a Part 2…?
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
100 Follower Event
Hi, MY name is Caspian Re (Re pronounced Rey) You can call me either of my first names or alternate! I also go by Cas for short. I also like weird, silly, or comfort character related nicknames and I sometimes go by Armie online
I primarily post about Twisted Wonderland, Star Wars, Marvel, and 2000s kids shows like Octonauts
Age: 18
Birthday: 10/13 
Gender: it fluctuates between trans masc and trans Male, so I typically just shorten it to trans (pls only masc terms) 
Pronouns: He/Him, Ey/Em/Eir/Eirs/Emself on most days I have no preference but if it’s a day I do I’ll let you know
Sexuality: ✨I’m Gay✨(For now)
Zodiac: Libra Star, Pieces Moon, Aquarius Rising 
Personality type: ENFJ
If you send me an ask or msg pls feel free to mention your pronouns 
Hotlines to call Incase of emergency
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Master List:
I have a dating sim rp blog that is kinda popular :P
Pls check out my OCs, as well as my AUs, and my fics located in my writing post :)
commissions: Closed
requests: open!
EVENTS: KYLUX WRITING AND ART EVENT (Ongoing), May 4th Event, Twst OC Colab Event , 100 follower event
(I’ll do short writings, picrews, and possibly art if I’m in the mood. I’ll totally do my doodle style of you or a character.)
Fandoms, Writing, Moots and Tags, OCs, Comfort Characters, Just a list of Monsters I associate with myself, Moot Trail Mix Recipe, ART, Gender Envy >:(
Side blogs: @hux-and-gay (mostly Kylux, 18+), @ramblingsofamadblob (OC and world building posts to complex for my main)
rp accounts: @robinbanks-accidentally (TWST), @spring-chicken (OC), @brooklynscamp (Newsies), @hollowsdill-manor (Vampire/Werewolf dating sim), @angry-space-ginger (Hux), @rouge-space-dad (Han), @thisiswerethefunbegins (Star Wars OCs)
@thenewhestia (my mc to rp with @kal0psiapanesthesia)
Likes: Star Wars, Marvel, Twisted Wonderland, the Life Series SMP, RPs, Random Generators (its an addiction), 2000s Kids shows, Doll customization, folklore, cats, singing, art, musicals, being in musicals, and weird sea creatures especially sharks :)
Dislikes: Sweets, Rey (if you are a Star Wars fan and you like her respectfully pls do not talk to me about her you will get your feeling hurt), Religious Topics (pls do not talk to me about Christianity or Catholicism it makes me uncomfortable), gruesome animal facts they are triggering please keep them to yourself, Mean people that disrespect me or my friends, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Ablests, Sexists, etc. 
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Fun Facts: 
I am Left Handed 
I am Hungarian and I love talking about my culture or my grandfather’s story if you want to ask
Romantically I am single but I do have a platonic partner, hi XEN 🫶🫶🫶🫶
I’m a Hufflepuff my Petronas is a field mouse and my wand is Willow wood with a Phoenix core
My favorite color is green 
My favorite food is Pineapple Teriyaki Burgers or Chinese food  
I am going to be a film major in the fall
I have two cats named Lilo and Stitch (both girls), and I also have multiple fish. My snail passed away :(
I was in my schools broadcasting class
I’ve performed in Willy Wonka, Newsies,  Little Mermaid, Bye Bye Birdie, Christmas Carol, and Shrek, and played the roles of James (James and the giant peach cameo), Arista (Ariel’s sister), Young Fiona, and the bird that sings in that one song in Shrek . I’ve also had solos in Try Everything, American Tears, Fields of Gold, an Mo Town Medley 
I Did competitive gymnastics for 13 years starting when I was 3, before I retired I was in XL level gold. 
I played Violin in elementary school and during Covid in freshman year I played chimes cause that was the choir alternative 
I watch lots of weird 1990s to early 2000s sci-fi shows typically from Australia, there’s suprisingly a lot of them 
I play Minecraft but I am bad at it lol
I play DND 
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Where else to find me?
YouTube: @antosaurusrex3752
Star Wars Force Alignment Quiz:
My Change.Org petitions:
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olsenmyolsen · 5 months
Playing Pretend
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master list
dark master list
No Powers AU (Female Reader X Sylvie Laufeydottir)
Summary: When a blonde needs your help, you end up with something more.
Word Count: 1.7K
Content: Gross Loki but fluff otherwise :)
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It had been a rough couple of months for you.
You paid too much for a small apartment in the city while working at a barista job that paid too little.
Your aunt, who practically raised you, was now sick states away, and your younger sister, who swore she would never settle down, had apparently found the person of her dreams.
You wouldn't say you were depressed, but with winter turning into spring, you couldn't call it seasonal anymore.
