#esther westfall
huntsvillegossip · 7 months
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Hello, hello my little lovelies,
So much to catch up on these days! Everyone all at once seemed to have some type of news to share with me. 
You all know being on the ice is meant to keep us all cool and level-headed, right? There were so many punches thrown at the ice skating event, not just once, not even twice, but three whole times. Eagan Connolly punched Huntsville Daily’s very own Samuel Ahn over what was reportedly, and unsurprisingly, something to do with that missing brother of hers again. If she keeps that attitude up no one is going to be willing to assist her. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, sweetheart. 
Seeming to take a cue from her is that wildchild from the Westfall family, Esther Westfall, who is just as short tempered as ever. They were seen punching one Eldon Harcourt, though he seemed to take it decently well, and didn’t engage into a full brawl. The same can’t be said for Joey Albright who fully attacked Louis Ryan and had to be pulled off him. Not exactly the behavior you’d expect from everyone’s favorite heartthrob but it seems love makes fools of us all. Let’s just hope that Hope Macgillivray is worth it. 
However, not everyone at the ice skating party was quick to come to blows. It seems that there are at least some of you who would rather make love than war. Jackson Miller was spotted getting cozy with Lavender Parsons, ending in what was apparently quite the steamy kiss, if my sources are to be believed. Now I know that some readers may be scandalized by this news, but I for one think it is wonderful that after everything she went through with her mother’s disappearance last year, Miss Parsons seems to be coming into her own as a young woman. All I can say is, be careful out there, men of Huntsville! There’s a new heartbreaker on the rise.
Here’s a toast to one town event being mostly a success with no serious incidents. Hopefully this is the start of a new and lighter year for all of us. 
Auntie G
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That older ranger guy is like, always at the bar. Smells like a bar too. Really harshes the vibe, you know? - Day Drinker
I've been seeing Amber Ryan and Noah Kasprak head off to his place a lot lately. I wonder how her siblings feel about her sleeping around with her co-worker. Seems pretty irresponsible to me considering the family's history. - Anon (25F)
So I was minding my business, when I heard Marisol de la Luna was holding some guy’s tarantula? Is that a new euphemism the kids are using or what? Here’s hoping history doesn’t repeat itself or she’ll end up like her mom did senior year. - Think of the Children
Geez, never a dull day with the Romeros. Heard another one of Hawk’s kids came popping out of the woods. Sora Griffon? At this rate, he’s gonna have a whole flock of ‘em. Hope his new hubby is ready to play Brady Bunch. - Town Bird Watcher
Nico Garcia has been going around saying he’s going to be a dad? I wonder who he knocked up. Could be half the town from the way he’s been getting around. I heard that within the past couple months he’s been hooking up with Val Moreno, Kirby, Nadine Briggs, Jessie Sinclair, Wren Romero, Cole Cerulli, Jovi DiCamillo, and Tatum Hampton, to name just a few! - Anon (33M)
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thirtecnth · 10 months
@estherwestfall / closed starter / esther westfall setting: toward the daily grind
Jacob frequented the daily grind relatively often. Especially after a service, it was just nice to have something as a further pick-me-up before more work was needed and the place was rather quiet. Leaving the church, however, he had noticed Esther headed in the same direction and figured it a sign.
"Oh, Esther, hello," he said, giving them a kind smile as they walked. "Are you also headed to get coffee? It's been a day."
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cryptidkeepp · 2 months
who: @estherwestfall
where: lake party
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❝ miss westfall, ❞ he approached her from the side with a warm smile. she was someone he ended up feeling protective of as their bond grew over the past half year. a new level of kinship they didn't have before and he felt like he just understood her much better. ❝ esther, how are you? it's good to see you came. ❞
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exmcrtis · 11 months
closed starter for: @estherwestfall
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if you had told ondine feng years ago that they'd be sitting at a table and playing 'go fish' with esther westfall, they would've called you crazy. but ondine's instinct was to be friendly first and foremost, and while their relation to esther could be considered complicated, they chose not to think too much about it. they needed all the distraction they could get as of late.
with a sigh, they placed their three of hearts down on the table, sliding it towards esther without second thought. "i think we both know that you're about to win this game. pretty sure joei would do better than i am at this point."
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ambercast · 9 months
who: esther westfall (@estherwestfall)
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“Oh! Oh, it’s you! From the coffee shop! Hello! Hi,” Martha said with a wave and a grin, hurrying over to catch up with Esther. “I’m so glad I ran into you! I made you this!” She held out a pair of crocheted mittens. “I figured out that you were being sarcastic when you said your favorite thing was to be cold, and then I figured, why you must hate the cold then! So I made you these, so you won’t have to enjoy your warm drinks while cold.” She beamed.
