#samuel ahn
huntsvillegossip · 7 months
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Hello, hello my little lovelies,
So much to catch up on these days! Everyone all at once seemed to have some type of news to share with me. 
You all know being on the ice is meant to keep us all cool and level-headed, right? There were so many punches thrown at the ice skating event, not just once, not even twice, but three whole times. Eagan Connolly punched Huntsville Daily’s very own Samuel Ahn over what was reportedly, and unsurprisingly, something to do with that missing brother of hers again. If she keeps that attitude up no one is going to be willing to assist her. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, sweetheart. 
Seeming to take a cue from her is that wildchild from the Westfall family, Esther Westfall, who is just as short tempered as ever. They were seen punching one Eldon Harcourt, though he seemed to take it decently well, and didn’t engage into a full brawl. The same can’t be said for Joey Albright who fully attacked Louis Ryan and had to be pulled off him. Not exactly the behavior you’d expect from everyone’s favorite heartthrob but it seems love makes fools of us all. Let’s just hope that Hope Macgillivray is worth it. 
However, not everyone at the ice skating party was quick to come to blows. It seems that there are at least some of you who would rather make love than war. Jackson Miller was spotted getting cozy with Lavender Parsons, ending in what was apparently quite the steamy kiss, if my sources are to be believed. Now I know that some readers may be scandalized by this news, but I for one think it is wonderful that after everything she went through with her mother’s disappearance last year, Miss Parsons seems to be coming into her own as a young woman. All I can say is, be careful out there, men of Huntsville! There’s a new heartbreaker on the rise.
Here’s a toast to one town event being mostly a success with no serious incidents. Hopefully this is the start of a new and lighter year for all of us. 
Auntie G
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That older ranger guy is like, always at the bar. Smells like a bar too. Really harshes the vibe, you know? - Day Drinker
I've been seeing Amber Ryan and Noah Kasprak head off to his place a lot lately. I wonder how her siblings feel about her sleeping around with her co-worker. Seems pretty irresponsible to me considering the family's history. - Anon (25F)
So I was minding my business, when I heard Marisol de la Luna was holding some guy’s tarantula? Is that a new euphemism the kids are using or what? Here’s hoping history doesn’t repeat itself or she’ll end up like her mom did senior year. - Think of the Children
Geez, never a dull day with the Romeros. Heard another one of Hawk’s kids came popping out of the woods. Sora Griffon? At this rate, he’s gonna have a whole flock of ‘em. Hope his new hubby is ready to play Brady Bunch. - Town Bird Watcher
Nico Garcia has been going around saying he’s going to be a dad? I wonder who he knocked up. Could be half the town from the way he’s been getting around. I heard that within the past couple months he’s been hooking up with Val Moreno, Kirby, Nadine Briggs, Jessie Sinclair, Wren Romero, Cole Cerulli, Jovi DiCamillo, and Tatum Hampton, to name just a few! - Anon (33M)
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trueebeauty · 4 months
𝖣𝖠𝖭𝖢𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖨𝖭 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖢𝖫𝖴𝖡 - how they would react to you dancing.
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❒ They're completely smitten with you, leaning forward eagerly and just being completely mesmerized. Their eyes are glued to you with a wide smile, you might even hear a few enthusiastic claps.
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❒ Intrigued but unsure, they watch you intently, their brow furrowed like a confused puppy. You can almost see the question marks floating above their head as they try to figure out what on earth you're doing.
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❒ Your biggest fan is here, cheering you on with a surge of pride and excitement for you. They're clapping, whooping, and waving a homemade sign (where did they get that from?) Huge smiles and beaming with satisfaction they might just join you.
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❒ They just sit in the corner and pretend not to care, but you catch them stealing glances at you while trying to act all nonchalant, but you know they're secretly nosy. That is, until they've had enough and dragged you out of there once too many people start noticing you.
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❒ Disapproves with crossed arms and pursed lips. They avoid eye contact with you like you're the most embarrassing thing they've ever seen, and you might even hear a few disapproving tuts. Applause? Not a chance.
➻ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈 + 𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 (are we really surprised?)
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❒ If unbothered was a person.
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Adventures of YOUR part time job in the Lookismverse
G/N. You work the graveyard shift in a convenience store. You meet bizarre characters on different nights. Part 1 | Part 2
The customers can usually be separated into 3 categories.
Drunks, students, and weirdos.
Unfortunately for you, lately the weirdos have turned into regulars. But fortunately the weirdos aren't so weird.
The one that made it a habit to check in on you, with the scars and the cheesy wink wasn't so bad. Jack, was it? You can't remember and it's been too long for you to ask. You awkwardly address him as 'you' and avoid any situation where you need to use his name.
He likes to ask how you are, tell a few jokes. Spirit undeterred even when you look at him with a blank face because bless his soul, he's not funny at all but at least he tries and he's a lot less weird than first impression.
He hangs around at odd times, then again you do only work at odd times. Telling you stories about this and that. Something about Big Deal, something about a guy called Sinu and something about another guy called Samuel.
It's difficult to keep track. It's like he wants to talk but he's cryptic and god, it's 4am who can blame you if your eyes are glazing over.
John, or is it Jerry, is waffling again. He seems to always be talking about Samuel. Who he apparently misses and wonders where it's gone wrong and hang on, he's never been explicit but you just had to know.
When he takes a breath to munch on a cookie, you ask, "Hold on, is Samuel your ex?"
Wait no his name is Jason, definitely Jason- freezes mid-chew, "Why would you say that? He's my friend!"
Joshua sprays crumbs all over you but you note how he doesn't say no.
(You think you see this Samuel one early morning. You’re pretty sure you’ve seen him before and man, he really looks like shit.