So, with the first Saturday in a minute to hit a reasonable temperature outside, you decide to take a walk around your local park. It had a small lake with benches and swings. Plus, there was a coffee shop that was actually better than yours nearby.
"Bye, Frances!" You whispered as you petted your American Shorthaired cat, who wasn't even your fan, before leaving.
Your dirty Vans hit the sidewalk as you adjust your baseball cap and put in your AirPods. Just because you were out and about didn't mean you wanted to talk to strangers. You just need fresh air and to feel the sun's warmth on your face.
About three-quarters of the way through your favorite artist's new album, your left airpod died. You could've sworn you charged them, but then you thought harder about it and couldn't remember the last time you charged the case...
You parked yourself at a bench and set down your hazelnut oat milk latte to pull out the dead airpod case and stuffed both AirPods into it.
More people passed by the longer you let yourself rest against the wood of the bench. It was nice, and you found yourself smiling. Especially when you watched a labrador retriever with one eye steal a breakfast sandwich away from its owner. "Lucky!" The black-haired owner yelled before shaking their head and getting up—dog in tow.
You decided to give yourself a few more minutes before getting up to finish your walk. But before you could even think about moving once the time was up, a woman joined you on the bench. She was out of this world, stunning, out of breath, and spoke in an English accent faster than your brain could comprehend.
You blinked at her. "...what?" The woman whose blonde curly hair cascaded around her face scooted closer. "Love, play pretend, please." She didn't wait for you to nod or anything before her hand with green-painted nails slipped its fingers in between yours.
You practically froze as her hand warmed yours. Her touch was like a shock of life as you couldn't help but feel yourself. You turned your head to her, but she was too busy looking towards a tall man with slick back black hair. "Here he comes." She whispered as she turned back to you.
Jumping at how close you were.
"Sorry." You said to her, but she shook her head. "No worries, dear." She then shined her pearly whites at you.
Pink rose over your cheeks.
You hadn't had someone smile like this in... "Sylvie!?" You looked over. So that was her name? The man whom she pointed out earlier came closer to the bench.
Shocked to see her. Or was he?
The blonde, who you correctly assumed to be Sylvie, let the man borrow her attention as she turned her head away from your soft eyes. "Loki?" She said in a fake cheery tone as she squinted at the man as if he wasn't standing too close to comfort. "That is you!" She said while laughing, bumping her shoulder against you.
The man, Loki, noticed.
His smile dwindled. "Yes..." He awkwardly moved as he stood by your bench. "I thought I saw you but wasn't sure."
Yeah, I thought I saw you, so I followed you??? You thought.
"It's me." Sylvie once again shined her teeth, but you noticed how it wasn't genuine, like when she smiled at you. "I'm here meeting with my girlfriend." The blonde spoke up, and thankfully, Loki didn't see how your eyes widened.
Sylvie squeezed your hand. You took that as a signal to save her from doing all the talking. "Hi!" Your voice came out more harsh than gentle, surprising you and Sylvie.
But the blonde loved it. "I'm Sylvie's girlfriend, Y/N."
Loki finally paid you any attention. "Right..." The man said as he extended his rough hand to you, gripping it with force. Not happy with how his morning was turning out. "I didn't realize she was seeing anyone?" Loki said as he let go of your left hand. His eyes trained on you.
You gave him a smug smile. "Things just happen." You then turned towards Sylvie and gave a sweeping smile to her. "Don't they, darling?"
Sylvie bit her tongue before she clicked her teeth and gave a similar smug smile to Loki. "They do." Loki let out a frustrated breath that he covered up with a false grin. "Well then, how long has this been going on?" He wagged a finger between you and the beautiful blonde next to you. You should've let Sylvie answer, but you were honestly starting to already get tired of this man.
"Two months." You said, making Loki's eyes light up. "Oh really!?" Sylvie's hand squeezed yours, but you didn't look her way. You just nodded to Loki. "Yeah, why?"
The man pulled his eyes from you to Sylvie. "What about our dinner a month ago?" Sylvie cleared her throat. "That was just a dinner, Loki."
He seemed unconvinced. "And the kiss?"
One look at Sylvie, and you could tell she regretted ever giving this man the time of day—especially the taste of her lips.
Sylvie turned to you. She was lost and wasn't sure which direction to steer this conversation. Luckily for her, you grew up in a household where everyone lied playing cards, so you could do this.
It's called Poker Face for a reason.
"Sylvie didn't want to hurt your feelings, Loki." The man in the suit and tie looked at you and shook his head. "You expect me to believe that?" Oh, this man had one hell of an ego. "I do because it's true. Sylvie told me all about the dinner. She couldn't get out of it. She would've felt bad. This kiss was to lessen the blow when she ghosted you." You wet your lips. "I'm sorry."
The words sprung from you without stopping, and Loki's grin flattened with each passing line.