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estherwestfall · 11 months
Esther at a glance
"Sometimes God breaks your heart to save your soul"
NAME: Esther Constance Westfall
AGE: 29 [Born July 8th]
OCCUPATION: Stock Worker at O'Connor's Outdoors
ARRIVED: Resident, never left
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Non-binary; they/them (but isn't bothered if someone uses she/her)
SEXUALITY: Pansexual, but hates most people
QUIRKS: Is extremely quiet and reserved, unless you piss them off. Tries to avoid all small talk if they can. Dresses like they rolled out of bed and grabbed whatever was on the floor, which is probably what happened. When they're not at the church they spends most of their free time watching movies, catching up on what they were not allowed to experience growing up.
Esther never considered themself lonely growing up. Through their family's religious expectations they were a caregiver, a homemaker, and their life centered around caring for their little brother Gabriel. They didn't need friends, or anyone else in this Godless town, so long as they had their baby brother. Their parents were harsh, but fair...though maybe sometimes too harsh. It was the two of them against the world.
As teens, Esther tried to keep their brother away from those Heathens. Knew he was better than all of them, that they only wanted to hurt him. They tried to warn him to not go to that party, and they wish they had pushed harder, forced him to stay. Gabriel wasn't the same after that. He wasn't their little brother anymore.
Esther tried. They really did. How was it so hard for him to understand that he was Gabriel? Gabe? Their little brother? Clearly he wasn't dead. He was right in front of them, breathing. Why couldn't he get it through his thick skull? Why was he refusing to listen to reason? All the screaming, all the fights, Esther began to think he just wanted attention. That the party turned bad and he couldn't accept that they were right.
A large portion of the responsibility to take care of Gabriel after his "incident" fell on Esther. The stress, the frustrations pilled up quickly. They ended up hurting Gabriel just as much as he hurt them, emotionally, physically. Resentment began to fester.
When their parents died, Esther knew Gabriel did it on purpose. He committed the ultimate sin. He killed them. Between this and the growing difficulty of taking care of their selfish brother that just refused to grow up and stop playing his stupid joke, they eventually snapped. They had enough. Esther kicked Gabriel out of the house, denouncing him as their brother. If he wanted to tell everyone he was dead then fine. He was dead to them. They had no brother.
For a year they holed themself up in their family home. Barely refusing to leave except for food and basic necessities. Esther had no one and that was fine. They didn't need anyone. Still, after a year, even they could admit that shutting everything out wasn't the answer.
Slowly, Esther began to reintegrate back into town. At only 19, they didn't really know what to do with their life. The outdoor shop was hiring, and the job seemed easy enough. When they saw other people going into the local church, they hesitated. The only thing that kept them strong over the last year was their faith, and even that felt broken, wavering. Their parents always hated on the local religious communities, and Esther embraced that dogma, but they couldn't go to their old church. They had nowhere else to go.
The person who stood in front of the congregation was bizarre, went against everything their faith and parents bore into them, and yet Esther was entranced. It wasn't love, it would never be love. But something about the priest called to them, made them feel like maybe there was still something in this God forsaken town to hold on to.
In time, Esther began to deconstruct the dogma forced into them, but still, outside of the church they were very much alone. Seeing Gabriel in town, thriving, hurt. It only further proved that he had been lying, pretending to be someone he wasn't. Hurt their bond for no reason other than because he could. Hatred brewed in their heart.
Their relationship with the priest was one that was difficult to label. Companionship maybe. Not quite friendship but not nothing either. They slept together often, even talked, though never of each other's past for varying reasons. They were not lovers, and Esther was fine with that, preferred it even. Why would anyone love them? The only person that ever claimed to love them lied and hurt them deeper than anything their parents could have ever done. Absinthe was a distraction, a means to not be so alone anymore.
It wasn't long before Esther found out they were pregnant. They shook and sobbed at the little plus sign on the test, wondering why God would be so cruel to them. They knew they could not, should not ever be a mother. They could not take care of their brother, their love wasn't enough for him, so how could it ever be enough for a child? Desperate, they consulted the library and asked around town. It lead her to the town's treasured Buttons. They had never interacted before that day, yet the older woman's demeanor was cold, off. Esther didn't care. They only wanted help. They prayed the teas would do as were promised.
Their prayers were answered, and unless anyone read too deeply about their questioning, their purchased pregnancy test, only O'Grady knew their little secret. And that was for the best. No one needed to know. To know that they were a failure. That they were raised to be a caregiver and mother, and deep down Esther knew they was too broken to ever be that. That that was never something in their future.