Looks like the breakup is getting to him too.
Poor Samuel and Poor Jim.)
But sometimes weirdos are just weirdos. 
It's ok. It comes with the territory so long as they're not in the habit of hurling abuse or whatever, you can deal with it.
In recent memory, there's only been two people that you have had to almost chase out with a broomstick.
You should have known they would be weirdos when one of them walks in in surprisingly teeny tiny purple camo shorts. Not that you're a pearl clutcher, but you're worried that one wrong move and he could be dangling out.
Besides. Purple. Camo. Shorts. Those words should never follow one after the other, and you repress a shudder at this guy's hideous dress sense when he comes up to you.
You thought the other one was alright, at least there's no hideous purple camo shorts in sight and his hair is nice (huh, this style must be popular, you’ve seen a lot of guys with this hair)-
But then he opens his mouth and asks for snakes and you think it's karma for judging camo-guy for his appearance when his friend is equally odd.
"We usually keep the snakes next to the ramen," you deadpan and the two men actually go to seek out the supposed snake (meat or pet purposes?) only to return moments later, empty-handed and looking confused.
"I think the snake is all sold out," Non-camo guy says as camo-guy glances around as if you might have hidden your snake stock elsewhere.
They must have thought you were stupid as you stood there opening and closing your mouth like a fish (or maybe a snake, do snake do these things), because come on, how are you even supposed to formulate a response to that?
Then you look at their eyes and also notice them looking snakey and surmise it must be some weird fetish thing. Pretending to be snakes and eating snakes and having pet snakes.
You want no part of this and tell them to get out.
"I'm Baek Hangyeol," a new face says, pointing to his ID badge pinned to the white coat. 
"Doctor Baek Hangyeol." He stresses Doctor and Hangyeol and you wonder if he is waiting for a round of applause.
You don't say anything but you do notice he looks like a teenager and what idiot would let a teenager operate on them. (Drunk, student, weirdo. He could be all three.) Doctor Baek Hangyeol must be bluffing.
You decide not to call him on his bullshit. 
"Cool," is all you respond with because you don't want another complaint for being too mouthy. You are half tempted to tell him you're not a doctor, that you just work here but that seemed kinda redundant so you keep your mouth shut.
"Do you believe in true beauty?" he asks when you finish bagging up his goods (a plain water with added minerals, a bottle of multivitamins and a protein shake) and you think what sort of question is that.
You give a halfhearted shrug and say "Sure" and he hands his business card over.
"If you're ever considering it," he tells you with a wild smile. After he has left you look down at the lettering, eyes zeroing in on ‘Plastic Surgery’.
Excuse me?! What is he trying to say?
You thought he was a weirdo but now he has firmly shifted over to asshole. You regret not telling him to go fuck himself while you had the chance. The complaint would 100% be worth it. Zero regrets.
On your break, you burn the card and feel a small sense of satisfaction.
A tall blonde guy with a creepy vibe (hold on, have you seen him before, he seems familiar. Then again, creepy blonde guys seem to be quite common around here-) walks in with the most billowing coat you have ever seen.
The entrance is kinda cool but the actual coat is kinda tragic with the cheesy red lettering and you wonder if you can pull it off any better than him.
You're still wondering about his coat when he's paying you, and hang on you have definitely seen him before because he says arigatou and hands over yen and you tell him no. Won only.
The idea of the coat, which has evolved into you fantasising about having a full blown cape, quickly loses its charm however, when the blonde gets caught in the automatic doors and you have to wrestle them open to free him.
Afterwards, you ask if he's ok, if he is harmed and can’t resist asking if the coat is ok too. You really don't want a lawsuit on your watch especially when the malfunctioning doors are not your fault.
Your kindness is repaid by him telling you he's not interested (what the fuck) and that his heart will not stray (again, what the fuck).
You accidentally eavesdrop on a couple of students lamenting about missing out on school work. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop ok, the aisles are tight and cramped, it’s a small space. 
You peek over, and the one with big ears (seriously, they are huge) is telling the one with his back to you (goodness, his back is huge too) that school is important and he’s got notes the other one can use. 
It’s sweet, you think. School is important and it’s good they recognise that. Nice of them to help each other out too.
When they both come to pay (holy shit, that’s a fuckton of chocolate milk), you’re surprised to find Big Ear’s friend, Big Back, looks anywhere between late 20s and early 40s but it’s never too late to catch up on education, you suppose.
You spend the rest of your shift feeling motivated.
“Going camping?” you ask the guy with the sandy blonde hair, chuckling nervously and ringing his items through. 
Either he’s going camping or he’s gonna kill and hide a dead body in the forest.
He’s pretty stoic, only giving you a curt nod. You can’t help but probe him a bit more. You’ve got a feeling that if or when the dead body turns up, you want to at least clear your conscience that you’ve tried your best so you make some more idle small talk.
You mention how you haven’t been camping for ages, not since you nearly burned your tent down and singed your hair after you tried to cook some marshmallows over a fire that turned out to be more of a raging bonfire (and might have awoken your pyromaniac streak, but you keep that to yourself).
The blonde guy actually pipes up and says “Master Taesoo would never do that.” 
You almost apologise out of principle due to how earnest he sounds, then he mentions something about how good this Master Taesoo is at catching and cooking snake and you wonder what the fuck is up with people and the snake obsession.
Either way, it doesn’t sound like someone is getting murdered. Only a snake (poor snake) so at least you can sleep easy later that day.
“Oh hi DG,” you say, “Sorry about your cryptocurrency falling through. Diegocoin was it?”