Sylvie finally tore her eyes from your side profile and looked up to Loki. "I'm sorry, but I could only say no so many times without you listening." That made you remove your hand from Sylvie and throw your arm around her.
She bit her bottom lip at your hold.
"So you two really are together?" Loki sounded sad as he still wasn't sure.
You nodded for the two of you. "Do you need more proof?" Loki didn't say anything as you rolled your head to Sylvie. She was already looking at you. Her eyes were indulging and calm as they stared at you. "Kiss me, Y/N." She asked of you.
Your eyes closed as your lips softly collided with hers. You tasted like your latte, and she tasted like honey.
The simple kiss between the two of you convinced Loki enough as he walked away when he saw Sylvie's hand reach up to cup your face.  However, you melted even more and pushed your body into hers as your arm wrapped around her.
You two only stopped when the air became non-existent.
Your lips would be bruised tomorrow, but that didn't matter right now as Sylvie looked at you with a shocked smile before realizing Loki was gone. You didn't bother looking.
"I- I didn't mean for it to go that far," Sylvie said with a nervous smile. "I'm glad it did." You weren't going to be shy. "I enjoyed it. As long as you did?" Sylvie nodded before laughing, covering her face with her hands. "I did, and I promise you I don't do this regularly."
You laughed. "I would hope so, or my day is ruined." Sylvie nodded to your joke as her eyes found yours again. "Thank you for that, by the way. I saw him and panicked." You understood. "Well, it looks like it worked, so I don't think you need to worry about him anymore." Sylvie nodded. "Except now he thinks I'm in a committed relationship."
You hummed and found yourself looking at the art on Sylvia's shirt before you lifted your eyes from the blueberries on it. "I love the shirt."
"I love your cap." She said even if she didn't care about American sports.
You smiled. "So what should we do about the relationship?" Sylvie closed her mouth and thought. "You're from her, right?" She asked, confusing you slightly. You nodded. "I live here. Yeah. A couple of blocks that way." You pointed behind you.
Sylvie looked. "I suppose...." She turned to you. "We could get to know each other. If that's alright with you?"
A flutter happened.
"I think it's more than alright, Sylvie." You whispered as you found yourself closer to the blonde. She didn't mind. "Perfect, Y/N," Sylvie replied as she gave you one more kiss as a thank you.
"Now... are you busy today?" Sylvie asked as her lips left yours. "Not at all." Sylvie smiled. "I was thinking about hitting this bookstore nearby. Would you like to join me?"
"Of course." You spoke honestly and with more excitement than in months. "Great," Sylvie said as she rose from the bench and stuck her hand out to help you up.
The two of you walked beside each other and brushed shoulders as you crossed the street. The loud city being a friendly reminder in the background. You could see how uncomfortable Sylvie was. "I brought my AirPods if you wanna listen to anything?"
Sylvie quickly nodded as she hated how loud the city could be. "Here." You gave her the charged airpod as you stuck the dead one in your ear. "Is this okay?" You said as you clicked play on the album you were listening to prior. "Oh my god, I love this!" Sylvie shouted at you.
And just like that, maybe things weren't so rough for you anymore.
Especially when you and Sylvie didn't lie about being girlfriends anymore.
It was the truth.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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tgrailwar-zero · 2 months
Check out the Pad?
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It really only seemed to come to life when MUSASHI came in contact with it. You could turn it on, but it seemed like she was the 'passkey'. So, she picked it up and booted it up.
It seemed like you had new messages, and a list of all of your fellow fighters.
New Messages: ✴{JAGUAR} - 1 New Message! (Hey, newbie!…) † {FATHER} - 1 New Message! (Hello…)
Recent Messages:
❀ {JERAN} - Fighter: WINTER PRINCE JERAN ✩ {3STAR} - Fighter: TRI-STAR ☠︎︎ {MNSLYR} - Fighter: MAN-SLAYER ✘ {BLADE} - Fighter: WANDERING BLADE ☕︎ {CHAJIN} - Fighter: CHAJIN ♛ {JISHNU} - Fighter: JISHNU ✴ {EAGLE} - Fighter: CUAUHTLI 🗡{STRONG} - Fighter: STRONG MASK ➶ {KARASU} - Fighter: CROW PRIEST ༄ {MOBYDK} - Fighter: MOBY DICK ⟡ {ADAMAS} - Fighter: ADAMANT 𓆟 {WTRREV} - Fighter: WATERSIDE REVENANT 𖦹 {TWISTR} - Fighter: FLESH-TWISTER ☀︎ {CITT} - Fighter: SUN SOLDIER
MUSASHI opened up the two new messages, reading the one from 'JAGUAR' first.