After that day, they turned to pills to help numb themself. Anything they could get her hands on, so long as Esther could get out of their head. They continued to crumble, while Gabriel was happy and healthy and it was unfair. It was so unfair.
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containatrocity · 2 months
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There are a few moments in Gabe Westfall's afterlife that he is pretty certain were mistakes. The time he told Cyan he could take him in a prank war that ended in his room at the apartment full of a truly objectionable number of insects, the time he told Josie the radio station's booth was probably soundproof that ended in the past two weeks of being generally unable to look KB in the eye, and today, when he looked himself in the face getting ready to come to the lake party, and decided he could handle being in trunks.
As it turned out, bravery was still maybe not his strongest suit, and the idea of seeing himself suddenly made him... nervous- much less the idea of other people seeing him. It's luck, maybe, that Esther walks past the edge of the lake where he's anchored himself to hide himself- one tattooed hand reaching from the water to catch their ankle as they pass. "Esther-" He starts. "Esther. Listen. I am having. A Crisis." It's odd, the more confident manner of speaking he's managed in the past few months colored with his once-permanent anxiety. "And I didn't bring a shirt." There is nothing in the sentence preceding that makes the fact he doesn't have a shirt make sense with the alleged crisis, until he scratches at his jaw. "I'm going to spare you the gory- and they are gory, I assure you- Details about what my brain's cooking on in here, but can you uh. I don't know. find me something to cover up with? Play dirty if you have to, I am not above signing off on theft now."
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huntsvillehq · 11 months
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Please follow Esther Westfall.
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leiawritesstories · 3 years
As I Am Character List
Given that this story does, in fact, include characters from multiple series, it’s probably a good idea to include a sort of cast list, if you will (this is the only term I know, thanks to being a stage manager) to hopefully maybe keep some idea of which character holds which title etc. etc. I made up a bunch of last names for characters who didn’t have one in canon and because I am 2000% nerd, yes, each last name has a meaning related to that character, i.e. the name I gave Azriel roughly translates to “shadow” (it’s Luxembourgish, again, I repeat that I am a massive nerd).
Characters have been broken into categories for hopefully easier understanding of who’s who. 
- Family Galathynius: Viscount Rhoe Galathynius & Viscountess Evalin Ashryver. Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, debutante. Aedion Ashryver, Evalin’s deceased sister’s son, lives with them. Third cousin Lady Elide Lochan staying with them for the season.
- Family Archeron: Baron Cal Archeron, wife deceased. Three daughters: Nesta, Elain, & Feyre Archeron, all debuting this season.
- Family Selvari: Dowager Countess Esther Selvari, husband deceased. Rhysand Selvari, heir. Elisa Selvari, debutante. Two adopted sons: Cassian Ilnair and Azriel Schied, both served in the war alongside Rhysand.
- House Doranelle: His Grace Rowan Whitethorn, Duke of Doranelle. Second cousins Lords Fenrys and Connall Strahl currently reside at Doranelle. All three served in the war.
-  Earl Tamlin Fréijoer and sister Ianthe. Cousin Lord Lucien Vanserra.
- Her Majesty Queen Charlotte
- His Royal Highness Prince Dorian Havilliard
- Captain Gavriel Aldot and Captain Lorcan Salvaterre, staying at Doranelle with their army compatriots
- Chaol Westfall, Captain of the Royal Guard, and his wife Yrene, midwife and apothecary
- Miss Lysandra Ennar, modiste
- Duchess Ansel of Briarcliff (aka this AU’s version of Lady Danbury 😏)
- Mrs. Alis Treave, Archerons’ housekeeper
- Mrs. Maeve Ond, Selvaris’ housekeeper
- Misses Vassa and Essar, operatic sopranos
- Duke Cal and Duchess Marion Lochan of Perranth, Elide’s parents
Other characters from SJM will appear, as well as characters from other books. I will credit the authors when I use their people and if you’re unfamiliar with who these random people are, go read their books. :)
TAGS (as always, let me know if you want to be tagged for this fic!)
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morepopcornplease · 5 years
I've been having some struggles with my faith lately, because in reading scripture I wonder if God loves me less because I am a woman. I am not disagreeing with the roles of women in the church, but sometimes the passages confuse me. Are women worth less to God? Are we more inherently sinful somehow? I'm so confused and scared.
gotta be honest anon, i avoided looking at this ask for a while because sometimes i hate revisiting this and feeling those same feelings of inadequacy grow in me. tbh, this is why i always read Bible quotes with hermeneutic analyses attached.
i don’t know if it’s any comfort to you, but you are not alone in those musings.