He blinks at you a few times in surprise and heavens above. What’s that saying, fool me once, shame on me; fool me twice, shame on you? This guy has fooled you exactly no times with his shitty disguises and his effort has substantially dwindled too. 
He has only put his hood up and you did think you might get mugged at one point-
It’s an empty store, for crying out loud. Who comes into an empty store in the asscrack of night with their hood up, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.
Then you notice the pink hair and shifty glance and duh.
“Is it the-?” he asks, putting his hood down and signalling to his hair.
“Yeah, it’s the-” you signal to your own head of hair. “Dude you really need to dye it if you’re going for subtle.” You pause, consider something, “Hold on.”
You walk over to the beauty aisle and grab the black hair dye.
“On the house,” you tell DG because this guy really has no self awareness.
“What do you mean no?”
“No." Your boyfriend peers down at you, arms crossed and at the end of his patience with you.
You open your mouth to argue- 
“No. You know nothing about Taekwondo. How can you work here?”
You look around helplessly at the studio. He’s not exactly wrong but you’re sick of dealing with the weirdos and the snakes and the creepy blondes. “But your dad-”
“I don’t care what that stupid old man says,”
“Taehoon!” Hansu scolds from the other side of the room, and Hansu's class of toddlers all whirl their head around to stare.
“I can learn?” you offer and Taehoon raises one skeptical brow.
“So you’re going to be a student?” You nod enthusiastically, “And we’re going to pay you for that?”
Oh. Damn. 
He’s got you there.
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squishyneet · 2 months
what they're like when they're in love [lookism] - 𓆩♡𓆪
someone who becomes very carnal, oddly in tune with their feelings. if they feel like they can't have you, they become sulky and ruminating.
Eugene, DG, Taesoo
they hate being ignored, they will make you love them one way or another. you can't escape them.
Jaegyeon Na, Geonseob Ji, Goo Kim, Gyeoul Baek, James Lee, Gitae Kim
wya babygirl. they are forward and not afraid to show their love. gifts, dates, kisses, everything.
Kouji, Jihan Kwak
it's either or for them. they're okay if you don't like them back and are fine with being friends. may not even show their feelings at all.
Eli Jang, Warren Chae, Hangyeoul Baek, Gun Park
will slowly and carefully seduce you with their romance. they're very sure of themselves.
Jake Kim, Sinu Han
they continue being friends in hopes you will eventually feel the same way. might confess later on if they have the courage.
Daniel Park, Johan Seong, Jay Hong, Zack Lee, Gija Kim, Mira Kim, Zoe Park, Crystal Choi
confesses right away hoping they are accepted.
Vasco, Hudson Ahn
confesses right away hoping they are rejected.
Samuel Seo, Vin Jin, Mary Kim, Jichang Kwak, Jace Park
they don't do anything.
Mandeok Bang, Jinyoung Park, Jerry Kwon, Jibeom Kwak, Yuseong
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Hiii! I love the way you write and I was wondering if I could make a request (only if you want)
So how about the lookism boys reaction to an extremely beautiful and ethereal fem!reader who is like so feminine and ethereal she looks like a princess from a fairytale and even animals love her??
Anyways remember to stay safe and healthy!!
Lookism Men x Stunning Fem! Reader
Hiii Thanks for the request @jejegilipollas! This kind of reminds me of a Disney Princess reader! I'll be doing headcannons for almost every Lookism Men so I wouldn't leave out who you actually simp for xD. And remember all of us are really pretty in our on ways and we're all equal. And stay safe and healthy too! Warnings: insecurities, mentions of trauma, mature themes for the bottom/second part Genre: fluff ☁️ angst 🥀, slight lemon/smut 🍋 slight crack (comedy)🧨 ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿
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Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Zack Lee/Vasco/Eli Jang/Warren Chae/Jerry Kwon/Johan Seong/Jake Kim/Sinu Han/Duke Pyeon/Jace Park/Line Man/Brad Lee/Jiho Park/Magami Kenta/Young Jinyoung Park/Young Gapryong Kim/Jichang Kwak/Taesoo Ma/Xiaoleoung/Jihan Kwak/Jibeom Kwak/Yuseong
He doesn't really prioritize having a "Goddess or too good to be true looking girlfriend" since he already has lots of trauma and he's been really stressful lately. So having a dependable, trust-worthy, and helpful partner is enough for him.
But when he saw you, a transferee student/staff on his school/working place he couldn't stop staring at you. He may look like a creep so when you turn in his direction, so he'll look away pretty fast. But you took notice of this and knowing your friendly personality and warm vibes, you thought befriending him isn't a bad idea.
So when you approached him, he couldn't help but to blush and be awkward around you. He thinks that you're too good for him and he's out of your league. Your smart, pretty, kind, you name it. Because of his insecurities getting in his way, he doesn't really know if he even deserves to stay beside you. But after getting to know you better, you're not really a judgmental person and you're always staying beside him even when things aren't really going well for him. So he really learned how to trust you more.
He's also the type to innocently admire your beauty. He'll definitely shower you with lots of pure compliments! "Hi Y/N!" "Oh hello." you greeted him back with a soft voice as he noticed your hair tied in a different hair style since you often let your hair be loose down. "Your hair looks pretty today." he complimented you while rubbing his nape feeling shy. "Oh really? Thank you!" you smiled back at him, you've been feeling down lately because of your pretty privilege making you insecure. But his compliments just makes your day better. "Yeah, no problem."
You may not know it but it's obvious that he's an animal lover. And he always adopts or feed stray pups and kittens who either lost their way or have gotten abandoned by their animal parent or owner. So you asked him about this and he seems pretty flustered when you brought about the topic and you couldn't help but to giggle at his reaction. Oh God, your voice sounds so pretty. He really can't help but to admire you even more. He just really can't help but to compliment you a lot though you can hear the shy and bashful tone beneath his voice.