-{JAGUAR}: -- [ Hey, newbie! So, you've got yourself a fancy new Flame Pad, made especially for fighters in the Flaming Bout! Maybe talk strategy, or just about fighting, or about whatever else comes to mind. I dunno. We're supposed to be monitoring these, but isn't that kind of creepy? I do scroll through the logs once everything's over. MAN there's some juicy stuff in those. I totally won't do it this time though, so just message people as you usually would. Best of luck! I've got high hopes for you! DON'T DISAPPOINT! You got picked because you're powerful, so I don't wanna see any slackers! This is serious stuff, and I wanna see that 24/7! Got that?! No playing around! PS: Anywaaaaays! There's a cute little cafe that's super nice? Wanna go? ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) I'll totally send you an invite after matches! Bye bye~! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) ]
MUSASHI closed the message, before opening the next one.
-- -{FATHER} -- [ Hello. This is Father Kotomine, one of the War Monitors. I will have the privilege of being the Overseer and referee for this event. How exciting. I will explain match rules when they begin, however there are three simple rules for your conduct when not engaged in fighting. 1. Remember your curfew, and do not leave arena premises after dark. 2. Be on time for your matches. Excessive lateness will count as a loss for the tardy individual. 3. Do not attempt to kill each other between matches. For number three, I would add the addendum 'at least where people can see'. Hahaha. That was a joke. If you are caught breaking those rules and reported to myself or Miss 'Jaguar Man' with proper proof, you will be punished for your infractions. Feel free to message me with any questions or concerns. Thank you. Best of luck in this Flaming Bout. ]
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MUSASHI closed the Flame Pad, and returned it to the shared Inventory.
MUSASHI: "Hm. I'd assume 'Chajin' would be the tea master, Rikyu. Assassin would be 'Man-Slayer', Pretender is 'Jeran', Duryodhana is 'Jishnu'… Orion is 'Tri-Star'? The rest… I don't have a clue. I guess they're Solar Cell natives? That'd be my best bet."
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MUSASHI: "Oh, and Moby Dick seems self-explanatory, I guess."
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MUSASHI: "Anyways, this is my personal device, so if you're going to message people on it… be clear that it's you- my 'Manager'- speaking. So that if you say something weird and dumb, nobody thinks it's actually me being weird and dumb."
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Lending A Hand ~ E.M
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@haileighboi asked:
Here is another fluff one shot🤭
Ok so the reader is Dustin’s older sister. (Who is a cheerleader but is not popular she is more to her self always hangs in the library with her best friend Liz, who has been her only friend for years) When Dustin was going through her room look for quarters for the arcade (like mike did in season 2) he find her diary and reads it because he sees his DMs name in it a find out his sister has been in love with him so Lil dusty buns plays match maker. It works!!! Eddie feels the same they go on a date everyone is happy until it hits Dustin. Eddie is now dating his sister so now Dustin is in over protective little brother mode when Eddie comes around to see his sister. When ever you guys sit together he squeezes himself in, when holding hand he breaks it. Reader and Eddie find it hilarious especially when Dustin tries to intimidate Eddie by deepening his voice and has the little brother talk. 🤣
Sorry it is so long but I thought it was a cute idea.
Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @e0509
My Master List is in This Area
" Do you know the meaning of chewing?" you stared in disgust as Dustin scarfed down his breakfast like he hasn't eaten in days. Your nose twitched as he grin full mouth of food.
" Thank you for breakfast, mom! But Liz is already waiting for me as it is" you scrambled out of your chair bringing your half eaten breakfast to the sink. Your mom put her hand on her hips, waving the spatula at you. " At least grab some to go, hunny. I don't need my little cheerleader to starve" you shook your head, kissing her cheek.
" Let's go butthead!" you shouted towards Dustin who groaned with food in his mouth as he slide on his backpack. " Bye mom!" he shouted as he raced out the door with you. The both of you shoved each other through the doors as Liz stared in amusement watching you both.
" We're going to be late, move it Dusty bun" he groaned as he slipped out the doors first and ran towards Liz's car leaving you to mutter underneath your breath fixing your pony tail as you waved to your best friend.
" Took you long enough, Henderson" she playfully rolled her eyes. " Oh be quite you, start driving or we'll be late."
" Oh that's right, Miss I'm A Cheerleader, I need good grades but I'll stay in the library to be a nerd and shut myself from everyone else forgot I had such a dork for a sister" you reached to the back to flick your brother in the nose.
" I'm not one that plays a fantasy game and has a girlfriend that's miles away and sing-" you were cut off by Dustin tugging on your pony tail.
" That's rude! You little-" you started to say when Liz screamed causing you and Dustin to look at her while she drives.
" Henderson's I will kick you out of my car. I swear" she warned. You huffed in your seat mocking Dustin in the back who mocked you back.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You walked through the desks to get to your seat in English plopping down near the window over looking the outside. The chair next to you scraped against the ground and you knew who sat in that seat. It was your crush, Eddie Munson. He was your little brothers Dungeon Master too.