...since that might not be helpful OR encouraging, i asked some Side B’ers for some helpful reading material:
Is the Bible Good for Women? by Wendy Alsup was written specifically for this type of question.
Are Women Human by Dorothy Sayers
Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for Men and Women in Christ by Cynthia Long Westfall
Rediscovering Scripture's Vision for Women: Fresh Perspectives on Disputed Texts by Lucy Peppiatt
Books of the Bible (ostensibly) written by women, about women: Judith, Esther, Ruth.
i love you nonnie. there’s an honest-to-God ache in my chest for you. know that you are loved by God as the greatest and ultimate creation. 
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macedonia-pjct · 4 years
Nuestras Frutitas
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A continuación la lista de nuestras frutas y FC ocupados.
― Alexandra | Naranja ➥ Selena Gomez.
― Allegra | Blueberry ➥ Camila Mendes.
― Audrey | Sandía ➥ Sophie Turner.
― Heather | Duranzno ➥ Timothée Chalamet.
― Sophie | Manzana Verde ➥ Sofía Skelton.
― Stella | Carambola ➥ Taylor Swift.
― Theo | Kiwi ➥ Daniel Sharman.
― Diana Delvecchio | Manzana roja #MelaRossa ➥ Adelaide Kane.
―  Rachel Bennet | Litchi #Litchi ➥ Anya Taylor Joy.
―  Artemisa Blacksley | Toronja #Toronja ➥ Katherine McNamara.
― Elizabeth Boubier | Calabaza #Calabaza ➥ Lily Collins.
―  Samantha LaRusso | Coco #Coco ➥ Mary Mouser.
―  Natalie Crncevic | Lychee #Lychee ➥ Ana de Armas.
― Circe  | Frutilla #Frutilla ➥ Scarlett Leithold.
―  Miles Alexander Sokolv | Raspberry #Raspberry ➥ Jeon Jungkook.
―  Jasmine Suhaila Rosales | Mora #Mora ➥ Marie Avgeropoulos.
― Teresa Dalila Agnes | Banana #Banana ➥ Jessica Clements.
― Aaron H. Agnes | Parchita #Parchita ➥ Matthew Daddario.
― Nympha T. Black | Granada #Granada ➥ Gabi Lisboa.
— Luna | Mango #mango
➥Perrie Edwards. 
— Rumblae | Cloudberry #cloudberry 
➥FC pendiente. 
— Eileen | Cherry #cherry
➥Arina Tinkovan. 
— Jidsa | Grosella #gooseberry
➥Haley Lu Richardson. 
— Caroline Ford | Melón #melon
➥Chloë Grace Moretz. 
— Kimberly Lawson | Arándano #arandano
➥Esther Expósito. 
— Millicent Bulstrode | Grosella #GroseilleáMaquereau 
➥Emma Roberts. 
— Frxcless | Mandarina #gyul 
— Cassandra Blackaller | Fresa #fresa
➥Mary Navarro
— Robin of Locksley | Golden berry #goldenberry
➥Sean Maguire
— Regina Mills (Gardiner) | Manzana roja #redapple
➥Lana Parrilla
— Ryder Adrik Nattruldrýr | Mandarina #tangerina
➥Torrance Coombs. 
— Opheliac | Sandía #melondeau
➥Lily James. 
— Eliana Westfall | Limón #limon
➥Natalia C. C 
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exmcrtis · 9 months
closed starter for: @estherwestfall
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there were few people that wendy cromwell was terrified of, but unfortunately esther westfall was one of them. so naturally they were who wendy bumped into the most, their interactions usually ending in wendy making a fool of themselves and then crying about it later on. it didn't matter how much of a brave face they put on, their emotions always got the best of them. currently they were looking up at esther in shock and horror, a million little thoughts moving through her mind as she tried to craft a response. "oh, hey esther," she finally spoke, her voie breaking at the end. "fancy running into you here."
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huntsvillehq · 11 months
(Maya Hawke) [THE BROKEN]. Please welcome [ESTHER WESTFALL (SHE/THEY)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [28]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [STOCK WORKER AT O'CONNOR’S OUTDOORS]. They are NOT looking for [GABRIEL WESTFALL] their [BROTHER]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive. (This is the last one til someone dies ;3)
WELCOME TO HUNTSVILLE, WV, esther. Please follow this checklist and submit your account within 48 hours. Do not stay out after dark, and beware the whispers calling you into the woods at dusk.
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