So when you're walking home after school/work, you saw a little kitten crying near the road. You decided to gently approach the animal since it can get hurt by a vehicle if you just let it be. You called for it's attention with a sweet voice. And unexpectedly, the cute furball didn't hesitate to rub her body on your leg making you chuckle. "You found a stray kitten?" you heard a familiar voice as you turned around to see that it's just him making you sigh. "Jesus, you scared me" you replied back as he softly chuckled and squatted down beside you making sure that he wouldn't scare the kitten away. "Shh, don't worry little one he's a nice guy" you cooed as he was shocked at your statement. Him? A nice guy? He couldn't help but frown thinking about the things he have done and the names people called him. He feels like you're too good for him, yet you're like a fire in a cold snowy weather. It may seems like your warm feeling can hurt him, but it's in fact the opposite. You made him feel, what's the word. Relaxed? Comfortable? He doesn't really know as he couldn't stay away from you no matter how many times he tried.
"So umm..." "Yes?" you asked him in a sweet tone as he tried completing his sentence, he couldn't help but stutter since he's been hiding his true feelings for you for a long time now. "I have pet food on my house, would you mind if we take her home?" he requested as your eyes sparkled. "Really? Sure! I was also planning to buy her food since it looks like she hasn't been fed for days." "Okay, but do you think you can carry her? Stray cats may have rabies if you got bitten y'know" he reminded you as you chuckled once again. "Don't worry. She let me touch her and it seems like she's getting used with my presence" "Sure. Let's go now" he stood up as you picked the little kitty on your warm arms. "So what will you name her?" he asked on his way home as you followed next to him. "Meowy!" (Chainsaw Man reference lol) "Meowy?" "Yeah. I couldn't think of a cool name. And when I saw her she didn't even hesitate to greet me, so I think Meowy will be her name" you stated as he can still see the light behind your eyes (MCR reference lol) as you petted the animal already felling asleep. He smiled at you as he thought how not only how beautiful you are, you also have a good heart. "Meowy is a pretty name. You should keep it" he replied back as you smiled at him and continued to thank him for helping you out on taking care of the little kitten. Can he just enjoy this moment with you? He have forgotten the danger outside the world as he has the desire to protect you. You really are his sunshine.
Gun Park/Samuel Seo/James Lee or DG/Magami Kenta/Hudson Ahn/Vin Ho Bin(Vin Jin)/Cheong Taejin/Mandeok/Olly Wang/Jiho Park (villain arc)
For the most part, he's not the type to be looking for a date unlike the others. He's not a hopeless romantic.
Though if he founds someone attractive he can't help himself to do the fling with them, releasing his stress on someone while making himself feel good. Yep, he's only fucking someone just so he can pleasure himself. Nothing more and nothing less.
But he can't help but to curious the moment he laid his eyes on you. You're cute to be honest, he won't deny that. You look and act so fragile, innocent most likely. You're also very gentle, sweet and passionate. Contrasting his wild and bold side. He's like a wild animal. He's harsh, aggressive and cold. He never has the desire to be involved on a romantic relationship. He finds the idea of it cringy to be honest. He finds it making him vulnerable. And he finds the idea of having a soft spot on someone well what's the word, to be honest he can't put words on the idea of it.
He does wonder sometimes if he actually lived a decent life, but that doesn't mean that he has regrets of becoming who he is today. He's strong and he can handle things on his own which makes him proud of himself. But hearing it from you and showering him with pure and genuine compliments sounds and feel very different. "Wow! You're so cool and strong!" you stated as your eyes sparkled like little stars on the dark, starry night. He smirked at this, he must admit that you look so innocent and if you continued to act like this, he wouldn't hesitate to give you a kiss if he's more affectionate. "Well I know" he simply replied. Thinking about this moments make his head ache and his stomach grumble. It's not because he's sick, but is it because of what most called butterflies? He chuckled at the thought of it. It's useless. He doesn't need anybody let alone a girl, but he'll often look for your presence when you and him are away for each other even if it's not a very long time.
And it makes him wonder why do you always stay on his side. You and him are too different. You actually lived a decent and peaceful life with a healthy environment, unlike him who's always surrounded by thugs and who's often obsessed with money, power, drugs, alcohol and sex. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he does like you. That's why he's always pushing you away. He doesn't want you to get hurt. And he'll definitely kicked someone's ass if they ever tried to lay their hands on you.
"Hey," he called for your attention as you looked at him with those doe-like eyes. His voice sounds a bit harsh and demanding, but after getting to know him better and getting close to him you know that he's just like that to everybody. And you know that he actually doesn't mean it to be like that. "Yes?" you asked him softly as he made eye-contact. "Why do you always stay next to me?" he asked curiously as it made you slightly upset to be honest. Does he think of you as a burden? Are you annoying? Well despite you always getting compliments from other people about how you look like a princess or Goddess that popped on a fairy tail and given life, you're actually insecure about yourself. Your gentle and feminine side can be annoying to some. You can't help but to feel like a little child that always needed to be protected and taken care of. And you often cared too much about others making you a people pleaser. "What do you mean?" you chuckled trying to hide your distress but he took notice of this. He doesn't mean to be rude, he sighed as he reconstructed his statement since you misunderstood it in the wrong way. "I mean, why do you stay beside me? You can get hurt you know?" he stated as your eyes sparkled once again. "Ahh, you mean in that way?" "Yeah." "Well, because you're really nice!" you honestly answered as he was shocked by your response. Really? Most people viewed him as an asshole for beating them up for his work. "You're joking right?" "Why do you think I'm joking? You're strong, kind well in some times, and you actually protected me when I need help." you smiled at him once again as he looked from a different direction trying to hide his blush. So far, that's the most genuine compliment he got from someone else.