" Hey Henderson, you look a little spaced out. Everything going okay in there?" he asked tapping on the back of your head. You turned your head meeting his gaze. He had a small smile on his lips as he slouched in his chair with his legs out, spread.
" Yeah, I'm good. Let me guess you forgot to bring your notebook and a pen?" he pursed his lips as he put a finger on his chin and tapped it like he was thinking. You giggled at his expression. The sound brought his heart racing as he offered his hand to you.
" Would you, m'lady be so kind to give the young bard a piece of paper and a pen of your liking?" he asked.
" The lady would" you ripped out a piece of paper from your notebook skipping over the paper that had his name on it with little hearts around the eye before giving it to him. You offered your pen to him too and he took it with a brush of his fingers against yours. The touch caused your breath to hitch.
" Something wrong?" Eddie asked, catching it. You shook your head burying your face into your notebook as you flipped it to a clean page. He chuckled as the teacher walked in but Eddie couldn't help it but watched as you took notes. The way you were so focused in writing everything down.
He couldn't help but feel his heart race every time you'd look at him at the corner of your eye.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He looked at me today like I've given him a whole world into the palm of his hand. His smile made my heart flutter, the way his hand brushed over mine. I felt it. The spark that was there. Maybe I am overthinking it. Eddie Munson doesn't like me like that. I mean, look at me. Look at Chrissy Cunningham. She looks more like his type.
" Hunny! Time for dinner!" your mom shouted. You closed out your diary and stuffed in behind your pillow. Inside your pillow case where you were sure no one would find it.
" Coming!" you shouted as you looked at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair. You hadn't notice Dustin standing outside your door pretending to fix his own hair like he was imitating you.
" What are you doing?" you asked with your eyebrow raised.
" I'm you" he says, " I'm pretty." His hand brushed down his shirt like he was smoothing it out. You groan, " You're so annoying."
" Look who I'm related to" you squinted your eyes, " you better run or I'll make-"
" Kids, dinner!" your mom shouted.
" Coming!" the both of you yelled back. Dustin ran down the stairs before you could say anything else and you followed him, plopping in the seat across from Dustin.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were studying with Liz in the kitchen for one of the tests that were coming up. She had made flash cards while you were making something to eat, she wanted a sandwich. Meanwhile Dustin was frantically searching around in his room for coins. He wanted to go arcade with the others.
A light bulb went over his head remembering you had a piggy bank in your room full of coins and some cash. He listened over in the halls of your voice and Liz, hearing you ask if Liz wanted some cheese on her sandwich. He rolled his eyes, you and your famous turkey sandwiches. They were good. One of his favorites but you gushed about to everyone.
He slowly opened your room fearing the door would crack and when it didn't, he sighed in relief and walked inside. His eyes roamed until they spotted the purple piggybank on your dresser next to a music box that had some of your jewelry in it.
" Yes, I knew you where here" he mumbled to himself grabbing it with his hands as he shook it. Our slipped more coins that he ever imagined. Why did you need all of them? Where you saving up for something? He shrugged and grabbed some stuffing them into his pocket.
In the corner of your bed, in the slip behind you pillow laid the small notebook that catches his attention. He looks back into the hall to hear you return to studying with Liz.
" Nerd" he mumbled to himself before plopping down on your bed. He jumped on it a little as his hand reached for the small notebook that was hidden behind your pillow. It had your name on it, the words " do not open" and diary all together on the front.
Dustin was skimming through it until his eyes landed on a name. Not just any name. His dungeon masters name. His eyes grew wide at what he was reading. You liked Eddie Munson? His mouth dropped open as he closed the notebook with a small thud.
He stuffed into where he found it before racing over back to his room grabbing the radio.
" Mike, Lucas. Come in, Will. Do you copy? I need all heads in"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You yawned as you pull up picking up on your way to pick up Dustin from Hellfire tonight. Steve had some sort of excuse saying he had a date of some sort. Your fingers tapped on the steering wheel as you waited for them to come out. The door opened minutes later, you snorted watching your brother jump over the steps with Mike being goof balls.
You pressed in the middle of your steering wheel scaring them with a honk of your car. They screamed, clutching each other as if something was about to get them. You threw your head back in laughter as you stepped out of the car.
" Get in goofballs" you said through your laughter. Eddie had emerged last as the rest started to leave but you waited to wish him a good night. Dustin nudged your side, " Quit gawking at him."
" At who?" you asked. Dustin didn't utter a word as Eddie walked closer. " You're still here?" He took notice Mike in the car already with a bored expression on his face.
" I'm guessing your taking those two sheeps home?" He asked, bouncing back and forth on his feet. Dustin takes notice on how Eddie kept nervously looking away.