And he also took notice of how gentle you are with animals. Not only you help out other people, but also those street kittens and pups that randomly pop up on streets. He just finds owning a pet a bit stressful since he already has lots of responsibility in his shoulders. "PLEASE CAN WE ADOPT HIM!" you pleaded as you cling on his arms making him groan. "No." "WHY!" "Well, I can't take care of it and I don't want to." he answered honestly but in a brutal way making you frown. If you have dog ears right now it will droop down and your eyes got bigger again like you're about to cry. "Please? I'll take care of it..." you put your hands together begging as he stares at you. He honestly find it cringy since he doesn't know if you're doing that on purpose or if you're just too soft. Not being able to stop you, he sighed. "Fine, but don't ask me to be his babysitter." he looked away as you smiled once again. "C'mon just tell me that you also find him cute!" "Shut up..." he may sound rude, but you can see that little smirk forming on his lips.
Goo Kim/Jake Kim/Kuroda Ryuhei/Yoojin/Sinu Han
This men will be a 100% simp for you (especially Goo and Ryuhei). He just founds you really hot, cute and pretty! Well you name it.
In some levels, they do care about their partner's appearance (remember having preferences are not bad ladies and gentle man). But they actually do not belittle others who are not their taste especially women since for the most part. He's a gentleman (or he tries to be).
To be honest, they're just secretly horny lmao. Remember they're still men so having a partner with a beautiful face and body just makes him worked up. Like, you don't have a right to be this pretty (he just praises you at this point).
But he does know deep inside that looks are not just a fundamental in having a partner. He does care about personality. He just honestly can't stand women who looks hot but just acts annoying and bitchy most of the time. It turns him off the most. But meeting you is one of the best blessing he have. Not only you look like a deity, but you also act like one. He just thought you're an angel who fell from the sky, in this hellish place called Earth. Did God sent you for him? Is life not finally being an ass to him? Who knows.
He'll also compliment you 24/7. Like his mouth just wouldn't stop talking about you. Like, in some levels you kind of find it annoying especially if you're the quiet one. You also probably thought at first that he's a perv but he's just being honest and appreciative! So you just brushed it off and you actually started appreciating his comments about you since it's not harming you in anyways. In fact it also boosts your confidence even more. "Y/N do you know how pretty you are?" he teased just to get a reaction out of you (and he also likes making you smile H:LKHDL:KHAL:KFH:LDKHA) "Of course I do" you smirked as you played along with him. "Well you actually look like a koala" "HEY THAT'S RUDE!" you stated as he laughed at your reaction "BUT KOALAS ARE CUTE!".
He also finds it adorable when you adopt stray animals. He just finds you "waifu material" girl. He also fantasizes about adopting 5 kittens or puppies with you and living on a peaceful and small town. You know, just the normal couple living their best life. Though he wouldn't be open about it since he finds it lowkey embarrassing lmao. "BABE! I FOUND A KITTEN ON A STREET!" "C'mon Y/N it's the fifth time you adopted a cat. Are you making an orphanage out of animals?" he teased as your kitten named Pebbles cling into him like a toddler begging for his dad's attention. "Please? I already have a name for her" you pleaded as he sighed knowing that he can't stop your motherly behavior with animals and besides he finds the cat cute too, it's a pure white kitten with blue sapphire like eyes. "What's her name though?" he asked curiously as you smiled and named the cat Snow. "Why won't you name her Elsa?" "C'mon love you make too much jokes." you sighed trying not to laugh as he chuckled at your reaction. "I'm just kidding, besides Snow's a really fitting name." he gently picked the cat on your arms and petting it. He just finds you daring. You're more than just your looks and he finds that fascinating :3.
A/N: I hope you really like it! It's kind of rushed yet late lmao. And I'm more of a cat person than a dog person but I still hoped you liked it!
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silenceandm0ney · 2 days
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Pt. 2 because i can't stop thinking about this series
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anticapitalistclown · 3 months
How do you think lookism characters feel about alpha male podcasts and other strange things
Lookism characters and alpha male podcasts, headcanons
Listens this type of podcasts more than they would like to admit and uses it as motivation for their income.
Samuel, Goo, Yujin, Ryuhei
Listens this type of podcast for the alpha male motivation.
Gun, Hudson, Jibeom, Lineman, Vin Jin
Used to listen to them for the motivation but once the misogyny appeared they dropped it on the instant.
Zack, Warren, Sinu, Koji, Jace, Jason
Tried to listen once and didn't understand a shit
Vasco, Daniel, Warren, Brad
They don't have the time and energy to listen to virgins saying shit about women "better grew up and get a life".
Jichang, Geongseob, James Lee, Mary, Lua, Jinyoung, Jaegyeon
They just don't have the time.
Jake, Taesoo, Eli, Xiaolung
Listened once, didn't feel identified, continued with their lives.
Jerry, Jihan, Johan, Mc Pesticides
Eats, no, DEVOURS them, they know every podcaster, they buy the merch and courses, shares shorts on their social media, and they insult however is against the podcast on the comments.
Jiho, Alexander, Logan, Doo Lee
Alpha male content? A real alpha male listens alpha waves
Olly, James Gong, Tom Lee
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ilybeam · 1 year
“Tat my name on you so I know it’s real”
You jokingly tell him to tattoo your name so you know he’s serious about your relationship.
Various x Gn!reader
Gun Park, Dg/James Lee, Hudson Ahn, Samuel Seo, Vasco, and Jake Kim
Content Warnings - Established relationship, unintentionally manipulative reader?
A/n - Didn’t add all my favorite characters so if people enjoy this I might make a part two.
Doesn’t tat it
Gun park -
- Definitely scoffed at you when you said that.
- I mean are you crazy? His body is a temple, of course he’s not going to go through with something that he could potentially regret in the future.
- Told you to get his name first and then he’d think about it. Was not serious about that proposition when he said it.
- Has semi realistic expectations of romantic relationships.
- Scolded you even after you said it was a joke.
“All jokes have some truth to them, [name].” He chided
“God you sound like my mother.” You bit back.”
Dg/James Lee-
- Looked at you like you had three eyes.
- He’s an idol, his image is everything. A tacky tattoo of his lovers name would not slide.
- Doesn’t even matter if he thinks y’all would last forever, a tattoo is just too much.
- Would try to compromise by buying a chain with your name on it.
Didn’t agree to it, but definitely thought about it
Hudson Ahn-
- The man reeks of commitment what can I say.
- His devotion to relying on his right hand is a testament to that.
- But even with all things considered a tattoo of your name is a bit much.
- Definitely thinks it’s a bit tacky as well.
- Not to mention, your significant others name as a first tattoo is a lot.
- All things considered, you should be thankful he even thought about.
Samuel Seo -
- Laughed at you when you said it.
- But even so, it definitely took him a minute to think about it.
- I mean his whole body is tatted up, how’s one more going to make a difference.
- Would also be very easy to cover up or incorporate in the design of his whole body’s
- But a king with his significant others name tattooed on his body, I’m not sure if that’s a great idea.
- Told you he’d tattoo your name, if you tattooed his.
- But unlike gun he wasn’t joking.
“Okay I’ll do it-“ he smirked, he’s definitely up to something.
“Wait really?” you interrupted, not actually thinking he’d agree.
“But only if you tattoo mine aswell”
Agreed to tattoo your name, no regrets.
- Didn’t think of the nuances of tattooing your name.
- I mean look at him, what’s one more tattoo.
- Not much more to be said.
“Vasco?” You called out, gaining his attention.
You both sat in the park whilst Vasco was in between sets.
“Hmm?” He replied, slowly catching his breath after completing his ridiculous workout regimen.
“You should get my name tattooed” you tried to hide the smile forming on your face.
“Huh, get your name tattooed, why?” His whole attention was on on you now, he was genuinely confused.
“So I know it’s real” it was really hard to contain your laugh now.
His face fell some more, even more confused than before. An adorable display of his emotions.
“Let me rephrase that, so I know you’re serious about me .” You pouted as those last words came out of your mouth, attempting to add sincerity to your words. You knew Vasco was serious about you, from your first, albeit, disastrous date.
“Okay” he smiled as his reply came out, full of real sincerity.
“Okay?” Now you felt bad, you didn’t think he’d actually agree.
“Mhm, I’m real serious. I’ll have to set an appointment for it then. Sorry if it takes too long, my artist might not have any availability.” With those words he turned back to his set, ready to complete the rest of his push-ups.
Okay, now you felt really bad. His face when he said that made you take pause when telling him it was a joke. You forget how sincere your boyfriend really is. One to always wear his heart on his sleeve.
“No, no Vasco. I was joking. Don’t get my name tattooed please.”
Jake Kim-
- What can I say, he’s as committed as they come.
- Would only get into a relationship if he’s completely sure he wants to stay with you forever.
- A tattoo is for ever and so is your love.
- Would hope you’d get his name tattooed aswell, but wouldn’t force it. Especially if you don’t have any other tattoos.
- Definitely pouted when you said it was a joke.
- Told you he was going to get it done anyways now that you put the Idea into his head.
A/n - got a bit carried away with Vasco’s one, I’m not sure how it happened but I wanted to add a bit of a Drabble since his was so short and it turned into that. Hope y’all enjoy anyways.
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melljam · 3 months
heat mode daniel is a menace to society
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shishibaswife · 8 months
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myuiis · 10 months
incorrect lookism 2
we back on our bullshit with this one
sally: i just watched eli drop a remote on his foot and the only thing he said was "im tired of being alive"
jake: hewwo! i will be youw suwgeon today! intewnal bweeding you say? let's make our fiwst wittle incision
sinu: dowcto, we'wre loswing him!!!! 🥺
jerry: quick! hand me the defwibwiwatow
samuel: please. just cut off my fucking life support
johan: met a dumbass today, awful
zack: you looked in a mirror?
johan: one day you will have to answer for your sins and god may not be so merciful
zack: Go big or go home!
mira: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
zack: I'm going big!
sally: are you drinking enough water?
eli: sometimes tears fall in my mouth
samuel: Something’s off.
jake : Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people.
samuel: No, but that’s funny.
goo, to kouji: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up!
kouji: proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away
crystal, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call kouji cute or small.
daniel, about jay: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.
vasco: Throw rocks at he.
zack: Hot Dogs.
eli: Kill him.
daniel: Thanks guys.
jake: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."
samuel: Opposite over hypotenuse.
samuel: Dipshit.
warren, to eli: you can't make everyone like you! you're not sally
sally: w-wait, but not everyone likes me!
warren: who doesn't like you?
sally: w-what
eli: names.
sally: w-
warren: give us their names.
jerry: jake told me to stop worrying and just go get it boy so i'm gonna' go get it boy
jason: go get what?
jerry: i dont know, so i'll just get everything to be safe
goo: we need code names
goo: I’m thinking you all can be sexy beast, marshmallow, record player, beer, and bitch
gun: who’s bitch
goo: who do you think bitch
kouji: send me a pic of you doing the peace sign
crystal: why
kouji: i used you to catfish a sugar daddy
daniel: ok, i get it, you're really stressed out, seven people died-
zack: twelve, actually
daniel: that's not my point. look, theyre dead and whose fault is that?
hudson: yours!
daniel: that's right, nobody's
zack: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
daniel: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
zack: Three of us saw it, daniel. How do you explain that?
daniel: points at jake Sleep deprivation. points at johan Paranoia. points at samuel Delusional personality disorder.