" what gave it away?" you sarcastically say, with a playfully eye roll. He chuckled, shaking his head. " Sarcasm is pretty on you just like you" he flirts.
Your cheeks flush red, " oh my god, will you two just admit to each other that you like each other and go on a date?" Dustin mutters out throwing his hands up. " I mean look at you two, your both nervous to even look at each other and your always smiling wider whenever the both of you are around each other. Look at you, Eddie. Your eyes a partially shining."
Eddie shoots Dustin a glare, " Shut it Henderson."
" I think it's cute" you mutter catching Eddie's attention. He turned his head back with his eyebrow arched up hidden behind his bangs. " You do?"
"Yes, you're very pretty Eddie" his cheeks flushed red as he took a piece of his hair and chewed on it acting shy.
" How about a date, Munson? Tomorrow?" he released his hair from his mouth as he agreed. " I'll pick you up at 7"
" Sounds like a plan"
A honk of the car startled the three of you as Mike waved, " Can we go home now?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You twirled around in the mirror pressing your hands down on the skirt you were wearing.
" Aren't you glad I opened my mouth and now you have a date with Eddie" Dustin says as he plops down on your bed with a comic book in his hands.
" How did you even know I had a crush on him?" A beat of sweat appears on Dustin's forehead. Your eyes were in slit thinking he was going to make up some lie to you about this.
" I just knew" he says with a shrug, " you've made it obvious."
" Oh... well thanks" you shrugged.
" You're welcome. You know I do want to see you happy even if you're the most annoying in the world" you smiled down at him as you sat down on the edge of your bed.
" Thank you, that's the most nicest thing you have ever said to me" Dustin playfully shoved his shoulder into you as you shared a laugh with him.
" If he does anything stupid, I will hunt him down" Dustin tries to sound threateningly but fails as it brings laughter to you. The doorbell rang, " I'll get it!" you both shouted as the two of you raced downstairs.
" It's for me, Dusty bun" you shouted.
" It's my friend" he shouted.
Your hand lands on the doorknob, " Ha!" Dustin huffs as you opened the door revealing Eddie holding flowers in his hand as he eyes the two of you.
" Were you two just fighting over who opens the door?"
" I won" you happily said while Dustin stuck his tongue out at you. " Are those for me?" you gasped seeing your favorite flowers in his hands. His cheeks tinted red as he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he offered them to you.
" This is so sweet, let me go put them in a vase. I'll be right back" you sent a small smile Eddie's way making your way into the kitchen where your mom was.
" Who are those from?" She asks, " they are so pretty."
" They are from Eddie" you shyly tell her. She smiles widely seeing your reaction. " Does my little cheerleader like Eddie?" you nodded.
" I'm happy for you, hunny. Is he at the door?" you nodded again. She set her things down as she made her way to the door to say hello to Eddie.
Eddie took notice of your mom making her way over to him. He has been over the house a couple of time to drop Dustin off, to drop things for Dustin, stay for dinner and hang out with Dustin.
" It's good to see you, Eddie" your mom greet him.
" Good to see you too Mrs. Henderson" he smiles at her.
"Take care of my little girl, you hear me?"
" okay, mom we're going" you grabbed onto Eddie's wrist dragging him out the door.
" Have fun you two!" your mom shouted, " Not too much fun!" Dustin shouted as your mom closed the door. Eddie opens the door for you, " m'lady" and bows.
You giggle, " thank you kind sir."
You slide into the passenger seat as he closes the door making his way to the other side where he gets in, shooting you a grin. " Ready, sweetheart?" he nickname throws you off balance making your heart flutter.
" R-ready" Eddie starts the van, putting his hand on your thigh as he drive off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Since the date, everything was going so well. You've became officially Eddie's girlfriend. But Dustin now came to terms that you were dating Eddie now. He huffs when Eddie comes over and sits besides you on the couch.
" Excuse me" Dustin making his way over in between you and Eddie, " Scoot over" he looks down at Eddie. " This is my usual spot" he points to the couch.
You look at your little brother with amusement watching him put himself in between you and Eddie. You look over to Eddie to see he had the same look on his face.
" Could you pass me those chips?" He asks Eddie, " can't seem to reach" Eddie reaches over to toss the bag of chips into Dustin's lap and puts his arms around the couch but Dustin leans back and feels Eddie's arm.
" Man, not right now. I don't need a cuddle" you snort watching the two as your boyfriend glances down at Dustin with amusement written on his face. He shoots you a look saying are you seeing what I am seeing.
You gotten up to grab yourself something to drink and Eddie follows you wanting to have a moment with you. But, to your disappointment Dustin walks into the kitchen to squeeze in between you and Eddie.
" Sorry just need this cup right there" he grabs the dirty cup off the counter top and puts it in the sink. Eddie grabs a hold of your hands about to bring your hands up to his lips to kiss them when Dustin grabs a hold of your hand and Eddie's.