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unreleasedwrites · 1 year
drabbling about lookism characters’ love languages
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pov: lookism characters love languages
character(s) included: multiple; Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Hudson Ahn, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Johan Seong, Gun Park, Samuel Seo, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, Diego Kang/DG
cw: my opinion, purposely repeated a bunch of characters, it gets pretty damn suggestive on the portion for physical touch— lots of hints of physical intimacy, long descriptions cuz i had a lot to say lol, it starts to get a little messy and pretty bad at the end, sorryy 😭😭 If you’re reading on a phone, like me, you’ll be seeing 19 lines per description (idk what it looks like for other devices)
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unwrapped on: Thursday Evening, August 24 2023
wrapped up on: Thursday Evening, August 31 2023
published on: Thursday Night, August 31 2023 (at around 11 PM)
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Words of Affirmation
Doesn’t matter what time of day it is, this man will be reassuring you 24/7. He sends the sweetest text messages out of nowhere just to be sure you’re doing good and remember how much you matter to him. Is constantly reminding you over and over again of how precious you are, whether you’re on facetime, voice call, or with one another. Has never missed a day of encouraging you to keep going in any situation you might’ve gotten into. You are constantly smothered with such sweet compliments & phrases whenever you’re with him. Writes extremely long and thoughtful letters to you, whether he’s just giving you an unexpected letter, or it comes with a gift he gave. He doesn’t repeat his words and phrases neither, they’re always unique and different every time, yet they’re always GENUINE. He knows his way around words & being a romantic yet sappy sweetheart, so expect to receive the cutest compliments and affirmations. He always lights up all of your worries and gets rid of any doubt you have in situations. He isn’t afraid to shower you with words in anywhere public either, it doesn’t matter where you are with this man, he will always be reassuring you with sweet words.
Vasco, Jake Kim, Hudson Ahn (i know he doesn’t really seem to be the type to do this but I feel like he’s always being told those type of words n stuff sooo), Daniel Park (Is trying his best), Kwak Jichang, Sinu Han, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Baek Hangyeol
Acts of Service
Loves doing things for you, he likes the thought that you’d have one less problem with him around.— He doesn’t even have to be there, you’d randomly find sticky notes in your favorite color on your fridge and counters, with the wonky writing you can easily recognize as his. They’re reminders of things you mentioned to him that you were afraid you might forget about, and things you told him you needed to do. Often times, it would just have some phrase like “Your welcome! <3” or “I was here fyi and I did some things for youu -their name <3” Also helps you with chores a lot even though you’ve told him he doesn’t need to. On some days, when he knows you’re stressed/tired, he brings you breakfast in bed, or sometimes brunch. Even if he’s not a good cook, or even if he is, he loves to try and cook u a meal. He’s not the best with words so he makes up for it with his little GESTURES. Definitely a believer that actions speak louder than words, and he can and will prove it to you without you even noticing it. Will always hold the door open just for you before he enters, gives you his jacket/coat whenever you feel cold, lets you wear his shoes whenever he can tell yours are starting to hurt from walking in heels.
Daniel Park, Vasco, Jace Park, Warren Chae, Eli Jang, Hudson Ahn, Zack Lee, Kwak Brothers, Yujin Yoo (he’d prolly get some1 else to do it ngl), Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Johan Seong (i feel thats the only way he can show his affection)
- Would do part of it if he really wanted to: (prolly like coat giving at the very least) Gun Park, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Yujin Yoo, Baek Hangyeol, Diego Kang/DG
Gift Giving
Physically can’t show his love using words or gestures. This guy is no sweetheart with words nor is he a romantic when it comes to being in a somewhat committed relationship. Which is why— he does try to make up for it by buying presents to surprise you with. Specifically purchases objects that immediately reminded him of you when he first saw it. Isn’t used to showing the kind of affection that involves stepping out of their comfort zone. He js can’t get used to showing his love in any other way, yet this man still tries to bring something other than money spending to your guys’ relationship. Always has a new gift for you every time you two meet, mostly clothes and accessories— because he knows you love those. Knows it himself he’s gotta try showing his love in different ways, but he knows you’re fine and love him the way he is, so he doesn’t think much about it. Surprisingly likes going on shopping sprees with you— Normally, he won’t ever be seen holding someones shopping bags while he follows them around and happily pays. But you’re always an exception, just because he loves giving you gifts and spending MONEY on you. Is crazy rich too considering he does this.
JONGOO KIM, JONGGUN PARK, Samuel Seo, Yujin Yoo, Diego/DG, Cheon Taejin, Baek Hangyeol, Jay Hong (cuz he aint used to no typa affection)
Quality Time
Never gets tired or bored of spending TIME with you. Can’t go a day without you, whether you’re on face time together or you’re actually with one another. Has made it a routine to spend half of his day talking to you about absolutely anything that the both of you could be thinking of. The subject of your conversations with him doesn’t have to make sense, he’ll make sure the both of you are smiling or laughing at the nonsense that the two of you have been muttering for hours. Dedicated to spending as much time he can with you, it doesn’t even matter what time of the day it is or if there’s an occasion. He’s so genuine about it too, he always puts aside his phone so that he can give you 1 hundred percent of his undivided attention and you wouldn’t have to worry about him dozing off to something that is unimportant or unrelated to what the two of you are talking about. Is committed to keeping his eyes on you and is devoted to listening to your rants while he offers his complete sympathy instead of unwanted advice. Isn’t anywhere near good at saying goodbyes whenever you have to go your separate ways. You literally need a whole new person to take him away just so he’d go home.