" It it cold in here? I need some warmth" he holds your hand in his while the other in Eddies. This is the funniest thing you have had seen your brother do. He was having his own fun getting in between you and Eddie.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's been like that for a whole week where Dustin didn't want Eddie to touch you or be near you. You decided it was time to confront your little brother and ask him what's been going on.
" Hey" you knocked on his door. " It's me, can we talk?" you asked through the door. The door opened to reveal Dustin.
" Is something wrong? Did you get hurt? Did Eddie do something? I swear I'll kill him" Dustin muttered.
" No, no nothing like that" he nodded opening the door wider as you stepped in looking around his room. You have been in his room maybe four times. He didn't like it very much when you were in his room.
" Is everything okay? I mean you've been acting more weirder than usual" you mumbled plopping on his bed. Dustin sighed as he sat down next to you.
" Why won't you let me be near Eddie? Are you afraid he will hurt me?" He shook his head with a small pout.
" No, not that" Dustin looked away feeling upset over the real reason why he kept doing what he was doing. " Please tell me, I'm worried" you moved closer to him and wrap your arms around him.
He looked up at you with glossy eyes, " Hey, what's the matter?' you shifted to face him. " What's got you like this?"
" It's just, I feel like Eddie will take you away from me. You're my big sister and I love giving you shit"
" Language" you warned, poking his nose. He scrunched it.
" I'm also your brother, I just feel very protected over you. You know? If he hurts you, I want to be the first one to land a punch on him. If he says something to hurt you, I want to be the one that bites his head off. You know?"
You nodded, " Listen to me. Eddie isn't taking me away from you, I'm always going to be your big sister. We're always going to have the bond that we have. I know you'll always be there to take care of me whenever I need you. The same thing I would do to you, and if Eddie will hurt me. You'll be the first to know, I promise you."
" I love you" he says throwing his arms around.
" I love you too, dork" he chuckled as he hugged you tighter. There were rare moments like this with your brother but this felt different. Because he never was like this.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was silence at the dinner table as Eddie looked between you and Dustin and then at your mom. She was aware the moment you had between Dustin and how Dustin felt about you being with Eddie.
Eddie was a little scared of the silence then he was startled as Dustin cleared his throat. He stood up from his chair as he turned to Eddie.
" I have some words I need to say" he runs a hand through his curls and puts his cap back on his head. " To you" he points to Eddie. You pause your fork grabbing onto the chicken focusing your attention on your brother.
" Dustin, what are you doing?" he puts a finger up to shush you.
" That's rude" you mumble. Your mom reached over the table and tapped your hand. " It's okay, hunny. He means well" you huffed in your seat crossing your arms over your chair.
" You listen good, Munson. This is my sister" he points to you. Eddie nods, but continues to listen. " If you even think about hurting her in any way possible. I will hunt you down, I will come into your trailer and I will take your guitar and I will throw it into Lover Lake. Do you hear me?" your eyes widen as Eddie eyes did too, but he nodded.
" I don't plan on hurting her, no. way' Eddie says as he looks over to you reaching for your hand. Your hand slide into his, lacing his fingers with yours.
" If you do anything to upset her, I will take Steve's bat and make your van look extra pretty" As Dustin continued to act protective over you, he pointed a finger at Eddie's face.
" Just please don't hurt her" Dustin begs him. " She's been through a lot as it is" you look down at your plate when Dustin says that. Eddie gives your hand a squeeze.
" Also, please don't make be barf whenever this happens" he motions to your hands. " Almost forgot" he walks around the table to unlace your fingers from Eddie. His one hand in yours and the other is in Eddies.
" I got cold" you chuckled, shaking your head.
" yeah got cold, got it" Eddie snorted.
" Dusty bun please sit down, we didn't finish dinner" you stuck your tongue out at Dustin as did Eddie.
In response, Dustin stuck his tongue out at you and Eddie.
This was a start of something good.
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
𝐓𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫 | 𝐬.𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
Master-List Link 🧸
Synopsis: your skin is crawling, but steve is there, he always is.
Word Count: 432
!Trigger Warnings! - short drabble. body issues. curvy reader. (no hate will be tolerated. bye bitches) body dysmorphia. steve rogers comfort. not edited. use of pet names "mama" and "sweetheart".
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This sucked. The feeling of despair, hating your own guts inside and out. Especially when all of your life, it’s never gone away. Even when you do feel special, it’s only ripped away moments later when your mind starts to run. 
Do I look stupid? 
Is my hair okay? 
Am I overweight? 
Why don’t I look good in crop-tops?
Why aren’t there more of me?