Daniel Park, Zack Lee, Warren Chae, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Hudson Ahn, Jace Park, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Jay Hong, Eli Jang, Kwak Brothers, Goo Kim, Cheon Taejin, Hudson Ahn
Physical Touch
It’s almost like this man was deprived of physical touch. Like, he can’t keep his hands off of you, even for a single moment. From the first time you met him, to the minute you agreed to become his girlfriend— You easily figured how much he values physical touch when it comes to you. A waist grabber, whether you were expecting it or not, he’d randomly sneak up behind you, holding your waist as he buries his face in the crook of your neck. Loves covering every inch of your body with kisses and bite marks. He also loves hugs, he values them a whole lot and views them as a sign of trust and comfort. Without a doubt, you shouldn’t let go of his hand at anytime that you guys are doing so, if you do, he’ll probably be quite upset with you and even go as far as to throw some silly tantrum. This guy either values physical touch cause he feels a genuine and sweet connection between you or, he’s js the type to be in the mood 24/7 and is down bad whenever your with him. One or the other, this man is absolutely obsessed with seeing your reaction to him teasing or tempting you. Passionate kisser, one hundred percent sure of it. Is the type to shower you with physical AFFECTION, knowing you won’t get sick of him.
- Down Bad: JONGOO KIM, JONGGUN PARK, Samuel Seo, Cheon Taejin
- Genuine and Sweet: Warren Chae, Euntae Lee/Vasco, Jake Kim, Sinu Han, Kwak Jihan, Kwak Jibeom, Kwak Jichang, DG, Zack Lee
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notes: I made this on my phone and if you happen to also be reading this on your phone, does all the ends look nearly aligned? Like— I try my very best to alter the words to the point it’d fit without going into the next line below already, so that there wouldn’t be a some large or medium gap/space and so it’d look pleasing to the eye and arranged. (to me atleast lol) Idk if that made sense but I purposely do this with whatever i write because i just hate the weird looking blank space on the side. Heres an example: v
I love when they’re
already so near the
edge/corner, that i
don’t even have to
alter the sentence
^ Thats what I like seeingggg, I don’t actually care about them when it isn’t my work, I don’t even notice them— but if im the one writing, then i do care even though only phone users will see my effort i think, but idk its just my habit since i like the sight?
Heres what I feel like I gotta change when i’m writing: v
I really hate when
I do have to alter the
word’s because they’re
all lookin messy
kinda like this where they’re
so far off of being
^ Thats what yall might be seeing but i really dont know if it actually is and i sure as hell hope it isn’t though 😭😭
Also this took a while so hope it’s alright even though it might be a lil long
There was more stuff I wanted to place here but I can’t remember 💯
- With or without proper credits, please don’t try to steal or claim any of my works as your own
I genuinely appreciate opinions, feedback, likes, and reblogs, as this is my fourth ever post on this blog.
Once again, I hope this isn’t too bad for my fourth work and I will be doing more of these drabbles if I have the motivation & time 🫶
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allonnotion · 7 months
Hunger Games: Lookism Pt.1
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Decided to do a Lookism hunger games and...chaos ensues. Enjoy these 'iconic' moments, ig...
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and the winner is...
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the results:
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i lost the link to the simulator again. sorry :(
hunger games masterlist
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sscarletvenus · 11 months
okay for starters the first affiliate's number 1 is in his way to allied and friends, as can be observed by the deafening sound of his footsteps
big daniel has vague recollection of the events that ocurred prior to his drugging by park jinyoung
warren informs big daniel that park jinyoung took him down, which triggers his memory of jay getting beaten up without putting up any resistance...
daniel desperately tries to wake jay up, and the latter finally does.
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my body took a screenshot like THIS is why Jay x Daniel is THE lookism ship pf all time like i was crying and throwing up they're so???
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also honest jerry and warren reaction to the above :
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what do y'all know about besties?
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these bitches forgot about rescuing hudson and the kwak brothers... cruel world!
jake taking random naps, vasco being not the brightest in the box... we're soooo fucking back!!!
not these dudes having the same hairstyle
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just a very unserious group of people
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awful timing actually because now they're surrounded by first affiliate's forces and baek hangyeol is here
when i'm in a being a silly goose competition and my opponent is Daniel Park and his friends
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baek hangyeol went to the Samuel Seo school of unhinged facial expressions and graduated with top honors
alexander hwang being the first victim of first affiliate's no.1 after being one-shotted by samuel AND jinyoung... lmao this man has suffered more than jesus
the basement hulk reminding warren of tom lee, zack of monk gongseob ji, Vasco of brekdak, jihan of jichang... i know this sounds crazy but i think the first affiliate's no.1 may actually be Jerry's dad - KWON BAEKHO, GAPRYONG'S bodyguard.
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the crewheads(and samuel) teaming up to take down No.1... PTJ's writing may be ass but I GOT THE SHIVERS
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IN CONCLUSION : 10/10 chapter. Best one I've read in months. Truly MY LOOKISM.
Where the fuck is Vin?
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So does Hudson just not have parents?? Like I've just kind of assumed Taesoo is his daddy. Like look at the father and son in the wild punching trees!
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