It was nights like tonight that made you sick, like a thousand pesky insects were crawling underneath your skin. The shifting of blankets got Steve’s attention right away, he could see your watery eyes from the TV’s reflection. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” His soft voice cooed, but you threw the blankets over top of you, hiding your face, burying your features in the cotton of your pillow. Steve’s palm ran over the blanket, pulling you too home. As much as you tried to fight it, he won. 
His large fingers removed the blanket from your face, caressing your cheek with deep concern rooting throughout his pupils. 
“Talk to me, mama’s. What’s on your mind?” Steve’s other hand runs smoothing strokes against your bare shoulder, his opposite whipping away silent tears from your cheeks. 
“Do you think I’m ugly, Steve?” 
His face contorted in worry, but also anger. You? The most beautiful person in the entire world? His teddy bear? His lifeline. 
Ugly wasn’t a word you should even know. 
Steve cups your face, bringing it up to his, so your eyes are perfectly aligned. “Look at me.” You don’t have a choice, you force your tear-filled eyes to look up at your boyfriend. 
“You're beautiful, mama. You are the best thing to have ever happened to me.” 
Your fingers shook as they wrapped around his wrist, the thoughts are attacking you now, the feeling of being unwanted. 
You start, your voice quivering “But I’m-” 
“You're what, sweetgirl?” 
Steve could have broken down right there. He didn’t, for you. But to see that look on your face, your beautiful features scrunched in sadness, it hurt him so much. 
Knowing he couldn’t do anything about it, accept sitting here and try to attempt to fight your demons. 
“I’m not exactly Barbie, I don’t have a tiny waist.” Steve kissed the top of your forehead, melting into your embrace, every piece of his heart was shattering. 
“You're my teddy bear, mama. I don’t want plastic. I want you, every single curvy inch of you.” 
You attempted a weak smile, looking at Steve with tear stained cheeks and broken pupils. 
“Me?” You ask, whispering against him. 
“Only you.”
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mochimouiemarty · 29 days
I need your headcanons I don’t care which character which fandom I need headcanons because you seem awesome now give them to me /affectionate
ARGHHHH IM SORRY THAT THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER?!?!? i was drawing the pookies to go with these hcs
i jumbled all my favs together and yeah have some silly hcs (thisll prolly be rlly short, or not) not in a set order so good luck finding the characters from fandoms you know 😈/hj
CHARACTERS MENTIONED IN THIS!! Idia Shroud, Cater diamond, Mime Bomb, Weeping Clown
- Cater once played this dress up game for fun (or to make some content out of it), got some HARSH constructive criticism, never played again (person who insulted gave him advice was idia)
- Weepy often puts wax on the hair in front of his face to keep it out of his eyes while performing. (totally not based on an oc x canon thing i thought of.)
- Mime Bomb often has makeup residue around his eyes, making him look more tired than he already is. He struggles to get it out and also doesnt see the point bcs 9 times out of 10 hes gonna be hopping on another flight anyway!!!!
- Idia is half filipino. dont try and change my mind YOU CANNOT
- Cater has freckles and used to cover them up around highschool - year one in NRC. maybe because of insecurity or to follow the current "trends". maybe both!!!!!1!1!1!1! probably still does it to this even better if no one actually knows if his freckles are real or nah
- Mime Bomb knows how to draw! always uses himself as a reference when he can. loves drawing hands
- weepy is a jack of all trades, master of none. he'd observe and learn other peoples crafts silently from other people at the circus! even if he's not that good at most of them, he knows the basic stuff.. maybe.
- Cater often puts white eyeliner on to brighten up his eyes!!
- i think idia likes watching those process videos on sculpting and carving, just traditional art in general.
- cater probably likes to deconstruct a bunch of stuff, mainly content-making related things and especially music! I saw someone mention how passionate he seems about music based on the details in his room (might sound like a total idiot rn if those details were disclosed in one of the vignettes or something) so in my heart it seems like something he'd totes do. he's also a very detail oriented person so !1!1!1!1!1
- Joker dislikes popcorn, also smells like stale buttered popcorn(/hj)
- mime bombs skin is either hella sensitive or the complete opposite. I can see him either hoarding this one brand of makeup cuz it's the only one he can use, or his skin is THAT ok with any product that he's fine with using VILE products 😭
- I like to believe that Jokers hair is either a wig (or he dyed it) and he's a brunette. or he's just silly like that yk (the most likely possibility)
- Cater has an old list of piercings he wanted/wants, idk which ones he'd want but yuh!!! maybe he got a piercing when he was younger but got caught soooo
- Idia hates oily foods
this is probably it
also have the drawings that took TOO DAMN LONG.
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"one is not like the other!!!!!" ahh favs 😭🙏
these are sort of my hcs on how they'd look? or at least a reference for myself for when I draw them again, I'm too inconsistent
random, but idias hair being so expressive is my most favorite detail about his character
ok these took too long thank you bye
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